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Mark MCMlllln/Ralph Paxton Corky MCMlllln/Scott MCMIiiin Greg Dlehl/Brad Pearson Mark steele/Jahnnv Johnson Yokohama on top again below the border. Yokohama congratulates the winners of the Bala 1000. Rob 'ftllleson and BIii Varnes 1st~ cIass 1-2-1600 SCORE/HORA overall Points Leader Mark MCMIiiin and Ralph Paxton 1St-"-Class 1 Corky MCMIiiin and Scott MCMIiiin 1st-Class 2 · Greg Dlehl and Brad Pearson 1st-Class s ; Mark steele and Johnnv Johnson 1st-Class 5-1600 can lt>II-Free 1-800-423-4544 From California 1-800-221-8744 Eastern Canada 1-800-387-4924 western Canada 1-800-663-8464 Y720 Y829 © 1985 Yoko.hama Tire corporation
Volume 2 Number 10 December 1985 In This Issue.· •• Editor-Publisher · Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Controller John Calvin Contributors Darlene Bozemap. Leonard Day Dary I D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks · Tom Grimshaw Dennis Henneberg Martin Holmes Dann.y McKenzie Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan . T rackside Photo Enterprises Art Director , Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services THE OFFICIAL VOICE OF 5C()RE CANADA AND .;if;..t e, Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS, "USPS-305-609" is published monthly by Hill-side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be repro-duced without written permission from the publisher. --..._ Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. , POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send tci DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. . SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I . I FEATURES Page Score Baja 1000 ................... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GORRA Action in Atlanta ..... · ..................... 18 AMSA's Cal City 500 K ............................ 20 A.O.R.R.A. at Deer Valley .......................... 22 VORRA at Prairie City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ALCAN 5000 Rallv ........... _. .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . 26 FORDA Racing in Orlando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Millican Valley 400 ..................... , .......... 32 Stadium Racing in the Imperial Valley . ............... 34 GWPS Finale in Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 36 Bong Kong to Peking Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 National Sand Drags in California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Profile: Dirtrix · ....... · ... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 International Sanremo Rally ......................... 42 Championship Rallying in Oman ..................... 43 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soap Box by Stan Parnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes ....... ; ........ : ........................ 4 Pony Express ......................... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 6 Happenings ............... ...................... · ... ; 8 Weatherman by Bob Steinberger ..................... 41 Pit Team Register .................................. 43 The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 44 Goodies Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Good Stuff Directory ....................... ·. . . . . . . 46 Classified Ads ..... , ... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 BFGoodrich 6-50 Club Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ON THE COVER -, Our cover boy for December is Steve Sourapas, here splashing though the water crossing near Santa Caterina, in Baja. With Dave Richardson doing the anchor man bit, this Raceco fought so hard to win Class 10 that the boys also won the race overall in the car category. The overall winning bike was only ten minutes faster! Although Class 10 cars have won overall in several events, this is the first major victory for 1650cc in a long distance· enduro in the premier off road racing desert series·. Baja courses generally demand high horsepower, but Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson did their homework, kept the car together, and won the rugged Baja 1000 overall. Our heartiest congratulations to the entire team. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. /\~ DUSTY.TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year -$12.00 D 2 years -$20.00 0 ,3 years -· $30.00 Take ad¥an'tage of your subscription bonus •.• Free one time classified ad up to .45 words. (Form on inside back page) I I Name----------------------~~'------Ally Oop and away we go, might be what Al Ai-ciero is telling his co-driver. Doing well m Class 2 for almost 100 miles in Larry Minor's slick Oldsmobile bodied racer on the Baja 1000, here Arcierc~ is a split second from the roll over that caused so much damage that the car was parked at Mike's Sky Ranch. The location is the deep ditch not far from the highway, Just before the cattle guard and a right hand tum heading into Caterina on the early part of the Baja 1000 route. It's a great shot, Al. Get your copy from Trackside Photo Enterprises. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month . . Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or Bx 10 will be considered. ' Address --------,------------'-------City State----------------'---Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: ·ousTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U.S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) • I I I I I I I I I I Dusty Times December 1985 Page 3
Soap Box ••• Stan Parnell's Action News If some of you feel it is odd to receive DUSTY TIMES this month, and then to see my column on this page, then you must know how it feels to me. For the first time in thirteen years I am writing a column jn a publication other than OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS. For the past thirteen years my publication was good to me, and it was good for the racers. We reached for quality each month, and we felt that we obtained the . best in the areas of editorial, · ·pictorial and full coverage of everyone's races. In the last three years there has been a glut of off road publications, and the major advertisers found it a great task as to where to place their advertising. Several of the many publications did not warrant their advertising, but they were always in the hunt. In order to make one publication strong, with the numbers necessary to gain the respect of the advertisers, and to keep the quality of ·the pul;,Htation, I decided to hang up th€ name "OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS", and sell the entire operation to Jean Calvin and DUSTY TIMES. So, with a lot of mixed feelings, I now· step aside and ask all my friends to support Jeari Calvin and' DUS-TY TIMES, in the new "Autoweek" of off road racing. With your help, as you supported me, Jean Calvin cannot fail. I will continue Stan's Column, a very controversial column, as long as you enjoy it, and Jean wants it. Sum's Column will be a feature of DUSTY TIMES as l011g as he has rhe time co «•rite it. ED.) ACTION NEWS The off road racing fraternity has been under fire for the past four months, receiving unjust treatment by persens unknown. Someone, or a group of people, apparently believes that off road racing has dealt them an unjust. decision, or acted in a manner they felt unjust. Off road racing organizations make many errors, as do the racers. There are many judgements that we do not agree 1 with, the same as umpires make judgements when we watch baseball on television. We can see the errors, but the call stands, and most of the time a team will lose because of it. All of us must remember one · thing. It is our sport, and we must work to make it better. Hopefully, one day the person we disagree with will move on to other fields, and the rest of us will rise up to make our sport the best there is. Let's not fight among ourselves, tearing down the sport. But let's fight to build it up! · . Dusty Times, Score lnterna-tionl, · On Dirt Motorsport, Precision Preparation, Trackside _Phofos attd Walker Evans Racing . were all victims of vandalism. Page4 They were hit with cut tires; water hoses ,un into their buildings, fire extinguisher sprayed over the interiors and eggs thrown· all over the outside of the buildings. If there is a grievance, I would volunteer to be the moderator, pick up the phone, no need i:o identify yourself, and call me. Let's discuss the problem! So far I have tried to help anyone that asked, and you can get the problem off your chest. Call me! * * * * * For every racer that loves' adventure, and likes the race that does not put speed in the top place, get those cars out of moth balls. You have just one year to the month to get your car ready to race from Ensenada to La Paz on the 1986 Score Baja 1000 next November. Listed for some time, Score International announced this month that the point to point Ensenada to La Paz trek is on for November of 1986. * * * * * In the past three years Mickey Thompson has campaigned among west coast racers to get them to build short course cars. He produced very successful races at Pomona and lately in San·· Bernardino. Now, 1 for 1986, many short course racers are advertising their cars for sale, as there is no series in California on . the horizon for next year. Short course. drivers with srrecially built cars desperately need a local series on the west coast. Many of these drivers have jobs that will not allow them to travel far out of state. But,' they love to race and can race if the site is local, . reachable in a weekend. * * * * * The last race of the season is also the last race of the newly combined HORA/SCORE desert series, the Frontier 250. At the drawing for starting numbers in mid-November, 178 cars answered the call for the last chance at points i-n 1985. Growing by leaps and bounds, the largest class in the drawing was Class 1-2-1600 with 3'3 cars. The next biggest bunch is Class 2 with 26 cars, and Class 10 is in with 21 cars. It should be a daridy race with so many entries to. finish out the.season. * * * * * SNORE President Roger Gaskill announced at a pit team meeting that SNORE will have a major five race desert series for the coming year. Four of those five events will count toward the SNORE year end points, which provides a hefty purse. Gaskill stated that SNORE proved in 1985 that they pay·back more money in their points series, and he pledged three times as m.uch money for the coming ·year. SNOR,E is-:sponsored by Yokohama Tires, the Hqliday Inn Hotel and Casino,· Center Strip, Sun World AirWays, and Bud Light. * * * * * In early November Walt Lott of HORA announced that there is some trouble with the Laughlin race. The event could be in Laughlin, or Barstow, or near Las Vegas. The problem is due to the area at Laughlin being booked solid in March, the race dates. Lott is also planning, instead of the Mint 400 race, recently canceled for next May, that the date wou_ld have a race sponsored by the . Frontier Hotel and Casino. In other words the Frontier 500 would be moved to the May 7-11 date. The regular date in September for the Frontier 500 will see a completely new race out· of Tonapah, Nevada, the Nevada Silver State Classic. Watch for further developments on these races in the next two issues of this publication. * * * * * Rumors, Rumors, Rumors! Word comes that A.M.S.A., the racing association out of Fresno, CA, is for sale. Another rumor says _the California City racing site is up for negotiation to the right people for race dates in 1986. A rumor heard at the Baja 1000 is the word that Lou Peralta had offered for sale "On Dirt Motors port". Another rumor says that K.J. Howe will not be associated with any race in May of 1986. Our thanks to Stan Parnell for his c(mtribution to chis issue, and we took forward to his column of news and t•ie«·s about the sport in upcoming issues. We are t•ery pleased to uike ot·er sen•icing rhe extensit•e readership ai1d good will of Off Road Acricfa News, and we pledge to conrinue al/the features, columm; Pit Team News and other articles that have made Off Road Acricm News so popular with readers. · No duubt chis December issue, -cumbining DUSTY TIMES with .OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS «•ill come as a surprise to many subscribers: If y(JU are now receit•ing two copies of the publication, we hat•e a solution. There will be (Werlap in subscripti011s, because DUSTY TIMES will now be going tiJ all members of rhe High Desert Racing Association, as well as all its paid subscribers. While it is impossible to refund a subscripti011, «•e can offer a near deal to all of you who ·are now getting _duplicate copies. Drop us a nore assigning your subscription to a friend, pit ere«• member, or anybody «·ho would like to hat•e DUSTY TIMES in their mailbox each monrh. Send us rhe name, address comp/ere wirh zip code, in legible «'Tiring please, and rhe mailing label, and your second subscription «•ill be assigned co chat person. All you need to do is sencl us rhe information, and we will do the rest. In the crush of deadlines and the holidays looming cm the horizon, y(JU may be missing some of your f amrite columns in chis issue. The reason is that-DUSTY TIMES' deadline is rwo weeks earlier than ORAN's. So, the missing pit team reports and rally news will appear iii the January issue. Please send all these reports directly to DUSTY. TIMES. 533 r Derry Ave.; Suite 0, Agour?l, CA 9r·3or. BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY:. SEASON TO ALL - Jean Calt•in. December 1985 Trail Notes ••• I A HEARTY WELCOME to all Off Road Action News subscribers and dealers. As Stan Parnell states in the Soap Box column on this page, DUSTY TIMES and OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS have joined forces, and from this issue forward, all the action will be out of the DUSTY TIMES office. Stan will maintain his popular Action News column each month. This first combined 'issue is also the end of the second year in publication for DUSTY TIMES, and we are proud to include all the great features of Off Road Action News in thi-s landmark issue of DUSTY TIMES. With the holiday season messing up deadlines a bit, we did not receive any pit team news at press time for this issue. However, send all your news of the Baja 1000, and the Frontier 250 if you write fast, directly to DUSTY TIMES so we can include it in the January 1986 issue. All such features of Off Road Action News will coP.tinue to be published here as long as the information arrives at the DUSTY TIMES office, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Try to get it here by the tenth of each month for the next issue. We also welcome a host of new advertisers out of Off Road Action News. We are happy to offer you and our regular advertisers double your money's worth in circulation, starting with this December issue. How about that for a Christmas present? We are button busting proud of the meteoric growth of DUSTY TIMES in two short years of existence, and we look forward to continued growth and more expanded coverage 0f all things off road in the coming year. THE MINT 400 LIVES - MAYBE! Almost everyone in the off road community received a note from Larry Close of the Mint Hotel and Casino last month, The 11ote is reprinted below exactly as written. "This is to inform you that the 1986 Mint 400 Desert Race has been cancelled. The spiraling costs associated with the 1985 race forced us to re-evaluate the sponsorship of the event. We explored several alterntatives, but none were acceptable. It has been a great honor for the Mint to sponsor this event foi:_you and the racing public during the past 18 years, I would like to personally thank you for your past support and participation in the Mint 400. Good luck in your future racing endeavors." It was signed by Larry C. Close, VP and General Manager. Meanwhile, right on deadline there is word that the classic Mint 400 may not be history. There have b_een some changes in the Mint Hotel management since that note was mailed. And, the new Vice President and General Manager of the Mint Hotel and Casino, Marv Levett, has some interest iil putting on the Mint 400 race next May, There was·a meeting called by the Mint Hotel people with potential race organizers late in November anhe Mint Hotel. So, stand by for a big yes, there is a Mint 400 in 1986, or no; the schedule will be as stated in the Soap Box column. THE CALENDAR IS COMING! Because of the above flux in the deser.t race schedule at press time, the traditional pull out calendar publfshed each new' year by Off Road Action News does not appear in this issue; Since, the calendeds meant to be picked out of the publication and tacked on the wall for year long reference, it would be scant use•if the.dates and races were not . complete. So, look for the traditional calendar in the Jaritikry 1986 issue 6( DUSTY TIMES combined with Off Road Action News, and that should be in your mai!'box by the first of the year. BRIDGESTONE TIRES is bowing out of the sponsorship of the SCCA Pro Rally Series for 1986. Bridgestone came on board. with their sponsorship of theseries and pcomotkmal assistance for the 1985 season. As most rally fans know, the series has had some problems, some call them growing pains. A lot of folks think the SCCA regards the Pro Rally Series as a bit of a stepchild. Some of the frustrations felt by many rally organizers may have rubbed off on the Bridgestone people. At any rate, in 1986 they will concentrate their rally promotion on assisting tompetitors at the individual events, and getting involved with some individual team sponsorships. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. THE SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES for 1986 has dates set at this time. The season will start late, on June 7-9 with the Susquehannock Trail Rally in Pennsylvania. The Arkansas Traveler is on July 26-27, and the Rallye Michigan is on August 23-24. The Sunriser in Ohio will be on September 13-14, followed by the Ojibwe Rally in Minnesota on October 4-5.The famous Press on Regardless in upper Michigan is on October 25-26, and the finale in Carson City, Nevada takes place on December 6-7. All seven events * will count toward the year end championshi,ps. Missing from the 1986 schedule are four long standin·g events in the Northwest, the Nor'wester, Olympus and Wild West in the state of Washington, and the Oregon Trail, which was_ canceled this year because of fire danger in the north woods. When asked if other events might be added to the seven rally schedule for 1986,-SCCA Rally and Solo Events Director Bob Radford stated; "we · would rather limit the number, and increase the level of professionalism" in the championship qualifiers. There is a report that the SCCA is in the process of hiring a full time "Special Events Manager" whose primary responsibility will be the promotion and execution of the Pro Rally Series, This past year the Pro Rally sport has suffered "a crisis of confidence" among participants, and the sport has failed to attract new competitors or sponsors. The SCCA directors have proposed a $135,000 prize fund next year, of which the club will"guarantee $50,000. Some of the money will be paid to winners at each event, and some of it will go into the season points fund. ' GOODYEAR OFF ROAD SUPPORT TEAM NEWS. This year the Baja 1000 was Baja-Long, grueling and hard on the drivers and vehicles alike~ I'm sure most of us who were there feef the same. We had a 'great time being a part of it, and yet' we are be back home. Congratulatio!1-s to all class winners., and especiaUy to our Goodyear t~am members, Walker Evans, Class 8, and Spern;:er Low, Class 7S; both took first place in their class. Our congratulations also to Roger Mears, Clas,; 7, who wrapped'up third, and to Tom Strong, Class 4, who did the same. These drivers and the rest of the Goodyear team are great, and we enjoy being part of this team. · Dusty Times "
We'll be at the Frontier 250, December 6-8, to finish thi~ year's schedule with you. At this time the pit location for the Goodyear Support Team is undecided, but we will let you know where it will be during contingency inspection. A reminder, if you would like to find out about the benefits of being part of the Goodyear off road racing team, just call Gary Wicke at (714) 524-1200. W e are only one race awayfrom the 1986 season, and we would like to see you a part of our Hi Miler competition next year. Again, congratulations to the Baja 1000 winners - Paula Simms. ' ATTENTION ONE LAPPERS. Entry applications are ~ow open for the 1986 Uniroyal One Lap of America rally style enduro. The eight day, 8,000 mile endurance driving event will circumnavigate the United States, with the start and finish set for Detroit, Michigan. The major hang up is th;itthe One Lap is stheduled for May 3-11, 1986, in direct conflict with the Mint 400, or whatever the race will be called in Las Vegas, Nevada. Organizer Brock Yates states that the third annual nationwide rally is open to qualified teams of two or three people driving street legal passenger cars or vans. All participants must be members of the Sports Car Club of America, which will sanction the _marathon contest for the second consecutive year. Yates also announced a $25,000 Uniroyal prize fund in ad,dition to contingency money posted by other corporate sponsors. Uniroyal also will supply its high performance tires to all eligible competitors. Teams interested in entering the 1986 One Lap of America _should conta,ct Brock Yates at Box 241, Wyoming, New York 1459-1. THE FRONTIER 250 drawing was a whopper, with 178 names drawn in the car classes, which must be an all time high for this race. Two days later the entry was up to 185 and still growing. Class 1-2-1600 is the biggest one, with a drawing count of 33 cars. Class 2 is close with 27, and Class 10 fielded 21, tagged by Class 1 with 18 cars. It seems that everyone wants another shot at the Nevada desert before the season ends. Class 3 and Class 4 both had nine rigs in the drawing, and Class 8 numbered ten. There were a dozen in Class 5-1600, and seven in Class 5. The mini trucks had three in Class 7, eight in 7S, and four in 7 4x4, with a single entry each in Classes 12 and 14. There were five each in Class 9 and the Challenge Class, and a pair in Class 6. This hefty entry is proof positive that the combined desert series is working very well in many ways· to· promote larger entries which promotes bigger purses, and provides keen competition in almost all the classes. Also, the demise of ne.arly all the popular short course tracks in the southwestern area this past season bodes well for the future of desert racing. Of course the enormous insurance.costs for desert racing can cast gloom on this resurgent sport. But, there is talk of initiating a competition license for all participants iri desert racing, which will go a long way toward bringing the · cost of insurance down to simply _expensive rather than the current exorbitant. Before you get all excited about having to take an off road driving test, chances are the license will be something like the SCCA has had for many years on its Pro Rally circuit. In order to compete, all one needed to do was join the SCCA and send an extra sum of five or ten bucks in with the membership, listing past experience in the rally world, no matter how vague. The license came in the mail.·This system could work well in off road racing, with the license fee on top of the membership fee going to defray some of the insurance costs perhaps. Stay tuned. THE SCORE SHOW is getting b-igger. The 1986 Score Show on June 20, 2 i"and 22,,will be the biggest one ever. The ninth annual Score Sh6w will have two hundred thousand square feet of exhibit space filled with the latest parts and acces~ories for all sorts of off road vehicles, plus all the latest vehicles from major-manufacturers. Show Director Alex Xydias stated recently, "For the first time we will have enough room to do the things we've wanted to do to make the Show more interesting for attendees and even more successful for the exhibitors. We are going to bring back one of our popular events, the Off Road Radio Controlled Vehicle Races on a specially designed "Baja" dirt course. In addition, we will be able to display a great many more of the outstanding tru~k's, buggies and A TVs available to us each year. In the past we simply haven't had enough room." Once again the Show will be held in the Anaheim Convention Center, one of _the finest exposition facilities in the world. The 1986 Show next June will follow the successful format of combining both a Trade and Consumer Event, a concept created by the Score Show. , WIN A CUSTOM CAB TOYOTA. A limited edition, high performance off road version of the Toyota Custom Cab has been selected by K-Mart stores and Kraco Enterprises as their grand prize in a national sweepstakes. Custom Fab Manufacturing Inc., who build the five passenger mini pickup conversion, will be giving away seven of the "Michael Andretti Signature Edition" trucks through the chain of 2200 general merchandise stores and their automotive departments. Get your sweepstakes entry at any of the 2200 K-Marts. POLICE SPECIAL TY PRODUCTS is expanding its Contingency program into the motorcycle, ATV and quadrunner classes for the 1986 off road racing season. PSP's Race Safety Team, headed by David Jenest, is entering its second year as a supplier of safety equipmem and Emergacard. Emergacard was introduced by PSP at the Mint 400 last May. According to Jenest, it has been a gradual success. The card is designed to provide emergency personnel and hospital staff with vital medical information on a microfilm chip contained in the card. It can be read with a viewer or low power scope used by all medical facilities. The information is provided by the cardholder on a special form that PSP offers at each race. The $8.00 fee covers material, typing, microfilming and the laminating of the c;ird. It also covers return mail, and the one dollar per card that PSP puts irito a special fund for Score International and High Desert Racing Association. According to Jenest, the fund is available to the medic teams that volunteer their services to Score and HORA, and can be used to purchase any needed equipment. OFF ROADERS ON THE BALLOT. The 1985 Skoal Auto Racing AU America Team is selected each year by members of the American Auto Racing Writers and Broadcasters Association. Reflecting the higher visibility this past year of off road racing, three ofour guys are on the ballot in the at large category. Rod Hall, who is undefeated on.the desert this year, Ivan Stewart, for helping Toyota to the manufacturer's title at the Mickey Thompson races, and Rob Tolleson, overall desert points leader in his ro'okie year of racing. They should aU be elected to the team. Dusty Times Pony Express.~. As a subscriber to your paper and an·avid off road racer, I want to take time to compliment you· and your staff. Your coverage of the big and small races and racers is great, and I hope it ( your paper) and off road racing continue!! , ' The main reason I'm writing you is about one of your advertisers. Today I received my Beard Super Seats back from being restrung. Not only had they been restrung, but they were cleaned, repadded and th:e frames repainted. The service was great, just two days, and, to top it all off, I wasn't charged a cent! I am not a big name_or a high dollar racer. I race out of my own wallet and that is empty a lot. I can't praise Ed and Barbara Beard and the crew at Super Seats enough. I hope you can print this, 0as the Beard's deserve the praise. They are first class craftsmen, and super off road racers as well. Mike, Shirley & Shannon Gertsen Mesa, Arizona Take a bow, Ed and Barbara Beard. It was a pleasure meeting and talking wi,th you last week in Baja . . I had a great . time! I competed on the Safari Rally with Bob Hamm, and it was great. Everyone was fantastic. It is easy to. see why off road racing is so popular. Please let me know if I can be of any help. Richard Katz, Assemblyman California Legislature It looks like off road racing has a frie11d in Sacramento .. Katz and Hamm did well())\ therallyina]eep Cherokee, and Katz represents an area in-the north · end of the Sai1 Ferna11do Valley. In your October 1985 issue in the Frontier 500 article you said that Jerry McDonald got to Check 9 and stopped. Actually he finished, but he was over the time allowance. He got stuck between Checks 9 and 10. He finished in about a half an hour over time, but had there been 24 hours time allowance like HORA said, he would have finished officially. So,. I think he got gypped. Greg Merritt San Diego, CA Thanks for letting us knou• about • McDonald, one of set•eral who finished the course m·er time. To be fair, HORA hacked 155 miles off the route shortly before the et>ent, and it i.1 natural -£hat they would lower the time allowance as well. DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off road activity. The Pony Express Column will feature all the mail we can fit into the space. · Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES-will print your gripes as well as your praises. Letters for publicatio1t should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the r 5th of the month in order to appear in the next issue. Check Out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer Call (818) 889-5600 or write . DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 THE ORIGINAL GAS PRESSURE SHOCK ABSORBER WINNERS ON BILSTEIN SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Ivan Stewart 1st Place, Class 7 Miht 400 "Never before have I had so much con-fidence in a shock: After extensive testing and numerous races on the same set of Bi/steins, I am very pleased by their excellent perfor-mance and reliability." December 1985 Ray _Aragon 1st Place, Class 10 Laughlin Desert _ Challenge 1984 "We finished 2nd at the Cal City 12-hour in 1983, 1st in Class 10 at the Parker 400 1984, and 1st in Class 10 at the Laughlin Desert Challenge 1984 all on the· same set of Bi/steins with no failures." Jerry Leighton 1st Place, Class 10 Fireworks 250 1984 "The shocks worked super; no such thing as broken ot leaking · shocks with Bi/stein." Jim Wright 1st Place, Class 2 Mint 400 "By far the most~impor-tant parts on any off-road vehicle are the shocks. Using Bi/steins is like cheating." For further information and special off-road applications contact Tom Hoke at BILSTEIN Corporation of America, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego; CA 92121. 619 / 453-n23. .2000 .. . ~ Page 5
