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1986 Volume 3 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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including OFF-ROAD & RALLYE-AalON NEWS '' , .... I ~ .V ~, ,. .,: ;/ ·;~-.:,., ;.,_;'j ...;, , , .. ; '. ~W .-"~

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I ) ) ) ) l I I I l, l I I I I. I I I I ' l l ) ) l I ) l ) I I l l l I j I I ! l l l I I I l I ) ) r. I ) ) . ) l , Walker ~vans1Jim Conner and Goodyear "Wrangler radials ta1ne the badlands_ -of the Baja. The B1ja 1000 is more than just a wild adventure. · It's a 1000-mile lesson in survival. And for Goodyear drivers, Walker Evans and Jim Conner, they not only survived the course, they won the race. In Class 8, Walker's big Dodge Ram finished more than three hours in front of his nearest competitor. And gave I , Walk~r his ninth Baja 1000 victory. In Class 7-4x4, Jim Conner won his second Baja 1000 by a margin of ten minutPs and 36 seconds. And Jim's Nissan Hardbody finished almost an hour in front of the nearest . truck with competitive tires. Both Walker and Jim won with Goodyear Wrangler radials. They took on the rock and the ruts; _ the deep silt and the wet sand; the bush, the brush and the baddest lands of the Baja with the same tires you can buy. Goodyear Wrangler radials. Get a set for your truck. And they'll help you tame the wildest terrain. You either have Wrangler radials. Or you need them. ___ GOOD;riEAII

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Volume 3 Number 12 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin · Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Darla Crown · Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Dennis Henneberg Martin Holmes· Danny McKenzie · Brenda Parker David Ryskamp· Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin _ Joe Stephan Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services I THE OFFICIAL VOICE OF SCC)RE CANADA AND·----__ ~ r • =- ·-....... ~ ==-. Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, , stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS, "USPS-305-609" is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (8}8) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be repro-duced without written permission from the publisher. Second C_lass Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for-change of address. flease furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301_. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I ! I I In This Issue .•• FEATURES Page Score Baja 1000 ............................. . . . . . .... ... 10 MTEG - Pomona Finale ....•............... . -........ . . . . 22 Millican Valley 400 .... . . ........... ........... . . . . ...... 26 ADRA Penasco 150 ............. . . .......... . .......... ·. 30 Badgerland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 GORRA in Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCCA Ojibwe Pro Rally ............. : ............... ..... 36 Gravelrama i6 ....... ..... 1 •••• ••••••••••••• • • ••• ••••••• 38 CRS Cliffs of Gorman Rally . ............................. 40 Akan 5000 Rally ........................ ................ 42 Ivory Coast Rally ................... . . .... ............... 44 Last Chance Baja ............ _-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Indiana Off Road Challenge . ....... . . ........... : . . . . . . . . . 48 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soap Box by Bill Varnes · ... .... ......... . . .... _-. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . ....... . . : ......... ... . ............. . ....... . 4 Happenings . . . . ..... . . . . . . .... ............ . . ..... . . ·. . . . . . 6 Off Roadsman of the Year - Ballot . ......... · ............ : . . 8 Weatherman Radio Tips by Bob Steinberger ................. 32 Side Tracks by Judy Smith .... . . .......................... 39 California Rally Series Report .................... , . . ...... -41 Pit T earn Register ................................ ; . . . . . . . 49 SCCA So-Pac Division Rally Report ..... ......... ; ........ 49 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 From the Driver's Seat by Dick Johnson ............... .... , 49 · Attention - Limited, Class Racers by Rich Minga . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Good Stuff Directory ......................... -. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Classified Ads ....................... ................ . : . 54 The,Losers by Judy Smith .......... , , . ............ . , . .... 55 ON THE COVER - Framed by the giant cactus trees unique to the area around Catavina, Mark McMillin was on his way to a magnificent victory in the 1986 Score Pemex Baja 1000 last month. Mark and relief -driver Ralph Paxton charged down the course in the Porsche powered Chenowth Class 1 racer to finish first in Class 1 and first overall car. Only one motorcycle beat their swift time of 18 hours, 26 minutes and 28 seconds. Congratulations to the entire McMillin team for winning the big one, from Ensenada to La Paz. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. /\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $12.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name---------------------,----------In some parts of Baja California the natives get a bit restless when the off road race passes through their turf. Class 4 driver Don McCormack points to the graphic evidence of some . of the local activity around Nuevo Junction, a bullet hole near the windshield of his Dodge pickup. No harm was done, fortunately, and McCormack and his co-driver Dick Greenlee went on fo fi~ish a strong second in Class 4. Photography by Rocky Kemp. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of humorous racing incidents, woes on the course, or a spectacular from short course events on this page each month. Send us your photo of something comic, a mechanical disaster, or anything fitting for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay_ $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 will be _considered for publication. Address ---------------------~-City State _________________ Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Detry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - l_ye_ar $15.00 U.S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Dusty Times December 1986 Pagc3 I I I I I I I I I I I I

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Soap Box •• _+ it,would have changed everythiilg. Also, if I would have had 200 or 300 decals to pass out, it would have helped. They just wanted a little something to take home. Also, a flare gun to signal for help w,ould have been a great By Bill Varnes advantJ).ge. , Having just returned from the 1986 Baja 1000, I would like to share the details of an experience I had on the race while I was co-driving with Rob Tolleson in the 1-2-1600 Mirage race car. Hopefully, this will help someone, if the same thing should occur again. Due to ah electrical problem, I coasted to a stop approximately 30 miles past El Arco. By the time I was able tq get my helmet off, and get out of the car, a group of local -people had already started to strip off and loosen parts. The spare tire, spare tire hold down, chit can and decals .:_. all of these items were gone in less than a minute, gone by the time I got out of the car. At this time I stopped the looting by just walking arounld the car and physically stopping people from taking anything. Within 30 minutes the crowd had grown from a dozen or so to, at times, approximately 200 people. I had tried calling on our car radio, b_ut I never got a response. I did not think anyone could hear me, so I stopped calling. That was a mistake on my part, because I found out later t(The Weather-, man" could hear me. I could not hear him and I did not give my location. If you need help, they have to know where you are, exactly. By now I had told a couple of bike riders to send help. l was sitting on top of the car; and the crowd began to throw rocks, bottles and clumps of sand they had doused with gasoline, lit on Page4 fire and then tossed at me and the car. . _ All of a sudden someone in the crowd shot off two1rounds with a rifle. When this happened I got back in the car-and got out a pistol that I had· brought along for an emergency. I felt that this was an emergency! At this point I felt my best option was t_o stand on top of the car, which I did. When I appeared on top of the car with the pistol, about h~f of the crowd went back into the bushes. What happened next is what really helped me. Wiitie Valdez stopped his 7S Ranger to help me when I flagged him down. I explained what was going on, and his co-driver yelled at the · crowd in Spanish. This changed everything, and all but._ a · half dozen of the local people left. "Thanks Guys", your help really made the big difference. A million thanks! I hope this tale from Baja will help ·some of you in the future. I would personally like to thank these people who really helped rrie. Willie Valdez and his co-dtiver, John Howard, Tony Vanillo, The Great Candy Cane Car, Miller American Chase ·crew, The-Westherman, the Checkers pit team. . See you in Baja next year, because I will be back to race there again. Our thanks to Bill Varnes, manufacturer of the Mirage chassis, for sharing his Baja experience with us. Reports of trouble around El Arco with the local people surface everytime the race goes near the town,. but usually there is no gunfire. This round there were also reports of shooting around Constitucion, and one race truck had bullet holes in it as mute evidence that the reports were true. Fortunately nobody was injured in these incidents, although one bullet through the truck windshield just missed the co-driver. The long delay and the pesky electrical problems that· would not hold a fix made Rob Tolleson decide Of the local folks left around my car, three had tried to help me from the beginning. I gave them $100.00, in pesos, ·and asked them to find me a battery, so I could jump start the car. Approximately. one hour later they returned with a battery, and . I was able to get the c_ar started. _ All of this happened when I was , six to eight miles from the main . to give up the race at San Ignacio, feeling the lost hours and the need for a fresh battery made the venture onto the beach a fruitless journey. highway. _ Looking back on this incident, if I would have been better prepared, the incident wouldn't have been so serious. There are a few things that would have really helped me. If I had been able to talk to the crowd "in Sanish, I feel A Very Merry Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all _ over the country and the world. Happy Holidays -Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what . is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. We «'ould welcome some discussion on the state of the Pro Rally Series as well. Call or write DUSTY TIMES with your ideas for a Soap Box column,_and get on the schedule . . December 1986 TiaH , Notes ••• DUSTY TIME MARKS ANOTHER MILESTONE with this December 1986 issue. Not only does it signal the start of our fourth year in publication, but it is also the first anniversary of the combination of DUSTY TIMES and OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS. Starting from ground zero, late in 1983, with no organizational mailing list for a seed, DUSTY TIMES has grown to be a ·strong entry in the specialized field of off road publications.We are proud to be the official voice'of the High Desert Racing Association, Pro Can Am Racing, the California Rally Series, Score Canada, and Western Off Road Racing. A number of other groups are on the club-subscription program as well. As we plunge into the hectic holiday season, we wish to thank you all for your staunch support of DUSTY TIMES, then and now. We anticipate greater-growth in the coming year for both our favori~e sport of motor racing in the dirt and DUSTY TIMES. We want you to know how much we appreciate all our readers who make it all possible. THE HIGH DESERT RACING.ASSOCIATION has moved its office to larger accommodations a couple of blocks from the former space, near Sloan, Nevada. Now Walt, Edna, Sue and Danny have plenty of space for all their paper work, and a giant adjacent barn in which to park the motorhomes and the Nissan trucks, keeping the equipment out of the sometimel! damaging desert weather. The big move came in early November, and.the nj!w HORA address is 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89124.Happily, the phone number remains the same, (702) 361-5404. THE FINAL FLAG. It is always sad to report on a death of someone in the sport, and more of a shock when an accident is the cause. One of the long time members of the off road racing fraternity, Roger Roderick died in a highway accident while returning from the-Baja 1000. The Las Vegas resident was resting in the back of a Bronco, towing the pre-runner home, when the rig got away from the driver, rolled and Roger was thrown out of the rig, and he was 1 killed instantly. Another passenger, and associate in racing with Roderick, Dennis McCreedy, was very seriously injured in the same accident. The team was returning from Baja where Roder_ick co-drove in the Stan Parnell entry that finished secbnd in Class 5. Our sincere sympathy goes to the Roderick family and all of Roger's friends. We wish Dennis McCreedy a speedy recovery from his injuries too. SNORE dedicated the last race of their 1986 series, the Midnight Special last month, to the memory of Roger Roderick. THE SCORE/HDRA DESERT POINTS SERIES championships are still up for grabs at Barstow in many classes, despite the pair of back to back races· offer:ing double points, the Frontier 500 and the Baja 1000. On rough count after the Baja 1000, 1-2-1600 leader Jack Ramsay has a lock on the overall championship with 769 point!?-However, the race to La Paz did tighten up the points chase in many classes. In Class 1 Mark McMillin extended his lead, now holding 673 points, and Ivan Stewart: is second with 510, followed closely by Larry Noel at 507. Second place will be decided at Barstow. In Class 2 Bob Gordon jumped from fourth to first with 640 points, Dave Kreisler has 611' and former leader Bob Richey has 568. Behind Jack Ramsay in Class 1-2-1600, Willy Higman is second with 630, followed by Jeff Papple at 509. In Class 3 Don Adams still leads with 444, but Matt Pike is closing in with 385 points, and Mike Schwellinger moved into third with 331 points. Rod Hall has a safe lead in Class 4 at 462 points over Don Y oston at 314. In Class 5 Hartmut Klawitter and Stan Parnell are in close combat, with Klawitter 26 points ahead. Max Razo is just another five points back, and this should be a real race in December. Steve Lakin still leads the 5-1600 battle with 523, but David Anckner is up to second with 506. Owen Duggan has -481 points and Mike Lesle has 470, very tight with one race to go. Larry Schwacofer has a lock on another Class 6 title with 552 points, and he is second in Heavy Metal standings. W~s Moser is second in Class 6 with 301 followed by Arne. Gunnarsson at 239. Manny Esquerra has Class 7 wrapped up with 4 78 points. Roger Mears trails with 268 and Larry Ragland has 194 points. · - In an absolute tie at 578 points, not only·for Class 7S horrors, but for the Mini Metal title, are Willie Valdez and Spencer Low. And, with a win at Barstow, Paul Simon, with 552 points, could pass them both. Mike Falkosky is fourth in 7S with 506. ln Class 7 4x4 Jerry McDonald has nearly a sure bet for the title with 555 points, lying third in the Mini Metal battle. Jim Conner is second in class with 435, while Mike Horner has 355 and Dave Ashley has 343, tight for third place. -Baja champion Walker Evans leads Class 8 and the Heavy Metal contest-with 570 points. Dave Shoppe is next with 518, and Steve Kelley trails with 416 points. Bryant Wood has the lock on Class 9 with 358 points. The third place in Baja put Rick Johnson in the Challenge Class points lead with 642. Mike Ward is second at 503, and Rich Minga, 475, and Kent Lothringer, 4 72, are close for third. Rick Hagle is looking good for the Class 10 title with 686 points over Steve Tetrick at 585 and Roger Mortenson at 455. Ramon Castro has th~e title in hand in Class 11 this year with 329 points over 270 for Andy Diaz. While Carl Cook has 133 points in Class 14, he has not competed in enough.races tb be eligible for the title. So, Steve Mize!, at 123 points, has his championship locked up. _ Don't forget to order your tickets early for the Score/HORA Awards Banquet on January 3. Last year it was a sell out long before the night of the party. Also, don't forget to use the ballot on page 8 to help choose the Off Roadsman of the Year for 1986. All Score and HORA members, the press and con~ingency donors are eligible to vote, so do vote for your favorites to win the -1986 awards. THE CHECKERS BANQUET, one of the highlights of the party season, is scheduled for January 9, 1987. While some members of the Checkers Pit Club may seem a little rough around the edges sometimes out in the desert, this is i:he one occasion each year where they put on their Sunday best and bring their ladies to a sit down dinner, complete with open bar. The place is the Knollwood Country Club in Granada Hills, CA, and the bar opens at 7 :30 p.m. The Checkers always have a complimentary and huge door prize cache on hand for the attendees, and they also present the Checker of the Year awards along with the famous Dr. Checker trophies. It is a fun evening, open to non Checkers as well. Get your tickets from a friendly Checker member or at a Checker meeting, any Wednesday night at the Dugout in Van Nuys, CA. mor,· TRAIL ... OTES "" ""-~,-~ Dusty Times

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Roger Mears' Nissan Truck took Class 7. NISSAN TA S BAJA1000 NOT ONCE . BUT.·TWICE! Mears and Conner take the SCORE Baja 1000 in Nissan Hardbody Trucks. The Baja 1000 is known worldwide as the longest and most demanding of all off-road desert races. And this year-· with a trail that stretched 1,013 miles from the desert to the coast, from the mountains to the valleys-it was longer than ever before. Yet, in spite of the great •distances, the competition was neck and neck right to the very end. After driving his Nissan Hardbody Truck for a grueling 20 hours, 41 minutes and 49 seconds, Roger M~ars claimed a spectacular victory in Class 7. In Class 7 4X4, . Jim Conner's victory was almost as close when, after 23 hours, 46 minutes and 39 seconds, he crossed the finish line just 11 · rninutes ahead of his nearest competitor. And both Hardbody Trucks came through it all with no ma ·or re airs or breakdowns. In Class 7S, Nissan driver Spencer Low placed second, losing the lead by · · only one minute and 17 seconds. . im Conner's Nissan Hardbody ck was the victor These durable, tough Nissan Hardbody Trucks proved to · ·n class 14X4. be the fastest trucks on the Baja 1000 course, and more than a match for this ultimate test of man and machine. • Nissan 'congratulates Roger and Jim on their championship victories. Of course, events such as these mean more than victory. · They offer al') opportunity to drive Nissan cars and trucks under some of the severest conditions possible. This is just one of the maRy ways in which the quality that-goes into Nissan cars and trucks is constantly being improved. -You can get the same top quality, too, with Nissan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Just send your $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for our Competition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, CA 90247. Please allow six weeks for delivery. · · And also, remember to check out the winners at your nearest Nissan dealer today. eart:Fl'I. YOURSELF\_,! £/SNISSAN

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;! 1986-1987 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 80537 HAPPENINGS ••• CORRA (303) 669-4460 DORRA (303) 429-1949 RMORRA (303) 597-8239 IWKR (913) 332-3402 I . I . A.D.R.A. December 5-6, 1987 Arizona Desert Racing Association East of Indio VII · HDRA. P.O. Box 34810 I High Desert Racing Association · Phoenix, AZ 85067 (6P2) 252-1900 12197 Las Vegas Blvd., South FORDA Las Vegas, NV 89124 December 6 Florida Off Roaders (702) 361-5404 Sonoita to Rocky Point Drivers'· Association December 5-7 Hare '.n' Hound 5349 Hansel Ave.J C-1 Sonoita, Sonora, Mexico Orlando, Florida 32809 Budweiser 250 (305) 851-6245 Barstow, CA January 3, 1987 AMSA Desert Series Award Banquet -American Motor Sports Association FLORIDA OFF .ROAD Anaheim, CA P.O. Box 5473 RACING ENTERPRISES March 6-8, 1987 Fresno, CA 93755 P.O. Box 40 (209) 439-2114 Inverness, FL 32651 Gold Coast 250 (813) 933,7947-Las Vegas, Nevada (904) 726-6560 May 7-10, 1987 AMERICAN OFF ROAD Mint 400 RACING ASSOCIATION Las Vegas, NV. John Ohanesian FUDPUCKER July 3-5, 1987 P.O. Box 31811 RACING TEAM Phoenix, AZ 85046 250 Kenn~dy, #6 Fireworks 250 (602) 867-4769 Chula Vista, CA 9:Z0ll Barstow, CA (619) 427-5759 · Selptember 11-13, 1987 August 8, 1987 Frontier 500 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Superstition 250 IV Las Vegas, NV January 24, 1987 Ancient Dry Lake Bed December 5, 1987 _El Centro, CA Glen Belen Rallycross # 1 Desert Series Awards Banquet October 3, 1987 Las Vegas, NV · March 1987 (TBA) 200 Mile Plaster City Blast High Desert Trails Plaster City, CA April 1987 (TBA) December 31, 1987. HIGH PLAINS OFF Carlsbad Rallysprint 150 Mile Dunaway Dash ROAD RACING El Gentro, CA ASSOCIATION May 2-3, 1987 Rim of the World Rally May 30 or 31, 1987 GORRA GLEN HELEN Ol-IV PARK Glen Helen Rallycross #2 Georgia Off Road P.O. Box 2937 Racing Association San Bernardino, CA -July 1987 (TBA) Box 11093 Station -A .(714) 381-4454 or Prescott Forest Rally Atlanta, GA 30310 (714) 880-1733 ( 404) 927-6432 March 22, 1987 Augt1st 1987 (TBA) Glen Helen Rallycross #3 December 6 Short Course Race Annual Banquet September 26-27, 1987 Atlanta, GA June 14, 1987 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Short Course Race J:N 1HE OLD DAYS 11-IEY LET YOU ~ O\v A CJ.ASS 1~ UNt,Ei: 1HE REA1< \✓HEELS frOl< 'fRAC.:f"lO_~! CLAM CAfv'\ P .. ©11-0'7 --~-----------------------•~~-.._ ____ ,. Page6 December 1986 September 27, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS ' P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 5,3 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 January 10, 1987 Anaheim Stadium .Anaheim, CA January 17, 1987 Jack Murphy Stadium · San Diego, CA OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 December 3-7 WRC Olympus International Rally Tumwater, WA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 December 6-7 Shadow Mountain Lake 250 Shadow Mountain Lake Horizon, TX O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 7314·1 (405) 769-5491 . (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President ( 405) 621-3428 '--ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drag~, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 ( 503) 620-0313 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 779-6625 February 13-15, 1987 Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA March 20-22, 1987 Carson/Reno Rally Carson City, NV April 10-12, 1987 Tulip 200 Chillicothe, OH May 14-17, 1987 Centennial Pro Rally Westcliff, CO June 5-7, 1987 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA July 24-25, 1987 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR August 21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH September 11-13, 1987 Traverse City Rally Traverse City, MI September 25-27, 1987 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 22-25, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally . Tacoma, WA SCORE . Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 January 3, 1987 Desert Series Awards -Banquet Anaheim, CA January 30-31, February 1, 1987 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 3-5, 1987 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 5-7, 1987 Baja Internacional Ensenada, B.C., Mexico August 14-16, 1987 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 Dusty Times

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SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center · Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NY89125 (702) 459-031 ! SNORE Southern Nevada· Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 January 10, J987 (tentative) Bottom Dollar California City, CA March 28, 1987 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, 'NV June 13, 1987 Twilight Race Las Vegas,_ NV July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV October 2-4, 1987 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV November 21,-1987 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road 'Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402, , Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 STADIUM RACING, U.S.A Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive · Spring Valley, CA 92077 (619) 463-0654 SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 , M~ke DUSTY TiME~ a , j Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR t YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY -HELPFUL NEIGHBORS -EVERYONE. ffi IS AB!!~~ G~!~~H NO , 1· - . SH.OPPING HASSLE • $12.00 - 1 year• $20 - ·2 years• $30 - 3 y'ears '. , • $15 (U?) 1 year to Canada _ I $END ·youR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO: DUSTY-TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 913_0_! · .ARE YOU GETTING MORE THAN ONE COPY OF DUSTY TIMES? A number of subscribers now have two sU:bscriptions, because they get one · with their membership in HDRA, or they subscribed to both Off Road Action News and Dusty Times. If you don't really need two copies each mc;mth, drop us a note and assign your duplicate subscription to a friend, pit crew worker, anyone you choose. Send us the full name and address with zip code, of your friend, and the 'mailing label from the subscription you wish to assign to them. We will take care of the paper work. · Dusty Times SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIA TlON Karen Jenkins 2345 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka, MN 55343 (612) 544-2370 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A 'Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP January 17-24, 1987 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 13-15, 1987 - Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden· March 10-15, 1987 Port Wine Rally Estoril, ·Portugal April 16-20, 1987 Safari Rally ·Nairobi, Kenya May 7-10, 1987 Tour· de Corse _Ajaccio, Corsica May 30~June 4, 1987 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 25-29, 1987 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New .Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your COJ'!ling events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this Golumn. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave., Suite O; Agoura, CA 91301. December 1986 -1110,e ... TRAIL NOTES BILL CIVISH has been a familiar figure at the Nevada desert races for several years. The genial Bureau of Land Management officer putin many extra hours insuring the progress of desert racing in Nevada, particularly southern Nevada, where the B.L.M. truly bends over backwards to help outdoor recreation of all kinds. Bill Civish got a great promotion to Head of the B.L.M, Recreation Department, but, unfortunately the promotion takes him out of the Nevada desert and into an office in Washington, D.C. We wish Bill all the best in his new position, and it is nice to know that off roaders have a really understanding buddy in a responsible position in the political arena that is Washington, D.C. BEHIND THE BAJA SCENES. During the Score Baja 1000, the airwaves and pits were afive with race information and many rumors. Communication _is always a problem on a point to point race of such distance, but, happily most of the rumors about disasters were gross exaggerations or, happily, totally unfounded. There were a few wrecked rigs among the hordes of chase vehicles, but only minor injuries were reported. More good news is that the two bike _riders who crashed early on the course are on the recovery list. Sheldon D'Baum was released from the hospital on November 19, and Barry Mancha was scheduled to be released before Thanksgiving. Both young men suffered multiple fractures of the legs and hips, and, while recovery will take a long time, it is great to know that both arewell enough to leave the hospital. On the fun side of.the chase brigade at the Baja race, one very talented chase truck driver was rally star Rod Millen, who also races a Mazda truck on the Glenn Harris team in the MTEG Stadium Series. Rod drove a chase truck in support of Glenn Harris' 7S Mazda during the Baja 1000, and that must have been a keen ride for his passenger! Rod confessed to often passing race cars on some of the twisty pavement sections of the course. Millen also said he would like to try driving a desert race next year. Anyone in search of a very fast and fearless driver for their car, might think about Rod Millen, when he is free from his SCCA Pro Rally Schedule in 1987. On the organizational side of the race, for the first time on the Baja 1000, Score ran out of the goodies for the drivers. In fact, the T-shirts were all gone ~fore the race started from Ensenada! The high, over-60 percent finish ratio took all of i:he finisher pins from the box in La Paz. But, the good news is that Score has ordered more of the T-shirts and finisher pins. So, contact Score headquarters if you need more mementos for the rest of your crew from the 1986 Baja 1000. On the tire war scene, the undisputed winner of the battle of the tire companies in Baja was BFGoodrich, with eight class winners, in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7S, Challenger and 14. Yokohama was next with five class winners, in Classes 1-2-1600, 5, 5-1600, 9 and 10. Goodyear came in with a pair of truck winners in Classes 8 and 7 4x4. And Bridgestone got the win they wanted in Class 7. The tire bra!ld on the winning Class 11 is unknown. CA<L CITY LIVES! SNGRE, out of Las Vegas, is planning their first out of Nevada race for January 1987. The Bottom Dollar is scheduled to happenon the California City course, probably on January 10. The date may be mov~d back a week to January 17, depending on motorcycle races at Cal City. SNORE folks are enthusiastic" about starting their season in the back yard of the California desert racers. Call the SNORE hot line for the latest info' on this race, later on this month. AMSA ANNOUNCED late in October that they were forced to cancel their remaining schedule of races for 1986. Jim Webb stated, "AMSA is still pursuing insurance coverage for 1987, but the situation does not look good. The problem is more severe in the long course, desert type races, where the .short course, controlled spectator type races are not a problem. Insurance is not the only problem we are,faced with in the sport, but until AMSA can solve the problems and gain driver and sponsor support, it has no other option but to suspend racing operations at this time." Webb went on to describe how the 1986 Desert Championship points series winners would be paid. He announced a special meeting planned for early January 1987 for all drivers, sponsors, and interested parties. He plans then to discuss the future of the sport and AMSA. Jim signed the letter by saying, "Thank you for your support over the last 12 years, and we hope for a brighter future, With your support, we will have it." It is sad to think about off road racing without the fun style AMSA events. But, Jim and Joanne Webb have inv¢sted enormous amounts of time and money in their events, which in recent years have seen lower and lower entries and higher and higher organizational costs. Hopefully the meeting in the New Year will point AMSA back into racing with a brighter prospect of real support from the racers and the industry. MICKEY THOMPSON announced, right on press time, the news of a most exciting young driver coming into his off road stadium series next year. Al Unser, Jr. will tackle the lumps and jumps of the MTEG series behind the wheel of a Jeep Comanche in the Grand National truck competition. Dick Landfield 's Enduro Racing organization will maintain the Stroh' s Jeep for the series. Little Al should bring out some real press coverage for the opening salvo of the 1987 Mickey Thompson series on January 10. SCIDA RACERS; MEET OUTLAW! The Outlaw Mini Stock Racing Association will have a full, eight to ten race schedule in 1987, running from April through October. The home base is Bakersfield Speedway, but other tracks in negotiation are Ascot, Ventura, Santa Maria, Kings and Baylands. The Outlaw M.S.R.A. runs the quarter mile dirt oval. With minor modifications, SCIDA cars can be very competitive. In fact, a SCIDA sprint buggy won the 1986 championship. M.S.R.A. is a growing organization, currently with 25 cars in regular competition. If this type of racing in the dirt is your bag, don't call us, we have told you all we know. Contact either Neal Beissert or Rick Pazanowski, Mini Stock Racing Association, P.O. Box 204, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274. AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and · HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Page7 ., I

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I i l I i t ! i. ' i ~ i I I I· ' i f I t 1986 ©ff-R1oad Award Ballot RULES FOR VOTING 1. Only ONE nominee per category 2. To be eligible to v9te, you must be a current SCORE member, HORA member, Contingency Sponsor, or member of the active automotive press. · 3. All ballots must be received at SCORE no later than Wedne1sday, December 10, 1986 to be counted in the balloting. MAIL TO SCORE INTERNATION~L. 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111, Westlake Village, CA 91362. 4. Only the official voting ballot will be acceptfd· Any copy ori facsimile bf this ballot ~ _ill NOT be accepted. 5. Only ONE official voting ballot per person o/ill be accepted. 6. No "Write-ins" allowed. I NOTE: Full -time SCORE officials nominated have been elilT)inated from the voting ballot as they are not eligible for an award. . . I SCORE/HORA CONTINGENCY COMPANY OF THE YEAR D Bridgestone D Valvoline D Toyota D Bilstein D Armstrong Tire D P.C.I. Inc. D Fram -Autolite · D Trick D Dodge D IPF Lights D Rough Country D Doug Thorley D Bosch D Sports Gas D B&M Automotive D Summers Bros. D Downey Off Road D Ford D Chevrolet D Jeep D Firestone D Super Boot D S&S Headers D General Tire · □ on Oirt D Fox Facto!'¥ D Champion Spark Plugs D Pennzoil D Chenowth D Hella D R.H.L. Enterprises D Goodyear D Ford Motorsport D BFGoodrich D K.C. Hilites D Yokohama Tire D Nissan D Pro Gas D K&N D H.P.S. D Jamar D Art Carr MOTORCYCLE MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR D Honda D Kawasaki D Yamaha D Husky' D Suzuki D ATK D KTM D M-Star ORIGINAL BUGGY CHASSIS MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR (Classes 1. 1/2-1600, 2. 9, 10 & Challenger) D Mirage D Raceco D High Jumper D O.R.E. D Palmer D Chaparral D Chenowth D Bunderson D Funco D Jimco OFF-ROAD 4-WHEEL DRIVE MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR (Classes 3, 4) □ Chevrolet D Toyota D Dodge · D Ford D Nissan □ AMC/Jeep OFF-ROAD SEDAN MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR (Classes 6, 6S) D Oldsmobile □ Ford □ Chevrolet D Dodge □ v.w. D Saab □ Nissan I OFF-ROAD MINI PICKUP TRUCK MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR (Classes 7, 7S, 7 4x4) D Ford D AMC/Jeep D Nissan □ Mazda □ Toyota D Dodge D Chevr·olet I OFF-ROAD PICKUP TRVCK MANUFACTURER OF THE YEAR .(Class 8) D Chevrolet D Dodge D Ford D AMC/Jeep OFF-ROAD ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR D Keith Black D Bill Stroppe D Ryan Falkner D Darrell Jacques □ Don McCrey □ Bob McKray □ Larry Bitcon □ Jack Bayer D Peter Perry D Louie Unser D T.R.D. □ Jim Patelli □ Bob Goshen □ Mike Evans □ Larry May □ Bob Gordon · D Kleen Rev-Power D Randall Racing □ F.A.T. D Bill Varnes D Husky · □ Leon Patton D Volker Bruckmann D Don Hatz D Jon Kennedy D Dave Head D Clark West D Butch Dean D Honda D Car Craft □ Lee Leighton □ Jim Wolfe □ Toysport D German Auto D Auto-Craft I " OVERALL MECHANIC OF THE YEAR □ Bill Stroppe D 13rian Stewart . D !Joey Moore D Don Gibson D John Johnson □ 1 Uon Nelson · D Reggie Smith □ Billy Reed .□ Scott Matlein · D Jeff Arneson □ Don Spethman D Cal Wells D Scott McKenzie □ Randy Anderson D Bob Corbett D Mike Hardeng D John Ray D Larry Bitcon D Rudy Haiba D Frank Ferraro D Ron Fleming D David Kreisler D Eric E. Arras D Butch Dean D Harry Sladwick D Craig Stewart D Jim Doyle D Chuck Johnson D Jim Connors □ Phil Page D Eric Hoolie D Chuck Wade D Steve Spirkoff D Don Tebbe D Gary Johnson □ Jim Patelli D Russ Weinermont . □ Darrell Jacques □ Gregg Lewin D Bob Goshen OFF-ROAD PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR D Trackside □ Scott Soto D Rick Sieman □ Hot Shot □ Paula Murphy D Bruce Simurda D Larry Reyes D Centerline D 'Tom Rosian D 3-D Photo □ Judy Smith □ / Lane Evans D Andrea Wade D Paul Leedy D Mike Rehler D Stewart Bourdon D Henry Kuyper D Lou Peralta D Action Photo D ·Jean Calvin D L.B.GP D I Danny McKenzie D Bruce Smith □, Pete Biro □ Kirk Naylor D , Chris Naylor OFF-ROAD JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR D Judy Smith D Pat Ram D Walt Schwalbe D Off Road Magazine D Stan Parnell D Russ Biswell D Shav Glick □ Jean Calvin D Tom Rosian D Pattie Hammer D On Dirt D Bill Sanders D Lane Evans D Jeff Walters D Tom Hamilton D Tim Carlson D Marsha Collier D Lou Peralta D Dick Johnson· D Stewart Bourdon • D Steve Campbell · D Athie Sanders D Bill Center D Jim Short D Dusty Times D Gordon, Morris D Bruce Smith D Joe Stephan □ Daryl D. Drake D Tom Owens ENTRY SPONSOR OF THE YEAR D Gordon Feed □ Toyota D Ford D Budweiser □ Barbary Coast Hotel □ McDonald's-T. Spiel □ Vernon Roberts D MacPherson Chevy_ D Chief Auto Parts D Yokohama D Nissan D Downey Off-Road □ Sierra Auto Recycling D Dodge D Bilstein D FAT. D Chenowth D McMillin □ Uniden Radio D B&B Sounds D Vessels Stallion Farms D BFGoodrich D Coors D Max Razo D Firestone D Stiles Racing D Club 13 D On Dirt □ K.C. Hilites D Goodyear □ Miller □ Hussongs □ South Coast Heating & A/C □ Griffins Racing Rad. D Larry Minor Racing PIT SUPPORT TEAM OF THE YEAR □ Checkers D MacPherson D Chapala Dusters □ SNRS D Bill Stroppe □ Razo ·Racing □ F.A.I.R. □ McDonald's □ Goodyear D Randall D Howard Rosenhower D Los Campeones D Walker Evans D Husky D McMiliin □ BFGoodrich D Arciero Racing D Larry Minor D Mag 7 D Jimco D Precision Prep. Inc. D C.O.R.E. D Spirit Racing D Lasor ROOKIE OF THE YEAR D Robbie Gordon □ Chris Robinson D Don Yosten D Dennis Fry □ Dick Johnson □ Lou Peralta □ Rich Minga D Jeff Bolha D Mike Burns □ Willy Higman □ Dave Anckner D Matt Pike D Steve Lakin D Stan Howton □ . Danny Ashcraft □ Brian Stewart D Greg Weyhrich D Willie Melancon D Morley Williams D Jeff Papple D Cameron Steele □ Tom Fetters D T udy Esquerra □ Karlinda Geiler D Max Razo D Aaron Norris PERSON OF THE YEAR D Dave Shoppe D Walker Evans D Vance Scott D Ivan Stewart D Joe Aguirre □ Frank Arciero Jr. D Manny Esquerra D Louie Unser D Mose Nowland □ Steve Tetrick D Frank DeAngelo □ Roger Mears □ Bob Hines □ Cal Wells D Dick Johnson D Jim Sickles D Steve Millen D Stan Parnell D Jim Doyle □ Dick Ralstin □ Don Yosten D Mike Lund □ Bob Renz D John Files D Mark Steele D Corky McMillin □ Bob Summers D Bob Mount D Eric Arras □ Jim Fricker D Larry Sc~wacofer D Bob Steinberger D Ron Fleming D Rich Minga D Jerry McDonald □ Gregg Symonds □ Dave Simpson D Willie Valdez □ Max Razo D Don Adams D Jack Johnson 0 Rod Hall D Sid Spradling D Louise Reider □ Mark Thurber □ Gregg Aronson D Jim Moses

