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1985 Volume 2 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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YOKOHA A Winners on Yokohama super Diggers TOM KOCH JACK IRVINE and KIT TRENHOLM 1st overall 4 Wheel Class 1 Barstow Classic 1st Class 10 Barstow Classic I had complete confidence racing on Yokohama super Digger tires They helped set the pace to win 30 minutes ahead of everyone else Super Rock tire there were cuts in the sidewall and they still held up the rims were destroyed and we expected to get a flat but it never happened JACK RAMSEY RAY ARAGON THE LEIGHTONS 1st Class 1 2 1600 Frontier 250 co Champions Class 10 HORA Points Champion Our Yokohama tires worked well and held up better than previous tires I ve used they grip bette on corners and all types of terrain THE McOONOUGHS YOl

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Volume t Number 1 FIRST ANNMRSARY EDITION January 1985 In This Issue FEATURES Page Score Barstow Classic 10 AMSA 6 Hours of Borrego FORDA Score Canada at Tampa HDRA Frontier 250 ADRA Sonoita to Rocky Point Silver Dust 400 SNORE Awards New Ultra Stock Class SCCf Oregon Trail Pro Rally Interview Gregg Symonds Eastern Force Wins Canadian Championship _ Lombard RAC Rally Editor Publisher Jean Calvin DEPARTMENTS Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Cindy Chamberlin Daryl D Drake Peggy Ellenburg Homer Eubanks Jan Flick Rick Hochfeld Martin Holmes Cam McRae Danny McKenzie Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Spr ovkin Joe Stephan Trackside Pho to Enterprises Art Director Larry E Worsham Typesetting Production Michelle s Typesetting Services Printing News T yp_e Service 18 20 24 32 36 37 37 38 40 41 44 Subscription Rates 12 00 per year 12 issues USA Foreign subscription rates on request Contributions DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions but is not responsible for such material Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stamped envelope Classified Ads will be published as received prepaid DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors All ads may be subject to editing DUSTY TIMES is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 818 889 5600 Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher Applicatio n to Mail at Second Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura C A 91301 POSTMASTER Send address changes to Dusty Tim es 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 C HANGE OF ADDRESS Four weeks notice is required for change of address Please furnish both o ld and new address and send to DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH Snapshot of the Month 3 Soap Box _ _ 4 Trail Notes 4 Weatherman Radio Report 5 Happenings 6 Side Track s By Judy Smith 8 BFGoodrich 6 50 Club Report 8 Pony Express 34 Midwest Report By Brenda Parker 35 Good Stuff Directory 42 Bounces lUlll rne Berm 45 Classified Ads 46 Index to Advertisers _ 46 ON THE COVER For the first anniversary edi ion of DUSTY T_IMES _ we are featuring a pa ir _o f champions on the cover The top picture 1s of Tom Koch flying his Class l Raceco across the rugged terram of tl ie Moiave Desert en route to an o verwhelming overall victory in the Score Barstow Classic Tom tt1rned hot lap of the day at 1 09 36 on his first lap never lo oked back and won by an incredible 37 minutes Co lo r ph o tograp hy by C hri s Hasto n o f T rackside Pho to Enterprises C harging hard over th e very ro ugh sho rt course track at th e T ampa Flo rida Fa irgro unds Scott T ay lo r dro ve his Pro T ec h to vi ctory bo th d ays in C lass IO during th e Florida Bud we iser O ff Ro ad C hallenge a co m bined points race for Score C an ada and F O R D A The same week T ay lo r was vo ted the Good Sportsmanshi p Awa rd fo r 1984 by the dri ve rs in th e Berri en A utoc ross Seri es Colo r Pho tography by D anny M cKenzie o f M edi a Pho to IMES di Hey buddy Got a tow strap Dan Gross and his Pro 2 racer survived a sudden stop against a stout tree during the 8th Annual ADRA Sonoit i to Rocky Point race in Mexico Gross has been in the DNF column four times in this event and he was determined to finish He did finish the run and he is in motion here out of Checkpoint 4 as his co driver Bill Graham drives the buggy and Gross does the balancing act to keep the right side out of the sand Photo by Daryl D Drake DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar funnies or woes on this page each month Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration PUSTY TIMES will pay 10 for the picture used If you wish the photo returned enclose a stamped self addressed envelope Only black white prints 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered Dusty Times January 1985 Page 3

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Soap Box By David Ryskamp Class 10 Competitor have over 400 members of which only 25 arc planning to race your event in March Now this is not a threat and we did not coerce anyone into not entering this race It is just a plain hard fact Now with this information the promoter can either ch xisc to run the race and hope for the best or he can elect to cancel the event due to lack of participa tion One of the major purposes of this association is to avoid having race promoters run events with a negative cash flow Given enough time a nd prior information promoters will be able to organ ize more profitable race schedu les This wi ll mean larger entries and larger purses for the racer and success for the omorer _ What this association intends to offer is an environment that is conducive to ideas an inn6vation in ways to achieve goals The goa ls are simple more driver participation in desert events larger race purses increased public awareness about off road racing better public relat ions and increased sponsor support We are inviting all interested drivers owners and cont ingency donors to get togeth er and discuss ways and means to get the racers association on its feet We have a lot of ideas and we are certain you have many of your own If you think it is time you got off your butt and initiated a few changes instead of just complaining we would lik e to hear from you Score and High Desert have taken the first step with the combined points series If we are to keep the bal l ro lling the rest is up to us Contact us after 5 00 p m please Mike Lund 714 897 5641 or Dave Ryskamp 714 891 3059 At the High Desert Racing prime concern of the association Association awards ceremony should be the advancement of after the Frontier 250 late in desert racing This association December the announcement would be made up of all drivers was made High Desert and owners and contingency donors Score with the help of a few who are interested enough to dedicated individuals succeeded spend a few moments to express in reaching an unprecedented their ideas and expectations and agreement Basically they to offer suggestions on how to approved a single points series improve desert racing The made up of races in the desert association would be responsible using both organizations race for presenting the members calendars This is unquestion ideas and suggestions to the race ably a milestone in off road sponsor and the promoters In racing Many of us are hoping turn the association wou ld they can pull it off successh lly disseminate propo sed rules During 1984 promoters had changes _ r ace c alendars and difficulty getting many entries to other important information the starting line Desert races that back to the merpbers In effect had traditionally drawn hu ndreds the association would act as a of entries saw few in many represeiitative of the racers on all classes take th_e green flag matters concerning desert racing Drivers were d isappointed to There would be a mutual flow of find that even thm1gh entry_fees informatioQ expression of ideas were up purses were down and and the offering of solutions to contingency money was scarce at the problems involved in best Hopefully this mutual organizing desert races successagreement by Score md High _ fully for alf par ticipants Desert will help solve this By ndw a cit of people have dilemma read between the lin es a nd But it is important to point pe rce i ved Dr ive rs Union You out that we as drivers and car are probably thir iking Oh sure owners should not consider this ACCRA tried it and so did PRO consolidation of Score and High and where are they now It didn Desert in a points series to be a work for them and it won t work panacea for the myr iad prob lems now confronting off road as a But wait a minute Our s Jecial thailks to Dat1e motorsport Problems such as This proposed association is a crowded race schedu l es little differe nt from that which Ryskam J for sharing his ncu Jroject overlapping race dates lack of has gone before Let us be u ith DUSTY TIMES rcaJcrs Aloilg u ith supp yiilg the JanJy driver partic ipat ion pub lic specific im age race locations logistics First of all this association is cartoom on these ages Dat c is an and many oth ers are sti ll with us NOT a union This association active Class 10 Jrivcr ai1J Mike It is interesting to note that the does NOT intend to tell a racer Lund of course is the neu Class 1 main body of drivers owners what events he can or cannot HORA xJiiltS champion A Jcscrt and product manufacturers can race or which organization to racing faces many Jrohlems ilOt the band together successfully to support That is not our method least of u hich is the soaring cost of fend off attacks from citizen or our pu rpose What is more organizing a race in the desert this groups the BLM and sundry important to us and to the race could he the right time for the drivers environmental ists who threaten promoters is the mutual aild other folks interested in desert the future of off road racing But exchange of information for the racing to s Jeak u ith one voice Volunteers arc i1wited to climb Oil we cannot successfull y organize benefit of both to save the sport from our worst For example The association rhc ir Soa J Box and fill this s Jacc enemy Apathy It is the pol ls its members on the u ith their thoughts about what is indifference to the problems that question In which desert races gooJ anJ what is not so good about clouds the future of off road will you compete during the the state of off road racing Call racing coming year After analyzing DUSTY TIMES with your iJ eas Now is the time to create a the data we can approach a for a Soa J Box column anJ get racer based association The promoter and say Look we Oil the schcJulc a YOUR SOURCE FOR SAFETY EQUIPME NT CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG 22630 SOUTH NORMANDIE A VE TORRANCE CALIFORNIA 90502 213 320 7231 TWJf 910 349 7514 Pagc4 Jc11nua11 1985 Trail Notes THE MERGER OF THE SCORE AND HORA POINTS SERIES is the biggest news of the New Year It is official and the points series will include four desert events from each promotor What a boon this is to the entire off road racing community and at the end of the year we will have one national champion in desert racing instead of multiple names for each class While the details are being worked out right now basically Parker Laughlin Lucerne Valley Baja Internacional Fireworks 250 Frontier 500 Baja 1000 and the Frontier 250 are the points events on the desert for 1985 In order to be eligible for points in the newly combined series a Driver of Record must compete in a minimum of three Score events and three HORA events The best six out of eight events will be the points score next December but three of the four from each organizer must be on each driver s entry record There has been some talk of double points for the two long distance events the Frontier 500 and the Baja 1000 and also talk of eliminating starting points so that only the finishers would get points unless there are no finishers in a class That move just might discourage rather than encourage entry Presently there is no word on the class structure for points since in 1984 there were big d ifferences in Class 3 Class 12 and 14 and in the restricted 1600s between the two organization s rule books The word is that the Score rule book is in print so it should be more clea enrhose bibles for car builders are in circulation LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY in Wisconsin has announced a five event closed course off road series for 1985 The series begi ns on June 15 and the other dates are June 29 Ju ly 13 August 10 and August 24 Each program will _start with practice at noon with the actual racing starting at 1 00 p m Between twelve and fifteen separate events will be _run during the three and a ha lf hour program on a course that will be constructed especially for off road The new series has been tentatively named Baja in Wisconsin It will be the first of its kind in the midwest and completely geared for spectator interest Score International rules will be in fo rce Three classes will be eligible in competition Limited 1 2 1600 Unlimited 1 2 and 10 and Heavy Metal 3 4 7 and 8 An entry level class for trophies only will be added soon according to raceway officials The format will be qualifying heats and feature races and the drivers will compete for both points and prize money A 100 percent_payou t of entry fees will be made immediately after the racing program is over There will be no registration fees or membership dues and the entry fees will range from 25 00 to 100 00 depending on the class Home of the famed BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva Raceway just up the pike from Chicago will now be busy all summer Track owner and series promoter Kevin Dawson has said that in his opinion one of the prime reasons for the relatively lmknown status of off road racing is the lack of a regular schedule with enough races in a single area for a track to develop real fans from ca_sual spectators Get complete informati on on the new series from Lake Geneva Raceway RT 3 Box 895 Lake Geneva Wisconsin 53147 or call 414 248 8566 or 312 968 9261

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radio will be more competiti ve WEATHERMAN S OUTLOOK _Formi g a I Way Radio Association By Bob SteinberRer As more and more race teams realize the importance of 2 way communication in Off Road racing it becomes increasingly imlrtant to pull together and im ove the Communications be ween radio users An as ociation would serve 1 hat p rpose The benefits of forming S Jlch an association is the subject o f this month s article and those benefits are outlined for your consideration whereby eme rgencies could be directly broadcast to the appropriate agency Sheriff Highway Patrol Medics etc 6 AFFORDABILITY The smaller budger racers with only two radios Race and Chase can be more competitive relying on the association for expanding coverage This will ultimately increase the number of radio users who through the use of a 7 TOTAL COURSE COVERAGE For the more difficult races Radio wise the association could charter an aircraft to use as a repeater At the 1984 Frontier 500 we flew at 12 500 feet and monitored three frequencies We were able to summon help for two injured bikers as well as communicate hundreds of relays for those who couldn t get through The money to put an aircraft up could come from A Several larger teams or manufacturers pooling B Association dues C Race promoter adding a small amount to the entry fee to cover the cost 0 Sponsorship 1 FREQUENCY COORDINATION Teams could be E Any above combination of the 8 TOTAL PARTICIPATION The off road publications and the race program could contain a list of frequencies and the team names and monickers of the partic ipants This cou ld accomp lish a number of measurable resu lts A The sport grows as the public awareness is broadened With the use of an inexpensive scann e r list en ing on the published frequencies the spectators are now a part of the inner workings of the race The word will spread that off road racing is fun it s different an excuse to get away to camp out to share campfires and listen to the radio or scanner for on the spot developments all over the course B It will bring the off road community closer togeth e r everyone knowing everyone instead of phantom voices on the radio It will also help eliminate motormou thing and other unnecessary radio usage because everyone behind the mike is now identifiable With Ehe cooperative spirit between HORA and SCORE this associat ion cou ld be founded and incorporated right into their collective program Your ideas observations and comments are appreciated Please write Bob Steinberger c o Phone Consultants Internati ona l P C l 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill CA 90806 or Phone 213 4 26 7077 18th Annual Del Webb s assigned to frequencies channels so that congestion doesn t occur MINT 400 2 SPECIAL LICENSE The association could be granted by the Federal Communications Commission a special sanction for each race for multiple frequencies This would make everyone legal to use those frequencies Desert Race The world s biggest richest and toughest off road race 3 OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION Everyone running FM 2 way can register with the association their team name or monicker and identifiers for each radio user on the team May 2 5 1985 For your year round ExciteMint visit Del Webb s Mint Casino Hotel home of the MINT 400 Desert Race where we speak your language 4 SUPERIOR RACE COVERAGE Relays between pits can be coordinated before each race An entire course can be covered in this manner An example of this was at the Baja 1000 where with the help of Precision Preparation BFGoodrich American Honda Stroppe and others we had direct communication to both sides of Mike s Sky Ranch San Felipe Nuevo Junction San Matias Pass Valle de Trinidad and indirect communication through relays to the Summit Ojos Negros Tres Posos and El Chinero Pre set relays between pre set teams on pre set frequencies would accomplish the following A Help could be summoned and directed immediately B Lost cars could be found in minutes with a minimum of radio time This would help eliminate XYZ chase to XYZ race over 50 times in one race C Coordination through relays will eliminate 25 to 50 percent of the air time that is now being lost This will clean up the channels and provide more air time for everyone Remember that two to four teams are currently purchasing radios at each race adding to the congestion problem You know the potential problems associated with new radio users Often they think nobody else is on the frequency Best of luck and safe racing Thumbs up The MINT400 Staff and Management For further information contact MINT 400 Ra cing Headquarters Del Webb s Mint Casino Hotel P O Box 2160 Las Vegas Nevada 89125 2160 702 385 7440 5 EMERGENCY RESPONSE COORDINATION The racing bodies HORA SCORE etc could be directly linked with the race frequencies Du sty Tim is Januar 1985 _Pagel

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1985 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers Association 5349 Hansel Ave C 1 Orlando Florida 32809 305 851 6245 HAPPENINGS August 17 Red Bud Trail Buchanari MI A D R A Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix AZ 85006 602 252 1900 March 22 24 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee FL August 24 Off Road Classic Casey IL January 5 New Year s Grand Prix Canyon Raceway Park Phoenix AZ January 12 Annual Awards Banqet Phoenix AZ January 6 50 Mile Endurance Sharpes FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy 6 Chula Vista CA 92011 619 427 5759 August 31 Brush Run 101 Crandon WI September 14 Macon County Fairgrounds Decatur IL February 16 8th Annual Hassayampa 150 Wickenburg AZ August 10 Superstition 250 II Night Race El Centro CA September 21 Dixie Autocross Birch Run MI March 16 9th Annual Penasco 100 Rocky Point Mexic i April 20 2nd Annual Loma 150 San Luis to El Golfo Mexico AMSA American Motor Sports Association P O Box 5473 Fresno CA 93755 209 439 2114 January 19 Borrego 200 Ocotillo Wells CA March 9 6 Hours of California City California City _CA June 1 12 Hour Mojave Desert Challenge California City CA August 31 September 1 24 Hour World Championship Desert Endurance Race California City CA October 26 California 500 Palm Springs CA BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator Gil Parker 7406 S 12th St Kalamazoo Ml 49009 616 375 1233 May 25 BFG Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva WI June 8 Short Course Race Fountain City WI June 22 Bay Area Classic Green Bay WI July 6 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp WI July 20 Off Road Challenge Bark River MI C C A R Central California Associated Racers P O Box 7921 Fresno CA 93747 209 255 5995 or 255 3594 August 4 Parragon Raceway Parragon IN Page6 M iy 25 26 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva WI February 16 Mud Drags Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA April 12 14 Short Course Race Car Pickup Show 2nd Annual Bug Off Truck In Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA May 11 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA May 25 1st Annual Su per Stock Pickup Enduro 250 laps on a Tri Oval Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA June 8 Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA July 13 Summer Nationals Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA August 10 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA September 22 BFGoodrich Western Off Road Nationals Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA COBRA RACING P O Box 19407 Oklahoma City OK 73119 405 232 4231 405 685 3450 All off road races will be held at the 59th Do lglas track Oklapoma City July 27 Macon County Fair Decatur IL August _2 Santa Fe Speedway Chicago IL 4 x 4 s UNLIMITED Kevin Dawson Route 3 Box 895 Lake Geneva WI 5314 7 414 248 8566 or 414 248 8774 FAST CAMELS P O Box 526 Indio CA 92202 April 26 28 31st Annual Fast Camel 4 WO Cruise GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES INC 1507 South Lincoln Loveland CO 80537 303 669 0640 or 303 663 2922 April 28 CORRA Berthoud CO May 12 Bandimere Denver CO June 2 WKR St Francj s KS June 30 RMORRA Colorado Springs CO July 14 DORR Denver CO August 4 December 13 15 Frontier 250 Las Vegas NV June 7 8 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX HODAG 50 Information 715 362 6550 July 5 6 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX August 3 4 Hodag 50 Rhinelander WI August 2 3 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX MAJOR AUTOMOTIVE ATTRACTION P O Box 3741 Orange CA 92665 714 997 2247 August 18 DORR Denver CO September 8 CORRA Berthoud CO September 22 RMORRA Colorado Springs CO October 5 Bandimere Championship Race Denver CO HORA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave Las Vegas NV 89124 702 361 5404 October 4 5 Cow town Speedway Fort Worth TX March 10 Corona Raceway Corona CA April 21 Corona Raceway Corona CA May 19 Corona Raceway Corona CA June 23 Corona Raceway Corona CA August 4 Corona Raceway Corona CA September 29 Corona Raceway Cor9na CA MINT400 P O Box 2160 Las Vegas NV 89125 702 385 7440 May 2 5 Mint 400 Desert Race Las Vegas NV MICKEY THOMPSON S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury CA 91010 818 359 5117 January 19 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA WKR St Francis KS September 6 7 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX March 16 LA County Fairgrounds P omona CA April 6 Tentative King Dome Seattle WA June 22 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA July 20 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA September 14 LA Coliseum Los Angeles CA PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc P O Box 323 Seahurst Washington 98062 206 242 1773 503 620 0313 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES s ports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St Englewood CO 80112 303 779 6625 SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas Suite Jll Westlake Village CA 91362 8 8 889 9216 January 5 1985 1984 Awards Banquet Anaheim CA February 1 3 Parker 400 Parker Al March 29 31 0reat Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley CA June 7 9 Baja Internacional Ensenada B C Mex o August 16 18 Off Road World Championship Riverside International Raceway Riverside CA November 8 9 Baja 1000 Ensenada B C Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery Quebec J6N 1A3 Canada 514 692 61 71 SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P O Box 7380 Las Vegas NV 89125 702 459 0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P O Box 4394 Las Vegas NV 89106 702 363 6456 March 1 3 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin NV MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P O Box 181021 Fort Worth TX 76118 817 577 1102 July 5 7 Fireworks 250 Barstow CA April 19 20 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX April 14 Points Race Las Vegas NV September 6 8 Frontier 500 Las Vegas to Reno NV May 10 11 Cowtown Speedway Fort Worth TX June Z 2 Points Race Las Vegas NV January 1985 January 19 Bottom Dollar Las Vegas NV Dusty Times

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July 27 Midnight Special Las Vegas NV September 20 22 SNORE 250 Las Vegas NV November 3 Points Race Las Vegas NV SUPERIOR OFF Rdy D DRIVERS ASSOC IA T ON 460 No Beaumont Av Brookfield WI 53005 715 272 1489 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd Sacramento CA 95838 916 925 1702 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 8596 Harvie Road RR 10 Surrey British Columbia V3S 5X7 Canada 604 576 6256 March 8 10 Long Course Bend OR April 5 7 Boomerang 250 Parksville Vancouver Island B C April 12 14 Kittitas Ellensberg WA August 18 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C May 19 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C August 16 18 Kittitas Ellensberg WA June 16 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C September 15 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C June 21 23 Little Rock Olympia WA September 27 29 Long Course Bend OR July 21 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C October 13 Mt Cheam Raceways Rosedale B C July 27 Kamploops 300 K Kamloops B C ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your com ing events in DUSTY TIMES free Send your 1985 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column Please be sure to include the name of rhe event and the location of the action so people who are 1wt familiar with your area will know approximately where it is happeningand in what part of the state and what tomJS are nearby Also include the addr ess as well as a phone number of the person to contact for more information about the event so those interested can 1 vrite or entry information and other details Please write it do1 m and then mail your 1985 event schedule to DUSTY TIMES 533 1 Dem Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 LATE F_ H NAN STEWART VOTED MAN OF THE YEAR Ivan Stewart came away with the grand prize at Score lnternational s annual awards banquet on January 5 Stewart who has been serving as a good will ambassador for the sport as well as winning races in the potent Toyota pickup was voted Person of the Year by his fellow off road racing competitors It was the second time in the ten year history of the awards that Ivan won the prestigious top honor of the year The drivers and riders winning points championships were honored along with those receiving the popular vote from Score s membership Rodney Hall not only won Class 4 for the umpteenth time in his mighty Dodge but he also won absolute overall points his third such title with a four wheel drive vehicle Rod also won the top points in 1974 driving a Ford Bronco and in 1979 in another Dodge pickup Dan Smith won the overall motorcycle points championship riding a Husqvarna and Mark W eixeldorfer took the top spot among the ATC 3 wheelers aboard a Honda of course In other special awards determined by the popular vote the BFGoodrich tire folks cleaned up with three big trophies Goodrich was voted the Entry Sponsor of the Year the Pit Support Team of the Year and the S I A Contingency Sponsor of the Year Another repeat winner was genial Bill Stroppe once again voted Mechanic of the Year Stroppe prepped Rod Hall s Class 4 Dodge and Manny Esquerra s Class 7 Ford Ranger and both men won the points championship in both the Score and HORA desert series in 1984 David Kreisler and his Raceco Company were voted Chassis Manufacturer of the Year American Honda garnered the Motorcycle Manufacturer of the Year Title and Toyota was named the Mini Pickup of the Year Dodge won the awards for both the two wheel drive and four wheel drive pickup title and C h ev r olet took the Sedan Manufacturer of the Year honors The Rookie of the Year accolade went to John Gable Trackside Photo Enterprises again took home the Photographer of the Year trophy and Jean Calvin was voted Journalist of the Year Watch for a full report next month Dusty Times DNS ERIES 1985 JANCARY 19 BORREGO 200 209 439 2114 Ocotillo Vells CA Entry fee 250 D P F 25 Total Paybk 60 200 mile off road race in the Borrego Desert between the Salton Sea Borrego Springs on a 30 mile course 50 registration fee for drawing of start positions January 5th lARCH 9 6 HOl1RS OF CALIFORNIA CITY California City CA E try fee 250 D P F 25 Total Paybk 60 6 Hour Desert endurance race in the Mojave Desert on a 40 mile off road course 50 registration fee for drawing of start positions February 24 Special Prize drawing for all official race finishers Jl1NE l 12 HOl1R MOJAVE DESERT CHALLENGE Calif City CA Entry fee 250 D P F 25 Total Paybk 60 12 Hour Desert endurance race in the Mojave Desert on a 50 mile off road course 100 registration fee for drawing of start positions May 19th Special Prize drawing for all official race finishers Double AMSA Points Series race AUGUST 31 SEPTEMBER I LABOR DAY WEEKEND 24 HOUR VORLD CHAMPIONSHIP DESERT ENDURANCE RACE D P F 25 Total Paybk 55 24 Hour Champio n ship Desert endurance race on a 60 mile off road course in California City Calif Race starts at 12 00 noon Aug 31 and ends at 12 00 noon on Sept 1st 100 registration fee for drawing of start position August 7th Entries will be accepted starting January 18th Double AMSA Points Series race Special Prize drawing for all official race finishers regardless of position Entry Fee 400 OCTOBER 26 CALIFORNIA 500 Palm Springs CA Entry fee 250 D P F 25 Total Paybk 60 500k Desert off road race in the California Desert Final Championship race in the 1985 AMSA DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 100 fee for registration and drawing of start positions October 12th SPECIAL CHAMPIONS CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded at each event in the AMSA DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES This CUP will be awarded to the overall winner regardless of class who officially enters the Challenge at registration prior to the race and wins the race over all those competitors who entered the Challenge D P F is the Drivers Points fund January 1985 Page 7

