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1985 Volume 2 Number 5 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume I Number 5 May1985 In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Ass~iate Publisher Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Cindy Chamberlin Daryl D. Drake Peggy Ellenburg Winnie. Essenberg Homer Eubanks Jan Flick Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Cam McRae Danny McKenzie Bill Oursler Brenda Parker David R yskamp · Richard Schwalm Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan Trackside Photo Enterprises. Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services Printing News Type Service THE OFFICIAL VOICE Of SC()RE CANADA AND ,'IA7Jil.il1' Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Applica-tion to Mail at Second-Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is.required for change of address. Please furnish both old and ne~ address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I I I I I I FEATURES Page Score Great Mofave 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 GMCJimmy 4 x 4 ........................... ...... 23 Rally of Portugal ....................... -......... , .. 24 Florida 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ADRA Penasco 100 ......... ... .................... 32 GORRA at Atlanta ................................ 35 Interview - K.J. Howe ....................... : · ..... 36 Pro CanAm Milli.can Valley 250 ........ . ............ 40 Spring Fever 250 . . ..... ....................... _. ... 42 Tulip Rally ....................................... 44 . Tucson Grand Prix ......... · ......... ............... 46 Lada Sputnik Rally ................................ 50 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month .............................. 5 Soap Box by Steve Orth .. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Trail Notes .............. .......................... 6 Pony Express ..................... · ............... •· . 7 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 8 Happenings . ...................................... 10 BFGoodrich 6-50 Club .... , ........................ 31 Good Stuff Directory .............................. 48 Classified Ads ............................... . · ..... 50 Index to Advertisers ............................... 50 ON THE COVER -The Score Great Mojave 250 posed a lot of challenges to all' desert racers. We couldn't make a choice between this pair of class winners, so we decided they both deserved to adorn the cover of the big issue of DUSTY TIMES put together for both the Mint 400 and the Score Show. Willie Valdez had some early troubles in the race, but he roared back on the final loop to win Class 7S in his Ford 1 Ranger by over seven minutes. Malcolm Smith showed the promise of his new ORE Renault powerd Class 2 at Parker. In the Lucerne Valley he whistled by the competitive class by close to seven minutes. DUSTY TIMES congratulates all winners, and wishes everyone the best of luck at the Mint 400. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. f\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$12.00 □ 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years -$30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ..• . . Free one ti111e classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name--------------,-~---------------Rumors early in the year about Malcolm. Vinje switching off road race vehicles for the new season appear to be quite true. Vinje is using the cross arm method of steering his heavyweight racer here, but we have no results on which·one won this contest. Actually Vinje and Mark Hansen have a new Class 5 building atJimco, and it might be ready as early as the Mint 400 for the defending 1984 Class 5 champions. · DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only & white prints, 5x7 or 8x 10 will be considered.· · Address -----..,------------,--------------City State----~-------------Zip~--------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates 4uoted 6n request) I I I I I I Dusty Times May 1985 Page 5

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Soap Box ••• -By Steve Orth Vice President/Operations -Competition Director Mickey Thompson Entertainment Gr~up One of my responsibilities at the Mickey Thompson· Enter-tainment Goup is the solicitation of Contingency Donors for our Off-Road Championship Gran Prix Series. A task which over the past three years has b ecome increasingly difficult. Let's take a minute here and review the Contingency Award. What is a Contingency Program and how does it work? Contin- · gency is money posted in the form of either cash, product or gift certificate by a manufacturing company for a particular finishing position ( most com-monly first, second or third) using a specific product manu-factured by the posting company. In order to qualify to earn a Contingency Posting an entrant must meet a few requirements set forth by the posting company. Normally these requirements are the use of a specific product, the positioning of two decals, one on each side of the vehicle, and a signed release form. The release form allows the posting company to advertise the finishing position of any competitor who used the manufacturer's product, finished in one of the designated positions and was paid Contin-gency money. · Contingency Posting amounts as well as manufacturer's interested in participating within Contingency Programs for off road racing seems to be declining. In my opinion, this is due to the execution of these programs at the events. When a competitor arrives at an event and goes to registration, one of the items that he receives is a Contingency D eclaratio n Form. This form lists all of the Contingency Donors and Post-ings for that particular event. The entrant must then fill out this form and his vehicle must go through a Contingency Inspec-. tion to insure that he is indeed using the components indicated on his declaration and that the corresponding decals are in place. The form is then signed off by a race official with a copy given to the driver and the other copies retained for the files. At the completion of the event, the vehicles that have placed in the top positions where Contingency money may have been earned, are re-inspected by the Contingency team for product and decal usage verifica-tion. At this time the file copies of the qeclaration are pulled out, checked and again signed by a race official. Here again, one · copy is given to the driver while the remaining copy goes back • into the files. Within a few days after the event, the declaration forms are reviewed and the notifications sent to both the entrants and the Contingency Donors as to who earned which postings. At this point, the Contingency Donor may ask the competitor to provide him with a picture of the vehicle. This fairly simple and _low cost request is quite often ignored by the entrant which I for one cannot understand at all. The manufacturer is about to pay COLLECTOR'S SPECIAL A Full Set -12 Issues -of the First Volume ,of . DUSTY TIMES unmarked by mailing labels Early birds will receive the bonus of the Preview issue - Sept. 1983. GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Page6 Send just $10.50, check or ~oney order to DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE-PAID VIA U.P.S. you for using his product, which is money in your pocket, and in return would like a picture pf the vehicle to use in advertisements or hang on the w~ll in his place of business, etc. which in turn is going to provide more exposure for you. This additiona l exposure can do nothing but help you in the future -possibly even assist in attracting a sponsorship. , One other item sometimes requested by a manufacturer is a proof of purchase. Let's face it, some parts like tires, wheels, shock absorbers, spark plugs, air filters, etc. are easily' identified. but other products such as crankshafts, camshafts, axles, torsion bars, etc. are not. Therefore, the Contingency Donor wants to make sure that you were indeed using his product. I don't think that this is asking too much -after all, would you like to pay someone for using a product manufactured by one of your competitors? Contingencies are an extremely important portion of any racing event. They offer the competitor a way of recouping some of the money he has spent purchasing various products, and at the same time, provides the manufacturer with an avenue to improve his products and advertise them at a reasonable cost, If we all work together, we can not only maintain Contingency Programs in off road racing, but improve them greatly. Let's give the manufacturer what he needs to p a r t i c i.p a t e - r u n th e products of those who have made Contingency Postings, put their stickers on your vehicle, collect his money and in return supply him with his advertising needs. But most importantly, be honest. Don't claim to be utilizing products that you are not: that would be the fastest way to end these · tremendous pro-grams. Be sure to take a moment to read your Contingency Form and find out which companies are posting and for which products. 'Our thanks to Steve Or~h for taking time from his hectic schedule to contribute his thoughts on the Soap Box. Orth's points about contingency awards and the problems of verification are well taken. For years many generous companies donated with gay abandon, but abuse by some claiming to have parts in their winning car that they did not have, resulted in driving many of the big and small donors away. How long has it been since the major oil companies were in contingency row? Have you seen any spark plug companies lately? Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. We would welcome some discussion on the state ;f the Pro Rally Series as well. Call or write DUSTY TIMES with your ideas for a Soup Box column, and get on the schedule. May 1985 Trail Notes ••• THE HOUSE OF BUGGIES was purchased early this year by Nick · Nicholson.Jim Bradfield and his family are now leading a less hectic life.-Nick moved the establishment from San Diego to Lemon Grove, CA-, and the new address of the full service off road shop is 7302 Broadway. Call them at (619) 589-6770. . RODNEY HALL, who already has some pretty hefty sponsors for his Class 4 Dodge, has a new sponsor for 1985 in Del W ebb's High Sierra Casino/ Ho tel at Lake Tahoe, Nevada. As part of the Del W ebb Hotel family, the High Sierra and Rod Hall will begin their association duringthe biggie, the Mint 400, sponsored, natch, by Del W ebb's Mint Casino/Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hall will be going for another victory to add to his long string on the rugged .Mint 400 course. ARIZONA SHORT COURSE racers have a new group promoting short track and stadium events in the state. The American Off Road Racing Association sprang to life last January with an event at Deer Valley Park featuring motorcycles, 3 wheelers and various off road car classes. Next AORRA moved to Tucson in March with an outing at the .Tucson International Raceway. A new date is now on the calendar for them, again at the Tucson International Raceway in the Pima Country Fairgrounds. This will be a night race on May 25, and· it is called the Coors Off Road Classic. The race is a benefit for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Get more info' from John Ohanesian, AORRA, P.O. Box 318 11, Phoenix, AZ85046 or call (602) 867-4769. ADVANCED OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES is a new full service off road and racing shop in the northwest, near Seattle in Lynnwood, Washington. Partners Harvey Lange and Joe Reich both have been in the off road game with VW equipment for some years, and they have joined forces for a full time operation. W e drove one of their 1600 cars in the Kittitas 250 out of Ellensburg, WA recently, and the older Hi Jumper was fitted with some interesting rebuilt gas shocks, rebuilt by Lange from shocks that would normally be thrown away. Lange revalves them in some mysterious way, and they are strong. The 1600 had one on each front wheel and only a pair on each rear wheel, and the ride and handling on the car was great. The shop has a lot of other trick products as well, a real boon to off road racers around the Seattle area. Check out Advanced Off Road Enterprises, 2006 196th S.W ., Unit 1, Lynnwood, WA 98036. WESTERN OFF ROAD RACE organizers are not the only ones who have trouble getting a firm schedule established early in the year. W.ord comes from Score Canada that their Gold Rush Series has hit some snags with the sponsors, and the two events-that were scheduled in the province of Ontario are in limbo as we go to press. Of course the biggie, the Montreal Olympic Stadium race, with the car purse funded by BFGoodrich of Canada, is firm and bids fair to be bigger than ever next June 1. At press time, the bulk of the Score Canada series this yea"r will be on outdoor tracks, such as the events held last year at Rumouski and Notre-Dame du Nord. The Trip le Crown Series out of Crandon, Wisconsin has shrunk to a pair of races. The organizers there felt that two races in the month of] une might be too much, not only for the competitors, but for the folks who put so much effort into working on the races. The first in the two race series at the fine track in Crandon will be on June 15-16, and the nifty and long standing World Championship Off Road Race, the Brush Run 101 happens, as always, on Labor Day weekend. A $30,000 purse is anticipated for the event. Get all the details in the Brush Run 101 ad in this issue. THE FIRST PRO RALLY of the season in the SCCA Series, sponsored this year by Bridgestone Tires, went to Rod Millen driving his Mazda RX 7 4 x 4 on BFGoodrich tires. 1984 champion John Buffum had some troubles on the Nor'wester in the wilds ofWashington state, and he finished fourth. At press time the companion rally the next weekend, the Wild West, in a similar location, has not happened. A full report on both rallies will be in the next issue. DESERT RACE POINTS, after three rounds in the combined Score and High Desert eight race series, are close in a number of classes. Because of space limits, we can mention only a few of the leaders. In Class 1 Larry Noel has 246 in the lead, and Mark McMillin has 227 points.Jerry Penhall is still the overall points leader and in Class 2, with 285, but Corky McMillin has 257 points. It is really tight in Class 1-2-1600 as Rob Tolleson has 278 points, followed by Richard Binder, 275, and Bobby Neth, 262. In Class 10 Mark Broneau leads with 260, next is Larry Bolin 209, and Marty Reider, 207. Gene Hightower leads Class 3 with 145, followed by Ken Nance, 139 and Don Adams 136. Rod Hall has 224 points in Class 4, and Vern Roberts is second with 150. Malcolm Vinje holds the lead in Class 5 with 225 points over Greg Diehl, 174. Mike Lesle leads the 5-1600s with 226 points, followed by JeffBolha, 211 and Henry Arras, 202. Willie Valdez now leads Class 7S with 229 over Spencer Low with 218". Dave Shoppe holds the Class 8 lead with 216 over Michael Nesmith with 188.Jim Dizney has 142 points in Class 9 followed by Mike McCrory with 126. It is tight in Class 11 as Andy Diaz leads by just one point over Ramon Castro. Usual leaders stiH lead in the small classe.s, Arne Gunnarsson in 6, Larry Schwacofer in 6B, G.T. Gow land in 7 -4 x 4, and Jason Myers in 12. Mario Alesi leads Class 7 with 11 7 over Manny Esquerra with 88. Bob Savage, with 138, leads Russ Winkler, 118, in the Score Challenge Class. A CLEAN MINT 400 is in store for players in the first annual Mint 400 Board Game Tournament coming up on May 2, at the Mint Hotel in Las Vegas, of course. The new game is making its debut at the Mint 400, and Erikson Industries, the makers of the game, in co-operation with the Mint Hotel and Casino, have organized the tournament on the Thursday night of Mint 400 week. There is a $5,000 purse for the winner, and it should be dandy for spectators as well as the players. Look for it in the poker pit in the Mint Casino. · FUEL SAFE has undergone restructuring, and it is-now a division of Grecian Industries, Inc., who manufacture acrylic spas. Long a leader in the fuel cell business, Fuel Safe remains in their Fountain Valley, CA location. Former Fuel Safe President Gene Woods has resigned, and Denise Bice is the new Fuel Safe division's president. Look up the Fuel Safe folks at the Score Show on May 10-12 in Booth 240. Dusty Times

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Pony Express ••• Thank you very much for the copy of the DUSTY TIMES you sent me. It was truly appreciated. Since I remember absolutely nothing about the accident at Cal City, I've had to rely on what others have told me about exactly what happened. Every time I talk to someone new about the accident, I learn just a little more about what happened. Right now I am still in the hospital and all of my broken bones have healed except for the femurs in my legs. My right leg couldn't be "pinned", but it is still coming along pretty well. My left leg has been "pinned" but isn't doing as welLlt is still going to be some months before I can get out of the hospital, and right now that is the hardest thing of all for me to accept. · Anyway, thanks again for the DUSTY TIMES, as I truly appreciated it. Jim Van Meter 4303 West Laura Ave. Visalia, CA 93277 You are more than welcome, Jim, and DUSTY TIMES will be coming to you monthly for a year to help you keep up with the sport. We have printed your full address, kn.owing many off roaders will want . to seiid you cards and letters to keep you somewhat busy in your long recuperation. Our deadline for the April issue was opportunity to vote on combining tight for Judy Smith, and she had no them for the eight race desert series results at the time, and went on notes as well, and we would have voted and pit talk. Apparently ,the it. Your point on the size of finishing order was not available at the restrictor plates is well taken, the scoring trailer at .the race. For because Bobby Neth won at Parker your sake, «•e hope ORAN got it in a single seater, and the Neths won right, si1ice they print two weeks again at Laughlin. while Rob later than DUSTY TIMES. The Tolleson. won at the Great Mojave results show that your team was , 250 driving a Mirage single seater. indeed third, finishing well over Our thought is that a pair eight minutes ahead of the fourth of strong classes like r -r 600 and place car, and a full lap ahead of 2-1600 should not be combined, Sherman's en.try. ' until all of the" two and three car To whom it may concern: The Baja Express Racing Team feel that there are a number of things · that should be re-evaluated and changed. 1 ) Combining classes 1-1600 and 2-1600! We feel the vote to combine these two classes should have been mailed to all Drivers of Record, instead of only having the vote at the Parker.race, where not everyone attended! After talking to many 2-1600 owners, we strongly feel that there should be a re-vote! «mer pumper classes hat•e been combin~d in a similar appli;s and oranges class. DUSTY TIMES. would like to hear opinions, both pro and con, from ochers who may be driven out of these classes and out of off road racing by the sudden shift in rules, after the rule books were prin.t~d at chat. =#·u· . .. . . . ' ... This is just a short note about a long subject, off road racing engines. As an off road racer of many years myself, I know the amount of money that is spent on racing engines. I also know that the engine is the most important piece of equipment you have. So, I would like to crow a little about my engine, and its builder, Lee Leighton. I have put over 3000 miles of hard off road desert and short course racing on my unlimited engine without a single problem. This engine has minimal prep each race, a change of oil and plugs, but otherwise it has not been touched. Thanks again Lee Leighton for a fine racing engine. Doc Ingram and Tom Bradley ' Goodyear, AZ \ The citizens of Baja•California are looking forward with great anticipation to the renew~! . of your fine off road racing event, the Score Baja Internacional in June. This race is a highlight of our spring tourist season, and it is aJso the rekindling of many friendships ,~e have been privileged to develop over the years since North Americans have begun racing on our peninsula in 1967. If there is any form of competition which we can claim as our own state's native sport, it is off road racing. It was born here. It has grown here.We hope many of you will answer the challenge of the Baja in June. Jose Luis Rendon Beltran State Secretary of Tourism of Baja California, Mexico DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off road activity. The Pony Express column will feature all the mail we can fir into the space. Please keep your «Jords fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well as your praises. Letters for publication should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to appear in the next issue.· ~ .. . ==··=· The weight of the 1-1600 is 1300 lbs. minimum with a 20 mm restrictor plate versus the 2-1600 weight of 1350 lbs. minimum, one extra person of an average weight of 170 pounds and the 21 mm restrictor plate. Why are the 1-1600 cars allowed these advantages?? In our opinion, these two classes should be kept apart. With the combin-ing of Score and HORA there have been enough entries in each. class. · THE ORIGINAL GAS PRESSURE SHOC-K ABSORBER . .. . .... I received the. April 1985 edition of DUSTY TIMES, and read with much interest your article covering the AMSA 6 Hour at Cal City by Judy Smith on page 32. As the rule stands, 2-1600 cars will have to change to only one person, get the smaller restrictor · plate and enter as a 1-1600 to be competitive. If we had wanted a 1-1600 we would have built one! To say the least I am very disappointed in your reporting of the finishing order in Class C. / Bill Keever and Mike Hanson finished third, not Sherman and Bowen. Actually Sherman finished fifth, behind Milerson and Young. Attached is a copy of the results, which I feel you could have easily gotten at the start/ finish line after the race. As you stated, there was a good two hours of daylight· left to find them when the race was over. I am not normally' a "bitcher", but I also work for a newspaper and know that accurate reporting is fundamental as well as very necessary to your paper's success. I subscripe to your paper to read my name in print on the races I enter, if I am deserving, just as every other racer does. Our team worked hard as does every other team out there, and proper, accurate reporting is due us as well as the others. I don't expect a correction or anything, just ask that you please get the finishing order straight in the future. I wonder how Off Road Action News will report it? Bill Keever, # 29 C Bakersfield, CA Yau have our apologies for the error, for sure. To be fair, there seldom is a printed en.try list at AMSA events, and the results come in the mail a couple of weeks later. Dusty Times 2) Scales! Since there are weight limits between.single seaters and two seaters for the -Score Challenge and 1-2-1600 classes, then weighing in at tech should be mandatory! 3) Teardown! Since Score has a limited teardown and HORA has NO teardown, we feel there is too much chance for cheating. Since we are a restricted class, we suggest a mandatory teardown to the barrels, for at least first place. 4) Contingencies! We were told that they would improve, so far they are not any better. For the sake of FAIR competi-tion, we would appreciate it if Score and HORA would look into these matters. In the event anyone would like to discuss the contents of this letter, or if you ' have any questions, please contact me at the listed address or phone me at (213) 864-0893. Hayward Mendenhall 15518 LeFloss Ave. Norwalk, CA 90650_ Thank you so much for your well thought out letter on the state of the r 600 restricted classes in desert • racing, Hayward. Your letter came too late to make the April issue, but it will reach more people this month. As long time competitors in r -r 600 class, we would have liked the WINNERS ON BILSTEIN SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Ivan Stewart 1st Place, Class 7 Mint 400 . "Never before have I had so much con-fidence in a shock. After extensive testing and numerous races on the same set of Bi/steins, I am very pleased by their excellent perfor-mance and reliability." May 1985 Ray Aragon 1st Place, Class 10 Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 "We finished 2nd at the Cal City 12-hour in 1983, 1st in Class 10 at the · Parker 40.0 1984, and 1st in Class 10 at the Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 all on the same set of Bi/steins with no failures." Jerry Leighton , 1st Place, Class 10 Fireworks 250 1984 "The shocks worked super; no such thing as broken or leaking shocks with Bi/stein." Jim Wright 1st Place,. Class 2 Mint 400 "By far the most impor-tant parts on any off-road vehicle are the shocks. Using Bi/steins is like cheating." For further information and special off-road applications contact Tom Hoke at BILSTEIN Corporation of America, 11760 Sorrento . Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121. 619/453~7723. Page 7

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Side Tracks •• ~ At the March 30 Lucerne Valley Score race there were some penalties assessed, which, at first look, seemed arbitrary and over stringent. In view of the fact that at the HORA race at -Laughlin, a month earlier, a similar infraction of rules; running a road crossing, had cost some competitors a 15 minute penalty, the disqualifications at Lucerne for the same offense seemed too harsh. There were two highway crossings at Lucerne, both on the stretch of the course between the start and the "loop." Competi-tors would cross each crossing once in the outwardbotind direction, and then again, coming back in to the finish, in the opposite direction._The first crossing simply went across a roadway, and was well marked with signs, flags and ribbons. The second crossing was at a point where the road to be crossed made a "Y," and the race course actually went across the narrow end of the "Y," crossing two roads, which were connected by about 75 feet of pavement. This crossing was also marked, in theory, as well as the other, and there were two flagmen. The section of the course that led out from town, over these roads and to the loop part of the course, had not been marked for pre-running until Friday, the day before the race. The infractions which caused the disqualifications both hap-pened on the first lap. The cars had started every 15 seconds, so they were close together and the course was very dusty, with little wind at that point. There was a Highway Patrolman stationed at the second crossing. The entrants disqualified for running the crossing were Walker Evans, who'd gone on to finish first in Class 8, and the team of J.D. Ward and Terry Jeffers, who ran in Class 10 and got no further. We spoke to Jeffers who was driving at the time of the incident. He told us that he and his partner, Ward, had pre-run the part of the course in question only once, because they'd been busy working on the car. During the race, ( their first in Class 10) Jeffers was conscious of the very quick drivers in the class, several of whom started close behind him. He was trying to stay in front of them. The team has been racing for five years, and they have had many good finishes in their 1600cc class car to show that they're fine drivers. They have never been penalized in ariy way before. Exactly what happened is a bit uncertain, even to the driver. What is generally accepted as happening is that Jeffers was following another competitor very closely at that point (he did not know the number or name of the other racer), and when the first car stopped for the crossing, Jeffers was unable to stop on time, hit the first car and did enough damage to put it out of the race. Whether the first car had made the stop in time was not clear to Jeffers, or apparently, the flagman either. It ended up · parked-out_ in the mid d I e, between the two roads. Jeffers slid to the middle of the road. Jeffers was blinded by the dust and stunned by the realization of what had happened. He just sat there, waiting for the dusf to clear. The flagm·an came over to him, told him to pull over, and said, "Car 1095, you're out of the race." Jeffers got out of the cat, walked back to talk· to the flagman and was told that he ''didn't really know what happened." He told us that the flagman was an "awful nice guy," CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE CROWN MFG. - RAPID COOL 0 , . . . -TRI MIL - WESTERN AUTO TIRES - . BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE _ ~HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/V R __ , BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER Ollro■d ■c•--Parts & Accessones TECTIRA_ '.TT.RES --:-_ ~l)PER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT -NE~L PRODUCTS CENTER LINE -- - - -·----AIJC1.,G .. Hlll!i --11••■1 ·; , .: SWAY•A·WAYcoo, ~ c?lll•v,,,,-I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818r76s-ss21. (818) 764-6438 Page8 -By Judy Smith who said, "I didn't want to do what I had to do.'' He told Jeffers that no other cars had come through the crossing so close together. After about 15 minites, a flagman came up to Terry and said, "Maybe you'd better take off." But Terry figured he was disqualified, and there was no reason to run the car around the course to no pur.pose, possibly doing it some damage, when it was in good shape now and would not be too expensive to fix at this point. Jeffers and Ward are a low budget race team, and their checkbook is-always an important consideration. In Terry's words, ·"I playedit too close ... thought I had more time." He said he was watching _ the other driver's brake lights, and " ... when I saw them, I went for the brakes. The dust was so thick, it was chaotic!" He went on to say; "I definitely goofed. I really hate the fact that I did it. I felt so bad, I messed his car up." He told us he felt the flagman was sensitive to the fact that the California Highway Patrol was parked nearby, observing the road crossing, and that he, the flagman, had been compelled in part to make the disqualifiction because of the presence of the Patrolman. The most telling point that Terry made was that he had gone to the Driver's Meeting, and he remembered what Sal Fish had said. He had discussed the road crossings, and had said that running them would be a "na-no." He quoted Sal as saying, "There are two road crossings, and if you get brain-fade, and you run 'em, ... you're out of the race." Said Terry, "I would have disqualified myself." Evans was disqualified for running the same crossing. He says he was following a buggy and " ... never knew I was at the intersection." He told us that a bit further down the course the buggy had a problem and pulled over, and then, as he came out of the dust, he realized he must have already gone past the crossing. Walker gave us a few more details about the crossing, saying that it was a top speed road coming up to it, and that it was about six miles into the race. Evans continued to race obliv-ious of any disciplinary action. When he had almost completed the event and got to the crossing for the second time, he stopped. Then, he said, they 11 ••• cursed and swore" at him, which upset him. He then went on to finish, coming in first in Class 8. After he had checked irito post-race contingency he loaded up and went home to Riverside. In the meantime, at race headquarters, Sal Fish received a report from the road crossing, saying that Evans should be disqualified, and he hastily convened a Grievance Commit-tee. This is a new procedure, instigated at Parker, where it worked well, to handle com-plain ts and protests, and May 1985 apparently also, decisions about disqualifications. They met, in private, and after about an hour-and-a-half, came to the decision to disqualify Evans. · Ward and Jeffers did not have the luxury of having their disqualification discussed by committee -they had been put out of the race on the spot. Sunday morning, in Riverside, Evans read about his disqualifi-cation in the newspaper. He says that he feels that the action taken by Score was "not professional." He thinks he should have had an appeal before the decision was made, and felt that the penalty was too severe for the alleged infraction. Walker has asked for a hearing. Evans also pointed out that the Score rules on disqualification, G22 and G23, state that "Any entrant ... who has been disquali-fied ... for an infraction ... shall have the right to a hearing ... " It then goes on to state that "The class purse for any class in which an entrant has been disqualified ... will not be awarded until the results of any requested hearing are determined." The purse for the Great Mojave Class 8 race was distributed at the awards presentation Saturday evening. We also spoke to Sal Fish. He told us that the California Highway Patrol had been very adamant about the need for the race cars to stop at each crossing. Captain Miller, from the Victorville office of the CHP had spoken at the mandatory _ Drivers' Meeting, and had explained that fact, telling the drivers that disobeying the rules in this instance could result in immediate cancellation_of the race. Sal told us that both road crossings had been marked extra heavily, with flares as well as extra arrows. Neither driver had mentioned flares. Sal a.Isa said that that portion of the course had been open for pre-running from noon on Friday, and that "they were all out there." We asked Fish why'the penalty for running a crossing was so· severe in the Score race, ·when, just a month previously, at the HORA race at Laughlin, part of the joint series, the penalty had been to have 15 minutes added to the elapsed time._ Several contestants had been bumped out of money paying positions by this action at Laughlin. Fish said that he " ... personally was not aware of" the HORA 15 minute penalties. And he felt that any action which could result in the cancellation of the whole race deserved a much more severe penalty. In fact, both Evans and--:fi$h Coming Next Month ... were really unwilling to discuss the action. Evans is waiting for his hearing, and Fish seems to feel that he's being unfairly criticized for the action taken by the Grievance Committee. (Fish is usually criticized for some action at every race, so it's easy to understand his sensitivity.) The entire incident is really unfortunate. On the one hand, the future of off road racing in the Mojave Desert, and perhaps anywhere, had been jeopardized. The thought of the consequences of a collision between an off road race vehicle and a disinterested highway traveler is enough to convince us that stringent rules must be applied and severe penalties assessed for diso-bedience. But, in all fairness, the promoter does have a responsi-bility to educate and inform the racer, and we think that th.e "Mandatory" Driver's Meeting is too late. Perhaps signs could · have been posted on the short stretch of course during Friday's pre-running of that section, or maybe a special bulletin could have been mailed. It's a well known fact that not all racers are abk or inclined to attend the "Mandatory" meetings, and while that is regettable, it's a fact that must be addressed when the matter is as serious as the possible cancellation of the race. In addition, the whole thing could have been avoided by starting the race elsewhere, and simply not crossing the highways at all. Or the cars could have been started further apart, 30 seconds instead of 15, to give a little clean air between them. But that would have meant that the highway running through Lucerne would have been a big traffic jam for twice as long as it was anyway. Another fairly simple option would have been to. water the course in the vicinity of the crossings. That would have held down the dust, at least for the early, fast classes, and made it simpler to see the warnings and stop in time. The Evans disqualification will never be settled to everyone's satisfaction. More's the pity. And a precedent has been set in that it seems that a lone flagman has the authority to pull a vehicle out of a race and call it disqualified, as happened to Jeffers. But these actions do serve as warnings to al-I racers that those flagmen at the highway crossings had better be obeyed. The best bet is simply to make every crossing a mandatory stop, with the race car moving only upon a signal from a flagman. It's frustrating, but if necessary to ensure the continuation of the · sport, then that's how it should be. THEMINT400 THE KITTITAS 250 THE MARLBORO SAFARI RALLY RALLY WEEK NORTHWEST , C.C.A.R. TULARE BUG OFF SHORT COURSE RACING AT CORONA FORD A ACTION AT HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA ... plus all the regular features Dusty Times

