Class 8: Dave Shoppe blows by the competition in his big Ford F-150. Class 7-4x4: Jim Conner and Pat Blackmore thunder to victory in the Nissan Hardbody. Goodyear Wrangler . radials storm the beaches of the Baja. Driving the cmirse of this year's Baja Internacional was no picnic on the beach . . Thick wet sand, slippery stone and deep water crossings guaran-teed plenty of work for the drivers. And for their tires. Just getting to thfa so-called "easy" stretch of the nearly 500-mile course was even more fun. The drivers had to.contend with the mountains, rocks and ruts of Mexico's toughest badlands. So winning the Class 8 and Class 7-4x4 crowns required tires as tough as the Baja itself: Goodyear Wrangler radials. They're the radials that are engineered to take on the tough-. est terrain. They're the very same tires you can buy, no m~tter what · __,.7 kind of truck you own. >.-• ------And when Jim Conner and Pat Blackmore arrived at the finish line, we learned that they drove the entire course on just one set of Wranglers. But when newlywed Dave · Shoppe (married on Thursday) crossed the finish line on Satur-day, we didn't learn much. Dave was go:r~e. Probably back to the beach with Linda. On Goodyear Wrangler r~dials . . You either have Wrangler radials. . Or you need them. GOOD/YEAR
Volume 3 Number 7 Editor-Publisher Jean Cal~in · Associate Publisher . Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard Schwalm Controller John Calvin Contributors Darla Crown Leonard Dav . Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Dennis Henneberg Martin Holmes Danny, McKenzie· Bill Oursler · Brenda Parker David R vskarnp Walt Schwalbe . Wayne Simmons,. Judy Smith John Sprovkin · Joe Stephari . Darlene Thackston Trackside Photo Entei;prise's Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Productipn Michelle's Typesetting Services July 1986 . 11 o dra ·---THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF SC()RE CANADA AND!i,#?" Subscription Rates: ..=!: -,--$12.00 per 'year, 12 issue&, USA. Foreign ·subscription rates on request.· Contributions: .DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. ·Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. · ·classified Aas will be published as received, prepaid. QUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing, · DUSTY TIMES c~mbined with OFF ROAD °ACTION . . . NEWS, "USPS-305-609" is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave.;.Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be repro-duced without written permission from the publisher. .,S~cond Class Postage paid at Ag0ura, CA 91301. . _ ·POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 53_31 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGEOFADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required 1 for. change of address. ·Please furnish both old arid new address, and send to DUS1'Y TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoi:ira, CA 91301. · · · SNAPS"o._-OF THE MONTH ••• In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Score Baja Internacional ................ . ................. • 14 FORD A at· the Tampa .Fairgrounds . , .................... _. . . 26 Score. Canada - Montreal Oly111pic Stadium .... ; ....... '. . . . . . 30 SCCA Nor'wester Pro Rally ............................... 34 VORRA 250 at Yerington, Nevada .................. , . .... . 36 1986 GMC Jimmy ........... : .........•....... _ .......... 38 _VORRA Long Course at Prairie City ....... · ................ 39 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 ...... ; ............ · ... : .... 40 One Lap of America . .................................. ·. • 44 Racing in Texas at Red·_Sands ... ·.: ...... . . ....... . . . _ .. · ..... 46 , International Championship Acropolis Rally ................. 47 Dusty Short Course Racing in Georgia .... : . ..... .... ·• . . . . . . . 48 P.O.~.T Racing in Pennsylvania ............ -. . ............. 49 DEPARTMENTS. snapshot of the Mondi ................ : .............. '· . ·. . . . 3 Soap Box by Bernice Sagrillo . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 4 Stan Parnell's Action News .............. : .................. 4 · 'Trail Notes . : ......................... .-. ......... . . • • • •·· • • • 4 Pony E~press .................. _ ............... · ....... , . • • • • 6 1987 Class Structure .... ;· .. ; ............ , ........ ....... • • • 8 Happenings .... : ... · ......... · ............. . . . . _ ......... _. ... 10 The Losers by Judy Smith . : . ., ............................ '21 Mid West Report by Brenda Parker ........................ 32 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report ......... : ....... : .... : ....... 33 California Rally Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SCCA Divisional Rally Repor.t .'. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~J Pit Team Register and Reports ....... , ....................... 43 Oood Stuff Directory ................................. • • • 50 . Cla~sified Ads .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. 54 Weatherman Radio Tips by Bob Steinberger ........... , .. ; .. 55 ON THE COVER - The ·July cover features the winners of two prestigeous events thousands of miles apart last spring, anq neither took · . place in the USA.0Corky McMillin and his sori Scott triumphantly took first overall car honors at the Score .Baja Internacional, staged out of · Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Scott made an aUoutlastleg da~h to the· finish line driving the six_cylinder Porsche powered new Chenowth two seater· to not only win Class 2, but edge into the overall victory by a scant two minutes, 34 seconds. Two weeks earlier Glenn Harris flew his Mazda stadium racing.truck the fastest of all at the first ever mini truck event in the_ Olympic Montreal, Quebec; Canada. Harris won a pound of· .. gold for his effort, and his teammate Rod·Millen completed the Mazda ·sweep up north by winning the Saturday. night exhibition race, in Montreal. C_olor· Photography: iri, Baja by J'rackside Photo Enterprises and in Montreal by Danny McKenzie of Media Photo, l . I I I I I I I I I I I DUSTY· TIMES,! Offtoad racing in Baja California has many offbeat ~oments. This scene on the Pacific Ocean beac;h is typica.l ofBaja, as most of the peopl!! working the race are on station the night before it all starts. Here a member of the Score Medical T earn wiles away the hours of waiting for the first arrivals in the race-by d0ing a little fishing. Photo by Trackside Photo Enterprises. · .1. I THE FASTEST GROWING . . . ·OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!!· □ 1 year-$12-.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 □ 3 years -: $30.00 . . . . Take advantage of your subscription bonus ..• Free one time classified adup to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name -------------------:--~---"-----,-----Address -----------------,,----,,--~··-/.,..----~ ·. City ------------------.--------,---State .....:.....:....--------------.,.-Zip----''-------Send check or money ·order to: DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures ofhumorous ra~ing incidents.'woes on the cour_se, or a spe_ctacular from short course events on· this page each month. Send us your photo DUSTY TIMES · of something coinic, a .mechanical disaster, or anything fitting for consideration. .. DUSTY TIMES·will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, 5331 Derry Ave., Sllite 0, Agoura: CA 91301 _ I I I I I t I I I I I . I I I I I I . I Dusty Times enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white ts, 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 (Canadian , 1 year $15.00 U.S. • Overse!ls subscription rates quoted. on-request) _.,,._ ____ w_il_l _b_e.._c_o_n_s_id_e_r_ed_f_o_r_.:,p_u __ b_li_c_at ... io ... n .... __________ .;.· _. __ .,;,· __ · -------=----------------------------..... --------------• Pagel
Soa·~ :.Box ••• somewhat geared toward the "metal" classes; but, let's face it, the av'erage consumer doesn't· consider .a Raceco or Chenowth when he's in need of a new vehicle: By Bernice Sagrillo Las Vegas, Nevada· The stock classes c·ould remain, with the rules changed ·With regard to .s·everal different articles -which recently appeared in DUSTY TIMES suggesting that there are too many classes in Off Road Racing, I wonder who is to blame? Per_haps due to some sort of pressure from. a spee,ial interest group, the promoters set up new classes or made rule changes to accommodate some groups. A perfect example is Class 6S with . its one entry · or · Class 8 with ·entries that in no way resemble the · showroom models. I . understand the need to attract · '.and keep the sponsors' money, but tnere should· be limits·: · I should explain tha·t I am not affiliated with a particular race team and, therefore, my opinion is not swayed. I have been an enthusiast of the -sport · since moving to Nevada six years agci. I have pitted for different teams and have worked support for both SCORE and HORA, which has afforded me a little · more knowledge than the average person sitting at home: It's· not hard to tell the · difference between :ipickup, a Baja.Bug and a buggy. What can be confusing is the multiple classes of_one type .9f car such as 1, 2, 1/2 1600, 9, · 10 and Challenge. In my opinion, . the logical answer lies in setting up stock classes (emph~sizingthe word "stock") and any deviation from the. rules lands you in an open class. · · · · where needed, to be more The wd ayl uhndersta1?ddt~e limited. I propose keeping a class p~opose c _ass c anges . tste 1~ for 3 4 · 6 7S 7 4x4 8 and 11. •StdeTracks last month, ts that 1t F 'h ' b' .' d' B • tends to eliminate two of my 1.0r. tl huggies an jJas ote . favorite classes. The Class 3 1mh1te o.rbslepolw6e0r0 c ass h. ohr J , k . ·h h .eac , poss1 y cc, . w 1c eeps, etc. .cant eep up wit t e Id · b . h 1/2 16CXY · longer pickups of · Class 4 wou ~om me t e . · ~ "th t dd. th t ·f .and 10 s. Another class for .the w1 ou a mg ano er se o Ch II · · · d 91 Id b wheels to the roof. It 's a shame a enger cars .. an .. . s wou e h • · Cl 3 · ·11· d . needed. Anythmg e. lse would be W e11 .. ass -usua y raws . · · S / d · • I , I d f -approximately double the entries ~ ,ope~. oun s s_,mp e. nstea o . of 4. In· addition, the Class 6 ma.k1i:1g classes f?r cars, start stock sedans don't have a chance bu1ldmg cars that f!tthe rules of a against the highly modifred 6S. class. ' · Both of these classes ·are vehicles that-the public can identify with. -~ The· class changes I propose would still alloi.r . lower budget racing in stock classes and· the modified sponsored' vehicles could make additional changes and move to an open class, thus starting first off•. the line and Jinishing early enough to meet newspaper deadlines.-My plan is Volunteers are im•ited t~climb on their "Soap &x" aiul fill this spac¥ ti•ith their thouE;hts about what is . good and what is not fO [;ood about the stqte of·off road raci11g. We uould udcome some discussion on .. the state of the Pro Rally Series as ·uoell. Call orwriteDUSTYTIMFS • .. l'ith your ideas for _a Soap Box column, and get 011 the sched½le. A~SO EXCLUDES THE .DISABLED THE SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL is shaping up to be a really lucrative_ affair for the entries. Along with the club's usual o0percentpayback, there is · a t<;>p pf money up in contingency prizes, a hefty $.14 grand from Gen.era! Tires alone. The race is part of the Team T / A program from BFGoodrich that has earmarked nearly ten' gtand this year for the SNORE race series in 1986 for those participating in theiuacer program. For the first time the Midnight SQecial will feature the fantastic Sunday morning brunch before the aw~ds pr~ ~ntatiqn at the Holiday Inn, Center Strip in Las Vegas. Anyone·who has fe:i.sted there after a ~NORE 250 might go to the race just for the brunch, which wHI be hosted by General. Tires at the Midnight Special. The race . happens on Saturday· afternoon and the rate starts at · twilight, south of Boulder City on the same keen course us~d last July. 1986 is the·tentl\ year ·that the Midnight Special has been sponsored by KC HiLites, and this year the Holi<;la:y_ Inn is the co-sponsor. EASTERN CHALLENGE CUP. In a hand across the border arrangement ,. -betwe~n Score Canada and the Illinois based 4x4s Unlimited, who put on the .Memorial Day 100, Score Canada offered the Eastern ChaJlenge Cup to western racers. The Cups were to go to.the highest placing drivers who competed in· Class 7 and in Class 10 at both the Montreal Stac;lium race and, the Memorial Day 100. A good many westerners journeyed to M0ntreal for the Score Canada.event, but few could st~y around for the Memorial Day 100 the following weekend. Doing the best and winning the Eastern Challenge Cups were Walker· Evans in Class ·7 and Tommy Crnft in Class 10. Congratulations to them both .. CONGRATULATIONS to Tom Spiel a~d <;::andy Arnett of the High , Desert Racing· Association. Tliecouple were m:m;ied on June 14. Tom is the · Secretary~Treasurer 'of HDRA and Candy does myriad. jobs during 'race · weekends. Before the-:ccimputer age it'was Candy who sat up all night.after a HDRA race typing complete, lap by lap results, so they would be ready for everyone to take home from the Sunday morning awards. Our best wishes to two.wonderful people . . THE BAJA INTERNACIONAL must have been a difficult event for Don Adams. Hi~ long time friend and racing partner, Jason Myers, was killed in an :airplane. trash near his home in Colorado on Saturday, May 31. Ironically. Myers had taken a friend for a ride in his private plane-thataftemoon to help his wife Beth promote an upcoming air show. Gusty winds turned the landing into a disaster.· Jason was the Class 12 points champion last year with Adams as co-driver. This season Myers retired from driving the Class 3 Jeep Cherokee to devote his energies to· race prepping the rig arid acting as team manager. Don Adams dedicated the Baja race to his close friend, and he,and Larry Olsen won a real race in Class 3. Our sincere sympathy goes to the· family that Jason left behind; and to all his many friends who will miss him sor~ly. · · bt\TE-RALLY FLASH. The results ar~ just in from the Susquehannock Trail SCCA Pro Rally in Pennsylvania. The overall and Open class winner was (Surprfse) John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw iri•the Audi Sport Quattro. It was their third consecutive win in.the three rallies·in the series so fai-this · · · year. Rod Millen aQd.Harry Ward were second overaJI in the 4x4 Mazda STAN . PARNiLL'S , .· \ ·Tue promoters Walt Lott, Sal. RX-7, and Jon Woodner nailed dpw11 third place in a Peugeot. Walter Boyce A ♦ Fish and M,,ickey Thompson have won Group A ih a VW,GTI and Doug Shepherd also won his third for the .·. d10. n·--· ,-.. _·...:.N•.·.· ..•. ·. ·-.w .. · · .. S· -taken offense·to inany.ofthe ---yearGTProductiontitle.inaDoage.ThefoHreportwillbeintheAugust _ _ things I have said or subjects that. ~issue of DUSTY TIMES. ' I took t:o task.·Mafiy times·theice · · · ·. · · ·· ' , I . . . . . Id h' .. ·. . C. d .... I .. . wa. s so_.thick you. felt you were MORE SNOR~ NEWS concerns the dub's ambition to hold a pro rac~ For over tw·e ve years as the··. wou ave went unsai • i.m ess I' d · .r:i.ext)an.uary; usually a dry month onthes.chedule. Prcirrioting a desert race in• · owner and editor of Off Road· put them in print. No more is this st·an ing at the North Pofe, but if· January'.rnakes sen'se, -if it isnct too close to the early February date for the Action News I, Stan Parnell said the case, for, now Jean and John · the -ehd result helped out sportit Parker 400, However SNORE is planning to run their race at CaliforniaCity, . what I thought the racers wanted Calvin own Off Road Action and wa~ worth it .as th~s spo~~ .of CA:ltwm be the firsttimethedubhasventuredoutsidethe.Las Vegas area to .. tO know about and needed to have.merged it with Dusty Times·· .racmg. comes. firs~ with me .a~d: ' prom·ote;i_noff road race. However, a check with the.B.LM. office concerned hear about. and I would never. want to· hurt ~hen It needs saymg Lh,ave said. shows _that to date, no permit for entry into the 1986 lottery for desert race It was good to be the owner or them or their goal of being the it. . . . . -. . . . dafes has been received by the BJ:.M. from _SNORE and the lottery tak~s be out spoken on subj~cts that best publication in the field. . Mt~key T~c_>mps~n once said, place in.August.: -·· · :-:'., that 1s when we still got along .Meanwhile, -there is apparently some probl_em with the ranchers, who_ -good, that the more successful graze animals on'the federal land ofJeanDry tal<e, used by both HDRA and. CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE -I< & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL TRI MIL ~ WELD RACING WHEELS BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE ..::_ CIBIE . . ~ HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/V iA0ll1lll,,►0.,60"'Rlllaiiic~•-"~"'•,_ ... '\»l"' BEARD SEA TS -:- PARKER.PUMPER Parts •Accessones · YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS -KC: HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS_,... WRIGHT PLACE ~ .DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS w~,ata!IU. SWAY·A •WAY.,,., ~ts . ··~···· .... ·:··· .. ••.:. '> .. . . . ' . . . I BEFORE You BUY -TALK to r'nE PROFESSIONAL!- I 12945 SHERMAN WAY.:... NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91-605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 . .Page 4 you get, the more people would SNORE on their race courses south o.fLas Vegas. Traditionally, the SNORE take offense to what you said. 250 starts ari.d finishes just south of) ean, NV and goes out across the dry lake. Boy ,.at one time I must have been Presently, SNORE is pl;mning to-stage their premier· race, .the SNORE 250 h · · next September, our of the Las Vegas Speedrome, site of .the Mint 400 of at t e top of the heap! ·. . . eleven years. The club put on the MidnightSpecial out of the Speedrome on a In the last four months I have SO mile course a few years back, arid they are planning for varied terrain in the put in my column subjects that same area for the SNORE 250 this year. , . · · . were told or presented that we~e the facts,. only to have the tiew owner, editor have to publish a retraction the next month and apologize for what I said. We cannot all think alike, we cannot alon·e change our sport single _ handed, and in this vein, if I have offended many iri trying, I apologize. , Each and every business needs a. new ·owner, publications need . new writers, so I say to all my . friends, I have enjoyed, and , than'k them for their suppor:t. Being the one who gets all the phone calls about gossip; facts and tid bits of what is happening make it ~xciting, but it is now the- · time to step down, "And smell the roses". · Good luck to· all the r"acers, this will end Stan's Column, so Go.d Bless! July 1986 STOP THE ATV BAN! Too late i:6 do anything about it before tbe fact, we found out at the Score Show that a real threat is here right now to the future of· .ATV style recreation. On Tuesda_y, June 24, a report was to be voted on by the Government · Operations ·Committee to adop, a . complete. BAN and RECALL of all A TVs. If adopted; the Consumer Produc:t Safety Commission must respond to the report. The flyer we obtained.sa1dyou,r'<:':ipinion cqunts,, but this issue will not be in circulation until after June 24. Just in case the vo.te· is delay_ed, or if you want to voice your opinion, even though it may be after the fact, call (202) 224-3121, ask for Jack Brooks and recommend the report NOT be ~dopted, and help stop such a far reaching and i:otal ban on the use of ATVs. . , . · . . THE CHILI COOK-OFF,_ organized in conjunction with · the HDRA Fireworks 250, will-be held on Friday,July 4, at Soutar Motors at 1010 West Main St. in Barstow. The chili competition categories are Overall Chili, Local ' Y okal, and.Racing Teams. The entry feeis only $25, plus, of course, a $1 S .OJ membership in the International Chili Socrety. Call (714) 636-4416 for fu I information, or mail your ·entry to-Linda Zaugg, 11712 Easy Way, Garde1 Grove, CA 92640. The overall winner goes to theTropico CharnpionshiJ Co·ok-Off, and all proceeds go to the Barstow Student Foundation. There wi'! be music and beer on hand at the event co-sponsored by Soutar Moton, -Nissan and Budweiser. . · 1,,1(;,(yRAIL NOTES"" i'".~,· 'i:,i Dusty Times
_.,.~ ~:·<·t IAZDIWINS· IFF-Rlll CHIIPIINSHIP GRAN PIii · -·. · AT ·ROSE 'BOWL -·. """~-' I , ·•" ,~~'1r?~~?~;~~:;;:. ·on May 3 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, 'California, a very special Mazda B200O faced nff against so~e of the world's fastest and most exotic race trucks for _ round "five o~ Mickey Thompson's Off-Road Championship Gran. Prix. · And as a . crowd of 40,000 watched, driver Glenn Harris guided his 270 horsepower,13B rotary-powered B2000 to victory in the 10-lap main event. Mazda and Harris are currently in second place in 11 --!Z'-!!!a the Manufacturers' and Drivers' point .standings. ~.,.. ~
Pony· Express ••• Regarding your June issue: · another excellent issue! I thoroughly enjoyed it and read it from cover to cover. But, what prompted me to write · was · Tom Grimshaw's article on die Tulip 20.0 Pro Rally. I just had to tell you how much I enjoy his articles and his perspective on American Rallying. Please continue your • excellent World Rally and SCCA Rally coverage. · . D.M. Alley Gridley, CA We would like to thank the Frenchman in the buggy who loaned us his b~ttery fo~ a jump' start way out m the middle· of nowhere. I would like to thank all these people who .made the trip to Las Vegas possible: Rick, Cal; Craig, Daryl;-Steve;and also -Jack a~d Doh, plus all of the sponsors· . from . Canada. . The hospitality of the American competitors was very good and made this trip worth · while. Again, thank you for the check · a:nd see you on the next trip. . · . Bob Nyeste · Kam'loops, British Columbia You are more than welcome, Bob. We blush at the complimen~. and we do intend to keep up the rally coverage when it is available. Now Tom Grimshaw will probably wanJ a. raise! Along with our usual' contingency posting, each year at the Mint 400 Thank you for the check for · we off er $50 to the absolute last finishing last in class and overall overall finisher, figurfrig anyoi1e at the Mint 400. It was a great who struggles in just under.the time . surprise, and it was not easy to allowance could use a little help finish. We had a very good start buying breakfast. · orily to succumb to the many breakdowns, which included a broken driveshafr, front axle, rear center bolt, alternator belt, and three flat tires. The main· reason -for this note is to alert drivers on the rules for Porsche . Cup points. You may r¢n_iember that last year Porsche_ Motorsports of North America· asphalt guys, counting overall. included the Score/HORA position .heavily. The third championship races into their problem is the confusion on Porsche Cup Awards. • These what is a Porsche engine. Many · awards are worth $100,000 at VW Type 4 engine users do the end of the season, and any . think that . they are using a competitor using a Porsche · Porsche ih their race cars. Even engine is eligible to participate. so, the Porsche 914; which was After Mark McMillin won the built by Volkswagen AG but Baja 1000 in 1983, using a six sold by U.S. Porsche-Audi cylinder Porsche erigine, l was in dealers, used a: VW-Type 4 in the · Stuttgart, Germany I four cy1inder models. Porsche talked w1th Jurgen Barth, then -. never claimed the engine, and it Vice Director of, all Porsche remains a VW engine: ,.;-Motorsports. He listened to my · , The solutions are, to the first request to include off road racers · problem - Porsche w1nnets in. their awards. In April of 1985 please report -all yQur first Porsche Motorsport of North through sixtb place finishes to · America took over the program, Mr. Bob . Carlson of Porsche with Al Holbert leading the Motorsports at 1425 Easton group. That year Corky Road, Warrington, PA 18976. I McMillin won the Class 2 . am working _ ori the second championship in the combined _ ·problem, and will talk again ·to series, and, despite r-ace wins by Stuttgart to help create a more Danny Letner, Mark McMillin fair points 'program. The· and Larry Ragland, off r:oad solution of the third problem is racers did not get · one single up to the competitors. Driyers dollar · of the $100,000 points and -owners of VW Type 4 fund. How could this be? · : powered cars, ·please list VW The· first problem is·· that_ · Type .4 on your entry, ansf winning off road drivers with wherever else -you are· asked to Porsche engines are not reporting name the manufacturer of the alLtheir first through sixth place engine. Porsche engin~d drivers finishes after each race to and,owners, please list Porsche Pors.che Motorsports . . The 911 or Porsche 928 or Porsche 6, second problem is the factor of cylinder, or . whatever type multiplication for points by the Porsche engine you use in the current ,rules is in favor of the same areas. \ '\' ... ~ ·. '·· Please heed the above advice, and perhaps this year a few of the Porsche power.ed off road · _ .winners will take a piece of the .· Porsche Motorspmts points pie. You are very special people, and we will see you all at Riverside. Volker Bruckmann San Diego, CA· R~ce promoters basic_ally have the same problems, but in off road racing some problems are multiplied a thousand-fold. The porpose of having rules is to . 'make the sport·saf e and to give all · the .participants. a: fair and equal chance 'to win. In off road racing, because of· the length anc;i inaccessibility of the course, the temptation to break rules, by short coursing, is too much for some of the drivers to resist. SNORE, being an all· volunteer organization, is .not able to field 200 people to control a 50 mile course. So it beeomes even more important to control-short coursing. The racers that do cut the course are insulting SNORE and stealing from their fell ow racers and friends. SNORE does everything in the. world· for racers, working at ,· ...... hundreds of extra projects to make extra money, often members .take time out from their family jobs to help ke-ep the . purses and payback high. Hard work, all volunteer, is common-. place with dedic~ted SNORE.-members. Cheating to place higher in the money or to win is like stealing · from all the club members and your fellow racers. l,darticular-ly, do not understan how you can accept a check and a trophy when guilty of beirig illegal, or cheating or short co.ursing; At the same time you must look at yourself in the mirror and face your friends and fellow racers. How cari you take pride in what you ::iccepted under false ·pretenses.To me it is like selling your soul for a dollar! · To the certain ones of you that have no conscience or sense of pride, .. I extend this challenge.· You may get away with it once, but SNORE and your fellow racers will catch up with. you. · You will be punished. Why not take the easy way out and either stay within the rules or go race someplace else. · The B.L.M .. is getting upset because we. have. one marked course and 100 unmarked ories. It is your desert and it is your race. Do not allow that two percent that are cheaters to spoil it all and take this competitive recreation away from everybody. One bad apple will spoil the· barrel. Turn any violat0rs in to your race steward or any other · official imi:ne?iately. ~v doing'so we can .eltmmate this problem and go back to having fun. Give us a helping hand, and let us all enjoy the beautiful world of off road competition together._ Good ~portsmanship is not old · fashioned and obsolete. Let us maintain the pride of SNORE • and off road racing in general. · · Roger Gaskill President, SNORE,, Ltd .. Las Vegas, Nevada DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off road activity. The Pony Express column will 'feature'all the mail we can fie into the space. Please_ keep your words fairly brief Because of space limitations, your ·pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES wilf . print your gripes as well as your· praises. Letters for publicqtion should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of th.e month in order to qppear .in the next issue: ·.A. Performance Tradition More off-road r.aces are won . on Bilstein than any other shoek absorber. Our record speaks for itself! · Co,:ningNext Month ... Winning Heritage Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in Am~rica posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972. Since that' impr~ssive performance, Bilsteins have been the choice of serious off-roaders who not only want to start the race -but finish it-as well. Many Applications Today,-Bilstein offers a variety of off-road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From sin_gle seaters and Baja Bugs to . big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance sEi)cond to none. Reliable Performance _ · Whether you're j1.Jst entering off-road or have been there· for years, chec;k out Bilstein '-. first .where reliability counts. ' "World ·leader in development of the Gas Pressure Sho,ck Absorber." · Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San. Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, .send $2.50. _Page6 July 1986 HDRA FIREWORKS 250 PRO CANAM FOR~ST FLING SUSQUEHAN~OCK TRAIL NATIONAL PRO RALLY SIL VER DUST DELAMAR 400. WISCONSIN'S BRUSH RUN SPRINTS SHORT COURSE RACING IN CHICAGO · . VORRA VIRGINIA CITY 200 ... plus all the regular features i>ustyTimes
SNO Where It Pays To Race THE.MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Sponsored by , PIM,•'-.. hp'&· a ~l Ate..t..~ H8LIBAT T As1No The Holiday Inn, Center Strip KC HiLiTES July 26-27 - Las Vegas, Nevada BONUS PRIZES: HOLIDAY INN -. $500 to First Overall - $250 to Last Official Finisher ,YOKOHAMA-TIRES -$500 to First Overall SNORE, LTD. 1 • - $250 in Drawing Among Class Winners -Free Entry to the SNORE 250 (Drawing for all starting drivers at the awards) Entry Fee -$2~0 plus Insurance Registration and Tech Inspection :>YvoKOHAMA . For serious Performers 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. - ·-Saturday - Holiday Inn Drivers' Meeting - 7:30 p.m. • Race Start - 8:30 p.m. Race Course -6 laps -30 mile course -South of Boulder City off Highway 95 Drawing for Starting Numbers -July 9 - Atrium Room, Holiday Inn. AWARDS BRUNCH-SUNDAY, JULY 27 - HOLIDAY INN Sponsored by GENERAL TIRES •-Trophy Sponsor - BUD LITE For further information and entry packet contact: SNORE, P.O. Pox 4534, Las Vegas, NV 89106 or call the Hot Line -i, '702-452•4522 l)Q ~· ~ It Pays to Race with SNORE · : O
.anENTIO'. N -DES' RT. -- -CERS' class.Wefeelthat~nlyiftherace ··· p°t.1rse is supplied by sbmebody ·6th-er than the entrant, would 1 , _ . that somebody have the right to M N H A Cl I 1 9 8 7 eliminate classes at will. But, so Ou, ay_ ot ave ass n long as we are racing for our own _____ J,..1 _ _j'----------· ----~-___ B_y J_ea,_1 c_al_vin ha~7i~•1s~i::~:~fnb~~!e;!~~6~~ After 18 months, the ~uccess large el)try classes and keeping maintain that nobody is the body and drive train must SCCAhasover50racingclasses, of the combined Score/HORA nearly all the "scared cow", less interested in buggies or Baja come from the same manufac- and the NHRA has hundreds. desert race series is obviohs-it than double _djgit entry classes. Bugs, only in trucks. Scanning turer, eliminating that spot for We also notice that nowhere in is in the massive number of To be crass, it seems the ultimate the contingency sheets from most Class I4s._ Class 6 gets the the new rules proposal is there entries at each race. The entry goal a few ·ye~rs.down the line is Tecent events_, you find that ax, being combined with 6S, the any mention of dumping any numbers started to soar last to discourage most of·the open several ·heavy hitter ·tire i:ube frame ·sedan class. The motorcycle engined classes, winter, and have gone upward wheelers from ·desert racing in companies are now posting in the majo{ restriction on · ·the new despite the fact that there are ever since. But, there is a very this series, -so_ that the glory and unlimited classes, where Class 6 is that the engine· and twelve of them, most with under good possibility that many the early fil)ishes will go to the Yokohama has been all along, in body must come from the same double digit entries. entrants who have turned out in water pumpers. We use -water fact they post across the b9ard! manufacturer, and air cooled . · So, if you drive a Class 2, 3, 6, · droves at recent races may not pumper instead of truck to One can only assume that Akron VW and Porsche engines are 9 or 14-, you will be out of a class haveaclassinwhichtoracenext · describe these classes, because is diving into the unlimited specifically banned. Still nextyear,basicallywithnoplace season. According to legend, i-t under these rules there will be classes in hopes of snagging an somebody may have a Corvair to race your pride and joy except was the major manufacturers unlimited chassis classes for overall victory to shout about, as engine around someplace. in desert events outside the who convinced Sal Fish and Walt stock bodied vehicles - the they did last month in Baja Oddly, the only existing 6S car Score/HORA series. Many Class Lott in 1984 that they could and Cl45s 5 of the truck world. . California. has an Olds body and a 2 drivers feel quite strongly would lend heavy support if the To be sure the vehicle and tire We understand that a meeting Chevrolet engine. So much for about the lack of notice to them two desert series were combined. manufacturers to the east of the before the Mint 400 of the major Class 6 as it now exists. However, on the impending combination It took a while in 1985 for the Rockies are primarily interested manufacturers' group, closed to how about taking an Ultra Stock, of Class 1 and 2. We may be idea to catch on, but, anyone in the water pumper classes, as smaller manufacturers by the say Golf or Toyota engined single premature in publishing the who attended the awards being promotable, whereas_ to way, settled on a class structure seater and the existing fiberglass rules, but we think the concerned banquet last January felt the aura them the open wheel classes are for 1987. While we reported body and go racing in the new competitors, who are already of success of the combination not. What they seem to forget is some time ago that the rules were Class 6. Of course Jim Webb building cars for the 1987 series, and looked forward to many that, other than NASCAR, everv. still open to discussion, we have tried this formula some years ago should have been informed that seasons of bigger entry nJmbers, major racing series in the world since disc,overed that there will to no avail. they will not have a class next . tighter organization, cdmmon features open· wheel cars with be no more debate. These rules Also, the rule banning turbo season. Below the new class race rules as well as clasJ rules, highly specialized origins. There are final on July 1 and that is that. chargers in any class still exists. numbering system is a letter and so forth. I are no Ford, Chevrolet or Dodge DUSTY TIMES has obtained So, you won't be able to run your signed by a number of prominent Of course change takes time, look-a-likes racing in CART or a copy of the "Recommended Porsche 959 in the new Class 2 racers, all class winners at and as yet there is no common at Indy, none in Formula 1 or 2 1987 Class Structure", which unlimited class either. one time. The letter expresses scoring team, contingency team or any other world wide formula will basically eliminate five Perhaps one of the worst their feeling about the sudden or tech inspection team. And for national and international current classes, including Class · features of these new rules is that _ shift with no real advance some •of the time penalty rules championships. The tube, frame 2. Gone completely will be Class the three sets of Class 7 trucks •warning. Usually such drastic vary from race to race. But, beauties racing in World 9, OK, and Class 14, maybe OK. are still with us, despite the fact rules changes are made with a procedures are getting closer to Endurance·competition or in the Actually Class 14 is being put in that Class 7 had not had 'a double year or 18 months lead time, to matching. Not content with these soon to be lost Group B in with,the newly combined Classes digit entry in years. Also, still on allow the active competitors to accomplishments, the inner World Rally competition 1 and 2, effectively ending any _ board is Class 11, averaging a adjust their plans. circle of the manufacturers group resemble nothing but each other, competition for these rigs, unless couple of entries per race except has held a few meetings so far this and are recognizable only by the the drivers make side bets among in Mexico. Even· more of a season. They apparently have signs on the body. Even drag themselves. Class 3 will also disaster in the making is that, come up with some strong racing's premier class is for open vanish in actuality: being except for a few, all the class suggestions on how to cut down wheel double A fuelers. combined with Class 4 in the . numbers will change according the number of classes in desert Still, the self proclaimed new, modified 4x4 class where to the chart below. This is a real racing by combining two healthy, pundits of off road racing no holds are barred except that problem, every .off road racing organization in North America uses the numerical classes originally set up by Score International. Stand back · at Parker next year when most drivers will keep right on entering Class 10, with a 1650cc open wheeler, only to find they should have entered Class 6. It should be a lot of fun in scoring, which is always difficult at Parker anyhow. In !NEVADA · t::as I , OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N 3 ;l,J > >-~ ;;: ::., Street -Stock Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave SAHAHA X 2 N . F,'\<;TEHN ~IHll 1', Locations fX z ~ 0 to ... ~ \!) ~ '->PHI:",,!, MT'I Serve You ::t: rJJ Better! ~ WEST NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 8-71-49 11 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 Now 2 LOCATIONN Pagel July 1986 N While some of the classes eliminated have perhaps outlived their era, we object to combining two large entry classes like 1 and 2. We also feel that existing Class 3 rigs will not be competitive with Class 4, and look for some real race cars wearing Class 4 bodies from Detroit next year. The major man11facturers devotion to truck bodied off road racers is certainly understandable, but it does seem - that Score and HORA have forgotten that the entrants are still racing for their own money, nothing more except for contingency prizes. Also forgotten is that the bulk of the organizer's race income is from their more than half of the entry fee. Our_ personal opinion is that the class numbers should be left alone to avoid chaos. We also object to the elimination of any class that produces a viable entry. Perhaps we would agree with the demise of Cla'ss 9, if Class 11 and 7 went down with it, providing the elimination is based on the average number of entries in a . RECOMMENDED 1987 _CLASS STRUCTURE Class N um her 1987 1986 Class 1 Class 1, 2, 14 Class 2 Class 1-2-1600 Class 3 Class Challenger Class 4 Class 5-1600 Class 5 Class 5 Class 6 Class 10 Class 7 Class 7 Class 7S Class 7S Class 7 4x4 Class 7 4x4 Class 8 Class 8 Class 9 Class 3, 4 Class 10 Class 6 Class 11 Class 11 · An Open Letter to the Score/ HDRARules Committee An effort is underway to consolidate many of the desert classes for the 1987 season. Eight classes at the recent Mint 400 had fewer than 11 entries. No one will argue that changes are needed. But, combining Classes 1 and 2 is not one of them. With Class 2 averaging 35 to 45 entries per race; the · Unlimited classes are large enough to sustain themselves. The proposed change should not be made without input from the people it will affect.We who race in Class 2, and do not want to see Classes 1 and 2 combined, must voice our opinions before the 1987 rule book goes to print. Class 2 offers a unique opportunity for family, friends and SPONSORS to participate in the actual race. Why should the very thing that has made our . class so popular, the extra seat, now become a handicap? · (This letter was signed by Greg Lewin, Jim Temple, Jerry Penhall, Tom Baker, Bob Richev, Cam Theiriot and Bob Gordon.) Dusty Times
,, ,tlGlff TRUCK RADll&I.S We•~ilcl tltern touglt for you •.