Page 9

y 0 K 0 Arras & Anckner Peterson, Goldbaum & Mears Rick & John Hagle Five Baja winners had 1000 reasons to use Yokohamas. Those 1000 reasons were found in some of the nastiest terrain the Mexico trail had to throw at us. And Yokohama fought back with five Class winners in the grueling Baja 1000. Taking a first in Class 10 and leading the Yokohama contingent were Rick and John Hagle. Their victory increased their lead in the Class 10 points race and put them in the running for the overall HORA/SCORE Series Championship. In Class 1/2-1600, the three man team of Art Peterson, Richard Goldbaum and Roger Mears, Jr. brought their Yokohama shod ORE to the finish line first. For Mears, the win came in his first-ever Baja· race. In domf n·ant fashion, the team of Max Razo, John Johnson and Don Robertson took Razo's Yokohama equipped Baja bug to Class 5 victory M 0 T 0 R ·• H A - M by over three hours. The win gave Johnson a record 10 class victories in the Baja 1000. A Riding the Yokohama Baja bug to a hotly con-tested victory in the 5-1600 Class were Henry Arras and David Anckner. Having a big hand in their first place finish were their Yokohama tires. They managed to complete the entire 1013 mile rock strewn course without any flat tires. Rounding out the field of Yokohama Class winners were , Todd Francis and ti Brian Johnson. They drove their 1200cc single seat Chenowth car to Class 9 victory. Razo, Johnson & Robertson This year Yokohama off-road tires have been equipped on more HORA/SCORE Class winners than any other tire brand. Which is just another of the many reasons Jo choose the best light truck tire the market has to offer. Yokohama. s p 0 R T s

Page 10

i I I I I I I ' I , . I I I I I ' THE SCORE PEMEX BAJA 10~0 . By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Mark McMillir WiJs it all with Porsche Power champs of the race, were in the ball game here, another 20 minutes out, followed in half an hour by the Funco of Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner, who retired here with a lack of steering due to a close encounter with a tree. Ten of the 13 starters were still running. Check 7 was just · north of Guerrero Negro · at Villa Jesus Maria, and at this point I van · Stewart had the Toyota back up front, about 15 minutes ahead of Larry Noel, who was next on the road but a couple minutes behind Mark McMillin on elapsed time. Sourapas/Richard-son were hanging tough, another 15 minutes back, and no other Class 1 was in the next hour. Tom Koch had troubles right from the start, and Gregg Symonds/ Bob Richardson hit a cow, then lost the steering box, and bought one from the wrecking yard at Catavina, out of an Oldsmobile. . face of all. His time of 18:26.28 was good for' seco"nd. overall , behind just one bike. Six· rriore cars finished in Class 1, well back on time. Gregg Symonds and Bob Richardson came through their problems to place second, · about 6½ hours behind, and in another five hours and change Tim Kennedy got his Chaparral home third, about 50 minutes ahead of Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson, who had. a rash of problems. In another hour 40 minutes, Jerry Whe'lchel and Greg George took fifth in a Funco, not bad for a pair of short course racers. In another hour Rafael Ruanova finished, an'd Tom Koch was seventh, taking 40: 18 to make the finish line, half of that time spent making repairs. Next off the start, Class 2 was 18 strong, and it was a powerful ' entry, with only two falling out before the first check. Time ·Mark McMillin, with Ralph Paxton co-driving, got the biggest prize of all, first overall at the Baja 1000 to La Paz. Close all the way, the winning Chenowth took the lead in the last 200 mites and sailed into the finish, first on the road and on time. . Stewart kept on trucking in the lead through San Ignacio, Check 9, and onto the famous beach run. McMillin, with Ralph Paxton driving relief, dropped a little time, but held second, followed by Sourapas and Noel, who were close. Over the beach into La Purisirria, Noel was missing; and he was apparently lost in the fog, and said to have been stuck on the beach for a day and a half. Stewart here had only four minutes on Mark McMillin, and, other than the Class 2 leaders, nobody else was within hours. · reports from the first third of the course are sketchy, but pit reports say Malcolm Smith was first on the rqad at Check 3. By Santa Ines there was a real race in progress. Corky McMillin/ Brian Ewalt were first on the road there, just two minutes ahead of Malcolm Smith/ Perry McNeil, who were less than a minute ahead of Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree, who had Bob Richey/ Tom Baker "just a couple minutes The magic was back in spades for the 1986 edition of the Score Baja 1000, sponsored in part by Pemex, the Mexican National oil company. The traditional route from Ensenada to La Paz excited the racers from all over the globe, and it brought out some unusual entries, like a 4x4 Rolls Royce and an Audi Quattro, mixed among the more conventional off road race cars. The odd vehicles harked back to the olden days, 15 years ago, when people went to race "the Baja" in everything from a side hack to a motor home. While the entry for the Baja 1000 has not been super strong in recent years, the racers turned out in force for the 1986 trek, this round well over 1000 miles. Including all the motorcycle engined classes, the total entry on the starting line numbered 240, and of that 178 were in the car classes, an increase of 25 cars over last year's loop 1000. Of the starters, 112 cars and a total of 143 entries made it to the finish line in La Paz under the 42 hour time allowance. Race activity started on Wednesday, November 5 with registration, tech and contin-gency inspections in Ensenada. Adding' to the fun of the several block long rows of contingency donors, a huge turnout, was a bonus for racers at registration. While they did have to wait in yet another line to get a Mexican tourist visa, they also got a nifty carryall piece of luggage with a race plaque on it from Pemex, two per entry, and a case of oil. . The bags are a keen and useful memento of the race, and providing two to each entry is a class touch. By evening Ensenada was half empty as the pit crews headed south to be on station. Only a few minor course changes were announced at the drivers' C'1arging through the Boojum trees, Bob Gordon and Tim Crabtree were in c--ntention for the overall win, took second overall by less than two minutes ana won Class 2 convincingly in the sleek Chenowth Magnum. Page 10 meeting, one that was already blockaded by the local folk near El Arco. Thursday morning the bikes and A TVs left around six, and the first car was away at 7 :30 a.m. It was Ivan Stewart in the modified Toyota truck who was first off the line, and Stewart had a good shot at a win, with a dust free run through the dust bowls of the early miles. Reports are that Stewart held his first on the road spot through Valle Trinidad and Mike's Sky Ranch. Pit folks say he was still out front, leading Class 1 at Santa Maria, about 350 miles down course. Two Class ls failed to make the first check, Bob Renz did not get to the Sky Ranch, and the front runners were tight at Check 5, Santa Ines. There Larry Noel had his Chaparral in a slim, couple minute lead over Stewart, ' and merely eight odd minutes J back was Mark McMillin in the Porsche powered Chenowth. Steve Sourapas/Dave Richard-son, the defending overall At Check 11, Constitucion, 180 miles from pay dirt, Ivan Stewart still led, but pit folks said his engine sounded rough. Indeed it might have, because the Toyota soon stopped with engine trouble, unfixable by the chase crew, putting an end to Ivan's bid to score another Baja 1000 Iron Man victory. About 20 minutes · later Mark McMillin cleared Check 11, just inches ahead of Bob Gordon's Class 2 Chenowth, and the race was on between these two drivers for the overall victory. First car to La Paz, first overall and in Class 1, was the white Chenowth of Mark McMillin, who also won Class 1 last year. Always close with the new single seat car, built late last year, Mark finally got the big prize, first overall at the most prestigeous . back in their dust. in the next few. minutes were Dave Kreisler/ Curley Nobles, Raceco, and Chris Robinson in the Olds Calais funny car. Not much changed in the next two checks in Class 2, with the contest still a matter of mere minutes up front. At San Ignacio Bob Gordon had about seven minutes lead over Corky McMillin, and Smith/McNeil were about 18 more minutes , back. Both Richey and Kreisler I were still in the hunt too. Sixteen made it this far, but the cars of Frank Arciero, Jr. and Len Newman went no farther. In fact, the Lear Jet of Newman's co, driver, Mike Gaughan crash landed at San Ignacio Interna-tional, which may be why the car stayed there. Positions moved around some in the tide pools, and at Check 10 Gordon had the biggest lead of the entire Class 2 race, about 16 minutes. Corky McMillin was next, and Smith/McNeil were Surviving many perils along the way, Gregg Symonds and Malcolm Smith and Perry McNeil teamed in the fancy Bob Richardson made it,a 1-2 punch for Porsche power in Renault powered ORE to zip home a strong second in Class -1 · taking second in class in the ORE. Class 2 and third overall in cars, · December 1986 Dusty Times

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over an hour later. Mortenson and Welch were another 55 minutes down in fourth, but five hours ahead of the Tom Bradleys, father and son, in a Chaparral, who were solid in fifth place. Walker Evans had rio serious problems with his dandy Dodge, and Evan's took the Class 8 lead after Santa Ines, and kept on trucking to win Class 8 by hours. It was-a tight dice all the way in Class 10, and at the checkered flag Rick and John Hagle got the job done, taking the victory by a good margin in their Raceco. As usual, Class 1-2-1600 was the largest in the race at 20 starters. This bid fair to be a close battle, and so it was for a time. The first reports came from Santa Ines, about 340 miles down course. Here the ORC of Art Peterson, Richard Goldbaum and Roger Mears, Jr. was first on the road, with the Bunderson of Jack Ramsay/Don Hatz and the Mirage of Rob Tolleson/ Bill Varnes next in the same minute, just two minutes back. A few more minutes back were both Willy Higman/Mitch Mitchell and David Bufe/ Kermit Rima, and this was a very tight contest. One of the few different leaders in Class 10, William and Michael Church ended up losing time on _the last leg and had to settle for second in,the competitive class. breathing down·his tail pipe. The close times are incredible after so many miles, and the group stayed tight. At Constitucion, with Stewart . out, Gordon/Crabtree had the overall lead over Mark McMillin according to the time charts. Corky was still second in class with Smith close in third, and Kreisler was close also. The Bob Gordon/Tim Crab-tree Chenowth flew down the last 180 miles, and won Class 2 handily, arriving a mere minute, 54 seconds on ET behind Mark McMillin for a keen second overall in cars. Malcolm Smith and Perry McNeil turned up the. wick on the ORE, despite a slipping clutch, and took second in Class 2 and third overall, merely 2 7 minutes behind Gordon. Corky McMillin and crew were third in class, fourth overall, another 16 minutes back. Dave Kreisler and Curley Nobles. came back to place fourth, fifth overall in the Raceco pickup. Of note is that Jim Hunter, from Australia, and Randy Salmont, finished fifth in · Class 2 in one of the ex PJ Chevy Blazers. In the next twelve hours the rest of the Class 2 finishers arrived, with tales of woe, but 14 out of the original 18 made the finish line, including the Candy Cane Raceco of the Walter Prince team who were 14th. A full eleven started in Class 8, and right from Ensenada the battle was between Frank-Vessels/Gary Pace, Chevrolet, · and Walker Evans, Dodge . . Contender Steve Kelley left the start with no oil pressure, and got to Check 3 before the engine let go in the Chevy. At Santa Ines Frank Vessels was first on the road with a 16 minute lead on Walker Evans. The next truck, . about an hour back, was the Ford of Brian Stewart and Charlotte Corral, about 2 7 minutes ahead of the Larry Wilcox/Dale Sexton Ford, and the others were way back, including contender Dave Shoppe who had serious transmission trouble. Out of Santa Ines Vessels retired with engine trouble, and that was the Class 8 race. '-Nobody was close to Walker Evans, nor did they get close, as he held at least a two hour margin all the way south to La Paz. Evans and his Dodge took the Class 8 victory by well over three hours, · and went fast enough to score eighth overall in cars. Walke,:-was another repeat winner from 1985 and a happy man in La Paz. Nearly all the Class 8s had trouble \llong.the route, and most of them spent time stuck in the tide pools .on the beach, a common delay in most classes. At the finish, a team from La Paz, Marco Antonio Lopez Cinco and Rafael Pulido, took second in Class 8 in a Ford, and the local folks truly celebrated. Brian Stewart kept on trucking in the Corral Ford to finish a fine third in Class 8, less than an hour later, and Brian no longer needs · to be referred to as Ivan Stewart's son ... he is· a racer in his own right. Larry Wilcox and Dale Sexton nailed fourth, about an hour ahead of Dave Shoppe, who struggled home to get fifth place points. Also finishing were Steve McEachern, Bruce Kawell and Juan Hussong, and eight out of the eleven starters finished, a real truck record. A baker's dozen started in Class 10, but five were down and out by Santa .Maria. The front runners were truly in a tight pack all the way to Santa Ines, and we have no time records before that. There Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn had the ORE in the lead on the road by seconds over the Funco of Roger Mortenson and Russ Welch, and the Mortenson car was probably leading Class 10 on ET. About a dozen minutes back, the Racecos of Bill and Mike Church and Rick and John Hagle were also in a dead heat on time, well ahead of the rest of the pack. Moving on to Check 7, Tetrick/Ronn now had a good lead for this class, about 15 minutes over Mortenson/Welch. The Church team was just a few minutes back, with the Hagles just a few more minutes behind, and the race tightened up to a four horse dash. Dwight Lundell vanished after this check, but the seven left running all finished the race. By San Ignacio positions scrambled. The Church Raceco was a few minutes ahead of the Hagles. Tetrick and Ronn, and . Mortenson and Welch were tight too. Over the now foggy beach and deep tide pools, ·most of them had some trouble, and the order was set at Check 11. Rick and John Hagle took the lead there by 16 minutes over Bill and Mike Church, while both Tetrick Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt had a good day in the always strong Chenowth/Porsche, finishing third in Class 2 and fourth overall car. '· Home town drivers from La Paz, Marco Lopez and Rafael Pulido came back from troubles to pull into the finish, second in Class 8 in their Forcf. Dusty Times December -1986 -and Mort~nson we~e digging out of the tide pools. Rick and John Hagle held their -~ead in the final miles and rought the Raceco to the checkered flag first in Class 10, 15th overall, and the brothers ~ad not pre-run the course! Bill and Mike Church nailed second by a bunch and 18th overall, arriving 22 minutes behind. 'Tetrick and Ronn dug out the fastest and were third in class, At Check 7 the Peterson car had several minutes lead over Ramsay / Hatz, while Tolleson dropped an hour with electrical trouble. Hayward Mendenhall and John Alabaster were next in a tight dice, and the time · report here and from San Ignacio is not complete i;r [}{] (]] lliJ [JJ D [[) 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT . 8 -1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP._'-'--'" Standa'rd Lock Outer hread re Located ff Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 13" MIDGET 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per _Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, . fully machined and trued . -8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 3447 W. University Fresno; CA 93722 (209)275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 11

Page 12

t. l Racing into the twilight, Brian Stewart and Charlotte Corral kept the Ford together in fine style and came in a solid third in Class 8. The highest placed Mexican team in the race, Bill Rodriguez and . Carlos lribe scored third in Class 1-2-1600 in their potent Jimco. Four drivers, Stan Parnell; Dave Wood, Reggie Smith and Roger Roderick drove the Bitcon Bug to a fine second in Class 5 despite a few problems. Robertson arrived and the car went on. Johnson laughed when he said Robertson was one of those who got lost on the beach. However, the Klawitter Bug hit the beach, and a tide pool, an:l promptly got stuck, also drown-ing the engine. It took the chase crew four hours to get to the Bug, pull it out of the hole and get it running. The three'man team of Art Peterson, Richard Goldbaum and Roger Mears, Jr. puffed off the biggest win for purse, taking the victory in Class 1-2-1600 and _12th overalfby 20 minutes. Jack Ramsay and Don Hatz clear a cattle guard in the Bunderson, en route to second in Class 1-2-1600, and the points to put Ramsay in a big lead for overall series honors. At Check 11 i:he Razo Bug was in command, leading by hours, and it stayed there to pay dirt. The Razo, Johnson, Robertson team, with Craig Stewart, who race preps the car, riding most of the distance, won by almost three hours and the'y were 11th overall. It was the tenth class . vic,tory on the Baja 1000 race for 09'-on this class. Tolleson's Mirage retired after San Ignacio with electrical and other troubles, detailed in the Soap Box column by Bill Varnes. Over the beach to Check 10 at La Purisima the herd fought through the fog. Ramsay· and Peterson were tight at this point, putting good time on the field, now down to 14. But, they all made it to La Paz. · Hauling fast down the rough run, Roger Mears, Jr. got the In thrill of b~ing in the winning car over 'the La Paz -finish line, bringing the Art Peterson/ Richard Goldbaum team; 1and himself the big victory in qlass 1-2-1600,1 and beating all I the Class 10 cars to the finish. The crew placed a smart 12th overall, unusual for a restricted. engine · car on such a horsepower demanding course. Only 20 minutes back Jack Ramsay and Don Hatz garnered second spot and enough double points to keep Jack in the overall points lead in the 1986 desert series, and they were 14th overall, also ahead of the Class 10 winners. Nearly another hour back, the Mexican team of Bill Rodriguez and Carlos lribe took third in class, 1 ½ hour ahead of Hayward Mendenhall and Gary Gilbert, Raceco. Just another four minutes down, David Bufe and Kermit Rima got the Chenowth in for fifth spot. Class 5 had a healthv starting NEVADA ~~!as OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N ~ -;..I > ;,-. ..; -! ~ Street-. Stock -1-·Baja . Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay , We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave SAHAHA X . 2 LJcations. N "l'ASTl'.HN ~IHI!.''> :/' X 7-z 0 to :: I-(,!) z ',PHl'.'i<, MT:-. Serve-You :i:: (/) Better! i WEST NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 . __ NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 1i December 1986 N entry of 14, but five were out of the picture by Check 3. The up front group had a good dice going to Santa Ines, as the Max Razo/John Johnson Bug had about a minute lead on Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter. Stan Parnell/Dave Wood were about half an hour back, and in another halfhour,Jim Cocores, then Mel Vaughan passed the check.· At San Ignacio John Johnson arrived with a good lead, but relief driver Don Robertson was caught in highway traffic. John did extra pit work, cleaning out the filters and so on. Finally, about 20 minutes later, Razo and · John Johnson, those wins coming . in a wide variety of classes. Stan Parnell, Dave Wood, Roger Roderick and Reggie Smith came to the fore in the waning stages to score second in Class 5. Nick Firestone/Rich Carbafal slid into third, nearly two hours later, just four minutes ahead of Mel Vaughan and Dan Reynolds who were almost three hours ahead of the Klawitters; Trailing by more hours, Jim Cocores and Dave Snoddy salvaged a sixth place finish. A hefty 1 7 took the green flag in Class 5-1600, gr-The winning trio in Class 5 was Max Razo, John Johnson and Don Robertson, who pulled off the victory by hours, and placed eleventh overall. It was a close dice in Class 5-1600, but Dave Anckner and Henry Arras pulled out the victory by 23 minutes when the checkered flag fell in La Paz. Dusty Times

Page 13

HO Chevy 5-10 Clinches SCOREIHDRA Class 7 4x4 Championship. NOTHING --WORKS Lll<E A CHEVY TRUCI< -THE N. CJ When you run away with the Class 7 4x4 Championship, you've beaten LIi the toughest circuit and the toughest compact 4x4 pickups in all the West And in 1986, the winner wore a red bovvtie. Jerry MacDonald's success on the 1986 SCORE/HORA racing campaign trail didn't ~ome by taking Easy Street It came one punishing race at a time. His 3,500-mile march through the desert included first-place finishes for the Team McPherson/Southern California Chevy Dealers S-1 O at the Parker 400, the Great Mojave 250, the Mint 400 and the Frontier 500. All in a truck that's simply a modified version of the same S-10 you see on.the street Same powerful 2.8 Liter V6 and 4-speed automatic with overdrive available to you. But then, we've always considered Off-Road competition the grounds for proving one simple point: Nothing works like a Chevy truck. - _ . l : : = .. 1: --------.,. -------., --------. ., ---------------I i I I , j J I I ; I . i I ·/ I I I i I i I I J I I / I I I I I !

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second, only 23 minutes back at the flag. William and Steve Taylor recovered from their down time to place third, 3½ hours back. John Howard and Judy Smith were another hour down, but slid· in fourth spot in their never-raced-before Bug, followed in by Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula. Class 5-1600 held the absolute last overall car as John Sundstrom· and Roy Sherrill took 41 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds to get · their finishing pin. No doubt this . team from Phoenix was glad just to get to La Paz. . Defending points champ Mike Lesle, with R.C. Jones co-driving, stayed in contention in Class 5-1600 all the way, and ended up in second spot. Matt Pike drove dad's Ramcharger, with Gale starting the race this round, and the Pikes stayed with the program to win Class 3 honors by over.40 minutes. Class 3 held seven rigs, a big number for this waning class. Some of them had a · real race going for a time, and all seven qi.ade it as far as San Ignacio, quite a performance. Time reports on this class are almost nil, butthe word is that the Jeep of Buck Griffin and Don Coffland was first on the road at Check 3. All but one rig were within the same hour at Santa Ines . .Most had been down for repairs along the way, but they all soldieted on, with only one, Dick Sasser, failing to get across the beach. At Check 9 it was tight for the lead with the Jeep Cherokee of Don Adams holding just a few minutes on the Dodge Ram-Second generation drivers, Nick Firestone and Rich Carabajal, pulled up smartly in the waning legs to finish third in Class 5 action. William and Steve Taylor were in the 5-1600 hunt in the early going, dropped a bunch of time, but came back strong to finish third. · C.-. and a nifty dozen finished the race. At the Santa Ines check Mike Lesle/ R.C. Jones had the lead by just a few minutes over Dave_Anckner / as this class really strung out. At Henry Arras. Bill and Steve Check 7 Anckner/ Arras had a Taylor were running third, slim, couple minutes lead over almost an hour behind the leader Lesle/ J ones, the Taylors held TO Allt THE BFGOODRIGH ' --PIT IC-REWS ATT1HE ·. SCORE BAJA 1000 My son and /_wish to express our gratitude for the tremendous and speedy service we received in your pits d_uring the race. It certainly helped us on the way to the Class 3 victory. We also wish to tender our apologies for our sometimes gruff manners. I GALE AND MATT PIKE DODGE RAMCMAR.GER #303 · Page 14 December 1986 third, followed by Alex Rod-riguez, and the new Bug of John Howard and DUSTY TIMES columnist Judy Smith was up to fifth. Lesle/Jones moved into the . lead over Anckner / Arras at San Ignacio, and the rest more or less stayed _in formation. But, things got mixed up through the famous beach traps. At Check 11, Dave Anckner and Henry Arras had a healthy lead of nearly half an hour, and the team flew on to La Paz the winners in Class 5-1600. Mike Les le and R.C. Jones made up a bunch of time to take Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado scored a big win in their Jimco, first in Challenger Class after a race long dice for the lead in the tight running class. Despite a broken torsion bar, and later a tie rod, Rich Minga and his riders, Theresa Coelho and Pancho Bio, sailed home second in Challenge Class, about six minutes out. It was a long time coming, but Roger Mears saved the victory for the big race, the Baja 1000, and Mears and Sherman Balch put the Nissan home first by a scant 13 seconds in Class 7. Dusty Times

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charger at Matt and Gale Pike. Despite a lot of trouble, the Jeep CJ 7 of Michael Schwellinger and Jon Snyder was going well, just a · few more minutes back in third, and nobody else was close. Down the home stretch, the Ramcharger picked up steam. Matt and Gale Pike, son and father, rolled into La Paz the Class 3 winners. They held a 43 minute magin over Don Adams/ Larry Olson who had big troubles. It started with a blown head gasket, soon they were . down to four cylinders, and finished on .three cylinders. Just 14 minutes later Michael Schwellinger and Jon Snyder were thrilled to get third place, and this was .the Conejo Off Road Team's ·first Baja 1000. Eric and Mark Heiden spent a lot of time pulling stuck vehicles out of the -holes and silt beds, and they brought the Gadzooks Jeep CJ 7 home in fourth spot, about four hours later. Phil Dean and Bob Lehrer, who came from· Oregon to race in a Ford Bronco, arrived fifth in Class 3. Larry Ragland had the Chevrolet up front from time to time in Class 7, and he took a heart breaking 2nd place, just seconds out of his first trucker triumph. Chuck Johnson had had troubles all year, but jn Baja he and Scott Douglas drove the Ford Ranger 1013 miles with no real trouble to win Class 7S, by just over a minute. As an even dozen started out in the Challenge Class, and seven of them went all the way to La Paz. The timing records for this class, whfrh had a close finish, are also •incomplete at most checks. At Santa Ines, Rich Minga had a ten minute lead ln his Chenowth, followed by Larry Martin in another Chenowth and Rick Johnson/Gary Watson, Hi Jumper, and here nobody else was close. By San Ignacio, another 260 miles down course, Mike. Leon/Javier Tiznado had the lead by over ten minutes on Minga, who drove the whole distance with co-drivers Pancho Bio and Theresa Coelho. Minga had repaired a broken torsion bar. Johnson/Watson were another dozen minutes back, and two . · ··'.'Spencer Low and Paul DeLang, here putting the Nissan ahead of Paul Simon, lost a close one in Class 7S, anci came in 2nd and out of the 1986 points chase. Experie_nce counts in Baja, and Jim Conner and Carl Jackson have .. the experience, and drove the Nissa_n to a ten minute.vicrory in the hard fought 7 4x4 contest. Dave Ashley and Wally Kaiser put in a great drive in their Ford Ranger, taking second in Class 7 4x4, very close behind the winner. Dusty Time.s Don Adams.and Larry Olson went from six to four to three Rick Johnson and Gary Watson moved into the Challenge cylinders working in the Jeep Cherokee, en route to Class points lead when they drove the aging Hi Jumper to a second place in Class 3. fine third place finish. - ---hours ahead of the pack. Things was back in -th;; lead by a dozen Kent-Lothringer was fourth in his tighteneduplater,asnearlyallin minutesoverLeon/ Tiznado,and Baja Bug, about 18 ,minutes the class had deep trouble on the both were a couple of hours ahead of Larry Martin. beach. At Check 11, Rich Minga ahead of Johnson/Watson, and Minga stopped to fix a [;If"', WE MANUFACTURE FUEL SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITION RACING OVAL TRACK, OFF-ROAD,. RACE BOATS FUEL TANKS: All sizes for all fuels; FUEL BLADDERS: Gasoline or Alcohol/ Methanol Stock sizes or to your print. . SAF-FOAM, PLATES, FILLER CAPS, CHECK VALVES USAC, SCCA, SCORE/HDRA APPROVED Winner of the 1986 CNA Award for Safety in Racing. FBI Fuel Systems {213) 542-3835 December 1986 Page 15 i . l

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Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson won overall and Class 10 last year, ran the same car this round in Class 1 and finished fourth in class. Dave Kreisler and!Curley Nobles had a good race in the super long Raceco pickup, firishing 4th in Class 2 and a swift 5th overall. Larry Wilcox and Dale Sexton had their woes on course, but they kept the Ford moving fast enough to finish well, fourth in Class 8. !;9- tie rod· about 100 miles out, and Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado swept on to La Paz and the victory in their Jimco. Rich Minga made up a bunch of time and was second, just seven minutes behind. Rick Johnson and Gary Watson brought the old Hi Jumper into third, 1 ½ hours down. The big race was for fourth as Larry and Karla Martin finished exactly one minute ahead of Kent Lothringer and Carl Cabaniss, too _close for This is the system run by most off road race winners comfort after 1000 miles of • I racmg. In post race tech the J imco of Mike Leon was found to be wearing alloy valve covers, against the Challege Class rules. First the entry was disqualified, but 24 hours later, just before the awards ceremony, the car was reinstated and declared the official class winner. This decision, based on the withdrawal of the original protest, is not at all consistent with other recent TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. '90011 (213) 234-9014 Page 16 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED decisions concerning the same class at other events in the points series. So be it. The lone Class 9 starter was the Chenowth of Todd Francis and Brian Johnson. The team from Vancouver, Washington, went all the way in just over 28 hours for the finish.Johnson also won Class 9 ori the 1985 Baja 1000. . Class 7S started in front of Class 7 in Baja, and therewere 16 stocker trucks on the line in Ensenada. Half of them finished the race. Attrition started early as four were out before Valle · Trinidad, and Glenn Harris was down for 2 ½ hours changing a trans in his Mazda. Paul and Dave Simon led the pack at Santa Ines in the Ford Ranger, but the ' Nissan of Spencer Lo~/Paul . DeLang and the Ranger of Scott Douglas/Chuck Johnson, were in a •dead heat just a few minutes back, and Mike Falkosky had his Toyota in fourth . . Moving on to Check 7; before the silt beds of El Arco, it was tight up front. Douglas and ' Johnson had the lead by a few minutes over Low, Simon was back 15 minutes in third and Falkosky was closing up. Into San Ignacio Low was the apparent leader. Falkosky's .co-driver missed the turn to the town and went 60 miles down -the highway before turning around and coming back 60 miles to the race course. After the beach run, the 7S field was down to the eight who finished. At La Purisima Spence Low had about 15 minutes in hand over the Simons, and Douglas/Johnson were only a few more minutes back. By Check 11, Low's lead was down by several minutes, and Douglas/ Johnson were very close. Simon had brake trouble and stopped to fix things. Somewhere on the rugged final miles the scene shifted. In La Paz the 7S winners were Californian Scott Douglas and Chuck Johnson in the Ford Ranger· Chuck built at home in Illinois, now carrying a little California hands-on treatment. Their win was a close one as Spence Low brought the Nissan in just one minute, 28 seconds behind on ET. Paul and Dave Simon held third, only 15 minutes in arrears, but more than an hour ahead of Willie Valdez, who had trouble all the way with his Rangir. Mike Falkosky salvaged fifth place. Glenn Harris and Bobby Ferro, who was stuck in the silt for over an hour, came in for sixth spot, followed by Malcolm Vinje/ Mark Hansen and John Cabe/ Tom Ebberts. Five started in Class 7 and five finished, about 12 hours apart. Favorite Manny Esquerra lost the trans in the Ford right off the bat, and later lost a drive line three different times. The race was between Roger Mears, Nissan, and Larry Ragland, Chevrolet, neither having done well this year in their respective new trucks. At Santa Ines Mears had aboot three minutes lead over Ragland, and Esquerra was an hour back, with John Swift, Mazda, about six minutes behind him. Mark Steele/Mike Harding had lost hours in their S-10. At Check 7 Ragland had about a minute on Mears!Jr-Todd Francis and Brian Johnson came from way north in Washington to race and win Class 9 in their Chenowth. Johnson also won Class 9 in the 1985 Baja 1000. Paul and Dave Simon had the Ford up front for a time in Don McCormack and Dick Greenlee stayed close in Class Class 7S, but brake problems late in the race put them back 4 for half the distance; then had big trouble but still to third at the flag. finished second in class. · The sleekest looking vehicle in the race, the Audi Quattro rally !car of Bruno Kreibich, Dick Lee and Clark Bond, surp1ised the pundits, taking second in Class 6 . . I December 1986 Jack Zandbergen and Clark Williams stayed in contention all the way in their Beetle and finished a strong second in the Class 11 wars . . Dusty Times

