Volume I; Number 4 April 1985 In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Cindy Chamberlin Daryl D. Drake Peggy Ellenburg Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Jan Flick Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Cam McRae Danny McKenzie _ Bill Oursler Brenda Parker David Ryskamp .. Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmi;>'n.½·;.. Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan: . T rackside P40:-t9•E!"frerprises Art Director~: .;;}:"sf .·;: . , Larry E> W drsl:i~in · · ., Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services t· ;..,.,::--... Printing News Type Service ; THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF 5CC)RE CANADA ,!\:.= -·-··· AND • -.. ,,:vt~ ::-==-Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. · Classified Ads will be published_ as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability fq_r omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · ~ . DUSTY TIMES is.published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 D~r.i-y Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889~5600': ,Copyright 1983 by~ Hillside Racing Cci'rP;;. No part of. this publication may be reproduced ,without w.ritten permission from the publi~her. Applica-tion to Mail at Second-Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura, CA 91301.. · POSTMASTER: Sencl add~ess changes to Dusty Times, 5331 D~rry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four week:1'n'oti.ce is required for change of add{ess. Please furnish both-old and new · address, anasend to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I I ·FEATURES Page HORA Laughlin Desert Challenge .................... 12 Stadium Racing at El Centro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Swedish International Rally . _. ................. ... ... 22 A.D.R.A. Hassayampa 150 ............... : .......... 26 A Major Attraction at Corona . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 AMSA 6 Hour at California City ..................... 32 C.C.A.R. Mud Drags at Tulare ... ... . ... ... .... : . . . . 35 MTEG Swan Song at Pomona ....................... 36 One Lap of Amerka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 . Profile: Bill Waddill ................................ 44 Toyota Tercel 4 WD Wagon 45 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Soap Box by Roger Mears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Trail Notes ........................ ................ 6 Pony Express .............................. : . . . . . . . 7 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 BFGoodrich 6-50 Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Good Stuff Directory ..................... · ......... 42 . . Classified Ads ............................ ~ ........ 46 Index to Advertisers . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 ON THE COVER -The cold weather at Laughlin did not dampen the spirits of Tom Spiel'..s McDonald's team as they zoomed across the rough desert to a great first overall and first in Class 1 in the Raceco. Eric Arras started the dusty trek,· and veteran Frank Snook did the anchor man nl)mber-. Taking the lead Qn the last lap, Frank w;i.s a little surprised to find be brought the car home first overall. The team said the Raceco is fitted with a relativ_ely small engine by current unlimited engine class standards. Color Photography by Chris Haston of T rackside Photo Enterprises. I\~ DUSTY TIMES • THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year -$12.00 □ 2 years -$20.00 D 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name-----------------------------"I seem to have lost my caddy" or, "the race car broke down on the way to the golf course". The gentleman with the pixie grin is none other than K.J. Howe, the guiding light of the annual Mint 400. Howe and his family of racers were doing well in Class 2 at Laughlin when a wheel passed K.J. coming down a narrow canyon. The wheel turned out to be one of his own, off the rear of the race car. Not wishing to waste the afternoon, Howe went looking for a golf course ... hard to find in Laughlin, Nevada. Photo by Kris Pallesen of Center Line Photography. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x 10 will be considered. I Address --------------------------City.---------------------------State __________________ Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES SJ31 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U .S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) Dusty. Times April 1985 Page5 I
Soap Box ••• By Roger Mears A Champio_n in Many Forms of Racing I was basically born into racing since my dad drove stock cars in Wichita, Kansas in the S0's. So, when I .started racing go-karts and motorcycles, I really had some experience behind me with my dad and rri.om. In fact, my first racing was also in stock cars and, I'll tell you, there were some 'knock down, drag out' affairs at places like Bakersfield Speed-way, Orange Show Stadium and Irwindale. It's kind of funny how the Mears Gang became involved in off road racing, a sport which still really touches our whole family because we could race as a family. My dad and Rick were coming back from San Diego and they saw a sign near Ascot that advertised the buggy races. So, they stopped and watched. Right there, my dad ·said, "I'm going to build one of these things and you can race it." So, it was actually Rick who began off road racing first. Then, one of our family's friends built one for me to drive and that's really how it began. Then, Rick won the championship at Ascot and first prize was a desert chassis, a Hi Jumper or Funco. I really can't remember. If he hadn't won it, we might not have ever raced in the desert. After that everyone pretty much knows our story with Rick and I moving into other forms of racing including me driving midgets, sprint cars, hill climbers and finally Indy cars. For Rick, he moved into road racing with Formula Vee and Super Vee. I drove Super Vee, too. Obvious-ly, everyone knows what Rick has done in the Indy cars and I am extremely proud of him. Everyone likes to talk about a · brother rivalry or jealousy. I really don't have anything but pride for what he has accomp-1 is he d. Sure, it's tough SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL OFF ROAD RACE June 7-9, 1985 Ensenada BC, Mexico DRAWING Tuesday, May 14, 1985 For more information contact: SCORE INTERNATIONAL (818) 889-9216 Page6 • sometimes to be called "Rick Mears' older brother". But, really, I'm just too proud of him to worry about it. I have to admit that I have seen a lot of changes in off road racing since my dad, Rick and myself started racing those sprint buggies back at Ascot. I think there are several important changes which have started to put off road racing into the limelight. The big sponsors have helped the sport grow in recent years and everything is so much more professional. Gee, I can remember when you could just take an old VW, cut out the floor plan, put a roll cage in it and go race in the desert. We would just pool our money and race. Now, we've started getting television coverage and other media coverage and the factories like Nissan, Toyota, Chevy and others have started advertising their showings in off road racing. That's a big deal ... and I don't see it slowing down either. I see off road racing getting bigger and better. You know, I've raced a lot of different types of cars and ,in different associations, but off road racing stands out for several · reasons. First, the thing that strikes me more with off road is that it is a family-oriented sport unlike the other forms'- Like when our family started, it wasn't just Rick and myself. It was my mom and dad, our aunts and uncles, our wives, even my grandfather used to go all the time. The other thing I liked was the help that the other competitors would give each. other in the desert. It was a standard rule of thumb that you help each other because "Mother Nature" can be very cruel. It was a standard deal that if someone was broken down, you stopped to ask if everything was okay. That has changed a little nowadays. With the big money and everything being more competitive, you don't just stop for every little thing. But, if you see someone hurt, you stop to help. Because you never know, that could be you next time. Over the years, the organiza-tion of-off road racing is getting better. I can't say it's been good. I have been with other associa-tions which have really put it together. But, believe me, I'm not knocking anybody or any organization because it takes time and experience to learn to organize an event and make it grow. I think the associations are doing a good job for as young as they are. I still think they have a ways to go to put all of the profes-sionalism together that they need to be compared to the CARTs and NASCARs. The merger of High Desert and SCORE was a major step for: the sport because the fighting really hindered the growing process. There were so many races that people really didn't know where to race. Everyone went in different directions. We had a lot of big races but we also had a lot of litde races because not everyone could make all of the races. I hope this will change that situation. The past year has been a real experience for me because until then I was just a driver. I didn't really worry about anything but jumping in the car and racing. That changed when I was a promoter at the Mears Gang . Rumble. lt was easy before to badmouth the promoters and pick everybody apart•. on why they didn't do this or that. Now, I can see why the promoters have to do certain things. It's just like me as a driver with people coming out of the stands after the races and asking me, "why didn't you do this instead of that?" That experience was really educational and I enjoyed it. If we had not taken on a new effort for desert racing, I think I would put that race on again. I enjoyed it and I think the racers liked it too. My new desert team for Nissan this year is another challenge just like driving and promoting. You've got a lot of weight on yoyr shoulders because sponsors are depending on you to represent them. When you make some commitments to people, you have to work hard to give them your best effort. It would have been a lot easier a few years ago to form a team with the way the competition is nowadays. But, then again, the big sponsors weren't in\<Olved and I might not have been able to put a team together without the help of the sponsors. The sponsors. have been helping this sport grow in leaps and bounds and I think it'll continue. You know, we have a long list of sponsors and we feel very fortunate and lucky to be in the position to have them. - I really see a lot of opportunities down the road for off road racing, too. There's no doubt that short course racing will expand with the exposure to the media, the spectators and the sponsors. And the desert situation has taken a giant step in its growth with the merger of the associations. I think the sport is really in the best ?tate ever. It has gone along at times at a level pace and made little jumps every once in a while. It has been a steady upgrade. It almost fell down a couple of times, but worked its way back up. I really think we're close-to· having off road racing take off in a big way. I just hope the sport hangs together and works together like in the early days to try and make it become one of the most popular racing forms. The excitement is there. Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. Call DUSTY TIMES with your ideas for a Soap Box column, and get on the schedule. April 1985 ·Trail Notes ••• TELEVISION COVERAGE of the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Grand Prix series has been scheduled by the Nashville Netwo·rk. Starting last January, each of the events is being filmed from flag to flag. The programs will feature one class from each event every Sunday starting on May 5 and continuing on each following Sunday through the summer months. The trucks from the January meet will probably be featured in the first program, and the following weeks will work on the other classes, then start on the next event. Each 30 minute show will air three times on the Sunday date, with i:he first air time at 10:30 in the morning, a replay at 3:30 in the afternoon, and the final replay at 8:30 at night. Check your local cable listing for these shows in your time zone on the Nashville Network. DUSTY TIMES WELCOMES TOM GRIMSHAW to our family of contributors. Tom is a long time friend and a long time rally man. He has been the Chief Steward for the SCCA Pro Rally Series in recent years. For 1985 Tom ·has passed from the ranks of officials back to the status of a competitor. Tom has a dream ride this season, as navigator for eight time National Rally Champion John Buffum in the formidable Audi Quattro. The season starts this month in the state of Washington. Readers are sure to enjoy the humor that Tom injects into his coverage of the rally scene. Check the article on the infamous "One Lap of America" on page 40 for a good example of Tom's style, and the good stuff that will be coming from him about the SCCA Pro Rally Series this year. THE HORSES WON THE CONTEST for the turf at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds this summer, better known as Pomona. Anyone who attended the March 16 running of the MTEG event at Pomona saw a vastly different and shorter race course. The whole place was torn up in the rebuilding process. All the renovation to the horse track has forced Mickey Thompson and his band into a move, and they have found a new venue for the Grand Prix Series of races that w.ere scheduled at Pomona. The June 22 and the September 14 dates are firm, but the place will be the National Orange Show Fairgrounds in San Bernardino, CA. The new track is right off the 1-10 freeway, about 30 miles or so farther east than the Pomona locale. The new course in San Bernardino will use some of the existing paved race track as well as the familiar dirt lumps and bumps that entertain the spectators. The July 20 race date will happen in the.Los Angeles Coliseum in downtown Los Angeles. This event will take Mickey Thompson back to the roots of the current series. The first stadium race he organized was in the Coliseum, before the big face lift happened to the place for the 1984 Olympics. The Coliseum course in July will again take the race cars up the steps and around the peristyle, and the crowd will see them fly back to earth in grand style. SCIDA is planning its summer schedule right now, and the 1985 series sponsor program is building also. Present sponsors include Trick Racing Fuel, Bryce's Auto Repair, Autoworks, California Performance, Jim's Auw Center, Llynn's Auto Air, Marv Shaw Performance Products, Sabina Electric, and Offroad Superman. · With the great possibility that Corona Raceway will be closed soon to make way for a housing development, present plans are to schedule all the 1985 SCIDA races at Ascot Park. Get the latest information from Vince Tjelmeland, 5226 Norcris, Yorba Linda, CA 92686. SNORE, LTD; out of Las Vegas threw a dinner party last month for reps from all the major pit clubs that service the desert races. Cohosted by the SNORE Series 1985 major sponsor, Yokohama Tires, it was a fine party at the Saddleback Inn in Santa Ana, CA, with a complete turnout of pit team representatives. SNORE President Roger Gaskill outlined the µon-profit club's plans to lure some of the California racers to their events. SNORE runs several one day desert bashes each year as part of their points series. Their two biggies, the Holiday Inn-KC Hilites Midnight Special, on July 27, and the Holiday Inn SNORE 250 on September 2 7-29, are in the points series as well. The SNORE points payoff at year's end is handsome by anyone's standards, and their race paybacks at the Midnight Special and SNORE 250 have always been quite generous. Other dates in the series are April 14 for the Yoko Loco, June 22 for the Twilight Zone, and November 3 for the Jackpot 100. Get the whole scoop from the SNORE Hotline, (702) 452-4522. They do some fun racing in the desert. THE GOOD DEED OF THE MONTH AW ARD goes to Tom Koch, for his unselfish action at the AMSA 6 Hour race. Tom, running in the lead in his potent Raceco, was charging down the trail when he smelled smoke. He chased the smoke for half a mile before he managed to._getJeffDrake stopp_ed. Jeff was intent on leading his class and didn't know be had an engine fire. Drake jumped out of the car fast, Tom had to remove his hood to get a fire extinguisher, and after making sure the fire was out, Tom went on racing, missing the overall, but winning the Challenge kitty. Good Job, Tom! THE SCORE SHOW Off Road Industry Achievement Award winners for · 1985 have just been announced. These awards were started in 1983 by M/Tax in order to recognize some of the pioneers and current leaders in the off road equipment industry. The first year the award winners were Bob Fall, Dick Cepek and Thurston Warren. Last year the recipients were Drino Miller, Vic Hickey, Harry Jackman and Ken Johnson. The individuals who have been real builders in the sport and industry who will receive their Achievement Awards on May 9 at the annual Score Show Banquet at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel have been selected. This year the Score Show will honor Pete Condos, Bill Harkey, Peter Brown and Mickey Thompson. GIANT OFF ROAD CENTER is under new management these days, and the word from Phoenix, Arizona is that the race oriented group headed by former general manager Jim Chick is no longer running the store. Information is sketchy, but apparently the parent company, in the oil business, began searching for a buyer early this year, wishing to sell only the off road business. The change over took place in March, and the status of Giant's former and heavy sponsorship of race cars and the A.D.R.A. race series has not yet been determined. Dusty Times
Pony Express ••• preserving historical sites and endangered plants and animals. But, let's face it, money talks! In another 50 years, when some large real estate developer wants to build large housing tracts in the desert, all of these' rules' will fly out the window. We will be why not impose the same rules on everybody? No way to enforce it, you say? Then maybe an off road permit, such as a hunting permit, could pay for the costs of in the towel), we will seek legal counsel to bring up the question of restriction of trade to whichever agencies lead to the demise of this event. OVER-REGULATED -cleamip, toilets, and the erecting of fences around certain sites. As you know, the state c?f California started charging a fee for off road vehicles some. years ago ·to do just that, but they pocketed the money. I have yet to see a toilet erected, or a trash receptacle placed in an area that was designated for off road vehicle usage. True, a few off road parks have been established, but that seems to be for the ease of enforcing rules in a confined area more than anything else. I believe many others in the off road industry will do the same. Director, Bureau of Land Management Department of Interior, Havasu City, Arizona Having recently read the list of stipulations put forth to Score . International in order to put on the Parker 400 off road race there recently, I am outraged enough to write you. There are a couple thousand people who depend on the off road industry, possib_ly mor~, for their livelihood, and this· company that has five employees is one of them. I cannot in good conscience let this kind of government meddling in a private sector ·activity go on . without taking a stand. I have been covering off road events in the desert for 15 years, and this sport has grown considerably, benefitting the economy of-·the event area and the automotive industry. Also, many magazines now cover desert events on a regular basis, and publicawareness is at a high level. I must say, ·that we had excellent cooperation among the law enforcement agencies that "enforced" the no spectator areas during the Parker 400. They allowed us to function as members of the press on the race course, as we usually do. My concern, however, is ,for those;thousands of people who traveled to Parker for many hundreds of miles to view the back to a point in the desert (if race from their. usual vantage there is any left by then) where all point, only to find they could not of this current harassment will be get into the desert. What agency · pointless, don't you agree? keeps people out during the Why should Score have to other 364 days of the year? Why bury the pipeline to a depth of should Score International clean four feet? If that is what's up trash that may have required to protect_ it from accumulated during those other vehicles, then it should have been 364 days, or grade roads that done long ago by the people who other .people may have damaged put in the pipeline.! An off road during the year? Did your agency - racing · truck does no more people go out and do these things damage to anything in the desert before the race, so that you than a camper or heavy duty dirt would know what Score was hauler, and they have been responsible for? operating in the desert a.heck of a I am not a religious person, per lot longer and more frequently se, but if God ever comes back to than off road races have. earth, he won't restage the By the gist of these rules set feeding of the multitudes on the forth, it seems that the agencies banks of the Colorado River; I . involved feel that the people who am sure some government attend off toad races are a bunch agency will ' bill Him for land of unruly vandals, who go out in usage fees and for all the roads the desert. and terrorize turtles that have washed out in the and· get dr-unk. This is not the desert because of nature's case, and in the entire 15 years I rainfall. have beeh in this buisness, I've I am certainly in favor of only seen problems twice, and that was just outside Las Vegas at the Mint 400. · If this premise is not true, then The recent publication of the Parker, 400 rules in DUSTY TIMES magazine made it clear to· us in the industry that the off road race ·organizers go through much more red tape~and trouble than we previously realized. It is now more important than ever that all the factions in off road racing come together to support• both Score and HORA in this paperwork , and bureaucracy battle. We have been shoved into a · comer over the past decade, and it is time to protest! If for some reason in the future the race -at Parker is not· held (and who could blame Score for throwing James T. Ober Trackside Photo Enterprises CC: Jean Calvin, Publisher, Dusty Times Sal Fish, President, Score International Wair Lorr, President, HORA Editor, Parker Pioneer , Director, Parker Chamber of Commerce Director., Bureau of Land Reclamation, Parker, AZ Director, Western Area Power Administration Director, Arizona State Land Department Director, California State -Land Commission San Bernardino County fuard of Supervisors La Paz County fuard of Supervisors Sheriff, La Paz County Sheriff, San Bernardino County · Director, La Paz County Health Department , Di rector, San Bernardino County Environmental Health Services San Bernardino County Planning Department Mayor, Town of Parker, Arizona Arizona Public Service Corporation El Paso Natural Gas Company DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters fram all comers of off road activity. The Pony Express. column· will -feature all the mail we can fit into the space. Please keep your wor.ds fairly brief. B.;cause of space limitations, your pearls .of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES u,ill print your gripes as udl as your praises. Letters for publicatinn should be at the DUSTY TIMES offic;;e by the r 5th of the month in order to appear in the next issue. __ _,, ~ -, THE ORIGINAL;.GAS PRESSURE SHOCK ABSORBER The Official Shock for the Nissan Classic UNDER-ESTIMATED Sal Fish, President Score International Now i:hai: the ·12th Annual . Score Parker 400 Off Road Race is over, we the Parker Town Council, have had time to reflect on the positive financial impact this event had -upon the community. It had been indicated by the Bureau of Land Management representatives the community would no doubt realize a slight increase in revenue, possibly as much as $150,000 for the entire race weekend. Certainly ·not enough to offset the possible damage to the wilderness and wildlife, We all agree certain steps need to be taken to preserve the desert beauty, the wilderness area, and to protect the wildlife for all of us · to enjoy for years to come; however, there is much more involved in this off road race that needs to be addressed, evaluated and given consider.a:tion. Although,' the· _cmnpleted statistical reports are not available as of this .writing,, ·it appears the participants · and spectators did cause an in•crease in deposits of more than $1,500,000 during race week-end, according to a survey of the finapcial .institutions in pur area. This estimate does not include credit card charges at-service stations, restaurants and motels. · The race promoters and community did experience some difficulty m meeting 'the various · Dusty Times · requirements set by BLM at first; however, this was more due to the short notice of the changes mandated than our lack of winingness to cooperate. As µsual, 'the resid.ents, businesses, service clubs and visitors got together and did meet the requirements. Parker is an area that can do almost anything when we pull together. The race · was successful, the wilderness area protected and the spectators extremely helpful and cooperative. It is interesting to note there were no injury accidents, arrests or incidents directly related to Score activities, and no problems with crowd control in any of the restricted areas on either side of the Colorado River. · As you can see, the annual Score Parker 400 off road race is definitely an event we would like to see continued. We request your assistance in supporting 9ur efforts to.prevent the withdrawal of permission to use these lands in the, futu;c;. . Samuel E'. Davis, Mayot, Town of.Parker Lloyd Gorrdl; Vice Mayor, Town of'Parker Lambert Haynes:;-Councilman, · · -T6wn ·of Parker Roberta Hoffman, Council-person:, Town of Parker. La Yd! McIntire, Councilman, · Town of Parker Frank Solper, Councilman, Town of Parker BILSTEIN. -WHERE THE .WINNERS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. For further information . an'd special ott-roaa applications contact · · Doug Robertson at BILSTEIN Corporation of · America, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, Sari Diego, CA 92121. (619) 453-7723 April 1985 Ivan Stewart Fireworks 250 1st place, Class 8 "Never before have I had so much confidence in a shock. After five races and extensive testing on the same set of shocks, I am very p/ea,sed.by their reliability and excellent performance.'' Jack Ramsey Minf 400 1st place, Cl. 5-1600 "Your product has brought our race team 2 Mint wins (1981 & 1983), Hope to always see you at the -races. " Jerry & Sherry Vinson CAL 400 3rd place, Class 11 "I think BilsteJn shocks are tne best shocks any race car driver could run on his race car." Paul Bowen Mint 400 Dick Young Mint 400 1st place, Class 10 · "The quality and dependability of Bi/stein shocks · contributed significantly to our ._ . win at the Mint. Thank·yo_u!'.' . ... 2nd place, Clas~15 .: t:,lorm: Shaw . "We appreciate 1he ·Frontier .250 performance & ybur 1st place, Class 11~ very proff'SSional way ·, 'You (Bi/stein) ·· ·· .. · of doing business-continue to be_ the sincere thanks." · Number 1. choice m: off~roading. We have Bob Denault Mint 400 2nd place, Class 9 "I've still never had a shock failure!!" used your shocks exclusively (resulting . in) wins in the Mint 400, Frontier 250, SNORE 250, Barstow 350; Botton Dollar, etc." Page 7
1985 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R,A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada • Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-1900 April 20 2nd Annual Loma 150 San Luis to El Golfo, Mexico June 8 2nd Annual Cinder Lake 150 Flagstaff; AZ August 31 8th Annual, Giant Off Road Centers Snowflake 'Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 19 9th Annual Penasco· 150 Rocky Poi~t, Mexico December 7, 1985 9th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Poin.t Hare 'n Hound Sonoita, Mexico January 11, 1986 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ AMSA American Motor Sports Association . P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 · June 1 12 Hour Mojave Desert Challenge California City, CA August 31• September 1 24 Hour World Championship Desert Endurance Race California City, CA October 26 California 500 Palm Springs, CA BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator - Gil Parker 7406 S. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 May 25-26 BFG Mem9rial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 8-9 Short Course Race Fountain City, WI June 22-23 Bay Area Classic Green Bay, WI July 6-7 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 12 Santa Fe Speedway . Chicago, IL July 20-21 . · U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 27 Macon County Fair Decatur, IL August 4 Parragon Raceway Parragon, IN August 17 Red·Bud Trail Buchan~n, MI August 24 Motorsports Challenge Casey, IL Aug~st 3 i-September 1 Brush Run lOL Crandon, WI September 21-22 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI Y.S,-._....:.::;.._ ___ .. .__ C.C.A.R. Central Ci-lifornia Associated Racers P.O. Box 7921 Fresno, CA 93747 (209) 255-5995 or 255-3594 April 12-14 Short Course Race Car & Pkkup Show 2nd Annual Bug.Off & Truck In Tulare County Fairgrounds · Tulare, CA May 11 All Classes Short Course Race . Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA May25 1st Annual Super Stock Pickup Enduro · 250 laps on a Tri Oval Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA June 8 Short Course Race -Tulare County Fairgrounds' Tulare, CA · July 13 Sum{ller Nationals Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA August 10 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA September 22 BFGoodrich Western Off Road Nationals Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA COBRA RACING P.O. Rox 19407 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 (405) 232-4231 -(405) 685-3450 (All off road races will be held at the 59th & Douglas track, Oklahoma City.) FAST CAMELS P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 April 26-28 31st Annual Fast Camel 4 WD Cruise "\vE \.JERF IN FlRSf PLAC.E \'1HEN THE HEADS LET GO!!!'' ; Pages April 1985 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Ori vers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 10 Superstition 250 II Night Race El Centro, CA 4 x 4's UNLIMITED Kevin Dawson · Route 3, Box 895 Lake·Geneva, WI 53147 ;. ( 414) 248-8566 or (414) 248-8774 May 25-26 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI GORRA Georgia.Off Road. Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 April 28. 100 Mile Race · Atlanta, GA May 26 50 Mile Race • · Atlanta, GA June 9 100 Mile Race Montgomery, AL June 23 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA July 28 100 Mile Race · Atlanta, GA August 25 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA September 8 100 Mile Race Montgomery, AL September 22 50 Mile Race Atlanta, GA October 27 100 Mile Race · Atlanta, GA GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. ·1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 80537 (303) 669-0640 or (303) 663-2922 April 28 CORRA Berthoud, CO May 12 Bandimere Denver, <ZO June 2 WKR St. Francis, KS June 30 RMORRA· Colorado Springs, CO July 14 DORR Denver, CO August 4 WKR St. Francis, KS August 18 DORR Denver,, CO September 8 CORRA Berthoud, CO September 22 RMORRA Colorado Springs, CO October 5 · Bandimere Championship Race Denver, CO HORA_ High Desert Racing-Association 961 We·st Dale Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361>5404 July 5-·7 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 6-8 Frontier 500 Las Vegas ~o Reno, NY December 6-B Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV HODAG50 Informatio_n (715) 362-6550 August 3 .. 4 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI · IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds ill' Cleves, Ohio) May 25-26 National Open Sand Drags and Obstacle June 30 Kiss Point Series Drags July 14 Kiss Point Series Drags August 23-26 Gravelrama XV October 6 Kiss Point Series Drags MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE ATTRACTION P.O. Box 3741 Orange, CA 92665 (714) 997-2247 April 21 Corona Raceway Corona, CA May 19 · Corona Racew;i.y Corona, CA June 23 Corona Raceway Corona, CA August 4 Corona Raceway Corona, CA September 29 Corona Raceway. Corona, CA Dusty Times . l
BOSS - The Bill Stroppe Story Americana, the races that covered the length of Mexico in the halcyon days when road races were conducted on public roads. Stroppe got into racing boats, fielded a Ford team on the once famous Mobilgas Economy Run, went stock· car racing on the USAC trail and tried his hand at SCCA style road racing in a Ford powered special that he built and drove himself. spent a lot of time co-driving and winning with Parnelli in the desert. The fqreward in the book is a touching trip down memory lane written by Parnelli relating the good times he has spent with Bill Stroppe. MINT400 P.O. Box 2160 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 385-7440 May 2-5 Mint 400 Desert Race Las Vegas, NV MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 June 22 Orange Show Fairgrounds San Bernardino, CA July 20 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 14 Orange Show Fairgrounds San Bernardino, CA MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Box 181021 Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817) 577-1102 April 19-20 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX . May 10-11 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX June 7-8 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX July 5-6 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX August 2~3 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX -September 6-7 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX October 4-5 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth, TX PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro <;:an Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 . (503) 620-0313 I&' ~ -~ Dusty Times Off roaders everywhere know the name of Bill Stroppe, if not the man. But, long before Stroppe was involved in the off road world, he was building and driving winning race machines. His name is legend in diverse areas of competition. The whole story of his work has been captured by Tom Madigan, author of the book titled "Boss -The Bill Stroppe Story". Madigan spent months interviewing Bill Stroppe, not an easy task considering Bill's round the clock schedule, a:nd he interviewed many of Bill's friends and associates also. The book is full of pictures, many in color and many from Stroppe's private collection of events over the years. The saga begins with Bill's time in midget racing, goes on to his service in World War II, and his heavy involvement in motorsports in the late 1940s as the country began its long love affair.with the automobile. From his Long Beach, CA headquarters Stroppe began a long time association with the Ford Motor Company that endures today. Bill was the master of the details on the Lincoln-Mercury teams that swept the famous Carrera Pan In the early _1960s Bill Stroppe built a winning Mercury. stock car for a driver named Parnelli · Jones, and that was the start of a long friendship between the two men. When off road racing burst on the scene, it wasn't long before Parnelli and Bill hit the desert in a Bronco. The stock machine evolved to the Ford special, Big 91y Bronco, and Bill There is much more between the book covers, including glimpses of the personal triumphs and tragedies of Bill and Helen Stroppe, and the story of their son Willie, who is part of the business that now goes by the name Bill Stroppe and Son. Fresh off the pre_sses, the 224 page book is now available in major book and department stores for $13.95. If you can't find it, contact the publisher, Darwin Publications, 850 No. Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505. ... · race · · onlY one· , It you race in e it the world s this year ~a:st and toughest biggest, r1c~ h. ,nake it t e ••• April 1985 Page 9
April 12-14 Kittitas 250 Ellensberg, WA May 25-27 Pro Can Am Bonus Points Race VORRA 250 Day/ Night Race Weeks, NV June 21-23 Little Rock 300 . Olympia, WA August 16-18 Kittitas 250 Ellensberg, WA September 27-29 Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779~6625 April 13-14 Nor'Wester Pro Rally Everett, WA April 20-21 Wild West Pro Rally Tumwater, WA June 8-9 Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally Wellsboro, PA July 4-7 Olympus International Pro Rally Tumwater, WA August 16-18 Ralle Michigan Pro Rally Battle Creek, MI September 21-22 Budweiser Forest Pro Rally Chillicothe, OH October 25-27 Budweiser Press On Regardless Pro Rally Houghton, Ml November 16-17 Oregon Trail Pro Rally Beaverton, OR December 6-8 Carson City International Pro Rally Carson City, NV SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362' (818) 889-9216 March 29-31 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 7-9 Baja Internacional Ensenada, B.C., Mexico August 16-18 Off Road World Cha_mpionship Riverside International Raceway Riverside, CA !Slovember 8-9 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 J\lne 1 . Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, Quebec, Canada: June 8 Lansdowne Park Ottawa, Ontario, Canada June 15-16 Outdoor Doul;,le Points Bromont, Quebec, Canada 2 World Championships 1 W_ Ri Cu 1 1984 World Championship Crandon, Wisconsin Mark Seidler One Common Denominator-LeDuc Off Road Chassies The Fastest 4WD Short Course Cars in the Country! Page 10 Update Your Car With Our Cha$sis. Don't Waste Another Season With Outd~ted Equipment. Call Our Tech. Information Line: 413-739-4111 LEDUC OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin Street, W. Springfield, MA 01089 April 1985 SCORE SHOW M/TAX P:O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 7138-2914 May 10-12 8th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-031 7 March 31 Spring Fever 250 Henderson, NV June 8 Delamar 400 Caliente, NV August 17 Nevada 300 Pioche, NV November 16 Silver Dust 400 Henderson, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 April 14 Points Race Las Vegas, NV . June 22 Points Race Las Vegas, NV July 27-28 Holiday Casino & KC Hilites Midnight Special' Las Yegas, NV September 20-22 Holiday Casino & KC Hilites Snore 250 Jean; NV November 23 Points Race Las Vegas, NV SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 460 No. Beaumont Ave. Brookfield, WI 53005 (715) 272-1489 May 25-26 Memorial '85 Dresser, WI June 8-9 Off Road Sprints Fountain City, WI June 22-23 Bay Area Classic DePere, WI July 6-7 Sugar Camp O£.f Road Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 20-21 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark Rivet, MI August 3~4 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 31-September 1 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 21-22 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI TRIPLE CROWN POINTS SERIES Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 · (115) 4 78-2430 June 1-2 Crandon, WI June 29-30 Crandon, WI -August 31-September 1 Brush Run 10 I · Crandon, WI VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 April 21 Short Course Ra:ce Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA May 25-27 VORRA 250 Day/ Night Desert Race Weeks, NV June 22-23 Virginia City 200 Virginia, City, NV July 20 The Ingold Short Course Classic Baylands Raceway Park · Fremont, CA September 1-2 Dayton/VORRA 300 Day.ton, NV September 28-29 VORRA Bonus Points Race Millican Valley 400 Bend, OR October 13 Championship Off Road Race Prairie City OHV Oark Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 8596 Harvie Road, RR #10 Surrey, British Columbia, ' V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 April 5-7 Boomerang 250 Parksv .. CANCELLED nd, B.C. _ May 19 Wheel to Wheel & Drag Races • Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. June 16 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. July 21 Mt. Cheam Race·ways Rosedale, B.C. August 18 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. - V""P"''-ll.LL,_,..., ... ,1......,1 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, .B.C. October 13 Mt. Cheam Raceways Rosedale, B.C. ATTENTION . RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send·your 1985 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 1 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty Times
CLASS 8: WALKER EVANS OUT GUNS THE HEAVYWEIGHT COMPETITION. CLASS 7: MARIO ALISI DEFEATS THE COMPETITION BY MORE THAN AN HOUR. West of the Colorado River, in Jhe "Southpoint" of Nevada, through the same terrain where General George Patton trained . the Army's First Armored tank corps, runs the course of the . Laughlin Desert Challenge. Through these rugged hills and canyons, Goodyear Wrangler Radials-the very same tires you can buy-helped our · drivers emerge victorious through desert conditions some thought they could never survive. Congratulations to Walker Evans, Spencer Low, Mario Alisi and Dale Draves. CLASS 7-5: SPENCER LOW WINS THE BATTLE OF THE "STOCK MINI-PICKUPS!' . CLASS 6-B: DALE DRAVE'S FIRST CAMPAIGN ON WRANGLERS DRAWS HIS FIRST WIN. EVER. And thanks for proving once again how· Goodyear Wrangler Radials are engineered tn take. · on the toughest terrain . ·· So whether you clrive on or off the road, give your truck a set of Goodyear Wrangler Radials; And get the freedom to go just about anywhere.