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1985 . HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-1900 June 8 2nd Annual Cinder Lake 150 Flagstaff, AZ August 31 8th Annual Giant Off Road Centers Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 19 9th Annual Penasco 150 Rocky Point, Mexico December 7, 1985 9th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare 'n Hound Sonoita, Mexico January 11, 1986 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ .AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 June 1 12 Hour Mojave Desert Challenge California City, CA August 31-September 1 24 Hour World Championship Desert Endurance Race California City, CA October 26 California 500 Palm Springs, CA AMERICAN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION John 'Ohanesian P.O. Box 31811 Phoenix, AZ 85046 (602) 867-4769 Page 10 May 25 Coors Off Road Classic Tucson International Raceway Tucson, Arizona BAJA IN WISCONSIN OFF ROAD SERIES Kevin Dawson Rt. 3, Box 895 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (414) 248-8566 June 29 Lake Geneva Raceway July 13 Lake Geneva Raceway August 10 Lake Geneva Raceway August 24 Lake Geneva Raceway BANZAI OFF ROAD CENTER Bryan Christensen 2729 No. 62nd Omaha, NE 68104 (all et•ents at Rit-erfront Motorsporcs Park) May 12 Flatlanders Off Rodeo May 19 Sportsman - Odysseys - 3 Wheelers . June 16 Flatland 4 Wheelers June Bust Out July 21 Sportsman - Odysseys - 3 Wheelers August 18 Sportsman - Odysseys - 3 Wheelers September 8 . Sportsman - Odysseys - 3 Wheelers October 6 Flatlanders Day Sportsman Season Finale-BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator - Gil Parker 7406 S. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 I I / / ->> TARGET << -~ / AHEAD , I \ ' May 25-26 BFG Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 8-9 Old Style Off Road Challenge Fountain City, WI June 22-23 Bay Area Classic Green Bay, WI . July 6-7 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 12 Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL July 20-21 U .P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 27 Macon County Fair Decatur, IL August 4 Parragon Raceway Parragon, IN August 17 Red Bud Trail Buchanan, MI August 24 Motorsports Challenge Casey, IL August 31-September 1 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 21-22 / Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI C.C.A.R. Central California Associated Racers P.O. Box 7921 Fresno, CA 93747 (209) 255-5995 or 255-3594 May 11 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA May 25 1st Annual Super Stock Pickup Enduro 250 laps on a Tri Oval Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA May 1985 June 8 Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA July 13 Summer Nationals Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA August 10 , All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA September 22 BFGoodrich Western Off Road. Nationals Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA COBRA RACING P.O. Box 19407 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 ( 405) 232-4231 -{405) 685-3450 (All off road races will be held at the 59th & Douglas track, Oklahoma City.) FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Av.e., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 85Ui245 FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August JO Superstition 250 II Night Race El Centro, CA 4 x 4's UNLIMITED Kevin Dawson Route 3, Box 895 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 (414) 248-8566 or (414) 248-8774 May 25-26 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta; GA 30310. ( 404) 927-6432 \. May26 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA June 9 100 Mile Race Montgomery, AL June,23 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA July 28 . 100 Mile Race Atlanta, GA August.25 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA September 8 100 Mile Race Montgomery, AL , Se8tember 22 5 Mile Race Atlanta, GA October 27 100 Mile Race Atlanta, GA GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 80537 (303) 669-0640 or (303 J 663-2922 May 12 Bandimere Denver, CO June 2 WKR St. Francis, KS June 30 RMORRA Colorado Springs, CO July 14 DORR Denver, CO .August 4 WKR St. Francis, KS August 18 DORR Denver, CO September 8 CORRA Berthoud, CO ~eptember 22 RMORRA Colorado Springs, CO October 5 Bandimere Championship Race Denver, CO HORA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 5.7 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 6-8 Frontier 500 Las Vegas to Reno, NV December 6-8 Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV HODAG50 Information (715) 362-6550 August 3-4 · Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI IOK FOUR WHEELERS .P-.0. Box J6 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All et•ents stµied at the club irounds in Clet•es, Ohio) May 25-26 National Open Sand Drags and Obstacle June 30 Kiss Point Series Drags July 14 Kiss Point Series Drags August 23-26 Gravelrama XV October 6 Kiss Point Series Drags Dusty Times

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MAJOR-AUTOMOTIVE ATTRACTION P.O. Box 3741 Orange, CA 92665 (714) 997-2247 May 19 Corona Raceway Corona, CA June 23 Corona Raceway Corona, CA August 4 C.orona Raceway Corona, CA t September 29 Corona Raceway Corona, CA MINT 400 P.O. Box 2160 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702 J 385-7440 May 2-5 . Mint 400 Desert Race Las Vegas, NV MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX. Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 . June 22 Orange Show Fairgrounds San Bernardino, CA July 20 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 14 Orange Show Fairgrounds San Bernardino, CA AVAILABLE AT BETTER BOOK STORES OR DIRECTLY FROM: MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusia·sts P.O. Box 181021 · Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 577-1102 May 10-11 Cowtown Speedway Fort W orth, TX June 7-8 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX July 5-6 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX August 2-3 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX September 6-7 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX October 4-5 Cowtown Speedway fo_i-t Worth, TX PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurs_t, Washington 98062 (206) 24.2-1773 (503) 6?0-Q313 May 25-27 • Pro Can Am Bonus Points Race VORRA 250 Day/ Night Race W eeks, NV June 21-23 Little Rock 300 Olympia, WA August 16-18 Location to be announced September 27-29 Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Cl 1,16 of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6625 June 8-9 Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally Wellsboro, PA July 4-7 Olympus International Pro Rally Tumwater, WA August 16-September 20 Ralle Michigan Pro Rally Batde Creek, MI September 21-22 Budweiser Forest Pro Rally Chillicothe, OH October 25-2 7 Budweiser Press On Regardless.Pro Rally Houg}:ito~_. MI" , , ,' -~ l: November 16-1 7 Oregon Trail Pro Rally Beaverton, OR December 6-8 Carson City International Pro Rally ·. Cars~n City, NV SCORE Score International 31356 Via: Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362; (818) 889-9216 June 7-9 Baja Internacional Ensenada, B.C., Mexico August 16-18 Off Road World Championship Riverside International Raceway Riverside, CA November 8-9 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico READ ABOUT A PIONEER IN OFF-ROAD RACING il r ~"-_--~---. i) ~ ~ ~ ,¾] ~~~;i,j_! il II ~ fl by Tom Madigan forward by Parnelli Jones The true-life adventures of a fascinating man who influ-enced practically all forms of automotive racing, including off-road, circle track, and Pan American road racing. Follow this "guy next door" from his early days run-ning cut-down hot rods and racing midgets, through his work at Indianapolis Speedway and his develop-ment of milestone vehicles like Big Oly and today's special projects with Ford Motor Company. Find out why all the notables from the Unsers and Parnelli Jones to Rod Hall and countless others rely on him for winning results. Read BOSS: THE BILL STROPPE STORY. 224 pages of action, nostalgia, laughs, pain, and heroism, with 177 photos (including color!), all in a hand-some 7 x 10 perfect bound volume. Enter-taining and informative, for the unbelievably dar!lltlications 850 N. Hollywood Way · Burbank, California 91505 low price of: $13.95 ADD $2.00 FOR POSTAGE AND HANDLING. CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 9Jc SALES TAX.' VISA (818) 848-0944 MC Page 12 May 1985 SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada ( 5 14) 692-6 1 71 June 1 Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, Quebec, Canada SCORE SHOW .M/ TAX P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 May 10-12 8th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING · "'. t ASSOCIATION . P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 Jµne 8 Delamar 400 Calien~e, NV August 17 Nevada 3Q0 Pioche, NV November 16 Silver Dust 400 Henderson, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 June 22 Points Race Las Vegas, NV July 27-28 Holiday Casino & KC Hilites Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 20-22 Holiday Casino & KC Hilites Snore 250 Jean, NV November 23 Points Race Las V~gas, NV SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 460 No. Beaumont Ave. Brookfield, WI 53005 (715) 272-1489 . May 25-26 Memorial '85 Dresser, WI June 8-9-O ld Style Off Road Challenge Fountain City, WI June 22-23 Bay Area Classic DePere, WI July6-7 Sugar Camp Off Road Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 20-21 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 3-4 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 3 1-Septemb~r 1 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 21-22 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI ----------- - ------------ -TRIPLE CROWN POINTS SERIES Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2430 June 15-16 Crandon, WI August _31-September 1 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association f833 Los Robles Blvd . Sacramento, CA 95838 (916>_925-1702 May 25-2i VORRA 250 Day/ Night Desert Race Weeks, NV June 22-23 Virginia City 200 Virginia, City, NV July 20 The Ingold Short Course Classic Baylands Raceway Park Fremont, CA September 1-2 Dayton/VORRA 300 Dayton, NV September 28-29 VORRA Bonus Points Race Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR October 13 Championship Off Road Race Prairie City OHV Oark Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 8596 Harvie Road, RR #10 Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 May 19 Wheel to Wheel & Drag Races Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. June 16 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. July 21 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. August 18 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. September 15 ·Mt. Cheam Raceways .Rosedale, B.C. October 13 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. -----------------------ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS Lise your coming et•encs in DUSTY TIMES free!. Smcl your 1985 sche.clule as soon as po.1sible for listing in chis column. Mail your race or rallysche.clule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry At•e., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9 13oi. Dusty Times

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ER THE DAVE SHOPPE CROSSES THE ROAD . TO VICTORY IN CLASS 8 COMPETITION. In California's Lucerne Valley, at the "Cross-roads of the High Desert," the course of the Great Mojave 250 runs through the same rugged country where pioneers once battled the Paiute Indians. On March 31, the valley was a battlefield of different sorts: . Where men, their trucks and their tires fought for victory in the inaugural running of this SCORE/ racing event. At times, the dust was so thick that the sharp-faceted rock and back-jarring ruts virtually ambushed the drivers. But Dave Shoppe, in his Ford F-150, survived the hidden dangers and emerged victorious in the Class 8 battle. -.., ✓-4x, . Dave raced to an average speed of over 50 mph on Goodyear Wrangler Radials, the very same tires you can buy. To Dave, we offer our sincere congratulations. And thanks for proving once again how Goodyear Wrangler Radials are engineered to take on the toughest terrain . So whether you drive on or off the road, give your truck a set of Goodyear Wrangler Radials. And give it the bravado to stand its ground. WRANGLER RADIAL. WE RACE THE TIRES YOU BUY. GOODjf'iEAR

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THE SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 150 Larry Noel Scores a Wire to-Wir.e By Jean Calt•in The Great Mojave 250 is a desert race that grew out of neces.sity. Late last May· the powers that be in Baja California made it virtually impossible for.~ Score International to stage the Baja Internacional as scheduled in early June. Sal Fish and his folks mo~ed the event to Johnson Valley, near Victorville, California, almost overnight. The Baja in Barstow was a success, and many liked the near home locale, especially the ex-bikers i.n the entry who know the area well. This year Score·took the usual San Felipe 250 date and turned it into the Great Mojave 250 late in March. In numbers as well as other factors the move was a real success. Well above the Baja entry in recent years, a total of 188 cars showed up to tackle the two long laps of the race, that had Overall Victory Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises its headquaners in the town of Lucerne Valley. With 41 motorcycles, 30 3 wheelers and 14 Odysseys, who only did one ' lap, the total starting entry rose to a grand 273 vehicles, a number bound to gladden the heart of any promoter. . Part of the swell of entry numbers is due to the unqualified success of the combo of Score and High Desert events into one points series for 1985. While the points money· may not be huge this first year, the concept of a single desert class champion has caught the fancy of the serious and some not so serious racers. It has also mo~e than caught the fancy of contingency donors, and-in Lucerne Valley on Friday afternoon there was no room in the parking lot contingency row for the late comers, particularly those like Firestone who showed up with a tractor trailer after the tiny area in the local park had been filled to capacity. ', · The people in Lucerne Valley were more than enthusiastic about hosting the race; even though it stopped traffic on the main road for two days. For once there were plenty of refreshment stands around the registration, tech and contingem:y areas, and the finish line. Both spots had ample outhouses too for those who indulged too freely in the libations available. The race course was a lopsided figure eight, fast rough for the most part, and pure desert with heavy dust all the way. It even wound through a silt bed or two and bounced over some tranny eating ditches to get the troops tuned up for the upcoming Mint 400. The cars ran a pair of 108 mile loops, while the bikes covered a shorter distance and had a different finish line. All classes started in the wash in town, the cars leaving one every 15 seconds in a constant dust cloud, and the cars finished in. another location near town. The other classes finished at the central checkpoint well ~ut of town, to alleviate a clash in traffic between the various types of race vehicles. An eight hour time allowance was set for all 28 classes in the race. Two hours after the last Odyssey. departed, about 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday, Class 1 was first away. The cars staged alongside Highway 18, the main street in Lucerne Valley. A hefty but well mannered crowd was on hand to watch the racers take the · flag, zoom down into the dry drainage ditch and charge off into the desert. There were 13 starters in Class 1, and it was an impressive field. Some con-tenders· failed on the first leg, including Mickey Thompson, whose Porsche powered Raceco started with leaking rear brakes. Midway on the loop Larry Noel, who started second and was now running dust free, recorded a fast time, about four minutes ahead of Jack Johnson, who was out of it soon after that with a transmission failure. Noel had a clear lead after one loop with no dust, and it was several minutes before the Fuoco of Al Arciero an'd Rick Munyon came along, with Albert flying high and hard over the ditch at the road crossing we used for observation. Ron Gardner, with Ivan Stewart in his dust was next; Stewart went to his pit and Gardner went on, but Ron rolled later in the lap, which cost a good ten minutes and put him fourth at the checkered flag. Mark McMillin, in the two seater was next, running alone in Class 1, followed by a flock of Class 2s, led easily by Malcolm Smith. Stewart had trans failure in the Toyota pickup later in the lap; the trans was changed and he sank to eighth in dass at the finish. Tom Koch, who was a first lap leader too, had total disaster on the second, finishing sixth without a left front wheel, hub and axle. Down with broken axles, CVs, the works, Larry -Ragland lost about 3½ hours on the first lap, but he patched the Porsche powered Chaparral together to finish ninth, hitting the finish line sideways at that. Laughlin winners Frank Snook and Eric Arras got in one lap and lost the trans. Up front Larry Noel now had it all his own way, turning fast lap of the day, 1:46.26 to finish all alone, first overall and in Class 1 by 15 minutes. He arrived just after noon, had no trouble with the Chaparral, and was celebrat-ing his first annive~sary of serious desert racing. Al Arciero and Rick Munyon each·had a flat, but they were solid in. second, overall and in class. Mark Mc-Millin brought the Chenowth home third in Class 1, fifth overall, a half hour ahead of fifth · placing Bob Renz and Dick Clark in their Chenowth. Class 2 was strong at 22 starters and half of them finished. Among those who scarcely got started were Jim Sumners, trans, and Len New-man. Eventual winner Malcolm Smith, in his keen ORE powered by a Renault V-6, nailed the only first lap in Class 2 under two It was a good day in the desert for Al Arciero and Rick Munyon, and they survived flat tires to finish second overall in the Funco. Jim and Mark Temple whipped over the rugged course in their Raceco, moving up on the second loop to score a fine second in Class 2 and sixth overall. Jerry Penhall went all the way in his Chenowth at Lucerne, came back on the second loop IQ take third in Class 2 and just hang on to the overall points lead. · Page 14 May 1985 Dusty Times

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Mark Broneu backed his teammate Bolin with a fine second in Class 10. slowed by a flat tire on the first round, but roared back in the second loop. Marty Reider lost the exhaust on his Raceco right out of the chute, but he plugged along for the points and finished a good third in Class 10. Jimmy and Don Gill drove their good looking Raceco hard and fast at Lucerne to take a well earned and close fourth in the Class 10 ranks. It was clear sailing all the way for Larry Noel in his Chaparral. Noel won overall and in Class 1 by a whopping 15 minutes, taking his first ever overall victory 1n the desert home to Phoenix, Arizona. It has been a while since a water pumper won in Class 2, and Malcolm Smith led all the way in the fancy ORE powered by a Renault engine to claim the victory by about seven minutes. hours, a 1 :59.30. Jake Fogg/ Gregg Symonds were next on time, about four minutes back in the Raceco, and several more were in the next minute or t~o. It was a very tight race for the big two seaters, and seven were missing in action. On round two Malcolm Smith extended his lead, holding about six minutes over Jim and Mark T emple and Fogg/Symonds early in the lap. Frank Arciero in the Class 2 Toyota pickup fell victim to trans failure also, but he struggled along after the change to a late finish. Mike Goodwin, Raceco, got stuck in the silt on the first lap, but ran a quick 1 :50 on the second to finish tenth. Up front Smith was all alone, doing fast lap for the class, a 1 :53.01 to finish first in Class 2, fourth overall. Malcolm was happy, although he did say they detuned the engine too much after the Parker 400. their pair oflaps, good for fourth place, just six seconds ahead of the Lewis and Simpson Mazda powered Raceco. Fogg and Symonds, with a second lap flat, ended up sixth . Class 10 was as loaded with talent as Class 2, and it was a real horse race in the early legs among the 23 starters. The pace was so hot that chargers like Ken and Torsten Corum an.d Dwight Lundell did not get half way around the first lap. Terry Jeffers/ J.D. Ward had a problem · at a road crossing in the dust, and they were disqualified on the spot. So, after one tough lap, seven Class 10s were missing. It was tight among the leaders, most of them in Racecos. Larry Bolin smoked the field with a 1:58.15, and Jim Stiles recorded a 1 :59.30 first lap. Apparently the scorers did not record down to the second after the first lap. John Hagle was another three minutes back, and Marty Reider was close with a 2:04.15, and Marty had already lost his exhaust system. In the next two minutes half a dozen 10s raced past, led by Mark Broneau with a 2:05.30, and it was a race going into the second loop. About 20 miles into the round Jim Stiles led on the road and Bolin was about three minutes in his wake, but the leader on ti~e with a late starting number. Reider was third on the road, sounding sick, followed by Hagle, Steve Casagrande, Jimmy Gill, and Broneau, all very close in the heavy traffic and dust. Stiles soon succumbed to the desert, as did the quick Rabbit powered Greg Aronson/Craig Watkins car, but the other 14 all made it to the finish line. Turning fast lap for the class, 1 :53.20, Larry Bolin had no problems, stopped only for gas, and won Class 10 by over ten minutes. He said it took a trouble free race to win, and Larry scored third overall as well. Mark Broneau, who had a first lap flat, whipped off a 1:57 to put his Raceco hom'e second in class, ninth overall. Marty Reider nursed his Raceco around with identical laps in the 2:04s for third. Jimmy and Don Gill had a clean race for fourth, about four more minutes out. Roger Mortenson and Russ Welch arrived fifth, by only half a minute ove-r Jeffrey Stiles, and only a minute or so separated the finishers all the way through eleventh place. Class 8 was fourth to start, first of the water pumpers, and Jim and M~rk Temple went fast on the second go to climb up to second in class, sixth overall in their Raceco. Overall series points leader going into the race, Jerry Penhall had a bad flat on the first go, but laid down a 1:54.14 on the second to move up to third in class. Corky and Scott McMillin had identical 2:04s for Larry Bolin had no problems with his Raceco and charged to victory in the hard fought Class 10 battle, doing fast lap for the class·and third overall along the way. Dusty Times May 1985 this could have been a good battle between W alker Evans, Dave Shoppe and Steve Kelley. The battle never really formed as Walker Evans, with Parnelli Jones, Jr. riding along, sailed the Dodge over the tundra in grand style scoring a remarkable 2:02.45 on the first lap. Nearest to him then was Jerry McDonald, Chevy, at 2:08.00, but McDon-ald failed to finish. Steve Kelley This is the system run by most off road race winners had the GMC just 30 seconds behind McDonald, and John Gable was next, over a minute ahead of Dave Shoppe, but Gable did not finish the second lap cither. -Evans had no visible problems, picked up mo re time with a 2:04.18 second lap, and finished first by over nine minutes. However, Evans had failed to stop, at a road II TRl•MIL BOBCAT· CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AV~NUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 15

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Willie ValdeGz anbdbJojfr;flf fr!~ take Class 1s on ra er