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Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn were r.ight with the leaders_in 9Iass 10, . until the tide pools cost hours, and the team finished 3rd in class. I Roger Mortenson and Russell Welch had the Class 10 Funco in a slim lead midway inlthe race, but lost time on the beach brought I them in fourth. , • . , Hayward Mendenhall and Gary Gilbert had the Raceco going well until problems cost a bunch of time and they finished fourth in Class 1-2-1600 . . Early problems cost a bunch of time, but Mike Schwellinger and JO(I Snyder kept the Jeep CJ 7 going and Larry and Karla Martin were up front in Challenge Class for a time, but dropped back later to take fourth in class by Just one minute. came in a close third in Class·3. · · ~ and Esquerra hac(lost more time. By San ·1ghacio : Ragland. was flying, holi;Hng nearly half an hour on Meats, and off they weat into the b'each. Both apparently got,stuck for. a time, but Ragland still led by 14 minutes at Check 10. · At Check _11 Ragland's lead was down to about six minutes, and Roger Mears pitted to put Sherman Balch behind the wheel of the Nissan, and the race was on. Ra.gland's radio was out, and thinking he still had a good lead; he tried to save the Chevy and finish his first race as a trucker. Larry Ragland crossed the finish · _ line in La Paz first, but1Sherman · Balch was right on his bumi;ier; · scattering the spe'ctatots. Since Mears had started 30J ·seconds behind Ragland, the Nissan won the race to La Paz hy ~bout 13 seconds, an incredible dontest. : Roger Mears was thrilled with his first desert victory lwith his own· team's Nissan, and doubly . happy when his son Roger- Jr. arrived in the winning 1;2;1600. Larry Ragland was mdst disap; -. pointed, sure that he c9uld have gone faster if he had known Balch was so close behind. So swift was their· Eattle that the pair· were sixth,and seventh ov..erall. Manny . . I . and Tpdy Joe Esquerra soldiered _ on between repairs to take third in 'cl!iJs and tenth overall. John Swift! and company kept the Mazd~ popping corn all th.e way to fourth, and Mark Steele came in fifth. -Cl.ass 4 shrank to three starte~s, two Dodges and a Jeep Honcho. Rod Hall led all the way, with no serious problem this riound, and he and Jim Fricker sc@red their umpteenth victory in Baja in 4x4 classes. · Hall was ninth overall as well, KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MORE OFlf~ROAD RA~ING VICljORIES THAN ALl. OTHER BRANDS 1 COMB~NED! · At KC H_i~iTE?, w_~'re serious about -c,mpetttwn ltght~tW, So why take a . clilance with anything else? j ~ KC HiliTES, Inc. • Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635-2607 " ✓ ,.. ' Page 18 December 1986 Rodney Hall, Jim Fricker ahd the powerful Class 4 Dodge did their usual nu171ber once agaih,.winning by almost six hours and placing _ninth overall. and a repeat winner from 1985. runners among the eight starters Don McCormack and Dick in Class 7 4x4. Jerry McDonald Greenlee kept-their Dodge took off fast in the Joe MacPher; within striking distance, less than son Chevy, but several were close an hour back, all the way .to San to him a_!: Trinidad. By Santa Ines Ignacio, but .lost a couple hours McDonald was in trouble,.having on the next leg, and lost time all put· a fan through . the radiator the rest of the way. But and dropped a couple of hours. McCormack was second, almost Jim Conner/Carl Jackson had six hours behind Hall. Don their Nissan out front, and by pit Yoston and Bill Donahoe had a reports, Dave Ashley/Wally book full of troubles, starting Kaiser were second in the Ford, when Donahoe rolled the followed by Mike Horner and Honcho to avoid hitting a parked Leo Brown, Chevy. car in the middle of the course. All eight made it to Check 7 . They welded and tinkered all the where Conner/Jackson led by way to La Paz, and were happy to' nearly half an hour over Ashley. finish. Horner was another 35 minutes There were many back~ There was strong competition in Class6 this round, but the winner still was the '55 Chevy of Larry Schwac;ofer and Sid Spradling, leading when it counted in La Paz. ' · There was a keen bunch of ten in Class 11, but Sergio and Porfirio Guiterrez were out front most of the way and ended up winning·by 43 minutes at the finish. Dusty Times

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... BAJA -1000 -·w1NNERS -CLASS 1-2-1600 Art Pe.terson ~ RQger Mears Jr. ~ Richard SPONSORS Trick Trailing Arms Off Road Concepts Vee Dub Parts Unl'imited Newman· Backhoe Service - PIT. & CHASE CREW ~ Russ Newman D_on Maynes ·willey Vasquez Pete El Arco Denniss Maceno SPECIAL THANKS TO ... · ' / ' ,.. -ORC SPECIAL THANKS TO ... -Dave Snoddy Dave -Parsons 'BITCON ENGINEERING --.-~arry Bitcon - Engineer - l · Lloyd Bitcon -Trans · BENY CANELA AUTO BODY &-PAINT Mike Simmons , I --· - YOKOHAMA TIRES_ •. F.A.I.R. · _ -TRICK R·ACING FUEL -·DESIG-NS IN LINES

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I I I j 1 j l f t t } 1· f i Willie Valdez and Jose Alva_rado had some time costly 'Jerry McDonald had most of his trouble early in the ra; e, problems with the 7S Ford, but they struggled on to finish a and came back fast and strong to get up to third in Class 7 fine fourth in class. ' , 4x4 in the Chevy. Australian Jim Hunter and Randy Safmont splash some Las Vegans: Tom Bradley, Jr. and Sr., had. their ups and water in the ex-PJ Blazer, and the pair took the rig to fifth in downs with the· Chaparral, but they.went on down course Class 2, 13th·overall. fa.fifth in Class 10. ' ~ in third, and Mike Randall, who had been doing well, had dropped hours in· his Jeep. At San Ignacio the Conner/Jackson Nissan had a husky lead, over an · hour. Ashley/Kaiser still held second, but Horner / Brown were only sixminutes back, followed . · in a half hour by McDonald. The beach would tell the tale. -Incredibly, all eight made it to Check 11, but then Sergio Duran became the only DNF in the · class. The leaders were close Don't miss out! Order Your Off-Road· Racing 1987 CALENDAR Features: Top Drive~~ Action Photos ·· MAJOR.RACE DATES Now $5.00 Postage Included M~M ENTERPRISES 5318 Don Pio.Drive Woodland Hills, CA 91~6,4 Page20 enough to be a.flat tire 'apart, and they raced harq the last 180 miles. But, it was the Nissan of old Baja hands Jim Conner and Carl Jackson that took the checkered flag f~rst in Class 7 4x4. Th~ir margin in victory was only ten-minutes ~nd change over -the Po.rd of D~v~ Ashley / Wally Kaiser. Jerry Mcponald worked_ up to third, anotµer 41 minutes back in his comeback drive, and Michael Horner/rj1Leo Brown, in another Chevy were back 39 more_ minutes._ 1;r"ron 'and Eric Norns had the1r·r oes down the -course, but drove the Nissan home fifth, follbwed by Mike Randall and Bo~, Bower in the Jeep and Juan Petalta.· · · It was a wild j group of cars among the eight starters in Class 6, everything·from a small Nissan ?-10 to the spiffy Audi Quattro Group B rally jcar of Bruno Kr,eibich, who signed on former, Class 6 champion Dick Lee as co-driver for Baja insurance. Four of the- eight finished the )ong trek t0 _La Paz. Jorge Souto retired before the first check, and John Johnston· didn't .get much farther. ' At Santa Ines, Larry Schwa-cofer and Sid Spradling, who had the early lead, had dropped 27 minutes behind the leader, Bill Russell and Nelville Sharpe in a . potent looking Chevy Camaro. But the Camaro had a very long pit stop at Santa Ines, and the Schwacofer '55 Chevy was back in the lead at Check 7. Francisco Salas d'ropped out after this-check. · Th~ Class 6. race seemed a matter of who had the least trouble or could make the fastest repairs. At San Ignacio Dale and Randy Jordan were second in the Nissan-71O, ·with the Schwacofer Chevy 15 minutes behind them. In the lead here by well over an hour was the Russell Camaro, . and· the Kreibich Quattro was fourth, ove:;r another hour back. Richard Sieman and Steve Kramer h~~ a long trip in _th'e Isuzu Trooper, running out of time before Checkpoint 1 °, but they covered the course to win Class 14. · • Decearaber 1986 . .SCORE: BAJA tOOO ; November 6-8, 1986 ;. Final Results Pos. .Car # Driver(s) Vehicle Time · Pos. 0/A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 . . 3. 4-. 5. 1. 2 . . 3.' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. . 3. 4 . . 5. 1. 2. Cl.ASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -13 START - 7 FINISH 111 Mark McMillin/Ralph Paxton Chenowth · 18:26.28 106 · Gregg Symonds/Bob Richardson O.R.E. 25:09.46 104 Tim Kennedy . . Chaparral 30:22.03 108 Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson . Race co 31: 13.36 198 Jerry Whelchel/Greg George Funco 32:56.07 -CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -18 START - 14 FINISH 216 Bob Gordon/Tiin Crabtree · Chenowth 18:28.22 205 Malcolm Smith/Pefry McNeil 0.R.( 18:55.37 200 Gorky l),1cMillin/Brian Ewalt Chenowth 19:07.59 299 David Kreisler/Curley Nobles Raceco 20:18.56 214 -Jim Hunter /Randy Salmon! Chevy-Blazer 22:29.4 7 CLASS '1-2-1600 .-'-1600cc RESTRICTED -20 START - 13 FINISH 1613 Art Peterson/Roger Mears. Jr. O.R:C. 22: 18.40 1601 Jack Ramsay/Don Hatz , Bunderson 22:38.24 · 1612 Bill Rodriguez/ C~rlos·lribe . Jimco 23:30.07 ·1603 Hayward Mendenhall/ Gary Gilbert Raceco 25:00.26 1609 David L. Buie/Kermit Rima Chenowth 25:04.46 CLASS 3 -' SHORT Wil 4x4 - 7 START - 5 FINISH 303 Matt & Gale Pike Dodge 24:06.28 Ramcharger 349 Don Adams/Larry Olson ~eep Cherokee 24:49.12 301 Michael Schwellingerf Jon Snyder Jeep CJ 7 25:03.40 306 Eric Heiden/Mark Heiden· -Jeep CJ 8 29:18.39 304 Phil Dean/Bob Lehrer 'Ford Bronco 37:47.48 CLASS 4 .:_ LONG WB 4x4 - 3 START - 3.FINISH 400· Rod Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 20:52.31 402 Don McCormack/Dick Greenlee Dodge 26:43.40 401 Don -Yosten/Bill Donahoe .Jeep Honcho 30:29:25 CLASS 5 - .UNLIMITED.BAJA BUG -14 START - 5 FINISH 504 Max Razo/ John Johnson · Baja Bug 21: 13.32 503 Stan Parnell/Dave Wood Baja Bug 24:20.35 549 Nick Firestone/Rich Carbajal .Baja Bug 26:07 .15 511 Mel Vaughan/Dan Reynolds Baja Bug 26: 1 1.00 502 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 28:53:31 CLASS 5-1600-"-1600cc BAJA BUG. -17 START -12 FINISH 594 · Dave Anckner/Henry Arras Baja Bug 23:19.20 550 Mik~ Lesle/8.C, Jones . Baja Bug 23:42.34 551 Wilham and Steve Taylor Baja Bug 27:25.51 598 John-Howard/ Judy Smith Baja Bug 28:40.35 593 Ernesto~ A,lfr~do Arambula_' . Baja Bug. · 29:16.48 CLASS '5 _: PR_ODUCTION SEDAN - 8 START - 4 FINISH · 1 41 81 88 96 2 3 4 5 13 12 14 22 37 40 29 35 39 69 105 ' 9 53 · 84 11 30 47 48 65 21 23 58 . 63 68 605 Larry Schwacofe_r/Sid Spradling . '!i5 Chevrolet 32:14.03 _93 . 602 Bruno Kreibich/Dick Lee Audi Quattro 34:02.40 100 604 Bill Russell/Neville Sharpe· Chevy Camara 38:12.38 106 618. Wesley & Garson Moser Ford Ranchero 40:58.38 109 603 Dale & Randy Jordon Nissan 710 3:i:23.30 (Ck. 10) CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKOP - 5 START - 5 FINISH 703 · Roger Mears/Sherman Balch Nissan 20:41.49 702. Larry Ragland Chevy S-.1 O 20:42.02 700 Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger 21 :07.55 701 John Swift/Dave Turner Mazda 30:57.18 718 _ Mark Steele/Mike Harding Chevy S-1 O 32: 16.13 CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -16 START -BFINISH 733-Scott Douglas/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger 22:57.54 720 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 22:59.15 · 732-Paul & Dave Simon · Ford Ranger 23:12:14 726 Willie Valdez/ Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 24:35.39 · 728-Mike Falkosky/Steve Teets Toyota 26:20.0!i · CLASS 7 4x4 -STOCK MIN.I-MIDI 4x4 - 8 START - 7 FINISH 753 Jim Conner/Carl Jackson · Nissan 23:46.39 769 Dave Ashley/Wally Kaiser Ford Ranger 23:57.15 751 Jerry McDonald/ Joe Mac Pherson Chevy S-1 O , 24:38.44 768 Michael Horner /Leo Brown Chevy S-1 O 25:01.4 7 754 Aaron & Eric Norris . Nissan 28:22.53 . CLASS 8 -2WD STANDARD PICKUP -11 START - 8 FINISH 805 Walker Evans Dodge 20:43.26 808 Marco Lopez/Rafael Pulido Ford 24:06.27 859 Brian Stewart/Charlotte Corral Ford 24:57.35 809 Larry Wilcox/Dale Sexton Ford 25:38.54. 801 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Ford 26:36.56 ·cLASS 9-: 1200cc SINGLE SEAT - 1 START - 1 FINISH 901 Todd Francis/Brian Johnson Chenowth · 28: 18.55 CLASS CHALLANGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -12 START-8 FINISH 955 Mike Leon/ Javier Tiznado Jimco 23:58.50 998 Rich Minga/Theresa Coelho Chenowth 24:05.35 95 7 Rick Johnson/Gary Watson Hi Jumper 26:43.14 956 Larry & Karla Martin Chenowth 27:04.1'2 954 Kent Lothringer/Carl Cabaniss Baja Bug 27:05.12 CLASS 10· -UNLIMITED i 650cc :_,__ 13 START - 7 FINISH 1008 Rick & John Hagle · Raceco. 22:43.30 1003 William & Michael Church Raceco 23:05.06 1098 Steve Tetrick/Fred Ronn 0,R.E. 24:26.01 1099 Roger Mortenson/Russ Welch Funco. 25:i7.40 1001 fom Bradley, Sr./Tom Bradley, Jr. Chaparral 30:23.51 CLASS 11 -STDCK VW SEDAN :_ IO START - 4 -FINISH 6 7 10 86 94 16 17 20 32 48 24._ 25 j3 38 62 8 28 36 44 51 26 27 52 55_ 56 15 18 31 42 82 1102 Sergio & Porfirio Gutierrez · VW · 29:08.45 67 1101 Jack Zandbergen/Clark Williams VW 29:51.49 72 11 DO Andy Diaz/Scott Wagstaff _ VW 30:30:05 85 11-05 Ramon Castro/Paulin ·carillo VW 33: 10.09 99 1104 Victor & Luis Barajas VW 34:56.00 (Ck, 10) CLASS 14 -MODIFIED 4x4 - 2 START - 0 FINISH · 1402 Richard Sieman/Steve Kramer ' Isuzu Trooper "30:07.00 (Ck. 11) 1"401 Doug Kopp/Charlie Martin ~alls Royce 5:03.30 (Ck. 1) Starters -Cars -178. -Motorcycles -43 -ATV-Odyssey -19 -Total 240 Finishers -Cars -112 -Motorcycles -26 -ATV-Odyssey* - 9 -Total 147 Race Distance -' 1013 Miles Time Allowance :_ 42 Hours Fast Time Overall -Chuck Miller/Bruce Dgilivie -Class 22 Honda -18:05.52 Fast Time Overall Car -Mark McMillin/Ralph Paxton -ChenoW1h -18:26.28 'Odyssey classes did not cover the enti(e distance for an official finish. 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John Howard an.d Judy Smith showed off their new Class 5-1600 Bug, and they s_wapped drivers all down the peninsula to finish the new car in the money, fourth in class. · The Class 6 leader at Santa 'Ines, the Chevy Camara of Bill Russell and Neville Sharpe had.big trouble later and finished third ir class. We~ and Garson Moser had big troubles with the Ford Ranchero, but kept moving. The Jordan Nissan lost hours . on the beach, kept running, and ran out of time past Check 11,\ but they eventually got to La Paz. At Check 12, 125 miles from the finish, the order was set. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling led here and at the flag, taking the 30 year old Chevy to another Class 6 victory. Only orie -hour, · 48 minutes back at the flag, .Bruno Kreibich, ,Dick Lee and Clark Bond finished second in the Audi, having had plenty of down time, including changing a clutch at the Sky Ranch. Russell was _another four hours back iri · third, and the Mosers made it home in just under 41 hours. Two started in Class 14, the Isuzu Trooper· of Richard Sieman . and Steve Kramer and the 4x4 Rolls Royce ofDoug Kopp and '.Charlie Martin. The Rolls took five hours to get to the first check and wa·s seen no more. The Isuzu mot6red,sedately down course,. no doubt-with myriad troubles; · and ran out of time after Check 1 L Sieman and Kramer contin-ued on·course anyhow; and were the Class 14 winner at Check 11. As always the ten Class 11 cars wer!! lasfoff the line, but far from last at the finish line. Most of the · entry were Mexican teams, and they had a good. dice going at . Santa Ines. There Sergio and -Porfirio Gutierrez had the lead, and they kept the lead all the way · i:o La Paz. At Check 5 Jack Zandbergen was only nine minutes back, and Andy Diaz was an hour behind. One of the fa'vorites, Ramon Castro, was having serious problems,.but eight made. it this far. By-San Ignacio Gutierrez had increased his lead to an hour over Andy Diaz and Scott Wagstaff. Jack Zandbergen and Clark Williams were only .45 minutes back in third as the Beetles hitthe beach, and two of them vanished Dusty Times · into the tide pools .. At La Purisima the Gutierrez, boys still led by about 35 minutes over . Zandbergen, and Diaz was an hour back, trailed by Castro in a coup-le of hours, and Victor Barajas vanished from the charts. Sergio and Porftrio Gutierrez won Class 11 by just 43·minutes over Jack Zandbergen/Clark. Williams. Andy Diaz/Scott Wagstaff were only ·another 39 minutes back at the flag, tight racirig for the stock Beetles. Ramon Castro/Paulin Carillo got their finishing pins, well ~ver two hours back. The war stories in La Paz were legion, enough to fill a book. While the overall winners were in town around midnight on Thursday, finishers.streamed Kent Lothringer and Cari Ca_baniss race a Baja Bug in the Running with the leaders to San Ignacio, a course error C hallenge Class, and even giving away the extra weight dropped the Toyota of Mike Falkosky and Steve Teets to they were fifth in La Paz. fifth in Class 7S. · Jim Cocores changed the paint-scheme on his Class 5, aiming for a finish.and it worked as he and Dave Snoddy finished•sixth in class. The four wheel drive Rolls Royce looked good at Catarina, but failed to get over the mountains; Doug Kopp and . Charlie Martin were second in Class 14 anyhow. into La-Paz all day into the night on Friday. The finish line shut dow·n at 3:09 a.m. Saturday morning. The cars stayed in impound at the race . head-quarters,-the Gran Baja Hotel, while most of the· participants , enjoyed the parties and laid back life style in La Paz. Saturday afternoon the awards party featured Margt1eritas and snacks, courtesy of Pemex, who . December 1986 also supplied the trophies. While the snacks were delicious, the first batch of drinks tasted more like gasoline than tequila, but they got better as the afternoon wcire on. Pemex also gave chits worth 100 liters of gasoline to each finisher, a big help on the long tow home. Curiously, the trophies were a far cry from the traditional Aztec figures from' ¥exico,. made instead of cheap looking clear plastic. Even more odd was the fact that there was only one trophy per team, instead of the usual pair. But, they will be treasured by all who won them anyhow. This run, the length of Baja California, is the big one, not only to participants, but to a world wide audience fascinated with the r.ace from Ensenada to La Paz. Pagei1_ ·I l l l 1 I I 1 l I . < I ·, ! ~ I J I -t j l

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I r t t . I I l l L I t: t-i f - I MTEG .:... L.A. COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS . -~ . -It's a Wrap at Pomona ~r the · 1986 Stadium Serie~ · By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trcwkside Photo Enterprises Steve Millen flew his Toyota truck in fine style to win his heat race, take second overall in the Class 7 main event, and take enough points to insure the Manufactu~er's Championship for Toyota. · The final event of the 1986 Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix re-turned home to the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona, California. Pomona served as home base for the championship series until 1985, when the Fair Board decided to close the track to off road racing, and remodel the facility in order to add more yards to the horse track for har-ness racing. ...., Mickey Thompson managed to get the facility, pow called FairPlex, for an October date. He planned a real down. home off road stadium racing homecom-ing, but the major problem was the date coincided with another short course event as well as _other major racing programs going on _in the area. Still, a large crowd turned out for the home-coming, but the event was lack-ing some of its former luster. Since the Grand National Pickup championship had already been decided, Team Nissan did not show up to race, and one of the heavy hitter Fords was missing also. The Super 1600 class had a large field, but many of the top drivers did not show. Monte Crawford had a perfect sco;e in UltraStock competition, as he won the heat race, the main event, and the series championship in the VW Golf. The new tr~ck layout was· · smaller, far smaller than the ear-lier course, and so tight many of the races turned out to be a follow-the-leader affair. How-ever, stadium racing, as always, provided enough excitement that the spectators were treated with a night of memorable entertain-ment. In the Grand National Sport Truck trophy dash, Ivan Stewart took off in his Toyota and never looked back. Rod Millen pulled his Mazda alongside Jeff Huber's 1Ford to c~allenge for second, and it turned ,into a shoving match. Huber held the inside line and kept Millen in third. Danny Thompson was slinging his Chevrolet around at every corner looking for some daylight around Millen, but he had to set-tle for fourth. Ivan Stewart's truck devel-oped a miss in the engine during the trophy dash, and Steve Millen, who had already won the championship for the year, traded T oyotas with teammate · Stewart, so he could increase his points standing and secure the second place spot for the season. Since the truck field was down some in numbers, all eight entries ran in both heats. Brad Castle had a very good night in his Raceco, taking second in his Class 10 heat and a resounding victory in the crowded traffic in the main event. • It was Danny Thompson night in Class 7, as he whipped the Chevy to victory in both his heat and the main event, starting from the pole both times and leading all the way, . In the first truck heat a lot of elbowing went on down the front straight, and Danny Thomson rolled just after the first j.ump. Jeff Huber jumped out with a five length lead, with Steve Millen settling into ·second, and Rod Millen was right on his tail. Glenn Harris slipped his Mazda in behind his teammate, with Ivan Stewart on his bumper. At the half way mark Huber had a comfortable lead, with Steve Millen next, leading a tight bunch of Grand National trucks. Then Harris slipped inside Rod Millen and began his charge on the leaders. Huber bobbled and Steve Millen took the lead. Huber hesitated in a switchback and Harris pushed his way into second. Huber's trouble didn't stop here, as one truck after another elbowed around him, until he finally finished sixth. At the checkered flag it was Steve Millen out front with Glenn Har-ris a close second. Steve's brother Rod Millen took third· with no 1front body left on his Mazda, and Ivan Stewart was fourth. In the second truck heat Danny Thompson took off from the pole and never looked back. Walker Evans had his Dodge close in second in the early laps, but the fight was for third between Rod Millen, Jeff Huber and Ivan Stewart, -while Glenn Harris and Steve Millen trailed the action. Soon Rod Millen and Huber were side hy side, giving the crowd some action, and Huber passed into third on the first turn midway in the heat. Thompson still led, and Evans held second, shedding body pan-els. The front three stayed pat as . Rod Millen and Ivan Stewart engaged is a side by side battle for fourth place. At the flag Danny Thompson was all alone in vic-tory, but Walker Evans and Jeff Huber were side by side coming out of the .final turn, and Evans held second by a nose. Ivan Stewart held Rod Millen at bay · to take fourth. In the Grand National main event, Danny Thompson was on, the pole with Walker Evans alongside. Oddly enough the first heat winner Steve Millen was on the second row with his mate Ivan Stewart, and the two Mazdas were on row 3. Throughout the season, except for San Bernar-dino, the heat race winners either started on the front row or were inverted to the third row, but now there seems to be no method as to the starting order in the main event. Ori the start the flagman caught Evans asleep and the Mazda of Rod Millen gave him a firm push. Thompson took advantage of the front row start-ing position for an immediate lead, and meanwhile the Millen · brothers were at each other hard. Tommy Croft flew his Chenowth to victory in his Class 10 heat, and Croftltook the series championship handily, despite mechanical woes in the main event. John Swiftl switched from a truck to a Class 10 Funco at Pomona and he showed fine form by winning his heat race on the very last lap. , I Rod. took second, only to have Steve put him up on the hydro barriers, and Jeff Huber also got past the Mazda. Huber got up on two wheels just before the front straight, and Rod took _third place bacl< and began reeling in his brother Steve. Midway Danny. Thompson was lapping the walking wound-. • . l Page 22 December 1986 Dusty Times ·

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ef 'and· Glenn Harns.finally lost, his engine hood that -had- heen -- . flapping. Jeff Huber recovered from his bobble and passed Evans for fourth, and Thompson now had a full straight-away dis-tance between himself and Steve Millen. The best race going was between Harris, Evans and Stewart, for fifth. But, with only two laps left in the main, Millen closed up on the leader, and Thompson shifted into high gear, got up on two wheels on the last lap, but held off Millen 's challenge on the baczk straight. Danny Thompson won in the Chevy, and Steve Millen was very close in second in the Toyota. Rod Millen, with a battered truck, was a distant third, and then came Huber and Stewart. Vince Tjelmeland tried hard in his UltraStock Pontiac, but it wasn 't his day, as he placed second in both the heat race and the main event. Jim Sandefer had one of his best nights of racing in the Class 10 Funco, as he zoomed to second place in both his heat and the main event. In the Super 1600 Trophy Dash Roh Gordon earned his win after battling with Tommy Croft the entire race in an all Chenowth bash. Croft had to set-tle for second, trailed by Brad Castle, Raceco and Jim Sandefer brought his Funco around for~ fourth. There was a good entry in -this group, enough for two separate heats. In the first heat Larry Noel and Matt McBride made up the front row. Behind them and likely to have a chance at the lead were Tommy Croft and Brad Castle. Larry Noel applied the brakes a little early and got sideways before the first turn, but he held the lead, with Croft in second. Croft decided he wanted to be first, and took over at the second turn. Brad Castle slipped into second, and early leader Noel Walker Evans is getting his Dodge 0-50 dialed in for stadium racing, and Star of the Orange Show race, Rob Gordon won the Class 10 trophy dash, but shifting woes with the Chenowth dropped him back in other action. . was third ahead ofDavid Bonner. · Castle was gainirig on, Croft each lap, until lap 4 when he tried getting around on the outside of the first turn, and Castle stalled momentarily, letting Croft gain several car lengths. With just two laps to go, Castle moved within striking distance of Croft again, and on the white flag lap Castle was two car lengths behind · Croft. Castle applied the gas and was pulling· alongside Croft at every corner, but Croft held the inside line to take the win. Castle finished a very close second, and third went to Larry Noel, fol; lowed by Dave Bonner. In the second heat race John Swift and Gary Dillon made up the front row, followed by Jim Sandefer and Rob Gordon. At the green flag John Swift took the lead in the Funco. Rob Gordon · tried for the lead with a spectacu-lar start, but got hung up with Dillon, giving Ken Seale_ second place and Jimmy Nichols got by before Gordon got going. Nichols got sideways going into the turn and Gordon got by, and once Rob got away from the pack he began making his way to the front. Gordon and Seale -tangled over the front jump and Seale ended up doing a backward flip. Gordon put the gas pedal down · and started reeling in··on Swift for the lead. Swift went wide and Gordon took the lead, but Swift held the gas on and repassed him, only to be repassed again as Gor-don slipped inside. Gordon experienced transmis-sion woes after the white flag · came out and John Swift took the lead. Gordon suffered more gear fumbling and ended up fifth before he got moving again. At Dusty Times Walker won a close dice for second in the second Class 7 heat race. the checkered flag John Swift, who had been driving a truck ear-lier in the season, won the heat by a good margin. Jim Sandefer got second place. honors and third went to Gary Dillon ahead of Tim Kennedy and Rob Gordon. There were 21 Class 10 cars in the main event, and Tommy Croft and John Swift were on the front row. Next came Brad Castle and Jim Sandefer followed by Larry Noel and Gary Dillon. Croft jumped out in front and Castle took second from Swift off the start. Swift got sideways in the first switchback, but regained his composure to hold fourth. Several cars piled up in the first turn, but they were able to get going without the help of course workers. Jimmy Adams and Chuck Adamson tangled, resulting in Adamson rolling over. Croft was being pressured by Castle at every turn, until Croft missed a· shift and Brad Castle took over the lead. Jim Sandefer was third and challenging Croft. , Once Castle got out in front, he decided to put some room between himself and Croft. With · the herd on the,track there were several. pile ups around the corners_, and position changes. Castle was able to stay out of the trouble, and was still leading at the half way mark, with Sandefer running a distant second. Heat winner John Swift was having traffic problems, as he got hung up on two occasions with lapped traffic. The result was Swift was set back five postions by the Rough Driving Committee. .Brad Castle took the victory just before he was to lap the early leader, Tommy Croft. Croft had reason to celebrate anyway, as he won the season championship with242 total points. Larry Noel· was second with 204 points. Jim Sandefer took home the second place i;r ------------------------------, RACING BRAKES TOM KOCH ROB TOLLES6N - 1st Place 1/2-1600 1986 Baja 500 1985 Score/High Desert 1/2-1600 Champion 1985 Rookie of the Year DARREN WILSON 1st Place 1/2-1600 1986 Mint 400 . 1st Overall 1986 Parker 400 1st Overall 1986 Snore Yoko Loco NOW THAT YOU'VE GOT IT TO G·o -LET HOT SHOES MAKE IT WHOA! Bette(Braking When You Need It/Longer Wqar Life RACE CARS •-PRE RUNNER_S • DUNE BUGGIES • 3-WHEELERS • OUADS • MOTORCYCLES "Custom Applic•ations" -No problem, send us your cores ijnd we will deduct it from your bill. · Everybody Needs Brakes, Why Not Use The Best · HOT SHOES RACING PRO.DUCTS 166 West J-5, Lancaster, California 93534 (805) 942-2344 · DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED December 1986 Page 23 j I i j

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I I I I I· I I r I I ! ······ , . ,,., ·--~··,.!1···,,·.. :,_ . . J\ lvanStewari"started out st;ong in his Toyota, adding to the team poi~tJ nicely by winning the opening act, the trophy dash. ,1 i;.,.. main event money, and third went to Jimmy Nichols, followed by Rick Jones and Dan Ben!ky. When they lined -up for the UltraStock heat race it was Tim Maples, Mazda, and Monte · Crawford, VW, making up the front row: Crawford was leading on points, with his closest competitor, Greg George, at the back of the pack with trans problems. Crawford took the ! lead when Maples stumbled for a moment after the first jump. By , , <t_he third turn i.t was Vince 'Tjelmel1and, Pontiac, that was pressing!Ci:awford for the lead; Ken Kazarian, VW, was third, and Maples fourth ahead of Jeff Elrod, VW, and Craig Durfee, Pontiac. Once everyone settled into their spot, the race turned into a game of follow-the-leader, except for the battle for the lead between Crawford and Tjelme-, land. Monte Crawford took the checkered flag, with Tjelmeland a. close second. Third went to Kazarian ahead of Maples. There was no inversion for the UltraStock- main event line up, . and Monte Crawford and Vince Tjelmeland shared the front row. Kazarian and· Elrod had a chance at turn one from their second row spot, but it was Crawford who took advantage of his pole position· to ·take the_ lead, with · Tjelmeland in second. Elrod and . Maples got hung up in the first turn, giving third to Craig Durfee. Tjelmeland momentarily lost his second spot to a hard fighting Durfee, and Kazarian was right on Tjelmeland's tail. . Tjelmeland got back around Durfee, when Craig went wide after the back straight. Vince was now in second with plenty of space to make up, . as Crawford had gained . son:te valuable real estate while Tjelmeland was battling with Durfee. At the midway point Crawford had nearly a front straight lead over-Tjelmeland. With no lapped traffic in sight, both front • runners were able to make the best of the . track. This was to Tjelmeland's disadvantage, but he was gaining by inches with each lap; b.ut he needed yards. As the white flag came 6'.lt Crawford had a ten car length lead. Vince pulled out all the stops for a final attempt, but the checkered flag came out for Crawford, and Tjelmeland had to settle for second. Monte Crawford won the season . championship with Page i4 246 points .. Greg George,· who did not start the main ever/t, was second with i04 points. K~arian was third in the ·main } v_erl_t, · followed by Jeff Elr'od and Tim Maples. . . . . , ... . In Odyssey action, a pile up in the first turn midway throJgh the field allowed the pack toj string out in the heat race. James Cook pulled ahead for some I extra breathing room due to the traffic. John Gersjes kept the power on · and began applyi_ng pressure to Cook. Behind Q ersjes was Johnny Custom, ·and!John Hasshaw was ahead of Bil1. Goshen. They finished ih that order. In the unsuspended class, · flying yellow ribbons from the roll cage, Todd Dennett brought his Honda 'across first. Second went to Steve Grier, and Mitch . Kurtela was in front of-Joey Ardoin.arid Ralph Blundell. · In the Odyssey main 1J ames Cook jumped out in the lead, then lost his lead and engine · power when he flipped on the back straight. Johnny Custom took over the lead with John Gersjes right on his tail, andJohn Hasshaw behind him. Gersjes took the lead just before the white flag came out, and he went on for the win with Custom trying hard, but settling for second as he nosed his buggy into the dirt at the finish line. Mitch Kurt~la fought off Todd Dennett . for the unsuspended' class win, and third went. to Joey Ardoin. In the Unsuspended Odyssey clas_s, Mike Lavelle wo1n the season champi9nship with Steve Greir second over Mitch Kurtela. In the open, suspended . class, Johnny Custom ran away with · the title with 210 points' over. Frank Chavez ·at 105. Among the 3. wheelers Marty Hart slung past the competition at the first jump and immediately opened a comfortable lead as he came out of the first turn., Hart went on to win the heat ahead of · Roger Burman and.Chris White. · When the main event was ~ver it was Marty Hart again in front. With this win Hart won the . overall series champion'.ship .. Second in the main event went to Roger Burman over Chris White. In the 4 wheel ATV heat race Gary Denton and Rodney Gentry battled it out the full six laps. But, Denton held on f,or the win. Third went to Sean Finley. In the main event Rodney Gentry took the lead from Gary Denton as· the white .flag came o ut. Ken Kazarian corners hard in his VW Scirocco UltraStock, one of the better looking ones, and he was third in both the heat and the main. Another M i.ckey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix season ended with this event. The i986 series experi-enced many growing pains that will, hopefully, be ironed out during the winter. The shows .that were put on back east suffered from the' economy drop in those areas. Other shows had to be cancelled and race dates changed around. Thompson found his events boycotted by some of the top buggy drivers because of his insistence on doing away with Class 1 racers and not seeing eye to eye on the problems that plagued many racing programs. The 1987. Denton had plenty to worry about as Mike Bergman was in hot purspit. When the checkered flew; Gentry was the winner, with Denton and Bergman following. Greg Clark tallied enough season points to take top honors in his class. 1 . season gets an· early start at the Anaheim Stadium on January 10, followed in a week by the second round in Sari Diego, CA. . I Jimmy, Nichols one wheels it around the severe switchbaf k in his Raceco. and Nichols took a fine third in the 22 car main event. · Larry Noel, who also runs the desert, races, got his Chenowth into third in his Class 10 heat, and also took second in series points. '.,,,/"~~~:i:~:···~\:::=~)::i" Usually right up front in Class 7 action, Glenn Harris was second in a heat race, but a flapping engine hood cost him time in the main. It seemed like a Funco night in Class 10 action at Pomona, and Rick .'Jones drove his Aaarm model to a fine fourth in the main event. December 1986 Despite. tipping over in both practice and competition, Rod Millen took his Mazda to third spot in both. the Class 7 heat and main event. · Gary Dillon drove his very tidy Funco hard to third in his Class 10 heat, but got caught in the traffic pile ups in the main event. Jeff Huber did a bicycle act in his Ford Ranger and it cost him some real estate, and dropped him to fourth place in the Class 7 main event. -~ The Elrod family comes from northern .California to stadium •races, and Jeff flew his VW Golf, AKA Bug, to a fine fourth in UltraStocks. Dusty Times