Frank Snook and Eric Arras leaped over the tough Nevada turf in their Raceco to not only win Class 1 but take the _overall victory with a totally trouble free race. · Jerry Penhall and Ron Gardner took over the points lead in the desert series with their second Class 2 win in a row in the Chenowth, taking the lead on the last lap. THE HDRA LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE The Cold Winds Blew Frank Snook and Eric Arras to Overall Victory! By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises The second annual Laughlin Desert Challenge was a howling success in more than one way. Not only did the wind howl on race day, but the racers came in droves, 189 strong out of the 210 entries came to the starting line, up a good 50 from last year's entry. Obviously the combined points series is working to swell the car entries in the desert races. The race activity was spread out all over town, and the hotels put vacant la~d · by the Colorado River between the Edgewater and Pioneer hotels for the tech and contingency . business. It was party time for the afternoon into evening schedule on Friday, with Nissan supplying one of their famous circus ten ts for registration, and the official T shirt, beer and booze sales. Outside the tent a mini midway sprang. up next to contingency row. On sale were more T shirts, hats, foot long hot dogs, beer, almost everything in mobile booths. A band entertained and people danc.ed on a portable dance floor. With,a 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. schedule for the Friday rituals, it was busy all the time for the large turn out of contingency Running the two seat Raceco in Class 1, Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg took over second place in class on the final lap, and had no mechanical woes either. · on some very inexpensive room rates for the visitors. Laughlin 's atmosphere is friendly, the mea-ls are cheaper than one could buy the food for uncooked at a market, and the living is casual, with jeans OK in any establish-ment. With the normal round the clock activity of a Nevada .gambling mecca, plus the small western town atmosphere, the place is made to order as a host for an off road race. This year there was no individual sponsor for . the race; rather the entire town o f Laughlin, Nevada, eight casinos and a convenience store, got organized under their newly formed Chamber of Commerce and gave a great deal of support, both in manpower and money, to Walt Lott and the HORA staff While Laughlin is growing like pra_irie grass in the spring, with a couple of new hotel/ casinos in operation since last year and condos sprouting up on the highway, there was still enough Cl!'lss 1 was Raceco country at Laughlin as Ron Brant sailed nicely into third in Class 1, a clean sweep in class for the chassis brand. Mike Goodwin, with Brian Dyson riding in the Raceco, came close to winning Class 2, but a roll over dropped-him to second. Soaring out of one of a hundred on course ditches, Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson came in a very close third in Class 10, eighth overall. Page 12 Bob Veltri and Marty VanZeyl drove yet another Raceco to third place in the very competitive Class 2 field, only two minutes out of the second spot. Phoenix driver Dwight Lundell had a few problems in his Dirtrix, and he finished on a bare rear rim, but he also finished fourth in Class 10, ninth overall. April 1985 Class 10 was another hat trick for Raceco. Larry Bolin went solo to a keen second in class, sixth overall in a tight dice on the last lap. · Jack Ramsay led for three laps, here clearing Check 2, but a last lap accident dropped the Bunderson to an official second. Dusty Times
Marty Reider did the iron man bit ~t Laughlin, ran two laps without power steering, and still won Class 10 and also finished a remarkable second overall. Bobby and Tom Neth won the 1-2-1600 honors again in the Chenowth Magnum, taking the lead on the fourth and final round to get a good lead on the class points, Rob Tolleson drove his Mirage to third in Class 1-2-1600, and the rookie driver has jus,t three races to his credit, and has a first, second and third in class. Rob Myerly and Randy Jones finished second on time in Class 1-2-1600, but a course infraction penalty dropped their Bunderson to an official fourth. donors. The very crush of the big car entry enhanced the carnival· atmosphere on a warm, sunny resort style day. But, as has been the norm this year, race day dawned cold, with overcast skies and r'ain clouds hovering over the Arizona hills across the river. At the start line, nearly four hours, then Ivan did-another good round, only to have more trans trouble on the third of the four laps required of all classes. Ivan ran out of time and retired. a mere stone's throw from the back door of the casinos, sprinkles fell as the cars started one every 15 seconds at 9 a.m. The sprinkles never got. serious, and this was one desert race that could have ·used some water on the course. It was typical southern Nevada terrain, and the deep ruts got deeper, the soft I sand was bottomless, and the dust was thick. The hefty wind gusts helped in some areas, but made visibility worse in others on the course, where half of the 55 mile route consisted of narrow trails through the heavy brush and some very skinny canyons. Among most of the 20 <;::lass 1 starters, however, the ,competi-tion was fierce on the first lap, many running hard as if it was the only lap. Zinging off the fast lap of the day from his 18th starting spot, Jack Johnson whipped the Chenowth Magnum around in a keen 1:15.08. But, Larry Ragland had a six cylinder · Porsche in his Chaparral, and he was close at 1: 16.11, with fellow Arizona driver Larry Noel only six seconds bthind him. Several more were less than two minutes off the leading pace. Missing in action on round one were contenders Kirk Kontilis, broken axle, Chet Huffman and Al Arciero, both with drive train woes. On the second lap Johnson reportedly missed a turn and got stuck in a ditch. Larry Noel assumed the lead midway in the race, but ORiy by a minute over Mark McMillin, again running. his two seat Porsche powered Chenowth in Class 1. Fast runners on lap one, Tom Koch and Larry Ragland, were both reported down on course with axle and/ or trans trouble, and Kenny Kumme was missing too. Now in third on time was Eric . Arras , in the Frank Snook Raceco, about four minutes. behind McMillin. Jack Johnson made a come back dash, but the trans gave up .and.he parked. Larry Noel lost the bolts out of a CV joint, and lost time in repairs on the third lap. Drive train failure was the story of the race. Much of the . failure w;is induced by a virtual epidemic of roll overs, and some entries rolled more than once and still finished in the money. The high berms that developed made rolling a calculated risk if one was to pass the car ahead. On the third lap Mark McMillin broke a spindle and lost a couple of hours, and Frank Snook, now at the helm of the McDonald's Raceco, was leading Class 1. · The final round in the deepening ruts saw a traffic jam near the end of the course. Veteran Snook side hilled around the stuck cars, and, much to the surprise of the spectators, frank Snook's yellow Racc<;:o Ivan Stewart and his Toyota_ truck were first away as the Class 1 s revved up for the desert. Stewart blasted three quarters_ of the distance around the lap before the trans packed up in the modified pickup. The fix took The turtle trophy went to the 1-2-1 600 of Robby arid Cindy Guevara, 18th in class : and they finished with just 4 minutes and 4 seconds to spare. I, Dusty Times April 1985 was the first car across the finish line ... they had been expecting a yellow two seater. Snook, with Arras doing the first two rounds, won the ·race overall, and it was the first time Frank has had an overall win since 1978 and the California 400 at Barstow where he iron manned hi_s Class 9 Hi This is the system run by most off road race winners Jumper for 330 miles to win over a 166 car field. As misfortune befell the early leaders, Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg moved steadily up the chart and finished second in Class 1, seventh overall in a two seat Raceco minus one seat. They were nearly TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELE-S, CALIF._ 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 13
First lap leaders in Class 5, Greg Heinrich and Jim Pope had a habit of rolling over, and they dropped to second in class after four laps. Mike Nesmith and Randy Salmont had a good day in their GMC, had minor problems, but hunq on to take a fine second place in Class 8. + + + 24 minutes behind the overall winners. Ron Brant was third under .the flag, about 11 minutes back, and Larry Noel salvaged fourth place, followed ·by Nick Nicholson and some time later, Mark McMillin. ln all, seven of the 20 finished the four laps within the ten hour time allowance, which was short time for some of the slower classes, if the entry had any trouble. · The next morning it was announced that Jack Johnson had moved from DNF status to disqualification, and the reason stated was that his racer hit a checkpoint worker, doing some, but not serious physical damage to the person. Class 2 was next off the line, a healthy group of 2 7, of which merely seven · would see the checkered flag. This started out as a real close dice, as Tom Martin led the first round with a swift 1:19.35, but it was a slim margin. Also in a Raceco, Jim Sumners did c1 1:20.30, but Jim ':,. In their last ride in the Larry's VW Bug, Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen led three of the four laps by inches, and won Class 5 honors by a ti(:lht 11 minutes. lost his ·trans on the second lap. Mike Goodwin was next with a quick 1 :20.45, and a half dozen more were merely a minute or two out as the herd thundered off on the second l?P· Frank Arciere had big troubles, rolling his . Toyota pickup on its side on the first lap while attempting to pass, and then he had a five hour plus second lap, and then parked. Midway Mike Goodwin had a skinny lead in his Coca Cola Raceco, about 1 ¼ minutes over Tom and Steve Martin. Cam Theriot and Greg Lewin were · ho!ding third, less than five minutes back. Moving up were Jerry Penhall and Ron Gardner, their. Chenowth another minute back, closely followed by Bob Richey/Tom Baker, Raceco. A full 16 completed two laps, but · only ten managed three rounds in Class 2. . · The Martins gained back the lead on lap 3, and they were well on their way to the overall victory. But, just a few miles from pay dirt their engine let go in a big way. At this point Mike Goodwin should have taken over the Class 2 lead, but he rolled the .· . car instead, losing just enough After a visual battle for two laps, Mari_o Alesi had no mechanical trouble an·d romped home an easy winner in Class 7, •: time to lose the lead. Taking over first place on the final lap was the Parker winning team of Jerry Penhall and Ron Gardner, who were third overall as :well; finishing with a flapping reat tire, which blew just 100 yards from the checkered flag. Goodwin was making it two for two in his Nissan. ------:---------'----------'---------~~ SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL OFF ROAD RACE June 7-9, 1985 Ensenada BC, 'Mexico For more information contact: SCORE INTERNATIONAL 818 889-9216 Page 14 Walker Evans roared to a tremendous win in Class 8, the Dodge never missed a beat, and Evans was definitely back on form at the rough Laughlin race. April 1985 back about 4½ minutes, fourth overall, and just two minutes ahead of Bob Veltri and Marty VanZeyl, whose very consistent lap times brought them home third in class, fifth overall. Phoenix racer and car builder Jack Woods, with Don Bailey co-driving, took fourth in Class 2 in his own creation. Fifth went to Vic VanElla and Mel Tyree, the former terror of Class 9 in its heyday. Arriving seventh, Corky and Scott McMillin -survived a broken spindle on the first lap to gain' their finishing points. With 27.stormers on the line, Class 10 bid fair to be a barn burner, and so it was initially. From Norman, Oklahoma, Buddy Harris put his Chenowth Magnum out front on the first lap with a 1 :23 flat, but, in with a 1:23.24 was Marty Reider, Raceco. Right in his dust was James Krumme, with a 1:23.30 in his Funco. Lying close in the 1 :24 range were Dwight Lundell, Greg Aronson/Craig Watkins, Roger Mortenson/Russ Welch, Steve Sourapas/Dave Richard-son, Mark Manley, and Steve Tetrick/Randy. Snyder, with a dozen more running in the next minute or so. Only 15 Class 1 Os made the half way point, and Marty Reider had taken the lead, but only by 45 seconds over Buddy Harris. It was a tight dice, with Sourapas/ Richardson another three minutes back, Lundell just over a minute behind him, and Rob MacCachren was another minute and change behind. It was still close as the survivors headed out on the final lap, with Reider holding his lead of just over a minute on Harris. Unfortunat-ely, Harris did not complete the lap. Hanging tough, with 55 miles to go, Dwight Lundell was about six minutes off the pace. 'Virtually tied two more minutes back were Aronson/Watkins, Larry Bolin, and Sourapas/. Richardson. After Frank Sno0k finished, it was some time before the Penhall/Gardner car arrived, and right on the heels of the Chenowth was· Marty Reider in his Raceco, winning Class 10 handily, although he lost the power steering midway in his solo drive. Marty also nailed a keen second overall in the race. Next to arrive, second on time as well, was the -Raceco of Greg Aronson and Craig Watkins, powered by a FAT Rabbit engine, and the-y were more than eight minutes behind Reider. But the. team, and also the Tetrick/Snyder car which did not finish, were both assessed an extra 15 minutes for failing to stop at a checkpoint. The action dropped the Aronson car to sixth in class. The penalty put solo driver Larry Bolin, Raceco, into second in Class 10, sixth overall, about 15 minutes behind the winner but only two minutes ahead of third placing Steve Sourapas/ Dave Richardson, Raceco. Dwight Lundell had a flat on the final lap and finished on a bare · and bent rear rim, but he was just three more minutes back in fourth. In another minute, Jerry and Bob Leighton were fifth, having lost time on the first lap. Mark Broneau had his troubles on the last lap, and his Raceco Dusty Times
was seventh. Rob MacCachren was shoved off the course by a big truck on the final rou~d, ending his race with a broken stub axle and much more damage to the Bunderson. Having trouble on the second lap, James Krumme came back to finish ninrh, . .the final finisher out of the 27 that started. Next to leave was the biggest class in the race, 1-2-1600, combined as always in HORA races. There were 32 starters, all, or so it seemed, running nose to tail . on the narrow dusty trails. Jack Ramsay, Bunderson two seater, laid down the fast first lap of 1:27.08, showing. graphically that horsepower was not the whole story on the really rough Laughlin race course. Jerry Jeffries, Chenowth two seater, did a 1 :28.42, and was in second. A whole bunch had 1 :29 and change lap times, including, not necessarily in order, Bobby and Tom Neth, Chenowth single seater, Rob. Myerly/Randy Jones, Bunderson single seater, Jim Greenway/Terry Smith, Raceco two seater, Richard Binder, two seater, Dave Mansker; Raceco single seater, and Doug Hovis, two seater. Things sorted out slightly at half distance. Ramsay still led with another 1:27 lap, holding three minutes on Myerly/Jones, who had almost three minutes on the Neths. Most of the other hot lappers had trouble and dropped time, but 24 managed ·to go half way in the battle. After three laps Ramsay had a firm lead-of4½ minutes over the Neths, who were nearly two minutes ahead of Myerly/ Jones. But, on the final round, the Ramsay team, with Rick Mills co-driving, dropped ten minutes and had to replace a driver, and they dropped to third in class. Myerly and Jones finished just three minutes behind the Neth brothers, but they got a 15 minute penalty for not stopping at a checkpoint, and they fell to fourth in class. This put Jack Ramsay officially in second place, merely eight minutes behind the winning Chenowth of Bobby and Tom Neth. Driving a very steady . race, young Rob Tolleson was third, going solo in his single seat Mirage. With plenty of woes, Jim Greenway and Terry Smith were fifth, followed by Richard Binder: A hefty 18 of the 32 finished the four laps, · including absolutely last overall, 79th, . Robby and Cindy Guevara, who had just four minutes left on time when their Hi Jumper finished. A good field of eleven started in Class 5, and this was a visual battle between four Bugs all around the course. Check the times! On the first lap Greg Heinrich/ ] im Pope recorded a 1:30.13, Malcolm Vinje/Mark -Hansen did a 1:30.25, Pete Sohren/Frank Evans nailed a 1:30.35, and Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter zipped off a 1 :31.05, while Christopher Neil/Jerry Miller were in with a 1 :33 .28 in the Ghia Bug. The· war continued to mid distance where Vinje/Hansen had nearly two minutes on Sohren/ Evans, who ·were two minutes ahead of the Klawitters, who were a mtnute ahead of Heinrich/ Pope. ~ -+--+-+ Dusty Times Jim Dizney, with Dave Richardson co-driving, had to work hard for his Class 9 Rod Hall and Jim Fricker did their trick again, winning Class 4, but their Dodge victory in the Chenowth. It was a very close race among the 1200 cc cars. did not take the lead until the third round at Laughlin. · ·. ~lFGoodrich . . . MA V ·25th and 2·6th 4x4 Unlimited would like to thank these companies for their support in making it possible to post over ited LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY LAKE GENEVA, WISCONSIN . Berrien s&i'B IS!?: ,.L::r::::,,._ c:r:::;: . e 9~ IN CONTINGENCY, $ .1 0100 0 ADDED PURSE AERO TEC LABS (ATL) BFGOODRICH ,."CUSTOM CRUISE DURIMEX -ZELMONT DIV. . K+N FILTERS · POWER PROVEN TRANS SPEREX CORP. (VHT) TAYLOR OFF ROAD 100% PAYBACK . . ATI RACING TRANSMISSIONS BILSTEIN CORP. DIAL IN CAMS FIRESTONE - LE DUC OFF ROAD RAFFO RACING SPORT TRUCK HOO. TRI-MIL IND. FOR MORE /NFORMA T/ON: BERRIEN BUGGY CHRYSLER CORP. BRUCE'S FOREIGN CAR DOUG THORLEY HEADERS HPS INC . MIKE LEIGHTON DESIGN S+S HEADERS SUMMERS BROTHERS PHILS INC. LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY 414-248-8566 or BRUCE BRANSTROM - 4x4 UNLIMITED 312-475-7059 RT. 3 BOX 895, 2065 LAVIGN_E LAKE GENEVA, WI 53147 NORTH BROO~, IL April 1985 Page 15
Don McCormack, in an ex-Hall Dodge, kept the usual winner honest all day, but he had trouble on the third lap and dropped to a long.second at the flag. Simon and Simon, Paul and Dave, ~re ·~eal contend~rs in 7S this season, and their slightly battered Ford Ranger was a strong third at Laughlin. After changing a transmission, Willie Valdez made a wild come from behind dash in his Ford Ranger to finish second in Class 7S at the flag. · +-+-+- +-The. close dicing Class 8, but it was Walker Evans took its toll. and the Klawitters benefit day at Laughhn. Walker, vanished, Sohren/ Evans lost a with his brother Paulden riding few minutes and then failed to shotgun, served notice he was finish the last lap, while Neil and serious on the first lap with a Miller · bad almost two hours 1:28.07 time. Evans never down time on the third round. looked back, and he won Class 8 Heinrich and Pope reportedly · by 40 minutes in the Dodge, after rolled at least twice, and heading cooling it a bit bn the final lap. into the final lap, Vinje/Hansen The main contenders all had led Heinrich and Pope by just some troubles. Steve Kelley under ten minutes. rolled his GMC on the first lap, At the flag Malcolm Vinje and doing great damage, as he hit a Mark Hansen won Class 5 by just berm while trying to pass _ a · over ten minutes from Heinrich slower car. Dave Shoppe had and Pope. Moving into third spot myriad woes, never did get up to with a steady drive were James full speed, but he finished third and David Plum in a plain, steel . in the Ford. Mike Nesmith and grey Bug. Neil and Miller Randy Salmont drove to fine lap recovered to finish with about 17 times and kept their GMC minutes left on the time together to take second place. allowance, gaining fourth and Bill Howard and Richard Nelson There were ten big trucks in Vin Fugate and Merlin Johnson SM ITT YB I [J last finish spot in Class 5. were fourth in their Chevy, while -------· The Look that started it all. FRONT BUMPERS A Smittybilt original : .. the strong bold look of this 3" double tube bumper contours closely to the body lines. Some models available for winch mount. The massive look that started it all . . . the ultimate in style. Big 3" tubes available in Single, Double/Single, or Double/Double (pictured). This pace-setting look is not only rugged, it is the most versatile. It features big bold double 3" tubes. For mini and mid-sized trucks we offer the optional. light duty hitch or the heavy duty hitch. receptacle (pictured). Your truck can have the look ... we manufacture a complete line of bumpers, truck bars, grill guards, cage kits, and in-cao-cages. Available for mos.t Full Siz_e, Mid Size (including the new Jeep Cherokee, Chevy & GMC S·Series pickups & Blazers) and Mini Trucks (including the new Toyota Pickup & 4Runner and Nissan Pickup.) For direct ordering information send for our CATALOG: $2.00 _SMITTY.SILT, Inc. (818) 442-1788 were fifth, and the last Class 8 finisher, driving a Ford. Class 7 seems locked into being a trio each race, and so it was at Laughlin. On hand were Mario Alesi/ Harry SlaJwick, Nissan, Manny and Tudy Esquerra, . Ford Ranger, and Brent Smith and Mike George, Ford Ranger. Alesi and Esquerra put on a fantastic shmv for two laps, running in sight of each 'other, and they finished the first lap nose to tail with Esquerra holding a slim, 1 ½ seccmd lead. Midway it was Alesi up tronr by a mere 32 seconds, and Brent Smith was fixing things on · course. The Esquerra Ranger slowed with clutch trouble on lap 3, and Alesi did not slow his pace. Mario finished an easy first in class and a fine 19th overall. Manny lost the clutch cc)mplete -ly on the last lap, and he salvaged second, an hour and ten minutes later. Smith and George also finished, over another hour back for a 100 percent finish in the modified mini truck class. A half dozen Class 9, 1200 cc cars took to the course next, and they had a very close race, and four finished the entire course. The first lap leader was the Hi Jumper ofJeffWatsonand Butch Darling, with just about a minute in hand over Jim Dizney, Chenowth. Dave and John McDonough were third, about three minutes back in the same Funco that took their sister Kelly to the HORA Class 9 title last 2124 N. Lee, Dept. DT, South El Monte, CA 91733 Henry Arras and his son Eric did a great job in the rough run and they squeaked out their second consecutive win in 5-1600 class by less than two minutes. Page 16 April 1985 Dusty Times
Mike Lesle was oh so close all four laps in his 5-1600, scarcely out of the leaders sight all day, but Les le had to be content with second place. season. Midway Watson/Darling main rained a slim lead of less . than three minutes over· Dizney. Solo driver Mike McCrory inched past the McDonoughs, into third by a minute, and Larry and John Webster. were just another two minutes back. After three rounds Watson/ Darling had a cushion of over eight minutes on Dizney, who was only. 20 seconds ahead of McCrory, and Dizney had shift cable woes. The other two 9s were only a minute or two behind also. . But, on_the final lap the leading Hi Jumper ended up broken, in a deep ditch on course. At the flag it was Jim Dizney's Cheno\1/th, with Dave Richardson driving relief, that took the victory by less than two minutes over Mike McCrory. The McDonoughs were about five minutes back in third, and the Websters hung . tough to take fourth after a long final lap. Class 4 had a• good entry of . eleven starters, but the Jeeps of both Tim Casey and Rodney Inch were out early. Rod Hall lost ten minutes on course with a quick fix on a broken front end truss, and. it was the Dodge of Don McCormack that took the lead on lap 1. John Randall, Honcho, had rear end trouble· and retired after onelap, and the Jeep of Jim Bell and Walt Laycock only went that far as well. Midway the battle joined between Rod Hall/Jim Fricker, Dodge, and the ex-Hall Dodge driven by McCormack. The pair were absolutely tied on elasped time, well ahead of the field. Ed and Jody Martensen retired their Jeep after two rounds, and the Honcho of Lowell Arnold was gone after three turns around the rough route. Up front McCormak had his trouble·on the third lap and Hall swept into his usual position, the lead. Rodney led all the way to the checkered flag. Don McCormack got his Dodge fixed well enough to finish second in Class 4, and Tom Strong and Steve Bouden - were third in · a Chevrolet pickup. Driving yet another Dodge, Mike Wheeler and Lynn Dickton took fourth home to Henderson, NV, and V em Roberts and Bill Donahoe finished fifth in a Jeep. Class 7S was down to eight starters at Laughlin, many still licking their wounds from Parker evidently. A new entry in this class was + + + + + + Dusty Tim~J-Back in Class 3 this season, Don Adams and Larry Olsen beat ihe field of V-8s at Laughlin, taking the win in the c ·herokee fitted with a st(aight six engine. April _1985 Page 17
Jason Myers cruised his stock Jeep Cherokee the entire four laps to win the purse in the two Jeep ClassJ2, for downsize 4 WD wagons. · The Score Challenge class was a battle of attrition in the rough run. The T Mag of Bob Savage was the lone survivor, a four lap finisher,'of the five starters. Class 6 was another war of attrition,. with both entries in trouble. Dale Draves and David Hutchins won the honors in an AMC Hornet. Parker winner in Class 7 4x4, ·G.T. Gowland, with Stan Houghton co-driving, took the class again driving his Toy,ota almost four laps. +-+--+-the slick new Ford Ranger of Scott Douglas, whose secret weapon was Frank Vessels as the starting driver. The first lap was nearly as tight as it had been in Class - 7. · 1984 class champ Spencer Low/Paul Delang, Nissan, got the fast lap at 1 :35.55, but Vessels was close at 1 :36. I 1, but his Ranger didn't go much farther. Third after one round was the Ranger of Paul and Dave Simon, with a 1:39.05, but it had problems on the next lap. Willie Valdez had his·Ranger in fourth, another three minutes back. Midway, Low, with a 1:39 second lap had a strong, almost nine minute lead over Valdez, and the Simons were down to third but still well ahead of the field . Low hit another truck and did some damage on the next lap, and Valdez was down changing a transmission. So, despite sundry electrical problems, Spencer ~-DON'T MISS. THE 4TH RACE OF THE SCORE/HD RA POINTS SERIES SCORE BAJA INT.ERNACIONAL June 7-9, 1985 Ensenada BC, Mexico For more information contact: SCORE INTERNATIONAi: (818) 889-9216 Page 18 · Low brought the Nissan in for the Class 7S victory. With a fresh trans, Valdez made up nearly half an hour on the final lap, but he had to settle for second plao~ tl~is race, about seven minutes behind Low. Low had to be towed from the finish area, since his alternator was broken in half. Simon and_ Simon were strong in. third. place, merely 19, minutes · behind Valdez. John Cabe/ Neal Linebarger snagged fourth in a Toyota, _ and. Jim Travis/Ron League were fifth in another Toyota, the final7S finisher. The last of the big entr.y' classes, at 15 on the line, was 5-. 1600 . . Despite the size of the entry, it soon turned into a two Bug race. The torn up terrain was truly tough on this class, but seven of them covered all four laps, and all but three managed at least one lap. Henry Arras set a hot pace on lap 1, doing a keen 1:37.59, but Mike Lesle was right in his wake, only 23 seconds behind. Nearest to them then were several Bugs in the mid 1 :40s. Arras continued to lead, and had a seven. minute margin midway, when he got out and handed over to his son Eric, who had just debarked from rhe eventual overall winning Raceco. With the driver change, it wa~ close after three laps with the Arras Bug one even minute ahead of Lesle, as .the pair left the field well behind at this point. Arras picked up another 50 . seconds on the last lap to win this tight dice over Mike Lesle by a slender 1 minute, 51 seconds. About 35 minutes behind,•Mike and Roy Taylor had very consistent lap times ·and were strong in third, about 13 minutes ahead of Jeff Bolha and Rick Lyneis, who were well ahead of . the other three finishers. The big engined bobtails in Class 3 had eight starters, and Gene and Kirby Hightower are having a great season in the Jeep CJ-7. The Class 3 Parker winners took a fine second at Laughlin. April 1985 three of them fell out on the first lap, including Mike Randall, Jeep, ari.d Kenny Nance, Bronco, along with the . sentimental favorite, Ken Ryan's Jeep Commando. The Scrambler of Eric and Tracy Heiden made just one lap in nearly five hours and bowed out. The other four had a good race going for a time. · The first lap honors went to · Bob and Cindy Chamberlin in a Chevy powered Scout, only 11 seconds faster than Don Adams, driving the downsize Cherokee fitted with a straight six engine . Gene and Kirby Hightower were next about five minutes back in their Parker winning CJ-7, and Don Coffland and Buck Griffin had troubles right from the start, but they struggled all the way to a third place finish in their CJ-8. Up front the team of' Don Adams and Larry Olsen picked . up about eight minutes midway over the Chamberlins, but then slowed a tad. Heading into the final lap, Adams/Olsen weFe just a minute and change in the lead over the Scout, and· Hightower was ,just teR minutes back. Everybody had trouble on the last lap. Chamberlin failed to finish, when he lost a rear drive cap, and, having lost the front drive lines earlier, he was down to one ~heel drive, which wasn't enough in the deep, silt filled ditches. Adams did the last lap in his truck, and picked up a few minutes on the Hightowers on the lap. So Don Adams and Larry Olsen won Class 3, beating the V-8 field with a straight six. Gene and Kirby High.tower were second, about 16 minutes back at the flag. Two Jeep Cherokees were on tap in Class 12, but the Jason Myers/Don Adams unit led Tom Peltier by flearly an hour on the first lap. Peltier's troubles were terminal, and he only While Mark Broneau grove alone to seventh in Class 10, his pilot through the contingency line turned heads; the handsome fellow is named Cras"1. Dusty Times