1986 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-1900 July 12 Flagstaff High Country 150-Flagstaff, . AZ August 30 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 18 Penasco 150"" Puerto Penasc·o, Sonora, Mexico December 6 Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare 'n' Hound Sonoita, Sonora, Me~cico AMSA American Motor Sports Association , ·P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 August 9 Superstition 250 III Borrego, CA October 11 12 Hour Mojave Challenge California City, CA October 25-26 American G.P . . Fresno, CA AMERICAN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION John Ohanesian P.O. Box 31811 Phoenix, AZ 85046 (602) 867-4769 · CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES July 18-20 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ Info: Rob Cherry ( 602) 778-6489 August 29-31 Hawthorne Rally Hawthorne, NV Info: Bruce Arkell (702) 882-8181 October 5 Cliffs of Gorman V Rally Hungry Valley SVRA, CA Info: Gary English · (714) 497-4670 November 7-9 East of Indio V Indio, CA Info: Roger Allison (714) 736-1442 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave. , C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 FLORIDA OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 40 Inverness, FL 32651 (813) 933-7947 (904) 726-6560 Page 10 July 27 Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, FL August 31 Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, FL · September ,28 Florida State Fairgrounds Tampa, FL FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM . 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-57_59 . Augusf 9 · . Superstition 250 III Borrego, CA (AMSA Points Race) GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 July 26-27 Fun Day & 100 Miles Winder-Barrow Speedway, GA August 24 50'Miles Winder-Barrow Speedway, GA September 14 1"00 Miles Montgomery, Alabama · September 28 50 Miles Winder-Barrow Speedway, GA October 26 lOG Miles Winder-Barrow Speedway, GA November 29 250 Miles Location TBA December 6 Annual Banquet · Atlanta, GA GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln _ Loveland, CO 80537 CORRA (303) 669-4460 DORRA (303) 429-1949 RMORRA (303) 597-8239 WKR (913) 332-3402 July 20 Denver, CO 'August 2 St. Francis, KS August 24 Denver, CO September 14 Denver, CO HORA High Desert Racing Association -961 West Dale Ave. . Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 4-6 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 5-7 Frontier 500 . Las Vegas, NV December 5-7 Budweiser 250 Barstow, CA HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION July 13 _ Hartford 100 Chamberlain, SD Info: Steve Miller (605) 328-5034 August 17 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, SD Info: Randy Juhnke (605) 223-2418 Septembe;. .14 Northl.and Baja Bismarck, ND Info: Chuck Hale (701) 255-2789 October 25 Last Chance Baja Wall, SD Info: Jim Kitterman (605) 279-2550 HODAG50 Information (715) 362-6550 August 2-3 Rhinelander, WI IOK FOUR WHEELERS . P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 July i9 L.A. Coliseum Los f,.ngeles, CA Additional dates in California TBA OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY .. • John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 December 3~7 WRC Olympus International Rally Tumwater, WA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915') 594-8266 August 23-24 Twilight 100 (Night Race) Red Sands, El Paso, TX October 4-5 . Rock & Roll 300 Shadow Mountain Lake Horizon, TX . December 6-7 Shadow Mountain Lake 250 Shadow Mountain Lake Horizon, TX July 1986 O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road · Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brumham Freedom Chapter President . (405) 621-3428 July 4-6 Firecracker 250 August 15-17 F,reedom 300 October 10-12 ·, OORRA 150 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street,.Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA July 26-27 August 23-24 October 18-19 November 15-16 POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-30_76 July 26-27 August 23-24 September 27-28 October 11-12 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 (503) 620-0313 August 22-23 Sundown at Horn Rapids Richland, WA · September 19-20 Millican Valley 400 Bend Oregon . SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6625 Aug. 22-24 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR · Sept. 5-7 Rallye Michigan Battle Creek, MI September 13-14 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH October 4-5 Ojibwe Rally Qrand Rapids, MN October 25-26 Press Oh Regardless Houghton, MI November 21-23 Carson City International Carson City, NV , SCORE · Score Inte.rnational 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111, Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 August 15-17 Score Off Road World Championship Riverside International Raceway Riverside, CA November 6-9 Baja 1000 Ensenada to La Paz, Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 September 6-7 Delson Industrial Center Delson, Quebec September 27-28 Middletown, New York SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box. 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 August 9 Nevada 300 Pioche, NV October 25 Silverdust 400 km Henperson, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off. . Road Enthusiasts P.O . Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 .July 26-27 Midnight Special September 26-28 SNORE 250 November 16 Black Jack 100 S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 July 19 Waco Short Course August 16 Waco Short Course September 20 Waco Short Course STADIUM RACING, U.S.A Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 . (619) 463-0654 A~gust 3 Glen Helen Park San Bernardino, CA September 13 Imperial Fairgrounds El Centro,. CA October 11 El Cajon Speedway El Cajon, CA l&'l&'l&'l&'l&'l&'l&'I&' Dusty Times
-~ Don't Miss This Last' Great Riverside Explosion ... the SCORE· .. OFF-ROAD. WORLD CJ-IAMPIONSHIP 1986 FEEL.THE THUN-DER .... ONE LAST TIMEI Riverside International Racewdy Is Going To Explode With Tt)e largest . Gathering-Of The MQst Awesome·. Off-Road Racing Vehicles In The World! August 15, 16 & 17, 1986 THEWORLD'S FASTEST TRUCKS.RUN FOR GLORY!.-· The excitement returns to· Riverside International .Raceway, one last time! Make plans to be there with us . August 15-16-17, for the 14th Annual SCORE OFF-ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. . . You'll see the best a11d largest gathering of off-road . ·· racing professior;ials anywhere .in the world. You've seen races elsewhere, but NOTHING can match the awesome thrill of feeling the ground shake unqer your feef as world-class professional drivers from all over the c:ountr:y converge on the notorious 100 MPH+ Thompson's Ridge! · _ The outrageous 1 ½ mile torture track is back, and will offer slam-banging, wheel-to-wheel racing action feqturing the cream of the crop. No quarter is give here -door-to-door racing battles will be the most spectacular · ever! · . See all the action up close - from your comfortable grandstand seat on Turn 6. Or, park your mot6rhome next to the action and create your own vantage point! · . Be there, and s~e it all!!! The Heavy Metal Challenge,. . The Nissan Mini M~tal Challenge, Baja Motorcycle Racers, AN 3-Wheelers, Odysseys, Quadrunners; and much more! Share the excitement as Two Wheel Drives battle Four Wheel.Drives for off-road supremacy! Watch the unbelievable antics of single -seat and two seat buggies , as they get airborne and never back off the throttle! Strei.I through the pits to your favorite racers and champions. Visit• with manufacturers that supply-your favorite off-road products. Find out secrets about. how the pros rnake their machines last. Witness the behind-the-scenes· action as the top professional owners, drivers and c'rews fine0tune the world's best off-road racing machines. , See the .factory's best Toyotas, Fords, Mitsubishis, · AMC/ Jeeps, lsuzus, Dodges, Nissan-Datsuns, Chevrolets in .full race prep. Baja Bugs and 2 + 4 w,neel drive stock · production cars all competing side by side for the World . Championship Crown of Off-Road Racing. Be a part of this one-of-a-kirid racing weekend! Three full days of action at Southern California's last REAL off-road closed course racing facility! Grab yol,Jr lawnchairs · and cameras. Bring shorts and bikinis, your wife & kids, parents & friends ... FREE Overnight Parking! EVENT.SCHEDULE -· - - -~------"-,-~-FRIDAY - August 15th • Spectator, gates open~?:00 a.m. . • A full day of prdctice for all classes .. . • FREE Overnight Parking. .SATURDAY -August 16th. • 7:00 a.m. to-·11:00 a.m. - Practice sessions for all classes. • Championship racing starts at NOON . • ITTEE Overnight Parking. SUNDAY -August 17th • 7:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m. - Practice sessions for all classes . EVENT SPONSORS • Championship racing starts at NOON, including the HEAW METAL CHALLENGE ·· and the NISSAN MINI-METAL.CHALLENGE .. TOY.OTAT~~IAL OF SCORE INTERNATI0NAL . BOSCH ORDER NOW! Reduced Prices in Effect Until August 14. . -,,· .. r----------------------~--~-~-~---~-~ · . . . . . IMPORTANT: Any ticket orders received after August 9 wlll be held in I . Children under 12 admitted free when accompanied by an adult. ~. they the Will-Call Booth at Riverside International Raceway. I I must have a reserved seat ticket in order to sit in the. grandstands at T001 6 on . - . , I Sunday. No Saturday only,tickets will be sold. . EVENT SUPER TICKETS @$35/ea. ($42 Value) S ----J E Where to lluy Tickets f2 Use the attached coupon and order yo1,1r tickets directly -o from SCORE International at reduced prices. Tickets may § also be purchased prior to the event at Riverside Inter> Ji· national Raceway and Tk:ketMaster, as well as on race day at 1 · . . · . (includes 3-day event general adm1ss1on, event I If Rows 27-40are sold_ out, rows 1-26will besubsbMted and a refundof $2will be· , pit pass and reserved seat in rQINS 27-40 at tum · .1 .made. Open seating mthe Tum6grandstandson5atu'day, reseM:9 seatmgonly 6 on Sunday). Not available at gate. . . I V Riverside, . ~ All tickets avai~le: from: J? SCORE ll1iaM1ioMI IIMnlck lnlamatlonal Aace-v '2....,>-31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 22255 Eucalyptus Avenue ~ Westlake Village, CA 91362 Riverside, q,.. 92508 (818) 889-9216 . (714) 653-1161 3 For Sunday General ~mission Tlckds & Sunday Reserved ~ Seat Tldcds, Rows 1-26; ncaiiF1...,... , TICIIT Clltla■••-~ -=.,ea.::::;.-:,r :c. EVENT TO BE RIM ON.DAlE SPECflED ... ~ OR SHtlE. NO REFUNDS OR Cl EXCHANGES ON TlCICET PURCHASES. I on Sunday.. · I · c · j th -< 14' · 1 th ·1 . t...:,. · · he . • Al - · 3-0AY EVENT GENERAL ADMISSION@ $20/ $ ---oo ers at exce.,._ . in eng ws no = pell)11tted 1n t .g@ndstands. so, ( .11 be 525 'f hased at gate) · I no glass containers will be permitted. ·. ea. ,Wl · 1 pure · I I. Mini-Bike or motorized cycle riding not ·allONeO on rac~ premises. · EVENT PIT PASS @ SS/ea. S , I . - · SUNDAYONLYGENERALADMISSION@$12/ S ----1 Name --------------------ea. (will be Sl5 if purchased at sate. Can e.nter I I Address -----------~----~--track anytime after 9 P.M. Saturday). I I City------,---------------__ •RESERVED SEATS@> $10/ea. (rows 1-26 at$ ----1 State------~--Zip_________ turn.6 on Sunday). · · I Phone ( ______________ _ •RESERVED SEATS @ $12/ea. (rQINS 27-40 at S ____ I I turn 6 on Sunday). I · D Master Card. D VISA Expiration Date -------.•MUST ALSO HAVE GENERAL~ na<ET. I : Card No. , . . . , , . add handling ctiarse per order $ 2.00 I Card.holders Name _ , . . , . TOTAL . $ L--~-----------------------~----~----~
Additional HAPPENiNGS SHORT TRACK OFFROAO ENTERPRISES -FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES . ST.Q.R.E. _Co-Ordinator: · Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 July 5-6 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI Walt Schwalbe: (414) 786~8766 July 19;20 . U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, Ml Dave Vandermissen: (906) 466-7494 July 27 BFGoodrich Sprints · Decatur, IL . Clark Altig: (217) 468-2460 'August} Indiana Off Road Challenge Par~agon, IN . Gary Hardin: ($12) 988-4783 August 30-31 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI · Dennis .R.osa: (715) 478-2924 September 13-14 Dixie Autocross Birch Run,. Ml Torn Arthur: (517) 832-3274 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD · DRIVERS ASSOCIATION •. Karen Jenkins . 2345 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka, MN 55343 ( 6 i 2) 544°23 70 . July 5-6 Off Road Cha\lenge Sugar Camp, WI Info: Scott Schwalbe (715) 272-1101 ... Page 1~ July 19-20 UP Off.Road 100 Bark River, MI Info: Dave Vandermissen . (906) 466-7494 ·-August 2-3 Hodag SO . Rhinelander, WI . Info: Bernie Eckert (715) 362-6550 August 16-1 7 Off Road Weekend Fol!ntain City, WI Info: Bill Schirm (608) 783-1187 . August 30-31 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI Info: Dennis Rosa (715) 478-2924 September 13-14 Colorarna 100 Sugar Camp, WI Info: Scott Schwalbe {414) 786-8766 VORRA Valley Off Road Rad~g Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 July 26 · Petaluma Raceway Petaluma, CA · August 9-10 Petaluma Raceway · Petaluma, CA August 30,-31-Septl;!mber 1 VORRA/ Dayton 3.00 Desert Race Dayton, NV September 20-21 Millican Valley 400 . Bend, OR . October 12 Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA November 1-2 ··· .. Prair'ie City OH\/ Park_ Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC . . P.O. Box 688: Dept. 4WOR Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 August 2-3 4x4 & Buggy Wheel to Wheel Brighton Speedway Brighton, Ontario Canada I August 15-17 8th Annual Bancroft 4x4 Challenge Sand Drags, Wheel to Wheel, · Obstacle Bancroft, Ontario, Canada WESTERN.OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your ciJmin,(! events in DUSTY TIMES free!. SLitd your 1(}86 schedule ·a., soon as'./>ossihle for ·1istin1; in chis column. Mail your race or rally schedule co: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave .. , Suice 0 , A1;oura, CA 9130·1. Check Out the ,DUSTY TIMES· Special Club Sub Offer Call (11,1) 819-5600 or write DUSTY-TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 .Agoura, CA 91301 July 1986 ·THE BFGOODRICH CANADIAN CHALLENGE CUP. C~naclian Claude Tetrault and American driver Roger Caddell'shared the spotlight as the BFGoodrich Challenge Cup off road car racing series concluded last June 7. The finale was-held in conjunction with the annual Mo.lsori Cariadian· Supercross at Exhibition Stadium in Toronto, Ontario. Claude Tetrault, from St. Hilaire, Quebec, drove his Funco buggy to an upset vi_ctory •in the fin•al round of the four T-ace series that started in Vancouver\ went on to Calgary and Montreal, and finished in, Toronto. A crowd of more ,than 40,000 saw Tetrault finish the ten lap race with a narrow lead over Caddell, . who comes frorn·Puyallup, Washington. Caddell drives a Funco SS 2. Third -in Toronto was the 1985 Challenge Cup Champion, Bill LeFeuvre, of Limehouse, Ontario, "in a Berrien Buggy. _ Claude Tretault, who had earlier finished second in a preliminary heat, trailed early leader Richard Dagenais, of Bois-des-Filions, Quebec, for the first eight laps. Tetrault took over the fead with only two laps to go, after Dagenais.' Richard Buggy was out of the race with a blown engine. The first three finishers all raced on BFGoodrich tires. Fourth was Normarid Vaillancourt, of Laval;,Quebec, ii), his Richard Buggy sponsored Mantis. Serge Lambert, of St. Jerome, Quebec was fifth in his Richard Buggy. Taking sixth was the early series points leader Warren Miller of Maple Ridge, British Columbia in a Miller Special. While Tetrault took home the first place check, Roger Caddell went back to Washington with an even bigger award, the BFGoodrich Challenge . Cup championship. Going into Toronto he had virtually clinched the title, and he wrapped it up in convincing fashion with a strong third place finish in the preliminary heat and second place jn the feature. Roger was the only driver· to compete in all four Challenge Cup events, taking second in Calgary and sixth at both the Vancouver and Montreal races. "A major championship _ such a.s this is very important to me at this stage of my racing career," Caddell said after the race. "Besides, BFG was the first company .to give me any real sponsorship help, so it was nice to win their series, It was a nice wedding present too," added the 24 year oHdriver, who was married only a week before the final race. · · Another highlight.of the Toronto Supercross program was a 4x4 truck race, featuring the powerful full size off road racing· trucks. Dave Boldt of Nobleton, Ontario took the Modified h\:>nors iii his 1977 Ford Bronco, while ,.:. Randy Beaudri~ of Foxboro, Ontario drove his 1976 Ch_evy Blazer to victory in the Unlimited catetory. · ·ONE LAP OF AMERI<;:A RESULTS arrived righ,t on our press date, too late to get them in the story! However, for-the record, the first ten of the 112 finishers .are as follows, L Karl Chevalier, Phil Suomu,. Nelson Shepard, . Toyota Celica GTS, 34 points. 2. John-Buffum, T9m Grimshaw, Richard Hughes, Audi S000CS Quattro Wagon,'43 points. 3. Robert Martin, Mike Puffenberger, Mark Fox, Ford. Bronco II-,. 59 points. 4. Gene Henderson, Mike VanLoo, Bill Gronning, Subaru Turbo Wagon, 60 points. 5. Williaf!1 Sadataki, Chris Jensen, David Killian, . VW' GTI, 61 points. 6. J arnes Kloosterman, John Kelley, Yugo GV, 63 points. 7. Ross Anderson, Colin Lyle,Janice Smola, ·Ford Taurus Wagon, 72 points, 8:TyHolmquist, Alan Carter, Giancarlo Perini, _Audi 5000 CST urbo Quattro Wagon, 76 points. 9. Harry. Ferran, Paul.Novak, Betty. Wheeler, Checker Marathon, 106 points, 10. Kerry Voll, Diane Houseal, Claudia Kelly, Yugo GV, 118.points. When you consider the distance, over 8,.000 miles, and that each point represents one second off perfect time, plus or minus, at a time control, the scores are. extremely close -,- just four seconds between third and sixth place! . . ✓ THE HDRA. FIREWORKS 250 is shapin~-up to be another mas~ive entry desert race on the 4thofJuly weekend near Barstow·. A repoit said that more than 230 we·re in the drawing for starting numbers for the race that iriclu.des only the 18 car classes in desert competition. While the pre-race activity wi\l be on familiar ground, with headciuarters at the Barstow Community College,· off Barstow Road, the course wi.11 be longer than usual. In recent years the twilight event has been four laps of about a 60 mile course. Because ot the . problem last year of getting all the cars off the line before the first ones come back finishing the first lap, the course has been extended to approximately 83 miles. The format will change to three laps instead of four this year. The course this month will include some of the nasty rock rnnning on the Score route, and the connecting trails, along with all the good stuffwe have come to know and love on the HDRA route. Course maps were not in circulation as we go to press, but they will b'e available in Barstow for pre-runners the weekend before the race. A full supply of course maps will be ai: the 7-11 store owned by Connie arid Mal Wessel, the HORA Contingency Team. Their 7-11 store is downtown in Barstow; and unfortunately, we do not have the. -address ... look in the ph~me book when you get to Barstow. TOY OT A TRUE GRIT AW ARD. Each event in the Score/HD RA desert series_ ~crambles the standings in the Toyota True Grit Awards' points, and the Baia Internacional results have been compiled. These awards, in three categories, Heavy Metal, Mini Metal, and ·an the buggy and Baja Bug classes, are m cold cash at the end of the season. The points are based on the average · mile per _hour speed at each event, and then compiled into an overall average· speed for each dnver. The fastest inph in each category will reward the driver wah ~ piece of the $10,000 year end kitty provided by Toyota Mcitorsports. Headmg mto the .Fireworks 250, Class 10 driver Steve Tetrick heads the buggy div_ision with 49.4 mph. Jerry -Penhall is second with 46.2 mph, followed by Bob Gordon at 44. 79 mph and Ivan Stewart, 44.29 mph. In the Heavy Metal D1v1son_Dave Shoppe heads the list· at 41.97 mph and Manny Esquerra leads·the Mm1 Me.ta! group at 42:86 mph. To qualify for.the year end largesse, a driver must finish three each of the Score and HORA e.vents in the series. Ifhe completes more thai;i the required six events, then his best six out of eight will be counted: . . • · . PERFORMANCE OFF ROAD has been condu~ting a series of ATV/ Motorcy~le ridingdinics, the most retentofwhich was held on June 28 and 2_9 at Cahforma City, CA. The clinics are held all over the country; (lnd are aimed at _teachmg nov1ee,_ and some_ long time riders, the methods of riding their vehicles m safety while still having fun. It 1s a good p,rogram, particularly for new ATV owners. People often take a new 3 wheeler to the desert and sometimes they don't even know how to start it, let alone how to ride it without getting hurt because.of sheer ignorance of the vehicle dynamics and -(more TRAI~ NOTES im. f>a!(e 53) Dusty Times
THE,SCORE-WA INTERNACIONAL , Corky and kott McMillill Roar to the Overall VictO,Y Photos: Tracksid~ Photo Enterprises I -· Gorky and Scott McMillin used the Porsche power in, their hew Chenowth to great advantage, and they set thf! top pace to ·win overall as · well as in Class 2 on the long. but fast race. · · June means the -Baja lntema-Trinidad, but then the route cional, still called the Baja 500 by turned to the southwest, winding many participants. • This year a over' mountains to the Pacific hefty gang gathered-in Ensenada, Coast at Colo~et, running down Baja California, to kee_p the the highway and then to the · heavy entry numbers rolling in beach to reach Camalu. From for the 1986 desert series. Baja-,,there itwas up the back road and wa~ race four, and a must for any ' steep cliffs to Mike's Sky Ranch, seriotis points hunters. The car · down th,e hills and aci:oss Diablo entry · was up from .1985 by 38 Dry Lake to the San Felipe Zoo. v~hicles, and the entire entry, · From there a short beach run including the 12 classes for' i brought the racers th Three Poles motorcycle engined vehicles, hit and a<;:ross the highway, using 277 on the starting line, 64 more part of the highway to return to than one year ago. Trinidad. FinaUy it was through . Even the old time B'aja runners the pine forest to, Ojos Negros . needed . to do homework this and Ensenada. · year. While the course . held Estimates of over 70 miles of many familiar roads, it ,also p~','.ement on the course and traveled in diverse directions. It reports :that even the dirt roads was familiar stuff out of were graded and fast, brought Ensenada to Ojos Negros and out forecasts of faster overall . ' ·. Page14 times than last year, despite the on the street while shopping; Funco, the defending champs, route being many miles longer. found their cars trapped in .the · andRick Munyon, who was seen While there were ten on course -lines. bf contingency donors and no more. Two didn't get this far, _ checkpoints, only .four were time race cars on the str~et. Ah, the -and Bob Renz was· on_ the'trailer controls . . So the leader · board charm of Baja! . , shortly. Also having atough start reports came from C~eck 2, The bikes and ATVs toqkoff was Tom Ko~h;. but he. got . Trinidad, 100 miles, Check 5 at-at first light, and the day was still running well·Iater, only to tet_ire ·. Camalu; 190 rriiles into the overcast· when the first car. left on the Gulf coast. · · , course, Check 7 San Felipe, 2_16 · just after seven in the mor~ing. .· Ivan· Stewart was first ·on the · cumulative·.miles, and Check 9·, Class J was first away with 13 . mad and on time. on the Pacific near Trinidad at 397 total rri1les. heavy hitters ready to challenge Coast, just a couple of minutes The race distance was 492 miles, the .. horsepower dei:nandi'ng . ahead of Larry Noel; Chaparral" a real 500 for most competitors. course, leaving the line one every and Tim Crabtre!e , was . only . The race activity' began on. 30 seconds:, At Check 2 it had another minute· down,:'and the Friday with registration; tech; been a dusty run . and Tim. others were d~se. On the '!dng, and theCoptingencyRbw, which Crabtree', alone in Bob Gordon's· 126 mile run to San Felipe, was set up again in front of t_he two seater, led Mark McMillin, Crabtree took ·over the lead.arid Bahia Hotel. But, it seems the · · Chenowtb, by' a- minute. Ivan then Vanished. Now· about frve · cops closed off the wrong two Stewart had the Toyota about40 . minutes back came Stewart, with · blocks to traffic, so the. moresecondsback,followedina theoddflatandfuefpuinpw6es., contingency effort s~arted a bit c0t1ple of minutes· by both the Larry Noel was· another, five late; and some tounsts, parked Bud Feldkamp/Ron Gardner ininutes.:behind, and he wept out · July·19• ·Dusty.Times
It was a good race for the McMillin clan as Mark went solo to arrive a close second in Cla1,s 1. and put his Chenowth home third overall. Mike Lund also 'did the solo act in his Chenowth. had sorrie problems. but he kept racing to.finish third in Class 1 and fourth Rick and John Hagle had some brake problems with the Raceco. but made back the lost time to take second in Class 10 and eleventh overall. o~ra// · every race, due to some weird formula known only to the· organizers. In Baja, Class 10 was second off the line, eleven strong. This too was a tight pack at Having his best da}I in the desert in the °Toyota. Ivan Stewart had small woes but won Class 1 by five minutes and took a keen second overall. ~ Check 2 with the Raceco of Rick and John Hagle leading the O.R.E. of Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn by just 13 seconds. Bill and Mike Church were close, 1 ½ minutes back and just 13 seconds ahead of Steve Sourapas. Dwight Lundell was another 1 ½ minutes behind; but he did not get to Camalu. There the Hagle brothers increased their lead over Tetrick/Ronn to 1 ½ minutes, trailed in another 1 ½ minutes by Sourapas who had the Church Raceco about four minutes, behind him. Others were still running well, but not close. Although the Roger Mortenson/Russ Welch Funco had good time from Check 2, the team had a long first leg. Steve Tetric·k and Fred Ronn are on a roll. and for the third race in a row they won Class 10 in the O.R.E .. and they were also fifth overall. Moving on to San Felipe, both the Hagles, with a dragging brake, and Sou,rapas had down time. Tetrick/Ronn led the parade by about seven minutes over Church·, who had five minutes on the Hagles and Sourapas was back another 11 ininates. Heading dowri the final stretch, • the leaders gained a few more minutes, but Sourapas was back on form as well. But, positions on the westbound run. Suffering with misfiring, Mark McMillin's Porsche engine was running on five cylinders from time to time, and he was back another six minutes, and six minutes ahead of Mike Lund, also going solo in his Chenowth. At Check 9 McMillin closed up seven minutes on Stewart, who still led, but now Mark was only a few minutes back. Lund turned up the wick also and gained about three minutes. But . Ivan Stewart hauled freight through the forest ;;ind the Toyota was the first car of any kind into the finish line in Ensenada. Ivan won Class 1 and he was close to winning overall, but that was not to be. Mark McMillin, still having occasional engine misfires, came in on a flat right rear tire, but close to Stewart, second in class, third overall, only about five minutes behind on E.T. Mike Lund had another quick leg to take third in class. Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner survived their trouble to place fourth by less than six minutes over Ron Brant/Clark Gillies, Raceco. Still havirig new car problems, Gregg Symonds and Mike Patrick got home a couple of hours later in the O.R.E. The starting order changes Dusty Times Dave Shoppe gave his bride Linda the best of wedding presents. the close victory in' Class 8. with Larry Maddox co-driving in the winning Ford. . It was a tight dice most of the distance. but Max Razo and John Johnson flew their spiffy Bug into first in Class 5. and a keen 15th overall. July 1986 remained the same. Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn kept it all together to win Class 10, their third win in a·row. They were the sixth car into the finish, took fifth overall, and reported only minor trouble en route. Rick and John Hagle picked up more time, but not enough. They were second in Class 10, 15 minutes later. Steve Sourapas kept moving to snag third, another 12 minutes out, as the· This is the system run by most off road race winners Church · team had nearly · an hour's worth of problems on the last leg and dropped to fourth. Making up time, Roger Mor~enson/ Russ Welch were . fifth, only four more mi_nutes back. Andy Poff got his Chenowth home sixth, the last Class 10 finisher. The 16 Class 2 racers were third away, and this too was a fierce field. Jim · and Mark Temple smoked~ TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME · DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS A-NGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 2a4.9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 15
General wins two more in the Rose Bowl. Flying his Mazda on General Grabber radials, Glenn Harris out -n;ianeuvered a tough field on one rough chunk of Pasadena in the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Championship Gran Prix. Running against the best in the Grand National Sports Truck class, Glenn started in the pole position and st-ayed in front from flag to flag. Q The same- night, Mazda , ~'% teammate Rod Millen t,;0 ~ guided his Grabber--<1p ~ ~0 shod missile t0 _circle in the Trophy Dash. But that's the way it goes. Week-in and week-out, the guys trading track dirt for pay dirt are the ones riding on the same , rugged, race-proven Grabber· radials available now at your General Motorsports dealer. The Grabber AP® for all-around on-and off-road driving. The Grabber AT® for more aggressive all -terrain use. · Al}d the big-lugged Grabber MT~ for people who really like to play in the mud. r, )t!u nL~ 1'"' ucne1~. <1/fo, II, Cilf: ¼" the winner's CUsf &s~lci ~ ~ 7"~~· ,,;T,,t"Tit~~~~~~~~~ ..... . ,, 3o h 4½); ~s~ lTj ~.J l.~ ~~j ~~ ~~ (9~ ~ 03 ✓o_, ~ ~ 'I. , © 1986,General Tite, a 6ENcoRP Company
\ · I Steve SouraP.aS had some ·problems here and there; but he carried on to place third in the hotly contested Class 10 battle in Baja California. Flying high in· the Raceco pickup. builder Dave Kreisler and Jim The dust was terrible on parts-of the course. but Jerry Penhall. and Kent Pfeiffer hung tough in the th and finished third • Nobles kept on flying to the finish line and took second in Class 2. sixth overall. in Class 2. · · ·Frank Vessels and Brad Sto'ffers had a very good day in the Par/(er racer Dan Beaver. with Randy Hoeft co-dr.iving, hustled 'Chevrolet. taking a very clqse second-in Class 8 and a fine.ninth · through the countryside in his Ford. and finished very well. third overall as well. · in Class 8. · Stan Parnell and Jeff Bo/ha splashed through a bunch of water crossings on course en route to_ a strong second place in the Class 5 action. • · Rob Tolleson. wit/i Bill Va mes driving· relief, took the lead late in the race•in 'the Mirage. and-went on to _win the .clo_se 1-2-1600 contest. ~ ~he field to Now it was Gordon's turn to Check 2, about two minutes have problems, .and the second ahead of Jerry Penhall/ Kent time through Trinidad the ·Pfeiffer, Chenowth. They h~µ McMiltin's led Class 2 by 20 three · minutes in· hand ov~r minutes and began to think Corky .and Scott McMillin, · overall win. The McMillin team followed in another three is very efficient, and they. told minutes by David Kreisler/Jim Scott, now driving, that he was, Nobles, with Perry McNeil right · about · ten minutes behind on t9e Raceco's bumper. brother M~rk, an~ could' go for At Camalu, where Danny the overall vktory. . Scott Letner's car·was seen coming off · maintained a swift pace to the_ tht"; beach wfrh a badly deranged finish line, using all the Porsche nose, the result of hitting a large engine had, and, while he came in hole on the beach, Corky and . th\r.d on the road, he ·did edge · Scott McMilliti took the lead. In Ivan Stewart for the .overall car a tie; abqut eight minutes back honors by a slim two minutes, 34 were Dave K'reisler, Boh .seconds.·· · · . · Gordon, and Frank Arciero, : Behind the celebrating With the Temples back about two McMillin clan, David Kreisler/ minutes behind t_he Toyota Jim Nobles had some trouble truck. And the other five still with the Racej:O pickup, but took running were only a few minutes second in class, •almost 30 further. down. . · minutes behind the winners. In _·. On the long leg to San Felipe ·anotheL ten minutes Jerry· the McMillin Chenowth, a new Penhall/Kent Pfeiffer, whose car at the Mint 400, developed Chenowth had. problems too, brake trouble. But it didn't seem including a persistent oil leak, to slow them at all, and th·e lead were third. Coming on strong in · .was· around seven minutes. the late . legs, Bob Richey and Meanwhile Bob Gordon, with Tom Baker got their Raceco the quickest leg time, moved his . home. merely four minutes later, Chenowth into second, abbut and Bob Gordon had a good final . four minutes ahead of Kreisler/ run to move into fifth, only two Nobles. The others all had some more _minutes behi.nd. \The down time, and_ Arciero was Temples ended up sixth, about · changing a trans near Mike's Sky · 15 minutes ahead of fellow ~as Ranch. . Vegans Len _Newman and Mike Dusty Times Gaughan. record, as eight of the ten starters ' the trucks roared-otf into the l}te. most interesting finish . · finished. Steve Kelley had the line technique c_ame from Walter lead at Check 2, but Walker Prince in the Candy Cane Evans was · only two minutes · Raceco. One cane was missing, behind him, with Dave Shoppe the result of a roll, but Prince less than a minute behind him. gracefully turned the car around Frank Vessels lost 15 minutes in and· backed across the finish line the · pits fixing a drive line _to the delight of the mostly · problem. At Camalu Evans led Mexican crowd. Unlucky Perry Kelley's Chevy by two minutes, McNeil a_nd Frank Arciero Shoppe was three more minutes finished ninth . .-and ·tenth back in the Ford, .with Randy east. At San Felipe. Frank Vessels . respectively. . Salmont in the pre-runner GMC. . had a four minute lead on Dave Shoppe, but Frank_ then had a flat. After rolling his Dodge out· of the Sky Ranch, Walker Evans was tied on time with Dan Beaver /Randy Hoeft at Check 7, about nine minutes further back, -and Salmont held fifth. · Into Check 9 Evans · had more troubles, and the -overheated . engine gave 'up.~ · · · Class 8 produced a remarkable another four minutes. down as · July 1986 KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MORE OFF~RO-AD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! t KC HiLiTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a .chance with anything else? ~~~ KC HiliTES; Inc.·• Williams, Arizona 86046 .. 602/635-2607 Page 17
. ~ . . . .· . Here Shoppe sixth, followed by the battered maintained-.his lslim, three Chevy of Steve McEache~n and ~inute lead over V,essels, and Glenn Evans, wlfo had taken a. rrobody else was close, Kelley's trip down a canyon, end over end truck had a mysterious ignition in the mountains. They had no failure on the dry lake, that took front body at all, or windshield, an hour to find and frx, and but they ~ere happy to finish. he was ·out of it, · · The Mexican team of Juan · J45t over ari hour after Ivan · Hussong and Enrique Cordoba Stewart crossed the finish line, got their Ford in:eighth. Dave, .Shoppe, with Larry Of the U starters in. Class·S, Maddox riding in the Ford, flew six finished, and this was a real down the street to the Class 8 . race in th.e early stages. Starting ,, . victory with .Fr-ank Vessels right in Max Razo's Bug, . John · '----,on his rear bumper .. , Frank Johnson, with his wife Linda ____ . ~(led iri front, so there'w~'no riding ~long, sailed into Check 2 . '-GQ!!Bt-...'that Shoppe was the with a 45 second lead over Jim winner~sels was a minute 19 • Cocores. Mel Vaughan/Dan seconds behind on E.T., in 'ihe Reynolds were around two . ' Chevy, and the .. pair finished minutes back, witn Nick '· eighth and ninth overall. Firestone/Dick Carbajal, Jr: less . Dan Beaver and Randy Hoeft then a minute more behind. . hung on in third in the older Following in another minute. Ford, followed by Randy were Greg Diehl, who only got to Salmont/Ted Behr, who were Check 3, and Stan Parnell/Jeff · m1ly a few minutes ahead of Bolha. Usually competitive, th!! Bruce Ka.well ;;md Doug Castillo Klawitter Bug used an extra 3½ in a Dodge. Steve Kelley arrived hours to this point, ahd never did PARKER TOM KOCH RAZO & JOHNSON LUCERNE RAZO & JOHNSON RENZ & CLARK AGAIN THANK "TOP DRIVE.RS'' BAJA 500 1st Overall GORKY.& SCOTT McMILLIN ·ard Overall All but alone in Class 7 after a couple hundred miles. Manny Esquerra cruised t6e Ford Ranger to· victory in swift time. tak ing 16th overall,-minutes ahead of Wolcott/ McCrory, who had a.minute on· Larry Smith/Jon Kennedy. It was . still tight as the troops-. turned west arid headed home. · ... Rob Tolleson gained fou,r minutes on the run to Check 9 over the. Williams, and here no one else was within ten minutes, This round Rob Tolleson did not get ·tost in ·Ensenada, :and as his competition slowed he went . on fo · win the class by 14 minute_s. Pie and Var,nes placed a keen 18th overall on the ,high · speed -course · with a 1600cc engine. Rob said the race was an \ uneventful but· tough run.' · Morley ;md Bill Williams k~pt · moving fast to take second, just -recover, finishing sixth... . . including Rob Tolleson. , At six minutes ahead of Richard At Camalu Razo/ Johnson and Camalu Wolcott/ McCrory held Goldbaum and Pancho Bio, who Jim Cocores/ Dave Snoddy were ,;a J ½ minute lead on Frisby,,who had a s.cant nine seconds over in a dead heat on total time, and . did not make another check. Willy •and Terry Higman who . Parnell/ Bolha were . just nine Tolleson was another . minute came on $trong late 'in· the:.rac:e. 'minutes behin~l. Vaughan lost down, followed in: ·a minute by . , Wolcott and McCrory salvaged half an hour-and Firestone ·1ost the Fer.ratos, who were tied on fifth . with a strong la~t)eg,, anp .three hour!;7-but .-later the·. time with the Williams, and Smi(h/ Kennedy had"'tfo't1ble in Firestone Bug fmishea fifth. By • Richard Goldbaum/Pancho 'Bio . ,_the sarile:leg fod wer~ sixth. The San Felipe' Cocores;'.Snoddy had were~another minute back>A flat • fir~t fiv~-were·l8th th~ough 23rd pullecl out about six f11i_nutes lead .tire here could ':<;>st:ten spots-:·_ · ,,overall,-indicative of how hard on Razo/ Johnson: Pamel1/ Bolha _ _ At San Felipe it was still tight, a ohe musr race to even'take fifth were a distant third, their small . virtual tie for the lead on E.T. fo,this _class.: . . . engine not able to keep up on the . between Rob Tolleson, with ·sm -. _' pass · 7/ •'d'Yindled to mer~lv fast ro_ads. Vaughan/ Reynolds'· Varnes qow driving the Mirage, 'four · ti-ticks in , Baja. · Manny were anoth~r ten minutes off and Morley- and BilJ-Williams, 'Esquerra-.le.d to Check 2 by a pace. , Chenowth. TheFerratosweresix minute over -Mark Steele, who The Cocores Bug lost nearly an minutes back, and r~tired after - was not seen . again. Larry hour en route to Check 9, anµ CheGk 8. Goldbaum/ Bio were · Ragland_was third here, but only that was the ball game. Max Razo another five minutes down, two got pa~t , Camalu in i:he new, sailed across the finish line the · Class 5 winner by about 38 minutes, and he was happy! Stan Pam~ll and Jeff Bolha took over second place, nearly an. hour ahead of Mel Vaughan/Dan·. Reynolds. Cotores and Snoddy salvaged fourth, another 26 minutes behind. -The biggest class . at the race was 1-2-1600 at 29 starters., and a full 15 of them finished the course. Fast time honors tci . Check 2 went to Ste~e and Matt Ferrato, a minute ahead of Rick Fr.isby and Morley and . Bill Williams and Steve Wolcott/ Mike McCrory, all three cars tied on time. A half dozen others were in . the next --minute or so, Dave and Bryant Wood had a' long. several hour problem trying·tq climb •the cliff to the Sky Ranch. but they carried on to win ~lass 9 anyhow: · MINT GORKY McMILLIN MARK'MCMILLIN .RENZ &CLARK MARK McMILLIN · CLASS 1 MARK'-McMILLIN GARDNER & FELDKAMP CLASS 2 '-., Mel Vaughan and Dan Reynolds got their usually tidy Bug Morley and Bill Wiiliams ha.d a good run in their Chenowth , dirty, on the beac/J, bu{ even with problems they came in to sec,ond in Class 1-2-1600. and this team is one to reckbn GORKY & ~COTT McMILLIN. CLASS 5 RAZO & JOHNSON <;:LASS 10 . BILL & MIKE CHURCH COMPLETE SERVICE - ALL PARTS IN STOCK Tear Down & Mag $265.00 -Hewland DG 300 Special 15.54 First Gears $395.00 15.40 Second Gears $239.00 . Billett Side Covers . $350.00 NOW -' A CONTINGENCYi PROGRAM. "Get Your Shift Together" , ~ - by DOUG FORTIN HEWLANDW (619) 465-3782 Pagc-18 third_ in Class 5. with in this big class. · Richard Goldbaum and Pancho Bio hustle over the beach Up and down in the top bunch all day, Willy and Terry .in their handsome Frisk. and the team took third in Class . Higman lost a real cliffhanger at the finish, .ending up 1-2-1600 by merely 19 .seconds• fourth in 'Class 1-2-1600. · July 1986 DustyTi~s -