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Jim Huff won Pro Class 4 again. Sadly, his co-driver Don Wilkins died suddenly 2 days later, and Huff is dedicating his win to Wilkins. A flat tire on lap three cost Dwight Lunde/I (with Jug wrench) his overa/1 lead, but he sti/1 won Pro Class 10 by a solid 12 minutes. Ron League was back driving the Arizona Desert Rat Chenowth, an.d won Sportsman Class, knocked out of the overa/1 by cho/.la · jumping into his car. Russ Blylie had good luck as he charged over the sand in the Diehl · B131ia Bug, and he went on to win the Sportsman Class 5 honors. -Greg "Red" Burgin clicked off four smooth laps in his tidy Baja Bug, and he ended up winning the Sportsman Class 5-1600 battle. Todd Wittman roared to the Sportsman 1600 Ltd. win, and he apparently had no trouble pulling the paddle style with the small engine. two days after the race. Huff wishes to dedicate his win to Don's rn:emory. The race course. had really deteriorated and yielded only a 41.4% fit)ishing ratto from the 30 Pro starters. The Sportsmen would have their work cut out for them as they started at 2 p.m. for four: laps in this class order: 1, 10, 2, 1600 Ltd., 5-1600, 5 and Challenger. Class 1 had two sta_rters. Terry Harden in his Ninja-powered "mini-Rail" took_ the holeshot from Ron League but never started a second'1ap anq. was way back by then. League had no trouble beyond getting a handful of cholla and brought the Travis-Helwig/ Arizopa Desert Rat Off Road Centers/People's Car Shop Chenowth i_n at second overall with a time of 2:14:16 and a 44.69 mph average. Jim Allison had a long-time dream come .true in Class 10. He's had a lot of close sec~nds in his years of racing, but never a .· first until this race. ·This time he led wire-to-wire in the Allison Automotive/Woods Vulcan to finish fifth 0 / A at 2:21: 10 with -a 42.50 mph average. Ron Fields was second until the final lap, when Albert McMullen took over to finish second in his first Sportsman race. Pat Hughes was third ahead of Greg Oswskey and Ron How-1986 has been a banneryear for Gary Hendricks, as he picked up his third Sportsman Class 2 win and his first Sportsman oitera/Jvictory. Mark Harrison bo·unces over a sandy berm on his way to the overa/1 title in Beginner class, taking the unlimited title as well. Dusty Times ard to make up the fast five in class. In Class 2,· it was Gray Hen-dricks out front on lap one ahead of Paul Nolte, Keith Alger, Doug Boelman and John Jacobs, Hen-dricks was charging hard and held the overall lead as well. Nolte went out on lap two, Boelman moved into Second, and Jay Voelkner took over fifth. Boelman then lost his motor and Alger was second ahead ofJacobs and Voelkner. Hendricks continued to lead the race until about 300 yards from the finish when the electrics _went.out.It was just a coil prob-lem, and he went on to finish first overall, the Class 2 win~er with a time of 2:07:41 to average 46.99 mph. It was the third consecutive Class 2 win for Hendricks and his JLM Racecars/GalaxyF!oors/ Station__ One/ Yokohama Sand-hawk Tandem. As always, the 1600 Ltd. com-petition was fierce. Todd Witt, man ran hatd to take the win with a third overall finish and a time of 2:14:24 to average 44.64 on the paddle tire-equipped Wittman . . Racing/Fly-N-Hi Funco. Tom Higgins was second with Ed Faulkner and Rod Leon filling out the four lap finishers. Two 5-1600s ran and were scored with th~ 1600 Ltds. Greg . Burgin was-ranked fourth, four minutes ahead of Larry Vittitow who bumped Leon to sixth. Class -5 was an easy win for Russ Blylie-in the Pat Hughes Performance/ Diehl Equipment Baja.· By the time his closest competition, Lee Fin~e, dropped out, he had a 13 minute lead. Three entrants turned out tr BIG WRENCH H. DE NUNZ_IO, INC. 5760 THORNWOOD DRIVE GOLETA, CA 93117 805-967-4048 -----------------------------------------D 36mm (Bug) .......•..... 49.95 Name·_------~-'-----------------D 46mm (Bus) . . . . .... . ..... 49.95 Address ____ _ _ _,__ _______________ _ _ D Both ....... ............. . 90.00. City ---~ -------State _____ Zip _____ _ CA Residents Add 6% Sales Tax D Check D Money Order Send To: H. De Nunzio, Inc. All Merchandise Shipped Freight Collect 5760 Thornwood Drive Goleta, CA 93117 . December 1986 -Page 31 /

Page 26

I ) l -1 ! l I J MILLICAN VALLEY 400 1 - I . I --Pro Can ... Am's.John Wjnk1,s and:_,f?RRA's _ ·Don German Shine 1n the Rain By Leonard Day . Photos: Harvey Otterstrom John Winkes turned in an almost flawless performance io score first ov~ra/1 and in class, the ~irst big victory for John in off road racing. . · • I ·· · _ j · · Allsummerlongthedesertsof-competitors as well" ~s Pro check _4 !watching ten or twel~e . Washington and Oregon have CanAm we saw .cars from Idaho cars go bjy. The problem and the VORRA ·s Tone Jordan cranked out the victory in the Sportsman Buggy group, been dry and hot, and soil and Caiifornia as well as the -fix was a dead coil and switch to , and Tone led ev~ry lap en route to his. big victory. · · conditions haven~t been ideal. northwest entries from Wash-the spare. And, in a couple of exceptionally long laps· with. The Lierman car took the lead But a week prior to the Millican ington, Oregon and. British · laps, · 'w\ had regained the· clutch trouble in his Chenowth, - · on lap one, held it through lap Valley 400 mile race, the ra'ins Columbia. It turned out to be a lead andi he stayed there for the and it held him back to fifth place two and three, hue then spent had been falli_ng off and on. It t"eal' good event with tight[ racing bala.nce pf the_ race, which was -at the finish, but it was. good loads of time in th_e pits on laps 4 looked like it might be a'dust free .in all classes. t . tr~m?le free, · to _take the overall enough to give him the VORRA _ and 5. Then it was catch up time event after.all. As it turned out, a The combined Pro Buggy wm 10 Pro Class. ' points title in Class 1. The entry the rest of the day. Not as easily lot more rain would have bee"n Class took the green flJg firSt Som. e l<;>.f the early casual~ies · driven by Sam Berri looked like a · done as said, when Manning had nicer. On race day it poured at from the soggy starterl, Don .were the likes of Garen McCune, chase car for an oil drilling rig, no problems, and Manning and the.start/finish line for about an Downen, with Dave Hinz leading who·wa~ t~wed ·out of the_ sage but it still managed a respectful Bailey won the race by about 52 hour around the start of the.race, the way· The ,course is laid ou_t in ·' brush before <;heck 3 with a fourth place in the 16 car -field. minutes. · and it rained at some 0f the · such a·manner that checkpoint 4 tooth1ess ring aod pinion. After Third place went to Chris_ Fou_rteen hard charging 4x4s higher e!evation.s, at different is visible from the pits1, even completing the first lap, Steve Cash _of Boise, idaho, who' were the last class of Pro Cars to times throughout the day. It thoughitismorethanfourmiles Fisher,ofSanRafael,CA,found became the VORRA Class 10 leave under Downen's rain made f c;H good conditions, away. · · 1 _ one of ?is ~ods going in ;the champion. Problems on a couple soaked starting flag. Three of the except that the temperature was The first car visible into check w1 rong dltrectton. Then, out on laps with a broken shock and a heavies went down on lap 4. Jack on the cool side. 4 was !'hat of John Win_~es. He - ap 3 w~f Doug Holt, his Funco flat tire were reported as the only _ Mamo was first to -break with a Thirty-eight cars took the ·started seventh off the h9e, and dev~lo~m1 g a broke_n tranny ~nd · _ trouble Cash had on course. The munched front end, then the greenflag,butonlytencompleted hadpassedthesixcarsinfrontof engine m_o~nts. Following ClassSBugofDaveBrownwas clutch end of the input shaft the required twelve laps on ~he him in the 28 or so milesl to the closely behmd. Holt was the seen on the lastlap runnlng on a ·broke in half, leaving him 33 mile course. Because this was check. Then he lost the fire in the Akridge Racing Team with a rod shiny Cente_rline, sans rubber. stranded. Steve Farrell lost three · r_ace for the VORRA Mazda Rotary, arid parked at through ithe side of -their Rabbit ' Seems he got tired of waiting for drive axles again. Ed Burnap had a points · 'J · engine, and Hank Williams/Bill. his crew and made a bee-line for a wheel come off, stripping the · Bal_les. ~erl wit~ a disabled valve his pits, and changed the rear tire studs and taking a lot of parts Doh German drove his modified Jeep to the Pro 4x4 victory, his second "Yin in a row on this tnunh. 400 mile Millican Valley course. C.O.R.E. offers unique p1f services at west_er,n · desert races, a family oriented club with soci\al -activ-ities and much more for its members. G~t all the information Off C,.O.R.E. Karen Clarik, Race Director, (818) 345-3833, 17945 Rosc0e Blvd., #11, Northridge, CA 91325. _ · · \·-Page '26 · tram m their brand new two himself . . Only 28':22 separated with it when the wheel exited the seater· · · Brown from Wink es and the first car. Rick - Hochfeld 's stretched Dave Hinz managed just four 1 f h . laps wi~H a lot of down time on p ace inis . , ·out Bronco completed four laps; - 1 The Pro 1600 Buggy Class has then disappeared, never to be the second lap. Then, when it seen few entries all year, and this seen again._, . looked like· things we-re shaping race was no exception. The main Keith Robb had serious trou- · up, the ting and pinion let go. battle was between the -L1'erman bl · h h r 1 es getting t roug 1our aps, Ken Sanislo had four good laps, Brothers, Russ and Bruce, and then the motor mounti but on the fifth round a chain the team of Larry Manning and loose-and dropped the motor. reaction b f a broken rear pivot, Bill J3ailey, and whoever came through the radiator, so it was broken ICV joint and then a out on top this race was also back on the-trailer for the Scout . . broken Sfub axle put him on the going home with the Pro CanAm Roy Clark, out of San Rafael, . trailerfoftherestoftheday.Joe · . season·championship. Ron CA,setthefasi:lapofthedayin -Kellogg's day was shortened after Arthur was third off the line in the 4x4 class. Then, he pro-having 0~1 ercome a multitude of the three car field, but he was out ceeded to lose the front drive, transaxle problems when the of the race on the.fourth lap with · and then on lap 7 the rear end .center se~tion of the rear torsion a blo,wn motor. decided it was time, and Clark housirig ripped loose; end of race --~--------------~----~----on lap 6. . A little farther down the track , on lap 9, f hil Laplante was found with a <llistributor hold down , bolt miss~ng, and the end of a rear torsion b1ar in his hand. He said it probably1 cracked due to some , heavy running. in the Baja race · last J uni A little _ earlier in the · _day, after completing eight laps, Todd Springer's car was seen on the trailbr heading for Seattle. Dan and Dan Clark Jr: made , major i-e~airs to the trans in their single st!~tet, had a couple of flats along th9 way and hung on for a · sixth place finish. Mike )Thornton had three Boise, Idaho driver M)ke Thornton pushed hard tor ten laps, arid his fifth place finish earned him_ the'YORRA Class 1 _desert'championship. Dusty Times

Page 27

The consistent Canuk, Bob Nyeste overcame steering box problems to bring the Ford in third in 4x4s, and he was second on series points. Another day in 2 WO haunted the Murphy clan. Robert's efforts landed him in third place for the 1986 Pro CanAm Pro 4x4 season points. The top honors, contingency ana trophies were presented to Don German, far left, and John Winkes, far right, by Promoter Leonard Day, back center, and regional Yokohama rep Steve Brennan. Don Roemer sorted out the bugs in his slick new truck. and he Dave Hinz, from Diamond Springs,. CA, had a long day on course managed to. fin.ish fifth in the Pro 4x4 action. , -~ · with constant transmission problems, and he finished-just 4 laps. Californian Keith Robb had to re·tire on the fifth lap when motor mounts broke, and the result was a broken radiator. was done·. Shock problems plagued Art Johnson and his son Rob all day, keeping them in the pits for repairs instead of on the track. They finally retired after ten laps. · Robert ¥urphy needed a win or at least a. top finish to take home the season po"ints honors in 4x4 class. But, a broken gas. line, front drive shaft, two flats and a broken throttle kept that from happening this race. Murphy had plenty of time to run the last ·two laps to gain . points, but in his gracious "Aw ·.,Shucks" style; he conceded the season's second overall to Bob Nyeste, who Murphy says •~DESERVED IT!"·Port Coqui-tlam, B.C. driver Dale Jinkerson · finished only ten laps, with · serious problems on his last three ·rounds. Don Roemer brought out his · brand new Chevy 4x4, and. he . ~ put itthrough its paces for eleven · laps and a respectable fifth place. He reported no' major problems · and very few minor ones. A ·:fourth place finish, in the money, went 'to Phil Dean. The Bronco . ran rnost of the race in two wheel drive after losing the transfer case and front drive components. Bob Nyeste's Bronco ran consistently all day, except for lap 7, when the steering box had to be replaced. • That and a flat tire knocked the . l3rcinco into third place. · A flat tire and ten minutes plus · was all . that · separated Gordon Scott and the winner Don Ger-man.' Th is was Do n's second class victory in a row on this Mil-lican Valley course. Last year Don's winning time for the 400 miler was 10: 13.32, and this year the time was 10:03.57. Less than ten minutes difference shows consistent performance that wins. Only a small group of Sports-man cars remained to start the race, and Ton_e Jordan was lead-ing the way. It was "catch ine if you can" and nobody did any catching. Ki Chainey tried the hardest, but his home built swing axle single just couldn't be . pushed fast enough, and he fin-ished second. Greg Hayes, from Seattle, had suspension prob-lems, and Gary Marlin, from Weed, CA, had transaxle woes, and both retired on lap 6. Art Garland brought his ·new sano Jeep CJ7 down from Enumclaw, Washington to bounce it around an,d ran a couple of laps-by him-self in ~portsman 4x4. All in all the Millican Valley 400 was a great race. Pro CanAm Racing . would like to publicly thank all the people who help put all the races, and this one too, together. The event wa§ a nice ending to the 1986 racing season. . The Pro CanAm awards ban- · quet will probably be ne;xt Janu-ary. On points Dave Brown is the champion of Pro Classes 1, 2, 5 and 8, 165 points ahead of John Winkes, with Ken Sanislo third. Gordon Scott capped a successful season with a second place finish, which earned him the 1986 Pro·4x4 points championship in Pro Can Am's series. Dusty Times Gordon Scott leads the Pro 4x4s, foltowed ·by Bob Nyeste and Robert Murphy. Larry Manning took the 1600 title over Russ Lierman by just 29 points, and Ki Chainey won Sportsman honors by a mere 14 points from Greg Hayes, and Tone Jordan was third. A. Performance Tradition More off-road races are won on Bilstein than any other shock absorber. Our record · speaks for itself! Winning Heritage Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in Americ;:a posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in .1972. Since that impressive performance, Bilsteins have been the choice of serious off-readers who not only want to start the race -but finish it as well. Many_ Applications Today, Bilstein a variety of off~ .road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance second to none. Reliable Performance Whether you 're just entering off-road or have been there for years, check out Bilstein - first where reliability counts. "World leader in developme.nt of the Gas Pressure Shock Absorber." Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 · For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. December 1986 Page 27 J J l I , l J I 1

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"-1· BFGOODBICBBACING UPDA'rE Mark McMillin Chenowth Buggy · . 1st in Class 1 . 1st Overall © 1986 BFGoodrich

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BFGOODRICH LEAVES THE. COMPETITION -IN THE DUST ATBAJA! BFGoodrich team drivers com-pletely dominacted the Baja 1000, taking an amazing eight class victories plus first overall among four-wheel vehicles. Racing for the first time since 1982 on the full 1013-mile length of the peninsula, BFGoodrich · drivers also swept the first six places in Class 2. · . These outstanding perform-ances are an undeniab1e example -_ of the performance capabilities BFGoodrich TI A® Radials bring , to off-road racing. BFGOODRICH IYA RADIALS TAKE ON THE ROAD™ ? J l I l I I t I j )

Page 30

I I I. Tim . . . ' ' I I ' ; I Kennedy ~s Kins at Penasco 1 By Daryl Drake Photos: 3-D Photography Even after stopping to help fellow competitor Dan Foddrill, Gary Anderson had a little luck, and was quic~ enough to win Pro Class.2: Foley parked on lap two with , tranny trouble and Sohren fell back with ignition trouble, so Finney moved out front ahead of Anderson, Pete Dunshie, Green-lee and John Gray. Greenlee got ahead of Dunshie on lap three as . Finney turned the wheel over to Dan Foddrill, who got stuck in the sand on lap four. Anderson was having carb trouble, so stopped and got i:;oddrill out and repaired the carb. Now Greenlee had the lead Tim Kennedy made a come-from-the-back-of-the-pack charge to take th~ overall hon. ors and ilhe Pro Class 1 title in this ~head of Dunshie, Anderson, slick Chaparral. __ . Foddrill and Gray. Things stayed ~ · · I the same on lap five but Green-For the penultimat~ race it?-the deep -coastal dunes for the t rst year. Betwel en the beach and the lee' running on three cylinders, 1986 Desert Champions Series, few miles. These could be tn~ky, course, an off shore breeze k~pt headed for the trailer. His crew the Arizona Desert Racing Asso- and more than one racer I got the dust away, ancl sunny skies frantically waved him off, told ciation returned to the sunny upside down as they jumpecj ,off make for ~erfect race weather. It him he was in the lead and he set 'Bell, running his Class 4 Jeep pickup in 2WD, was fourth, close behind Thomlinson. Mann lost all his oil .pressure on lap three so stopped to save his new moto-r, and it was smooth sailing for Turben. Thomlinson lose low gear and parked after a long lap. Bell was out with carb woes. Turben had no trouble and took his fifth con-secutive A.D.R.A. Class 8 win with a time of 3:53:40 to average • 38.52 mph in the Armstrong Tires/ Jugans' Kustom Fabricati-on/Turben's Auto Body/ Fly-N-Hi Chevrolet. Since no Class 1 cars finished at Snowflake, they were slated to· start last -but since Class 4 had but one starter, the single seaters· chased the trucks. · shores of Mexico for the .tenth ~the leeward side of the dunes. -~as th~ mfst beaunful weekend off'°on the final lap. But before running of the Penasco 150. And Then it was a fast blaSt \)Ver 1 cl enJoy~d _there. The Pros check 2, he was sidelined with a ~ .... ~-Tim Kennedy, in his first. -race umpy ~andy roads up to 8ilack started t_he11r_s1x laps.promptly at broken steering-box. Earlier, hen.ind the wheel of his single Mountam and back down to the lO a.m. 111 this orcler. Class lO, 2, · Dunshie had taken ill after roll-seater this year, grabbed the Pro · old Ch~lla Bay Road. This ~as 5, 8, 1 and, 4· ing his sedan, and co-driver Bud Tim Kennedy led throughout to move up and take first overall as well as the class win in the Kennedy & Noel Construction/ Noel Plastering Chaparral with a time of2:52:42 and a 52.11-mph average. He said, ''l;ve got to thank TR. Stump for doing a helluva job prepping the car. Now I'm ready to win Baja!" Overall and Class 1 honors de- super high speed gravel b.u~ f'th In Class 10, Dwight Lundell Johnson took over for his first spite starting after the trucks. numerous was~outs. A~d 111. the led throughout to take the win in Pro race. Coming into the pits •This year a new course was lateafternoonitwasstra.tghti_nto theRabbit-poweredDirTrixDT-with a good lead, Johnson presented that started and fin- the sun. A_fter a road. c~ossmg, 1 despite ~ flat and almost run- stopped short of the .finlsh,line ished at Sandy Beach on the Sea the course iumpe~ back mto the ning out of gas. He set the rac_e's by 50 yards. He'had no oH_pres-of Cortez five miles from down-dunes and snaked its way back to hot lap a 27:36 on his first cir~ sure and thought anothe_r lap ' . h . ' I ' town Puerto Penasco. Twenty- t e pits. . · . cuit and was in the running for remained. His crew told li:im of five miles long, the route ran into The pit area was really n~cc:; this the overal~ until the tire trouble. his mistake, butthe engine didn't - Ed Beard, «.-as second at the end - refire until afterAnderson snuck West Coast Distributorrj,. _ fOR · HEWLAND . -OFF ROAD GEARS -J.: I l, j . of lap oneifollowed by Richard by and in for the win/ His .G.D. Binder, John Kelley, and Jerry Anderson Building Corp./ Bernard. B1eard was out next time · Sirocco Concrete/Pat Hughes · with engir~e trouble, and Bind~r_ Performance DirTrixaveraged ' moved into second, five minutes j~st 40.66 mph for the wii'I.; with behind Jeff Sanders an elapsed time of 3:41:22. moved intb third ahead of Kelley · . Dunshie/Johnson were sernnd · and Waynb Greene. _ · three minutes back. Finney/ · I · · d s d · d Foddrill rolled in seven minutes Lap thrne foun an ers ari -Binder ch~nging positions. But . later for third. An hour later, on the ndt lap Sanders' tranny -John Gray took foµr,th .a~ead of let go. On lap four, LundeUsuf-- · the problem plagued Sohren·,. fered a flat arid nearly ran outof . who spent nearly _five.:and ·a half_ fuel, losing a good ten minutes. hours to earn his. finish: -:_ , But he stilllheld three minutes_on Class 8 fielded · foor •s.duters. Binder. Kelly was now third, Lap one and two we·re, led by GreenefoJrthandJimKirkfifrh. ' Richard Mann, ·whci):milt'up a I ' ,•. I .ten minute lead ·over Frank Binder then closed in on Liin-Turben. Nels Thomlinson was Rick Vasquez was sec9'nd after lap one but went out~ and Larry Noel finished 20 minutes behind · Kennedv for second. Noel, last year's 0/ A winner, drove his short course. car with a desert engine and had these comments; "I think I made a mistake bring-ing that short car. I remembered _ it being not so rough last year but' more turns. I'll be sore in -.the • morning." Jim Huff was all alone in Class 4, had a great time and brought • the J.J. Cantina/ AMC Jeep/ Huff's 4WD·Centers/Va1vo-: line/Larjon Drilling/Tack · Kev. · CJ-6 in with a time·of 4:29:28 td · average 33;40 mph. But a sad occurrence_marred the weekend for Huff. .His Jong time friend, and co-;,driver at this race, Don OUR PRICE $695.00 ddl, and,;~s the lastlap s_tar-ted,, third, fourmimitesbac~,andJim was only I 1:20 behind, but -~ __ _:__.:___ _ _:;_:.__~-----..,..,.-------:-------:-::--; mechanica,\ i.voes stopped him soon and ~e wa~ out. Lund_eU went on to turn.m.a 3:02.10 to average 49!.4 f -mph for the win. Kelly was \ sernnd_, 12 minutes back but a half hour ahead of Greene. Cdmpleting just five iaps put Binderiin fourth and Kirk in Wilkins died -of a heart attack ALL GEARS _ :AVAILABLE. SEPARATELY· NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 · Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 1 12945 Sherman Way #4 i North Hollywood, CA 91_6 5 702/873-1962 ~18/764-6438 DEALER INIJU.JRIES INVITED Page 30 fifth. . Class 2 was a free-for-all with five different leaders and the Baja Bugs of the Pete's, Dunshie and Sohren, running with them. Lap one found Jerry Foley out front with the class's hot lap, a 29:05. · Then carhe Pete Sohren 40 -seconds lJter and Jerry Finney was a minilite back ahead of Gary Andersori !and Gene Greenlee: Dc~cmbcr 1986 I Frank Turben kept oritrucking to his fifth consecutive win, fourth in this series, and Turben has the 1986 Pro AORA Points Challenge sewn up, Dusty Times / ! I I I

Page 31

TWO INCREDIBLE -OFF~ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX RACES ARE; COMING· ·YOUR.WAY! JAC.K MU.RPHY -----ST AD I UM SAN DIEGO, CA , SATURDAY• 7:30 PM -·JANUARY 17th. Witness all the action! Be a part of the three-hour thrill show at Jack Murphy Stadium! · Bring your whole family for a great time! r,~ef ~"4S'71:R®_ MAY COMPANY, MUSIC PLUS & SPORTMART (213) 480.3232 • (714) 740,t000 ATION WRITE , 53WOODLY RY, CA 91010 8 I • What a way to start the new year off! Two action-packed Off-Road Championship Gran Prix events. at two of the best spectator facilities in Southern , California! Witness top professionals as they com-pete over the.toughest stadium off-road courses!

Page 32

l After many years of trying, Jiin Aflison finally won Sportsman Class 10 honors, and he took a great 3rd overall Sportsman finish. I Daryl Knupp took the Sportsman Challengir Class win, after a • Shat,m Darr ran strong in the sand, and he won the Beginner 1600 1 somewhat controversial race Imbriale was settled by Limited honors. officials. _ i;r for · the Challenger class, and two made it to the finish in a dose and controversial race. Starting abreast with Daryl Knupp, desert motorcycle e_xpert John Imbriale put his new bright red DirTrix single seater out front. But at my vantage point about a mile from. the end of the loop, Knupp had moved into about a 15 secbnd /lead.At the check he showed an 18 setond edge. Next lap Inibriale was in the lead with Knupp real close and bai:king out of it to keep from hitting, a Sportsman no-no. The clock shows them 20 seconds · apart at the home check with Imbriale in first, but I observed them closer at a couple ofpoint:s_. Kn~pp protested on a ·balking charge, · and after perusing the checkpoint logs and evidence from all concerned, the1competi-tion board voted to up,hold the charge and penalize Iml:oriale one position: So officially, they were · scored at 2:36:57 and 2:36:58 respectively with Knupp's Yolks-power /Ron Martin Machining Chenowth taking the win. The Beginners. -voted to run three laps instead of ! two and some regretted it. But not Mark Harrison, who led throughout to win the overall and Unlimited honors in the Jim's Automotive Funco with a time of 1:12:22 after a good race with Ron Brown, who ended up 20 seconds back. Taking the 1600 Ltd; win at third '0/ A was Shaun Darr who did a lot of bouncing in his short wheelbase homemade Beard's ;,upen-Seats-backed car. Six oth-ers made it around all three times! The Sportsmen wound up· with le\ 58.8% finishing ratio, and the Beginners scored a great . 69.2%. After the race, everyone . relaxed in the sunny .afternoon. Fishing, swimming, diving or just laying in the sand was all only a stone's throw away. A.D.R.A. would like to thank the Sonoran Departm~nt of T ourisin and all the con_tingency don.ors for their contributions to the race. With the December 6 Sonoita 7 CLASS WIN·s PER .RACE· WITH PACE 'FM 2-WAYS $725 ' Roadm s\et \\\ - aster $495 L30dl1\8 OVER 300 ON THE COURS'E • Handhelds • Rentals . • Antennas j, • Helmet WiJed cf 125 ·• Intercoms • Amplifiers. • Official Radio of: SCORE -HORA -SNORE -SCORE Medical Team • . I I • Emergency Medical Rescue Team ;.. Goodyear Weatherman adlo Relay Team • • Emergency Rescu_e Service • l-1 . I -RACERAplOS 2888 Grundry]Ave. Signal Hill, CA '.gosos (213) 427-,177 .. ··- .•• ~ ~-1 Page 32 December 1986 , I . to Rocky Point race the series' finale, the points battles are still up for grabs in Pro classes 1, 2, 5 and 10; Sportsman 5-1600, 1600 Ltd. and both Beginner classes. If you're looking.for -something to do in early December and like a fun 125 mile run to a beach city known for its fresh seafood (among other things) ... You've got at least a week to get the car finished! -_ ~ h.____ WEATHERMAN RADIO TIPS f -~~;P_-l_oii_-. _T_h_e_M_e_n_e_e_h_in_d_th_e_M_i_ke_s_ By Bob ,;Weatherman" Steiiwerger This month we introduce the men behind the mikes, or ~ho's who on the radio at the desert races. Scanner Buffs, this one's for you. This writer takes no responsibility for inaccuracies, wrongful information,. indiscre-tions, missp~llings, or anything else! Also, we are sorry if you were left out or put in, depending on how you feel about being exposed. These then, are the men behind the mikes! Animal -Steve Lakin, Class 5-1600 B and B - B & B Off Road BAD Racing.-Bob Stockton, Don Chase. Class 1-2-1600 Badenochs -Bill Herrick, Badenoch' s Marina, Parker, AZ -Big Dan -Dan Culver, SCORE · Big Kids -Rich Richardson, et al, Class 9 Big Mac -Jerry McDonald. Joe· MacPherson, Class 7 4x4 Big Red - ; Roger Mears. Class 7 Bombardier -Phil Blurton, Class 44 Bronco Bill -Bill Stroppe Buckwheat -Al Falla Budda 1 -Fat Patterson, Los Campeones Buffalo 1 -Don Adams, Class 3 C & D Racing.:_ Carlton and Divine, Class 7S Candy Cane -Walter Prince. Class 2 Challenge -Bob Bertran, Challenge Class Checker Main -Dee' Symonds Coco -Charlotte and Coco Corral, Class 8 Coke -Mike Goodwin, Class 2 Computer -Roger Lee, Stroppe chase D G -Darry/'Gibson, Class 5 Desert Rat -Leroy Hansen/Bobby Knight, Class 5-1600 · Doctor Checker -Sieve Kassanyi, SCORE Dodge Boys -Rod Hall/ Jim Fricker, Class 4 Duster -Chapa/a Dusters Pit Support Club Eagle -Dick Young, Class 2 Enduro -Fairway Ford. Class 7 4x4 · Fair -FAIR Dff Road Support Club • Firebawk -Henry Escalara, Class 8 Flash Gordon -Bob Gordon, Class 2 Flipper -Chris Tuttle, Class 5-1600 Fud -Otis Fudpucker;' race promoter Gadzooks -Eric Heiden, Class 3 Golden Truffel -Phil Blurton, Class 44 Gone Racing -Mike Gaughan, Class 2 Harley -'-Jim Doyle, Rod Hall chase ' High Tech. -John Kaiser, Class 2 Iron Company-Steve Walcott, Cla$S 1 ·2· 1600 Iron Man -Ivan Stewart, Class 1 J C -Jim Conner, Class 7 4x4 J C Racing -Jesse Carvelo, Class 10 JRC -John Cabe, Cabe Bros., Class 7S Jacki! -Jack Irvine/Kit Trenholm, Class 10 Jimco -Mike and Jim Julson, Jimco Racing Landmark -Rod Everett, Class 10 . La Paz -La Paz Party Mix, Larry Casey, Class 4 Little Joe -Joe Aguirre. Parnelli Jones Firestone Low Race -Spencer Low, Class 7S M T -Mickey Thompson M and M -Martin Brothers. c,tass 2 --Mac -MacPherson Chevrolet , Mazda -Jcihn Swift. Class 7 Mean Machine -Mike Wheeler. Class 4 Miller Race -Bob Miller, Class 1 0 : Mr. Wonderful -Mike Goodwin, Class 2 Mogi -, Ken Mogi, Mogi Transmissions N and N ·_ N & N Dist., Fred and ~ohn, Class 5-1600 On Dirt -Lou Peralta. Class 1 Orange -Toyota of Orange, Class_7 4x4 O_val -Ed Smith Welding, Class 7S P J -Parnelli Jones PPI -Precision Preparation Phantom -Tony and Jim Gordon, Class 2 & 10 Phantom -Pro ATV, Ron Griffin Pro Desert -Richard Webster, Class 34' Protecta ~ Protecta Liners, LRV Corp .. Class 10 RAC -Ron Clyborne, Class 8 . RCA -RCA Plumbing, Class ·2 Radar -Bob Steinberger. PCI Race Radios Ranger Rescue -Carl Hartmetz, Manny Esquerra· chase Reliable -Jerry & Willy Higman, Class 1-2-1600 -Roll Racing -Daryl Roll. Class 1-2-1600 Rotex-Phil Blurton. chase vehicle SCP -Dave Stokes. Challenger Silver Fox -Stan Parnell, Class 5 · SNRS -Southern Nevada Race Support Spy -Moser Brothers. Class 6 Stone Ranger - .Manny Esquerra, Class 7 Sunday Runners -Dale Draves, Class 6 SuRerman -Lewis/Simpson, Class 2 Terra ....:. Terra Off Road Support Club Tasco -Dick Weyhrich, Class 1 O Time Rider-Michael Nesmith/Randy Salmont, Class 8 Twee,dy Bird -Dave Mansker, Class 1-2-1600 Weatherman -Bob Steinberger. PC/ Race Radios -Westcap -Dave Westhem. Class !i Wild Bill -Bill Collins, Stroppe Pit Following is a list of frequen-cies that you can tune your _ to and liste_n to the racing action as it unfolds. 151.625 -Main Race Frequency, Goodyear \Jyeatherman Radio Relay 151.715 -,Secondary Race Frequency, . Goodyear Weatherman Radio Relay 151 .. 685 -Secondary Race Frequency, BFGoodrich Radio Relay · 151. 775 -Chap,llla Dusters Off Road Pit Support Club 173.~25 -CORE. Off Road Pit Support Club 173.~75 -CORE Off Road Pi.I Support Club 151.925 .-Checkers Off Road Support Club 150.860 -FAIR Ott Road Support Club -152 .. 960 -,-Los. Campeones Off Road Support Club __ 151.655 -Precision .P.reparation, Ivan Stewart 153.195 -BFGoodrich Pit Support 151,955 -Honda · Also 151.745, 151.805, 151.835, .151.865,.151.895, 154.515, 154.540 are all business band channels that various racers qualify for. Should you wish to purchase a scanner to make your. race outings more enjoyable, PCI Race Radios has a Uniden .Bearcat 10 s:hannel, program-mable, hand held scanner on sale for only $149.00, including batteries. They also have a full line of anything you might need in race radios. -if you have any questions, or observations, please feel free to write Bob "Weatherman" Steinberger, cl o PCI Race Radios,'2888 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90806, (213) 427-8177. Dusty Times