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BFGOODRICH 6 50 CLUB REPORT Danny Letner Wins the 6 50 Crown in 84 Side Tracks By Judy Smith By jean Calt in 1 Once in a while we see som ething we think is pretty funny or maybe just a bit odd at a race and we like to sh are it with our readers Usually we try to find out a little bit about whatever it is and that s what we did at a recent AMSA race when we noticed that Christopher Neil and Jerry Miller had laid down a big area of grassy sod to serve as a parking spot fo r their Baja Ghia race car When we asked them why they used the sod they sa id Wh y not W e are happy to see that _some relief seems to be in sight for the oppressed racer W e are looking at the 1985 calendar as we say this and have just discovered A strong finish a first and a third at the December races brought Danny Letner the 1984 6 50 championship From that with all of SCORE HORA Orange CA Letner drives a state of the art Raceco powered by a big Porsche six Th e 1984 6 50 Club points Gregg Symonds and Jak e Fogg Jr 94 Clark Gillies 76 Len the MINT AMSA C C A R series sponsored by BFGood were fourth in Class 2 However Newman 73 Jean Calvin 67 J and Mickey Thompson s races rich came down to the wire The Willis Hamilton who did two Duncan Brown 63 Dick Young marked off there is not one date conflict final two events in December the good laps only finished two 62 and Dick Land field 61 Of course we haven t seen the Score Barstow Classic and the rounds at Barstow With just two weeks between HORA Frontier 250 decided Jack Irvine and Kit Trenholm races eleven 6 50 Clubbers Silver Dust schedule and our who in the over 50 gang would won the 22 car Class 10 in a last started the Frontier 250 and friends up north VORRA and wear the gold silver and bronze lap charge in their Raceco Thi s eight of them finished the fast Pro Can Am may find they run this season All year the total class was very tight all day and run over the rough Nevada out of free weekends but it s not points have been listed but now Jack and Kit also fini shed a fast terrain Both Danny Letn er and as crucial because they don t those drivers with points in over seco nd overall Not do ing so well Frank Snook were in the entry attract the same racers to all their six races had to discard their in C lass 10 Do n Hubbard did and their finish spots would events worst points score In all cases not complete a lap in hi s Rabbit likely decide the gold medal W e understand that th ere has the discard was a DNF which powered racer winn er for 1984 It was the sixth been some cooperation among counts o nly five points As is the While not in the money a pair race in the seri es for Danny the promoters and we congratun o rm the five points did not of 6 50 drivers finished in C lass Lerner in hi s C lass 2 Raceco and late them for th eir efforts in mak e any difference in the 1 1600 Jean Ca lvin and Judy he and Henry Bergdahl had some behalf of the sport Th ere is a positions o f the top drivers in the Smith were sixth in the Funco problems o n course but they good chance now that the much 1984 series and Larry Ballard and Jim finished third in class which touted long awai t ed s ingle There were nine known 6 50 Loggins in a Mirage were eighth again fielded 18 starters With a points series can actually happen drivers at the Barstow C lassic Bob Renz and Ray Maxey seco nd at Parker a third at the As we understand it at this point and six of them finished the race chalk ed up a fine sixth place Fireworks and first at Barstow in time the seri es will be open to Two of the gang were class finish driving their Raceco in plus a pair of ONFs the third both SCORE and HORA winners Danny Letner in C lass 2 C lass 2 1600 Herb Reno gave it place earned Lern er 247 points drivers and will include nine and Jack Irvine in Class 1O It was the old college try in C lass 8 But and the 1984 6 50 champion events the extra o ne being the a great showing for the 6 50 he kept losing U joints on his ship Along with the other MINT Drivers will be allowed to Club truck and had to give it up after winners Letner will receive the eliminate their two worst There were 18 hot dogs in three laps fruits of victory at the Score finishes Whether this will be Class 2 and when the dust So heading into the last race in Awards Banquet in January one from each series or any two settled Danny Lerner and Henry the series the Frontier 250 it Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg is at this po int not clear There are also still some fine Bergdahl were the big winners was still close among the top took second in Class 2 in the driving the high horsepower fellows on points The leader was Raceco for more good points points ahout class di stinctions Raceco with the six cylinder Danny Letner at 198 followed and they were about half an hour Porsche in the tail The victory by Frank Snook 186 Jack ahead of Letner Right behind Menko with Henry Arganda co t s Irvme 175 B1 ll Hoard hd gave D anny Lt e ner 198 pom w 149 Letner less than a minute in total dnvmg a a grea t race p Iac 1 ng and the lead in 6 50 p o ints Vern Roberts 146 Marshall time was the Bunderson of Len second at the flag Chuck Surviving a flexible flange on the Mahr 145 Bob R enz 129 Newman and Mike Gaughan so Edwards and Larry Weiser were trans and a rash of flat tires Gregg Symonds 110 Cal W ells the 6 50 folks were second going well until the final lap h r h Cl 2 d _which they did not finish ass h d Sthroug d IOurt din f Bi II Howar d an d Ric h 9r d OVER ymon s score a me t ir Nelso n brought the Arizona I ER E S A GU overall to boot Also in Class 2 based Chevy ho m e fourth in vJH O WANTS Jim a nd M ark Temple started out C lass 8 to score 6 50 points Bill r o S N UP FOR T Ht I th ey retired o n th e Herrick started in C lass 10 but I I an accident involving co driver MEiAL COMPE1 1 ON Making hi s bid for the 1984 Mik e McDonnell put thatchampi o nsh ip Frank Snook Raceco on the trailer after two with Eric Arras co driving the laps __ McDonald s Raceco didn t quite With the desert racing over for make the overall title The team the year and the scores added up finished a great fifth in the 12 car in 6 50 points the results fo r the C lass 1 war and Snook is the first 15 show some close silver meda l winner this year in competition for top honors As 6 50 points mentioned Danny Letner won In Class 3 M arshall and Mike the gold with 24 7 points Frank Mahr did a good job in the old Snook is solid for the silver with Jeepster and th ey finished 214 and Marshall Mahr the second in the ten ri g contest oldest of the top three drivers Vern Roberts and Bill Donahoe gets the bronze with 193 po i nts did a similar good job with their Moving through the top 15 in Jeep Honcho in C lass 4 coming fourth is Jack Irvine with 175 home a strong third o nly five points In o rder the others were minutes out of second Vern Roberts 170 Bill Howard A pair of the over 50 folks 165 Gregg Symonds 154 Bob started the Class 5 1600 contest Renz 124 Len Newman 117 with 13 Bugs in th e hunt Mike Cal Wells Jr 94 Mike Menko c __ H Rt HEA JY Y _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ m and restrictions that need to be settled and the p hone lines are sizzling these days with calls from drivers who are either pleased or upset with th e way things are going We ve heard from some who think the whole thing is a good id ea some who hate the idea of split ting C lasses 1 1600 and 2 1600 to conform to SCORE rules some who hate the idea of all owing power steering in C lass 1 1600 and 21600 to conform with HORA rules Others are concerned about what s going on with C lass 9 which is not very healthy at present and in the throes of change And some are concerned about SCORE s new S C class and how those folks will handle the series We think that all of this discussion and communication is great W e just wish that the agitated drivers would communicate their ideas to the folks that can do something about it and who are most interested to hear what they have to say For heavens sake Call the promo ters T ell Sal if you don t lik e the idea of the power steering and tell W alt if yo u don t want the limited 1600s split Th ere is also some talk about splitting Class 10 into si ngle and two seat divisions If you feel strongly abo ut it one way or another it s time to get o n the phone to SCORE and HORA to tell someone who has some authority We have seen from time to time that one o r two wordy individuals can wear a promoter down so that finally he thinks the individual speaks for the group If you have a group with definite feelings don t mutter in your beer at the races don t rant and rave at your pit club meetings CALL THE PROMOTER AND TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL 87 Clark Gillies 76 Jean Calvin 67 J DuncanBrown 63 and tied at 62 Bill Herrick and Dick Young Our congratulations to all the high points drivers and all the participa nts in the 6 50 po1 nts contest In the nine races 132 drivers entered as 6 50 C lub contenders and 57 of those en tries finished the respective events a 43 percent average The 6 50 C lub is all in fun there is nothing to join and nothing to pay You must be the driver of record and you must be over 50 years of age and so state that on the entry fo rm so the poin ts keeper can dig you o ut of the entry list While the schedule is not final for 1985 the 6 50 C lub series will start all over again the first of February at the Score Parker 400 Only desert races are counted in thi s series so in the earl y going count o n the HORA Laughlin Desert Challenge the Score Lucerne Valley race and of course the Mint 400 Check th ese pages for the complete schedule next month and a report on the BFGoodrich 6 50 Club awards presentation L _R_vs _ a January 1985 Dusty Times Page

Page 9

TO ALLTHOSE WHO DIDN T WIN HERE IS THE TREAD YOU FOLLOWED TO THE FINISH LINE Up front our incredible STONEWALLTM tires Nobody beats the cutproof tread and sidewalls And in back the top rated BAJA BELTED TM tires Extra height for more ground clearance Sidebiters TM for si9ewall protection plus extra traction anda polyester fiberglass sandwich ply construction made Jor just one thing purability MICKEY THOMPSON TIRES ARE WINNERS BAJA 1000 1st Class 1 Larry Noel Tim Kenedy FRONTIER 500 1st Overall 1st Class1 1st Class2 Larry Ragland Larry Ragland Jim Bill Wright Durability is the single most important fqctor in winning desert races The same set of Baja Belted Tires carried me through the Baja 1000 and to victory in the 1983 Barstow Classic without a failure Larry Ragland BARSTOW CLASSIC 1st Class 2 Danny Letner Henry Bergdahl David Kreisler Tires are the single most important part of winning an off road race The Baja Belted Tires are without a doubt the most reliable and durable off road tires made We have yet to get a flat Jim Wright Congratulations for a fine performance For complete catalog deca l send just 1 a nd for the name of the dealer nearest you contact the factory direct Mic fey Thompson PERFORMANCE TIRES _ __ P O Box 227 Cuyahoga Falls OH 44222 Inside Ohio 216 928 9092 OUTSIDE OHIO 800 222 9092

Page 10

BARSTOW CLASSIC Koch Gets Cookin on the Barstow Classic Course Tom Koch kept it all together and drove his Raceco alone to the absolute overall victory on the rougher than usual Barstow course Tom beat the second overall time a Class 10 by a full half hour By Jean Calvin The Barstow Classic was a great season finale for Score International bringing out their biggest car entry since the 1984 opener at Parker At Barstow a fine 138 cars were on the starting line Even Mother Nature helped make the race a dandy holding off the rain until the weekend was over Tom Koch ended his 1984 season on a high note finally getting the overall victory Steve Lara and Tom Smith had their Raceco In the Class 2 lead at the halfway that has so narrowly eluded him point but they ended up third by a whisker In the tight dice on this course in the past Several of the Score season championships were up for grabs on the final race and that added more excitement to the tight battles in several classes Race headquarters was again at the Barstow Community College an excellent host The folks there put up with the race crowd from Friday through Sunday very graciously The course was basically the same as last year a bit over 60 miles the lap But it was rougher and tougher than usual and the steel tower pole line road had been Jack Irvine and Kit Trenholm Jr were the big winners In the unreal battle in Class 10 their Raceco scoring second_overall on total time Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson had the Class 10 lead at mid distance had suspension woes and came In second by Just four minutes Steve and Dennis Casagrande made a great return to desert racing In the Class 10 hunt up front all day and they finished In third place Marty Reider passing the staff s 1 1600 got fourth In class In his Raceco all the points needed to claim the 1984 Score points championship Page 10 January 1985 eliminated from the route which the buggy drivers liked and the truckers rather missed Recent weather played a part in making some of the familiar trails a bit cobby but the lap times were similar to last year for most classes evidence of the growing sophistication of the off road race cars in all shapes and sizes Score had a keen schedule for the Barstow Classic Once again they won everyone s gratitude by shortening the hours of registration and tech inspection allowing both workers and contingency donors some relief from the tedium of standing around an empty parking lot all day The registration was open from 5 p m to 9 p m tech and contingency inspection ran from 5 30 to 10 00 p m there was no impound and the driver s meeting was trackside on Saturday morning at 8 a m It all worked very well for the workers and the drivers Score again used the inverted start which also worked well The classes are divided into a slow group which starts first and a fast group First off the line at 9 a m it was Class 5 followed by Classes 9 5 1600 3 Score Challenge 7S 6B 6 and 11 After about a 20 minute delay the fast groups started with Class 1 followed by Classes 2 10 8 7 2 1600 1 1600 and 4 For many competitors the staggered start eliminated a lot of traffic headaches Since all the classes had to cover four laps in 11 hours or less it also got the slower classes home at a r spectable hour on Saturday mght Class 1 was fairly skinny at seven starters and it turned into a mano a mano duel on the first lap between Tom Koch Raceco and Larry Ragland Chaparral both men driving alone Koch started first and Ragland was right behind him After one Dusty Times

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Early leader in Class 2 the Raceco of Matt and Don McBride lost a rear wheel but came back to Danny Letner and Henry Bergdahl drove the Porsche powered Raceco to a dandy first In Class 2 finish a strong second at the flag after a tight battle In the 18 car class which bent the right rear stub credited with fifth place with axle the team was third in Class 1 three laps done Class 2 was second away in the with 1650 ccs of engine Mike Young and Larry Haydu rounded fast group with a husky 18 in the _ out the finishers while Noel was IGF This is the system run by most off road race winners TRl MIL BOBCAT CHROME Larry Ragland was really close In the early laps and despite trouble with the Chaparral he finished second In Class 1 the points wlriner round they were less than a mim1te apart with Koch holding the slim lead Larry Noel was about 13 minutes back third in his Chaparral and all seven covered the first lap On the second trip Koch gained a couple of minutes on Ragland Noel held third and going against the receht standard the front running Class ls were way ahead on time over the Class 2 stormers and six were still charging along On the third lap both Ragland and Noel lost a bag of time and Larry dropped about 20 minutes behind Tom Koch on total time Noel broke beyond repair on the fourth round Up front and all alone under the checkered flag Tom Koch was elated with his Class 1 and overall victory an overall victory not diluted by bikes and trikes Tom waited anxiously to see if Larry Ragland would finish and he did in style taking second in class and thirdoverall about 32 minutes later The second place finish was enough to cinch the Class 1 points title for Larry Ragland from Phoenix AZ Roger Mortenson and Russ Welch elected to run their Class 10 powered Funco in Class 1 at Barstow Despite Welch hitting a guy wire on the pole line road near the finish of the first lar Dusty Times Walker Evans had a perfect race no troubles with the Dodge and he zoomed In sixth overall on time as welf as taking the Class 8 honors DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES CALIF 90011 213 234 9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Back In the big truck Tom Morris gave the GMC a great ride finishing well up In the overall standing and second In the Class 8 contest January 1985 Page 11

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After a lttle body modification Dave Shoppe and Jeff Yccum got the Ford around fast enough for third spot and the Class 8 championship John Baker missed the points championship by a few points when troubles on course dropped his Mitsubishi down to second place at the finish two seat band Matt McBride with his dad Don co drivi n g was first away and the first one around on the first lap Matt also squeaked out the hot lap for the class of 1 13 15 Kurt Hamilton was just 32 seconds behind McBride but was not seen again Gregg Symonds in another Raceco was in with 1 15 and several more were quite close Most of the two seaters had troubles on the second lap McBride lost a rear wheel and dropped 25 minutes and to third on time Symonds had trans trouble and a flat and fe ll to fou rth Steve Lara and Tom Smith got their Raceco up front on time by abo ut five minutes over Danny Lerner He nry Bergdahl who had their problems on the first lap The d ie was cast on the third round as the Danny Letner Raceco did quick time to take the lead from Lara hy five minutes G regg Symonds Jake Fogg were another six minutes back in CAST ALUM INUM TREATED TO T 6 CONDITION LARGE CAPACITY RESERVOIR CAPTIVATED CHROM MOLY PUSH RODS THREE SIZES FOR DISC OR ORUM BRAKES EASILY REBUILDABLE IF NECESSARY INTERCHANGEABLE WITH MOST OTHER CYLINDERS UTILIZES AMERICAN MADE BRAKE FLUID MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42066 C Avenida Alvarado Temecula CA 92390 714 676 2066 Page 12 Manny and Tudy Esquerra Investigate the engine trouble on their Ford and this was the end of the race for them but they won the points title J fTI Greenway and Terry Smith never looked back at Barstow Their Raceco led every lap winning the 2 1600 race and the points title HERE IS THE AMERICAN MADE MASTER CYLINDER THAT IS STOPPING THE WINNERS WORLD WIDE Brent Smith and Mike George bounced their Ford Ranger around quickly and the teenagers beat the veterans and won Class 7 at Barstow third and the McBrides were now another eight minutes behind Only eight made it past the midway point and all eight finished four laps The Danny Letner Henry Bergdahl Raceco powered by a s ix cylinder Porsche whipped around with a fast last lap to win Class 2 honors by a whopping 12 minutes and place seventh overall McBride had a good fi nal lap 1 16 48 and climbed handily into second place Steve Lara and Tom Smith had problems and were 2 minutes back in third Bagging a bunch of flats Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg salvaged fourth less than a minute behind Lara The first non Raceco in C lass 2 was the new C haparral of Ti m Kennedy and Rick Remington another six minutes off the pace Among the notables who were non finishers were both Willis and Kurt Hamilton both McMillin cars which did one lap each and Jim Sumners did not record a lap n_o r did Dave Lewis Dave Simpson in their rotary powered Raceco down at Check 1 with a broken spring p late Class 10 was the biggest of all wi th 22 starters and a very tight race all the way Home town driver Larry Bolin set the h ot lap o n the first round a swift January 1985 1 16 14 but he didn t go much farther In the 1 17s were both Steve Sourapas Dave Richardson and John Hagle Hanging in the 1 18 area were Marty Reider Jeff Hibbard and Jack Irvine Kit Trenholm while Steve and Dennis Casagrande had a 1 19 asdidJ D Ward and Terry Jeffers and Dwight Lundell Bob Austin were in with a 1 20 What a race this was going to be Midway the scene shifted among the front runners Now Sourapas Richardson had a slim lead of 35 seconds over Reider Hibbard Ward Jeffers were another two minutes back followed in a minute by Irvine Trenho lm Lundell broke a rear brake caliper and lost a lot of time Bob Richardson and Don Hatz were moving fast after tro uble on the first lap and the Casagrandes dropped about nine minutes After tqree laps the Class 10s were running strong on overall time and on the road Kit Trenho lm did a 1 1 7 to move that Raceco right into the lead a lead of merely 15 seconds over Sourapas Reider Hibbard were back over three minutes closely tagged by Jeffers Ward Hagle Casagrande and the herd On the final loop just at dusk It was a tough and tight race for Rick Hagle and Jim Perry and at the flag their Raceco squeaked Into second iri class by Just four minutes Rob Tolleson showed off his new Mirage at Barstow and in a very tight contest Rob came home the t 1600 winner by a single minute Fighting for seconds all day Bobby and Tom Neth ended up second In Class 11600 In the Chenowth but they did win the points championship Dusty Times

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Larry Smith and Jon Kennedy were close on time then had some trouble but pressed on to finish the race a close third in Class 1 1600 Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had no trouble winning Class 4 In the Dodge They led all the way to also claim the overall Score points championship Kit Trenholm did another 1 17 was enough to give Dave Shoppe Steve Kelley Randy Salmont to physically pass Sourapas and his hard working crew the arrived in fourth pla ce Class 7 beld a trio two Fords Richardson on the road and take 1984 Score Class 8 Championthe checkered flag first in Class ship About 40 minu s later Brent Smith an d Mann 10 and second overall Jack Irvine and Kit Trenholm won Class 10 by a skimpy four minutes over Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson also in a Raceco who had a going soft suspension and a lot of trouble getting around John Baker ih the heavy dust on the last lap Steve and Dennis Casagrande turned in a swift 1 15 25 on the final lap to come in third fourth overall less than two minutes out of second and about seven minutes ahead of Marty Reid r and Jeff Hibbard who cpoled ita bit in order to win the series championship bl t they came in eighth overall at that Bob Richardson Don Hatz were fifth less than three minutes later and just three minutes ahead of Dwight Lundell Bob Austin who were just 13 seconds ahead of Terry Jeffers James Ward who had a margin of 21 seconds on John Hagle So it went very tight all down the list and 11 Class 10s finished the race There were eight in the Class 8 field and half of them finished None could touch the speed of Walker Evans and his Dodge Walker was after a convincing win and he led the first lap by a couple of minutes Evans increased his lead each lap in the h en sounding V 8 and at the checkered flag he had a lead of about 49 minutes and he finished a fine sixth overall Meanwhile the other trucks were having a good dice On the first lap time Dave Shoppe had his Ford second 2 minutes ahead of John Johnson and Don With Aeroquip hoses and fittings you Robertson in Charlotte Corral s get the best of both worlds As a high Ford with Larry Minor GMC and Tom Morris GMC both performance plumbing system none less than another minute back can beat the long standing reputation of Midway Shoppe had big trouble Aeroquip s superior quality durability lost half the truck body and a and extensive variety In fact for more bunch of time Minor was solid than 30 years Aeroquip has been the in second now al out ten minutes ahead of Morris and the leader in aircraft type fluid transport rest of the field had all had some systems And Aeroquip hoses and hefty down time fittings do more than enhance Starting the final lap Tom performance The high lustre anodized Morris was up in second Minor finish of the more than 250 different slowed and failed to finish Also missing on the last round were fittings and the brilliant braided stainless Johnson Robertson Shoppe steel hoses in numerous sizes are a was running fine again only 13 perfect show quality addition to any minutes back in third and Steve vehicle Kelley recorded his only good lap but had lost too much time on the first go to be a threat But 940 South Vail Avenue Class 8 had a good race for Montebello CA 90640 second to the flag as Tom 213 724 3705 Morris Jim Hart nabbed second spot by 15 minutes on Dave Shoppe Jeff Yocum But third Esquerra and John Baker and his Mitsubishi This was also the fight between Baker and Esquerra for the Score points title From the flag Manny and Tudy Esquerra had the Ranger out front but only by about four minutes over young Brent Smith and Mike George in the other Ranger John Baker had a major disaster on the first lap using a couple of extra hour s to get around but he plugged onward Esquerra lost the engine on the second lap and Brent Smith took over the lead for good Smith had half hour s worth of woe on the third round but he carried on to win Class 7 Baker came in an hour and 20 minutes later with some good late lap times to finish second but second wasn t enough points So Manny Esquerra won the Score title for 1984 A fine bunch an even dozen YBBCAN DRESS llBP NELSON Dusty Times January 1985 ANB TAKE ll OUT I Whether ydu plan to add the Aeroquip touch to your race car or your street machine there is only one place that can fill your plumbing needs quickly anq efficiently That s Nelson Dunn We have two west coast warehouses and both are stocked to provide immediate delivery on over 400 Aeroquip part numbers Additionally years of extensive involvement in all types of motorsports also allows Nelson Dunn to provide e xpert technical assistance to your specific needs For Show or Go make the Aeroquip connection with Nelson Dunn INC 7818 Wilkerson Court San Diego CA 92111 619 268 4140 Page 13