Side Tracks •• ~ By Judy Smith • Our love for the adventure, romance and challenge of the Baja 1000 has once again compelled us to enter. When you read these words, the race will be over,but as they are written, it is still t'wo days away, and we've just returned from a slightly abbreviated pre-run of the course. . Our back hurts, there's still silt in our sinuses, and we haven't had a full night's sleep for about a week. We're not sure if that's adventure OT romance, but it sure enough is a big challenge! As we write there are piles of gear on the living room floor, the kitchen table, in the garage and in the spare room. Some are driving gear, like the helmet, suit and such, some are-spare parts; there is a bunch of food, some bottled water, and a whole lot of stuff is for "just in case." We make lists, · cross things off and make new lists, and we keep tellin_g ourselves that this is really fun. But the pre-run was fun. We left late on Friday night after finally completing our pre-runner ( its original function was to have been a 5-1600, but it was being pressed into service since the actural pre-runner is still months away. To our dismay, this racer/pre-runner had a ride like an old garbage truck on the freeway, and the usually unnoticed seams in the concrete made it jounce uncomfortably. The used race shocks had rattley heim ends, third and fourth gears howled, and one or two things we couldn't indentify also rattled. Conversation was held to a minimum. · The heater boxes weren't connected, and temperatures, which had been in the balmy 80s, dropped severely as we neared San Diego. The windows couldn't be rolled up or down while the doors were closed, and the window-winder-upper for the passenger door wasn't attached anyway, and had to be hunted up each time we closed or opened the window. The tool box, a real necessity for a pre-run, was ensconced in the foot space for the passenger, as were several . other items, there being no glove box anymore. The 1750cc motor wouldn't idle, and there was high-beam, but we had a pair of gas tanks that held 23 gallons, and a trick new distributor that we were testing for possible use on a race car. · Arriving in Ensenada at about 3 a.m., after buying pesos, insurance, gas and a quick meal in San Isidro, we bedded down in someone's back yard, disregard-ing the possibility of having to share the sleeping bags with an Ensenada dog. Sunrise came early, but we were slow getting going, not leaving Ensenada until a little after 8 a.m. Since the first stretch of the course was to go ·in both directions, we picked it up at the point where it turns left off the pavement, up above the Pepsi Stand, and runs up the old, old road. All went well for the morning, and we were relieved to find that the stiff suspension that was annoying on the freeway was o.k. on the road between Ojos Negros and Catarina. It was the Day of the Dead, and the Catarina cemetery, and also the one at Valle Trinidad, were resplendent with paper flowers, garlands and brightly dressed Mexican families who were visiting their departed family members. -We stopped for gas at Trinidad, and there found Mike Lund who was pre-running the wrong course. He hadn't heard or had forgotten about· the change, and had the first version of the course map with him. When he hit Ojos Negros, in the absence of any markers (going either way) he just charged along the dirt road, head in~ east and up Coming Next Month ... HDRA FRONTIER 250 ADRA PENASCO 150 VORRA FINALE AT PRAIRIE CITY AORRA SHORT COURSE -TUCSON BAJA SAFARI PRESS ON REGARDLESS RALLY OCTOBERFEST IN KITCHNER, ONTARIO . Page6 GORRA FINALE IN GEORGIA IVORY COAST RALLY EAST COAST 4X4 RENDEZVOUS 8 ... pl1:'S all the regular features to El Rayo. When he-got back down in the neighborhood of Catarina, he found the markers going in each direction, then backtracked a while, toward f)lamo, finally figured out where he was and turned around. Then it dawned on him! He'd made a slight goof, and had done a couple of hours pre-running a length of race course that isn't included in this year's race. Our trip up to Mike's Sky Ranch was uneventful, broken by a lunch stop, and another quick stop at Mike's to check in with the last flush toilet we'd see for a while. The trip out of Mike's was, as eyer, gnarly and steep. We made it o.k.,our new motor behaving well, and our old Alligator tires holding air all the way. At the top we stopped to wait . for our compadres, and were a bit puzzled to find we . couldn't hear them . coming. Visions of broken axles danced in our heads, and we were just beginning to be a little nervous when we heard them churning their way uphill. When they got there, Howard Anderson, who was driving, told us that their air cleaner, mounted inside to keep it away from silt, had sucked upa jacket that George Seeley had tossed in the back. It took them a while to figure out what had happened, and Howard said, "We were really embarrassed!" Arriving in San Quintin just before dark, we elected to visit some friends of Howard's, and-had . a delightful evening, inc:luding dinner at the "La Cumbre" in town. If you haven't already found it, remember it for next year. It's clean, the food is good, servings are big and the price is right. No l;,eer, however. · After a night on real beds with clean sheets, and fresh brewed coffee in the, morning, we were on our way, late again. The road up into the hills was rocky and rough, much rougher _:. or at any rate, rougher for a more extended length, than the early part of the course. We found the front end softening up a little, and our old comfortable bra sagged out altogether. We didn't know whether to grab the grab bar or our bosoms during some of this stuff, and were never happier to see Quayaquil, the smooth sand, and a beer stop. Here we'd caught up with Vernon Roberts and his crew, pre-running in three Jeep pickups. They had lost a half day the day before when they lost an axle right in the middle of Camalu. "Well," we said, "that must've been convenient. They must have had parts and stuff there." "Naaw," said Vernon, "They ain't got nuthin' in that place!" He was not very fond of Camalu at that point. We motored on, everything still working well, except that the motor still wouldn't idle, and gas flowed into the carburetor unevenly, so it moved at different ·rates of speed, at its . own determination, with no relation to what was happening with the throttle pedal. The trip from the Virgin monument down to the beach was so much easier that it's been in the past that we could hardly believe we'd arrived. We kept waiting for the long silt bed December 1985 remembered from 1981, when last we went that way. It never showed. Sunset caught us about an hour short of the place where the course "y"d to miss the silt (though we didn't know it then) · and we passed a woebegone group of M_exican racers, Class 11 car and all, who had two flats on one of their cars. They had two spares between them, but one had a five bolt pattern and the other ,vas four bolt. No one had a pump, not even Vernon, with those three big Jeep trucks. So the Mexican group · had to flounder out on a flat front, in the dark which must have been a miserable trip. · We all bedded down in the rocks, approximately 15 minutes before the "y!' in the road, a convenient, if-not comfortable, stopping point. For some reason which will forever escape us, George and Howard took the seats out of their Baja Bug and slept inside. We don't know how they did ft, and we don't care i:o learn. Rising early was no problem, our beds of volcanic rock not being conducive to lolling about, nor apparently was the Baja Bug. The next day we took the new road to the right, which is just about as cob by as they come.We hear that it had been· treacher-ously muddy a few weeks before, and could see signs of stuck pre-runners but we had no trouble there at all. Another hour down trail we came upon the surprise · of the day - a graded road. Old timers will be pleased to hear that this beautiful road takes you right to the most attractive of white sand beaches, and goes. southward to who knows where. The i:ace course turns off after some miles of smooth road bed, and goes to the scrubby silt and cactus again, as it turns north into Punta Prieta. After a brief stop for cold drinks at the store in P'unta Prieta, and a detour to the gas station at the Bahia de Los Angeles road, we were headed to Crucero. Since this was not to be our part of the race, we took our car up the highway to wait for'" Howard and George. To get an idea of how quick that part of the course is, their trip back down the Bay of L.A. road, and up the dirt road of the course took only 20 minutes longer than our cheater trip up the highway. Not only ·that, El Crucero is thick with flies, gnats and bees, and we hadn't been waiting long when we went looking for the bug repellent which we don't usually have to use in Baja. El Crucero has one good point however, in that the bushes are · thick and tall, and make a good ladies' room. While here we met Dan Blain who was pre-running also, in a four-wheel drive crew-cab truck with two motorcycles fn the back. Dan told us about one of the hardships of pre-running that he'd run into. It seems that the El Presidente Hotel, where he'd spent the night had been out of both ice and water. Dan was really outraged! He said he was · going to do the next part of the course in his truck because it was "good road". We passed_ him about two miles into the road, and then never saw him again. From El Crucero to Gonzaga is mostly fun, and we especially love the sandy, white t·wo rutters that make up part of that stretch. In here another graded road popped up, sm9othing out a long part of the course, and surprising us again. Who knows where it goes or where it came from? After lunch, a few miles before Huerfanito, we were as ready as we'd ever be for the Three Sisters. Not much can be said for those three nasty hills. But we have been driving over them since 1971, and our partner, John Howard, h_as been racing on them since 1967 or thereabouts, (he and Doc Sauers and Ray Encabo and some other folks actually spent a day-and-a-half rebuilding a couple of them just before the 1972 1000) and we have never seen them roughter._ It's definitely not a pleasure drive. Up near the north end, as the· road nears Puertecitos, there is a new road going in and a lot of related traffic, like tractors. The new road bed is rough too, and has one patch of strange white powder that will be blinding in the race. From Puertecitos to San Felipe on the new road is just what they used to call this whole race; "A piece of cake." Smooth and quick, but dull. We stopped to compare notes with the McMrllins who were getting ready to do a nighttime pre-run in their race cars, across Diablo Dry Lake. After buying our last tankful of Mexican gas, we took off for Diab lo ourselves. About a half-mile into the road that heads directly down onto the lake, one of our'nine-year-old rear shocks broke. We had one spare for the two cars, and it called for a 12mm bolt, while the old MT shock has 1/2" holes, and so did the mount. The spare was also· missing one rubber/ bushing. Ta_lk about embarras-, sing mom@nts .. The McMillins went by just as : we jury-rigged the spare shock, I and we were moving again about/' 15 minutes later. The shock, with no bushing on the bottom, added to the noise, and made1 conversation virtually impossi-ble now. At any rate, our back was now permanently bent, and insulted about not having · any place to keep our feet because of the tool box, and we were no longer interested in conversa-tion. We were fantasizing about hot showers and comfortable beds. Dreamer! Out in the middle of Diablo Dry Lake · we came upon the McMillins, stopped and without tools. Corky and Mark borrowed what they needed from us, just to discover that the alternator had frozen on Mark's car, and the bearing had disentegrated. · They had their radios, so it was a simple matter for them to radio their backup truck ~o meet them at the top of the Dry Lake, where the graded road comes up, and they took off with Mark on a tow strap. We clanked our way the rest of the way across the lake, and decided we'd had enough romance and adventure for this trip, when we reached the pavement. We still had to get back to Los Angeles and points north, to build the race car. Dusty Times
-, PRESENTING THE I BE ON BOARD WHEN THE ••• "WILDEST SHOW ON WHEELS!" GOES O N --......,.,__. THE ROAD IN 1986! 1986CHAMPIONSHIP SEASON -* JANUARY25 . HOOSIER DOME INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA * * * * * FEBRUARY 8 · SILVERDOME FEBRUARY 22 JACK 'MU.RPHY STADIUM MARCH 15 , ASTRODOME MARCH 22 TEXAS STADIUM APRIL 26 KINGDOME * JULY 19 L.A. COLISEUM TBA~ The Rose Bowl, Pasadena, California PONTIAC, MICHIGAN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA HOUSTON,_ . _ . TEXAS DALLAS, TEXAS SEATTLE, WASHINGTON LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA TBA~ Sam Boyd Silver Bowl, Las Vegas, Nevada TBA~National Orange Show , San Bernardino , Ca lifornia '86 IS THE YEAR, AND THE WHOLE UNITED STATES IS THE PLACE! ... The high-energy excitement and flashing action entertainment of the · Off-Road Championship Gran Prix is on the road ... EVERY EVENT counts toward the series championship crown, EVERY RACE is critical to the factory teams and the private entries ... EVERY RACER will be going for it from the first green flag ... Don't just read about these electrifying events, make your plans to attend and be part of the action ... from the free "MEET THE DRIVERS" autograph and photo session at 5:30 p.m. to the final race of the night, you'll love every minute of "THE WILDEST SHOW ON WHEELS." FOR EVENT TICKETS OR ENTRY INFORMATION WRITE OR CALL: MTEG, 53 WOODLYN LANE, BRADBURY, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117
1985-1986 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix, AZ 85006 (602) 252-1900 December 7, 1985 9th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare 'n Hound Sonoita, Mexico January 11, 1986 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ AMSA December 1 Brevard Co. Off Road Park Sharpes, FL January 5, 1986 Florida State Fairgrounds Speedway Tampa, FL February 2, 1986 Citrus Co. Speedway Inverness, FL March 21-23, 1986 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL December 6-8 Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV January 11, 1986 SCORE/ HOR-A Awards Banquet Anaheim Hilton Anaheim, CA March 7-9, 1986 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin, NV July 4-6, 1986 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 5-7, 1986 Frontier 500 Las Vegas, NV December 5-7, 1986 Frontier 250 Las Vegas, NV American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 ----------·----------------Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 AMERICAN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION John Ohanesian P.O. Box 31811 Phoenix, AZ 85046 (602) 867-4769 BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Coordinator - Gil Parker 7406 S. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 December 7, 1985 4x4 Christmas Party & ' Berrien Autocross Series Banquet Holiday Inn Northbrook, IL Tickets (312) 479-9186 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 Page& FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 9, 1986 Superstition 250 III GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association . Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. 1507 South Lincoln Loveland, CO 80537 CORRA ( 303) 669-4460 DORRA (303) 429-1949 RMORRA (303) 597-8239 WKR (913) 332-3402 HORA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 HODAG50 Information (715) 362-6550 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( A II et•ents staged at the club grounds in Clet•es, Ohio) MANUFACTURERS' CUP SERIES Angus Motorsports Number One Main St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 (702) 386-2110 December 21-22 United States Rally Las Vegas, NV MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND-PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 January 25, 1986 Hoosier Dome Indianapolis, IN HJS NOSE \vORKE"D SO \vEL\. lN 1llE f 04, I FIGURED ... WHAT1]lE »Ell, .~. '!.f'S uOTTA WORK IN 1HE S1L1" AijD D\Js-r} December 1985 February 8, 1986 Silver Dome Pontiac, MI February 22, 1986 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 15, 1986 Astrodome Houston, Texas March 22, 1986 Tentative Texas Stadium Dallas, Texas April 1986 King Dome Seattle, WA July 19, 1986 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA AJJiticmal dates in Califiirnia TBA MORE Midwest Off Road Racing Enthusiasts P.O. Box 181021 Fort W orth, TX 76118 (817) 577-1102 ORSA 1920 Crown Ave. West Sacramento, CA 95691 (916) 372-4257 POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 ( 503) 620-0313 January 18, 1986 Awards Banquet Space Needle Restaurant Seattle, WA SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St. Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6625 December 6-8 Carson City International Pro Rally Carson City, NV SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 January 11, 1986 SCORE/HORA Awards Banquet Anaheim Hilton Anaheim, CA January 31, February 1-2, 1986 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 4-6, 1986 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 6-8, 1986 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico August 15-17 Score Off Road World Championship Riverside International Raceway Riverside, CA November 6-9, 1986 Baja 1000 Ensenada to La Paz, Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada ( 5 14) 692-61 7 l SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 June 20-22, 1986 9th Annual SCORE Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702 J 459-0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 ( 702 J 452-4522 February 22, 1986 Bottom Dollar April 12, 1986 Yoco Loco June 21, 1986 Twilight Race July 26-27, 1986 Midnight Special September 26-28, 1986 SNORE 250 November 16, 1986 Black Jack 100 STADIUM RACING, U.S.A Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 · (619) 463-0654 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION 460 No. Beaumont Ave. Brookfield, WI 53005 (715) 272-1489 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838-(916 J 925-1702 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87 A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your c·oming et·enrs in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1986 sc·hcJulc as soon as possible Jiir listing in chis column. Mail vour rac·c or rallv sc·hcJulc w: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 D~TTY At·c .. Suire 0, Agcnm1, CA 91301. DustyTimcs
GLER URI'S HATTHEBAJA CLASS 8: WALKER EVANS RUNS AWAY WITH HIS EIGHTH BAJA 1000 VICTORY. Nobody thought it would be easy. ,Yet nobody thought that this year's Baja 1000 would be as tough as it actually was. Besides the usual cracked rock, jarring ruts, mud baths, and thick, deep silt, Mother Nature supplied a few of her added desert specialities: Patchy fog. Gusting winds. And a mixture of dust, sand and silt swirling in the air with a texture like baby powder that choked the drivers and hid the trails. But for Walker Evans and Spencer Low, their Goodyear Wrangler radials ate up everything Mother dished out. And after more than 22 back-wrenching, tire-biting hours, they each finished first in their class. Congratulations to Walker Evans and 1985 CLASS 7-5: SPENCER LOW TAKES HIGH-POINT CHAMPIONSHIP WITH HIS FIRST BAJA 1000 WIN. ,Class 7-S Champion, Spencer Low, for a great race, and a great year. And thanks for proving once again how Goodyear Wrangler radials are engineered to take on the toughest terrain, the toughest conditions. You too can prep your truck with the very same Wrangler radials that got Walker and Spencer through the brutal Baja. So no matter what kind of truck you own, or where you want to go, get a set of Goodyear Wranglers. And take on nature's wrath. WRANGLER RADIAL. WE RACE THE TIRES YOU BUY. GOODf'rEAR
...,, -; ,;.~"" THE SCORE BAJA 1000 · Steve Sourapas a~d Dave Richardson _ Win the Big One with 1650cc! Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson did the impossible, winning a very long race first overall in cars• in the Raceco, and it is the first such major enduro to go to a Class 10 entry overall. The 1985 edition of the Score Baja 1000 was worthy of the title in many ways, including the length, and severe conditions on the race course. Listed at 822 miles, the route was tough, winding through all types of terrain, mountains, fast roads, sandy desert, silt beds, soggy beaches, and the infamous Three Sisters. The time allowance of 35 hours seemed generous going in, and the overall winners finished in almost half that time. But, there were some finishers who were in their 34th hour when they crossed the finish line. The weather was beautiful, befitting the resort atmosphere of Ensenada when the race activity began with mid-morning registration on the Thursday. A major new featme was the location of contingency row, right on the main shopping street for three blocks fronting the Hotel Bahia. Contingency Row was as festive and well attended as the similar ritual at Parker each year. Happily, the hours for tech and contingency inspections were cut in half this year, and almost all of the 211 starters in 30 classes managed to get their act together on Thursday and get their racers tucked away in the impound, moved to the original spot, the Crystal Palace parking lot. Early morning fog in Ensenada was lifting by the time the first car was away at 7:30 a.m., following the bikes and trikes and quadrunners. There were nine on course checkpoints, but only three were time checks, which left huge gaps in information for pit crews and friends searching for lost race cars. Check 3 at Santa Maria, south of San Quintin, was the first time check, over 200 miles into the course. The second time check was · just above Punta Ptieta, the most southern tip of the race course. The final on course time check was at San Felipe, as the racers turned west across Diablo Dry Lake. and Page 10 went all the way to El Alamo for a stop check and into Ensenada, 180 odd miles, for the final time check. Class 1 was first off the line, and the field of 17 held a number of potential winners. But, that number shrank before the report from Check 3. Fitst out was the Fuoco of Ron Gardner and Bud Feldkamp, the defending Champs from the June race, and they lost the trans just after Check 1. At Santa Caterina Ivan Stewart, who started second, was the first car on the road. But Stewart's Toyota got tangled up with a spectator three wheeler not much further along the trail; then, when he resumed racing, the engine went away before Trinidad. At Caterina, about 100 miles into the course, Larry Noel had his Chaparral second on the road, followed by Rick Munyon, Mark McMillin in his new Chenowth single, Tim Kennedy, Larry Ragland, Ron Brant, Tom Koch and Mike Lund. By Check 3 Larry Ragland, with the six cylinder Porsche in the tail of the Chaparral, was leading overall with a 4:06.29 total time, and six failed to get this far. Mark McMillin, also with Porsche power, was less than seven minutes back, followed in 15 minutes by the Tom Koch/Mike Julson Raceco. Scant minutes behind were both Brant and Lund, and Noel was now dropping a little time. Missing at Check 5 were Rick Munyon and Tim Kennedy, vanishing after Check 4 at La Virgin Shrine. Ragland now had about 18 minutes lead over McMillin, who was just three minutes ahead of Larry Noel, who had ten minutes over the combo of Ron Brant, Clark Gillies a,nd Steve Ooley. Both Koch and Lund dropped some minutes in this stretch. Ragland apparently led through Check 7 in fine style, then lost the trans somewhere on the Gulf coast. Noel also had a giant disaster in this area losing many hours. Koch/Julson dropped a couple hours also, and it ' seemed the "Sisters" were taking a heavy toll. Up front at San Felipe it was Ron Brant's Raceco with a 21 minute lead over Mark McMillin/Ralph Paxton. Add-ing to his woes, Mike Lund, who went solo, had two front flats on the "Sisters", and limped along losing bags of time in . his Chenowth. The Brant Raceco lost an hour on the run to Ensenada, and at the finish line · Mark McMillin came in the \Vinner, using his horsepower Baja rookie Rob Tolleson won a very tight race for 1-2-1600 honors. His Mirage, with Bill Varnes co-driving took the victqry by 13 seconds. December 1985 Mark McMillin, with Ralph Paxton co-driving, had a great race1 in his new Chenowth-Porsche. taking Class 1 honors and a keen second overall. , handily to also finish second overall. Brant, Gillies and Ooley arrived 38 minutes later for second in Class 1 and sixth overall in a fine effort, especially by Gillies who had collided with a horse while pre-running and had a broken nose and sore ribs. Mike Lund was ready to quit on the home stretch, but his crew urged him on, saying he wasn't far behind the third place car. So Lund turned up the wick and come home third in Class 1. Darryl Woody and Bob Neste got their Fuoco home fourth, a mere minute and six seconds behind Lund, who passed them in suburban Ensenada. Mid-morning Koch's Raceco arrived fifth, with both rear wheels flopping about sadly. Much later, with only 19 minutes left on the time allowance, Larry Noel arrived, the sixth and final Class 1 finisher. Only seven showed up in Class 10, and from the start it was a two horse race between the Racecos of Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson and Marty Reider/ Jake Fogg. They arrived at Caterina side by side, having started 30 seconds apart, and · Sourapas got out' of the water crossing first. At Check 3 Reider had the lead by over three minutes, and Greg Hibbs/Bob Richardson were third, another 12 minutes back, but their Chenowth only made it through Check 4. Dwight LundelVGlenn Evans had the Oirtrix another three minutes back here. At Check 5 Sourapas led Reider by just 25 seconds, and they had swapped the lead back and forth all the way. Lundell · was over an hour back here, and soon was out with a broken trans, taking third place anyhow. Dave Richardson did the anchor man bit in the Sourapas Raceco, climbing the "Sisters" in record time, picking up a half hour margin over Reider/Fogg. Richardson continued his trouble free run and gained ten more minutes en route to victory. So swift was the pace that Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson not only won Class 10, but finished first overall among cars. Their time of 17:54.55 was beaten only by a couple of Class 22 bikes, who enjoy extra hours of daylight on course. It sure proves that Class 10 deserves the early starting position, even on a high horsepower course. Marty Reider and Jake Fogg finished second, about 40 minutes later, and they were fourth overall behind a Class 1 and a Class 2 car. Great going guys! An even dozen Class 2 's were ready for the fray, and it was a hefty field. After 100 miles Frank Arciero had the Toyota pickup first on• the road, with Malcolm Smith, Renault-ORE, right in his dust, followed by the pack. Next came Corky and Scott McMillin, Perry McNeil, Roger Roderick, Jerry Penhall, Jim Temple, and Bob Gordon all in tight information. A bit back here was Al Arciero, the Olds bodied special already rumpled from a roll over. Al parked it after reaching the Sky Ranch. At Check 3 the McMillin Chenowth Porsche was leading by seven odd minutes over Jerry Penhall/Kent Pfeiffer. Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree , were another two minutes back, while most of the surviving nine were only a few minutes off the pace. Past this point Smith went down and out with trans trouble. At Check 5 the McMillins had a good lead of 18 minutes over Gordon's Chenowth. Just four. more minutes back Penhall and McNeil were literally tied on time. Both Temple and Arciero were in trouble, Frank Arciero reportedly stopping for a fresh trans. It was still a race in Class 2 at It was Walker Evans day in Class 8! With Dodge boss Dick Maxwell riding shotgun, Evans led through all the time checks, and at the finish line. Dusty Times