Page 33

Badgerland Short Course Racing By Terry Friday more bumping, crashing and banging, and Paul (Froggy) Dall-man lost a valve cover in the mess, putting him out of this race temporarily. . On the second lap Gary Bowles lost a front wheel, along with everything else that was at-tai;:hed to it, and Jim Allen took over the lead, in, of all things, a Class 11 car. Also in a Class 11,-Curt Gerald was hot on his tail, and Gerry Parent was right behind him. Terry Friday was working his way up from last place, and Willy Hawley was smoking badly with an oil line problem. Curt Gerald had a busy day, sliding around the slippery corners, as he won Class 11 easily, and Chris Gerald won the Ladies race in the car. Terry Friday takes the checkered flag lap in his muddy racer, after a wild round of action in the combined Super 1600 and Modified race. On the fifth lap Terry Friday was in the lead, followed by Curt Gerald and Gerry Parent. Dick Gilson was also working his way ' up the pack and was fourth, and Paul Corning was fifth. On lap 12 Dick Gilson got past Curt Gerald, and that was the only change to the end of the race. There were eight starters in Modified Class, and again it was a very wild start, and continued wild for the first couple of laps. Willy Hawley led for a short time with Paul Dallman hot on his tail. Dick Gilson was right behind Dallman, but smoking badly with a cracked oil line that put him out for the rest of the race on lap 11. On lap 12 Gary Bowles' car blew a spark plug out of the head, and flames flew-out. This slowed him down, but he was The drizzl.e made grease out of the race course, but Glenn Cummings had enough control to take second place in the popular Class 11. Richard Gilson takes his victory lap as he finished first in the Open Class and also took second place in the Super 1600 contest. Dallman took a commanding lead, which he held for quite a while. The only mishap came when Terry-:-Friday ran into the back of Gerry Parent, who had missed a shift. The Badgerland VW Club, Inc., based in Oshkosh, Wiscon-sin, held their first short course race in mid-October. The event took place at the· Chilton Fair-grounds. The club had to over-come an insurance problem, that all off roaders are aware of, and a rain problem. But they finally got to pull off the first race, with many to follow next year, at the Chilton Fairgrounds. Saturday was a work day and all went well. Club members and friends built the jumps, bumps, dips and curves into the track. By Sunday morning the drizzle that fell • all night Saturday and into Sunday morning had turned the race track to grease. But the club decided to run the races anyway. Starting at 1:00 p.m., there was ten minutes of pre-running for the 30 entry races. The com-petition started at 1:30 p.m., with a 20 minute heat every half hour. There were four classes in the event; Stock Class, which is the same as SODA Class 11 and similar to the desert' Challenge class, combined Super 1600and 1-2-1600, which did field enough cars to run separately, and will have individuai classes at the next event, Modified Class, similar to Classes 9 and 10 in STORE, and Open Class, which is just that, Open. There was also a Ladies Cla$S. · . As greasy as the track was, there was a lot of banging around in the heats. The cause was pri-marily lack of control on a track that was so muddy. The first race of the day was Class 1-1. Curt and Chris Gerald got the jump off the line, and they stayed there until the check-ered flag. But Gerald was being Dusty Times challenged hotly by Darron Par-sons, who was close on his tail for nine laps, then his air cleaner fell off, and a big blob of mud, and it was a big blob, fell down into the carb. That ·abruptly killed the engine and put Parsons out for the day. Then Glenn Cummings took , over second place · in Class 11, and he had been right on Paq;ons' back door. But, it was not to be for him or Bob Willer, as both had transmission problems in the next few laps, putting them both out of the race. There was no more pressure on Curt Gerald, in fact the race was flagged after 15 minutes because Gerald wa:s the only one left running of the five that started. · There were ten cars in the Super 1600 race, and there was one heck· of a wild start. Cary Bowles rook a quick lead with Jim Allen hot on his tail. Terry Friday and Paul Corningboth got tied up off the first jump, and that put them down to fighting for last place. There was much . running at the finish. The rest of this race Paul Dallman and Terry Friday fought it out, with Friday taking the checkered flag first. Gerry Parent held on to third and Gary Bowles was fourth. In Open Class, only four cars were left from the 13 car field at the start of the day. Paul (Froggy) Next Dallman, who was lead-ing, spun out, which was proba-bly spinout number 211 for the day due to the muddy track con-ditions. This put Dick Gilson in the lead, who had put three quarts.of oil, a new oil line, and a generator belt on his car after the prior heat. Dallman held second, Terry Friday third, and Gerry Parent, fourth, which is the way Darron Parsons ran second until he lost his air cleaner, but check out that keen stadium style ramp, covered -with Wisconsin mud.· Gary Bowles/eads Jim Allen over a wooden ramp jump, that looks a little familia'f, at the start of the Super 1600 competition. Probably glad to be in a sedan at this race, Paul (Froggy) Dallman was the second place finisher in Modified and Open class. December 1986 they took the checkered flag. The Ladies Race was the last event of the day. First place went to Chris Gerald, and Gelenda Gilson_ was second, having broken the shifter off, and she was stuck in second gear. Wh.ile the trophies were pre-sented, there was much clapping and harassing each other. Then the dub adjourned to the local pub to wash the mud from both eyes and throat. The next events will be ice races during the win-ter, starting as soon as there is ice on the lakes. Get information on the club and its events by con-tacting the Badgerland VW Club, Terry Friday, Friday's Off Road Center, 5913 Fond du Lac R9ad, Oshkosh, Wisconsin· 54901 or call (414) 688-5509. THE PE CT PRE-FILTER -FILTER WRAPS • c leans air before it reaches primary filter, designed to fit over most foam; paper or gauze filters. • No restriction to breathing. • • Stops all dirt/sand ... excellent protec-tion against water and mud; breathes even when dirty. · • Uses specially oiled "sticky" foam fibers; the dirt clings to the fibers; the clean air flows easily to your primary filter. • Reusable; withstands hundreds of cleanings. _ • · Can be used oiled-or dry; instructions included. UNI FILTER has a filter to fit virtually every ATV and motorcycle. as well as most race cars and light trucks. To order direct, contact UNI FILTER: newest catalog, $3.00. Filter Wraps priced from $4.95 to 8.95. ,------'----.. [}f/ fJ!J/J 6 UNI FILTER UNI FILTER. INC. Dept. OT 13522 Newhope Street Garden Grove. CA 92643 714/530-6101 Page 33 J ! ) . J } ~ I l -1 j J ! l

Page 34

Alabama Adion at Sandy Creek I , . I Text &!Photos: Darlene Thackston Bili°Gaylord flies over a lump in contention, all the way, finishing on the lead lap · ,n a solid second overall and in class. was good for the victory in· Class 1-2-1600. Dennis Aiken got in -51 laps for second in the re-stricted buggy class. Tony Left-wich had more than one pit stop, includit1.g one for gas, but he also broke a shock, and then his floor pan was falling off the car. But Tony nailed down third in class with 49 laps to his credit. Bruce Mitchum had a super 100 miles, as he took the lead off the start, l~d every one of the 56 laps to score a keen 1st overall. Bob Rule took fourth in the 1-2-1600 contes~ covering 48 laps despite accelerator problems fourth off the line; but he won the battle in D Class action, cov-ering a total of 50 laps, putting him well up in the overall stand-ings. Ronnie Whigham started in fifth, moved up well and ran 46 laps to take second in the 1200cc bunch.-James Hester was first out of the chute, but a flat tire, and anc;,ther fuel feed problem, maybe vapor lock, put him down to third with 43 laps done. Butch Garrison had vision The weather was just as hot ~s usual for mid-September when the Georgia Off Roaq Racing Association held their 100 mile race at Sandy Creek, Alabama. The race day was a Sunday, and it · had rained off and on in the area the week before, so the dust wasn't as bad as it usually is on the track. A good entry of 20 cars sur-vived to the main event.· The starting order off the line was Class 10, then Class 1-2-1600 and D Class was the last to leave. On the grid for Class 1 c5 was Bobby Bramblett on the inside lane and Bruce Mitchum on the outside lane. They were followed · by Jack'Thompson, Bill Gaylord, I ' . j .Mike M0ore, Lindy Herrell and Travis Hurst. 1 When the green flag fell it was Bruce Mitchum first off the start-ing line, and Bruce led every lap of the race, completing a total of 56 laps. Bruce stopped only once and only for gas in what turned out to be an ideal race for him. In second was Bill Gaylord, who has been nicknamed by some of his friends as the Cookie Monster. Bill covered the full 56 laps and reported no problems on course. Jack Thompson was third in Class 10, covering 54 laps. Jack brn,ke a shock during the race. Also having a few problems was Travis Hurst, who covered 53 laps and was fourth. The front Running with good luck for a change, Jack Thompson waves for the camera, as he had scant troubles this round and came in a fine third overall. IT'S-SUMMERS BROS. FOR .THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS! Page 34 I . • row starting spot didn't help Bobby Bramblett, who had shock trouble, then the shock mount broke. When he had oil-ing problems he settled for fifth with 47 laps completed. Lindy Herrell ran 46 laps, and after a pit stop for gas, he had transmission troublt Mike Moore did not cover a lap, as his shifter refused to work and could not be fixed. T1ra vis Hurst had double entered his 1-2-1600 racer in Class 10 as well, and his 53 laps and a driver change to Harold Trad er on lap 26, where he lost time with seat belt trouble. Ron-nie Whigham got in 46 laps for fifth, despite having trouble with gas flow. Mickey Smallwood had a rear huh come loose, but he managed to cover 45 laps for_ sixth in class. Taking seventh among the 1600s1 was Jerry Hol-comb who cured his shock prob-lems, but then broke a spindle, and he completed 43 laps. · Glenn Stephens started out trouble in the race, doing just 37 laps, but it was good for fourtn in D Class. Ray Whigham was fifth with 34 laps done, with stops to fix the clutch and an exhaust breather pipe problem. Finishing up the D Class wa§ John Plummer, who got in just seven laps and had a flat tire and a broken axle. There were only three cars out of the twenty who started that were not running at the end of the race, quite a record for the GORRA gang. Dennis Aiken zaps over a rough berm in his single seater, and he went .on to cover 51 laps and take second place money in Class 1-2-1600. Despite having serious trouble, including almost losing the floor pan, Tony Leftwich got in 49 laps and was third in 1-2-1600 competition. R?nnie Whigham lands hard off the front jump, and he had his woe~, but kept moving to finish 46 laps for second in the ! 20qcc D Class. I Travis Hurst displays his trophy for.taking the victory after 53 laps in Class 1-2-1600, and he earnedfourth in Class 10 · as well. December 1986 Bob Rule, with Harold Trader driving relief, has mechanical woes, but the team ended up well, doing 48 laps for fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Bill Gaylord's friends give him the sign "flip here", as a joke; since Bill did flip at the spot during the last race at the Sandy Cr;,eek track. Dusty Times

Page 35

• • • ALL ·TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTORSPORT PRODU,CTS Distributor for . YOKOHAMA TIRES Announcing our special Christmas present to all our customers: ( . ' We will be selling the infamous YB29-33.10.50X15 and the Y720 700X15 tires for a special low price of $80.00 for the rears and $52.00 for the fronts thru the end of 1986. We are also having a year end close out on Yokohama Motorcycle Tires. ( Limited to stock on hand.) Our sincere-st appreciation goes out to all of you who supported us in 1986 and we just want to Jet y9u know that we will be out there in 1987 - BIGGER and BETTER than ever, with a new tire - the 34.5X12.50X15, which you have all been waiting for. Call us for information. These tires went the distance at the BAJA 1000 and came in 2nd. Those are the kind of results that are making YOKOHAMA the number 1 name. in OFF ROAD TIRES, the performance says it all. We would also like to remind you that we have a complete line of other types of tires to fit your _every need. We have the new High Performance Tires, RV Tires, Truck, Bus and Tractor Tires. Please stop-by and see us at our warehouse in Hesperia, CA on your way to the races. If you call and let us know you are on your way, we'll be ready to mount your new tires for you at no charge. If we miss you at the warehouse, we'll catch you at the races. Come by our long low rig for information regarding your tire needs. As an added reminder, we have the special tubes available to fit every tire we sell. Dave and Carol WE ARE THERE TO HELP YOU WIN WAREHOUSE 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 So. California Dealer Inquiries Invited ' "

Page 36

The Ojibwe Pr0 R~lly vJ..s the •ally of th1 Year By Thomas D. Grimshaw I Photos: Trackside Phot~ Enterprises The sandy forest roads in northern Minnesota suited John Buffum 's A Udi Quattro perfectly, and J Band Tom Grimshaw won the rally and clinched their 1986 championships as well with n9 trouble. I · · On October 3rd there were our Audi Sport Quattro1 did not the sanie Quattro. two ~vents left in the 1986 PRO seem to fire out of the cdrners as Jo Hoppen, our AudiSport Rally National Championships. it had earlier in the year. ITB andl boss, called in the heavy hitters Akhoug~JohnBuffumandihad spent considerable time during from Germany. We met them in won all but one of the previous· thetwoweeksofTheAlcan 5000 Minneapolis and spent, a day raUies,RodMillen'sexcellent Rally ·to Alaska and-back, testing. I'm not sure what they win at the Oh10 event. in comparingourstagetimesonthe correCtfd, but I could immedi, September, coupled with h1,s two Ohio events we'd run this ately feel the car was back up to second place finishes on alrthe year. We'd won the first and rocket speed by the time we other rounds, seriously tightened · finished behind Millen , on · the loaded lup and headed north to up the Overall championship second. Why? , Grand Rapids. Storming around the first stage, Doug Shepherd and Ginny Reese won the GT class by over five mfnutes in the Dodge Shelby, and placed 4th overall as well.-. ready when we all arrived in the North country. In fact, the "arrivals" were part of the Ojibwe story. Two days before everyone was to fly into Minnesota, Republic Airlines was p urchased by Northwest Airlines. Most of us were scheduled to use Republit . Buffum and I finished The Akan in Seattle, ran for the airport, and learned that not only were our reservatio ns cancelled, our airline (Republic) had also been cancelled. W e were lucky. W e were rerouted onto Northwes·t for a direct flight to Minneapolis. Many were not so lucky. Bruno Kreibich, and several others, ended up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, rather than Minnesota. His service crew waited at the local airport Saturday afternoon, uniform in hand. He landed just in time to make the start. Several teams lost their luggage which was also delivered to Michigan in error. The rally began with a very interesting spectator srnge at the fairgrounds. Rod Millen beat us by one second. It was Roddy's last hurrah in Minnesota. By the sixth stage in th·e Chippewa Na'tional Forest we'd built up a thirty second lead .and the show was essentially ov~r for the Overall and Open Crass. The only remaining excitement in our class was Rod Millen's attempt to burn up his co,driver, Harry W ard. Seems.Harry's seat began to ·melt under him on a stage. Millen had to stop and douse a small fire and the right race. -Our charts showed some The 110jibwe organizers, Bob Buffum and I could have g~ne · • interesting facts. Millen had run Nielsen and BrianJacobson, have tb Grand Rapids, Minnesota and about 5 percent faster I on the slowly brought their event from . finished a comfortable second seco.ndOhioeventwhilejwehad Regiohal to Divisional to · behind Millen and Ward's:. run about 5 percent sfower. Nation1a1Championshipstatus MazdaRX,7 and wrapped up the-, Millen's times ~asy to· overthbpastfiveyears. They did '86 titles. But neither we nor explain. He'd run hi~ '85 •car on · their ho~ework at other National Audi iike to accept se~ond place, the first event and his ne~ '86 car eventsJ competed on several, so we went for the win. . . . . . . ·· on the second. But that 1did _not · adopted the good and discarded 0. Carrying on a family tradition, Paul Choiniere, with Scott Weinheimer navigating, won the Production class in the Audi 4cfOO, making it two for two for the Buffum clan. · . In Ohio, t_he previous rng_n th_ .. ,',· explain why we went, slowei- in the bad · and were' more than . . . . I , -=::-::::=bl =====-c-- -:-'-':-'-,--,,::c=---:,---;--:::,::-------==----::c=================== .. ;.' '·;'-' _;:. . 1 · ·'·· CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE , - • · , . I , .;•. 1 · .. 1• • • • K ~ N FILTERS - RAPID COq)L ; · . ·• · -~•. • · ' : · .. TRI MIL-BUG PACK .· , ~~,'. ~ILSTE. 1N ._CENTERLINE-, dsrn .•·. 1-HE~LAND-,-PORSCHE TURBq c 1v · Ottroad Raceear y • OEARD SEATS -PARKER PUMfER . Parts & Accesso11•' ,, , YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TRAPP . GEMGEARS~KYBSHOCKS-SWAY-A-WAY i I ' TRANSAXLE PARTS-:---KC HILITES -McKENZIE AIR; FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE I ULTRA BOOT-NEAL PRODUCTS OPEN 6DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - a·:oo a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. • . . I , I BEFORE· YOU BUY,...:.•TALKTO THE PROFESSIONAL! I' · 12945 SHERMAN WAY.: .. :No. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9160S 11 (818) 765-5827. (818) 764-6438 . ·. I. Page 36 • I I Californians Scott Child and Bill Gutzmann survived e/ectrica11 and cooling woes in the Dodge GLH, and finished kecond m Production-GT class. I , Larry Schmidt and Jerry Welch had their troubles, but kept in I the game all night. for• third in the popular_ Production GT ranks. · December 1986 In tight all the way, Chad DiMarco 'and Rich Stuetzel placed the Subaru RX Turbo third in Group A, eighth overall, in a great performance. Michigan drivers Zach Thompson and Kert Kerttu corner hard in their Dodge Omni, en route to their third place in Production Class. · Dusty Times

Page 37

. · ·'!fVL~·.,~:a i\ Sliding through the fall foliage, Rod Millen and Harry Ward had a Californians Richey and Howard Watanabe were just over a few woes, but nabbed second overall for ·Mazda, about 4½ minute back in their Toyota Corolla·for second in Group A and a Pennsylvanians Cal and Karen Landau had some troubles but held on to put their Dodge Omni in for second in Production minutes behind. keen seventh overall. hand seat was padded with asbestos during · a service stop. The co-driver's seat is often called "the hot seat'\ but I think this was going a bit far. Behind us, some real bashes were going on. Guy Light and Jon Wickens of Michigan put their factory backed Production Class -VW GTI into the trees on Stage the '86 season. Not bad for the "kid" in his fi~st year in the woods! Perhaps the biggest story was the organization of the Ojibwe. It was the first National Rally in years that stayed on its published time schedule. Indeed, it was far :i,nd away the best PRO Rally of · the year.. · class, about a minute b°ehind. • --~ ::J . 2, continued on, only ·to blow their engine. Texans, David Jesse and Scott Martin slid their Pontiac Fiero into the mud and were time-barred. Because it was voted· best of the ye,ar, the PRO Rally News-letter, STAGE TIMES, awarded · the organizers a free trip to England in November to spectate the World Championship RAC Rally. It was a reward well·earned by the Ojibwe. . Despite a time costly excursion into the woods, Clive Smith and Jean Lindamood got the Toyota back on the - road for fourth ·in Group A. Taking fourth in Production GT. class, Gary and Judy Gooch were just one of the many Dodge teams that At the halfway point, Doug Shepherd and co-driver, Virginia Reese had a firm hold on another GT Class win whil~ Clive Smith andJean Lindamood held a very slim seven second lead in Group A in their Toyota Corolla GTS. Walter Boyce (VW GTI), Steve Nowicki .(Nissan 200SX), The Watanabes_ (Toyota Corolla GTS) and Chad DiMarco (Subaru RX 4WD Turbo), were all within a few seconds of the lead; - . _ · Smith snlffed it off for twenty-three minutes on Stage 7, and Now,icki "met" some stumps· with "DNF" carved in them. At the finish, ex-Canadian National Champion, Walter Boyce, took top honors in Group A', just under two minutes in front of the Watanabes, who were just over a · minute in front of DeMarco. John Buffum's stepson, Paul-Choi n ier'e, put in another excellent drive for a novice and finished first in Production Class in his Audi 4000 Quattro. It was young Paul's second class win of · Thirty-eight teams started the Ojibwe, twenty-seven finisheq. Rod Millen and Harry Ward survived to take second overall in the Mazda, five minutes behind the winning Audi, and Jo__n W oodner and Tony Sircombe brought the Peugeot 205 T-16 . Turbo home third overall, and in open class, another five minutes and change in arrears. Doug Shepherd and Ginny Reese not only won the Produc-tion GT Class, again, but scored fourth overall in the Dodge Shelby Turbo .. Californians - Scott Child and Bill Gutzmann w'ere second in GT Class, ninth . overall, in a Dodge Omni GLH, followed fo another ele;en minutes by Larry _Schmidt '·and Jerry Welch, just barely ahead of Oary and Judi Gooch, . both in Dodge Shelbys. Walter Boyce and Jim Brandt not only won Group A in ·the VW GTI,,they were fifth overall, Dan Goughnour and Eric Marcus slid~:·p: s0t a)o~~st of: birch trees in their Dodge Omni, and they carried on to . fourth in Production class. while the Watanabe brothers, second 1n class, were seventh overall, less than a minute ahead . of Chad DiMarco and Rich Stuetzel in the Subaru, third in Group A and eighth overall. · , Giving Audi its second class win in the event, Paul Choiniere and Scott Weinheimer won the Production Class along with taking tenth overall, just over a minute ahead of Cal and Karen Landau, Dodge Omni. Third in Production Class was the Dodge Omni of Zach Thompson and Kert Kerttu, with the Omni of Dan Coughnour and Eric Marcus right in their dust. After the awards breakfast the rally crews packed up, aiming for Detroit, Michigan in. a couple of weeks and the world famous · Budweiser Press On Regardless Rally, where the· remaining N atfonal Championships in Group A. and Production class would be de.cided along with the National Divisional Champion-ship for drivers and co-drivers. Running well in the Group A Nissan 200 SX in th(! early going, Steve Nowicki ended his championship hopes on a large tree stump during an '"off". Group B cars come apart like toy cars. Here Jon Woodner's mechanics work on the Peugeot, that looks to have its jaws open waiting for prey. Dusty.Times December 1986 . · dominate three classes in rallyin~. Tossing a little mud on spectators, Walter Boyce and Jim Brandt took the Volkswagen G Tl taa very narrow victory in the close running Group_A class. THE WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are-products of The Wright Place. YoLJ can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road ra:cing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 ~ Page37

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(. V: GRAVELRMAXVI Miclwest4x4 Photos: Bill Schoppy what they win is a trophy, and the knowledge that they have run against some heavy competition. For the first time in its 16 year history, a cash contingency prize ,.was offered to Gravelrama com-petitors on the obstacle course. The prize purse totaled $4 200 and it was offered by BFGood-rich through their Team T / A program. . . The entire first day of Gravel-rama takes place entirely on the drag strip. But, the second day turns to more of a challenge for four wheel drive machines. Sun-day begins early on the uphill drags course, run in similar fashion to the flat drags. Also on Sunday is the Big Elim, ·rOK's massive mound of gravel from which the event takes its name. farthest up the steep grade in their class. Should more than one vehicle cross the top, those that do are restaged higher on the hill, and this process is continued. until a winner is determined. · The climb to the top is no easy task. In fact, it is so difficult that an Over the Hill Society. was formed to honor those that have ' reached the summit. As;cordiF1g to IOK officials, less than 15 per-cent of the driverswho have chal-lenged the hill since 1971 have crossed the top. The challenge of· man and machine against this mighty hill lasted well into the night in 1986. The Big Elim has been the toughest challenge to four wheel drive racers for the past 16 years. The pile of gravel is nearly 17 feet Mike Henderson, from ichigan, digs out starting the upht I !_ags. in height, and it is almost vertical, The final day of Gravelrama 16 featured the final event, the timed obstacle course. This round the course was nearly a mile and a half in length. It offered just about every off road challenge that can be imagined. Nearly 100 competitors were still on hand to pit their skill against the clock. Once the racing on the obstacle course ended, the awards ceremony took place, and Gravelrama 16 came to a close. Gravelrama is billed as Ameri- paved quarter mile track. Think rounds, and both men and with a 70 to 80, degree angle of ca's Annual four wheel drive of nearly 400 competitors and womfn tomp~ted. climb. The goal of eat h driver is happening, and it certainly is a their families from all kcross the For most of the competitors to cross the top of the hill, or at huge competition. The 16th con- · UnitedStatesandCan~da. Putall who !post a win at Gravelrama, least be the one that gets the secutive edition o.f the full week-of these vehicles and cdmpetitors ;:;~~u,--;::::;==:;;;;;;;;=;;;---~----::=======------,-,---------,-----'----end of obstacle runs, hill climbs into three days of off Y:oad com-and flat drags is a must for: petition, that includes flat and anyone-within towing distance of uphill drags, a monster hill Cleves, Ohio, and many more . climb, and an obstacle course, who come from far afield to par- , and add in several thousand spec-ticipate in this annual event. tators. Now you have\a general Organized by the !OK Four ' idea of whaf Gravelrama is like. Wheelers each year, the 1986 Gravelrams is held each edition was sponsored in part by August in Cleves, Ohio, and over AMC Jeep Renault, General Tire the years it has grown into what is . and Meister Brau, and it was also considered the largest! off road part of the East Coast Fout competitive event in the country, Wheel Drive Association's although some may a'rgue that annual series of races. - · •claim. · Gravelrama is produced More than' the usual weekend ,· by the IOK Four Wheelers, and bash, Gravelraina opens the gates the IOK stands for Indiana-to campers and competitors •on Ohio-Kentucky, and this special . the Wednesday; this year it was event began in 197 L 1Sinte the August 20. Tech inspection fol- beginning it has been Sjlnctioned lowed on Thursday and Friday, by the East Coast Four Wheel with the competition runs going Drive Assodation. on Saturday through Monday, Although there are many side and special awar<;l~ were pres- activities that surround Gravel-ented on Monday evening. Ora- rama week, such as tne parade velrama is truly the "biggie" of 4 through Cleves, a Tall Truck WD meets in the USA. · show, a volley ball tournament Imagine, if you will, 300 four and live entertainment, the actual wheel drive race vehicles, ranging weekend of racing begins on the from near stock to vehicles that drag strip. This year the drags would look more at home on a were presented in NHRA style ~OFF· ROAD 1986. THE SCORE & HORA SERIE~ 2-Hr. VIDE:O TAPE. featurinJg: · . PARKER · MINT· 1 GREAT MOJAVE , FIREWORKS RIVERSIDE FRONTIER BARSJOW and BAJA $49.50 ea INDIVIDUAL RACES $~9.50 write for more info. t@ MICHAEL STEW~RT DFF,RDAD 1 · ' . VICED BOX 129 Bry" Mawr,Ca Page 38 92318 Jerry Ziegler, top points holder-in East Coast Region C in 1985, sprays sand off the start. · Jug Hazen gets perfect balance in his XA car as he goes over the top. · Bruce Westfall, driving the Summit machine, crosses the top of the Big Elim. The X .cl'ass cars of Mike Woodery, left, and Lloyd Mills, start fast on the uphill drags. ' Mike oodery is one of two competitors who have run at Roger Manson came from Vancouver, British Columbia to every ~ne of the 16 Gravelramas. . - race his Rapid Transit. I ::,:· ==c:,:::::============::-:::=====-,--,,,,,--,,=:----=-----------'----Terry Shook gets a gopd start in the XD Iron Horse, with V-6 power. December 1986 sp·orting giant tires, Doug MacDouga/1 starts in "My Personal Problem." Dusty Times

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Side Tracks ••• Nacho, were at Santa Ines, and to~n aSout m(d~'n{'o~ning the we spent a leisurely hour or so next day, hoping we'd hit the By Judy Smit~ over tacos and coffee, doing border with no long lines. Ha! some more reminiscing. We had We ended up pushing the car managed to snag the last five beds through the border line, because nothing new, and, in fact, a lot of in the place, and felt lucky that we hated to keep having to shift can, two to'orbox~s. a spare alteFnator, various spare lights, extra oil, a spare windshield,· all Our clothes, sleeping bags and a tent, and one ice chest. Cozy. There was a Porta-Potty too, but we couldn't get to it. Another Ba}a 1000 is history, and memories of the race are now fodder for years -of campfire stories and Saturday night bench 'racing. We created some· of our own this year. When SCORE first let it be known that the 1986 1000 was going to go to La Paz we decided it was time to finish the 5-1600 car that had been languishing in our garage for years, and go to La Paz one more time. -(You never know, it might be th~ last one.) Of course, running a race like the 1000 meant a definite-need for a pre-runner, especially since we had not seen much of the course since '82, when" 'we tried and failed to get to La Paz in a Class 5 car. So, before we got deeply into the rac~ car we had to finish up the pre-runner, which had also been around for some years, in various stages of disrepair: Unfortunately, all of this work on the -pre-runner and racer had to be interrupted by a-nagging need to absent ourselves from· the garage, and hustle off to here and there to earn a living in order to pay for all this car building:--So it went slowly. As the quarters, dimes and nickels piled up in the _ loose change pot ( ear-marked for vacation expenses while in La Paz), the checkbook grew flatter and flatter with repeated ·excursions to various off road parts suppliers. By mid~Septem-ber the, pre-runner was fiqished enough_ to let us pre-run one lap of the 45 mile SNORE 250 course (even with no skid pari,) uneventfully. , · .In mid-October we took it to Baja for a scheduled six day pre-run. We got t,o Ensenada about l:J0 a.m., and found a room in the old Villa Marina, bypassing .the new 12 story hotel with $50' · rooms and a -shiny lobby floor that intimidated us. Breakfast at the El Rey Sol, a trip to the bank to change some. dollars into pesos, and we were off. Our pre-runner, built with a low compres~ion engine so we could run Pemex, got a top off with the new 92 octane Extra in Ensenada, and we were bounding up · the highway by mid-morning, a little l11te, to be sure, but equipped with pesos and tourist permits. We started our pre-run before the SCORE indicated "old tire store", by turning in on the little road past the Pepsi.Stand, where we knew the course would have -to go. That part of Baja, used on -Baja 500 races since the early 70s, _ is well known to us, and always fun to drive. Each trip through the area brings up a heist of memories, and we relive the different' incidents of tailing into various holes in the area. Once past Ojos Negros and into the Tres Hermanos neighborhood, _ we concentrated on moving along quickly, hoping to get to Mike's at a decent hour. It took · us a while to find our way past the newly _du·g flood control ditch, ( or whatever it was) near Nuevo, and we re-marked the proper turnoff with some of SCORE's ribbons.We were the first pre-n.inners to run into the ditch, it seemed. Once past there, there was Dusty-Times it was very old, once more w~ were to bunk togethe'r so that for each little move forward. bringing back old memories. we weren't going to have to bunk Then, from there on, it was easy (Here was the· spot where we with strangers. At about nine . going, right to the back yard, watched the flash flood waters o'clock the proprietress gave us where it's been 'siting ever since. come down. This is the place two candles and a roll of toilet Our race effort went a bit more where Ivan rolled the single paper and indicated which room smoothly, but no more elegantly. seater. Here is where Ge~rge was ours. It w"as a motel sized Wegottheracecarfinishedjust rolled the VW sedan. There is room with five beds in it, and 1n the nick of time, and then our the car-eating hole that has nothing else. There was a two person driving team, John caught so man:y of us. Here is bathroom, with no door; and a Howard and I, with two pas-where we spent a day when a rear shower with no shower curtain, sangers, Howard Adnerson and wheel came off our single seater. no shower head, and no hot -Rod Gabbert moseyed on down And so it went ... ) We whole- water faucet. The sink was lying -to Ensenada Tuesday night, heartedly agree with Corky on the floor,. and the toilet arriving in town about 3 a.m. McMillin, who recently wrote in _ sounded as if it was in its death - contingency day. Once through this publication, that pre-. throes. Fortunately, there is a with all the technicalities and running is a major part of the separate toilet building, not far formalities we enjoyed a last meal · sport and 'shou ld·n' t be from the rooms, with a door. at the Cave of the Tigers with eliminated. We settled in'to our beds, some BFGoodrich friends and We made it to Mike's in time augmenting the supplied covers , then caught the drivers meeting tp enjoy a pre-q_inner drink or with Hatz's sleeping bag for yours before heading for -the motel. two with Ramon and Mike in the truly, and spent the next hour The four of us bunked together, bar, and then to partake of one of doing some more bench racing. with one mattress on the floor to the sociable family style dinners McNeil told us a long story about increase bed space. It took some in the· comfortable:dining room. one of his experiences in a Baja coordination to get all four Mike was planning to leave for. a 1000, which will need more showers finished, and breakfast pre-run the following morning, space than we. have this time, to eaten and all the gear packed into right after breakfast, and we retell. In the morning, after each the van in time to get the starting decided to tag along with his of us had taken a very brief pair to the impound; but we did-group. We knew it might be shower, we were all on our way it. We had to run back to the van ··tough,· because ou.r VW sedan, . again. only twice, for drinking water whilecomfortal;,le, isnotsp~edy. Hatz and McNeil headed and paper towels, before finally In the morning, after a hearty · south, down the highway, while getting the car ready to go. We breakfast, _we all loaded up and _ we went north to pick up the trail waited just long enough to be took ciff up the hill towards the at Sonora, wanting to check out sure the car was actually moving west. Mike and Javier_ Tiznado the part through the rocks, and and on its way to the start line, were only a minute or so in front find out for certain where it came before we took off for the van 9fus when_our sedan developed a up onto the highway; and where and the 90 mile drive to Camalu new clank. We were then about it jumped off again. We made a where we sould change drivers. It one quarter of the way up the brief stop to-straighten our rear was our plan to chase and drive nastiest hill, and John declined to skid pan which had been bent all the way, with John and Rod get 9ut to look for the source of · down and was hitting the rocks, doing the first part to .Camalu, the dank, thinking it smarter to but didn't stay any longer than and then yours truly would keep moving 'forward. Another was necessary, because the gnats drive, with Howard navagating, short distance however and the found tis very quickly. While until San Igancio, where John car changed his mind by deciding driving through this beautiful and Rod would get back in. This to turn right, towards the down rocky section we began to hear plan came about simply-because side of the cliff, and we -- strange noises from our clutch, of John's greater degree of unanimously voted to stop, right _and by the time we got to the end fa-mi 1 i a r it Y with both· the_ now. It turned out that a tie rod ofitweredismayed tQr·ealizethat beginning and the end of the end had come disconnected, and something very unnatural was course; and our long years of it took us a while to get things happening inside. familiarity with the mid-section. together again, letting Mike- and We went past Santa Ines again, In contrast to some teams, like Javier get far enough in front of and on to the 4 2 miles of Ivan Stewart's for example which us that we.never saw them again. pavement and back into the dirt had 70 people spread along the Once out of the mountains we at El Crucero. When we were course in a multitude of pits, our got through the tomato and back to pavement, at Punta entireraceeffortcohsistedof the potatofields with not too much Prieta, we decided we could 5-1600 race car, a '72 Ford van trouble, and then took off out of · probably chance the stretch from ( with new king pins), a wobbly Santa Maria, into more old theretothebeachandbackoutat trailer, one VW pre-runner for familiar trails. About five miles _Kilometer 62½, since it was backup, and two drivers and two in we poked a big hole in one of never far froµi good roads and passangers. Inside the van there our tires, and lost another half fairly easy access back to the were five spa~e tires, one 30 · hour or so stuffing little bits of h~ghway. That portion of the gallon drum of fuel, four five rubber in the hole and praying course; once it gets to Santa gallon cans with American gas they'd stay. Once it stayed glued Rosilillita, is very beautiful, and for the van, an 11 gallon dump together, we us!!d our spark plug we had a leisurely lunch at the pump to reinflate it, and we were beach, doing a little tide pooling off again. - while we ate. We 11-lso stoped to When we got to the Arenoso pick up a coµple of nice shells, area th€ tire had begun to lose air arid once to try to take a-photo of again, and pursuaded us that the an osprey, who took offense and smart move would be to take the . flew away. quick access to the highway, and Back out at K62½, having not go into Catavina to see if we used the clutch much when could get the tire fixed. We had - shifting, we decided we'd better to pump it up another time on liead north. That meant that the the way, and finally tired of that whole lower end of the course job, put the spare tire on the would be new to us in the race, front and the-front on the rear but time was getting short, and and the flat in the back, on top of we didn't feel it made sense to go the ice chest. The tire repair shop south, get below San Igancio, and at Catavina. was still open when lose the clutch entirely in the we got there, and we· bought a tidal flats. -t-ube, oft-patched, and had a So we headed home, stopping patch installed in the tire. Once overnight at Ensenad a and back on all fours we headed to making sure we h ad firm Santa Ines and dinner. reservations for race week, and The race went smoothly though we spent some time lost and stuck just after Villa Jestis Maria, and some time lost and stuck on the lower portion of the trip. We had no serious mechan-ical problems and no flat tires, and both wished we had known the course better. We finished fourth, _even the van and pre-runner getting to La Paz in good shape. We've each got another finish in La Paz to tuck into our . personal store of memories, and HOw\l,rd and· Ron, who'd never been there, have had some brand new experiences to remember. We'd like to thank both the radio relay teams, the BFGood-rich Relay, and the Goodyear Weatherman, along with the,Baja Ama t-eu r Radio ·people (BARRA), who helped all the racers and chase crews keep in · touch with cine another during this difficult event. We are particularly indebted to the Uniden folks, who set up some radios for the press to use during this race, and lent us one of them to have in the van. The Uniden Media Program,-coordinated by Larry Ra~ of the Spirit Race Team, got together the radios and some magnetically mounted antennas, to help the press folks keep tabs on what was happening -,ra throughout the lo'ng miles. It · worked like a dream, and we were aole to know who was where during the hours we l~tened to th~ radio. And an unexpected extra dividend was that we_ were able to talk to and keep track of fellow travelers when we were ail coming back from the race. · More special thanks are due to the folks at BFGoodrich, who, in the persons of Ed Jacobs and Frank DeAngelo, hosted a BFG Team dinner and _soiree at the Hotel Palmilla near Caho San Lucas on Sunday after the race. As usual, it was a delightful setting, the_ food was great (that. shrimp!)· and the company was good. It was just the right finish for the week of race activity. Our 1986 Baja 1000 proved memorable in many ways. But we're already thinking of ways to improve the next one - maybe in '88 or '89. We'll relocate the Porta-Potty first ... see you there! Don Hatz ·and Perry McNeil, leaving dusty footprints in that with their chase truck driver, shiny hotel lobby floor. We left Pre-runners in 1970 camped overnight at Santa Ines, and stood -in line for gasoline, dispensed out of drums by the ranch road, then the only roijl.d. December 1986 Page 39 / ' . I ' l j j I