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took off in Class 2 1600 with half of them potential winners It was anyone s game after the first lap with Jim Greenway Terr y Smith out front with a 1 25 4 6 but they had only 42 seconds over Hayward Mendenhall Gary Gilbert who had Mark and Monica Barnes a slim minute and a half to the rear Rick Hagle Jim Perry were just another 13 seconds off on time and all these entries were in Racecos Midway the gap was minutes instead o seconds Greenway Smith held the lead with three minutes in hand over Mendenh a 11 Gilbert About four Arnold and Tom Kepler fought the good fight In Class 4 did good lap mimites back Barnes was 19 Lowell times_and placed second In the race and on total points seconds ahead of Hagle Perry Only a few more minutes behind whipped off a 1 24 54 to easily all day Bob Renz and Ray Maxey were John and Richard Lind in an win the 2 1600 honors and the took sixth a minute ahead of ORC and Sharon Julson and points championship and they Mendenhall Gilbert who lost Sandy Turley in theirChenowth placed 15th overall Rick Hagle half im hour on the last lap Eight Greenway Smith kept up their and Jim Perry held on to second of the 12 starters finished in good consistent and fast lap times to place about 18 minutes off the time hold about five minutes on pace besting Mark and Monica Finishing with fifth fastest Hagle Perry after three laps and Barnes by only 4 minutes John tirrie Sharon Julson ran afoul of Mendenhall s Raceco was in and Richard Lind were another the rules On the fourth lap she third nine minutes back in fourth with put her brother Mike behind the Heading for the finish line Jim ten minutes margin on Tony and wheel and rode with him to the Greenwood and Terry Smith Mario Vanilla Running steady finish line Even though Mike had a wristband the driver switch was ruled illegal so the Julsons withdrew the entry A strong 15 appeared in the 11600 ranks and i his too was a close run in the early laps The first lap leader was the Chenowth of Gary Peacock and Robert Lopez just 18 seconds ahead of Mark Cooper Bob Hummel Funco who haa only 37 seconds on Rob Tolleson Mirage who was 22 seconds ahead of Bobby and Tom Neth Chenowth with Larry Smith Jon Kennedy Funco another 36 seconds back It can t get much closer than that e speciall y for a class t hat was next Even _though they missed their starting time Mark Johnson a nl Kent to last on the s fartfog line The first lap leaders had Richardson e aught up quickly and won Class 9 in their ldy_Hi Jumper trouble on the next three rounds and sank to an eventuai seventh place finish So midway solo driver Rob Tollesonhad the lead over the Neths by 41 seconds and the two teams remained in close combat all the way Cooper Hummel were another minute behind with Smith Kennedy trailing by another minute and this quartet was running away from the field After three laps Tolleson led the Neths by just over a minute a n d the others in contention had big troubles It was Rob Tolleson first under the flag the 1 1 600 winner driving alone in his new Mirage His margin of victory It was a close and see saw contest In Class 5 1600 but at the finish the winner was exactly a minute over Bobby and the points winner was the Bug of Erle and Henry Arras and Tom Neth and the two cars were 19th and 20th overall Larry Smith and Jon Kennedy recovered from their problems Ll 1erican S T AID SUPPLY INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID SAFETY FIRST AID KIT FOR YOUR RACE CAR MEETS RACING RULES REQUIREMENTS ONLY 26 5 Larger Kits Also Available for Pit Vehicles 4 x 4s and RVs AMERICAN FIRST AID SUPPLY Brea California 213 694 1858 714 529 9028 Page 14 After the early challenger retired Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen took another Class 5 victory and the class points championship hanally Bob Utga d drove solo In his new and spiffy looking Class 5 Bai Bu ia d Bob kept the winners honest finishing a strong seco_nd In the rac _ Ted Armstrong and Jeff Watson did a fine job in the Funco flyir g to a keen second in Class 9 with no serious mechaQlcal problems to put the Funco home third to boom around the course with Mark Cooper and Bob Hummel no real problems and he won were fourth in a Funco followed Class 4 again this time by just by Benjamin Greenwood and over an hour Arnold and Kepler Mike McCrory Funco and Jean turned good times to take a solid Calvin and Judy Smith Funco In second The Ford of Michael all eleven of the 15 starters made Povey and Kirk Schwoyer did the finish line not complete a lap In third was Class 4was last off the line last the Chevy power ed square in the fast group and four were rigged special of David in the lists Rod Hall and Jim Quill Michael McFadden with Fricker put the Dodge out front three long laps plus credit for a early and stayed there gaining fourth lap with a time of tenminutesonthefirstlapon_the 1 10 50 bearing in mind that Jeep Honcho of Lowell Arnold Tom Koch s fast lap of the day and Tom Kepler Hall continued was was 1 09 36 Either3 way the team third in Class _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ First off the line at Barstow in the slow group were the mighty Class Ss and some ofahem were moving mighty fast First to start and first around was Jim Cocores Doug White but Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen were eleven seconds quicker on the lap Just two minutes back in third was Bob Utgard in a spiffy white and orange Bug and Bob was going solo _ Midway Cocores White had a five minute lead over Vinje Hansen then the leader lost over an hour on the third lap and retired Malcolm Vinje and Mark Flying the pole line road berms is part of Barstow racing and Michael Leste Hansen sailed on to victory in and Rich Fersch flew to a good strong second place in 5 1600 January 1985 Dusty Times

Page 15

Malcolm Vinje Driver Raymond Raley Public Relations Mark Hansen Driver Lloyd Bitcon Transaxle Larry Bitcon Car Builder Owner Nick Zappia Suspe nsio n We at Larry s V W would like to thank our sponsors Bridgestone Tires Rough Country Suspensions Hella Lights Pro Gas K N Filters H P S Jamar Parker Pumper Tri Mil Earl s Sway A Way Center Line The Wright Place Rapid Cool Dura Blue Unique Auto Filler Safety Super Boot Ed Frisk s Chassis Los Campeones Pits Mastercraft Henry s Off Road Advertiser Dusty Times Off Road Action News S N O R E Hot V W s S C O R E H D R A Custom Weldin g Redlands Rimco U M P Power Steering D D For their support in the 1984 Off Road Race season Without their help we could not have accomplished the following 1984 S N O R E Class 5 Champions 1984 S C O R E Class 5 Champions 1984 H D R A Class 5 Champions Overall H D R A Points Champions A heartfelt thank you is extended to all those who made our season such a success and a hope that next season will be equally enjoyable

Page 16

headed out fot a dark fast lap Now Arras pulled over 13 minutes on the leaders on the final round to win Class 5 1600 by a full 12 minutes Lesle Fersch held second place and Raybould Ward were about 14 minutes back in third about 12 minutes ahead of the Arambula Bug who were 13minutes ahead of Lundgren Floyd in what turned out to be a tight race with the first five in in under a single hout Finishing eighth in class and last overall 77th were Eric and Jay Lightle who used all but 12 minutes of the eleven hour If has been a long season with the Jeep Cherokee but this time Don Adams W 11 e Valdez leaps ihe rough stuff in his Ford Ranger en route to an time allowance to see the and Jason Myers got it around aU four laps for the Class 3 win overwhelming victory over the other ten starters In Class 7S checkered flag Onc e again Don Adams and Larry Bitcom s Bug taking the with the Arambulas just over a Jason Mye_rs Jeep Cherokee Class 5 points title handily Bob minute behind in another close were the _only entry in the Score Utgard did a great job finishing d ice whi1e Nels Lundgren and Class 3 This round the 17 minutes back in second and Russ Floyd had pulled up to determined pair finished the over an hour ahead of Gay fifth course in 9 57 17 for a real win in Schmidt and John McDowell After three trips around Lesle the factory backed rig who were 46 minutes ahead of and Fersch still led by a mere The new Score Challenger Gene Norman Mark Johnson minute over Arras and the Class fielded a pair just like in the fourth and final fin isher out others held position as they Baja but this time both of the seven starters Class 9 came up with seven starters in what may be its swan song as a Score Class Seven was as many as in Class 1 and larger FINAL RESULTS than six other classes racing at POS CAR DRIVER S VEHICLE TIME Barstow It is curious tha t a CLASS 1 Unlimited Single Seat 7 start 4 finish relatively strong dass like this is 1 100 TOM KOCH Raceco 4 47 14 being canceled out but it may 2 101 LARRY RAGLAND Chaparral 5 19 12 Mike and Pat Falkosky had some teething trouble with tlfelr new Toyota but 3 106 ROGER MORTENSON RUSS WELCH Funco 6 05 58 not be final so the rumors go carried on through four laps to Jecond place In Class 7S 4 103 MIKE YOUNG LARRY HAYDU Hi Jumper co 7 13 45 The 1200s produced a very close they a CLASS 1 1600 Single Seat 1600cc VW 15 start 11 finish race in the ranks also Fred Wing these two cars virtually tied on Midway all seven were running 1 161 ROB TOLLESON Mirage 5 5 4 21 lately busy racing 3 wh_eelers time A minute more behind was hard but some of the front 2 196 BOBBY NETH Chenowth 5 55 23 unearthed his Chenowth and the Hi Jumper of Mark Johnson runners had minor troubles 3 199 LARRY SMITH JON KENNEDY Funco 6 16 54 6 37 07 recruited 3 wheeler champion and Kent Richardson followed Now leading Johnson Richard 4 198 MARK COOPER BOB HUMMELL Funco 6 57 35 in a minute by Ted Armstrong son had about nine minutes on 5 168 BEN GREENWOOD MIKE MCCRORY Funco Dean Sundahl as a co driver and CLASS 2 Unlimited Two Seat 18 start 8 finish the pair had a good time while Je ff Watson Funco wh o h ad Armstrong Watson who were 1 259 DANNY LETNER HENRY BERGDAHL Raceco Porsche 5 30 27 doing very well two minutes on Andy Blue about four minutes ahead of 2 200 MATT DON MC BRIDE Raceco 5 42 47 After one round the Funco of Funj o It was like the old days of both Wing Sundahl and Foster 3 213 STEVE LARA TOM SMITH Raceco 5 45 22 5 46 18 Patrick Reyes and John Basso 40 horse racing where a short still literally tied o n time but 4 203 GREGG SYMONDS JAKE FOGG Raceco 5 52 44 TIM KENNEDY RICK REMINGTON Chaparral had a three minute lead over stop could drop an entry several Fo_ster was not seen again 5 208 I CLASS 2 1600 Two Seat 1600cc VW 12 start 8 finish Wing Sundahl and John Foster Paces Looking at the final lap some 1 262 JIM GREENWAY TERRY SMITH Raceco 5 44 49 more leaders lost a lot of time 2 268 RICK HAGLE JIM PERRY Raceco 6 02 06 averaging half an hour Those 3 296 MARK BARNES MONICA BARNES Raceco 6 06 42 who di dn t won the gold and 4 267 JOHN LIND RICHARD LIND O R C 6 15 01 SCORE BARSTOW CLASSIC I Doing the best of the pair In the new Score Challenge class were Dan 01 ver and Daniel Hook whose Chenowth won the race by eight ml utes COLLECTOR S SPECIAL A Full Set 12 Issues of the First Volume of DUSTY TIMES unmarked by m ailing labels Early birds will receive the bonus of the Preview issue Sept 1983 GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS Send just 10 50 check or money order to DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave Suite O Agoura CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE PAID VIA U P S Page 16 D I g ory espitP starting ate and rolfing the car on the fourth lap it was Mark Johnson and Kent Richardson who won Class 9 honors by a slim eight minutes over Ted Armstrong and Jeff Watson The Wing Sundahl entry had electrical trouble on the last lap losing over 30 minutes but they still finished third just barely Andy Blue was on 1y th ree seconds back in fourth and ten minutes ahead of Reyes Basso Vince Hughes was the final Class 9 finisher and six out of seven is a good score The 5 1600s showed up in force with 14 of the limited Bugs on the line All but a pair made at least one lap of the punishing route lt was no surprise to see Eric and Henry Arras out front after one lap but only a minute behind was the team of Michael h Lesle an d Ric h Fersc h an d t is was the race However Dave Girdner was holding third seven minutes back closely followed by William Raybould Jack Ward and Ernesto Arambula was another four minutes behind close enough for a flat tire to make the difference Midway Lesle Fersch had a four minute lead over the Arras Bug and the race got interesting The pair pulled well away from the field as Girdner had big trouble that was never cured and he ended up finishing seventh Third now was Raybould Ward January 1985 5 269 TONY VANILLO MARIO VANILLO Raceco 6 25 16 CLASS 3 Production Four Wheel Drive Limited 2850cc 1 start 1 finish 1 301 DON ADAMS JASON MYERS Jeep Cherokee 9 57 17 CLASS 4 _Unlimited Four Wheel Drive 4 start 3Jii iishL 1 401 ROD HALL JIM FRICKER Dodge 6 41 17 7 44 12 2 400 LOWELL ARNOLD TOM KEPLER Jeep Ho_nctio 3 403 DAVID QUILL MICHAEL MC FADDEN Chevrolet 9 35 04 CLASS 5 Unlimited Baja Bug 7 start 4 finish 1 549 MALCOLM VINJE MARK HANSEN Baja Bug 5 44 16 2 503 BOB UTGARD Baja Bug 6 01 10 3 547 GAYL SCHMIDT Baja Bug 7 10 02 7 56 27 4 548 GENE NORMAN Baja Bug CLASS 5 1600 1600cc Baja Bug 14 start 8 finish 1 596 6 45 14 ERIC ARRAS HENRY ARRAS Baja Bug MICHAEL LESLE RICH FERSCH Baja Bug 2 550 6 57 17 3 556 WILLIAM RAYBOULD JACK WARD Baja Bug 7 11 32 4 594 ERNIE ARAMBULA JAVIER BENSO_N Baja Bug 7 23 58 CLASS 6 Production Sedan 2 start 1 finish 7 37 27 1 620 L SCHWACOFER SID SPRADLING 55 Chevrolet 2Iaps 2 621 GARSON MOSER GREG MOSER Ford CLASS Unlimited Mini Pickup 3 start 2 finish 7 13 08 1 702 BRENT SMITH MIKE GEORGE Ford Ranger 8 41 41 2 700 JOHN BAKER RUSS HONSAKER Mitsubishi 1 lap 3 701 MANNY ESQUERRA TUDY ESQUERRA Ford Ranger CLASS 7 S Stock Mini Truck 11 start 3 finish 1 744 WILLIE VALDEZ JOSE ARMENTA Ford Ranger 9 19 32 10 1 21 2 742 MIKE FALKOSKY PAT FALKOSKY Toyota 10 43 08 758 GARY MYERS AL LOGAN Toyota CLASS 8 Pickup 8 start 4 finish 5 25 37 1 806 WALKER EVANS Dodge 2 803 TOM MORRIS JIM HART GMC 6 14 10 3 801 DAVE SHOPPE JEFF YOCUM Ford 6 29 39 7 11 22 4 849 STEVE KELLEY MICHAEL NESMITH GMC CLASS 9 1200cc Single Seat 7 start 6 finish 6 12 43 1 905 MARK JOHNSON KENT RICHARDSON Hi Jumper 6 20 40 2 900 TEDARMSTRONG JEFFWATSON Funco 3 902 FRED WING DEAN SUNDAHL Chenowth 7 01 36 4 903 ANDY BLUE Funco 7 01 39 CLASS 10 Unlimited 1650cc 22 start 11 finish 5 17 32 1 5 JACK IRVINE KIT TRENHOLM JR Raceco 5 21 41 2 7 S SOURAPAS DAVE RICHARDSON Raceco 5 23 23 3 38 STEVE DENNIS CASAGRANDE No info 5 30 38 4 2 MARTY REIDER JEFF HIBBARD Raceco 5 33 27 5 15 BOB RICHARDSON DON HATZ Chenowth CLASS 11 Stock VW Sedan 5 start 1 finish 9 42 06 RAMON CASTRO VICTOR PRECIADO VW 1 42 3Iaps 40 MIKE ABBOTT JAN WRIGHT VW 2 Score Challenge 2 start 2 finish 8 35 46 DANIEL OLIVER DANIEL HOOK Chenowth 922 1 8 43 41 ROD EVERETT TOM BARNETT Chen owth 2 939 Dusty Times

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Chenowths finished the four laps another Ranger was Chuck in what turned out to be a close Johnson from Illinois some 17 race Rod Everett and Tom minutes back Half way in the Barnett had a good lead over 20 fray Valdez had a strong 39 minutes half way through the minute lead over Smith whose race then began bagging flat problems would put him out on tires At the flag it was Daniel the final round Now Chuck Oliver and Daniel Hook who Johnson was just 19 minutes took the victory only eight behind the flying Willie and no minutes ahead of Everett and one else was close although eight Barnett were still in motion Class 7S is very popular in the Willie Valdez widened the lead desert and there were eleven in on the last half although his race the ranks at Barstow Unfortu was not without some trouble nately the course did most of Valdez crossed the line after nine them in and only three finished hours 19 minutes oh the trail a but it was a good race while it clear winner Chuck Johnson lost lasted The first lap saw a virtual the engine on lap three and was tie on time between Carl and Pat done for the day Meanwhile Smith and Willie ValdezandJose after a terrible first lap with Armenta both driving Ford water in the gas tank and myriad Rangers Smith edged Valdez by woes all through the race Mike just 30 seconds In third in and Pat Falkosky struggled in finishing second in their new Toyota over 50 minutes later Having their major disaster on the third lap Gary Myers and Al Logan took third with 17 minutes left on the time allowance for their Toyota Carl Smith was awarded fourth place The two Class 6 sedans put on a good show The Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling and the Ford of Garson and Greg Moser were nearly tied on time on the first lap with Schwacofer just 24 seconds faster The Chevy pulled out nine minutes on the next lap but it was still a race Then the Mosers had a 5 hour third lap and retired Schwacofer and Spradling finished the course with most consistent lap times the final three all in the 1 55 range and won another Class 6 victory Last of the slow group to depart Class 11 numbered fiv a couple came from Mexico trying to cement a points championship Dave Hendrickson got the hot lap a 2 07 on the first go but he didn t last much longer Leading at the half way point was Ramon Castro Victor Preciado by a mere minute and change over Andy Diaz who soon retired Mike Abbott Jan Wright were another 12 minutes back Only two completed three laps and the Castro Beetle led Abbott s by just seven minutes Then the American team vanished into the night and Castro and Preciado won Class 11 at Barstow At the awards presentation on Sunday Sal Fish announced that this was the third and final Barstow Classic The 1985 schedule excludes a winter date in Barstow and San Felipe s date is now in the Lucerne Valley It seems a shame for the traditional Barstow course to go relatively un used next year since it is so popular with the desert racers But the talk is of encroaching civdization around the college that will make parts of the old course far more difficult to use in the coming years In all there were 77 finishers out of the 138 starters well over 50 percent and all that stayed around for the awards seemed to have enjoyed the race There were no big complaints at all which is a nice way to end the 1984 series for Score International Become PARTners with FAT Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling did their act again in the venerable but potent old Chevy and they Just missed the overall points title Join the long list of winners by using FAT performance components Any of the quality systems used in our winning race proven engines can be purchased individually Now you can realize the winning benefits of products that are the direct result of FAT Performance s longtime offroad experience Don t fall behind Give us a call drop us a line we d be glad to discuss how you can put a little or a lot of FAT horsepower between you and the rest of the crowd WWEBER DcLL R o HI FLOW MUFFLER HI FLOW INDUCTION SYSTEM They came from Ensenada to race at Barstow and Ramon castro and Victor Preciado were the only finishers among the five In Class 11 Mike A bbott and Jan Wright tried hard In th eir Beetle but had to give up after three laps They placed second In Class 11 standings PUSHROD TUBE PROTECTORS HEAVY DUTY VALVE COVERS FRONTIER 500 SCORE RIVERSIDE Larry Ragland Scott Gillman 1st Class 1 Overall 1st Class 1 Race of Champions Jim Billy Wright John Swift 1st Class 2 2nd Overall 1st Class 1 1600 Larry Bolin 1st Class 10 Larry Noel 3rd Class 1 Cam Thieriot Greg Lewin 3rd in Class 2 Steve Tetrick Fred Ronn 2nd Class 10 Gary Myers and Al Logan worked hard to get their third place finish In the 7S Toyota They used all but 17 minutes of the time allowance Dusty Times PE 1450 North Glassell Orange CA 92667 714 639 2833 January 1985 Page 17

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AMSA S 6 HOURS OF BORREGO Limited 1600 Wins Overall By Judy Smith Photos Jud y Smith John Howard In an outstanding performance John Swift and Mike Freil led all the way In their O R E to win the race overall and turn the fast lap of the day at 31 50 The limited 1600s Class D in pre runners sailed by the new errors Walt Lewis ran second AMSA s rule books are often turnoff and then had to re orient by just a shade over two minutes looked upon as a slow class by themselves It lost only a couple and Tom Malloy and Greg their bigger motored brethren of minutes but that could be a Sullivan had their Raceco only but at Ocotillo Wells in crucial matte on this short fast another two seconds behind November one of the little D track Lewis Malloy and Sullivan cars blew away the competition T he day proved surprisingly moved into the second spot on and came home the overall warm for November hovering in the second lap while Jeff Drake winner of AMSA s end of the the high 70s with aberrant winds in his O R C moved to third year race rhe 6 Hours of that moved the dust from side to Swift incidentally had the fast Borrego side or along the trail or lap of the day for all classes on John Swift and Mike Friel stopped altogether at times his second lap at 31 minutes 50 This was another of AMSA s seconds and he backed it up on teamed to drive in Swift s single seat O R E and held the overall Challenge races with the lap three with another zinger just lead all the way displaying their purse fattened up by some side six seconds slower calm cool and collected style of bets Traditionally the winner of Swift drove seven laps all driving the last Challenge puts 500 in trouble free and then put Friel in The course approximately 27 the pot to get it going and then for the final three Meanwhile miles long was not so much everyone else who thinks he has a Malloy and Sullivan lost about a rough as tricky There were a chance at the overall win in any half hour on their fifth lap to fall couple of long straight washes class adds 100 Whoever gets way back and Drake moved in t o that gave a chance for flat out the best finish overall win or second Goodbody driving his running and miles of twisty not wins the whole pot The short course car with a tiny gas bumpy trails created over the winner of the last Challenge tank was considerably slowed by years by the recreational drivers purse Steve Sourapas was not having to fuel every lap but of southern Californi a The racing this time so his warmup moved into third place terrain tends to degenerate under pot is deferred to another time Swift and Friel had time traffic and it got rougher with The re were only four bettors this enough to complete ten laps in each lap some holes and turns time and we understand that 5 35 05 the only car to do ten AMSA fattened the pot also laps to take their class win and becoming quite silty and boggy Jim Webb AMSA s pre Those who entered the Challenge the overall with a flawless sident had had the course were Mike Goodbody in Class performance marked and open for pre 0 Beny Canela in Class 2 Class 2 with the biggest entry Richard Medd in C_lass 2 and Jim was considerably thinned out on running the week before the race But then he made a change just a Temple also in Class 2 Swift the first lap Wesley Arita rolled who was to win the race overall his Funco and put himself out day or two before the race and said he didn t even think and then Beny Canela 111ade a big the complacent racers who had pre run and didn t do one last lap about it hole in his Raceco s Toyota While Swift and Friel were motor while Richard Medd and the day before the event found themselves upleasantly surprised clearly in the lead from the first Tony Sielski also blew a motor lap it wasn t a big lead at first and their third or fourth for the on the first lap of the race It they couldn t afford to make any weekend With both Canela and mixed things up a bit as the early Medd out early it was just Temple and Goodbody going for the Challenge purse C O R E PIT TEAM C O R E offers unique pit services at western desert races a family oriented dub with social activities and much more for its members C O R E also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors Get all the information on C O R E Jim Branstetter President 818 881 6708 17 453 Runnymede St Van Nuys cA_91406 Page 18 Vic VanElla a nd Charlie Curnutt in Vic s Raceco took the early lead in the class but it was close as Roger Starkey was less than a minute behind them and Jim Temple in his practically brand new Raceco was less than a minute behind Starkey Temple as you may know was the originator of the Challenge concept starting it at the April race which he felt he would win overall At that time he was driving a six year old Funco a good car but well used When he was beaten in that race by a long January 1985 travel Class 10 car Jim Stiles in a Raceco he decided it was time to have a new car for himself and his son Mark to co drive He built a long travel Raceco which was new for the Frontier 500 where he didn t finish Nobody ran trouble free in Class 2 and Starkey had his problems on the second lap losing about 12 minutes Van Ella and Curnutt moved into second then and ran well until lap five when they ran out of gas and lost about 50 minutes getti ng a refill In the meantime Larry Wyatt and Larry Turner who d been hit and lost a valve cover and rocker arm assimbly on lap two losing 50 minutes were now fixed and moving right along Still Temple held his lead vainly chasing Swift who had passed him on the road on his fifth lap Temple went back around him on lap six but on lap seven when Temple had troubles and lost about a half hour Swift was permanently out front Temple still had enough cushion to get his Class 2 win being the only two seater to complete nine laps which he did in 5 44 54 Starkey with some really good laps interspersed with troubled ones came in second while Wyatt and Turner ran steadily after their second lap disaster to finish third VanElla and Curnutt managed only a fourth after the fuel fiasco There was only one Class l car running in this event the radical looking Pin to powered MacPherson strut type rear suspension coil over shock front end experimental car of Cecil Wright Unfortunately he had trouble early on blowing the center out of a spark plug and never quite got it all together He s planning some changes saying maybe he ll put a Mazda motor in it next time Class C unlimited 1600ccs which often wins AMSA races and is usually fairly large fielded only two cars this time but they had a good little race going for part of the day Vince Hughes had his Rabbit powered car in the lead at the end of the first lap by a very slim 14 seconds over Jesse Caravello and Gilbert Busick in their Raceco But Caravel lo and Busick took over on lap rwo and were now in front by 24 seconds On lap three Hughes had narrowed it to an 11 second lead but Caravello and Busick picked up the pace and had a minute and a half by the end of four laps Then on lap five the throttle linkage fell off Hughes car and he lost a full ten minutes That gave Caravello and Busick a comfortable edge They continued to lead through the seventh lap but then had some pit time and disappeared l lughes went on running well to complete nine laps in the time of 5 16 08 to win Class C and finish second overall also ahead of Class 2 another one who should have entered the Challenge pot and didn t It turned out to be a bad day for most of the Class 5 cars Six of them started but one the team of J C Welch and Rich James was out on lap one Then Christopher Neil and Jerry Miller lost a valve cover and all their oil when someone hit them on the first lap getting them off to a slow start in the ordinarily quick Ghia Bug The others moved along smartly for a while with the team of Bob Kinhan and Nils Castillo taking the early lead in their gear reduction car Robert and Art Eugenio had their good looking Bug in second place only half a minute behind on lap one but losing a minute or two each lap as the gear reduction car charged hard Maybe too hard as they had to spend six minutes in their pit on Robert and Art Eugenio ran a flawless race In their good looking Baja Bug and they won Class 5 as well as placing fourth overall Challenge Purse concept originator Jim Temple drove all the way to the Class 2 victory despite suspension woes in his new Raceco Dusty Times