Gorky and Scott McMillin made winning a family affair in Baja, and the father and son team took Class 2 honors and finished a great third overall. San Felipe. The McMillins and real horsepower to rope the Bug · Gordon/Crabtree were ab-and haul it out of the deep hole. solutely tied on total time to the There was too much front end second for the lead. Penhall/ damage for Parnell to continue. Pfeiffer were about half an hour Greg DiehVBrad Person were back, over an hour · ahead of next here, followed by a Temple. Well back but still thundering herd of hard running moving were Bob Richey/Tom Baja Bugs. Baker, Raceco and Frank · At Check 3 the Klawitters led Arciero, Toyota. by over four minutes. Almost Corky and Scott McMillin tied for second were Max picked up 12 minutes en route to Razo/John Robison and Byron the finish, and they won Class 2 . and JoAnne Smith. At the next by that margin and were third time check the Klawitters had a overall as well. Bob Gordon and good 15 minutes lead over Tim Crabtree took second in the Smith, Diehl was back another Chenowth, and fifth overall. seven minutes and the rest were Penhall/ Pfeiffer were third in into the next hour. It was quite a class, ninth overall, followed by contest! Jim and Mark Temple, Emory The Klawitters lost a couple of Brazell/ Art Brookman, and then gears en rou~e to San Felipe, and came Perry McNeil with only were now second, five minutes four minutes over Frank behind Diehl/Person, and only Arciero. The Richey Raceco seven cleared this checkpoint. expired somewhere between El The unlucky Klawitters lost the Alamo and the finish line. rest of the trans on Diablo Dry Class 5 had a full field of13 on Lake, ending their effort. Up the line. The first Bug to Caterina front the Arizona team of Greg was that of Hartmut and Diehl and Brad Person kept up Wolfram Klawitter, closely the pace, suffering a total of tagged by Stan Parnell. Parnell seven flats in the race. But, they bagged the big ditch just beyond won Class 5 and were 13th this point in the blinding dust, · overall. and he took a hard hit on his Byron Smith took second in body". It took three Mexican Class about an hour and a half cowboys using their lariats and back. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Greg Diehl and Brad Person won the titanic battle in·Class 5, despite seven flats. The Arizona drivers were also a neat thirteen overall. · Brian Johnson came all the way from Vancouver, Washing/on to fight the duel in Class 9, and Johnson was the winner, making it to Check 5. Dusty Times Ron Brant, with Clark Gillies and Steve Ooley co-driving, Mike Lund did the Iron Man bit, had a raft of problems led Class 1 for a time in the Raceco, but trQubles dropped along the way, got his second wind late at night and flew in them to second in class. to take third in Class 1. Marty Reider and Jake Fogg were back and forth in the Class 10 lead in their Raceco, but they had to settle for second, and fourth overall. -Hansen hauled out of a lot of down time, including a broken tie rod, to take t~ird, another 38 minutes back. With a long tale of woe, Max Razo and John Robison were fourth, close to seven more hours behind. Daniel Mora and Jose Acevedo struggled to El Alamo for fifth, apparently running out of time to make the finish line. Sixteen 1-2-1600s tackled the rugged Baja 1000,. and in 100 miles Richard Goldbaum/ Pancho Bio were first on the road, and the pack was close and all mixed up with big trucks. At Dwight Lundell started out strong in his Rabbit powered Dirtrix, but he lost the trans halfway around, and still took third in Class 10. Check 3 it was tight as Mitch Rod Hall and Jim Fricker raced hard to not only win Class 4 by hours in the ¼itchell led ~ Dodge, but they beat Class 8 on time, finishing a swift seventh O[A. NEW al: . iliTES ''RDCIIS OFF'' Chro Rock Shield December 1985 Protect your KC Daylighters.against flying rocks & dirt clods, with this new KC Chrome Rock Shield (Part No. 7203). Installs easily in the outer rim of all-6" KC Daylighters manufactured since 1970. Special 'low-profile' configuration allows KC soft covers to slip over for maximum protection during the day. See your local KC HiliTES dealer for the new KC Rock Shield and the complete line of RACE READY OUT OF THE BOX KC HiliTES products. New full line catalog, just $3.00. Page 11
Tied for the lead at San Felipe in Class 2, the Chenowth of Bob The early leader in Class 1-2-1600, Mitch Mitchell and David Big trucks fly too, and Steve Kelley, with Jon Nelson riding along, Gordon and Tim Crabtree came in second at the flag, only twelve Harshbarger got the Neth home third, only 3 minutes behind was close most of the way, and got the GMC home second in the minutes out. · second place. Class 8 contest. ~ _ both Bobby and Tom Neth and Rob Tolleson/ Bill Varnes ( tied on time) by over five minutes, with Goldbaum another three minutes back. At Check 5 it was still tight. Neth led Mitchell by a minute and 40 seconds, Tolleson was another seven minutes back on his first race in Baja California, with Goldbaum two minutes behind him. But Goldbaum did not see another time control. This is the system run by most off road race winners The troops were still racin·g hard at San Felipe. Mitch Mitchell/ David Harshbarger had the lead in their Neth, but only by 1 ½ minutes over the ~eth brothers in their Chenowth. Tolleson/Varnes were four minutes back, and Larry Smith/Jon Kennedy were fou[th in the Raceco, about 45 minutes down. Both Jerry Jefferies and Hayward Mendenhall were close enough to move in on the TRI-MIL BOBCAT· CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS Page 12 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-90.14 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED leaders. It was tight at the finish line as the leaders got lost in the fog. Neth arrived first, but Tolleson was right behind him. Rob Tolleson won the 1600 battle by a skinny 13 seconds in the Mirage over the Neth 's Chenowth, after 822 miles of dicing. Smith and Kennedy . climbed'into third, over an hour back and · just three minutes ahead of Mitchell and Harsh-barger. Only four more n'linutes back were Jerry Jeffries and Wayne Martin, Chenowth in a very tight race for third. Mendenhall and Gilbert were sixth, the final finishers, over another hour back. ' A time penalty was -imposed on the Neth entry for missing a checkpoint. Disqualification was One of the tightest dices in the race was in Class 5-1600, but at the checkered f(ag the team of Mark Steele and John Johnson won the race. voted down because there were wrong road at the point of action. many reports of a Mexican police The penalty, one ninth of the type waving drivers down the total elasped time of the entry, dropped Bobby and Tom Neth to fifth officially. The husky Class 8 trucks were next to_ start, and the first one on the road in 100 miles was the Ford of John Gable/ Bill Holmes, who started first. But the rest of the nine starters were all close. At Check 3 Walker Evans, with Dick Maxwell riding in the Dodge, had the lead by four minutes over Steve Kelley/Jon Nelson, GMC. They were nine minutes ahead of Ron Clyborne/ Brian Lowe, Ford. Dave Shoppe was back over an hour here, after an early roII, and he rolled his Ford again later on, to take it out of the race. Gene _and Kirby Hightower's Jeep CJ 7 is clean and tidy here, and they led Class 3 from the half way point all the way to the finish line. By Check 5 Evans had an 11 minute lead on Kelley, and Jerry Penhall and Kent Pfeiffer had their ups and downs in Flying the cattle guard, Byron Smith had a fine day in his Baja, ran with the leaders most of the way, and finished convertible, and, despite a few troubles, · Smith and third in Class 2. company took second in Class 5. Malcolm Vinje and M_ark H_ansen had mor~ than the normal Charging through the tall cactus way down south in Baja, problems on the long course, but they came back with Larry Smith and Jon Kebnedy got the Raceco home an vigor to place third in Class 5. official second in Class 1-2-1600, December 1985 Dusty Times
Mike Nesmith and Randy Salmont had 'their troubles on course, Vern Roberts and Bill Donahoe raced the Jeep Honcho and also Tom Strong and Steve Borden ran close for a long distance in but they kept rolling fast and their GMC took a good third in the fixed it along the way, but they finished well, second in Class 4 in Class 4, but problems saw them gb more than once aroun(j the Class 8 wars. daylight. clock to finish third. In a Press on Regardless type struggle, Spencer Low and Paul Qelang overcame all sorts of woes, and they ended up winning Class 7S by hours. Clybome was third, another 14 who had a flat in a bad spot. minutes back, and the others Booming on to Ensenada, were having down time. By San Walker Evans had a near perfect Felipe all but the two leaders race in his pressurized cab were well back on the course, and Dodge, coming in the Class 8 Evans had 21 minutes on Kelley, winner by 30 minutes and eighth Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra staged a real come from be.hind charge in the Ford Ranger, and took over Class 7 for the win in the last few miles. overall. Steve Kelley had no trouble finishing second, and tenth overall. Third placing Mike Nesmith/Randy Salmont were over two hours back in third in · the GMC. Coming back from early problems, Frank Vessels zoomed into fourth in the keen looking Chevy. Clyborne and Lowe nabbed fifth, only ten minutes ahead of John Gable. . Class 9 was only a pair off the start, and Jim Dizney drove his Chenowth to T riniclad before parking. He later got into the winning Class 5 of Greg Diehl as a relief driver. From the northwest, Brian Johnson and Richard Kaiseratt got through ·. Check 5 in over 23 hours and called it a day, the Class 9 winners. Three Jeeps, a Chevy and a Dodge were the field in Class 4. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker put the Dodge in the lead 'from the green and kept it all the way around to the checkered flag. Hall realized a long held ambition, to beat Walker Evans. on time. Ha11 was-seventh overall, merely three minutes faster than Evans on· total time. At Check 3 Rod Hall already had half an hour lead, while V em Roberts/ Bill Donahoe, Jeep Honcho, and Tom Strong/ Steve Borden, Chevy, ~ SUPER BOOT. CONGRATULATES ITS 1985 WINNERS Raymond Aragon Advanced Off-Road Al/Frank Arciero ~ Accurate Fabrication Ted Armstrong Arras Race Prep. . Volker Bruckmann Ed Beard Billy Beck Larry Bolin Tom Bradley Dave Brown · Blue Max Racing The Buggy Shop Butler Built Mark Broneau Al Baker Benny Cannella Carl Cabaniss Steve/Dennis Casagrande Car Craft, Inc. Julio Castillo Dick Clark Ken/Torsen Corum Marty Coyne Jim Cocores Jimmie Crowder -Steve Canturioni Jerry Costa Kevin Cogan Custom Service Roger Caddell Roy Clouse Day N Nite Re-Build Dick D'Amato Jim.Dyer Sam Dunnam Downey Racehaus Dyda Race Eng. 'II'?./ . ··. ". ,,.,. (!IM ~n~._ · . Y'fY,,,,,,.,.,,, . ---~ ---· -Dusty Times ¾, f Don Devendorf Desert Racing Performance Tom 'Ellingham Art/Robert Eugenio Ron Ellenberg Electramotive Engineering Lee Evans Joe Falloon Jim Fishback Greg Foster Chet Fillip Mike Ferris George Pete Fl Fiber ~ Fat P Steve Formu Far W Giese Group Rodney Bob Gor Hector G Bob Gaskill House of Bu Glenn Harris Halibrand Engin Bud Harris Don Hatz Herman & Miller Porsc Fred Hunter Mark Hansen HR D Racing Doc Ingram Ron Hovis Jack Irvine Jimco Racing Products RC. Jones John Johnson Alan Jones Ernie Jakuboski Steve Kelley Jon Kennedy Don Kennedy Don Kolt . Tim Kennedy Ken Kazarian / Bill Keever Tom Koch n Engines, Inc. ars alcolm Miller I Nolte Larry Noel Paul Newman North American Raceco Off Road Concepts Off Road Fabrication Off Road Buggy Supply Off Road Engineering Off Road Center SUPER e~ooT PRODUCTS 1649 W. CoHins;Or;;inge, CA 92667 (714)' 997-0766 December 1985 John Paul Jr. Pool Motor Sports Eng. Palmer Custom Speed Dick Paterson Jerry Penhall Probst Off Road Racing Ed Pimm Precision Imports Alan Rohrer Rowland Racing Road Haus Dave Ramirez Chip Robinson Bug Barn · dson ad Builders son eele e Sourapas Larry Smith Tom Sneva Jim/ Jeff Stiles Pete Springer Danny Sullivan Bill Salenbach Rich Sloma Racing Dic.k Simon • Bob Sharp Racing Bob Schindler Billy Scypers Racing Steve/Norm Schmidt TrueSport Company Jim Trueman Rob Tolleson Bob Tullius Jim/Mark Temple Tuttles Parts Exchange Kit Trenholm John Thomas Mickey Thompson ' Al Unser Al Unser, Jr. Malcolm Vinje V-Enterprises Anthony Vanzeyl Bob Veltri Dana Van Noort Voyles VW Performance Craig Watkins . Mike/Morley Williams Don White W.F.O. Industries Don Ward Paul Wheeler Terry White Bill Whittington Don Whittington Dick Weyhrich Roy Williams Steve Wollcott Dick Young Jim/Mike Zupanovich ... and mtmy others, missed but not for gotten Page 13
Roger Mears had his Nissan in the Class 7 lead for nearly 800 Class 3 Ford Broncos are getting to be a rare breed, but this one miles, but a late night roll over dropped him to third at the drivenbyPhilipDeanandBobLehrerwentallthewayforsecond checkere'd flag. place. A new entry in Class 12 is the Isuzu Trooper. Driven by Bill Rodriguez and Jesus Luna. this one came back from a roll to earn ~ were o_nly a think he was a bike. He came up minute and change apart, and on Jones' dust out of Ojos John Randall, Jeep was just four Negros, in the. final miles, and more minutes back. It was a real reports that Jones hit_ a fence, race for second place. But, which let him get past. Johnson Randall's Honcho succumbed to nursed a deflating rear tire to the the terrain before Check 5, finishing line, winning the class where Roberts had about- 18 for himself and Steele by ten minutes on Strong. When it was. minutes and the team was 15th all over Roberts, Donahoe and overall. It was Johnson's ninth company survived their troubles class victory on the Baja 1000, for a solid second in Class 4, having won in a \Vide variety of about five hours behind Hall and classes. nearly three hours ahead of Jones and Maxey got loose Strong, the final class finisher. from the fence to take a clean The biggest car class was 5-second, only seven minutes 1600 with 19 starters and it was a ahead of the Andy Devercellys in sprint contest most of the a close contest for the entire 822 distance. With Andy Devercelly miles. The Gastelum 'Bug was leading the pack on the road at fourth, two hours back, followed Caterina, the horde came in another two hours by Mike through almost nose to tail. The Lesle/Henry Arras, who had class stretched out a tad by landed in the same deep ditch as Check 3 with the Devercellys, Stan Parnell. In all a fine ten of father and son, leading Mark the 19 Bugs finished the race. Steele/John Johnson by just over A Jucky 11 started in 7S two minutes. R.C. Jones/ Paul combat; and it was a see saw Maxey were another eight battle for a few hundred miles. minutes back, and a half dozen At Check 3 it was Ford Ranger more were within striking country as Willie Valdez led Paul distance. All but three made it and David Simon by a skinny this far. minute, but Mike Falkosky had At Check 5 Steele had a slim, his Toyota just another minute three minute lead over Jones, back." Early leader Spence Low, Devercelly was another seven Nissan, dropped back, and minutes back, trailed in eight earlier leader Jerry McDonald minutes by Efren and Ray · had a rod through the side· of the Gastelum. Most of the 1600 Chevy S-10 block. Also missing Bugs were having some pit time here was Glenn Harris, Mazda. by now. The picture changed at Defending champ Mike Leon San Felipe. Jones/ Maxey were had big trqubles with the Isuzu leading by four minutes over the before Caterina, was four hours Devercelly Bug, and Steele/ late here, and went no farther. Johnson were another 13 Moving along to Check 5, Low minutes down in this tight race. and co-driver Paul Delang got The Gastelums had lost more stuck on the beach and dropped than an hour. · time, Valdez lost hours as did Old Baja Hand John Johnson Simon. Up front Mike and Pat was working hard on catching up Falkosky had the lead by 35 all the way west. He finally minutes over Spence Low, and caught and passed Devercelly, Simon was back another hour and set out after Jones. John was plus, now merely three minutes using just one headlight, and he ahead of Valdez. All four cleared hoped the competition would Check 8 and Falkosky's lead was SCORE PARKER 400 February 1, 1986 1st Event of the SCOREIHDRA Points Series Limited number of entries will be accepted -. Call SCORE Headquarters -818/889-9216 down to 2½ minutes over Low. Both the Simons and Valdez went through to the finish, and took third and fourth respect-ively. Mark Schwien and Donald Lehmer finished fifth. Falkosky had some troubles en route to Ensenada, and Spencer second in cl~ss. -R.C. Jones and Paul Maxey led the 5-1600s at_San Felipe, Andy L. and Andy R. Devercelly were in the tight battle in and led all the way home past Ojos Negros, but they sank Class 5-1600, but they dropped a few minutes close to the to second at the finish line. finish and were third. ' Low and Paul Delang won Class 7S in the Nissan, effectively cinching the points title in the Nissan. Mike and Pat Falkosky came along 22 minutes later for second, and also snagged a time penalty for missing a checkpoint. But, they retained their second · place, since they had a couple of · hours in hand over third place. Although only tive were on the start line, Class 7 drivers put on a whale of a race, with three · N issans, a Ford and a Mazda ready to do battle. Roger Mears whipped his Nissan into the early lead, with both Mario Alesi and Sherman Balch in tight. Defending champ Manny Esquerra had early woes, missing a tum, bagging a flat tire, and leaking grease seals caused some brake trouble, then he suffered a broken front spring. At Check 3 Alesi was missing, losing the water pump after Check 2, and the Dave T umer Mazda was down also. Mears here held about 12 minutes lead on Balch, and now Esquerra was just a minute more' behind. Then Esquerra had to stop for a fresh trans in the Ford, and the Nissans of Mears and Balch carried on. Roger led Sherman at Check 5 by a mere 25 seconds, and it couldn't get much closer. Healthy again, Esquerra was playing catch up, and he had fast leg time to Check 8. Here Mears still led, with Brent Foes riding along, now by 13 minutes over Sherman Balch/ Shane Hutch-ings, but Manny and T udy Joe just another 14 minutes All alone in Class 14, Jim Sumners drove theM itsubishi pickup hard, ran out of gas, and retired after Check 5, the class winner. The spiffy looking Jeep Cherokee of Jason Myers and Don Adams did its trick again, and the pair took another victory in Sports Utility class. .back at San Felipe. Still leading through the last check, Mears missed a tum near Ojos Negros on the homeward stretch where fog was coming in. The Nissan turned over, and meanwhile Balch was driving without power steering. Manny and T4dy Joe Esquerra passed them both to come in the Class 7 winners, 11th overall in the Ford Ranger. Balc;:h salvaged second place, and Mears, slightly battered, arrived . third. · Mike and Pat Falkosky had their Toyota in the Class 7S lead Sherman Balch had a close battle in the early going in in the middle section of the race, but they dropped to Class 7, but at the finish he brought the Nissan home a The field in Class 3 was down to a pair of Jeeps and a Bronco. Don Coffland and Buck Griffin led the pack by 26 minutes to Check J in the Jeep CJ 8. Next came Gene and Kirby High-tower, CJ 7, and later the Ford of Philip Dean and Bob Lehrer passed. Coffland had serious trouble getting to Check 5, and retired after Check 7. Now the Hightm; er Jeep was in the lead, second at the finish. great second in class. Page 14 December 1985. Dusty'times
SCORE BAJA 1000 November 8-9, 1985 - Final Results 0/A POS.CAR ORIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME POS. CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -17 START - 6 FINISH 1. 104 Mark McMillin /Ralph Paxton Chenowth/Porsche 18:20.08 2 2. 110 Ron Brant /Clark Gillies Raceco 18:58.42 6 3. 105 Mike Lund (solo) Chenowth 23:54.26 35 4. 109 Daryl Woody /Bob Neste Fun co 23:55. 32 36 5. 103 Tom Koch /Mike Julson Race co 2717.32 50 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -12 START - 7 FINISH 1. 200 Gorky & Scott McMillin Chenowth /Porsche 18:26. 53 3 2. 214 Bob Gordon /Tim Crabtree Chenowth 18:38.42 5 3. 212 Jerry Penhall /Kent Pfeiffer Chenowth 19:30.21 9 4. 211 Jim & Mark Temple Race co 20:47.47 14 5. 213 Emory Brazell/ Art Brookman Race co 22:33. 06 26 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600 CC RESTRICTED -16 START 7 FINISH 1. 1212 Rob Tolleson/Bill Varnes Mirage 20:30.58 · 12 2. 1299 Larry Smith/ Jon Kennedy Race co 21 :45.39 18 3. 1298 Mitch Mitchell /David Harshbarger Neth 21:48.30 19 4. 1211 Jerry Jefferies /Wayne Martin Chenowth 21:52.26 20 5. 1207 Bobby & Tom Neth Chenowth 22:47.37 28 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4x4 - 3 START - 2 FINISH 1 302 Gene & Kirby Hightower Jeep CJ 7 26:24.13 44 2. 301 Philip Dean/Bob Lehrer Ford Bronco 31.47.28 61 3. 303 Don Coffland/Buck Griffin Jeep CJ 8 21:22.00 (Ck. 7) CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4x4 - 5 START - 3 FINISH 1. 402 Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 19:22.32 7 2. 400 Vernon Roberts /Bill Donaho~ Jeep Honcho 23:36.35 34 3. 401 Tom Strong /Steve Borden Chevrolet 26:10.01 43 4. 403 John Randall/ Josh Burner Jeep Honcho 9:41.00 (Ck. 4) CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -13 START - 4 FINISH 1. 505 Greg Diehl /Brad Person Baja Bug 20:39.56 13 2. 508 Byron Smith/ JoAnne Smith Baja Bug 22:05.01 22 3. 548 Malcolm Vinje /Mark Hansen Baja Bug 22:43.51 27 4. 549 Max Razo/ John Robison Baja Bug 29:27.18 56 5. 509 Daniel Mora/ Jose Acevedo Ba1a Bug 33:32.30 (Ck. 9) CLASS 5-1600 -1600 CC BAJA BUG -19 START -10 FINISH 1. 596 Mark Steele/ John Johnson Baja Bug 21:03.21 15 2. 597 R.C. Jones/Paul Maxey Baja Bug 21:13.58 16 3. 557 Andy L. & Andy R. Devercelly Baja Bug 21:21.14 17 4. 552 Efrem & Ray Gastelum Baja Bug 23:21. 28 33 5 .• 554 Mike Lesle /Henry Arras Baja Bug · 23:31.54 41 CLASS 6A -SMALL 2 WD SEDAN - 1 START _:_ 0 FINISH 1. 600 Jorge Souto/Guillermo Pinaero Nissan Sentra 6:23.54 (Ck. 3) CLASS 6 B -STANDARD 2 WD SEDAN - 1 START - 0 FINISH 1. 640 Larry Schwacofer /Sid Spradling · 55 Chevrolet 11:09.56 (Ck. 3) CLASS 7 - MINI-MID SIZE PICKUP - 5 START - 3 FINISH 1 703 Manuel & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger 20:23.21 11 2 702 Sherman Balch /Shane Hutchings Nissan 21:51.37 21 3. 701 Roger Mears /Brent Foes Nissan 22:21.38 24 4. 719 Mario Alesi /Harry Sladwick Nissan 3:11.00 (Ck. 2) CLASS 7S -STOCK 2 WD MINI TRUCK -11 START - 5 FINISH 1. 725 Spencer Low /Paul Delang Nissan 22:23.31 25 2. 726 Mike & Pat Falkosky Toyota 25:16.39 40 3. 736 Paul & David Simon Ford Ranger 26 33.35 47 4. 738 Willie Valdez/Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 29:19.30 54 5. 721 Mark Schwien /Donald Lehmer Nissan 32:25.06 65 CLASS 7 4x4 STOCK MINI PICKUP 4x4 - 4 START - 2 FINISH 1. 769 Michael Horner /Lance Martin Chevy S-10 30:05.37 57 2. 750 Fred.Wright/Chris Chocek Toyota 31:55.16 62 3. 752 Michael McCarthy /Steve Howarth IH Scout 23:28.00 (Ck. 7) CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD PICKUP - · 9 START - 6 FINISH 1. 805 Walker Evans /Dick Maxwell Dodge 19:25.31 8 2. 801 Steve Kelley/ Jon Nelson GMC 19:55. 27 10 3. 804 Mike Nesmith/Randy Salmon! GMC 22:12.56 23 4. 807 Frank Vessels/Al Bodey Chevrolet 23: 16.09 32 5. 802 Ron Clyborne /Brian Lowe Ford 24:21.34 37 CLASS 9 -1200 CC SINGLE SEAT - 2 START - 0 FINISH 1. 900 Brian Johnson /Richard Kaiseratt 23:09. 30 (Ck. 5) SCORE CHALLENGE -RESTf!ICTED BUGGY -11 START - 4 FINISH 1. 925 Roberto Fajardo/ Javier Tiznado 25:34.35 42 2. 939 Bob Bertram/ Jorge Espino Chenowth 27:30.43 51 3. 922 Bob Savage /George Robbins T-Mag· 27:34.22 53 4. 937 Edward & Hugh McLean Chenowth 31:59.08 63 5. 936 Ron Nelson/Chris Noble Chenowth 9:24. 30 (Ck. 4) CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650 CC - 7 START-2 FINISH 1. 1004 Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson Raceco 17:54. 55 1 2. 1005 Marty Reider/ Jake Fogg Raceco 18:35.03 4 3. 1002 Dwight Lundell /Glenn Evans Dirtrix 10:04.45 (Ck. 5) CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN -13 START - 5 FINISH 1. 1199 Andy Diaz/Charlie Woodard VW Beetle 30:24. 31 58 2. 1104 Sergio & Porfierio Gutierrez VW Beetle 31 :59.45 64 3. 1198 Angel Barajas/Victor Barajas VW Beetle 32:53.46 66 4. 1102 Armando Rojas/ Jose Aguila VW Beetle 34:47.53 69 5. 1196 Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila VW Beetle 34:52.07 70 CLASS 12 -4x4 SP.ORT WAGON - 3 START - 3 FINISH 1. 350 Jason Myers /Don Adams Jeep Cherokee 24:36.48 39 2. 352 Bill Rodriguez/ Jesus Luna Isuzu Trooper 26:51.34 49 3. 351 Yann Cadoret/ Andre Gicquel Mercedes 280 GE 31:11.19 60 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4x4 - 1 START - 0 FINISH 1. 450 Jim Sumners/Robert Savage Mitsubishi 13:40.35 (Ck. 5) Starters -Cars -153 -Motorcycles -39 -ATV-Sidecar-Odyssey -19 = 211 Finishers -Cars - 70* -Motorcycles -31 -ATV-Sidecar-Odyssey -10 = 111 Race Distance -822 miles -Time Allowance -35 hours Fast Time Overall -Class 22 -Randy Morales /Derrick Paiement -Honda -17:44.42 *One technical disqualification. Dusty Times were history before reaching Check 3. There Roberto Fajardo/ Javier Tiznado had the lead by seven minutes over Richard Bruemmer, who had five minutes on Ron Nelson, but the last two cars went no farther. Fourth here was Rich Minga/ Bob Maynard, ten minutes ahead of Bob Bertram/ Jorge Espino. · By Check 5 it was a two horse race with Minga/Maynard leading Fajardo/Tiznado by 29 minutes, and the other three still moving were trailing by an hour or so. The ranks closed at San Felipe· with Minga/Maynard holding just 16 minutes lead over Fajardo/ Tiznado. The Minga Chenowth lost an hour on the \vest bound trails, and Roberto Fajardo and Javier Tiznado won the Challenger Class. The Minga/Maynard Chenowth was second at the finish line, nearly an hour back, but it was later disqualified for having too much engine compression. This move put the Chenowth of Bob Bertram and Jorge Espino into second, two hours behind the winner. Bob Savage was then third, only another four minutes back in the T-Mag. Edward and Hugh McLean were fourth in their Chenowth. A new entry is Class 7 4x4 was Michael Horner and Lance Martin, and they drove their Chevy S-10 hard enough to win the four rig class. Class 11 bloomed with 13 starters in Baja, mostly Mexico based cars. It started out very tight with the pack in formation in the first 100 miles. By Check 3 Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila had a lead of 14 minutes over Sergio and Porfierio Gutierrez, who were 11 minutes ahead of Luis Sarabia, and two more were less than ten minutes further· back. Only six Beetles made it to Check 5, with most of them stuck on the beach for a lot of time. Leading here were Castro/ Avila, with over an hour in hand from ~ and they stayed ·out front all the way to the checkered flag in Ensenada. The Dean Bronco also finished the course for second place. It was curious that the stock looking Mitsubishi pickup was in Class 14, and even more curious that buggy driver Jim Sumners was at the helm. This entry struggled through Check 5 in 13:40, and retired the Class 14 winner. A population explosion in Class 12 brought three rigs to the line, but the Jeep Cherokee of Jason Myers and Don Adams led all the way from flag to flag for another victory. Recovering from a very early roll over, Bill Rodriguez and Jesus Luna brought the Isuzu Trooper home in second place, over two hours behind. A popular finish was the Mercedes 280 GE, fitted with hand controls for wheelchair bound driver Yann Cadoret. With co-driver Andre Gicquel, Cadoret made it around in just over 31 hours. Class 12 scored a remarkable 100 percent finish ratio. There was a single entry in each Class 6 in Baja this year. Jorge Souto had a Nissan Sentra that went to Check 3 to win Class 6. In 6B Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling had a tough time leaving Ensenada, losing the ring gear on the old Chevy on the starting line. Junkyard parts got them out of Ensenada 4½ hours later, but the stuff didn't really fit. Near Check 3, as far as they got, an axle bearing got so hot it ignited, and the car was on fire. They put the fire out and were done for the day, still a winner. There were four starters in Class 7 4x4, one each Chevy S-10, Toyota, IH Scout and Nissan. At the first time check Michael Horner/ Lance Martin had a 40 minute lead in the Chevy S-10. Despite plenty of trouble, this team s!_ay_ed out front_~ll the way December 1985 to pay dirt, winning in just over 30 hours. Sergio and Armando Duron went out after Check 4 in their Nissan, and second at Check 5, the Scout of Michael McCarthy and Steve Howarth passed Check 7 before retiring. Having their share of problems, Fred Wright and Chris Chocek got their Toyota home second, about 1 hour and 50 minutes behind the winner. There were 11 Challenge cars on the starting line, but three Newcomers to the Challenge Class, Roberto Fajardo and Javier Tiznado surprised the regulars with a steady drive right into the class victory. C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family ·oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. C.O.R.E. also has a program of one time guest pit service for out of the area competitors. Get all the information on C.O.R.E. Jim Branstetter, ?resident, (818) 705-8183, 17 453 Runnymede St., Van Nuys,·CA 91406. Page 15