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1 1 ~ _ .. SO·PAC DNl~-SIONAL - I CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES The 1986 Cliffs of GOrmai Rally . I By Rod Koch The fifth event in the 1986 California Rally Series program, the Cliffs of Gorman, came off successfully on Sµnday, October 5th. A good entry of 33· teams showed up to take the challenge of nine stages that wound through the hilly, mountainous terrain of the Hungry Valley Recreational Vehicle area just off Interstate 5-at Gorman. Gorman is located approxi~ately two-thirds of the distance between Los Angeles and Bakersfield at an altitude of around 4000 feet. The weather for this rally was a per-fectly clear, blue sky southern Californ\a da.y with temperatures in the mid-S0s. The rally consisted of two dis-tinct stages, both ruri on dirt roads. North Boundary, the be-ginning stage, was three miles in length, and was run a total of three times in one direction and twice in the other. Power Line, a 6.86 mile .stage was run three times one way and once in the opposite direction. Rally organizer Gary English had arranged .the registration, tech inspection and service area right at the start of Stage 1, North Boundary. It made for a conven-ient and easily accessible service and spectator area. -The Park Rangers were particularly coop-erative and friendly, and a good rapport was maintained with the' competitors and crews. An SCCA · rally school was conducted the day before the event at Gorman. A hefty 35 drivers and navigators registered. to attend the class which empha-sized the fine points of rally driv-ing and safety. Expectations were running high before the start of the Cliffs of Gorman. Lon Pe.terson and Jim Love, who switched from their VW buggy· to an Open Class Plymouth Arrow 1at the Prescott Rally in July, we1e hop-ing to repea·t their Prescott over-all victory, putting them iri line to be the _SCCA Southern !Pacific Divisional champions. Also high up on both the SCCA and CRS points scale were Rick Bell in his potent V-6 Chevette · and Gary Luke in his turbo Fiat 131. Gary Potts had his Arrow prim1ed-and ready as did Jeff Griffin j in the Volvo 142 and Rod KocH in the vintage VW Fastback. Ray Hocker, in his ver)[ quick Honda CRX, was toping !for his fourth straight win in tHe Pro-duction Class. Topi Hypynen came out to his first CRS event this year in a Production Toyota . . I Corolla. Topi is a very fast driver, and the other Production . teams were looking on with some apprehension. . I Off roaders Bill Holmes/Jim Rodgers.and Bob Ewing itl Ford and Chevy pickups were ahxious to try their big,, powerful :trucks on the tight and tricky turns of both stages. Don l.!indfors recently ·-sold his turbo Dodge Conquest and showed up with his SCORE Class 7SIFord Ranger. Former Baja race~ Marv· Schmidt came out with his Ford F-100 pre-runner. . I At 10:45 a.m. the fi~st car blasted off from the start control of Stage 1 and through the first 90 degree left turn, up a steep hill, then through a 90 ~degree right hander and out of sight down into the first valley. One · half mile away the car co:uld be dearly seen on the side of a hill, sliding through the first liairpin with a.plume of thick duy trail-ing behind. 1 , The other 32 cars followed at one minute intervals. The team of Bruce Darnsted/Laud Kacs-ma rek rolled 'th-eir Dodge I . I R.L.H. ENTERPRIS~ COMMUNICATIONS SPE~IALIS1S UNIDEN RACE RADIOS -11111 337 W. 35th, Suite "C" Nation~I City, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 . Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay_ _·lor all Score/HORA Off Road Events. $550.00 Helmets Wired $175.00 Amplifiers for that Extra Punch "Convertable" Harid-Held Radios Motorcycle Radio I Race Proven by s.ystems our SpecT y JOHN CLARK GABLE - MAX RAZO RACING . I . STEVE LAKIN -RICH MINGA-ROB TOLLESON . MIKE LUND -HENRY ESCALERA I . Pase40 Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Charger! on the first :Stage, but in press-dq-regardless fashion, con-tinued' to· run throughout the day. Lob Peterson posted fastest time at 14.68 minutes,and Topi, with a 4. 78, had fastest Produc-tion timb. · Afte~ Stage 1, the teams returned to the service area and main dni.e control foi a re-seeding.I A reverse seed starting with Stage 2 was used in hopes of keeping the rally bunched up and moving I along on an even time schedule. However, the reverse seeding I was to be a source of complaipt on the lower Power Line stage, as faster cars often caught the slower vehicles. The _heavy dust, tight, twisty and nar-row roads with numerous drop-offs macle passing difficult much · to the tonsternation of both passer ahd passee. The I bff roaders didn't seem too cont erned, however. At this point Bill Holmes was pushing his red I and white Ford truck right up there amongst the fastest Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers drove their pre-runner Ford truck into second ih open class and third overall in the dust of the trailst,fJ.round G.orman. · three or four cars. Stage 2, Power Line, saw one-third of the field leave the start control as scheduled. But, one competitor failed to make a steep hill three-fourths of a mile from the start, resulting in a blocked stage. Thirty mnutes passed before Ray Hocker, in the CRX, and Gary Burgess, in his big Chevy rally pickup loaded with volunteers, were ~ble to go up and clear the course. The rest of the stage went smoothly with Lon Peterson again setting fastest time of 13.84 minutes. Topi amazed everyone with a 14.32 time and was again the fastest Production car. Ray Hocker had second fast Production time with Paula Gibeault third. Paula was one of those stuck behind the car on the hill, and had returned to the start control to re-start. That cost her a severe time penalty later on and put her out of the running. Lauchlin O'Sullivan rolled his Mazda RX 3 on Stage 2, but con-. .tinued to finish the stage. Stage 3 was a repeat of Stage 1 and Stage 4 a repeat of 2, except by now Stage 4 sa'Y several com-p~titors broken down or high centered along the course. Peter-son continued in his ove.rall and Open Class lead, followed closely by Hocker, with Pat McMahon in the Capri moving up. Stage 5 was a repeat of Stage 1, but with the stage times getting This is an overall look at the various types of vehicles_ that compete regularly in the California Series. Unfortunately the series does nc;,t require car numbers that match the entry numbers, so we are unable to identify the winners from the losers in this montage. December 1986 · Dusty Times ... ·'· .. :.·t . " -·· ,! ~ . .. ie. '-~~t>~ ·.r

Page 41

I Ray Hocker and Bill Moore raise a iot of dust for th~ little Honda CRX, and they brought the tidy rally car home second in CRS Production Class. faster as competitors learned the course. The end of Stage 6, Power Line, saw Peterson emerge into a sizeable Open Class lead, but pursued closely by Bill Holmes and also Ian Miller's Toyota. Topi continued his dom-ination of the Production class, winning both Stage 5 and 6. After Stage 6, all teams that were still running came in for the main service break and re-seeding prior to starting the last three stages. The Peterson/ Love Arrow continued its domination of the rally by winning Stage 7 with a 4.83 minutes time. Topi ran a 4.86 as he continued his Production class winning streak. Stage 8, Power Line in reverse, was won by trucker Bill Holmes with a 14.12, but by the last run, Stage 9, Holmes had lost his brakes on the off pre-runner Ford. Still, Holmes man-aged a 4.98 time to P~terson's Dusty Times winning Stage 9 time of 4.85. Topi never backed off for a second and won Stages 8 and 9 in Production. His overall time of 80.86 minutes was good for · second overall as well. Peterson posted an overall and Open Class win in 79.54: Holmes took second in Open and third overall with 81.83. Ian Miller was third in Open, fourth overall with 82.42, followed by Gary Potts, at 83.26 . Ray Hocker drove fast and . smoothly in second in Produc- · tion and sixth overall in 83.42. Clint Heuring was next in 85.38, followed by Marv Schmidt at 87.90. Third in Production went to Pat and Denise McMahon in a Capri, John Scharf's Toyota Corona was fourth and Adrian Crane's Toyota Celka was fifth. With the penalty, Paula Gibeault · was 14th, the last of the finishers in the Cliffs of Gorman Rally. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Our final 1986 CRS event, Indio VI, is over, but not in time for the press deadline. Richey Watanabe, second in Open class before Indio, chose to work as control personnel, so final results should be interesting. Open class co-drivers faced some close competition. A second by Peterson/ Love, and a first for Bell/ Bell, would create a tie. Stock class team, Hocker/ Moore had the championship assured, and elected to assist with the event, saving money and the vehicle for the Olympus Rally December 4-8. Best wishes to all the CRS teams participating in the Olym-pus World Rally Championship event: Richey and Howard Wat-anabe in their Toyota, Gary Eng-lish and Mike Blore in ari. Alfetta, Scott Child with a Toyota, Ray Hocker and Bill Moore, Jose Olaya and Reid Chappell...and to any others I didn't hear about. ( ALL out CRS teams finished Olympus in 1985, ahead of numerous well-sponsored other teams.) And don't forget those in the cheering section. Total sup-port is what makes.the CRS so After the final results were posted, the awards took place out in the open. All in all every-one had to admit that the '86 Cliffs ·of Gorman was one of the most challenging rallies that CRS had put on all year. With their victory, Lon Peterson and Jim Love also won the SCCA South-ern Pacific Division champion-ship. They had just enough time to ,prepare the Plymouth for the great. AW ARDS BANQUET JAN-UARY 10, 1987, will be at Phil Ahn's Moongate Chinese Restau-rant, 8632 Van Nuys, Panorama City, CA. It features excellent Chinese and American food. Plan on $15-$20, depending on meal choices, drinks extra. Details and dinner reservations should be mailed shortly. For those in northern California cit-ies, we hope this location will save you some travel time. BANQUET PROGRAM IDEAS FOR SKITS ARE REQUESTED. If you have any amusing anecdotes, ideas for a skit, something of interest, or a special award you'd like to pre-sent, give me a call immediately!!! (714) 736-1442. NEWS FOR 1987. The CRS Board of Governors met again October 19. There are four items of concern to most of you. One is the position of competitor liai-son to the BOG. The competitor liaison is intended as a non-. voting representative for the "ordinary guy" rallyist, one who competes but does not organize. These guidelines were developed: 1. Liaison must attend all BOG meetings or send a designated representative with necessary information. 2. Person must have been a competitor in a min-imum of one event in each of the three previous years. 3. The per-son will keep written records of comments and inquiries. 4. The liaison will be nominated and voted for by_ the CRS members national divisional run-off for the national title at the Press On Regardless Rally in Michigan. As the teams were loading their cars on trailers and prepar-ing to leave Gorman, they were already talking about the , next event. It is the final rally on the 1986 CRS calendar, East of Indio VI, set for November 14-16, and rumored to be over 400 miles in length. present at the awards banquet ·. ·· each year. IF YOU ARE INTER-ESTED, be at the banquet. Second item concerns the · director's position. It was felt continuing to maintain the CRS director and SCCA steward posi-tions with one person simplified communication and operation. However, a CRS communication assistant is needed. One person to work with the director to coordinate and impi;ove public-ity, written communication, and photographing of events is needed. Third, CRS dues are $30.00 per year. Fourth item concerns the 1987 scoring system. (I hope I get it right this time.) You are scored on the number of events in which you compete in relation to the number of events com-pleted on the calendar. Each rally event, whether rallysprint, rally-· cross, or rally is counted as one event. After four, five or six completed calendar events, your lowest score is dropped. After seven, eight, · or nine calendar . events are completed, your two lowest scores are dropped. If you remember, competitors who enter an event are guaran-teed five points; those who at least cross over the start line of the first stage are guaranteed ten points. It may sound compli-cated, but believe me ... it's MUCH easier than. the old system. Organizers are needed for two GlenHelenRallycrossesin 1987. Numerous competitor calls~. requested more rallycrosses ... so " here they are. Please contact Lynnette Allison ( 714) 7 36-1442 if you are interested. Two other tentative evei1ts may be added, both in northern California. Stay tuned, folks. I wish you the best of the holi-days to you and your beloved family members, and hope you will all be able to attend the banquet in January. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! OLYMPUS RALLY PHOTO COVERAGE By Trackside Photo, Inc. 18710 S. Normandie Avenue• Suite C • Gardena, California 90248 • Phone: (21-3) 327-4493 December 1986 Page 41 ' I

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- / 198~ Uniroyal Alcan 5000 Rally By Thomas D. Grimshaw Photos: R.J. Hayes c:;,,;u, Gene Henderson and Mike VanLoo have been close before, but this year the team from Michigan took the lead on the. I last leg and won the A/can 5000 by jusr one second in the Subaru RX. "Free Spirits" are· an endang~ ered specie. There are few left in our world. I've known hundreds of pretenders but only a handful of truly "Free Spirits". FSers do exactly as they pkase, when they please, and to, hell with the consequences. They do things that make them happy, and . they're always happy: An.FS will always do the unexpected -always! Many of the remaining U.S. FSers gathered together Sep~em-ber 19th, in Bellevue, Washing-ton to. make themselves happy doing the 1986 version ofJerry Hines' Uniroyal Akan 5000 Rally. The Alcan is a simple event. You begin by quit!ing your job or being rich. Either will suffice. Then you leave your W,ill with a trusted friend, cash in 'your IRA, sell everything that will not fit into your, car, and··go to Washington. .· : I -· · The rally starts in Bellevue, winds north through British Columbia, Alberta, The North-west Territories, then westerly across the Yukon into 1Anchor-age, Alaska. Short pause for a beer in Anchorage :_ then do it The 8-lue Line . IS D, \\UN 1-·-Flller·Safety ls now offering all seat belts and harnesses In BLUE at an additional 10% over ·exlstlng.prlces. We are also stocking harness pads, horse collars, arm restraints and lie downs in blue at no Increase In cost. To order use existing numbers and specify blue. No. 62625·3 ............... $127.85 1• (Al~o available in standard I black) .................... $116.25 SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail orde, using Visa, Mastercharge or we do ship ·c.O.D. No personal checks please. Order now and receive lhe new. 20 page 1985 c,alalog aAd price list I rec. · FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Page 42 all backwards, to finish in Vancouver twelve days and 5,000 miles later. No big thing. Just another day at the office for a first degree Free Spirit. Satch Carlson of AutoWeek Magazine fame is a true FS. When1 you loo~ deep into his eyes you can see someone, or something, inside there, looking out, grinning at the World. Alaskan State Trooper, Danny Goodwin, hints ofFS tendencies. Only his vocation denies him full status. Al Schmit of New Jersey certainly qualifies. He drives his 1973 VW Bug to the start, drives it until it breaks ( three years in a row now) and drives it home. He always chuckles In glee when he explains exactly what broke this year L and what he plans to break next year. · Paul Mlinar and Ron Weir are black belt FSers. They fly large jets for The Flying Tigers and hint of past mercenary exploits in exotic places. Richard Gordon of Portland, Oregon enters a. 29 foot Rockwood Motorhome with a front bra -enough said -he's one of 'em. Off Road racing champions, Rod Hall and Jim Fricker qualify by virttire of their sport. Who would drive "off the road'' on purpose? C.J. Hadley is a lady FS. She rode with Hall and Fricker, just to watch. She also shoots a mean stick on barroom pool tables. · Brian and Liz Patterson traveled from Northern Ireland to observe The Alcan. The Pattersons do the press work on · World Championship Rallies. They did the same at The Akan. Why?'No reason. It's what Free Spirits do. There were undoubtedly more December 1986 Ken Maytag, Steve Richards and Glen Bjorkman led the A/can for some distance, but missed a turn on the last leg and ended up in second place. FSers in our 1986 Akan group but I .do not know them personally. Many of us do not qualify because we get paid to do this sort of thing. John Buffum and I do not qualify for that very reason. AudiSport and the Escort Division of Cincinnati Microwave to Alaska as a · sort of busm;m's holiday. But our passenger, Richard Hughes of Stowe,_ Vermont, not only qualifies, he is The King of The Free Spirits, and proved it during our 5,000 mile trek. More on that later. Buffum and I entered the same car we ran on the Uniroyal One .Lap of ·America back in the Spring, the same car we use as a tow car on our PRO Rally travels across the country. If you were going to spend more than a few hours in a car, bashing over the dirt roads of.the Yukon, slipping and sliding through the snow and ice, or drifting at speed.through the curves of The Alaska Highway, ·you'd want nQthing better than an Audi S000CS Turbo Quattro.Wagon-"--trust me. You'd think you wouldn't need the magic of the wee Passport Radar Detector in the Yukon, wouldn't you? Wrong . Our world. is ov.~r populated with roving badge beaters flying the tattered 55 MPH pennant and twice the warning beeps saved us from donating to a local constable's pension fund. The California brother team of Lee and Rod Sorenson led twenty-one teams out of Wash-ington in their Mazda RX-7. They were pre-event favorites but soon dropped out of contention• with an off course excursion: d urin.g . an early "regularity" - a section where teams are timed to the exact second ~s they maintain givep average speeds past hidden checkpoints. It was the Regulari-ties where the actual scoring would take place. over the next twelvr days. The first leg was a J ,200 mile, twenty-eight hour jaunt to Fort St. John, B.C. It included five Regularity Sections, two of which were on roads better suited to PRO Rallying than TSO Rallying. They were narrow, twisty, nasty little bastards. The Rockwood M.otorhome (Rocky II) tried valiently to hold the average speed but tripped on a sharp curve and·fell off the road, onto its side. A local hero-wrecker-driver righted it and it continued on, bruised but unberit. I wonder what it feels like to roll a 29 foot motor home? Only an FS would do such a thing . . The trips over the North Cascade Highway and the Icefields Parkway, at dawn, were the highlights of the first kg. Our teammate, Richard Hughes, was the highlight of the first overnight stop "in Fort St. John. We gathered in. the bar of the Pioneer Inn to celebrate our· survival with a few cold bfews. At this same site, in 1985, we'd scoffed up the area'~ entire Winter supply of Heinekens during the first hour of our visit. A grizzled old miner bought as a round of drinks to welcome us to his town. Someone mentioned he may have spent the past two years in the hills and was looking for a "buddy". At that, Sir Richard displayed his first hint of FSness as he stood, raised his glass, and sang "God Save The Queen" in his bes·t British accent as his pants slowly sank to his ankles. -I learned a new fact about Free Spirits in Fort St. John - they do not wear underwear! It was but the beginning of King Richard's escapades. No one particularly cared about scores but it appeared we had held the lead for the first couple of sections then fell two Paul Mlinar, from New York, and Californian Ron Weir teamed up in the Dodge Shelby to play the game, and they took fifth at the finish line, Dusty Times { I 1-

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- .. seconds behind the Michigan team of Gene Henderson and · Mike VanLoo in their Subaru RX. The California based Audi-5000CS of washer/ dryer King, Ken Maytag, was tied with us for second place. Our Audi was limping a bit at Fort St. John. It seems Mr. Hughes drove it into a concrete wall the previous evening. The highway turned sharper than we · did. Buffum and I were -dozing when the Audi slammed into the · wall, breaking the windshield; bending the body work, smashing a front wheel and tire, disturbing our rest. JB went to work and thirty minutes lai:er we were back on the road but every time the brakes were applied overly hard, the car would fill with smoke -from burning tires. At that first overnight stop we learned Mr. Maytag is not a Free Spirit. He openly declared he'd come to win the Akan 5000. Indeed, he'd even purchased the same kind of Audi Buffum and I used in 1985 to win both the One Lap and 1The Akan, and he'd 'insisted on starting immediately behind us, to keep an eye on our doings, I suppose. Some people really don't understand the essence of The Akan. · _ The next day we covered 500 -miles in twelve hours, passing . Lake Mun5=ho, the bluest lake I've ever seen. Its color is caused by Copper Oxide sifting into the water. 'We stayed overnight in Watson Lake, just inside the Yukon Territory. The scoring was still very tight, with Henderson leading and Maytag tied with us, just a few seconds off the pace. The following day offered an opti_on to the compet_itors. T earns could drive directly to Dawson City and stay overnight or take a . run North, past the Artie Circle to Inuvik, the northernmost point you can · drive a car in North America. JB and I had specifically looked forward to the drive to lnuvik, just for the hell of it, but we were forced to head to Dawson when 'we lost a, rear shock and its mounting tower. With the shock gone, and no spare tire (Maytag refused to loan us one of his two spares, because "I'm here to win"), we limped into Dawson City while several other teams did the lnuvik Adventure. A week later I ret~rned from the Akan I received a postcard from lnuvik. It said "Tom and John, missed you in lnuvik. Too bad you weren't up to the trip". It was signed by all those who made the extra run. Hall, Fricker, Goodwin, Blackstone, Olson, the Sorensons - I know you all - and someday I'll get you for . that postcard. Diamond Tooth Gerties· Dance and Gambling Hall closed out their final night of the season during our stay in Dawson. While JB and I were giving our money to the blackjack dealers, King Richard terrorized the loc'als, singing ribald ( that's "dirty" to you who do not read old books) songs fom his yachting days, telling jokes that made me run for cover ( and I thought I'd heard them all), daring everyone to join him in the local drink - a glass of · whiskey with a human toe floating in it! IT was a prelude of his starring act the following day. Many witnesses reported Richard's doings the next afternoon. It seems1he challenged a Dawsonite to an "afterburner contest." The bet was set at $500.00. A track was set up around the shuffleboard table in the bar but was moved outside, onto Dawson's main street, because of the risk of fire. The "track" was a Porsche 944T entered in the rally. Richard explained the rules and offered to take the first "run". He stripped naked, clasped a local newspaper (he likes to support the local press) between his cheeks (lower rear, that is), waited while the barmaid touched match to paper, and made four laps before the flames forced his retirement. On lap three a surveyor sprayed his buns dayglow orange with a spray can. Another slapped a sticker on his "bumper" as he rounded a corner at speed. The local challenger disappeared, but no matter, Richard had proven who was King of The Free Spirits once and for all. John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and Richard Hughes were close most of the way, but a few "offs", note bashed door on the Audi, put them on the tow rope on the last leg. From British Columbia, Derek Steele and Blake McGuffie ,drove a Skoda the 5000 miles and finished-tight, in a tie for the third spot. The next morning we loaded the cars onto a small barge and crossed the Yukon and Klondike Rivers in the cold misty dawn and climbed upward to The Top of the World Highway, a two lane dirt road winding through the mountains. We .began another Regularity in the snow and ice. -on The Top of the World we learned it is not wise to run too quickly in snow on summer tires as the Audi said "no way" to Buffum and slammed into the rocks, tearing away most of the driver's door, busting another shock, driving the front wheel up and into the body, causing me to wonder what we were about. My office was being destroyed around me! More mechanical miracles as we got the beast going again and rejoined the pack. Did you know John Buffum was a disc jockey back· in his -college days? True. He's an expett on music of the Sixties. Someone suggested I title this article, "The Newest Hard Rock (pun intended) Group -JB and The Destroyers" in honor of the several "offs" we experienced. I was tempted·. Th~_t night we limped into Anchorage, no longer a -four wheel drive team. Now reduced to sometimes two wheel drive. · Audi flew in some parts and we spent the next day making repairs. By the time we restarted, our -mount was in fairly good shape -or so we thought. · During our free overnight in Anchorage, Sir Hughes took JB and I on a taxi tour of the local houses of naughtiness. Buffum and I locked our rear doors and hoped no one would notice us, but Richard visited each house, doing an "inspection". He didn't partake -just dashed in for a look and dashed out to report. It was a strange ride for us but probably a normal exercise for a FSer. We all made our obligatory visit to The Great Alaska Bush Company - a place where ladies dance without their clothes on. Terrible! (continued on page 45c,,, ·Richard Gordon and Rob Rissberger, of Portland, Oregon, survived a tip over in the Rockwood Motorhome,. and ended up in twentieth place. MINIMUM EFFORT ......................... . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! CA3 - COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS •~ Rod Hall and Jim Fricker, navigating his first rally, had some early math problems, but held on in the Dodge Raider to finish twelfth. Jerry Heckel, from Oregon, and Tom Olson, of Anchorage, AK, competed in this slick Porsche 944T, and they drove to a fine seventh_ place. Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Dusty Times December 1986 Page 43

Page 44

I I Clean Sweep for Toyota on_ the Ivory Coast Rally Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Celebrating the Toyota first through fourth overall finisn are drivers, from the left, Robin Ulyate, Erwin Weber, Bjorn Waldegard and Lars-Erik Torph. . · S'amir Asset and Christian Boy had , pl_enty of problems on course, but they came back in the Opel Manta 400 to place fifth, the firstnon-Toyota in the ranks. Off road champion Steve Millen got some pre-Olympus time •in the Toyota Celica, as he drove the team's scout car ahead of the rally entry. Swede Bjorn Waldegard became the most successful drivet in African rally history when he led a Toyota .1-2-3-4 . I sweep on the Ivory Coast Rally. His victory was his sixth in Africa and puts him one ahead of Shekhar -Mehta's total of five. Waldegard is the uncrowned king bf African rallying. Addi-tionally, Toyota has now won all six African rallies entered with· their Group B Celica. The team took full advantage of a low quality entry and led throughout the four day event. Midway through the rally it was decided that W aldegard should eventual-ly win, even though a mid-rally decision by the Sporting Stewards gave an unexpected advantage to his teammate Lars-Erik Torph. By winning Group A, Austrian. Rudolf Stohl gained maximum pointJ in the Audi 80 for the championship, although the series' is still led by Kenneth Eriksson, who did not enter. This was the 18th Ivory Coast Rally, and it holds a unique place Checking i(I at a time control, Bjorn Waidegard waits in the winning car as Fred Gallagher gets the paper w9rk done for the Toyota Celica. in the international c;lendar; its difficulties in attracting sufficient .· entries being matched ·only by the tough fight-to reach the finish. Only once in the past ten events have more than ten crews · finished. This year Toyota was the only works team, and it was their second major rally in a month. This year's Ivory Coast route kept much closer to base at Yamoussoukro than ever before. Long stretches were done twice, saving pre-rally work for the crews. In World Championship terms the Ivory Coast Rally had minor significance. The two contenders• for the Drivers' title, Juha Kankkunen and Markku Alen, were both away . in Italy practicing for the Sanremo Rally. Toyota's third driver was Erwin , Weber, and their chase driver, in the fourth Celica, Robin Ulyate was competing on a rally for the first time since he drove one of the Dodge Ramchargers in the Safari four years ago. The trailblazer car, running ahead of the field to check the course for the cars following, was driven by Steve Millen, a works Toyota driver in California, who just won the stadium truck off road ra~ing championship. Along with Rudolf Stohl in Group A was fellow Austrian Wilfried Wiedner in an ex-works Group B Quattro. Right from the start there seemed little obstacle to the red and white Toyota machines, but the surprise was that team leader W aldegard was not the leader. Instead it was his young protege T orph. T orph had the advantage of starting number one in conditions that were dry and dusty. By Abidjan, in the middle of the first leg, T orph was visibly driving faster than his colleagues. In one village he slid wide at a T junction, stopped from going off . the road by a grass bank. "He's crazy," said W aldegard' s co-driver Fred Gallagher. "We've hardly used even one set of tires, and he's through his second." T orph countered by saying he had indeed changed tires, but he needn't have done so. W aldegard and Gallagher were finding themselves a little distant from the event, having arrived in the country so close to the start. But others were sharply on the · ball, none more so than· local Opel driver Samir Assef who left the first control six minutes early. Seeded number nine, this ploy ·cost 'him 12 minutes' penalty, . but enabled him to be away ahead of several of his competitors. By the time the rally got to Abidjan, Assef was ahead of his rivals on time, and without the penalty he would have been four places higher, in fourth just behind the T oyotas: In fourth was Wiedner, ahead of the first local driver Alain Ambrosino, who had stopped to change the steering rack on his Nissan 240RS. Stohl was seventh, behind Ulyate's "flying mechan-ics" Toyota, and almost a half hour ahead of his closest Group A rival; Tauziac's Mitsubishi. There was a four hour rest stop before the night sections started at Abidjan. Torph was at the head of the rally, but W aldegard was now second. The dust peril was eased by a three minute gap_ between competitors and already a quarter of the entry was out. The night sections in the south of the country enabled T orph to hold his slender one minute lead to the midnight stop at Oim-bokro. W aldegard was able to match the pace however, even on the section which was to have counted as the tie decider. Ambrosino had brake failure on the Nissan 240RS, happily, shortly before the Oimbokro control, but the Mitsubishi . Group A challenger retired when T auziac hit a wash way too hard and broke the Starion's suspens'ion. Stohl, was leading Group A, going so slowly his co~driver Reinhard Kaufmann complained he even stopped for chickens crossing the road. This was frustrating to Ulyate, as the Toyota chase car closed a minute on Stohl, but could not get nearer because of the dust. It was Rudolf Stohl and Reinhard Kaufmann motored sedately into seventh overall and the Group A victory in-the innocent looking Audi BO Quattro. Dusting the village buildings, Wilfried Wiedner and Franz Zehetner survived troubles to finish the Group B_ Audi Quattro sixth overall. . dawn as the cars left Dimbokro, and more of the entry had retired. It was disclosed on the second day of the rally that, whereas 50 cars were in pare ferme at the start, only 49 started. One car was never scru tineered, and was not allowta!d to leave. Rules require that 50 cars must start if the rally Page 44 December 1986 Dusty Times