- 1 D_on Yoston and Bill Donohoe led Class 4 for a time in the Jeep Honcho. _but real problems later on.dropped them to second at Soaring off a cattle guard. Buck Griffin and Don Coffland k'ept a Steve Lakin and Todd Fetters had th.e early lead in Class 5-1600. strong pace in the Jeep CJ 8. and they,kept it up to finish second -dropped some time midway. but hung on to take second at the in Class 3. , flag. . . . " . · the checkered flag. · Having rare sell-induced mechancal troubles. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker came back fast and scored another Class 4 .win. with _an even hour in hand. DOn Adams and Larry Olsen had a good day in the Jeep Cherokee, no major woes. and th~y s9ored a very special victory in Class 3 competit;ion. Still the only ~ntry in the Special Class 6S. Chris Robinson and Rod Anderson turned goodltimes in the Olds Calais for a good E.T. at the finish. · Robert C. Jones and Paul Ma1<ey did the number on the big 5-1690 field. winning this 11ght class ,n spades. by over 26 minutes at the finish. , , I Dusty Times I - I factory backed Chevrolet. :UP an ancient Ford Bronco. They front Esquerra said he "cruised" stayed in formation all the way. in the Ford Ranger, but he won in back to Ensenada, with Don swift time, under ten hours for Adams and Larry Olsen bringing 16th overall. . John Swift and the Jeep Cherokee in 44 minutes Dave Turner took an ·extra four ahead of Grlffin and Coffland. hours to reach Check 2 in their Map: Pike was only nine minutes Mazda, but then turned some· back, trailed home by the Jeeps good leg times to finish second in of Mike .Schwellinger anq Dave Class 7. Bryan. . Class 9 was dbwn to three Chris Robinson and Rod starters, and the ·fast course was Anderson drove the Olds arm,md hard on ,120Dcc engines. At ,_ the entire course, agai!1_.alone in Check 2 Mint 400 winner Gary . Class 6S, but they fm1shed in Cogbill haq a 2½ min:ute edge on· Dave and Bryant Wood, and . Thumper McDowell was back 18 more minutes. At· Camalu, Cogbill had a four minute lead on th~ Woods, but neither he nor McDowell npde it to Mike's. Near that resort the Woods car had a serious engine·problem, it quit and wouldn't restart. After five hours they got rolling again, and went all the way to the finish line, winning Class 9. Class 4 also fielded three · lonely starters, but all three -finished. The Rod Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge led the Don McCormack/Dick-Greenlee Dodge,by 1 ½ minutes at Check 2, and the Don Yosten/ Bill D0nahoe Jeep Honcho was close. The'n Hall zigged instead of zagging going up the mountain; bought a-huge rock and tore out parts of the front end and the transfer case: The Stroppe crew · j came quickly to the rescue, but at · Camalu Don Yosten' s Jeep had a hefty lead over Hall. · Earlier McCormack had been leading;° then extra hour or so'on Su 7.500 Hol excelle!}t time. .Steve Mize! started his Bronco in Class 14, ,but was out before ·the first checkpoint. Class 5;1600 is one of the strongest· entry classes this year, with · 22 brave ones ready . to tackle the high speed Baja course. Incredibly, 15 Bugs finished! Steve Lakin and Todd Fetters led the pack to Check 1, with about four minutes in hand over R.C. Jones and Paul Maxey', who used to run the~ / Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 · . For light weight _ and optimum ·strength the beach .. · , From there it · was a familiar tale . . Hall picked up time' on Yosten at San Felipe, then Yosten had troubles before Check 9. At the flag Rod Hall and Dodge won again, by a ful) hour, over the Jeep of Yosten/ Donahoe, who had more than an hour margin on McCormack/ Greenlee. •·AT LA~T, A QUALITY-BEAp LOCK YOU CAN INSTALL There were five .starters in Class 3, and amazingly they all finished., Off ·the line Don Adams/Larry Olsen led the first leg by less than a minute over the CJ 8 of Buck Griffin/Don Cdffland, who had trouble on · the next leg. _Adams _got· more than half an hour cushion at -Camalu, and Gave Bryan/Darr~n York had their CJ in second, l wo ll)inutes ahead of Griffin/ Cof-fland, who had two minutes on Mike Schwellinger / Les Erickson in another CJ 7. Both Schwellinger ;md Bryan had big troubles en route to San Felipe. Now Adams/Olsen,had the Jeep Cherokee out front by half an hour over Griffin/Cof-fland, who had ten minutes on Matt Pike and Burt McCready in July 1.986 • ALL PARTS ARE AVAlµ.BLE ,SEPARATELY • IN STOCK READY FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT I 15" SPRINT STOCK MODIFIED ,,., For Todays' ~oph{sticated~ , 13" MIDGET MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET ' · .. 10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD l,.OCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER · 10" ... $74.95 10" ... $84.95 13"-15": .. $110.00 with complete inst<1llation instructions 13"-15" ... $125.00 installed on your wheel, 3447West University Fresno, CA 93711 , (209) 275-5183 fully machined and trued Ad~ $4.00 for Superlock Same Day Setvice Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Residehts Add 6% Sales Tax Page 19
Mike Les le ahd Cameron Steele had some trouble along the way. and they fought ba_ck hard to take a strong third in Clas's 5-1600. Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado led Class 7S on the Gulf Coast. but late breaking mechanical trouple dropped the Ford to second in class. · Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen seem to have their 7S Toyota sorted out now. ang_ the smooth team drove to a strong third iri class .in Baja. -Heading for home Danny Ashcraft and Clive Che-ffins made a Driving an older racer, John Fargo still did a great job, and he Looking like it could be a Checker car. Armando Sarabia drove his 8,eetle quickly all the way. and finished second in Class 11. great debut in the Raceco, finishing a very strong second in -arrived at the finish line third in (?hallenge class competition. Challenge Class. ~ Tar Baby Bug in Class 5. Several others were five to ten minutes back· here, and they all made it this far, then started to drop out. Close to. 200 miles down course at Check 5, Jones/ Maxey heJd just 1 ½ minutes lead on . Lakin/ Fetters. Closest at this point was the House of Buggies Mike Lund and Bob Faulkenberg, ten minutes back, with Mike Lesle/ Cameron Steele -a couple more minutes down and the same distance-ahead of Alesandro Chapluk. , This class had a heavy Mexican entry. · . Charging on to San Felipe the Jones Bug held the lead, now by ten minutes over Lakin/Fetters, who had a flar tire. Lesle/ Steele, who started late with engine troubles were next, and several more were within minutes here. Moving on to Check 9,Jonesand Maxey · had- a substantial 19 minute lead .. Lesle/Steele were second here with six minutes over Lakin/ Fetters, and the Lund Bug stayed in fourth. I At the flag it was R.C. Jones Summertime Fun! SUPERSTITION 250 Ill Satur~ay Night August ~. 1986 AMSA desert series .points race. Three· cars will, make a class. Info: Days: Jeff Wright (619) 561-481 O Evenings: Fud (619) 427-5759 Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team ·page 20 Splashing along .the beach in the Toyota, Mike and Pat Falkosky took the lead iri Class 7S in the last few mi/es and held on for the win. ' and Ray Maxey, first across the line, and first in Class 5~ 1600, scoring a neat 29th overall. Steve Lakin and Todd Fetters finished _ second, about' 26 minutes later. Mike Lesle and Cameron Steele dropped 15 minutes on the final leg, · and dropped to third; 14 more minutes down. Mike-Lund and Bob Faulkenberg held on in fourth, 2-0 minutes later, followed in 23 minutes by Ernesto Arambula/Guillermo Quientro. The- finishers were spread 15 to 20 minutes apart all night. A good entry of 14 set off in · search of -Class 7S honors, a·nd five trucks went the distance. ' First retiree was Chuck Johnson and Mike Poppie who had the worst of race weekends. While they were at tech on Friday, their motel room was robbed, and so was Warren Baird's- truck that held all the Ranger's spares, engine, trans, etc. The truck vanished into the Mexican landscape. On race day Johnson got a few miles out of Ensenada when the head gasket blew, bu,t he was out of the race with no spare parts. Not surprising, Spence Low and his new Nissan led to Check · 2, putting six minutes on Willie Valdez, Ranger. Jim Travis was .. another six minutes back, but not seen again, and Tudy Esquerra was a!,lother minute behind. Low boomed , on to Camalu, leading Valdez by just fo·ur minutes. Now Tudy Esquerra had his Ranger just 12 minutes back in third. Mike and Pat Falkosky, who lost time on the first leg; were next, leading Malcolm Vinje/ Mark Hansen by a minute·, both driving T oyotas. On the long run east, Low slowed, and Esquerra, along with Paul Simon and Tom Heyser, retired. At San Felipe Valdez was · out fronf by 25 minutes, followed by Low, then Vinje/ Hansen, ·now just three minutes ahead of the Falkoskys. Into Check 9 Spence Low was . running strong and regained the lead. Valdez lost a full hour, and Mike Falkosky was second, about 12 minutes ahead of the Ranger. Vinje/ Hansen were only . another two minutes back. Low's Nissan vanished in the final miles. Mike and Pat Falkosky arrivea first, the class winner, which" delighted Toyota fans and the team's new sponsor, Downey Toyota. -Still having trouble, Willie Valdez finished second, about 28 minutes later. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen were third, their first good finish since switching from the championship_winning Class 5 car to the 7S Toyota. Running steady all day _the team of Larry July 1986 / Rich Richardson and Mike LaPlant drove their new Jimco .to the victory in Challenge class. one of the bigggst c lasses at _the Baja Internacional. The beach route included a lot of water crossings. but Sergio Gutierrez and his crew kept a steady pace en route to victory in Class 11_. · · Carlton and Gil Devine grabbed fourth, in a Ranger, only _ 13 minutes ahead of the Nissan of Alfred De La. Rosa and Alex Melero. The Challeng~ Class came up with a husky 22 starters, and twelve of them finished. The quick one to Check 2 was the T-Mag of Mike Ward/Mike Free, just 1 ½ minutes quicker than Rich Minga, Chenowth. Another 1 ½ minutes back was the Larry Martin/Jerry Rice Chenowth, _ followed in 15 se!=onds by both Danny Ashcraft/ Clive Cheffins, Raceco, -and Rich Richardson/ Mike LaPlant, Jimco. This was some race to the beach with five _ cars under · a three· minute blanket! _ . · f\t Camalu Rich Minga had seven minutes on the field. · Richardson/ LaPlant - and Ash-·craft/ Cheffins and Martin/ Rice were tied on E.T. for second. Now in fifth was the Chenowth of Richard Bruemmer/Wayhe Wola r, and a . few mote, including the Lothringer . Baja Bug, were just minutes behind. _ . The picture changed drastically at Sa·n · Felipe. Ward/Free dropped over five . ·hours, eventually finishing 11th. Minga lost an hour and came· in eighth. Up front now, Richardson/ La-Plant ·had _a 1 ½ minute lead on Dusty Times
SCORE BAJA_INTERNACIONAL. June.7, 1985 - Final· Result~~~~-Pos. Car # Driver(s) Vehicle Time 1. 2 3. - 4. 5. 1. 2. . ·3_ 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, c~ss 1 -UNLIMITED.SINGLE SEAT -·13 START-6 FINISH .105 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota Pickup 8:56.32 1 Di Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth-Porsche 9:01.59 f 14 Mike Lund (solo) Chenowth 9: 13. 00 '102 Bud Feldkamp/Ron Gardner Funco 9:37.48 100 Ron Brant/Clark Gillies ' Raceco · 9:44.16 . CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -16 START 10 FINISH 200 · Gorky· & Scott McMillin · ' Chenowth-Porsche. 8'53.58 299 David Kreisler/Jim Nobles Raceco Pickup 9:33.44 205 Jerry Penhall /Kent Pfeiffer Chenowth 9:43. 50 213 Bob Richey/Tom Baker Raceco 9:47.57 212 Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree Chenowth ' 9:48.40 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED -29 START -15 FINISH 1600 Rob Tolleson/Bill Varnes Mirage 10:06.25 1601 Morley &Bill Williams· . Chenowth 10:20.23 1615 Richard Goidbaum /Pancho Bio. Frisk 10:26. 25 1699 Willy & Terry-Higman Chenowth 10:26.44 1619 . Steve Wolcott/Mike McCrory Raceco 10:29.25 · CLASS 3 -SHORT WHEELBASE 4x4 - 5 START - 5 FINISH 1. 349 Don Adams/Larry Olsen •.· Jeep Cherokee 11:19.58 2. 303 Buck Griffin/Don Coffland Jeep CJ-8 12:04.09 3. · · 348 Matt Pike /Burt_McCready. · Ford Bronco · 12: 13. 51 · 4. 301 · Mike'Schwellingei/Les Erickson Jeep CJ· 7 14:19.55 (Car) 2 . . 3 4 . 7 12 1 6 10 13 14 18 .20 21 .22 23 the hills to Camalu the Carmona VW held a six minute lead over Hendricksbn/Butler, and Gutierrez wa:s only seconds back. Armando Sarabia moved up to fourth, and Victor and Angel Barajas were in fifth. - · . Ori the long haul to San Fehpe, He(ldrickson/ Butler put time on the field and led Gu tierrez by ten minutes at the Zoo. Carmona lost 30 minutes; put stayed in third a couple minu.tes ahead of Sarabia. On the fast roads to Check 9 the positions shuffled once again a,s Hendrickson dropped half an hour. Gutierrez had a 28 minute lead now, Sarabia was another Fighting through the· pack of Class 11 s on the beach. Larry Schwacofer and eight minutes down in thtrd, Sid Spradling bested the five car field handily in Class 6 in the old Chevy. followed· closely . by. both Ashcraft/ Cheffins. Martin/ Rice early ' le:i.ders, Mike Ward and Carmona and Barajas. were 12 minutes further . back, Mik'e Free. · At the finish line it was.Sergio less than a n\im.ite ahead -of Jim A fine band of 15 Beetles Gutierrez who arrived first, with and Bobby Beeson, Chenowth, started in Class 11, and more a healthy 48 ·minute-margin fo arid __ lS were still running. . . . -than half were Mexican entries. victory. Armando Sarabia took , 5. 302 David Bryan /Darren York :Jeep CJ-7 · 15:09. 00' 1. 2. 3. CLASS 4-LONG WHEELBASE-4x4 - 3 START -,3 .FINISH 400 Rod Halli Jim Fricker Dodge Pickup . 11: 19. 23 401 Don Yosten /Bill Donohoe . Jeep Honcho 12: 19. 02 402 Ocin McCormack/Dick Greenle·e ·Dodge Picku·p 13:54.32 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START - 6· FINISH 38 54 57'· 86 95 By Check 9' Richardson/ La-Marco Carmona/ Ricardo Flores second by less than four minutes .. Plant had increased their lead to were the fast team to .Check 2, from Marco Carmona, who was about seven minutes over but. _Da.vid Hendrirkson/ Perry only4½minutesaheadofDavicl 37 Ashcraft! Cheffins. The-Beesons. Butler were less tha!1fiveminutes Hendrickson/Perry Butler. ~6 were third, and John Fargo had· behind. Sergio Gutierrez was_ a Another seven ·minutes back the , -moved into fourth, just ahead of couple more· minutes down, and Barajas Beetle was fifth, and eight-. Martin/ Rice who had down time several others were close. Over . of them finished late at night.~ on the leg. It was still a dash to the ---~---- ---~----~--~---,-----checkered flag; .and •first in, the 1. 2. 3. 4.-5. . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 505 Max Razo/Johnny Johnson Baja Bug 9:52.43 503 Stan Parnell/ Jeff Bolha Baja Bug 10:31.08 . 506 Mel Vaughan /Dan Reynolds Baja Bug 11 :26. 58 .502 · Jim Cocore$/Dave·snoddy Baja Bug 11 :52. 54 549 N·ick Firestone/Richard Carbajal, Jr. . Baja Bug 14:54.08 CLASS 5-1600 -1,600CC BAJA BUG -22 START -15 f.lNISH • 596 Robert C. Jones/Paul Maxey Baja Bug 10:51..10 593 Steve Lakin/Todd Fetters . Baja Bug 1 .1: 17. 15 550 Mike Lesle/Cameron Steele Baja Bug 11:31. 15 559 Michael Lund/Bob Faulkenberg Baja Bug lJ:51.28 597 Ernesto Arambula/Guillermo Ouientro Baja Bug . 12: 14:40 CLASS 6S -UNLIMITED SEDAN - 1 START-1 FINISH 620 Chris Robinson/Rod Anderson Olds Calais 11:55.21 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 5 START - 3 FINISH 601 Larry Schwacofer /Sid Spradling · 55 Chevrolet 12:36.40 619 Arne & Patrik Gunnarsson Saab 96 14:2 7. 4 7 618 Wesley & G'arson Moser Ford Rancher□ 1 7:04. 56 603 Edward Everert, .Jr. Edsel 17:23.00 . CLA~S 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 4 START.- 2 FINISH 15, 24. ·40 51 94 29 . 35 . 42 -50 58 52 61 90 104 (ck. 9) · 1. 2. 3. 700 Manny Esquerra/Larry Saavedr.a. Ford Ranger 9:56.10 16 703 John Swift/Dave 'l'urner 'Mazda 16:33.32 101 719 Larry Ragland· Chevrolet S-10 4:57.30 (ck. 5) CLASS 7S -STOCK MiNI-MIDI PICKUP -14 START - 5 FINISH I. 732 Mike & Pat Falkosky . Toyota · 11 :40.21 2. ' 722 Willie Valdez/Jose Alvarado . Ford Ranger 12:08.41 3. 748 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 12:49.05 4. . 727 Larry Carlton/Gil Divine · Ford RaQger 14:12.02 5. 723 Alfred De La Rosa/Alex Melero Nissan 14:25.01 I. 2. 3.-4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 7 4x4 c STOCK MINI-MIDl·4x4 -10 START-5 FINISH .756 Jim Conner/Pat Blackmore ' Nissan Pickup 12:07.03 769 Michael Horner /Lance Martin Chevrolet S-1 O 12:41.4 7 752 Sergio Duron/Armando Duron Nissan Pickup 14: 14. 54 . 767 Jorge Justo Sierra R. 14:42.27 757 Mike Randall/Bob Grumbien Jeep Cherokee. 14:52. f5 CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD. PICKUP -10 START - 8 FINISH 803 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Fcird 9:41.41 80_1 Frank Vessels/Brad_Stoffers Chevrolet 9:43.00 ·806 Dan. Beaver /Randy Hoeft Ford· 10:09 .. 32 8'07 Randy Salmont/Ted Behr • , . GMC 10:41:32 810 Bruce Kawell/Doug Castillo Dodge · · 10:54.05 CLASS 9 ~ 1200cc SINGLE'SEAT•- 3 START 1 -FINISH I. · 901 Dave & Bryant Wood ·_Jun Buggy 17;10 46 2. 902 Gary Cogbill . . Home Built 4,0~ 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -22 START -12 FINISH 951 Rich Richardson/Mike LaPlant Jimco -11:33.52 995 Danny Ashcraft/Clive Chelfins Raceco 11:47.45 965 John Fargo 12:43.22 · 953 · Larry Martin/Jeiry Rice . Chenowth 12:55:28 954 Jim Beeson /Bobby Beeson Chenowth 13: 13.10 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650CC - ·; 1 START - 6 FINISH 1009 Steve Tetrick/Fred Ronn D.R.[' 9:29.04 1006 Rick & John Hagle Raceco 9:44. O 1 1000 Steve Sourapas · . ,. Raceco 9:56.51 1011 William & Michael Church Raceco 10:34.32 1099 Roger Mortenson /Russ Welch . Fun co 10:38. 48 , CLASS 1'1 -$TOCK VW SEDAN - f5 START - 8 FINISH 1. 1106 Sergio Gutierrez VW Beetle 13:01. 25 2. -1194 Armando 'Sarabia VW Beetle 13:49.41 3. 1105 Marco Carmona/Ricardo .Flores VW Beetle 13:53.19 4. 1101 David Hendrickson/Perry Butler, VW Beetle 13:57,56 .. 5. ·1104 . Victor & Angel Barajas VW Beetle 14:0_4.05 I . 1401 CLASS 14 -UNLIP_,IIIJED 4x4 - I START - 0 FINISH Steve Mizel Ford Bronco Na:Time . Start~'rs -Cars 195 • Motorcycles.55 -ATVs -27 = 277 finishers • Cars • 111 -Motorcycles 44 -ATVs .' 19 = 174 finish _Ratio -Cars -57% -Motor.cycles -80% -ATVs -70% = 63% 46 56 65 · 84 89 55-62 85 92 93 8 9 19 27 30 105 !ck. 5) 45 47 63 68 72 ,5 11 17 25 26 70 77 79 . 81 , 82 -Fast Time Overall , Class 22 -Garth Sweetland/Scot Harden -Husqvarna - 8:27.5-J Fast Time Overall Car -Class 2 -Corky & Scott McMillin -Chenowth - 8:53.58 Race Distance -. 492 miles -Time Allowance -20 hours · · Dusty Times class winner was i:he J imco of Rich Richardson and Mike LaPlaht. Driving the only Raceco ever built for this class, Danny Ashcraft and Clive Cheffiris nailed second, about 14 minutes behind. John Fargo took third, almost an hour later. Larry Martin/ Jerry Rice recovered to • place fourth, another 12 minutes down, followed in 18 minutes by Jim and Bobby Beeson, who were only five minutes ahead of Edward and · Hugh · McLean . Arriving , 12th iri class· and absolutely last overall was Daniel Rose la at a· 19: rs. E.T., and he Jim Conner and Pat Blackmore are both-old Baja hands. and it showed this. was only fiv,e minutes behind the .. race as they drove the rie.w Nissan to a solid win ,n Class 7 4x4. NO.BULL-•••. JUST FACT:! •· ■ I st place overall 2 wheel vehicle Baja 500-Garth Sweetland and Scott Harcten riding a Mike Lapp prepared Desert Husky. ■ I st place overall 4 wheel veh/cle Baja 500-Corky and Scott McMillin. driving a Don' Spethman prepared McMillin construction car. ■ Cal Wells' Precision Preparation, Inc. Team Toyota selects TRICK RACING GASOLINE after extens(ve testing for it's desert and stadium race truck~. TAlC~® racing gasoline -THE INDUSTRY STANDARD1 Trick Enterprises, Inc~, P.O. Box.5025, San Diego, CA 92105 f619J:281•'9133. July 1986 Page 11
Marco'-Carmona and Ricardo Flores led Cla·ss 11 for the first half of the r:Wt:,· but had some down time and fell to the flag . About to be passed by a Baja Bug on the beach. M_ichael Horner Sergio and Armando Duron drove a 'steady pace in their older; and Lance Martin had their share·or trouble. but finished second_ Nissan and they ended up taking third in Class 7 4x4 at the finisti. -~ . Running the leaders for a time. troubles __ dropped the Raceco of Bill and Michael Church .to fourth in Class 10 at the A couple of fast final legs moved the Raceco of Bob Richey and Tom Baker well up the Class 2 ranks and they finished in fourth. Steve Wolcott and Mike-McCrory ran close all day in the 1-2-1600 Raceco. and ended up fifth in class. less than three minutes back . . flaq. · ~ . . . · There were five · starters · in Class 6, and the Ford Ranchero of Wesley and Garson Moser led the '55 Chevy· of Larry Schwacofer /Sid Spradling by eight minutes at Check 2. All five made it this far, but the Nissan of Jorge ·Souto was soon out. Ai:· Camalu Moser. led Schwacofer. by 18 minutes, but the Ford used a couple extra hours.en route-to San Felipe. From there the oM Chevy led every leg as Larry Schwacofer. and Sid Spradling won again. Plugging along in the . older Saab %, Arne and Patrik Gunnarsson took secorid, · and the Mosers finished third. The Edsel of Edward Evereh, · Jr. made it all the way to Check 9 before retiring. For reasons unknown to the ten starting trucks, Class 7 4x4 was last off the line, ··forced · to struggle around the slower classes in front of them. As - expected, Jerry McDonald got his Chevy out front immediately with a 12 minute lead over Stan H01ighton's Toyota at Check 2, · and the Toyota was JOIN TEAM T/~; GET FACTORY SUPPORT WHILE YOU COMPETE FOR CASH •. • Awards paid to top finishers in . .. SCCA Showroom Stock Racing. • Awards for Solo II, Pro Solo, . Street Solo, Road Rally arid Divisional Pro0R_ally. . ; • Get BFGoodrich factory support, engineering expertise, technical Information, newsletters, and discounts on shaved tires. JOIN FREE-CALL TODAY FORCOMPi.ETE DETAILS 1-800-RACE-BFG _ IFGOODRICH liA RADIALS _TAKE DN THE CDMPETITIDNTM Page 22 more. In third here was the Jim Conner/Pat Bl~ckmore Nissan, about three more minutes down · and six minutes ahead of Sergio and Armando Duron,-· Nissan, who had a mere minute . on Michael Horner/ Lance Martin, Chevy. McDonald picked up another 12 minutes at Camalu, but here Conner / Blackmore -were · -second, seven -minutes ahead of Horner / Martin. Five more minutes back was the Toyota of O.T. Gowland, who had a couple minutes on Duron. There was a real race in progress! By San Felipe McDonald had a 40 ··-minute lead on Conner / Blackmore, but they had a nice 13 minute cushion over -Gowland. Ho.mer/Martin were Arm~ndo Duron salvaged third . third, another seven minutes spot . . In fourth was Jorge Justo down trailed in ten minutes by: Sierra. R., followed . in ten the Durons. At Check 9 the · minutes by Mike Randall. and leading Chevy had·over an heur Bob Grumbein who nursed the on the Nissan, but the Conner Jeep Comanche to the finish line. team now had half an hour on When · the finish line closed -Horner/ Martin. Duron was only down around four in the another 11 n:iinutes down, and morning, 111 cars and .-63 Gow land did not·-make the assorted other vehicles had '· check. finished the race. One of the Proving that the "race is never happiest groups at the finish line over 'ti!," J erty McDonald used ·· was the three girl team of Sandy well over two hours to cover the House, Robin Davis and Denise 4 7 miles to Check 10, and he Davis, sponsored by Max Razo. went no farther. Jim Conner and They won the 3 Wheeler Class Pat Blackmore kept up their 23 wearing pink leathers, and strong pace and won Class 7 4x4 they sure were the best looking by a resounding 34 plus minut_es, team. All three piled on the trike, Michael Horner and Lance whooping gaily from the finish Martin stayed in the points hunt line to the impound. It was a neat with second place. Using four sidelight to the reasons people hours on the final leg, Sergio and like to race in Baja California. · Larry Martin and Jerry Rice were close most of the way. but hite· woes dropped them back to fdu.rth in the Challenge G_lass at the (lag. David Hendrickson and Perry Butler came in a close _ The other side of Baja racing is getting a broken car -fourth in Class 11. only six minutes behind second in home. as Tom Foley and Gary Underwood we doing the ·competitive bunch. here with their Class 2 Woods... . . July-1986 _Dusty Times
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\ The Losers By Juqy Smith of the multitude of specially made parts, something got ruined -and he never made it to· Baja. . The races seem to be coming at us pretty fast these days, with the Baja lnternaciona,l just a scant month after the Mint. And for one or two racers there was also the BFGoodrich · Memorial Day 100, back east, at Lake·Geneva, Wisconsin, in between. . Walker Evans was one who tried that bit. He went from the Mint · to • Montreal for the SCORE Canada stadium race, to Lake Geneva, and then on to the . Baja 500. W e'd like to nominate Walker's crew as Losers of the month for cope with that schedu'le. The fellows who drive this big rig probably had ' the hardest regime . . · · Walker didn't do too badly in Lake Geneva, where he raced ih three events. But the· last one,· called the. Championship race, 'for trucks and 4x4s, finally made a Loser out of him. He was running well, fighting a hard · fight;-and lost. ~11. his ,forward . A couple almost didn't make gears. He had to make his way it, after getting very dose; W e are back to his pit in reverse gear and told that Frank Vessels and Larry call it a day. . . Noel were out pre-running the Down in Baja Walker had in-and-out part of the course on another hard fight on his hands, . the They met head on, · and when he passed Steve Kelley · luckily escaping serious injury, in his pit up at Mike's he must since this was just the day before have thought things were looking the race. . ' pretty good for a few moments. Tom Koch, ninning in,Class 1, ButthatroaddownoutofMike's. had c.v. problems early in the is tricky, and it got him. He rolled race, and then lost his motor his beautiful Dodge. What /do after Three . Poles. And Bob you suppose that did to· the air Gordon, also running iri Class 1, conditioning? · lost his transmission at Three _-It took a long time to get. it Poles. And Mike Leon drove the back on its wheels again, and -1irsLhalLof his stint in~the · new going forward, but he did go on. 1600, turned it over · to Bill Only, when he got to El Reyo Rodriguez, and he lost the motor he'd blown a head gasket; and - ·in the sand outside of Three that was .all for Walker. · Poles. It must have looked like a Roger Mears got to be a Loser salvage yard there. without even leaving Bakersfield. Larry Ragland, driving his new He's trying frantically to get his Class 7 Chevy, had brake trouble new Nissan built, and, indeed it's early jn the race, before he got to well along, and he planned to be Camalu. But he got that all at the 500. But somewhere alopg handled at1.d went on, heading up the way, in theproductionofone to Mike's.' He had a broken idler -, ~. · og ·~°" ~~ at cu ?UU4& V 10th An· ~"'. HODAG 50 ~ August 2~3, 1986 ·-"',.Rhinelander; Wisconsin 100% PAYBACK ~ * .S,UPERIOR I POINTS SERIES. CAMPING, FOOD & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE AT TRACK SHOWERS, WASH PAD, RV DUMP STATION, PLAYGROUND SATURDAY SCHEDULE 9:30-9:50 3-Wtieelers 10:30-11 :30 Classes 5-1600 and 11 12:00-1:00 1:30-2:30 3:00-4:00 4:30-5:00 Classes 9 and 2:1soo Classes 3 and 6 Classes 2 and 1-1600 Good Old Boys SUNDAY SCHEDULE · 10:30-11:30 _Womens Rear Engine 12:00-1:00 Classes 8 and 7 1:30-2:30 · 3:00-4:00 . 4:30-5:00 5:30 Class.~s 13, 4, an.d 14 Classes 1, 5, 10 Womens Heavy Metal . Awards , For more information call: (715) 845-3954; (715) 845-2887; <115> 3a1.3525 or <115> 362-6550 HODAG 50 TRACK LOCATION: Take Highway 17 North of Rhinelander, · turn left.on Co. Trunk W, follow signs · • Page 24. July 1986 arm, and that made · it a little and ego." difficult, but hot really bad. But Chuck then hopped · a . plane then, when be got to· that hill, and came out west, to run the behind Mike 's, the one that gets Ranger in Class 7S. He had his really steep right at the top, he · friend, M,ike Poppie, who was . · c6uldn't get his tra.nsmission into. going to ride,. with him, and they · lo,w gear. He tried and tried to were having a wonderful time. -make that hill - even trying to This was to be Chuck's first race· -. go up it in reverse gear. But it was in B~ja, and hf -was _enjoying no good·. Finally he went down to seeing all the places ·he'd been the little ranch a ways back on the reading about. for years, in-course and waited under · the , person, so to· speak. He had run shade trees for the traffic to be · across one very mysterious thing past, and theri d~ove on in. A already, and wanted to tell us all non-finisher. . . about it on Friday. . )erry McDonald .was-· a He had been pre-run~ing good day in his 7 4x4. He had a benind two or three other .folks, good lead in his class and was and knew he wasn't far behind having no troubles. Not even a them, ·and, in the area after the flat tire. But up at El Reyo things · Alamo road ' and before the ground to a.halt when-he· lost a ·highway he suddenly came.upon flex-plare. Now, in all the years some freshly installed cattle McDonald had raced trucks, he's bones and skulls. He knew they'd never had trouble · with ·a flex- · b~eri. set down after his friends .. plate.' Sci he didn't have a spare. had gone by, and just before he Spencer Low, also leading his got there, because the horns class (7S) by-a healthy margin1 weren't broken on the skulls. was .on his way up to El Reyo, ' Chuck and Mike eyed the thick when· the oil pressure gauge shrubbery nervously, wondering · suddenly said there was no oil wbo, and how ip.any, were hiding pressure. Spence had had trouble in there waiting to. see his with oil pressure gauges ·three reaction. They didn!t know what races in a row - they'd give him it was supposed to mean, if they .a zero reading, .and all w:ould be should be worried or not. What o. k. This time" he ignored the they did,. as any .racer would have · gauge, and it was right. . under the circumstances, was to . Rob Myerly, who was co- drive over those bones and get driving in · Dave · Mansker's 1-out of there in a hurry. . 1600 car, was on his way up to . The·re were a couple i f other Mike's, when he found himself in · old Baja hands standing around a tree. That's when you wish you as Chuck told his stor/ and they drove a two .seater. Myerly did were properly impressed, and, of · find some Mexican folks a:nd course, had _a couple of tales to pressed them into helping, but it tell him also. Poppie's eyes grew still took upwards of three hours noticeably bigger as they talked, to get loose from the tree. He but he said it would all be o.k., as decided that was enough long· as Chuck would just "keep · downtime to call it quits. moving." · _ Gary Cogbill, running very . But an hour or two . later, · well in Class 9, got to the same Chuck was back, with .another steep hill that did Ragland in, and Baja story, also familiar. While broke his transmission trying to he'd been- running · his truck get over it. · · through . contingency, someone Ray Bates ran afoul of those had broken into· their room, M)~xican · spectators who think taken the ex·tra set of keys for the it's the-greateSt thing of all to pre-runner, and had driven it switch the course markers and, away, The pre;runner belonged watch the results; They switched to Warren Baird, who works on some in the starting wash, before Chuck's truck, but it had already the race ever got ,up onto the . been loaded up. to serve as the · pavement; and Bates, being in a chase truck the next day. It-was a bit of a rush, didn't notice 1982, one ton Chevy four wheel anything wrong. He_ went where drive pickup, and it contained, 'the . arrows-pointed, which was · straight off ah eight or nine foot among other things, Chuck's ledge,1 landed on his nose a_nd spare drivesha(t, transmission:,; _ rolled over onto his lid. H'.e got it convertor, rear ,end, hubs and back on its wheels, and got down rotors, a.nd an' engine block. He the road a bit further but was out guessed he had about $8,000 of the race early. worth of spare parts and tools in the truck altogether. Going back to" Wisconsin; we saw Chuck] ohnson, who races in Chuck was really · concerned Class 7S in SCORE/HORA . about what that was going to events, and was at Lake Geneva mean for him on race day, and racing a single seat-buggy in ~hat finally decided he'..d just have to they called Class 9, but equates drive conservativelf He hardly to SCORE's Class 10. He did got the chance. He never even got, well in .his heat, winning it, an'd ·. out of the wash and up onto the was all fired up for the . main pavement, but blew a head gasket event. Maybe too fired up. while he was still in shouting Chuck . charged into the first distance of Ensenada; And, he turn, rolled over • ap.d was told us, that was one thing he : smacked a couple of times by didn't have packed on t:he stolen other -cars. The end result, as truck. , . ' ' I ' ' . Chuck tells it, were "broken Maybe it just wasn't meant to upper and lower left trailing be Chuck's weekend. Maybe arms, broken shocks, driveline those old bones were an omen? AffENTION DESERT RACERS I DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event. · · Dusty Times
I • • . • ..... ...-'-...:::.L__:_D AL.L TERRAIN ENTERPRISES' . MOTOR-SPOR-T .PRODUC.Ts· I , -Distributor for I YOKOHAMA OFF.ROAD.AND I ' Q MOTOBCYCLE·RACIN,G TlRES· ✓ / ' :>'7 YOKOHAMA '·. For serious Performers · I , • Complete Yokohama.fine • ATV.Tires ,, • Performance Tires • lndu·stri'al Tires : ~-" . • Bus and -RV Tires · · from Armstron9 Rubber Co. • . Off ,Th.e Road Tires · -. · • ATV-ITP . I • Heavy Equipment Tires - . • Aluminum Wheels I ' . . l _·STOP AND SEE US AT CONTINGENCY ROW ; . WE ARE AT ALL:HDRA, SCORE AND SNORE .RACES -. f Now Serving all C.R.C. Events -with Yokoh·ama Motorcycle Tires WE ARE 'THERE TO HE.LP YOU WIN .' I • • MAIN OFFICE · 412 No. Brand .#200 Glendale, CA 91203 (818) 88-S-5181 or (800) 892-5263 ,,, WAREHOUSE 17501 Lemon Ave:, Unit D .H~spe[ ia, CA 92345 (619) 244-0477 ··. Dealer Inquiries Invite~ , I , --..---... -11111111111111 ____________________ 1111111111,,. \