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lap four to fix a tie rod and the Eugenios to

Page 20

THE BUDWEISER SUPER CROSS OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Wild Action at the Tampa Fairgrounds By Jean Calvin Photos Danny McKenzie Tom Surace came south from New Jersey to win the 1 2 1600 title both days getting a good fight from Dean Dodd 607 also In a Berrien of the stock car straight The course went into a big ditch going into the infield which was a rea l serpentine On ly half the infield was usable for the simple reason that a deep water filled drainage ditch ran the length of the infield right in the middle of the area Along with streamers the course was marked with sand filled oil drums that stopped more than one of the contestants during the races The first lap for the 1600s was a blm of dust and scrambling buggies as Florida s Bruce Bennen grabbed the lead off the li ne By the second 0 the eight laps Tom Surace from New Jers y had his Berrien in second chasing Bennett and while Bob Broome was busy trying to hold his third place from fellow Floridan Ken Bu rkett and Canada s Dean Dodd Curt number almost too mucnfor the fro a local organizing club that LeDuc had hi s Class 7 Ford Ranger next on the road The short 5 8s mile course but had joined the promo ti d n to action was tight up front but the there were on ly a pait each i enrich the show i se ond half of the group began to The practice s ssions pro Cl asses 4 and 7 all four from the string out frozen north of New England duced some wild driving in the On the fourth round Dick There was a Friday night stock tigh t infield ection and t he fresh car show at the Fairgrounds track with no time at all to cure Walker s n ew Dodge D S 0 course so the off road tra c k produced some heavy dust stopped on course with a began taking shape e rly heavy enough to do credit to a sideways front wheel due to a Saturday morning The schedule summer desert race At least half broken ball joint bolt Up front called for Saturday afternoon of the course marking streamers Tom Surace had made the pass to practice and a full race program were ripped down in practice so lead Bruce Bennett by a few in the evening some light Score Canada President George inches Ken Burkett now had a practice Sunday morning and the Dodd called another driver s little air in third but Broome and main events on Sunday meeting before the racing Dodd were having a real dogfight afternoon The racers began to commenced to state the case for fourth New Jersey s Gary gather in mid morning on against heavy nerfing wild tactics Franklin stopped sudden ly on Saturday but were held up by a and course deviations He said course his Funco SS 1 suffering locked gate to th e pit area Finally such action would result in a engine failu re due to the lack of a the doors were opened and the b lack flag for the offending valve cover knocked off in the hectic first lap traffic place took on the festive air that driver The first heat for cars started By lap 7 Surace was in goes with the pit array of motor homes banners and flocks of around seven in the evening and com mand with a few car lengths race cars A driver s meeting was the grandstands were about half lead and he to dk the vic tory called in mid afternoon driver s full in the colder than usual Burkett and Bennett were reps were appointed for each evening C lass 1 2 1600 led off swapping second p lace several class to handle any protests and the program and over a dozen times a lap then on the white the schedule was announced buggies plus the two C lass 7s flag lap Ben nett broke away There were to be a number of took the green flag and roared from _the dice to take a solid heats for bikes and 3 wheelers around the big sweeper at the end second It looked like teenager Dean Dodd had moved his Eastern Force Berrien into third but the official tesults listed him fourth behind Burkett while Broome had to settle for fifth in an excel lent race full of tight competition Three had fallen out of the race but the rest were all on th e same lap with Curt LeDuc s Ranger in for fifth overall Th e second car heat brought out 17 of the 21 entries in Florida s D class a few having succumbed in practice With the severe drive train restrictions this bunch ran in tight packs six or more abreast on the infield straight which was also a deep rutted wflshboard surfade From the flag Jerry A llen took the lead closely tagged by Toi n Gundeck and in the infield copiendgrs Sam Pace and Mark Olive 1 1got hooked together It took s9me time for the two cars to separate It isn t often that a pair of and Oliver continued on b ut organizations can get together Pace v nt P th ivitsd JJ and promote a single off road The battle was fierce and after race but it happened last three of the eight laps A llen still November in Tampa Florida led but defending championJ R when Score Canada and Taylor was ri ght on his tailp1p e F O R D A joined forces to It made ones back ache in produce a keen two days of sympathy to watch the swing axle racing on a track carved out of cars twist and I hopi over the the stock car dirt course within washboard but most of them the Tampa Fairgrounds Each managed to survh e the action group had originally scheduled nicely Fighting hard for third an event in November and both and a ll together in tight were to be in the Tampa area So formation were John Hanson they put their act together and Allen Brumley and Joe Cunningthe result was two full days of ham and the rest of the pack really great racing with an were mere yards behind excellent entry in the buggy Midway Taylor had a decent classes lead but Allen and Hanson were Score Canada regularly passing and repassing for second schedu les Classes 1 10 1 2To the rear the battle joined 1600 7 and 4 p lus their own between C unnin gham and hobby class FORDA has similar Brumley and Marty Pounds classes but no trucks The joined that dice By the white flag FORDA hobby class is D a big lap several cars were parked group fo r heavily restricted 1200 including Cunningham and cc powered _single sea ters with Hanson It was all J R Taylor stock 40 horse drive train and under the checkered flag and swing axles All fo r buggy Jerry Allen was second at a classes were well over 20 in respectable distance back and he had a decent margin over Matty Pounds Well back Clay Hurst was fourth and Mark Amrheim was fifth followed by Mark Oliver After a number of bike heats Class 10 was on the grid about nine in the evening the weather had turned cold and half the spectators had gone h me They missed a 21 car heat that really taxed the capacity 9f the short track _Most 6f the Class 1 type heavy hitters were doing the engine swap number and were in the Cfas s 10 event as well Off the line Ken Burkett was first around D isl he biggeslc1 s i Fio tida andJ R Taylorflia f efl uer t wlnneri doJn g the Scott Taylor had a great weekend In his Pro Tech winnlng C ass 10 both days the ttirn With T Jx Jn 1Stfriley R 1 m _a h o t

Page 21

Rowland s racer looks and acts like a Chenowth Magnum but it is produced in Dallas The herd stayed tight for three laps wiping ou t what was left of the course marking streamers as they swung through the wide but tight sweeper that brought the racers onto the front straight of the stock car course By the second lap Rowland was out front and on the next lap Tampa s Tom Seckman was second ahead of Burkett who was soon ou tpowered by 1llinois drivers Mike Paulson and Scott Taylor both in Pro Techs The dici ng was very tight through the first ten racers and after s ix rounds Rowland still led but now Scott Taylor was right behind him Seckman was third followed by Paulson and Jimmi e Crowder had tangled with Mike Hester on the sweeper Hester rolled and was out of it and Crowder limped on with a flat tire At the flag Scott Taylor won the battle leading the last two laps after putting a daring pass on Rowland who said later he had no idea that Taylor was so close behind him Mike Paulson held third behind Rowland Guy LeClair was fou rth followed by the limping Magnum of Jimmie Crowder Only two C lass 4 rigs the Jeep Special of Curt LeDuc and the Jeep CJ of Joe Lucia were o n the grid th e Scout entry hav ing b lown a head gasket in practice The pair roared away LeDuc maki11g a game of it but the game didn t last a lap Lucia was stopped with a broken front drive line so LeDuc was fl agged in after three laps It was late and cold at ten p m when Class 1 came out to race 19 strong Those still there saw a whale of a contest with some very first _ class eq uipme t One unusual C h enowth driven by Gail Johnson was powered by a super 2800 cc V 6 Evinrude that Stan Rowland drove his own creation from Texas to a second and a third in Class 10 and a good second in Class 1 in the Saturday night heat It was tight racing in 1600 action as Dean Dodd runs even with the eventual winner Tom Surace and Ken Berkett 619 is the mi 5 _of the sandwich Curt LeDuc brought his sleek Ford Ranger to Florida but had little competition in Class 7S winning easily in both days of racing Bill Walker started out fine both days in his 7S Dodge D 50 but suspension problems put him in the DNF column in both of the heats put out a lot of ponies Mike and the leaders were lapping cars Hester shot out front at the green and in the dark it was hard to flag with Scott Taylor in hot keep track of who was where on pursuit and the herd was tight in the track By lap 7 Crowder was the first turn through the ditch out front Hester had dropped to Hester held the lead by inches fo urth and later vanished and over Taylor after four rounds Decker was going well and Dave and Jimmie Crowder was on the Lo fland had moved into third and a number of strong runners move up to fourth After five of the 15 laps were parked Taylor retired to the pits as did By the tenth lap Crowder had a Ed Righter in his snazzy new good lead followed by Decker Magnum Hester had a good lead but Crowder was second and Scott Lofland and Rowland charging Both Dale Scott and But with three laps to go Decker Burt Decker were up front too vanished and the checkered flag cam e out after 15 destructive laps fo r Jimmie Crowder in his newest Chenowth Magnum Stan ley Rowland worked up to second Dave Lofland was third followed by Dale Scott and Mike Paulson Unde r the Score Canada format the Satu rd ay races paid 40 percent of the 10 000 gua r anteed purse and the Sunday longer heats paid out 60 percent of the purse After some Sunday practice the action started around 2 30 in the afternoon sadly in front of empty grandstands The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were playing at The water filled ditch down the middle of the infield was a_real course hazard home that afternoon Th is round there were a dozen 1 2 1600s as Joe Cunningham found out after ricocheting off an oil drum plus the two C lass 7s 6n the grid with the trucks having a delay start of about 20 seconds This trip Terry Clark got a hole shot that was hard to beat as the rest of the field got tangled up in the first turn C lark was way out front after two laps Holding down second was Buddy Taylor fo llowed by Tom Surace Bruce Bennett and Dean Dodd In another two laps Dodd had moved to fourth ah ead of Bennet and Burkett and LeDuc now had his Ranger up among the buggies The Dodge of Bill Walker broke the same ball joint bolt agai n about m idway in the fray In the thick of the D class action John Hanson was up front on Sunday despite On lap 8 Terry Clark s racer this obvious steering problem as he passes Allen Bromley stopped cold heading fo r the Dusty Times January 1985 main straight and this put Dean Dodd who was having a terrific dice with Tom Surace in the lead LeDuc was up to third followed by Bruce Bennett When the white flag came o ut Tom Surace squeaked past Dean Dodd and won his second 1 21600 title in as many days The youngster from Quebec was second Florida drivers Bruce Bennett Ken Burkett and Bob Broome filled out the first five and LeDuc of course took the Class 7 cash After some pit work in the morning all 17 C lass D cars returned to the grid fo r another ding dong battle From the Flag Sam Pace held the lead by a few feet and after two rounds the battle behind Pace was side by side between Jerry A ll en Joe Cunn ingham and Allen Brumley OFF ROAD The traffic did not thin out and severa l cars running abreast kept banging into the big tires used to line the course in the back section The lead kept changing in fact Sam Pace led three different times but not at the checkered flag After nine laps attrition set in heavily On t h e i n f i e I d s t r a i g h t Jo e C unningham banged into a big tire then climbed righ t over one of the oi l drums marking the course on thedrainage ditch side Only a swing axle ca r cou ld do that and keep moving But Cunningham on ly went a few yards apparently knocked out and his car slid into the ditch and parked in a co up le feet of water Happily Cunn ingham was OK Th e 15 lap main seemed too much for many D cars EvenJ R ROTARY POWER Developed Proven by Lewis Simpson RPM 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TORQUE 130 142 151 156 156 lb lb lb lb lb i 200 H P i LIGHT WEIGHT i E Z INSTALLATION REGULAR GAS LOW MAINTENANCE Strong steady power is the key to driving fast and smooth We want to help you WIN with low cqst ROTARY power Call today to win in 85 DAVE LEWIS 714 849 4521 Page 21

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Ed Righter went fast in his new Chenowth Magnum but things like flat tires kept him out of the trophy hunt in Classes 1 and 10 The exciting Challenge of Champions couldn t have been much closer but Texan Billy Beck hung on to win the Challenge in his A arm Funco Curt LeDuc had only one challenger in Class 4 also and he drove hfs Ford powered Jeep to easy victories on both days of racing at Tampa Ken Burkett flew the start firiish jump nicely getting a third and a fourth in 1 2 1600 racing and a fine third overall in the Challenge C Yf r r Taylor went out while running a back several car lengths Scott strong second Most of the cars Taylor had no real trouble retired either trailing smoke or winning his s econd Class 10 with flats on the tractor tires that victory of the weekend Hester most of them favor for racing had a good battle going with When the flag finally dropped it Mike Paulson for a time and was Johh Hanson in the lead Texan Billy Beck was in the thick followed home by Clay Hurst of things also At the flag only six some distance back then Rick Class 1Os were on the lead lap Welch and Mark Oliver who with Scott Taylor Mike Hester passed Jerry Allen over the finish held second and Stanley line jump just before the Rowland took third followed by checkered flag Billy Beck as Mike Paulson Class 4 started out again with faded back to seven th in the the two Jeeps on the line It was waning laps fun while it lasted but Lucia had The sun was low in the sky several problems finally retiring when Class 1 took to the course on the third go with the transfer all 15 chargers ready to go 15 case fried So Curt LeDuc won laps This heat turned out to be again and the laps were almost a no contest run for John shortened for the near y McPherson who had an unusual rash of trans failures during the exhibition run A full 19 came back to the weekend He had no troubles in Class 10 war on Sunday The the Class 1 Eastern Force early fight was between Mike Berrien and led almost every Hester Jim Brown Mike inch of the way to win by a Paulson and Scott Taylor Taylor country mile McPherson from shot up to second and then Toronto fought off an early passed Hester and the pair had a challenge from Jimmie Crowder good fight until Hester dropped who later renewed his war with _ 1 4430 N Dixie Hwy _Ft Lauderdale Fla 33334 Distributors of Off Road Parts Accessories A T L Fuel Systems Bug Pack A M S Brakes Berrien Centerline Chenowth Dellorto Carbs Fox Shocks Funco Race Cars Kennedy Clutch K N Mastercraft Mecca Accusump Neal Outerwears Phoenix Fire Syst Saco Products Simpson Safety Super Boot Weber Carbs Total Seal Rings Weld Wheels Summers Bros V D O Gauges Wright Place 305 772 1171 305 491 8085 Legal in California for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway Page 22 The brand new Dodge D 50 of Bill Walker had a major ball joint problem and Curt LeDuc won Class 7 Both drivers are from New England am ace is a strong runner in the D class competition and his car is typical of the short wheelbase older buggies that put on a good show Mike Hester midway the pair road racers in one heat made heavy c ontact for a couple There was some flap about the of laps before Hester got away style of mufflers on some of the first and Crowder went on with a money winners Mufflers were slightly injured Magnum required by the Fairground rules With John McPherson out of and many Florida cars had just a sight Mike Hester and Scott tin can for a muffler That flap Taylor ran very tight all the way blew over as did most of the to the finish taking second and threatened protests The Tampa third Danny Hahn gained Bay Buggy Club did yeoman fourth and Dave Hunter in the service all weekend not only Ed Righter Class 10 was fifth flagging bravely on the tight Righter who had a good start corners but using their sand and was among the leaders early buggies as tow trucks when the on ended up shoved into a action was heavy on the course course barrier and it took some The trophy and cash purse time to get his Mangum loose presentations were all done right The final event for the after the final race at the track weekend was the Challenge of making it convenient for those Champions featuring the top that needed to get home to get four in each class All the cars are started in the early evening handicapped by their Saturday The meshing of Scpre Canada lap times and it all starts with the and F O R D A rules still needs slowest class and the field is fed more work For example the D onto the track lap by lap The theory is they will all be on the same lap at the flag if the handicap works D class led off led by J R Taylor then came 12 1600 4 10 and 1 It was going to be tough for a big engined car to catch up on the tight track J R Taylor led for three laps follo wed by Mark Amrhein and along came Billy Beck in third Beck in his Class 10 was first after five rounds with John McPherson right behind him but McPherson then lost another trans Scott Taylor with his Class 1 engine in the Pro Tech made a spectacular charge through the field and on the final lap he caught up to the high flying Funco of Billy Beck but he could not make the pass So Beck Texas and Class 10 won the Challenge Taylor Illinois and Class 1 came in second Ken Burkett Florida and Class 1 21600 took third Curt LeDuc Massachusetts and Class 4 was fourth Tom Surace New Jersey and Class 1 2 1600 was fifth Florida s Mark Amrhein and Class D took sixth and Dean Dodd from Quebec was next in his 1 1600 Most of the 20 starters were still running at the flag This type of finale is great for the spe c tators who see all the various speeds and shapes of off January 1985 class drivers wear short sl e eved shirts and blue jeans in competition and in Florida they say that a hobby class driver doesn t need a fire retardant suit Still most D cars are short wheelbase Funcos or Hi Jumpers and their drivers can burn as quickly as any other class The whole weekend had far too many bike and 3 wheeler heats twice as many as the cars The crowd seemed bored with the two and three wheel action and it drove most of them away before the Class 10 and Class l excitement even happened Overall however the meet was an artistic success but the near total lack of spectators on Sunday may well preclude such a north south merger of the two organizations from coming to pass again in the near future Holding up the honor of Florida Mike Hester drove to a second in both Class 10 and Class 1 in the hectic Sunday engine swap program John McPherson h d tranny troubles most of the weekend but he kept the Berrien together long enough to win Class 1 on Sunday Dusty Times

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PERFORMANCE MO Belts Harness Driving Suits Driving Boots Shoes Gloves Hoods Pro Series Helmets Fire Systems one and two seat models mandrel bent chrome moly or mild steel tubing race proven champion chassisn 16 471 1411 641 Sonora Avenue Glendale CA 91206 213 240 7866 Send for FREE chassis brochure Dll99Y U S 31 South Berrien Springs Ml 49103 1 800 253 7982 continental U S 0001632 2927 Michigan SWAY A WAY Pl CIALT VUJ Racing Engines For Offroad Midgets and Drags Sponsors of Eastern Force Off Road Racing Team 419 4 76 3300 I IOd Custer Drive TOLEDO OHIO 43612 RACE PROVEN There is no substit te Torsion Bars Sway Bar Kits Torsional Axles Urethane Products HPS INC P O Box 1065 SOLANA BEACH CA 92075 0830 6 19 753 3196 Spring Plates Front Torsion Leaves Front Trailing Arms Front Rear Adjusters 7840 Burnet Avenue Van Nuys CA 91405 213 988 5510 HPS WOHKS AND IT S WOHTH IT HIGH PERFORMANCE SYNTHETIC OIL FOR ro8o N Marshall Avenue El Cajon CA 92020 714 449 2900 COMPETITION OR STREET EASTERN FORCE WELCOMES INQUIRY ABOUT ADDITIONAL SPONSORSHIP FOR THE 1985 RACING SEASON CONTACT GEORGE DODD 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery Quebec Canada J6N 1A3 514 692 6171

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Jack Johnson almost owns the Frontier 250 having won three out of four times overall and the 1984 edition was one of his many triumphs Jack led overall all but the first lap in his Chenowth Magnum The fo urth an nual Frontier 250 from the HOR A ended a hectic off road racing season in the west It happened just nine days before Christmas For some their Chr istmas present By Jean Ca lvin was a victory o n the co urs e or in the points contest and for o thers it was a fin al fli ng in the deser t before k icki ng back fo r a month before getting started on the 1985 ch ampionship season The HORA prese n ted o ne of their best ru n events ever to th e 139 en tries that started the four lap dash over abo ut 60 mi les of ru gged ter rain south of Sloan the trad itio nal start fi ni sh area for H ORA in southern Nevada As us ual th e program started o n Friday morning with th e tech and contingency lines strung th rough the valet parki ng lo t in fron t of the sponsoring Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas U nfortu nGregg Symonds and Jake Fogg tried hard to repeat last year s Class 2 victory Rob MacCachren had his troubles with the Bunderson but he made the time ately the ri tual was schedu led fo r back handily to win Class 10 by almost ten minutes at the flag got in some hot laps but had to settle for second in class ten ho urs and as expected there was li ttl e acti vity until late in the afternoon wh en it got very cold There was a p ress conference to introd uce some o f the celebri ty d rivers in the final N issan C up r ace First to speak Be n Davidson of foo tball fame and too tall to fit in a stock Nissan remark ed that he liked off road racing s ince every bum p crashed h is head o n the roll cage and it reminded h im of NFL competi ti o n He also sai d he got to pre run with Sherman Balch and Sherm s well p repped pre runner spo il ed h im fo r the stoc k suspensio n in the Nissan C up 4 x4 Also desc ribing h is p re run with Mario Alesi Fee Waybill Mark Broneau and Tom Koch Raceco follow Brad and Brian Wright on the Capping a good year in Class 10 Steve Tetrick and Randy Snyder led Class 10 lead singer of the T ubes was trail but the swift pair took a close third in Class 10 at the flag for a time in the O R E but they were second after four laps T_ h e 1984 Desert Season Ends in Fine Style at the HDRA FRONTIER 150 Page 24 January 1985 Dusty Times

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Frank Arciero Jr started out fast in the Class 1 Funco turning the fast lap of the day but later Jim Sumners had a good day in the rocks leading Class 2 most of the way In his Raceco and when retired with incurable engine problems It really counted at the finish fine most humorous and apparently a real convert to off road racing He said he was really racing the rocks and the elements On course some familiar trai ls were strung together for a fresh route It started heading south from Sloan under the freeway and the rai lroad tracks and south almost to Stateline th e first check Then a quick turn north a few mi es back under the highway and the racers turned east and south to Check 2 before heading northeast to C heck 3 across Jean Dry Lake and west to Check 4 and on to the finish line The distance was listed as 63 miles The regulars termed it a rougher course than last year but a fast one also New was the 10 30 a m start time on Saturday along with the history making first time ever ride in an off road race by a current state governor A true enthusiast and the grand marshall of the Frontier 500 Nevada Governor Richard Bryan rode shotgun on the first lap with Rod li ey Hall From all reports Governor Bryan enjoyed his ri de even though he had to help Rod change a flat tire during the lap Adding something specia l to the pre race ceremonies at the start line was the marriage of Li ta Bitcon and Eric Batross Lita is the daughter of Larry Bitcon owner and builder of the winning Class 5 driven by Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen After the ceremo y Governor Bryan signed the certificate as a witness and gave the bride a kiss Dragging several dozen Coors cans the race car was driven to the pits by the newlyweds and it was prepared for the race C lass 1 was the first away with a dozen in the entry and the poi nts title was on the line There were four entries from Arizona four from Nevada and fou r from California The even split in entry between drivers from the three states that produce the major desert races saw one from each state come in among the to p three in class Arizona s Jerry Finney and Dan Foodrill were first away but their Chaparral soon came to grief as did points leader Mike Lund Chenowth Magnum Turning the hot first lap was Frank Arciero Jr in the family Funco a 1 13 43 which turned out to be the fast lap of the day Jack Johnson was hurrying in his Magnum about three minutes back on time and g Dusty Times ICEEPS OIi WIIIIIIIIGI I I In 1984 HPS synthetic lubricants helped racers score 13 First Overall and 93 First in Class wins HPS performance and protection can help you be a winner too So ask your parts supplier for HPS before your next oil change FRONTIER 250 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st CL 5 Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen CL 5 1600 Todd and Tom Craig Greg Kalajian CL 6 Larry Schwacofer CL 9 Mark Johnson Nissan Cup Jorge Souto Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen on their way to the HORA overall point champions hip ARA TURKEY CHASE BARSTOW CLASSIC 1st 1st 1st 1st CL 2 Danny Letner CL 5 Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen CL 6B Larry Schwacofer CL 11 Ramon Castro I Victor Preciado 1st Overall 1st Open 3W John Knudsen 2nd Overall 1st 250 3W Rick Webb SILVEROUST 400 1st Overall 3W Mike Dixon 84 POINT CHAMPIONSHIPS BAJA CROSS CL 1 Scott Gillman CL 10 Mike Gillman SCORE CL 2 Mark McMillin CL 5 Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen CL 6B Larry Schwacofer CL 9 Jim Di zney CL 43 Fred Wing HORA 1st Overall Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen CL 1 Mike Lund CL 5 Malcolm Vinje Mark Hansen CL 5 1600 Todd and Tom Craig Greg Kalajian CL 9 Kelly McDonough CL 10 Ray Aragon Leon Tice MICKEY THOMPSON CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX MIO WEST SERIES CL 10 Scott Taylor SCORE CANADA 1st Overall John McPherson f L 1 John McPherson CL 10 John McPherson BF Goodrich Triple Crown John McPherson BOSCH VOLKSWAGEN SUPER VEE Rookie of the Year Jeff MacPherso n DISTRICT 38 Open Bike Expert Bruce Smith I THANKS FOR PROVING WORKS AND IT S WORTH IT I I I HPS can help keep you ahead no matter what you drive HPS provides more horse power and better fuel economy Most importantly HPS can save hundreds of dollars by reducing parts wear and or damage caused by conventional oil breaking down at excessively high temperatures Shouldn t you ask your parts supplier for HPS before your next oil change I FOR MORE INFORMATION AND A LIST OF DEALERS CONTACT HPS Inc P O Box 1065 Solana Beach CA 92075 619 753 3196 Dealer Inquires Invited I I I HPS SUPERSEDES CONVENTIONAL OILS ___ January 1985 Page 25