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two classes. At the Great Mojave 250 they numbered 29 on the line, and a remarkable 21 of them finished, most of them in close formation. The dust was thick as this big class followed the Bugs off the line. Richard Binder nailed fast lap for the class, a 2:11.00 on the first round, but Dave Mansker was close, only 15 seconds back. The nearest car to this pair was eventual winner Rob To 11 es on, at 2 :-1 5 . 4 5 . Dave Shoppe and Jeff Yocum got the Ford in high gear on the second loop and It was a good race for Arizona drivers, and Greg Diehl had no trouble with his became a rather surprised official winner in the Class 8 heavy metal war. sleek Baja Bug, and he zoomed into the Class 5 vicf.ory by a big margin. , · Behind him a whole flock were in the next minute or so in heavy traffic. Five failed to cover a lap, two apparently disqualified on the spot for course rules infractions. II. c:rossing on the have their finishing points. Jeff . Class 5 finisher. · combined in Score this year due outbound leg from the start;-and and Al Jordan had trouble all day The largest class of all at the to a vote only by those ,vho were a race committee meeting found and were the seventh and final race was the combined 1-2-1600, e~tered in the Parker 400 in the him disqualified. The action put Binder and Mansker were still locked in combat early on the second lap, but Mansker's co-driver, Clark Dave Shoppe in the winner's circle in his Ford, and Dave got moving with a 2:04.01 second lap to win over Steve Kelley by · about four minutes. Some distance back, but doing well in the older Ford, Greg and Ron Kishiyama were next followed by Mike Nesmith and Randy Salmont, who had an hour's wortK of trouble with the GMC on thefirst leg. Over two hours behind the winner, Skip Kawell rounded out the five who finished out of the ten that started. Class 5 sure is on the come-back trail with lots of new and very competitive cars among the 14 starters at Lucerne Valley. Of interest is that the last year's champions, Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen, were back wheel-ing their own, not state of the art car that has been in retirement . for many moons. Driving their former mount, the Larry's VW car were Dave Parsons and Stan Parnell. The fast pace took out six Bugs before one lap was done, including th~ brand new beauty of Max Razo. Up front it was another run in each other's dust contest, like at Laughlin, only the players-were different. Dave Parsons had the first lap lead but only by a slim half minute over Greg Diehl in the Arizona Dirtrix car. Half a minute further back was the Jimco built dandy of Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, with Gene Norman/Mark Johns2'n another three minutes back. Early on the second round Diehl, who started second, was still first o n the road, but Klawitter, who started third, was now second on the road and less than a minute back. Unfortu-nately, Woitram moved out to pass a pair of buggies and hit a hole so hard that he knocked himself out. He had to be revived by bystanders, and the 30 minute time loss dropped the team to sixth at the flag. Up front Diehl's Bug never missed a beat and he did a class record 2:03.37 oh his final round to win Class 5 by over 15 minutes and place 16th overall. Norman/Johnson followed their 2: 16 with a 2: 15 to nab second in class, only 2½ min~tes ahead of the Dave Parsons/Stan Parnell combo. Jim Cocores· and Doug White never did get their radical Bug up to speed, but arrived in fourth, followed by Vinje/ Hansen who were happy just to Dusty Times ... AND TAKE . .. lM OUT! Aeroquip. With Aeroquip hoses and fittings you get the best of both worlds. As a high performance plumbing system , none can beat the long-standing reputation of Aeroquip's superior quality, durability and ext~nsive variety. In fact, for more than 30 years Aeroquip has been the leader in aircraft-type fluid transport systems. And, Aeroquip hoses and fittings do more than enhance performance. The high-lustre anodized finish of the more than 250 different fittings and the brilliant braided stainless steel hoses, in numerous sizes, are a perfect show-quality addition to any vehicle. 940 South Vail Avenue Montebello, CA 90640 (213) 724-3705 .NELSON May 1985 Whether you plan to add the Aeroquip touch to your race car or your street machine, there is only one place that can fill your plumbing needs quickly and efficiently. That's Nelson-Dunn. We have two west coast warehouses and both are stocked to provide immediate delivery on over 400 Aeroquip part numbers. Additionally, years of extensive involvement in all types of motorsports also allows Nelson-Dunn to provide e·xpert technical assistance to your specific needs. For "Show" or "Go", make the Aeroquip connection with Nelson-Dunn. INC 7818 Wilkerson Court San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 268-4140 Page 17

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When the scores were toted up in Class 8, Steve Kelley and Jon Nelson came in a very close second, less than four minutes back in the big GMC. Racing hard all day Gene Norman and Mark Johnson were rewarded with a keen second place in Class 5, about 15 minutes The new team of Dave Parsons and Stan Parnell brought the Larry's VW Bug home in good shape and in third place in the tough competition in Class 5. out of the victory. Richard Binder and Mary Beth West had fast lap in 1-2-1600 class, but this round the two seater had to settle for second in the tight competition. Art Peterson and Bob Scott squeaked out a good third in Class 1-2-1600. and their ORC was just 27 seconds ahead of the next class finisher. Doug Fortin took his son for a ride in the 1-2-1600 two seat Chenowth, and the team scored well, a close fourth in the close running class. .. West had an engine problem that was not a quick fix. Although Binder was now first on the road, Tolleson was close. Then Binder got lost on course, · and Tolleson jumped into the lead with a really fast, 2:06.05 _ · time to win the big class in a total time of 4:21.50 in his single seater. Binder, with Clark West's daughter Mary Beth riding in his two seater, was less than three minutes back at the flag. Doing a pair of good times, Art Peterson and Bob Scott climbed into third, about ten minutes back in their ORC, followed in just 11/ 2 minutes by Doug Fortin, who took his son along for his first ride in an off road race in the older two seat Chenowth. Rodney Goodsell was just another three minutes back for fifth, and times were· tight all the way down the incredible finishing list. Class 7 continues to draw just three starters, this round Manny and Tudy Esquerra, Ford Ranger, Mario Alesi, Nissan, and Sherman Balch in a brand new Nissan. Balch only w·ent a few miles before the trans broke, and Alesi had about three hours of down time on the first lap with drive train breakage. Mario did not start the second round, since he was already second and Esquerra had already finished and won. Class 9 is getting stronger this year ,with nine on the line and six · finishers. Mike McCrory set the pace for the first lap with a 2:23.30, but Jim Dizney was only TRICK ENDS™ Straight from our very own engineering and manufacturing our '"hot'" new "trick ends" are the greatest new end castings on the market. Designed to increase hp. and add punch to your engine, these quality castings produce 115 cfm of air which is almost twice as much as normal end castings. The uniquely designed dual ported capability allows for almost perfect cfm flow for each runner. Station 1 's "trick ends" have been thoroughly Dyno- tested on large off-road motors with both Weber and Zenith cabureted engines, producing 12hp over other leading ends. While 115 cfm flow is standard, by modifying the port opening to larger sized holes to match interior size dimensions, performance may be increased to 130 cfml With only a 4% variation in air flow between port runners, our near perfect "trick ends" will deliver consistent, quality performance. STATION I 3101 W. Thomas Road Phoenix, Az. 85017 /602) 272-9333 STATION I 3243 E. Indian School Phoenix Az 85013 New Location! For more information and product availability contact Station 1. Patent Pending Retail Price -$149.95 . Page 18 May 1985 Rob Tolleson put his Mirage in the 1-2-1600 lead near the fini$h and won the biggest purse in the biggest class at Lucerne Valley by a slim three minutes. This round in Class 7 Manny and Tudy Esquerra had no serious problems with the Ford Ranger, and were the only finisher and the winner in the 3 truck race. It was an extremely tight battle in Class 9, but at the flag Jim Dizney got the flag first in his Chenowth to grab the lead in the Class 9 points standings also. . Dusty Times

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Kermit Rima and Dave Bute came so close in Class 9, finished second by just 1 '., minutes in the keen looking and rare Chenowth Wedge. Dave Wood put on a great second loop charge in his Hi Jumper _ to finish a very close third, merely 211, minutes behind first place in Class 9. Jeff Botha and Rick Lyneis haul through the rock pile at Lucerne Valley en route to a neat second place in the 5-1600 class that held 14 starters. half a minute back, and the team of Kermit Rima and Dave Bufe were a couple more minutes loop. They finished about 14 minutes behind the Arras Bug. Suddenly they became the class behind as the 1200s put on a winners, a nice way to start out in good show. McCrory dropped racing. A full 20 minutes back, out on the second go, but Dizney was not home free. Along with the Rima Chenowth, Dave Wood moved in to challenge, both doing faster second laps than the leader. Still, at the flag Jim Dizney wo.n Class 9 in a solo drive in his Chenowth, exactly 1 ½minutes ahead of Rima/ Bufe, who were only a minute and 12 seconds ahead of Dave Wood in a real photo fiii.ish. Larry Webster and Bob Mahoney had their Funco home close too, less than three minutes further down, followed in ten minutes by Jim Sherman/ Bob Prather, Funco. Sixth, and the last 1200 finisher was Don Saunders. Next to leave were the 4 x 4 truc~s in Class 4, with seven starters and two missing early in the game. This was a Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker benefit, as Hall had 40 minutes in hand half way around on the first loop. Hall never looked back, the Dodge winning by over an hour. John Randall was expected to be a challenge, but he got stuck in the silt and had myriad other problems. Randall still came in second, with, for the first time in a long time, not a mark on the flanks of the Jeep Honcho. Vern Roberts and Bill Donahoe were close, only four minutes back in their Jeep. Tom Strong was fourth, the last finisher in his Chevrolet pickup. Class 5-1600 held its own on numbers at Lucerne with 14 starters, and all but three got through one loop. The Nevada like terrain is tough on the low horsepower classes. Still, the Bugs had some fight for the victory. After one round Kent Lothringer/Jim Gacki, in their first race, led usual winner Henry Arras by 15 seconds, and nobody else was close. Since Arras' son Eric had lost the trans in Frank Snook's Class 1, Snook took over from Henry to do the second loop. A bit slower, as most of the class was the second time around, Snook brought the car home first and Arras was the apparent winner, and it would have been three for three this season. Apparently, in the heavy dust, Snook got lost, and he was not the on! y driver who lost the course. Anyhow, the story goes that Snook missed a couple of checkpoints, so the Arras Bug was credited with just one lap. Meanwhile Lothringer and Gacki were cooking right along, having a few woes on the second Dusty Times • Jeff Bolha/Rick Lyneis survived the course to take a strong second, followed in 15 minutes by Greg Tuttle and David Jackson who were only a minute May 1985 ahead of Charlie Skaggs and David Holst. Mike Lesle, with a pair of 3:30 laps, struggled home in fifth, and seven finished in the eight hour time allowance. Next came the Class 7S trucks, getting to be the class to be in with a mini truck. There were 17 on the line, half capable of winning the class • Page 19

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Jumping one of the many wtioopies on course, Greg Tuttle and David Jackson kept their 5-1600 together anyhow and finished in third place: Jeff Huber showed off his new desert 7S Ford Ranger very well, and survived some troubles to finish very strong, second in the 17 truck class. They came from Illinois to race the desert. and Chuck Johnson and Mike Poppie had no real trouble and arrived a keen third in the Ranger in Class 7S. Gene Hightower ( neither CJ covered a lap) and eventual winner Ken Nance/Dennis Ahlemeir in the Ford Bronco. Don Adams started the Jeep Cherokee amid the 7 4 x 4s, and Don Coffland got his CJ 8 battery working well enough to leave with the Challenger class. Back among the Class 1 ls, Mike Randall got his CJ going also. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker never looked back in Class 4. their big Dodge taking an easy victory. winning by over an hour in the seven rig 4 x 4 group. Taking the 5-1600 victory in their first big race, Kent Lothringer and Jim Gacki led the first round. and took the win in a close and exciting contest. Ken Nance had a lead of six minutes over Coffland on the first lap. Randall was ailing and soon retired, and Don Adams was fixing drive lines, radiators, and power steering. Midway in the second round Don Coffland forged ahead, but he was losing drive shafts, and the rear end - . and nearly all Early on the second lap the minutes back, and only ten reported bagging tlat tires during Douglas Ford lost two hours and minutes ahead of the mid western the race, and it was quite a race. dropped to eighth. Willie Valdez team of Chuck Johnson and On the first round the Scott kept his Ford out of the rocks, Mike Poppie in another Ford. It Douglas/Rick Doetsch Ford did a 2:29.09 and pulled out the was twin I beam time on the Ranger had a good lead with a class victory, the first for General rough desert. 2:28.30. Mike Falkosky was Tire in a major desert race. Falkosky salvaged fourth and next,hisToyotadoinga2:40.15, Hurber, with Dan Esslinger co- · Jon Lee was fifth. Usual and all in with 2:44s were Jon driving, got organized on the contender Spence Low lost a Lee, Toyota, Jeff Huber, Ranger, second round, and was in third tranny flex plate early in the race, and Chuck Johnson, Ranger, until Pat Falkosky rolled the but he carried on after a fix for while Willie Valdez was another family Toyota. Huber came in sixth place points. Glenn Harris minute down in his Ranger. second at the flag, merely seven made his debut in the 7S Mazda tas NEVADA Vegas OFF-ROAD N ~ ~ > >-,,. ;... it's ... BUGGY Street -Stot k - Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts· See Brian or Dave See Rob or John SAHAHA X 2 N . I i\"iTLHN !-.IHll"-, Locations J' X z ;z: to <~ ~ 0 I--~ :: c., ;z: '-.PHl'.\C, MT'I Serve You ~ l: . 4. er, Better! 01> i 1s. WEST NORTH 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 . 642-2402 • 642-1664 No·w 2 LOCATIONS Page 20 .May 1985 N with a good first lap, and more went out completely near the than an hour down time on the finish line. Kenny Nance took second for a seventh place. the flag, the winner in, the The trio of Class 6 B cars, two Bronco. About seven minutes Chevies and a Hornet, started later Coffland appeared ap-out close, but Larry Schwacofer proaching the finish line, being and Sid Spradling led all the way pushed by Kirby Hightower in a to win again in the '55 Chevy. pit truck. Coffland was shoved Dale Draves and David Hutchins hard e.nough to cross the line were into the last hour on time, alone, the engine running strong, but finished both rounds for but no wheels were driving. So, second. Mick Newton had big Coffland got credit for just one trouble with the Nova early, and lap, dropping to third place. Don only covered one lap. Adams got all the repairs done to Class 3 had a problem getting finish with a good, 2:56 lap and staged, and i.nitially only three of was second in class. the six left on their appointed 15 As usual Class 7 4 x 4 was a second intervals, J;;?~ v'.'_jisJd~B~ryy!!_an~, ~d!!u::<e~t~b~e~t~\~ve~e~n~~~~~~-~ Willie Valdez, with Jose Alvarado riding along in the Ford Ranger, had his best race of the season, winning the close battle in Class 7S and taking the lead in the points standings. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling kept all the axles in the '55 Chevy this round, and they won Class 68, for the big engined cars, by over an hour on the tough desert run. Dusty Times

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TO ALL THOSE WHO DIDN'T WIN HERE IS THE TREAD YOU FOLLOWED.TD THE FINISH LINE. Up front, our incredible STONEWALL™ tires. Nobody beats the cut-proof tread and sidewalls. And in back, the top-:-rated BAJA BELTED™ tires. Extra height for more ground clearance, Sidebiters™forsidewall protection plus extra traction, and a polyester/fiberglass sandwich ply construction made for just one thing. Durability. MICKEY THOMPSON TIRES ARE WINNERS WINNER, OVERALL & CLASS 1 - '85 LUCERNE/MOJAVE 250 Larry Noel pushed his way ahead to the Overall and Class 1 win at this year's Lucerne Vall~y/Great Mojave 250 Off Road Race. At all 4 corners was the winning performance of Mickey Thompson Tires. Congratulations, Larry, for an outstanding performance. WINNER, OVERALL & CLASS 2 - '84 MINT 400 Mickey Thompson's winning ways aren't limited to SCORE and HORA races. Jim & Billy Wright took the purse for Class 2 in the 1984 MINT 400. It's a performance they'll try to repeat again this year on BAJA BEL TED™ and STONEWALL™ tires. SPECIAL CONTINGENCY FOR 1985 MINT 400 Win $1000 in product for any class win, or $500 in product for highest finisher run.ning Mickey Thompson Tires. Must run tires at all 4 corners throughout the race, display decal, and finish. See us at contingency, or call for details. For complete catalog & decal, send just $1; for the name of the dealer nearest you, contact the factory direct. Mic/fey Thompson~ PERFORMANCE TIRES

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Ken Nance and Dennis Ahlemeir brought their Ford Bronco home 1st in Clfiss 3. which produced some surprisingly close competition among the 6 starters. around the second loop quickly, only taking four more minutes to come back to town and claim the victory. Running two consistent laps, Bob Bertram brought his C h enowth ho m e 18 minutes later for a solid second. Everett/ · Barnett slowed a half hour on the final tour to take third. Danny Oliver and Roy Smith brought another C h enowth in fourth, about 20 minutes ahead of David Girdner in his Barstow built special. Sixth and almost last overall was Bob Johnson/Rob Symour at 7:56.08. Last overall honors went to the Class 10 of Michael Sherman, finishing in 7:57.51. Three started out bravely in Class 11, but the Beetle of Kevin Peltz did not cover a lap. Stuart Penner and Jan Wright got in one round in 4 ½ hours. Up front all the way was the Mexican entry of R a m o n Castro a n d V ictor Precia do, w h o finis h ed i n 7:48.23, p u shing t h e time allowance too. Giti Gow/and made it three for three in the Class 7 4 x 4 duel. and his Toyota. sans hood. was the only finisher in this slim class in desert racing. Last to leave {vas Class 12, featurin g t h e pair of Jeep Cherokees that are the only cars ever to race in this class. Despite some probleITls on course Jason M yers led both laps for the win. Tom Peltier and Dave Mandrin followed him to the flag about 54 minutes later. Unusual for a Score,race, the II: two Toyotas, driven by two time winner this year G.T. Gowland/Ron Spates and Fred Wright/John Pitne . Gowland had an 18 minute lead half way around the first lap, increased it to 33 minutes at the en d o f the lap , and Wright vanished on the second round. Gow land wo n again, quite easily, in the class. The C lass 6 A featured a pair of Saab 96s, but the entry of Steve Martocchio took o ver six hours to do the first lap. The winner and still Saab champion was Arne and Patrik Gunnarsson with a time of7:19.14. The Score Challenge C lass appeared nine strong, their best entry yet, and they had a good race going most of the distance. Laughlin winner Bob Savage led the first round, but only b y seconds over Russ Winkler/ M ark Schriner , and the R o d Everett/ T om Barnett T Mag was o nly three minutes behind here. Eight covered the lap, and six of them finished. Savage h erded his T Mag ISuMMERn.MEl ! FUN! i i SUPERSTITION I ~ 250 :;] ! II SATURDAY NIG.HT ~ .,, AUGUST 10, 1985 ! Wi INFO: ~ ~ ~ DAYS: JEFF WRIGHT i ~ (619) 561-4810 j I EVENINGS: FUD ~ I '"19)· 427-5759 . l L..!:.FUll'UCKER AACING TEAM=---.J Another two car class was 6A. and Arne and Patrik Gunnarsson won the duel of the Saab 96 cars. finishing the entire course well under the time allowance. Laughlin winner Bob Savage won the Score Challenge class again. but he had to ;;ght hard for his victory in the T-Mag at the Great Moj~ve 250, taking the lead on the s_ec_o_n_d_lo_o_.:_p_. __________________ _ Coming north to gain some Class 11 points. the Beetle of Ramon Castro and Victor Preciado was the only 2 loop finisher among the 3 that started in class. May 1985 SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 250 FINAL RESULTS POS CAR DRIVE R[S] VEHICLE TIME CLASS 1-Unlimited Single Seat [13 start - 9 finish] 1 101 LARRY NOEL _ Chaparral 3:35.11 2 109 ALBERT ARCIERO, RICK MUNYON Funco 3: 50.43 3 110 MARK MC MILLIN Chenowth 3:57.15 4 107 RON GARDNER No info 4:01 .31 5 104 BOB RENZ, DICK CLARK Chenowth 4 :31.42 CLASS 2- Unlimited Two Seat [22 start - 11 fin_ish] 1 202 MALCOLM SMITH O.R,E. 3: 53.31 2 200 JIM TEM PLE, MARK TEMPLE Raceco 4 :00.14 3 201 JERRY PENHALL, DENNIS FRYE Chenowth 4:01.06 4 298 GORKY MC MILLI N, SCOTT MC MILLIN Chenowth 4:08.41 5 206 DAVE LEWIS, DAVE SIMPSON Raceco 4:08.47 CLASS 1-2-1 600- 1600cc Restricted [29 start -21 finish] 1 1208 ROB TOLLESON Mirage 4 : 21.50 2 1207 RICHARD BINDER, MARY BETH WEST O.R.B.S 4:24.44 3 1210 ART PETERSON , BOB SCOTT O.R.C. 4 :35.11 4 1221 DOUG FORTIN , DOUG HOLLOWAY Chenowth 4: 36.43 5 1226 RODNEY GOODSELL No info 4:39.49 CLASS 3-Short Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive [6 start - 2 finish] 303 KEN NANCE, DENNIS AHLEMEIR Ford Bronco 5:57.32 CLASS 4-Long Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive [7 start - 4 finish] 1 400 RODNEY HALL, JIM FRICKER Dodge PU 4: 42.50 2 403 JOHN RANDALL, JOSH BURNER Jeep J-10 5:50.49 3 402 VERN ROBERTS.J3ILL DONAHOE JeepJ-10 5 : 54.48 CLASS 5-Unlimited Baja Bug [14 start - 7 finish ] 1 501 GREG DIEHL, BRAD PERSON Baja Bug 4:16.37 2 547 GENENORMAN,MARKJOHNSON Baja Bug . 4 :31.52 3 507 ·STAN PARNELL, DAVE PARSONS Baja Bug 4 :34.12 4 546 JIM COCORES, ARTHUR VELASCO Baja Bug 4 :43.12 CLASS 5-1600-1600cc Baja Bug [14 start - 7 finish] 1 -555 KENT LOTHRINGER, JIM GACKI Baja Bug 5:27.04 2 552 JEFF BOLHA, RICK LYNEIS Baja Bug 5 : 47.39 3 553 GREG TUTTLE, DAVID JACKSON Baja Bug 6 :02.46 CLASS 6-Small 2WD Sedan [2 start - 1 finish] 639 ARNE & PATRIK GUNNARSSON Saab 96 7: 19.14 CLASS GB-Standard 2WD Sedan [3 start - 2 finish] 640 LARRY SCHWACOFER, S. SPRADLING '55 Chevro let 6 : 06.29 CLASS 7-Mini-Mid Size Pickup [3 start - 1 finish] 700 MANN Y ESQUERRA, TUDY ESQUERRA Ford Ranger 4: 29.29 CLASS 7 4x4-Stock Mini 'Four Wheel Drive [2 start -1 finish] 769 G.T. GOWLAND, RON SPATES Toyota 6 :19.16 CLASS ?-Stock 2WD Mini Truck [17 start -10 finish] 1 720 WILLIE VALDEZ, JOSE ALVARADO Ford Ranger 5 :14.24 2 726 JEFF HUBER, DAN ESSLINGER Ford Ranger 5:21 .38 3 722 CHUCK JOHNSON, MIKE POPPIE Ford Ranger 5:31.36 4 728 MIKE FALKOSKY, PAT FALKOSKY Toyota 5 :46.21 CLASS 8-2WD Pickup [10 start - 5 fin ish] 1 800 DAVE SHOPPE, JEFF YOCOM Ford 4 : 16.16 2 803 STEVE KELLEY, JON NELSON GMC 4 :20 .01 3 808 GREG KISHIYAMA, RON KISHIYAMA Ford 5:04.12 4 859 MIKE NESMITH, RANDY SALMONT GMC 5 :52.40 CLASS 9-1200cc Single Seat [9 sta_rt - 6 finish] 1 919 JIM DIZNEY Chenowth 4 :58.12 2 900 KERMIT RIMA, DAVE BUFE Chenowth 4: 59.42 3 902 DAVE WOOD No info 5: 00.54 4 918 LARRY WEBSTER, BOB MAHONEY Funco 5: 03.30 5 901 JIM SHERMAN, BOB PRATHER Funco 5:13.04 CLASS Score Challenge [9 start-. 6 finish] 1 923 BOB SAVAGE T-Mag 5 :42 .35 2 938 BOB BERTRAM Chenowth 6 : 00.43 3 925 ROD EVERETT, TOM BJ\RNETT T-Mag 6:27.01 CLASS 10- Unlimited 1650cc [23 start -14 finish] 1 1096 LARRY BOLIN Raceco 3:51.35 2 1099 MARK BRON EAU Raceco 4 :02.44 3 1000 MARTY REIDER Raceco 4: 09.00 4 1003 JIMMY GILL, DON GILL Raceco 4: 14.45 5 1097 ROGER MORTENSON , RUSS WELCH Funco 4:20.12 CLASS 11-Stock Production VW Sedan [3 start -1 finish] 1198 RAMON CASTRO, VICTOR PRECIADO vw 7: 48 .23 CLASS 12-Four Wheel Drive Sport Wagon [2 start - 2 finish] 1 351 . JASON MYERS, DON ADAMS Cherokee 6 :01.37 2 350 TOM PELTIER , DAVE MENDRIN Cherokee 6 :55.15 Total Starters -188 -Total Finishers -110 = 58.5% Race Distance - 216 Miles Time Allowance - 8 Hours. Fast Lap of the Day - Larry Noel - Class 1 Chaparral - 1.46.26 finish line shut down in daylight, at 5:22 in the afternoon. By nine in the evening the computer scoring was long done, and the awards presentation took place in_ a church, the only place in Lucerne Valley large enough to hold the herd. With the success of the race, it looks as if the Great Mojave 250 will be a fixture, on the Score International calendar in the future. Both Jeep Cherokees in Class 12 finised the course at Lucerne, but the Jason Myers/Don Adams entry finished 1st, about44 minutes to the good fpr the win. Dusty Times