covered two laps. Jason Myers went on and did consistent lap times to gain a four lap finish, making it two wins for two entries at Laughlin for the Cherokee team. There was another pair in Class 6, the regular entry, Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling in the old Chevrolet, and Dale Draves and David Hutchins in a '73 AMC Hornet, a new car by Class 6 standards. Schwacofer had a 50 minute lead on the first lap, but then he began snapping axles. Draves had troubles too, a five hour second lap, but he and the Hornet won Class 6 with two laps done almost two hours faster than the Chevy's two laps. Even winners have their problems, but Ron Gardner got to impound this way. winning Class 2 and getting congrats here from Jerry Penhall. Running in a streak of bad luck, Rob MacCachren was well among the Class 1 leaders here, but an accident put him down and out on the last lap. Five of the limited Score Challenge buggies tried to beat the rugged course at Laughlin, but only one covered all four laps. Parker winner Russ Winkler, with Bobby Tracy co-driving the Sandhawk, was out front by 11 minutes over Bob Savage and his T Mag on the first lap, and Danny Oliver and Dan Hook were only another minute behind. Most of the cars had troubles, and midway Winkler and Tracy had a huge, 36 minute lead over Savage, who had some 18 minutes on the Oliver car. Rod Everett and Tom Barnett were hours back, and gave it up LAUGHLIN DESERT CHALLENGE FINAL RESULTS POS CAR DRIVER[S] VEHICLE TIME 5 :20.13 5: 50.02 6:01.35 6: 14.02 6: 49.44 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 111 116 120 105 107 220 210 228 205 203 1204 1253 1205 1209 1260 CLASS 1-Unlimited Single Seat [20 start - 7 finish] FRANK SNOOK, ERIC ARRAS Raceco GREGG SYMONDS, JAKE FOGG Raceco RON BRANT Raceco LARRY NOEL Chaparral NICK NICHOLSON 0utlaw CLASS 2-Unlimited Two Seat [27 start - 7 finish] JERRY PENHALL, RON GARDNER Chenowth MIKE GOODWIN, BRIAN DYSON Raceco BOB VELTRI, MARTIN VANZEYL Raceco JACK WOODS, DON BAILEY Woods VIC VANELLA, MEL TYREE Raceco CLASS 1-2-1600-1600cc Restricted [32 start -18 finish] BOBBY NETH, TOM NETH Chenowth JACK RAMSAY, RICK MILLS Bunderson ROB TOLLESON Mirage ROB MYERLY, RANDY JONES ,,_ Bundersoa JIM GREENWAY, TERRY SMITH Raceco CLASS 3-Short Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive [8 start - 3 finish] 349 DON ADAMS, LARRY OLSEN Cherokee 305 GENE & KIRBY HIGHTOWER Jeep CJ-7 304 DON COFFLAND, BUCK GRIFFIN Jeep.CJ-8 CLASS 4-Long Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive [11 start - 5 finish] 401 ROD HALL, JIM FRICKER Dodge 409 DON MC CORMACK Dodge 410 TOM STRONG, STEVE BOU DEN Chevrolet 406 MIKE WHEELER, LYNN DICKTON Dodge CLASS 5-Unlimited Baja Bug [11 start - 4 finish] 546 MALCOLM VINJE, MARK HANSEN Baja Bug 501 GREG HEINRICH, JIM.POPE Baja Bug 505 JAMES PLUM, DAVID PLUM Baja Bug CLASS 5-1600-1600cc Baja Bug [15 start - 7 finish] 551 HENRY ARRAS, ERIC ARRAS Baja Bug 550 MIKE LESLE, RICH FERSCH Baja Bug 559 MIKE TAYLOR, ROY TAYLOR Baja Bug 552 JEFF BOLHA, RICK LYNEIS Baja Bug CLASS 6-Sedan [2 start - 0 finish] 699 DALE DRAYES, DAVID HUTCHINS AMC Hornet 650 LARRY SCHWACOFER, S. SPRADLING 1955 Chevrolet CLASS 7-Mini-Mid Size Pickup [3 start - 3 finish] 701 MARIO ALESI, HARRY SLADWICK Nissan 700 MANNY & TUDY ESQUERRA Ford Ranger 702 BRENT SMITH, MIKE GEORGE Ford Ranger CLASS 7S-Stock Mini Pickup [8 start - 5 finish] 722 SPENCER LOW, PAUL DELANG Nissan 725 WI LLIE VALDEZ, JOSE ARMENTA Ford Ranger 749 PAUL SIMON, DAVE SIMON Ford Ranger 5 : 39.46 5 :44.10 5: 46.04 5: 59.20 6:01.36 5:56.52 6:05.01 6 : 12.24 6 : 14.59 6: 28.25 7:31.35 7 :48.01 8: 56.43 6:39.19 7 :21.43 8:02.13 8: 25.37 6: 12.49 6: 23.23 8:04.48 6:51.59 6 :53.50 7: 28.04 7:41.07 21aps 21aps 6:12.26 7: 22.49 8 :43.58 7: 19.02 7: 26.46 7: 45.50 CLASS 7 4 x 4-Stock Mini Four Wheel Drive Pickup [2 start - 0 finish] 799 G. T. GOWLAND, STAN HOUGHTON Toyota 31aps 780 FRED WRIGHT, JOHN PITNE Toyota 1 lap CLASS 8-Full Size 2WD Pickup [10 start - 5 finish] 804 WALKER EVANS, PAULDEN EVANS Dodge 6:12.14 849 MIKE NESMITH, RANDY $ALMONT GMC 6:52.00 800 DAVE SHOPPE, JEFF YOCUM Ford 7 : 23 .07 802 BILL HOWARD, RICHARD NELSON Chevrolet 8:01.16 CLASS 9-1200cc Single Seat [6 start - 4 finish] 919 JIM DIZNEY Chenowth 6:43.21 918 MIKE MC CRORY Hi-Jumper 6: 50.09 900 DAVE & JOHN MC DONOUGH Funco SS II 6 :55.27 903 LARRY WEBSTER, JOHN WEBSTER Funco 7: 11.56 Class Score Challenge [5 start - 1 finish] 923 BOB SAVAGE T/Mag 8:48.04 920 RUSS WINKLER, BOBBY TRACY Sandhawk 31aps CLASS 10-Unlimited 1650cc [27 start - 9 finish] 1012 MARTY REIDER Raceco 5: 34.06 1015 LARRY BOLIN Raceco 5:49.54 1016 STEVE SOURAPAS, D. RICHARDSON Raceco 5: 52.08 1017 DWIGHT LUNDELL Dirtrix 5: 55.32 1028 JERRY LEIGHTON, BOB LEIGHTON Special 5:56.49 CLASS 12-Stock Four Wheel Drive Sport Wagon [2 start - 1 finish] 350 351 JASON MYERS, DON ADAMS Cherokee TOMAS PEL TIER Cherokee TOTAL STARTERS -189 · TOTAL FINISHERS -79 = 41.8% RACE DISTANCE - 4 LAPS, 55 MILES THE LAP TIME ALLOWANCE -10 HOURS 8: 17.49 21aps OFFICIAL FAST LAP OF THE DAY-LARRY RAGLAND -1:16.11 -CLASS 1 -CHAPARRAL Dusty-Jimes after three laps. Winkler and Tracy increased their lead after three laps, holding 40 minutes on Savage, but neither their car or Oliver's finished the final lap. Although it took an extra 20 minutes, the Savage machine did cover all four rounds for the victory. Last off the line were the pair of Toyotas in Class 7 4x4. Fred Wright and John Pitne had a 19 minute lead after one lap, but that was all they did. Parker winner Giti Gowland, with Stan Houghton, plugged along and almost made four laps. They missed the ten hour time limit on the last lap by just ten seconds at the flag, but they still won their class. It was bright and sunny again on Sunday for the awards, but there were some long faces and disappointed racers due to the time penalties, especially two teams who were each dropped out of second place in their class. Additionally, the two seat team headed by Tim Kennedy was disqualified for driving through a couple of checkpoints with a co-AVAILABLE AT BETTER BOOK STORES OR DIRECTLY FROM: Checkpoint 2 was remote, but well signed, obviously. Here John Kaiser's good looking new Class 2 creation gets a chit, but the car finished just one lap. driver without a helmet. Oddly enough, the same car missed its start time by a few minutes, because the rider did not have his belts fastened when the car came to the green flag area. Overall Laughlin presented a fine event, with 79 of the 189 starters finishing the course, more than many mid race estimates. Computer scoring math worked it wonders again. and no one had to sit up all night in order to supply the traditional HORA lap by lap scores on Sunday morning. Hopefully, the bigger entries at the first two desert series races will continue into the spring and summer, and bring big entries to the next two events promoted by Score in Lucerne Valley, CA and Ensenada, Baja California in Mexico. READ ABOUT A PIONEER I OFF-ROAD RACING ti> .... •~ ~.,;,8~Wi~ ~u~-= ;c:o"= 1P The true-life adventures of a fascinating man who influ-enced practically all forms of automotive racing, including off-road, circle track, and Pan American road racing. Follow this "guy next door" from his early days run-ning cut-down hot rods and racing midgets, through his work at lndianapo.lis Speedway and his develop-ment of milestone vehicles like Big Oly and today's special projects with Ford M·otor Company. Find out why all the notables from the lJnsers and Parnelli Jones to Rod Hall and countless others rely on him for winning results. Read BOSS: THE BILL STROPPE STORY. 224 pages of action, nostalgia. laughs, pain, and heroism, with 177 photos (including color!), all in a hand-some 7 x 10 perfect bound volume. Enter-taining and informative, for the unbelievably -!f ltbltcauon• 850 N. Hollywood Way · Burbank, California 91505 low price of: $13.95 ADD $2.00 FOR POSTAGE AND HANDLING. CAlJFORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 91C SAlES TAX. VISA (818) 848-0944 MC April1985 Page 19
Marty Tripes' newly formed short course racing organization, "Stadium Racing U.S.A." kicked off its '85 season at the California Mid-Winter Fair-grounds in El Centro with a full program for Classes 1, 10, 1-2-1600, 3 wheelers; Odysseys ,ind a locals <only "run what you 0rung" class. Marty Coyne's Imperial Valre·y Cycle_ Center; Pepsi Cola and Budweiser were the major s_ponsors of the event along with KSlQin the Valley. Tfi.e nine in the morning until noon tech inspection was held at the Imperial Valley Cycle Center, where parking and unloading space was at a premium, especially for the 18 wheelers, the rolling machine shops. On hand to handle the ton tingencY program and announcing at the race was Charlie Engelbart, and the contingency donors included Trick Gas, California Perform-ance, Veyes ATC and FAT Performance. Bob Goshen was pressed into s€rvice at tech, using his dis12_lacement measuring device. Bob said, as he crawled from one to another inside Ron Carter's cramped three car trailer, "gotta keep these Class 10 motors honest!" Marty also laid on a big buffet lunch at the Cycle Center, featuring Mexican style food . . Hectic as it was, the tech went smoothly; and most everyone managed to make the noon deadline. The Fairgrounds is locatecl only a short mile north of the Cycle Center 9n Highway 86. The gates opened at one in the afternoon to allow racers time to claim their pit space and survey the new track. In fact the track looked like an exercise yard,. as nearly all the competitors were seen hoofing around the clay base course. Marty Tripes and his crew put a course together within the existing one mile stock car oval, and it was a wild one. It consisted of a wic;le left hand'turn, the first turn on the oval, a. long ski mogul, sharp off camber bumps, switch bati<s, a · giant 20 foot • .com_press_ion hole that ha_c;l cars _landing in every conceivable direction, and there were two high speed jumps at the start/ finish line. The first of two practice sessions started about 2 p.m. with the 3 wheelers kicking up a blinding dust cloud. Enter the water trucks, and they must hav·e thought the race was meant to -be a mud bog! The Class 10 cars came out next, and the horde had their hands full just trying to stay on the sloppy course. Turning was difficult, braking or acceler-ating was impossible in some spots. The action looked more like an amusement park bumper car caper than a practice session. The 1600 class had their go in the muck before the grounds folks did some blade work to dry things out a bit. Class 1 had their fling, but noticeably absent were such regulars as Al Arciero, J.C. Myers, and Bill Royster. The_. thinning ranks in Class 1 is certainly a disappointment. They are more expensive to build and maintain, and, as Bob Wachter pondered the situation, he said, "what's the point? The Class 10 cars are almost as fast." Sure they are,-but to someone sitting in the grandstands or in the infield, the impression of Class 1 is of much greater speed. The 10 cars can't match that wheel standing acceleration or those impressive power slides that-can only be had from 2 liter or bigger engines. The grounds crew had another whack at re-arranging the turf, , Rick Boyer had a great evening in 1-2-5-1600 racing. Rick lost his hood, but he won both heat races and first place money on points. Page 20 and they were getting the hang of it now. "It's still a little muddy in spots, but it will be just perfect after the sun goes down," promised M.arty Tripes. A arivers' meeting followed the second practice sessions, arid the first heat starting order came from a draw out of a hat. Class 1 would run two eight lap heats, and so would the 1-2 and 5-1600 group. Class 10 had two heats of ten laps each and a twelve lap main event. The "Valley Class" (Imperial Valley residents only) the "run what you brung'' bunch, was slated for two laps. The first Class 10·heatput nine entries on the ·gr,id. Tommy Croft, Ron Carter and Steve Kelley _got the jump on the pack. Tom Finvers nudged mto the fourth spot coming into the sharp left hand turn one. On the second lap Croft was already ahead and putting_ some distance on Carter and. Kelley. Rand.f Rhinehart, Gary Dillon and Ken Kazarian had their own battle going several seconds behind Finvers. Rhinehart, in his newly acquired, ex-Ron Carter Funco, was having some teething troubles and he had rolled big time in practice. "I gof it a little sideways just before the back straight,'' he said. But the mishap didn't seem to slow him down, and he had a solid hold on fifth place. By the halfw~y point Croft had stretched hrs lead over Carter to 15 s·econds. Finvers was closing on Kelley a couple of seconds each lap, but time ran out before he could catch him. The second heat saw Jim Fishback, Jr., .Mike Withers, Jerry Whelchel and Jim Fishback, Sr. freight training into the first turn, followed by Glenn Gal-braith and David Bonner. Withers soon taded, Fishback, · Sr. motored by Whelchel into second, while Don Kolt was inching his way up from an end of the pack start. Midway the field thinned as Galbraith and Maples dropped out due to mechanical !roblems. At the flag Fishback, r., his Dad, and Whelchel rought 'em home 1-2-3. Half of the 16 car Class 10 main event field iumped Marty Tripes' starting flag. The field was regrouped, but had to wait the allotted two minutes while Bonner hobbled to the pits to change a flat tire. He never returned, so the class was 15 strong and roared off the line without him. Jim Fishback, Jr. was having a great day! He thundered into the lead, followed by heat one winner Tommy Croft, then Ron Carter and Jerry Whelchel. You knew this main event was ·going to be the best racing of the evening, especially thrqugh the ski moguls and the next four, tight turns on lap one. Watching a dozen or so cars bunched together dancing through the moguls is worth the price of admission alone! No flips or roll overs happened, but there was lots of totally out of shape action that had the C.O.R.R.A. course workers and the pho,tographers scurrying. for_ a safe hay·-bale. Whelchel and Fishback; . ·sr. soon passed Carter and Croft to assume_ second and third place, while Steve Kelley moved· into fifth .. Another lap or two saw Fishback, Sr. fading. Carter and Kelley moved up one notch, while Tommy Croft and Don Kolt slid in behind Sreve Kelley. At the halfway point Fishback, Jr. and Whelchel· were pulling away from the field by several seconds a lap. But the pace was too much for Whelchel, and he dropped out a few laps:later with. mechanical problems. . By the tenth lap, Fishback, Jr. had a 15 secona lead on the second place Carter-Kelley-Croft battle. A little further back the next spot was up for grabs with a Tom Finvers-Marty Coyne-Gary Dillon dice. Fish-back, Jr. eased in for the win, the order unchanged from lap ten. The overall top three winners in · Class 10 w_ere Jim Fishback, Jr., Ron Carter and Steve Kelley. A BMX ( bicycle moto cross) exhibition provided the half time entertainment. Two riders were doing some incredible balancing acts and mid-air 180 degree turns. The final was a leapoff a ramp, which shot the rider straight up about 15 feet, where he turned 180 degrees in the air, and then rode back down the ramp. The combined 1-2-1600 and 5-1600 heat number one had Mike Goodbody, Rick· Boyer, Mike Goodbody clears through some flying mud in his Enticer en route to a strong second place finish in the limited 1600 category. April 1985 Neil Phillips and Jesse Rodriguez, all in single seaters, in an evenly matched battle until the third turn off camber jump where Phillips got nailed and dropped to fourth. Allan Bursey and Kathy Fay, the only two in 5-1600s, played tag for most of the eight laps until Fay finally found a way around Bursey. Meanwhile, during the up front jousting, Boyer lost his hood and some paint, but he managed to squeeze by Goodbody and proceeded to stretch out a comfortable lead, while Rodriguez held onto third. The second heat for the 1600s saw Boyer take the lead at the start with Goodbody, Rodriguez and Phillips trailing. Rodriguez quickly passed Goodbody, but promptly rolled and dropped out, handing Mike an easy second spot. Allan Bursey led and won the 5-1600 dice as Fay dropped out with mechanical trouble. Greg George, in the Pipeline Racing sponsored Funco, got the jump on the field in the first, seven car Class 1 heat, followed by Bob Wachter and Bob Gordon on the outside. Coming into the first turn off the oval corner, Gordon drove in front of George, and hit the brakes. The resulting crash broke Gordon's rear cage and bent George's right spindle. It cost Gordon's Chenowth a good placing and slowed George all evening. In practice Gteg George looked like the man to beat. His fuel injected Autocraft engine sounded strong and the suspen-sion was spot on, as he was just kissing the tops, of the ski moguls. "The rough stuff is where the car really shines," he said later in the pits. By the end of the first lap George ~as -solidly in the lead, followed by Wacht~r, Frank Arciero, Jr. and Bob Gordon. Several laps later Arciero passed Wachter and was pressuring George, who was having obvious steering problems, especially off the numerous small jumps. Arciero finally got his chance, and jµmped into the lead, while W aditer held his third place. In the closing laps, Gordon's loose cage on the Chenowth was banging so violently, he stopped to have a C.O.R.R.A. worker yank it off. That cost some time, but he still managed to finish fourth. Frank Arciero grabbed the hole shot at the start of the second Class 1 heat, and he s~ayed up front for the entire eight lap~r-wrthour·- a~---' fight. Greg George pressured Arciero for several laps, until he missed a shift, allowing Bob Gordon to take over second place. George has been havin_g shifting and braking problems all along, and it would cost him dearly. Gordon cut the gap to the leader, and George did keep Gordon in sight. All three slowed as they came up upon Rich Prouty, who had not been running well all evening, with a rough sounding engine since practice., It was single file time through a coupl~ of corners before the course widened. It looked like Gordon or George would make a last chance move on Arciero, but it didn't happen and Frank won the heat wire to wire. A Grudge Match idea devel-oped between several Class 10 ·and Class 1 drivers. The Class 10 lap times had been surprisingly close to the unlimiteds, and at least two of the 10 drivers thought they could pull off a win, given just a slight handicap. A Dusty Times
total of six drivers and8romoter Tripes anted up $5 00 into the pot for a winner take all, six lap bash. · The two Class 10 drivers, Jim Fishback, Jr. and Steve Kelley, were lined up about 50 feet ahead of the four Class ls, and were given several seconds head start at the green flag. By the time the· slower 10s got to the moguls, .about a quarter of a mile into the lap, the unlimiteds had notice-aoly closed the gap. It seemed only a matter of a lap or two before the 10s would oe passed. But, it wasn't to happen. Greg George's ailing transmis-sion was the. culprit. The off camber third turn required a downshift, but Greg couldn't get second gear. He slowed just when Gordon and Arciero least expected it. The resulting chain reaction crash and slow down gave Fishback and Kelley the break they needed. The Class 1 cars lost about five seconds, and they were never able to move within striking distance. At the checkered flag it was Fishback, Jr., Kelley, George, Gordon, Arciero, and Prouty. In the winner's cfrcle, an obviously elated Fishback wasn't aware of the first lap traffic jam. When told about it, he relaxed a bit, but his face revealed the strain of the competition, racing hard all night. But, the $5,0QO kitty, comoined with the overall Class 10 paycheck of $2110, gave Jim, Jr. a healthy Saturday night purse. The Class 1 Os pulled ·oft the Gru_d_ge Race, but was it only luck? Will there be another Grudge Match at the next event? We sure hope so! After the final race, a band and some free beer rounded out the schedule. But, not everyone stayed for the entertainment, as it It was a perfect score for Frank Arciero, Jr., in his Chenowth. Frank won.the first heat race in Class 1 by inches. and led wire to wire in the second round. Bob Gordon had a rough time in traffic, but he kept going in his Chenowth to take a fourth and a second to end up second for the night in Class 1. was close to midnight. Marty Tripes, who is well liked by the drivers, handled the track prepar~tion and .built the entry list, while Marty Coyne rounded up the local sponsors. They have .tentatively scheduled another event in May and one sometime in the fall. The program will include 3 wheeler classes as it did last February at the Fairgrounds~ Among seven starters in Class 1, Frank Arciero, Jr. won the points and $1758. Bob Gordon was second with $409, a11d Greg George third with $233. In 1-2-Impressive.in practice, shifting and steering woes plagued Greg George and his Funco, but George did salvage third place in Class 1 on points. The Grudge Match action was wild, and Steve· Kelley, who was third in Class 10, stayed with the leader on the last race to finish second, ahead of the Class 1 cars. 1600, Rick Boyer topped the four entry class and won $500, while Mike Goodbody took home $300 for second spot. It was an even split in 5-1600 action with both Alan Bursey and Kathy Fay earning $200. The 21 car entry in Class 10 :;.H. produced a winning purse of $2110.93 for Jim Fishback, Jr. Ron Carter was second on points with $1060.93, followed by Steve Kelley, $535.93, T_ommy Croft, $273.43, Tom Fmvers, $142.18 and major sponsor Marty Coyne; $76.55. £NT£RTM Ron Carter had his new Funco all hoo'ked up at El Centro, and Carter flew to a second in his heat race and second in the Class 10 main event. Dusty Times April 1985 COORD NATED Y THE STATE TOURIST DEPT. OF SONORA AND L AND L TOURS 602-726-7400 SPONSORED SY: LOMA CYCLE.INC. &, ARIZONA DESERT RACING ASSOC. · Pagei1
at least a half car width off the Peugeot Wins Again at the International Swedish Rally track, and from time to time they went a fu.11 car width .. . " commented Audi teammate . Walter Rohr!. Blomqvist is a man who does not accept defeat on his home ground, but who found himself unable to come to terms with the Flying Finn. Stig Text, & Photos: Martin Holmes Apparently unbeatable, Ari Vatanen and Terry Harryman took the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 4WD to a fifth consecutive victory, and the hat trick of World Rally Championst:iip wins, Five in a row! Ari Vatanen, Terry Harryman and their Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 scored their fifth world championship· victory in as many outings, equaling the record set last year by second placed driver Stig Blomqvist, They led an unprecedented armada of four wheel drive cars which took no less than the top seven placings on the only world rally held each year exclusively on ice and snow covered tracks. Seven times previous winner Blomqvist was · beaten by the more advanced design of Vatanen 's Peugeot; twenty years experience failing to give the Swede and Audi their forlorn but fervently hoped for victory. Non-turbocharged Audi 80 Quattro cars, however, took first and second place in Group A, and a privately entered VW Golf. G_Tl took the Group N award. "I have never tried so hard in my life, but I could never beat Vatanen", declared Blomqvist at the organize·rs' post rally conference. The Audi team, already shocked by Rohrl's defeat at Monte Carlo, now faced another body blow. When his cars permitted, Blomqvist had an unbeaten record on his home event, but now he was helpless with his Sport Quattro. "It was fmpossible to go faster", he told friends. "The studs kept failing on the front tires, and the car was forever trying to jump out of the ruts. That doesn't matter so ·much normally, because the and Ari shared best time on the first stage, but afterwards Ari snowbanks would bounce you never lost the lead. The rally was back; but this car was so short the • heading for a land slide four back did not hit the banks". It. wheel drive benefit from the was misery time for Audi. The start, with the top ten placings two events they might, with luck, being held by total traction cars. have won had gone to Peugeot. Right up among the Scandi-Many people are wondering navians was Britain's Malcolm when the penny will drop and the Wilson with a private Quattro, Sport Quattro rally program will and the shock from the beginning be canceled. was the speed of Walter Rohr!. Peugeot had two, not three He led Mikkola, who had no cars as at Monte Carlo, in problems in an identical car, and Sweden. Audi, however, had the. more suitable long chassis three rather than two! , The Audis for Swedish Rally experts inclusion of the event in the Lasse Lampi and Per Eklund. makes' championship series for The German's unprecedented the first time since 1979 was sideways driving sty le made him responsible for the French team's look as though he was a local. entry. But these five, and a single Lampi lost a half hour on the car entry from Mazda, comprised fifth stage, and did not restart the the foreign entry; the event was next day when he realized i:he mainly for the local importers' dangers of continually overtak-teams. ing back markers. Eklund had There were inany long faces trouble with the electrics, which before the rally, because of road starved the engine management conditions. Most of the stages computer of sufficient electrical had so thin an ice covering that power. long tracks of gravel showed Vatanen was pulling ahead, through. The snow came so late but coming soon was Blomqvist's this year that the ground was favorite stage, 21.63 kms from already frozen hard, and it did Bjalverud to Grasmark. The first not effectively form its usual firm of the real forest stages, as coating. Quite apart from the_ opposed to stages held on closed disappointment for enthusiasts, public. roads or on frozen lakes; it was a disaster for teams who was his territory where he has a could see their studded tires habit of demoralizing his being destroyed, often in mid-· opponents each year. Except ~his stage. The factory· teams and time, A_ri was nine seconds privateers were testing all types quicker a·nd the illusion was of tires, and all were happy when shattered. Stig began to feel like snow fell early on the Saturday, Walter Rohr! had at Monte and the track was covered. The Carlo, driven to risky decision snow was so heavy and left such a and hope for a stroke of luck. white blanket, that it was often Walter decided to fit the wider difficult to tell what was road and \;fonte Carlo TRX A3 tires for what was not. the next stage, and Ar.i then beat "Hannu and I could tell how him by sixteen seconds. Audi hard Stig was trying to beat Ari. explained it was all because the On every corner his wheels went heaviness of their front engined car created undue and unbal-anced strain on the tires. It was the nearest admission so far that the Sport Quattro is the wrong type of car for winning rallies since the arrival of the Peugeot. Two wheel drive cars were beginning to creep into the top spots, first with the locally owned Opel Ascona 400 of Mats Jonsson, and then, more significantly, with lngvar Carlsson's works Mazda RX 7. The second leg of the rally began with long stages. Ari Vatanen was slowed when he caught some snow in the radiator and the plastic car filled with steam, costing about a half minute. Overheating spelled the end of Wilson's effort, putting him out while lying seventh. Without much action at the front, attention was given ·to the fantastic battle between the 80 Quattro of Mikael Ericsson and his V AG teammate Gunnar Pettersson. Behind them was another .duel, for third place in . Group A, between Lars-Erik T orph on his first major event with a front drive car, a Golf GTI, and· Kenneth Eriksson, in an Opel Kadett GSI. Stage after Walter Rohrl surprised the regulars with amazing speed in his Quattro, leading most of the locals handily until a broken crank put him out. Many .time winners on their home Swedish turf, Stig Blomqvist and Bjorn Cederberg ended up second overall iri the Audi Sport Quattro this year. lngvar Carlsson and Benny Mellander finished tops in two wheel drive category, eighth overall-in the factory backed Group B Mazda RX 7. =·½\r· was a see saw battle for the Group A victory, and it went to Gunnar and Arne Pettersson who won the war in the late stages driving the Audi.· roup A Opel Kadett G i of Kenneth Eriksson and Bo Thorszelius looks small, but they were third in class and tenth overall in the snow. The most successful of the British _Junior Team in Sweden, Mark Lovell and Peter Davis drove a Group A Ford RS 1600i · to 24th overall. April 1985 England driver Erik Zenz drove a Saab in Sweden, but his entry did not finish. Dusty Times