FORDA at the Tafflpa , Fairgrounds · Text & Photos: John Sproi,kin Joe Cunningham. #646. flies past Frank Valente in 1600 action. J oe won the feature. placed high in the heats. and took overall in class. ~ seventh lap, Marty went into high gear as he overtook Scott for the lead. When the checkered flag signaled the completion of the heat, Marty Pounds was first, followed closely by Scott Gundeck, then Gene Windham. Marty Pounas. here hopping past Tom Gundeck. won both D c lass heats. took second in the fea_ture. an d to ok overall Class 1-2-1600 was now on the track for their first heat. While the ,sta'rting signal moved briskly in the air, the roar of engines increased dramatically as eleven buggies did their thing. Terry Clark and Joe Cunning-ham picked up the early lead as they moved side by siqe coming ready with the big machines, Six buggies were on the move as the starting signal was given. Darryl Stedman broke a torsion bar, · retiring his buggy for the day. During the next four laps, Carl Johnson had the lead with Dennis Ard second and Larry Elliott third. In the fifth lap, Dennis, back racing after a year, was able to get around Carl, putting him out front. Larry·· caught up with Carl, and bumper to bumper . they went for two · laps, then making his 9 move overtook Carl towards the end of the last lap. As they went across · class points for the day.- · · FORE (Florida Off Road It was an exciting morning as Enterprises) and Florida State race time approached, with the · Fairgrounds Speedway (Tampa), new officers assuming their along with Reynolds Aluminum reponsibilities, the tra2k' and WQYK local radio station, preparation being inade and the played host for the FORDA race~ drivers with · their pit crews that took place on April 27. The getting the buggies in top shape evening prior to the race, for the day's activities. The track FORDA conducted its annual was formed differentiy than it convention and election of ·had.been from the previou: race. effic"ers. Congratulations are It started on a straightaway in extended · to those elected, front of the grandstands w ith starting with the new President; ·three jumps one right after J.R. Taylor followed by Allen another. Then it went in a wide Brumly, Joe Cunningham and 180° sweep, down through a Chuck Gurr ekcted as Vice gully, up into an S-curve, only to . President's for their respective be fronted with .four more jumps--classes, Janet Bickers is the new . leading to another 1·arge sweeping Treasurer, Jennie Brumly and . S-curve in the opposite directi9n Shealy . Alexander, Secretarty/ to bring them to another jump PR. Ghale Thomas, Head around a 45° turn towards the Flagman, Scott Gundeck,' Head straightaway · leading to the Tech Inspector, John Hawson grandstands, completing a. lap. and Mark Amrbein , Race The schedule .for the races Coordinators and ·Deborah consisted of two eight lap heats Fordham and Pam Grace, Head and a twelve lap feature for each Score Keepers. class with mini stocks r?cing STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS· . Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion-axles cin your pre-runner. IRS Baja Bug or limited·-horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. · Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints., Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for _Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/ 8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pitch threads. 10 mm.-1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche.factory uses · on their cars. - --FIT YOUR OFF ROAD ER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your su_~plied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCT.S 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 26 between heats. Each heat would into the.first turn. J.R: Taylor, have a parade lap led by a pace car who just moved up from D class, · that would lead into a· moving and Bob·Bohres were bumper to start. The thre"' jumps in front of bumper, J.R. - looking· for the the grandstands were optional right moment to get arnund. for the first lap of each heat. During the second lap, he made After the drivers' meeting and .· his move without any problem. tech inspection was held, those Rick W elch, after making the who wanted to went out on the series of jumps in front of the tracls for a few practice laps. It grandstands, lost it and went didn't take long before Tom sliding alcing the guard rail. This Toia, driving his Jeep, flipped on gave Jerry·Allen, who also moved the secQnd jump in front of the · up from D class, an easy position g.randstands. The passenger change. During the fourth lap, · received .a broken finger. Tom Joe .Cunningham~ lost his S!:"cond came out OK,, but • his Jeep place position· by hitting a track definitely was in' need of repairs. tire marker, forcing him into a There were a lot of near misses dfrch. It didn't take long to get going over this series of jumps. back on the track, but he . Prior to the race, it was decided dropped down to last place for · for safety _reasons_ to cut the tops this lap. J .R. Taylor now had the of these jumps dpwn .a little. second place spot with Terry With everything now on go, D Clark in first. Burce Bennett class was first on line with ten made a steady move forward buggies. As the parade lap was from sixth place for the first lap completed and the pace . car to the third position duriµg the moved off the track, the green fifth lap. During the sixth lap, tl,ig went into forward motion, Randy Cunningham,J.R. Taylor and simultaneously D class did ahd Chad Peterson- all experi-the same, down the straightaway, enced some problems ~ith their picking up speed with each turn . buggies. Joe dropped out during of the wheel. As they reached the the sixth lap while J .R. and Chad first turn everyone ~ as still in made it into the seventh before tight formation. Scott Gundeck dropping out. As the checkered had a slight lead. He was.followed flag -signaled the conclusion of closely by Gene Wind ham and this heat, Terry Clark . was Tom Gundeck. During the number one, -Rick Welch second lap, Marty Pounds got the number two, and Bruce Bennett edge on Allen Brumly, then went number th·ree. flying by Tom while coming off a Class 1 Unlimited was now jurpp, Sam Pace was on the move the finish line, Dennis Ard took first with Larry Elliott right ---.. behind him for second, followed bv Carl Johnson in third. After the mini-stocks com-pleted their heat, D class was ready for their second race of the dav. A!i the green flag went m r, ) the downward motion, so did the accelerators on eight rail buggies as they were on the move. Sam Pace quickly picked up t he lead with John Cory right on his tail. Tom Gundeck was bumped and forced tinder the guard rail at the first turn. Scott Gundeck lost second gear and dropped to the back of the pack. Bob Alexander lost his right rear wheel, putting him out for this heat. During the second lap, J,R'.-Lindsey, on his approach to a jump, hit a marker tire, standing both on end. Marty Pounds, starting off the heat in · the fourth spot, advanced his position with each passing- lap. During the sixth lap, Sam Pace and John Cory tangled. John rolled, landed on all fours and continued on. Sam broke a rear • shock mount and a day. During this commotion, Marty Pounds picked up' the lead, followed by Gene Windham, second, and Allen Brumly third. At the completion of the beat, the standings remained the same. Class 1-2-1600 was back on line with all eleven buggies as he caught the corner of the ju~p. lost control and slid into a mud-ditch. It cost Sam two _laps trying to get out. During the th1rd lap, Marty Pounds continued on the forward trend by overtaking Gene Windham. Then the battle began between Scott Gundeck ,and him. J.R. Lindsey stalled out during the third lap and didn't complete the heat. During the fourth lap the pressure was on. Bumper to bumper, then side by side, Scott, Marty and Gene were displaying the driving techniques an d skills needed to be competitive in off road racing. The battle · continued on with each passing . lap. During the Dennis Ard soars past the huge tire barriers on the track en route to a win in a heat and second overall for the day in Class 1. July 1986 Dusty Times
'/ l I '--------The. D cars really provide grea_t action. Here Allen Brumly takes to the air out of a turn while John Cory uses a ground hugging Charging over a jump' Chad Pearson nearly hides J.R. Taylor's Rick Welch. foreground. and Jerry Allen mix it up in the air. After car. but Taylor went on to win a_ heat and take third bn points in three races Welch was fourth in 7600 points. Allen was seventh. ~~ . . . 1600 action. · · rolling as the starti,ng ~ignal was given. ).R; Tay.lor, Joe Cunning-ham and Rick -Welch were side by side · in .frqnt of the pack, followed closely by Jerry Allen• a·nd Frank Valente. During the second lap, the battle went on between three with J.R. now having the -edge on Joe. Randy Cunningham rolled while going over the second S~t ·of jumps . . ·he was· quickly turned right side up and on his way · again. During the next lap, he hit a tire just after the same set of ju111ps, spun around and was on the move again. Bob Bohres went off the track going into a turn which finished him for this heat. Terry Clark seemed to be having some problems with this heat. He started the fifstlap in ninth place and made. itto the fifth spot by the · end of the heat. The remainder of the l~ps_ th rough the finish saw J.R. Taylor first, Joe Cunningham second, with Rick Welch in thTrd position; Terry Clark-won the first 1-2-1600 round. got-a third in the feature and ended up second overall on the points in his older racer. · Gene Windham did very well in _the 1200cc D class.·winning the feature. and a second and a third to take second overall on class point~. Class 1 once again w~s up for battle with foµr buggies le,ivirig a · trail of dust as they started their first lap. Danny Hahn, while corning around a curve, was forced ihto a ditch, but he came right back .out and conti~ued·on. ' "Scott Haire, during'the third lap, broke· a'.rocker arm, forcing him out for the rest of the heat. Larry Elliott maintaii;ied the lead with· . _ Danny Hahn· right on his tail during the complete' heat. There ·were a few laps when ir'looked as if Danny was going"to overtake Larry, but he could not' get the -, edge unti I the final lap as the excitement grew within the crowd. Danny made his move, passing Larry for the win, with Dennis Ard bringing it in third. · The feature race was now ready to begin for D class with eight rolling chassis 'moving down _ the straightaway as the starter made his move. For the · first two laps, Allen Brumly held down the lead un.til Gene Windham slid_on by during t.he third lap. Scott G6ndeck and Tom Gun deck battled it out with each other through the entire heat,· exchanging· positions Marty Pounds did a gr~at job maneuvering _around the track, starting the first lap in the rear o( the pack, then going by everything in sight with each passing lap, getting_to third place by the sixth and then overtaking Allen- Brumly in the final lap for the second place · spot. Gene Windham, who picked up the lead .in the third,. carried it through to the end. Class 1-2-1600 had some problems with their featJre start. While n:ioving doJn· the straightaway, Jerry All~n did a · double end over in front of the grandstands, Frank·· Valente, trying to avoid him, -did a roll. _Both drivers were all right. The race was stopped to clear the· area, then a -re~start took place . with the feature now back in action. Bob Bohres pi~ked up an early lead with Bruce Bennett right at his side. Rick-Welch had carburetor problems and . couldn't get through the first lap. In the _second lap, Joe Cunningh'am . made his way around 1erry Clark. Terry spun out and lost a little time. J.R. Taylor al_so made · his move Making a tail first landing Danny Hahn won the second unlimited heat. but h,e didn't make tbe feature so was fourth on points on the day,. ' ' Dusty Times \ around Terry during· the third - going over_a'jump. The ~est of the ,. During the second _lap, _Dennis lap. By this time, Joe did it his h~at was _a _ constant battle· had a valve go, putting him out. way as he went around Bruce. In between the top fqur. When the Two buggies remained on the the fourth, Bob Bohres, who had checkered flag gave the signal!)oe move, led by_ Larry Elliott. the lead for the first three la_p~, ,Cunningham was 'first to 1cross Throughout the heat, Scott Hairn had a spark plug blow out ofh1s the lin.e, follo~ed closely by;-J .R. did his , best and there were _ engine, retiring him for __ the Taylor, then Terry Clark. · , ,. . several rrioments when it looked _ remainder and giving up first · The final heat of the d~y, .wi_t~ as if he was_. g~ing to overtake place to Joe Cu~ningham . . three Class·· 1 buggies In Larry, but d1dn t quite make It, During the fifth lap,-Terry Clark competition, were moving along for as the competition became a· got it all back · together : and the track, Larry .Elliott leading . reality, Larry took home first, started his ascent forward by the way with Scott Haire right with.Scott in second and Dennis . flying by Bruce Bennett while behind, followed by Dennis Ard. _ Ard in third. • Complete Suspension • Racing Lights•· . • • 'I, -• St~ering Wheels •· Fuil Line of Rod Hall Apparel • And Much More . . • FuU Color Catalog -'. . CAL'L -TOLL FREE 1-800-331-0915 IN NEVADA 1-800-422-2296 July 1986. 1 · Page 27 ·
BFGOODRICH. URDATE_.#Z4: ·HOW ·TO w,N YOUR.SHARE-_ . . ._ -OFA S300,000 GUARANTEED PURSE~ -. . . . . -l·NTRODU(;ING TEAM T/A": -NOW YO'U DONT HAVE· TO BE'A FULL-TIME PROFESSIONAL TO GET PRIZE MONEY AND FACTORY SUPPORT. · Most enthusiasts know about • the BFGoodrich racing programs · that c3:ptufe naticmal media -attention . .But many people_ don't know:the degree to which T/A® . involved in regional and local motor-sports ._ Now tRat's about to be better known because of Team TI A:M Team TI A is a new concept in motorsports. It is a system of • financial rewards and factory · support for competitors in .events-· that rarely get national media · coverage. And, while Team Tl A prize money will be awarded to entrants accumulating the most points in category, it is not the usual contingency purse. All $300,000 of the purse will be -awarded. And all you have to do to qual'ify for prize money and technical '1~lp is this: become·a member of Team TIA and com-pete only on one of six kinds of BFGoodrich TI A Radials. Here are the areas in Which you can qualify for Team Tl A prizes and support. · . . SHOWROOIVi"STOCK SUPPORT. Awards and assistance. will be given to SCCA drivers in all Showroom-Stock classes at the . Nation<1l and Regional l~vels and ·_ at the October· Runoffs. In addi--tion; Team TIA prizes and . support will· go to all EMRA anc;l ,MCSCC Showr:oorp _Stock<dasses. r. SOLO AND RALLY. SUPPORT . . ~ Event, championship, ·and year-end awards will be earned ,in Solo II, Pro Solo, Street Solo, Road Rally, and Divisional Pro Rally events sanctioned by SCCA. Autocrosses and road rallies sanctioned by/ various regional and club bodies will also earn awards ·and Team T /A~upport OFF-ROAD ·SUPPORT. While TIA Radials have come to dominate SCORE and HORA racing in recent years, they have also built a strong reputation in local and regional light truck_and · · 4WD events all over the country. And now we're · offering Team TI A awards and support to prove how TI A Radials are as winning, say, in the muds of the~ Midwest as they are in the sands of Mexico. SHOW CAR SUPPORT. While high-performance TIA Radials are built to, action, they also enhance tr pearance of cars. So_ BFGoo . is making support.and awar availabie to entrants of sele, classes listed by the)nterna Show Car Association (ISGA FACTORY SUPPORT MEANS JUST THAT. While it is not uncomm see tires for sale at regional local events, it is quite uncc
ie ap-drich ·ds cted .tiona'l l). . J onto· p.nd· irn-Tires shown that are eligible for Team Tl A competition·: the BFGoodr.ich Radial Mud-Terrain I . · TIA,® Euro TIA,® and Comp TIA.® Not showri but also ·eligible for compe-tition are the BFGoodrich Radial TIA,®'Radial Sport-Truck TIA,® and Radial All~terrain TIA:" . mon to see a factbry field team .· offer engineering and technicaf help on site. That is what you will see at some 30 selected , events all overthe country. A fuUy-equipped tractor /trailer staffed by BFGoudrich techl)i- . dans will be at these events, where technical support as well as tires will be availi:ible to Team . TIA members. A NEW PROG:RAM .. DES:ERVES A NEW TIRE-. THE COMP T/ A R~ , , As superior a performance tire as the new BFGoodrich Comp J' / A® is, the n·eeds of competition demand a tire even . more at home on the race track and aut,otross c.ourse. Meet the . new Comp TIA R:ID Built for com-, petition use, this street legal tire incorporates unique tread come pounds to maximize handling and cornering power. The Comp TI A R was engineered based ori lessons learned in win- . ning the U.S. Endurance Cup. Available in 5/32" tread depth,· it is designed for endurance races, sprint events, and atitocrosses.· While it will not provide the long tread life of our new Comp TIA~ . the payoff comes in· quicker lap . times: Look fqr it in 45, 50,' 55, .. and 60 series sizes. Spec_ial prices on the Comp T /A ._ available to Team T / A members: at the BFGoodrich tractor /trailer, through participaJing retailers,·or direct from the factory at the phone·numbers listed below. TAKE.ON THE COMPETITION-. -As mentioned, all $300:;000 in the Team T/ A fund will be , awarded to top finishers using BFGoodrich TIA Radials in se-· lected race, ·solo, raHy, and show car championships. But also a.s · me·ntioned, Team TIA awards can ·only go to Team T / A mem-bers. Other benefits of member1 ship include· distinctive Team Tl A patches and decals, BFGoodrich technical Sll(>port, quarterly newsletters, technical ·bulletins, news of future develop-ments and producf updates..__afl _ yours for the asking. " ·so ask for complete details now. Call the toll-free number · listed below or mail the coup9n' to'day. Either can be yourticket for a share _of $300,000 ._ And a. l()t · of factory :help. As-this Update g·oes to press, the following organizations are now participants in the Tearrt TIAp-ro~ gram (you can· cor1su,(f Team TIA Hfddquariers for furt/1er infortna· tion): SCCA, ISCA,' Mid-Atlpntic 4 Wheel Drive Ass 'n: (MA4WDA), _ HighPldins Off-Road RacingAss'n.' (HPORRA), Arizona D~sert Racing _As-. sociation. (ADRA), Berrien Auto-Cross . Series-(BA-CS), Southern Nevada -Off-... Road Rating Enthusiasts (SNORE), --Porsche Club of America (PCA), BMW· -Car Club of America {BMWCCA), Western States Corvette Club (WSCC), National Coundl of Corvette Clubs (NCCC), Eastern Motor Racing Association (EMRA), Midwestern Council of Sports Ccir Clubs · . . (MCSCC} -□.Yes, I'm interested injoining Team T/A™ and qu~lifying for my • share in the $300,000 guaranteed _purse. Please send me complete details and my Team T/A membership application. · Mail to: BFGoodrich -500 Sout.h Main St., Akron, Ohio 44318 ATTN: TEAM T/A HEADOUARTE~S Name---'-----------'------------Address_---,-------'----------------/ _ I am affiliated with (sanctioning body or dub)-------~---
....... SCORE CANADA AT THE MONTREAL _OLYMPIC STADIUM Califor:nians Mine all the Canadian Gold --Text & Photos; Danny M_cKenzie G_alifornian Greg George grabbed the tead'in the Class 10 ma,ri event from the green flag. and he ~as never headed en route to winning the BFGoodrich Autocross Cup in the Pipeline Tr1:1cking Funco. . . .. . There were many changes this year for the annual ·stadium race ' in Montreal, Quebec, Canada: _Page 30 For the first time it was a two day event, having.played to sell out crowds on Saturday night for the . -past three years. Event coordinator Pierre Corbeil decided it was time to go to a two July 1986 x>/iY·_~a,--On Friday night Glenn Harris became the first Class 7 main.event winner in · Montreal, and he also won his neat race d(ivin.9 the Mazda stadium racer. night show, and his goaJ was 80,000 spectators in the arena that normally holds over 60,000. Also new was the change in date. Traditionally', the race has been the first weekend in June, the . weekend after the U.S. Memorial D~y holiday. This year it was moved back two weeks and fell right mi the official Memorial Day holiday on May 23 and 24. The move bac.k in time brought with it heavy rain all week before the track opened for practice on Friday' afternoon, and the Montreal Stadium has ho roof. The course was a sea of mud. Sand and was brought in to take care of the excess water, but the track was still more like a mud bog than the usually well manicured course at Montreal. -On Friday night the motocross riders and quad racers shared the pr9gram with ·the Class 7 stadium style tnini trucks, another first for 1986. In pr_ior years the program belonged only to the motocross bikes and Class 10 car racers. A diverse field of trucks appeared, ten strong. Getting the lion's share. of - attention were the factory trucks from California. Glenn Harris and Rod Millen were there with-the two Mazdas, along with Walker Evans in h_is _Dodge and John Swift in a Ford. From the east came Curt LeDuc, Ford, Allen Andreoli, Toyota, Bill · Walker, Dodge, Norm Thomp-son, Toyota, and Steve, Napier, Toyota. The lone Canadian entry was the Ford of Gary Hammond, from Ontario. _ Over 35,000 fans showed up Friday night, and the truck races were enhanced by a "long jump" contest. The finish line jump is a real ta! 1 dandy, and the distance was . measured.· Winner of the "long jump" was rally driver Rod Millen in his Mazda at 19 · meters. Rod Millen also won the first qualifying heat, followed by . Curt Le0uc, Steve Napier and · John Swift, who broke a right front wheel, b_µt got things fixed before the main' event. Glenn Harris won the second heatwith Rally champion Rod Millin did a great job in the Mazda truck. as he won the tong jump and his heat race. and also won the exhibition run on Saturday n,g/cit. · , Jimmie Crowder has his Ct)enowth Magnum fine tuned for Montreat and he won his heat race and finished a close ttiird in the exciting main event. •• I Dusty Times ./
Wal~er • Ev~ns right on his tailpipe, followed by Allen Andreoli, Gary Hammond and Norm Thompson. ~-Score Canada uses an inverted . start system, sci both Mazdas were at the back of the pack for the main event. However, Harris and Millen were one-two past the green flag waved by chief starter Brian Stagg and into· the · first corner. Walker Evans was in close pursuit. Next came Swift Andreoli and , LeDuc, and th~ fans got excited as the biggest vehicles ever to race in this stadium flew high over the jumps. Harris helcthis lead with . Millen and E':'.ans-~ixing it up for second place. They · all held position for several laps, but then, as the end of.the 15 lap dash drew near, Evans was trying to . pass Millen. On lap 12 Walker took over second place; passing Millen in midair over the finish line jump, bringing the cheering crowd to its feet. Walker Evans closed the gap on Glenn Harris, but in just three laps he could not make the pass. Harris kept his cool, as he had earlier in the month at the Rose Bowl, and Glenn took the victory and the pound of gold that was the first place prize money. Walker Evans finished second, just inches · .back, followed by Rod Millen and John Swift. In fifth was Curt LeDuc, trailed by Andreoli, Hammond and Thompsqn. Saturday night 42 Class 10 drivers wer.,e ready to qualify for the 15 car main event, with three · heats and a, consolation race prior to the dash for another · pound of gold, part of the total purse of $45,000. Florida racer Jimmie Crowder won the, first heat in his Chenowth Magnum. Califor_nians Marty Tripes, Funco, and Greg George, Funco were second and third, followed by Canadian Bill LeFeuvre in a Ber,rien. The first four from each 1heat go right to the main event, and .the n.ext four · go into the consolation race. Headed for the "last chance" run. were ·Kevin Probst, · Dave Lofland, Kar.I· Wuesthoff and . Frapk Arciero, Jr. Becoming spectators.· were Steve Kelley, Dean Dodd,. Richard Nadon and Jim Struble. Heat 2 went to Californian Jim Fishback, Jr. in a Chenowth M.agnum. New Yorker Joe Hofmann was second, followed by Pennsylvanian Art Schmitt, and defending champion. here Jeff Pwbst from 'lllinois, Making the consolation race ":'ere Jim Fishback, Jr. won his heat race, and was a close second in the main event when mechanical trouble put his Chenowth on the sidelines. Walker Evans displayed a wild driving style for the fans. but his Dodge 0-50 ended up second in both, his heat race and the main event. · Normand Vaillancourt,' from Laval, Quebec, was one of just two local drivers in tne Class 10 main event, backed by teammate Richard Dagenais. .Richard Dagenais, Daniel Jim Fishback, Sr. taking second, Deland, Blair Bassett and Ron both driving Cnenowth Mag-Ca rter~ Moving into the nums. Washington driver Roger grandstands were Claude Caddell was third and Canadian Tetrault,CarltonJacksonand·Al Normand Vaillancourt was Arciero. fourti}. Getting another chance Heat 3 also went to California to make · the main event were with Jerry Whelchel winning and Tommy Croft, Allen Andreoli, Jerry Whelchel won his heat race. and worked through traffic in the main event to put his Chenowth in fifth place at the checkered flag. · Tommy Croft had to run the consolation race to make the main event. but he took second in that heat and a fine second iQ the feature race~ Relaxing in the indo<;Jr pits at Montreal. Jeff Probst. who won the gold here last year. went out late in fhe main event with-mechanical trouble. Doug Bils and Lee Wuesthoff. Joining tne other Americans as spectators were Stan Rowland, · · Tom Surace, Bob Gordon and Scott Taylor, a former three time winner of this race.· A dozen hopefuls lined up for the consolation race, called "Last -=---~===----------------======--:=====---:====c'--c::====-======== Ch an c e " b y t h e Pren ch Canadians. Kevin Probst won this race-in his Berrien, followed by Tommy Croft;-Cheno'-'!' Magnum and Richard Dagenais of the Richard Buggy team from Montreal. Only these three would go into the.main event to fil\ out the 15 car field,The start here was also inverted, so the top runners would have . to )1/0rk through traffic to get up front. It was nearly an all American field with only Ontario based Bill LefeLivre and French drivers Richard Dagenais and Normand Vaillancourt flying the Maple Leaf. Californian Ron Carter got · stuck ori the cement retaining wall in the consolation race. and it took half a dozen marsha,lls to put him back on the tr.ack. . Dusty Times Glenn Harris, left. and Rod Millen enjoy the cheering crowd with Score Canada ·s George Dodd after Millen won the special Montreal Cup race. July 1986 Off the start of the main everit, Greg George jumped intQ the lead followecl by Jeff Probst and . Jimmie Crowder. But, at the end of the first lap Jim Fi~hback, jr. passed into third place, and in another two · laps he passed Jeff Probst. Tommy Croft and Marty Tripes were moving quickly through the field, and after four rounds they WL're bL'hind Probst in fourth and fifth~ Page 31
~ . respectively. On the next lap Tommy Croft , flew h1to. . secoQd .. place, with · Probst rightf~JtH, him, putting Fishback down to fourth with Tripes challenging him. Fish-back's Chenowth slowed, then retired on lap-7. This opened the door for Tripes who moved into· third· spot ah,ead of Probst and Crowder a lap later. And Art Schmitt passed Jerry Whelchel to gain a position. · On lap 10 Marty Tripes was out with inech!1nical problems, and Jeff Probst was sidelined a la.plater .. With 12 laps done and three to go, the final outcome seemed obvious, and only trouble could keep Greg George from victory, as he now had a comfortablf leap. George_had1 no trouble and he flew his Funco across the finish line, the big winner and ·the new owner df a pound ofgold Greg George won his first BFGoodrich Autocross Cup before 52,700 cheering spectators. Tommy Croft took second in his Chenowth, followed by Jimmie•. Crowder, Art Schmitt and Jerry Whelchel in what was~a real geographical mix among the first five. · Roger Caddell finished sixth, all but cinching his points championship in the four race Canadian BFGoodrich Series. The first Canadian was ·sill ILeFeuvre in seventh, followed by • non finishers Jeff Probst, Marty Tripes, ~ichard Dagenais and Kevin Probst. Over the years only one Rod Millen dances on ro.of of his Mazda pickup after winning the Saturday night feature. La Coupe de Montreal for the mini trucks. l UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS. POWER. STEERING The .Componel'.lts, Parts,' and Service Winners Count On • NEWI Choice of Al~mlnum or Steei • choose between tough, lightweight aluminum or low-cost steel parts; all .are _precision made, incredibly durable. • Components or Complete System -for <!ny application, we'll sell you whatever pan:,s you need, or a complete system .. .installation· is also available, all at. competitive prices. · • Draws Less Than I HP • The most efficient, most durable set of power steering components available ... it'sthe • Rebullds Adjustments & · ' choice of more Class. and ,Overall winners Technlcai Assistance . Whether you than all others comb1nedl · -need to build or repair, test or adjust, • Complete Bracket,y & Tabs -clean, or just have questions about power reliable mounting available for any steering ... call us. We'll answer your application. questions without hassle. UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS, ' Also, ask about our full llne· of other racing metal fabrication services ... SEND FOR FREE INFORMATION AND PRICES TODAY u =_:. ~ 8745 Magnolia Ave.• S~ntee, CA 92071 • 619/449-9690 -Page 32 Can.adian driver 'has' won the Class · 1,0 honors in Montreal. Scott Taylor, from Illinois, won the first three events, while Californian Scott. Gillman· won the fourth. john- MacPherson won it for Canada the next year: . In 1985 Jeff Probst took the big prize home· to Illinois, and now Greg George becomes the second Californian tc\ score the big victory. Of course this year there were more· seasoned stadium racers from Cal.ifornia in the field than in all the previous Montreal events combined. So, a' western American · victory would have been .a safe bet.. · The Saturday night crowd also had a chance to see the Class 7 trucks in action. A special "La Coupe de Montreal'' V{as on the_ line for this added attraction. Off the line the pair of ~azdas once· again 'took the lead, but Glenn . Harris broke on the first lap. Rod Millen was alone in the lead, as Walker Evans also went out early in the Dodge. John Swift and Curt Lebuc kept thing~ ,-r;.::>, 'l";,..L ,.s: ... ;~ / , .) _,,..,,.,,. ,.,...,, ::i"~ ,.,..< , ,.,;:;,'")),,, Defend,ng 1985 Class 8 desert champion, Steve Kelley went to Montreal wllh the Arciero team, but none of them qualified for the ma,n event. interesting, but Rod Millen had The roof is scheduled t o be no trouble winning this contest, finished next April, so hopefully followed by·Swift and LeDuc. the mud bog of 1986 will not · Score · Canada President happen again. Also, the plari isto George Dodd announced that move the race back to its the Montre:ffStadium is -being traditional June date; as this year fitted with a canopy. In· fact the the event had to compete in work was in progress last May·, Canada with the Stanley Cup tal<ing out some' 7,000 seats hockey finals as a _sports usually available for this race. attraction on the weekend. , Armstrong ff re-' Sponsors the New Formula. ~esert ·Dog Series -commitment to the performance market. · I noted that there were-several different companies under the Armstrong umbrella and Bob . By Brenda A ~_Parker stated in addition to their many . . existing ventures, · they had ~ Mr. Bob Bogdanoff, a five year "Parker 400" and have the recently bought the Blackstone veteran of drag racirig, is now-the customer recognize the name. ''Company w_hich makes radiators Technical Marketing Specialist He indicated that they would for Chrysler, Ford, Saab and for Performance Tires at be going after the Porsche tire, Volvo. Armstrong is gi::tting Armstrong Tire Company. As the BMW tire, the tire for the more·involved in the automotive such, he is excited about the Corvettes, Cameras . and the . field ~and "this acquistion of upcoming season and . his Firebirds, in addition to the off Blackstone is an __ exti;emely company's sponsorship of the road market. He said that in the positive step in that direction." Formula Desert Dog S~ries in the performqnce tire area, people ' Armstrong is also involved in Midwest. I caught up with.him at look to upgrade theit tires and circle track racing. Bob said that the Detroit airport recently when that is why the Plus 1 and Plus 2 he would like to take credit for it he was ·in -Michigan.on business. concept is so great. Plus 1 and . but i~ really happened because.of He has had a very busy year si'nce • Plus 2 means goi'ng to one or two the quality. and acceptance of the · th·e . decision was· made at . sizes larger _qn the rims; · for prod~d. What'happened was the Armstrol),g.• 'to aggressively instance if the BMW comes with race promoters came and said pursue;: "the ~,performance tire a 13"'rim you go to a 14 ·or 15 they wer'e losing cars by leaps and market. Last year they actively :inch tire. Bob said, "the bounds because. of the expense, siipportei;I . (he SCORE/HORA , President of Armstrong Tire · Armstrong manufactures 1a tire series a:n'd·also wer:e involved in a Co.mpahy right now is an ex-vice called the Super Stock which is a ciouple of off r9,~ct' races ,here in presrden t , d'f research and ·· low profile, 60 series street tire. the Midwest. •. ,development, of anpther leading It's not as sticky as some tires but When I asked Bob how they tire company, so he's got the\ ·is street legal and,works great on had become involyeq iii ciffroad background in this area." the, circle tracks. It has a Stong racing he stated that Armstrong · Formula Tire -is a totally'." sidewall so the drivers don!t have has a 25 year leadership in the separate program :;;-from Arm-to· worry about running super development of off road. tires strong Tire and they wi!J be using , low pressure; or_ about a lot of being the manufacturer of the tneir unique logo and Desert fle~ing. .It is · definitely harder Tru-Trac tire. He stated that a lot Dog'. It will be · the high tha·n other tires and it wears like of people have told him that they performance tire of Armstrong iron. It is now the only legal tire have used Tru-Trac tires on their ·Tire Company. They felt that if at a lot .of tracks around the 1 Jeeps for years. The Desert Dog they were going to go ahead and country. What this tire did was was .. ~mother famous brand tire promote performance t_ires; bring a lot of drivers back to the Armstrong was making for Formula was a good'automotive track who had put their cars away several years but not supporting name "be~ause ; when you , say · because of the expenst Racers with a formalized race proi r~m. "Formula" most people think of have told him that their tire bills This is a new effort to go afterthe Formula· L Also, the name went frorp $8,000 to less than performace ma.rket. · already existed because of the $1,000 in a season. They can buy Bob said dfat they are hitting Formula Desert Dogs. one set of tires apd maybe one or all the, major off r,oa,d Another thing going for them two ,spares and race the whole publications. They are going to is that upper management is ver¥ season. There . were a few have two pageJ ads all the way involved in this new program:. In ·complaints at first. The racers through using a· 4 color spread. one. year's . time they' had the with t,he urrlimited "budgets They will also be putting their . folkiwing people at faces they wanted to run what~ver they newsl'etter .out on a monthly h:;id never b_een to 6-efore: Paul wanted to run, o·ut not basis so that project is in the James, President; Alan Bennett, • everybody . has, an unlimited works as well. In addition to the Vice-President· of Marketing; budget and overall they have newsletter, they will be mailing Dennis Terwilliger, Vic-e receivea a lot of positive regular press releases to. afl the' President and Contro)ler-fe~dback to this tire, • /' top publications'. , Financial; Bill Troy, Director of All and all the Armstrong Tire . They want to get tied up with a Marketirlg; Don Moore, Direc--Company is excited about the few good racers-and also ilwolve · tor, National1ReplacementSales; newFormulaTiresandwewillbe their dealers with the program Ken Backman, Perfqrmance Tire seeing a lot of Bob and other~ arid show _them how they can use Manager and Mank Sullivan, ·from the company around the · it to promote their tires. The ads Formula Sales Manager. Thjs tracks this summer. They are '· , will, be race oriented with a place year there will be more officers hoping that the sposnsorship of for congratulations to the taking part in the program as well the Formula Desert Dog Ser_ies winners on Formula tires, so that as many of the tire engineers, Boq sanctioned by Short Track Off dealers will be able to say, feels this is an excellent way to Road Enterprises, In~. is a long "Formula' Desert Dog Series'.' or show their· sul?port and and fruitful one. July 1986 Dusty Times
CALIFORNIA. RALLY SERIES, organizet - and was completely honest · -it might look. something like this: "WANTED: Sturdy. individual with thkk skin and innovative ideas. Must be willing to stick neck out, · endanger relationships with ' loved ones, . go without sleep, endure frustration and criti-cism." Seriously, what an By Paula Gibeault · organizer needs is COMMIT-Lynnette Allison, · CRS MENT - determination to Director and'usual author of this make the event happen, whatever column, has just added a new it · takes. If these are the ralliest to our ranks! Congratula- · requirements, then what are the tions to Roger and Lynnette on rewards of this job? the birth of Vanessa Marie ... may Well, that's what this article is· her car seat.soon be covered with about! There are many, and Mike rally .dust like ours all are. ·I· and I· have been enjoying them volunteered to fill in this month; ·· sinc:e Rim and .yes·, even before since Mike· and I have finished . and during the event. In the most wrapping up our event, Rim of . general sense, organizing a rally is · the World, and have some time. I · the most substantiat way any also have some thoughts I'd like person can contribute to our to share (how unusual!). . . sport;, unless he/ she is of the This year's CRS, calendar Superdriver (Buffum, Millen) or shows some changes from . Superwriter (Grimshaw) breed. ·pr·evious years, with the For many people, -it means the "retirement" of La Jornada chance ·to put on "The Perfect · T rabajosa ( well deserved after 14 · Event" or perhaps "A Rally The years), the µnavoidable. cancella- Way They ·Ought To Be Run.'" tion of High Desert Trails due to · Do you . like to check' out fun unexpected demands . from Ray roads? Now you have an excuse! · Hocker's business, and then the Mike and) would have to say, cancellation of a new event, . however-, that the·.rew·ards that ~arson Valley, due to the heavy keep us .''in .the business" are road damage wreaked by the later entirely related to our dealings winter _storms. 1986 may seem with people. Should you decide like a lean .year for us at this to organize·an event, you will deal point. But an odd sort of thing with LOTS of people. The vast can happen. When a vacuum like majority are really wonderful to . this has occurred in the past, work with, · and more than ~ome new· organizers have · compensate for the occasional suddenly emerged from the : .flakes. You will meet an· corps of ralliests, arid new events incredible variety: businssme'n, have been cre.ated. This bureaucrats, sports~riters, radio phenomenon may already be in operators; interested local progress, as there are several new citizens. You will make many ralliests interested in taking over new friends, and· hopefully,. will High Desert Trails for this year. firid that working with them If you are a competitor lamenting · towar,d a common go'al deepens the-loss of those fine events, let · and enriches your relationship. me ask · you this: hav~ · you You will have the satisfaction of seriously considered trying your knowing that you put· on ·a fun hand at organizing? . time for the community. If the California· Rally Series ·· Hopefully you will also have · ever ran a want ad for a new rail'. the kind of postitive feedl5ack Lindfors, 6, G. English, 6, G. SCCA· Burgess, 6, 18.J Olaya, 4, 22. B. Southern Pacific Perez; l. Co-Drivers: 1. R. Diuis.ional News Stuetzel, 41, 4.J. Love, 24, 6. L. -. Allison,.16, 13. G .. English, 4. · _ByLynette Allison _-· Scoring information: FIA, ---...... ----.-. ----, --Seed 1, Seed 2 (national)drivers , -1 did 111y mid-year bookkeep-cannot receive Divisional ing and discovered lf'ow· .championship points, though .expensive rallying can be. And, I Seed l _~nd 2 can participate in an ·haveri't co.mpete'd since Indio! event. · Points scored: 1 =a=20, Expenses for the Divisional 2="15 3=12 4=10 5=8 6=6 items ..., newsletter, 7=4, 8=3, 9,:,,2, 10::,1. O~ly th~-postage, etc., totaled ':11<:>r~ than top - ten overall are scored, $400.00. The D1v1s10nal whethe_!inSeedlor2orrunning Steward fee, at $6.00 per head, divisional. The Watanabes income was ,$90.00. . consis,t~ntly .place in top · The So-Pac standings · were positions, but cannot claim their tabulated from lhdio-'85, Carson points as divisional competitors RX '85, Carlsbad RX '86, Glen because of their Seed 2 listing Helen RX' '86, and the recent • with SCCA. A competitor's best Rim Rally. The Divisional results six events are scored, with two from Ohio and Nor'weste·r were allowed from outside the not included, if you competed in Division. All events · completed those events. They will be bv a competitor are considered·. included ·according to the for the championship, but only · individual competitor. the · best six are counted. Full I sincerely debated . over divisional result;; have been pu.blishing full scores, or only forwarded to SCCA headquart-. those who have contributed to ers, so all scores for the So-Pac the steward's fee. Well, · after championship are on record. much, much thought, I opted to . THE PRESCOTT FOREST •honor those who contributed, so RALLY . is having difficuli:jes here goes. Drivers: (position) 2. getting the OK for the raliy L. fetersori, 39, 4. G. Luke, 34·, roads, according to· _organizer 6. R. Koch, 21, 9. C. DiMarco, Rob Cherry. Contact him at 13, 10. M. Blore, 12, R. Mull, 12, (602) 778--6489 on the current 12. B. Stewart, 8, · 13. D. status of the rally!! • Dusty Times ·. Mike and I · have been lucky · enough to enjoy. W-e have been _getting actual ".letters" from . competitors · with thanks and ideas. This leads me to conclude that the CRS community itself is basically a mature, unselfish group who really do appreciate the kind of friendly, ,lively, yet . affordable competition that divisional events offer. If you've ever considert>d putting on a rally, now would be a good time. Don't be • put off by the paperwo~k. please _: you. will have lots of hel on that from us, from Lynnette, .;nd oi:hetcs). '-deep. Services wi'il not be long, _ Think about it. You will benefit, _and reliability-will be important. ralliests will benefit, and . you'll , This should· be a real endurance even receive organizer'.s ·points! event, .running from 7 PM to 5 Here are details from Rob AM. Registration will begin Cherry on the Prescott· forest Saturday morning at 9 AM. The Rally, which is the next event, Pro Rally Board is planning to July 19-20: Approximately 175 have a meeting, plus a question-total miles with 7 l stage miles. and-answer type Forum some-All new roads, all forest, "tighter time during the weekend. Entry and twistier than Rim" and fees will be $120 postmarked by therefore should be over two July 1, $145 by July'l2, and $160 hours driving time and a triple . at the·. event. Call, Rob at points event. Waterpr:oofing the · (602) 778-64~9 for further electrics m;W be smart, as there details. Sounds like a goo~ one, are ereek crossin s u to 12"' see you,ther~! · · . · · · were mts ers. -oing. t e est T_he Yo,k. ohama,. 6-50 ~lub-'Rep' oirt · ~as.Don Slagle, with Jim Haynes · -co;driving. They_got in two good .. . · Rv Jcmi C-:akin . . laps. Bill Reutgen covered one Out of the 367 starting cars at •place .. Jim Temple, who had a . lap, and Jack Irvine didn't make the Mint 400, 22 were driven by disaster right off the-line, put son the fir'st check. 6-50 Club members. Of that 22, Mark in · the Raceco after the , Thre.e of tqe_ nihe 6-50 points ,nine of them finished the race for repairs, and finished 15th. New counting races are over for 1986. a high finishing · ratio ·of 40.9 · member Jimmie <;::rowder, from · Jim Temple is.hanging on,to the percent, compared with the Florida, was 16th, finishing thre½ points lead. with 138. Jack Irvine overall race finish ratio of 30.8 laps. Walter Prince got in a lap in is. seco'nd with 121 and Danny percent. This round nary a 6-50 the Great. Candy C::)ne Raceco Letne,r . .i~ d9se. with 1.13. Cotky dubber won his dass, but many . for 26th spot, but neither Danriy McMillin and ·stan Parnell are · of them that finished came in tht · Letiier or Beny Canela covered a · in. fourth at .104points e~ch. money. A half · dozen more lap. Bob Renz has moved up to sixth ,drivers joined the 6-50 ra:nks at . Of the trio of 6~50 drivers in with-90 points, followed by Dave the Mint 400, three of them just ' the massive, only Girdner, 82, Dave Fessenden, barely past the half c·entury one finished, Ken Freeman with 1 60, Len Newman, 59, Gregg mark. · · · his son Kenny co-driving.· They Symonds, 51 and Richard Kent, _ · Of the three starters in Class 1, · arrived 20th out of 63 starters in 49. · Bob R,eni and Dick Clark got this ·competitive. class. ·New There are 36 names on the 6s their Raceco around well for a member Jack Kr.uger got in two 50 point's list · so far in 1986. keen third place · in the 34 car laps, and so did the Dale Poe There· are six r.aces left ·to go in · class. Frank Snook, with Eric en try before· crashing near the series, the Baja Internacional, Arras co-driving the Raceco, had Boulder City.. · · · Fireworks 250, Frontier 500, • a two hour disaster on the first In Class 5 the Stan Parnell/Jeff Snore 250, Baja 1000 and lap, but they plugged on to finish Bolha Bug fini!,hed ninth after . Budweiser 250. Only the best six . tenth and earn some points. 6-50 serious trouble; . four hours out of the nine races for each Club founder Gregg Symonds worth on the second lap. lri Class driver count fqr the year end · did not get far . in . his fancy 5-1600 the Andy Devercelly Bug points .. Porsche powered O.R.E., since it retired after two laps. In Class 7S Remember, there is nothing to failed on the first lap with Mike Tom Heyser and Mark Schwien join, nothing to pay to get in the· Patrick at the helm., got in two good laps, wer~ ·in 6~50 Clu6 points chase. Just list. . Seven of· the 4 7 star,ters in fourth place midway, but then your age on the entry if you. are Class 2 were over 50 on. !lge. they van\shed. · over 50 and it will.appear in the And, Corky and Scott McMil- In Class 9, new member John computer'print out;__and .presto, lin's Chenowth was the first car Miller and Don Erskine kept !tall you are · a 6-50 Club member. of any kind around on the first together to finish fifth .. The Jean Only the driver of record, and lap, but it slowed later on. They Calvin/ Judy Smith Funco only, only competitors in the eighteen finished third in this tough went eight miles. fo Challenge . desert car .classes are eligible for burich, keeping Corky high on Class, Dave Girdner, with Roy' 6-50 points. It is all in fun with the points scale. Len Newman, . · Perfect cq-driving, took a keen handsome rewards at the end of wit_h Mike Gaughan co~driving, fifth out of 28 starters .. · the year for the gold, sil~er and got the Chenowth home in eighth . None of the three in Class 10. bronze m·edal winners. · --Scrambler Long Back Chassis 92• Wheelbase Remowable Rear Cage: Included ALL TUBING IS .095 WALL THICKNESS (HRP&O) Dealer Inquiries Invited ,(314)947-1723· . I • Scrambler ECONO_KITS $125 .. 00 BURKS Off-Road Racing Ask for Derrel 341NorthDrive ·(31·4·) 94· 7 1723 St. Charles, Missouri 63.301 . . . . . , • · · . July1986 Page 33· .I