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THE GMC JIMMY An Upscale Version of the Popular Downsize Bobtail The smaller, four wheel drive carryalls, originally from U.S. manufacturers have created a whole new class of all purpose family cars, popular across a wide spectrum of the market. Some frankly cater to upper suburbia and others try to be all things to all people. One of the pioneers in this market 1s the GMC Jimmy; nee Blazer, and there are some new options on the rig in 1985, including a new engine. The Jimmy on test was fitted with the in line four banger, with new electronic fuel injection. The 2.5 liter engine looks almost buried under the load of plumbing devices, but it has a stout heart underneath it all. Mated to the five speed manual transmission and a California emissions package, the engine lacks snappy acceleration and hill climbing verve. Once up to speed on the highway, it performs just fine, but even a 4.11 rear end ratio does not help climbing steep grades in the rolling hill country; it takes fourth and often third to maintain speed on hilly interstates. This rig was fitted with every option imaginable, except a light in the ashtray. Reeking ofluxury, the wall to wall carpeting was nicely protected in the outback with well fitting rubber floor mats, front and rear. The tweedy upholstered front bucket seats were quite comfortable on the long haul, and it was a long haul across the desert to the Laughlin race. The matching rear seat turned out to be surprisingly comfortable as well, and along with wall fitted ashtrays on both sides, there is a zippered ditty bag under the arm rest on each side of the rear seat, very handy for on board necessities. All the amenities were on hand, full air conditioning and heating options, all sorts of cont.rols;, including cruise. control, on a steering wheel stalk, complete stereo system, power windows and everything else, automatic door locks, the works. One bit that we didn't care for is one way tinted glass on the rear Dusty Times windows, which does keep things cooler in hot weather, but it also gives a distorted view through the mirrors. Even the inside mounted rear spare tire was not only a full size spare to match the hefty 205-75-R15 Firestone Mud 8 Snow radials, but it had its own vinyl cover. On the serious side the Jimmy had trans, differential and tank shields, and the fuel tank held 20 gallons affording a grand ra·nge in any conditions. Halogen headlights are keen, and these were well aimed, and the 66 amp alternator has power to spare to run accessory gear. The dash was loaded with optional instru-ments including a tachometer that is more than handy with the Text & Photos: Jean Cal1•in five speed manual trans, which was complete with a locking rear differential. A new gadget on the dash is a light between the speedo and tach; it glows red with a warning that says "shift", only on the upshift, however. Often it seemed the light came on far too early to shift into a higher gear, but resorting to the owner's manual, we discovered the light is hooked to a computer that is programmed for a driving style to produce maximum fuel economy. On the road the Jimmy rolls right along, its occupants enjoying solid comfort over any terrain. It delivered far greater fuel economy than expected, compared to similar GM bobtails The new fuel injected 2.5 liter engine lies under the plumbing, and it works as well as the V-6 when mated to the five speed manual transmission. The dash instrumentation was complete on the fully optioned rig, and the short 4 WO shifter is as smooth working as those of overseas built rigs. May 1985 tested in the past. The combo of the 2.5 liter fuel injected four cylinder and the five speed trans seemed to negate the usual fuel penalty of four wheel drive. This unit produced a keen 23 mpg average in all types of pavement driving, and, on the interstate the figure increased to 26-27 mpg, far better than its V-6 brothers of previous years. Off road , using only the lower gears, economy sank to just under 20 mpg. But, with a big, 20 gallon gas tank there is excellent driving range off road as well as on the highway. We covered 379 miles on one tank full before stopping for a refill. GM has made some remark-able strides in quality control on their light duty trucks recently. The little Jimmy turned out to be relatively air tight when we toured the pits at the dusty off road race at Laughlin, NV. With the power windows snugged tightly closed and the ventilation system on half speed, the inside atmosphere was very pleasant, and no dust crept in to dirty the fancy interior. While it doesn't look too sturdy, the pop up rear window and tail gate arrange-ment does not leak, apparently, and that is a far cry from the early models that got as dirty inside as they did on the outside · when plowing through silt beds. Other evidence of attention to details by the manufacturers are the well aligned trim pieces on the dash, the solid fit on the front doors, and a well aligned engine hood. Even the shift into four wheel drive has been improved, now requiring only one hand, instead of two hands and feet firmly planted on the fire wall. The S-15 Jimmy is a 4x4 bobtail that easily meets the criteria for a town car, with any luxury option one cares to purchase available, and good all around performance in any weather or terrain. With all its fancy options, the Jimmy on test sported a plain Jane exterior, a dark brown color without a hint of a stripe or even much bright metal. The fancy wheels are the only clue to all the goodies inside. While all such rigs are now in the five figure category on price, this particular unit is sure to be as upscale in cost as it is in equipment. But, the option list is so extensive, that one could literally build a custom Jimmy on the order form, taking the options desired and leaving some of the others behind in deference to the budget. Styling on the Jimmy has changed little since the model was introduced, and it fits well with city life and traveling anywhere, including off road. The Jimmy seats proved comfortable on the long haul, with adjustment on the recliners amp(e enough to suit any size body and plenty of body support. Keen luxury items are everywhere. Even the back seat passengers have a padded arm rest, ashtray, and a zippered bag to hold on road supplies. Page 23

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RALLYE DE PORTUGAL i . Peuge·ot W.ns Again, the Hard.Way Taking the lead with just seven stages left in the Portugal rally. Timo Salonen and Seppa Harjanne brought Peugeot their sixth consecutive victory in the makes· championship rally series. There are chinks in the Peuge0t 205 Turbo 16 armour. For once the French wonder rally cars very nearly failed to win. Their number one driver Ari Vatanen retired with a broken suspension balljoint after holding only fourth place at the · time. Winner Timo Salonen Page 24 took the lead · with only seven stages left to run, when the Audi Sport Quattro of the leader Walter Rohr! suffered differen-tial trouble. The stories of the event were the consistency of the Jolly Club Lancia Rally of Massimo Biasion, which came second, and the Text & Photos: Martin Holmes unexpected speed of the Sport Quattros. The Audis took more than double the number of fastest stage times of the Peugeots, but the German cars experienced more problems at critical moments. After the event, Peugeot team manager Jean Todt confessed. he had expected an Audi win, and just wanted Salonen to finish in the points to consolidate their title hopes. After the two works VW GolfGTls retired, the group. A winner was the Portuguese Jorge Ortigao with a 16 valve ·Toyota Corolla, while backing up Peugeot's outright win was victory in group N for the private German driver Ewald Klein, with a 205 GTI. There was a great pre-rally sense of anticlimax in Portugal, when the· factory teams reduced their entries, and both the Martini Lancias withdrew. For Audi it was the first time the Bavarian team had admitted that a smaller rather than a bigger team entry was the way to do things more effectively. The Italians felt there was no way their rear wheel drive Rally had any chance of beating the four wheel drive cars. Anyway the Italian team faced growing pressure to finalize the design of their new turbo-compressor four wheel drive Delta S4, if their anticipated rally debut at the 1000 Lakes is to be met. The whole rally rapidly turned into a five car race, the Audis of Stig Blomcj'vist and Walter Rohr!, the . Peugeots of Ari Vatanen and Timo Salonen, and M"ay 1985 The early leader in the event, Massimo Biason and Tiziano Siviero came in 2nd overall and best two wheel drive in the semi-official Jolly Club Lancia Rally. the Lancia of Massimo Biasion. as Wittmann had brake An unexpected factor of the problems, and on the next stage entry was the size of the the steering broke. This was Volkswagen entry - five cars. repaired, but the power steering German drivers Franz Wittmann would not operate. Also in and Jochi Kleint were backed up physical discomfort was Salonen by a three car team ofVWs built finding the Peugeot's steering in Brazil. very heavy, even asking for a The mysteries of the Rally of larger diameter steering wheel to Portugal still continue, notwith-ease the effort. Rohrl's pace standing the poor quality at the eased when twice being beaten by top of th_e entry. This was to be both 205s. The best "also-ran", ·Vatanen's sixth attempt. On no Joaquim Moutinho, who scored previous occasion had he sixth best times on most stages, reached the end. His mate was delayed with misfiring. After Salonen had competed four 185 km of stages Biasion held times before, again never to reach only a 58 second lead over Rohr!, the end. As if Peugeot were with both Peugeots less than 90 fighting big odds from the start, seconds behind the Lancia. For the local Autosport magazine Biasion the glory was to be tactlessly pointed out that shortlived, two more stages to be Vatanen's biorhythms were all precise. wrong anyway. Come night time Vatanen The rally followed the same speeded up and got in front of his pattern as in previous years, with teammate Salohen, but his all the asphalt stages before the troubles started soon with a gravel runs. Some competitors puncture on the first gravel stage. actually felt the pattern was too The car was checked at the next familiar -adding that the service point, but still, on the organizers could at least correct fourth stage of the northern loop the errors in the road book each Vatanen virtually lost a rear year. The condition of the stages, · wheel and was forced to drive the however, had deteriorated car on three wheels. This heroic noticeably. effort came to nothing as the Few expected anybody other engine suddenly stopped, the than Biasion and the Lancia to sensor frotn the flywheel having lead after the first 1 7 asphalt ordered the electrics to cease stages, but the surprise was the operation. This was how small· margin -just under one Vatanen's incredible run of five minute. Straightaway Salonen victories in consecutively was driving faster than Vatanen, entered world rallies came to an for the first time, though not end. It was his sixth consecutive nearly quickly enough to attack Portugal Rally retirement and the the Lancia or Rohrl's Audi. fi'rst time he had not led a world Vatanen began indifferently, co- event for the team. driver Terry Harryman com-, Rohr! got into the lead at the menting, after the Peugeot had expense of the Lancia. Stig slid on wet mud into a bank that Blomqvist was not having such a "he's forgotten there are no good day, as his front differential snowbanks in Portugal!". Many broke, and fixing that lost him drivers had punctures on the four minutes in, road penalties. second stage, Peninha, though The VW s continued to have few had .trouble on the third disasters. Wittmann had to push stage, Sintra, where water wa:s the car to the end of stage 22 flowing · over an otherwise dry because of transmission trouble. road. The gearbox was changed, but on So far the rally had still not the next stage the throttle broke, warmed up. On only one stage of and the combo of lost time put the first nine had the record time him beyond the time limit and he even been matched. Rohrl's best was retired. Two stages later time at Lagoa Azul gave him the Kleint had the same gearbox initial lead: but Biasion was failure. Suddenly the group A immediately in front on the next leader became Jorge Ortigao in stage, and then the Italian had a the Toyota. flat on stage 8, giving the hard Salonen was Peugeot's only charging German the lead again. hope, and it was more important In group A the German VW s to gain a secure second place were unbeatable, with Wittmann rather than take risks for the initially faster than Kleint. In victory. But he had a fright when group N the hottest battle of the a rear drive shaft failed. He eased day was fought between the Audi off, got the repairs done, and· 80 Quattro of Mello Breyner and then a stone thrown by a · the Renault 11 Turbo of spectator smashed his wind-Antonio Seguarado. screen on a road section. The night was clear and the M~utinho was penalized five stages fast. The VWs hit trouble,. minutes because he could not Dusty Times

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start the Renault's engine in a control area. The Portuguese driver Carlos Bica, whose Ford Escort RS looked very second hand after two crashes, was.given a 30 second penalty for a push start out of the pare ferme. Through all this Rohr! pressed onwards, and had a lead a,t Povoa of over three minutes from Biasion and Salonen, while Blomqvist, in fourth, was more than ten minutes behind. The weather was glorious for the Friday run, but Rohr! was becoming concerned about his gearbox, which, after the end of the fourth stage of the day, was so stiff he could not change gears. The mechanics were about to change the box, but Rohr! urged them to think why it fai led. He suggested that it was getting too· hot and asked for holes to be drilled in the sumpguard. It was done and the trouble went away. With the Sport Quattro showing no signs of being beaten by the 205 Turbo 16s, itlooked as if the new suspension was working well. "It must be", Rohr! said. "It now lasts four or five stages before failing. Before it would only last four or five kilometers." Biasion broke the front of the Lancia against a bank, and Salonen had another awkward moment on a road section when his steering broke. The next stages were very muddy. Mello Breyner in the group N leading Audi had a broken shock and other suspension problems. · A lso staggering was Moutinho, whose Franz Wittmznn and Ferdinand Hinterleitner led the German VW Golf G Tl team in group A for a time. but retired with throttle and gearbox problems. Renault had camshaft· trouble, wheeled· through the stage. and he became the first of the Blomqvist had a flat, and had to leading Portuguese drivers to stop and change it. Mello_ retire. The highest placed local Breyner's Audi came through driver now was Jose Miguel Faria with broken steering, and lost 26 in a group B BOA Ford Escort minutes in repairs giving the RS. group N lead to German It might have seemed the rally privateer Ewald Klein in a was nearly over with just eight Peugeot 205 GTI. Rohr! was now stages left, but they were going to over two minutes behind be the toughest climax a rally Salonen, but the second round could present. The heart was a was coming. double run over a 56 km course This should have been the each time, up and down some of chance for Rohr! to demonstrate the most scenic the his willpower and stamina, but country. The first round came he had a puncture instead. Now shortly after dawn, and Rohr! he fell back further and was lost a couple of minutes to behind Biasion. Blomqvist was Salonen. The Audi had a cracked forced to drive the stage slowly differential housing and crawled with a turbo failure, but he still into service, but arrived at the had forty minutes in hand over next control five minutes_ late. fifth placed G rissmann. The final The lead passed to Salonen. test was to see if Rohr! could Biasion also lost time when a finally beat Biasion, but another · wheel came off and he three flat on the penultimate stage Looking good on the first gravel road tests at La Mandria in early March, this Lancia Delta S4 was driven by Henri Toivonen. prevented that. For Biasion second place must have been very .satisfying, because Lancia were convinced that the official team, let alone the Jolly Club cars, would not beat Audi and Peugeot. But, the greatest excitement came further down the field in group N. Mello Breyner had resigned himself to being beaten by the 205 GTI of Klein, but Klein was in big trouble. For two days he drove without an exhaust system,· and the gear linkage broke, so he could either drive in first or second, or third or fourth gear; never more. Having decided to go for a group victory, and not just to win his class, he went off the road on the final stage, losing only a half minute, but he had to finish the stage driving crabwise. He reached the end just four seconds in front of the Audi. To win the two groups was important for Peugeot, especially when a private driver could gain victory in a car which is readily available for sale. Maybe another Peugeot victory is bad news for rival manufacturers, but a win by a different driver has put sparkle into the driver's series. The number two man Timo Salonen is now leading on points in front of the number one driver Vatanen, while the less exper-ienced Audi driver, Stig Blomqvist is third, ahead of his teammate Walter Rohr!. But, these are early days and placings have been gained more by consistency than speed. The Safari in Kenya comes next . . W ith an expected 29 factory cars it promises to be the most exciting rally in the history of the world championship series. $10,000 B.RUSH. RUN 'POINTS SERIES Crandon, Wisconsin -Information: Dennis Rosa -Box 101, Crandon, WI 54520 -715-4 78-3435 or 715-4 78-2924 RACE WHERE THE COMPETITION IS= "THE MIDWEST" A $30,000 PURSE AND 400 RACERS IN 1984 BRUSH RUN SERIES RACE #1 . June 15th & 16th, 1985 100% Payback -Plus $1500.00 -Contingency Prizes Galore -All Score Classes $20,000 Drivers Purse Anticipated -Race where the cash is at and the drivers are # 1 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACE -BRUSH RUN 101 -Series Race #2 100% Payback plus $1500.00 ** Lots of Contingency Prizes -All Score Classes Dusty Times 1984 Purse -$30,000 and 400 entrants -The Best in Off Road Competition 240 Acre Race Facility -Speed, Sand, Hills, Jumps and Lots of Action Big Pit Area -, Contingency_ Row -Camping with hook-ups 1. 7 mile closed circuit course one mile west of Crandon, Wisconsin Race with the World Champions on the Best Off Road Track May 1985 Page 25

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. Yokohama con at Laughlin a1 JERRY PENHALL/RON GARDNER 1st-Class 2 BOB/TOM NETH 1st-Class 1-1600 Look for John Baker in his Yokohama-shod Mitsubishi, at the Off-road Championship Gran Prix. HENRY /ERIC ARRAS 1st-Class 5-1600 BOB SAVAGE 1st-Challenger Class CONTINGENCY PROGRAM . For the SCORE and High Desert series desert races Yokohama will pay $200 for First and $100 for Second in each four-wheel class, excluding Odyssey, plus a set of tires for the best place on Yokohamas (must be in top three in class). For the SNORE series, Yokohama will pay $100 for First place in each of the four-wheel classes plus the same tires for best place arrangement as in SCORE and High Desert. T Ml 4 Off-road Championship Grand Prix! Yoko-hama will pay $500, $300, $100 for 1st, 2nd, · 3rd, plus a set of tires to Best Finisher on Yokohamas (must be in top 3), in a four-wheel class excluding Odyssey and con-tract drivers.

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1gratulates ·the winners r1d the· Mojave 250. EE )U ~T ~E N )0! LARRY BOLIN 1st-Class 10 KENT LOTHRINGER/ JIM GACKI 1st-Class 5-1600 DON'T MISS THE -sNORE/YOKOHAMA 1985 CHAMPIONSHIP DESERT SERIES Yoko Loco _ Twilight Special Midnight Special SNORE 250 Surprh,e -Race April 14 June 22 July 27 & 28 Sept. 27, 28, 29 Nov. 23 Series sponsored by Yokohama Tire in conjunction w_ith Holiday Casino Riverboat and KC Highlights. BOB SAVAGE 1st-Challenger Class . JIM/MARK TEMPLE 2 AVAILABLE AT THESE DEALERS: CALIFORNIA COAST TIRE & AUTO McKENZIE'S OFF-ROAD 931 Grand Ave. San M_arcos (619) 744-4910 . AVTO GLOBE TIRE STORES 3674 E. Noakes St. Los Angele~ (213) 268-3242 JOHNYS SPEED & CHROME 6411 Beach Blvd. Buena Park (714) 521-4947 JOE ROSSI TIRE 2380 N. Nellis -Las Vegas (702) 453-6335 NEVADA 12945 Sherman Way #4 N. Hollywood (818) 764-6438 TIRES WAREHOUSE 18140 Euclid Ave. Fountain Valley (714) 432-8854 TRI-CITY TIRESTORES 747 N. Rialto Ave. San Bernardino (714) 888-6616 NEVADA OFF-ROAD BUGGY 3054 So. Valley View Las Vegas (702) 871-4911 --

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THE FLORIDA 400 Ken Burkert Takes First Overall with 1600ccs By Jean Calvin The annual March running of the Florida 400 marks both the end of the F.O.R.D.A. racing season and points series and the premier event on the calendar in Florida. Staged on the outskirts · of Tallahassee on private land, part of Jimmie Crowder's extensive property in the area, the event has a super race course, enthusiastic supporters, in short, everything needed to make it a major race. What it lacked this year was the usual 70 or so cars in the entry for the six hour enduro. 'In past years a husky number of .snowbirds from the mid west and northeast have flocked to the Florida 400, combining a vacation with the race. This year most'of them were either snowed in at home or building a new car for their own racing season. Local entry was down as well, 4430 N. Dixie Hwy. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33334 Distributors of Off Road Parts & Accessories • A.T.L. Fuel Systems • A.M.S. Brakes • Berrien • Bug Pack • Centerline • Chenowth • Dellorto Carbs • Fox Shocks • , Funco Race Cars • Kennedy Clutch • K & N • Mastercraft .• Mecca/Accusump • Neal • Outerwears • Phoenix Fire Syst. • Saco Products • Simpson Safety • Summers Bros. • Super Boot • Total Seal Rings • V.D.O. Gauges • Weber Carbs • Weld Wheels • Wright Place Page 28 (305) 772-1171 • (305) 491-8085 Legal in California for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway Photos: John Spro1,•kin due to the severe depression in Florida caused by the devastating freezes last winter, which put a lot of would be racers out of work and out of budget. The March weather was beautiful in Tallahassee, warm and sunny days and pleasant evenings. The competitors gathered at the Crowder pits on Friday for registration and inspec- . tion and practice. Also on the schedule were Showdown races for an extra entry fee. This sort of dash is popular in the midwest, but in Florida this year not enough unlimited cars signed up to make a race. A half dozen of . the local Class D cars did go for a showdown run, and the winner take all purse for the five laps went to Scott Gundeck. The Crowder pits race course twists around the rural area for approximately 3½ miles, plenty of room to start an enduro of up to 100 cars. The pit area is above the former gravel pit, and the course started there, running over a few man made jumps as it winds down red clay trails outbound. In the back side it is heavily wooded, and here a long straight raises a lot of dust and produces some wild speeds. Inward bound there are a couple of water crossings at the foot of the jumps, most of which are natural lumps enhanced by years of excavating. Finally there are a pair of long straights on different levels, both ending in a 1'80 degree turn and both visible from the spectator area. The final blast at the cl.rivers is a really knife edge May 1985 Ken Burkert had a near perfect race en route to the overall victory, stopping just once mid-race for fuel and fixes, and he won,pvera/1 by more than a lap in his swift 1600 cc single seater, After myriad stops for various fixes in the new to him Pro-Tech tandem, Carlton Jackson won the unlimited honors, four laps behind the overall winner._ topped hill that took care of more than one transmission throughout the weekend. This leads into a tight serpentine into the finish line, and it starts over with a tight, decreasing radius left hand turn that produced some interesting flips during the enduro. The buggy classes boiled down to three when the entry closed. The Unlimited group included Classes 1, 2 and 10, and the l-2-1600 bunch was strong enough for its own purse. The Florida style D cars were the biggest class with 14starters. TheloneBcar,a 1200 cc Baja Bug, ran alone in class. · The bulk of the entry was, of course, from Florida with a few cars from Georgia, even though GORRA had staged its first race of the year the prior weekend. Real outlanders were few. Karl and Lee Wuesthoff were oh the line in their Wisconsin based Class 10 Chenowth Magnum; Bill Lefeuvre started with a Class 10 engine in his Berrien, and Bill hails from southern Ontario in Canada. New Jersey racer Dave Lofland was co-driving with Dean Fisher in a Class 10, and, from upper New York state Ed. Righter and Dave Hunter had their unlimited Chenowth Magnum ready to go. After practice and the show-down race on Friday, the track was secured for the night, but many pits were active making repairs from the long practice sessions. All the entrants were accustomed to much shorter courses, and the 3½ mile run took some serious practice for those interested in finding the quickest and least damaging way around. The participants assembled on Saturday morning for the driver's meeting conducted by Jimmie Crowder and other officials. The starting order was by a random draw, done a couple of weeks earlier in order to encourage pre-entry. Late entrants were assigned the next spot on the grid. The plan was to start at 10 a.m., and accordingly the racers lined up on the pit straight, three abreast. It was announced that each line of three would start with a five second delay from the line in front, but that was only the theory. Since all timing for the six hour race was done from the time, 10:06, that the first line left, the starter Winner of the D class Showdown cash on Friday, Scott Gundeck was close in the six hour too, finishing second in the biggest class at the race. Dusty Times