No Homologation for Evolution Rally Cars be punished. This kind of thing, production run of 200 cars to performance· that endangers however, will kill the interest of satisfy the Group B homologa-safety. But, the idea of improving manufacturers who wish to tion requirement. safety in the Group B cars compete". Audi Research and Develop-probably means reducing their Todt explained that Balestre ment chief, Dr. Piech, stated his performance, which is apparent-By Martin Holmes FISA President Jean Marie Balestre's astonishing suggestion before the start of the Swedish Rally that he would ban homologation of Group B cars by evolution led to angry accusations by teams, the stage only seconds separated these two. The evening of the second day saw the end of an amazing effort, when Rohr! and Geistdorfer. started a two kilometer walk I through a forest to the end ofi stage 21. The Sport Quattro had· a broken crank, and their rally was over. Mikkola rose to fourth behind Vatanen, Blomqvist and Salonen. A four hour halt preceded a run round the last seven stages. In the final hours one sensed that the 80 Quattro fight was too hot to last. So it was as Mikael Ericsson reached the end of stage 26 enveloped in steam. "I spun completely around at 140 kph", he explained later; "I restarted · again but the front of the car had scooped snow off the bank and it got into the engine". So Pettersson became . the latest . Swede to make a name for · himself on world championship . stages. Torph held off Kenneth .Ericksson until two stages from the end, when two small spins were enough to let the Opel up to tenth and deny V W any championship points. It was a brave effort from Torph on his first front dri,ve international, fighting against a much more experienced rival. Two wins have put Peugeot on a course which may be the most successful in rallying history. It was Peugeot's first event in Sweden, yet they worked like veterans. Their back-up driver Timo Salonen drove maturely and competently. It was, as Peugeot manager Jean Todt explained, a rally which showed the organizers deserved their refound makes' status, even· though this came about by the Monte Carlo indecisions. Audi's hopes must now rest with the Safari, ironically the only gravel event in the world series which they have yet to win, although Peugeot won several times in the 1960s and 1970s. At the finish Ari Vatanen and Terry Harryman won handily in the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 at a record speed of 108.6 kph. Just· one minute and 49 seconds out of the victory ~ere Stig Blomqvist and Bjorn Cederberg in the Audi Sport Quattro. Timo Salonen and Seppa Harjanne were third in the second team Peugeot, and Hannti Mikkola and Arne Hertz were fourth, . nearly 12 minutes behind the winners. Per Eklund and Dave Whittock were fifth in another Quattro, and Gunnar and Arne Pettersson were sixth in the Audi 80 Quattro and first in Group A, followed in a minute by Mikael Ericsson and J onn'y Johansson in the other 80, just over a minute behind and second in class. Of • the 115 starters there were 56 finishers. Next the series moves to the sunny climate of Portugal. Dusty Times had, less than three years ago, company would do everything in ly what banning the evolution strongest · coming from the personally approved the rule that its power to alter this decision. rule might do. Along with French Peugeot team manager evolution should only be "Audi is in motorsport to improving safety, FISA is Jean Todt. Commenting on the permitted once a year for each encourage, not discourage, planning a new World Rally statement, Todt said, "It is model. He added "rather than development. This rule would Championship for lower amazing that the FISA President being blackmailed by the make rallying too expensive". performance Group A cars in also makes such a statement sporting authority (FISA), Lancia's Sports Director, Cesare 1986, which would be a driver's without first consulting the Peugeot would cancel its Fiorio, stated, "We think the championship series. specialized committees who exist activities". great success of rallies is due to A strange and unsettling to make the rules. Manufacturers Under the evolution rule, stability of rules, which means coincidence has emerged from need stability of rules. It seems which was established in 1982, manufacturers are in a position the whole affair. FISA's that he is seeking to punish manufacturers can update an to invest and make serious President has had recent talks manufacturers because they took existing Group B design on an plans". with Ford, the only company part in the Monte Carlo Rally, annual basis by producing only ,Balestre feels the evolution intending to enter rally against his wishes. Those who go 20 additional cars, instead of rule is leading to unacceptably competition with a basic, rather against his wishes can expect to having to put out a complete expensive· rally cars with · than an evolution model. ****************************************** *-----' ·. * * And The Tulare Elks Lodge 2nd Ann ua I * * ~~ . * * ~I i,._,_.;., * § ~-,-~ BlJG·OFF ~ ~ C-C~iA ~tt~ ~ * l Fresno, Calltorn;a '-· • ." ,JI:l.,a * * CENTRAL CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATED RACERS ~ * ~ .. ~ JI, ~ ~--~~ TRUCK·IIV ~ * ~--* * * * * § APRIL 12} 15 lit 14 § ~ TULARE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS ~ i 1ST RACE IN THE GOLDEN BEAR<;✓¢~ i ~ CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD SERIES 19" 4-9-0;_ ~ * ~ * * ·~¾ * ~ OFF ROAD RACING 0q~ * * ~ SATURDAY, APRIL 13 ~ ~ ~ j PRO MUD DRAGS~<~j § SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ * * ~ vw~ ~ * SWAP PICKUPS CAR * § MEET VANS SIIOW § * * ~ COW CHIP THROWING BEAUT~ CONTEST COOKOFF ~ * FOR IJVFORMATIOJV CALL DICK BOWER (209) 255·5995 or 255·3594 t) ****************************************** April 1985 Page 23
THE EIGHTH ANNUAL HASSAYAMPA 150 Dan Foddrill Tops the Field in the Arizona Desert Dan Foddrill chased the leader all day, took over the lead .on the last lap, and won the Pro race overall and the Pro Class 2 cash with Scott Kindler riding in the Chaparral Tandem. The eighth Annual Hassa-yampa 150 attracted sixty-six off road racers in mid-February, and they came from as far away as Illinois and Kansas. It was the second race in the A.D.R.A. 1985 Desert Championship Series, and the racers gathered in the desert south of Wickenburg, Arizona for a full day of racing. Due to popular demand, the organizers returned to the former class format with three racing divisions, Pro, Sportsman, <\fld Beginner. Two weeks prior to the event the desert course was covered with snow, just as it was at Parker. But, race day was bright and clear, shirt sleeve weather at 8:00 a.m., the start time of the Pro race. Even nicer, the temperatures were in the mid-80s by afternoon. The course was 35 miles long, and it began on the old Whispering Ranch. From the pit area it wound through a tight wash before picking up a fast section of hard pack rbad which featured some big rollers. Heading north, the route followed an old, severely eroded ranch road that took the racers up int~ the foothills of the Vulture Mountains. From there it was back downhill and into a wide fast sand wash leading into Check 1. Climbing out of the wash, the route went cross country where it joined a mining trail, headed · north and uphill again to a ridg@ road that led to another sand wash. This was tight and crooked, and finally came out at a fast Jeep trail. The trail ran to Check 2 and on into the infamous "Cactus Garden", a section of numerous Sagi.:iaro and many Challa, the jumping : cactus. Heading back on the Text & Photos: Daryl D. Drake Whispering Ranch, the route picked up "Nolte's Road," a three mile straight roller coaster. A short section of cross country whoops and ditches brought the racers back into the pits. There were twenty ·starters in the Pro division, slated to run four laps. They started in order, with Class 2 leading off, followed by Class 1, 5 and 10. Phoenix's Dan Foddrill and Scott Kindler, in the Palmer's Custom Speed/Giant Off Road/Trick Fuel/Beard's SuperSeats/Pat Hughes Performance Chaparral Tandem snuck up on Larry Ragland to take the Overall and Pro 2 wins. Ragland, driving his four seat pre-runner with son Chad and brother Dan aboard, led on the road wire. to wire. But, Foddrill started moving up on him on . the second lap and finished with a 57 second advantage. · Up until the ·1ast lap it looked like Tim Kennedy and Rick Deming were going to be the winners. They were quicker than , both Foddrill and Ragland, but three miles out on their final loop, they rolled the Chaparral when Kennedy hit a corner too fast and stalled it in the apex. This action relegated them to fifth in Class 2, eighth overall. In third in Class 2 and fourth overall, Richard Binder and Wayne Mathews made a good run in the O.R.B.S. two seater. Binder said he was geared wrong for this course, but it was enjoyable, although rough. He is looking forward to the fast sand of Mexico again. John Gardner, in his first time out in the desert in the Chaparral Tandem, found it didn't handle like his single seaters. A stalled engine on the first lap cost Gardner too many minutes and put him in fourth at the finish. Last to finish in Pro 2 at 11th overall was Jerry Everett. He took a ride through the cactus on his second lap, nearly lost a rear wheel when a cotter pin sheared, then suffered a flat on his third lap. Co-drivers Jody and Jim Everett will be pulling out cactus spines for a while. Ed · and Jody Martensen had a flat in their Raceco six miles out on their first lap. At the 20 mile mark, the tire wrapped around the brake, ending their ride for the day. After a rough '84 season, Tom Zentner was back on top in Pro 1. He had no troubles in his brand new MBI Racing/Pat Hughes Performance Chaparral, and finished third overall behind Ragland, winning Pro 1. Texan Tom Wood had some carb trouble on his first lap, but he came back strong for second in class, edging out Doc-Ingram by just 18 seconds. • Mark Giebelhaus cooled it some in his Funco,. after all the tranny problems he has had this year, and he finished this time, fourth in class and ninth overall. Larry Noel set ho_t lap among the Class ls, on his first lap, but a broken steering column U-joint on his second round put him into the cactus and out of the race. Ed Beard had engine troubles again. This.time it was a dropped valve, just one mile out. Only two Baja Bugs entered in Pro 5. Pete Dunshie took an easy win, finishing tenth overall, after Pete Sohren lost his front· suspension three miles out. Sohren, along with Pro 10 star Dwight Lundell, was running one of the new coil-over shock fro~ ends from The Wright Place. Both report the front suspension is great, but it breaks Bilstein shocks like matchsticks. Pete has Larry Ragland took his family for a Sunday ride in the four seat pre-runner, and Tom Zentner got it all together in his brand new Pro 1 Chaparral, and it kept he finished a mere minute out of first overall and in Pro 2. working through traffic to win the class and take third overall. put more than $2000 in shocks on his car this season, and Dwight went out when his right side pair of shocks broke, just like they did at Parker. Both will try Fox shocks at Laughlin. Five cars raced in Pro· 10. Dwight Lundell led the first lap on the road, but Illinois' Bill Pederson was moving up quickly. Rob Moutinhowent out without reaching Check 2. He was also disqualified and suspended for one race for driving backwards on the course in a chase vehicle to retrieve his fallen racer. Pederson moved ahead in the second lap, but suffered a flat. Lundell got back in front only to have the front end break on his third lap. Pederson fost one of his front wheels in the same spot he had the flat the lap before. The Pro 10 race went to back markers Tom Geiser and Omar Adams. Both were ·having car trouble and spent a long time in the pits. But, Oeiser's USA Spqrt/ Arizona Safety Sandhawk finally finished for the win after Adams broke down on the course. The three lap Sportsman race began at noon with 35 starters. The order of the start was Class 2, 1, 10, 5, 5-1600, 1600 Limited, 4 and "Challenger". Paul Nolte, with Charles Beck riding, claimed the Sportsman 2 trophy once again, driving his Device Development/The Printing Co./Budget Office Supply Toyota powered Woods Vulcan. Gary Hendricks was second in a Sandhawk, and Glen Hennessey third in another Woods Vulcan. Bill Capatch, in his Toyota Brandwood, looked real. good on his first two laps with a four minute time lead on Nolte. Third lap problems slowed him, putting him in fourth a't the finish. Todd McCormick had two bad laps and one good one for fifth place. Frank Thomas made one lap in Foddrill's Chaparral and then retired. Jay Voelkner broke a spindle four miles out and Mark Lundell, back in the Sportsman Division in his Mazda Dirtrix, seized the motor early on. In Sportsman 1, Jim Travis was the man to beat in his Desert Rat Off Road Centers/People's Car Shop Chenowth ---: but nobody could do it. Travis won first overall in the Sportsman race as well. Back at eighth _overall, Jim Selstad drove Larry Ragland's unlimited desert car into second. Third went to Stan Calvelage in a Funco. Mark Larsen made one lap in Giebelhaus' Funco, but John Paul Nolte was quicker every lap of the three requ'ired,.and he took Sportsman 2 class and 2nd overall in his Toyota powered Vulcan. Jeff Sanders ran strong, as always, and won the Sportsman Class 10 handily. It is time for Jeff to move to the pro ranks, perhaps. Tom Higgins and Rick Cada led the 1600 Limited class from wire to wire in the Chenowth, and placed 5th overall among Sportsmen. Page 26 April 1985 Dusty Times
Greg and Brad Person kept their tidy Baja Bug right side up this weekend, and won the Sportsman Class 5 honors by 4 minutes. Port Campbell was 10 minutes back after one lap in Sportsman 5-1600, but easily finished a full 25 minutes ahead of the class. Jack Bailey waves happily on his way to the victory in Sportsman Class 4, a 12 minute margin in the cornbinder, an IH Scout that ran very strong. Sundahl and Harry Gree.ne did not complete a lap. Jeff Sanders in the Beard's SuperSeats/Pat Hughes Per-formance/Woods Off 'Road Products/Kirk's Automotive/ Trick Fuel Beard chassrs machine was the clear winner in Sportsman 10. Coleman McArthur was quicker than Sanders on the first lap, but slowed later, finishing five minutes back in second. Craig Wilde was third in a Wild Racecar. Fourth was Danny Van Keuren, Funco, followed by Dave Hunt, Woods Vukan, and Rod Leon's homemade car. Gary Cohen, Jim Allison, and Steve Baker all failed to finish. In Sportsman 5; Greg Person in the Diehl Equipment Co./Dirtrix/Giant Off Road convert kept it right side up this week to take the win with a four minute advantage over Tim Zane's yellow sedan. Port Campbell came from behind to win 5-1600 .honors in the T.U.F. Off Road/Maddock Machine Baja. Don and Larry Weiser both led CampbelLon the first lap, but had troubles on their second, ·putting Don in . second place and Larry in third at · the finish. · Tom Higgins, with Rick Cada; led the 1600 Limited buggies All the way from Texas, Tom Wood had trouble with carburetion o'n the first lap, Tom Geiser reaped the benefit of the hare and turtle bit in Pro 10. He won the got things fixed and finished second in the Pro 1 group. clas§, and was the only one of the five starters who .finished. from wire to wire again in his Towing IH Scout SS-Il home Determined to make another lap then picked up the pace to finish Spencer's Arco/Metro Auto first; Turbyfill was second in his and go for the finish, Kerr headed 17th overall. The car held up Parts/Pat Hughes Performance/ big Dodge W-150, back on course, and immediately . well, and Gary is looking forward Rob's Race· Fabrication Chen-Robin Kerr learned a lot in his turned the wrong way, forgetting to some competition. owth. They were fifth overall as first off road race. His Bronco that the steering was now correct. The Beginners hit the trail for well. Joe Aycock was second in a endoed on the first lap and broke Then he had radiator troubles, their two laps ar-3:00 p.m. The Brandwood, Ed Faulkner made the steering box. Kerr hiked back and had to find water in a stock starting order was luck of the two laps, Maurice Dies made to the pits and took the box off -tank, using his helmet as a jug'. He draw for the eleven starters in one, and Troy Churchman never his transport. He put the box on was finally able to finish · his two classes, Unlimited and 1600 made it around the course once. the Bronco out on the cour~, second lap before retiring. Limited. · Stuart Calvdage and , Three were entered. in but found it steered backward. hast'off in the Sportsman race Brian Page battled it out for the Sportsman 4: Prescott's Jack He made it around the loop with was Gary Croth''h in his new, low Overall and Unlimited· titles. Bailey, Dave Turbyfill and this-"boat" steering, then pitted budget "Challenger" class buggy. Calvelage finished after Page, but Kansan Robin Kerr. This writer and· re-routed the hoses. He drove a conservative first lap, with a ninety+-+, +-+-_._ loves to see a cornbinder win, since he owns an orphan International. Bailey did it this race, bringing his American tas NEVADA Vegas · OFF-ROAD -;t's ... BUGGY N ~ ;.u 5 >-c.; ..., <!' ;;, Street -Stock - Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian or Dave See Rob or John SAHAHA X 2 N. F,'\STFHN !-.IHlt''i Locations "'X z ;z ;.; 0 to ~ ,... ~ (!) !: ',PHl:'li<, MT'-1 Serve Yo_u J: ti') Better! ~ WEST NORTH 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 N The one to beat in Spurtsman competition is Jim Travis and his slick Chenowth. No one did at the Hassayampa 150 and he won the race overall. . . NOW 2 LOCATIONS Dusty Times April 1985 Page '1.7
Stuart an\J Scott Calvelage led all.the way in the two lap Beginner race, and won overall as well as' urilimiti:rd honors in their Funco. · Bruce Mills was tops in Beginner 1600 Limited, and he was also third overall driving hard in Ed Faulkner.'s Cherrowth, The lone e·ntry in the Score Challenger class, running with the Sportsmen', was driven by Gary Crother and Chuck Riter. The open air Sandh11wk was 17th overall. · + +--+ second advantage. Larry Spyres was right in there · too, but a five mihutepenalty for hitting a checkpoint sign put him b;ick in fourth overall behind Bruce Mills, who was the 1600 Limited class winner. The last four Beginner finishers were all 1600 Limiteds, Mark Mills, Micki Speas, Larry Vittitow and Nancy Sanders. The best represented sponsor among, the finishing cars was Ee! Beard's SuperSeats, and the manufacturers' roving cup went WEEKEJ"!D WARRIOR Front End Beam DOM Steel 1.D, l '14':, 0.0.-2" Available in STANDARD or 5''.WIDER.'Long shock tow· ·. ers for 8" trayeLor NEW 10" traVel shoc~s (Biistein No. El.46•361). Two (2) Adju~teroion Std, width. Four (4) Adjus_ters. on the 5t' Wider ~am--so .You can Use standard torsion bar ~n.d save that extra expense. *1949• .Standara·w/ 1 MJµsters IRS Rear Arm: ..._ _____ _,.._, Box Kits l,,ong Shock Tower Kits 1/4" Steel. Complete Kit Easy to '?'eld ~ your link pin Beam. 8" or 10" tra-v:el mOdels. 0NEW--also avail. for balljointbeam. $399• Pair 8" travel. iRS Brackets Convert your oldstyle swil1g axle to newer IR.5. Easy to weld on. $349, Pair · 11 Gauge Steel $299' Set IRS Triple' Shock Kit · (Use w/Arm Box Kit) *199' Pair ~. ~ . Oil Filter Mounting Bracket $59• Each ~ -·•n-·:· ,.....,.,, ,Link-Pin ou;~ts Spindle Gussets 1:hese weld-in GU_sse_ts, beef-up _your frpr_:it end for -.". "cofnpetition" of_~'play" cars. {Pait) --": ~69' Unk·Pin.Gu~<;ts · l~9• Spindle Gussets Jil?1•li1' Single/Duai · $49• Each/Singte_. Beam A(ljuster:s · · Link or Ball Joint -Raise for Off-Road C?r ,_lower for , that calif·Look: Specify Lin·k·Pin or Ball-Joint. $f99• Each Light or Seat-belt Tab ___ 98¢ Each ·· PLVS: S-h6ck Towers: Pedal Mounts-. Motor Mounts.· Tabs. ~0" ~ussets·. FronJ Be~l!l Clamps,.etc. ,~,~0.IZRKEPRODUCTS •'1Custom" ·Ftanle Cutting • Dealer Programs • 5/!nd.·For FREE CATALOG! • TO.ORDER: Send Check_ or Money O,der. ... (Persollal checks.delay orders for bank.clearance) All orders Freight, Col[e~t. (714} 630_2681 Wrfle To: BLUE .FLAME PRODUCTS P.O. Box-525, Atwood, CA 92601 1180·1; Fountain Way, Anaheim, CA,92806 Page 18. On th8 Butterfield Stage Route in the Maricopa· Mountains Text & Photos: Daryl D. Drake The stock fence built to keep t~e cattle out of the wildlife water cistern was also painted to ·match the hillsidEl_ and braced with native rock. to Woods' Off Road Products, builders of the Vulcan racing chq.ssis. This award is based On the highest percentage of finishes at each race with a minimum of three· chassis finishing. Eight Vukans started here, ahd seven fin1shed. Overall, 44 racers -earned a finish out of the 66 starters. It looks like wilderni;~'.";:;Zw, this trpil was.once the road between St ... Louis, Missouri and San Francisco, ~alifqrnia, aboyt 100 years ago. ·· · ·· • • • I The desert racers get .a lot out of their desert, h\ltth~y also put a lot back info it.· Taket\sfor examp1e, · the recent efforts of members of the Arizona Desert Racing Association to turn a desert eyesore into a desert oasis in the Maricopa Mountains.' Situated in fhe Maricopa. Mountains southwest of Phoenix, · Arizona, was. an abandoned . mining claim, ,l' ust north of the old Butterfie d Stage route. Amo.ng the "improvements'' to the site were a 600 foot deep well and a 15,000 gallon water tank. The site was recently deeded back to the Bureau; of Land Management, and the tapk was an eyesore. The huge silver tank stuck· out from the hillside like you would imagine, and, it would cost the goverpment a bundle to move it out. Otherwise, this entire region is one of the most beautiful, unspoiled sections of desert in central Arizona. On the route to the site, we came upon a va!Jey with as thtck a ·stand of giant Sag1.1aro cactus as I have seen in nearly three decades of exploring the · So\lthWestern deserts. These mountains are also home to many species of w~ldHfe, including_a few Dese'.t Bighorn sheep. But, there 1s prt;cCous little water, and the encroachment of man has driven the animals from their natural watering holes. Something had to be done.· . · A joint project coordinated by A.D.R.A. President Phil Auerri-heimer a.nd Lower Gila Area Manager Bill Childress, came up with a plan to use the existing tank to provide water for the wildlife. The two men plannyd to set up a pumping system,· the necessary plumbing· to. get the water up the hill to the tank, a cistern for the animals to drink .from at will, and a stock fence to ; keep outthe cattle. The tank was ,-. ,. :.•: .. ,' theJJ•camoµflagec;l to blend with the rocky terrain. • · · We arrived cm Sunday morn-ing,· after most of the work was done, to find Phil up "ori a ladder with a spray gun, leading the· painting crew. A comp_ressor and a portable generator chugged away_ as ~he gang grabbed l;_r.ushes ,and pails. and set to work. Meanwhile, A.D.R.A, staffer Dave Daniels and other volun> teers put the finishing touche;; on the stock fence, and we helped to conceal some of the pipe with rock. · The. A.D.R.A. volunteers also obliterated 300 feet of roadway leading up to the tank on their way out of the area.· Soon the only tracks there would be those of the animals. · BLM Wilderness Coordinator Harik Molz and WildlifeWater Syst:em Mana,ger. Mark Fredlak_e · were also involved in this pro1·e·~J,NoM!. there is a plan imp emented whereby a gen,ert, ator ,can be hooked t1p_. t9 the powetbqx to tun the 'pump and . refm,the tank twice a year. . . · Leaving the. site we took·the Butterfielo Stagecoach·rol!te east to PhOenix through the moun-tains in a new Mitsubishi Montero. As we looked back, we could see the tank-already blended well with its surrourid-ingsf'and in a couple o(seasons it wil. be hard to spot., The ·Montero handled the old rutted ·stag.e rollte handily, never ,needing four wheel drive. · Happily, it also offers the best bacK seat ride and view of any four wheeler r ,have tried recently.· . . . .. . . . The water tank project is Only the latest public service project by the A.D .R.A. They have done quite p·-lot_over the years,· . including· the 1984 restoration work a,t th,e h_istoric Weaverville townsite,
MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE AffRACTIONS SHORT COURSE RACING · The New Series Makes a Sparkling Debut at Corona By Richard K. Schwalm A new short course off road racing series began i~ Southern California on a beautiful sunny Sunday on the half-mile banked dirt oval of Corona Raceway next to the motor racing city of Riverside. Many local off road concerns such as Hot VWs Magazine, Yokohama Tires, Team Swolen, Fat Performance, Wes tern States Mechanical, and Budweiser supported this Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises endeavor which was promoted by Major Automotive Attrac-tions. Since the closing of the traditional short course racing site, Saddleback Park in Orange, CA, this event was to take its place and keep us short course enthusiasts rooting for our favorite cars and drivers. And it did just that! Not only d·id the program format of two 10 lap moros per class remain the same as Saddleback, but also the fine crew of CCORRA (Course Control Off Road Racing Association), Beth Kennedy's timing and scoring team, and Race Director Rick Lee and staff kept the show running smoothly and safely as usual. Most of the coure was a series of infield switchbacks with a few David Bonner had a good day on the new Corona track taking third overall in small jumps leading to a huge Class 10 with strong finishes in his new Chenowth Magnum. , tabletop jump followed by a ,-...---------------------------short section of whoop-dee-NEW SAND.BUGGY SHOCKS Replace those heavy coil-over shocks on your sand_buggy with these new beauties. SAND SH OKS have adjustable weight capacity and proven off road shock valving. Th_ese shocks were d_esigned specifically for use on the mid engine and rear engine coil over style chassis. They have been extensively tested in the dunes at Glamis. CA. Rear shocks are 16¼" long; front shocks are 12¼" long. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD, LAKE ELSINORE, CALIF. 92330 Telephone: 714/674-7365 Page30 doos. Then came the real challenge; the course ran out of the infield and up a steep ravine, over and down a huge hill across from the grandstands and back into the other end of the infield. . But at the beginning of the uphill · section there was a short jump over a deep ditch onto the uphill lane or an easier, and sometimes slower, lane around which rejoined the uphill course. The talented announcer named it "Tre Dea.dly Double." · After a morning of practice, the first round of motOs began with the Cla~s 1 unlimited single seat buggies. Fresh fro m an overall and Class win at the Laughlin Desert Challenge, Eric Arras moved his McDonald's sponsored Chenowth Magnum into the lead followed by Donny Clark, Craig Durfee, and Rich Prouty. Durfee was running his Fiero bodied UltraStock/GP car that was debuted at Mickey Thompson's Off Road Champ-. ionships in January. No one could catch Arras anywhere on the course. Daring Durfee tried the "Deadly The new paint job helps, and Jim Fishback, Jr., won the first Class 10 moto, got second in the next round and won Class 1 O on points in the Chenowth. Tommy Croft lands-his new Chenowth hard, but he went on to win the second Class 10 moto, and he finished second on points for the day. Double" jump for the first time challenging McElvain for the in an all out effort, but it was in lead. Boyer and Bonner followed vain. A few laps later he was out Elrod around Morton into third of this motO with mechanical and fourth place. Morton's woes. As he watched the race engine was sounding sour and he continue Durfee said, "I ran this was out a few laps later. Just race with only first, second, and before the checkered flag flew, fourth gears. Youjustcan'trunit Elrod, Bonner, Castle, and here without third gear. I either Goodbody passed McElvaill. to had wheelspin or bogging. That finish in tha,t order. . big jump is good, I like it. But For the last moto of the first with no third gear and a flat tire, I round, nine Class 10 single seat couldn't go very fast." Mean-cars lined up two abreast for a while, Eric Arras motored on to ·crowded rush into the first turn. win followed by Clark and Som~how, Jim Fishback, Jr. got Prouty. · the hole shot with an eager pack In the next moto there were ~lose behind. Jammin' Jerry twelve Class 1-2-1600 buggies Whelchel, powered by a water and three Class 5-1600 Baja pumping engine, was in second Bugs. Bob McElvain's new followed by David Bonner, Invader: headed the pack in the Tommy Croft, Stan Rowland, opening laps closely followed by Dan Bently, and Jim Fishback, Dan Morton, Jeff Elrod, Jon Sr. Bonner, Grady Burleson, Mike The mud was flying every-Goodbody, Kent Castle, Mark where due to the freshly watered Reeder, and Neil Phillips. track and the cars began to look Starting in the second wave all the same just like last year's were the Class 5-1600's of Max Off Road Championships at Razo, Kathy Fay, and Allen Riverside. But there was one car Bursey. Razo and Fay enjoyed a sporting a clean nose and it tight duel for awhile until Razo belonged to Jim Fishback, Jr. rolled his Bug out of first spot as because no one could get close Fay finished well head of Bursey. enough to challenge. Whelchel But in the 1-2-1600 race, Jeff tr.ied his best until his carburetor Elrod was putting his Hi Jumper broke loose to put him out of the in front of Morton and then moto. Tommy Croft came up ----------------'--------'-Fresh from a double victory on the desert at Laughlin, Eric Arras won both of the Class 1 mot?s ahd the title in his slick Chenowth ~agnum I I
Jeff Elrod took the Hi Jumper to a win in the first 1c2-1600 moto, but he lost a wheel rn the second round and ended up third in th_e day's standings. Clas's 1-2-1600 was the biggest class with a dozen starters jamming off the li·ne, and close competition all the way' Bob McElvain had his Invader up front for a time in 1-2-1600 racing, but various woes slowed him in the-second round arid he was _fourth on points. · in both heats. · into second and ran a smooth race followed by David Bonner who became stuck on top of the hill on the last lap. For intermission and a change of pace, a special Celebrity Grudge Race was staged. ABC TV's Ted Dawson, KISS FM's Rachel Donahue, and the crazy commercial king, Fred Rated, raced each other in a four_ lap event. Dawson easily won_ as an ABC TV helicopter filmed . the action from the air. A short time later the second round of motos began with Eric Arras taking the early lead again. Durfe.e's repaired UltraStock Fiero was in second position until he spun on the drier· hard packed dirt· hairpin. Prouty roared }jy into second l0<;>king and sounding ih strong form. While trying to makeup time on Arras, Craig Durfee was pulling out all of the-·stops by attacking every turn, launching over the tabletop jump' at all angles and showing the bottom of his chassis to the fans, and he was the only driver vaulting the "Deadly Double" jump. But Arras chose the safe way around and won back-to-back motos, plus the overall Class 1 points. Apparently the Masters of the Universe He-Man statue glued on top of his car roof worked its muscle power all day long. Next came the Class 1-2-1600s with twelve vehicles starting in an inverted order..Neil Phillips and Kent Castle led the tllundering herd around a few turns until Jon Bonner, first moto winner Jeff Elrod, Mike Goodbody, Dan _Morton, Bob McElvain, and Jeff Watson slowly worked their way through the pack. The pressured leader, Bonner, slid a little wide on an · infield hairpin and Elrod passed into the front. Bonner came back in second spot with Goodbody · on his bumper. Behind them a three way battle for fourth place developed between Dan Morton, Kent Castle, and Bob McElvain. Only the lead group was taking the "Deadly Double" jump a't this point of the race. Meanwhile, the 5-1600s were mixing itup. But Max Razo took charge, kept all wheels on the ground, and gained distance every lap on Kathy Fay and Allen Burs,c;y. The finish was in the same· order. ' ' 1-n the closing laps the _leader, Jeff Elrod,· went wide to pass a slower car and Bonner slipped past both cars on the inside. But Elrod wasn't' going to settle for second and repassed into the lead Kathy Fay flew her 5-1600 over the tough jumps to a win in the first moto,and_ · sec.ond in the finale, to take the class points victory at Corona. · Hopping over the deadly double jump, Max Razo, closely tagged by Kathy Fay, won th~ second 5-1600.moto after rolling out of action in the first round. Dusty Times again to the· cheering crowd's delight. . And if that wasn't enough action; on the next to the last lap, a surprised Jeff Elrod saw his hard earned first-place and his · left front wheel disappear at the same time. Giving the win to Mike Goodbody who had just pressed Bonner on the last lap. Elrod pressed on with only three wheels to finish and take third in overall points. The last moto of the day started eight Class 10 cars. Due to .an increasingly dusty track limiting the driver's vision and everyone wanting to be the first through the first turn, wl;i.eels · qumped wheels and an unlucky Stan Rowland found himself rolling over and over in a thick dust cloud. He climbed out unhurt, but he was quite shaken S·HORT. ; .. CO U R.S 1:· t9· _April 1985 by the wild sidew'ays ride. Jerry Whelchel used the restart to squirt into th·e lead with Tommy Croft and Mike Withers close behind. Coming from the back was the first moto winner'--Jim Fishback, Jr., Dan Bentley, David Bonner, and Rick Jones. Most ofthe cars were clearing the "Deadly Double" in fine style, but a few had some near misses. When the dust had cleared, the cars were running in single file order and it looked as if the race was set to finish that way. But on the fourth lap the leader, Jerry Whelchd, with his red light flashing; suddenly stopped dead _ in the middle of an infield turn. The fast course workers pushed him clear as Tommy Croft drove into the lead followed by the hard charging Jim Fishback, Jr. and Mike Withers. Whelchel· jumped out of his Chenowth and · joined his crew repairing the problem. One lap later he was back in the hunt, but a lap down at the end of the field ( the trouble was a disconnected hot lead wire on the ignition switch). Tommy Croft never put a wheel wrong all the way to the finish and second · place Jim Fishback, Jr. gathered enough points to win Class 10 overall. Everyone enjoyed a full day of exciting off road short course racing Southern California style. The overall winners were: Class 1, Eric Arras, Class 1-2-6000, Jon Bonner, Class 5-1600, Kathy Fay, and Class 10, Jim Fishback, Jr. It-was a fine opening event for a new locally sponsored series which promises to· keep off road racing fans and drivers busy in the coming sum~er months. Page 31
AMSA'S 6 HOUR AT CAL CITY First Win for Roger Starkey By Judy Smith Photos: Judy Smith/John Howard Roger Starkey ran an evenly paced race to take his first, but probably not his last, overall victory at the California City 6 Hour in March. · After the miserable weather at· both ·Parker and Laughlin, the bright desert 'sunshine at California City was a welcome relief to racers and pit crews alike. Mild temperatures and soft breezes were the rule for the day, and it came as a pleasant surprise, as Cal City is often windy and bitter cold. ' . The 40 mile course, mostly fast, lay all to the south of the 20 Mule Team aroad this time, utilizing many , of the graded roads in the area as usual. "Pucker Peak", about two thirds of the way around and the short rocky hill near the start/ finish, provided the rough stuff. For the most part it was straight and smooth, with a lot of right angle turns. For this event, in an atter:npt to avoid the scoring difficulties that had plagued them at Borrego, AMSA had devised a new system . Each car was provided with a scoring sticker, about four inch_es by 12 inches in size, and marked off with numbered squares which signified laps. There were to be only two stop checks, one at the start/finish area, and one at "Buzzard's Bay". The official at the check was to affix a small sticker in the CAREFUL! WE'RE CONTAGIOUS CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42066-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 92390 - (714) 676~2066 - -Page 32 appropriate square, to signify that the car had gone through the check, and had stopped. Numbers were to be recorded also, and in the event that something happened to the sticker, the written number was to serve to pro_ve that the vehicle had been through the check. Unfortunately, the race was marred by a grim accident that put an end to the sticker experiment. On the first lap, out at the Buzzard's Bay Check, which was positioned on a long straight, Jim VanMeter, the Checkpoint official, was in the act of putting a sticker on Doug Jennings' two seater when Ron Carter, in another two seater, came along. Carter saw the Checkpoint and the stop'ped car as he topped a rise, and was unable to get stopped in time. He slammed into . the right rear comer of the Jennings car, tearing off the trailing ai:m, sending the wheel and tire flying, and breaking all the shocks. The blow sent Jennings' car flying in the opposite direction, rolling it over, and knocking VanMeter about 50 feet · through the air. Carter's car, with the left,fron~ comer torn off, also rolled, going over at least twice, in the other direction. Drivers and co-drivers were all shaken, but not injm;ed. VanMeter, bleeding profusely from many cuts, was given first . aid,. diagnosed on the site as having two broken femurs, and air-lifted to the Antelope Valley Hospital in Lancaster, by helicopter. There he was found to have suffered a broken tibia also, as well as a broken pelvis, a broken shoulder and a bruised lung. He was still in intensive care on Tuesday, three days after the _accident. His doctor has told Jim April 1985 Much of the California City course looks like this, with long, straight roads, remnants of an old planned housing development that never happened. Webb, AMSA's president, that he would probably be well enough to be moved to a hospital closer to his home in Visalia in about two weeks. · As could be expected, in the immediate panic just after the accident, no one tried to stop any race cars . and put stickers on them. They were simply waved through, and continued to be waved through for the balance of the race. The start/finish folks carried out .the plan however, and it seemed. that in happier circumstances, it might work well. Aside from the accident, surely one pf off road's worst, the balance of the race ran smoothly. It was a six hour e~ent, with · the winner in each class being the · one who finished the most laps within that time limit. A driver had to do as many laps as the winner in his class to be an official finisher, and partial laps would not be counted. There was the AMSA side oet, called the "Challenge", this time also, but there were not many · takers, since it had not been fattened up by the previous winner, as had been the case a couple of times. It was a $ 100 apiece kitty, open to all classes, with the best finishing position 1 taking it all. It did have the effect of giving Tom Koch, the only single seater present, and unwelcome in Class 2, something to race for. Since he'd broken at both the Parker and Laughlin races, he was suffering from an itchy throttle foot and a bruised ego, and wanted to go racing. _ When no other Class 1 s showed up, he asked' to enter Class 2, which has been done before in AMSA events, and Webb told him "o.k." But when Class 2 ~as polled, they unanimously voted "no", and Koch was out. After some discussion he decided to · race anyway, since he'd entered the Challenge, to -ti:-y to take at least that much money home. Koch's situation, being a one car class, brought in one other _ entry, the Class 9 1200cc car of John Miller. Miller, who'd been faced with running with the 1600cc cars, of which.there were nirre, had just about decided he didn't like i:he odds, and was going to become a spectator. When Koch created a single seat class, Miller decided he liked those odds pretty well, so he also entered Class 1 -knowing full well that Koch could blow his doors off, but also knowing that Koch could break. He had a 50% chance at a win. This race was the second that AMSA has started in a first-enter/ first-start lineup, which conjures up memories of the pa,st. The only group to get a class star't ar~ the 1600cc Baja Bugs, who voted to all start at the back of the pack, in-deference to their back bumpers. The biggest class thjs time was _the B cars, the 100" wheelbased one and two seaters, which lost two of its members with the destruction of the Jennings and Carter cars. It was a close race for a while, with Rex Lewis and Al Belva! out front in their Hi Jumper, closely followed by· Scott Weir and Del Tooman in the old swing axle Hi Jumper "Cloudhopper", then Jack Travis and Finney Miller in their Homebuilt, and also Ed and John Mohr in their old Funco Hustler. The Cloudhopper lost about four minutes on lap two, while the other three ran on the same minute for a lap. Then Travis and Miller lost their rear cage · and skid plate, necessitating a bit more caution in the rocky spots, and the Lewis/Belva! car and the Mohr team took over the one/two positions. Tom Koch had the overall lead until his front end broke. He was still second overall, and he also took the cash in the Challenge side bet. _Dusty. Tjm~s
The two cars ran nose to tail · for a couple more laps, with Lewis and Belval just a minute or less in front. The Mohrs took over the lead on the fourth lap, only to lose th.eir transmission on the fifth lap. That gave Lewis and Bel val, who· were having no troubles at all, a lead of about six minutes over the skidpan-less Travis and Miller, who had also lost their clutch on the second lap. By the end of the seventh lap the,Lewis and Belval team had 10 minutes on the second place car, and since they'd used up only five hours and 17 · minutes of 'Greg Sullivan and Tom Malloy brought their single seat Raceco around seven their allotted six, they took off in laps to take the victory in Class D, for limited 1600 cc cars. pursuit of an eighth lap. Travis second and Wilson and Utgard, their motor, and hoping it would and Miller, however, trying to having fuel pressure troubles, in last. Wheeler and Ray lost leave the start/finish check third, only about five minutes another rocker arm on their sixth without their dutch, stalled their back. But then Fischer disap- lap, to give the leaders a little car for once and for all, so their peared, after completing six laps, more cushion, but it was all for day was over just a little earlier. leaving Malloy and Sullivan to nothing in the end. On the last Lewis and Belval were over the finish first a full eight minutes in lap Bowen and Sherman finally time limit by about two minutes front of Wilson and Utgard. seized their-motor, and watched on their eighth lap attempt, so Wilson, incidentally, was driving Wheeler and Ray pass their their seventh lap stood as their in his first rate. They were the parked car. But, moving up finish time, giving them the class. only Class D cars to finish seven quietly, were Shriever and win. In third, behind Travis and laps. Fischer was third by vir:tue . Haskins, who really charged hard Miller, it was Bob Kephart and of his six laps. Drake was fourth, on the last lap, hardly missing Toby Carlson in their very short stopped on lap 6 by an engine their second gea'r, to win the class wheelbased 1968 single seater fire. by three minutes, and finishing which they think claims some The six Class C ( 1600cc with no left front tire. Wheeler Funco ancestry. In fourth, and unlimited) entries were reduced and Ray ·managed to salvage the only other car to finish seven to five on the first lap when Craig second, but Sherman and laps, it was Brian Edmonds and and Bob Dillon lost the motor in Bowen, with one lap less Wayne Steel, in a two seater, their ORC. And Mark Milleron, completed, fell to third place. who had been without third gear, co-driving with Dick Young in The 1600cc Baja Bugs, who and running on only two the Toyota of Pasadena Raceco started at the back of the pack, cylinders since dusting their of Ray Aragon, rolled their car were led all the way by Bill motor midway through the race. and lost almost a full hour getting Raybould and Doug Smith in The 1600cc one and two going again, to effectively blow· their WR Racing car. They were seaters started nine this time. their chance to win the followed fairly closely by Steve Rob Tolleson, in his Mirage Challenge, which they had Lawrence and Darren Ballein, for single seater, had a scant lead on entered. Chris Bowen and Mike . all of their six laps. the first lap, b-1;1t had already had Sherman, in their Chenowth On lap five Smith rolled the transmission troubles, and it was Magnum, and the Paul Wheeler lead car, but lost little time in the gone by the end of the lap, so he and J.C. Ray team, in their process. He had a fairly lengthy parked. That left a clutch of cars Raceco, ran on the same minute pit stop as his crew checked running very close, with Tom for two laps, both looking good. things out, but Lawrence and Beck, who rolled before the end But then Wheeler lost a rocker Ballein were just far enough back of the lap,-in the Beck Roofing arm, and lost some time running that they couldn't catch up. single seater, was just behind Jeff on three cylinders to get repairs. Smith and Raybould took the Drake. Darren Wilson and Bob Sherman and Bowen took over win, with Lawrence and Ballein Utgard, in what they called a Hi the lead, but by now· they· were in second place only 26 minutes Jumper/ Mirage, ran a close third stuck in third gear, and glad there back. They were the only Class V and Tom Malloy and Greg was only oqe stop check. cars to complete six laps. Sullivan were fourth in their Wheeler and Ray the~ There were two of the big Ulrich Plumbing Raceco. flattened a front tire and bent a motor Class S Baja Bugs, and it Beck lost eight minutes with his rear drum, needing more pit was no.contest. George Seeley, in rollover and never caught up, time, but still holding on to his truncated convertible, dropping out, with no oil, after second place. The team of Ray charged around for seven laps, completing three laps. Drake con-Shriever and Tom Haskins ran having such fun that he never tinuedtolead,butMalloyandSul-third in the meantime, not far even let his co-driver, Gary livan had a close duel with Steve back, with no second gear in their Bates, in the car. He just barely Fischer, in his Funco, running in Funco single seater. Shriever, squeaked in that· seventh lap, each other's dust for a couple of who drove the first three laps,· using up five hours and 56 laps, with Sullivan finally getting in was driving his first race. minutes, and got himself a win. second on the third lap. Bowen and Sherman, running The other car, with a four man The team picked up a couple for miles and miles on what team of drivers, Dan Priest, Tom of minutes each lap, lengthening should have been fourth gear · Rotan, Norm Kannawyer and their lead, with Fischer runnirig roads, were sympathizing with Bob Beck, had a long day, and did ---------------~-----------~· -only four laps, collapsing their Ray Schriever, driving his first race, and Tom Haskins, who has been around a while, teamed in this middle aged Funco to win Class C (10). Dusty Times rear suspension. In the two car mixed Class consisting of Tom Koch's unlimited single seater and John Miller and Gary Burgess in their 1200cc Funco, it was also no contest. For one thing; Miller's car got part way around the first lap and quit for about 25 minutes. They had no idea why, but there they sat. When running again, it behaved well, but they_ were already in a no win situation unless Koch broke early. In the meantime, Koch, in his Sierra Auto Recycling/Red~ wood Auto Raceco, who had been the last buggy (before the Class V group) to start, and had a lot of traffic, was slowly picking them off. By lap two, he had a April 1985 George Seeley, Jr. soloed to the Class S win. his 1835 cc motor performing perfectly all day. Co-driver Gary Bates wasn't allowed to drive at all. Rex Lewis and Al Belva I won the B class, which is now the 100 inch wheelbase cars, in their Hi Jumper. They reported no mechanical trouble. two minute lead, and by the sixth houi:s and 38 minutes. lap he was the first car on the, Class 2 was a pretty slim class, road, leading by 15 minutes. He with only three entries. Two of picked up another five minutes the cars were brand new and were on his seventh lap, even with no running their maiden race, one. clutch and stopping to help Jeff set of drivers was also running its Drake put out a fire in his engine maiden race, and one driver was compartment. As he started out racing, in a seconahand Hi on his eighth lap at about six Jumper, for about his fourth minutes before three o'clock, he time. was looking like the Overall Roger Starkey, in the Hi Winner, as well as the winner of Jumper, has been looking pretty the Challenge bet. . good at recent races, but has had But then his front end came some trouble finishing. This apart, just as he drove away from time, starting near the front, and the pit area. He made a quick trip with his new secondhand motor, back, parts were hurriedly he was off like a shot, and was the assembled, shocks were gathered first car on the road before the up, and repairs were done as fast first lap was over. His time was as possible. But he lost about 25 right on the nose with Koch's for minutes, and his overall win. that lap, but of course he was Koch went on to finish, dust and traffic free. In second completing eight laps_ in five place, it was + + + -+ + ARE YOUR BEL TS LEGAL FOR 1985? · \LLE PRODUCTS, INC. Filler Products, Inc. is offering the above set of 5 point belts with 3" snap in lap belt, 3" twin harness, and 2" crotch strap, including all mounting hardware at a specially reduced price. · With sewn in harness pads as shown ........ : .... $98. 75 Without harness pads . .... . $88.10 Filler. is also offering to re-web and up date your.existing sets of belts.as shown above for only $38.00. SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order using Visa. Mastercharge or we do ship C.0.0. No-personai checks please. Order now and receive the new, 20 page 1985 catalog and price list free. FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA91352 (818) 768-7770 Page 33