Rarely seen in North America, The Mercedes Benz 280 GE Having a few troubles here and there, Fred Wright and Chris Bob Bertram and Jorge Espino had a good run in the Challenge carried the French drivers, Yann Cadoret and Andre Gicquel to Chocek kept moving along, and their Toyota finished second in Class, and, with a few stops along the way, they were second in third in Class 12. ~----Class 7 4x4. the standings. · Andy iaz and harlie Woodward really kept their eetle together and they beat a dozen other Class 11s by over an hour for the big win. ~ Andy Diaz/Charlie victory on the Husky in a time of Woodard, and the rest \\/ere 17:18.18, was dropped to third· more than two hours back. by the penalty. No doubt there Sarabia had big troubles on this will be more action on this leg and the next, and was out problem, although the rule book after San Felipe. says the decision of the officials~is At Check 8 Andy Diaz and final. Charlie Woodard had a dear The only other major lead, and they kept it together all drawback was having so few time the way to Ensenada to win Class checks, hundreds of miles apart. 11 by over 1 ½hours.Castro lost The computer scoring program is many hours getting to San Felipe, perfectly capable of handling got fixed there, and came in for a many more checks, and times are finish, pushing the time recorded to the whole minute at allowance hard. He was less than the other checkpoints. For some eight minutes shy of 35 hours at reason the officials didn't want the checkered, and took· the all that info' on the computer distinction of being last overall print during the race, but it sure on the 1985 Baja · 1000. would have helped folks Among the leaders in the tight running in Class 11 all day Bob Savage .had his share of woes with the T-Mag in and night were Sergio and Porfierio Gutierrez, who Challenge Class in Baja, but he survived it all to finish the eventually.took second. race in third place. Coming on strong late in the race, the Beetle of Angel and Victor Barajas splashes along here, en route to a fine third Flying ooautifully the slick Chevrolet driven by Frank Vessels had a few problems, but Vessels drove it all the way to fourth in Class 8. in Class 11. · searching for downed race vehicles. And, the end result was, in order to get results in some classes, the radio reports had to be compiled anyhow, and times between the official time checks had to be written in so each drivers of the starting cars can e?trant was listed in his proper proudly wear their finishing pins. position. Next year the Baja 1000 is [ It was a fine edition of the Baja scheduled to go to La Paz, and 1000, and with the generous time interest is already building in that allownace, 45 percent of the epic race. Meanwhile the Gutierrez Beetle -------------------------------------------------------came back strong for second in class, an hour ahead of Angel and Victor Barajas. Armando Rojas and Jose Aquilla were close to the time bar also, finishing fourth with about 12 minutes left on the time allowance. While it seemed odd to have the race start in Ensenada on Friday morning and still see the streets blocked and race cars arriving all day into the evening on Saturday, the time allowance worked well, as only a few arrived over time this round. The event went off very well, with a good entry for the long and tough race, and most of it functioned smoothly. , The major glitch was the Y in the road before Check 3. Many' drivers reported being waved onto the _wrong road ' by a uniformed cop, and so missed the check. For many it was a fuel stop, so they retraced their steps and got back on course. Many others didn't realize they missed the check, but most of them were -DNFs. Other than the two cars mentioned, the time penalty also went to the overall winner, Larry Roeseler, and Class 38 rider John Etchart, who was third at the flag. Etchart dropped to fourth in the. six bike class, but Roeseler, who rode with Kurt Pfeiffer to overaff · Dusty Times f818J 442-1788 SMITTYBILT.1NC. 2124 N. Lee, Dept OT, South El Monte, CA 91733 December 1985 Page 17 y
Mike Seabolt took the Class 10 lead on the white flag lap and held Dicing tnrough the Georgia woods, Larry Elliott leads eventua( Larry Porter seems happy with the 'second place trophy in o it around to the checkered flag in a most exciting finish line winner Mike Seabolt into the turn just past the very slippery Class. Porter was :,econd in both the heat and the main event, drama. bridge. · despite troubles. • ---~-----GORRA Action in Atlanta Round 9 -Text & Photos: Darlene Thackston Tate Thackston led the Class 10 troops, winning the heat race and he was out front all the way to the last lap in the main when he lost a wheel. Class 10 action was close coming over the bridge. Johnny Holgerson just leads Bill Gaylord, who later retired with who had no problems. Also Bobby Bramblett blew his engine covering 26laps in third was Tate after seven rounds. Bill Gaylord Thackston. Tate led the race also covered seven laps, and he from the start all the way to lap went out when the studs pulled 27, then with a 48 second lead through a brake drum, and he over Seabolt, who was on· the. was three wheeling. Bill used the same lap. As Thackston made the same studs as Thackston, and he last turn onto the front straight_ was another racer who started in to take the white flag, his left rear the back because of being late to wheel came completely off the the grid. car, and ½,e stopped about 20 feet Travis Hurst took the D class from the white flag. The studs victory with 25 laps covered, had completely pulled through ~espite struggling with the trans the drum, and he was done for jumping out of second gear. the day. At this point Seabolt Larry Porter was second, also took the white flag, did another doing 25 laps, even though he lap and won the race, and was dragging the floor pan, and Holgerson also passed the he had bent the front end of his stranded ex-leader. car on the tree that gave everyone broken wheel studs. · The Georgia Off Road Racing Association held their ninth race of the year late in September at the track near Six Flags Park near Atlanta. This was a 50 mile main event race, and there were 17 cars on hand in two classes. Race day was hot and very dusty, but there were a few big mud holes on the course, left over from the September monsoon season. .. Racing started with five lap / heat races, beginning with Class 10 with nine buggies on the line. Tate Thackston started on the pole, and he stayed out front to win the heat. Last off the line was Bruce Mitchum·, but he plowed through the pack to finish second, followed in by Bill Gaylord. James Hester wound up fourth, followed by Mike Seabolt, Larry Elliott, Bobby Bramblett, Johnny Holgerson MINIMUM EFFO·RT-............ ~ ............ . MAXIMUM. EFFECT!!!-CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page 18 Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 and Jack Thompson. -Second off the start in· D class was Travis Hurst, driving for Clay Hurst, and Travis won the heat. Larry Porter took a strong second over John Williams, . Steve Ream, and Ronnie Whigham. In sixth was Tony Leftwich followed by· Ray Whigham and Sheldon Kipp. There was a 15 minute break after the heat races before the main event, the 50 mile dash. Class 10 led off, and, when the checkered flag dropped, Mike Seabolt ,von the race with 28 laps done. He had no trouble, other than losing his fifth place starting position due to being late to-the grid, so he had to come from the back of the_ pack. Seabolt won Class 10 by two full laps. Finishing second in 1650 cc action was Johnny Holgerson, . Fourth in Class 10 went to some trouble. Also close, With James Hester, who covered 15 25 laps done was Ray Whigman laps between problems. He lost in third. / second gear and broke a shock Rounding out the D class, after hitting a dirt bank. Hester Steve Ream was fourth with 24 also had problems in the woods, laps done. John Williams car, just before the bridge, as the driven by Bob Rule, was fifth, course had beem changed to even though the car had no front avoid a huge hole. Hester had to suspension. Bob was unable to go stop and back up to get on -the distance, saying his arms felt course, then .he _slid into a tree, . like lead, and Jack Thompson got but he wasn't the only one that in. to finish the race. All the D had trouble in this spot. The c.ars were running at the track was very slick and the trees checkered, quite a record. very close. Ronnie Whigham was sixth with Jack Thompson got in nine 23 laps covered, and Tony laps before fouling plugs put him Leftwich did 22 laps. out, in fifth place. Larry Elliott parked after -e~ laps, and r---------------------, M O V I N G ., Please notify us four weeks BEFORE moving. Place our address label in the space provided ■ and print your NEW address. DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave. Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 New Address (Please Print) Moving Date ___________ _ Name _____________ _ New Address City State ______ Zip -----~ Attach DUSTY TIMES Label Here December 1985 I I I I I I I I I I I I Tate Tha_ckston glumly holds his I third place trophy standing by the errant brake drum that cost him the main event victory in -Class 10. Dusty Times
Excuse us if we keep repeating ourselves, but every " year that's just what we seem to do. Because every year for the last three years, Firestone light truck radials have teamed with Class 7 pickup driver Manny Esquerra to win the Baja 1000. Not just al)y off-road race, but the grandaddy of them all and one of the toughest anywhere. Close to 1,000 miles of every kind of beat 'em up, bog 'em down, tear 'em apart terrain you can name. Up mountains and down, along the Pacific Ocean shore, over dried l.JP lake beds where speeds top 120 miles per hour. A race so tough more than half of this year's field dropped out along the way. / The tires that have carried Manny to three straight Baja 1000 wins? Firestone's Radial ATX. And its extra-traction partner, the ATX Radial 23~ with a tread design based ori the one that's made our farm tires traction winners in farmers' fields. Radial ATX and ATX Radial 23~ Check them out . at your local Firestone retailer. If they can take on Baja and win, they can take you just about anywhere you want to go. 'ft .. estone I.IGHT TRUCK RADIAi.$ WE BUII.D 1HEM 10UGH FOR YOU.
AMSA'S CAL CITY SOOK Tom Koch Winsr Season. Finale By Judy Smith Photos: Judy Smith/John Howard Tom Koch's new Raceco worked flawlessly in its second race, and Tom drove alone to the unlimited and overall victory at Cal City. Tom Koch took his new car to California City for its second race and came away the winner. The new Raceco, featuring some fairly exotic Curnutt suspension, ate up the ten laps which ,Koch described as "pretty rough" for Cal City, in 5:09:34. The course featured a 30 mile lap, with some newly in~orpor-ated washes and trails mixed in with the· usually predominant graded roads. Less long straightaways and more bends and turns caused the course to be labeled "tight!! by a couple of the · drivers, although that's not to say they meant "slow", since the fast lap was 28:40, for something over a 60 mph average speed. All the drivers like the new course, calling it "fun", "great" and "challenging". The open class two seaters were pitted against Koch who was the lone single seater in the It was quick, and off the start it sounded great as it headed down the pavement, turning spec-tators' heads as they \vondered what in the world it was. By the end of the first lap Young had the lead, but it was only by 40 seconds over !Eoch. Running third was Jimmy Gill, driving in the two seat open class for the first time with his new Type IV motor in his Raceco. Jimmy's dad, Don, was his passenger. Young, who began to have some carburetion troubles, was slow in the rough stuff, but was so fast between bumps that he held onto his lead. I<;och, not running his biggest motor this race, was just a minute and one second behind him, while Gill lost a half hour with a flat or some such, and now Gary Heetland moved into-third place. Koch got clear of some difficult traffic on the next lap, · and with less dust to -slow him, zapped out his quick lap so far, at 29 minutes and 45 seconds, to take over the lead. Young held on to second, while Heetland kept third, about 10 minutes back. But that had been Heetland's last lap, and now Roger Starkey, points leader in the two seat class, moved into third-They held their relative positions for another couple of laps, with Gill dosing up a little as he got used to his big motor. Johnson got into Young's car on the sixth lap, but got only part way around and lost an oil cooler, so the debut was over. And Gill, who'd blown a road cros;;ing while passing another car, found himself sitting in the start/ finish area for 15 minutes at the end of lap five , as the penalty was applied on the spot, so to speak. So, at the end of the sixth lap Koch had a 25 minute lead, and it was Starkey 'in second place. ·Gill was now 17 minutes behind him, and that was the race to watch. Koch motored on, onlv slightly troubled by the fact that he couldn't -get first gear, and having 6nly one tht tire. He did his fast lap, at 29 minutes and 12 seconds, on lap seven. Gill meanwhile, with a couple of \mder 30 minute laps to his credit too, \yas creeping up on Starkey to the tune of four to seven minutes a lap. On the eighth lap he moved ahead, taking over second spot. Starkey, under-engineered in comparison to Koch and Gill, drove a steady, smooth race, with quick times, but only a slim chance of beating them if they ran trouble free. And that they did, both finishing in good shape, And,justto clinch it, Starkey, who'd apparently also blown a road crossing (or, it might have been his co-driver Randy Ivey) was given a 15 minute penalty also. So it was Koch, first in the class, and first overall, with Gill seccind and Starkey and Ivey third. The two seat points for the season will go to Starkey, who's had a good year for a rookie. The 1600cc Baja Bug class was very short on entry this time, partly due, no doubt, to the fact that two of the class members had suffered serious damage in endos at the last race here. Steve Hayes and Dick D'Amato entered, but Bill Raybould decided that he'd sit this one out rather than race with only two entries. As a consequence, the 5-1600 car was paired with 'the only mini truck, a Toyota, driven by. Jon Lee. There hasp't been a mini truck at an AMSA race in many a moon, and it was a pleasant surprise to see this one. At the end of the first lap there was a three minute difference between them, and ·the Toyota had the lead. But then he had some time consuming trouble on lap two, and the VW went to the front. Lee, who looked fast and strong on the course, regained some time, but was still four minutes behind at the end of the third lap. But Hayes and D'Amato, who'd rolled their Bug on lap three, lost their motor on lap four, and left the Toyota out there all alone to play. And play he did, ,Lee later described the -course as "great, so fast,· first time we've been able to get into 4th gear and tach it out!" The 100" wheelbase cars were dow·n to four entries this time, with a lot at stake for one of them. Ed and John Mohr, who team in their old Funco car, could take home the season overall points lead if they did well this time. They'd had back-to-back disasters, with. their mot<?r giving up suddenly in two races, so they were determined to be careful this weekend. Nonetheless, Ed took the lead at the end of the first lap, with only 17 seconds on second place Kelly Lawrence. The two cars ran a close race for three laps, with Lawrence emerging in the lead at the end of the third, only to disappear forever on lap four. In the me;,mtime, Jean Arney had had problems with her two seater, and had parked after a three-hour-plus first lap. And the Cloudhopper, driven by Scott Weir, had made terrible transmission_sounds, like a ring gear on the edge of disaster, so it had been parked on lap one. Now, as things progressed, Weir got to thinking that maybe the old ring gear had a few more laps in it, and maybe, just maybe, he cou_ld cover more laps than Lawrence had before he broke, so he unparked it. The Moh rs kept moving along, \\'ith John in at about the halfway point and instructed to cool it and save the car (he then ran two 33 minute laps). W eir's crew of co-drivers, including Dale Connors, plugged along, wincing at the terrible noises, which they now diagnosed as a crunched second gear, ( since second gear was missing) and finished four laps, to be second. The Mohrs had no disaster this time, and did finish ,ill ten laps, to get their finish, and the overall points win for the season. Tu·e unlimited Baja Bug class had four entries this time, and the winner from ·the last race, the Karmann Ghia Bug was back to try -again. Jerry Miller, in the Ghia, had a two second lead at the end of the first lap, being chased by the tidy Bug of Greg and Bill Foster. In third it \\'as Bob Hemphill and in fourth,• George Seeley, with a terrible, _and undiagnosed, distributor problem. Miller had two and a half minutes at the end of lap two, a little less after three laps, about the same after four laps, and then on the fifth lap the Foster car rook over. They now had three minutes, and on the next lap, as the Ghia was one of those forced to sit in the start/ finish area for 15 minutes as a penalty for incomplete stops at the road crossings, the Fosters' lead grew to nine minutes. But they then lost a full hour on lap seven and the Ghia had it back again. Lap . seven also spelled disaster for Hemphill and his co-driver, Don Moore, who rolled over. What put thein out was a broken transmission, however. The Fosters were reported to have lost a tie rod end, or something of that nature, and never came · open category. Creating a good deal of interest was the unpainted behemoth of Dic"k Young, out for its first race-; though it's been tested many times in the last several months. It's another Raceco, and it's been abuilding for about a year-and-a-half. This one features a Chevy V6, with an automatic Winters sprint-car Quick Change Rear-End. The car builder, Jerry Johnson, told us , that it has "basically a Grand National Stock Car engin_e". The high dollar car was there to be tested under race conditions, and lettered on the inside of the visor., as a constant reminder, were the words, "This is just a test." Young drove the first part of the race, and Johnson was to drive the last half. Running in Class S, Unlimited Baja Bugs, this truncated Karmann Ghia got its Ed and John Mo/:Jr kept it all together in the Funco SS 2 to earn the 100" second win in a row, driven by Jerry Miller and Chris Neil. wheelbase class win and take the overall AMSA points for the season. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 20 December 1985 Dusty Times
around again. Things looked brighter for Seeley, who, having moved up to third place, suddenly found himself second. Miller and his co-driver, Christopher Neil, went on to finish the full ten laps, getting the second win in a row for the odd looking car, while Seeley, finally running well after a lot of pit stops, had time to complete only eight laps for his second place. The "C" class race started out with five entries, but was down t6 three before the first lap was over. Ray Schriever broke a stub axle about 100 yards from where he'd broken in the last race, and once again, his co-driver never got in the car. Gilbert Busick and Jess Caravello also disappeared on the first lap, and were never seen again. That left Jeff Stiles in his two seat Raceco, Bob Dillon in his single seat Raceco, and Jim Stiles . in another single seat Raceco. Jeff and Jim are brothers, and Bob had his brother, Craig, waiting to drive the second half of the race, so it was a family act. Dillon had the lead at first, but it was mighty close, with Jim, who'd stopped to adjust his rear torsion bars, only 15 seconds back, and then the less experienced Jeff about three minutes later. Dillon kept his lead , expanding it to a whole 24 seconds on lap two, . but then must have hiccupped or something, and Stiles took over on lap three, with a two minute plus lead . On the fourth lap Stiles did his quickest lap so far, at 29 minutes and 10 seconds, and on the fifth lap his front end broke. He lost a full half hour replacing it with one cannibalized from Mark Broneau, · ( who wasn't racing his car), and ·came back out on the course in good shape again. In the meantime, brother Jeff had fallen victim to the dread 15 minute penalties, and had also broken a stub axle. That replaced, he put Broneau in his car for the balance of the day. The Dillons now had the lead, and with only one flat, which happened just as they pitted for their driver change, they were having no problems. Stiles now put·on a heavy duty charge as his dad kept in touch on the radio, letting him know just how much time he had to make up. It was too much, but if he'd had another lap he might have done · it. Jim crept up about four or five minutes a lap, running under thirty minute laps on his last three, and getting the fast lap of the dav for all classes on his tenth lap, at 28 minutes and 40 seconds. Nonetheless, the Dillons, Driving in the open two seat class for the first time, Jimmy Gill quickly found out how to use all the power in the Type IV engine.and he won the class. The Fressendens, Dave I and II, paired to win the see saw battle in Class D in spite of one quick rollover on the second lap. ' who'd worked hard to run a clean_ and consistent race, got their tirst win, finishing just three minutes and 50 seconds in front of Stiles. Brother Jeff's car, with Broneau at the helm,' broke a second stub axle on the eighth lap, and got no further, but was third. Class D was the big one for this event, with 10 entries. They lost Tom Malloy, winner last time, who blew his motor just barely off the start line this time. The early lead went to Dave Fessenden 11, who had his Chenowth three seconds in front of Fred Hatch in the Eagle tandem. Running third, just a minute later, was Larry Ballard, who, at age 59, was starting his racing career later than some, in a Mirage. Perry Coan was fourth his car not running well. ' Hatch took over the lead on lap two as Fessenden Sr. rolled his car and lost a little time. But Hatch 's lead was only 16 seconds, and Fessenden regained his position by the end of lap three, when he had a big 22 seconds. Ballard continued to hold a close third, with Walt Lewis moving into fourth on the third lap as Coan 's car ran less and less well. . On the fourth lap Ballard rolled, and the soft sand he landed in made it impossible to get himself out. So while he waited for help, Lewis moved into third and Don McAfee, in Gary Bate's Raceco, moved into fourth. Fessenden still had the lead, and Hatch was still only seconds behind him. Hatch really put his foot down on lap five, to record the fastest time, at 33.36, fast lap for the class, and took over in front leading Fessenden now 'by ~ minute and 54 seconds. Lewis was still third, with McAfee fourth. The Fessendens, who changed drivers now, lost about 10 minutes on lap six, while.. Hatch dropped a few also, but not enough to lose the lead. Positions held for another two laps, and then on lap eight the tandem was gone from the lap charts. We never found them ·to find out what had happened. Fessenden, Jr. now proceeded to churn out some nice steady laps, with lap eight a quick 33:44. Lewis's co-driver, Andy Anderson, moved their single seater into second, while Bates held third in spite of one of those 15 minute penalties handed out on lap five. The Fessendens went on steadily to get their win, followed in by Lewis and Anderson, and then Bates and McAfee. Bate's wife, Maxine, had been the hero in that car, riding all ten laps. In fourth place it was Chuck Inman and Dave Head, who'd run this class with their 1200cc motor, and had had no second gear most of the race, and 011/y second gear for the last lap and a half, after the shifter finally fell off. Greg and Bill Foster had their nice looking Baja Bug in the lead for a couple of laps, but then they broke down for good on lap eight. The last live car came across the finish line at about 3:45, to finish the day up well before dark. There was a lot of discussion, some fairly heated, about those 15 minute penalties , Dusty Times December 1985 Running with the 1600cc Baja Bugs, Jon Lee took the victory with his flying Toyota truck in his first race at California City. . · Craig and Bob Dillon finally got theirRaceco to the finish line, and, after a long close fight, they finished out front in Class C. and the several disqualifications point remains, however, that the that occurred (.for multiple road crossings, in all races, have infractions of the road crossing to be made to conform to the rule). Jim Webb, president of safety requirements of the local AMSA, held firm during all the communities, and the drivers -discussion that when he said the must bear some· of that drivers must come to a "full re:5ponsibility. Webb is simply stop" at each road crossing, he trying to_do as he's been asked by meant th;it they should stop. The the California City lawmakers. wheels should not be moving. The Cal City 500k was a good The hard part, and this is race, and the drivers, without recqgnized by W ebb also, is that exception, enjoyed·-the new a driver, in the heat of a race, course. AMSA now has a brief doesn't always know whether his hiatus before beginning the wheels are moving or not. The ' 1986 season. ,,,..----------------· ~<ii,'i. (~: ... ~ 1~~ it~~~~~ . ~~~~·r,,~ ~~-~ ~c; i" SPINDLE-LINK COMBO These are super heavy duty spindle-link combo's that replace modified stock parts. They are designe·d for racing. Everything is a complete interchange except they require ball joint back plates for brake drum set up. The tie rOd end hbles are reamed Ford . The kit includes left and right assemblies with beaiings and seals.-Now available with extra large tie rod ends. 1~· I RACK & PINION STEERING Our Rack and Pinion is specially designed for racing. It is made of 356-T6 heat treated aluminum. It is available in three ratios: 1-1 /2, 1-118 and 1 to 1 turns, lock to lock. The steel plate backs up the thrust of the gears to decrease wear, The unique feature of the rack is that you can use full length tie rods which eliminate the bump steer. WIDE FRONT ENDS This is our 4-shock front beam ..,.;,ith our front torsion adjuster. 11 comes with or without the adjuster. The 4-shock front beam is chromoly steel, .156 wall thickness tubing wtth shock towers for tonge_r shocks, nylon bushings, etc. The 4-shock beam can be run with single or dual shocks. You can use stock trading arms, steeved trai ling arms or' Wright Trailing Arms. With Wright Trailing Arms you have 101h" travel, as compared with 7¾" travel with stock arms. Comes with or without adjuster. TRAILING ARMS Our Wright Trailing Arms are m?de from 4130 chrumoly steel and then heat-treated. They are 1 ¼" longer than stock arms. Stock arms Mave 7¾"" travel, whHe our arms have 101/2'", allows 112" from bottoming the shock. No modifyin·g of any other parts is needed to install these arms. They are designed for our four shock front end can can be run with single or dual shocks. 9420 Flinn Springs Lane El Cajon, Calif. ~2021 (619) 561-4810 Page 21