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All alone in the B sedan 'bombers' class, Mark Bickers ran a steady pace with routine pit stops and took his class points with no strain. The 1600s had a whale of a race in the first two hours. Here Bruce Bennett leads Ken Hollingworth and eventual second place finisher Terry Clark over some whoopies. Jimmie Crowder conducted the -drivers' meeting in the pits standing on the wheel of his race car. The meeting was short and to the point on course rules and pit regulations. Ed Righter had his Chenowth Magnum in contention until steering woes cost time, and here he leads Mike Hester's Funco on a short straight-a-way. Host Jimmie Crowder had a multiple lap lead at half distance in the enduro, but his Chenowth shed gears, putting him out late in the race. waved the green flag at each line instantly the other had left. The whole herd of 38 starters was off almost as one group. At the green tlag Jimmie Crowder hustled his two seat Chenowth out front on the first lap from his middle of the second row starting spot. The host undoubtedly knew the course well, since he built it. Sam Pace, who was on the pole at the start, kept his D car a long second on lap 1, not bad for 1200 ccs and a swing axle. Pace was closely followed by the D car of John Hanson and Jack Debbs. Fourth, and the first 1600, was Terry Clark, followed by Ed Righter, · then Carlton Jackson, driving the ex-Scott Taylor Pro Tech tandem that he and Crowder recently purchased to use as a pre-runner at the Mint 400. Things sorted out a bit on the second lap, with Crowder still leading, doing just over four minutes the lap. Some cars were already making pit stops. The Bill Gaylord/Russ Waddington Chenowth Class 1 was in the pits . briefly, and it wasn't long before others stopped. One of the D class leaders, Joe Cunningham, was in with broken throttle linkage. Starting a long series of pit stops, the unlimited of John and Glenn White came in with smoke billowing from the . engine; they had tossed a fan belt. The unfortunate team had lost an engine in practice, and spent the night assembling a fresh one for the race. While they made several more attempts to get on with the racing,· they spent most of the day working on the car in the pits, and eventually retired. With four laps done and the pace still sizzling, Crowder held a. good lead over his son-in-law Carlton Jackson. The pair were almost out of sight when the next group arrived in very tight formation led by Ed Righter, then Mike Hester. in a Class 1 Funco, and Lee Wuesthoffin the Class ·10 Magnum. Not far behind was Sam Pace with a Dusty Times healthy lead in D, followed by Fisher/ Lofland. There was a big gap back to the 1600 battle with Ken Burkert just leading Terry Clark. Canadian Bill Lefeuvre came into the pits with a sour sounding engine, which was caused by a badly shattered valve spring. Undaunted, with help from the New York boys, Bill pulled his Class 1 engine out of the trailer and set about changing to the bigger and healthier powe.rplant. With only a half hour of the six hours done,· the pits were busy. Sam Pace relinquished the D lead with a stop for fresh left rear shocks, having broken the pair when he hit a ditch very hard. Danny Hahn had his Las Vegas-built Hi Jumper in the pits with mysterious ignition prob-lems, and it took some research and a few batteries to solve the troub1e before he could rejoin the unlimited fray. All the way from Illinois, John De Young and Niles Conkling were on the trailer with the trans gone in their buggy. Gene Windham hiked in, leaving his D car parked off the course with a failed trans as well. After the first hour it was a tight battle between Crowder and Jackson for the lead, with Jackson in front for a few laps, then Crowder retook the lead spot. There was another tight battle between Mike Hester and Lee Wuesthoff, with Wuesthoff making the pass in front of the spectators. Pushed off course into the weeds for the duration was the 1600 of Glenn Stephens and Jeff Holmes. Soon Jackson fell back to fourth, and Wuest-hoff and Hester were still in close combat, some distance behind Crowder. After 1 ½ hours 31 cars were on the course and the Gaylord Chenowth was back in . the pits. In another 20 minutes Carlton Jackson made a long pit stop, for fuel and to get the power steering fixed in the tandem. By noon the scheduled stops began for fuel, most teams figuring two hours per tank on the short course cars. A couple of the front runners had extra time in the pits. Crowder had a CV joint re-placed, and Wuesthoff had his routine stop develop into a 25 minute disaster as a broker rear brake caliper was discovered, plus front end troubles were found also. Brother Karl took off finally to rejoin the race. The D class leader, • THE CHASSIS TO CHALLENGE THE WEST! PANCHO WEAVER - CLASS TEN Photo by Trackside Now there's a race Chassis to challenge competive!y, those "others" racing on the Southern California Short Courses. · Watch for this car and other CHARGER CHASSIS, being hand bui!t and detailed by ROWLAND RACING PRODUCTS, using the finest components found in racing. Completely "Heli-Arced" -Not Wire Welded' ' You can tell these from the "others", CHARGER's are the ones that the Chassis works with the driver. The CHARGER comes fully equipped with SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS', "Super Trick'' rear drive train components, giving this car and your's over 15½" of "Real" rear Whee! Travel. "SUPER BOOT" Drive Train Components significantly reduce the unsprung weight for better handling. CHARGER CHASSIS being built NOW By ROWLAND RACING PRODUCTS, INC. Contact Stanley Rowland 8126 Scyene Road Da!!as, TX 75227 (214) 381-3742 May 1985 Drive Train by SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Co!!ins Ave. Orange, CA 92667 (714) 997-0766 Page 29 -

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-J.R. Taylor was the early leader in D class, but a couple of extra pit stops, with plenty of help, dropped him to third at the flag. Scott and Bob Haire ran well all day, but dropped to fourth behind Canadian Bill Lefeuvre, following here, with shock breakage in the last 15 minutes. From Wisconsin, brothers Lee and Karl Wuesthoff confer at the first fuel stop. They ran as high as third overall in the Class 10 Chenowth, before retiring. Sailing into his favorite ditch dropped Ed Righter well back at the finish as it took some time to extract the Chenowth, and John Hanson sails by easily here. Frantic work in the pits failed to make Jimmie Crowder's racer strong enough to finish the race, as the trans went away, gear by gear. Making a routine pit stop here for fuel and various checks, Al Brumley covered the whole distance and finished the race fourth in D class. 1 w Ri Cu 2 World Championships 1984 World Championship Crandon, Wisconsin Mark Seidler One Common Denominator-LeDuc Off Road Chassies The Fastest 4WD Short Course Cars in the Country! Page 30 Update Your Car With Our Chassis. Don't Waste Another Season With Outdated Equipment. Call Our Tech. Information Line: 413-739-4111 LEDUC OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin Street, W. Springfield, MA 01089 May 1985 II J.R. Taylor was in and out quickly for fuel, and second running John Hanson had a quick, under the mirtute stop also. Mike Hester led the race briefly, then broke a flange on the trans. It took an hour for the pit crew to get to him and jury rig things so Mike could drive to the pits. No pit vehicles are allowed out of the pits during the race, so all repairs on course must be done by pit folks on foot carrying whatever they need by hand. In the next hour Crowder began losing grou~d, missing fourth gear, and Ed Righter got up to third before pitting for some fresh tie rods. Bob Bohres had his 1600 in the pits for fresh bolts on the spring plate,'which caused some frantic drilling of new holes .and relocating of shock mounts. John Hanson pushed his car into the pits, and the crew changed the trans, and Jackson was in soon, just after one o'clock, with a broken right front spindle. Tom Toia fried his unlimited engine on course. Undaunted, his gallant crew hand carried a fresh engine close to a mile through the tundra, and hand installed it to get him back in the race. After four hours about 25 cars were circulating on course. Jimmie Crowder had regained the lead, and Ken Burkert, who made one seven minute stop midway for ,fuel :and equipment check, was lying second. A couple more 1600s were in the top five on the unofficial charts. Jackson had another long pit stop for myriad problems, and Karl Wuesthoff parked the Magnum on course with a broken rear control arm, which in turn had ripped out the CV joints. Hester was back and running, only to do a giant endo on the backside of the course. After workers righted him, he crept to the pits for some front end repairs. With an hour left on the race clock, the field had thinned by several more cars. Now Burkert was on the same lap with Crowder, who only had a couple of gears left. Burkert soon took over the overall lead. Crowder retired around 3:15 p.m., with the ring and pinion gone, giving Burkert more than a lap lead in the race. Jackson was back on course moving well, and Bill Lefeuvre had been running like a train since installing the big engine, and he moved steadily up the charts. Also looking good were Scott and Bob Haire, but with just 15 minutes to go they motored slowly into the pits. Ed Righter, who had taken over again from Dave Hunter, aimed wrong at one of the jumps and landed in the same ditch he had the year before, and it took 15 minutes to get him extracted from the hole and back on course. With one lap to go the Haire racer returned to the course with a pair of broken rear shocks tidily roped onto the cage in an effort to take the checkered flag. When the checkered flag came out it fluttered over Ken Burkert, who drove the whole race himself with only one pit stop in his 1-1600. He won by over a full lap, proof positive that this team knew how to prepare a car for six hours, 72 laps of non stop racing. ·Demonstrating that horsepower isn't everything, the highly restricted 1200 cc cars gained second and third overall. Jerry Allen brought his D car home second overall and first in class, followed by Scott Gundeck, also with 71 laps completed. The 1600 of Terry Clark was next, second in class with 70 laps done. Breaking into the overall standing, the first Unlimited was the tandem of Carlton Jackson, who covered 68 laps as did J.R. Taylor, third in D despite a failing transmission. Also with 68 laps done, Dean Fisher and Dave Lofland were second in Unlimited, followed by Bill LeFuevre, whose 62 laps_got him third in class. Scott Haire was fourth ir~ Unlimited with 60 laps DusfyTimes

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THE BFGOODRICH 6·50 CLUB REPORT By Jean Calvin The BFGoodrich 6-50 Club In Class 5 there is a new folks turned out 15 strong at the member, Stan Parnell, who Score Great Mojave 250 in drove with Dave Parsons in the Lucerne Valley last month. Larry's VW Bug, and the new There may have been more, since team came in third. Luck was not the results list does not carry any with the two members in Class information other than the 5-1600. Henry Arras was driver of record's name. So, if credited with just one lap, and you didn't enter early enough to Jim Dunn took about four hours get into the program foe the race, and you are over 50 years of age, let us know and we will add you to the list. Three over 50 drivers were in the Class 1 ranks at Lucerne, and Bob Renz, with Dick Clark co-driving the Chenowth, finished a fine fifth. Both Frank Snook and Mickey Thompson were among those that did not finish; Snook's Raceco was out with a broken trans after one lap, and Thomp-son's Raceco was down early with sundry problems. · The Mature drivers are heavy in Class 2, and four earned points from the race. Jim Temple, with his son Mark co-driving, scored a great second in class and sixth overall in their Raceco. Corky McMillin took over the 6-50 points lead at Lucerne; with his son Scott co-driving the Chen-. owth, he finished fourth in Class 2. Jake Fogg, with 6-50 Club founder Gregg Symonds co-driving the Raceco, came in a close sixth in class. Sad to say, Len Newman did not cover a lap in his Bunderson. The only 6-50 Club member in the big Class 1-2-1600 was Dean Tellinghuisen, and he finished 18th out of the 29 starters in his two seater. In contention for top points in the 6-50 standings, Gene Hightower -had no luck with his Class 3 Jeep this round, and he went out on the first lap. fo Class 4 Vern Roberts scored a neat third in his Jeep Honcho to climb up i:he points ladder. and Jimmie Crowder was fifth, with 59 laps completed. Rounding out the 1600 class, Travis and Clay Hurst from Georgia were third, doing 66 laps, followed by Buddy Taylor and Mark Oliver, 64 laps, and Bruce Bennett and Bob Brown, 58 laps. Join in the to do his one and ~mly lap. In the Score Challenge Class Dave Girdner kept his new car together and finished in fifth , place. Not doing so well was Dick Landfield; his 7S Ford Ranger retired on the first lap. In all fifteen 6-50 drivers started the race and eight finished the course, a nice percentage. The 6-50 Club has had a new after each of the three events this year. Jack Irvine led the points after the Parker 400, and Henry Arras led after the Laughlin Desert Challenge. Now Corky McMillin is the ne· leader with 149 points from a second at Parker, seventh at Laughlin, and fourth at Lucerne. However, Henry Arras, with two class wins, is close behind with 145 points. Gene High-tower, with 104, is tied with Vern Roberts for third spot. Jack Irvine is fifth with 89 points, followed by Frank Snook with 79, Bob Renz, 67, Jim Temple, 6 7, Gregg Symonds, 5 5, and Jack Woods, 50. There are nine events on the 6-50 calendar in 1985, and only your best six will count for points at year's end. It isn't too late to get on board the fun points race that costs nothing to enter. You must be over 50 years of age, the driver of record in a four wheel class, and put your age on the entry so it gets into the program, and we carr find you after the event to tabulate your points. Still to come in the 6-50 series are the Mint 400 and the remaining five races in the combined Score/High Desert points series. In 6-50 points, all races count the same; there are no double points events. See you all at the Mint 400. In D class Al Brumley was fourth, followed by Sam Pace, with 63 laps done in the six hours. The lone 1200 cc sedan driven by Mark Bickers ran like a 40 horse should. Mark covered 54 laps with only routine pit stops. He will be driving a '1600 buggy later iµ the year. EalbMl~T!e MAIL COUPON ERIKSSON INDUSTRIES, INC. 326W. KATELLAAVE., SUITE4·HDT ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 (714) 538-5878 At the awards presentation Sunday morning, F.O.R.D.A. President Mike Hester thanked all the course workers heartily, and especially thanked Jimmie Crowder for his help and his race course. The Florida 400 is a keen event on outstanding terrain. The track is so rugged that a good desert car, with good fuel capacity, could win handily, but it might need a turning brake for some of the sharper corners that are lined with stout north Florida trees. Dusty Times . -100AYI-Experience the Excitement of the MINT 400 without the dust -Above photo is prototype. Actual game may differ slightly. YES! D Send me __ copy of the new and exciting "MINT 400 OFF-ROAD GAME" for $24.95 (Plus $2.50 each shipping & handling). My check or money orderfor $ ____ enclosed. VISA □ MASTERCARD□ card# _______________ _ Expirationdate: ____________ Signature: ___________ _ Name _______________________________ _ Address ______________________________ _ City_ ______________ State __________ Zip ____ _ (California residents add-6% tax} Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. May 1985 Page 31

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,...· THE NINTH ANNUAL A.D.R.A. PENASCO 100 Jerry Finney FJies to Victory By Daryl D. Drake in Mexico · Photos: 3-D Photography Jerry Finney, with Frank Thomas riding in the Chaparral Tandem, turned the hot lap of the race, 27.24, had things all his own way, and ran away from the pack winning the Pro race overall and Pro Class 2. In mid-March the troubles at many border crossings t® Mexico were serious with hours ·of waiting, but for the annual A.D.R.A. spring running of the Penasco 100, the border gate at Sonoita, Sonora/Lukeville, Arizona remained open with no troubles. It .was clear sailing for the racers to Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), and the mayor and townspeople welcomed the off roadets to the Ninth Annual Penasco 100, the third event in the 1985 A.D.R.A. Desert Championship Series. The race course was a 28 mile loop, and I\Q pre-running was allowed. A good' 24 of the 28 miles went through deep sand, typical of the area, and it would take lots of horsepower to get through the sand. The loop wound through and around the fields just north of town, then Page 32 climbed the dunes· to the northeast. The dune leg produced the usual number of rollovers, but they were harmless tumbles in the soft terrain. A rolling checkpoint was situated just out of the dunes. The next challenge was the old well road, offering racers the opportunity to see just how fast their cars would go. The smooth hardpack straight run is four miles long, followed by an old ranch road that deteriorated into a rough trail and headed down into a valley, where the'surface grew softer and softer. The sarrie five miles of whooped-out sandy trail as on last year's Penasco 100 brought the racers up out of the valley. A twisty, serpentine road then wound over a ridge back to Puerto Penasco. The only stop check on the course was in town at the start/finish line. The Pro race of four laps for 112 mile_s began at 9 a.m. Leaving in pairs every minute, the Pros roared out into the desert in this order: 2, 1, 10, 4, 5-1600. As always, most of the residents turned out for the start of the Pro race. As we waited for the return of the leader, some young Mexican boys hastily con-structed "Los Saltos", a series of sand jumps along the last quarter-mile straight of the loop. But, though the buggies look much the same as always, especially to these boys, today's sophisticated suspension designs made quick work of these special bumps. When Jerry Finney and Frank Thomas came through first in the Palmers Custom Speed/Trick Fuel/Beard's SuperSeats/Pat Hughes Per-formance Chaparral Tandem, it obliterated most of their work, getting nary a wheel in the air. The boys looked on, dismayed. Vicki Allison and John Gardner, also in Chaparral Tandems, were first away, and Allison led at the check after Gardner broke an axle. Allison was having a good run on the open road, until her engine blew on the whooped straight about Bill Cook and Jim Cunningham drove the V-6 powered, Camara bodied Brandwood ~uilt special hard, and finished a fine second in Pro Class 2. May 1985 four miles from home check. Jerry Finney was moving up quickly and turned in a first lap time of 2 7 .2 4, hot lap among the Pros. Finney ran away with Class 2 and the Overall title, even though he claimed "the ·engine wasn't pulling as strong as usual". He said the course was "fast and smooth . . . nice sweepers", and he beat the next finisher by 16 minutes, 21 seconds. Jerry Everett, in the Everett Construction Woods' Vulcan, was running second at the end of one lap, but had troubles on the second. He was stopped by a broken CV joint on his third lap. Finishing second in Class 2 was Dr. Bill Cook and Jim Cunningham in the Brand-X V-6 Camara, fabricated by Brand-wood .Cars of Phoenix.' This midship sidewinder runs. an automatic transmission, and Cook reported that it works real well, but that he couldn't run flat out without sending the trans fluid temp skyward. Jim Cunningham, in his· second race since his disastrous crash pre-running the 1984 Score Parker 400, co-drove with Cook and called the course, "particularly fast ... particularly soft". The pair almost flipped in a spectacular incident at the end of their second lap. "The Mexican kids were running for their lives!", said check steward Pete· Sohren. "Cook apparently hit this' last left hander too hot and caught the berm, breaking the center out of the right rear wheel." No one was harmed, and the Camara was soon on the road again. Finishing second and third overall, Steve McArthur and Jeff Sanders ran their Class 10 machines in the Pro division this time. Sanders led for the first lap, but carb troubles slowed him on his second. McArthur took the lead for the duration, though Sanders was never far ·behind. Except for a loose coil wire and debris blocking the fan , the Brandwood ran strong for McArthur, and he said, "Fantastic! I did'n 't think it could be this good!" Though they started in Class 4, Jim Huff and the "Plum Crazy" Jeep CJ-6 _were scored with the Class 1 s. For the first time in history, a Jeep took the Class l Unlimited victory at an A.D.R.A. event. Coming in fourth overall, Huff called the Huff's 4 WO Center's· latest creation "a much faster truck", than the last one, a CJ-5. He added that the race was a "whole lotta fun ... neat. I really enjoyed myself." Huff stopped and brought in two downed racers as well. Class 1 driver Donnie Beyers, who hails from Las Cruces, New Mexico, as does Huff, lost his engine not far into the sand on the first lap. He got a ride in the Jeep. So did Mark Giebelhaus, who led Class 1, until three miles out on his last lap; then he lost the clutch in the same spot Doc Ingram did last fall. In the pits, Giebelhaus was asked why he didn't give Huff fifty bucks to go back out and tow him in. Mark replied, "He'd have to pay me fifty bucks to get back in that Jeep!" Running alone in 5-1600, Roger Lake and Jim Henry "just drove around" and finished sixth overall in the Henry and Lake Racing Baja Bug. The hard luck story of the Pro class has to be Tom Geiser's. Getting a late start from Phoenix Friday night, Geiser was stopped by a sheriff's deputy in Gila Bend for faulty trailer lights. He arrived at the border crossing just as the guards closed it at midnight. At 8 a.m. race day Geiser waited anxiously at the border, knowing his start time was only an hour away, but 62 Driving his first race in the Pro Class 10, Steve McArthur had a great day in the Brandwood. winning Class 10 and coming in second overall. Moving up to the Pro category at Penasco, Jeff Sanders churned through the sand on his way to a keen second in Pro Class 10 and third overall. Dusty Times

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Jim Huff ran his Jeep in Pro Class 1. and won the class, taking the checkered flag after giving Mark Giebelhaus a ride back to the pit area. miles distant. Clearing the border, Geiser got over the 30 km speed limit in sight of the Sonoita police, and lost more time following the officer to the police station, where a ten dollar bill got him rolling again. Finally making it to Puerto Penasco, Geiser was granted a late start and hit· the course hard. A strong lap kept him in the running, but as he Jim Henry and Roger Lake had an easy day in their freshly painted Baja Bug; running alone in class they took the 5-1600 honors and sixth overall. pulled away from th'e stop check, his engine seized up tight. It'll be better at' the Loma 150, Tom, it has to be. · The Sportsman division started at noon, scheduled for three laps or 84 miles.. The starting order was 1, 2, 10, 1600 Ltd., 5, 5-1600. First off, Harry Greene, in a Class 1 Chaparral, rolled off a dune on his first lap. The next car by stopped and righted Greene, and he was off and running. But shifter troubles made for a long first lap, and Greene ended up 13th overall. • The big battle in the Sportsman race was in Class 2, where Mark Lundell, in the Dirtrix Mazda, ran first on the road. The sound of the high winding rotary is just unbeliev-able, and it could be heard for miles. But, sneaking up behind Lundell was Nels Dutton in the Finney/Foddrill T a ndem. Though he never caught the Mazda on the road, Dutton took the overall and Class 2 win by 45 seconds over Lundell. Dutton's comments: "Good race . . . overdrove and lost a couple of corners. Traffic slowed us down quite a bit. I didn't know if we'd be able to get around without losing too much time." Paul Nolte, in the Pat Hughes Performance/Device Develop-ment/ Key · Nels Dutton won a close fight for the Sportsman Class 2 and overall honors, driving the Finney Chaparral Tandem to its second victory of the day. It looked and sounded like Mark Lundell in the Dirtrix Mazda had the Sportsman Class 2 and 0 /A in hand, but Mark was second, lacking 46 seconds for the win. Pro racer John Gardner lost a lot of time with a broken axle on the Chaparral Tandem, but got a fresh one and finished among the Sportsman. , ~7 "tOKOHAMA P'4u, ,-1,..,. ~~ G ~! llt lk,-t-JJt,,;p Dusty Times May 1985 1985 SNORE RACE SCHEDULE June 22 · Twilight Race July 27 KC Hilites/Holiday Inn Midnight Special September 20-22 Holiday Inn Snore 250 November 3 Jackpot100 For Further Information Contact SNORE P.O. Box 4534, Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-452-4522 Page 33

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Jerome Cohen had to fight hard this round for the Sportsman Class 10 victory, but he won it anl'i finished fourth overall in the category. Mark Giebelhaus led Pro Class 1 almost all the way, b_ut ·his clutch let go on the last lap with just three miles to go to pay dirt. Tom Higgins and Rich Cada drove the early leader in Sportsman 1600 Ltd., but slowed with electrical trouble and finished a close second in class. All alone in Sportsman 5 -1600, Larry Weiser took Chuck Edwards' "Putt-Putt Too" to the win, and finished a respectable eleventh overall. All the way from France, Francois Vallecillo had fun in his first desert race, and he finished second overall Beginner in Cohen's Chaparral. Nancy Sanders earned her first victory, driving the Chenowth to top honors in Beginner Limited class, and she took a fine third overall too. Gil Feldman was looking good in the unusual Odyssey looking single seater, but an engine fire put him out of the running in Beginner class. Jim Allison looked strong at the start, but he lost the engine on the first lap in his Sportsman Class 10 racer, making the race a zero for the Allison clan. Some racers will go to great lengths to find a sponsor, and Jerome Cohen went all the way to France for the sponsors and pit crew listed on the car hood. la Engineering Woods' Vulcan was seven minutes back for third in class. Finishing fourth, Gary Cohen was .under powered and under suspended in his play car/pre-runner, but he kept it together and ended up eighth overall. Meanwhile, Pro racer John Gardner made it back to the pits and secured an axle. After a lot of downtime, he ran strong once more and earned his finishing points. In the hotly contested Sportsman Class 10 run, Jerome Cohen, in the Vineyards of ARE YOUR BELT~ LEGAL FOR 1985? \lLE PRODUCTS, INC. Filler Products, Inc. is offering the above set of 5 point belts with 3" snap in lap belt, 3" twin harness, and 2" crotch strap, including all mounting hardware at a specially reduced price. With sewn in harness pads as shown ............. $98. 75 Without harness pads ...... $88.10 Filler is also offering to re-web and up date your existing sets of belts as shown above for only $38.00. SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order using Visa, Mastercharge or we do ship C.0.0. No personai checks please. Order now and receive the new, 20 page 1985 catalog and price list free. FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 9·1352 (818) 768-7770 Page 34 France/ Sillinger · Boats Chapar-ral, had it all his way this time. He finished fourth overall, just 2.3 minutes behind Nolte, no mean accomplishment for a two seat 1600 car. Co-driving with Cohen was Parisian Francois Vallecillo. Although Francois has been active in road racing in France, this was his first off road experience and he loved it. Jim Allison lost his engine on the first lap, in almost the same spot as sister Vicki had in the Pro race. Second in Class 10 was Steve Baker, two minutes back. He called the race "wide open fun." Third went to Craig Wilde and Rick Lahr on a sort-out run in their new two seater. David Hubbard rolled (literally) into fourth. It looked like it was going to be Tom Higgins and Rich Cada again in 1600 Ltd. But, a failed condenser on their second lap stopped them. Jim Covey, in the Preferr-ed Foam Roofing Sandhawk, then moved out front. Higgins playecf catch up for the rest of the race, but he lost to Covey by eight minutes. Co-driver Cada said, "We drove about the hardest we ever had!". Starting third and finishing third, Joe Aycock ran consistent' laps, but he finished 3.34 behind Higgins. Fourth to finish in 1600 Ltd. was Maurice Deise. For him it was "hard, rough and clusty, but good to finish." May 1985 No one finished a lap in Sportsman Class 5. But, Larry Weiser drove Chuck Edwards' . T.U.F. Off Road ,5-1600 Baja to a respectable eleventh overall finish for the class win. Port Campbell had ignition problems on his first lap, but he came back strong for second place. Don Weiser blew a piston on his second lap. Eight Beginner race cars started their two laps at 3 p.m. in two classes, Unlimited and Limited. They started a minute apart. Brian Page, in the Al's Volkswagen Parts/T.U.F. Off Road Chenowth was first away. He never looked back as he led all the way, taking his first overall and unlimited victories. Finishing second overall and in Unlimiteds was Francois Vallecillo in Cohen's Chaparral. He called the run exhilarating and found the constant steering necessary in off road racing a worthy challenge. Now that he"s got the bug, wonder if we'll see him in next year's Paris-Dakar. Nancy Sanders earned her first win in the Ltd. class, putting her Chenowth home third overall. One very unusual entry was that of Tucson's Gil Feldman. His Unlimited Beginner single seater looked like an oversize Odyssey. Designed and built by Gil and Terry Harden, it features a 550 cc Suzuki Katana engine and transmission, six speeds, chain dri:ve, inboard disc brakes, an eighty-seven inch wheelbase, and fully independent suspen-sion with nine inches of travel, front and rear. A TV tires on eight inch wheels support the car. Our photo spot was a whooped _out left hand sweeper, figuring this car would get some air. But, it came through straight and true. Feldman did have some troubles on this shakedown run though. At about the half way point on the first lap, Gil thought he smelled "something funny"; when he looked back over his shoulder, the rear of the car was in flames! Fire was all over the right side of the car. Gil stopped, grabbed his fire extinguisher and bailed out. The bottle was soon exhausted, so he scooped up the plentiful sand in a frenzy and smothered the fire. Not sure if it was a ,gas or oil leak, he decided to call it a day. Later he said that the car handled beyond his expectations, and that he could have used more power, like a Z-1 motor. Mechanical woes didn't hit just the racers. The A.D.R.A. Rescue Buggy dropped a valve, while attempting to retrieve one of the Sportsman cars. Those not beating a hasty trail to Tucson for the next day's short course race, were treated to a big fiesta Saturday night, and then arose Sunday to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, Mexican style. Dusty Times