Nor-Wester Natiollal / Pro Rally By Thomas D. Grimshaw Photos: Trackside Photo E11ierprises John Buffum .. Tom Grimshaw and the Audi Sport Quattro did their number on the field again, extending their string of_ overall victories over the high roads on ·the Nor'.Wester Pro Rally. The Nor'wester National°PRO Rally cefebr"ated its 20th anniversary in Tacoma, -Wash-ington May_ 16:-17, by doubling its entry· from the previous year. · Forty-seven teams started the Nor'wester; Round Two of the 1986 SCCA PRO Rally National Championships. -Twenty-nine finished. The Nor'wester was also the setting for the much anticipated debut of Rod fqillen's newest creation - a beautifully prepared 1986 style Mazda RX-7, with 4 wheel drive, i:noly tube _frame construction, a very fancy trailing arm system and a 300hp 13B rotary engine offering a top speed · close to 160 inph. Weighing several hundred pounds less than his previous cars, the new Mazda was billed as an ''.Audi Killer". . . Millen .has also added another improvement to his 1986 effor.ts. He's hired Harry _ Ward of Toledo, Ohio as his full time co-. driver. Ward is one of the best in . the business and sho.ulcf .-eliminate the niggling off course high stages. as being too problems Millen has experienced dangerous for competition. over the years. Several of the old hands took I've run the Nor'wester for him aside and convinced him to several years. The oz:ily tirrie I've reconsider and the stages we·re won it was in 1977 with the W ild saved. However, he insisted.that Eyec;l One, Hendrik Blok. This John Buffum speak at the driver's was the first year I can recall that meeting and· emphasize the the event· has begun in Tacoma. danger of the cliff roads. Later, in The move to a larger city should our Audi Sport Quattro, prove fruitful for the organizing transiting to the opening committee in the future. spectac;tor stage, JB said lie may The Nor'wester, has also been have even scared himself with his one ~of those events that give me dire warnings. nightmares. In recent years the Unlike past years, the weather · course has not included the really was absolutely beautiful in the high cliff runs, buf in honor of mountains. Millen worried the 20th anniversary, we were .. about dusty roads si~ce he was . warned we were goirig back up on starting behind us' but there was top. Up where the "exposures" just enough moisture from .the . in the route book mean you can · Spring thaws to save him the look down 1,000 feet and find no agony of racing blindly in the · major obstruction to save· your dark along unforgiving 1 ;000 ft. booty on the way down. deep "ditches", as he calls them: SCCA PRO Rally Manager, Buffum had a second major D_ave Thompson, drove the worry that had nothing to do course during the week prior to with the potential of Miller/s the event and looked over the · new car, his stepson, Paul edge -.once too often. He Choiniere, was doing his first real announced he would cancel the mountain drive at the Nor'-wester, He'd hired Chris Senske, £r;®·~ a .local co-driver, to sit next to Paul and explain the true · meaning of" falling off" the road in the Washington mountains. COMPLETE ONE,STOP MACHINE SHOP FACILITIES ✓ Engine Balancing ✓ Gas & Heli-Arc Welding Specializing In PARTS & SERVICE FOR vw,_ BAJA BUO & DUNE Bl)OOV custom & cal Look -ESTABLISHED 1968 -. 22632 so. Normandie Ave. . Torrance, Calif 90502 213/320-0642 Pagc34 The opening spectator stage was a very nasty, tricky 6.16 mile run that· immediately woke everyone up. Usually; spectator stages are not too challenging. Not so this time. .This little monster led straight to the Land of the Sudden DNF. Buffum averaged 62.4 mph and had more than a few "moments". At the following service halt we were anxious to learn Millen's time in the new car. As it turned · out, neither team learned a thing since , we both ran the exact same time . After aJew quick bites, jokingly called "the. dinner halt"; we July 1986 headed Jor the ~ea! hills. We later learned the opening · stage was causing havoc behind us·. One particularly nasty decreasing radius comer put Paul. · Choiniere's Audi 4000 on its · side for a bit, caused Guy Light's VW GTI to leave. the road, spun Dave Poston completely around forcing him to drive his Mazda RX-7 up the stage for,. a few. hundred yards seeking -a turn around, high centered th_e . Portland, OR team of Gordon Bobillot _and Joe Eddy in a Dodge GLH Turbo, and ditched Doug .Shepherd. Spectators threw. Shepherd's Dodge Turbo Shelby ·back onto the road and he motored on. · On Stage Two; JB was coming to life and we took sixteen seconds off the Ma_;da, followed bv a seven se_cond win of Stage · Three, and a two second win on · Stage Four, heading into the major service halt on tht:! main street of Shelton, Washington. As the su·n began to fade Harry Ward and I compared scores in ·. Shelton and agreed it was going to be a particularly hairy night .. Even though we'd won all four opening stages, the tqtal margin was only twenty-five seconds -equivalent to one good spin. My favorite Ninjas, The Watanabe Brothers, were sitting in third overall at Shelton. These -mysterious gentlemen· from California had put their Gwup A Toyota Corolla in front of all teams except Millen and us. 'Everyone was amazed -everyone, except me. I've been watching and writing about this team for the past two years. I know they do magic tricks. I also know they know how to drive quickly and cleanly. I also know they can appear next to me in elevators -without entering through the door. Very myst~rious, spooky. Ninjas do those sorts of tricks. Jon Woodner, who tradition- . . ally runs third on most events, was listed 39th overall at Shelton. Seems he had a bit of a problem at a: start. control and bought twenty-two minutes of penalty before he could get the Peugeot T16 going again. At t~e end of the rally, · W oodner protes~ed the .extra time penalty and won back the twenty-two minutes. Then he was disquali-fied for working on his, car within a control zone: That decision was als~ changed and he was list~d as . 20th overall in the final results. · We also learned that · young Paul was ddving far too fast for the conditions. He had moved · his Production Class Audi into tenth overall and first. in class.-Remarkable! Frightening! . · Up; up and away. We i:noved · higher in'to the mountains and · took our first run along the high cliffs.· Fortunately for · the co-_ drivers, itwas dark and the drops were on the dr.iver's side. Later, in the bright morning sunlight we ran the cliffs again - with the drop on the co-driver's side so we · . could see the wonderful · scenery. Prayers to the sky above and ignore the valley below. . · · On Stages Five and Six, John Buffum showed why he is the • best rally driver in North America and one of the best in the world. Be did nothing different than on previous stages. · Yet, .I could tell immediately that the burners had been turried. up just a wee bit and we were suddenly flying. l_'ve seen him do it many times before but it still surprises m_e. There is something inside Mr . .Buffum. Something he only unleashes when it becomes absolutely necessary. I don't think he's even aware of it.· We discussed it before we saw the swres. I told him he'd just driven his best two stages and ·hac;l taken some major time off ~ Millen. He disagreed. I was right. Co-driver~ are always right. From that point on the outcome Despite an occasional bobble. Doug Shepherd and Ginny Reese not only won the GT Production .Class. but they placed a quick third overall. ~, . Rod Millen and Harry Ward stayed close in the brand new Mazda RX-r'. but they again played· the bridesmaid. losing by just 82 seconds. · DuswTimcs
\ Dean Blagowsky and Sherri Morgan are a GT team to watch. They brought. the badge Omni Turbo in seventh overall and second in "dass. Dan Coughnoursplashes through the water on a forest road. and Clive Smith. with Martin Hedland navigating the Toyota Corolla. he put the . Dodge home second in the hotly contested had a good night of rallying and came in third in Group A. Production· class. · · Former trucker and naNonal divisional champ. Scott. ·cnild is. getting to know his Dodge. and he finished the Nor'wester third in GT class. John Crawford and Joe Andreini rqn hard in their Dodge. but Gary and Judi Goor;:h had a good rally in t_heir nt;,w Dodge. and finished third in Production. merely 26 seconds behind second the California team took home fourth place honors in GT , place. · Production. was no longer in doubt, unless we . · suffered . a bout of terminal dumbass; We did spin once on a very skinny little road and had to backtrack a short ways to. get . turned around again; but we still took the stage by ,a very narrow margin." , . We came back down to sanity levels early Saturday morning with a one minute, twenty-two:· second . win over Millen and Ward. It was a shame to ruin the debut of the new Ma;da, · but that'swhat we get paid to do isn't it? Besides, thi;re are a lot of stage miles between here and December and Millen is .always there waiting to bite our buns when we make a mistake. We waited -at the finish line early Saturday morning, sipping · a few cold brews, telling our Hes, enjoying the narrow · victory, laughing at new and al~ jokes -and waiting. Finally Paul -Choiniere and Chris Senske · pulled in and we·learned they had won the Production Class and , finished1 sixth ·ov"eralL John Buffum , could not have · been happier, and, though he will never admit it, more relieved. Paul . Choiniere may just' be emer:g/ng as the ·newest young lion everyone will have to contend with in the coming months~ · Doug Shepherd ~ontinued habit of winning his class at every event. He never lost in''85 and it appears he doesn'tintend to lose in '86. He did give co-driver, Ginny Reese, a nasty moment on th_e final stage along the ultra-high cliffs when he went for the brake · in a hairpin and the pedal went to the floor. Shepherd drove the final fifte_en miles of the stage on the handbrake in his GT Production Class Dqdge Turbo Shelby and finished third overall. · The Watanabe Brothers Kung -Fued everyone in Group A and won the class, finishing fourth . overall, followed by Walter Boyce and Jimmy Brandt in a Group A VW GTI managed by Salty Sai:alano, Buffum's top wrench of many past seasons. The Nor-'wester win moved the mysterious ones' into a points tie with Boy~e for the Group A title. John· Crawford and· Joe Andreini finished second in P. Class to take over the, championship . points ,lead in their-Dodge·Omni GLH. Dean Blagowsky of Tiberon, New Mexico, is also a new name to be reckoned with in '86. He, and · co-driver, Sherri M'organ ( one of the few co-drivers who is Richey and Howard Watanabe continued their. winning ways, quietly, taking top spoi in Group A 'and placing the Toyota Corolla fourth overall. · prettier than I am), have finished ·second· in GT class on each of the two opening events this year. One bobble on Mr.-Shepherd's part and Mr. DB will eat him up. The manufacturer should be happy - Blagowsky drives a Dodge Omni Turbo. Waiter Boyce and Jim Brandt c_orner hard in the VW G Tl. en r6µte to a close · second in Group A and a dandy fifth overall finish: · Dusty Times -1986 is shaping up to be one of our most interesting years. Now it's on to · Wellsboro, PA . for Round Three and another good show - the Susquehannock Trail already has ninety-one pre: · entries! · Last year JB and I flew .over a crest and landed in the hospital. Not this year. I'm going to run in front of the Quattro with a flashlighton Stage 6 this year . . We may lose the stage but I ain't lettin' no nurse cut aUmy clothes off me again ...:.... unless I get a young one this,time. 1 -JUiy 1986 -------------~~------~~~~ A new rally star is rising as young Paul Choiniere. with Chris Senske navigating the Audi 4000. came back from a tip ·over to w,n the Production Class and take sixth overall. · The Bl·ue Line is here. J \L·LE · PROl)UCTS, INC. FIiier Safety Is now offering all seat bells and harnesses In BLUE al an addillonal 10% over exlsllng prices, We are also slocklng harness pads, horse collars, arm restraints and · lie downs In blue at .n_o Increase In cost. To order use existing numbers and specify blue. · No. 62625~3 .•............. $127.85 1• (Also available in standard · I black) .................... $116.25 · . SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail Visa. Mastercharge or we do ship ·c.O.O. No personal checks plense . Order now and receive the new, 20 page 1985 c_a1alog and price lisl f rec. FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San fernando Road, Su_n Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Page 35
i--VORRA_OP,~.Q~ lts.D~sert Season at Yerington, Nevada I • . VORRA President Ed Robin-son is always looking for- new· . desert rnurses, and he found a Photos: Mason Valley News official celebration. allowance. Priorto the race there With ·the help of the B.LM. ·was a parade _of all _ the entries officers and m.any city residents, · through the main streets , of . VORRA put together a keen 60 Yerington en route to the starting odd mile course outside of town. line. Details on the race are a bit It took four complete loops for . slim, and we have few co-driver all classes to gain an offic_ial names. _Our apologies before the finish: It was the usual ·northern fact to the folks.we unfortunately Nevada route ~ith some hard cannot mention. surface,. soine rock · piles, a There were 13 starters in Class · canyon or two, a little silt, and all 1, and two of them failed to go a · · · the good stuff the aesert has to single lap. Taking the first lap offer. lead,withal:10.45,.wasMichael · There were 64 ·starte_rs in the Thorton, . 'from Boise, Idaho . . six 'classes in VORRA racing, a Thorton turned fast lap of the very-healthy entry for this event. day, 1:09.57, on the second lap Less than half, only 30 cars, were to establish a goodly lead. John Michael Thornton-celebrates with a ·swig of Yokohama Tires champagne after w,nning· therace overall with a-_trouble free 250 miles. ··dandy for the opening round in his 1986 desert race series. In ' past years this race has been held around Weeks, Nevada, a spot on the map and nothing more, there is no town, not even a crossroad." For 1986 Robinson found a hearty reception in Yerington, a bit further south in Nevada, b'ut it is a full fledged community with all.the amerities one . could desire on ·a race weekend. The race was held on · Memorial 'Day weekend last May, an9 was part of the town's destined to finish in the time k I d S Win es, Pat Ver ing· an teve Sam Berri had his ups and downs alon'g the course. but he won the Class2 and Bradford were in a very dose _ 5 honors at the flag. by just over a minute in total time: West Coast'-Distributor fOff· --HEWLAND . OFF·ROADGEARS ALL . GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley-Performance 3700 Mead Ave. las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PR:JCE $695.00 Per-Set .2 Ratio's . , Avai-lable McKenzie Automotive 12945 .S,herman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 9160S 213/764-6438. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 36 _. struggle · for second in class . ./'• Midway Verling . was · second, holding 22 seconds on "Bradford, and Winkes was another 1.37 minutes back. · i-.;, , :llf .. Carrying _a spare Ure for insurance. Cecil Thrasher won the tight fight in the Sportsman class with a swift fina l lap . David Brown came from the Nort/Jwest with' his tidy Class 5. tuined very competitive laps and finished a strong third in the combined class. · July 1986 ) Robert Lemos dropped out on the_ third lap and Thorton' turned a· 1:11.42, insuring his lead. He finished it off with a 1: 13 .11 to ' win the race overall · in most convincing fashion, with-a total time of 4:45.35 .. The other three· all 'slowed .a· tad on the second lap, but slowing the least, with a·. quick third lap, was John Winkes of Everett, WA, and he claimed second in class and overall at 4:57.51. . Pat Verling took third place in 5 :06.40 and Steve Bradford was in Class 1 at 5:11.31. Dan . Clark· was fifth, 3½ more • · minutes down, with· Ken Sanislo just over a minute behind him. Jim Cope followed in less than a a real tight finish. In all, ten finished in Class 1 .. Of the eight that started in Class. 10, two failed to make a lap. Up front it was thet'ightestof · dices. Chris O'Berg led after one lap, out only by 42 _seconds over Kevin Ohnstad and Rick Bower · in the ' ex-Tom Koch Raceco. Christopher Cash was running third at the halfway point, ·about four' minutes back, and here O'Berg increased his.lead to over Dusty Times·
The parade Jhrough downtown Yerington started the race day. and ·ail/ lhde,Dennis Nilmeir led the parade. but finished tt;)nth in Class 1. ,. Richard Akridge takes the green.flag at noon. had a great first ha.If. then trouble and ended up ninth in Class 1 a( the checkered flag. · . three minutes. Somewhere along There were 14 heavies on the the way Rick Bower rolled trying line in Class 3 and 4, and all but to get around spectators blocking one made at least a lap. Up front a tight canyon section. On lap 3 from flgg,to flag was Californian Ohnstad/Bower gained 20 Roy Clark, and he finished in· seconds on O'Berg, and Cash, great time, 5:20.32 and he was · al01:ig with Eric Verling and Ty 15th.overall, quite a feat for a and Tim Hardy vanished. ·The . 4x4 on the ro4gh desert. With .Ohnstad entry did a l:16.34final very .consistent laps, Kent round, almost 2"½ minutes' faster.. Bullock claimed second in class, than. O'Berg. In nearly ,a photo· back about 17 minutes. Marshafl finish, Keyin Ohnstad and Rick . · Mahr ran second to half distance, Bower .won Class 10 and placed a very ·close second, ·but had a third overall. Only 53 seconds half hour down time on lap 3. down, Chris O'Berg was second Mahr came back with the fastest in class and fourth overall. The only other Class 10 finisher was the Smith/ Conway team, about half an hour behin-d the epic battle. Of the dozen that started in the combine,d Class 2 and 5 fray, five disappeared on the first lap. Out front then, Sam Berri led David Hinz by 2.40 minutes, and Ace· Bradford was about 25 seconds further back, with Ken Sypolt • down another three minutes. last lap in class, 1:20.25 to claim third,. another eight minutes down. Gordon Scott was fourth and Keith Robb rounded out the finishers in the heavy metal bash. Usually\ a big class, eight showed up to contest Class 1-2-1600, and this was another tight run for a tiQle. Bill Landon whipped off a 1:16.26 first lap, · but -Bill Canon was only nine seconds slower. Rick Frock was ' · about three minutes back in-third. At half distance Landon held his lead by over five minutes. Roger Shuman was now second by a mere eight seconds over Bill Canon: with both Whitnack/ Rigsby and Roy Gust close enough to pou_nce should the leaders falter. The race was on! Bill Landon kept up his quick pace building a seven minute lead over Bill Canon after-three laps. Just over three more minutes back were Whitnack/ Rigsby, who failed to finish . Dicing for fourth, ScotrSchaupp led Roger Shuman by eight seconds, this pair another minute down. Bill Landon did not falter on the last lap, did a 1: 18.48 and won Class 1-2-1600 honors and was ninth overall at 5:13.34. Bill Cannon held on to second place, with a 5:21.56 -total time. Scott Schaupp won the battle for third, arriving just over a minute behind Canon. Roger Shuman lost about 15 minutes on the final ·lap and took fourth, still over an hour aheaa of Rick Frock, who had serious trouble on the third lap. The Sportsman ba~ was a · close one on the first two laps, although four of the ten starteFs failed to c~wer a lap, and two more vanished.on thesecondlap. Tone Jordan led the ,first round by 58 seconds over Cecil Thrasher, who was· merely 11ine seconds ahead of Bob Shermer. Midway Tone Jordan took over the lead by a mere 1 S seconds Midway in this class action, Berri · dropped a few minutes and Hinz took over the lead by 1.43 minutes. Ace Bradford dropped a little time, but held third about six more minutes back arid a good · two minutes ahead· of David Brown's swift Baja Bug, but Bradford was seen no more. Berri got back in shape with c\ 1: 16 third lap, and Brown closed ~ . -in on Hinz. · Sam Berri kept up his pace, turned a 1 :l 7 fimil round to win the class in 5:05.36 and take fifth overall. Although Hinz was ten seconds slower than Brown on the last loop, he had a cushion, and he not only won s econd place at S:Q7.13, but was seventh overall. -Brown hung onto third, over six minutes back, and · was "tenth overall. Jimmy Lawrence finished fourth in class followed • by Ken Sypolt, who had trouble .· on the last lap. He was the fifth class finisher. Dusty Times Looking strong here Mike Turner soon came to grief on the Course. and he did · not go a lap in his Sportsma_n car. Local Yerington driver Rbn Dohoney built his Jeep from scratch . but he only covered a lap before mechanical troub.le put him out. July 1986 from Thrasher; and Shermer · dropped to third, just 2½ more minutes back. minutes ahead of Jordon, the third and only other four lap finisher. · Round three saw bo'th challengers lose time , but Thrasher got faster··to take back · the lead. He turned a quick 1: 13.59 on the last lap to win the Sportsman Class handily in; 5:20.29, good for 14th overall. Bob Shermer had his woes, but held second, over 20 minutes behind', and he was over 11 The first professional off r9Pd race at Yerington was a tremendous · success, counting for Pro Can Am as well as VORRA points. The people ·of Yerington made the off road racers very welcome, and Ed Robinson intends to have the 250 mile race there again next year. Usually a strong runner in 4x4 _class. Don German had a slow start. picked up steam {Jnd then went ou.t of the hunt on the last lap. -Al Baker do'es a handspring for the photographer. Could be this is the reason he failed to cover_ a single lap. TH-E WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING·YOUR FRONT END! ' ' The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line,.are products of J"he Wright Plac~. Yc:>u can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available _in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. ·Easy· to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great i~ea from the front end e~perts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE·, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-481 0 Page 37 I .J :1
J Bigis·kautJful in the. and quickly that you don't notice electric rear window is a boon for the increase i11 speed. We had no quic:k' a_ccesi;i to,. the r_ear cargo trouble passing cars on two lane . "bay.,, it., still. takes ,.~wo men and roads in ·overdrive, and if the theiF muscle to -get the tailgate situation· got tight, we would · open, usually with some loss of drop a gear. For off road travel skin or at the least a fingernail. we used third or normal drive for Oddly, in this super luxury liner, more stability, and this gear kept there still is no provision for ·the us rolling with the same ease as front budcet seat reclineL one would expect from a gasoline Almost every passenger truck powered Jimmy. has reclining seats today, but nor GMCJimmy:· There are many occasions available from the engine. Empty when there is no substitute for · or loaded the diesel could ea_sily space,_ and the GMC Jimmy has exceed the speed limit, and it got plenty of space for people and there quick._ The load also made cargo, transporting both in real rio diffefenc·e in fuel economy, luxury. It had been some months and this IS rare in to_d_ay's light since we drove the latest version duty trucks. . · ; ofthefullsizeJimmy/ Blaz~r,and Th~ Jimmy was fitted with · falling oil prices had nothing to every option imaginable, plush do with the choice of the diesel upholstery and wall to wall Jimmy. Besides, diesel- fuel is · carpeting, all color keyed in blue-higher priced ,than unlea9ed gas grey to toe sparkle silver exterior around these parts. · paint. On board were. all the The occasion was the need to amenities, · including -full transport 9 large amount of --instrumentation, ,super air current issues of DUSTY conditioning, fou~ wheel drive, a TIMES, a· quick ·shelter tent, four speed automatic trans, · general baggage, ice chest, ,the AM/ FM radio, the big .and usual impedimenta, to the Score handy bin/ between the front Great Mojave 250. Along with bucket seats, map pockets on the cargo space, we also needed a rig doors, cruise control, wind that could carry us .around the . deflectors on the rear side back trails to intercept the race wi~dowS, etc. Y ?u n~m~ it, and if course for pit information, The ,.? _,s on _the option list It was _on 6.2 !i~er die_sel engi_ne in the s~p~r., th~s vehicle. About t:he only thmg luxunous Jimmy filled the bill m , m1ssmg was an outside spare tire all aspects. . carrier·, but the spare was full size W·ith the rear seat folded the Jimmy swallowed the trnt, which will not fit in a,dowr. size rig, about 1000 copies of DUSTY · TIMES, and all the .. rest of the gear, well 9elow the 'r"iridow line_ in the rear;,,Even more impressive is that the heavier than normal load did not affect the power Styling on the popular bobtatl has had all the latest options, including Page 38 and had its own fuzzy fabric cover. · Outside, the ornament on the nose proclaimed to the world "6.2 liter· diesel'' which translates to about 3 79 cubic' inches. Along with the part time four wheel drjve, the rear diff · included a limited slip feature. Fancy wheels were fitted with =»~ little over the years, but this Jimmy h_andy rear side windows that open. / T ext & Photos: Jean Calvin road hugging Uniroyal Laredo S I P 31/10/S0R -lSLT All Terrain tires. Automatic locking front hubs and dual shocks· on each front wheel completed the off road ,performance options, along with a·skid plate under the huge, 31 gallon fuel tank. "Performance with the diesel . and four speed automatic transmission is enhanced by a. 3:42 rear axle ratio. The rig displays the 1:ISual clatter when started from cold, but it soon ·· goes away, unless yoµ push th~ button and let the windows down. Outside this engine never does -quiet down completely, but, with the windows closed and the radio playing, you do _not hear the racket from inside the Jimmy. Starting in mild weather is no problem. If you turn the key, then fasten the seat belt/harness, the glow plug light · has already g0_ne out and you can fire it up and move down the · road. The diesel Jimmy has good all around performance. It has more accelerative values in traffic in ormal drive, but we · also commuted in overdrive and there is no real lag _like the di_ese~s __ of yore. On the highway this ng really shines. Once it is rolling it · will climb up to 70-75 so easily Fuel · economy is excellent; this one, and the item shouldn't beating t_lie socks off of any full call for any major modificatfons. . . size, V-8 gas truck. Boupcing And, while · the tinted side around the Lucerne Valley race windows do help keep the area, in traffic and on the road, interior cool, i:hey also' add to the the overall average was 20 mpg. already substantial blindspot_out 011 the next tank, we stretched it-the rear' for the driver changing · out to 450 miles, by then the lanes. gauge. was reading a quarter of a While the base price on the tank and after the fill the fuel full size Jimmy hovers around i:he economy number was 23 mpg. 14 thousand dollar mark these While diesel fuel costs more days, with the diesel engine and these days than any- other, the all the options, it would take 20 fuel economy of the diesel could grand to get this model but of the sure make a difference to the dealership. Of course a. fully owners that drive the rig to wmk. equipped . gas. engine~, downsize as well as on weekends. Jimmy will cost 15 to 16,grand, -Naturally, no vehicle is soforanextrafourthousandyou perfect, and this model has been get double the usable space and around for a long time, with the better fuel econonw to boot. It is same dash and only slight face worth considering, especially if lifts. It is now quiet and nearly your family four wheeling rattle free, but there are a . few exc'ui-sions include a coupl,e of quirks that do remind us of our full size human beings who· will · own, 1972 model. While Jhe be ridin~ in the rear seats. <.. Fancy carpeting and fancier overall 'interibr trim surround the fully instrumented dash. All controls are within easy reach of the driver. The big. 6.2 liter diesel engine is not even visible under all the plumbing for fuel feed and emissions control. but it is a top performer, · · · \ LEFT: The Jimmy has a familiar look-to the rear. and still boasts a real tailgate. so handy in the outback for serving lunch or just watching the action. RIGHT: Plush carpe_ting covered every inch1of the flooring. and even with the spa,:e tire inside. there was plenty of width to hold a large plant. July 1986 · Dusty Times
\ VORRA Rans the Long Course at Prairie City Text & Photos: Peggy Johnson Art Verling gets up on one wheel while Rob Smith dodges the ac(ion. Smith went on to secorid place in Class 10 and Verling landed on his roof. '-Dennis Kordonowy came from Nevada to win the Dash fo·r Cash finale, and he is also leading on ser_ies points in Class 1-2-1600. Early in May Ed Robinson and his VORRA crew produced a very successful event over the 2 ¼ mile "long course" at Prairie City ·oHV Park near ·Sacramento, CA. Robinson has twelve years experience in organizing off road ra_ces, a_nd that expedence was a contributing factor to· another well planned race. It was a rugged course, but fast anq exciting, One couldn't .ask "for a better day for an: off road race. There was a nice breeze and the skies. held a cloudy overcast, keeping the temperatures down to livable. Ed Robinson conducted his usual drivers' meeting, spelling out the Do's and D0n'ts for the day; He was strict, but · fair, and showed the · needed authority. After the meeting the N'::1tiorial Anthem was played,. atjd the flag was displayed · on a· three wheeler owned by Troy anli Tricia Robinson. . The course was rugged terrain. After leaving the usual starting hairpin turns', and up and down over the hills until they headed up 'Monster Hill'. From there it was a flat out run along the top of 'Dirt Diggers Balcony' before . heading downhill on the back side of the usual course. The ·event 'contained Six different classes, consisting of Class 1-2'-1600, Class 3 and 4 combined, Class · 10, Class 1, Class 2 and 5 combined, and Sportsman. Each heat ran for 12 laps. · 1n all there were 32 cars ready to tackle the long course, and the terrain made any desert-qr most competitive wifh· the short. course racers. ·. · Rick Frock won the Class 1-2-1600 honors by ~aking second place in each of -the two heats. Tim Riordan finished second in the class with a third and a fourth place position in the heats. Roger Caddell towed all the way from Tacoma, Washington to finish third with" a first and a sixth in each of his events. · · In the 4 x 4 heats Don German, from Petaluma, was HOT as usual, and he had his · stuff together. His was an overwhelm-ing dass -victory, as he scdi-ed an easy first place in both heats in his · Jeep. Bob .O'Connor ran second in both races and was second on points. Keith Robb ran his rig third steadily in both events, and took third on overall points. . . . . Nevada racer Chris O 'Berg showed the boys in Class 10 once again that he knew the course like the back of his hand. He took first place in the class without too much trouble. Rob Smith fought hard all day for his second place honors. And, charging "hard all day, but not quite hard enough was Don Kennedy, who was · third in Class 10 points. .. - line and its downhill drop away jump, competitors did the usual left and right turns around the 'ant hill', but then kept turning hard to the right. Up to the steep 'White House Hill' they roared, following . the coi.irse around Ken Sypolt won the first heat in Class 2 and 5 combined, dropped to third in the I second, but he won the cash on points for the day. DustyTimes July 1986 Roger Caddell won the fir_st, 1-2-1600 moto. but troubles in the second round dropped him to·third on point~ for .:,,,.• Don German proved once again that ·he is VORRA '-s top 4x4 racer. German won both heats handily in his Jeep based modified rig. The Class _1 drivers.put.on an ~o charge hard as he started oµt \exciting race up and over the the tenth car in the l_ine up:.His hairpin tui:ns. Bob Lem9s was. hard drive • saw · hiin move into second in the first·heat and won s~cond ov.erall on points with a the finale to take top ho~ors in fourth and a sernnd place. Fred Class 1. Close behind with a win Happich had a ·long way to drive · in the first heat and second in the around the course also, as he . next _one was Fritz Kroyer who started out in eighth position ·on earned second place on points, the grid and finished a strong the second heat being the tie third overall on points. breaker. ~Don, Miguel finished The last ~vent and the third overall with a fourth and a · highlight of the day was the new third place finish. · feature, the Dash For Cash. This The combined Class 2 ,and 5 event started ·wtth the first 1986 bash went to Ken Sypolt with. a race at Prairie City, and it is open win in Heat 1 ·and third in Heat 2. to any entry that wants to give it a Dick Bower scored a fifth and a try. It is a winner take all affair, first for second place, and Mike and up for grabs . were a lot of Bishop was third, with a fourth prizes including a set of tires, a and a fifth. _ VORRA T-shirt and hat, racing The Sportsman honors went fuel, a case of Coke and a plaque, to Greg Nibbelink who won the plus $210.00 in green money. first race and took third in the Dennis Kordonowy took allthe second. Tone Jordan really had booty home to Nevada. · MINIMUM :-EFFORT ......................... . MAXIMUM ·EFFECT!!l CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM . MAN_LJ.FACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact ydur local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula. CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 39