-+- -+--+- Mike Hart and Mike Williams, in their brand new Chaparral, which they built in the garage. And close behind them were Jim Buzard and Mike Carroll, in a brand new, good looking Berrien. Starkey charged hard, picking up a few minutes lead on his Class 2 competitors each lap, but losing ground to Koch by about the same amount, in his try for the overall. On the fifth lap Carroll took a bump too hard, got up on his nose, the rear end came around, and when the Berrien landed the reinforced stock trailing arm broke, and the · car did a double rollover, landing on its wheels. Carroll, not realizing the trailing arm had come off, started it up and tried to keep going, but they were finished. And a couple of laps later Hart and Williams tried. to solve a car-stopping problem. It seems the "little plastic thing" in the distributor melted. It took them about 45 minutes to figure it out, and that made their last lap The course was dusty, as the Bill Raybould and Doug Smith Class V winner finds here. They blindly followed another car the long way around after this shot was snapped. over the six hour limit. Starkey had no big problems this time. He had one flat, but carries a spare, and a friendly CORE pit changed it for him, so he lost very few minutes. He kept moving on very consistently, slowing a bit as the course roughened, but holding a strong steady pace. He finished his eighth lap at 3:42 p.m., and had to wait out 13 minutes to know if Koch would beat him or not. But it was 16 minutes before Koch ·got there, and the Starkey crew heaved a sigh of relief and began celebrating their doub,le victory - Class 2 and the Overall win. Koch had managed to win the Challenge cup, so his run h_adn't been in vain. Hart and Williams took Second place in Class 2, while Buzard and Carroll ended up third, and last, with their disabled car. The race, which had had a lazy man's start time, at 10 a.m., was all over by 4:25. There was still plenty of daylight left for going out to gather in the wouflded cars, and the outlying pit crews were back in the main pit in time for supper. Last year's champs, the father and son team of Ed and John Mohr had just taken the lead in Class B, when they lost their transmission. Except for the terrible accident on the first lap, it had been a fine race, and it made a good rehearsal for the planned 12 Hour race, the · first weekend in June. From there things will progress to '\MSA's 24 Hour event, at the end of August, on Labor Day Weekend. A THOUSAND THANKS TOM KOCH Your sportsmanship and valor at the AMS.A 6 Hour race at California City was outstanding. Your sacrifice in chasing down Jeff Drake, whose 1-1600 was on fire, and stopping and helping put out the fire was terrific. You were leading the race at · the time, and your action was above and beyond any obligation. OUR· GRATITUDE IS BEYOND WORDS McCOY MOTORS Jeff Drake Page34 -104 North Palm Santa Paula, CA 93060 Jim McCoy April 1985 . THE BFGOODRICH 6-50 CLUB REPORT Frank Snook Wins Laughlin Overall ~ Henry Arras Leads.the Points Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises RIGHT: With Clas·s 5-1600 victories at both the Parker 400 and the Laughlin Desert Challenge, Henry Arras has the lead in the 1985 6-50 Club points. LEFT: Frank Snook was a happy man in impound at Laughlin, and he is the first 6-50 clubber to score an overall desert victory since the series started in 1981. Laughlin was the biggest triumph in off road racing to date for the over 50 drivers in the 6-50 club. For the first time since the 6-50 series started back in 1981, the viejos can claim the overall victory in a tough desert race. It has been close before, out not quite with a few second overall finishes. At Laughlin, Frank Snook, with Eric Arras co-driving, brought the Class 1 McDonald's Raceco in for the overall victory. It was Frank's first time in years in the overall victor category, the last round being when a bit younger Snook drove solo for ten laps at Barstow to win the .1978 California 400 overall, driving a 1200 cc Class 9 Hi -Jumper. Adding a good deal of frosting to the 6-50 cake in Nevada was the keen secondin Class 1 finish· of Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg, their Raceco being the only member of the team that is under 50 years of age. Snook wasn't the only 6-50 dubber that young Eric Arras co-drove to victory at Laughlin. Eric did the final. two laps in the family 5-1600 Bug, after his dad Henry started the race and handed the car over in the lead. The Arras clan also won Class 5-1600, the win putting Henry, who also won the class at Parker, in the points lead in the 6-50 series. The 6-50 club's other second place man at Laughlin ·was Gene Hightower, with Kirby co-driving. We missed finding Gene . at Parker as a bona fide 6-50 in.an, but it came · out on the LaughliR ·computer run. So, when credited with the Class 3 victory at Parker and a second at Laughlin in his Jeep CJ-7, Hightower is third in points currently, not far out of second. Corky McMillin is now second, -with his seventh place finish in Class 2 at Laughlin after·a trouble filled day. Also doing well in Class 2 was Jack Woods, from Phoenix, and Jack was fourth at Laughlin. The .other pair of Class 2s, driven by' Len Newman and Jim Temple, failed to finish. Vern Roberts nabbed a good fifth place finish in his Jeep in Class 4, and Bill Howard was fourth in Class 8 driving his Chevy. Silver Dust Racing Associa-tion's Bert Vaughan got a fine finish in his 1-2-1600, but the other two of the 13 6-50 dubbers at Laughlin both failed to finish, Dunc Brown in Class 10 and Dave Girdner in the Challenger class. But, nine out of 13 starters is a great finish ratio. It says a little something about experience counting on a rough and tumble course. It is very possible that there are more drivers of record out there who are over 50 years of age. The points keeper has no way of ·knowing, unless your age is in the program or on the updates. Presently there are 26 names enrolled in the series for 1985. If you raced at Parker or Laughlin, were the driver of record, and are over 50 years of age, let us know and you will be included. Send the info', class, age and car number at either or both r:aces, to Jean Calvin, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 and you will be an instant 6-50 club member. All 26 names, and the poirits count are listed below. Check it out and don't miss out on the year long fun, or possibly the gold, silver· or bronze medals at year's end. Henry Arras, 140 points; Corky McMillin, 103; Gene Hightower, 99; Jack Irvine, 89; Vern Roberts, 80; Frank Snook, 74; Gregg Symonds; 55; Jack Woods, ·5_0; Bill Howard, 39; Edward McLean, 39; Mickey Thompson, 38; Andy De-Vercelly, 36; Herb Reno, 36; Bob Renz, 34; Willis Hamilton, 23; Bert Vaughan, 14; Dunc Brown, 10; Jim Temple, 10. With five points each are Jake Fogg, Clark Gillies, Dave Girdner, Danny Letner, Len Newman, Deari. Tellinghuisen, Robert Whitted and Richard Yerger. · Dusty Tin:i.es
TULARE MUD DRAGS Fun-in the Mud_ at Tulare February brought mild weath-er to the Tulare, CA area, and sunshine for the first edition of the C.C.A.R./BFGoodrich Rain or Shine Mud Drags. With the fine weather ·the mud had t_o be man made at the County Fairgrounds, and it took a couple of days of work by· the Linder Equipment Co., who donated their mac;hinery, to make _a mud pit. The local surface did not cooperate well, arid the mud drag area still had ponds of water on . top on race day. While the mud mix was fantastic, the standing water caused some trouble on the ear_ly passes, and s_ome engines drowned out from the excess water. Also, some pits had to be moved back from the coutse, which was moved a bit to get . away from the deep water. The change made a good mud drag course, said by some competitors to be the best-mud they had ever raeced on, and they thought some· records could be set at the next meet. The entry was great, with 29 3 wheel ATCs and 62 four wheel type _starters. The first round of the double eliminations event went to the slick Ford stepside of Wayne Schott, from Firebaugh, CA; he took four straight rounds with a 351 CID small engine to win the ten entry combined 3A_ and 3B classes. Art Welden of Fresno, CA was second with a 350 Chevy, and Kevin Coulter, also in a 350 Chevy was third. The best' of the big block entries was the 390 Ford of Gary Mossa .from Tulare, in fourth place. The victory in long wheelbase pickups, Classes 4A and 4B, was an all California show. Ed Sutton drove his 429 Ford to impressive wins for top spot. -Second went to John Oliver, 390 Ford, and third in the seven truck class went to the 350 Chevy of Dan lness. The Pro Modified racing was the best two out of three times, all do_ne in single passes to determine the winner. First up was. the tractor tired giant Unnamed and Untamed, with an impressive nine second pass. Bill Oliver cleaned out some of the water, but next round Hairy Scarey got sideways and flooded the lights with a fast but not _ Dusty Times timed run. The turbocharged Black Widow buggy driven by Rodney Huffman put down an awesome 4.63 second run, and brought the crowd to its feet. The Alcoholic buggy was next and flew into the air, went sideways, but driver Don Benner dia a great job driving, and kept the record holding car on the ground. -With a V-8 toar, Mike Pinson fired up the SandDancer rail for its first, and as it turned out, only pass. The Sand Dancer launched into the pit, landed hard and lost the ring and pinion. Mike Aguire staged the Wired Rat Chevy pickup, also turbocharged, with a fast and wild run, his first ever attempt at a mud drag. T'he stock four cylinder classes, SA, SB and SC, provided a change of pace on the program. Richard Freitas drove his Silver Thunder Jeep to first place, second went to Jody Walker in a Photos: Winnie Essenberg Toyota pickup, and, also in a Toyota truck, Mark Stone nailed third. After the A TC rounds, the modified street classes, 9A and 9B, put.on quite a show. It was another show of local drivers as Larry Turn er flew down the right lane in his small block Chevy powered Jeep to win over Mark Bronzan. Jon White took his Buick V-6 powered Jeep to the win over Fred Stout. Morgan Haley, 327 Chevy powered Jeep, took on Gary Mink, 350 Chevy powered Jeep, and they ran in a near dead· heat, both getting airborne midway. Gary hung on for a squeaker of a victory. The big block A modifieds brought awesome horsepower and beautiful machines to the line. In the first round, Everett Clinton drove a Chevy pickup against Jerry Thomas whose Ford had Mopar power, and it was a close race. Everett got a little In the last round Don Benner blasted the Alcoholic rail to a flying pass, a four second run, which was good only for second place. This Wild creation driven by Bill Oliver, of Santa Rosa, CA is called Unnamed and Untamed, and the rig made some wild passes at the Tulare meet. April 1985 sideways and Thomas took the win. Tim Jones pitted his 454 Chevy El Camaniac against J op Colbert's Ford, but got out of _ shape and J op took the victory. Nick Robertson bested Bob Wilson in another close drag through the mud. · Brian Schott and Kevin Burford brought a pair of M-37 military trucks, and in the best two out of three races, Schott hauled out a close victory over Burford. Nolan Rutherford took three straight firsts in the two wheel drive non-production group, and Lyndon Benlinger was second. Eliminations in the four cylinder modified class saw Patrick Holmes, in his Tonka Toy Toyota, take first, and second went to Rance Minyard, driving his Toyota pickup called Stomper. Due to the late start due to the excess water, . time was getting short. It was decided that all the Pro Comp machines would each make a single pass, and the fastest time would determine the win in all three classes. Bill Oliver set the pace with a quick 6.21 pass, good for fourth place. Mike Aguire then did a super quick 5 .4 7 pass, to· end up third in his first time out at a mud drag. John Morris staged the Hairy Scairy Jeep for its last run, did a sub five second pass, but came out of the pit sideways, which disallowed his time according to the rules. Don Benner blasted the Alcoholic rail to a leaping pass to a four second run, good only for second place. Rodney Huffman staged the Black Widow turbo VW rail, a"nd the car streaked to a 3.77 pass and the victory. The modifieds ran quick too, as the pace quickened as curfew at the track was now. Everett. Clinton ran a 7 .11 for first in A, Tim Jones did 7.77 for second, Nick Robertson ran 7.85 for third in a close battle; Fast time and first spot in B modifieds went to Larry Turner with a fine 8.16 run with a 'small block. Then Jon White put his 231 V-6 into second with a fast 8.93 pass. Third in the mouse motor class was taken in 9.25 by Morgan Haley, and the first Mud Drags in Tulare were over. GOLDEN BEAR CHAMPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD . -SERIES FEBRUARY 16 Tular<' County f'im9rou11ds APRIL 12. 13 & 14 Tular<' Count~· f'a1r9rou1HI, MAY 11 Tular<' County Fair9rou11ds 'MAY25 Tulare· Co~niy Fairgroµnds JUNES • Location To Be Published . JULY 13 Location To Be Published AUGUST 10 -Tulare County Fairgrounds SEPTEMBER 22 Tulare County Fairgrounds SCORE SANCTIONED / C.CAR. VORRA CLASSES + ATC's AND MO1DRCYCLES GRANDSTAND SEATING / 100% VISIBILITY TULARE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS TULARE. CALIF C.C.A.R. CENTRAL CALIF. ASSOCIATED RACERS P.O. BOX 7921. FRESNO. CA 93747 (209) 255-5995 Page 35
'-. Bob Gordon had his Chenowth flying high over the tricky front jump at Pomona, but the angle was wrong. He did a nos~ stand, then shot high in the air for a complete midair 360, landed on the cage, dropped onto four wheels and drove away. The practice incident was awarded a 9.9 by the pit crews watching the action, caught by Jim Ober of Trackside Photos. MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Brent Smith in his Ford Ranger. The second row was Jeff Huber who had won the trophy dash l!ast Act·1on· a~o,a a Full Housa at earlierandnexttohimwasSteve r1 SI • • Millen, Toyota. Steve Marolda, h f Nissan and James Thomas, t & Swan Song or Pomona Dodge made up the third row. • Mike Falkosky sat alone on the By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises back row in his Toyota. Coming out of turn 1 it was Roger Mears flew t e issan the highest, the farthest and the fastest in Class 7, anc;l Roger was fast qualifyer, won his heat and the main event. · · Rc;mnd two of the Mickey going on at the fair grounds. The Stewart were behind them, then-Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix track was a little shorter than the Jon Lee in his Toyota. Next to Championship got under way at last design but still provided the him sat John Nelson in his Pomona for what looks like the racers with plenty of room to Mitsubishi that was built by last time. It seems the fair maneuver and c.lose enough ~hat Baker-last year. The-fourth row grounds is making way for the the spectators had a good view. consisted· of Joey Mooce, 1985 thoroughbred racing Later on the OH-Road Mitsubishi, and Danny season. But never fear, Championship will move to the Thomj:,soninhisFord,andTom Thompson has arranged for L.A. Coliseum. Haliburda, Mazda. another fair grounds just down After Roger Mears drove his As they rounded turn one it the road for the next event. The Nissan to a clean sweep of all the was the new Mitsubishi of John next race will be held. at the events in the Grand National Baker in the lead and Mears had National Orange. Show Fair-Sport Truck class in January managed to slip into second. grounds in San Bernardino. much was said about how things Glenn Harris pulled the new . For this second round a new would be different this time Mazda B2000 into third ahead of track design had to. be built to around. When things got under Ivan Stewart in his Toyota. accommodate construction way for the Trophy Dash it was Before the first lap was complete ' Entries now being accepted for the ·world famous ... SC·ORE BAJA_ INTERNACIONAL OFF ROAD RACE June 7-9, 1985 Ensenada BC, Mexico ' ~ For more information contact: SCORE INTERNATIONAL (818) 889-9216 Page 36 Jeff Huber that put his Ranger it was Roger Mears powering out front and left the battling to around Baker for the lead; then, Mears, and Steve Millen and Ivan on the next lap, Stewart found Stewart in their Toyotas. Mears fos way around Baker for second. got off to 'a bad start and found Baker got back into second for a himself fourth going into turn moment and then dropped out one. Huber was trying to put with transmnission problems. some distance between himself Glenn Harris was falling off the and the pack on lap 2 and Mears pace suffering from back pain w:is busy putting his move on caused when he landed the Millen, as Millen got up on two Mazda on a peak of a jump. On wheels in turn 2, then Mears the sixth lap Stewart had a flat on went to battle Stewart. Mears the front of the Toyota and had pushed his way inside Stewart on h,is arms full trying to keep up the the last lap and had to settle for pace. second as time ran out in the It was Roger Mears trophy dash. Jeff Huber won the dominating this first heat race all trophy for Ford and Mears was the way to the flag. Glenn Harris second, with Ivan Stewart third gritted his teeth and managed to and Steve Millen bringing the capitalize on Stewart's problems other Toyota around in fourth. and finished second. Stewart had When the first nine trucks to settle for third, and fourth -lined up for the first heat event it went to Tom Haliburda in his was Glenn Harris sitting on the Mazda. front row with his new Mazda The second heat race consisted built by Nye Frank; next to of six trucks and on the front row Harris was another new truck wa~ the old factory Mazda driven driven by the builder,John Baker by John Swift in his first Grand in his Mitsubishi. Mears and National race. Next to Swift was April 1985 Steve Millen in the lead with Jeff Huber hanging on to his tail and John Swift ahead of Steve Marolda. After turn 2 and in between turn 3 was a rough section that made the long legged Grand National Trucks look like unsuspended Odysseys, and, when Millen got sideways, Huber and Swift slipped by. The action remained this way for the next two laps until Swift stalled in. turn 1 and Millen got around and headed for Huber. The Mazda of Swift was popping like a cannon but seemed to be running good. Steve Millen went. on to win after Huber lost his only hope of doing battle when he was blocked by slower traffic. Huber took second -and John Swift brought the Mazda around for third. Brent Smith took four.th in -his Ranger. _ For the Grand National Sport Truck main event 15 trucks ltned up with Glenn Harris and the new Mazda on the outside front row and next to him was Jeff Huber in his Ranger. . Roger Mears, Nissan, was behind Harris and behind Huber was Si:eve Millen in the Toyota. The third row was made up of J9hn Swift, Mazda and Ivan Stewart, Toyota. With these six at the front of the pack it was almost guaranteed that one of them' would be the first out of turn 1 and sure enough, it was Roger Mears using all of his 300 ponies to out run the Mazda of Glenn Harris and next came Ivan Stewart. Next was the Mazda of John Swift then Steve Millen. Swift stalled the old Mazda and Stewart and Millen worked their way around the ailing Glenn Harris. With Mears in the dear he began putting distance between himself and second place Ivan Stewart. Third was Steve Millen and fourth was · Glenn Harris. John Baker, who started last after dropping a transmission in the heat race, was moving up through the pack. Roger Mears, Nissan, didn't have any difffculty winning the Main event and Team Toyota came across for second and third as Stewart led teammate Steve Millen across the line. Brent Smith brought his Ford Ranger around for fourth. John Baker worked his way through the pack and finished fifth in his new Mitsubishi. Glenn Harris finished sixth with the new Mazda. "Holy 'multitude of Super 1600's Batman!!" There are 28 Super 1600s entered to do battle ih this second running of the Grand. Prix. The only time it didn't look like Highway 101 rush hour traffic was when the top four qualifiers lined up for the trophy dash. . The four on line··were Jerry Whelchel, Frank Arciero Jr., and Tommy Croft all in Chenowths, and the only Funco driver was Steve Kelley. Jerry Whelchel put the power on and got into the corner first but when he threw; the Chenowth sideways to turn he rolled over on his , top,. allowing Frank Arciero to capture the lead. Arciero's competition was mainly with Steve Kelley as Tommy Croft was· held up by Whelchel. At the end of the three laps it was Arciero _the winner followed by Kelley, then Croft. When they lined up for the first heat race there· were 14· cars all looking into turn). The front row sitters were Jim Fishback, Jr.,-Chenowth and Ken Kazarian, Chenowth, and behind them was Jerry Whelchel, Chenowth and Frank ATciero, Jr., in his Chenowth. When the green flag came out it was the pole sitters that came around side by side until Fishback made the decision final coming out of tum 2. Kazarian, Whelchel, and' Arciero were in that order.but still Jockeying for position. After Arciero came Mike Sally in his Rail, Mike Withers, Ch,enowth, Bob Gordon, Chenowth and Jerry Stansbury in his Funco. Fishback remained the leader and on the second lap the field got scattered when two cars rolled on the first turn, Mike Withers and Mike Sally both found themselves left behind before course workers could right them again. Fishback started having mechanical problems and the hard charging Jerry Whelchel, who had gotten around Kazarian earlier was now within striking range. Once Whelchel got around Fishback it was so long fellow racers, hello checkered flag for Whelchel. Fishback held on for a couple of laps then retired. Second place went to Frank Arciero, Jr. and Bob Gordon earned third after winning the battle • from Ken Ka~rian, fourth. Tom Finvers Dusty Times
A fresh paint job helped Jerry Whelchel, perhaps, as he charged to the heat race victory, and took a com:incing win in the Class 10 main event over a27 car field. Brad Castle had a great time in his Class 10 heat race, and he led, from wire to wire, but the Raceco failed to finish·the final event. Frank Arciero, Jr., dominated the evening; he won the Class 10 trophy dash, plus the Class 1 heat race and the main event in his Chenowths. · Pancho Weaver drove Stan Rowland's Charger RG to a keen . third in the Class 10 heat, and a very impressive second in the crowded main event. It looked like Al Arcier9 might win the Class 1 battle,-! but a smoking rear brake from a collision put him second at the checkered flag. Greg George started out strong in the Funco, winning the Class .1 dash, but his car broke later, and he drove Ron Carter's Class 10 in the main event. brought his Hi Jumper in for Croft on the last lap but had to fifth. settle for third. Fourth place When the even qualifiers came went to Rick Jones and fifth went out for -competition there were to Brad's brother, Kent Castle, in another 14 cars eager for their his Raceco. · chahce. On the front row was When the main event came Pancho Weaver, Charger RG, around everyone was anxious to Brad Castle, Raceco, and right· see the 27 car field negotiate turn behind them was Tommy Croft 1. It was Frank Arciero, Jr. and in his Chenowth and next to him Tommy Croft that had the sat Steve Kelly in his Funco. unobstructed view from the Behind them were ten more front and behind them were 25 drivers making their plan to of America's finest Su.per 1600 avoid the congestion in turn 1. drivers, just waiting to-capitalize When the flag flew the pack on any of their mlstakes.Coming entered turn 1 together and even from the outside of the second though Brad Castle was the row the hard charging Jerry leader· coming out of the turn Whelchel put his Chenowth in there were 13 others just inches the front of the pack. And, away, ready to_ take his spot. The coming from the third row for field got bunched up in turn 2 second place was Pancho Weaver and then they'began exiting with followed.by Brad Castle and then Castle in· the lead. Pancho· . Frank Arciero; fourth was Rick Weiiver was ahead of Tommy Jones, next was Kent Castle, Bob Croft and right behind him was Gordon, Tom Finvers, and then Greg George in his Funco. Glenn a whole bunch of others all real Galbraith rolled his Funco in close. The first one to suffer turn 2 of lap 2 but the front four problems was Steve Kelley who remained the same. On the third got bounced off the wall in the lap Weaver and Greg George rough section between turns 2 tangled in turn 3 and Weaver and 3. Kelley was out. On the came out in third place, and· next lap the field was still packed George found himself back in like sardines when they entered ninth place. Tommy Croft let the rough section · and Jesse them bang around into each Rodriguez found his Funco other and slipped into second pointing the wrong way and had and Rick Jones moved his Funco to back into turn 3 before he into fourth. could spin around. Castle held off Tommy Croft Whelchei is still the leader and for a. well earned win and Pancho Pancho Weaver is knocking on Weaver made a last effort at his back door. Third is Brad Jeff Huber put his Ford out front in the trophy dash, but traffic problems put him down to second in his heat, and well back in the main event. Dusty Times Castle and Bob Gordon is now in fourth while Frank • Arciero is hung up on the wall in turn 1. By the fourth lap the leaders are beginning to lap the field .. At the half way point Jerry Whelchel is out in front and Pancho Weaver is trying to pick his way through the traffic in second place. · Bob Gordon and Greg George are running third and fourth and David Bonner + + + ~ "FLYING HIGH" with .SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS CLASS TEN Photo by Tracksfde The new"TEXAS-CHARGER", driven by "PANCHO WEAVER", is equippeg with SUPER BOOT'S(15½") new SUPER Long Travel Rear Drive Train, and finished a close second at the MTEG Pomona: Short Courser, 3/16/85. SUPER BOOT'S new 2-piece "MICRO STUB" and "INTEGRATED BEARING" allows -over 22" of wheel travel, with a considerable reduction of unsprung weight for better handling. This unique design allows much more wheel travel with far less c/v angle. And best of all, the price is about half what you would expect to pay for long travel rear suspension. Improves the«link" type suspension as well as trailing arm types. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON "MICRO STUB, INTEGRA'TED BEARING . AND SUPER LITE DISC BRAKE" SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins Ave. Orange, CA 92667 (714) 997-0766 "THE CHARGER CHASSIS" Built in Texas, by ROWLAND RACING PRODUCTS, INC. 8126 Scyene Road Dallas, TX 75227 (214) 381-3742 Congratulations'& Thanks to "PANCHO WEAVER" & "THE ROWLAND RACING TEAM" April 1985 Page 37
Craig Durfee was the fastest of the UltraStocks in his Fiero, and he won both the heat race and the main event with scani trouble. Mark Hansen was second in the UltraStock heat, and second in the main until the Fierio turned turtle, putting him a lap down at the flag . Jeff Elrod was the 1-1600 champ, and the northerner won both the heat race and the main event in good shape driving the Donsco Hi Jumper. Mike Goodbody hopped over the choopy straight, but he had to settle for second place honors in 1-1600 this round driving the Enticer. Glenn Harris showed off his brand new Mazda racer at Pomona, did well in the early laps, but new car glitches put him back in the main event. Tommy Croft is having a good year with his new Magnum, and he flew to second place in his heat race and was third in the trophy dash. + + + + in his Bonner Hawk, who had started in the middle of the field, has worked his way iqto fifth. · At the checkered flag 11 of the 27 starters had dropped out and were parked at varim,1s locations about the track. Jerry Whelchel was the happiest of all with his first place and behind him came Pancho Weaver then Bob Gordon and next was Greg George. Fifth finisher was David Bonner and Rick Jones in his Funco was sixth. Tom Finvers, Hi Jumper, was seventh and · eighth went to Dan Bently in his Chenowtb. In ninth place was Jim Fishback, Jr., and tenth went to Rich Prouty II in his Funco. Things got underway just as the anthem was over and Greg George put his Funco out in front of the F-1 Trophy Dash. George got sideways in the rough section after turn 2 and it looked like Frank Arciero, Chenowth, was going to take the lead but George got the Funco straightened out in time. By the next lap things had changed a little as George held on to the lead and Pancho Weaver, Funco, had passed Arciero. Arciero, WHEN THE .GOING GETS TOUGH ... The -"A" Team From TRACKSIDE IS THERE! • Color and Black & White photos of many major off-road events. including Riverside. and Baja -current and historic. • We have one of the largest photo libraries of all types of motor sports including events dating back into 1970. • We have photos for publication. public relations. advertising. presentations. promotions, personal "scrapbook" enjoyment. • We were there last time .. we'll be there next time' TRACKSIDE. Photo Enterprises p O BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES CA 90009 • (213) 327-4493 18710 SO NORMANDIE AVE. • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA 90248 , now in third, was being pressured by Bob Gordon, Chenowth. And after-three· laps it was Greg George the winner followed by Weaver, Arciero and Gordon. As the green flag came out for the F-1 Heat Race it was Frank Arciero, Jr., that put his Chenowth into turn 2 ahead of the pack. Knocking on Arciero's ·door was the other front row starter, Pancho Weaver, Funco. Frank's brother· Albert Arciero was in the thick of things and Greg George, Funco, was right in the middle of the action. Suddenly Weaver stalled · his Funco in turn 2 and Greg George capitalized on his misfortune for second. On the next lap Al Arciero got around George for second, making it a family feud. The action remained with the Arciero brothers fighting over, first, and third was Greg George. Bob Gordon, Chenowth, was in fourth but the real battle was between Pancho Weaver, Funco, and J.C. Myers in his Cosworth powered Funco. The battle between Myers and Weaver got going on lap four as. I Weaver· got around Myers on tprn 2 when Myers got sideways. Myers came back to get around Weaver and the two were banging into one another in the rough section before turn three but Myers held on. Just before the white flag came out Weaver took the inside line around. the last turn and Myers was pushed into the wall giving Weaver the fifth spot. It was Frank Arciero taking the check'ered, followed by his brother Al Arciero. Greg George came across in third ahead of Bob Gordon. Weaver got fifth and Myers had to settle for sixth. , In the main event seven cars lined up for the F-1 action. Al Arciero and Bob Gordon had a clear view from their front row starting position and Weaver and. Frank Arcfero were on the second row. It wa·s Al Arciem. that put his Chenowth in froµt0 · and brother Frank slipped Ap[il .198~ through the traffic to get second. Greg George had come from the back into third ahead of Marty Tripes, then came J.C. Myers, Bob Gordon and Pancho Weaver. By the fourth lap Al Arciero had pulled a comfortable lead and Frank Arciero was holding on to second; Marty Tripes slipped into third and Greg George was fourth. On the following lap . the front two remained the same but George got around Tripes. By the sixth lap Frank Arciero had been doing his homework and was catching up with Al Arciero when Al stalled in the last turn and brother Frank smacked ini:o his rear.end rather s111artly. Frank didn't have time to stop and apologize so he went on for the lead followed closely by Marty Tripes and then Greg George, and Al· got going in fourth place. On the next lap Tripes dropped out and Greg George inherited second and Al Arciero · was close behind in third. Pancho Weaver had kept busy and was now in fourth. Orr the eighth lap Weaver got around Al Arciero and J.C. Myers got around also as Arciero's left rear wheel • brake was smoking badly from his encounter with Frank. Winning the heat race and the main event made· this Frank Arciero night at P0mona. The second place finisher was Greg George, and third was Pancho Weaver ahead ofJ.C. Myers and the early leader, Al Arciero, had to settle for fifth. · Danny Mathews brought his new Fiero to race with the four others that competed in the season opener but with just five entries the Ultrastock class was combined with the .1-2-1600 class which drew.four entries. From the start Rich . Prouty us_ed his front row starting position to get the lead, but first he-was pushed around turn 1 by Danny Mathews. Mathews tangled with Durfee as they went into turn 2 and Durfee came out in second. By the fourth lap Prouty developed some mechanical troubles and Durfee took over the lead. Prouty pulled into the pits on the next lap and Craig Durfee wasn't seriously challenged again and went on to win. Mark Hansen, Fiero, came around for second and Danny Mathews placed third in his first Gran Prix outing. Vince Tjelmeland, Fiero, won the season debut for the Ultt'astocks but had to settle for fourth this time. In this first heat race the 1-2-1600 cars stayed among themselves to do battle, Jeff Elrod pulled out ahead with his front row starting positfon and led all the way to the flag. Second place Jon Bonner stayed ahead of Mike Goodbody who held on to third at the finish line as Neil Phillips lost at his last effort attempt at the finish line. In the main event Craig Durfee came from the second row to get the lead. Mark Hansen was · se.cond and then the first 1600 car of Jeff Elrod was running third overall. On the second lap Durfee lost his fiberglass tail section, caused b,y a turn 1 incident when Danny Mathews used Durfee to slow him down.· Mathews passed Elrod for third while Mark Hansen was pressuring Durfee. In the · last turn before lap 3 Hans·en rolled his Fiero and didn't get righted until nearly a lap down. This left Durfee all alone for an easy win. The remaining laps stayed with Durfee .in the lead followed by Mathews, then the 1600 leader Elrod who was followed by Goodbody, Rich Prouty, Phillips, and Mark Hansen. The final Ultrastock standings were Craig Durfee the winner, with second going to Danny Mathews. 'Third place points went to Richard Prouty .. and Mark Hansen finished fourth. lii the 1-2-1600 standings Jeff Elrod took another win and Mike Goodbody finished second aheaq of Neil Phillips and Jon Bonner was fourth. . ..,. , ~~ . -·-·~ Dus.ty-~Tirp~.S.,