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Alain Ambrosino and Daniel le Saux get a friendly wave as they zip down the dusty trail en route to 8th overall in the Nissan 240RS. Patrick Tauziac and Claude Papin were going well in the Mitsubishi Starion Turbo, but suspension failure put them out of the Group A contest. ' Running off the road on the Ivory coast rally could get you in a ,lot of trouble if you disturbed some of the spectators, like these boys. is to remain in the World Championship calendar, but FISA officials have hinted it will be changed for 1987, in view of the unlikelihood that Olympus will attract 50 homologated cars in December. . As the rally headed north, W aldegard decided to attack on a narrow track where dust was not a hazard. He took a minute off Torph to become joint leader. The two T oyotas stayed even, but neither had a chance to e~tend the advantage over third place Wiedner. Weber had fallen behind the Quattro when he bent the front suspension on an unknow_n object in the long grass. Finally, 25 cars finished the first half of the easiest Bandama Ivory Coast Rally on record. The only question was who would start the next leg first. Waldegard was not anxious, stating he . would not mind starting second. It was clear things were going to change soon. A heavy thunderstorm struck Yamous-soukro as the .crews were , sleeping, and in minutes the hotel gardens were awash. The long and dusty tracks were now going to be muddy and slippery. And, while the drivers slept, more changes were being· made, this away without problems, but. time to the rules of the rally. The Wiedner started to have troubles. Sporting Stewards were appalled Third out of Abidjan, misfiring · to see the tie breaking rule was of set in and he fell back to fourth. no value, and decided on another When the conditions finally course of action. Unfortunately suited the Quattro, it could no they decided to make the longer attack. Assef fell back decision retrospectively; they with overheating trouble in the said the traditional "furthest-Manta 400, and there were· cieanest" principle would apply, hazards for all the surviving meaning Torph would win if he rallymen headed west for a lap of and-Waldegard remained equal the world's most fearsome rally on points to the finish. section, the passage through the Nobody at· Toyota would Tai Forest on the Friday night. comment 6n this, or on team There was a sense of invinci-orders. Even the drivers replied bility in Toyota's operation, to questions in a vague way. directed from the sky by Henry However, when Waldegard Liddon. The. only mechanical began to take the odd minute off problem with the four cars had T orph, who started first, without been Weber's self inflicted front any reply from the young Swede, · suspension failure in the first the answer was clear. Meanwhile section. As the Japanese cars the seven strong Belgian- entry continued on their untroubled finally disappeared, after way, the others started to fail. Dumoulin's Manta did not Wiedner lost considerably more restart with rear axle problems, time after ·getting the fuel and Pelsmaekers retired the sole injection fixed; he hit two sheep surviving Group N car, a Sierra and a goat, which wrecked his 4x4, when the suspension broke. front lights, and Ulyate was Molino, last year's Group A gradually gathering pace. Robin winner, was badly delayed with found Assef ahead of him at one suspension trouble; but contin- point, and they engaged in a dice ued. Stohl was far away in the before the Toyota got past. A class lead. The slower he went, Toyota sweep vision was closer the greater his lead became! when Wiedner was delayed, and Toyota's chargers were pulling when Ambrosino stopped with a ALCAN 5000 (frompage43) on the final day before the finish at Vancouver's Expo 86. Henderson started the run about seven seconds behind Maytag. On a quick and hidden right hand turn, dubbed "Goodwin's Corner" in 1985 when Danny Goodwin lost the Akan by missing lt, Maytag stumbled and let Henderson by. The final results showed Gene Henderson and Milie VanLoo's Subaru RX, one second- in front of Maytag' s Audi! Two days later we crossed back into Canada, waited for an hour while Customs checked out some Arab types suspected of being terrorists, stoppea to look at· the Alaskan Pipeline and bombard passing rally cars with snowballs. We crossed over the Denali-Paxon Road, through snow and ice, over a barren moonscape where huinan beings are not welcome, and started the final Regularity before reaching Prince Rupert and boarding the Queen of the North for the ferry trip to Vancouver Island. For the past several days, we'd used the stock car odo to figure mileage and felt fortunate to still be only two seconds out of first place. Maytag was leading, with Henderson and us close behind. But that was our last hurrah. During the Regularity • through the Tseax Lava Fields,· we lost a rear wheel, the car began to burn (we'd rubbed through some electrical wires in the crinkled driver's door), and our rally was over. We cobbled together a wheel, lashed it to the rear door with a tow rope and crawled into Terrance, B.C. for repairs. · On the ferry we once again celebrated Buffum's birthday with a cake reading "40 again!", joined in the singing of The Akan Song Book, a collection of Dusty Times songs written by sever~l teams. We submitted "Richard, The Red Assed Limey" sung to the tune of "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer", but the highlight was Satch Carlson's "Rubber Miles". "When I die, it's to heaven I'll go, I well know 'cause I've served so much time in this world down below. All the roads there are measured, and paved with smooth tiles -It's the people in hell who get Hines' rubber, miles!" The J986 Uniroyal Akan 5000 was not decided until the final turn on the final Regularity Twelve days, 5,000 miles of bad roads, and victory by a single second -that's damn good competition for any event, anywhere. So another adventure is over. The Free Spirits are off seeking their next caper. And when they RESULTS 1 Gene Henderson/Mike Vanloo Subaru RX 65 Seconds 2 Ken Maytag/Steve Richards/Glen Bjorkman Audi 5000CS 66 Seconds 3 Derek Steele/Blake McGuffie Skoda (Tie) 77 Seconds 3 Phil Blackstone/Dan Goodwin/Denny Olson Honda Accord (Tie) 77 Seconds 5 Paul Mlinar/Rod Wier Dodge Shelby 114 Seconds 6 Beck Atkinson/Jack Christianson Jeep Cherokee 151 Seconds 7 Jerry Heckel/Tom Olson Porsche 944T 170 Seconds 8 . Bob Daniels/Jerry Seelhoff VW Rabbit · 250 Seconds 9 Lee Sorenson/Rod Sorenson • Mazda RX-7 253 Seconds 10 David Fetzner/Greg Erickson VW Golf GTI 254 Seconds December 1986 broken gear box. Ambrosino got his spares and made repairs, but . by now the Toyota armada was in full control. Not since Argentina 1983 had one make taken the top · four places in a World Champ-ionship Rally. T orph and W aldegard were protecting each other, driving through the last night in sight of each other, knowing they could not be beaten as long as nobody passed them. Finally they headed the column back to Yamous-· soukro just before midday on Saturday. It was a remarkable_ achievement, the end to an incredible program of rallies in Africa for the turbocharged rear drive car, and the most fitting achievement for team leader Bjorn Waldegard. Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher led the T oyotas to the finish with about eight minutes in hand over Lars-Erik T orph and Bo Thorszelius. Third came Erwin Weber/Gunter Wanger followed by Kenyans Robin Ulyate and Ian Street. Samir Assef and Christian Boy were fifth in the Opel Manta 400, just five rriinutes ahead of Wilfried W iedner /Franz Zehetner in the Audi Quattro. In seventh The Toyota team worked fast and .furiously on Weber's damaged frooJ,.,y,, end as Weber watches; he went on to · finish third overall in the rally. · overall, Rudolf Stohl and Reinhard Kaufmann won Group A in the Audi 80 Quattro, and Alain Ambrosino survived to put the Nissan 240RS home eighth . .. find it l'lt°be there to watch them in action. It sure as hell beats television. Jean Calvin, Publisher/ Editor · of this fine publication, put it all in proper perspective when she said to me, "Tom, what the hell would we do if we ever grew up?" The last time I saw King Richard he was running for a plane in Seattle, wearing his . sweater advertising his estab-lishment, The Pub at Stowe, smiling like ~ demented Vicar from the Homeland, already thinking about his next adventure. STRONGER AXLES AND olJTpUf·eELLS Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion a~les on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output beUs to accept the larger C. V. joints. · ~~nvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. 1omts. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. . Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pitch t~reads. 10 mm· 1.5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche fac1ory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES ANO BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 45 ...

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I 'The Last Chan~e Baja Text & Photos: Darla Crown The High Plains Off Road Racing Association 1986 points winners are, from the left, Ron Carpenter, Class 10, Harold Johnson, Class 2, Curt Willuweit, ClassB, Daryl Dressler, Class 3, and Jim Kitterman, Class 4. Flying over the badlands in the tidy looking Dodge Shelby UltraStock car, Doug Bath and Larry Chrisman came from Lav.eland, ,Colorado to win Class 8, besting all the trucks in the class. 1 ,, I . It was the "Last Chance" in It was Colorado day in Class 8 and Mike Diers and Shelly Gunther, also from many respects on the weekend of Loveland, drove the Ford to a well earned second place. , October 25-26 in Wall, South Coloradowaswellrepresentedin ern Points Series there, running Dakota. For the racers to chalk Wall, witheightofthe40entries. against 4 WD in their 2 WD up points in the High Plains Off Minnesota, North Dakota, Wis-Ford pickup. Here at the ·Last Road Racing . Associaiton, and consin, Nebraska, Kansas, and of ,Chance, they ran against other BFGoodrich points, it was the course South Dakota, all had Class 8 trucks, and they took "Last Chance-." It was also the racers present. For some of the second place behind a fellow "Last Chance" as a spectator to Colorado drivers this was "the Colorado driver, Doug Bath, take in an off road race in this first chance to take a chance at who usually races in Class 2. area for the 1986 season. theLastChance"and.tocompete Co-owners Mike Diers and There were really two incen- - against other cars in their respec-John Gunther made their first tives for many of the drivers to tive class. _ trip to a High Plains Off Road enter and win .. This race would Mike Diers and his co-driver Racing Association event with determine the series winners on Shelly Gunther, of Loveland, their "Team Polio", the name points for 1986, and the winners CO, normally run against the dubbed to their team by some of the BFGoodrich prizes, and 4x4s in Class 4 at Raceland in Kansas racers. The track was Ken Brace/in made the trip from St. Francis, Kansas to race in Class 3, taking there would be the winners of the Denver. They finished fifth in hard on their machine, as evi-the' lead late in the race and holding on tg the victory. · acutal Last Chance Baja race. overall points in the Great West-denced by the broken weld on -------~-----------------------------------------the box and the smashed left Bill Coffey, from Colorado,.tried hard in his two seat Chenowth, but he had to settle for second place in the Close battle in Class 3. Colorado stormer Jerry Daugherty flew over the high plains to take the Class 4 victory on points, driving his potent Chevy Blazer. Page46 Daryl Dressler, from Rapid City, drove his two seater to third in Class 3, and Daryl won the HPORRA and BFGoodrich points title in class. In the second Class 4 heat, young Thad Briggs, from Nebraska, took the lead in the last yards to win the heat, but was second on points. December 1986 front fender. After they made a nose dive at one point, the co-driver and mechanic, Shell.y Gunther, said, "All I know is we · came flying over a hill, and then we landed in a mud puddle on our nose, and I thought we were going over. The next time we came around I told Mike to slow down!!!" Mike Diers, seeing there was no chance of catching Doug Bath, slowed just enough to finish the race, second in fine fashion. · Doug Bath and car owner and co-driver Larry Chrisman, of Loveland, CO, took an early lead and they were never really chal-lenged in their Dodge Shelby UltraStock. The 2.2 liter, 2 WD . water cooled car was really set up for the Mickey Thompson short course series when it was origi-nally built. They normally run against Class 2 on the west coast and in-Denver. They placed third at the 1986 Riverside race, and third in the Great -Western Points Series. Bath felt the Wall track was. easy to run, and very -smooth compared to most other tracks he has seen. Third in Class 8 went to Curt Willuweit and c6;driver Terry Jo McDonnell, local racers from Quinn, South Dakota. ·Also from South Dakota, Burt Dartt was fourth and Jerry Edwards took fifth. Ken Bracelin, of St. Francis. Dusty Times

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Terry Skiles crests a sandy hill on course as'he drove.hard to take second place in Class 2, for four cylinder four wheel drive rigs. Although Curt Willuweit finished third in Class 8 in the race in his special, he earned the points needed to give him the points 'title. Phil Swaney, from Rapid City,·is pass Kenny Call, who took second in Class 4 points. Swaney finished the race, . however. · Ed Mailo, from Colorado, races his Bug in Class 3 in South Dakota, and he flew the Class 5 car to a fine 4th place in the race. Tom Shreivogel led the unlimited air cooled bunch, until his engine gave up late in the race, and he was credited with fifth in Class 3. The big trucks fly over the badlands course, and Monte Tibbits flew his Chevrolet to fourth spot in the Class 4 competiton. KS, was the big winner in Class 3, unlimited air cooled, 2 WD. Tom Shreivogel, in his black Painters car, was leading the race when he blew the engine. Bra-celin was right behind him, ready to take over the lead. Ken's oil light came on on the last lap, but checking ~hings in the pit after the race, co-owner Gordon Rose fou-nd that a wire had fallen off. Bracelin had some tough com-petition from the next three fin-ishers in Class 3, Bill Coffey, Daryl Dressler, and Ed Mailo. From Colorado, Coffey runs a 2330cc Chenowth Magnum, and Mailo had a 2374cc engine against Bracelin's 2074cc VW motor. Coffey feels Braceltn · really had the advantage, because his car is a single seat~r, which is light weight. Daryl Dressler, of Rapid City, SD, usually dom-inates this class in High Plains events, and he did take first place in points for the season. Probably the most spectacular finish, and the most exciting for the spectators, was the main event in Class 4, 4x4 Unlimited. Jerry Daugherty, from Wheat-ridge, CO, had won the heat race, and led the main event most of the way. Coming down the last, fast straight for the checkered flag, Daugherty was out front. However, 20 year old Thad Briggs, from Fremont, NE, came -, flying up behind him in his Jeep, and whizzed by Daugherty for the checkered flag. Daugherty was surprised! "I never saw him," he said, shaking his head. "I didn't · know he was there. I guess I'm going to have to get a mirror. It was a good race, though." Thad Briggs was all smiles in the pits. "I.couldn't believe it! I thought he (Daugherty) was breaking down. I guess he was just taking it easy." Briggs gave his co-driver Dave Randall, of Norfolk, NE, a lot of credit. "He watches all the gauges for me and tells me who is behind me.'' Thad finished second overall behind Daugherty in Class 4 for the day. · Phil Swaney, of Rapid City, SD, is a tough runner in Class 4, and DustyTI ... Harold Johnson won every HPORRA race this year in Class 2, and he finished the season first overall in HPORf/A and BFGoodrich points. Kevin Walsh also came from Colorado to compete, and he took a fine second place in the highly competitive Class 10 contest. From North Dakota, Joel Fricke is a regular in HPORRA Class 10, and he took · third in the race and was also third in class in-points. December 1986 · picked up third place at the Last Chance. A fairly young and "new" face in Class 4 was Monte Tibbits, also from Nebraska. Monte hung right in there for fourth place. Class 10, the 1650cc and under 2 WD class, is perhaps the most ·competitive of all. Barry Kline made the long haul from Minneapolis, MN, came to race and won the race, then turned aro,und and headed right back to Minnesota. Kevin Walsh, another Colorado racer, took second place home, and North Dakota's Joel Fricke claimed third. South Dakota racers Ron Carpenter and Jeff Grissup were fourth and fifth. In Class 2, four cylinder 4 WO, there was a very familiar name in for the win Harold Johnson of Sioux F;lls, SD.~ Harold won this class in each of the seven HPORRA events this year in his Toyota, and he won the overall points for the year. Terry Skiles, of Souix Falls, was second in the race. High Plains Off Road Racing Association Points Champions The Last Chance Baja was the last race in the High Plains Racing Association 1986 points series. Once again, as in February, the good folks from BFGoodrich were on hand with their tractor-trailer rig and technical advice to offer assistance to the racers. And, they were here to award the BFG tires and cash prizes to the winners in each class. Harold Johnson, owner of Hollywood Racing, from Sioux Falls, SD was the big winner for the year. Harold not only won Class 2, but he was also the over-all p()ints winner for 1986. John-son entered, raced and won every event in HPORRA this year, and -took home the BFG tires, cash prize and the 14 karat gold T earn TI A ring from BFG. Jim Kitterman performed well for the hometown Wall fans, and captured first in Class 4 points. It wasn't an easy task, however, with Kenny Call, from Thedford, NE, placing second and only nine points behind. Kitterman had it all calculated and knew exactly what he had todo to win the title. He knew he had to start the heat race to gain the ten points needed . to have a chance of beating Kenny Call. Jim started but got caught in the "race start row-dies" and broke down. After being towed to the pit area, a quick pit crew made the needed repairs and Kitterman was ready for the Main, finishing just inches. ahead of Call, who ended up pushing his 4x4 over the fin-ish line, after breaking a drive shaft a few yards before the line. Kevin Neuhauser, from Mid-land, SD, finished third in Class 4 points for 1986. · In Class 3, Daryl Dressler, .. ,•· from Rapid City, SD, also parti-''~ cipated in every HPORRA event this year, and he won first place in Class 3 points. Stan Schellen-,.. . bach, of Pierre, SD, was a close second, and Dave Wilson, of Isabel, SD, captured third. Picking up the tires and cash in Class 8, was Curt Willuweit, driver of Steve McDonnell's truck from Wall. Burt Dartt, also of Wall, one of the fan's favorite drivers, was second on points and Jerry Edwards, of Rapid · City, SD, was third. Class 10 is a very popular class and extremely competitive. At the end of the 1986 season only four points separated first, second and· third place. Ron Carpenter, of Sioux Falls, SD, finished first with an even 100 points. Mike Baenan, from Ja?1estown, ND, finished second ~ with 98 points, and Joel Fricke, from Wilton, ND, was third with 96 points. Page47

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! I The Indiana Off Road Challenge By Brenda Parker j · Photos: Gil Parker Chuck Williams stay_ed busy in his Berrien, winning both 2-16bo heats and class honors, and he scored a second in the 1-1600 first heat, and was fourth overall in the class. 1 I . The Indiana Off Road Chal-lenge was part of the Formula Desert Dog Series, but it was just two weeks before the last hurrah at Riverside in California. There-fore the entry numbers were down a bit. Several of the regular competitors on the series stayed home to put the finishing touches on their cars in prepara-. tion for leaving for the west the following week. Paragon is a small Indiana town southwest of Indianapolis. While it isn't very big, it does have a race track, and this is where the off road race is held. Following the format of some 9£ the other events in the Formula Series, two heats are run for each class, and points are awarded to determine the overall winner for the weekend. . Class 2-1600 was up first. There were only frve cars in this class at Paragon. Chuck Wil-liams, in his Armstrong shod Berrien, shot off the starting line in first place and he was never headed. Doug Bils, out of Ohio, ran a good second, but he was never able to seriously challenge Chuck. Steve Tsarpalas, also in a Berrien, ran a close third behind Bils, and Jim Dooley ran behind him in fourth, and they finished in that order. Heat 2 for Class 2-1600 was a repeat of the first heat with Wil-liams dominating the race. Tsar-palas, however; was in a tight bat-tle with Bils for sec'ond spot. They passed each other several times, with Bils making the last pass to finish second. Steve had to settle for third again, and Dooley was fourth, and the points came in thel same order. Class 11, similar to Challenge class, ran at the same time as the 2-1600s. In: this class Wes Knierin ran flag to flag for the win in the first heat, wit_h Kevin Hall and Dennis Smith finishing second and third. In heat 2 Kevin Hall was the big winner, with Buddy Jones coming in second and Dennis Smith again in third place. . Class 9 and 10, 1650cc unlim-ited, was on the line next. In the first heat Mike Parker, in his Armstrong sponsored Berrien Laser, powered by a new Rabbit engine this year, jumped to a quick lead and was never chal-lenged. Jim Struble, who had broken a front spindle in prac-tice, but had mad~ the necessary repairs to get back in the race, finished in second place. Dale ~ott arrived in third spot. Art S1chmitt, who had traveled all the way from Pennsylvania, com-pleted only one lap. His car wasn't getting gas, and it was determined later that it was a carburator problem. 'Tom Arthur, in a Mirage, finished f.c.,urth, but he was one lap down Mike Parker had his Rabbit Powered Berrien in fine form, taking a first and a second in the Class 9 heats and a welcome first overall at Paragon. from the leaders, suffering with a bad plug wire. Art Schmitt got a good lead in heat 2 of the Class 9 and 10 bash, and, although Mike Parker was able to ca~ch him in the corners, Schmitt could pull Parker on the straights. Parker challenged for ten laps, but he wasn 1t ~ble to get around Schmitt, who won the race. Parker had to settle for second, and Dale Scott took another third with Struble com-ing home fourth. In Class 1-1600 action Chuck Williams took the lead for two laps in the first heat, only to be passed by Dale Scott in lap 3. Scott went on to take the win. Battling for fourth were Tony Trinkle and Doug Bils. Bils finally found a spot_ to pass Trinkle, and at the checkered flag it was Scott, Williams, John Bushon, Bils and Trinkle. Heat 2 for the 1-600s saw Dale Scott go flag to flag, as he, was never headed. Tony Trinkle ran second for several laps until Bils again passed him. Trinkle then got into some trouble, and fell to fifth place. Now running in third was Steve Tavt!lli, until, with onlv two laps left, Mike Copass saw a chance to make his move and took over third plctce. Tavelli was fourth and John Bushon was fifth. They also ran motorcycles and A TVs at this race. As always, these riders ran hard and put on quite a show for the crowd. Even though there was not a big turn-out of cars and drivers from the series, those who showed up had a great time and drove hard. This is a very short track, and it takes a lot of concentration to keep your head. All in all it was a good race at Paragon, Indiana. · It was all Dale Scott in Class 1-1600, as he led nearly all the laps in both heats, going flag to flag in the second, and taking the class title easily. Class 11 cars tend to be older, reborn racers, as is this open buggy driven by Wes Knierin, who went flag to flag to win the 1st heat. Doug Bils was stuck in second place, second in both 2-1600 runs and overall, and with a second and fourth in 1-1600, second overall in class. In a different race car, Dale Scott hopped to 3rd place in both Class 9 heats, and he ended up 2nd overall in the 1650cc bunch. Despite bad luck in the 1st heat, Art Schmitt won the 2nd Class 9 dash, and he ended up 4th overall in the hard running class. Page 48 Steve Tsarpalas was in the thick of the 2-1600 wars, scoring a 3rd in both of th~ hard fought heats, and a dandy 3rd overall in class. December 1986 John Bushon started out sfrong·in the 1-1600 action with a third in heat 2, dropped to fifth in the next round, and was third overall. Dusty Times

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PIT TEAM REGISTER l Gl11111= 130'1.S ~ADY, . -MA\✓! -1'/.ffRE~ A KLUNKER A·lOMINI We welcome all Support Team news articles. Typed and double spaced copy is acceptable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. . . . ·- - ---- . . -· ···- . . - . - . CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President Malcolm Vinje, President 3117 Killarney 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 . Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (714) 641-0155 (619) 292-0485 (home) Meeting. 2nd Wednesday (619) 743-1214 (work) Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Radio-FM-152.960 Costa Mesa, CA Radlo-FM-151.775 CHECKERS Max Norris, President 4910 Townsend Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (213)_255-1053 "."'::J2~3) 254-1531 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 . Sandy Davis, Secretary (714) 772-3877 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM-150.860 MAG7 Jerry M'cMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) .(619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month - Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 .(~1,~) 283-6535 (day) {619) 447-7955. (night) ·Gene Robeson, President (619) 466-8722 The Yokohama 6·50 Club Report , Ry Jean Calvin The Score 1:'emex Baja ·1000 brought the old timers out in droves, and the Yokohama 6-50 Club picked up several new members among the sixteen "viejos" who started the long day's journey through the night from Ensenada to La Paz. The over SO crowd did very well on the race with eleven finishers, a 68.8 percent finish ratio and better than the average for the• · entire entry. Stan Parnell, Dave Wood, Roger Roderick and Reggie Smith turned in a top perform-. ance for points, as the team took second in Class 5, keeping Stan Parnell in the overall 6-50 points lead. In fact, even though Stan has finished every race in the series, and will end up having three discards, he is still going to be hard to beat on points for the gold medal. Stan has a total of 34 7 points after the Baja 1000. By the way, the points listed this month are without any discards, and there is one race left in the series, the HORA Budweiser 250 coming up soon at Barstow. Remember, a driver's best six out of the nine events count for 6-50 points at the end of the season. Class 2 was a biggie . in Baja, and of the 18 starters, five were in the 6-50 Club. Jim and Mark Temple and Rolf Tibblin, back from Sweden just for the race, had a total of four broken cvs, Dusty Times but carried on to finish eighth. Jim is second on 6-50 points, at 228, but it is very tight for this spot. Taking a keen third in class and fourth overall, Corky McM0lin has 224 points, and has competed in six races so far. Gregg Symonds, with Bob Richardson, co-driving, hustled the ORE into second place in Class 1, bumping Gregg up to fourth in 6-50 points with 221, and Gregg has three DNFs, worth only five points each, to discard. Not running in Baja, Jack Irvine is next on points with 216. Edward and Hugh McLean finished seventh in Challenge Class on the 1000, and they are next on points with 182, followed by Danny Letner at 160, .and Danny was not in the race either. Bob Renz, who broke early in Baja, is eighth on points at 155, well ahead of Frank Snook at 113. Neither Snook, or Dave Girdner, who is tenth with 101 points, raced in the 1000. · Len Newman was going well in . Baja, but retired at Check 9 from Class 2 competition for sundry reasons. But, both Beny Canela, tenth in class, and Walter Prince, of Candy Cane fame, finished the race in Class 2. The 6-50 Club's only winner in Baja was Mike Leon, as he and Javier Tiznado took fast time in the Challlenge Class. Kent AffENTION · LIMnED CLASS RACERS By Rich Minga Baja 1000 Update: This is an · open letter to all limited class competitors. After the Score Baja lOOC, in the impound in La · Paz, I noticed that the first place 'Challenge Class car was sporting aluminum bolt-on valve covers, which are illegal in the Challenge Class. At the Frontier 500 I had my first place finish in this class taken away from me on a similar, minor technical, but only cosmetic glitch. So I didn't think twice about filing a protest in La Paz. After a good night's rest, I realized that this was not the way I wanted to win the Baja 1000. I know that the illegal valve covers were not a deciding factor as to who got to finish the line first, and therefore it should not be the deciding factor as to who would "win" the race. So, I then decided to withdraw my protest. If something could be done about the way disquali-fications would be handled in the future, the whole exercise was worth the effort. I am going to meet I with officials from Score and HORA with the interest of all limited classes in mind. This gathering will consist of Sal Fish, Walt Lott, myself,JohnJohnson, Mike Julson, Dan Ashcraft, and Bill Savage. . · If the recent problems can be resolved, the rules made stand- · ard, we will all benefit and entries will be larger. The competitors won't have to worry about minor details at post race tech. Racing will undoubtedly become less political and much more fun! Lothinger and Carl Cabaniss were fifth in the Challenge group in their Baja Bug. William Taylor and son M1ke did a fine job in Class 5-1600, taking a solid third place out of the 17 starters. New member Darrell Coover failed to get to the first check in the same class. Mark Steele and Mike Harding trucked along to a keen fifth place and a finish in Class 7. But, in Class 7S Tom Heyser was out before Check 1, and Walt Adrey got to Check 9 before retiring from the fray. By the way, we have just received a fresh supply of the Yokohama 6-50 Club pins and jacket patches. If you did not receive your goodies in the mailing last summer, drop us a -card here at DUSTY TIMES, and we will mail them off to you . pronto. We now have a good · stock on hand. Remember, the 6-50 Club is all in fun, and no cost to you.Just list your age at over 50 for the program if you are the driver of record in the car classes in desert racing, and we will take it from there. The 1986 awards will be presented at the Score/HORA awards banquet,January 3; 1987 at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, · · CA. The winner's prize is a gold medal arid a racing jacket, and second and third place get the silver and bronze medals. It is a nice way to recognize the competitive skills of the veteran off road racers, so join us. While • Stan Parnell looks fairly well set for the gold, the silver and bronze medal winners will be decided at Barstow for the 1986 series. December 1986 SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional Hews By Lynette ~llison Congratulations to Lon Peter-son and Jim Love for their out-standing finish in the POR in October. Clinching the Southern Pacific Divisional Championship with a first at the Cliffs of Gor-man Rally, these two spent some hectic days and nights preparing for the Press On Regardless National/Divisional Rally in Michigan. And they were great! They were first runner-up in the SCCA Divisional run-off com-petition, and fourth in their class. Dean Blagowsky /Sherri Morgan grabbed the Divisional Champ-ionship title for the first time. Also there were Chris Dier!, Clint Heuring, and Don Lind-fors, and the Peterson and Love family members. These fine peo-ple put in their own time and money in order to provide our team with their excellent assistance. At press deadline, Dave . Thompson from the SCCA national office was scheduled to work the Indio VI, and meet with us afterwards to discuss Califor-nia, rallying, and the SCCA. Indio VI opened up the 1987 From the Driver's Seat By-Dick Johnson There were those who raced and those who chased at this year's Score Baja 1000. Unfortu-nately, due to an eleventh hour problem, I had to withdraw from Challenge Class and chase. The race was fast and furious from the word go. Mark McMillin covered the distance in a little over 18 hours to win overall in the unlimited car. Rich Minga and Mike Leon battled for first in Challenge Class all the way down to the end, finishing within minutes of each other. Leon had the faster minute. The controversey on cosmetic parts in Challenge Class contin-• ues. Apparently Leon's valve covers were not what the rule book calls for, stock. Rich Minga was not back from La Paz at deadline for this issue, but here is the story I heard from a reliable source who was there. Minga filed a protest against Leon on the valve covers. I don't blame Rich for doing this, due to his string of luck in post race tech. The protest stood, Leon was DQ:d, and Minga was put in first place. After some discussion with Leon, Minga, and Score, Minga withdrew this protest, and apparently the rules were changed to allow for a warning on cosmetic problems instead of the automatic DQ. If that is how and what happened, my hat is off to Rich Minga for his Baja Efforts, for soloing the distance, Southern Pacific Divisional Championship year on Novem-ber 14-16. With organizer Roger Allison losing several competing teams to the Olympus World Championship,' many new rally-ists gained a tremendous points advantage by completing the .co-efficient 3 event. Results will be available in the next issue. Top ten 1986 SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional teams, scored from Indio '85 to Gorman '86, were: DRIVERS 1. Lon Peterson ........ . ...... 124 2. Scott Child .... . ............. 92 3. Ray Hocker ................. 89 4.RicBell ... : . : ............... 56 5. Gary Luke ........... , ...... 46 6. Rod Koch .. .......•. ........ 38 7. Gary Potts .................. 36 8. Topi Hynynen ............... 31 9. Jean Vigier .... ...... ........ 30 9. Ian Miller . ....... ........... 30 CO-DRIVERS 1. Jim Love ....... ........... . 104 2. Bill More .... . . ........ ...... 88 3. Richard Stuetzel . . ........... 46 3. Mark Williams ...... ......... 46 5. Maile Bell ........... , . ..... . 44 6. Lou Arnold . ................. 36 7. Mini Lundquist ........... ... 30 7. B. Finn ....... . .............. 30 7. Kelly Smith . . . , ... . •.. ..... . 30 10. Jim Rogers ............... . 24 10. Steve Frazee . _ ............ . 24 having only ab0ut an hour or so. of down time with torsion bars, and for withdrawing the protest for the betterment of our sport. Again, my admiration. Back to the course. It had a lot of fast, high speed sections, plus the slow rocks and steps, and the ever famous silt beds about half way down the route. I · asked Danny Ashcraft if he saw any of the wierd visions you hear about from such a long race. He.said, "no, nothing wierd or strange. I just don't understand how those people can sit on top of cactus plants though!" The excitement seems to be there for possibly another good turnout in a couple of years for another run to La Paz. Let Sal and Steve know if ·you enjoyed the race. The next stop is Barstow on the Score/HORA points trail, and this is the finale for 1986. Some class championships are still to be decided, even after the back to back double points races. The Barstow course will be marked and open for pre-- running Thanksgiving Day. Let's not jeopardize what pre-running we can do by jumping the gun . The B.L.M. will close down pre-running if we ignore the rules and guidelines set forth by Score and HORA. Let's not allow the off road racer to become an endangered species in the desert. The course. is basically the same as the Fireworks, but run backwards. Look for a lot of entries, which makes for a lot of traffic, so use common sense on the course and when pre-running. See you on course. COMING NEXT MONTH ... • HORA Budweiser 250 • San Remo Rally • Dixie Autocross • SNORE Midnight Special • Bancroft 4x4 Challenge • Press On Regardless Pro Rally • California Short Course Action ... plus all the regular features Page 49

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...,_ · ANDRES N. WITER . ( .II t ' 7.H TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & V:W. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 PHONE (818) 765-3566 Bob .. TIN MAN' Behren111 · ('1'1;4) 678-4649 ' ' Raee Car_/J~ ~~ By Behrens RACE CAR ALWMINUM BODIES FUNNY CAR ALUMINUM INTERIORS 4072 CRESTVIEW DRIVE ,-LAKE ELSINORE. CA .. 923 3 0 Get the wo~d· out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in· the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach ne.w customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are m~rely $18~00 per month. al e~/$:t:J -ALL TERRAIN.ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PR.ODUCTS o~'?' -Competition T,res ~I~~'?- ·. ..,o~ . Offroad & M o torcycle Products 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D • Hesperia, CA 9234~ · 619-583-6529 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 , . RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B . • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 BELL KENNY PARKS .• MOTOR. ; RACING . AND SAFETY · PRODUCTS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 Page 50 SUSPENSION ~EATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S I !USURER SEATS" j 1 I I, ED-I BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego 16191 578-1585 6 CYLIN D ER PO RSCHE O FF ROAD RACE ENG INES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE A V E . FO R CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK MCMILLIN IN MIRAMAR ~~#Ca,rr Performance Transmission Products (714} 962-6655 10575 Bechler1River Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS - 4x4s -MOTOR HOMES Send $3.00 for our new Catalog. I NTERS • FISHERMEN -OFF ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS FF ROAD LIGHTS DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each m onth ten o r mo re copies of the current issue can be 1n your shop, to sell o r to p resent to preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. I CONTACT , DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave.; Suite 0, . Agoura, c4 91301. (818) 889-5600 • I. , STRONGEST CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS SNAP ON PANELS FOR BUGGIES & BAJA BUGS WITH CLEAR INSERT TO DIVIDE THE COCKPIT FROM THE REAR OF VEHICLE TO REDUCE BACKIFLOW OF OUST & ENGINE HEAT SLIP ON SEAT COVERS • j . "DE(ERT RACERI' · ~~lo PRODUCTS . : . I . P.O. Box 2233, sa1n Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 729-2269 qecember 1986 BIRTB/C/TS 1m1mm {818} 882-7808 BLOCK NUMBERS WITH STYlE u.s.A. 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIRJ. .· · RIX (602) 253~5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE mrBPSJm DAN McGO'NAN JOHN VERHAGEN Bob Cass.etta 825-0583 , 888-2iW3 · (818) 381-3033 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 Don Rountree, 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS1 - R-EN_T_A-LS~ VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 ' AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST , BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSORS ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROA □ BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS . JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLANO MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG., INC; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP; ARDS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING TEAM; THE □COTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OFF-ROAOER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES Dusty Times