DRICH MEMORIAL DAY 100 - . ~ . Midwest Rclcing at its Best By Judy Smith · The BFGoodrich Memorial grandstands this year. This Day 100, at Lake Geneva, handsome permanent structure Wisconsin, ·season opener for has been aptly _ named the many midwest arid eastern folks, BFGoodrich Pavilion, and ·was was a fast paced, two day event, the site for BFG's Sunday bash the weekend after the Memorial for their local dealers. Day Holiday. Originally a 100 mile race on a · Although it still retained the· long shorH::ourse, the Memorial · traditional name, the race's Day -event has ·gradually producers, 4x4 Unlimited, of metamorphosed to a quick · Illinois, _had changed from their moving weekend of short events. originally scheduled date on the Th,is year, as last year, there were three day weekend to otie heat races for each class, which weekend later in order to avoid determined the start order of the · conflict with the Score Canada main event and paid back the Montreal race. It was assumed entry fee to the winner. The heats that some of the folks who raced were originally planned to be five at Montreal would then be able laps each, but when the schedule to move on down the trail to seemed to move.too slowly were Lake Geneva. Ahd sqme did, shortened first to four, then though not as many as had been three lap sprints. -hoped. With heats in the morning, an Photos; Judy Smith/John Howard was a real factor in inost events. Registration and tech ii;ispec-tion took place on Friday night and Saturday morning, with an hour of_ practice Saturday and Sunday mornings for the classes that were to race that day. _The program for Saturday was going to have to· move ·r1ght on time, because the proprietor of the track, Kevin Dawson, himself a member of .4x4 Unlimited; had scheduled the regular weekend stock car races for the. evening. They would need .time for clean up for their early practice. The program got going at 11 a.m. Saturday, with 11 heatra<;:es scheduled_ .to happen ·before 1 p.m. The first two heats were for the limited two seaters (2-1600s) and featured seven cars in each event. Chuck Williams,Jr., took the first one in his Berrien, while Scott Taylor, in his barely-finished-on-time Eliminator w'on the ·second race. The second heat had been made spectacular for the spectators because Kevin Probst, two seaters with no passengers. half lap and Pfeffer moved into • The heats. were · running faster the lead. Pfeffer held the position now with virtually everyone to the checkered flag, followed learning to fly that double jump, by Karlman :,ind then Therriault. ,and many were also now flying Jhe. break between races was over the top of the tall Camel- . livened up a bit when the water back jump in the motocross truck high centered itself on the section. The spectators loved it. -dm1ble jump, and they needed · Todd Attig, . in a single seat· two full grown Broncos to pull ii: Terminator, won the first heat, · off its perch . . Dean Dodd, of Canada, driving a The next event was good sized Berrien, won . the ,second heat, with . 19 vehicles ori• the track. and Karl Wuesthoff was the This was the single seat 1600cc victor in the third. limited main, with a few. half-. -·It was now time for the first empty two seaters running. heat for the heavy meta!' troops, Todd Attig jumped out in ·and with an eye on the clock, the front right away, as Dean Dodd, officials shortened . the heats to , with a broken clutch, pulled into three laps. Jan Dudiak, kno~ing the . infiel-cl. Scott. Taylor ran it'was to be a sp,rint, ·charged hard second in his unbalanced two-., from the word go, built up a solid se;iter, Dale Scott third in his S & · lead with his CJ 7 and earned his - K Racing car, Steve Ktieman · entry fee back as he won the fourth and Chuck -Williams fifth . ' Class J heat. . ' . in his two seater. The next heat, for Class 4 Attig held his lead, but Taylor . vehicles, was t:he best, of some disappeared for . a lap;_ while pretty ·good racing so far. Krieman moved into . setond. Richard Bundy of Connecticut . -Williams ·was third, Scott' fourth had his Scrambler in · front; but . and K arl· W uesthoff •fifth in. his he had Geoff Dorr, the -local' Berr.ien. . . favorite, right Qn hi~ tail in his, . Attig ran smoothly,, gra~ually . ,.,. pla,in wrap Jeep CJ 8. The two widening his lead. Atthef:l'lidway thunderep around .the track, .point, lap five, the leadp&sitions . nose to tail; putting on -a great hadn't changed except that Karl show. On the second lap,' Dotr Wuesthoff and Scott switched took the good line and crowded places. . . . . Bundy into the one big puddle,' The positions held through the sending giant rooster tails of seventh lap, and then Krieman water flying, ·and causing him to- go_t into.troub,le near the'scoring lose momentum. Dorr got the · tower and dropped a position. · lead with ·th'lt maneuver. Bundy He continued, roof flapping and . tried . hard, but; couldn't get it exhaust broken, in third place. · back, so Dorr got the win with , . T:wo laps later he broke a tie rod· Bundy second. · . end while topping the Camel-Then the action moved on to back hill, and nose dived off onto t~e heats for the 1650cc cars. the pavement and .the end· of his _ These a're Class 10s, •in race. .. · Score/HORA parlance, but the · In the meantime a bea~tifully 4x4 Unlimited folks call them smooth Attig went on to win his Class 9s. These were very quick race; running both error free and heats, with some more good, tr_ouble free for all ten laps.·Wil-close racing. Lee Wuesthoff, in a. Iiams was second, Karl Wuest-Chenowth Magnum, won -the hoff third and Jeff Probst fourth . . first one, while Chuck Johnson, At just a little after four p.m. familiar to our readers recently as they wheeled··out di.e Class -J and a Class 7S racer in . i:he desert, Class 4 vehicles. There were a won the second heat in a Pro . total. of only 11 starters, since Tech. · And Jeff Probst, in a , quite a few had perished in the Berrien Lazer, won the final heat heat races. Jel,"ry Bundy, very race of the day, leading all the quick off the start, once again way. . had the lead early on. But Dorr After a break for lunch and took over on the second_ lap, arid watering the course,. they_ staged immediately began quilding a big the- two seat· 1600s and the 5-space between himself and the ·1600s fortheirmainev:ent.Itwas rest of his Class 4 group. Onthe a two-stage start, with the buggies third _ lap -B1.mdy retir~d with going off the line about 30 some mechanical problem, and seconds ahead of the Baja Bugs. .that left no one to seriously . . Scott Tay Ior took the lead in his c~allenge Dorr. He charge9 on,·· _ Eliminator, Chuck Williams;Jr., as his class faded away, to win his ' ran seconcl, followed __ by Kevin event, to no one's surprise. Probst, then Dave Vandermissen Reuben Johnson drove smoothly Jr., and Jim Dooley. By the fifth and held off disaster to finish lap they were winding their way second in his Jeep. The organization that does all hour lunch break and then the the hard work . to produce the main events· in the afterrio6n, races, 4x4 Unlimited, is a family · there was plenty of ·action to oriented volunteer· off road entertain the spectators. And the organization. They traditionally pit crews had to hustle all day to have three ]?residents, or co- keep the cars race ready. chairmen to handle the on-site . The course,_about a mile and a details of the race, and this year half long, went out of sight of the they were BruceBranristrom,Jeff spectators in the gra~dstands Probst and Dick Knutson. Kathy only briefly, and-provided them Leonard was in charge of scoring with a variety of flying jumps, left and timing, and did her usual and right turns, switch backs, efficient job. · · long straights, one spectacular _ who ran second, had figured out · how to fly the double jump, No around lapped vehicles, anct on · .Simultaneously, the Class 3-the seventh lap Probst passed folks were doing battle too. Jan WHliams and took over the Dudiak got his Jeep into the lead second spot. From that point on from lap one, with Matt Foltz they stayed .in the same order, second, Dennis Chencharick too widely separated to catch and third in another Jeep and Bruce pass any mOre. So Taylor got: the McKinney fourth in still another. win, the first race for his car, · Dudiak held his lead all the while Probst, also ·runn-i_µg the way to the seventh lap,,when, as first race for his car, a Berrien . he made the left turn up into the Lazer, took second. Williams · stock car pit area, his Jeep just and Dooley were third and quit. Stopped cold! And that was _ The on course flagging and Camel-back jump that was part . clearing · of disabled cars is _ a .· of a motocross track, and a tricky function performed by another . double, jump right in front of group. The Mud Turtles, ·of them. Joliet, Illinois, another volunteer The track was fun to drive, but group, have for years provided it did get narrow in a couple of .these services with professional- places and it was also very dusty. ism and efficiency. They The originally scheduled water function as flagmen, car pushers, truck turned up unavailable, -and . and tow trucks, with unending the substitute was too slow and energy and enthusiasm. feeble to water the track The event has had the efficiently. They tried, but in the sponsorship of BFGoodrich for interest of staying with the the last several years, and BFG schedule, had to water only parts even built a covered food service of the course between races, and and eating area at the top of the not too efficiently at that. So dust Page 40 · one else had done it as yet. The third heat was for the 5.-. 160_0 B~ja Bugs, , with just four -competitors this time. This· heat was shortened to four laps, and · was plenty long enough. Ron Karlman took the lead.right away · and ·astounded the spectators by flying that_ double/ jump:• In a limited engine Bug no less! A lap later Jeff .Therriault tried it, landed a bit short, did a fancy pirouette, and lost a position. Karim an never goofed, held his . lead, and went on to win the heat race. There were then three heat races for the single seat 1600s, and some of them proved _to be JuIy··1986 fourth. it for Dudiak. The · four 5-1600s, in the Foltz went on to win the race meanwhile, _ ran intermingled the only other vehicle ·on th~ wit'h the buggies; with Ron same lap as Dorr. Dennis Karlman. leaditig for five laps, Chencharick was second and followed by Jim Pfeffer, then McKinney was thjrd and'Dudiak Terry Wolfe an'.d Jeff Therriault. had fourth with 'hrs completed On the_ir fifth lap Wolfe lost his laps . . _ . front end and parked it, while The last race of the day was the Karlman suddenly lost about a very . quick . Class 9s, with a Dusty Times
starting lineup · of 22 vehicles staged on the grass. Traffic was heavy in that first turn and Chuck Johnson, a bit overeager, rolled his car. First Kevin Probst, and then Scott Taylor, ran into him. Johnson was out of it, Taylor, who had no first gear, lost a few positions, but Probst was down a full lap. Meanwhile, Jeff Probst, Kevin's older brother, took the lead in his Berrien Lazer. Lee Wuesthoff ran second, Tommy Croft in a Chenowth, ran third, -,, At this point, the stock car folks scowling in the back-ground, the off roaders adjourned for the evening. Sunday's schedule included six more heat races, three main events, three Championship races and the Ladies Race. The Championship races usually include everyone who wants to run and has a car left. They pay back deeply, out of the gate receipts, but not in big dollars. There are three divisions: Limited, which includes one and · Mike Paulson, in a Pro Tech, ran fourth and Rod Attig, in an Alfa Romeo powered Berrien, was fifth. The pace was fast and furious, and the dust was very thick. It had reached a temperature of 101 degrees, and the heat, along with a steady breeze, had thoroughly dried the track in spite of the water truck's best efforts. It was very hard for the drivers to see some parts of the course. One·turn on the first lap had been so dusty, and so crowded, · that it wasn't until they'd all gone by that officials realized they had two cars, Mike Parker and Glen Woolbright, parked off the side in a ditch. two seat 1600s, along with 5-Curt LeDuc came from New England to fight the dust that Smooth driving Geoff Dorr, Rockford, IL, also drove his 1600s; Unlimited, which is Class plagued the event, and he was the victor in both the Class Jeep CJ 8 hard, and he won the heat and the main, and was 1 and Class 9 ( 1650ccs ); and _..!.1.:!_4!_a~n~d..!.P:..:,r;!.o~du~c~t!':.h~a~m'...'cp~ra";c'...'.:e'.:'.s:_.,. ----,========s=ec;;;o;;;;.n;;;d;;;;';;;.n;;t;;h;;e:;;C;:;h;;a;;;;m;;p;;io;;n;;s;;h-;;;ip;:;. --,--------m-Production, which is for all the · Montreal with the idea of racing heavy metal folks. it in Class 7, but none of the Probst and Wuesthoff widened their lead, little by little, while Croft, not enjoying the dust, stayed steady in third place. Paulson held fourth but Attig and his Alfa dropped back and Don Ponder moved into fifth place in his Lazer. On the sixth lap, with everyone else holding, Scott Taylor got by Ponder to take over the fifth spot. He then gradually caught up with Paulson, passing him on the last lap. But Probst, driving a trouble free race, got the win with a good lead, Wuesthoff was second, and Tommy Croft, familiar with. Mickey Thompson type short course racing, and saying, "I don't like not being able to see!", was third. Taylor took fourth, ·and Paulson was fifth. Sunday started out hot and others who'd pre-entered had clear as Saturday had been, but survived the Montreal race, so he just at 11 a.m., as the first heats was all alone. He wanted to put started, a strong wind bl€w from some miles on his. truck, which 'the north and temperatures he was in the process of fine dropped about 30 degrees. So --tuning, and the 4x4 folks wanted the dust now was blown so hard to see him run, and the only class and far that the whole track was they figured they could put him obscured at times. with .was the unlimited single The first two heat races were seaters. So there he was. for Class 14, with seven entries in Kevin Probst took the first the first, and only five in the heat with his Berrien Lazer, and second. Curt LeDuc; in his Ford, Jeff Probst took the second heat ran away with the first heat, with his Lazer. Evans ran fourth flying both the Camel-back and part of the way, and then, after a the double jump, to the pleasure hard tussle with Jimmie Crowder of the audience. The second heat in his Chenowth, slid by him to saw Emil Downey and Geoff take third place. Dorr go up against each other. There were two Class. 8 heats, DowneywasdrivingtheJeepthat but the second one was a Jerry Bundy had raced on washout. Five trucks made it to Saturday. This time Downey was the first event, and Jack Flannery, first out of the first turn, and they with his partly torsion bar charged around nose ·to tail, suspended Ford, got an easy win. until, on the last lap as they flew When the second heat lined up it the jump attheendofthestraight was just Walker Evans and Dave side by side. Dorr took the inside Hockers. The other three who'd line, jumpe9- a bit further, and been scheduled to run that heat got through the turn quicker had broken in practice. They ran than Downey, to take the lead. a lap and a half, with Evans way He managed · to hold it to the in front, flying both the Camel-finish line again. back and the double jump as . The next two heats were for gracefully as a ballet dancer. Class 1 vehicles, and Walker Then Hockers pulled into the Evans was driving in the second pits midway through lap two, one in his Dodge D-50 mini and Evans went on to finish all truck. It seems he'd come from three. After the break, the· first race was for Class 14, but it was hard to tell, because most of the entry was made up of Class 4 trucks, and there was even one Class 3, the ambitious Dudiak and his CJ. LeDuc took the lead, followed by Dorr, then Dudiak, John Heidtman, and Emil Downey. Scott Taylor, BeMdere, IL, debuted his brand new 2-1600 Eliminator and won his heat race, and main event, and was second in the Championship. LeDuc and Dorr charged far out front, Dudiak dropped out early, Heidtman moved to third and Downey held fourth while Reuben Johnson moved into fifth. While LeDuc and Dorr had a good fight for the lead, Downey and Johnson were in another close battle for fourth position. But on the fourth· lap, as Downey and Johnson went onto the short Kevin Probst kept busy by entering three classes in Berriens. He won the Class 1 heat and main, was.second in 2-1600 and fourth in 1-1600 action. Dusty Times Jan Dudiak came from Pittsburgh, PA to race, and he charged hard in his Jeep CJ 7 to win both his hea~ and the Class 3 main event handily. July 1986 Young Todd Attig, from Dixon, IL, drove his Terminator single seater to victory in the 1-1600 heat race and the crowded main event. pavement stretch in front of the and was out on the third lap, grandstand, Downey, on the while Bill LeFeuvre, in a Ber_rien, outside, lost control and slid into moved up a couple of plac,:es to and along the wall, damaging his take over fourth spot. Evans and vehicle enough to stop him. LeFeuvre were the hottest race Johnson moved on. . for a couple of laps, as they both From that point on things passed Schwalbe to take over settled down. LeDuc drove third and fourth place. Kevm,, steadily and never goofed to give Probst continued to lead Dorr the chance to slip by. They smoothly. Then suddenly, Evans finished one-two, with Heidtman emerged from a clou_d of dust third and Johnson fourth. with a crumpled fender, ahead of As spectators huddled under LeFeuvre, and in third place. · blankets, the announcer tried Probst and Paulson, who now vainly to sell cold beer, the Class ran second, had built a 1 race lined up. There were eight tremendous lead, and there was buggies and one Dodge mini virtually no chance that Evans truck. Kevin Probst came out of could catch them in the time left, the start the leader, with Scott but he took off flying, giving a Schwalbe second in his Berrien, fine demonstration of the well then Mike Paulson in his Pro engineered suspension on that T~ch and Jeff Probst in his Lazer, truck. However, Probst and followed by Walker Evans in his Paulson never let up for a second mini, truck. and went on in that order to Jeff Probst hit a tree and rolled, finish, with ~ 11111 R.L.H. ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS UNIDEN RACE RADIOS 337 W. 35th, Suite "C" National City, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 I Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay for all Score/HORA Off RoadEvents. 36 Channels with built-in intercom. $550.00 Helmets Wired $175.00 Amplifiers f-or that Extra Punch "Convertable" r-land~Held Radios Motorcycle Radio Systems our Specialty Race Proven by JOHN CLARK GABLE -MAX RAZO RACING STEVE LAKIN - RICH MINGA -ROB TOLLESON MIKE LUND - HENRY ESCALERA Page 41
In Class 5-1600 action Jim Pfeffer, center, was the ultimate ·main event winner. flanked here by Jeff Therriault, right and Terry Wolfe. Lee Wuesthoff drove his Chenowth Magnum to victory in the Class 9, _unlimited 1650cc, event and also won the Unlimited Championship race. [;IF" Evans getting third place. The Ciass l:i race came next, with only six trucks left in the class, practice and the heat races having done a good number .of ~em in. Evans and Flannery went into the first turn together, came out with Flannery in the lead, then Evans, then Flannery, and finally, Evans got a·firm hold on the front. But Flannery was close on his tail and it looked as if it should be a really good race. Unfortunately, Flannery flat-tened a left rear tire on lap two and had to retire into his pit for a while. Evans kept on going, putting on a good show, while trucks fell apart all around the course. Flannery came back out about a lap an_d a half down, but couldn't hope to catch up unless Evans had a disaster. And he didn't. other truck running. So it was Evans, Matzke . and Flannery, with Grey ending up fourth. They had to tow Matzke away from the victory circle. It was · now time for the Championship races, and it was really cold .. Spectators had long since switched from shorts and swimsuits to jackets and jeans. They had 24 cars in the · Limited Champ race, the one and two seat 1600s, and one 5-1600. Kevin Probst took off in the lead, followed by Todd Attig, then Scott Taylor and Gale Brockie. On the second lap Taylor moved into second place, and the rest stayed the same. The lead three cars built up some-distance on the rest of the pack, and they had a great race going - absolutely the clo1iest of . the weekend, with none giving away a thing. Probst and Taylor had a little space on Attig on the sixth lap, but by lap eight it was all closed up again and Taylor was in front. Then, still on the same lap, Probst gave Taylor a little nudge that Taylor didn't even feel, and he got back by, and Attig went by also. So now it was Probst, Attig and Taylor, and still the eighth lap: On the ninth lap Attig briefly took the lead, but another close • battle left Probst back in front again, and then, two turns from the finish line, Probst went into a hole really hard and broke a stub axle. Attig and Taylor came in first and second. The Unlimited Championship ran next, this one with the Class 1 and Class 10 cars. This time Kevin Probst had the very early lead, but was out before the first lap was over, with a broken rod. Lee Wuesthoff then took over and ran a clean hard race to the finish, chased all the way by Mike Paulson and Chuck Johnson. Bill LeFeuvre ran a come-from-behind race, to finish fourth, needing a few more l.aps, it seemed. The Production, or heavy metal, Champ race was a repeat of the Class 14 main event with a couple of Class 8 trucks thrown in. LeDuc led right from the start, with Dorr second, and Evans was third followed by Flannery, the only two wheel drive vehicles in a sea of 4x4s. (The only ones still alive.) As LeDuc and Dorr blissfully charged on, Flannery passed Evans, and it seemed a good race might finally develop between these two. But the audience was cheated again, as Evans lost all his .forward gears, ancl came into his pit in reverse on lap four. LeDuc, Dorr and Flannery Dave Grey, in a Ford, and Pete Matzke, in a Chevy, had a really good race for second place for a while, but Grey lost his driveshaft on the sixth lap and was out of it. Hackers, running w~ll until then, blew his motor on the same lap, and on lap seven Matzke started to smoke ominously. · By the ninth lap Evans had lapped Matzke who was now second, and Flannery, down a lap also, was the only High flying Walker Eva.ns decided to stop at Lake Geneva on his way home from Montreal. He won the Class 8 race in a big way in the big Dodge. Chuck Williams, Jr., Vicksburg, Ml, was the victor in his Jeff Probst le.d most of the Class 9 race, fighting off a hard Class 2-1600 heat, and he also finished third in the main charge by Attig and Taylor, only to break a stub axle on the ev"'lint in the Berrien. Berrien on the last lap. Page 41 July 1986 \ then ran with n@ apparent troubles, finishing in that same order. Matt Foltz was fourth, in a Class 3 vehicle, and Reuben Johnson fifth. The Ladies Race, last event of the day, could gather up only four entries, due partly to the demise of both the Probst · vehicles. Tiffany Baker, in Dale Scott's limited single seater led all the way, while Judy Smith, in Scott Taylor's Eliminator two seater followed for second place. Changing the weekend date didn't effect the entry much, but it did effect the gate. Those folks who normally come to Lake Geneva for a three day holiday with off road racing on the side apparently didn't all make the trip for a two day stay. It's hoped that there won't be the same sort of conflict next year, and:the,4x4 Unlimited folks, with the help of the Joliet Mud Turtles and BFGoodrich will get to hold their race on their traditional date. BFGOODRICH MEMORIAL DAY 100 RESULTS Fin. Pos. Car Driver, Hometown Vehicle CLASS 1-1600, LIMITED SINGLE SEAT CARS, 1600CCS Todd Attig, Dixon, IL Chuck Williams, Jr., Vicksburg, Ml Karl Wuesthoff, Mequon, WI Terminator Berrien Berrien , 1 2 3 4 5 600 700 602 799 671 Jeff Probst, Mokena, IL Berrien Lazer,i--Tom Surace, New Jersey CLASS 2-1600, LIMITED TWO SEAT CARS, 1600CCS 1 755 Scott Taylor. Belvidere, IL Eliminator·•,~: i/ 2 799 Kevin Probst, New Lenox, IL Berrien Lazer 3 700 Chuck Williams. Jr., Vicksburg, Ml Berrien 4 707 Jim Dooley, Prairieview. IL Berrien 5 704 Steve Tsarpalas, Glenview, IL Berrien CLASS 5-1600, LIMITED BAJA BUGS, 1600CCS 1 550 Jim Pfeffer, Ottowa, IL VW Sedan 2 555 Ron Kartman, Ixonia, WI VW Sedan 3 552 Jeff Therriault, Menominee, Ml VW Convertible 4 551 Terry Wolfe, Wavwat, WI . VW Sedan 1 2 3 4 5 302 326 301 300 317 CLASS 2 ~ SHORT WHEELBASED 4x4s Matt Foltz, Dousman. Ml Jeep Dennis Chencharick, Julian, PA · Jeep CJ7 Bruce McKinney, Georgetown, IL Jeep CJ7 Jan Dudiak. Pittsburgh, PA Jeep CJ7 James Miller, Woodstock, IL CLASS 4 - LONG WHEELBASED 4x4s 1 400 Geoff Dorr, Rockford, IL Jeep · 2 410 Reuben Johnson, Rockford. IL Jeep 3 472 JeFry Bundy, Tolland, CT Jeep 4 405 Greg Gerlach 5 433 Cameron Lodge, Plymouth, Ml Jeep Honcho CLASS 9 - UNLIMITED 1650CC BUGGIES, ONE AND TWO SEAT 1 904 Jeff Probst. Mokena, IL Berren Lazer 2 900 Lee Wuesthoff, Mequon, WI Chenowth Magnum 3 935 Tommy Croft, San Diego, CA Chenowth Magnum 4 912 Mike Paulson, Belvidere, IL Pro Tech · 5 901 Scott Taylor, Belvidere, IL Eliminator CLASS 14 - UNLIMITED 4x4s 1 412 Curt LeDuc, W. Springfield, MA Ford 2 400 Geoff Dorr, Rockford, IL Jeep 3 404 John Heidtman, Marquette, Ml Bronco 4 410 Reuben Johnson, Rockford, IL Jeep 5 467 Harry Bowey, Sullivan.WI Jeep CLASS 1 - UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT VEHICLES 1 104 Kevin Probst. New Lenox. IL Berrien Lazer 2 912 Mike Paulson, Belvidere, IL Pro Tech 3 703 Walker Evans, Riverside, CA Dodge D50 4 101 Scott Schwalbe, Sugarcamp, WI Berrien ' 5 199 Gary Thistlewood, Macon, GA Pro Tech CLASS 8 - HEAVYWEIGHT 2WD PICKUP TRUCKS 1 880 Walker Evans, Riverside, CA, Dodge 2 816 Pete Matzke, Spooner, WI Chevrolet 3 813 Jack Flannery, Crandon, WI Ford F-150 4 810 Dave Grey, Antigo, WI · Ford F-150 5 802 Dave Hockers, Depere, WI LIMITED CHAMPIONSHIP - CLASSES 1-1600, 2-1600 & 5-1600 1 600 Todd Attig, Dixon, IL Terminator 2 755 Scott T-aylor, Belvidere, IL Eliminator 3 671 Tom Surace, New Jersey Berrien 4 693 Dale Scott, Louisville, KY S & K Racing 5 602 Karl Wuesthoff, Mequon, WI Berrien UNLIMITED CHAMPIONSHIP - CLASS 1 AND 9 1 900 ·Lee Wuesthoff, Mequon, WI Chenowth Magnum 2 912 Mike Paulson. Belvidere. IL Pro Tech 3 913 Chuck Johnson, Rockford. IL -Pro Tech 4 107 Bill LaFeuvre, Limehouse, Ontario · Berrien 5 101 Scott Schwalbe, Sugarcamp, WI Berrien PRODUCTION CHAMPIONSHIP - CLASSES 3, 4, 8 AND 14 1 412 Curt LeDuc, W. Springfield, MA Ford 2 400 Geoff Dorr', Rockford, IL Jeep 3 813 Jack Flannery, Crandon, WI Ford F-150 4 302 Matt Foltz, Dousman, Ml Jeep 5 410 Reuben Johnson, Rockford, IL Jeep LADIES RACE - UNLIMITED CLASSES 1-2-1600, 2-1600 & 5-1600 . 1 693 Tiffany Baker S & K Racing 2 · 755 Judy Smith, Los Angeles, CA Eliminator Dusty Times I I
GOOD/'iEAR OFFROAD SUPPORT-TEAM The great drivers running the Score/HORA series on Good-.. year Wrangler Radials keep proving with each race how good ths:y and Goodyear are; As the dirt settled in Las Vegas after the Mint 400, our drivers had come through in a big way. Congratula-tions to J :_M. Bragg, who beat the . rest of Class 3 to take first place. Our very · special thanks and congratulations to our _Class 8 drivers. They did something that has been done rarely before in the history of the Mint 400, they came in first, second and third in dass. WaJker Evans raced to i:he victory, Ron Clyborne took second · and . Dave . Shoppe wrapped up third. We've been proud of our driver~ for years, but this finish wa~ special. · · . Then we took off for the Baja ·Internacional and the Goodyear drivers came: through again. Jim Conner ~ad a pretty clean time for 500 miles and he and Pat Blackmore crossed the finish line first in-Class 7 4x4. · · But the high point of the day in Baja was Dav_e · Shoppe. ~ -~ OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM ' By N e'ls Lunagren I must start this artide with an apolpgy to the Stiles Racing : Team. · At. the Mint 400 Jim Stiles, with some last lap help from Larry Bolin, was able to finish the race fourth in Class 10. · It must have been a treat for this well prepared _team to . finish, after a string of DNFs, and with Stiles Sr. 's businesses stil·l floundering in water in northern California. · The 13th running of the Baja Internacional was welcomed by enthusiastic crnwds and lovely weather. The club ran eleven cars, with seven managing to i:each the finish 492 an~ change miles later. We had three cars in Class 2 and they all finished. Our top_ finisher. wa~ David Kreisler, bringing home second in class and. fifrh -overall in cars. Lenny -Newman· and Michael Gaughan finished seventh in Class 2. And, Walter Prince backed across the · finish line to eighth in class. Gregg Symonds ran in Class 1, had a few minor pr9blems, and . .finished sixth in class. Russ Welch had some early down time, but came back to fifth in Class 10 with Roger·Mortenson. Steve . Kelley ran into trouble going to San Felipe, but he still managed sixth in Class 8. Some nonfinishers reported; · Tom Koch lost an axle and CV in San Felipe. Both Dav.e Mansker and .. 896 Bertrum were lost on the --Padfo: side. And, Jeff Hibbard had his motor go slowly away as the day went by. · _Our next major. race is the Fireworks 250. It looks like it will be another big and dusty race. It is. three laps of 80 mHes each, whkh should spread the · cars out. The Checker Main Pit will be busy as · usual for the competitive cars: So, come out for the day 'and lend a hand. See ya there . . Dusty Times, lady Lirida Mansperger, who, on · things. happening w.ith .the the Thursday befor~ . the race, Goodyear Off Road . Racing . became Mr, · and Mrs. Dave Team. Shoppe. The ceremony was And, to all of you, just a performed at the Estero Beach reminder. You too can be part of Resort in Ense·nada, with a great this exciting team. Contingency party afterwards, and Good- has been increased· in the truck year's Dick Ralstin proudly gave classes, and it is now also being CORE had 22 cars to pit atthe the bride away. Then to top it off· posted in all buggy classes. Tire Mint 400. The main pit was past Dave fought off the rest of Class prices have been drastically the start/ finish line, across the 8 to finish first, less . than a reduced this year, anc;i we riow · track from the Ramsay cr_ew. Pit · minute ahead of Scoop Vessels. have available a number of tire · Captain Mark Milleron had a It was just the wedding present sizes for buggies. We would like . fairly quiet day and plenty of Linda wanted, the win in Class 8. to see YOU as part of this team to help. Mike Rusnak was in charge · Add to all this; John Swift take ·advantage of all the benefits. of Able pit at mile 18; and Jeff took second in Class 7 and Jorge Just : call Paula Simms at (714) 'Nolke ran Baker ,pit somewhere. Sierra ofEnsenada finished third 993-7448 for details, or check around mile 43, and G. Smith in Class 7 4x4. Count it up and . with us in Contingency Row at was Captain of Dog pit at mjle you ~ome up with some great Barstow. 78. Jirh Burke headed the crew at liiiiil..,.,..._lllliiiiiiiiiii.----•-----iiiijiii,ioiioo-~-.--~---mile 96. The race went well for - · · 10 DNF with three 'flats and a CORE with some winners ·and · · · · broken rear brake · line. Bill losers. Toe·'pits functioned very · · ~ · · . Reams was also a DNF (24th) well, and the radios worked . ·_._- · . By~.D-01-1 M. ·c-~aniel. with no second gear in Class 10: better than expected with a relay , , Also in Class 10 Fred Reva was at · system keeping pit~ on either side 1,._71~ -~..,; one . time leading his dass but of the mountains in touch. ~~l finished ih 9th position with a Of the. three CORE cars in IKilJPEO. '5 DNF. Greg Hibbs and Mike Class 1, _ Chet and Lloyd __ _:::::;:;:;:;=: __ ....;. ___ , Julson finished 7th itl Class W, Huffman, with more than their The wind blew, th; dust flew Richard Binder had a DNF in share of fla~s. did great. The ._ and youcouldn'tseeforamileor -· Class 10 when he lost a tranny Huffmans were a: strong second fwo. There was excitmint, and Steve Meyers also had a DNF in Class 1 ninth. overall. enjoymint and disappointmint, and 30th position in_<;lass 10. Neither Jerry Finney or _Tei:ry and the 1986 Mint 400 was all In Class 1-2-1600 Rick Frisby McDonald completed a lap. that it hap been in the past years, lost his motor and DNF'd in 40th CORE got the big class win although . the course was . in a and Mike McCrory . and Steve · with Cam . Thieriot and Greg different location for this year's Wolcott ended up in 21st Lewin in Class 2 and they also bump and grind. The.start/ frnish position after being hit and roll_~d · finished second o·vei:all. Jimmie line was located at Sloan and the by John Clark Gable who was Crowder was · up to eighth after.-course ground its way toward reported. to have said, "Frankly three laps, but he failed to finish. Boulder City, _ then back to Jean my dear; I don't give a damn!!" In Malcolm _ Smith got in two laps dry lake and on to Sloan again. Class 5 John Cooley was the before retiring, and Jimmy and · The new course offered racers winrier · driving in · only his third · Don Gill covered one lap, then in a . mixed batch of goodies; race and his co-driver Mark Fox seventh place. Dan Cornwell was everythirig from a high mountain was driving his first race. Max out after two laps. pass to dry lakes, plus a lot of Razo finished 7th_ in hisJIMCO. , In Class 1-2~1600 Jack and cross grain and a brief tour· of In the 5-1600 class Robert Jerry Ramsay were our best Boulder · City motocross park. Knight was dicing with the performers, taking fifth out of 63 · With winds blowing north at leaders when a · camshaft gear starters. Jerry Lawless and Kevin gusts of 50 miles per hour it was went south at 34 miles. Lynn McGillivray ran fourth for three suggested the 1987 Mint be held · · Lucas lost ste!:!ring _and had a at the old speedrome location · DNF, Scott Jones was 6th in the 4sing this year's dirt. . class with Owen Duggan in his Contingency on Friday was the new c~r placing 4th _and Steye .. same old· zoo, with many of the . . Lakin ending up in 3rd place. locals adding color to the event. · Class 7S found the Hansen/Vinje One can only imagine the team losing a dri'veshaft and re.actions of a bleary-eyed loser shortly thereafter losing a staggering out of the local slot steering box for a DNF. The machine /alace only to be Mazda of Lottes/ Felix also had a confronte by the mass hysteria DNF in · 16th position and Mike ofthecontingencyline.Onesuch Falkosky's Toyota finished in character was observed putting 6th place. G111'A£ BOYS 'R£ADY, MA\~! 1'HfRE 's A KLUNKER A·COM!Nl laps, had engine· woes and dropped to ,11th at the finish, Willie Melancon had trouble on the last half and was 17th, and Tom Malloy. ran iii. the top ten for two laps, then vanished. The Dale Poe entry got in two laps before-rolling the two seater out of the race. Larry Webster and Shelto_n Lowery had a good ra<.':e, taking a strong sec.ond in Class 9; while the Calvin/ Smith Funco died in just eight miles. Class 10 brought CORE another . class winner. Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn took the lead on the last lap and won i:he big class and they finished fourth overall to boot. Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson were third in Class 10 and sixth overall. Rick and John Hagle ran ~hird and fourth for three laps, but went out on the last round, just ahead of 'Mike and Jim Zupanovich who broke both torsion bars on the last lap. Brad Goodrow and Jimmy -l-loogoian lost both rear brake pads on lap 3, and a broken spring plate on lap 4 put them out for good. Daryl Mead got in . two laps, and said everything . broke. Don Angel and Randy LaCore, covered just one lap.: Although -it is an unofficial race for points, CORE will pit six cars in Baja, and mount a full effort for the Fireworks 250 in Barstow. CORE meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Dugout near the intersection 0£ Hazeltine .and · Oxnard in. Van · Nuys. Guests and prospective members are always welcome, and the meetings _start at 8:00 _p.m. For more · information of tbr' CORE's activities, call Pr~sident Jim Branstetter at (818) 705-8183. quarters intp a race car · then Terry DuTemple wrangled a pulling on the exhaust stinger ride in the grey ghost 5-1600 car looking for a jackpot. Bevies of and after losing the steering buxom beauties were handing wheel several times, retired with . ._\.;J; ... i .... ~~!iijg,~~...J.C.~o.....-==ol• out everything from balloons to a DNF when the fuel cell gave up,· .,, contingency stickers to the filling ·the car · with gasoline, phone numbers of a respected preventing · the necessary local extablishment known as the welding. It's -down the road to Chicken. Ranch (has ·- anyone · Baja fot the Baja Inernacional in thought of asking .them for ·_a: car June, then up the road to Barstow sponsorship?). _ . in July and on and on. · Los Campeones ,had a total of . As a note of interest, this four pits. The main pit was writer recently took a play trip tended by Dave Gopp. Pit ''A" at from -San Felipe to San mile 26 and 78 had no radio Fransisquito on the new graded contact : with main pit . and road. The Three .Sisters are gone, Richard Allen served as pit boss. I drove over them ·in about 20 Pit "B'-' with Mike Lund in minutes in two-wheel drive. All charge. did an outstanding jpb .· of the washouts at Gonzaga have relaying for main .pit without a concr,ete aprons and Los Angeles · great deal of "pit bull". Pit "C'' Bay has a new paved landing strip at mile 54 found Ken Maltby outside of town. San Fransis-doing a solo job a great deal of the qui to- has a new landing stt:ip time. Our own Buddha, Pat which will be paved and I passed Patterson, was air ,lifted along - thi:ee Kenworth tractors with 35-with ·Weatherman to a distant foot trailers with heavy mountain top and spent a busy equipment on board about 50 day. Main radio was the one and miles south of L.A. Bay; they.had only Mrs. Malcolm Vinje, whose_ driven from San Felipe. My dulcet tones ~ere the only island average speed on the new road in a sea -of turmoil. was 50-65 miles per hour in a · Eighteen racers cast their lot · stock four-wheel drive, 1976 with Los Campeones, Steve Ford pickup truck. "Oh, for the S9urapas _and Clark West, Class good ole days.'' July 1986 I ~~~-~ We welcome all Support Team news articles .. Typed and double spaced copy is acceptable. Deadline is .the 10th of the month. · CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President Malcoim Vlnje, President 3117 Klllarney 476 West Vermont Costa Mesa; CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025 (714) 641-0155 · (619) 292-0485 (home) CHECKERS . ·Max Norris, President 4910 Townsend Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (213) 255-1053 -J213) 254-1531 CORE Jim Branstetter, ·President 17453 Runnymede Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 705-8183 . Radlo-FM-173.375 F.A.I.R.·SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) _996-7929 . . Sandy Da·vIs, Secretary (714) 772-3877 Meetings 1st & 3rd.Weds. Holiday Inn .-Harbor & 91 Fr.eeway Radio-FM-150.860 (619) 743-.1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAGi. Jerry McMurry, President Bruce-Cranmore, Race Director ,11244 Horizon Hills Drive · El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) ,40~3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TE.ARA_ · Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 ·Meetings 2nd Weds. each,Month - Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 -• 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) (619) 447~7955 (night) Gene Robeson, President (619) 466-8722 . . Page 43 -f).