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The 1985 Sea.son Begins in Georgia Text & Photos: Darlene Bozeman Mike Seabolt started the new season right, leading Class 10 and overall most of the main event, and when it counted, at the finish line. The Georgia Off Road Racing Association opened the 1985 season in the middle of March. The track is near Atlanta, but nearer to the Six Flags -Amusement Park. The approxi-mately two mile course winds through the woods and passes over a wooden bridge that spans a creek feeding the nearby Chattahoochee River. The weather was great on race day, cool and sunny, a pleasant spring day. The race track was in good shape, and somewhat different than last year. A jump was added to the straight-a-way section, and several trees had been removed through thnvoods sections. The only problem the drivers faced trom the weather was the thick dust, so thick you could hardly see your own hand at times, much less another car. The racing started with five lap heat races for both the Class 10 cars and the Florida style D cars, 40 horse powered buggies with stock swing axle suspension systems. After the heat races, the 25 lap, 50 mile feature race saw eleven D cars and four Class 10 racers survive the preliminaries and line up for the green flag. The Class 10 cars started in front of the D cars, which left the D car drivers in a thick cloud of dust to start their race. And, it was doubly hard for them to find the new jump on the straight. In the Class 10 field it was Mike Seabolt in the lead again. Mike was GORRA's 1984 point champion. He led the Class 10 cars almost all day last March. Only once during the feature race did he lose the lead for two or three laps to Travis Hurst. Mike regained the lead to take the checkered flag first. Travis Hurst finished second with no problems at all. Third place went to David Murphy, who covered only 18 laps before breaking a CV joint. Fourth in Class 10 was Robert Moore, who only was able to make two laps of the race, because of losing the transmis-sion support. Several Class 10 cars did not start the feature race. One blew Dusty Times Dave Murphy was running strong for 18 laps, then he broke a CV joint, but his laps counted were good for third in the Class 10 field. Kicking up a bit of red Georgia dirt, Ernest Tinsley had a good run in D class, getting the flag in eighth spot with 24 laps done. G.O.R.R.A. built their own wooden bridge over a treacherous water crossing ·on course, and it sends the buggies, like Larry Porter's, flying. May 1985 an engine during_ the heat race, and in the same run Jack Hanson broke a spindle. Jack Thompson, GORRA's 1985 Club President, broke a CV joint, and Bill Porter also broke a CV joint. A bunch of Class D cars started the 50 miler, but Clay Hurst took the lead on the first lap and he led from flag to flag to win first in class. This is only Clay's second full year driving off road races. In second place in · D was Ray Whigham; Ray left racing for the 1984 season, but, he seems to be starting the 1985 season off right with no problems. Bobby Bramblett finished third in Class D, with 25 laps done, and John Williams was close in fourth in the same lap. Jerry Holcombee was,.fifth, and Jim Dunaway sixth, both also covering all 25 laps. In seventh place Coy Scott, and eighth placing Ernest Tinsley both finished 24 laps. Larry Porter placed ninth, and suffered unknown troubles with his car. With eleven laps done, George Williams had engine · trouble, and he was.tenth in class. Rounding out the D class in eleventh place, Lamar Chambers got in five laps, and then the floor pan broke in his car. The next GORRA run will be a 100 mile feature race on the same track, and that should be a good one if the weather holds up sunny. Check the "Happenings" section of Dusty Times for full info' and the GORRA racing schedule· that happens in both Georgia and Alabama. Robert Moore hops over a jump chasing the dust of a D car, but he may have jumped too hard, because he retired later with trans trouble. Clay Hurst took the lead off the line in D. class in t_he 50 miler, and he never looked back, leading all the way to a well earned victory. ·SMALL SHOP PRESS How many times have you needed a hydraulic press to remove or insta!! a bearing or a .gear on a shaft? Until now there has not been a small bench mounted press that was capable of a multitude of applications and operations at an affordable price. GENERAL MACHINE SERV-ICES has designed and pro-duced what they consider to be the Ultimate Shop Press. THE SSP I - $159.95 12,000 pound rating THE SSP 11 - $139.95 8,000 pound rating You can't afford to be without the Small Shop Press. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 923-30 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRI.ES INVITED Page 35

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DUSTY TIMES INTERVIEWS K.J. HOWE K.]. Howe is the subject of our special Mint 400 and Score Show issue inter,vie«', done by Brad C. Goodrow. Howe has been the moving force behind the Mini 400 for a number of years, as well as doing his full time job as Public Relations Director for the Mint Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. K.]. isanavidmotorsports enthusiast as well as a Race Director, driving in several off road events each year in his own car. His · energy ahd enthusiasm are a big part of the excitement that surrounds the Mint 400, and the world wide coverage given to this one-of-a-kind desert race. The Man Behind the Mint 400 DT: Tell us about the history of the Mint 400 race. K.J.: Back about 1967 a couple of Mint executives had an idea that could de in with the Mint fall hunters promotion. I believe the fellow's names were Johnson and Bob Plummer and Bili Bray, and those three devised a bit for the Hunters promotion whereby they took three Sandmaster buggies and went from the Mint Hotel in Las Vegas to the Del Webb run Sahara Tahoe Hotel, c_ompletely off the road. They camped out along the way, and never traversed a paved or regular gravel road. It took six days and the attendant publicity was enormous. By Brad C. Goodrow backdrop of a very famous community like Las Vegas. That is one kind of innovation that I think was significant in bringing the Mint 400 a little more publicity and glamour, and gave the race more credibility to off road racing in general. . I think the no-nonsense approach I took with regard to protests and respect to class structure was significant also. We stood on our own, and we remain independent. We go along with many of the things the rival sanctioning parties in off road racing are doing, but we maintain our independence. We have a race that is open to all, regardless of affiliation and I think that is the right move. We remain independent this year, and it remains to be seen whether that was the best move; hut c somebody has to remain open to everybody. . DT: When did you get involved in the Mint 400? At approximately the same· time the Baja 1000 was run for the first time, and that got a lot of publicity. So, the enterprising executives decided they might capture what follow up publicity they gleaned from the Hunters promotion, ride with the publicity that was gained by the Baja 1000, and organize a Mint 400 race, which they did. The race.was a $15,000 event and had 40 or 50 entries. The race was enormously popular from the first here in Las Vegas, as well as in the media, because of the uniqueness of the event With the backdrop of Las Vegas it commanded a lot of attention in the nation's press. K.J. Howe is a familiar person to all off road racers, known for his mighty efforts each year in producing the Mint 400 race. K.J.: I came out of Vietnam in 1970 and was hired here at the hotel. That was my first exposure to the Mint race. I had raced cars overseas, in Europe and here in the States -GTs, sports cars and a little bit of Formula work. I wrote the right the right time to the right guy ... a retired General in the Air Force who was then President of the Del Webb Hotel Division. His name was Ed Nigro. I was just trying to get any position in Las Vegas because I liked the town. I came here to play golf. I said, heck, they have to have P.R. people· in this town, and that is the field I thought I would be most comfortable in. So, the executives thought, let's do it again, so they did in 1969, and again the publicity was the same. Parnelli Jones was entered, and he got a lot of publicity, and so did entries like Jim Garner and Steve McQueen. That year a lot of luminaries from throughout the racing world as well as movie stars and other celebrities all took a chance at the Mint 400 and went out and had some fun, beat their heads against the roll bar and so forth, and got a lot of publicity. That was the whole point in the first place in the early days of the Mint 400. By the way, I might add that the. significant objective of the Mint 400 today is publicity. It is a public relations promotion for the hotel. The first Mint 400 ran in a big 400 mile loop, and then it evolved to the Mint Gun Club course, which was about 40 or 50 miles long with multiple loops using the Mint Gun Clubas the start/ finish area. That course was used through 1972. In 1973 we moved to Jean for one year, with two very long loops. That was the year of the infamous snow storm, where we had frost bitten hands in the ~pen classes. Parnelli Jones won the race in his Big Oly Bronco, complete with heater, windshield wipers, or so the story goes. By then I was Race Director, and in 1974 we didn't have the race. We cancelled it because of the energy crisis. Del Webb Corp. thought it would be in the best interests of all parties, due to the fact that the lights were off in C.O.R.E. PIT TEAM C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at w·estern desert races, a family o~iented club with social activities and much more for its members. C.O.R.E. also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors. Get all the information on C.O.R.-E. Jim Branstetter ' President, (818) 705-8183, 17 453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys, CA 91406. . Page 36 the Las Vegas marquees, and lots of other things were off nation-wide due to the energy crunch. In 197 3 when the race was south of town, the majority of the activity took place not in Las · Vegas, but in Jean and the benefit of the race to the Mint Hotel was minimized. Consequently I looked for a new course. I found the Speedtome north of town, and that has been the home of the Mint 400 since we first ran out there in 197 5 and developed the four lap 100 mile concept that has proven to be not on! y popular, but a format that is easily handled. Along the way there have been a couple of innovative moves, one being the tech ins·pection on Fremont Street. Prior to '75 tech was held on a back lot somewhere and lost in obscurity. 1 thought with a famous street, Fremonr, which is one of the most photo-graphed in the world, it was the ideal location . for tech and contingency row. The parade on race morning was on Fremont even during the Gun Club days. Knowing the attention the early morning parade got, it was logical to me to l10ld tech inspection on· the same street. . In those ·days the motorcycle · race was one day and the car race the next, so we blocked the street for two days. It was an enorm-ously successful promotion, "come on down and see the racing cars on Fremont St." Over the years the tech day has evolved into a happening. People like it, the_ racers seem to like it, and again, it became a significant part of the Mint 400 race activities. It is probably the single thing that separates the Mint 400 from any other race -the tech inspection on a main street with the May 1985 I did write the right letter at the right time, and just by accident I threw in a little about my racing background just to show some flexibility in personality and some interest in golf, ice hockey and racing. Little did I know that part of the Del Webb Corp. was the Mint Hotel and that the Mint Hotel had the Mint 400. That is really what got me in the door. They read my resume, and the other fact that I was a Captain in the Army and a Company Com-mander in Vietnam didn't hurt at· all when you are talking to a retired military man. So those two things got me an interview, and I was hired. I worked the race up until 1972, and that was the first year I drove in the event. I took over in '73 and I have been here ever since. DT: Being in Vietnam would account for how you handle logistics 'with the race, and the logistics ought to be outrageous.· K.J .: I got some pretty good training prior to going to Vietnam. I was a career officer at the ti~e. I thought that was what I was going to do, but about my third tour I said that's enough of this. I think I'd better go back to the civilian community. DT: Tell us about your early career in racing, other than off road. K.J.: I got acquainted with road racing about the time a guy named Jim Kimberly was driving a Ferrari. He was the heir to the Scott Paper fortune, and he and a young man named Phil Hill were -racing tooth and nail in the Sports Car Club of America circuit. They had a race at Beverly, Mass., at the airport, and tr,ie race was to raise money for some hospitals in Boston's north shore region. I had just gotten my license, so I went to watch the race. I was enamored by the racing cars and what they could do -the whole aura of racing. I just couldn't get enough of it. I knew then, the first time I saw Phil Hill and Jim Kimberly battling it out, that I had to get involved in it.' As soon as I had the guts to drive a 1946 Chrysler fluid drive Windsor around a corner in a · semi four wheel drift,' that lumbering ark sqred the heck out of me going around the corner. I' knew I was hooked then, and knew I could control the car, and I went on from there ·really. I had various and sundry cars, not sports cars or racing cars in any way. I waim't too hip on drag racing, but more on making a car go first through the apex of a turn, and go sideways and forward at the same time. From those early experiences, every car I got from then on was a little more capable of handling the cornering element rather than going from zero to 60 in seven seconds. I ended up with an old MG TD which was in bad shape, then I tinkered around with an old Triumph TR 2, then a TR 3 and did some crazy things. When I was in college at Mount St. Mary's in Nimitzburg, Maryland, I ran the MG in the Hershey Hillclimb, which was one of the first races I ever did. Gymkhanas, the prelude to Autocross or solo as we know it today, was popular then. I even had a Volkswagen, a rag back sliding roof VW, and I drove it in Gymkhanas while I was-in college. When I finally got to Europe as an adult, the first car I bought was a Porsche. I went from Porsche to Lotus and back to Porsthe again, and to Cooper. I drove a Cooper S during the '60s in the North Baden district of Germany, quite successfully, and campaigned the stage 2 engine that was delivered to my door in Heidelberg, Germany. · DT: Was that Formula type racing? , K.J.: No, that was GT racing, grand touring. The Formula racing came in between, and often in hill climb racing. Some-times you would run your own GT car, and other times you would run cars specifically built for hill climbs. I got to run a Cooper in a hill climb and did quite well with it. So, I got to run a few of the Formula 3 cars in some races in the area, which I liked. I always wanted to go back to it, but never really had the chance. Most of my experience in European racing : Dusty Times

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\ 1ERIV~ Z . . '< 4th Race in the·1985 SCORE/HDRA . -Championship High Points Series TOYOTA - Official Truck of SCOR£ International

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1-. ·was in GT ranks in the Porsche. When you race a Porsche in Europe you get support from their racing service. You bring the car to the track as an independent and they will help you get it ready for the track. Running as an independ-ent, without a lot of money, you can have a lot of fun with that kind of support. It certainly was thrilling racing on the great tracks of the world, the Nurburg-ring, Solitude, Spa, Hockenheim, and also in England and Italy. DT: Were you over there as a professional race driver? K.J.: No, then I was a Second Lieutenant in the Army. In Europe you can race profession-ally very easily. You just do it. You get your proper licensing, and you can race both as an amateur or a professional. Howe enjoys driving his Class 2 on the desert, always runs in the Mint 400 and several other desert events each year, now with his whole family helping out on the car prep and driving chores. The early Mint 400 races saw buggies like this, originally built for dune running and beach play, in the thick of the competition and doing well at that. DT: Which do you like best? We know you off road race. it grow. But, if I had my "druthers", I would much rather be campaigning a formula car any day of the week or a fast GT or prototype like they run at Le Mans. A couple of years ago we went back to Le Mans and had some fun, then went to Hocken-heim, and I got to drive a 924 Turbo. I like to keep my hand in road racing. I would prefer to K.J .: I love off road racing because I have been a part of it for so many years. I have watched CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RACERS --~\. jj) •~-:-s GOLDEN BEAR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD SERIES Page 38 FEBRUARY 16 Tulare Count~· F,rngrounds APRIL 12. 13 & 14 Tulctre County Fa1rgrou11d, MAY 11 Tulctre County tilirgrounds MAY25 Tulare County Fairgrounds JUNES Location To Be Published JULY 13 Location To Be Published AUGUST 10 Tulare County Fairgrounds SEPTEMBER 22 Tulare County Fairgrounds SCORE SANCTIONED / C.CAR. VORRA CLASSES + ATC"s AND MOTORCYCLES GRANDSTAND SEATING / 100% VISIBILITY TULA~E COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS TULARE. CALIF C.C.A.R. CENTRAL CALIF. ASSOCIATED RACERS PO BOX 7921. FRESNO. CA 93747 (209) 255-5995 road race, but there is not· a regional circuit in the USA. There are just not enough races. So the thing to do is to stay with off road where, number one, you have a position in that type of racing, even if it is only because of my standing as the Mint 400 Race Director. I know the people involved, I am well received, and usually get a lot of publicity for the hotel. The Mint car always gets pictures in the publications, and that is neat to justify some of the expenses of my sponsors. Off road has been very good to me, and I am glad that I have been a part of a new form of racing frorri the beginning. with me has been a big thrill, and line last year; great guy! one of the best things that has K.J.: Oh yes, he is just a great happened to me in off road guy. He is at the helm. When I racing. Now my son and my come up with my wild ideas, he brothers all race with me. We are all from Massachusetts. ·They says yea or nay, and he is the one who supported the race from the kept reading about the Mint 400, very beginning. A lot of credit for knew 1 was involved, so they the Mint 400 has to go to Andy came out here as they got older. Zorne's contributions. I got all Now they all live out here and we the glory, 'cause I was out front, all race together. behind the -scene other people DT: That sounds like fun. What keep the cash flowing and keep was the worst crash you ever had up the support for the race. offroad? DT: What was the largest K.J.: Oh, yes. Andrew M. Zorne, amount of cars in the Mint 400? Vice President and General Manager of the Mint, .was for K.J.: We had 518 in 1982· many years involved in every DT: Do you think it will get that DT: What was your best off road Mint 400. He and I co-drove big this year? race? together from 1972 right up to K.J.: No way. I don't think we last year, and we had a hor-will ever see it that big again, but I K.J.: The most thrilling time I rendous endo, four times end should never say never. Racing have ever a racing car had over end, completely demolish-has become very expensive and to be at the Los Angeles ing the car in the rock pile while that year everything, including Coliseum, when Mickey Thomp-he was driving. I always get credit the economy, was right. Now the son put on two races several for destroying that car, but Andy profusion of classes is confusing, years ago. I raced both of-them, was driving. Andy only raced and we are not seeing a lot of and Mickey was also kind once a year, in the Mint 400, it people getting involved. _We see enough to allow me to be one of was a tradition and we were people moving from class to the pro drivers in the Celebrity together. He loved to pass single class, but it doesn't seem that a Jeep race field. I got to race with seaters, but two seaters didn't f 1 great amount o new peop e are Freddie Dryer. He was the driver pass single seaters in those days coming into the off road race and I was his pro. And I got to in the rock pile. Then the singles race with Larry Wilcox. Both had all the right stuff. times we did very well. Freddie But Andy loved to pass single and I had a great duel with Bruce seaters, so he got his beady eyes Jenner and Bill Stroppe in one of looking down the rock pile, saw a the heat races, and Freddie and I single seater, and he started won that race. It was a great thrill, singing. Once he started singing and a thrill to be in the Coliseum, that was it! He started going a huge place. We could see our faster and faster, and I was yelling names on the scoreboard, and at him to slow down, but he kept flying up the peristyle with the singing. Fortunately I tightened Olympic Torch flaming was the my belt because I knew what was biggest thrill. I just loved being going to happen. We went there. through three cactus bushes and I have had some thrilling road then we hit the up side of a races, but nothing that captured whoop-de-doo with the nose, my imagination as racing in the endoed four times and landed on Coliseum. I guess I love finishing our heads. I managed to crawl the Mint 400, and I have only out and got Andy out. He finished four times in the years I fractured his ribs and had a mild have been racing. LaSt year we concussion and had sheared off fini~hed sevent~. That was a big the steering wheel completely, thrill ~o_r us m a large and , and it was lucky that his belts compet1t1v~ class -to outlaSt were tight, or it could have been everybody ts really what we were much more serious than it was. doing. I did se~ the fast lap a We were both crawling co~ple of years m Class 2 at_ the around in the dirt, looking for Mmt 400 and that was a thnll. I matches because in those days got a nice trophy, but the we both smoked and needed a problem is ! broke the damn car cigarette. As we were crawling because I was going too fast. I around from above came a quit driving fast in the first lap, helicopt~r. It was Jess Hinkle, the and now try to keep the car big Indian who was President of together and surv1ve the endur-Del Webb Hotels. He had an~e races. I ha_ve done well !n followed our progress and saw Baia, ~nd at thef1rst two Laughlm the whole thing. Boy, was that races m the 1970s. embarrassing! We took a lot of Most of it has been trying to harrassment and that was the get in the top ten in the big class. worst crash i ever had. We have a lot of people and family out there in the car. Having my son in the race car May 1985 DT: We had the op.portunity to meet Andy Zorne at the starting A long time friend and co-driver in the Mint 400, Andrew M. Zorne was for years the biggest mover and shaker that kept the race alive through sundry crisis. Dusty Times

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Howe has deep interest in all forms of motorsport. Here he chats with racer/actor Paul Newman, left, and Mario Andretti, during a pit stop contest at the 1984 Caesars Palace Grand Prix. · One of the great traditions started by Howe is the Mint 400 tech and contingency inspection on Fremont Street which always brings hordes of spectators to see the day long into night parade of race cars. An innovative. for off road racing, concept of the Mint 400 is the annual se_arch for Miss Mint 400. The girls of the Mint 400 are as much a part of the event as the rough and rugged desert course. scene. It is expensive to go to 15 races a year, so you go to the ones that mean something. The ones that do _mean anything are expensive, and the Mint is expensive. But, everybody wants to come to Vegas, so they pool the effort. · DT: It is my favorate race. K.J.: Thanks ... a lot of people say to me if they are going to race once a year, they are going to race the Mint. I think you are going to see a 350 to 400 level in the 1985 Mint 400. Realistically there are about 350 racing cars that can seriously contest the race, one of this size, or I should say about 350 teams out there. I am just talk_ing about cars. DT: The classes are getting smaller. Five years ago when I started, most of the classes were fairly big. K.J .: Some of the original classes have been split up more than once. Look at what is going on in Class 7 and the Jeep class. There are just too many various vehicles out there and everyone is trying to make a class for everything. It is not making racing any bigger, it is just separating people. It is not bringing in new people. Of course there are new people coming in, but there are a lot of people dropping out too. You are looking at the demographics of off road racing, that have really changed in the last five or six years because of the expense of racing seriously. To support an effort of five or six races cost some money. The more affluent individual is participating on a regular basis, which makes it great and justifies the Mint Hotel involvement in racing, as this is our market. I would just as soon see the race be 300 super affluent people. It makes sense, because you have the market. The market-place fits the promotion. On the other hand we like to see 500, big masses of people, and many will say the more entries you have, the more people you have here. That is not the case. The crowds have been bigger every year, because guys like you are bringing more and more people with you to the race each year. People see this unique thing in this unique city, and that is really where it is. I can see where this could be the boutique of races, rather than .the big large mass race. DT: The first year I came to the Mint I built the car just for the race, and the car broke before I got in, I still didn't feel cheated. I Dusty Times loved every minute, and came back the next year. K.J .: I know a lot of people break. Don't forget the Mint 400 , has always been treacherous. You know we have had finish• ratios from as low as 19 percent to 24 percent. When you have 400 cars, with those kind of figures, you have 300 broken down. It is incredible. There are a lot of guys who never get in the race car ever ... haven't in five years. DT: I think we have enough to go on. K.J.: I have a tendency to go on and on and on. FINALLYA PANLESS Constructed of .095 1-1/2'' and .. 075 l II tubing, this chassis eliminates that scrap metal pan and allows the VW body to bolt to tubular frame rails. Chassis comes complete with torsion housing and mounts for transmission, shift box, pedal and steering. S-K · OFF ROAD · . FABRICATIONS May 1985 • Front and rear bumpers included M_ore ground clearance • Choice of wheel base • Maximum head room $1995 COMPLETELY WELDED Call or write for more information: 1105-B Third Avenue Chula Vista, California 92011 {619} 690-6494 Page 39