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T Jerry and Bob Leighton had a trouble filled race just missed earning the Class 10 points title but ran very strong to an official sixth Jack and Jerry Ramsay took the hotly contested see saw battle in the Class 12 1600 driving their two seat Bunderson to a nearly ten minute win The new O R E of Fred Ronn and John Love whips past the Bell Bunderson and Ronn and Love took a keen close second in Class 1 2 1600 It was the end of a great season for Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen They won Class 5 and took the 1984 HDRA overall points title as well Kennedy of Phoenix served notice on the first lap turning a 1 14 flat just 17 seconds off Arciero s fast lap of the day Also after top honors was the Raceco pi ckup truck driven by Jim Nobles and David Kreisler with a l 17 3g barely trailed by Jim and Billy Wright l 17 54and Jim Sumners 1 17 56 On the seccrnd lap the two seaters were well up in the Class 1 ranks After two rounds Jim Wright was second on the road to Jack Johnson and the threat from Dave Kreisler s military prototype pickup was gone wi _th Greg Heinrich and Jim Pope came back from a first lap disaster to turn the hot a broken tranny due to fluid laps for Class 5 and they finished a good second In the race leakage Although the Wrights led Jim Sumners on the road second on the Funco of Tom Bradley Jr and Sumners had the lead on time by road whil e most of the field Bill Kreitlow 33 seconds in a real horse race discovered that the fast stuff was C lass 2 was next away odd ly and Gregg Symonds Jake Fogg also rough stuff enough with 18 starters the same were less than two minutes back On the second lap Arciero had number as the class held two However on the next lap the valve train trouble and dropped weeks earl ier at the Barstow Wrights broke a stub axle and back retiring at the half way C lassic This was a tough field retired After a 1 18 first lap point Jack Johnson never let up and contained severa l possible Danny Letner had about 25 o n the gas and covered the four overall winners such as Jim and minutes worth of trouble on the laps in just 5 09 36 for another Billy Wright Raceco Danny second but after three his car first overall title his third in the Letner Henry Bergdahl Raceco was running strong Jim Sumners Frontier 250 event Meanwhile Porsche and Gregg Symonds and Gregg Symonds had nearly at half distance Larry Noel had and Jake Fogg who just missed it identical third lap times with his Chapparal in second and last year However the new two Symonds second in total time Arciero was third On the third seat Chaparral driven by Tim 17 seconds quicker on the lap round Noel s front end broke near Check 1 and he was out of the hunt Most of the Class ls outside of Jack Johnson had some problems along the way Getting in two quick final laps Jerry Finney and Dan Foodrill nabbed second in class seventh overall Mike Lund came back from his first lap mishap to turn some fast times and take third in class ninth overall and the C lass 1 points title Frank Snook and Eric Arras brought their Raceco home fifth in class only a few minutes behind Doc Ingram and Tom Bradley who got a fine finish in the Skoal Bandits Chaparral fourth in class The Stan Gilbert drove hard to second In Class 8 in Charlotte Corral s Ford and final C lass 1 finisher was the Stan_took home the 1984 HDRA points title in Class 8 also Page 26 January 1985 than the leader Class 2 came down to the final lap The Gregg Symonds Jake Fogg Raceco did anoth r hot lap this time 11 seconds faster than Sumners but it wasn t quite enough Jim Sumners and Craig Renfro won Class 2 by just over a minute from Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg who had won the class last year The two Racecos scored second and third overaff Letner and Bergdahl moved fast enough on the last half of the race to scoot up to third in class less than a minute ahead of the Barbary Coast Bunderson of Len Ne man and Mike Gaughan After losi ng 50 minutes to a broken starter on lap 2 Tim Kennedy got back in gear to whip off a 1 18 on the final lap and finish fifth Tommy and Trevor Ford got their older two seater around four times to mke sihh in C lass 2 C lass 10 was not up to its psual strength fielding one dozen at the Frontier 250 Last year s overal l w inn er Rob Mac Cachren Bunderson faced fellow young lion from Las Vegas Ron Ell enburg Hi Jumper Ron had just won the overall points title in the SNORE Ser ies Ca li fornia contenders in the ranks included steve Tetrick Randy Snyder O R E Mark Broneau Tom Koch Raceco Jerry and Bob Leighton in their own chassis and Ray Aragon Leon Tice Raceco Dark horse entries included Bill Herrick Mike McDonnell Raceco and Bill Pederson all the way from lllinoi s in a Berrien The race was on from flag fall between the two Nevada youngsters Ron Ellenburg was in with a 1 18 51 almost as fast as the Class 2s and Rob MacCachren did a 1 19 16 The Mark Broneau Tom Koch combo was next with a 1 21 34 and by the second lap this group was up among the two seateTs and hauling away Midway it was really tight Ellenburg was first on the road and on time with total time of 2 41 18 Bronean Koch were next with 2 42 37 followed by Tetrick Snyder 2 45 18 Ray Aragon 2 46 34 and Buddy H a rriJ fr q in Oklahoma City 2 48 7 Rob MacCachren broke the front beam near Check 1 on fop 2 but got it welded together nearby and only lost about 17 minutes in tffie exercise His two lap total time was 2 56 12 just I Steve Kelley made a perfect debut in Larry Minor s GMC pickup Steve led every lap to a great victory winning by about twelve minutes Mark Johnson and Kent Richardson drove their Class 9 Hi Jumper to Its second victory in two weeks a nifty way to end the 1984 season Dusty Times

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Join HDRA and the West s Best Off Road Drivers at the 1 985 Debut Seco nd Annual T e et a don g r vz _ 1 1 s 811 wt of the JJ g Oors MARCH _1 3 1985 The1 l face the 1 Laughlin Nevada H C AJ Way HORA 1985 Desert Schedule Come race and play on the banks of the beautiful Colorado River 90 miles south of Las Vegas Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin NV March 1 3 Fireworks 250 Barstow CA July 5 7 FronUer 500 Las Vegas NV Sept 6 8 Frontier 250 Las Vegas NV Dec 13 15 _ ll_ HORA Presented By Don Laughlin s Riverside Resort and Casino For more information or entry forms High Desert Racing Association 961 W Dale Las Vegas Nevada 89124 702 361 5404

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I conti nued to do faste r laps but at the flag it was Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen who won Class 5 and the overall HORA po in ts champio nship on ly the second time in history that the honor has gone to a Class 5 Baja Bug Greg Heinrich and Jim Pope were a clean second having made up all b ut 18 minutes o f their time loss The wear and tear of the hectic competition yea r showed in Class 8 also with just seven big trucks in the ranks This was the last chance for W alker Evan s to win a title in 1984 points and Walker was down with a broken trans on the Dodge o n the first Alex Decuir drove his Hi Jumper alone and the Las Vegas champion had to Manny Esquerra and his brother Tudy had no problems at the Frontier 250 lap losing a lot of time Up front settle for second in the close contest among the 1200s this trip ancft1hey took the Class 7 win and the points title for Ford with a swift 1 26 54 the fast lap for the class went to Steve Kelley fl ying hi gh in Larry Minor s GMC pickup A lso pursu ing the championsh ip Stan G ilbert and C harlotte Corral were running second about eight minutes back in the Ford Bill Howard and Richard Nelson were third another four minutes back in the Chevrolet Midway K el l ey ha d a tremendous lead of 16 minutes over G ilbert Ev ans was back in motio n but Howard was ahead of him on total time despite losing an hou r somewh e re himself Kelley was never really threatened en rou te to the Rod Hall took Nevada s governor for a ride but that didn t slow him down as Walt Laycock and Jim Bell sailed over the Nevada tundra in th eir Jeep Honcho checkered flag and his winning he drove the big Dodge to yet another title in Class 4 to f ail djwn second in Class 4 by just a few minutes margin was a clean 13 minutes barely ahead of ten minutes behind Steve out were Ca liforni ans Fred Ronn on the first lap as the Vegas Bug Stan Gilbert got the championthe Leigh to ns at 2 57 04 and the Tetrick and Randy Snyder were and John Love in th eir new lost a good 50 minutes to ship he wanted o n points with an Leightons had problems all day second and fifth overall only O R E at 1 2 7 38 Phil unknown woes Th e Vinje impressive seco nd place in the that didn t end with the two minutes ahead of Mark Bowers John Slagor scored a Hansen race was not without Ford Hanging in there Walker checkered fl g Bron ea u and Tom Koch who 1 28 2 7 and from Yum a incident as they were involved in Evans moved up to third at the Ron Ellenburg slowed with were sixth overall Bud Harris Ri chard Binder did a 1 29 49 a side swipe affair w ith a Class 8 flag After more welding work mechanical trouble on lap 3 and ran consistently to take fourth in This was another close battle truck which broke a sho ck on near Goodsprings road Bill the race got

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after one round were the Barstow winners Mark Johnson and Kent Richardson Las Vegas champion Alex Decuir also in a Hi Jumper was three minutes back and just seconds behind them was second place runner Ted Armstrong in a Funco A couple more were just a few seconds more off the pace Midway Johnson Richardson still led now by just over two minutes over Decuir Armstrong was back another four minutes and three more were still close On the third go around Johnson Richardson snagged the fast lap for the class a swift 1 33 13 and did a 1 35 final round to win Class 9 by 12 minutes It was their second class win in two weeks and this time they were 20th overall not too shabby for 1200 ccs Alex Decuir slowed a bit on the final laps but he held an easy second place not good enough to gain him a repeat HORA points title Running very steady the son and father team of Jeff and Larry Watson nailed down third in class in another Hi Jumper just another 16 minutes back Ted Armstrong had some last lap delays but he took a strong fourth about ten minutes later and Ted was only 13 seconds ahead of Larry Webster Shelton Lowery in a Funco Kelly McDor i ough and her father Joe b ough t their funco home sixth after many woes including s arting the race without first gear J and losing the rear s spension on the first lap Sixth was enougn points to give Kelly the 1984 Class 9 I IDRApoints c h ampionshi p From Ogden Utah Mike Baker and Robert Scott nailed down seventh in Class 9 in tneir Chenowth Class 7 held a quartet a pair of Fo_ r d Range rs for Manny Esque r ra aod Brent Smith and a pair of Ni ssans for Mario Alesi and Sherman Balch Althou gh he Hard luck has plagued the Dan Naylor Max Razo 5 1600 This round they lost the hood early but pushed the air fast enough to take third place Leading going into the fourth lap pence Low and Paul Delang had an unfortunate flat tire and not only lost the race b_ u t the t ruck title had only to cross the start line to Alesi had gearbox trouble on win the points title Esquerra had the third lap running most of the come to race On the first lap lap in second _gear and he also Alesi took off like a i ocket had a flat Meanwhile Manny turning a 1 25 flat to hold _the nd Tudy J squerra kept up thei lead of seven minutes on 1 30 and change laps to not only Esqu erra who was a_pout fou_r win Class 7 but take the Class 7 m nutes al iead of Ba ch Smi th pojnts as ell Alesi held on to ha9 pt0 blerns f11om the start anti fi nish sec 0 ns f retired on lap 3 Alesi kept his Class 4 was full of celebrities pace high and midway his lead with just seven starters Not only over Esquerra grew to over 14 was Rod Hall giving Nevada s minutes Balch began having govern01 a ride butJohnRandall electrical trouble that would had John Miner president of t_he plague hi_m all the way to his thi rd Frontier Hotel and Casino in his place finish Jeep Honcho Hall cooled it a tad on the first lap and stopped with a flat John Randall led the first round by about a minute and a half and the Honcho of Walt Laycoc k and Jim Bell was only six seconds behind Hall The scene shifted on lap 2 as Rod Rall picked up regular rider Jim Fricker and turned fast lap for the class a 1 35 41 to take the lead in his Dodge Randall was about eight minutes back now and Laycock Bell held third All seven completed three laps Rod Hall had no more delays and he sailed into the finish line the Class 4 winner and the winner of the Heavy Metal HORA points title Randall lost The only Class 14 on hand Marshall and tv fike Mahr won their points title and also drove the older Jeepster to a fine second in Class 3 bags of time on the final half of the race

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healthy dozen Jo rge Souto got a good fight fro m My ro n Croe l who ran afo u l of the rules In the official results Souto won the race by a mere seven minutes over Croel Larr y O lson was third abo ut 45 minutes back and h e as o nly 37 seconds ah ead of the first celebrity truck d ri ven by Fee Waybill and hi s rn an iger Larry Fitzgerald a real pa ir of enth usiastic sup_p_oriers of off road racing Ten of the twelve fin ished the two laps At the awards presentation on S unday both the race awards and the year end poi nts awards were d ispensed in a ni cely Don Adams drove the new Jeep Cherokee hard in Nevada to win the two Jeep Jorge Souto won the final race in the Nissan Cup Series in 1984 but he missed s tr ea mlin ed p r esentati o n a Class 12 and he also won the points title in the new class a repeat points victory by merely 45 points this year pleasure after the maratho n Jason Myers in the Do n Adams Adams did all four rounds and sess io n a year ago During the CJ 7 had overheat problems but won the race and the points title ceremo ny W alt Lott introduced was rnnning second midway The final class o ff the line was Sa l Fi sh and the two said they Marshall and Mike M ahr were the Nissan C up the stock 4x4s were ver y close to agreement o n a th en ho lding third M yers was and this round th e celebrity jo int d esert points series fo r about 26 minutes behind the drivers were mi xed in with the 198 5 C heck the Trail No tes fo r Scout starting the final lap and r egul a r s fo r th e two la p s any late development on th is he co uld h ave won wh en required It bro ught the fiel d to a fro nt C hamberlin had li ght troub le But no t fa r fro m the finish the much raced CJ 7 bro ke the frame in half and that was that The M ahrs nailed do wn second at the FINAL RESULTS fl ag a nd G ale Pike d rove his 73 POS CAR DRIVER S TIME VEHICLE Bronco to third in class well CLASS 1 Unlimited Single Seat 12 start 6 finish 104 1 JACK JOHNSON Chenowth 5 09 36 ahead ofJ M Bragg who rolled 2 100 JERRY FINNEY DAN FODDRILL Chaparral 5 46 01 hi s CJ 7 but kept o n racing Carl 3 106 MIKE LUND Chenowth 5 48 48 Cook and C rai g Anderson got Fee Waybill and Lar y Fitzgerald did the best of the celebs in the Nissan Cup 4 103 DOC INGRAM TOM BRADLEY Chaparral 6 11 06 their Ford ho me the fifth and ta ing a strong fourth behind three regular competitors 110 5 FRANK SNOOK ERIC ARRAS Raceco 6 18 38 final C lass 3 fini shers CLASS 2 Unlimited Two Seat 18 start 6 finish laps Th e C hamberlins had a cliff 1 260 and t en started at JIM SUMNERS CRAIG RENFRO Raceco 5 21 51 GREGG SYMONDS JAKE FOGG 2 207 Raceco 5 24 57 Sloan But the rough running hanger of a fini sh They had o ne There were a pai r in C lass 6 216 DANNY LETNER HENRY BERGDAHL 3 Raceco 6 00 48 d id in all but thr ee of the mini flat tire and near di saster when and once aga in the o ld Ch evy of 4 208 LEN NEWMAN MICHAEL GAUGHAN Raceco 6 01 40 trucks Whi pping off fast lap fo r all the lights went o ut o n the dark Larry Schwaco fe r a nd Sid 5 217 TIM KENNEDY Chaparral 6 09 26 the class was Spencer Lo w in a trail about frve miles fro m the Spradling went all four laps for CLASS 1 2 1600 Restricted 1600cc 18 start 14 finish Ni ssan a 1 43 53 Lo w and co finish Bob tucked in behind a the finish and th e victo ry Bill 1 1205 JACK RAMSAY JERRY RAMSAY Bunderson 5 51 05 2 1212 FRED RONN JOHN LOVE O R E 5 59 58 dri ver Paul Delang had alread y buggy using its lights but it got McDo nno ld and Dave Fed er3 l 210 MICHAEL STOKELY No info 6 28 07 won the HORA 7S title but a away Luckily he was able to then wi sch Fo rd M averi ck p ut up the 4 1214 DARRELLWILSON ROBERT UTGARO Hi Jumper 6 36 18 win at thi s race wo uld bring them follo w the Laycock Ho ncho all good figh t covered hree la ps 5 121 3 TERRY BELL TIM BELi Bunderson 6 41 37 a few mo re poi nts than R od Hall the way in to victo ry and eyen but did no t m ake the final round CLASS 3 Short Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive 10 start 5 finish and the overall Heavy Metal with losing half an ho ur o n the For the first time there was BOB CHAMBERLIN C CHAMBERLIN 1 308 IH Scout 7 53 11 2 301 MARSHALL MAHR MICHAEL MAHR p oi nts ch ampi o nship Abo ut last lap C hamberlin wo n C lass 3 mo re than o ne entry in C lass 12 Jeepster 8 25 24 3 300 GALE PIKE Ford Bro nco 8 47 12 nine mi n u tes back was the Ford by over half an ho ur Alo ng with the Jeep Cherokee of 4 312 J M BRAGG Jeep CJ 7 9 1 2 17 Back in the herd poin ts Do n Adams there was a similar Ranger o f W illie Valdez Jose CLASS 4 Long Wheelbase Four Wheel Drive 7 start 5 finish A rmenta o nly a couple of cham p io n Do n Coffland retired Jeep driven by To m Pelti er but 1 400 RODNEY HALL JIM FRICKER Dodge 6 41 21 minutes ahead o f Mike and Pat h is Jeep CJ 7 early o n the first lap th e latter o nly covered on e lap 2 405 WALT LAYCOCK JIM BELL Jeep Honcho 8 01 22 Falkosky T o yo ta who had a 3 402 VERNON ROBERTS BILL DONAHOE Jeep Honcho 8 08 28 401 4 JOHN RANDALL JOHN MINER Jeep Honcho 8 24 44 couple m inutes in hand o ver Paul LOWELL ARNOLD TOM KEPLER 5 408 Jeep Honcho 8 52 27 and David Simo n Fo rd Couri er CLASS 5 Unlimited Baja Bug 3 start 2 finish The Simo ns had big trouble o n 1 549 MALCOLM VINJE MARK HANSEN Baja Bug 6 42 25 the next lap and retired o n the 2 502 GREG HEINRICH JIM POPE Baja Bug 7 00 47 third Illi no is racer C hu ck CLASS 5 1600 1600cc Baja Bug 13 start 4 finish 1 589 TODD CRAIG TOM CRA IG Baja Bug 7 26 21 Johnson was o ut of it after o ne 2 553 MIKE MENKO HENRY ARGANDA Baja Bug 7 40 1 8 lap with a broken spindle 3 556 DANNAYLOR MAX RAZO Baja Bu g 7 47 02 Ha lfway in the bash Low was 4 552 BRAD WRIGH T BR IAN WRIGHT Baja Bu g 8 23 10 looking good with a 16 minute CLASS 6 Production Sedan 2 start 1 finish lead on Va ldez and Falkosk y had 600 L SCHWACOFER SID SPRADLING 55 Ch ev rolet 7 54 25 CLASS Unlimited Mini Pickup 4 start 3 finish dropped wel l back Low lost ti m_e 1 701 MANNY ESQUERRA TUDY ESQUERRA Ford Ranger 6 17 26 to repairs o n the thi rd go and 2 729 MARIO ALESI HARRY SLADWICK Nissan 6 42 07 head ing down __ he final loop his 3 702 SHERMAN BALCH Nissan 7 54 16 lead over Valdez had dwindled to CLASS 7 S Stock Mini Truck 10 start 3 finish just three m inutes Then a few 1 744 WILLIE VALDEZ JOSE ARMENTA 7 42 12 Ford Ranger miles fro m the finish line Spence 730 2 SPENCER LOW PAUL DELANG Nissan 7 43 37 3 736 MIKE FALKOSKY PAT FALKOSKY Toyota 9 14 08 Low bagged a fl at he lost the race CLASS 8 Pickup 7 start 4 finish to Willi e Valdez and lost hi s bid William Landon and John Foody came south from Sparks Nevada and got 1 805 STEVE KELLEY GMC 6 29 03 fo r the Heavy Metal title o n their two seat Hi Jumper around the four laps for 11th in 1 2 1600 2 804 STAN GILBERT CHARLOTTE CORRAL Ford 6 41 49 points Spence and his who le 3 803 WALKER EVANS PETE GLADYSZ Dodge 8 29 46 team were very disappointed 4 802 BILL HOWARD RICHARD NELSON Chevro let 8 49 08 CLASS 9 1200cc Single Seat 9 start 7 finish after doing so well all year 1 907 MARK JOHNSON KENT RICHARDSON Hi Jumper 6 19 57 Valdez margin in victo ry was 2 904 ALE X DECU IR Hi Jumper 6 31 07 just 1 25 minutes Despite many 903 JEFF WATSON LARRY WATSON 3 Hi Jumper 6 47 49 troubles the Falkosky T o yo ta 4 902 TED ARMSTRONG Funco 6 58 06 got a good ti nal lap time to finish LARRY WEBSTER SHELTON LOWERY Funco 5 908 6 58 19 third CLASS 10 Unlimited 1650cc 12 start 7 finish 1 101 0 ROB MAC CACHREN Bunderson 5 33 12 C lass 3 produced a good entry 2 1009 5 43 08 STEVE TETRICK RANDY SNYDER O R E o f ten starters and surpri sing 3 1098 MARK BRON EAU TOM KOCH Raceco 5 45 25 th e regulars Bob C hamberlin 4 1002 BUD HARRIS Chenowth 5 47 59 cam e o ut of the north woods of 5 1008 RAY ARAGON LEON TICE Raceco 5 55 55 Oregon actually T igard O R CLASS 12 Four Wheel Drive Production Utility 2 start 1 finish 350 DON ADAMS Jeep Cherokee 8 44 44 and blew everyone s doors off NISSAN CUP Stock Nissan 4 x 4 Pickup 2 Laps 12 start 7 finish Even mo re of a jo lt was the fact 1 775 JORGE SOUTO N issan 4 22 11 that Bob led all four laps fo his 2 776 MYRON CROEL BEN CROEL N issan 4 29 04 C hevy powered Sco ut Dusty LARRY OLSEN 3 777 Nissan 5 1 4 26 Times no rth west correspo ndent 779 FEE WAYBILL LARRY FITZGERALD 4 Ni ssan 5 15 03 KEN SNYDER GRl G SNYDER Nissan 5 16 44 C indy C hamberl in rode with her Young Las Vegans Bobby Guevara and Chris Collins hopped their two seat Hi 5 772 h usband o n the final two cold Jumper around quickly to finish seventh in Class 1 2 1600 HDRA FRONTIER 250 Page 30 January 1985 Dusty Times

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In Sportsmen 1600 Greg Oswskey rear gets set to move past Jason Justus Justus went on to win Beginner 1 class and 14th overall while Oswskey went out of action with troubles before Check 2 The eighth Annual Sonoita to tion and it is the final event in Rocky Point Hare n Hound is the A D R A Desert Championone of the two point to point ship Series The time was races promoted each year by the December 1st 1984 the place Arizona Desert Racing Associathe sleepy border town of Richard Binder took the early overall lead In his new ORBS Pro 2 racer and he kept the overall honors at the flag with a 2 37 59 time FUNCO THE UL Tl MATE POWER STEERING Reliability Simplicity Cost 425 00 Less Pump and Lines DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED FUNCO 8847 E 9th Cucamonga CA 91730 714 985 6813 Page 32 Leaving the line fourth Richard Binder and Omar Adams in the Yuma built Off Road Buggy Supply ORBS Pro Two machine were in the lead by the first check Hot on their tail were John Gardner in the Reg Hughes C G Contracting Funco and Ed and Jody Martensen in their new F A T engined Raceco Richard Binder went on to not only win Pro Two but he took the overall victory with a time of 37 59 While Binder never looked back there was a lot of action behind him Gardner the only entrant in Pro Ten and first off decided to run in Class 1 He held his position behind Binder and took the Pro One win and second overall The next Unlimited Pro car Harry and Wayne Greene s Chaparral was way back at 2Jrd overall and Mark Giebelhaus in the Marlin Mechanical Corp Trick Gas Funco was even further behind at 27th overall Succumbing to a blown clutch less than a mile from the finish was Doc Ingram in the Skoal Bandits Ingram and White Racing Chaparral Experiencing transmission difficulties early on Ingram still ran well but he Sonoita Sonora Mexico and the race decided many of 1984 s hotly contested points chases Including the bikes nearly 350 competitors came from five western states and Mexico to enjoy the sunshine and seashore and also do some serious racing While many race cars showed the scars of the year s battles a few racers were sporting new machines at the even t The course 130 miles in length was similar to those of past seasons It ran south out of Sonoita through beautiful cholla covered foothills that offered the usual amount of rocks ditches John Gardner was the only Pro 10 entry so he ran In Pro 1 and pushed the washouts and tight twisting 1600 to the class victory and a quick third overall mesquite tree lined trails Then it turned east and headed towards Caborca skirting some mountains to the north Again heading north the route went through a pass and came to Check 1 at the pits 33 miles out The route retraced the course for ten miles but continued south on a fast dusty desert road to Check 2 15 miles further This desert road went across a valley and then deteriorated as it climbed the foothills of the coastal range Lots of cacti rocks and hidden washouts were featured here as the course found a way through a pass Heading downhill the route turned to sand fast as you can go sand soft gas eating sand for 40 miles into Check 3 Next came a serpentine trail for 17 miles into Check 4 just outside of Puerto Penasco Rocky Point The last ten miles of the race ran out overthe same loop the Beginners had chewed up at the recent Penasco 150 and ended at the Rocky Point ballpark Mike Cofflnger and Greg Ross took the checkered flag first In the Heavy Iron class driving their V 8 powered Jeep CJ 7 to victory In the past the fastest cars have beaten the bikes on time in this race So the cars were the Hares and at 9 00 a m sixtynine race cars in Pro Sportsman and Beginner divisions lined up for the start One vehicle left every thirty seconds and sixty Pete Sohren kept It all together In the deep sand to not only win Pro 5 easily but the Tucson driver also came In a swift fifth overall seven actually started January 1985 Dusty Times