Tim Kennedy drove very hard in both heats and put hi;Ch;parral Softening up the front end a little, Bob Austin overcame the slop Larry Noel flew off the start in both Pro 5 motos, but he had to settle for second place behind the flying Pete Sohren each time. in the top spot in Pro Class 2 at the end of the racing day. and the rough course to take the Pro Class 1-1600 victory. DEER VALLEY CYCLE PARK Sohren Sails at Off Road By Daryl D. Drake · Spectacular Photos by 3-D Photography Pete Sohren finally put his Baja Bug in the winners' circle when he got past Larry Noel in both Pro Class 5 motos at the American Off Road Racing Association's "Off Road and Supercross Spectacular,'' October 6, 1985. It ,vas back to Phoenix's Deer Valley Cycle Park for the seventh race in A.O.R.R.A.'s "Western States Series," and it was a full day of off road, motorcycle and A TV racing. A new course had been laid out for this event. Gone were the treacherous siltbeds that stopped so many racers. But there was still plenty of action on the one mile course with nine ju111ps and five turns. Thirty-two entries made up the off road field, running in three divisions. Each clas.s competed in two ten-lap motos. First off was Pro Class 5, with Sportsman Classes 1 and 2 starting behind them on a second flag. Five Pro Bajas lined up all abreast and when they left the line, Larry Noel led Pete Sohren, Jack Dinsmore, Pat Brown and Keith Jaeger. . Sohren snuck past Noel on the first lap, and despite Noel's every effort to recapture the lead, held on to first for the remainder of the moto. Dinsmore stayed in third, but Jaeger was closing in after passing Brown. Steve McAnn was all alone in Sportsman Class 1, so he took it easy and had fun. Meanwhile, Mark Lundell in the Dirtrix Mazda was charging hard to take the Sportsman Class 2 win over Craig Wilde and Jerry Knapp. Lundell finished the moto on Noel's back bumper. The second moto saw Pro Class 1-1600 lead Pro Classes 1 and 2 off the line on the same flag. Jack Woods got out first for the 1-1600 lead, and at the end of lap one he was followed by Carlos Serrano, Mike Sally, Bob Austin and Tom Geisor. Woods held the lead 'til the last lap ,vhen Carlos Serrano and Dwight Lundell ( in Pro Class 2 in the Mazda) tangled in the dust and Lundell went over Serrano, . taking both cars out. Woods got boxed in by the mishap, letting Austin, who had been running third, get out front for the win. Woods hung on to second, with Sally third and Qeisor a DNF. In Pro Class 2, Tim Kennedy led off the start but Lundell got · West Coast Distributor f01R HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS. ALL. -GEARS. AV.AILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. las Vegas, NY 89102 702/873-1962 OUR --·--. ·---PRICE· ·- ·----------·······-· $549.00· Per Set 2 Ratio's Available McKenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 213 /7 64-6438 DEALER INQU/RfES IN-VITEO Page 22 December 1985 Both PeteSohren and Brad Person worked this Baja Bug hard. Sohren won the Pro 5 honors qoin_q away and Person won Class 1 in the Bug. around him and led 'til he went went out. Brown hung on for out, giving Kennedy the win and third with gearbox, carb and John Gardner second. clutch troubles. Pro Class 1 action saw Doc In Sportsman Class 2, Wilde Ingram and Brad Person trade the put Lundell's troubles to his lead a couple of times with Tom advantage to take the win. Zentner third with mechanical Lundell tried his best, driving the troubles. Ingram took the little Sandhawk like an unlimited checkered, but Person had done car, but was too far back off the a fine job considering he was start after Dinsmore finally got running in Sohren's Baja Bug and out of the way. McAnn had ·a had hit Geisor's disabled racer, little too much fun in his Vulcan· sending it into the desert. and went out, leaving Sportsman Person had loaned Sohren an Class 1 without a winner. engine for the day, since his Baja Mike Sally got out front in the was minus a transmission, but he second Pro Class 1-1600 bout, wanted to race and so· entered but Bob Austin put him away in Sohren's red convertible in Pro the rough to go on for the win Class 1. with Woods third, ahead of For the third moto, Sportsman Geisor. Class 1-1600 led Sportsman Pro Class 2 was down to Class 2-1600, Budget Sports-Gardner and Kennedy, and they n:ian, Beginner Classes 5 and 2-had a ferocious fight, trading 1600 and Beginner Budget some heavy taps as they worked Sportsman. Jeff Sanders had no their way through traffic. troubles putting away his Gardner got out front, but competition in Sportsman Class Kennedy pushed his way to the 1-1600 when Joe Bedore went inside of a turn to take the win. out with a flat tire. Tim Higgins Kennedy's style made him few was second in his first single friends on the race track when he seater ride and Jerry Foley took hit Sohren's Baja as well, bending third. ·the rear cage. He did have Mike Williams, Tony Capa- transmission troubles with only near and Maurice Diese fought it first and fifth gears left, but he out in Sportsman Class'2-1600 also said, "I thought I could get for awhile 'til the latter pair of the inside line" when queried racers both DNF'ed and about one obvious hit. A certain Williams picked up the win. amount of bumping and tapping Randy Miller ran strong, on is inevitable, but in my opinion, Sanders' rear end, to take the Tim was playing a little too hard. Budget Sportsman win while In Pro Class 1, Doc Ingram got Deborah Lundell and Mary "a little over-aggressive" (his O'Brien ran alone to the finish in words) and Person snuck by in Beginner Budget Sportsman and the Baja to take the win with Beginner Class 5 respectively. Zentner, now running strong, a Wayne Howard was the lone close third. Beginner Class 2-1600. In the last moto, of the day, Joe In the second round of motos, Bedore got out front 'til the very Noel got out first again, while end when Jeff Sanders passed him after a come from behind Jack Dinsmore had tranny· troubles that resulted in his charge, giving Sanders the backing off the line into Mark Sportsman Class 1-1600 win. Lundell, who was now driving Mike Williams had competi-De borah 's Sandhawk after tion all the way this time in the bl h M d form of Tony Capanear, but he Dwight's trou es in t e az a. held him off for the Sportsman But Sohren and Jaeger got past Class 2-1600 win. Noel when he overshot a turn. Sohren sailed on to the win with Noel nipping at his heels after Jaeger broke a CV joint and Randy Miller went on to the Budget Sportsman win when Mark Mills dropped out again. Deborah Lundell never got off Dusty Times
.1ack Woods did return to earth in his Pro 1-1600 racer. Jack JeffSandersputonagoodshowintheSportsmanclass. working fm,shed th,rd for the day in the tight comperition in this class. hard in the second heat, but he eventually won both motos ,n 1-1600. Looking like a pro nere in his two seater, Randy Miller ran well at/ day and went home with the victory in Budget Sportsman c lass. the line m her well thrashed ~omg, ' ·:ud O'Brien. honors in the Sohren's Ceramic honors m 1-1600 and $500 m the BFGoodnch/ B & A Construction Dirtnx, while Mike Sally earned $250 in his Funco. car. Mike Williams an,.i Mike Hart co-drove the ()ff Roau Buggy Supply Sandhawk to tne Class 2-1600 points, and Randv Miller drove his Chenowth to rhe Budget victory. Sandhawk, costing her a trophy, Also oi note was the Odyssey Tile/Diehl Equipment/Dirtnx but Mary O'Brien finished for racing debut of Baja Bug driver Baja ·Bug. Tim Kennedy took her Beginner Class 5 win. Tony Kujala, who dominated in home the same sum for his Class O'Brien and co-driver Linda both his motos. 2 points in the Kennedv & Noe\ Hopkins, who by week are scrub When each moto's results Plastering/KC HiLites Chapar-nurses for the Doctors Lundell, were tallied, the winners were ral. In Class 5 Pete Sohren won had a great time even when they announced and the Pro payoffs $500 in the same Baja, and Larry lost a wheel in practice. "I didn't distributed. Brad Person earned Noel took home $250 for tnmk it was ours. The car kept $450 for taking Pro Class 1 second. Bob Austin took top ---------...,c,---,,,.-----c=..,___-'-ccc-=----=c------'c':---------:--c,c-c,---:-:-:-:-== Among the Sportsman Craig \Vilde won Class 2 points m the R&R Off Road Chaparral, and Jeff Sanciers bested Tom Higgins in Class 1-1600 in the Beard's The day's activities concluded with a sundown rock concert bv two groups who were taping a video. Craig Wilde took th e Sportsman 2 contest for the day, and two Mike Williams, with his fly-in co-driver Mike Hart, sailed to seat cars are very popular in the low budget division of racing. another victory in the Sportsman category in Class 2-1600. he "Scrub Nurse Racmg eam ad lots of fun. Mary O'Brien Dusty Times won top honors in Beginner Class 5 dnv,ng the Dirtrix Baja Bug. fuel 'YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. TAKE IT FROM ME ... Ivan "IRONMAN" Stewart THIS IS AS MUCH FUN AS THE REAL THING." \ ERI KSSON INDUSTRIES, INC. 326 W. KATELLA AVE., SUITE 4-H ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92667 (714) 538-5878 YES! D Send me ___ copy of the new and exciting "MINT 400 OFF-ROAD GAME" for $24.95 (Plus $2.50 each shipping & handling). My check or money order for$, ____ enclosed. VISA□ MASTERCARD□ Card#-_________ _ Expiration date: ____________ Signature: ___________ _ Name• _______________________________ _ Address, _ _ ___________________________ _ _ City ______________ State, __________ Zip. ____ _ (California residents add 60/o tax) Please allow 3 weeks for delivery. December 1985 Page !23
Fritz Kroyer and the Elrod Clan are Big Winners at the VORRA Prairie City Short Course Race By Joe Stephan If you questioned VORRA drivers and visiting southern California racers, you might get an argument about Prairie City being chosen as the best short course track in the country. It was best exemplified when 64 entries from four U.S. states and from Canada raced it out for a $3000 purse, paid on the spot here last month. The two mile, natural terrain course at Sacramento, CA, in the Prairie City OHV Park was described by So-Cal racer G1enn Galbraith as, "It's always a lot of fun to come here and run with these guys. We love this track because ,you can really open the car up like you are supposed to, and not have to run first and second gear only, like in southern California." Off road legend Fritz Kroyer and the Elrod brothers were the stars of the meet. Due to the requests of the entries, the d_ay's Photos: Joe Stephan/Bruce Netvton racing was the first of a t~vo part cage and wing,, and a badly season championship race series. cracked 'frame. ' The second round was scheduled After,-some hasty welding, Jeff two weeks later, using the whole EltfJd started at the back of the park in a five mile 1long c,tourse. inwerted second heat. He had the The Class 1 winper fot the (jay le'ad in the1second lap and kept it, was Fritz Kroyep, but the i;eal t!o wiry the heat and claim the· story, once again, was that·ofJeff 1overaH win· on the motocross and Wes Elrod. The short course style,scoring. Elrod said later that specialists, Jef( having won 1-the,! Donsco-Jim Haberlin Hi 1600 in the Mickey Thompson Jumper was probably history. series, strongly destroyed the Scott Schauff, running his old opposition in both of their "Scottco", with a large "for sale" classes. sign on it now that he has a new Jeff Elrod started ninth in the, "Chrisco", took second in the 12 car 1-2-1600 first heat. He got second heat to tie Elrod on finish squeezed into the "anthill" in the position points. But Schauff was center of the left-right-left relegated to,secondoverall on the chicane. Hooking his rear wheds basis of the second heat being the in the rut when he went in high, tie breaker. Roy Gust was third he ended up on his roof in a big overall with 3-4 finishes in his way. Quickly uprighted, he came best effort yet. 1/ back through the field like a We_s Elrod grabbed the eight freight train to finish second. , car Class 2-5 honors overall in Elrod was closing on winner equally strong fashion; though Scott Schauff, despite a bent roll his engine was sputtering in the second round. He ,von both CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE CROWN MFG. - RAPID COOL heats in the super strong Baja convertible. Both brothers have· expressed the desire to move on in racing. Jeff is soon to get his first sprint car ride, and he is thinking. of building an UltraStock and going on the MTEG nati-onal tour_next year. . TRI MIL - WESTERN AUTO TIRES BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE · HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/V 0 · d R ,., BEARD SEATS-PARKER PUMPER ffroa ac•-. Parts&Acce_ssones · TECTIM.JJRJ;:;, --'-::'_Sl)_'PER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY 1:RANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZlEAIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PI,,ACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOJ".,,.~EAL PRODUCTS" ' /' CENTER LINE --;RIJC/NC WHIEIS ,-SWAY·A·WAYco•• ~ c1f:lteMM+ I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 e (818) 764-6438 Page 24 Dick Bower made his first full start this year, ·driving a customer's car to second overall /With a pair of thirds. Fritz Kroyer's son Kevin ro'de with Bower, and Kevin ,v11I be driving next season. Jimmy Lawrence was third overall with 2-4 finishes. The clas!i leading Hinz brothers were done in the first heat with a blown gearbox. Steve Bradford had a day he'd rather forget. Driving his father's Eagle tandem for the first time, and giving his wife her first race ride, he was forced into a fence post on the start of the first heat. Steve made a lap and a half with the right wheel out about 45 degrees, then parked. Starting from the front in the next heat, he was fighting off Elrod up the -------- December 1985 Defending overall points champ Robert Eastman, leading, and eventual 1-2-1600 winner Jeff Elrod had heavy duty races in both class heats. hill into the uphdl-downhill hairpin, where the 'Eagle went over one and a half times, ending on the roof. The roll was due to the quick welding on the trailing arm breaking. Hanging upside down, the Bradfords were unable to get out without Jielp, which soon arrived, but they were done for the day. Fritz Kroyer was quite pleased in winning his first V<;)RRA race and his first win in three years, when he turned a pair of seconds in the ten car Class 1 into the overall win, /dri'ving the Chenowth. Dayton winner Garen McCune led the first heat strongly until the frame broke in three places, which allowed Ron Carter's strong Class 10 through for the victory. In the second heat, Class 1 points leader Al Baker, starting from the pole after his first heat roll . over, was gone with the green, and he nevedooked back, taking the checkered. Carter came from the back to run second for ,three laps, then he lost a r:;,ear tire. Limping most of a lap tp the pits, where an "Indy time" tire change had him back out in sixth, only a lap down. Carter then got off course and hit a banner, trailing pieces of it out of the cockpit, as he finished and was fourth overall for the day. Glenn Galbraith took second overall with 4-3 finishes, while Larry Zimmerman drove McCune's Chassis Works buggy to an easy f.ifth and third overall, even though . the frame was welded between rounds. The Class 10 field was bolstered by Carter, who lost his Culver City shop to fire ten days earlier, and Galbraith, driving a borrowed car because of the fire. And Randy Rhinehart came with them for his first VORRA race. Carter once again grabbed the class honors by winning both heats from a back in the pack start. But he had a much stronger challenge from the VORRA regulars in desert cars, running against his trick A-arm Fuoco than the_ first time Carter and company came here a year ago. Galbraith turned 3-2 placings into second overall. Don Kennedy led the local challengers with 4..c3 finishes, good for third overall in the Colt powered buggy. Class 10 points leader, and 750 desert series overall winner, Chris Oberg fought car trouble all day, and said it was the wo-rst race he had ever had. He was last in the ex:,Letner Raceco. Don German, the Class 4 //,;. leader, took over the overaH /' VORRA points lead with his ten ///' hour, 15 minute solo overall victory at the Millican 400 in Oregon three weeks earlier. He took a strong first heat win at Prairie City in the /Chevy powered Jeep single seater, again running most of the way in two wheel drive with front end failure. He says the horsepower is too much for the front drive system. The second 4 x 4 heat went to Wes Banks, who took the Off Road World Championship in Class 14 at Riverside. In the first round Banks had just gone under his father-in-law, Don German, in the last hairpin turn when the engine flooded out and caught fire. In the second heat, despite spinning in the watered down chicane on ·the first lap, Banks took the lead on the second lap and ran hard to the flag in his winged, C::hevy powered Jeep This was probably the only time Wes E trod looked back at the field on his way to destroying Class 2-5 in his ultra strong Baja Bug. Dusty Times
Driving his Chenowth, off road veteran Fritz Kroyer turned a pair In the lead here on the second Heavy Metal start, Bud Tick/e's Southern Californian Ron Carter swept both Class 10 heats for of seconds into the Class 1 overall win, his first win in three years. Chevy powered Jeep took him to his very first win in four y"ears of the win, and he won the first Class 1 heat, but blew a tire in the racing. second round. Sportsman class points leader Bob Shermer had an unusual bad Chris Redding led the fast nine laps to win the second Sportsman Pulling up and about to pass Canadian Bill Pritchard, Lanny Ward day, and here is about to be passed by first time eventual winner heat, while the buggy trailing him staggered in on three wheels. came from the back of the grid to win the first Sportsman heat. Randy Scheck. ' single seater. With the leaders each having a DNF, a speechless Bud Tickle, who had a pair of seconds, took his first overall victory in Class 4, driving the same Chevy powered Jeep single · seater that he has wrecked three times in four years of racing. Tickle had a whale of a battle going in the second heat with John Smith in another Chevy-Jeep. Then Smith lost a right rear tire and limped to the finish. Without a doubt the definite stars of this year's events have been the "run what ya brung" weekend warrior Sportsman cars, with record fields all season. Created by VORRA in 1974 for the hobby racer, the Sportsman class produced 19 cars, who pay a smaller entry fee. But they race as hard for the trophies as they do at Indy fo.r the cash. Pole sitter in the first heat was Bob Shermer in Les Paulson's Class 1, who came into this race leading the class on points. But Shermer had an unusually bad day and finished fourth after leading the first two laps. Randy Scheck's home built Class 2 led most of the way until he was overhauled for the lead and the win by new VORRA star Lanny Ward. Driving in just his second race, Ward came all the way from the last row in one of the Bradford Class 1 cars, on which he also turns wrenches. Bob Hughey's Class 10 took third. The Sportsman heats always run first in the race rotation, and they get the freshly watered track. It makes for some "schlip and schlide" racing, and it is done as a safety measure to keep the speeds down. Wa'rd was a victim of the watering in the second heat, spinning in the chicane on two different occasions. Ward dropped to eighth in the heat and fourth overall. The second heat victory went to Craig Redding in a Class 2, and he led the last nine laps. This, combined with a seventh in the first heat, gave · Redding second overall for the day. Tone Jordan, Class 2, grabbed second, and his sixth in the first heat put him third overall. Scheck came back to fifth from the inverted . start to claim his very first overall win. Shermer's day got worse in the second heat, but a sixth gave him fifth overall. Hughey dropped to seventh in the heat, giving him sixth overall. Kiri Keefer was having her first buggy drive, and only went three laps. But she went two laps farther than her husband Dan. Ron Carter's daughter Jamie drove her first Sportsman race, and the 18 year old was 12th in Rhinehart's car. The Prairie City race was enhanced by the Canadian contingent from the Vancouver area, headed by Canadian race . ollowing his first heat roll over, ass 1 points leader I aker starte pole in the second heat, and there was no catching him. Dusty Times organizer Terry Pritchard. However, son Bill Pritchard's Sportsman 1-1600 and Ken Wardstrom's Pro 1-1600 both retired, Pritchard said they had fun anyway. Terry remarked, "Even though we weren't competitive, we took on all comers and enjoy racing with the Americans." Fol lowing , his invitation to everyone to come north to race with WORRA, VORRA President Ed Robinson presented Pritchard and his two drivers -with plaques of appreciation. The first half of VORRA's two part championship was declared a complete success by the racers. They literally raced out the gate to get home and prepare for the long course second half run, in just two weeks. VW Stub Axles CV.Joint Cages • VW Transmission Flanges and CV Joints • Axle Boots Dura Blue products are stronger and more reliable than any competitive product Close inspection of our product or photos in our catalog, show that our designs are state-of-the-art with superior fit and finish backed by the industry's longest and best warranty. December 1985 Page 25
. UNIROYAL ALCAN 5000 RALLY Thf Call of the Wild By Thomas D. Grimshaw Photos: Cam Warren Associates/ Tom Grimshaw , The winning Audi 5000S crewed by John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and Paul Choiniere crosses the French Creek "Bailey Bridge" in the Yukon on Day Nine of the marathon rally. By the time I'd finally _reached the sixth grade I was a dedicated daydreamer, adept at mulish resistance to all forms of educational input. Having mastered the art of eating and sleeping, I felt no youthful urge to overtax my limited ambition by confronting the mysteries of _ reading, writing and arithmetic. Still, despite my subconscious desire to become an uneducated slob, I can still recall the first moment a teacher caught my attention and forced my eyes from the open windows. Her name was Mrs. Spring-man, she had blue hair and she liked to read aloud to her classes. Pagcl6 Her choice of the verses of Robert W. Service proved a turning point in my life. "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" and "The Cremation of Sam McGee" probably saved me from terminal dumbness in later life. Her followup presentations of Jack London's "The Call of the Wild" and "White Fang" solidified my resolve to learn how to read on my own. I also vowed to travel to the Yukon and Alaska, someday. As with most vows of eleven year olds, I never followed through. Is it then any wonder that Jerry Hines caught my attention when he announced his rally to the Yukon and Alaska? I had to enter to travel to that "Land Beyond" I so vividly recall from my childhood. The format of The Uniroyal ALCAN 5000 closely paralleled that of the Uniroyal One Lap of America -presented by Brock Yates and Jerry Hines earlier this· year. There were long transits, timed to the whole minute, linking together several shorter "regularities" - average speed sections timed to the exact second, to provide some competitive scoring. On the surface it sounds rather December 1985 mundane. Just another road rally, until you consider the route. The ALCAN started in Bellevu e, W ashingto n on Wednesday, September 25th; traveled northward through the interior of British Columbia, across the Yukon and down to Anchorage, Alaska for a two day layover; then returned to finish in Victoria, B.C., on Saturday, Oc;:tober 5th -5,000 miles in 11 days. With the added attraction of a side trip to the Arctic Circle and a 20 hour ferry ride with open bar, no one seemed overly concerned with winning or losing. Or so I thought before the start. A total of27 teams gathered at the opening breakfast ceremony at the Greenwood Inn in Bellevue, WA. Our first surprise was the announcement that Bob Radford, SCCA Rally Manager, had caused cancellation of the event's Participant Accident Insurance for some obscure reason. Hines offered refunds to any team electing to withdraw but there was not a single dropout. There uiere several . suggestions of things Mr. Radford could do to himself -contortionist feats· I would consider anatomically impossi-ble. Two days later, Hines announced the SCCA Board of Directors had overruled Mr.· Radford and the insurance was reinstated. It proved to be a moot point since no incidents occured during.the rally. As usual with this type of marathon motoring madness, there were only a few teams seriously competing for an overall win and many more who entered just for the hell of it. Lee and Rod Sorenson drove their Mazda RX-7 up from Sacramento, California and received Car Number One. They were considered one of the favorites. Satch Carlson, AUTOWEEK's "Scribbler of the North". brought his Saab 900SPC down from Anchorage to enter the rally so he could drive it back to Anchorage, then • back to the B.C. finish, then back home to Anchorage. The man is obviously demented. There's a blade missing from his fan and his rotation is out of sync with reality. In short, he's perfectly suited for this type of rally. Danny Goodwin, an Alaskan State Trooper and long time PRO Rally Driver, entered as a navigator for Phil Blackstone in a Honda Prelude. Michiganers, Gene Henderson and Mike VanLoo; brought in a spiffy Subaru XT Coupe, seeking revenge for their loss on The One Lap earlier in the year. Last year's ALCAN winner, Tim Paterson, returned with his oft-pranged Mazda RX-7, hoping for a repeat performance. And then came the members of the USFL -the Ultra Strange Fun Lovers - those folks who just go to have a good time and to hell with keeping score. Their scores are represented by empties on the tap room table. Doug Kipp and Charlie Martin entered a 4 WD Rolls Royce Shadow. One look and you k1ieu• they were from California. Had to be. Rich Gordon and Bob Rissberger of Portland, OR entered a Rockwood Motor-home, complete with aircondi-tioning, bar, shower, front protective bra, driving lights and decals from every registered business in North America. Paul Milnar and Ronald Weir, two Flying Tigers Airlines pilots, entered a Dodge Shelby Turbo. Leadipg the USFLs was a young terrorist from Bel(ast, Ireland. Stephen Emerson claimed he was in the U .S. buying a new supply of plastique explosives and decided to join Terry Beadle of Seattle "just to see what the bloody Hell you Yanks were up to". Emerson carried a briefcase throughout the rally. No one asked him to open it. AudiSport sent John Buffum and I to the ALCAN 5000 in the same type of "you-can't-buy-it-here-yet" Audi SOO0S Turbo Quattro we'd used 'to win the U niroyal One Lap. With support from BFGoodrich, Hella Lighting and Cincinnati Micro-wave's Escort Division, we were also considered one of the teams to beat -or to hate, depending on who was paying your bar tabs. We added Buffum's stepson, Paul Choiniere, as our third team member. Paul is a mere 21 years of age. We felt it was high time he experienced the rigor:s and perils of marathon rallying - perils such as "The Great Alaska Bush Company" -more on that later. We ~eked the Audi with our u~ual life saving provisions -pillow, fuzzy blanket, Cokes (Old style, of course), peanut butter crackers, two tins of homemade chocolate chip cookies ( a parting gift from my wife), and several emergency bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon to wash away the taste of the locally brewed Moosepiss we expected to encounter in the wilds of the North Country. Day One was a lazy sightseeing tour of 550 miles in 12 hours. We crossed into British Columbia a't Sumas, east of Vancouver, B.C. The customs officer asked if we were with the rally and waved us on. Cache Creek, Kamloops, Soda Creek and two short Regularities led us to_Quesnel for our first overnight stop. Since all Regularity Check-points were "passage controls" and we could not stop to check our recorded times, we had to wait until the following morning . to see the first scores. Surprisingly, we were leading, but just barely. We had 8 seconds of penalty but Gene Henderson and Al Schmidt were tied at 9 seconds and the Sorenson brothers were 4th with 14 seconds. Very tight running, . considering that rally computers were banned from the event. Al Schmidt is a . wonderful man. I've known him for many years and I've never seen him when he wasn't smiling or laughing. He's been rallying forever, but nowadays he only ventures forth from Fort Lee, New Jersey once or twice a year. With TSO rally expert, Bill Todd on board as navigator, they were the team that worried me, despite the fact they were driving a 1973 VW Bug. It was at the start of Day Two we discovered Jerry Hines' DustyTimcs