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PRO CANAM RACING The Chamberlin ScOut Wins overall at the Millican 150 By Cindy Chamberlin Photos: Leonard Day/ Cindy Chamberlin The hard charging IH Scout, powered by Chevy, of Bob and Cindy Chamberlin took a great first overall and first in class, turning the 250 miles in 6:03.33, a great run in the very tough and cold conditions. Pro CanAm kicked off their Snow or no snow, it was Jeep pickup ran strong all day, first race of the year with a definitely the Chamberlin's day. never letting the pressure up on drawing for starting positions at We started out ninth in a field of the Chamberlin Scout. Although the new Dick Cepek of Oregon eleven cars, and by the end-of the mechanical difficulties haunted shop in Portland, a few weeks first lap Bob had passed all of the Roemer's team most of the race, before the race. Seventy-five 4 x 4 class cars with the exception Don still finished second in class drivers and co-drivers and of Don Roemer, who was only and third overall. The battle for support people attended the seconds ahead. When Bob came third place money was heavy drawing, where a total· of 32 through on the second lap, there between the late model Bronco entries were recorded. was no one in sight. We pulled_a of Bob and Rick Nyeste, out of For the hearty competitors steady lead from then on to finish Kamloops, B.C., and the Port-who showed up early at the race not only first in class, but first land based Bronco of Rod site near Bend, Oregon on overall by a little over six Stevens. Late in the race Rick Thursday, it was a little unnerv-minutes. The only cliff hanger Nyeste came into the pits ing to sit and watch the snow came halfway through the last complaining of a loss of brakes; piling up. By Friday it was sunny, lap, while Cindy wasp riving:The having come too far to quit now, but awfully cold. Needless to say, rear pinion nut came loose, but Bob Nyeste, the owner /builder, there was from two· to four didn't break. Thanks to the local took over the driv·er's seat, and inches of snow along the entire spectators and our own special captured the third place purse. 32 mile race course Saturday , "guardian angel", Wolfgang, the Last year's Sportsman 4 x 4 cliss morning. A quick check at the rear driveline was removed, and winner, Rod Stevens finally got starting line, however, revealed we were able to finish in plenty of his feet wet in his first Pro 4 x 4 that no one was running on time. class race. Between changing his studded tires. Don Roemer's sharp looking oil out on the course, and re-Washington based drivers Del Matthews and Roy Williams took a keen first in open class driving their newly acquired ex-Dan Cornwell Chenowth 1000. Californians Don Roemer and Tom Scahill came north to play in the snow, and put their Jeep Honcho home second among the 11 starters in 4 x 4s. keying his steering shaft, Rod eventually went the full distance for a respectable fourth place check and trophy. Various mechanical problems hit several of the 'regulars' this race. The 'Overall Racing Team' dropped out of the contest in the seventh lap, Gordon Scott and Joe Copening both grounded their cars in the fifth lap, and· Rick Hochfeld pulled out midway through the fourth lap. Jim M,urphy was making a fi~e show until his. rear axle housing broke in two pieces, bringing his day to an abrupt halt in the sixth lap. Entering Pro 4 x 4 class for the first time, Bill Jackson, in his CJ-5 was only able to complete two laps. The nice looking Jeep ran strong though, and he will be ready for the next race in Kittitas, Washington. If there could be only one person named that has the best attitude when the chips are down, it .has to be George Wagonblast. George and his wife Gloria have not had the best of luck at their last few races, and, as it turned out, this Millican 250 was to be no exception. Every-thing looked to be a go at the starting line, but approximately one mile from the ·start/fin ish, their motor seized up. This left them sitting by the side of the track, watching as their class passed by. Not one to sit and mope, George soon offered his power steering pump from the Somebody goofed, and Scott Livernash ran out of gas halfway into the last lap, driving the ex-Glenn Evans Chaparral and finishing out of the money. Roger Caddell drove the Olson Brothers 1600 racer in the snow, and he just barely took first in class, arriving at the flag on three wheels. Todd Springer didn't believe it could snow in the desert, so he left those tires at home, but he still drove to a close 2nd in Pro 1600s. Jeff Peacock usually drives a Class 5, but tried the open cockpit Class 1 in the snow, but the entry went out on the very last lap. Page 40 Turning to the Pro 4 x 4 class in 1985 is a tough job for Bill Jackson, who did two good laps in the Jeep CJ 5 before going out of the race. May 1985 Joe Kellogg came from Yakima to race, but severe icing problems all day held him down to a fifth place finish in the open class for Pros. Dusty Times

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Harvey Lange drove the Advanced Off Road 1600 in the Pro bash. and did well. but covered 7 of the BJaps, good for 3rd place. Danny Nich.ols bopped right along in his new Odyssey racer, and he won the three lap dash overall and in suspended class by 'just yards. Terry Shimin did an amazing job, covered the entire 100 miles of frozen desert, 3 laps, & took a well deserved win. in stock Odysseys. Canadians Bob and Rick Nyeste worked hard all day and were rewarded with third in Pro 4 x 4s in their handsome, Kam/oops based Ford Bronco. The 1984 champion in the Sportsman Class, Rod Stevens (ried Pro 4 x 4 at Millican Valley, and he drove his Ford Bronco to a good fourth place. racing Blazer to Roemer's team, and provided an extra set of helping hands to who ever needed the help. A real nice person to race with, thanks George. With the temperature warm-ing up to somewhere slightly above freezing, the snow began to melt. As the day wore on the entire'course began looking like a collection of small rivers and lakes. Several of the Class 1 and 2 drivers began wishingthey were a few more feet off the ground, and had a little more sheet metal around them. But, from our experience, no matter what you were driving, you were soaked to the skin when you finished! Pro Class 1 and 2 were combined in the event to make a total starting field of ten cars. Although plagued with several flat tires, the Class 1 of Del Matthews and Roy Williams still finished with the victory in the combined class. Dan Clark, Jr. looked as if he had first overall wrapped up, until the last lap. Then he developed serious clutch problems, which dropped took home a nice third place win. Running out of gas during a race is bad enough, but when it is your last lap and you are in the money .. .it is extremely frustrat-ing to say the least. Just ask Scott Livernash, of Tacoma, Washing-ton, who not only ran himself out of gas, but also out of the money. Scott still ended up with fourth place. Pushing the front runners all day was the Class 1 ofJoe Kellog. Severe icing stopped Joe in the last lap, along with Jeff Peacock's Class 1. Jeff usually drives a Class 5 car; I think he missed the closed cockpit and windshield! The LaPlante Racing Team also had to quit with only one lap-to go. A broken torsion bar put a real hardship on them, bringing their effort to an end. Frozen ground, and later on lots of -water, combined to bring the Class 1 car of Ken Sanislo to a halt in the seventh lap, as well as l'he two seater belonging to Roger Zacker, who went out in the sixth lap. Mike Strong, driving the only other Class 2 car, completed just three laps. Hopefully the next race will go better for everyone. The Pro 1600 class showed five cars strong at Millican Valley. Roger Cadell took the class victory over Todd Springer by only a few mi.nutes. It was an exciting finish. Both drivers had been going neck and neck throughout the race. ·obviously Roger wasn't going to · stop for anything. When he came across the finish line he was running on only three wheels. Harvey Lange was able to comple~e seven of the eight laps for third place. Gayle Hodsen saw his race come to an abrupt halt when he was nerfed by the Class 4 truck of Joe Copening while Joe was trying to pass. The hit did enough damage to put Hodsen out of the race for the rest of the day, which was a real shame. Ron Arthur; a first time. pro racer, was out pre-running the day before the race, and the car started spinning. In trying to regain a "controlled" forward motion, Ron's son-in-law, the: co-driver, let the dutch out at the wrong moment, bringing the tranny and the car to an abrupt halt. Ron wasn't able to start the race, but, like George Wagon-blast, he became an extra pit person for anyone who needed him. The Sportsman classes held only three entries, and only two were able to leave the starting · him to second place at the finish. Class 1 drivers Ken Dare and Lloyd Kruse, of Lorane, Oregon, held it together all eight laps and Oregon drivers Ken Dare and Lloyd Kruse kept th_eir Pro Class 1 going well to finish third in class, and it was their third third place in a row. Dusty Times May 1985 line. The two seater of Bill Ballister completed just one lap for first place in the Sportsman buggy class, while Ed Burnap completed four rounds for a first place in the 4 x 4 category. -Four 3 wheele r s and six Odysseys braved the_ snow and cold Saturday morning with the suspended stock Odysseys leaving right after the Sportsman 4 x 4s. Danny Nichols in his new racer completed his three laps just ahead of Jim Swearingen who ran out of gas just 600 yards short of the finish line. Real tough luck! Ray Hegge, in the same class, was unable to finish the first lap. In the stock Odyssey class, Terry Shimin and Wayne McDonald took off for three laps ... imagine 100 miles of frozen desert in a stock Odyssey! Those guys have to be real tough. Terry Shimin went the full distance for the checkered flag, while Wayne McDonald still had a few bugs to work out and completed just one lap. Last to leave the start line were the 3 wheelers. All three starters completed the two laps with Billy Ballester taking the lyad in the first lap; he finished fourteen minutes ahead of the second place trike of Eric Trygstad. Even though icing was a constant problem, Dennis Stacy covered the required laps for third place. The next ·Pro CanAm event is at Kittitas, Washington in April, and the weather should be better. Leonard Day and his crew put on a great show, and we thank them all for their time and effort. Dan Clark, Jr. led Pro open class a good distance, but last lap clutch problems slowed him down. but he still struggled in second in class. CAREFUL! WE'RE CONTAGIOUS. CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42066-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-2066 Page 41

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A Feverish Spring Fever 150 from Silver Dust Racing Photos: Phototechnik Rob MacCachren had a perfect race in his sleek Class 10 Bunderson; he set the fast lap of the race, kept a quick and consistent pace for five laps, beat all the unlimiteds, and won overall by about 44 minutes, Jim Travis brought his Chenowth from Arizona to leap over the Nevada desert, and he finished in great form, second in class and third overall, WHY AREN'T YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES DEALER!!! SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS. U.P .S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Page 42 Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Deny Avenue, Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889-5600 After six days of bad weather in the Vegas Valley, spring came. just in time for the inaugural running of the Spring Fever 250 produced by the Silver Dust Racing Association. Race day the temperature was in the mid 70s with light winds from the south around Henderson, Nevada, the site of the race. Bert Vaughn put together a scenic 40 mile course that was fast, and both rough and smooth .in sections of the typical Nevada terrain. The motorcycles were targeted to cover four laps, while the ATVs went three rounds, both starting early in the morning and clearing the course before the four wheeled competi-tors took to the desert for their five laps . . The motorcycle drivers' meeting took place at six on rac;e morning and the action started at 6:30 a.rn. Usual 1600 cc buggy driver Mike Spina rode the first bike away, and he soon chal-lenged pro bike racer Billy McDaniels. After three laps, Spina took the lead by a narrow 5½ minutes. McDaniels experi-enced mechanical difficulties further into the race, which put him back to third place at the finish with a time of 4:35.46. Mike Spina went on to the two wheel victory with quick time of 4: 17 .39. Mike Palmer was second recording a time of 4:34.11. The cars started their race late in the morning, and it didn't take Rob MacCachren long to estab-lish a hefty lead, turning a 5 7. 03 lap for his first ro.und, and his first three laps were all in the 57 minute area. MacCachren's Bunderson never missed a beat as the young Las Vegas driver whipped off a pair of 58 minutes and change laps to win the Spring Fever 250 overall with a total time of 4:49.46. Rob was the. May 1985 The Bell family is full of serious racers, This trip Brent drove the 1-2-1600 ' Bunderson to the class win, and a resounding second overall, only Class 10 competitor among the unlimited class buggies, both singles and two seaters, but ~e beat them all with the smaller engine with an average speed of 47 mph. At the flag Rob MacCachren was 44 minutes ahead of the next car. Driving a Class 1 Funco Jim Krumme stayed in hot pursuit of the leader for the first four laps; after four laps Krumme was only 5.55 minutes behind MacCach-ren, but, unfortunately, he went . out with mechanical trouble on the fifth and final lap. . Jim Travis came from Tucson, Arizona with his Class 1 Chenowth 1000, and he made a very good sh~wing. Travis pulled off second in class and third overall after losing considerable time, nearly half an hour, on the third lap. He finished in 5:49.15 and could be a threat in the Silver Dust Triple Crown points series. Allan Hanks took third in open class and fifth overall, corning in about 5 minutes behind Travis. The Lee entry, a Allan Hanks had some problems on the fourth lap, but he came back with a fast final round to take third place in unlimited class at the flag. Louis Barlow drove the only Class 9 car entered, and he finished all five laps quickly to take the class points, and also a neat fourth overall. James Krumme worked hard in his Class 1 Funco, keeping the winner in sight for four laps, but retired on the fifth while only five minutes in arrears. Dusty Times

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two seater, w;is the last finisher in open class, sixth overall with a total time of 6:21.59. Among the l-2-1600s Brent Bell dominated the class in the two seat Bunderson. Bell circled the Eldorado Valley at a very steady pace, slowing only on the fourth lap. Bell was the only finisher in class, but he kept up his quick pace to finish second overall with a swift time of 5:33.55 in the restricted engine 1600 racer. · ' Louis Barlow, also from Las Vegas, raced his Class 9 buggy to first in class and a fine .fourth place overall. Barlow was just minutes behind the open class cars, giving up very little all day. His total time of 5:50.10 was great for 1200 ccs of engine. Dennis Lee kept moving nicely to finish his two seater in good time, fourth in Arron Hawley did not have a fun day in his unlimited car, having big trouble on the unlimited class group and he was sixth overall as well. the first lap, and he went no farther in the race. The start/finish line was packed with race fans as well as the curious, all enjoying an ample amount of food that was barbe-qued during the day. There was not a bad seat on the course with cars passing by every few minutes. Spectators could be found on almost every mile of the route, even in those remote areas that required four wheel . drive and 30 minutes to get there from the nearest access road. As the cars finished the race, the festivities kicked into high gear. The sound of the band music echoed in the canyon and the parry was just beginning. The Mike Spina deserted his 1-1600 car for the Spring Fever 250, raced on two wheels this trip, and Mike svrprised the regulars by winning the bike race overall. Ken Fry got in one quick iap in his 1-2-1600, then the Nevada tough terrain put his entry down and out of the runing. Emory Brazell was doing well in 1-2c1600 competition through twb laps but his two seater vanished intO the desert on the middle round. Dusty Times smell of barbeque was more compelling than the desire for more off road travel. The start/ finish post race barbeque is a great tradition of the Silver Dust Racing Association, and the food was served in a large red and white tent that could be seen for miles across the desert. The full dinner was only five bucks, the music free, and after dinner the awards for the race were presented around 8:00 p.m. Next in the Silver Dust Series this year is the Delamar 400 on June 8 out of Caliente, in the Nevada high country north of Las Vegas. Silver Dust Racing Assoc. Presents Their Third ••• DEIAMA ~ DESERT & MOUNTAIN RACE _,saturdaY, June 8, 1985 In Calien_te, Nevada Two 135 Mile Laps For A. Total Of 400KM CARS AND BIKES WILL NOT RACE TOGETHER Everything From Sign-Up To Awards And Bar-B-Que On Saturday Classes For Cars Class 7s Class 9 Class 10 1-2-1600 5-1600 Class 11 Bike Pro. Classes -125,250 • Open & Veteran (Over 30) • AlV'S DRAWING FOR STARTING POSITION, SATURDAY, JUNE 1st 1985 S.D.R.A. Racing Calendar DEi.At-MR "400" Saturday, June 8, 1985 Caliente, Nevada Nevada "300" SILVER DUST "400" Saturday, August 17, 1985 Saturday, November 16, 1985 Pioche, Nevada · Henderson, Nevada You Choose Three Out Of Four Races For 1985, Nevada Triple Crown Off-Rogd Championship ' SUPER SILVER f·I . . HAWAII f·I Awards For TROPHY _,_Trip to the Winner -'-Five Places . ' " r1).~ Silver Dust Racin Association Phone: (702) 459-03,17 (~ PO Aol /38() • ! ns Vegas NV 8~12S ~\\ May 1985 Page 43

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Doug Shepherd and Dodge Dominate the Tulip 100 Rally By Cal Landau Photos: Dave McGuinness Tom Bell and Mary Jo Czyzio had a fine run in the Datsun 280 Z, and they finished third overall, and second in the open class, called A. to stop your car. One of the nicer things about southern Ohio in the spring is the constant rain that keeps the dust down, but Doug Shepherd and Linda Wilcox in the new Dodge Omni GLH were clearly the class act of the rally. They won most of the stages, and won the rally overall. The new car will help them defend theirSCCA Pro Rally 1984 Production Championship. · . .there is also a lot of fog. Also, the. mating tree frogs do make a sound · like a failing wheel bearing. The cold wet weather was of some concern for the new ralliests, since the first six miles of the first stage was on wet pavement, then going onto four miles of dirt. The stage was lined with very large trees, and some sections had the, hot cars doing over 100 mph. Tom Bell and Mary Jo Czyio in a Datsun 280 Z were: first on the road. Our entry, with my wife Karen navigating for me, was second, but our Dodge Charger wa~ the only car not to make it to the end of the pavement without trouble. A heater hose ble"(, filling the car with hot anti-freeze. We stopped at a corner where some friends were spectating. After quick work and a couple of quarts of water from a mud puddle we were back on the road in sixth position. The LK Tulip 200 Pro Divisional SCCA Rally out of Circleville, Ohio, was swept convincingly by Doug Shepherd and Linda Wilcox. They won every stage. They showed the same dominating form that brought them the 1984 National Production Class Championship in a Dodge Shelby. This time they debuted a new Dodge GLH, . as did Zack Thompson and Kurt Kertu. The GLH has the same running gear as the dreaded '84 Shelbys, but it is close to 200 pounds lighter on a slightly longer wheelbase. Both drivers were very happy with the new machines, even though they had to be driven differently from the two door cars. · Shepherd was the only official factory driver in a field of 51 cars, which was over the 50 allowed ii) the forests. But the entry held some strong competition. There were six or more teams capable of winning if . Doug broke or crashed, and there was lots of vodoo going on in the night. The field showed promising growth for the sport. Twelve new teams came early on Friday to take the required schooling for a Pro Rally license. Most importantly, these new teams 1€arned their lessons well, and showed up with well prepared cars. They also displayed discipline by finishing ten of the twelve. Also interesting was the entry of four lady drivers, two on their first rally. Ellen Hardymon, wife of semi-retired ralliest Mark Hardymon, drove her Chrysler Champ with Mark's former co-driver Tom Drake. Joyce Carey and Jerry Stewart drove a Datsun 510 ·borrowed from Sue Rupp, Tom Ottey and George Bittner did well in the aging Datsun 510, a real favorite rally car. They were second overall and first in Class B. Bob Parks and Robert Schneider ran with the leaders in the early going in the beautiful Alfa Romeo GTV-?; but dropped to 13th overall at the finish. Pagc44 who recently converted Joyce from the circle track scene. A strange flu bug struck many teams, particularly the lady co-drivers, some becoming too ill to compete. The whole Domino's Pizza team became ill after-eating at a fast food seafood restaurant, but they did carry on. The Tulip Rally title refers to the tulip diagrams that are used in the route books for course instructions on rallies world-wide. The Tulip 200 .is one of the oldest Divisional stage rallies in the USA, using many of the same roads as the Budweiser Forest Rally. The loose gravel stages are twisty and very smooth. But, one has to be careful nor to "hug the ditches". The ditches often contain strange objects like culverts or stumps, · and sometimes the ditches disappear altogether, leaving little but a tree The dirt section of the first stage threw everyone off. After the high speed jaunt, the road John Ricker and Art Mendolia stayed close all night in their Dodge Colt, and then ended up fourth·overall and second in the popular Class B. • Mike Irwin and Gary Grebus had a good rally; they won Class C in their Datsun 510, and also placed a really quick sixth overall. May 1985 turned to slick wet gravel with tight switch backs that were much like going down a spiral staircase. In fact, only seven cars did not finish the rally, and all of them blew it on this three mile dirt section. Brad Hyde and Hugh Clark crashed their Dodge Colt as did veterans Peggy Fields and Marylin Andreini, after they hooked a ditch in their Colt. Joyce Carey had her bad luck and the worst crash of the rally when she slid off die outside of a road and hit some trees, making a mess of Sue Rupp's new car. Curiously, the rear window flew out but didn't break. One of the stars of the stage was Gail Hoult, driving one of Guy Light's ex~factory Old_s Omegas, with Jon Wickins co-driving: It was only her second rally, and she passed four cars on the paved section and put in respectable scores for the whole event. On this stage Shepherd averaged about 60 mph, and Tom Bell's p0werful Datsun was 60 hundredths of a minute behind. America's Best stage was next. It has been used year after year by both the Tulip and Budweiser Forest events, and no one has ever complained. The stage is ten miles long with an average speed · of jusi:underoOm pg. lt features sweeping roller coaster tµms with ten feet of grass on both sid~s to_bandle mistakes;-or short cuts for the brave. But, soon that changes and the road plummets into a downhill decreasing radius left . hander with washboard surface, and this section is cambered the wrong way towards some nasty looking trees on a steep hillside. They named the cpmer ".Shepherd's Corner'; a couple of years ago, obviously before he mastered the stage. This year Doug turned· a 1004, faster than at last ·year's Budweiser Forest when he was third fastest behind the open class . cars of John Buffum and Rod Millen-:-Bob Parks and Bob Schneider in the beautiful Alfa GTV 6 were second, 60 hundredths behind. · By the end ~f the first section Doug and Linda had a lead of almost 2½ minutes over Tom Bell. Finally digesting their ~eafood dinner, the Domino's Pizza Shelby of Dan Coughnour and Er,ic Marcus were third, another, 30 hundredths back. Fastest of the pew guys, around 30th piace, 'Yas Bill Gwinn/ Dave Bruce in a Rabbit. One thing the new teams had not learned very well in class was how not to get road penal.ties·. Altogether the Dusty Times

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ten remaining new teams picked up 17 minutes of road points in the first section alone, and at the finish they were to accumulate another 20 minutes. But, they did keep their cars on the road. After three more stages. and the second section, things got close for those following Shepherd. Tom Ottey, Dan Coughnour and John Ricker covered the second section within 1 ½ seconds of each other. Tom Bell was still second, but Dan Coughnour was closing fast, within 40 hundredths. Tom "I'm going to win this rally" Ottey is one of the local boys whose talent and determin-ation is well hidden under the team props, such as kazoos and Groucho M~rx glasses. Tom's 510 is one of the last of the ex-Eric Jones cars that used to be so popular. Tom is just getting back into r'ally driving after three years recovering from a skiing accident. In the next section it was Irish Ridge that upset the finishing order of some of the front runners. About three miles from the end we just passed Bill Buff and Mike Pease in a Porsche Safari, who were going pretty well with their rear brakes locked on, when we came over'a crest to find a smoldering tire in the middle of the road with a three foot plume of smoke over it. There was no way we could miss it nor could Bill Bu:ff. It sounded like a large dog going under the car. The tire belonged to the "Pizza boys" who were still ~changing it when we got to the end of the stage. They were using one of those inflatable jacks that plugs onto the exhaust pipe. It worked great at the shop, but this time the hose melted. Fortunate-ly they had a regular Jack also, but the lost time dropped them from third to tenth. By the end of the rally, we all had to take turns 'taking second places in stage times behind Doug Shepherd. Tom Bell, Dan Coughnour, Tom Ottey, and your roving reporter took two second places each; Bob Parks and local driver Jim Flanigan · both took one second place each. So, of course, Doug Shepherd won the rally, showing us all that the new GLH is even faster than last year's Shelby. Tom· Ottey, five minutes back, got a well deserved second, with Tom Bell just a few seconds behind him in third. John Ricker and Art Mendolia in a Colt grabbed fourth, and fifth went to Mark Bowers and Daniel Macauly in an Opel. _ First in Class C were Mike Irwin and Gary Grebus in a Datsun 510 with an excellent sixth overall. In Class D Jody Lift and Tony Turnlund, in a VW Rabbit, beat out Bill Gwinn in another Rabbit when Bill picked up two_ n:iinutes in road points. They fm1shed 32nd and 33rd overall. Excellent car prepara~i,on got your reporters 20th, but it has been a long time since we had that much fun on a rally, probably due to the low pressure, good roads, and a rally route that got us back before the bars closed. . Dick Paddock and his crew again put on an excellent rally. The timing was accurate and the event ran quickly and efficiently. Dusty Times Your roving reporters, Cal and Karen Landau, had some ups and downs with their Dodge Charger, but at the flag they were fifth in Class A Dan Coughenour and Eric Marcus were running third midway in the rally in the Dodge Shelby, but a flat on a stage put them down to 10th 0 /A 1985 MAN.UFACTURERS' CUP SERIES September-7 Sonora, California · $5,000 Purse SIERRA NEVADA RALLY Tuolumne County Chamber of Commerce k ~ 209-532-4212 May 1985 December 21 Las Vegas, Nevada $5,000 Purse UNITED STATES RALLY UNION IT 800-634-6575 Page 45