Page 51

1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche Ola Racing Engines ~ & Transaxles __ ._ Race Car Preparation PERFORMANCE Intake & Exhaust System Components for VW Type I. Rabbit. TYPE IV. 911 145.0·N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 ===----(619) 465-3782 i Ciet Your sn,n Togetherl PORTI/Y TRA/YSAXLES J006-Collna Verde Lane Jamul, Callfomla 920:55 -~ Doug Fortin ·v'\ . . r"-, ( ,,,._\ : ' .:., . ·--~:~ ft--:.~>-. RE·UCABLE V.W. PAm 11623 SHEL.CON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (408) 377-3422 IOX RACING SHOX 520 McGHqcey Lane, campbell Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders Dump Cans Rm CELLS Quick FIiis Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 Dusty Times 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or mo re copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred . customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT_ DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 WALT LOTT 961 West Dale Avenue . Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5404 •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW ,Master Diffs. •VW Axles Send This Ad In For A Free Catalog. ORS46 HOUSE of BUGGIES 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 Lee (714) 522-4600· (714) 522-4602 dl@lmJt::Y V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Mancheste"r Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 December 1986 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 ".OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN .tCMM: PIIOIHJCTS OHNSON JIM JULSON MIKE JUL$0N Send $2.00 #or C...., CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS PER FOR MAN CE H1CH PERFORMANCE SHOCl(S P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 583-2054 7 TI-BAJA 1000 WliNler DUAL & TRIPLE SHOCK SYSTEMS RBBIClASS 60° V-6 Z.I MOTOR PARTS ACCBSORES LEDUC OFF ROAD 186 BALDWIN STREET 9 a.m. -7 p.m. WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 TEL. (413) 739-4111 RACE TRUCK FAB. . 4WD . TRUCK REPAIR INST ANT SERVICE TRUCK ACCESSORIES McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WA REHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS· FOR . CENTER-LINE WHEELS-TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIIIIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTEIIIS WRIGHT PLACE , DURA ■LUI£ ULTRA BOOT Wl:STIERN AUT O TIRES 818-7!54-6438 818-7!5!5-!5827 SWAY-A-WAY IIILSTEIN 8HOCIIS K,Y,11. SHOCKS IIEAIIID SEATS HEWLAND GEARS 'GEM CHARS CROWN Nf'G. NEAL PRODUCTS RA~ID COOL TRI-MIL 1294!5 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9\805 Page 51 ) I l j ,

Page 52

' -p~-t 1\ i ' ;_, MENDEOLA RACINC T,ECHNOLOGY VW • ·PORSCHE • HEWLAND . -RACINC GEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 -3 100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 . ss\S_ .. . Ct\ P... Custom Built to Your Needs by V...-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown .· 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 805/269-1279 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUT$IDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, • NEAL Cutting Brakes'• Including ... Complet.e Catalog, $3.00. • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders _ . NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles San Diego, CA 92111 ... plus much more. ( 61 9) 565-9336 Nelson & Nelson RACING f-'oimmlim1 • I Jesip1 :171 S, lndusmul r\c,•nu ,·· Jon NP/son Hem('1. < A .9'.!:!-i.i 1,/1! .9:!.,'i-4448 OOOLE o.,L FtLT~M · Ente~rlm.~ · FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NAT.IONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today -Oil -Fuel -Transmissions -Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Evere'tt, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE. BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension. Preparation 2 & 4 W_D VANS & P ICKUPS & M tNt TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS ·• BAJA RYDERS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION -No BLOCKS USED. • WEl:.D!NG 8: FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) s21-29&2 Established 1974 Page 52 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off ·-----Can 9720 Cozycro.ft Ch.atswo rth . CA 91311 ~~" _1 ,.,~ OFFROAP VIDEO GREG LEWIN (8 18) 882-2886 Close-Up Action From 1986 SCORE/HORA Desert Serles Races and SCORE Off Road World Championship 1 · Hr. VHS Video Tapes $29.95 each P.O. Box 444 Please Write for Information El Segundo, CA 90245-0444 THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS - • 90 WATTS • SYNTHES(ZED ( 213) 427-8177 • RACE & BUSINESS USE • NEW ROADMASTER SERIES -50 WATTS - S499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 P-O RC 0 PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY c;::;; _ Retail Parts • Fabrication • Prototype 721 UNIT B SAN BERNARDINO RD. cbv1NA, CA 91123 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 P .ROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD.DESIGN and FABRICATION . BERRIEN, LASER RACE FRAMES I 1121 E A S T ILLINOIS r<W Y . N E W L ENOX. !LUNOIS 604 51 (815) 485 - RACE 172231 -Q~ality 'Products Faste11er Sµecialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 December 1986 1 . AL KEV (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE C OMMU NICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE .VEHICLES DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584, P .O . BOX 375 7 GARDENA, C A '30247-7457 Telephone : (714) 5354437 {714) 5~5-4438 Dav;d t re;sler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 . ...__ R uss";s,:v. wi-Recyc/ing 3317 S. Peck Rd., ·Morirovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 ·s (213) 583-2404 1««~~~~0 &>w SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles, C~!Jfornia 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PART/CAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION . Rick Munyon Larry Smith ,,,o,ns10NAl O"·ROAO ltACIHO P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (206)242-1773 busty Times _

Page 53

~,.•·· t t·-SO-CAL PERFORMANCE ' ~ -.R v~ 8504 E. Compton Blvd. ~"',,, :.A Paramount, CA 90723 · 0 · iliiiiilai~ ~ (213) 408-0440 ~-~- - ' ' -' - - ® IF YOU PAY FOR IT, - I ' ~t::"I WHY NOT GET THE BEST!!! TM S.O.F.T. CAR TOW ROPE From 6,600 lbs. -Up to 44,000 lbs. From Passenger to Heavy Duty Truck HASHI-.KEN CORP.U.S.A. iNC. 312 E. First St. #400, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: (213) 620-9229 FAX: (213) 620-0160 Call your nearest dealer. In L.A. McKenzie Automotive. · ~-~-~-~-~-_.:.::--------===-- - -............ ------------.._ _,, __ _..._ --._._~ -----------...._.... -~ -----------RACING PRODUCTS TM LOCATION DISIRIBUTORS TELEPHONE Anaheim.CA Tom Stalarz (714) 630-3810 Bakersfield, CA Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg (805) 948-6044 -Tim Schmidt (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City, AZ Larry Stover (602) 758-5480 Colton, CA Dick Alden/John Donahoe (714) 877-0226 Corona.CA Cal Performance (714) 735-7223 El Centro, CA Mike McNeece . (619) 352-4721 Fullerton, CA Jim Finn (714) 738-7820 La Vern Unser (714) 635-5553 Hayward, CA Jack Bertwick (415) 783-6500 Lancaster, CA Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV Darwin Pilger/Tom Tonal (702) 457-5906 Long Beach, CA Dave Wayt (213) 437-4373 Oakland/S.F., CA Chris Price (415) 428-2600 Phoenix, AZ Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark (602) 278-6271 Riverside, CA Sand Rails (714) 682-3270 San Jose, CA John Graham (408) 723-3835 Mike Whitacre (408) 294-4513 Tucson, AZ Don Larson (602) 745-2247 Van Nuys, CA Dave Wayt (213) 437-4373 Ventura, CA Bill Tipton (805) 659-5609 Yuma, AZ Robert McNeece (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite 202 (213) 437-4373 __ Long Beach, California_ 90801-0610 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train . Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 Y!-Collins, Orange, CA'92667 714-997 ~766 If no answer 714-997-0767 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 111 WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 KEN SNYDER -1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON -1st OPEN; ANDY DEVERCEiLY -1st, 5-1600; REX LEWIS -1st CLASS 100; JIM DELANEY -1st CHALLENGER; 'TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK; HAL GRAVES -1st CLASS 6 Dusty Times Suspension Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baseball Cap: twill/mesh. one size fits all. your choice of blue. black, grey. red or yellow. $5.00 T-Shirts: 50/50, available in S. M. L. & XL, your choice of blue._white. grey. red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 'Ii' X 5". yellow with black logo. $.50. Decals: 12" X 3" black o r w hite on clear. $1.00, or 26" X 5" with black. white, red or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR .. GEAR" . please include 1lem. quant11y. size and color. and send check. money order or MC/VISA" (Oh1ores1de('ltsadd 5 5% tax) to Mic/fey Thompson ,PERFORMANCE TIRES ------------P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falla, OH 44222 ln1ide Ohio -216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO -800 222-9092 !(ACE THANS BY JEFF flEIJ)'S 'TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEEitlNG JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 ~TRACKSJDE Photo Enterprlus PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 llACING PIIOTOCllAPHY SPECIALISTS TAIC~ racing gasoline Alameda County Bakersfield -Bremerton Denver Hawaii Huntington Beach L A -Long Beach Las Vegas Monterey Orange County f4 I 5) 538-RACE f805) 393-8258 f206) 377-7951 f303) 452-5239 (808) 682-5589 (714) 536-8808 f213) 863-4801 f702) 871-1417 f408) 899-10 I 0 (714) 634-0845 WE DELIVER!!! Phoenix Portland-Vancouver Riverside Sacramento San Diego Saugus Seattle Spokane Tri Cities Tucson f602) 952-2575 f206) 693-3608 1714) 787-8141 f916) 334-RACE (619) 460-5207 (8051 259-3886 f206) 833-0430 f509) 483-0076 f509J 547-3326 (602) 79 I -9386 Division of Off Road ·concepts 58838 Douglas Lane_ Yucca Valley, CA 92284 December 1986 Dave Snoddy (619) 365-0162 M LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 Performance Parts and Accessories 9158 Las Tunas Temple City, CA 91780 (818) 285-5944 ( 818) 285-5973 FHS I/IIINNSIIS CHOICS Fact is, WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have been used by more winning drivers and engine builders in 1985 than any other brand I Ask the lop professionals before buy-ing your next cam. Call us for your winning cam for street', strip and off-road. Send $3 for complete 1986 catalog. . WWEB-CAM 12387 Doherty Street II PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 735 2200 · "Not legal for sale In CA on pollutfOn controlled vehicles. Engine & Machine Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN.MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 741-6173 Custom Wheels Off Road Accessories _Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Two for the OH-Road! fiOtVWs For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Page 53 .,

Page 54

·classified ••• FOR SALE: Giese Class 2 chromoly chassis, 117 in. WB, chromoly front beam, rear end rolling, new race trans, Fuel Safe cell, Mastercraft seats. No time to finish . $2900.00 OBO. Call Mark at (714) 645-9984. FOR SALE: V-4 Chevy · racing engines available for order. Before . you . buy a Porsche, com pare. A V -4 Chevy has more torque, 300 plus HP, and broader power range, same weight and much cheaper, especially at rebuild time. Special assistance available. Call Ron at R.E.F. Unlimited, (602) 233-9196. FOR SALE: Class 5 convertible, with Wright, Hewland gears, power steering, best of every-thing, trailer. 2nd in the, 1985 Baja 1000. Strong 2180 -$9,900:00. Serious'inquiries only. (619) 462-1380. RACE CAR SHOPS: Top qual-ity steel buildings. Standard ,, buildings or custom designed to · your needs. Buildings : come complete with everything for the do-i t·-yoursel ter or we can construct for you. Save 20 to 40· percent over conve·ntional building. Call Tom at (619)256-0262. . MISC FOR SALE - Nine KYB shocks, 3 356 Porsche steering boxes, need rebuilding, 2 M/ T Baja Kings, 14-15 LT, one dual master turn brake. $250 buys the lot or will piece out. (714) 894-8332. FOR SALE: Class 1-2-1600 VW motor built with the best, of everything. Engine has 250 miles on it since it was freshened up. Complete motor ready to bolt in car. $1900, OBO. Call Jim or Mike at Harbor Diesel, (213) . 591-5665. . · , FOR SALE: Single seat Chen-owth · Magnum. Factory car driven by Mike Lund, with many wins. Baja 1000, Mint 400 twice, · HORA Points Champ. Car has been factory maintained. ·W-ith or without 3000 cc engine and Hewland trans. Call Mike at (619) 449-7100. . FOR S1,I::E: Class 1 Chenowth 1 1000, 111 7" WB. 1986 VORRA desert winner on points, the Bow Wow car. 12" front end, power steeririg, Bilsteins, T ayl or, Wright, Kroyer arms, Flame · Out, Centerlines, Yokohamas, 22 gallon cell. Less engine and trans. $6000.00. Cal'I Mike, · (208) 345-6451, (208) 322-4409. · I FOR SALE: Class 5 racer or pre-runner. Rebuilt Wright front end, fresh rack and pinibn, air horns, Flame-Out, Taylo~ seats, new 30 gallon FBI fuel cell, new FOR Sf'LE: Class 2-1600 batteries, Cibie and KC lights, . Raceco 1 ith FAT motor, power newly built' Bit'con erigine, · steering, 1combo links, 930 cvs, Centerlines, Parker Puri per, Raceco tr.ans, 112" wheelbase, Yokohama tires. $4000.00 firm. 13"·rear [travel, took second at (714) 894-8332. 1 · the Fireworks, fourth at River-side. $lb,ooo or $8000 less FOR SALE: The origina11·1983 rnotorandtrans.Call(619)252-factory Toyota short course 3475. . . . ... truck, driven to victory in MTEG's Manufacturer's Cup FOR SALE: Skoal Bandit single . Challenge by the .Iron· Man. seat Chaparrals,·desert and short Truck. is ready to race' with course cars, race ready. Both spares, Trick. Asking$22,000or have a 2388 cc VW engine, part trade for RV or? Call Mike - Mickey Thompson tires, Carr for details at (619) 485-9410. brakes, Rough Country, Jamar, KC lights, trans with Hewland FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, gears, Super Diff, Super Boot, Class 1, 10, UltraStock 1985/ power steering, Mastercraft, · i986 World Champion. All t.he Centerlines, new .motors and best parts less-engine and trans, trans. $7500 each. Call Doc $7000. Class 2 desert car, 115" Ingram, (602) 932-4060.or 877-wheelbase, Beard seats, power 3154. . ·steering, Parker Pumper, disc ------------brakes, Earls, Wright spindles, FOR SALE: '82 Hi Jumper Class KYBs, 4th in 1986 Off Road 2 . New Wright arms, Fox World Championships. Less shocks, Carr disc brakes, Neal engine and trans, $4000. Several controls, hydraulic clutch,new engines available c~eap. Vince fuel cell, 115 inch wheelbase, Tjelmeland (714) 779-6889. BFG Mud Terrains on Cen'ter-FOR SALE: '86 2-1600 frame, completely wired, hood, sides, 115" wheelbase, 13" rear travel, racedfour times. Class l ,·9, 10 car. 20 gallon fuel cell, rack steer-ing, Wright, Sway-A-Way, Cen: terlines, less motor, trans, rear shocks. Double axle trailer with brakes. $3000.00 takes all. Call Steve Bishop (714) 244-1 ?06 . lines. $3500.00. Also fresh Leighton,2270, new case, all high dollar, $3700.00. Fresh Leighton trans, $1400.00. Call (702) 876-2776. I FOR SALE: 1972 VW Thing. New wh[ite paint, new 1650 motor. Olan Rick at (805) 393-6350. . FOR SALE: Funco Hustler ST, A-arm . .Alir suspension, front 10 )FOR SALE: 1980FuncoHustler, WANTED: Serious, mature ~nches ofltravel, torsion rear, 16 . power steering, Bilsteins, many partner to buy or build a t"i'o seat mches travel. Complete car less · extra parts, plus tires. $4000.00 Score Challenger car. Plan to race engine, tr'ans, disc brakes, Flame minus motor and trans. Ready to the Score and HORA races. If Out. Can supply drum brakes. • race Class 10 or 1. Call Joe at interest~d, call Jim at (619J 692-1$2500.00 -negotiable. Call (702) 647-2102. 3063. (609) 829-4095. r-----------~--------~-----------~-----------, I . · Sell or s,wap you-r extra parts and piedes in · I I DUSTY TIMES. I 11 . I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black I and white photo, or a very sharp color print. , NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES -.,. A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be p'aid in advance. Enclosed is$ ---. (Send.check or ,money order, no·cash). -Please runjad _____ times. FOR SALE: Race Ready 86 T-Mag single seat Challenger car. 100" wheelbase, new motor and transaxle, trans, best of every-thing. Fox, Bilstein, Y okohamas, car is brand new, raced one time. Many spares, shocks, tires, trans, comes with trailer. Call after 5 p.m., (805) 252-4515 FOR SALE: CLASS 10 or 1 Chaparral. Complete Wright coil over front end, Fox,·cornbos, 10" w, 4" longer, AMS disc rear, 930 cvs, spare rack, jack; fresh trans. Extra body, new paint. Raced tro times '86, five times '85. Exc;ellent shape. Less engine, $7500.CD0. (206) 883~6558. FOR SALE: Larry Ragland's Class 1 desert car. 3400cc Porsche engine, Hewland trans, mission. Completely rebuilt and capable of winning any desert race. Many overall victories including the 1986 Mint 400. This car is extremely quick and . reliable. ·Call Larry Ragland or Jim Selsted at (602) 269,5151. FOR SALE: New Chenowth Magnum DR 2V: . Chrornoly chassis near comp.letion·. All · bracketry ultra lightweight, front -beam, UMP adjustable seats, 30 gallon cell, body mounted, Neal hanging pedals, UMP alum. work. Must · sell. Call Mike at (619) 449,7100 a.m. -SPONSOR NEEDED for 1987 season, for Class 10 car. Very competitive. Car can be seen in Petersen's Off Road, November issue. Phil Rowan needs support and wants east coast off roading to compete more with the west coast. Call (716) 665-4504. FOR SALE: Class 7 pre-runner. John Baker's old pre-runner. Mikuni carbs, Centerlines, new Art Carr transmission, new BFG All Terrains, custom interior,. Taylor seats, Mikuni cam, 537 gears, eight new Rancho shocks. Five speed trans included. $8000.00OBO. Street legal! Call Torn at (714)964,5116or (714) 557,9133. FOR SALE: Funco SS 2, Class 1-1600. Fresh Porsche red paint, braided lines, guages, complete instruments, 5 point belts, Neal hydraulics, oil coolers, Weld wheels, Bilstein shocks, fuel cell, big cv joints, close ratio trans, best of everything. Fresh update MUST SELL: Class 10 custom single frame, body panels, all skid pans, complete rear suspen-sion, Super Boot, Dura Blue, turbo cvs, Frisk rear arms, Rou-gh Country, Wright Place chromoly 8" beam, chromoly trailing arms. $1700.00 - nego-tiable. Call Dennis Green, eves or weekends at (619) 442-8953 .. FOR SALE: 1984 Funco SS 2. 100" wheelbase, fresh Class 10 1650cc engine, bus trans with Hewland gears, Super Boot axle~ and cvs, Sway-A, Way secondary suspension, Fox shocks, Wil-wood disc brakes, Wright rack, Neal pedals, fuel cell, Flame Out, Accusurnp, Rapid Cool, Parker Pumper, Weld wheels. Only seven races on car. For more info' cal\ (203) 673-1443 or (203) 673,3809. FOR SALE: Off Road Champ~ ionship Gran Prix 1986 points champion. Morite Crawford's winning Chenowth Magnum.' Disc brakes, power steering, turbo cvs, etc. Best of everything, with both Chenowth and VW Golf bodies.Class 1-10 or Ultra-Stock. Sacrifice, $10,000.00 complete, $7000 less motor and trans. Call San Marcos Tire Mart, (619) 744-7481. FOR SALE: Class 1 Raceco sin-gle seater. Raced one time for 60 miles. Everything brand new -ready to race. Hewland transmis-sion . and six cylinder Porsche engine, just gone through. All spares. Serious inquiries only. Would consider selhng engine, ' transmission or chassis separate-1 y. Mickey Thompson, (818) 359,5117. FOR SALE: Mirage 2-1600, new powder paint, 116" WB, 14½n rear travel. Fresh engine and DJ transaxle. Wright combo with 1 on front travel, Fuel Safe, Super Boot, Dura Blue, turbo cvs. Sway,A,Way, Fox, Centerlines, Filler, Edwards and Yokohama tires. Includes trailer plus extras. $10,000.00 or best offer. Call (805) 948-9776. !, Name ------ --'--------------=---------on suspens.ion. Business forces FOR SALE: 1962 VW Convert-Mail to: I DUSTY TIMES sale. $5000.00 or best offer. Calf ible Bug .. Eight shocks, lift kit, I Address ------~-------- Phone ~ ----5331 DerryAve.,Suite O (313) 477-7733 Or (313) 661-MDE-180. $995.00. Call (213) I City--------~ ----- State _ _ _ _ Zip_ ____ Agoura, CA91301 0609. ' 545-1945. ·----~-------------____i,i:,___....;..._ ____ -+-------,--.!..,_-=================---=============== Page 54 December 1986 I Dusty Times . .;••-'

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r lhe Losers •••• By Judy Smith The 1986 Pemex SCORE Baja California 1000 didn't create as many Losers as expected; in fact, folks.down in La Paz were amazed as finishers k$!pt on arriving, filling up the finish impound, right up until cut-off time. The.high incidence of finishers served to create Losers in another way, because the Gran Baja Hotel had apparently oversold its rooms, and Hertz La Paz had over rented its Renta-Cars. So some folks had to scramble for rooms, and others were in trouble for transporta-tion. B_ut, generally speaking, the 60 per cent who finished were glad to be there, and coped with · . the problems with good cheer. Of the 40 per cent who were Losers, one of the earliest was the team of Al and David Martin, who had planned to drive the second Candy Cane team car, the tandem: Everything had been in good order durinf contingency · and tech, but on race morning, no amount of pushing or pulling could persuade it to start. They never left Ensenada. Some reports had them· on their way, but, that was because some people had not known that there , were two candy-striped cars entered in the race. The other · made it all the way, Other earlv Losers were Jon Kennedy and Larry Smith who PARTNER WANTED: Partner's · illness cr~ate,s opportun_ity for full, one third vested interest in two Class 7S trucks. Driving experience helpful but not inan-tla tory. Entry fees and majpr · sponsorship secured for 1987-1988. Plans call for five races per year.Approximately $15,000.00 needed for full share, either cash or productZ Evenings ( 619) 44 7-6969. , . . FOR SALE: Short course champ-ion. 1986 LA Coliseum and San Diego Stadium winner as driven _ by Sherman Balch and Roger Mears. Ready to run and win in 1987. Complete with Nissan FJ-24 twin cam engine, A TI prepped trans and quick change rear end. Many spares. Contact John House, Electraomotive Engineering, Inc. (213) 322-4084 or (213) 322-6105. FOR SALE: Volker Bruckmann is selling t~o Porsche 6 cylinder 2.8 liter off road engines. One has been raced by Mark McMil-lin only 20 hours from fresh, the other is fresh. Both engines are guaranteed to finish first race if properly installed. 240 HP with great reliability. Be a winner! Call Volker at (619) 578-1585. ATTENTION 1-1600 owners. Selling complete 1984 Funco A-arm short course car, minus engine, trans, steering, wheels, · tires and brakes. Perfect car to convert your 1-1600 to Class 10 for 1987. $3900.00 or $7900.00 for complete car, negotiable. Call (818) 891-8223. DustyTimcs got 10 miles into the 1013 mile race and put a rod through the case. They flew down to La Paz anyway, to be part of the fun and games. Very early in the morning, · about five minutes after they started, we heard Bob Utgard, in his Class 5 car, telling his crew that he had no brakes. He was still in the wash going out of Ensenada, and shortly discovered that one bleeder valve was loose and he'd pumped out a quantity of brake fluid. They got that fixed pretty quickly and went on, getting all the wa:y down the road · to La Purisima, before it all went south when the flywheel fell off. At least, that was their best guess. We sat in Camalu with our radio on, and were able to hear some really interesting bits of conversation between racers and their pit crews. Some of them sounded like sure Losers, but ingenuity and luck prevailed and a good many of them endep up in La Paz on Fdday afternoon. Still the bits of conversation were fun. For example, "We're on the Observatory road heading for ... WOOAH!", or, in dismay, "You say he's sitting by the side of the road?" (that about Tom Koch). We chuckled to hear, "We're just past Mike's, we lost all our oil, we blew a head gasket!", from a driver in a 5-R SALE: C ass 3 or 14 Scout SS 11. Score legal. Ten hours on motor. 340 Mopar, TorqueFlite 72 7 trans. Rancho suspension, new fuel cell, plus a lot more. Many spare parts. Raced in VORRA and Pro CanAm. $4800.00. Call {415) 687-9529 evenings. DRIVER SEEKING ride for 1987, Mickey Thompson Series and Score/HORA Series. Prefer truck, but will consider ·all serious efforts. 1985 Rookie of the Year, Class 1-2-1600 and Overall Score/HORA Points cha~pion. Will consider co-driving. Resume available. Please contact Rob Tolleson, evenings only at (805) 947-9859. FOR SALE: 7S Mazda. Raced five times. Extra -motors, trans-missions, tires, rims, 9 in. Ford spool, reverse shocks, Master- · craft, race ready for 1987. $11,900.00 or offer? (619) 444-5447 or (619) 588-0400 eves. CLEARANCE SALE: Baja Bug body and pan, stripped and primed. Link pin front end, tor-sion adjuster, fiberglass complete with misc. _parts - $1150.00 or best offer. Type l trans, super beef-a-dif, close ratio third and fourth, $525.00 or best offer. · Husky 390 automatic;desert tank, 750 original miles. $1350.00 or best offer, cost $2400.00. Chen-owth Magnum frame and body with rear suspension complete. $2650.00 or_best offer. Call days, (213) 320-1902 or evenings (213) 542-7447. 1600 car. He really confused his pit crew, who queried, "Don't you mean a valve cover gasket?". A 1-2-1600 driver chortled jubliantly, "l can see the ocean!", and Utgard's pit crew, to his request for their location, "You just passed us Bob." We shud-dered when we heard Bob Richardson tell his crew, · "I hit three cows!", but Richardson and his car were o.k. And, early on we heard Phyllis Evans say, "You got 26 gallons, Walker, . calm down, you're o.k.!" The radios sure make a big difference these days, and we feel that they contributed immensely to the high finish rate at this event. Saddest Loser of the race was Ivan Stewart in our estimation, who led the race all day, doing a masterful job in his Toyota truck, only to lose the motor · within 100 miles of the finish. He was dispirited .to say the·least. Bill Varnes got into Rob Tolleson's ca~ to spell him, and began to have ~ome mysterious electrical problems. The car suddenly quit, but after a while, was willing to start up again. They decided it was cured and Bill went on, heading out into the desert from K621(z. He didn't find the ''either/or" that would have brought · him out to the highway without going through the nasty part of the course, and once committed, like so many others, just kept slogging along. It was really a hideous part of the course, with no redeeming qualities at alL If it wasn't silty, it was rocky, or the dust would hang so thickly that drivers were blinded. The shrubbery was tall and right next to the trai_l, so there was no way to drive up out of the stuff. The course would be rough and nasty one minute, and the driver would have to slow way down, only to find that it suddenly turned to silt, and he'd be hard put to keep the car moving forward. The whole section should have been left off the course rather than b~ing part of an "either/or". At any rate, Varnes found himself in the middle of it, knowing he was fairly close to the highway, when sudd~nly there was a silty patch and a bunch of people, and someone jumped out on the course in front of him. He stopped suddenly to avoid hitting him, and stalled his motor. Naturally, this was the time it wouldn't restart. Bill started getting out of his Pumper helmet, and as he got it off, he saw his spare tire being rolled away. As he struggled to get out of· the car, the crowd had his stickers and numbers peeled off, and were working on his tools. They got his gloves and lot of his tools, but then he was out of the car, and walking around it, just taking their hands off. He kept that up for quite a while, just keeping busy keeping their hands off things. Bill tells us that he thinks he'd have no problem at all if he'd had a bundle of stickers with him. He feels that the Mexican spectators wanted to have some souvenirs, and would probably have been happy with stickers. He didn't feel personally threatened, although, at well over six feet and 240 pounds, Bill probably · doesn't often feel threatened anyway. One in the crowd had a rifle; and at some point he fired . Michael Gaughan ·and Lenny off two shots, not close, Bill says. Newman were double Losers. But that alerted him, and he ~ First of all, their .two seater. got ' pulled out his own ws:apon from . _only to San Ignacio, and· no its hiding place, and loaded it, in further, though we don't know the open, so they could all see it, · the 'cause for their dnf. And and put it in his pocket. No one secondly, Mike's plane, which threatened him with a gun at any was _landing. at San Ignacio, hit ,a :-time. downdraft, s·macked down on to · After much time _had gone by, the ground, tore up the landing one of the General Tire mini- gear and slid across the landing . trucks got stuck nearby; and strip and int<? the bushes, ripping . when Bill told them he needed . up the belly .of the plane in the help, the co-driver shouted at the process, For some reason, none crowd in Spanish, and more than ofthe three people on the plane half of them disappeared and were injured; although the pilot never came back. Of, the is s_aid to have gone into shock remainder, there were three after the accident. And, very · · who'd been trying to help all luckily, because fuel spilled all along, and one of them was around it, there was no fire. fiq_allypersuaded(bymeansofa · Glenn-Evans was driving. hefty financial donation) to go Dwight Lundell's Class 10 car in . get a battery so Bill could re-start this race, and he found himself . . 1 his car. He finally accomplished dow·n below_ K62½, heading i this, using a grungy old battery towards El Arco, when the from som~where, and Bill took .. course became confusing. Evans off, He. sa\d .one guy was · · was suddenly in some very soft i ' "reaching for my helmet as I stuff, along with ·a dozen or so · 1 .went, but I just knocked him off other folk~, with his clutch going the car and kept going.t' He went away. He tried, gingerly, to get a couple of miles before loose, but the clutch.finally gave stopping, with his foot revving · up the -ghost. Glenn then made the motor constantly, to put on himself useful, helping to push a his helmet and buckle up. number of vehicles out of their Bill did make it, to. the messes, including the Mazda of pavement, and then, as he swung Glenn Harris and Bob Ferro, and around one of the many curves the5-1600ofyours truly. When on the way to San Ignacio, his we last saw him, Glenn was powerwentoffagain,andwithit, asking, plaintively, "Do. you his lights.He tried to guess where think my clutch will come back?" . j he was going, but hit a concrete Apparently it didn't. post, and decided to call for help. Steve Kramer, Richard Sieman Happily, he could still use the and Bryan Farnsworth co-drove radio. In ,fact, he could use the the Isuzu Trooper in Class 14 and lights, but not at the same time as got well down the road, only to the motor. He got hold of John crack the head and be down to Howard on the radio, and John three cylinders. They kept tied Bill to the back of his trailer, limping along, gehing down to which towed very badly, and. two cylinders, and then, 51 miles terri_fied h-im by towing him from the.finish, it died complete-down the highway towards San ly. They got a tow or _a push, and Ignacio, where John was going to then, ·for the sake of their own meet his ride. Varnes finally got · egoes, drove it over thefinish line his car running again, and on the starter motor. But they pleaded with John to let him off· were overtime and didn't get the rope. credit for the finish. -By ,the time he got fo San Stan Potter drove in the Ignacio, Tolleson had taken off Challenge class, and had a bad in ·search of him, and no one time chasing parts. Finally, he knew for sure where he w·as. , was forced to drive about 200 Rob's wife woke up Bob Neth, mil~s on three wheels, hoping to who was pitting for the Higman get to the finish line,. But, about car, and asked him if he wanted eight miles beofre the last stretch . to get in and drive.for him. But of pavement, he brcike the other Bob, who hadn't pre-run, and front corner off and was done who knew the car was haying for. At that point he' cl had only a electrical problems declined. half hour left anyway, so it was Tolleson and Varnes were out proqably a lost cause; for good, victims of a sad In Class 7S the RangernfWalt <:1 combination of events. Adney and Ted Johnson got Varnes told us that not only below San Ignacio where_ they did he feel that stickers would , missed a turn:, .g9t side~ays, and have helped the situation; he also rolled and endoed about five thinks he'd have been better off if times. They ended·up parked on hec;ouldspeaksomeSpanish. He an abandonded car., on their really felt thatthe Mexicans were wheels. But the radiator was just trying to "Be a part of'' the broken, and this meant they had race, and got over-enthusiastic. t.o drive a while, and cool off a · Earlier in the day we saw some while. In this manner they got. to Losers ourselves, as we tip-toed Juanico, to Roger Mears's pit, through the rocks between Santa where the roommate of Sam Maria and Arenoso. We saw a Stahl, who was the passenger in hot and tired looking Greg Diehl the truck, was pitting. The hiking out, and already a good roomie helped them get a three miles from his br'oken radiator, and they got all back Class 5 car. And we saw another together again, and took off, only 5 car, the entry of Juan Martin to hole a piston a quarter mile Campos Prado and Antonio further on: ·· r . ! i I I I l Salmon, in the same area, with a Frank DeAngelo, BFG's race missing front corner. We saw a coordinator, and off,road's Man . ., I whole bunch of wounded mini of the Year for '85, was a Loser ' l trucks in that area, but almost this time also. Frank's vehicle 1 every, one of them got fixed and was broken into and all his dirty 0 came on to La Paz, to our clothes, the last of his American amazement. That's due in large cigarettes, and all his "good part to the radios, we're sure. country tapes" were stolen. .Page 55

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I .. J. .. ~. ~> I ,. !. j-_;, !' '" . t~· ,t ~ ·: ); '' ., ~i i! f t, ~ ' ~-i; I( i L I ) Jo, }, \ f l·.: n t i; } • I l r } t1 (1 p fl I > '•\ ) THE 14th. ANNUAL SCORE PARKER-.400 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: DRAWING FOR STARTING POSITIONS -JANUARY 7, 1987 TECHNICAL INSPECTION -JANUARY 30 • RACE DAY -JANUARY 31 • AWARDS PRESENTATION - FEBRUARY 1