~,.. -■ROYAL-ONE.i.AP-OFAMEQICA around Detroit's Tiger Stadium elbows, . as the saying g~s. for before the start of the 'Friday .two miles, ·before. I could crank night baseball game: The cro'wd-up my trusty Curra.and find mY cheered. Several called out to old split action Hueur (the one John Buffum to "go gettum again with the minute hand that this ,year". The_ ball · players doesn't work) and catch up with Eight Days of lauds and Bytes . paused in their warmups to smile the single Teri-atrip mileage and spit for us and the computer counter ·_ we ·were right .back By Ihomas D .. Grimshaw · stopped workinR as we rounded with the exact same equipment . third base. we'd run in -1985 - before the That night, during a frantic . day of the computer. midnight telephone call, we were· By the time we left Ohio, we'd told it probably overheated from . run two A/ S Sections for a total being oh all clay Friday. Sure of 150 miles and twelve enough, · ·it worked perfectly checkpoints and we were two ·. ~_aturday morning and following sewnds out of-first place with a ·. a short driver's meeting in the total score· of fifteen. The Nordic Renaissance Center head-Dealership sponsored Toyota · quarters, we lined ·up along the Celica GTS sitting in first place Detroit waterfront for the was crewed by Karl Chevalier Saturday noon start. · and Nelson Shepard of Vermont W e'd drawn Car One this year and ace TSO - I suppo~e because we were the whiz, ·Phil Suomu of Maine. John .defendi:ng .champions. But Buffum hadprepar~d the car that Dodge's Dick Maxwell and crew was leading us after the first day. drew .Car Zero in front of us - I There is no justice · in the suppose because the'y put up a lot . wonderful' world of rallying. more sponsorship bu_cks than we The most surprising shewing .did. But that's only as it should at the end of Day.One'was the . be. Dollars talk, drivers sulk and 1986 Zastava Yugo ·GV•marmed navigators, well they just fill up by John Kelley of Louisvi!I-e, KY space don't they. and Jim Kloosterman of Cary;· Several thousand. people SC. Both Kelley and Klooster-After 8.272 miles and eigh,t days. the Nordic Toyota sponsored Celica G T-$'won tne One Lap of America Rally by just (including my ow11 daughter, · man are long time PRO Ratly1sts nine.seconds. The team led the event the ef']tire distance. often·by just one or,two seconds. • · . son; and . two grand- . and together they must weigh So the 'dinner conversation in Buffum and I have never used a televisions, microwave oven and children) waved 116 · teams off close to 600 pounds. Small one of KC's finer· restaurants rally computer before. We were' a small motorcycle mounted on the start .line and we began the wonder_ the _.poor Yugo bent its ·· went something like this... offered one from a certain source the rear bumper - perhaps to be 8,000 mile trek. 112 teams own . valves further on. Kelley "What-'s your next Tom?" · (name withheld tO .protect the used for late night fuel runs on would finish the 1986 Uniroyal and Kloosterman were tied with .. race guilty) and accepted it to save the the long stretches down in Texas. One Lap of America at the same us for second place. It spoke well cost of purchasing our own unit. Most of the major manufacturer~ spot, on Sunday, May 11 i:h ...:..: . · for the PRO Rallyists in the field. "Well, it's not a rm;:e. It's a rally. The One Lap of America. Starts next Saturday; May 3rd, in Detroit;'' · "Yeah, so you only get one .. ,.;lap?" Don't you get to practice? "Yes, but it's an 8,000 mile lap. Goes all the way around the United States." · "How lor:ig does that take you? Month or so?" "Eight days. We just stay in the car.for the whole 8,000 miles except for gas station pit stops and one night off in California." . "YOU stay in a car for eight days? Why would you do that?" Very long pause here ... "Damned 1f I know." This was my sernnd One Lap of America. Last year, John Buffum, Walter Boyce•and I ran this weird odyssey for Audi of America and surprisedourselve'S by winning it. Audi loved it. We _came to love it but swore riever to do it again. As Buffum says, . "Why not stay home, drink some beer and say we did it?" . But who can resist the siren ·. ~all of Brock Yates, Pie-eyed Piper of automotive cockarriania? I thought I could, until the boss , at Audi thought otherwise. One telephone call and I discovered just how enthused I could be. After reading the 1986 rules on the flight from KC to Detroit, I could see the SCCA sanctioned, Uniroyal sponsored One Lap of America was going. to be a . different ball game this year. Computers were allowed. In fact,. just about anything was allowed, as· long as it could be crammed into a car' or a limo, or a van,-or a truck or a kyack, or whatever else . showeg up at the start line. Also the overall : average speed was lower than '85, down from 52 MPH to 47 MPH, and. some short Solo II slalom courses were included so we could ~xperience tbe thrill of racing around orange f,ylons for les.s than one minut_e. Page44 I .did get a pleasant surprise were represented with sponsored eight days later. Of the eight men in the top_three · when I arrived in Detroit. Audi factory teams from Audi, Dodge, The course ran · dockwise positioned cars, seven of them has provided a beautiful 1986 AMC, VW, Subaru, BMW, around the 1-.J.S. this year. We are active in the sport featuring 5000CS Turbo Quattro Wagon. Yugo and. several others. In all, tiptoed out of Michigan and in~o ·"real cars, going real fast on real • It promised to give us one of the .28 vehicles were factory Ohio,-Land of the Bad Bears - roads" . most comfortable rides in the sponsored. where, in 1985, it seemed Onward to the Watkins Glen event plus the added luxury of · Several motorsport. and · literally thousands of glassy eyed Raee Course in the Finger Lakes fold down rear seats and a full general interest publications also fuzzy. wuzzies in t_roop~r uniforms Region of New York and a short leiigth bed! • · . · fielded · teams, includini th~ assaulted our mtel11gence and Solo II run dodging · magnetic .l also met our third driver, Peugeot S0SS Wagon of THE tested Ol)r patience by hounding pylons. The Solo events weren't .,.,~. Richard Hughes of · Stowe, ST AGE-TIMES, piloted by the us from border . to . border; supposed . to count for much Vermont. Richard said "Hello" publisher's wife, Ann Cline. One increasi_ng _the coffers ,·of that according to the pre ev.e,nt and never stopped talking until of her._ co-drivers, Linda l9vely State by several hundred blurbs. In- fact, you could just we parted to catch our flights out Man~field, filed daily telephone picky tickets. · · skip one and take a maximum of of Detroit two weeks later. The reports which were featured in We passed through the first . 30 points (seconds) ·if you so . man has more raw energy than a USA TODAY. . · Passage Control (no timing - elected. 30 points? The way the room full. of mixed minks There were also some new just prove you were there with a One Lap was shaping up, 30 feasting on a diet of Spanish fly sponsors joining · U_niroyal in control sticker} and started our points -.vas equivalent to running and ground rhino horns. support of _the One Lap, · 'first Average-Speed Section 200 a day behind the leaders. The Sometimes he'd talk so fast I including the Allied Aftermarket miles from- Detroit. It was the scoring was based on the fastest would ask Buffum for ·an Division of Allied Automotive A/ S Sections where the scoring car receiving a zero penalty and interpretation, I figured the man · (Fram, Bendix and Autolite), took place. The rest of the slower cars receiving one point was from England, via India, - Dodge Division -of the Chrysler course, except for the slalom per second 6ffthe hot time. Africa, and other poihts around Corporation, Cincinnati Micro-races, c~nsisted of_ long . Hughes· and I unloaded the globe, and JB had spent far wave, · Omega Watches, Walker . wearisome transits designed to ourselves and our junk from the more time overseas than I, so he Communication, and several ruin our kidneys and-break our· Audi Quattro and JB .flung· it should understand him. · He others I probably missed along · concentration. between the cones to take zero didn't, so we'd just grunt and the_ way. NBC sent along several Sitting at the start line for the penalty at Watkins Glen . . nod in uriison and he'd continue filming crews this year and aired first .A/ S Section, I told Buffum Chevalier's Toyota took one·. ._ on. a one hour special on Sunday; we had one minute before our . point and we motored on one Richard H~ghes is tht owner May 25th. The · SPORTS-· start time and Clark Bohd, • second out of first. Kelley and of The Pub a t Stowe, a well known WORLD show probably got a navigator in a second Audi team · Klooste(man had eaten six big watering hole among the blonde good piece of the viewing action car, leaned in Jo inform me my ones in the tiny Yugo and topped skiing types and a small that day, when the . rains · computer had just stopped- dropped off the pace while their tasteful sign on ·the Audi postponed the competing Indy computing. It was A-holes and team manager, Gene Henderson, announced his co-ownership of 500. . · · our endeavors. ln truth, he But the real story of the 1986 turned out to be a· Uniroyal One Lap was "the companion, ne:,,er at a loss fo_r a: computers". . good, tale durmg the wearying · · JB and I practiced a bit with . wee hours of early morning; our new toy, demonstrated it on always in fine humor, eager to camera to· the NBC boys, and learn,andbytheendofthe8,000 marveled_ at its intelligent miles, a good friend. efficiency in keeping a driver on The 1986 One Lap attracted time to the exact second, _at any -the same mixed bag of wackos as selected speed, all the time. Truly last year, and just a scattering of a marvelous innovation in Road, teams running for the gold. Rallying. I began to wonder how Foremost among them was . the long it'd . be before navigators always dapper (pinstripe suit and were a thing of the past .. At best, old school tie) Rocky Aoki of we have been reduced to Benihana fame· in a 1986 Jim "programmers" and "system . · Bardia Cadillac Fleetwood analysts", 'nothing more. , Defending On e Lap champion John Buffum. navigator Tom Grimshaw and Brougham stretch limo complete Our computer ran perfectly relief man Richard Hughes stayed in the qall game in the Audi all the way with telephones, beds, bars,· until we began · the One · Lap despite computer failures. July 1986 ·, Dusty Times ♦
L made pylon confetti and piled up . twenty-one points for the ·short · Solo II. Henderson headed up a two car -team of Subaru Turbo Station Wagons and also managed the · two car team of Yugos - all.just two weeks after receiving five bypasses in a day long open heart surgery. We are all crazed. · Long transits down _the _East Coast with .passage controls in_ Providence, RI . and The Lock, Stock and Barrel, home of tl-i'e original Cannonball coast to coast mad dashes in Darien, CT. Then another TSI_) section up . twisty · Skyline Drive in the Shenandoah National Park of .New York .. The Toyota. and the Audi e~ch gathered six po0intsjn six checkpoints and stayed one second apart. : . . Down to the Road Atlanta Race Course and another Solo.II ruri. Chevalier put in an excellent drive and took another second off us as· we headed for Laredo, Texas and thf Unjroyaf Proving Grounds. Highlight of that day was watching Steve (Yogi) Behr flog Rocky Aoki 's stretch_ limo . through the slalom without · One of the ceiebrity entries was actor Kent McCord ,n a Dodge van. He was first to the California stop. but finished 47th with road penalties . Uniroyal engineers ran this _Pontiac the entire distance on a min) spare on the left rear-wheel: it was trouble free all the way. proving the unit can be reliable. disturbing a pylon. He received a and forth with Dick Maxwell's. special award for his feat. · · Dodge I.,a~c~r (Car Zero). We We enjoyed a long stop in · both wanted to be first to pull Laredo which included food, ' into the Portifino finish line in . drink and a Mexican band, five front of the NBC cameras. As far different tests including a run up as the pubiic is concerned, first a mud. hill,-three measurement. car to a·rrive is leading .the event, runs and a final Solo II. PRO right? Maxwell and teammates, Rally driver, Guy Light, proved Jqhn Crawford and Joe Andreirii . he can also drive aroun·d pylons (all Pro Rallyists) tried an access · by . winning two of the three · road diversion and we lost them. slaloms in a 1986 16-valve VW · But they hit a logjam and arrived Golf GTI. several min'utes behind us. Still, ·Next thing · I know we're -we weren't the first car in.-gawking at the 11..e,kid ladies in Las Remember the TV series Vegas and enjoying a great Adam 12? Remember· the breakfast at The Imperial Palace handsome hunk· with the dark and nead1.·ng for the barn .:__ the h · K t M· ·c d1 M a 1r , · en · . c or -, . r, single overnight stop . at - the McCord · was driving a . 1986 Portofino Inn in Redondo Beach, , :Dodge Caravan immediately CA. . , behind us. His team couldn't stay On freeway run into on time in the TSO Sections but Redondo ~ach we diced back McCord · well understands the The super team from Vermont. celebrate at °rhe finish line. From ihe left TSO driver Karl Chevalier. navigator Phil ·suomu and Autocross driver. Nelson Shepard,, They had to work every mile for their victory. The· incredible stretch Cadillac limo driven by Rocky Aoki. Jame Bardia and Stephen Behr drew much interest. and they finishep 92nd on time. DustyTimes value of TV exposure _ ahd enjoyed another sumptuous feast · Our Audi ran flawlessly, 1-ike it's Redondo is his back yard. He before heading for the final go- supposed to. Buffum and I both· arrived before us by scwral rourid out of Houghton in remarked that riding 8,000 miles .minutes. - .the first car to reach Michigan's Upper Peninsula. We •in that calibre of vehicle is almost the Portofino Inn. took time to pay-homage to The toci easy - like taking a casual That night we ate our first real Library Bar, ancestral home of drive to the corner market. Of meal, drank ~ome fine wines, and PRO Rallying, before heading course, the bed may have helped listened to the horror stories of out for the final TSO Section - . a bit this year. the coming tidal wave guar_:rnteed still two seconds off the· With this third running of the to wipe out the West Coast that Chevalier Toyota. Uniroyal One Lap, teams have very evening·. Several restaurants On the transit approaching the drfven L3 million accident free were actually evacuated around start of the final timed run, our miles putting the lie to Mr. 10:00 p.m. The Californians third and final computer went 'Nader's 1985 harangue that we celebrated with beach parties and So~th. Eights appeared as ones, were a clear and present menace Tsunami Tidal Wave bashes to nines were zeroes, some digits to the public. welcome the coming disaster. didn't.registeratall-itwastime 1987?. I can't imagine why Before the restart the following to fake it'. We took seven points we'd do such a thing again. Like morning I read that the killer in · the next six checkpoints and Brock Yates says, "This everit is wave did indeed strike while we - went to the Detroit finish locked much like taking a trip to the slept~ it roared ashore less than in second plac~. . · moon in the. back of a garbage. 100 yards from our motel - it Chevalier,. Shepard and truck."' · · · was twelve ii~hes high! Suomu ran a beautiful rally. Each On the ~ther hand I don't like Much of the return trip is a time we'd zero a control they'd losing... . blur. I remember the TSO . match us . . Each time we'd hit ·a One final note of interest·- , control outsid~ Carson City, NV hot streak, they'd match us. They ther.e have now been three in the whore house driveway. It held that early two. seconds the modern day One Laps of was · scrubbed because of mass whole damn 8,000 miles, taking America and each has been won confusion of rally cars and a very pre~surized . win of the. by a driver from Vermont. customers.trying to negotiate the 1986 -Uniroyal One Lap ·of Wonder what the • hell that same one -lane entrance road. It' America. 34 points in more than means? was hard to say whi_ch was the 50 checkpoints over •eight days, more frantic group . .A very long is not too bad. freight train stopped us in the So ·that was it for yet another middle of the TSO run through year. TheToyota team picked up the mountains near Denver, CO . ~bout fifreen grand for the.irwin. and . our passenger stopped ' We got abo'ut seven - -not too speaking_.for the first time in six . shabby t.miess you figure it on a days whrle JB made up the time, · per hour basis. Both teams skidding the Audi around the received beautiful Omega paved hairpins. ... watches worth another . twelve In Eau c:Iair, Wlwesnatched a bills each. ·· quick shower in the employees It's tough out there on i:he One area of the Uniroyal plant and ~ap, but somebody has to do it. Another stretched rig . . this one a Chevy Suburban entered by a n'ews network finished 107th. with about two hours on the score in .time penalties. July1986 THE PE CT PRE-FILTER FILTER. WRAPS • Cleans air before it reaches primary filter, designed to fit over most foam, paper or gauze filters. • No restriction to bi'eathing. • StoPS all dirtlsand ... excellent protec-tion against water and mud; breath8s . even when dirty. · · • Uses specially oiled "sticky" foam . fibers; the dirt clings to the fibers; the cl'ean air flows easily tO your primary filter. • Reusable;° withstands hundreds of Cleanings. . , • Can be used oil~d or dry; instructions . included. UN\' FIL TEA has a filter to fit virtually every ATV· and.motorcycle, as well as rnost race cars and light trucks. To order direct, contact UNI FILTER; newest , catalog. $3.00. Filter Wraps priced from $4.95 to 8.95. · UNI FILTER, INC. Dept. OT 13522 Newhope Street . "Garden Grove, CA 92643 714/530-6101 Page 45.
THI RED SANDS NUTCRACKIR 100 . . . Off Road Racing _West of the By Daryl D. Drake A new racing organization, the Vasquez Off Road Racing Association or V.O.R.R.A., (haven't I heard that somewhere before?) held its first race in the famous Red Sand Dunes near El Paso, Texas. It· was cool on Sunday, April 27th for-the debut of the new racing group headed by Rick Vasquez of El Paso. · Texas has Ii ttle in the way . of public access lands suitable for off road racing. But, V.O.R.R.A. worked closely with of .,.,, Land_ Management officials, and put together · a challenging twenty-eight mile, loop through the dunes and the surrounding country side. . Along ',1/ith a heavy entry of ATVs and motorcycles, thirteen· · buggies and Jeeps turned out to do battle at this inaugural run. But four ohhe cars dropped Out during Saturday's pre-running. With just nine left in the car · classes, all the Pro classes were Pecos lumped together as they took the green flag Sunday morning. First away was Donnie Beyer in his B & G Automotive Funco, but before the first lap was through, Rick Vasquez took over the lead in the Total Tan/ Bob Heyword Auto Funco. T unie Molina held third in an older, short wheelbase buggy. Mean-while Jim Huff kept his Jack Key AMC Jeep/Valvoline sponsored "Plum Krazy" CJ-6 ahead-of Joe Enoch in the .old Huff 4Wb Center CJ-5 co-sponsored by Jack Key Nissan~Mercedes and Statewide Electrical. Details on the. race are a little sketchy, but Donnie Beyer -finally caught Vasquez on the last · of four laps and sailed in the winner with an eight second advantage. Molina took third, finishing twenty minutes back. Jim Huff and Joe Enoch' were fourth and fifth respectively, • about forty minutes· behind the Photos: Jim Clark leaders. Only two Sportsman entries finished their three laps. Kip Garrison took the single seat win with lap times that would have_ put him a close fourth among the Pro class. Tub Muncrief was the two seat winner, averaging 49:07 a lap, aboµt 5½ minutes per lap slower than Gai:rison·. The ATVs and bikes also raced . over the sa~e course. Honda • factory rider Mark '_'Wax" Weixeldorfer grabbed the A TV victory overall. Jack McGhee took the overall win iri the motorcycle . group. Marco · Celarde was .the Odyssey winner and the lone class finisher. , V.O.R.R.A. is planning a full schedule of races. this season. Look them up when you are in the El Paso area, and check the "Happenings" column for the date and place:of the rac~s ~nder Off Road Racmg Assoc1at1on of Texas. Joe· Enoch brought Jim Huff's old CJ-5 Jeep out of· Rod Tharp displays the sign "run for fun". bui his fun · retirement. and he· stayed close _all the way and finished.a ended ewly in Texas. and he did not finish the race. close fifth overall. Riding a Fourtrax. Honda's Mark "Wax" Weixeldorfer wailed over the route and won the A TV category overall. Blue skies and red sand frame this Odyssey. and Marco Velarde not only won the class but he was the only class ~~~ . . . Page 46 July 1986 Visiting from New Mexico. Donnie Beyer streaked thrQugh the red sand on his · way to victory. first overall and in .the Pro class. . . '· J Flying across the sandy roa.d. Kip Garrison had a good day and won the Sportsman h9nors. fir_st single seater and overall. · One of the movers and shakers of the new group. Rick Vasquez ledoverall for a time. btJt ended up se,cond overall at the _flag. Jim Huff had a fun day at the races, out got serious enough to bring the Plum !5razy Jeep 9 J~6 home fourth overall. I r Dusty Times I' i ~ 1
The 1986 'Acropolis Ra•ly Goes to Peugeot vaunted suspension d_esign was in its element. Grundel took the lead on the, first stage as others eased their way over the boulder strewn tracks. Sal,onen overtook on the third stage·, while Grundel 's teammate Stig Blomq·vist gradually rose up the field after an embarassing moment on stage one. Oil from a shock absorber leaked onto the turbocharger, and • the former World Champion thought his car was on fire, and he jumped out, only to discover his mi~take. in the lead, but immediately· afterwards Kankkunen was 'II' ahead, where he stayed the rest of the event. Next to disappear was Mikael Ericsson. Delayed on the first day with a broken driveshaft on the Lancia, he was in. tenth place at the restart. He then had differential trouble which led to road penalties. When he suffered suspension trouble, he was too late to carry on. Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Two of the three Citroens went out at the end of the first stage, and the other went off the road on the second - the end of BX4TC World Championship activity? Alen damaged his Lancia on the first stage, and challenged so hard that when Salonen had a puncture on stage six, and drove three kilometers on the wheel, Alen took over the lead. Biasion had two flats at the· same time, and at the end of the first day was only up to seventh. With Saby trailing behind, the hopes of Peugeot rested on Kankkunen, and he did them proud. He never had a moment to relax, so close behind were the Lancias of Alen and Biasion, even though Salonen made a series of fastest times trying to catch up lost ground. But, the World Champion overdid it. On ' the last stage of the final day he crashed into a hole with such force the chassis was bent and untold damage done to the car. Shortly the suspension failed . Biasion was struggling through on a broken shock, and Alen's • transmission was changed and he was, temporarily, a happy man. Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen scored an impressive victory, giving Peugeot a hefty lead in manufacturer's points and Kankkunen now has an 18 point lead over teammate Bruno·Saby in the driver's points. On the second day Alen began having transmission· trouble, which got worse. The front differential was progressively failing, and the car became more· rear drive orientated. So, by the end of the frrst stage, Grundel was leading again. Kankkunen seemed well out of the picture. He started the second day in fifth, rising to fourth when Salonen had another flat, and when he stopped to change the. tire the engine would not restart. Salonen was down to seventh. Kankkunen drove without any apparent sign of pressure, even when the power steering failed. Alen was hard on his tail but unable to make sufficient impact on his fellow Finn, so he called on his mechanics for more boost. Three stages from the end the Lancia was out with a loud bang from the engine. Ericsson had led Group A for a long distance, but had to drive two stages on three wheels, letting Rudolph Stohl into rhe Group A lead and eventual win in the Audi Coupe Juha Kankkunen scored his first rally victory in mainland Europe in impressive style. He not only demonstrated an innate sense of car preservation over the roughest roads seen in· World Championship stages, by nursing the Peugeot 205 Turbo. 16, but he withstood the pressure from rival Lancia drivers to win the closest ever Acropolis Rally. Kankkunen is on his way to becoming rallying's youngest ever World Champion. The Acropolis was a thrilling event. Three makes, Ford, Lancia and Peugeot, held the lead as did four drivers, Kalle Grundel, Timo Salonen, Markku Alen and then Kankkunen. The leading margin was scarcely greater than two minutes at any time, and . every stage was held in daylight under cloudless skies. Peugeot entered three cars, for Juha Kankkunen, Timo Salonen and Bruno Saby. Lancia also brought three cars for Markku Alen, Massimo Bias ion and Tiziano Siviero drove the sole surviving Lancia Delta S 4 to a very close second overall in the rugged rally. Dusty Times Massimo Biasion and new to the team, Mikael Ericsson. On hand also were a pair of Ford RS200s for Stig Blomqvist and Kalle Grundel. Filling out Group B were Nissan 240 Rs entries, the Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes, and three Citroen BX4TC cars. This was quite the roughest special stage rally in memory. The layout of the ,rally was changed for the better - three days without night stages and on both the second and third days there were very demanding stretches where there was little or no time for servicing. But the ruggedness was daunting; never had so many top cars retired with suspension troubles as here. . The RS200 with its much As the rally reached the toughest part, the double mountain range crossing up to Karpenission and back, the pressure mounted. Grundel reached a service point far from civilization, and in the haste to change tires, a wheel stud was stripped. Unfortunately the delay in changing the hub put them too late. to continue. Then Blomqvist went off the road in inexplicable circumstances, nose down and out of the rally. The Ford challenge was over . For one section Alen was again Quattro. ~· At the finish Juha Kankkunen won over Massimo Biasion by a minute, 38 seconds. Bruno Saby was third. Some distance back Saeed Al Hajri was fourth in a Porsche 911 SC RS, followed by Stratissino in a Nissan 240 RS. The Acropolis was, apart from the road accident on the final day that reportedly killed a spectator, a happy and safe event. It was a welcome change from the tragedies of recent times. Rudolph Stohl and Reinhard Kaufmann took over the The Nissan 240RS of Stratissino a_nd Costas Fertakis Group A lead in the final stages and won the class and · proved to be sturdy over the rough terrain and the team were sixth overall in the Audi Quattro. were fifth overall and in Group B. Kalle Grundel and Benny Melander led the rally twice in Although the roads are rough the scenery in Greece. 1s the Ford RS 200. but stripped wheel studs cost too much magndicent. The VW G Ti of Kenneth Eriksson and Peter time and they did not fin ish. Diekmann took second in Group A Q July 1?86 Page 47 .. /
Bob Rule to'ok the lead in the 1-2-1600 feature midway in the race and he stayed out front to finish the 25 laps the big winner. Lindy Herrell had a perfect day in his Agitator. winning everything in Class 10. Here he is flying past Bobby Bramblett on the front jump. On Sunday, May 25 GORRA held their third race of the season. Although the scheduled 50 mile main event was still on the schedule, the rest of the event was conducted quite differently from the way GORRA has been running their races. President Jack Tho'!l_pson and Vice-President Tate Thackston decided before the racing started that there would be three separate five lap heat races and three separate 25 lap feature races · for the three different 4;classes. The dust was as heavy as it had been the previous month, and the idea was to have fewer cars on the track at one time for safety reasons, and in hopes it would control the arguments among the drivers. · Starting the racing for the day, the first heat race was for D class. On the -line were Lamar Whigham, Coy Scott, Clint Hurst, Ray Whigham, Mike Isola and Jimmy Millwood. At the checkered flag the winner was Millwood, with five laps done. Coy Scott also covered five laps, running second all the way followed by Ray Whigham, in third all five laps. Clint Hurst was fourth the entire distance, followed by Mike Isola, both covering five laps. Lamar Whigham was out after three rounds with a broken CV joint. The 1-2-1600 line up included ~ ick Smallwood on the pole, Jerry Holcombe, Dennis Aiken, Tony Leftwich, Bob Rule, Clint Hurst ( in his D car) and Rick Scott. The winner was Jerry Holcombe who led all five laps. Dennis Aiken was second, followed by Bob Rule, Rick Smallwoo<il, and Rick Scott, all doing five laps. T any Leftwich was out with a flat tire on the first lap, and Clint Hurst did not get off the line because his car would not start. The five starters in Class io included Lindy Here!( Bobby Bramblett, Clay Hurst, Bill Gaylord and Jack Thompson. The winner after five rounds was Lindy Herrell who led the whole distance. Herrell is driving · for Bill Porter who is still recovering ..__ from a broken leg suffered in an on course accident last season. ,6=lay Hurst took second in Class l'0, followed by Bobby Bramblett, Bill Gaylord and Jack Page 48 Thompson. Thompson missed a shift on the third lap and went from second to last. In this heat, while Herrell had a good lead, the other cars ran very close together each lap. In the feature race for D class Clint Hurst was the winner. In · second, Coy Scott also covered the 25 laps, and he led all the laps but the first and the last and lost by the length of a front wheei. With 25 laps done, Mike Isola was third. Ronnie Whigham had 18 laps to his credit. Ronnie hit into the bushes on the 14th lap, lost a valve cover and broke a shock but got back in action on lap 22. Ray Whigham was fifth with 17 laps completed. Ray broke a spindle on lap 12 and got back in the race on lap 19. Johnny Millwood managed only one lap; with a smoking engine on the second lap, he was out. Bob Rule took the lead in Class 1-2-1600 on the 12th lap, and went on to win the feature. Clint Hurst was second with 25 laps covered in his D car, and Mickey Smallwood was third, also doing all 25 laps. T any Leftwich, with Jan Parrish riding in the two seater, was running second, but had shifter problems on lap 8, and finished 24 laps for fourth place. Jerry Holcombe led the first 11 laps, then had to pit for reasons unknown, and finished 20 laps for fifth . Rick Scott was sixth, having hit a tree on the 12th lap which put him out. Dennis Aiken did not get in a full lap with main jet problems. The first two feature races ran in dusty conditions, the dust giving the drivers a real tough time as always. But, as Class 10 lined up the sky opened up and the bottom fell out of a cloud. The track turned to mud and was very slippery for the Class 10 drivers. Lindy Herrell had a perfect · day, as he also won the Class.IO feature race, the only 10 car to cover 25 laps. Bill Gaylord took second a lap down,· and Clay Hurst was third with 23 laps completed. Hurst led the first 11 laps, but he had to pit for a fresh driver because of the mud in his eyes. James Hester took over and came back into the race in fourth place and gained a position by the checkered flag. In fourth, with 22 laps done, was Bobby Bramblett, who picked up some trash in his carburetor on the last lap and the car quit. Jack Thompson got in seven laps before breaking a CV joint. GORRA's June race was held at Sandy Creek, Montgomery, Alabama, and in July their event will be back in Georgia. Check the "Happenings" column for dates and places of these deep south races. Clay Hurst won the rain swept muddy Class 10 feature. stopping midway to put a fresh driver. James Hester. in the car. and the ploy worked. The pack of D cars charges away from the start. and this class usually stays close together through most of each event. Coy Scott led 23 of the 25 laps in the D class feature. but he lost his lead and ended his day with a pair of second place finishes. Dennis Aiken did well and placed second in the 1-2-1600 Young Clint Hurst had a good day, as he won the D class heat race. but carburetion trouble put him out early in the feature. and ran the same car in the 1600 class and main event. finished second in the main. The Class 1 o drivers really had a bad dose of mud, but Bill Rick and Mickey Smallwood shared the ride in Class 1-2-Gaylord slogged through 24 laps in the muck to take 1600. and Mickey kept it together for a fine third in the second in the main event. feature race. • July 1986 . Dusty Times
PENNSYLVANIA OFF ROAD SHORT TRACK Off Road Racing in Northeastern USA By Sue Sax.on Frank Mesh/er. from Bridgewater. New Jersey stays just in front of "E Bert .. in tight action among the stock 1600 drivers .. Off road racing is truly a on a two day event over the 1.2 between their own class motos. national sport, even though most mile short course, located at the Adding to P.O:S.T.'s profes-of the action east of the rockies is intersection of Routes 414 and sional profile was an event in short course racing. Even in the · 220. There is a three acre hay Middletown, New York last fall heart of stock car racing territory field for camping, and along with which they co-hosted with Score i~ the northeast, the Pennsyl- the off road racing, the weekend Canada at the Orange County vania 'Off Road Short Track usually offers a flea market, mini Speedway. · For two full days group puts on a full schedule of rod tractor pulls and even nearly 300 competitors swarmed wheel tq wheel racing and softball games-in the area. around the track in various obstacle course runs. In just. The racing starts with practice classes, and it proved to be the ,three short years P.O.S.T. has at 10 a.m. on Saturday, and the biggest off road event in the East. 'grown from 30 members to 300. individual class schedules are For· more information on · It has become recognized as a posted in the pit areas. The P.0.S.T. and their events, check professional 'off road wheel to program intermingles the the Happenings column in this wheel racing organization, buggies, 4 x 4s, ATVs, Quads issue, or contact P.O.S.T., R.D. putting on a half dozen events in and Odysseys, so each group has 3, Box 9, Towanda, PA 18848 or the summer months each year. plenty of time to make repairs · call (717) 265-3076. The site of the activity is at Mountaineer Park in Monroe-ton, PA. The competitors come from seven states for a weekend of racing that sees them gather from neat and far on the Friday night. The average entry is around 180 per event, and it includes A TV's, dune buggies and four wheel drive rigs. The program includes a 16 moto schedule for the various classes Race Under Desert Stars Bob Hughes. of Shamokin. PA drove this stock 1600 buggy to the class points championship during the 1985 P.O.S. T. racing season. John Andreoli. from Canton.,CT, corners hard in his Pro-Tech racer. Andreoli competes in the stock. engine and dri,;,e train. 1600 class. Dale Lenig. from Shamokin. PA runs this Jeep in the modified V-8 four wheel drive ciass. and Dale finished second on points last year. SUPERSTITION . 250 Ill John Holland and co-driver Tom Mitchell came from Burlington. CT to Norm Thompson. of Gladstone. NJ. drives a highly modified Toyota pickup in Saturday Night August 9, 1986 AMSA desert series points race. Three cars will make a class. Info: Days: Jeff Wright (619) 561-4810 · Evenings: -Fud (619) 427-5 759 Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team Dusty Times compete in this tidy Ford Bronco powered by a big block Chevy. P.O.S. T. races. and he uses V-8 power in the truck . Chuck Keetz leads Walt Neborski in modified V-8 4 WO action. but the Nissan is still a four cyiinder and competes in other classes also. July 1986 C.O.R.E. PIT TEAM C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. Get all the information on C.O.R.E. Jim Branstetter, President, (818) 705-8183, 17453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys, CA 91406. Page 49 ,,_