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THE TUCSON GRAND PRIX Fierce Action in Front of a Packed Grandstand By Daryl D. Drake The American Off Road Racing Association staged its first race last winter in Phoenix, Arizona, and established a Western Championship Series. In March the action moved to Tucson where A.O.R.R.A. built a one mile short course at Tucson International Raceway. The grandstands were packed when the action began on St. Patrick's Day. The program included two motos for the_ Pro classes, each fifteen minutes long, run alternately with the combined Sportsman/Beginner motos, which were ten minutes long. Once again A.O.R.R.A. devoted the morning to the bikes and A TVS, and we arrived in time to see the team of Mike Curtis and Todd Redondo take the Sidehack win with some fearless flights Page 46 over the jumps. The course held seven jumps, including a double, eight turns and a rough section of whoopies. The track presented quite a challenge to the_ racers and plenty of thrills for the crowd. J::leven cars lined up three abreast for the first Pro moto at 2:15 p.m. Nine were Class 1 _unlimited single seaters; and two were Class 2 machines. Tucson's hometown hard charger Hugh Morrison came out of the first turn out front and set a fast pace. Former Class 5 competitor Albert Bright was right behind him with Chuck Croteau in third. Lots of wild action got the moto to the.halfway mark, where Morrison and Bright continued to fight it out. But, Bright just couldn't pass. Next came Donnie Beyers, from Las Cruces, New Mexico, followed by Glen Greer and Croteau. Leading Class 2, William Muller had worked his way past Scott Tutalo and Doc Ingr,am. Photos: 3-D Photography Bringing up the rear was John Hickok. Don Kalt was out with tranny troubles in his latest short course rac;::er, as was Wayne Greene, who broke a CV joint. About eleven minutes into the heat Bright clipped a big implement tire defining a corner as he made his big push to pass Morrison. This took out his steering and stopped Bright's run. At fourteen minutes, Greer lost an axle and parked. At the finish, Morrison, in the Off Road Buggy Supply machine, held a strong lead over Beyers. He was followed by Croteau, Muller, Tutalo and Ingram, with Hickok way back with shifter problems. The buggies took a break as the final 3 wheelers vs. Quad battle took place, giving some time to those teams that planned to race the same car in both divisions. No one did. The course was watered down once more, and at 3:30 p.m. the first Sportsman/ Beginner inoto was underway, also with eleven starters. Four William Muller has some troubles with the traffic ahead, but he kept his two seater rolling and ended up the winner in Pro Class 2 action. May 1985 were in Sportsman 1-1600, two in 2, and one in Class 1. There were two Beginners in 1-1600, and one each in 2-1600 and 5. Rich Carnahan (2) took the lead followed by Lance LaCascio (2). They were both soon passed by Robert "Bo" Jackson (1) and Mike Williams (1-1600). Next came Brad Campbell ( 1-1600), Bill Carcheski (1-1600), Greg Egoff (1-1600), Larry Vittitow (B-1-1600), and_ Tim Edwards (B-5). LaCascio was first to be sidelined. A broken kingpin not only stopped him in the first moto, but put him out for the day. Williams was driving his "must have 100,000 desert miles on it" two seat Sandhawk like the devil. Though he later called the car "tired ... real tired," the 1600 cc racer was pulling strong and he was soon out front .. Hot on Williams' tail, Jackso~ was having big fun his first time out in an off road car. He's been on the circle tracks for five years, but he said "this is where it's at!" These two stayed out front, and five minutes into it, they were followed by Carnahan, Camp-bell, Edwards, Brooker, Car-cheski, Vittitow and Slagle. Tight dicing and precarious passing continued to the last lap when Jackson made his move on the fast back stretch and passed Williams. Williams wasn't about to give up though, arid he late braked Jackson, entering the next corner hot. Going over the next jump neck and neck with Jackson put Williams on the outside of the rough sweeper leading into the whoopies, and the single seater stayed in the lead. Williams put the tap on Jackson as he cleared the last whoop, and Jackson spun. But that dirt track experience kept Jackson's foot to the floor and he powered through the spin better than Jim Rockford, losing only one and a half car lengths. He put on a valiant effort to regain the lead, but Williams wrung out the little motor into never-never land and sailed over the grand-stand doubles for the checkered flag: 'Behind Jackson it was Carnahan, Campbell, Edwards, and Booker. Vittitow was one lap down and Slagle was down two rounds. Now, what had been a warm, slightly overcast day turned blustery, and the wind kicked up dust into the stands. The water trucks came back out, but many fans had left by the time the second Pro moto started at 4:00 p.m. All but Croteau had made it back. Don Kolt was now driving the number 30 car, since Kolt's new one couldn't' be repaired. Kolt wanted to fly, and since he _owns both race cars, Kalt took the wheel of the older car. .. Lined up five abreast for this one, Donnie Beyers took the holeshot and led the first lap. Bright and Kolt fought for second, ·and though Kalt looked good, Bright was soon on Beyers. By the three minute mark Bright was leading and Kolt was on his tail w·ith Beyers holding off Morrison, who had been shut out at the first turn. Greene was off the course with more CV troubles. Muller again had moved ahead of T utalo for a strong lead over Hickok in Class 2. Kalt tried every trick in the book to get out front as well. Morrison seized this opportunity to take the lead. Bright was soon around him though, as Morrison could hear his rear suspension going away. Kalt was stuck, and Bright moved way out front. That lead evaporated on the eighth lap when Bright's motor began putting out telltale smoke. Kalt got past Morrison by taking the doubles at break neck speed. Pro 1 racers Hugh Morrison, leading, and Albert Bright battled for most of the first moto until Bright lost his steering and Morrison sailed on to win. Michael Williams was the star of both Sportsman motos, beat all the big engines in the first moto, and took 1-1600 honors in the Sandhawk for the day. Dusty Times

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Rich Carnahan came up the winner in Sportsman Class 2, staying with the unlimited leaders in both motos, and winniflg the second round. David Booker ran among the leaders in the Sportsman/Beginner motos, and he took home the top honors in Beginner 1-1600 class. He was flying so far that he was on the ground just long enough to hit the ramp of the next jump down the straight. Still, Bright stayed in front, and at the halfway point he was followed by Kolt, Morrison, Beyers, Greer,. Ingram, Muller, Hickok and Tutalo, who soon went out with transmission woes. Kolt closed the gap as Bright's engine soured, taking the lead and running away with it, as Bright rolled to a stop. Beyers moved up as Morrison slowed, trying to finish. Beyers, who was assigned number 13, should have stayed in bed this weekend. He'd burnt the midnight oil for this race after losing an engine to the deep sand in Mexico the day before at the Penasco 100. Running second to Kolt, the new motor started smoking at the eleven minute mark. Beyers knew if he could just hold his position four more minutes-he would take the overall win and the money, since Morrison would have to finish third just to tie, and Greer was closing in on him. Don Kalt and Albert Bright put on a whale of a show in the second Pro Mato, until Bright's engine soured, and Kalt won by half a lap. Doc Ingram played it smart and cool in the Skoal-Bandit Chaparral desert racer. He finished both motos, and was second overall in Pro 1. Dusty Times Chuck "Bo" Jackson had big fun his first time out in an off road car, and he brought the Off Road Buggy_ Supply racer in for the win in Sportsman 1. One min°ute later Beyers' · engine went flat just as he approached the double jump. It was too late to stop, nowhere to turn, and we all saw it coming. When the rear of the car hit the second half of the doubles, it went straight up with enough force to take the car up again. Beyers' car seemed to stall like a plane as the nose dropped and , the car stood on end, suspended in mid-air. impact. A sideways spin and one more flip put Beyers upside down across the track. He was soon out of the car and waving to the crowd, which gave him a hearty round of applause. We asked Donnie later how it was, and got this reply, "Rough ... I think my neck is six inches longer. But Lt was not that bad compared to what I thought when I hit the ramp!" The incident stopped the race with three minutes left. Kolt finished with a half lap lead over Morrison. Next came Greer, Muller and Hickok. . The wind was really whipping the dust up when the final Sports-man /Beginner moto began at 4 :16. Ten cars started but Vittitow went out without making a lap. Carnahan got the _ lead and at the end oflap 1 he was ( continued on page 51 ) With a sickening thud, the car came down on its nose and i:hen bounced high once more, swapping ends. The next landing was tail down on the engine cage. Luckily, this time it hit on the crest of the next jump. This jump was vertical on its downside and the cushion it provided as it broke away absorbed a lot of the Tim Edwards drove the only Baja Bug in the Beginner ranks, and he mixed it up with the buggies en route to taking the_ Class 5 trophy. May 1985 Page 47

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ANDRES N. WITER j .II T I 7.11 TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & V.W. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 PHONE (818) 765-3566 PRO SPORTSMAN & BEGINNER RACES CLASSES FOR BUGGY'S & 4x4'1 & TRUCKS & CARS C<;J@L~JCc=1J ARIZONA DESERT RACING AIIOCIATION 1408 E Granada Road Phoenix, Arizona 85006 . - BE WHERE THE ACTION IS -COME RACE WITH US WRITE OR CALL:. 252-1900 FAMILY ORIENTED RACING PHONE (206) 778-0531 3 WHEELERS ODESSEYS DUNE BUGGYS OFF ROAD RACE CARS 2006 196TH S.W., UNIT I ,!-YNNWOOD, WA 98036 HARVEY LANGE JOE REICH THE BAKER CHASSIS Fast and affordable. The first and only "kit-concept" sport truck chassis for off-road racing or street use. Baja-bred by John Baker, 1 983 SCORE and HDRA Class 7 champion, to go faster and last longer. For brochure and price sheet, send $2 to: John Baker Performance Products, 4304 Alger Street, Los Angeles; CA 90039. Phone (818) 240-7051. SUSPENSION SEATS IN FINE STYLE-BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'~ ED & BARBARA BEARD a&v• MAZ THE VW' RACING • Race Car Prep (916)635·8222 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 -~---CONNECTION • Fabrication (916) 635 ·82 23 11337 Trace Center Dr., Suite 300 Rancho Cordova, Calif. 95670 Page_48 'Ar#Co,rr Perfor:mance Transmission Products (714) 962-6655 10575 Bechler Fj,iver Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS - 4x4s -MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for our new 1984 Catalog. TIRES WHEELS LIGHTS SUSPENSI ETC. Send To 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON, CA 90746 213-217-1805 eCUSTOM ROLL CAGES e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION e 1?1-► lJ C) 0 m r Cl) r Tim Lecluse Doyne Podhorsky (714) 662-7223 2952 RANDOLPH, UNIT C COSTA MESA, CA 92626 e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD Fuel ROBERT H. HOWES Secretory - Treasurer ■ II, FOOTHILL INTERNATIONAL, INC. 6444 San Fernando Road Glendale, Calif. 91201 {213] 244-4161 RE-~ABLE V. W. PARTS 11623 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4SSS Quick Fills Cells uel afe CELLS 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 ·May 1985 Std. Fills (714) 893-7953 (714) 895-4412 GARMAN FABRICATION ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION *OFF-ROAD AND ASPHALT* DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 German Auto ~ 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA. CA 91766 PARTS MANAGER JOHN PROSSER Parts & Accessories VW • TOYOTA • DATSUN 113.24 NORWALK BOULEVARD SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (213) B6~-1123 • (213) B6B-9393 RON METCALF ED LEKIVETZ •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW Master Diffs. •VW Axles 1220 Knollwood Circle Send This Ad In Anaheim, CA 92801 For A Free (714) 761-2152 P 0 Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 /J~~VY 9 Send $2.00 for Catalog \:J~tiil, 7/ii, ••-•um-====..J OHN ACING PRODlJCTS OHNSON P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 583-2054 7 Time BAJA 1000 Winner SUSPENSION SYSTEMS HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS DUAL & TRIPLE SHOCK SYSTEMS ABERClASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES ' .. : . ~-~-J ... - _ Public Relations Consultants -:,,, STEVE KASSANYI '3""-... _,..._ Creative Graphics _ :£' _ ~"':\,c~ Marketing Specialties 631 Unwood, Monrovia, CA 91016 (818) 35&-5026 Dusty Times

Page 49

4 WD Repairs • Lift Kits • Wheels & Tires Used Trk. Parts • Tel. (413)739-4111 LeDuc Off-Road ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St. West Springfield, MA. 01089 Distributor For: Mastercraft • Bestop Husky • Rough Country • Parker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bars McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHT·s SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIBIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT WESTERN AUTO TIRES 818-764-6438 818-765-5827 SWAY-A-WAY BILSTEIN SHOCKS K.Y.B. SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM GEARS CROWN MFG. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL .TRI-MIL 12945 SHERMAN WAY, No. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91603 MENDEOLA RACINC TECH NO LOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES (714) 697-3100 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE, LA MESA, CA 92041 O'BRACING Distributor {or VW & Off Road Race Parts -Jamar, Mickey Thompson Tires, Allison Ignition, HPS, KC HiLites, Total Seal Rings BILL O'BRIEN 7 Jackson St. 203-673-0342 Avon, CT 06001 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off Boad ■--Can 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth. CA 91311 GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT (818) 882-2886 PHIL'S INC. QUALITY PARTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Send $3.00 for complete Phil's Catalog Volkswagen, Off Road & High Performance Equipment 2204 Ashland Ave.· Evanston, Illinois 60201 Dusty Times (312) 869-2434 (800) 323-5427 for order desk THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 WATTS • SYNTHESIZED (213) 426-7077 • RACE & BUSINESS USE • NEW ROAOMASTER SERIES - 50 WATTS-$499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (206)242-1773 Lee Alderman Tracy Corbett PAO DESERT Custom Metal Fabrication Ott Road Trailers Suspension Cars & Trucks Custom Made Chassis 348 W. Tenth Ave. Mesa, AZ 85202 AL KEY (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES (602) 834-5751 DOUG FREEMAN (2) 3) 320-9584 P .O . BOX 3757 GARDENA, CA 90247-7457 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574~1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V.W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's May 1985 SCORE Canada Inc. 390 CHEMIN DU LAC, LERY, QUE. CANADA J6N 1 A3 514-692-6171 · Larry Ellis SPEED UNLIMITED OF NEVADA V,W, SPECIALIST ENGINES & TRANSAXLE REBUILDING STREET & OFF ROAD 2954 Westwood Dr. #E Las Vegas, NV 89109 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER (702) 735-7753 Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 Suspension Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 TI TECTIRA lJ~~ THE ~~--THE TRAILSMAII~ TIRE & WHEEL MART BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585-3043 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90002 Page 49

Page 50

Lada Sputnik 4x4 Rally Prototype Classified •.. By Martin Holmes Seen for the first time in public like the Lancia Delta S4. On the at the Soyuz '85 Rally in Tallinn, rear drive car a transax le, FOR SALE: 1983 ½ Nissan King Cab 4 WO. Eligible for new HORA/Score Class 7 4x4. Mastercrafts with sheepskin, fuel cell, grill guard, Sway-A-Way, KC lights, Jackman wheels,· Wrangler tires, HORA roll cage. Over $15,000 invested, street legal. Great pre-runner or race truck. Only raced eight times. $8900. Contact Dick Starita (501) 835-4731. FOR SALE: 2-1600, good pre-run or desert play car. New B~ard seats, new trans and clutch, new KYBs on front, MT shocks in rear. Deist belts, Neal cutting brake. $4000 with trailer or best offer. Call ( 818) 965-1087. Estonia, were two Lada proto-combi~ing the gearbox and the FOR SALE: 1972 Toyota type mid-engined rally cars. differential, is placed immedi-RACE VIDEO: Films the spirit of the race! Moves with the ac-tion! Narrated from contingency to awards. A souvenier for spec-tators, pit crews, sponsors and racers. Frontier 500,250, Parker and Laughlin. $39.50 each. Spe-cify VHS or Beta with check or money order to Venture Video, 5226 Renault Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89122. Based on the new Porsche-ately behind the central but pickup, Class 7S. Built by Cal developed hatchback 2108 forward facing engin~. The Poly. Dick Cepek tires, plus FOR SALE: Funco Single Seat. saloon, now in production at power units are believed to be spare parts. Needs work, but a All the best, Beard seat, Neal . Togliatti, the cars have been special 1850cc versions of the good way' to get started in a fast pedals, Centerlines, Parker fan, designed and built for world twin carburetor group B Lada growing sport. $2000.00. Also widened with rear torsion adJ., championship rallying, and for VFTS engine giving 145bhp at 1977 International Scout SS II, long travel front end with alum. comparative testing one was 7500 rpm. street legal, full roll cage. tie rods. Spindles and rack & fitted with rear drive and the The pictures taken by the $2700.00. Call(213).693-2066. h h 1 , pinion, all Wright equipment. ot er wit tota traction. Czech journalist Petr Dufek, The cars were run ahead of the Sports Editor of Motor magazine l 648 cc, Cima forged hi lift event as course opening "Zero in Prague, were taken before the rockers, cam, balanced and blued cars" over the stages used by the start of the rally in the sports flywheel and rods, lightened and 61 starters competing in the stadium at Tallinn which served -c/w crank. Turn key car -FOR SALE: New 3.0 911 Porsche race engine. Mechanical tensioners, external oil cooler, filter, all braided lines, UMP sump, electronic ignition, mechanical advance distributor and C.D.I. unit, 46 IDA Tri W ebers, competition manifolds, bolt in horsepower. Complete and running. Call Tevon, (818) 367-7703 or (805) 259-2991. WANTED: Partner interested in building a Class 2-1600 vehicle to race in Score and HORA events; or person interested in selling partnership ih existing vehicle. Orange County area. desirable. Lets go racing! Call Ed Grahn (714) 841-1478. FOR SALE: Class 2 Funco, 103" WB. Less engine and trans. Several short course tires and rims and misc. parts. Sell or trade for? Honda Odyssey or? Call Steve at Casagrande Racing (805) 944-4729. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Peace and Friendship (Eastern as the pare ferme and head-$4500.00 or best offer. Call Europe) championship rally, quarters of the event. Among Subscribe Tim's message phone (208) Bilstein Corp. of America ...... 7 which is run according to FISA several foreign rally personnel to 466-2673 and leave name and B h R 101 25 car regulations but to which watch the car in action was the phone number, or write Tim rus un · · · · · · · · · · · · drivers from the west are not Team ·Manager of FSO, the t .C.C.A.R. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 38 0 Hardy, 218 Holly, Caldwell, invited. The rally (in which Warsaw-based Polonez team, Idaho 83605_ C.O.R.E. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 36 Russian driven group B Ladas J a eek Bartos. He commented that Darwin Publications . . . . . . . . 12 took the top two places) was held the car showed good traction in a DUSTY TIMES Erikson Industries . . . . . . . . . . 31 February 9-10, in interise cold, straight line, but seemed to have 3 · h h d • d Filler Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 4 wit t ermometer rea mgs many suspension an 'steering FOR s down to minus 40 degrees. problems. The familiar Russian ALE: 1-1600 Mirage, Firestone Tire & Rubber Co .... 9 h d f h SEE FORM 1982 North Central Points G I Ti Mt. t T e esign o t e two proto-rally manager Stassis Brundza,. enera ire o orspor s types were considerably different often seen on rallies in the West, Series class champion. Neal, Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 from those of the normal series and responsible for preparing ON Swa y-A-W a Y, Sandblasters, BF Goodrich -Tire Division . . 2-3 cars. On the 4x4 car the centrally most of the successful Lada and Desert Dogs, Weld, · Fuel cell, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . 13 mounted engine was placed Moskvich cars used in rallying, K&N, Type 4 CVs, Bus trans, longitudinally several centi-stated that the 4x4 cars were an PAGE 5. Dial-A-Cam, Bilsteins. H.D.R.A .... . ............. 11 meters to the right of the center official factory exe_rcise from $4100 .00. Call Scott ( 313) Jamar Performance line and back-to-front, in front Togliatti and that _his workshop 535-2723. Products · · · · · · · '· · · · · · · 41 of the rear axle. The gearbox unit in Lithuania had not been Leduc Off Road Enterprises . . . 30 was to the front of the engine, involved with their preparation. Manufacturers Rally Cup . . . . . 45 r-------------------11"!"------------------------,. MajorAutomotive I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ; DUSTY TIMES. : ::1~:;~~eu::t~~~~i~e ... l~~--.::: · 1~ I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black I · Nevada Off Road Buggy · · · · · · 20 I and white photo, or a very sharp · color print. · . · Rowland Racing Products . . . . 29 I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and I Score International · · · · · · · · · 37 I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. ,.-c I Score Show .............. 19 I I Marvin Shaw Performance I -------------------------------~----------- I Products ............... 35 I , Silver Dust Racing I --------------------------------------0--------'--..:___ I Association ............. 43 I -----------~------------------------'-------- - I SK Off Road Fabrications .... 39 I ------------,--------,----------------------'----I Snore, Ltd. . ..•......... , . 33 I I Station 1 ... , ...... -. . . . . . . 18 I Street & Sand Toys ......... 28 I_-================================================================================= 11 Superstition 250 II . . . 22, 32, 46 Mickey Thompson Entertainment l Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I Group · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 I I Mickey lhompson Tires . . . . . . 21 I Name----------------------------------I Toyota Motorsports ....... Back I Mail to: . ·, Cover I Address _____ ________________ Phone_______ DUSTY TIMES I Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 24 I 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O I T · M.I1 d · 15 I n I n ustnes .......... . I City ___________________ State-'-----Zip_______ Agoura, CA 91301 I Yokohama Tires . . . . . . . . . 26-27 Dusty Times

Page 51

to be scored in overall standings.) William Muller was the Pro Class 2 winner in his Woods' Vulcan. It is his second Pro win in three tries, but he is not betting on the law of averages next time; he wants to see more short course Class 2 competition. You don't see many cars like this on short tracks, and the course turned out to be too tough for Wesley Slagle and the old beach runner. Tight dicing in the Sportsman moto shows Brad Campbell (915) and Tim Edwards (88) make a sandwich on the pass of Wesley Slag/e's race car. In Sportsman classes, Robert Jackson won Class 1 in another Off Road Buggy Supply machine. It was Rich Carnahan, sponsored by R.C. Off Road/Sunland Custom Buggies' in Class 2. 1-1600 went to Mike Williams, Off Road Buggy Supply Sand-hawk. In Beginner classes, David Booker won 1-1600 honors in the Stone Ave. Garage/Off Road Buggy Supply buggy, and Class 5 went to Tim Edwards. TUCSON (from page 47) followed by Williams, Campbell, Booker, Egolf, Edwards, Car-cheski, Jackson, and way back, Slagle. Carnahan and Williams pulled away from the pack and the battle was on. Carnahan had more motor, but Williams made it up in the corners. trouble. Edwards kept it right side up and Campbell slowed, then went out. Carnahan survived Williams' onslaught as the two battled through traffic on their last lap. Jackson finished third ahead of Edwards and Brooker. Doc Ingram and Mike Williams were among many that commented the racing surface had been too muddy, and we waited for the results. Overall in Pro Class 1, Hugh Morrison and his Off Road Buggy Supply Special took first, with Doc Ingram's Skoal Bandit in second. (The same car and driver had to finish both motos A.O.R.R.A. has some· tenta-tive dates scheduled this spring for Tucson and Phoenix. You'll read about 'em first in DUSTY TIMES. -At the halfway point they were chased by Campbell, Carcheski, Jackson, Booker, Edwards, Egolf, and down some laps was Slagle, having trouble with the old beach runner. Edwards began putting the pressure on and was driving the lone Baja on two wheels around most of the corners. Campbell began moving up on the leaders, and Jackson worked his way into fourth. Carcheski went out with steering problems. Williams caught Carnahan as Egolf was frustrated by electrical Pro racer Albert Bright fought for the lead in both motos, but it wasn't his day, and he failed to finish in either round of racing. Bill Carcheski had his 1-1600 in the middle of the Sportsman action in both moto~, but he went out on the final round with steering problems. -MORE ••• GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Miclfey Thampson-1--tt---t, PERFORMANCE TIRES -- ------------THE MOST AGGRESSIVE TREAD YOU CAN GET FOR YOUR RACE VEHICLE P.O. Box ?}7 Cuyahoga Falis, OH 44222 Inside -216 928 909L OUTSIDE OHIO - 800 222-9092 ~TRAC.KSIDE Photo Enterprises __ _, PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (2131 327-4493 llACINC PIIOTOCllAPHY SPECIALlffS STOCK SAND OFF ROAD PARTS REPAIR \ t'tacing Perfor111 eset a,,c. Q MOTOR & TRANSAXLES (9 702-739-1933 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ROLL BAR CAGE WELDING Dusty Times !(ACE TH/INS BY JEFF RE{J)'S TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H , Chatsworth, CA 91311 We gel/ mote ,acing gago/ine than a11yone e/ge in the wegt ! TAlC~,. RACING GASOLINE Call today (619) 281-9133 WEST ENGINE & MACHINE Quality Engine/Machine Work Fabrication 947 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069 CLARK WEST (619) 741-6173 May 1985 Get the word out about your business, big or-small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $16.00 per month. VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 702/873-1962 fiOtVWs Wright Publishing Co., Inc~ Box 2260 • 2949 Century Pl. • Costa Mesa, CA 92628' (714) 979-2560 Page 51

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-YOU· DON'T HIRE A GUY -.NAMED "IRONMAN" UNLESS YOU'RE DARNED SURE ABOUT YOUR TRUCKS. &:.. :fhe man is ruthless. He's been known .to deal the kind of savage blows that make most trucks drop their axles. That's why -Ivan races Toyotas. · Last year, the ,;lronman" stomped. thrashed, and flogged his specially-built Toyota trucks through one win after another. All the way to the coveted first -place trophy in the Class 7 SCORE Off-Road World Championship. This year: ~ -~-- . digging into some of the -}1½ world's most cursed _ · .:..· . · terrain, he and Team · = Toyota captured the Manufacturer's Cup Challenge title-'-for the second yearin a row-leaving the competi-· tion in a defuge of dust. Now they're proceeding to "blow the doors off even the Class 8-V-8 's! "* Sure, these Toyotas may be specially built to win races. But the bottom line is, every Toyota truck is built to come out on top. With race-prov~n technology like advanced, high-torque, 2.4 liter SOHC engines. Computer-con-trolled Electronic Fuel Injec-tion:!'* Rugged full~box·frames, torsion bar front and leaf springrear suspension, 5-speed overdrive trans-missions. and more! So the next time you see a Toyota race truck taking the heat, you can be sure it's for good reason ::. Toyota's out to make the tough even tougher. After all, the _ greater the suffering, the greater the reward! 'Off-Road Magazine. September. 1984 "'*SRS and One~Ton models. OH WHPJ A FEELING!