The four wheel drive Rolls Royce Silver Shadow driven by Doug Kopp and Charlie Martin attracted most of the attention at the starting. line. The most astounding entry, an'd finisher was the 29 foot Rockwood Motorhome, festooned with decals and driven by Rich Gordon and Bob Rissberger. Gene Henderson and Mike Van Loo drove· this Subaru 4 WO Turbo RX sedan to a fine third overall, just 13 seconds behind the overall winners. Author and .winning navigator Tern Grimshaw works his sums on the route book in his office near the start in Bellevue, Washington. marvelous theory on marathon rallies: "There are no rules. If a rule is needed I'll think one up. If a rule lasts three days it becomes permanent". One of his neat rules was called "no fault scoring". It allowed each team to throw out one bad score the first day, then one more before the Anchorage halfway point and 4 final ones on the return run. Day Two was another leisurely stroll of 620 miles in 12 ~ hours. We moved north through Prince George, followed Highway 97 as it swung easterly through the Rockies, passed through Chetwynd and · into Dawspn Creek to visit the "Mile~ 0" signpost for the start of the Alaska Highway, then on to the overnight stop at Fort Nelson. I was disappointed when we did not continue into Alberta and visit the town of "Grimshaw". The "Silver Spurs" played in the bar that evening and everyone tried to do an imitation of the Texas two step. Someone told "Velda", a local heavy~, weight lovely, that John Buffum was a racing star. She snatched him up by the neck and took him dancing. He was finally forced to use left foot braking to escape her clutches. Day Three and Four, and things began warming up. We were to cover 1,540 miles in 31 hours, including a short 550 mile side trip to the Arctic Circle and back. We passed Lake Muncho, the bluest lake I've ever seen. The Milepost, an excellent guide book given to us by the organizers, said the color was caused by copper oxide "leaching into the water". We crossed into the Yukon Territory at Watson Lake, stopping for lunch at· Tim and Marilyn O'Rourke's Laird River Lodge, overlooking the Lower DustyTimcs Laird River Bridge, the only moonscape. The sun tried to rise suspension bridge on the Alaska in the early morning but never Highway. It was constructed quite made it. hooking out on from pieces salvaged from that uMriendly land I began to "Galloping Gertie", the old understand some of the mystique Tacoma, Washington Narrows of the Yukon. The Wernecke . Bridgt The Laird River Lodge is Mountains quietly watched our decorated in Leprechauns. I progress and wondered at our spoke to several of them, hopint foolishness. The winds sighing a little good luck would rub off. across the broken tundra seemed We stopped for a late supper to whisper "go home to your ·in Whitehorse and I proved to civilization, before it is too late". young Paul why I am the Ms We met Jerry Hines at the PacMan King of.PRO Rallying. I Arctic Circle, took some quick left a new high score for the locals photos and turnes:i back, anxious to ponder. . to leave that foreboding area with Leaving Whitehorse we passed its deathly quiet and its alien Lake Leberge. I thought I saw a expanses. small fire burning on the "marge . It began to snow. of Lake Leberge", but it was I recalled the stories of Jack probably my eleven year old London and could picture my imagination haunting me. frozen carcass floating down the At Mayo we turned north for Blackstone River with the Spring the optional run to the Arctic thaws. It ' was not a friendly Circle, 19 teams decided to try countryside. Jt was a killing the run, or, as stated in the countryside. organizers'. bulletin, "make it as Paul drove through the far as the rallymaster gets in the swirling snow like he was taking a course opening car". date to the movies back in The 300 mile trek up the Burlington, Vermont. Buffum Dempster Highway to the Arctic sat in the back and plotted a way Circle proved to be the · for us to continue north to adventure of the ALCAN 5000. lnuvik, the northernmost point The two lane, twisty dirt road that could be reached by wound its way across what automobile, on the Arctic Ocean! looked to be a barren I thanked O'Rourke's Lepre~ chauns when he finally decided for a timed Regularity section. we didn''t have enough time and We ran through snow and ice, we continued south for the along 4,000 foot high cliffs and I overnight stop. held my breath for 60 minutes-Day Five and we nursed a new record. massive hangovers. Dawson City When we left Dawson City we is a small mining town located at were tied with the Sorenson the'. junction of the Yukon and Brothers. But by the time we Klondike Rivers. Its average passed "Lost Chicken Creek snowfall is 60 inches. Its mean Mine" (it opened in 1885 and is low temperature in January is - still operating}, and passed 30°F. It has 21 hours of daylight through customs (it was closed in June, only 4 hours in for the season but a customs December. officer met us at a gas station and But it also has "Diamond passed us through officially), and Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall" 'entered Alaska, we were back in complete with dancing girls. front by a few seconds. -Unfortunately, the hall was Twenty~four hours after clos~d and the girls had fled standing at the Arctic Circle we soutl\ before the snows came and were relaxing with a cold beer in ,....,, locked everyone in for several the plush lounge of the Sheraton months. Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska. It's Jack London's cabin is in a very strange world. Dawson City. You q.n sit at the Day Six was a vacation day in very desk where he wrote many Anchorage. We reinstalled the of his memorable stories. Audi's underplating we'd torn The ALCANE~S gathered at off the previous day, gave it a the Klondike River Lodge and bath and took Paul to "The Great drank all the available beer in Alaska Bush Company". Now, town, including one citizen's the GABC is 1wt your average private winter stock of strip joint. No stripping is done Heinekens. at the GABC. The ladies start The next morning we took a naked and proceed from there. ferry across the Klondike at They also dance in the audience, dawn and started to climb to the all over your body, for a small "Top of The World Highway" fee. · MAKE YOUR FAVORITE RACER--HAPPY With New Safety Equ~pment From FILLER Nomex Driving Suit $179.00 Filler Safety is now offering all seat belts and harnesses with blue ·webbing. Comp_lete with mounting hardware. , $115.00 \llE ~ ~ PRODUCTS,INC. ~ SIMPLE TO ORDER~· . PHONE OR MAIL ORDER USING VISA, 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD MASTERCHARGE OR WE DO SHIP SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 C.O.O. No personal checks please,. PH. (818) 768-7770 Dcccmber1985 Our best race bag. Made of heavy supported vinyl and quilted to nylon backed foam lining. Heavy web strap handles. Size: 12 x 12 x 24. $40.00 Fine quality: hand crafted, light weight Nomex Racing Boots. Available in black, white: or royal blue in sizes 7 thru 13. . $78.00 Page 17
.... Catching the winter sun rays, John Buffum and Paul Choiniere pose with the Audi at the border between the Yukon Territory and Alaska. ~ Al Schmiat's venerable 73 VW Bug led the rally for a long time, and here John Buffum rebuilds an oil line, but the engine went the next day. · Taking second overall, JusJ six seconds behind, the Mazda RX-7 John Buffum and Paul Choiniere pose by the Arctic Circle sign, of Lee and Rod Sorenso,;:tleaves the Queen of the North Ferry at decorated by a Uniroyal One Lap of America sign posted by Port Hardy, B.C. . Ral/ymaster Jerry Hines. . Ale.AN 5000 (continued) We paid the small fee and introduced young Paul to the true perils of marathon rallying in the real world. The following night, across town at the newer GABC II, a group of ALCAN-ERS purchased dancing lovies for Buffum and I and took snapshots of our ordeal. 0 h to be 21 again. Young Paul enjoyed his lap dance with quiet dignity. Buffum and I suffered through the indignity like stone statues, huddling close to each other for mutual protection. It's a nasty business, this rallying. Days Seven and Eight, We . left Anchorage after enjoying a wet evening at Satch Carlson's Page 28 lovely home high above the city lights. Carlson ran around naked, diving into the hottub to save the shark. I told you his book is missing some pages. We were caught by a schoolbus on the first Regularity. It stopped and unloaded tiny, sloooow moving, tykes and we dropped to second place behind Al Schmidt. But later, on the road to Paxson, back in the Yukon, Al's ancient VW blew an oil line. Buffum rebuilt it and got him moving again but the following day, the Bug went terminal and Al finished the rally on the hook of a sweep car. Day Nine and Buffum tells me about his days in the Army Engineers, constructing Bailey Bridges. The subject arose when b_artender. The b-ar stays open we crossed a Bailey Bridge and long past midnight, until the last stopped so he could explain to beer has been poured and there is me how it was pieced together nothing left to sell us. like a long erector set and laid Jerry Hines calls a driver's across the river. 'After a time, it meeting in the bar and produces a seemed all the1old Bailey Bridges giant birthday cake for john in the world were located in the Buffum: The cake has an Audi Yukon Territory. Quattro on it, with two little Day Ten and we put the rally · chocolate heads inside. I figure it cars on the Queen of The North can't be Buffum and I because the for the 20 hour ferry ride from Quattro is sitting upright. We Prince Rupert to Port Hardy, break out our e!Ilergency supply B.C. We learn there are no cabins of ·Cabernet. ""Sauvignon and available to us and everyone celebrate JB's 40th -The Big takes up permanent residence in One! the bar. The Final Day and we leave The bartender informs us he the ferry on the fly heading for will close at midnight. Our Irish the final Regularity section on terrorist lays his briefcase .on the_ Vancouver Island. We held a bar and whispers to the four second lead over the Sorensons but they've been creeping on us for several days so it figures to be close at the finish. At the awards banquet that evening, in Victoria, B.C., we learned we had won by just a few seconds, after 5,000 miles of rallying over 11 days! But that news was really secondary. The fact that everyone made it to the finish was what counted. The-" doing it" is what counts. For me personally, the , ALCAN was everything I'd dreamed about back in the sixth grade. I'd been to the Yukon and to Alaska. I'd,visited the marge of Lake Leberge and Jack London's cabin. I'd watched the sun rise over the Klondike River · and looked down from The Top of The World Highway. I'd stood at the Arctic Circle and survived its snows. I'd made _some new lifelong friends, including a special one -Paul Choiniere, who I can no longer call "The Kid". And I'd been danced on at The Great Alaska Bush Company. It doesn't get any better than that. At least, not until next year. Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuff er for Christmas December 1985 ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY -HELPFUL NEIGHBORS -. EVERYONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE $12.00 - 1 year• $20 - 2 years • $30 - 3 years • $15 (US) 1 year to Canada SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO: DUSTY TIMES 5331 ·berry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 Dusty Times
pJ:11 hli\J~\l't\.1~ · -a,:R--'1 'N°l't'\t o -ptt\01-lhli Y,\lili£tt y,£hD-1.ioC"~ • t>Oi,isli'f.1"> vo~ ~'tlo'N, Ul r. •-~"'•°""""co""" - -"' ' ,~•" • •• -- ' .... ' "" 1""" '"".. 1 ""' "" '""J - -""" 1-,. .,.... .. ,.. -... -""... ,. . .,_,,,,,. -... ..,, -,.. ,· ·~"""' -.,-• "'" ,, l\tll.l\ Sitt st>flC\llll -..... ,-'" ... ,.. ,· -· ,._ • .,_,...._,,'"ft---;1~6 t' ,.,_,...,. = • "'-"... .,_. " ,· ,,,_,,,,, ,,._. • • ''". •"' .,_.,,_ . . "" . . "',, --~ 2· ,,,_,, - .,-• . -,, ., .... ' -'"' ,,._. .,_,,,,. :-:. ,.,_.,,,.. ,.,._ '::, ,, ,.,,,.-• ,,.. -;:.-:.,, , ..• ~_:r-~ 2" ,,,_,.._,. . .,...-• •-• ' ..,,,,,.. ,... "" .... ~J' ·""'. . .,_,.,, "'. '"' ., ,,..,.,.. . .. .. .,_ .. ,.;_. .,_,,,-,.-•"' .... ' -... , ..• ,.,,, ' - ' --•' .... , .. , ... " --,,~5 r1.1" ,,,, ... -• ,,._ •• '!':,.,,. ·•·-• ,.,, ; .. : ... -_...,,.,,, ... ,,~6 \ 3" ,,~1' 3" I .i.62-0104-30 \ \\l-:111,011.111118111ead·\.•c·• •'"\alll• on" ~ l\lltl\lllll \llfOW . . n I'•' s\6•· -
or a ocs Off Orla do, oa acing ·n lor1da vere , rf in a cioud ot dust. J.R. race conciuaed with Daryl ,._vlor neld First nosition for the Stedman in first, Chuck Gurr up first ,:-<f', tht:r -1roppeu our Wltn a to S\".LU!IU, a! u tCen Burkett broken transaxle. Bruce Bennett pulled up from last to finish ·,,)k ,\t'r r rst .SJ:'t r ,,nlv to lose rn1rd. ,t to loe Cunningham in tht>rhird fen cars returned tor che iap. ·because, Be,nnett lost a tire securn.1 D Class hear, and rhis rignt ofi the nm. Neeciless to say, round only claimed one casualtv. this heat was da1mmg its v1c<1ms Kellv McMahon broke a tie rod almost each ,ap, a~ the drivers on the fourth lap and was out for T t?xt & Photos: 10h11 Sprovkm struggled t<.:) maneuver the track's the rest of the heat. However High flyers at Orlanao, the unlimited buggies o; Danny Hahn, left, and Daryl Stedman show off different suspension systems on a big Jump. eleven buggies l.ned up side by blind iumps 1nct ~urves at Bob Alexander did flip auring side. the green tlag saw •hem pnenomera1 speeds. Terry Clark the first lap, but he was able to re-battling it out ,1s the track and Ken Burkett tangled on one enter the heat by the fifth lap. narrowed before rhe first curve. of the hairpin curves. Joe Marty Pounds held first place Down the tirst stretch Marty Cunningnam took the win , with for only one lap, side by side with Pounds c1nd Scott Gundeck Buddy Taylor placmgsecond and Scott Gundeck, who overrook -,uccessfully negotiated the first Bob Bohres taking third in rhe Pounds m the second lap. nmety degree Jump into -a curve. heat. G undeck went on to the victory, Jean Woodham and Jerry Allen There was six Unlimited Class but Pounds stayed right with followed close behind until the entries out for their first heat. him. By the fifth lap G undeck second lap. Then the two leaders, With the spectators cheering, and Pounds had stretched ahead with Pounds still ahead of they were off in a roar, funneled of the pack so much it was almost Gundeck, stretched the lead a into the first turn by the like watching two different heats! good half lap. Jean Woodham narrowing track. Scott Haire had Pounds took second behind held third posinon for two laps, a slow start, made it three fourths Gundeck, and J.R. Taylor was until J.R. Taylor squeaked by in ot the way around the track, third, followed by Jerry Allen. the thirJ lap. Kelly McMahon dropped out, and came back in Seven came back for the started in ninth spot, and for me duranon on the third lap. second 1-2-1600 battle. Ken appeared to be makini; his way Ken Burkett maintained second Burkett emerged from the dust The October FORDA races were hosted by the Orange County Speedway in (?rlando. Overlooking the track trom the grandstands at the end of the pre-race practice laps, there seemed to be a kind of calm before the storm. Only this time the storm would be from the drivers challenging the soft, narrow, all cirt track and limited field of vision due to the several hairpin turn_s and jumps, rather than Mother Nature. The skies were up through the i::ad<, until he posmon -ight behind leader first, with Joe Cunningham right clear and a cool breeze prevailed found himself stuck in the soft Chuck G urr, until the third lap. behind him. But Joe Cunning--no ommouslv lingering clouds embankment on a curve in the Burkett tried to overtake Gurr, ham lost out in the second lap today. The customary drivers' third lap. Overall Pounds and causing both cars to go off the when he got stuck in the soft meeting was held at 12:30 p.m., GundecK retatnea first and track. BurKett was ·now iast and embankment trving to overtake and there would be two nine lap second positions ,n'thatorder for Gurr was still moving, in third: Burkett on an incline curve. heat races and a ten lap feature the d urat10n u 1 the heat. Now narvl Stedman, with Buddy Tavlor battled it out tor race for each of the three classes Woodham placed third, and Sam Pace ridmg, was m first, bur second wnh Bob Bohres, until competing. Taylor was f<wrth as the Bnan i'atterson wa~ aesperate1y Bohres right rear brake froze in As the 1:00 p.m. start time checkered flag descended. trying to o vertake, running the fifth lap, causing him to spin approached, so did the D Class Next on the '>tarting line were second from the fifth through the out on a turn, and he suffered a buggies approach the starting line eight buggies ready to compete in seventh laps, then engine smoke broken cam also. Bruce Bennett forthefirstheatofthedav.W1th thefirsrl-2-1600heat,andthey forcedhimoutoftheheat.The also spun on a curve in the ------------c,---------'--,-------------=-==----=-c='~c-========= Racing hard in every heat in the fierce D class competition, Marty Pounds ended the day with the class victory, on the road and on points. It was a perfect day for Daryl Stedman, despite this one wheel landing. He won both unlimited heats and the feature race in his two seater. Ken Burkett, here being pushed hard by Bruce Bennett, won the second heat, the main event, and the points in the Class 1-2-1600 contest. lE WE BUILD THEM ... WE RACE THEM! RACER'S SPECIAL IRS BUS RACING TRANSAXLE $195.00 (ANYWHERE ELSE YOU PAY $300 OR MORE!) COMPLETE TEARDOWN, CLEANING, INSPECTION, MAGNEFLU(iNG. & ASSEMBLY! THERE'S NO NEED TO PAY MORE! ROB TOLLESON Overall & Class 1-2/1600 SCORE & HORA Points Leader TRANNYS ARE ALL WE DO, SO WE'VE GOT TO DO THEM RIGHT! {Over 15 years of building and racing experience!) ~ toJT·COMPLETE SERvices 1r3'c0LUDE: i• Teardown & Inspection • Hot . Tank Cleanil\g • Shot ~Peening • Bead Blasting • Magnefluxing • Racing ?Modifications • Welding • Polishing • Short-CO\JrSe & ,:_Desert Set-ups • · · { · . . .~ a~o W• Special Set-ups for Sand Rails, Competition Drags & Hill ~Climbing • FUN OR COMPETITION ... WE'RE IT! Page 30 OUR SERVICE IS UNEQUALED, OUR RATES UNBEATABLE 2022 First Street, San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 361-3033 December 1985 Bedlam m the first turn for D class as Bob Alexander, Mark Oliver, Scott Gundeck and Tom Gundeck all got stuck in the soft embankment. Ken Burkett flew well in the Street and Sand Toys sponsored Class 1; after a day long battle, he took second in the points count. Dusty Times
Always competitive in D class, Jerry Allen did well in all three Chuck Gurr had.a second and a third going in unlimited class, races at Orlando, and took home third place points for the entire but a cracked water line in the Evinrude outboard motor kept him meet. · out of the main event. Winner of the first 1600 heat, Joe Cunningham. leads Bruce Bennett here in a tight dice, and Cunningham ended the day second on points. second lap, putting him down to last for the duration of this heat. The checkered flag dropped on Ken Burkett, followed by Buddy Taylor and Mark Bickers. Only five cars lined up side by side for the second Unlimited Class heat. Daryl Stedman puHed ahead of the pack and skillfully held first place all the way, despite Ken Burkett's attempts to pass him. Burkett held second despite a slow start with gear shifting problems, and he was stuck in second gear for the entire heat! Chuck Gurr maintained third place from the fifth lap, but developed a cracked water - line in his Evinrude outboard motor, which kept him out of the feature race. Overall it was Daryl Stedman, Ken Burkett, and Chuck Gurr in this heat. After a short break the nine D Class buggies were lined up for the ten lap feature race, and with 1200 · cc engines roaring they were on their way. Marty Pounds gained the lead,·followed closely . by Scott Gundeck,-..__until Mark Oliver bumped Gundeck on a curve in the first lap and overtook Pounds. Gundeck rolled and was out of the race with a crushed air filter. Oliver held first only the second lap, then slowly dropped back to finish eighth. J.R. Taylor maintained third position cautiously, until he skillfully passed Bob Alexander in the seventh lap. In the final accounting for this heat, and the cash, it was Marty Pounds taking first ,place, J.R. Taylor was second, and Jerry .Allen was third. Despite his DNF in the race, Scott Gundeck was fourth for the_ day. WE PAY __ _ CONTINGENCY FOR SCORE AND HORA . RACES Five survived to start the ten lap Class 1-2-1600 feature race. However Buddy Taylor experi-enced transmission problems qnd was out very early, and .only four were off on the green flag . Joe Cunningham was first oui: of the first turn, but Bruce Bennett overtook nim on the straight after the bottle neck of buggies on the fifth turn. Then, Ken Burkett seemed to cotne up from nowhere and take over the lead on lap 4, and he stretched the lead so much it appeared he was in a race of his own. Meanwhile, Bruce Bennett and Joe Cunningham remained side by side and bumper to bumper, each demonstr_ating their driving skills and a determination to win this heat. But, Ken Burkett was flagged with the checkered more than a half lap before Bennett, and Mark Bickers was third ahead of Joe Cunningham. It was another quartet for the final feature race in Unlimited Class. The first jump-curve landed Ken Burkett in the soft embankment, only to be bumped by Scott Haire and Daryl Stedman as they tried to avoid the lodged buggy. Burkett quickly regained control only to tangle wheels with Danny Hahn, creating a gap for Stedman, who took the lead and kept it all the way to victory. Burkett overtook Haire in the fifth lap following a tense and action packed bumper to bumper battle for second. In final scoring Daryl Stedman was first, followed by Ken Burkett and Scott Haire. The track layout provided some terrific action for the drivers and thrills for the spectators. J.R. Taylor deserves a hearty thank you for his efforts in putting the race together, and turning the motocross course into an off road course for cars. Most of the drivers thought the track was great, and at the conclusion of the . awards presentation, a nearly unani-mous vote was taken by the drivers to return to this track for . future races. The grandstands are well placed with good visibility over 90 percent of the course, and the good weather was a blessing to FORDA, who suffered two rain outs this -season, including the loss of the Labor~ Day 150 at Tallahassee due to hurricane Elena. Last but not least, the race scorers and the announcer, Bruce Otova·, were able to enjoy the comfort of an air conditioned tower. FORDA plans more events at this track, even if it means adding races to the schedule. SIMPSON SAFETY PRODUCTS February 1, 1985 6oz.RACINGSUITS ... ......... . ............... . . $210.00 NOMEX UNDERWEAR . . ................. . .......... 90.00 NOMEX RACING GLOVES . . . . ..... ..... ..... . ....... 52.00 NOMEX RACING SHOES ... ..... . . ................ . . 90.00 NOMEX HELMET SKIRTS .................... . ...... 39.00 LARGE HELMET-GARMENT B_lJ(i.S . ........ ..... . _ . . . 40.00 SEAT BELTS .... . . ..... • .............. ....... . . .... 55.00 SHOULDER HARNESS . . , ........... . . . ......... . . . . 38.00 . CROTCH BELTS ..... .... ........... ..... . . . ...... . 16.00 _HORSE COLLARS ...... . . .............. . . . . .' .... . . . 35. 00 ARM RESTRAINTS ... . . · . ..... . ......... , ........... 35.00 NECK BRACE .......... .... . . . . . . . ............... . 32. 00 SIMPSON GOGGLES . . ............. ......... ........ 42.00 UVEX GOGGLES .............................. ..... 30. 00 TOW STRAPS .... . .... ........................... ~. 24. 00 .JACKETS . ....... . .... . .... . ............. ~- . . . . . . . 69.00 VESTS .................. ............. ..... . ...... 39. 00 GOLD BELTS ... . ....... . . . . ....... . . .... . . ........ 23.00 SHEEPSKIN PADS ................ .... ............ . . 20. 00 Poor visibility, over fatigue, dirt, dust, sweat, fogging, all a thing of the pa~t with the.PARKER PUMPER _PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. personally engineered air-fed racing helmet. · Fresh filtered air is-pumped into the sealed helmet virtually eliminating dirt, dust, and fogging. Resulting in a cooler, cleaner, less tiring race. A less tiring race is also a safer race. '. ·••so Sneli. approved helmet • 12 volt, 2 speed, draws only 1.5 amps. ·•compact motor-blower weighsless than 4 lbs. 9311 Kramer, -Units G & H Westminster, CA 92683 1141894-8332 Dusty Times December 1985 _ Page 31