Blue Max Racing Opens for Business Mike Bishop, prominent off' · road vehicle builder and racer has opened BLUE MAX RACING in Rancho Cordova, CA. The 3200 square foot retail and service facility is billed as a "one stop VW racing center>'. Blue Max Racing features northern California's only complete stock of hard core off road racing ·parts from axles to a complete chassis. Many custom and performance accessories and add-ons are also available, as well as complete mechanical services from engine building and general fabrication to race car preparation. A grand opening and open house was held recently, with" displays by factory reps and manufacturers, and there was a race car show too. Completing the evening was the annual general mee•ting of the VORRA Off Road Racing group, and some 200 people were on hand for the meeting who toured the n.ew facility, bought parts, and prepared for the new race season. Mike Bishop, 30, worked for years in the· heating and air Mike Bishop posed happily with an appropriate o\logan at his grand opening party for the new Blue Max Racing. · . · conditioning business, and. his mechanical and fabricating work. been off road racing for seven Now Blue Max Racing has'gone years. He often had trouble . full time, and it is located at locating parts, and began running 11337 Trade Center Drive, Suite a part time racing business from 300, Rancho Cordova, CA hi~ home, selling parts and doing 95670. (916) 635-8222. LEFT: A lot of friends and customers toured the brand new facility during the open house -grnnd opening gala. RIGHT: Ed Robinson conducted the annual VORRA membership meeting at the open house. with the racers using typical shop chairs. Bob Goshen Joins Weber/Redline Bob Goshen, well known r~ce available at most off road events engine builder, recently joined through the 1985 season. Weber /Redline in the research and development department.. Bob Goshen Racing Engines Bob will work with R & D has been installing Weber Manager · John Concialdi in carburetors on wiI}ning race cars product development and for years; among his clients are competition preparation. the Arciero brothers and the Concialdi stated that Goshen's Gillman brothers. Qoshen says, 20 years of successful street and "We needed a carburetor that is race engine building programs ·· easy t~ tune, reliable, of course, has made him a well known and with parts that are readily figure to .both on and off track available. Weber is the only enthusiasts._ . Bob's· ability to choice." Along with being a quickly diagnose, and solve leading U.S. supplier of Weber problems will make him a ~arburetors, Redline, Inc. also valuable Redline asset. Goshen's supplies fuel miection and technical expertise will be Cannon Induction _Systems. Checker Corner stories which can only be told in person! Pitting at Laughlin was excellent, again thanks to the iikes··· o"t !hum.per ancf . IViike-McDowell, Howard Anderson. George Seeley, Saul Zambrano and Gary Bates; Big John, Catfish, Shirley Scott, ' Mark Backus, Uncle Max, Steve Kassanyi, Pete Peterson, Matt Hagerman, Ray Encabo, Phil Bowers, Frank Veltri and · the Ridgecrest Gang. We are looking forward to seeing everybody at _ Lucerne. If anyone has seen the Byrds, or some of the old time Checkers, have them come to a meeting or a race to socialize and tell some old war stories. Welcome back Gail Ferrell. While , it is only the third month of the ye:,ir, the Checkers have two desert racing efforts under their belts. Parker had devastating results for most drivers, due to the weather conditions. However, the extreme problems did not hinder the Checkers assault on Laughlin. The number one club again proved equal to the task with eight of the top ten finishers at Laughlin members of Checkers. Marty Reider led the parade, finishing second overall and first Dusty Times in Class 10. Tom Kuch, who had an excellent first lap, fourid himself broken in the canyon five miles from home check; due to the topography of the terrain, it was impossible to reach him until the, race traffic had thinned out enough to get a bike to him. After a great first lap, Jirri Sumners lost a ring and pinion, and Dave Mansker lost a front end. Terry Smith and Jim Greenway lost the hood and had carburetor problems, but they managed to fin~h. · There are ·many other war· April 1985 Tires are It in Contingency Row The con ting ency dollars available for using myriad brands of tires in off road racing continues to grow. Along with the long time residents of contingency row, like Goodrich, Goodyear, Firestone, Tectira, and Bridgestone, Yokohama joined in last year, and new for 1985 is General Tire, and Armstrong is •-looking hard at desert racing as well. Yokohama Tire Company has sharply expa_nded their program of last season for 1985, growing from seven to 15 races that will enjoy contingency support, and they cover all classes on four wheels. For the combined Score and High Desert series desert races, Yokohama pays $200 for first and $100 for second in each class, plus a set of tires for the best "place" on Yokohamas, if the car is in the top three in class. Yokohama will pay if you are running caps on . Yokohama casings, and if you are running either front or rear tires of their brand. In the SNORE Ltd. race series, Yokohama is paying $100 for first place in each class, plus the "tires for best-place" as well. In addition to offering contingency support for SNORE, Yokohama is also one of the 1985 SNORE Series sponsors. According to Yokohama Marketing man Larry Bartleson., the company will continue their effort to establish a base in off road racing in 1985. ''We want toJproceed carefully, and this ml ans getting to know the sport· and to know the people involved," he said. "We are supporting club activities, improving our exposure and accessibility at race sites, and talking to as many people as possible." Although Yokohama, along with Mitsubishi, is a sponsor for John Baker, most of Yokohama's 1985 visibility will be with the race cars. "We do not intend to ignore. the trucks, as they offer great advertising I?Otential,,,.Bartleson stated. "Jn fact we have tires . under development that will allow us to compete in Class 8 and to take our off road program nationwide in 1986. However, we feel very strongly that the health and growth of off road racing depends a great deal on grass rbots involvement by fans and participants. And, this"means the car." Get the whole story from Yokohama at the· races, or contact them at· 1530 Church Road, Montebello, CA 90640. (213) 723-9691. Coming on strong in off road racing is General Tire, another voice from Akron. General Tire Motorsports is a new divhion created to oversee General's racing programs, and they just announced a new three pronged program in off road racing, rac~r sponsorship, contingency n-ioney and a dealer assistance plan. The program signals off roaders that General Tire Motorsports intends to be a strong supporter of off road racing. Until this year, General Tire had very limited involvement in any racing activity; Three drivers have been signed for direct sponsorship in 1985, and all will compete in Class 7S. Glenn Harris will drive a new Mazda truck, Willie Valdez had a new Ford Ranger being built, and Jim Travis drives a Toyota. They will all compete on General's ·Grabber line of radial light truck tires. The off -road contingency program offers a hefty $9,000 in total money up for grabs each race, covering all the Score/HORA series and the Mint 400. The winner in each of the six light truck classes using, General's radial tires will receive $1500. · _ The dealer and assistance program is designed to create an interest in sponsoring a local driver at the dealer and store level. A special price on the radial light truck line is available to racers competing in any legitimate off road race. Check it out with your dealer. 4430 N. Dixie Hwy, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 33334 Distributors of Off Road Parts & Accessories • A.T.L. Fuel Systems • A.M.S. Brakes • Berrien • Bug Pack • Centerline • Chenowth • Dellorto Carbs • Fox Shocks • Funco Race Cars • Kennedy Clutch • K & N • Mastercraft • Meeca/Accusump • Neal • Outerwears • Phoenix Fire Syst. • Saco Products • Simpson Safety ~ Summers Bros. • Super Boot • Total Seal Rings • V.D.0.-Gauges • Weber Carbs • Weld Wheels • Wright Place (305) 772-1171 • (305) 491-8085 Legal in California for racing vehicles which 'may never be used upon a highway Page 39 , I
UNIROYAL CANNONBALL ONE LAP OF AMERICA Restoration Fund. It was Twilight Zone Time - I WON Radio of Chicago loved it. entered an '85 Saab Turbo SP, Young & Rubicam Advertising THE ONE LAP TAPES A Fast Food Tour of the U.S. entered an '83 Lincoln-Mercury· Mile 575, 1 :oo AM Saturday Topaz. HOT ROD MAGAZINE morning, March 2nd entered an '85 Dodge Caravan-We've come north from and tucked quietly in the midst Detroit, a.cross the Mackinaw of this menage of Amateur Road Bridge and the Upper Peninsula Warriors were a few professional to reach the Library Bar control By Thomas D,-··Grimshaw Brock Yates is a domestic highway terrorist. He is also a senior editor of CAR & DRIVER MAGAZINE and the perpetrator of the delightfully infamous Cannonball Baker Sea to Shining Sea Memorial Trophy Dashes of• the '70s. Sometimes he slips one bubble off center and that's when we enjoy him most. Yates is so humorously down to earth he is often ass deep in the bureaucratic bogs of this great land and seems happiest when stfcking _his wicket in the ,disapproving eye of the estab-1ishment. Last year Mr. Yates once again emerged from. the crawl space and introduced the Cannonball , One.Lap of America. His call to ar~s amassed that band of crazies who used to race at Mach Six ·from New York to California in the original Can_nonballs. The new One Lap also ran from coast to coast but within legal speed limits. The winner was decided on the basis of best· guess at total official mileage arid the event was relatively successful. This year the One Lap of America gained national atten-tion, if not conservative shrink-think acceptance-, with major · sponsorship from Uniroyal Tire Corporation, Quaker State Oil, Cincinnati Microwave's Escort/ Passport Division and other blue chippers. The Sports Car Club of America granted an official Carroll Shelby waves the green flag for John Buffum and company on the restart at the Portofino Inn in Redondo Beach, CA. The Audi was the eventual winner. Tom Grimshaw, left, checks to new route out of L.A. with John Buffum; the snow on Angeles Crest made a new course to Vegas a necessity. I C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. C.O.R.E, also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors. Get all the information on C.O.R.E. Jim Branstetter, President, (818) 705-8183, 17 453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys; CA 91406. Page 40 Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises sanction and Jerry Hines, an teams who were going for the in Houghton; Michigan -home experienced rally organizer, was Gold. of the Press On Regardless PRO br:ought in to install a road rally The week before the start our Rally.We use the 11 hour trip to timing system - all within legal band was dee~ed to be a "clear figure out the Recaro seat speed limits. andpresentthreattothesafetyof controls and the dashboard Eighty teams paid $850 each the public highways" by a computer buttons. We also tositinthecenterringoftheOne spokesperson for Ralph Nader's begin a love affair with the Lap Circus. There were factory _conSumer advocate group. The Quattro that lasts throughout the teams from Volkswagen, Chrys-WALL STREET JOURNAL rally. ler, Dodge, Porsche-Audi, warned us that the Naderettes We'reaboutanhouraheadof Chevrolet, Subaru, Volvo and threatened to seek ; court the field and eat cheeseburgers BMW. injdunbction tohstop hthe One Ldapd and fries while Walter tells us The Yates Watchers were also an arring t at, t ey inten e about the latest health book he's out in force. They are a grand-to picket the start, using · read, "Eat To Win." gathering of licensed strangers in wheelchaired victims of auto Motors port journalist, Jean a strange land who do not bdieve accidents. Bizarre to the umpth Lindamood, tens me how she in dawdling about at Max 55 power. God save me from th0se hypnotizes her chickens and does Causl·ng left lane blockages £or . who dedicate their lives to . . f h 1 . 50 1, an 1mpress1on o a en aymg a that 90% of the U.S. driving saving me! pound egg. public who routinely exceed the The Naderettes failed to show national limitation to sane in force but they did alert police Mile 648, 4:00 AM Saturday motoring. Yates Watchers just agencies of our course through-morning, March 2nd go for the gusto and don't give a out the event and a briefcased Just, finished the first average. damn who wins. brown vested Naderbird was speed section timed to the United Motors of Pontiac, observed in its natural habitat -second. Windy road up the. 1 kl·n b t th t t d f· · h Keweenaw Peninsula. Half the Michigan entered a d'Bardia ur g a ou es ar an mis takl·ng mental not th 1 t t field.is lost on a tricky ·1·nstruc-Luxury Stretch Limo - a 46 foot . es on e a es Cadillac Fleetwo od Brougham threat to world peace. (What do tion. We turn west for Three with mouton carpets, bar and you suppose those people carry Forks, Montana - a 1500 mile wine cooler, televisio n , video in those briefcases? The con-. run at 53.6 MPH . I fall asleep and player , refrigerator, cellular science of the world?) accidently bump the heater telephones, CB radios, Escorts V olkswagen o f America button f?r my seat and begin _a fore and aft, full length bed and decided to mount a serious effort slow brml of my buns. Buffum is expresso coffee machine. It's a on the One Lap of America and a closet punk rocker . and o~ly hard world out there don't ya entered four '85 Audi 5000 S allows rock and r? ll on the radio. know. · Turbo Quattros. Since the cars Walter sleeps m the back seat The flamboyant Rocky Aoki, are not yet available in the U .S., 1st - John Buffum - Vermont best known for his television four units were flown in from Tom Grimshaw - Kansas commercials for his Benihana Germany the weekend before the Walter Boyce - Canada Restaurants; entered a pristine · start. . _ · 1985 Audi 5000 S Turbo Quattro '59 Silver Wraith Rolls Royce John Bufum, eight-time U .S. SO Points and dressed histhreemancrewi n PRO Rally C h ampion, was 2nd-Tom Weaver-Connecticut tuxedos. There was a very spiffy selected to pilot the lead Quattro Joel Lange - Connecti~ut looking '85 Merkur XR4T, a '36 · and I was asked to navigate. Our Robert Coffin -Connecticut Chevy 2 door sedan, a '36 Ford third team member was to be a 1985 Audi 5000 S Quattro Delivery Van an '84 Harley-"name" personality orautosport 193 Points Davidson 3 wheel Tri-Hawk -journalist. We suggested a Miss 3rd - Walter Jaminy - Florida you get the general idea? Lotsa Garbonzos Playmate of Any Tom Noonan - Florida brain damaged rolling stock Month At All. Not funny, said · Jim Zeller - Florida gathered together for Yates' Audi. 1984 Chevrolet Blazer latest extravaganza. One day before the start we 272 Points Phil Hill, our tirst home grown were allowed to make our own 4th - John Mulhere - Michigan Formula One world champion, choice and called Walter Boyce George Bok - Michigan drove an '85 LeBaron GTS for in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1983 Lincoln Mercury_ Topaz Chrysler. Shirley Muldowney, a Walter is a four-time Canadian 316 Points three-time national drag racing National Rally Champion and 5th_ D'avid Campbell_ champion, made her first public turned out to be the perfect Connecticut appearance since her near fatal choice. He landed in Widnsor, John C. Drahzal -New York crash the previous summer, and across the Detroit River, two Do·uglas Schmidt -New York 'waved the cars off the starting hours before the start. We 1984 AMC Wagoneer LTD line in Detroit. Carroll Shelby stuffed him and his luggage into 590 Points - -marshalled the California restart the back seat of the Quattro and 6th - Roger Cox - Illinois and met us back in Detroit to began the 9,000 mile run. Timothy Cox - Illinois cook his_ world famo us tail W alter looked confused - an David Stone - Michigan lighting chili for the victory expression he carried throughout 1985 Merkur XR4T banquet. I don't know the true the rally. 876 Points name of Shelby's afterburner The cars lined up in front of 7th -John Jacob - Illinois concoction but if it's not called the Lansdown R estaurant in John Wait - Illinois «'T--V---t,l D--D - - T 1-D -.I " T"\-•---:-:~ ~~ ~,-.,,-.,,... Prirl-,u M,irrh Steve Rouland - Illinois J. Ul 1 U l \......11 C UU .1 UU U 1-' 1.\..CU , 1/Cc'l. U rc-ctL 1.1vvu, .a..._ ~..ac.o.-y-,,.,..., ... -..-~ .... -... ..._ ...... it should be. 1st. The band played the national . 1983 Dodge Shelby Charger-Quaker State Oil entered a two anthem, the press clicked their 899 Points car team of profes~ional stunt-tongues and camara shutters, the 8th - Dean Russell - Connecticut men driving factqry_supplied '85 NBC filming crews fired up the George S<;hneider - Connecticut Dodge Ram Chargers. Team vans they were to use to follow 1985 Oldsmobile 98 leader, Cliff Cudney ( "The the entire event (their hour long 1198 Points French Connection" and "The special will be seen sometime in Anderson Tapes" among his 50 early May), Shirley Muldowney film credits), arr ived at the waved the green flag and 80 Detroit Renaissance finish teams were unleashed upon an standing atop his Ram Charger unsuspecting publicat 35 MPH. dressed like the Statue of Liberty Far too much happened in the holding the torch high to focus following nine days, I can only attention to the donation of a offer , my personal notes as a large portion of the One Lap running commentary as we ran entry fees to the Statue of Liberty amok around the United States. April 1985 9th - Susan Jeanes - Michigan Everett Smith - Michigan Len Hanning - Michigan 1985 Dodge Lancer ES '1321 Points 10th -Phil Hill -California John Lamm -California Richard Ecelbarger -Arizona 1985 Crysler LeBaron GTS 1328 Points Dusty Times
as we hit snow in Wisconsin and t,he sun rises over Duluth, Minnesota. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Elias Brothers Big Boy. Who are the Elias Brothers? Who was Mother Elias? Where's the beef? In the bellies of the beasts and we are terrorizing 1-90 West. Mile r,900, 9:00 PM S aturday night, March 2nd We've crossed the Rockies and the Continental Divide and drove through a full blown winter blizzard. We arrive at the Three Forks control four hours early. I telephone the One Lap Hotline (Chrysler/Plymouth donates $1.00 for each com-petitor call. Funds go rn the Muldowney Medical Fund). The Hotline tells me we are five hours in front of the pack and asks that we wait for the rest to catch up. Seems the blizz,ard has ~aw~ed havoc back down the road. I'm also told we are sitting 5th. Car 64, an '85 Ford Bronco II driven by Ross Anderson, Phil Suom6 and Karl Chevalier of Vermont, hold the lead with 2 points (seconds of error at the ·average speed TSO controls). We have · 12 points. We check into a motel, shower and go to bed. The deskman refuses to honor my midnight wakeup call, "Hell man, no one --around here stays up that late." I call my wife in Kansas and have her place an emergency call to the motel at Midnight to wake us up. Mile 2, r50, 4:30 AM_ Sunday morning, March 3rd We are the first ,car into the Stagecoach Inn control in Somers, Montana. Very large crowd. Autographs for everyone. I sign Brock )'ates' name in a senile sort of scrawl. Free breakfast. Awards ceremony. Buffum gets a hand carved wooden lamp. I tell Walter that "prairie oy~ters" are small balls of rolled beef. He eats them. The owner offers us a special di~h of bits of beaver leg in sauce. A delicacy. Walter eats them. A local mountain man lays his fur· gloves on our table. Walter eats them. • Other cars· begin to ·arrive as we start the Lewis and Clark TSO Section timed to the second. We take a huge penalty (26 seconds) at a control when we tippy toe pa,st the local sheriff at 35 MPH when he rings our Escort's bell. Back to 1-90 West he9ded for Washington. A bulletin warns us Starting the seconl half John Buffum is intefviewed on TV, Tom Grimshaw mans the clocks, and Walter Boyce relaxes in the rear seat of the winning Quattro. Completely street legal, all the cars did carry masked driving lights, a few small decals and the Uniroyal emblem, the clue th·at got the radar guns working: A surprise for Brock Yates in California, was the appearance of the Ferrari that he co-drove with Dan Gurney to victory on the first Cannonball run. Dusty Times . that troopers await in force in Ritzville, Washington on Hwy. 395. The bear has left its den and he is hungry. A Wyoming State trooper tells George and Tim Fallar to par~ their three-wheel Tri-Hawk. immediately and leave the country. They push on. Mile 2,754, 4:00 PM Sunday night, March 3rd Short run through Idaho then south to Spokane. Washington troopers sniff at us until we leave the state. We turn off the Escorts beca{ise their continuous buzz tells us we are being microwaved. Welcome to Washington -· Despite heavy police activity elsewhere, Brock Yates points proudly to _a proclamation from the State of California, welcomJng the One Lap of America contestants. -Land of the Impotent Motorist! A trucker CBs to ask us if the Audi is a 4 or 6 cylinder car. We tell him it has 5 cylinders. He.says "Sheeeeeit," and turns his radio off. Mil~ 3~377, 3:30 AM Monday morning, March 4th Long night run -to Winters, California and Sears Point Intl. Racewa·y. Coffee~ donuts and conversation with Bob Bondur-ant before doing our one lap of the track. Wet pavement eats o_ur driving lights and Buffum apologizes for throwing the Quattro sideways to avoid a __ retaining wall that was running towards us. San Francisco at dawn. Neck . jerking ride down Lombard Str,eet. Rocky Aoki had a class act at the restart,-stuffing the Rolls Royce fridge with Benihana frozen dinners, delivered by his chef, for on road cooking in the on board microwaves. Walter thinks he sees two men holding hands. I tell h im it couldn't be and we head for L.A. Mile 3,945, 3:30 PM Monday night, March 4th Redondo Beach and the Portofino Inn control for a 20 hour re·st: Civilized dinner with wine. Shower and clean clothes. We burn our socks to save the civilized Western World from the plague. . We've moved.to second place with 37 points. An '85 Subaru 4WD Turbo leads with 28 points. It is driven by Gene Henderson and Mike.Van Loo of Michigan, with Su Kemper, ON TRACK journalist, as the third rider. Worrisome. Henderson is also an ex-national PRO Rally driving champion. Mile 4,413, 9:00 PM Tuesday night,. March 5th Two hour layover in Las · Vegas. We teach Walter the fine points of blackjack. I lose $25, Buffum breaks even. Great buff et dinner from the manage-ment. Great garbonzas on the Keno girls. On to Texas. M ile 5,340, 5:00 PM Wednesday night, March 6th San Antonio. Buffum wakes up, hears our frantic dis·cussion, leaps from the car and runs off. ' Walter watches Buffum fleeing into the night and asks what to do. I tell him to turn left and we find the Alamo. 20 minutes later we find Buffum wandering about and leave for New Orleans. ' Mile 6,372, 3:00 PM Thursday afternoon, March ! th , Henderson gets blocked by a horse and buggy in downtown · New Orleans and takes a bundle ·at a control. We zero it and take over the lead. Walter has .an upset tummy. We all stink. Onward to Jacksonville, Florida ( the swamps smell as bad as we do); north to New York City ("Left at the Staten Island Ferry Terminat'); a stop at The Lock Stock and Barrel in Darien, CT. (Buffum loves the 197 decibal rock 'n roll), westward thi:ough more snow and ice in the Catskill Mounains; Pennsylvania -good breakfast; Ohio - we cannot believe the number of highway troopers waiting for us. · It's Death Race 2000 time running The Gauntlet. Everyone gets stopped at least once. Hangnails are illegal on Ohio highways. A friendly wave to a trooper is grounds for instant dismissal from the world as we know it. The radar beams· make ou~ dashboard smoke. My hair stands on end. I am bombarded with microwaves. Boring run through Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. Arizona highway patrol (21 ·vehicles) give us a hint of things to come in Ohio some days later. South to the Rio Grande and Big . Bend country for another TSO Mile 8,945, 4: r2 PM Saturday section. We look like we've been afternoon, March 9th rode hard and put away wet. A bit of sidewalk motoring to Walter throws away "Eat to reach the finish line at the Detroit Win" and has a breakfast of Renaissance Center on time. bananas, burritos, peppers and Thousands of· spectators. A milk. reporters gang bang. Champagne up your nose and down your Mile 5,776, r:30 AM Thursday front. Great victory banquet. morning, March 7th We miss the Uniroyal $5,000 Route instru~tions a,re wrong first place payoff - first two cars and Walter and I cannot locate were riding o_n BFGoodrich the Alamo control in downtown. rubber, but we picked off the April 1985 $2,500 Quaker Oil money, a new Passport each, trophies all around and a gaudy watch my wife tells me is a Rolex Oyster that will hock for about $2,600. There were no losers on the Uniroyal One Lap of America. Everyone who made the entire trip was a winner. The only reason they even score it is to give the press some names to use as lead lines in their stories. The One Lap is a must-do eelebration of American inde-pendence. Perhaps it's just another promotional lark, or perhaps it is a soft shoe shuffle towards sanity in our national highway laws. Down with the 55 jive! Down with giant inflatable falsies in our face. Up The Cannonball! I can hardly wait for-the cage door to open -in '86. Before You Buyl . Make Sure It's The USED FOR ALL TYPE DIRT RACING•FIL TERS THE AIR •ELIMINATES DUST•COOLS THE DRIVER•GIVES YOU THE ADV ANT AGE. THE DRIVERS SAY "/T'SALMOSTLIKE CHEATING". FIND OUT NOW BY CALLING .. 714/894-8332 OR MAILING IN FOR LITERATURE. 9371 Kramer, Unit #G -#H Westminster, CA 92683 PARKER PUMPER Page 41