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11 I had no lower gears as he left check 4 With the clutch already overheated headed out on what many later called the worst part of the course Doc was stopped by the clutch four miles later He had been sixth on the road at a visual check on that loop Going by the wayside earlier in Pro One were s o me of the favorites In his first Pro race Jim Travis was out between Checks 2 and 3 The season class points leader Terry Smith never made it to Check 2 and Ed Beard stopped almost before he started In Pro Two the Martensens slowed some between Checks 1 and 2 letting Steve Cheuvront and Vicki Allison get in front in their Chaparral Tandem It all added up to a one minute lead on the road at Check 3 but the Martensens were ahead again by 27 seconds at Check 4 At the finish Ed and Jody were in ten seconds before Steve and Vicki but since the Cheuvron t entry had started later they took second in Pro Two by one minute 15 seconds over the Martensens Fourth in Pro Two Max McCluskey and David Devara did some fine driving to bring the Cooling Systems Service AMPI Ai r Parts Bell Glass NW Concrete Funco in just four minutes later Max s short suspe ded and short wheelbase caF is horribly outdated by the new racers but he gave it quite a ride Dan Gross invited A D R A Chief Tech Inspector Bill Graham along to co drive in the Kustom Engine D N Construction Gross Septic Tanks Vulcan Dan has had more than his share of woes at this event with four DNFs in the past four years This time he was determined to finish But at about 40 miles per hour Dan Max McCluskey made a very good showing In his older Funco and he finished Lee Alderman and Tracy Corbett explode out of a wash In the new Pro Desert fourth In Pro 2 and a good sixth overall on time S 10 4 x 4 They went on to tlnlsh third In the Heavy Iron Doc Ingram was going well In the Skoal Bandit Chaparral but he was stopped Just short of the finish line when the ailing clutch quit The Chevy had many problems including a broken CV joint but it ran fast when it was going Not finishing in Pro Two were Jim Everett out by Check 3 Mark Lundell out at Check 2 and Steve Shirley out before the first check Two Pro 1600 cars started but neither finished Mel Jarvis made it past Check 1 and Bill Stokes parked without passing a checkpoint Pete Sohren took Pro Five honors in with a respectable ninth overall and Pete Dunshie was back 50 minutes Bill Salmon had been leading the class running 11th overall on the road at Check 2 but he never showed up at Check 3 Dunshie had his troubles too putting his Baja on its roof less than ten miles off the start There were only three 4 x 4s two CJs and an S 10 Chevy and only one 2 WD pickup So they formed a special Heavy Iron class on the starting line Mike Coffinger and Greg Ross in the Dirtrix BFGoodrich Coffinger Randall Racing V 8 CJ 7 were the first ones in at 22nd overall Two minutes back Jim Jeff Sanders once again took the Sportsmen 1600 victory and he also placeda Huff soloed in the Plum Crazy respectable seventh overall In the multiple sponsored racer CJ 6 for second Hard charging Lee Alderman and Tracy Corbett put on quite a show in the S l0 4x4 but a broken suspension problem early on cost them a lot of time and put them in at third 36 minutes back Ignacio Alcala Rivera s big Ford gave up about 15 miles from the start In the Sportsman ranks Dan Foddrill stood out taking Frank Thomas and the Palmer s Custom Speed Finney Chaparral Tandem to first in Sportsman Two and fourth overall just five minutes behind Richard Binder Jeff Sanders had another good race too grabbing Sportsman 1600 honors and seventh overall Duncan Brown cuts through the cholla en route to the Sportsmen Class 1 title in the SuperSeats W oods Off In the Toyota powered Chaparral and eighth overall as well Road Products Kirk s Automo Dusty imes Dan Foddr 11 charged hard driving the new Chaparral Tandem to first lri Sportsmen 2 and he also garnered a quick fourth overall was stopped in a tree between Check 2 and Check 3 When the dust settled the right front wheel and trailing arms were missing After finding the wheel and making some repairs the team took off with Graham now codriving from the left side nerf bars Trading places from time to time Gross and Graham finished fifth in class ahead of the last ones in for Pro Two Dr Bill Cook and Mike Galvin in Cook s All U s A Camaro funny car January 1985_ Ed Faulkner not mly won the Sportsmen 1600 Limited class he also drove the buggy back to the start on the highway to get his tow truck tive Trick Gas Beard s Special In Sportsman One Dunc Brown was right behind Sanders at eighth overall and he won the class in the Toyota powered ARE YOUR BELTS LEGAL FOR 1985 llE PRODUCTS INC 0 Filler Products Inc is offering the above set of 5 point belts with 3 snap in lap belt 3 twin harness and 2 crotch strap including all mounting hardware at a specialJy reduced price With sewn in harness pads as shown 98 75 Without harness pads 88 1 q Filler is also offering to re web and up date your existing sets of belts as shown above for only 38 00 SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order using Visa Mastercharge or we do ship C 0 0 No personai checks please Order now and receive the new 20 page 1985 catalog an price list free Fl LER PRODUC TS INC 9017 San Fernando Road Sun Valley CA 91352 818 768 7770 Page 33

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Pony Express In regard to our phone conversation thank you for agreeing to print a correction to the Baja 1000 article The Isuzu P up that won Class 7S in the race was NOT built by Bryon Farnsworth This winning pickup was built by K Kars Keith Jaeger puts the pressure on D W Van Kevern s Sportsmen 1600 Jaeger Unlimited of Riverside CA The ran strong taking Sportsmen 5 and he finished 15th overall mechanics were Kim Klepper SuperSeats Chaparral Keith Custom Speed Bronco One the owner of K Kars his Jaeger was the only starter in CB Trick Gas Chaparral in _ brothers Jim and Kelly Steve Sportsman Five and he hung on Beginner 1600 With Rick Sheridan and Wayne Napier to finish 15th overall in the black Bennt tt riding shotgun Gary The powerful engine was built by Dirtrix Baja Bug _ came in first in class 21st overall Jack Bayer of Hemet and the At 18th overall Ed Faulkner Duane Beamis and Pete Peterson automatic transmission was built was the Sportsman 1600 Limited drove the New Century by Ken Magi of Mogi T ransmischamp Not only did Ed drive the Tooling SuperSeats Kirk s Au sions in Riverside CA Bryon race alone but he had come tomotive Chenowth to tops in Farnsworth acted on behalf ofKalone from Signal Hill Beginner 1600 Limited in at Kars in obtaining the contract to California and he had to leave 28th overall Usually in their build the race truck and the chase his transporter at the start line Sportsman V 8 buggy Port and trucks for the Baja 1000 race So after the race Ed hopped Newt Campbell tried a Baja Bug Patti Klepper back into the racer and took to in Beginner Five 1600 and Riverside CA the highway in the Edwin made good finishing 30th Enterprises Hi Jumper overall Thank you Patti for correcting Four cars started in Sportsman A total of forty cars finished our obvious error and we do like to Five 1600 but Jim Henry and out of the 67 starters with the give credit especially for such a Roger Lake held the lead wire to last finisher Jerry Wood taking super performance to the right folks wire and they finished 19th nearly seven hours to cover the who did all the work Next time we overall in their LGS Construc 130 miles but he was second in will dig deeper into the facts before tion Baja Bug with Mario Beginner Two in the Woods putting pen to paper Valenzula second and 33rd Vulcan The season awards and overall trophies will be presented at the In the Beginner division Dave annual banquet January 12th In regard to the December Bush and Susan Garcia were 1985 in Phoenix issue of Dusty Times Thank The first race of the 1985 You With ink like the cover quickest in the Jim Bush RediMix Ajo Bug Clinic Hot L A D R A Championship Series photo it makes it sq much easier Hotel Bar Vulcan and they has been scheduled for January 4 to approach prospectiv_e won Beginner Two and were 5 and 6 The New Year s Grand sponsors We have yet to obtain 13th overall Right behind them Prix short course race will be sufficient financial support for Jason Justus was the fastest held at Canyon Raceway north our race program If anything can Beginner One in a Woods of Phoenix It will mark the start do it exposure like this in your Vulcan of the eleventh year of racing for paper will do it On behalf of Gary Cohen talked his dad the Arizona Desert Racing Dave Shoppe the crew and into letting him race the Palmer s Association myself Thank You Linda Mansperger Dave Shoppe Racing San Jacinto CA Duane Beamls and Pete Peterson drove their Chenowth to the victory In Beginner 1600 Limited class and they were a fine 28th overall Heading Into a wash near Sano ta Gary Cohen got It together In the Chaparral to win the Beginner 1600 class similar to Class 10 Page 34 This is an open letter to all interested parties regarding our protest against a time penalty To all competitors concerned with racing policy and procedure and fairness in any decision made by a race official we of Leighton Racing take this opportunity to publicly request a hearing to discuss the matter of our penalty at the Frontier 250 On December 15th 1984 Bob Leighton of Leighton Racing was penalized 15 minutes on the fourth lap of the Frontier 250 for action as he approached Checkpoint 1 We of Leighton Racing and others familiar with the incident feel the matter was handled and decided with no opportunity given to us to defend our position Con sidering that the penalty was based on a complaint of dangerously passing another racer in a checkpoint area we request an assemblage of the following people at their convenience the race officials involved our pit personnel the truck driver in question one neutral participant of your choice and the members of the Leighton Racing Team January 1985 Our protest concerning the penalty is as follows The Leighton car driven by Bob Leighton at the time of the penalty was blocked by two vehicles out of the six ahead for the last twelve miles of the course before the incident Two of the vehicles that pulled over and let us pass were two Nissan Cup trucks driven by non professionals Two of the other vehicles both single seaters also pulled over to let the faster Leighton car pass The two trucks that blocked us and refused to give ground were professionals that we compete with repeatedly and that have in the past refused consistently to yield to the faster vehicles in other instances Again on this occasion they did the same thing only this time it was witnessed by On Dirt Motorsports publisher Lou Peralta who observed that the Leighton car was being unnecessarily blocked in an area not adequate for passing wide to either side This occured approximately a mile and a half before Checkpoint 1 We did as any professional racer would do under the circ limstances followirig a vehicle that is virtually filling our unlimited racer with flying debris from the truck s wheels We passed the truck at an opportune time in a controlled manner just before entering the checkpoint area We feel that without any discussion with the race officials concerning our viewpoint of the incident our rights have been abused by an open and shut conclusion on the part of the race officials concerned Our racing history certainly proves that we are a competent and safety minded team We have not had a penalty of any type since 1976 in off road racing Yokohama Tires a major supporter of Leighton Racing for the 1984 season also feels this penalty should be examined more closely As a business interested in becoming more widely involved in the world of off road racing their choice of our team and vehicle to support was based on the Leighton s past and current record of performance and safety We would like immediate attention to this matter not only to rectify what we feel was an unjust penalty but to afford other competitors the same right and hopefully open up the lines of communication between the racers and the race officials for the coming season and those to follow Lee Jerry and Bob Leighton Riverside CA We agree that there should be comistency in the assessment of penalties Jarticularly time penalties in a major race It i a shame that these things rarely surface until after the results are Josted when half of the people concerned might di be far dom1 the highway en route home and the organizers are frantically trying to make the results official so the au ards Jresentations can begin A dangerous pass is a judgment call by the checkpoint captain It is doubtful that each ild pass in an off road race could be either observed or used as a base for a penalty Usually the penalties only occur when the driver being passed complains to the organizers Perhaps it was this type of situation in your case and ironically the penalty engendered the three way tie for a points champion in HORA Class ro standings a sad situation that no sponsor could possibly use in advertising DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all comers of off road activity The Pony Express column ill feature all the mail we can fit into the space Please keep your words fairly brief Because of space limitations your pearls of prose may be edited but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well as your praises Letters for publication should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to appear in the next issue WHY AREN T YOU A DUSTY TIMES DEALER SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS U P S EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Avenue Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 213 889 5600 Dusty Times

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Midwest Report BERRIEN AUTOCROSS SERIES Promoters Meet in Chicago The BERRIEN AUTOCROSS SERIES held their annual meeting at the Palwaukee Motor Inn north of Chicago on December 1 1984 There were 30 people in attendance including promoters representing 13 races Gil Parker called the meeting to order at 12 30 p m and the first order of business was to explain to the promoters what Berrien Buggy the series sponsors expected of them with regards to their individual races He also stated that all of the banners that were furnished by Berrien were missing by the middle of the season Seems that they were stolen or otherwise possessed by someone other than the race promoter at the end of the first day of racing There was some discussion on this and it was decided that the banners would be covered by a deposit by the promoters and that it was the responsibility of the promoter to take the banners down at the end of the race day and put them up again the next morning Gil then introduced Jeff Cummins from BFGoodrich who stated that he was working on a proposal with the company that would be a contingency point series for the midwest All racers who ran on BFG tires would receive points for finishing in the top three in each class These points would accumulate until he had earned enough points to get one tire or a set of tires Points would be awarded only if you were driving on BFG tires He stated that there was nothing definite i s yet but he hoped to have something concrete after the first of the year Gil then asked for proposals from the promoters who had not been a part of the series in the past Chris Raffo spoke first and Awards Banquet Officially Ends the First Berrien Autocross Series Season r While Scott Taylor was busy winning Class 10 at Tampa drivers In the Berrien Autocross Serles voted him the good Sportsmanship Award The first Berrien Autocross Series came to an official end on November 10 1984 with the awards banquet which was held in the Holiday Inn in Elmhurst Illinois There were SO racers spouses and friends in attendance for the buffet dinner which was preceded by a cocktail hour After dinner Gil Parker coordinator of the series presented the checks to the winners The prize fund was just over 6 000 this year the largest it has ever been in the midwest series The Good Sportsmanship Award was won by Scott Taylor The drivers voted for this award for the first time and it was presented by Sue and Dave Merkel from Berrien Buggy Before the formal part of the evening was over Gil announced that Berrien Buggy would sponsor the series again in 1985 Then it was time to party and as you can see by the pictures Dusty Times everyone had a good time Below is a list of the winners for each class Class 1 Jeff Probst Scott Taylor Scott Schwalbe Art Schmitt Tom Arthur and Mike Paulson Class 2 Dave Vandermissen 6r Scott Taylor MI m de the t pr pos C Ae length of the races and the yellow indicated that he was interested flag penalty It was decided by a in having off road racing back at vote of the promoters that a By Brenda A Parker _ his track He used to have races at driver would be penalized one his track several years ago and position per yellow flag used the whole motocross track infraction i e passing under the outlined a race he was in the but had gone strictly to yellow This would not put _ process of setting at the Santa Fe motorcycles in the past few someone completely out of the Speedway south of Chicago It years His proposal was to use race but would still penalize him would bave only a limited only a portion of the track to for violating the yellow flag number of classes running 1 and allow for better viewing by the Gil proposed that there be no 2 1600s Super 1650s and the spectators and indicated that he angle iron bumpers allowed on heavy metal He _plans on putting will put up 2 000 in addition to the front of the cars This was in a 5 000 guaranteed purse and the entry fees There will be two passed unanimously He then hopes to increase that as the heats and a main event stated that there had been season progresses There would The Indiana Off Roaders also complaints that some of the be a 100 entry fee with a 100 made a proposal for a race at the drivers in the ladies races had payback Parragon Speedway in Parragon male co pilots and that in some Next was Bruce Brannstrom IN just about 30 minutes south instances the co drivers were from 4 x 4 Unlimited He stated of Indianapolis He stated that actually helping to drive the that there was going to be a there would be 2 000 in car The proposal was made that change in the format of the addition to the regular purse and the ladies races be restricted to Memorial Day 100 this year The that this would be a one day race ladies only and this was Bill Schirm from Fountain approved track was definitely going to be changed there would be no No City WI asi

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THE SILVER DUST 400 Terry Tim Bell Win the Race Mike Spina Wins the Silver f3y John Calvin Photos Jan Flick Mike Spina had the early lead but his 1 201600 B_underson ran out of gas dropping him to third In the race t ut he won the points title The end of the third lap had the Bells ten minutes into first place being hotly pursued by Jack Ramsay while Spina dropped to third after running out of gas in the out back and he was now twenty twq minutes behind the leader Spina suffered a rear flat cm the fourth lap but pulled to within four minutes of Ramsay while the Bells opened up their lead over second place to twenty five minutes Laps five and six saw no major changes in position and it was the Bells taking home the bacon Ramsay finishing in second spot Spina in third while Fry and BaJlow b 9ugh up the rear Class 9 fieldea three cars for the event Pat Reyes and John Basso ca l e up from California to cont st Randy and Mike Black in their Fu nco and Larry Webster trai lered from California also to join the fray in his Funco At the end of the first lap the Blacks had a four minute lead over Reyes and Webster who was bringing up the rear was twelve minutes out of second Terry and Tim Bell ha to fight hard for the overall victory and their 1 2 1600 Bunderson got the job done They won by 22 minutes over the entire field quite a feat for a restricted engine car November 17 was the final eleven minutes behind after was twelve minutes down from the leader Ken Fry was well off race in the Sil ver Dust Racing rolling the car early in the lap Association s riple Crown Lap two showed the Bells in the pace as was Gordon Barlow Series The Silver Dust 400 The the lead Spina was four minutes and Darren Wilson s Hi Jumper race started and finished across down due to a broken shock had vanished from the scene on the nighway from the RaHroad and Ramsay in his Bunderson the first lap Pass Casino located on the outskirts of Henderson Nevada The entry was a disappointment to Bert Vaughan as only twelve cars took the green flag along with four motorcycles and four three wheelers Bert had hoped to increase his el1try by having the last race of his series close to Las Vegas but the proximity to town did little for the entry The course was sixty five miles long mostly fast with some rough and rocky running just past check one There were six laps of the course and looking at the lap times turned in by the leadekrs thhe boys were rfealhly Young Aaron Hawley had a good day ln hls Race co taking the unlimited class s 110 mg t e tlres mo st O t e lead on the first lap and holding It all the way to pay dirt time The motorcycles and three wheelers started early in the AM and the cars were flagged off at 9 30 in a random class start The weather gods smiled on the racers there had been rain off and on through the night but race day brought clear skies cool weather and a good breeze which unfortunately died early in the morning Class 1 2 1600 was the largest class with six entries all from Las Vegas The end of the first lap found Terry and Tim Bell in their Bunderson tied on time with Mike Spina Bunderson with identical 1 18s with Jack Randy and Mike Black led Class 9 for four laps but their Funco slowed a tad In Ramsay and Rick Mills only the waning miles and they were second by Just four minutes Page 36 January 1985 Jack Ramsay chased the leaders for all six laps driving his 1 2 1600 Bunderson but he had to settle for second In the clean sweep for the marque _ Californians Pat Reyes and John Basso won the hotly contested Class 9 battle Their Funco took over the lead late In the race for the victory More Californians Larry Webster and Shelton Lowery were going well In their Funco until a late and long pit stop dropped them to third Dusty Times

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Lap two saw no real change except that the Blacks had opened up their lead to five minutes over Reyes and Webster was falling a few more minutes behind Lap three saw Reyes still five minutes behind the Blacks while Webster had dropped another three minutes on th e leading quo The fifth lap had Reyes overtaking Black on time and holding the lead to the finish Black and Reyes ran within five minutes of each other the entire race and there was little room for error Larry Webster had a flat on the fifth lap and then a very long pit stop at the end of the fifth to replace some bearings in the rear and he was almost two hours behind the leaders when he finished Class 1 had only two entries Aaron Hawley from Las Vegas and Roger Ruhlow Las Vegas set off at the green flag but there really was no contest Aaron had twenty eight minutes in hand at the end of the first lap and he walked away from Roger throughout the race In fact at the end of the sixth lap Hawley had almost an hour and a half on the second place car even though he had no rear brakes for the entire race The only entry inClass 5 1600 was David Hermanson and Kalli Knox in a pretty Baja Bug Alas their fate was sealed on tne first lap whey they sucked a valve at Check 1 The motorcycle portio n of the event was won by Bill and Mark Quinn on a Husky and the three wh eelers were led by Mike Dixon and Jeff Breach on a Honda Although there were few entries there was some very exciting racing and all said they had a good race The Bells bested Jack Ramsay by twenty two minutes and Spina was only nine minutes out of second place at the finish Terry Bell took home 2000 for the win in a six car class which says a lot for the Silver Dust payback Pat Reyes won 960 for the three car Class 9 group while Aaron Hawley took 640 home for a two car class Not too bad At the awards banquet for the race Bert Vaughan announced that he will be conducting four races next year in the Silver Dust Series The best three races will count for the overall points for the season Mike Spina won the series points for 1984 and was rewarded with the Silver Dust Triple Crown Trophy 11 in silver and weighing about 35 pounds which I am sure he will display with great pride for a wonderful season of racing Mike also won a ten day trip to Hawaii for two compliments of Silver Dust Racing Terry Bell won second place in points for the year and was awarded a set of disc brakes by Leighton Gordon Barlow was third in points Roger Ruhlow was fourth and Darren Wilson was fifth for 1984 They were awarded various sorts of camping gear and all took home a years supply of7UP to boot I know the competitors are looking forward to the 1985 season and I m sure they would welcome some more competition from the swollen ranks of the desert racers Du ty Times ULTRASTOCK GP The Newest Style in Short Ron Ellenburg Wins the SNORE Course Racing Wild Cars Bump M iner Ninety Niner and Hatched ram the imagination of Mickey Thompson the new Ultrasto k GP cars are slated to make eir racing debut at Pomo on January 19 The word that several of these new full odied off road racing short course cars are being built many in the finishing stages before 1984 bow_e d into history The idea of Ultrastock is to create a class that the casual non involved spectator can identify with and pick a favorite The class is aimed at pleasing the crowds who want to cheer for a brand name either from Detroit or Japan The concept is more than a silhouette class such as the funnies in drag racing who wear yarious body styles but nearly all use the same brand of engine More along the lines of the Nascar race rules the Ultrastockers will wear bodies from Buick Chrysler Ford Mazda Mitsubishi Nissan Oldsmobile Pontiac Toyota and the list is endless The new car must be powered by a 4 or 6 cylinder engine whose valve covers at least but basically all of the engine parts must match the brand of the bodywork The rules spell out the guidelines for car burlders and the bodywork as well While the body is expected to be of fibt rglass or a plastic it will have to follow the lines of the production car very closely to enhance the spectator identification with the brand The rules also do not allow any of the off road suspension pieces to be visible through the body work putting an end to the vision of multiple shocks sticking out of the engine hood and the trunk as they do on the mini pickups the Overall Skoal Bandits Points Championship Alol g wit h the full coverage no suspension holes body rules the cars must also tackle the stadium races on DOTapproved Photos B C Janis tires which means no pure racing tires The tires for Ultrastock must have the DOT approval for street and highway use The idea here is to encourage more of the tire manufacturers into off road racing with their street approved rubber Pass the ti re groover gang Also aiming at the production car appearance the cars will be required to have road going production type equipment like headlights and tail lights bumpers door outlines and more The goal is the instant brand model recognition like the Nascar Grand National racers have achitved Late in the year a Chevrolet ii Camaro style racer was being built on a Chenowth chassis Ron Ellenburg receives his awards for winning the Skoal Bandits Snore series Funco was working on a overall from Skoal rep Vicki Gordon and Race Steward Don Dayton Plymouth Arrow and Chenowth was dreamjng up a Buick Skylark body style as well The ads for the class show an artist s conception of a Pontiac Fiero in action The Ultrastockers should be great fun for the spectators since they do so love the crash and bang show put on this past season by the factory backed modified Class 7 mini trucks Of course the trucks shed their glass and alloy body panels in the stadiums like a duck sheds water Only time will tell if the Ultrastock drivers will go for the same style o f close combat If they do they may end up with a naked buggy chassis at the finish line Snore 1984 awards winners from the left Jack Ramsay Mike Spina John Watch for the full report on Ellenburg standing In for his son James Mahan Alex D_eculr and Tom Ford the Ultrastock debut at Pomocia The final Southern Nevada from the Silver Dust Racing in the February issue of Dusty Off Road Enthusiasts Points race Association a couple of weeks Times was late in October and it was a later different sort of desert race The Ron Ellenburg just might be last event in the 1984 Skoal the biggest points money winner Bandits Snore Series was of the year His title which unique in that the course was includes 50 percent of the total secret and there was no pre purse was worth over 5 000 in running After the driver s cold cash plus he won a brand meeting there was a parade lap of new Bunderson chassis and he the short route for the multiple has a free entry in all the SNORE lap race in the Searchlight races in 1985 A total value of Nevada area Then the cars over 7750 plus the chassis started the race Only two points behind Jack Ramsay earned 25 percent of the Although the entry was a little pot plus a free entry into the short the competition was 1985 SNORE 250 a total of fierce Going into the battle Jack 2850 Mike Spina s third place Ramsay held the points in points brought him 1200 in championship lead and the 1 2 cash and a free entry to the 1600 driver wanted the title Ron Midnight Special a total of Ellenburg Class 10 was close 1500 Alex Decuir was fourth enough to get the job done To on points worth 825 including make i t more interesting the two a free entry to the Bottom Dollar classes were combined at this Tommy Ford and James Mahan race were tied for fifth on points and In the unlimited class Jim each received 368 50 in prize Barbeau was first away followed money The 1 985 SNORE points by the 1600s led by Mike Spina However Ron Ellenburg was the series will be sponsored by the first one around on the first lap Yokohama Tire Corporation and he stayed out front all the The series includes both the way to the checkered flag The several points races and the vii tory gave young Ellenburg the money paying Bottom Dollar overall Snore championship Midnight Specia I and Snore 250 Tom Bradley Jr won the the latter two events sponsored unlimited class at the race and by the Holiday Inn Center Strip took second overall Mike Spina Congratulation to Ron Ellengot his 1 2 1600 home third burg for his big victory and to overall and first in class and SNORE for a good series and Spina was to take tops in the some exciting races planned for Nevada Triple Crown Series the coming season January 1985 Page 37