PRO CANAM RACING The Millican Valley 400. By Leonard Day Photos: Jerry Branson/ Leonard Day ..,. Ken Sanislo and Steve Mette drove the single seat Berrien to the Pro Unlimited win, and despite plowing a little silt, they won the race overall. The 1985 off road racing season came to an end at Millican Valley, Oregon on a day that can be described as perfect- as possible for off road racing. The sun was warming the desert and --$ere was just enough wind to : keep most of the dust off the course and provide good visibility for the racers. The course, located 21 miles east of Bend, Oregon, isa33 mile loop full of everything that makes for good off road racing. This year the race was moved up a month to take advantage -of better weather conditions in September rather than take a chance on the unpredictables in late October or early November. The moye proved to be the right one. The turnout was one of the best for the Five Race Series with 40 cars making the 9:00 .a.m. starting time. Entries came from five states and British Columbia. The race was also a points race for the VORRA racers from California, which will be done again in 1986. First out of the starting gate were twelve unlimited Pro buggies. Joe Kellog, unfortunate: MID VALLEY ENGINEERING ~. Arizona Dealer. Lola . Hewland ~ NEW SPECIAL 15.40 1sT GEARS HAVE NOW ARRIVED GIVING 13. 9 S FINAL DRIVE RATIO ALSO 8 NEW DG 300 GEARBOXES AND 2 U SED DG300 GEARBOXES IN STOCK ly had to take a line not of his choice and it created mechanical problems that took him out on the first lap. Gary Weyhrich did not report his problems but he was back on his trailer after completing only five of the 12 required laps. Usually a front runner, Dan Clark Jr. brought a very tired motor ,to the last race . and it was laid to rest after six laps. Dan and his father did finish second overall for the season. The LaPlante racing team and Garen McCune, a usual winner in the VORRA series, did not report in but they finished only seven and eight laps respectiveiy. Seventh place went to Ken Dare, who comp1eted the whole 400 miles in just over ten hours. Dave Brown has a reputation for winning on this race course but this time he fell to sixth place after reportedly running out of gas. Seaside, California racer, Ace Bradford, managed a fifth place in his Class 10 car. A brand new car, (Class 5 yet), carried Tom Arnold into fourth place in this 400 miler after a long absence from racing. Nice to have Tom back! Chris Cash came from Idaho and took third place in another 10 car. Second place went to Mike Strong in his Rabbit powered two seater. His driving chores were shared by Del M athews of Yakima, Washington. The overall and class winner was Ken Sanislo's Berrien co-driven by Steve Mette. They turned the 400 miles in 7:45:22 which also gave them the honors for overall in Pro Buggy for the 1985 season. The next class off the line was It looks strange, but it works, and Don German won the 4x4 class by Jess than six minutes over 16 other contestants in a tough battle . Todd Springer turned in a great performance, winning the 1600 class by over two hours; and he placed a keen fifth overall on the tough course: slowly but surely. The only r-estriction is that the engine use a single port intake manifold and stock carb. Harvey Lange didn't fare well at all this race. The car never made the first lap. Sparks, Nevada racer, Frank Offen-hauser, turned two good laps_ before disappearing from the ranks. First year buggy racer, J irn Caudle, turned pro this race and reportedly is having the time of his life but the engine let loose after only four laps. Gayle Hodson's entry was seen on the trailer early in the day. The Rich Akridge entry went on its lid early and caused many problems that finally took them out after completing five laps. Ron Arthur experienced quite a few mechanical problems but a power loss in the middle of a silt bed kept them there until late at night. Larry Manning had enough problems to make the average racer park and watch, but the team overcame oil cooler, CV and fuel problems to finish the 400 miles and still salvage a third place. After a few years. layoff, Larry Olson is back and ran well this race with a nice second place. Todd Springer with the help of his always present Mom and Dad and brother Aron took first place with over two hours on number two place. -Pro CanAm is proud of all the racers who compete in each event but the Pro 4 X4 class swelled our pride in this race with 17 entries. Each of them knows that they are going to have to race all the way to the checkered flag as each race gets tighter than the one before and this one was no exception! The entries of Ed Burnap and Joe Copening were the first of the unfortunates and didn't make the first lap. Rick Hockfeld and John Gunderson were close behind, only completing three laps each.· Art Johnson's power plant gave up after four laps. The entries of Gordon Scott and Bob and Cindy Chamberlin both had blown gearboxes early on in the race, but not until they had put on a great show. San Leandro, California racer Keith Robb ended his race with a spectacular rollover which created problems he couldn't overcome. George Wagenblast managed only nine laps after taking on a large juniper tree and then an odd fire inside the front hubs that melted away the front drive. Gerry Irvine got ten laps out of his Gray Ghost before 20635 N. CaVe Creek Ad., #5, Cave Creek Stage • Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602) 569-0056 • 569-0057 the 1600 cc buggies, nine strong. Mike Strong and Del Mathews had a good day in the Rabbit powered two-The class seems to be building seater, taking second overall, only six minutes behind the big winner. Page 32 December 1985 Dusty Times
Solo driver Carl Cook had lots of Northwest pit support for his California racer, and he finished third in the Pro 4x4 battles. From Quesnel, British Columbia, Tom Mower had to stop and fix Charging down a good stretch of Oregon desert, Richard things mid-race, but he got sorted out to take seventh in Pro 4x4. Akridge came back from a roll over, but problems dropped him to fifth in 1600 class. A really big Juniper tree was big enough to put a large dent in Bob Nyeste had to limp home in one wheel drive, finishing fourth Robert and James Murphy had their best race in a long time, George Wagenblast's Blazer, but he finished nine laps for ninth in Pro 4x4s, after leading the race most of the distance. coming in a very tight second in Pro 4x4s, losing a tad of time in a in 4x4s. late pit stop. Chris Cash came from Idaho to race, and he finished the 400 miles in his Class 10 car, and took a good third in the Unlimited Buggy Class. The LaPlante Racing Team from Milwaukee, Oregon, experienced all kinds of mechanical problems, and got in seven laps before parking for good. Ron Arthur had a few good laps in-1600 class before getting stuck in a silt bed, where he spent the night, but earned fourth place. unreported troubles took him out. After a very long absense, Quesnel, B.C. racer Tom Mower made the long drive down to race again and made his presence known only to have his mount develop problems, but still finish in seventh. Sixth place went to the team of Gary Holland from Sparwocx:l, B.C. Steve Farrell managed a fifth place after running a fast seven laps, then mechanical problems slowed him down. Bob Nyeste's Bronco was in first place until the last lap. With only 15 miles to go, an axle in front and back broke leaving him only one. wheel drive, and only able to limp along watching first, second and third places pass bim by. Third place went to Carl Cook who came from Oakhurst, California by himself. All his pit support came from his competi-tor's crews. Only Don German and Robert Murphy were left to do battle for first and second wdl and all had a neat time. The place. Robert pitted late in the 1986 season sho uld prove to be race for fuel and a driver change even better and the dates will be was made allowing his dad, James, to get in a couple laps which probably made the difference. Don German drove the whole race solo and bested Murphy by only 5:46. In all the 4X4s put on rn;ie great show. Only two _ cars ran in the Sportsman class and it wa·s no . contest as Bert Klinger broke on the first lap and Scott Vissering ran ten laps to gain experience and shake down a fairly new car. A short race was held for the Odysseys and 3 wheelers that showed up. The race was a two hour enduro over a separate five mile course. Jim Swearingen, season points leader, outclassed Van Stahley in the Odysseys and Troy Robinson of VORRA fame, out ran Scott Davis and Curtis Upton on his 3 wheeler. Overall the season went very Scott Vissering runs hard in the Sportsman competition, and he won the class in Oregon, and finished ten rough laps in 6:59.35. Dusty Times December 1985 published shortly. The 1985 -season ending banquet and 1986 kickoff _party will be held at the ·Seattle Space Needle o n January 18, 198 5. A great time will be had by all. Page 33
Imperial Valley Stadium Off Road Romp Once a year, after the big closed course off road racing season is over, the Southern California hot dog locals take over and race in an end-of-the-season event on their home ground just over the big hill from San Diego near the _ Imperial Valley desert town of El Centro. The big guys are always there to race; not for points or money, but to prove who is best at putting his wheel where he wants it. Hosting such an event was Stadium Racing U.S.A. headed by the former Supercross Motorcycle Champion and current Off Road Championship Grand Prix Class -1 Champion Marty Tripes. Partial sponsor-ship ca111e from Budweiser Beer, Imperial Valley Cycle Center, and the local radio station KECY. Tripes was the.mastermind of the event and could be seen everywhere at anytime in the California Mid-Winter Fair-«:-grounds 5/Sths mile dirt oval driving various sized tractors shaping the tr;ick to perfection. He designed and built the infield course himself beginning three days before the event. By Saturday morning every-thing was ready for the three classes of cars { Class 1, 10, and Class 1-2-1600) and motor-·cycles, ATC's, and Quadrunners to begin their separate practice rounds. El Cajon's Max Razo was the first car on the track with his brand new Magnum and found it sooooo slippery that he couldn't drive around the turns without slowly spinning out. Tripes immediately hopped on a tractor and regraded the surfaces to their proper texture. That did the trick and three hours of racing practice by class began. Most racers wisely used their laps to dial-in their two, three, or four wheeled vehicles into the slow infield turns and the large fast jumps in front of the grandstands. But some charged a bit too hard and suffered minor mechanical problems as a result. Around the banked track was a red and yellow signal light system normally used by the Stock Cars. So to keep the accidents that usually occur at the start of each race to a minimum, the lights would be used to control a rolling start. Each class drew for starting position in the first eight lap moto and the order would be reversed in the second eight lap moto. In case of a tie, the first moto would take precedent in the points tally. At five o'clock in Text & Photos: Richard K. Schwalm afternoon the gates were opened to the public.·They were greeted with all the racers and their vehicles on display in front on the grandstands. This has proven a great plus to the fans at many of the stadium short course events. Somehow touching and seeing the details of the race vehicles and talking with the drivers makes the fans feel a part of the action on the track. · A short time later announcer Charlie Engelbart introduced the first car moto for the Class 1-2-1600 limited buggies, ten cars in five pairs with Rick Boyer on the inside and Dave Bucy on the outside of the front row. As they came slowly around the last turn, the starting light turned green and away they roared. Boyer was the first into Turn One and the first to drop out with a mechanical problem. That left Chris Bowes from Lc;mg Beach in front of the first lap after some careful driving around the early . leaders. Following were Gary Hoffner, Mike Goodbody, Carl Asterino, John Ovanessian, Neil Phillips, and Butch Darling just to name a few. On the next few laps Bowes managed t put some space between _his "8 Ball Racing" two ·seater and the hungry pack. But it wasn't long .until the local favorite, David Looking hot in practice and in the Class 10 motos, Jimmy Running his Chenowths in both Class 1 and Class 10, Bob Nichols put his.Sunrise Racing entry home fourth in class Gordon won an Unlimited moto, and took second overall points tor the night. in the points count. Page 34 December 1985 · Showing everybody his outstanding s_hort course talents, Frank "Butch" Arciero did it right and took first place overall in Classes 1 and·10. Marini from Holtville, drove his became tangled and Rick Leigh way through the field to from Duarte hooked wheels and challenge for the lead. The crowd executed a perfect end-over-end loved the wheel-to-wheel duel of roll •for all to see in the the two seaters; Every time grandstands. The red light went .Marini would gain a few feet and on and the race was stopped as appear to pass Bowes, the fans Leigh climbed out of his wrecked • would stand up and yell for all car unhurt, but shaken. they were worth. But after many Everybody survived the restart brave attempts for the top slot, as Butch Arciero took the lead Bowes held'his ground fairly and with some chargers close behind. finished inches ahead when the Second place Eric Arras was checkered flag flew. After second leadin-gthe Evil Horde with his place Marini came Mike He-Man figure on his roof. Goodbody in a solid wait-and-Following were UltraStock see third place. champion Vince Tjelmeland, Joe After a few motorcycle motos Bean, Texan Stanley Rowland, staged by the one and only Fud, Bob Gordon, and Greg George came sixteen Class 10 cars for plus others. As the laps clicked their first of two motos. (They off, Arras began closing in .on would also run a Main Event to Butch bit by bit as Tjelmelamd make the final points tally more and Bean dueled for the third accurate.) From the first turn spot. A little farther back, Frank "Butch" Arciero Jr. took Gordon, Greg George, and the lead with La Palma's Dan David Bonner were kicking up Bentley, Jerry Whelchel, Max some dust for any improvement Razo, Jim Fishback Jr., and in their position. The next time Tommy Croft in tow. A few laps around Joe Bean rolled his car later, the lead trio had pulled trying to pass Tjelmeland and away from the rest of the pack. ahead of them, Arras almost Whelchel was now on Butch's passed Arciero a few times. But tail through most of· the turns Butch remained in control of the and was looking on both sides for lead and finished with Arras in a clean way around. Meanwhile, second spot. Third went to Bentley was fighting off a Tjelmeland and fourth place to challenge from Fishback Jr. as Bob Gordon with David Bonner Croft, Razo, and Greg. George in fifth. were waiting for their chance to A rather long intermission strike. During· the closing laps, featured a freestyle BMX bicycle on one of the back loop turns, exhibition by Team Haro. The Whelchel made a pass on Butch kids put their bikes up and over and held the lead position until ramps while performing the finish . . Butch took second balancing and crossover tricks to with Bentley, FishbackJr.,Croft, "rad" music. and George following in order. After a few more motorC'y'cle The big Class ls were up next motos, the Class 10s had their with eleven en tries. Butch second moto of the evening. This Arciero, Greg George, and Bob time Bob Gordon was on the Gordon were also running in this pole position with Ron Carter class for double the fun. next door. At the green light Riverside's Eric Arras had the Carter made the holeshot inside pole with Butch Arciero through the first turn with Greg by his side. They drove down the George, Tommy Croft, and from track for their green light, but out of nowhere, Jerry Whelchel just as most of the pack crossed in the front pack. One car spun the starting line some cars across the starting line as the Staying in front of the "8 Ball" was Chris Bowes, who won both the Class 1-2-1600 heats and the overall points in his two seater. DustyTjmes
Ultrastock big money winner, Mike Goodbody got his Flying through the airwith "He-Man"guiding the way, Eric 1600outofstorage,andhehoppedalonginbothmotosin Arras took a second and a fourth in Class 1 motos for third spot, third on points too. second overall ori points. other cars took the green light, down to the last inch with hovered for his turn to strike. but there was no need for a Ovanessian taking fourth spot by Just past midway, a new duel restart. Greg George held on to a wheel. So the overall Class 1-2- for the lead took shape after his strong lead as Whelchel 1600 win went to Chris Bowes, Whelchel slipped around George challenged Croft for second second to David Marini, and and began a challenge on Butch. place. Next came Rick Jones, third to Mike Goodbody. Whelchel did his best to gain an Ron Carter, Gary Dillon, and Bob Gordon started on the advantage, but Butch never put a Max Razo. pole for the last Class 1 moto and wheel wrong and kept him at bay. El Cajon's Max Razo put his new car through its paces to finish in the middle of the pack on points, but he got a lot of good track time. Whelchel's car and his race was chargers, those guys drove like over. Butch continued for the there was no tomorrow. It was a -win and George took second. fine reward for the people who Butch Arciero placed first for worked so hard without tasting the second time this evening in much of the glory. the overall Class 10 points with It was full evening of stadium Greg George in second, Kent off road racing and an exciting Castle in third, and Jimmy way to finish the 1985 season. Nichols in fourth. Thanks to Marty Tripes and his The night's racing was topped Stadium Racing U .S.A. group, off with a five lap race with the everyone had a chance to prove mechanics behind their respec- his worth and adjust their sights tive steering wheels. If you for -next year's short course thought the regular drivers were season. As the other racers continued held the lead all the way to the But as they began lapping slower their own battles, Butch Arciero checkered flag eight laps later. cars, Butch settled the question. began passing one car at a time, Greg George gave a hard chase in As he passed a lapper on the back working his way to the top from a . second spot with Stan Rowland, loop turn, Butch's rear tire rear starting position. Lap after Jim Fishback Sr., Vince lightly bumped the lapper into a lap, rung after rung, he climbed Tjelmeland, Eric Arras, first spin and Whelchel had nochoice the ladder of cars until he was in moto winner Butch Arciero, and but to T-Bone the helpless third position. Meanwhile, Joe Bean following in single file. victim. The accident trapped Whelchel had climbed on top of Bad luck struck Greg George ----:::=- =-===.,....-:,..,,,..-=- = ---=--::=================== Croft's rear while attempting a again a few laps later with a pass. Croft's car was damaged broken front suspension which and out of the race as Whelchel flopped around -as he drove the continued on in second place. A car back to . the paddock. Jim few laps later, an elated Greg Fishback Sr. began falling back as George wheelied his car across Tjelmeland passed into the third the finish line in first plaee spot. Next came a battle for followed by Whelchel, Arciero, fourth between Arras and Butch Carter, and Gary Dillon. (Later, Arciero. After many "almosts," a Rough Driving ruling would Butch finally made it around change Whelchel's finishing"' · Arras and started after second position.) - place, but a front flat kept him in Ten 1-2-1600s made a clean that position. Arras was also rolling start for their last eight lap running with a front flat. moto with Butch Darling leading Bob Gordon gladly finished into the first few turns. But this moto first with Stan before one lap was completed, Rowland, Tjelmeland, and Butch Chris Bowes had moved his "8 following. That meant a tie in Ball Special" from third into the points between Gordon and lead /osition. Darling held Arciero, but Butch had the secon with local David Marini, highest finish in the first moto Mike Goodbody, Gary Hoffner, and he received the overall Class John Ovanessian, Rick Boyer, 1 win. Naturally Gordon was Dave Bucy, Neil Phillips, and second and Vince Tjelmeland's Carl Asterino following in close total points put him in third. order. Bowes began stretching At ten o'clock the Class 10 his lead as Goodbody passed Main started with its usual Marini for second spot. Marini bumper car style scramble for fought back with the crmvd positions and Jerry Whelchel yelling his two seater on, but · had to take to the high ground to "Goodbody kept his trusty single avoid the jam. Ahead of all the seater in the -best • lines to mess was Butch Arciero in the maintain his position. Farther lead with Greg George, Kent back in the midfield pack were Castle, Jerry Whelchel, Dan Ovanessian, Bucy, and Boyer Bentley,JimmyNichols,andBob enjoying their own battles. By the Gordon in tow. A few laps later, time the checkered flag came out, Whelchel passed Castle and the top finishing positions were joined the three way battle for the same, but fourth place was up the lead. That left the next group for grabs. Ovanessian and Boyer of four cars to fight it out for continued their mano-mano duel fourth spot as Bob Gordon Class 10 star Jerry Whelchel ran his usual hard charging sty e race, wmnmg one moto, but he dropped in points due to an official ruling. -Dusty rimes Tommy Croft ran solid up front in the .Class 10 motos, and Dave Bucy jumped his Hi Jumper over the infield berms in he kept the others honest with a fifth place finish before his style, and he stayed in the hunt in Class 1-2-1600, finishing car was damaf!ed. . sixth ove!a'!.:_ ___ _ . i" NEVADA v::as. OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N 3 w.l > >-~ :e= ;.., Street -Stock -Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We~ve Got Your VW Parts See Brian or Dave See Rob or John SAHAHA X 2 N l·,\'iTl:HN 'i1Hll1'i Locations fX z to ~ 0 I-c.:, z '-,PHI~<, MT'.'I Serve You 5: r./) Better! ~ WEST NORTH 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS N December 1985 Page 35
GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES The Championship Finale at Saint Francis, 1ea·nsas -In early October the 1985 _Great W estem Points Series came to an end in St. Francis, Kansas. The Champions,hip races here would decide the points -winners for the season in most classes of competition. "'-The race action started with Class 10, and five cars lined upto see who could do the job. The flag fell and Mitch Mustard, Vaughn Sabatka, Kris--.-Meredith :ind Brian Decker put it to the me·tat. They locked on to each other and put on a race that you would_ e-xpect of a championship dash. · In lap one it was almost a replay of previous events. Mitch Mustard took the lead and had his car dialed in and running strong; but, his brother Mark came to raGe too, and chased him around through the entire eight laps. The other three stayed close also, until the fourth laf when Brian Decker pulled of in the infield, which had to be a big let down since he was second in overall points coming into this race. Kris Meredith seemed tq be having a little trouble midway in · the race, and he had to pull out on the last lap. The remaining three had put on a great race for the opening heat of the day, and Mitch Mustard won over Mark Mustard and Vaughn Sabatka. The four entries in the heavy metal -ranks were up next. Coming into the first curve it was Jerry Daugherty out front, followed by Thad Briggs, Richard Brewbaker and Robbie Smith. Brewbaker passed Briggs in the second tum and moved into second place. In the third lap Thad Briggs left the action, giving -John Cramer had a great day in the season finale, and his performance in Class 2-5 competition earned him the series points title in the class. ... DON STRONG'S Der Transaxle Shop VW TRANSAXLES STOCK • SAND• OFF-ROAD WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR FOR CROWN MANUFACTURING CO. SPECIAL ALUMINUM SIDE PLATE $45.00 2023 S. Susan Santa Ana, Calif. 92704 (714]540-3686 -Page 36 · ~ -Text & Photos: Dennis Henneberg Robbie Smith third place. Then Brewbaker lost a front tire which put Smith in an easy second spot, while Daugherty continued to lead. Brewbaker continued on the flat into the fourth lap, then he went to the pits for a tire and raced the clock to get back on the track to take the checkered flag. Now the tw,o remaining were well spread on the track, and the result. was inevitable. On lap seven Brewbaker returned to give Smith a race through the lap, but Brewbaker pitted again on the last lap. Jerry Daugherty won hands down, and second went to Robbie Smith. The third round pitted seven cars in Class 2 and Class 5 against the track. When the flag fell there was a mad dash down the straight to get set up for the first curve, which always seemed to stretch Mitch Mustard continued on his winning ways in the Cher.owth Magnum, taking first place in both Class 10 heats a'nd first overall on points. Dale Calhoun had things going for him in Kansas, and he won the first Class 1 moto, and earned the class points championship by just two points. the field out, and this heat was no over second spot, there were exception. As the dust cleared many times when he was only -and the cars got back in shape, i~c~es away ~nd that is how t~ey Bill Coffey was leading the pack fm1~hed, with Coffey leadmg with Sam Miller and Ed Mailo Mailo and Kramer across the Baja Bug, right on his tail. Mille; , line. S~awn Whimey w~s fourth lost it on the second tum and and Miller took fifth. Neither Jeff lost a second or so of tim; and Maxwell or Kevin Gould were found himself at the back of the running at the flag. . pack. Bill Coffey seemed to have Class 1-2-1600 ~as down to first place under control in his three cars when Kevm Walsh was Class 2 car and left Ed Mailo and unable to· make the start. On tap John Kra~er Class 2 to battle were Gerry Bowers, the points back and for;h for sec~nd place. leader coming ioto the race, Paul Although Kramer never took Shav~r, second in points, and Greg McIntosh. The first lap _ turned out to be very interesting, with Paul Shaver out front, and Gerry Bowers off the track with engine problems; then Greg McIntosh rolled over at the end of the first lap. By the time McIntosh got back on the track, Paul Shaver had pulled an enormous lead, and it was an uneventful race to the flag. Gerry Bowers was able to get back in the race in the eighth lap. The final heat in the first round brought out seven Class 1 cars. Going into the battle Ken Bracelin was leading in points -with Dale Calhoun close behind in second, so these two were RobbieSmithworkedhardatearningtheseasonchampionshipin4x4racing, expected to go all out and they and Smith took home the title with just five points margin. ' 1 didn't let the fans down. Coming out of the chute Bracelin led Calhoun by inches and Mitch Mustard was third. It was an excellent race with these three drivers challenging each other every inch of the way. At the end of the second lap Ken Bracelin pitted with a flat tire, which gave Calhoun the lead. But, in the fourth lap Mitch Mustard took · the lead away, but gave it back in the next lap when he pulled out with a mechanical prql;,Iem. From this point Dale Calhoun ' went on to win the race, with Dan Rice -in• second and Ron Knowlton in third . . Both Ken Bracelin and Mitch Mustard ~ich Brewbaker did a spectacular roll over in the second 4x4 heat, and the returned to finish, several laps ensuing damage to his truck took him out of the running. behind. December 1985 Dusty Times