... , ANDRES N. WITER - 1 .ll f I 7.n TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & V.W. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY-UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 PHONE: (818) 765-3566 PRO SPORTSMAN & BEGINNER RACES CLASSES FOR BUGGY'S & 4x4'1 & TRUCKS & CARS [r=1JI D ][g][~J THE ARIZONA DESERT RACING AISOCIATION 1408 E. Granada Road Phoenix, Arizona 85006 - BE WHERE THE ACTION IS ~ , COME RACE WITH US -WRITE OR CALL: 252-1900 FAMILY ORIENTED RACING . THE BAKER .CHASSIS ·" Fasf ari"d affordable. The firsf and only "kit-concept" sport truck chassis for off-road rating or street us-e. Baja-bred by John Baker, 1983 SCORE aJJ_d, HpRA Class 7 champion,tQ go faster and last longer. For-brochure and price sheet, send $2 to: John Baker Performance Products, 4304 Alger Street, Los Angeles, CA 90039. P_hone (818) 240· 7051. w·10E SEL~c:rht,,1_0F FIBERGLASS s~ATs & covERs~-8EARD'S ··su-PER.· SEATS'' ED & BARBARJ:\ BEARD · 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 · asv• aaz nauila&. THE V'W RACING CONNECTION • Rac.e Car Prep • Fabrication · (916)635·8222 (9161635··8223 11337 Trace Center Dr., Suite 300 , , __ • ,, Rancho Cordova, Calif. 956 70 Get the word out about yourcbusiness, big or-small. · Put your business card· in the · "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $16.00 per month. Page 42 Performance Transmission Products (714) 962~6655 10575 Bechler River Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS -4x4s -MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for our new 1984 Catalog. fl,f'#-TIRES CEPEK' WHEELS LIGHTS . SUSPENSI ETC. Send To 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON, CA 90746 . 213-217-1805 e CUSTOM ROLL CAGES e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION e l?r ► ]J C) 0 ·_ m r -u, &· r-Tim Lecluse Doyne Podhorsky (714) 662-7223 2952 RANDOLPH, UNIT C COST A MESA, CA 92626 ?-m -I > r-.,, > m ::0 0 > -I 0 z • e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD Lee Alderman PAO DESERT Custom Metal Fabrication Off Road Trailers Suspension Cars & Trucks Custom Made Chassis -348 W. Tenth Ave. Mesa, AZ 85202 RHJ~ASL£ V.W. PARTS 11623" SHEL-iDON ST. SU"'.! VALLEY, CA 91,352 Fuel · Cells 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 ~ril 1985_-(602) 834-5751 · DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4555 ', ·Quick FIiis Std. Fills .,.,_ --'-(714) 893~7953 (714) 895-4412 FABRICATION ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION *OFF-ROAD AND ASPHALT* DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 German Auto ~ -1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 PARTS MANAGER JOHN PROSSER Parts & Accessories VW • , TOYOTA • DATSUN 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (213) 863-1123_ • (213) 868-9393 RON METCALF ED LEKIVETZ •Alloy Axles·8,:_ . Spools •Mag ()aria -60's •VW Master Diffs. •VW Axles . Send This !rd In P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach. CA 92075-0830• (619) 753-3196 n~~V_Y. ' Send $2.00 for catalog JO?~ 7M •·•,.._.um_, . SUSPENSION SYSTEMS OHN ltCING PRODUCTS OHNSON - -P.O. BOX 81 . LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 583-2054 7 Time llltJlt 1000 __ Winner HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS DUAL.& TRIPLE SHOCK SYSTEMS ABERClASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES ·-·sTEVE KASSANYI Public Relations Consultants Creative Graphics Marketing Specialties 631 Unwood .\ve., Monrovia, CA 91016 (818) 359-5028 Dusty Times
4 WO Repairs • Lift Kits • Wheels & Tires Used Trk. Parts • Tel. {413) 739-4111 LeDuc Off-Road ENTERPRISES ', 186 Baldwin St. West Springfield, MA. 01089 Distributor For: Mastercraft • Bestop Husky • Rough Country • Parker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bars McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. OFFROAD RACECAR PARTS AND ACCESSORIES CENTER-LINE WHEELS BILSTEI N SHOCKS GEM RAClt-<G GEARS SWAY-A.WAY C IBE LIGHT& BEARD SEATS 818-764-6438 12945 SH!:RMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 MENDEOLA RACINO TECHNOLOOY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES (714) 697-3100 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE, LA MESA, CA 92041 O'BRACING Distributor for VW & Off Road Race Parts -Jamar, Mickey Thompson Tires, Allison Ignition, HPS, KC HiLites, Total Seal Rings BILL O'BRIEN 7 Jackson St. 203-:673-0342 -Avon, CT 06001 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off Bou Race Can·. 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth, CA 9131 i GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT (818) 882-2886 PHIL'S INC. QUALITY PARTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Se.nd $3.00 for complete Phil's Catalog Volkswagen, Off Road & High Performance Equipment 2204 Ashland Ave. Evanston, Illinois 60201 Dusty Times (312) 869-2434 (800) 323-5427 for order desk P• Tri TECTIRA uOOO~ .WWW . THE POWER Iii RACE RADIOS •90WATTS • SYNTHESIZED · • RACE & BUSINESS USE . • CUSTOM DESIGNS V (213) 426-7077 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL Z888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd ., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's Larry Ellis SPEED UNLIMITED OF NEVADA V.W, SPECIALIST ENGINES & TRANSAXLE REBUILDING STREET & OFF ROAD 2954 Westwood Dr. #E Las Vegas, NV 89109 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER (702) 735-7753 Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997 -0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 Suspension Components (818) 988,5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 April 1985 THE ~ID1F~1~]IQ)rno]1-DON HILKER PRESIDENT TH E TRAILSMAK'" 701 CHARLESTON AVENUE' LEE'S SUMMIT, MO. 64063 PHONE: 816-525-3555 MiclfeyThompso~ PERFORMANCE TIRES . ~ VI THE MOST AGGRESSIVE TREAD YOU CAN GET FOR YOUR RACE VEHICLE P.O. Bo• 227 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Inside Ohio -216 928-909 2 OUTSIDE OHIO· 800 222-9092 IUI TECTIRA uOOO~ THE ~mrr:ru; THE TRAII.SMAX~ TIRE & WHEEL MART BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585-3043 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90002 ib1'TRACKSJDE Photo £ntnprlus __ _, PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA, CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 llACING PIIOTOGllAPHY SPECIALISTS IMC£ ll(ANS BY JEFF FIEUlS TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 AL KEY (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 DOUG FREEMAN (2)~) 320-9584 P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247·7457 Page 43 -
PROFILE Bill Waddill of Custom Engineering A life long racer, Bill Waddill spends a good deal of time in his fully equipped, oversize shop behind his home near Flint, Michigan. The family room at the Bill . Bill is a firm believer in fuel cells Waddill home in Swartz Creek, and protective suits, and other Michigan attests to his many safety gear for the race driver, no years in racing. There are shelves matter what type of racing is full of trophies all arou.nd the involved. room. Bill won his first National award in 1951 when he competed in the annual drag meets at the Bonneville Salt Flats. In 1958 he took Top Time in the "B" Gas Coupe class at the first NHRA , Nationals in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Bill was involved in drag racing until 1964, when he won the "0" Modified Sports Car class at Indianapolis. Gil George of Funco, who is originally from Flint, has been a friend of Bill's for the past 35 years. Waddill had been building glass body play buggies in his shop for a few years when he went to see the Mint 400 one year, and there he saw Gil race his Funco. Bill came home fired up' about off road racin~, and that By Brenda A. Parker year he built his first off road race car, a Funco, what else! Bill raced at the Mint 400 more than once, and he finished second in Class 10 in 1975. He has also competed in several races in Baja California. Bill was also involved in sand drags, hill climbs and enduros on a local level in the mid-west for several years. He raced well at Red Bud Trail in Buchannan, Michigan, but he has not competed for several years, Jeaving the track to the younger guys. In 1978 Bill built the first Mirage off road race car, which was a two seat car. In 1979 he started building single seat racers as well. His cars have had much success in the Midwest, and fro~ 1980 through 1982 they were the winners in the 1-2-1600 class on points in what was then the Centerline North Central Points Series. · Bill Waddill's family moved to Flint, Michigan from Denver, Colorado in 1944, and he later graduated fourth in his class from Flint Tech. He has worked for the General Motors Institute for the past 22 years, and he_will retire from there in June of this year.· His race car business; Custom Engineering, has been a 'part-time' job, and when asked One of the first of Bill's Mirage two seat cars was driven to great success in the 1983 season by the_ Charlie Williams, Jr. and Sr. what he plans to do after he retires, he stated, "spend all day out in the shop." . Bill and his wife Barb, who has been his staunchest supporter, and who has traveled with him all over the United States following his various racing endeavors, plan on doing some traveling in the coming years. They especially plan on leaving the Micl\igan winters for warmer climates. They do intend to spend their summers at home, however; and they are both ·very active in the Michigan Sport Buggy Associa-tion and the Michigan Off Road Racing Association. The Michigan Sport Buggy Association has been a moving force in getting and keeping the Silver Lake Sand Dunes open as a rally area for play buggies: Bill was involved · in this from the early years with glass bodied buggies. He has also been very active in M.O.R.R.A., who sponsor the Dixie Autocross, a .Berrien Autocross Series race at Birch Run, Michigan every year. For the past several years Bill has been the race director. This year he has turned the job over to a new man, •but he will still be taking an active part in the race organization. While Bill is not racing himself anymore·, he is still a major force in midwest racing circles. He has shared his expertise and his knowledge with many drivers in this area, and they are all thankful to him for the help. As he stated, he intends to spend more time in his shop after he retires. We will have to wait arid see what new products come out of Custom Engineering when Bill , Wad dill has more time to design and develop things. Bill also was involved in SCCA competition in -sports cars, driving in the road races and rallies. In 1961. at Soeedweek in Nassau in the Bahamas, he was driving a Lotus with an alum-inum Buick engine, and he went off the road and hit a tree. This was in the era before fuel cells and Nomex suits. The drivers simply dipped their suits in Borax and water. Bill's car burst into flames, and he was burned over most of his body and was laid up for several months. That turned out to be his last sports car road race. Also, to this day Over the years Bill Waddill has assembled one of everything in his shop, and he can build a chassis or a complete race car with the tools and material he keeps in stock, and he has room for several cars at the same time. MORE ••• GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY SCORE Canada Inc. · 390 CHEMIN DU LAC, LERY, QUE. CANADA J6N 1 A3 514-692-6171 STOCK SAND OFF ROAD PARTS REPAIR \ ~acing Perfor111 eset . a,,c Q MOTOR & TRANSAXLES e 702-739-1933 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ROLL BAR CAGE WELDING Page 44 We fell mote tacing gafoline than a1tyone elfe in the weft! · TA~C~,. RACING GASOLINE Call today (619) 281-9133 WEST ENGINE & MACHINE Quality Engine/Machine Work Fabrication 947 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, CA 92Q69 CLARK WEST (619) 741-6173 April 1985 VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89102· 702/873-1962 tiOtVWs Wright Publishing Co., Inc. Box 2260 • 2949 Century Pl. • Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty Times ~
THE 4WD TOYOTA TERCEL WAGON It is Dandy,· All Purpose Transportation The concept of a family station wagon with_part time four wheel drive is a few ye,ars old, but it. makes more sense every year. The Toyota Tercel wagon with the optional rear wheel drive that . makes it a 4x4 is a keen example of an all weather, all purpose wagon that will haul a huge load, has a very small appetite, and is considerably less costly with· considerable comfort factors than the truck based 4 WO wagons. While the · Tercel is certainly a small -car, a sub-.compact, it has gobs of room inside, and u_nusual, but aerody~amic styling outside. It is one of those test cars that you really do not want to give back to its rightful owners. , {t is a long ride from the west San Fernando Valley to Parker, AZ, and this year<we went for _ comfort on the road and took a new Tercel 4 WO wagon to the Parker 400. The car was fitted with all the goodies, a five speed manual transmission, air conditioning, super nice tweedy upholstered seats, AM/FM radio, and perhaps the best option of all, considering the · _ weather this year at Parker, a rear With the rear seats folded down, the Tercel can haul considerable amounts of cargo, including a full r_ace supply of Dusty Times, and still have room left over. Text & Photos: Jean Calvin window wiper and defogger with _ its own intermittent feature. The comfort in the five door wagon is impressive, and the performance from ,the small, 1452 cc engine must be -experienced to be bel_ieved. The five speed is geared just right for the engine, and provides top performance_ in the city, in the heavy traffic, and on the suburban freeways and the open highway. Directly behind the five s_pe<;d_ shift lever on t~e cen~er . floor rs a short 4 WD shifter with just one - choice, FWD, front wheel drive, or 4 WO. The shift takes no effort at all and doesn't need aid from the stand~rd clutch. There is another gear on the five speed lever marked EL, for extra low, and for use only in 4WD mode. This granny' gear must not be shifted in motion over a few mph. It is for use wherr _ stuck and trying to get unstuck. The Tercel is not meant for heavy duty off road travel, bu·t it will handle heavy weather with no strain. We covered the muddy and snowy pit areas .i.t Parker with ease in the wagon, slowing some for the deep ditches, so as not to scratch the bumpers. Traction was no problem at all in the snow on th~ Fo_rm follows function on the Tercel wago.n, and its aerodynamic_styling produces exceptional fuel economy in all driving conditions. -steel belted radials, on this unit theywereDunlop 175/70SR 13 M & S. Only in the deep goo did we feel that four wheel_ drLve might be needed, and engaged it _ before disaster struck. The Tercel four wheeled arnund the pits happily in second and third gear. On the road the wago·n whips across the Interstate· quickly · in fifth gear, which has a range of 40 mph on up to well past legal speeds. Running at normal 1-10 speeds, with a big load of Dusty -Times _in the rear covering the fold down seats as well as the cargo area, the Tercel climbed the grades happily, and it also delivered a remarkable 32 mpg with the heavy load. Dashing around off road, with heater, fan, the lot going full blast, and in 4 WO, mileage was still great, about 29 and change. Hoping for a good figure homeward bound without the load of papers, the road held snow, ice, high winds and rain, and through it all the Tercel delivered almost 38 mpg. That is a remarkable range from the 13.2 gallon tank, and it is always a shock to fill the tank and get change from a ten dollar bill. The five door liftback wagon looks small on the outside but the interior will hold four to five people plus all their weekend gear in the vast cargo area under a parcel shelf, with access by the rear door. When the door lifts up, the shelf pops up automatic-ally, and all the cargo is readily available, although hidden from view with the door closed. Handily, the cover folds back from the inside too, so rear seat passengers can grab on-road supplies from the ice chest. The rear doors on the four door style are fully equipped for passengers -with window winders, a small cubby box depression and an ashtray in the door molding on each side. , Up front are very comfortabl·e bucket seats with fully adjustable recliners, and handsome upholstery. All the instruments are clustered in front of the driver, and the wagon .has full -instrumentation, a trip odom-eter, all the good things. The heater controls are -simple and the heateF, defroster. is most effective, warming up quickly even in below freezing weather. A -nice touch is that both the center and the cargo bay interior lights have a three way switch, so one can leave the back door ·open for picnics and turn the light off. The Tercel has a good sized glove box, and each front door has a .generous sized stowage box · molded into the trim, handy for maps and sunglasses_, or anything needed on the fly. The Tercel . comes with wall to wall carpeting and many features that are non-standard on a subcompact car. There is even a left foot rest for the driver, nice to have on long highway trips. Although this size car does not normally appeal to off roaders as a chase car or a fun vehicle, the 4 WO Tercel wagon offers a lot of the best features of a comfortable and economical car, plus a vehicle that will go anywhere in all kinds of weather. It hauls a lot of cargo and people in comfort, with plenty of power to do the hauling and exceptional fuel economy. Yes folks, we really like the concept and the overall performance of the 4 WOT ercel wagon. It is one of the least costly of all subcompacts on _. the market, it comes completely equipped, it runs quietly, and is comfortable on or off · the highway. What more can you need or want? Instrumentation is tidy and informative. The short shift lever is smooth as butter in action, as is the even shorter shift lever for the 4 WD. · The inline 1452 cc four cylinder engine is truly a mighty mite, delivering performance that rivals most two liter engines in the same size v~hicle. The fron,t bucket seats are as comfortable as they look with excellent support on the long haul. and plenty of adjustment for all sizes of driver arid passenger. Dusty Times · April 1985 Page 45
Classified, •• ~ FOR SALE: Pro Tech 100" single seat. Great W estem tires and wheels, Sway-A-Way bars, spring plates, axles, Thing stub axles, Bus CVs, 514 ring & pinion, Super cliff, close ratio 3rd & 4th, Jamar shifter & steering brake, Porsche rack, MT & KYB shocks, 1-1600 engine, Claude's, Four Tuned, and more plus spares. $2900. Call Bob Pac. (203) 673-0341. WHYAREN'T YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES-DEALER!!! SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS FOR SALE: The "Roger Mears" Chenowth Magnum. 1983 Riverside Winner, $18,000.00 less engine and transmission. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Berrien 1001. Chrome Maly, all the good stuff. Fox shocks, Wright spindles, Wright steering, Fuel cell, gauges, Hewland gears, 930 CVs and much more. Also, removable secondary rear suspension to run Class 10 if desired. Priced to sell! Bill Wuesthoff, (414) 242-3422. May consider trade! Contact Lynn Chenowth or Mike Thomas at (619),449-7100. FOR SALE: Buy a proven ·Winner! Desert or short.course. lstRiverside, lstO/ABorrego6 hour, 1st AMSA 12 hour California City, 1st Gorman 200, 1984 AMSA points cham-pion. All latest equipment, FAT motor, Fields trans., UMP power steering, all Wright components, Fox Shox, Parker I'umper. For more information and test drive, contact John Swift (805) U.P .S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Contact DUSTY TIMES FOR SALE: '84 Hi Jumper Ascot 3. NEW -2110, dual 45 Delardos, never raced. Class 2 with race tranny, too many extras to list. Must be seen. 108" wheel base, wide body, cost $20,000, on-sale at.$14,000 firm. Trailer race ready. (714) 675-8473. 488-1151. . FOR SALE: 1984 Parker 400 Winner! Raceco with the best of everything. Type JV motor, Giese cliff., brand new Hewland gears and ring and. pinion. UMP power steering, Super Boot drive train and stubs, and many extra parts and spares. Chenowth 1000 S, with or without Hewland tranny, complete· car without motor would make a great class 10 car. Call Bob ( 602) 5331 Derry Avenue, Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 (118) 889-5600 RACE THE TRADITIONAL BAJA SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL OFF ROAD RACE J_une 7-9, 1985 Ensenada BC. Mexico For more information contact: SCORE INTERNATIONAL (818) 889-9216 FOR SALE: TUF TRUK! '84 Ranger, red, bed liner, sliding window, AM/FM, Western wheels, XT 120 tires. Make offer (805) 388-0406. -FOR SALE: Hi Jumper two seat frame, 94" wheelbase. Complete glass body in excellent condition. $500-OBO. Call (818) 889-3502 days, ask for Brad. -FOR SALE: 1983 ½ Nissan King Cab 4 WD. Eligible for new HORA/Score Class 7 4x4. Mastercrafts with sheepskin, fuel cell, grill guard, Sway-A-Way, KC lights, Jackman wheels, Wrangler tires, HORA roll cage. Over $15,0D0 fovested, street legal. Great pre-runner or rate truck. Only raced eight times. $8900. Contact Dick Starita (501) 835-4731. . . 831-1920. . . HOMES FOR SALE: Buy a timeless quality home from "Dale Poe Development", southern California's premier builders. Call (818) 889-2822 in Agoura, CA for information aoout homes in southern California and northern Nevada. FOR SALE: Hi Jumper/ Raceco 2-1600, 100'.' WB, fresl; engine, new Kreisler trans, Parker Pumper, fuel cell, new paint, Bilstens, Sand Blasters, Streaker, Beard Seats, Filler Safety, Sway-A-Way, $4500 OBO. Call Fred 213-676-4818 or John 213-973-7526. BELA TED HAPPY BIRTHDAY · BOBBY: Remember, as long as you run with_ the big boys, you won't get dirt in your face. Enjoy your Dusty Times. Love always, Denise. .Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES SEE FORM ON PAGES. r--------------------------------------------, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · . . I ; DUSTY TIMES. . I II Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black II and white photo, or a very sharp color print. . I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. · I I I I--------------~-----~-----I I -----------~-~-------c--~---~ I I I I ----,---------------------~--I I ---------,--------------'-----I I I I ---~----------'-------------I I --------------~-----------I I Enclosed is$ ~---{Send check or money order, no cash). Please rnn ad ______ times. I I I I Name· -----------------------------I I ~~ . I Address ________________ _:c__ Phone______ DUSTY TIMES 11 1. 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O I City,-----------------State _____ Zip______ Agoura, CA 91301 I I Page 46 April 1985 FOR SALE: Class 8 truck 1979 Ford. 1981 Score Class 8 champ. From aluminum front hubs to Summers axle - all the best equip-ment. Priced for immediate sale at $15,000 cash. Call Dennis at 916-334-4204 or 916-728-5931. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS A.D.R.A ..... ............. 21 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . 7 Blue Flame Products . . . . . . . . 28 Bridgestone Tires . . . . . . . . . . 29 C.C.A.R. . ............. 23, 35 C.O.R.E .................. 40 Darwin Publications . . . . . . . . 19 Filler Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Firestone lire & Rubber Co . .... ._........... 24-25 General lire Motorsports Division ........ : . . . . . . . 47 BFGoodrich - lire Division . . 2-3 · Goodyear lire & Rubber Co. . . 11 Jamar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Leduc Off Road Enterprises ... Major Automotive 10 Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 McCoy Motors ............ 34 Memorial Day 100 . . . . . . . . . 15 Mint 400 .................. 9 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . 27 Parker Pumper ............ 41 Score International . : ..... 6, 14, 18, 36, 46 Score Show ..... ,, . . . . . . . . 17 Marvin Shaw Performance .. Products ................ · 30 _ Smittybilt, Inc .............. 16 Street & Sand Toys . . . . . . . . . 39 Super Boot Products .... : . . . 37 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group .................. 4 Toyota Motorsports . . . . . . . Back Cover . Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 38 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dusty Times
A GeN[DRP COMPANY ATTENTION: OFF-ROAD RACERS AVAILABLE TO. OFF-ROAD RACERS RUNNING ON GENERAL GRABBER RADIAL LIGHTTRUCH TIRES From Americas High-Performance Tiuck Tire Experts, receive up to $1500 each time you win in your class or $500 if you are the first finisher in your cfcJ.ss on General Grabbei: radial light truck tires. ' r:::,1 ·g . L 7 Raoel~. Parker 400 Fireworks 250 LJ.l ],LJ,1,e ,;;,. Laughlin Desert Challenge Frontier 500 Great Mojave 250 Baja 1000 Mint400 Frontier250 Baja Internacional Eligible Classes: 3, 4, Z 7 S, 7 4/4, 8 · You must run on qualifying General products exclusively and display General Tire decals on both sides of your race vehicle. Plus ... Special OH-Road Racer Purchase Program Available for Generals Grabber AP,® Grabber AT,® Grabber MT,® AMERI*STEEL LT, AMERI*GRIP LT, and VERSA TRAC LT, General has these tires available at special prices for eligible off-road racers. Visit your local General Tire dealer for details, or call toll free 800-321-7575 (in Ohio 800-362-7555) and ask for "CONTINGENCY." ~--...... AMERICAS HIGH-PERFORMANCE ---TRUCH TIRE EXPERTS © 1/}?5 General Tire f1o{orsporjs~
; The man is ruthless. He's been known to deal the kind of · savage blows that make most trucks drop their axles. That's why'lvan races Toyotas. Last year. the "lroriman" stomped. thrashed. and flogged his specially-built Toyota trucks through one win after another: All the way to the coveted first place trophy in the Class 7 SCORE Off-Road World Championship. This year. ~---., .. d_igging into some of the 1t.½ world's most cursed _ • .;;,· · terrain. he and Team · Toyota captured the Manufacturer's Cup - Challenge title-for the second year in Prow-leaving'the competi-tion in a deluge of dust. Now they're proceeqing to "blow the doors off even the Class 8-V-8 's! .. * Sure. these Toyotas may be specially built to win races. But the bottom line is. every Toyota truck is built to come out on top. -~·-+t.. With race-proven technology like advanced. high-torque. ·2:4 Uter SOHC engines. Computer-con-· · trolled Electronic Fuel Injec-tion~* Rugged Juli-box frames. -torsion bar front and leaf. spring rear suspension, 5-speed overdrive tr:ans-missions. and more! ·So the next time you' see a -l'oyota·race truck taking the heat.· you can be ~1.ne il'.s-Jor good reason ... Tqycita·s out to make'the-tot.igh even tougher. After'all. the greater the suffering. the greater the reward! *Off-Road Magazine. September, 1984 .. SR5 and One-Ton models. OH WHAT A FEELING!