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Buffum Win the Oregon Trail Battle Millen Holds onto the Points Lead By Ray Hayworth Photos Trackside Photo Enterprises didn t want the rally going through their land and canceled out However Stage 3 went well and then came a long 80 mile transit to Stage 4 the Squaw Mountain Stage The competition moved into the darkness here and the ralliests would be on the road until nearly six in the morning all in darkness Here Rod Millen was in first ov rall by a little over two seconds followed by John Buffum with Jon Woodner just over five seconds back The Production Class was hummin along with Doug Shepherd leading Guy Light by three seconds and Bruce Davis was laying way back Gary Eaton had the GT lead by one second over Steve Nowicki and he had two seconds in hand over Richard Kelsey The first service was after Stage 5 and Clive Smith was out of front brakes here Steve Millen got new spark plugs and most of the leaders were in and out of the stop in jiffy Fatal accidents are very rare on the Pro Rally circuit but they do happen On the Oregon Trail some course workers from Stage 4 were on their way out after the course closing car had been through and one of them Skip Guthner pulled ahead of the caravan to head home When the group got to their scheduled meeting place Guthner was missing A search party went back to the stage and found Guthner in his car which had smashed into a tree and he apparently died on impact It was a sad and unfortunate accident Pressing on the rally continued The drivers reported the roads were both slick and rough and what they didn t know was that the worst was yet to come It was raining seriously by Stage 7 and ear lier several cars had gone off the road on Stage 5 including Production a John Buffum was well on his way to another championship winning a hard fought rally In Tualatin Oregon driving the strong Audi Quattro The great Northwest is known Shepherd was there in his Dodge rally took place in the heart of to host some of the best rallies in Shelby along with Guy Light downtown Beaverton and the America Once again _this was a Olds Omega Bruce Davis Mayor did the honors of waving pro en fact_ Thi round it Was Dodge Charger and Gary and the green flag The first stage was the newly sanctwned Oregon Judy Gooch in their Dodge D 50 only a couple miles away at the Trail Pro Rally e place was mini pickup The usual teams Koll Industrial Park It was just Beaverton which 1s JUSt west of were on hand in the GT group under a mile long and made for a Portland The industrial too including Steve Nowicki in good spectator stage The commumty was a perfect place to the Nissan 300 ZX Richard wetness sent the cars sliding and hold Oregon s first and only Kelsey in the Mazda RX 7 John John Crawford had the worst SCCA National P o Rally and it Crawford Dodge Daytona Z time of it Crawford had broken was an eventful weekend last Gary and Carolyn Eaton a half shaft on the press stage on November Peugeot Turbo and Terry Friday got that fixed and then _ Thursday the rally organizers Collison in a n ew Mazda RX 7 broke the gearbox on the first set up a winery tour of the local Also in GT category was Seed 5 stage It has not been a good year cellars and all participants found contender Rick Dunham in a 79 for John Crawford and his Dodge Dayton a Z out that the Tualitin wine is the Dodge Arrow The forecast for Saturday was A typical Pro Rally hangup hot ticket On Friday there was an exciting Press Rally stage rain and more rain A mild happened on Stage 2 The people where local radio and TV folks drenching took place later in the of North Plains the town that got to put on the race duds and evening on the first day to bear would have hosted the stage helmets and go for a ride with out the forecast The start of the decided at the last minute they some of the rally drivers both the national stars and the local competitors Thursday evening was the draw party time the draw for the starting order and it was hosted by T okico gas shocks T okico brought along their lovely poster girl Donna Speir Donna adorned the center spread in the March 1983 issue of Playboy Magazine Tokico just di cl a poster on Rod Millen s 4 x 4 Mazda RX 7 with Donna sitting on the hood of the car Donna and the Mayor of Beaverton pulled the names and numbers at the draw party Rod Millen and Mazda saw their chance for a season championship dim as On the starting list were 46 the RX 7 lost a couple of minutes en route and the rally entries facing 167 stage miles with a total rally distance of 493 miles In the ranks were regulars Rod Millen Mazda RX 7 John Buffum Audi Quattro New Zealanders Peter Farrell and Tony Sircombe in a Datsun 510 Jon Woodner Peugeot SOS and Steve Millen Rod s brother in a second 4WD RX 7 New in the GT class and another native New Zealander was Clive Smith who has been without a ride lately and finally landed one Boy what a ride it is C li ve is piloting a 1985 Toyota SR 5 16 valve killer of a machine The Production bunch was a prime time re run of the whole Steve Nowicki and David Stone came from the mldwest to claim the victory In season Current champion Doug GT class a close struggle driving the sleek Nissan 300SX Page 38 January 1985 leaders Doug Shepherd and Linda Wilcox They were in the woods for about seven minutes Wilcox said later that not only were the roads slick but there were lots of sharp rocks too She said a lot of the stage roads started out wide but then seemed to close in tight Here the GT class was looking non nal with Kelsey leading Nowicki by a good margin and the other four in the class were just nn inutes back Stage 7 was exciting for Steve Millen and Hot Rod Magazine s Kevin Boales For starters Kevin had never been to a rally or ridden in a rally car On the stage he said it seemed like any other except in a couple of miles the 4 WO electrical system went south Kevin said that Steve was driving at miraculous speeds when all of the sudden wham total darkness Steve had been racing too long for this to stand in his way After observing the problem Millen rerouted some wires and got a couple of headlights working This would seem to be a big enough problem for someone like Kevin a virgin in the sport But to make matters worse they had been running without an odometer and they later lost the clock Kevin said I had to make wild guesses on how far we had gone and luckily I had a accurate watch Lucky they were they managed to stay in the top five all evening At the dinner break Rbtl Millen limped in with some serious suspension problems that turned out to be a broken ball joint in the front left side A couple of g uys from Tokico jumped in to help repair the Mazda they so strongly sponsor John Buffum had a few minor repairs done as well as the usual stuff refuel brakes oil ahd windows and he seemed to be running OK Richard Kelsey was having problems with the sharp New Zealander Cflve Smith with Ginny Reese navigating finished a good fourth overall in his new ride a 1985 Toyota super SR 5 Doug Shepherd and Linda WIicox did a great ob In the Dodge Shelby winning Production class and the 1984 driving titles for themselves Dusty Times

Page 39

rocks mentioned earlier Kelsey lost some time with a flat just before the break after Stage 18 Here Tim Johnson and Rich Olmstead were doing well in their 7 3 Datsun 610 One of the major sponsors of this rally Quickor Engineering sponsored these Washington boys to 25th overall and ninth in Open C lass Steve Nowicki s service consisted of a replacement clutch He had damaged the clutch by sliding sideways into a deep hole Steve said the hydraulics just popped and we ran a few stages without the clutch Nowicki also had a flat On a humo rcius note Tom G rimshaw the ex Rally C hairman was naviga ting for Jqhn Buffum and while changing a flat T o m laid his eye glasses down After getting the car back on the trail Tom discovered he couldn t read the route book without his glasses So Buffum drove and read the route into the service At this point Grimshaw scurried around trying to find some specs he could borrow that would work Just when all hope of finding something was lost Buffum found the original glasses on the floor of the Quattro Guy Light and Jon Wickens thought they had a trouble free rally going until the last stage about four miles from the finish Light said We were traveling along at a pretty good speed when out of nowhere came a huge buck up out of the ditch on the right Minor damage was done to the Olds fender and grill section There was some rearranging on the buck s face too However Light and company drove on to take second in Production and 13th overall In front of Guy was Doug Shepherd by just over 4 minutes Mark Qvale and Casey Sheeham both of Kent WA took third in Production The GT results look familar Guy Light and Jon Wickens dropped to second in Production in the Olds after a too close encounter on the last stage with a wandering deer Steve Nowicki took first in the Nissan 300 ZX Terry Colli son brought his Mazda in second about 5 minutes back and he was only a minute ahead of Richard Kelsey Mazda The battle for overall and the Open Class honors ended up with John Buffum on top with a little ovei two minutes difference between the Audi and Rod Millen s Mazda Jon Woodner got the Peugeot in a close third trailed by Clive Smith and Ginny Reese in the Toyota SR 5 The strong willed team of Steve Millen and Kevin Boales were fifth overall and in Open Rod Millen later remarked on the course conditions saying one of my main problems was a lot of little offs meaning dropping an occasional wheel into a ditch and losing a second here and a second there In the department of good sportsmanship there was a fine display of that and friendship between John Buffum and Rod Millen The day after the Oregon Trail Rally there were two mandatory but non scoring stages One was a run around the Portland International Raceway with up to four cars on the track at a time The other was an Terry Collison and Jeff Smith had to work hard In the Mazda RX 7 to earn their second place In GT class a new class for rallying in 1984 Autocross in the Raceway parking lot Rod Millen tal ked John Buffum into switching colors and cars with him for this run The question was who would roll the other s car first Fortunately nothing happened although Millen did test the durability of the Quattro s rubber lifting quite a bit of smoke The 1984 Pro Rally Champi onship is still undetermined It all goes down to the wire at Carson City the final series event for the year In Open Class Millen leads Buffum by five points and their finish positons at Carson City will decide who Swapping cars at PIR John Buffum and Rod MIiien had a nice dice and both wins the driver s crown The made it through the Autocross without any mechanical damage manufacturers title is the tightest Production and he has a good Wilcox have won the driver and in recent memory with Mazda chance of winning the class co driver crowns in Production leading Audi by just five points championship even though he Class and Dodge has the In Oregon Steve Nowicki took started competing at mid year Production manufacturers title his fourth win in a row in GT Doug Shepherd and Linda sewed up as well DUSTY TIMES COVER UPS Somebody always finds a deep ditch on a stage but Kenzo Sudo got his Toyota Starlet In motion again and actually finished the rally course PAINTER HAT Great for pit workers one size fits all but very large heads Nifty for children too 2 50 ALL WEATHER COVERALL Neck to ankle protection against heavy weather made of water shedding paper based fabric will last through many wet race weekends if washed gently One size fits all adults except N F L sized men 8 50 SAFARI HAT Protects tender necks from the sun All cotton bill makes the Safari Hat compeletly washable Sizes S M L XL 6 50 To order send check or money order to Dusty Times 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 Specify size on Safari hat Be sure to include 1 50 for shipping and handling California residents add 6 5 sales tax Allow 4 5 weeks for delivery A rally dinner break usually means lots of wort for the crew Ike this group worl

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unknown to me collapsed the ability to read the tefrain I think wheel enough to keep it from older people can drive as well as turning and that forced me into a the younger folks especially if tree which flipped the car A they do have some natural branch of one of those trees in ability Just because you are Mexico was bent to the ground young it doesn t make you a and it acted like a ramp and good driver rolled us over It didn t seem to OT Tell us about the association hurt anything but when I got the you started car back on its wheels and tried GREGG Several years ago I By Brad C Goodrow to drive away I found the wheel noticed when the youngsters wouldn t go around because it finished well in _a race they got all was hitting the tie rod end I the headlines The old man drove finally beat the wheel out with half the race usually their father rocks and drove slowly to the or some older person But the kid next pit about 20 miles away is the driver of record and gets all That was crazy but nobody was the recognition I tried to figure a way to get some off road racing hurt One of the most frustrating recognition for older people I roll overs was at the Frontier 250 hesitate to call them seniors and in 1983 I was apparently over the hill gang is used in the running first in cl ass and motorcycle groups I came up with the idea of a 5possibly overall Ten miles from the finish line I endoed and 50 club and contacted Sal Fi sh at landed on the lid I was finally Score International with the idea able to get the car back on its of the five Score desert races wheels and to the finish line I being a points series for drivers sti II had enough lead to win Class over SO years of age regardless of 2 but it was an opportunity to class All the driver of record has win overall and I missed that to do is put his age on the entry blank and we keep track of the because of a dumb move I don t think I drive over my races The driver gets points for Gregg Symonds and Jake Fogg sail over the Barstow desert In Gregg s state of the art Class 2 Raceco This season _h ead I always like to drive each star t and for where he Gregg w 11 be campaigning the two seater and a new Class 1 O R E with Jake taking the two seater and Gregg the comfortable to myself and when finishes in his class There are no slng e seater at the major events I do I usually finish in a good dues nothing to join just list the position I usually know when I age and that takes care of it sponsors that the big names have always tend to forget the bad am over my head because the car Jean Calvin was working on Dusty Times 1 s siartin1 a 8er ii s of That means I have to pay for the things and remember the gooq starts doing squirrely things As Sc o re News at the time and she inte_rview articles featurin1 people racing myself for the most part I things I remember I think it was an example one time at Parker I volunteered to do the paper 1982 when we got third place at stalled the engine on the start work From that time we have Jrominent in off road racin1 While am a general contractor and we are still very active in the the Mint 400 That was a big When I got going I was an gry at grown to be the 6 50 club and we are tal kin1 to desert racer Gre1 1 business My son in law works moment In 1983 I had two first S lmonds chis month do1 m the trail myself for the dumb trick and I the best six of nin e desert events u e will be featuring car builders pie with me and we are busy all the place finishes and those are big went down the trail too quickly I from three different organ1zers moments But every race has folks and Jeople from the entire time count for points Last year we OT How did ym1 get started in moments in it you enjoy Every missed a corner and hit a tree had three medals using the spectrum of off road activity square on Fortunately the tree time you go racing it is a good exploded and no body was hurt Olympic system of gold silver Gre1 1 Symonds started off road off road racing moment ra ci 111 at an a1 e when many drivers GREGG About 20 years ago I kept going too fast and finally and bronze The 6 50 club has are retiring In the past two years he my boy wanted to go motorcycle OT What was your closest near said to myself Hey old man it gotten a little bit of press has 1 1 011 or Jlaced hi1 h in a number riding and also I had friends that miss to glory your most trying is time to slow down This race coverage some good sponsorof desert races promoted by Score were trying to get me to go dirt time on the race course has just started I slowed and ship from BFGoodrich this year and HORA drivin g in either C lass bi king I had never ridden a GREGG Well yo u get a lot of finished the loop in good shape and it does give the older driver those in racing There are events 2 or C lass 1 o both tou1 h motorcycle off road in my life It something extra to enjoy about OT What is your main goal in competitiw classes His background started out with riding back in where you know you are running racing desert racing is both unique and ty Jical of how the hills and camping with the well the pits tell you that you are GREGG Well at my age I don t DT How do you think pff road peo Jle and their families become motorcycles that sort of thing doing well and all at once aspire to move up to the big time racing can be improvt d That evolved into riding the some thing happens mechanically with a big sponsor It isn t going GREGG First 1 _ think the involved in off road rac i111 Enduros the Green Horn and that you can t overcome In some to happen Naturally I wouldn t promoters really should take a some of the famous Enduros of races the competi tion is so tight turn down any offer of look at what they are doing since those days I rode all of them in that if you cough you have lost sponsorship for my cars the two they all want more entry that is OT Tell u s a little about your the early days Then my boy two or three places Several years fine we would aJI like to see perso a life where you were decided to go racing and I ago at Parker I had a flat tire and seater and the new Class 1 0 R E more entry But promoters add My claim to fame is that I am one born your work and your figured racing would be a the co driver went by the of the oldest drivers oh the mor e classes in order to get mo re family learning experience to add to start finish line and that emry and it is proven that it GREGG I was born in Enduro riding So I went racing allowed two cars to get in front of circuit about the oldest in doesn t work I think some unlimited open wheel classes Oklahoma City iii 1921 which us Two little minor things like with my boy classes should be consolidated makes me 63 years o age I am OT How old were you then that particularly going into the and I am competitive with the and some eliminated and get the kids I have had people tell me married and our three children GREGG My first race was on finish are frustrating By the number of classes down to where my 48th birthday with District time he got turned around and I hope I cari drive half as good as the purses will be bigger You are all grown _and gone so to you do when I am your age I 37 I don t remember the club back to the finish line one car got speak While the children are on can t increase the purses by perhaps the Red Dots and the ahead of us a car we had been think the fact that I started late is adding more classes and doing their own now they still come a factor in being competitive and home on occasion I have been race was in the Mojave area They ahead of on time That is doing as well as I do aside from that you lose the contingency married for 43 years to the same had European Scrambles and it frustrating donors They don t want to put lovely lady Dee We have lived was the first race I ever ran and OT What is the craziest thing the natural abilities Some people money up for 20 odd classes so just have a natural feel for racing in Agoura California for several quite an experience that has happened to you on something they don t have to they end up going someplace else years now OT Tell us your favorite course learn I have been driving around with their budget Racers go OT Your wife and family are all moments in racing outside of GREGG One of the craziest the desert for a long time and away because there may be only involved in your racing right winning things was at the Mint 400 two that might be part of the natural one or two cars in their class It is GREGG Oh yes my daughters GREGG Racing in the desert is a years ago I had a flat front tire have ridden with me in the two challenge The challenge is racing and went five miles then the tire seaters and so has my son and the desert and you don t race came off So I ran five more my son in law My son and sonpeople as much as you race the miles with a wheel on the ground in law have also driven with me desert At least that is the way I and destroyed the front end Not in the 1 1600 a few years ago look at it Every time I go out realizing it since I didn t feel it in Dee goes to most of the races there I figure it is a learning the steering we went along the with me and she keeps track of experience for me I learn trail just nice When I pulled into where I am on course and where something new about the desert the pit I found that I had the competition is for me We about my car and about myself practically torn the whole front keep racing a family affair to a every time I race My favorite end out on one side I couldn t certain extent It is my hobby or thing is racing I enjoy going to believe it but it was true business or whatever you want the races competing against the Besides the guy that finished to call it As a business I tend to desert and the other people third ran 40 miles with a wheel OT What is the moment you on the ground that too is be a professional race driver just wi ll remember the rest of your frustrating like Roger Mears or Ivan Stewart The difference being of life OT What is the most serious GREGG There are lots of accident you have had cou rse that I realize there is moments you remember and I GREGG I have rolled a few absolutely no chance of me going to In dian apolis or even don t have any particular favorite times but I had an experi ence in At the finish of the 1983 Frontier 250 Raceco builder Dave Kreis er left acquiring some of the major that I dwell on I think you Mexico where I hit a rock which congratulates Gregg Symonds on his big victory there In Class 2 DUSTY TIMES INTE IWS GREGG SYMONDS Off Road Racer and Often a Winner Page 40 January 1985 Dusty Times

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THE EASTERN FORCE DOMINATES THE 1984 SCORE CANADA SERIES John McPherson Wins the Overall Canadian Championship Gregg and Dee Symonds are heavily involved in off road racing and come out of the dust put on their fancy duds and attend the year end awards banquets a horrible mess right now with t o That is another good way to so many car classes get started Working in a pit or This year Score has added a joining an off road club and Challenger Class for what ever working in their cooperative pits reason They did away with Class in the desert will let a person see 9 and added another class I think what off road racing is all about it is dumb Personally I think that He will also find out if it is what Classes 1 and 2 unlimited should he wants to do Pit work gives a be made into one unlimited class good insight into the problems The cars are competitive to each racers have and how they are other obviously since Class 2 fixed wins overall as often as Class 1 DT Do you have any wisdom In the desert Class 2 is still learned racing to share with the beating Class 1 on an average for readers the number of cars starting and GREGG A favorite say ing of finishing If there was one mine although it came from a unlimited class for both single friend George Walker who was and two seat like in Class 10 it a great motorcycle rider is this wouldn t make any difference if I am just there playing and you carried two people or went having fun I hurry every chance I alone In HORA Class 10 and 1 get Sometimes you cannot 2 1600 are already combined so keep your foot in it so just keep why not do it with the cool and hurry every chance you unlimiteds With bigger entry in get class and fewer classes it would Another idea is to slow down be better for the purse and for when you start a race You have a contingency donors long way to do So program OT Do you have any suggestions yourself to go the distance If it is for someone just getting started a 250 miler realize that 250 miles in off road racing is a long way to drive in the GREGG There are several ways rough I try to program myself to get into the sport First you for the distance I have to go It should be absolutely sure you isn t hard when it is a one way like off road racing and like being point to point event But wheri out in the dirt You will get dirty you keep running around in and you will race under adverse circles on a lap race it is a little conditions a great deal of the more difficult to program for time If you decide to go off road 250 miles You think I have to racing then buy the best go over this part again or I equipment in the particular class have one more lap on this you think is good for you If you mother to go and it is a little are not sure what you want to do harder to program especially on it would be wise to buy used the short 50 mile laps equipment probably in a limited I enjoy the Mint 400 the engine class If you have never longer 100 mile laps and the driven in the desert a limited rougher it is the better as far as I class is a good starting place am concerned I do better i n the because you are going at a little rough and I can t tell you why I slower speed and you can learn a don t like that 120 mile per hour stuff So the wisdom if that is lot without disasters Another way of getting started what you call it is t0 program is to pay some guy s entry fees yourself for the distance hurry and ride with him This will give every chance you get and don t you an idea of what it is all about be afraid to slow down when you before you dive into it You can must Those tips can help you learn a lot by working in the pits win races John McPherson scored his biggest triumph last June by winning the Montreal Olympic Stadium event the first Canadian to win the classic stadium race East to Rimouski Quebec west to Riverside CA and Vancouver B C north to Notre Dame du Nord and south to Tampa FL the Eastern Force off road racing team demonstrated their commitment to the sport by attending every event on the Score Canada calendar plus other selected events around North America The 30 000 miles of travel did not go unrewarded The team cleaned up with two class championships and the overall Canadian title for John McPherson and a down tothe wire second in Class 1 21600 points for Dean Dodd The 1600 victory went to New Jersey s Waving the checkered flag In Montreal John McPherson also won the Triple Tom Surace on the last lap of the Crown In Canadian Stadium events and the overall title In Score Canada last race of the season With the points Florida crowd on its feet Dean did not give up McPherson went this event saw Pickering and Tom were wheel to wheel to the pits and repaired the Class Ontario s John McPherson shed but Tom caught the good line 10 car and went out for the the last of his rookie status and won the race and the title Bugpack Challenge of Champi Using one car and feverishly Along the way John McPher ons The result was a fifth place switching engines between races son won the BFGoodrich against the best in the world John won everything he entered sponsored Trip le Crown of Ironically it was raining on the including the Challenge of Stadium Racing becoming the Riverside desert and in the Champions John won five races first Canadian to ever win a spirit of good sportsmanship that weekend Out of Dean s stadium event John was the talk typical of the Eastern Force John frustration and John s success of the off road world for his lent all of his spare BFG mud the idea for an Eastern Force showing at the Score Riverside tires four sets to such notables Team was born Championships Turning in great as Roger Mears Gil George and Over the winter with the help times in practice his luck went the winner Scott Gillman of Mini Performance Deist sour on race day The Class 1 car The beginning of the Eastern Safety Rough Country Suspenbroke a camshaft in the last Force team took form at the final sion Sway A Way and Berrien practice Then John fell victim t_o race of the 1983 Canadian Buggy three new Berrien single the wild style Riverside start in season Teenager Dean Dodd seaters were prepared in John s the Class 10 race when another from Montreal was completing shop A new state of the art 1competitor got crossed up and his first full season of racing He 1600 car was tailored for Dean landed on top of McPherson s had shown plenty of talent and and a Class 1 technological Berrien demolishing the front spirit but his car was hopelessly masterpiece now complemented suspension The Eastern Force outclassed On the other hand John s Class 10 car which was also completely revamped All three racers were treated to a dramatic paint scheme The rest as they say is history The Eastern Force Team however is not going t0 rest on its laurels Dean wants the championship next year John wants the win in California The team is already working on the cars and actively seeking sponsor support for another massive assault on the off road race scene The Eastern Force intends to add a Class 7 mini truck to their stable Negotiations are presently under way with the truck manufacturers and soon the The 6 50 Club grew from an Idea of Gregg s and here he presents the gold In his first year In a new 1 1600 Berrien Buggy young Dean Dodd did an Eastern Force will be ready to shoot for another championship medal to the 1983 winner 5 1600 driver Bruce Jones at the Frontier Hotel outstanding Job and finished a fine second In the class points 0 Dusty Times January 1985 Page 41