. ' ANDRES N. WITER 1 .II r I 7n TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & V.W. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD. CA 91605 PHONE (206) 778-0531 PHONE (818) 765-3566 2006 196 TH S.W., UNIT I LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 ADVANCED OFF ROAD EN-TERPRISES 3 WHEELERS ODESSEYS-DUNE BUGGYS OFF ROAD RACE CARS HARVEY LANGE JOE REICH (~-: ,· & ADVANCED MOTORSPORTS INC. ED FRISK (619) 693-8355 8545 ARJONS, SUITE L • SAN DIE_GO, CA 92126 a.l e.2::i:J ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS J~~~ , "'"ov:-'r' Competition Tires .._o Offroad & M o torcycle Prod u c ts Main Office 412 No . Brand ~200 G lendale. CA 9 1203 619-583-6529 (818) 885-5181 (800) 892-5263 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR. , SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 BELL IMOTOR. RACING AND SAFETY • PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 --t 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 Page 50 • Sl:JSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S i•suPER SEATS'' ED&BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386~2592 - ,.,.c .. ~ Performance Transmission Products (714) 962-6655 10575 _Bechler River Ave .. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS - 4x4s - MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for ou; new Catalog. Home Of The NTERS • FISHERMEN ·OFF ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS FF ROAD LIGHTS OHnrnnnnt RACE CARS SCORE CLASS#1 CHAMPION 1982-83 DISTRIBUTOR FOR FUEL CELLS-ALL SIZES FRONT ENDS-FRONT ARMS-CHASSIS I REAR ARMS-REAR SUSPENSIONS 4080 W. CLARENDON PHOENIX, AZ 85019 602/272-6624 BIRT Olli/TS W2BJ1f!JUJW llOCK NUMBER$ WITH STYlE u.s.A. (818) 882-7808" 10138 CANOGA A VE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIRJ - . RIX-(602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and-Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007' July 1986 PERFORMANCE IDJTJWinxi:Es (818) ae1-soaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 . , ' eCUSTOM ROLL CAGES e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION e l?r ~ :u m o C/) ~ Tim Lecluse 2952 Randolph Street Unit C Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Telephone (714) 662-7223 • • ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD FREE-STANDING. RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! . RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST ., BLD. D,.ONTARIO, ~A 91761 FABRICATION SPECIALTIES MIG & TIG ·wELDING -FLAME CUTTING . SHEET METAL FAB.RICATION TUBE BENDING - ROLL BARS - BUMPERS FRAME & SUSPENSION MODIFICATIONS 287 40 OAK AVE., UN IT H CANYON.COUNTRY, CA. 91351 JOHN McDOWELL 805-251-4134 Trucks Baja FAST GLASS Fiberglass Off Road Racing Products 3653. E. Friess Dr. Phoenix, AZ 85032 RANDY SMAY (602) 992-5110 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE VEAR VW & Porsche Illa Racing Engines·~ & Transaxles __ __ . ., PERFORMANCE Intake & Exhaust System Components for VW Type I, Rabbit, TYPE IV, 911 Race .Car Preparation 1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 Dusty Times
. (619) 465-3782 \\ aet Your SliIPT Together/ POR'tll'I TRAI'ISAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 92035 ~ . Doug Fortin DENNIS y,tAYNE · PORSCHE PARTS RE·IIABLE . V. W. PAffl 11623 SHEL.DON ST, SUN VAL.LEY, CA 91352 (408) 377~3422 POX RACING SHOX Fuel Cells 520 McGlrnc:~y Lane.~~pbell, ~alif. 95008-~, Quick FIiis Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (7,14} 962-0027. GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES · SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS ~ARMAN _(714) 620-1242 . 1436 EAST THIRD-STREET POMONA, CA 91766 YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR OFF ROAD ACCESSORIES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, PICK UP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE VW PARTS-Dusty Times WALT LOTT 96~ West Dale Avenue 702-361-5404 Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 ·· •Alloy Axles & · Spools •Mag Dana 60's · •VW-Master Diffs. •VW.Axles Send This Ad In For A Free Catalog. oRa46 $,rfl1Ja 4 ~~ . . 0 ~~. ··~ 7 _ _ . -~ Michael Lund Serving the Off Road Industry ' 7302 Broadway-Lemori Grove, CA 92045 ·619·589-6770_ P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 · a--Jada ~W..Service· . 6291 MANCHESTER · BUENA PMK,CA 90621 213· 921-1785 · 714-522-4600 NEW & USED PARTS. STREET-OFF ROAD-PREP-RACE CARS JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS . ALUMINUM BODIES . J:IOLL CAGES P~RTS & ACCE$SORIES (619) 562-17_43 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS'; 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, . CA 92071 , July 1986 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON ~iJ;;;:v;;.;_4:~:;_;_ =· =Send=$=2.=00=tor=·Ca=talog=::::;. SUSPENSION SYSTEMS OHN · /ICING PllOOCJCTS. OH~SON. P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 .CA 92045 [619) 583-2054 7 n.. ....... 100fl ...._ . HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS DUAL & TRIPLE ~ SYSl&IS RBERGlASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES LEDUC OFF ROAD 186 BALDWIN STREET - 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. WEST SPRINGFIEL,D, MA · 01089 TEL. (413) 739-4111 FACE TRUCK FAB. 4WD TRUCK REPAIR INSTANT SERVICE . l ... l~i<' ~t-~ "ocf0 STANDARD ~~~♦\,V«,"-,,_ V REBUILDS ... ~ ~ i§,~"o}'+v (619)244-3584 ~~ (\.t~0~0 11435 Santa Fe Ave, East V Hesperia, California 92345 ~'?-McKENZIE"S -AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA Tl.,ES· KC LIGHTS SWAY-A-WAY BILSTEIN .SHOCKS K,Y.B. SHOCKS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIBIE LIGHTS . BEARD SEATS HEW.LAND GEARS GEM GEARS CROW N MFG. MCKENZIE AIRFILTERS WRIGHT PLACE . DURA BLUE UL1'RA BO_OT WESTERN AUT O T IRES .818-764-64:,8 818-765-!5827 NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRI-MIL .129415 SHERMAN WAY, No. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9HI0S 'MENDEOLA RACING . TECHNOLOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARJOXES ( 619) 2 7 7, 3100. 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, C_A 92111 Page 51 f
INSTANT SERVICE 1~800-331-NEAL .· OUTSIDE CALIF. ' ' High Perforniance Pedals & Hydraulics, · Including... ., • NEAL Cut.ting Brakef" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies · •··Master Cylinders • Hydrauiic Clutches and Throttles ... plus ~ore. Complete Catalog, $3.00. 'NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road -San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 Olieig .. Entarprlm, •. • . 'F I LT E RS ''USED BY WINNERS NAT,IONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today · -Oil - Fuel -Transmissions -Rearends -Offroad, Oval Tr?ck, Drag, Marine -QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 1241.4 Hwy. 99 S,?,; Dept OT, Everett; WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN c ·,~cLE. EiuENA PARK. CA. 90620-Off Road Suspension ·Preparation 2 . & 4 W.D. VANS_& PtcKuPs·: & M,;,., TRUCKS GABRIEL RActNG SH'oc1<s • ' B0AJA RvoERs PRE·Ru'N TRUCKS ; .CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE' WORK • Cusrci M SUSPENSION No_ ·BLOCKS ·usEo • WELDING & FAe·R1CAT10N Bill Montague _ (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 CUSTOM CHASSIS R~CEPREP -OFF. ROAD CONCEPTS 7352 Fox Trail Unit B Yucca Valle}', CA-92284 Dave Snoddy (619) 365'0162 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING ,08· ...... ---Can ,' 9720 Cozycroft .. · Chatsworth, CA91311 · GREG LEWIN KIRK CART\.VRIGHT (818) ·882~2886 THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 .WATTS • SYNTHESIZED (213) 426.-7077 • RACE &BUSINESS USE • NEW ROADMASTERSERIES · 50 WATTS-S499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2888 GUNDR)' AVE. SIGNAL- HILL, fA 90806 Page 52 Po R-c-·o. PRECISION OFF ROAD ~OMPAN~ ~ Retail Parts·• Fabrication • Proto'lype 721 j.JNIT B SAN BERNARDINO RD. . COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (206)242-1773 . Qual .. ity Products· _fastener Specialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213)-6_33-6971 7022 Marcelle Street _ AL KEY· (213) 515-3570 Paramount, California 90723, DOUG FREEMAN · (213) 320-9584 PERFORMANCE COMMUNIGATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES P .O. BOX 375.,_.7 GARDENA, CA 90247-7457 Telephone: -(714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438: David Kreisler 920 ,East Arlee Place Anah~iin, CA· 92805 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Pee~ Rd., Monr.ovia, CA 91016 (BEH)ND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) . (818) 574-1943 • (818} 574-1944 , Spf'-;ializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's July 1986 (2~3) 583-2404 )~~o .· . ~ SANDERSSER~C~I~~ METAL PROCESSING 5927 Wilming ton A venue Los Angeles, California 90001 SA NDBLAST GLASS BEA D MAG NETiCPARTi°CAL ' . FLOURES.CENT INSPECTION , 'Rick Munyon_ Larry Smith · SCORE-Canada l_nc. 390 CHEMIN DL! LAC, LERY, QUE. CANADA J6N 1 A3 _514-692-6171 ~ .R. ' ' ' . ~~'\> . ' 0 ' SO-CAL PERFORMANCE . · fl) .. - ' 8504 E. Compton Blvd. : : ·· Paramount, CA 90723 ~ ~- - -(213) 4oa-0440 - - ® . _ . ,.,,.,w"I I Fl/Fl" LOCATION Las Vegas. NV Long Beach. CA Lancaster. CA El Centro. CA· Bullhead City, AZ Phoenix. AZ Colton. CA Van Nuys Cl\_ . Yuma. AZ -Bakersfield. CA Oakland/SJ. CA Haywood CA San Jose. CA Bakersfield. C.A DISTRIBUTORS · Darwin Pilger /Tom Tonai . Dave Wayt · Dave Ped row /Wayne U I berg _ Mike McNeece Larry Stover Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark Dick Alden/John Donahoe Dave Wayt Robert McNeece David Pedrow /Wayne Ulberg · Chris Price _ Jack Bertwfck Mike Whitacre Tim Schmidt TELEPHONE 1702) 45i5906 _ (213) 437-4373 (805[ 948-6044 (619) 352-4721 · (602) 758-5480 (602) 278-6271 (714) 877'0226 (213) 437.4373 1602) 782-6543 1805) 948-6044 i415i 428-2600 1445) 783-6500 . 14081 294-4513 (805) 324-9882 P.O. Box 610•333 West Broadway•Suite 202 Long Beath, California 90801-0610 · · (213) 437-4373 · . Dusty Times. J
RICHARD LILLY -LAURA STOUFFER •--Manufacturers . of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS · 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 ' · 714-997 -0766 If no an·swer 714-997-0767 SWAY•A •WAYcoRP. .~...... . Suspensi on.Components .r (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNE.T AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIR S Baseball Cap:· twill/mes·h, one size fits all, your , . choice of'b_lue, black, grey, red .or yellow. $5.00 T-Shirts: 50/ 50, availaole in S, M, L, & XL, your choice of .blue, white, gley, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: · 1 ½" X 5", yellow with black logo. $.50 Decals:· 12" X 3" black or white on clear, $1.00, or. 26" X 5" with black, white, red or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 · · TO ORDER YOUR "GEAR" ... please mclude 1te'm, quantity, s_ize and color. and send)check. money order or MC/VISA# (Ohio residents add 5.5% tax) .to:· Mic~y Thompson PERFORMANCE TIRES ~ -,-----l,.. --------P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH: 44222 Inside Ohio, 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE ·oHIO - 800 222-9092 _ ~TRACKSIDE Photo EnterprlN• PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA. CA. 90248 · \ . ' . JlmOber . (213) 327-4,493 llACING PIIOTOGllAPHY SPECIALlfftl DUSTY-TIMES. INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALER ~ Each m0nth ten or more copies of the current issue can be .in ·you_r shor , to sell or to present to preferred . custom ers. It is a grea-t traffic builder, and the cost is : minim-at. · CONTACT --DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, · Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 more ••• TRAIL NOTES IMC£ THANSBY JEFF f/EO)'S TRANSAXLE, ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 T.A l cl--' . We sell more racirig . . I n gasoline than anyone •racing gasoline else in ·the west! · · Alameda C<:>unty 916 962-3514 Phoenix 602 952-2575 Bakersfield 805 39~-8258 Portland 503 393-9705 Denver 303 452:5239 Riverside 714 787-8141 Hawaii 808 682-5589 Sacrarnento 916 962-3514 Huntington Beach 71 4 536-8808 San Diego 6 I 9 460-5207 L.A.-lDng Beach 21 3 863.-480 I Saugus 805 259' 3886 .Las Vegas 702 871-1417 • Seattle 206 833.-0430 Monterey - 408 899-1010 Spokane 509 483-00 7 6 Orange County 714 634-0845 Yakima · 509 248-327 I Division of Off Road Concepts 7352 Fox Trail Unif B Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Dave Snoddy '\ · (619) 365-0162 Performance Parts and Accessories 9158 Las Tunas Temple City: CA 91780 ( 818) 285-5944 (818) 285-5973 <&roup 1 ruckritann San Diego <519> 578-1585. 6 CYLINDER PORSCH E OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES, WINNERS. . - FOR CORKY. McMILLIN AT DANNY LETNER 8626 COMMERCE AVE. O< LARRY RAG LAND IN MIR A MAR M ARK McMILLIN 'l'HE IMINNEflS CHOICE Fact is WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have been used by-more winning drivers and engine builders in 1985 than any other brand! Ask the top profe~sionals before buy-ing your next cam. · Call us for· your winning cam for street*, strip and off-road. Send · $3 for complete 1986 catalog. ·. _vw . PqRSCHE • OFF ROAD 947 RANCHER.OS' DRIVE SAN _MARCOS, C_A 92069 Engine & Machine~ Phone (602) 242-0077 -2733 W. Missouri · (619) 741-6173 Custom Wheels · Phoen ix, Arizona 85017 Two for the OH-Road! fiOtVWs · For advertising rates &. information contact Wright Publishing_Co., l~C-PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Get the word out about your business; --big or small. · Put v~ur busi'ness card in the 0GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" -and reach .new customers.· Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $1.6.00 per month. Subscribe proper riding.technique. . · _ • . -In conjunction with the riding clinic at Cal City, the National ATV Rodeo Association and Coors Light presented the Hi Desert A TV Rodeo, with trophies and contingency awards plus a purse for the participants. The various sessions. in the clinic were· held op. the Saturday, along with rodeo practice, and the rodeo competition. began on Sunday. In these competitions -riders do ·not race wheei t:O wheel, only against rhe clock. The events include, such nifties as a barrel race, slalom race and-an obstacle course run. If such a clinic might help you find the expert .and safe way to ride your bike or A TV, contact the organizers of the clinic to find out whei:i one will be held in your ~rea, c_~ll_f_edo_r.mance O ff Road A TV /Motorcycle Clinics at_ (619) 868-,3407. CONGRATULATIONS TO STEVEMILLEN on having outstanding success this season in two racing series that _are ~ight years apart in driving style. Steve is well known· to readers as the points leader in the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group's stadium series in Class 7 trucks. Steve has won the majority of these events,.so far this season in his Toyota truck, and leads the points for the drivers' championship. Meanwhile, MH!en also won the first race in the new American Racing Series at Phoenix. A new_ addition to the CART schedule this year, theARS is designed to be a training ground for potential Indy car drivers, and the ARS events'serve as a curtain raiser for the , . full blown CART races.His a restricted, open wheel formula that includes the mandatory use of a Bukk Wildcat V-6 engine. Steve finished fourth at th.e second ARS event at Milwaukee, and he.continues to hold the lead in that series as well. Steve Millen will certainly have a busy summer, trying to hold the points lead in two diverse racing series that certainly call for ~lifferent driving techniques. ' to Dusty Times July 1986 -DUSTY TIMES SEE FORM ON PAGE3. P,ge 53
Ir . Classified♦.♦♦ WANTED: Race car builder!· Nissan factory off road truck team. Full charge crew ·chief and builder. Design, fabrication, assembly, organization and race logistics. Contact Jim at (619) 449-6673. FOR SALE: New ATL Cell, 22. gal. $350.00. MSb 7 AL2 4 cyl. -model, _ $250.00. PEL TOR Intercom, $250.00. Special Rally Tires: Pirelli P7 M&S 195VR15 and ' 155VR13, Dunlop MK II 195x14; -Bridgestone ,165x13, Yokohama OOl~R 155x13 DOT legal. All tires, $40 each.Toyota & Datsun Rally Mags, $35 each; Toyota Starlet Gr A parts. $500 -_ for all. Corolla & MR216 valve motors and 5-speed, $1500/ 1 ,both. Call (818) 764-9013, -10 a.m. - 6 p.m. _, ---BUY A WINNER! 1983 SCORE and · HORA Class 7 · Championship Mitsubishi built by John Baker. Extremely reliable. Fresh Borg Warner 5 speed, Summers axles, Works Perform;mce aluminum shocks, 40 gallo n . fu el cell, - etc . -... $29 ,OQ0.00 (less engine). Call John at (818) 240-7051. FOR SALE: Mirage 1-1600. Fuel Cell, Sway-A-Way, Neal, Weld Wheels, Desert Dogs, Sandblast- . er Jrs., Di•al-A-_Carn, Bilstein, Bus trans, 1982 North Centi-al points class champ. Trailer_ available. NMR, $3000. Call Scott (313). 535-2723. FOR SALE: 1969 Datsun 510 Pro Rally race car. 1_600 full race engine with dual W ebers, T raris-Arn exhaust system, nine Cibie lights and hundreds of trick .parts. $3000 O.B.O. Spare parts . sold separately: rriag rims, 5 speed middle-close ratio trans, 2000 engine, steel rims, standard 510 4 speed trans. Call (818) 842-6046. FOR SALE: 1985 Class 7S Ford Ranger, works shocks, 12 ·spare wheels & tires, power steering, · automatic, r·aced •four times. ·Four wheel trailer, over $20,000 invested. Sell for $14,500. Cash! _ Trade! Lots! · Hornes or young girls! Also, 1974 24 foot motor--home, Winnebago Indian -$7500. _Call (213) 254-1531. FOR SALE: Race car stable: Chaparral Desert Pro 2180 and all the goodies. Two Class 10 short course cars. Two .car ·_ trailer, spares,· quick jack and -dump cans. Ready to -race. -$23,000 for all or will sell separately-. Trades considered. Call Tommy in Texas at (915) 332-1537 days or (915) 563-9154 nights. FOR SALE: Funco Class 9. Everything trick and new, over $24,000 invested. Asking-$4300 -or trade. lt'.s got to go! EDCO di.scs, Neal, Fox, J.T. front end, U .M.P. body and wing, Mendeola Webster 5-speed, unbelievable · detail work. Last chance to get an excellent piece of equ_ii::,rnent ·at a give-a-way price! For more info contact Tom, days (619) 727-0515, nights, (619) 727-0515. · FOR SALE: Porsche 6 cylinder off road .race en·gine (-twin brother to D anny Letner's Parker winning engine). Com-plete, minus headers, tested and built by Volker Bruckmann_. Ver.y quick, very stro_ng,andvery · -reliable·. Never been raced. Priced for sale at $9999; cash. Call (619) 578-1585. FOR SALE: Class 1 1984 Jirnco. WANTED: Experienced race Bruckrnann Porsche 2.8, 6 cyl. . partner for Class 7S to share engine. Twin brother to Danny d(iving and co-riding duties for Lerner's Parker winning . engine. · factory sponsored team with· UMP power steering, Super Boot ,najor sponsors already signed be_aring·· housing, axles, cvs, coil for 1987-88. Will compete in over Wright front and rear sus--four. races per year. Approxi- pension, 12 Fox shocks, Porsche rnately $10,000 needed for full brakes, perfect set up for River-vestedone third share. Send brief side and desert. 2 Porsche gear-racing'experience to: C Vaughn, .· boxes. Enclosed Caller 23 foot 13061 Poway Road, Poway,.CA trailer. $25,000 will take it all. 92064. This one can fly!! Call.Volker at FOR SALE: Class 7S Mazda 1984. One year old , raced five times. Professionally built with Ro ugh Countrys, Yokohama,· (619) 578-1585'. -_ FOR SALE: Chaparral, 114 in . . WB. Everything virtually new. 2388. cc with Rirnco, Berg, Carella, Weber, IRS, Super diff., Hew land, 4:86. Suspension from' Wright, Palmer, Sway-A-Way, C.M. stubs, 4 wheel Wilmot FO SALE: Class 2 Chenowth discs, Fox. Plu·s, Beard, Neal, 2000, Proven Winner! 116 in. Parker, Wright P /S, Centerlines; WB, 17 in. rear travel, 12 in. Yokohamas, (8 spares) K.C., 32 front travel, Wright rack _and gal. fuel cell and _ much more. combos, UMP power .steering, Race prepped and ready for 22 gallon cell, secondary torsion, $9500. Call Jim at (602) 274- Super -Boot; Be~rd seats, Fox 0668 or (602) 938~8640.' shocks, Carr brakes,Micro stub. · ~----------Less engine and trans, $8800.00 FORSALE: 1650ccGorillaVW - negotiable; Call Jerry; Penhall Class 10 engine & late bus trans. (714) 650-3035. Engine has all the best.Just made .FOR SALE: Single axle ·car fresh with' lots of head work. trailer, tire rack, large steel Trans has complete set low •· · · d £ Id - Hewlands with 4 sp· ider carrier. storage box, carpete ' 10 · up · ramps, a quality trailer in1 good Also just race . prepared. Sell/ condition. Includes 12' x 20' trade. $4000 or trade for' fish ski Out d O Or car Pet . $ 1 o 0-0 . O .B. boat motor and trailer. All WANTED: 10" and-12" and 14" or part. Call Paul after 6:00 p.rn:. Fox shocks with heims, emulsion at (213) 531-3293· or reservoir. Call Mark at (805) 52,4-0609. . FOR SALE: 1981 · Ford van conversion, fully equipped. Too FOR SALE: New Chenowth many options to list." O .R.D./ Magnum DR2V Chromoly Rancho Suspension, new BFG · chassis near completion. _ All All Terrains; custom paint, bracketry,. ultra lightweight; I interior, runs and looks better front. beam, ·_ UMP adjustable than new. Asking $11,800. Call seats, 30 gallon fuel ceH, body (213) 399-1798 for details. - mounted, Neal hanging pedals, UMP aluminum work, Hewland FOR SALE: 1962 Baja Bug, 106 DG300 w/UMP adaptor. Must inch wheelbase, Wright beam - Sell! Call Mike .at (619) 449- · 5" Wider. Combo spindles, rack 7100 a.m. or Bill at (619) 579-· & pinion, Centerline wheels, 6888 p.m. Beard, seats, 25 gallon fuel cell, ----,--------~--'--full cage, 12 Bilstein shocks, bus WANTED: . Class 2 desert car. gear box, Sway-A-Way torsion Must be :long, wheelbase, long bars, axles,· long travel. travel with chrome mol~ frame. BFGoodrich tires, 2240 ported Will pay ca$h. Call (503) 686-and polished heads .and much 3105 days or 484~0323 nights. · more. $4500. Call (805) 269- -Ask for Bill. --5200. FOR SALE: Hi Jumper 2-1600. -Beard seats, Simpson belts, K ;& FOR SALE: Race Package N, Centerlines, Yokoharrla back. including Class 10 vehicle. Bil_steins,· Parker P_.umper_, Neal Raceco chassis, 118½" wheelbase, Model #2TC. 1650cc pedals, well built: With trailer in Toyota engine; power steering, Las Vegas, $5500. ·call ·(702) Carr . rear disc, brakes, Bilstein 361-3287 · · · . . i' · shocks w/secondary suspension; I FOR SALE: 1979 Chevy Luv · ,Class 7S. Summers rear end, Fuel Safe cell , Rancho shocks, Good-year tires, extra eI)gine and trans. --Many extra parts, ready to race. - Stock Car Products rear end, · Hella, Mastercraft, race ready with two · extra motors._ Extra parts galore with transmissions. Call Andy ( 619) 726~0130. Ask-ing $14,900.00. FOR SALE: 1983 Chevrolet S-10 Pi~kup. Ex T earn MacPherson truck -and winner _of the Baja 1000. Chevto-Iet billboard truck, st-reet legal, low., low miles, Class -7 ready. Truck prepped by Pre-cision Preparation arid T-Mag. $12,000 O.B.O. Contact (714) 759-8422 days. Palmer front arms,. Super Boot FOR SAL_E OR TRADE: Jeep axles and CV s. Complete rebuilt Commando,, Class 3, race ready. -racing trans With_ Hewland gears, Daria 44 front, Dana rear -with Duke carrier, lots of extras and a spool, 488 gears, fuel cell, Taylor _ 1982 trailer/Carrier Make, · seats, turbo 400 Art Carr. Only · - · - raced 3 times. Call for ~pecific - $50QOO.B.O.Cal1Tornat(818)" VSTRM, · Type: 41 W' etc. details. If-it is a trade, need a $12,000. Call Ray Aragon -Class2car.Call(915)593-4848 367-16J4. ' . (8l8) 793-4333. -or (915) 593-4849. . - -----------·----·------..1--------------------.---.... r--------- -- ---, - -•---~-------~ I - - Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in - · · I I - ·DUS-TY TIMES. I " I - - - I I· Classified Advertising-rate is only $10 fo; 45 words, not_ including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use nf black O I ' I and white photo, or. a. very sharp color print.. . . . , :. . . I -NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES -A 45_ w.ord Cl_assified A~ is_ FREE if you act now and - I I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free_ ad, enclose $5.00.· All class1f1ed ads must be paid m advance. I I ----~---~---~--~--~-----~ I I ----'---~-~-------:---------------:-I I I ·1 _;__;__"---------'-_:__ _ __:__,---'----a--~--:'----'----------,---~-I I --~~~-~----~---------~-----I I ~ I I ------:-_:____c__ ___ -:--_~~-_c_---~----I 1· ' I I · . Encl~sed is$ _____ (Send check or·money order, no cash). Pleaserun ad _______ times. I I I I Name _ ___:._ _ _ --'-___________ _;___ _ _;__ ___ _ ----,--:--______ Mail to: _. : --.. I Address Phone-----~-DUSTY TIMES ·1 I ------------~------,---- -5331 Derry Ave., Suite O -I · State Zip Agoura, CA 91301 I ~-., Ciry ----'----------------------------I Page 54 July 1986 Have·lights --Wil/Race SUPERSTITION 250 -UI; _Saturday Night August-9, 1986 AMSA desert series points race. Three cars will make a class. Info: Days Jeff Wright (619) 561-4810 Evenings Fud (619) 427-5759 Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team . Dusty Times _
I . . ".. \ WEATHPIMAN'S RADIO TIPS ' ·) ;;;--~ flle Fascinating World of Antennas ,, ..., a/fW ~-. ./" ,.-i. , •. Part I Often people ask me how certain race teams and pit organizations can talk so clearly and so far without getting walked on. You hear them on the radio at the races. They are, to name a few, the Stroppe, MacPherson, Qoodyear, Goodrich and Firestone pit teams. What are · they doing to be so successful? 1. They run high power 90 watt plus 2-ways. 2. They have gain antennas that give them over 300 watts of effectivt; radiated power. 3. They try to locate their vehicles for the best advantage for radio transmission. 4. They · have good people on the mikes who monitor the channel before talking, and usually use "clean" air time for their transmissions. The answer Jor you then, is to do as they do'! Use high power un-amplified multi chann,e) µnits. High power allows you to overcome much of . the noise interference on the channel. It allows you to get . more than line of sight communication by better taking advantage of "The Ground FOR SALE: Quality racing fuels. V-P Hydracarbons Racing Gasoline, 100 to 117 motor octane gasolines, Trick and Super Trick Gas, Angus Nitro-fuel and Alka fuel. Dump cans, pumps, funnels, free delivery. Competitive prices. Motorsports Distributors. (805) 252-6747 or (805) 252-6763. · WANTED: Rally partner wanted ~o drive/co-drive in western s(ates SCCA rally series. Brains are· more important than guts on this team. May also run some Score/HORA races. Contact . Brad at (805) 964-1852 or (805) 967-2728. ' . By Bob Steinberger Effect", the ability to talk over hill, even mountains. Hi_gh power, wattage, simply talks farther. You can light a room with a 40 watt bulb, but if you want to see to read you use a 100 watt bulb. , Multi channel units allow you to do your pit talking and take care of your haul-em-home activities on a non-crowded secondary frequency. They also allow you to be helpful to others by having their pit channel· on your radio. -Utilize Gain Antennas Por every 3 decibles of gain you double yo~ur effective radiated power. When you double your. effective radiated power, you gain approximately 35 per.cent more range. Example: Unitlizing a P.C.I. race prepped 90 watt Pace Landmaster III 2-way radio tuned to 100 watts output, at O dB gain = 100 watts of effective radiated power, at 3 dB gain = 200 watts, at 6 dB gain = 400 watts, 9 dB gain = 800 watts, 12 dB= 1600watts, 15 dB = 3200 watts, 18 dB = 6400 FOR SALE: 1978. Honda (?dy~sey, . I~~ hours. Registra-tion 1s paid t1l 1988. Included is a Pilatfor~ for front of your tra1·,er, so It can be hauled over the front end of your buggy. $900 or best offer. Call after 5:00 p.m. ( 408) 377-3911. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600, a great competitive car. Previously owned by "Mike's Sky Rancho". The best of everything. $6000.00 or best trade. Serious inquiries · only, please. Call Rich Minga at Baja Concepts, (619) 583-6529. H.P.S. Oil, Dana, Tony, Ben, Carmen I and II. Thanks, Octavio S. ATTENTION Subscribers .... ARE YOU GETTING MORE THAN ONE COPY. OF DUSTY.TIMES? A , number of subscrib~rs· now h ·. av.e'· two. subscriptions, because they get one with· their membership in HDRA, er they subscribed t~ both ' Off Road Action N~w's_ ~nq-Dusty Tim<:!s. If you don't really _need two copies each month, drop ys a note and a,ssign your. duplicate subscril)tio~ to. a friend, pit crew worker,-anyohe you choose. Send us the full name and .address ,w(th zip code, of Y,Ol:lr friend, and the mailing label from the subscription " you wish to assign to them. We will take care of the · paper work. Dusty Times Wiitts, of effective radiated power. , , .~C?W is' gain effected? By u~1lmng an antenna design that directs the output power. Omni directional gain antennas limit , the upward and. downward radiation, thereby directing the power on a horizontal plane. The most popular Omni directional gain antennas are: 1. • The Antenna Specialists moclel 1450, 3 dB gain vehicular antenna that can be permanently mounted on a Motorola type mount or screwed onto a magnet mount. 2. The "Weathermanized" 5.5 dB Ringo Ranger. This is what we use on the mountain-top for our relay. 3. The Phelps Dodge 6 dB gain . fiberglass 20' pole, rather expensive but effective and easy for one person to put up. Specialized Directional Antennas 1. The Corner Reflector directs most of the power in a 45 degree arc. Up to 9 dB of gain. 2. The Dipoles that· have elements that can be directed to cover certain directions. Up to 9.dB of gain if all elements are directed the same way. 3. The Yagi ~ntennas that direct all the power m one direction. Up to 13 dB of gain in a sing!~ Yagi. The . Yagis can be phased, two side by side at person saying "unit calllna upto 16dBofgain,andmounted Weatherman", you woulet in a quad array, four Yagis - up answer, hopefully, this time to 19 dB of gain. using a proper 1.0. But, so mitlht At the Baja races we utilize a any number of other units diat single 13 dB gain Yagi at SCORE want a· relay or had previously headquarters at the Bahia Hotel called and were in a holding in Ensenada and at our relay pattern, or someone who called point above the observatory on and was not heard because of his Mount Diablo. By effectively low power orposition/ distance/ radiating 1600 watts of power at interference, etc. Do you see the each other we can communicate challenges that arise out of not to Ensenada which is in a valley using a proper 1.0.? If you need and cannot otherwise be reached help, we are going to help y-ou. on a · ,:;ace day with all the But, we absolutely insist on interference and noise on the air. proper 1.0., which in all cases Locating Your Pit means your car number, who Radios Effectively you are, and what you · are Don't park against a hill or inquiring about. When we among trees. Find a spot that has acknowledge your car number, a clear field of vision, as for the · who you are and your request, most pan radio signals travel in a your people hear the acknowl-stra1ght !me. The top of a hill edgement and are ready with the would be my first choice. The answer! Remeber we insist you more heightyour antenna has the . use a proper I.D. farther youwill talk. A forty foot The Goodyear Weatherman telescoping pole under a 5.5 dB Radio Relay Team has a long list gain "Weathermanized" Ringo of people to thank for their help · Ranger ·puts the tip of your at the Mint 400 race. Thanks to antenna 54' above -the ground. the team members on the Effective? You bet it is. · mountain: Pat Patterson of Los Put Your Best Campeone.s, Elvin Berios from Communicators On P.C.I. Race Radios, and Paula The Mikes Sims, on - the ground at the These are responsible people Goodyear Trailer. Thanks to who are quick of mind, who Mike McFadden of C.M.A.C. listen first to make sure they are whose business kept him from , . not transmitting on · someone running the race, so Mike lent us INO~X TO ADVERTISERS else's effort. They use proper three 90 watt Pace radios with 1.O.s. They have t~eir message which we effected the relay. A & D Buggies ......... 34 written or their thoughts Thanks to the many racers All Terrain Enterprises ... 25 collected so they take a minimal who, during the competition Bilstein Corp. of amount of valuable air time. took the time to help us find lost A · During the heavy times where cars via their radios. Thanks to menca · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 seemingly there is no available air the chase and pit vehicles who Burks Off Road Racing · · · 33 time to take, they ar-e patient and - also helped. Special thanks to the Champion Bead Lock .. : . 19 wait for a break. They know that . ever helpful pit organizations: ., C.O.R.E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49' walking on someone creates a Checkers, Chap;ila Dusters, Filler Products. Inc. 35 chain reaction of radio abuse. F.AJ.R. and Los Campeones Firestone Tire & Rubber Som~ Don'ts To Contemplate who are always super helpful on Company, ....... : . . . . 9 1. Don't Use a cheaply blclilt or the radio. · f·ormula Tires . . . . . . . . . . 13 light dwedight, literally, radio in a h T1 he HORA crew was always Doug Fortin Transaxles . . . 18 crow e pit area. Why? Because e pful in reporting downed General Tire a high powered unit can key up vehicles and in locating lost , on another channel and degrade vehicles. What a job they did to · !\llotorsports · · · · · · · · · 16 your receiver, whereby you make it a safe and fun-race! And Bf Goodrich -Tire cannot hear messages intended last but r:1ot least, Walt Lott, who Division . . . . . . . . . 28-29 for you. These radios, for the at his own expense helicoptered Goodyear Tire & most part,· are prone to the team to its lofty perch atop Rubber Co ............ 2 interference. 2. Don't use McCullough Mountain. It was Rod Hall Racing ........ 27 amateur- band or marine band Walt who ultimately gave the Hodag 50 ............. 24 radios11 that are illegally racing fraternity the super . Ja Mar Performance recrysta ed for commercial band coverage we were able to provide p d use. Because of the more lax over a very difficult course, radio ro ucts ·; · · · · · · · · · 39 specifications in 'both the wise. KC Hilites · · · · · · · · · · · · 17 amateur and marine bands, the My personal comments on the Mazda Motors of radios don't have the "parts" to race: There were too many radios America ....... , .... , 5 be selective in what they hear. on too few channels in too small McKenzie Automotive . . . . . 4 They hear too much, including an area creating a traffic jam that Mikuni American Corp. . . . 31 adjacent · channel interference was impossible at times. Solution Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . 8, and · intermod. The transmitter - operate in adjacent channels Nissan Motor Corp'., specs are not as "tight" a~ in the and coordinate your take home-0 USA B k C commercial band, and there will activiti~s on another channel, . . . . . . . . ac over b II I h 1 S I • I e genera y more spurious ( off · eaving t . 'Ose sti I in competition core nternat1ona . . . . . . 11 fr ) • • Wh ·· · Th equency transm1ss1on. en some air time. ere were some . Marvin Shaw Performance you put a linear amplifier on this instances on several channels of . Products . • • • • . . . . . . 26 type ofradio yo~ also amplify the pe~ple !nadvertant~y keying up Silver Oust Racing 9ff frequency signal, creating a their mikes. Solution - use a Association . ·. · ....... 23 splatter problem tha_t gets into pro~er mike hanger. Don't leave S.N,O.R.E., ltd. . . ; .. · ..... 7 the good guys receivers. This , a m1ke 'on the seat or between Superstition 250 Iii · ..... 20, de~ades their effort. 3. If the your legs, qr you could be guilty 49. 54 · · radio you are thinking of of the ultimate radio abuse. Team-TIA -BFGoodrich ......... 22· Trackside Photo , .. Enterprises · .. ; ... · : . . . 12 Trick Enterprises . . . . . . . 21 Tri-Mil. Industries . . . . . . . 15 Uniden Race R.adios 41 Uni Filter ........... ;: . 45 Unique Meti!,I Products • . . 32 Valley Performance " Hewland .......... -. · 36 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . 37 July 1986 ' using/buying, borrowing, etc., is We will se.e you in contingency :not the- type accepted by the · row at the Baja Internacional. Federal Communications Com-Should you need any radio help mission for use in the at any·Score, HORA or SNORE commercial- band, don't use it! It event, look for the blue and is illegal! 4. Don't utilize the white Goodyear Weatherman . · Goodyear ·Weatherman Radio· Radio Relay flag flying from any Relay Team _by say,ing, "Hey! team member's antenna. Weatherman, you got your 'ears , Should you have need of more on?" It is a total and useless waste information., or would like to be of air time!! You are (I hope). ;i part of the Goodyear using "clean a_ir'', meaning you Weatherman Radio Relay T earn hear nobody on the channel. If I contact Bob Steinberger at P.C.I were to answer a non-identified Race Radios, (213) 426-7077. _... · Page55
NEW NISSAN V-8 FEED IT-ROAD NISSAN SE 4x2-HARDBODY BOLD TAUT, MUSCULAR-· . '.BIG SMART, ·coMFORTABLE-_PERFORMANCE.1t·s re · OUTSIDE. Breakthrough design niakes. INSIDE. The new cab is Nissan's biggest, hot. Nissan's top new this truck a Hardbody. Sloped hood. widest ever. More he_ad, leg and shoulder 4x2. With the biggest -Raked windshield. Flared fenders. It's · · room plus cloth upholstery and deep cut engine in any compact Nissan's longest, widest, most ae·rody-pile carpeting make thi$ SE incredibly truck. Fuel-injected. namic truck. The cargo box is double- · comfortable. Full instrumentation-Overhead cam. 3 liter walled steel. Built on a reinforced including tach, voltmeter and oil pressure V-6. 140 HP. 5-speed box-ladder steel chassis that handles a gauges-is laid out trye way it should be. · stick. Or 4-speed over-1400 lb. payload, it's the biggest cargo Easy to read. Easy tb reach. - . drive automatic transmission. box of th~ leading compact trucks. Nissan SE 4x2. Hardbody hot. THE IVAlt/lE IS NISSAN / _I ~ ._; ' ' ''1;. •' f~~>:~: 1'\c:~i{ f,,,, '., ,· ~ ~ a,' .~• . .. '