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AN IIDRES N WITER t J FABRICATION 7 11 Performance Transmission Products TRANSMISSIONS 10575 Bechler River Ave Fountain Valley CA 92708 PORSCHE V W SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS 4x4s MOTORHOMES Send 3 00 for our new 1984 Catalog PHONE 818 765 3566 PRO SPORTSMAN BEGINNER RACES CLASSES FOR BUGGY S 4x4 s TRUCKS CARS r 1JI D J g3Lr 7J 1J jdz DENNIS GARMAN TIRES Send To Fast and affordable The first and only kit concept sport truck chassis for off road racing or street use Baja bred by John Baker 1983 SCORE and HORA Class 7 champion to go faster and last longer For brochure and price sheet send 2 to John Baker Performance Products 4304 Alger Street Los Angeles CA 90039 Phone 818 240 7051 e CUSTOM ROLL CAGES e l r C J 208 4th Avenue E Buckeye AZ 85326 602 386 2592 Alloy Axles Spools Mag Dana 60 s VW Master Diffs VW Axles 4 Tim Lecluse Doyne Podhorsky 714 662 7223 0 2952 RANDOLPH UNIT C COSTA MESA CA 92626 i5 CII JI 4 ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e z OFF ROAD Knollwo eim CA 92801 4 761 2152 PBBPCIBMIICB DcLl R o WEBER Wright Publishing Co Inc Box 2260 2949 Century Pl Costa Mesa CA 92628 714 979 2560 ffef 1 Se nd 2 oo to r ca ta l og I DENNIS WAYNE SUSPENSION SYSTEMS OHN PORSCHE PARTS c PARTS 916 Mike Bishop 682 9484 OHNSON Art Jackson 7901 Cottonleaf Way Sacramento CA 95828 P O BOX 81 LEMON GROVE DEPT 1 RE ASLE V W PAffl Mechanic 11623 SHELDON SUN VALLEY HICH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS ACING PRODUCTS SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS Owner Send This Ad In For A Free Catalog OR846 OOtVWs G f M RACING PREPARATIONS B6B 9393 ED LEKIVETZ e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION 1450 Glassel Orange CA 92667 714 639 2833 o o DISTRIBUTOR FOR DATSUN 213 m 0 RON METCALF BEARD S SUPER SEATS B63 1123 t m rm TOYOTA SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 90670 213 WIDE SELECTION OF FIBERGLASS SEATS COVERS ED BARBARA BEARD Parts Accessories 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON CA 90746 213 217 1805 THE BAKER CHASSIS MANAGER JOHN PROSSER VW FAMILY ORIENTED RACING PARTS German Auto LIGHTS SUSPENSI ETC BE WHERE THE ACTION IS COME RACE WITH US WRITE OR CALL 252 1900 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA CA 91766 714 620 1242 CEPEK WHEELS AR DESERT RACING AIIOCIATION 1408 E Granada Road Phoenix Arizona 85006 ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION OFF ROAD AND ASPHALT 714 962 6655 DUAL TRIPLE SHOCK SYSTEMS ABERClASS 60 V 6 2 8 MOTOR PARTS CA 92045 619 583 2054 ACCESSORIES ST CA 91352 768 4S5S 7 Time BAJA 1000 Winner 4 WD Repairs Lift Kits Wheels Tires Used Trk Ports Tel 413 739 4111 Get the word out about your business big or small Put your business card in the Quick Fills Fuel Cells Std FIiis GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY and reach new customers Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely 16 00 per month 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley CA 92708 Page 42 January 1985 714 893 7953 714 895 4412 LeDuc Off Road ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St West Springfield MA 01089 Distributor For Mostercroft Bestop Husky Rough Country Porker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bors Dusty Times

Page 43

J pa 111 McKENZIE S AUTOMOTIVE INC OFFROAD RACECAR _C U I PARTS AND ACCESSORIES CENTER LINE WHEELS BILSTEIN SHOCKS GEM RACING GEARS 818 764 6438 SWAYsA WAY e90WATTS SYNTHESIZED RACE BUSINESS USE CUSTOM DESIGNS BEARD SEATS c1 29 _ 4 5SHERMAN WAY NO 4 NO HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL HILL CA 90806 MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOCY RUSS s V W R ecycling 3317 S Peck Rd Monrovia CA 91016 VW PORSCHE HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE LA MESA CA 92041 BEHIND TONY S TRUCK WRECKING 818 574 1943 818 574 1944 _ Sa e TRAILSMAM 701 CHARLESTON AVENUE LEE S SUMMIT MO 64063 PHONE 816 525 3555 DON HILKER PRESIDENT t mpso THE MOST AGGRESSIVE TREAD YOU CAN GET FOR YOUR RACE VEHICLE P O Box 27 Cuyahoga Falls OH 44222 Inside Ohio 216 928 9C9 2 OUTSIDE OHIO 800 222 9092 1ui TECTIRA iTim NEVADA OFFROAD BUGGY 054 Sourl t VAllEy ViEw THE Specializing in V W Bugs Buses Ghias and 914 s ID IF TIDifilIBr 213 426 7077 2188 GUNDRY AVE 714 697 3100 THE THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS CIBE LIGHT TECTIRA u0rni 9911 LAS VEGAS NEvAdA 8Ql02 THE I lK THE TRAILSMAM 1533 Truman Street San Fernando Ca 91340 702 871 4911 TIRE WHEEL MART Phone 818 361 1215 _ BARNEY SCOTT Pho ne 585 3043 l_ i S 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD LOS ANGELES CALIF 90002 Larry Ellis Photo Entcrprl _ O BRACING Distributor for VW Off Road Race Parts Jamar Micke ThompsonTires Allison Ignition HPS KC HiLites Total Seal Rings BILL O BRIEN 203 673 0342 7 Jackson St Avon CT 06001 ORE SPEED UNLIMITED OF NEVADA 818 882 2886 702 735 7753 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W Collins Orange CA 92667 714 997 0766 If no answer 714 997 0767 PHIL S INC 2204 Ashland Ave Evanston llli ois 60201 Dusty Times 312 869 2434 800 323 5427 Suspe nsion Componen s 213 988 5510 7840 BURNET AVE RACING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS l IICE Tl ANS BYJEFF FIELD S QUALITY PARTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Send 3 00 for complete Phil s Catalog Volkswagen Off Road High Performance Equipment Jim Ober 213 327 4493 2954 Westwood Dr E Las Vegas NV 89109 Off Road Race Can GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT P O BOX 91767 LOS ANGELES CA 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE SUITE C GARDENA CA 90248 V W SPECIALIST ENGINES TRANSAXLE REBUILDING STREET OFF ROAD OFF ROAD EN61NEERIN6 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth CA 91311 a TRACKSIDE TRANSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998 2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth CA 91311 VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mead Avenue Las Vegas Nevada 89102 702 873 1962 VAN NUYS CALIF 91405 for order desk January 1985 Page 43

Page 44

THE LOMBARD RAC RALLY A First Win for Peugeot in Britain Text C

Page 45

SL emed WL il scttk J lintil thL nL ws camL from thL L nd of thL second stagL VatanL n crawled through thL final two stages with a hrokL n c lriveshaft and By Jean Calvin suddenl y thL leading gap was down to onL second Never known as a ra Ily for close DUSTY TIMES is proud to announce that commencing with this first finishL s the RAC this YL ar anniversary issue January 1985 the publication is now the Official Voice of provided an unprecedented race Score Canada All members of Score Canada will be receiving this issue and to the finish line all the rest for 1985 as part of their membership We welcome a_ll of them to Many were disappearing our readership and there are a lot of them Over the season we will be printing Mazda was gone as hoth cars lost all the news from Score Canada who run a Stadium Series in Canada and wheels through stud failure short course racing outdoors on both sides of the border as far south as Hannu Mikkola could not fight Florida This coming season races near Buffalo New York are planned as well Vatanen heing frustrated as in other areas of the northern states a nd all the favorite tracks in Quebec will be in the outdoor series as well Over the months we will keep readers constant ly with mechanical up to date on the points standings in Score Canada s two series as well We prohlems from drive line to turho ills On the national event Despite a roll over late in the rally Russell Brookes and Mike Broad scored fifth look foward to a long and cordial association with George Dodd and all the officers and members of Score Canada the Mitsubishi _ had only lasted overall in the interesting looking Opel Manta 400 nine stages a big disappointment Ari Vatanen Terry Harryman Whittock were third in the LAKE HAVASU ARIZONA may well be the newest venue for short to the many Japanese in attendance And the American won in the Peugeot 205 Turbo Toyota and Michele Mouton course racing There is talk of closed course events along the river this year 16 by just 41 seconds over Fabrizia Pons nailed fourth and a series of four to six events near Lake Havasu The organizers are mainly local hopes vl cnt do n when John Hannu Mikkola Arne Hertz in the ladies cup in the Sport people but there is a strong rumor that Charlie and Linda Engelbart of Baja Buffum retired Of the 120 starters in t he the Audi Quat t ro About 17 Quattro only another 21 Cross fame may be the folks who actually handle the conduct of the events on RAC 52 made the finish line minutes back Per Eklund Dave seconds back The Opel Manta the track as well as behind the scenes There is sure to be a following among of Russell Brookes Mike Broad short course racers for such a series They could have their racing fun and water ski all in the same day was fifth followed by Timo Salonen Seppo Harjanne Nissan 240RS Jimmy McCrae CONGRATULATIONS to John Buffum for winning another overall Mike Nicholson Opel Manta championship on the SCC Pro Rally Series Buffum has been nearly Shekhar and Yvonne Mehta unbeatable in recent years and this is his eighth or ninth championship Niss an 2 4 0 RS Be rt i es overall on the series Even John Buffum isn t sure how many he has won This Fi she r Austin Frazer Ope 1 season of course he drove the powerful four wheel drive Audi to his victory besting Rod Millen and his four wheel drive Mazda RX 7 in all b t a few M anta an d M i k ae 1 E ricsson just Claes Bi llstam who won Group o f th e events th at ta k e competitors to a11 corners o f th e Iower 48 int h e points chase A in the Audi 80 Quattro In world championship final standings Audi won the PRO RALLY SCENE IS CHANGING At the final SCCA Pro Rally in Manufacturer s title fo llowed by 1984 the Carson City International the announcement was made that Lancia Peugeot Toyota and Bridgestone Tires would be sponsoring the 1985 Pro Rally Series The press release stated that it would be known as the Bridgestone PRO Rally series Renault In the w orld champion with some class awards to be know as the Bridgestone Cup At the pri ss driver s standings Stig Blom conference it was announced as is fashionable in rally circles that this season qvist won followed by Hannu the rally numbers which fill the whole door on a car would have Bridgestone Mikkola Markku A len Ari Tires written across the top of the number This caused some concern among The new Peugeot super car driven by Ari Vatanen right and Terry Harryman Vatanen and Attilio Bettega many top drivers who have contracts with other tire companies such as is a sample of the latest generation in world class rally cars BFGoodrich who heavily support the sport Firestone Uniroyal Michelin and so on They stated it would be difficult to maintain their tiT sponsorship from one of these companies while advertising Bridgestone on the side of the competition car However the problem just ma y resolve itself At Carson City it was learned that the newly hired rally czar who was supposed to make order out of the rather muddled series Jim Porter of England was no longer going to be lJl rally czar In fact he did not come to Carson City nor will he be _coming to these shores in any capacity for the Sports Car Club of America This move so the rumors say could well put the Bridgestone Tire series sponsorship for By Martin Holmes 1985 in jeopardy as Bridgestone apparently struck the deal on the assumption that there would be one man ruling the entire season so the series By winning the Rwanda Rally Peugeot pickup Yes folks they victory in the 1000 Hills Rally in would have some uniform fo rmats from event to event Kenyans David Horsey and do make Peugeot mini trucks in Rwanda last December adding By the first of the year there was no communication from the SCCA on David Williamson won Africa s Kenya Horsey and Williamson to their win in the earli er the future of the series Long time Rally Director Terry Moreland left the most prestigious motoring became the new African Rally Zimbabwe Challenge and their organization in December as well While it may sound harsh it seems as if crown in a locally assembled Champions with an outright exceptional fifth place in the nobody is running the ship The newly installed Rally Director comes from grue lling Ivory Coast Marathon the ranks of Time Speed Distance rally work and he frankly admitted in The final tally for the team in Carson City that this was the first Pro Rally he had ever attended The the AVA Peugeot 504 pickup upheaval could make it tough for the organizers of the Olympus Rally who are bidding hard to put their event on the calendar as a World Championship was 48 points 13 points ahead of Rally in 1986 Rwandan Champion Harjit Mancat in a Toyota Corolla and Hannu Mikkola was third on AMSA IS ON THE MOVE with plans fora short course schedule for 1985 points driving an Audi Quattro Just on deadline came the announcement of their first short course race of the The Kenyans went to Rwanda season on February 17 at Indian Dunes Park in Valencia CA This will be a with a belt and braces team of real fun event if it is anything like the last one that we attended A budget three rally prepared pickups sized 100 entry fee carries along a 100 percent payback in class as well Get manned by full rally crews so all the info on this race from AMSA 209 439 2114 AMSA has scheduled their annual awards banquet for the 1984 they drove the event in a Championship series on January 18 the evening before their first desert event protective sandwich The 504 of 1985 the Borrego 200 The awards banquet will be at the Palm Springs pickup of Johnny Helli er and Hilton Riviera and the doors open for cocktails at 6 30 p m with dinner at Gavin Bennett swept the road eight Along with all the 1984 points winners who will receive their awards in ahead and the other pickup Palm Springs AMSA will also make their special awards in the following driven by Ian Duncan and Ian categories Rookie of the Year Sportsman of the Year Hard Luck Driver of Munro acted as a chase car to the the Year Top Mechanic of the Year Sponsor of the Year and Top Money Winner of the Year rear In case you don t make the party AMSA s 1984 champions are Dan While the two service cars Blain Class 1 Vic VanElla Class 2 Tom Malloy Class 9 John Swift Class both had problems on the route D Doug Henderson Class 4 George Seeley Jr Class 5 Larry Rickman and did some frantic juggling of Class V and Jesse Caravello Gilbert Busick in Class C Winning Class 100 crews and schedules to maintain honors and the overall points titles are John Duncan and Ed Mohr their supporting role the winning truck had no tro1 1ble at all Horsey and Williamson took A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to all the loyal fans and supporters of the lead from Hellier at the end of DUSTY TIMES Withs Ut such enhusiastic support the new publication the first leg and never could not have struggled through twelve issues in 1984 Launching any new reli nqui shed it winning three of project is always a strain sometimes in vain But the reception given DUSTY the stages on the tortously twisty TIMES has been fantastic and the support in readership and subscribers along with a growing cadre of faithful advertisers makes the future look bright 1600 kilometer route Ap indeed We salute each and evey one of you as we celebrate with the first parent ly the USA is not the only anniversary issue of DUSTY TIMES Over the coming year we will see you country where pickup trucks somewhere out on the desert or strolling around the pits at a short course make good rally cars race Have a great and successful New Year Bounces from the Berm The 1984 African Rally Champions Drive a Pickup Truck rlboro ote d IVoire Dusty Times January 1985 Page 45

Page 46

Classified FOR SALE Two top notch C lass 8 race trucks 1982 84 Ford the 1984 Berrien Autocross Series class champion Has all the latest updated equipment built with heavy duty cage for short course o r desert racing 1984 Chevrolet with all the state FOR SALE 2234 cc Type I VW race moto r fresh Weber carb Big valved heads Pauter crank Chevy rods alternator complete with exhaust 2500 or best offer Call Kirk atO R E 818 882 2886 of the art parts and late model chassis driven by Kevin Pence in the midwest and Jack Flannery at the 84 Riverside fourth in C lass 8 Get all the details from Jack Flannery Racing 715 478 3740 FOR SALE Funco Hustler good race hi story Rolling chassis less engi ne trans all the good parts C lass 1 or 10 2500 Complete car ready to race Class 10 5000 John Davis 312 991 605 1 FOR SALE C henowth Magnum desert C lass 10 Baja 1000 winner Best of everything Pro built by Bob Richardson Don Hatz dry sump motor 091 trans Ready to win races in 1985 desert season 1983 c la ss champion Ca ll Bob at 619 462 8491 FOR SALE The Roger Mears C h enowth M agnum 1983 Riverside Winner 18 000 00 less engine and transmission May consider trade Contact Lynn Chenowth or Mike Thomas at 619 449 7100 FOR SALE Kelmark Pro Rally car 250 HP 911 engine with close ratio 5 speed Profession ally built tube frame with the best components Wright Bilsteins Sway A Way ATL Simpson Neal VDO C ibies 12 Jackman wheels 4 wheel Porsche discs street legal for pre run or SCCA rally Mark Long home 214 727 8515 work 214 4942556 FOR SALE Holley Bug Spray 300 CFM with chrome dual port manifold Brand new still in box 120 One pair of l 2 1600high compression heads complete Brand new never used 200 Complete 1 2 1600 long block engine has all the good stuff fresh 375 Cal l Randy Lasnoski 906 466 2680 FOR SALE C lass 2 racer 2180 motor H e wland gears 12 Bilsteins Centerlines Beard seats Wright Jamar Super Boot Turbo CV s KC lights two Park er Pumpers Race ready with custom car cover 6500 00 702 7 36 6984 702 739 1933 FOR SALE Funco A arm Summers Bros brakes power ste e ring Flame Out Centerlines KYBs Beard Seat VDO _gauges Neal turbo CVs roller 6400 00 Spares availabl e body axles stubs arms shocks bumpers and Class 10 engine and trans also available Interested in trade for two seat desert car open or 2 1600 Call Vinc e 714 528 2686 FOR SALE 2 seat chassis w body 112 with Adj 2 sets of rear bars axles CVs Fuel cell rear arms nets all wired brake lines Porsche box floor pan skid plates other parts included Ca ll Russ Days 21 3 387 827 4 Evenings weekends 81 8 892 0256 FOR SALE C lass 2 Hi Jumper 2000 cc Pinto dual Webers IRS Wright Parker Simpson Centerlines ready to race 5000 indudes trailer Ca ll evenings Jay Boatwright 916 488 7140 or Jay Longacre 916 685 4381 FOR SALE 1 1600 Berrien 1001 the 1984 Berrien Series and SODA Series points champion 930 cvs Wright Fox shocks custom fue l tank Neal Cen terlines chrome moly front beam 98 WB will sell race ready or as a roller Ca ll Curt Wuesthoff evenings 414 3555414 FOR SALE 1984 Berrien Laser single seater 1984 Berrien 2001 2 1600 car 1983 Berrien 1001 single seater 1983 2001 open class car All cars have the best of everything and all are available either complete or less engine and or trans Call Probst Off Road Racing 815 485 7223 days 815 485 4691 evenings Score International Awards Winners 1984 Desert Champions AMSA Borrego 200 Off Road Champi0nship Grand Prix Pomona Plus All the Regular Features Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in Classified Advertising rate is only 10 for 45 words not including name address and phone number Add 5 00 for use of black and white photo or a very sharp color print NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe If you wish to use a photo in your free ad enclose 5 00 Please run ad _ _ _ _ _ _ _ times Enclosed is _ __ _ _ Send check o r money order no cash J Name Mail To Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone _ _ _ _ _ __ _ City I Page 46 FOR SALE 1 1600 Berrien 1001 C hrom e Moly all the good stuff Fox shocks Wright spindles Wright steering Fuel cell gauges Hewland gears 930 C Vs and mu c h mor e Also r e movable secondary r ea r suspension to run Class 10 if desired Priced to sell Bill Wuesthoff 414 242 3422 F O R D A at Sharpes DUSTY TIMES I I I FOR SALE Hew land gear set four gears and splined shaft new m the box The new ratios third gear 1 50 to 1 fourth gear 1 15 to 1 with standard first and second gear 3 10 and 1 96 to 1 495 00 Call 818 889 5601 days FOR SALE Pre run Baja Bug street license powd r coated FOR SA LE M orga n s ilver adjusters fron t and rear Bilsteins dollars Selling co llection to Jackmans Sway A Way fre sh FOR SALE Ten year collection build race car for 1985 seaso n 1600 engine Car is like new ofVW parts no thing o lder than All coins in very good condition 4500 00 OBO 2 Fresh 1835 1960 62 67 69 K Gs Two or better Cost 15 00 each plus dual port race engine Zenith K 1971 Converts one with a top 1 50 for shipping and insurance N duals on U M P log Tri Mil Several 6 V gas heaters conditiorh each Mail check or money order Chrome 1 headers 1500 00 unknown Write or call with to Ed Curran P O Box 2266 OBO 3 Fuel Safe 24 gallon cell needs all letters answered VW in box with filler tube and splash Unlimited Inc 300 Racetrack Sparks Nevada 8 432 panel 350 00 OBO Call Tom Road NE Fort Walton Beach 619 445 9973 Florida 32548 904 862 1024 FOR SALE Mirage 2 1600 Bilsteins Neal Dogs ever yth ing but engine and trans Good car to Coming Next Month learn on or for parts 1500 Ca ll M o torsports Racing Ltd 5 17 A D R A New Year s Grand Prix 793 4703 after 4 p m 517 799 0182 ask for Wayne Carson City International Rally r I FOR SALE PRO RALLY CARS T earn Eagle offers for sak its two Eagle Sx4s Both SMC units are FRESH and RALLY READY 1982 P Car 6500 1983 Open Car 8500 Specification sheets available Spare parts and delivn y negotiab le Gene Hendnson c o Competit ion Limited Rox 337 Pinckney MI 4816 313 464 1458 State _ _ __ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ __ January 1985 DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AMERICAN FIRST AID SUPPLY 14 AMSA 7 LARRY BITCON ACING TEAM 15 C O R E 18 EASTERN FORCE 23 FAT PERFORMANCE 17 FILLER PRODUCTS 33 FU NCO RACE CARS 32 GENERAL MACHINE SERVICES 28 GIANT OFF ROAD CENTERS 19 HORA 27 H P S 25 JAMAR PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 12 MINT 400 5 NELSON DUNN 13 ROTARY ENGINEERING 21 SCORE PARKER 400 47 SIMPSON SAFETY PRODUCTS 4 STREET SAND TOYS 22 MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP 31 MICKEY THOMPSON TIRES 9 TRACKSIDE PHOTO ENTERPRISES 29 TRI MIL INDUSTRIES 11 TOYOTA MOTORSPORTS Back Cover YOKOHAMA TIRE CORP 2 Dusty Times

Page 47

1985 Off Road Racing Action Starts February 2nd with the 1 st Race of the New SCORE H D RA Points Championship Series THE SCORE PARKER 400 If 1985 OFF ROAD RACING CALENDAR SCORE PARKER 400 February 1 3 Parker Arizona HORA LAUGHLIN March 1 3 Laughlin Nevada SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 250 March 29 31 Lucerne Valley California MINT 400 May 2 5 Las Vegas Nevada SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL June 7 9 Ensenada B C Mexico HORA FIREWORKS 250 July 5 7 Barstow California SCORE OFF ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP August 16 18 Riverside California HORA FRONTIER 500 September 6 8 Las Vegas Nevada SCORE BAJA 1000 November 8 10 Ensenada B C Mexico HORA FRONTIER 250 December 13 15 Las Vegas Nevada 1985 AWARDS BANQUET Date and Location to be Announced Not Included in Points Series NOTE For your convenience vehicle numbers will be assigned as entries and deposits are received at SCORE Heaquarters SCORE INTERNATIONAL 31356 Via Colinas Suite 111 Westlake Village California 91362 818 889 9216

Page 48

YOU DON T HIRE A Gt1Y NAMED IRONMAN UNLESS YOU RE DARNED SURE ABOUT YOUR TRUGKS lfi J The man is ruthless He s been known to deal the kind of savage blows that make most trucks drop their axles That s why Ivan races Toyotas Last year the lronman stomped thrashed and flogged his specially built Toyota trucks through on win after an er With race proven tech ology like All the way to the covete first advanced high torque 2 4 liter place trophy in the Cla1 7 SOHC engines Computer conSCORE Off Road Worl trolled Electronic Fuel lnjec Championship This y ar _ tion Rugged full box frames digging into some of the 9J torsion bar front and leaf world s most cursed _ spring rear suspension terrain he and Team 5 speed overdrive transToyota captured the missions and more Manufacturer s Cup So the next time Challenge title for the you see a Toyota rc1ce second year in a rowtruck taki ng the heat leaving the competiyou can be sure it s for tion in a deluge of du t good reason Toyota s Now they re proceeding out to make the tough to blow the doors off even _ even tougher After all the the Class 8 V 8 s greater the suffering the Sure these Toyotas may be greater the reward specially built to win races But Off Road Magazine September 1984 SR5 and One Ton models the bottom line is every Toyota truck is built to come out on top OH Wl lAT A FEELING