The second round action combined Class 10 and the 1600s in a single heat. In Class 10 action the first lap had brothers Mark and Mitch Mustard battling for first place, but by the end of the lap Mitch took the lead and left Mark and Vaughn Sabatka to fight it out for second. Among the 1600s, Paul Shaver took the early lead, with Greg McIntosh and Gerry Bowers dicing for second spot. In the second lap I found myself scrambling fast to avoid being hit by Mark Mustard, who left the track in a desperate attempt to gain ground on brother Mitch. When the dust cleared Vaughn Sabatka had taken over second place and Kris Meredith was out with engine trouble. At the flag Mitch Mustard won Class 10 over Vaughn Sabatka and Mark Mustard. In the 1600 class all three racers went all out, but at the flag Paul Shaver took first followed by Greg McIntosh and Gerry Bowers. The second round for the heavy metal brought out five four wheelers. They flew off the start and all wedged into the first turn at the same time. Out of the first turn, four of them were still neck and neck, with Thad Briggs leading Robbie Smith, Jerry Daugherty, and Bill Herman, and they stayed close into the second lap. Then Bill Herman flipped and it took a dozen track officials to get him back on his wheels. There was a real concern for a while because gas was pouring out of the rig while he was upside down on the track. But, once back on his wheels, Herman fired it up and was back in the race with a long way to go to catch up. However Rich Brewbaker went out in the third lap, and never returned, and then Herman had a flat that slowed him down, but it did not end the chase for Bill. His determination payed off in lap 6 when Robbie Smith had a flat and dropped back to third. Then, another surprise was when Smith retired under the white flag. At the finish Jerry Daugherty won, Thad Briggs was second and the troubled Bill Herman finished third. Classes 2 and 5 came back seven strong, and had a great race. This was probably the most competitive race of the day as far as the leaders were concerned. On the first lap Jeff Maxwell spun off the track, but all the others stayed right together all the way around. Lap 2 and John Kramer was leading, followed closely by Ed Mailo and Bill Coffey. The third lap was more like stunt car racing than off road. Sam Miller flipped in the The points leader going into the race, Ken Brace/in ended up second in the second Class 1 heat and a very close second on year end points. Usually the winner of the 4x4 bashes, Jerry Daugherty did most of the winning in Kansas, but he had to settle for second in year end points. first turn, then Ed Mailo flipped· completely over and landed on his wheels and was able to get right back into the race in fourth place. In lap 4 Bill Coffey was able to close up and pass Jeff Maxwell for second place, and Ed Mailo did the same, putting him in third spot. The rest of the heat turned into a real battle as John Kramer and Bill Coffey bumped and pushed each other on every turn. The race ended with the crowd standing and cheering as Bill and John came out of the final curve and down the straight side by side to the checkered flag. John Kramer won it by inches over Bill Coffey, and Ed Mailo stayed · in third place. Going into the final Class 1 heat, only 11 points were between Ken Bracelin and Dale Calhoun. In lap i Bracelin was in the lead and Dan Rice was second. Midway in the lap Rice took over the lead from Ken, but gave it back before the first lap ended. In the next few laps there were a lot of changes. Mitch · Mustard moved into second, Dan Rice spun off the track and flipped it over several times. But Rice got back into the race, only to retire to the pits. Ron Knowlton also went into the pits. In the fifth lap Mitch Mustard Vaughn Sabatka was in the thick of Class 10 competition all year, and was with the leaders all day. Vaughn finished fourth on total points. Track conditions looked ideal at St. Fraf.lcis, with not too· Zipping out a tight turn, Ron Knowlton drove his single muchdustforstormerslikeDanRiceheadingforasecond seater to a fine thirdplace in the first Class 1 heat. in the Class 1 heat. Dusty Times Dcccmber1985 Bill Coffey was another almost winner, taking the first Class 2-5 heat, but he dropped to second place in the next moto and second for the year. Mark Mustard does a nice wheelie en route to second place overall in Class 10 p0ints, taking a second and a third at the season finale. took over the lead, putting Bracelin in second place. The remaining laps were very tense, but the positions stayed the same. ·Mitch Mustard won the heat, followed by Ken Bracelin and Dale Calhoun. When the points for the year were tallied, Dale Calhoun won the Class 1 title by just two points over Ken Bracelin. Ray Daniels was back another 60 points in third and Larry Lee was fourth. In Classes 2-5, John Kramer won the title with 376 points. Bill Coffey was second at 349, followed by Ed Mailo, 269 and Jeff Maxwell, 190. Robbie Smith won the Heavy Metal championship by just five points over Jerry Dougherty, and Richard De Vries was back 100 points in third, followed by Richard Brewbaker. Mitch Mustard won the Class 10 title with 414 points, followed by brother Mark with 356 points, Brian Decker at 349, and Vaughn Sabatka at 245. Among the 1-2-1600s Gerry Bowers emerged the new champion with 356 points. Paul Shaver was second with 316, followed by Dave Merritt, 162 and Steve Estes, 150. At the conclusion of the 1985 Great Western Points Series, your reporters Dennis and° Marlene Henneberg, would like to congratulate all the drivers and pit crews that provided so much enjoyment for so many fans in the area. See you when the snow melts in 1986. STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. Convert Type I ~tub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. · Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C. V.s can be supplied with 3/ 8-24 or 10 mm 1. 5 pitch threads. 10 mm - 1.5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. · FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your S!PJJied ~~rts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 37
RALLY 555 Hong Kong to Peking the Hard Way By Su Kemper Photos: Cam Warren Associates Former World Champion Han nu Mikkola, with Arne Hertz co-driving, took the lead early in theAudiSport Quattro, had time to take tourist pictures along the way, and won the landmark rally. Everywhere we look humanity is in evidence. They come from the bamboo fields and the rice paddies; they line the roads, hang o u t of trees an d w.a v e enthusiastically at the brightly colored vehicles. Everything they have seen today is new and foreign to them. And everything we have seen so far has been a look at a unique culture, from a unique vantage point. The "555 Hong Kong-Beijing Rally" was a milestone in modern-day motorsports; for it had not been since 1907, when Prince Borghese piloted his 24 hp ltala to the overall win in the last Peking to Paris race, that i"nternational automotive com-petition had taken place behind the Bamboo Curtain. Putting the event together was a monumental undertaking for chief rally organizer Phil Taylor, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Automobile Association. To get this show on the road he had to negotiate with the government of the second largest nation on earth. Certainly nothing about the event could be catagorized as "ordinary" by U.S. standards or anywhere in the world, for that matter. Taylor began the project three · years ago and with the help of the China Motor Sports Association of Beijing ( primarily an organization which runs a motorcycle driving school outside the capital) was able to begin piecing together an event.· Progress was slow until an angel appeared. Early this year the British-American Tobacco Company of Hong Kong came on board as the primary sponsor of the rally. Their "555" brand of cigarettes was said to be a favorite of the late Chairman Mao. Obviously China, and its 1.1 billion population, was an excellent market for BAT and the company charged full steam ahead into the project. They not ., only sponsored the rally organization but also the "555" Rally Team, comprised of two A2 Audi Quattros for former world rally champion Hannu Page 38 Mikkola of Finland and for Englishman Andy Dawson, who served as team manager. And to show good faith they also backed the only Chinese entry in the event, a Mitsubishi Lancer driven by two police driving instructors from Beijing. With the course being ·3400 kilometers (2100 miles) long, logistics were a real problem. And the organizer's responsi-bilities \vent far beyond all the usual rally preparations ... They also had to tend to the "care & feeding" of the entourage that accompanied the rally. With this being a point-to-point rally, in most areas the government had only given permission to use a single route and that meant everyone running on the same roads. Taylor brought in RAC Rally organizer Jim Porter to do the course layout and his primary concern was to find a suitable route which would be a challenge to the competitors, yet one which could be travelled by all the support vehicles. This convoy would consist of 160 vehicles, including the rally cars, and some 420 people which included drivers and co-drivers, officials, press, service crews, interpreters, and drivers of the official vehicles. Along with all the food and water for this group, 12,500 Imperial gallons of gasoline also had to be brought along in tankers. It was a logistics nightmare just to figure out where to put the food distribution and refueling stops. The start was at the New World Center in Kowloon, Hong Kong and the small entry of 36 teams began their historic journey into mainland China. Since there was essentially only one road open to the rally, the crews had been advised that there was no provision for ret~uning to Hong Kong, should they break down, by the route which we came. Everyone could only move north, to our final destination where · all the cars and service vehicles would be returned to Hong Kong via train. Although the entry was rather small, 14 countries were represented. Besides t-he 555 Audi team, other major teams induded Toyota Team Europe with Twm Cam Celicas for former world rally champion Bjorn Waldegard and this year's Safari Rally winner Juha Kankkanen. Marlboro spon-sored the official Opel team of two Manta 400's for Frenchman Guy Frequelin and German rallyist Erwin Weber, while Nissan was high profile with three 240-RS's for 5-time Safari winner Shekhar Mehta, Kenyan Mike Kirkland and a newcomer to the team, young Lars-Erik Torph of Sweden. The United States was represented by IMSA racers Grant Wolfkill and Pierre Honegger in a Mazda RX-7. The actual process of crossing the border at Shenzhen was relatively painless since all the documentation had been comfleted prior to the start. Ata Shel gas station just beyond the frontier, the long procession received the first of many food rations, and topped up the fuel tanks. Little did we know that it would be 1600 miles before we would see another "real" gas station. And our next encounter with "civilized" plumbing would be some 900 miles up the road. It was gonna get worse before it got better! · Heading north through Guangdong province we moved into an area that has heretofore been closed to foreigners. The locals had never seen people from outside their race before nor had they ever seen ... rally cars .. . fuel tankers ... service vehicles or blondes! Their expressions of joy and delight, and total bewilderment will long be remembered. The actual competition portion of the rail y didn't begin until late in the afternoon of the first day. Erwin Weber, in the dayglow-red and white Opel Manta won the first stage with an average speed of over 74 mph. Mikkola and Kankkanen tied for second, and were closely followed by Waldegard and December 1985 Lars-Erik Torph and Bo Thorszefius enter the gate at the Great Wall of China. Their Nissan 240 RS was second overall, just over six minutes behind the winner. Torph. It was a long way to Beijing but already the boys were acting like this was a sprint race! • On SS-2 Mikkola inherited the lead. Right from the start he'd been a favorite to win here, but it wasn't like he didn't have any competition. The top ten cars contained many of the world's best rally drivers and it was anybody's guess who might come out the winner. The gravel roads in this region were generally quite wide and fairly smooth as they rippled over the undulating terrain. Bright green bamboo and marshy rice paddies dominated the scenery. And although there were large crowds everywhere along the way, rarely were you cognizant of any villages or even houses or huts. By now, word . had filtered through the troops that Rudy Stohl and Jurgen Bertel had been the first team to retire and luckily for them it was while they were still in Hong Kong territory! The timing belt on their HB-cigarette sponsored Audi 80 Quattro had broken, taking some valves with it. And as the car couldn't be repaired, the crew eventually rejoined the rally, and were pressed into service as drivers of the press baggage van. Mean-while, a Peugeot 205-T16 driven by a Philippino team rolled sometime during the first day and rumors had it that they turned around and headed back to Hong Kong. Whether or not this actually happened was never confirmed, but one thing was for sure, we never did see the Peugeot again! The convoy moved northward at varying rates of speed; the flat bed trucks with the fuel drums were far ahead of the rally cars, various officials, press and medics followed along right behind, while the balance of vehicles poked along at the end of what was sometimes a 15-hour long parade. By dawn of the second day five stages had been completed, with Mikko la continuing to lead the way. A few back-markers had retired for various reasons and were now moving north with the rest of us. At Kuei Tung, in the courtyard of a school, vehicles have been arriving for nearly six hours. Some of the drivers sleep in the cars in the pare ferme, while others catch a few zees atop desks inside the school building. Young school girls lay out large bowls of steaming hot water, bars of soap and towels for us. At least on the outside we've been refreshed, but it's on the inside where the old bones are creaking. The next few stages took us over a mountain range where the brilliant green hillsides were decorated with small terraces · where tea or rice are grown. The local party leaders from the nearby villages have been out, , inspecting the route, since 4 a.m.; the first rally car does not arrive until 10:30 a.m. And the people that rim the roads just wait patiently. In places a" 10-rrieter"' (33-foot) limit has been imposed. The onlookers can get no closer than this to the rally route and at times there will only be one policeman and a thousand or more people. He tells them not to cross the imaginary line, and no one even attempts to put a toe over the boundary. The crowd control here is really incredible and only later do we learn that the Chinese govern-ment provided 28,000 police and military to patrol the rally route. During a transit between stages '6 and 7 the first, and worst, of several service crew accidents occurred. A tire truck belonging to Toyota Team Europe slipped off the road on a greasy section of tarmac running along a river. The Land Cruiser crashed into the muddy water nose first, breaking out the windshield which gave the two occupants a way to escape. Considering that the Subaru Factory driver Yoshio Takaoka at the b_order between Hong Kong and mainland China. Takaoka finished seventh overall and won Group A. Dusty Times
Hard working rally organizer Phil Taylor, center, poses with a few After a very long journey in a strange land, winners Hannu members of the Peoples Liberation Army at the Ming Tombs. · Mikkola, right, and Arne Hertz pose with a friendly stone elephant. Even in open country, crowds of spectators lined the route of the rally cars and the following support vehicles, gazing at all new sights. driver's companion was asleep at the time of the accident, they were both extremely lucky to come out of this one alive. Fortunately a rally medic vehicle happened by as the first tires were coming to the surface, so the occupants received treatment on the site for minor cuts and ' bruises they'd received in the incident. Since this occurred in an uninhabited area, the Land Cruiser still sits at the bottom of the river with its cargo of a new rally engine, all of ITE's engine data books, the personal effects of driver Bjorn Waldegard and. miscellaneous permits, visas, passports and travelers checks. On SS-7, Ma Lien, Frenchman Guy Frequelin retired the first of the supercars, rolling his Opel Manta 400 into a nearby rice paddy.-No one was hurt in the incident but once the car was back on its wheels, and full of mud, Swedish co-driver Bruno Berglund brushed a few frogs out of the cockpit and attempted to remove a spare fan belt that had come loose; only it was an eel and Bruno was appalled. So much for rallying in China. · · By dusk, the· remaining rally cars were waiting to start the next stage, Liu Yang. And they waited, and waited. Finally an official scrubbed the stage due to bicycle traffic ... Now, they are the primary mode of transportation in China; with over a billion in population there are only 60,000 motor vehicles in the i.vhole country with most of these being either commercial or "party" vehicles. This stage zig-zagged its way up a mountain; the road being wide, smooth and fast. As the convoy started its ascent, hundreds and perhaps thous-ands, of bicycles and riders came hurtling past. It was an incredible sight in_ the smoky, purple light o( evenmg. . , " At midnight we arrived in Wuhan. on the Yangtze River. This was the main rest halt of tht: rally and the sight of the imp~sing \8-story Qing Chuan Hotel was a most weicome sight to all of us. After a shower, the partaking of some of the local cuisine and some sleep in a horizontal position, we're all ready to start out again. But there is a problem. The rally had caught up with the fuel trucks and in order to get the rally back on schedule so it will finish on time at Tian An Men Square -in Beijing, the organizers canceled the third section of the event. The fuel tankers . headed up country early and the rest of the convoy leaves about 5 hours later. Now, we've got a 13 hour transit in front of us, which will put us in the next rest halt at the Government Guest House at Ko Tse about dawn. Pierre Honegger and Grant Wolf kill were the single American entry in the 555 Rally. _Their Mazda RX-7 finished 15th in overall standings. Dusty Times The drive itself is not bad, but the length of it gets to us. The · roads are two lanes wide and usually in pretty good condition, but bumpy. It's just that seven of us are traveling in a stiffly sprung Nissan mini-van, without benefit of seatbelts, making the ride one of the most uncomfortable we've ever experienced. After two hours the knees start locking up and saddle sores are a mutual problem we'd all rather not discuss. Ah, the joys of rallying ... Several hours into the trip we see Kankkanen 's Toyota off on the side of the road: valve problems; 60 kms further there's. the second Toyota, Waldegard's, sitting on the opposite side of the road with a blown head gasket. In one small village a Japanese driver has run his Toyota Corolla through a crowd and into a 12-foot ditch; fortunately there is a hospital nearby and it is reported that he was stitched up by a doctor in a face mask and rubber Wellies! Then there was a stretch of road, seeming at least a couple hundred miles long,.where white trunked trees lined the road. It was an incredible "tree tunnel" which had a hypnotic effect on us. Many driver changes later, we arrive at Ko Tse. We're now entering into the final 30 hours of the rally; the cars run several stages which traverse dikes between flooded corn and wheat fields. These have now taken the place of the rice paddies we'd seen so often in . the south. It is flatland where uninteresting straight roads with square corners run between the croplands. Everything is wet and muddy because a typhoon went through here a few days before. The 'TIE folks have gotten Kankkanen's Toyota running, but he only lasts two stages before retiring due to bad valve guides. Meanwhile Mikkola leads the pack, even tu ally winning all six stages in this section. Hannu and his Swedish co-driver Arne Hertz, were enjoying this as much as anybody, taking photos along the December 1985 transits just-like the rest of us. On the 19th stage, run at night, German rallyist Erwin Weber rolled his Manta 400 out into a field. The damage was extensive, though mostly body panels, and he and his co-driveJ:. Gunter Wanger, got the car going and back on the road, with the help of some of the onlookers. Only trouble is they put him on the road going the WRONG way! Shekhar Mehta was the next car along and in his usual droll manner remarked that "At least he kept me from going off in the same spot!" Later, Scottish driver James Ingleby would put his 4 WO Ford Sierra off in the same spot, and retire because of being overtime by the time he got the car extricated from the quagmire. By 4:30 in the morning we'd successfully navigated ourselves through Beijing and arrived at the end of the Wall stage, . about 35 mi1es north of the capital. .It's quite cold and we now have a chance to wear the down jackets we'd 'brought with, rather than just sit on them. As dawn begins to break over the horizon, the ribbon of stone wall is lit with golden light. It certainly is impressive and none of us will soon forget seeing it this · way ... with no people cluttering up the view ... and the sight of Hanliu Mikkola and'the Quattro disappearing through the gate in it. It's said that the 3600-mile long Wall is the only man-made srtucture on the earth that can bee seen fro~ the moon. Now, that's mind boggling! The last stage of the rally took place at the famous Ming Tombs near Beijing. Mikkola again trounced the field on the six mile run, setting his fastest time of the event with an average speed of over 81 mph! The final control was set up along the Avenue of Stone Animals, in front of a kneeling elephant, and from here the entire entourage proceeded to Tian An Men Sq ua_re in the-capital for the finish. The former world champion would end his successful run· by finishing 6½ minutes ahead of young Lars-Erik'J orph in the Nissan. This was the Swede's first event for the Japanese carmaker and· everyone was very impressed by his finish here. Third went to Erwin Weber in the mangled, bu~,., still-running Manta 400 and 555 team manager Andy Dawson took fourth, after beating Shekhar Mehta for the honor on the very last stage by 19 seconds. It was a successful event for a first try. There were problems, but everyone seemed to realize what an accomplishment it was just to get this rally going. Those of us who were fortunate to be along· realize that we have witnessed a real first in motorsports. Will there be another rally such as this or other motorsports events in China in the future? No one knows for sure at this time, but there certainly is the potential there for various ventures. The country is the second largest nation on earth, covering 3,691,000 square miles, with only 1/ 12 of that being farmed and the remainder being mountains or desert. Just think of it, one day there may be off road racing in the Gobi Desert! oocial · Evenl of lhe Off-Qoad &ason 0COQE/HDQA A wards Banquet January lllh. 1986 Anaheim liillon -Qeservalions now bein8 accepled. Call 6COQE lieadquarlers -818/889-9216 Page 39
_ THE NATIONAL SAND COMPETITION ASSOCIATION Sand Drags in Central California The awesome double paddled '23 Ford T Modified body dragster of Mike Schoenauer, from Tulare, CA, is powered by a full blown 440 C.I. Chevy. Northwest of Bakersfield, just and California, came the pig past Tulare, offHighway99liesa names of Sand Draggin'. There small but growing agricultural was Gene Gerzog, with his "H& community called Hanford. This H Earthshaker," from Fresno, sprawling agricultural city i's very California, John Weaver, who much at home with the tractor, comes from the hosting city of ro'ta-tiller, and scraper; they use Hanford, in his T A/FC Funny them to grow and harvest their Car "Dream Weaver." Ralph crops. But two times a year ( once ·Chidester, from Springville, J.n April/May and then in Utah, John Pendergast, Jr., who October/November) these came all the way from Glendale, machines are used for a very Arizona, and many more.of the different purpose. Tractors with top "Sand Draggers" from all scrapers and rota-tillers make a over the West! Sand Drag Strip, inside the Kings Dale "Lurch" Jones, the County Fairgrounds, for the announcer for N.S.C.A., called N.S.C.A.'s "Spring Nationals" the drivers to "Staging" and the and their finale of the year the race was on! This was a new track "Grand Nationa\s." location, inside the Fairgrounds, The drag strip is 100 yards and some bugs still had to be long, with a mandatory worked out, especially at the minimum of 350 yards (long) for "Shut Down" Area (just past the the "Shut Down" Area. Safety is finish line). Connie Star, from a prerequisite of all N.S.C.A. Las Vegas, Nevada, in her (National Sand Competition dragster "Insomniac" found out Association) racing even ts; everything is carefully and professionally checked and re-checked. Guard rails, emergency vehicles, police patrol cars, staging areas and of course the starting line (Christmas Tree Lights) and the finish line beam splitter are all carefully aligned and positioned. Now, on with the N.~.C.A. "Spring Nationals!" Early Saturday morning from • all· over the Northwestern States Text &Photos: Thon Rosian the · hard way that the "Shut Down" Area was really rough. She broke both engine mounts and her transmission casing was damaged so, she was out of the race for good. Tough luck for the Las Vegas, driver/ photographer! The "Hard Luck" Award went -to Joe Montalto, from Chula Vista, California. On Sunday Joe and his T A/FC Funny Car the "Sand Shaker" crashed after its rear end broke, coming off the starting, line. Joe flipped three times demolishing his Funny Car, he was not injured, but his car was totaled! But during the day's events many of the beautiful off road spectators and Joe's fellow drivers donated money, to help Joe Montalto re-build another Funny Car. .. Kudos to all the good ol' off road folks that helped re-build Joe's rig! Class by Class they_ came off the starting line, with 50 to 100 foot dirt-flyin' rooster tails and throughout the weekend everyone had a good ol' fun-time "Memorial Day" holiday. If you missed the "Spring Nationalstt attend the next N.S.C.A. event at Hanford. Go up and see some awesome, ear-splittin ', record-shattering Sand Drag Racing at Kings County Fairgrounds in Hanford, California - try it, you'll love it! Believe me -from the fastest VW Dragsters (3.34 seconds in 100 yards), to the behemoth double paddle wheels of the Top Fuelers, they will thrill _ • you on every run! It's a fun weekend for the whole family! Until then - see you around some of California's Dusty Deserts!! · SCORE PARKER400 Keith Longerot, from Fullerton, CA, in the "fastest" VW Dragster in the World, punched out a 2.944 E.T. in A/Fuel in the 170 C.I. v_w dragster. February 1, 1986 1st Event of the SCOREIBDRA Points Series Limited number of entries will be qCCepted -Cail SCORE Headquarters -8[8/889-9216 Mike Warren calls his Class B 4x4 modified Jeep the "Sand Turtle". This creation is ·powered by a full house 454 C. I. Chevy engine. Joe Montalto, in his "Sandshaker" AA!FC Funny Car, screams off the starting line, just before his spectacular and destructive crash. Sprewing sand, Shane Westring, from Salem, Utah, took the A/Pro Comp. class in his "2 Bad A" dragster, sporting a 540 C.I. Rodeck engine. D.L. King, in the 149 C.I. VW dragster "Hard to Handle" broke the mph record in his class with 87.37 mph in the 100 yard dash. Richard Enos runs in G/Mod. Buggy, without a body. His "My Toy", with a 110 The radical rear engine design Jeep of Joe Bettencourt, sports a 468 C.I. C.t. VW eng_ine, g_rabbed top honors with a_ 4.72 seco'nd run. Chevy engine, an<f took first in AA/4x4 Modified in 3.433 seconds. ---------------------------------------------~ Page 40 December 1985 Dusty Times
Dirtrix By Daryl D. Drake Photos: 3-D Photography pumpers" of yore and fun runs. The Evans father and son act has been very successful in Classes 1, 2 and 5. They have picked up numerous champion-ships and race wins in SCORE, HORA and ADRA competiti.on. Glenn won the SCORE points championship in Class 1 in the 1982 season, but he gradually moved away from the constant racing it takes to win on points, and more into building winning · race cars. Glenn has concentrated on the Oirtrix operation heavily in both 1984 and 1985. Now he is anxious to get back behind the wheel, and he is planning a Class 7S effort with his father for the 1986 SCORE/HORA desert series. Glenn Evans has assembled a str_ong · team of dedicated enthusiasts at Oirtrix, and each has his own specialties. John Drew, with ten years experience, heads up the frame and suspension fabrication. Sean Moss handles the aluminum chores, creating sleek body panels and sturdy skid plates (vith equal aplomb. Joe Smid is skilled in all areas of race prep. He often co-drives at A.D.R.A. events and he knows what is needed to keep a race car together. Brad Griffith possesses ma11y varied talents, which are employed in another facet of Oirtrix. That is the production of the Mar Smith Earth Drill, a portable posthole digger built up from a Jeep base. The equipment a,t Oirtrix includes wire and TIG welding apparatus, lathes and mandrel tubing benders as well as a complete aluminum forming department. The equipment .all a-llows Oirtrix to engineer, research and develop long travel suspension designs for all kinds of off road race cars. The long travel suspension designs saw action on the Class 5 IRS set ups used by Greg Diehl, Tony Kujala and Keith Jaeger, all part of a very fast team that invaded Class 5 at Riverside late August. Oirtrix is located at 1817 West Willetta in central Phoenix. Next time you are in Arizona, drop by for a visit, and don't forget to ask Glenn Evans why the clock in his office always says 5:01. . The shop is always busy building and rebuilding everything from trail rider Jeeps to full blown modified off road race cars. One of the busiest off road race shops in Arizona is in Phoenix, and- it is Oirtrix, Inc. The 4500 square foot facility is fully equipped to handle all phases of off road fabrication and race prep on all types and sizes of vehicles. On a recent visit, we saw everything from a well worn 1600 Limited to a brand new Class 4 Honcho, and a lot in between, and all were in various The Goodyear Weatherman Radio Relay support for the SCORE and HORA off road races needs volun.teer help to continue the success of the last ten races. WHAT IS THE GOODYEAR WEATHERMAN RADIO RELAY? The Goodyear Wea-therman Radio Relay is a free service sponsored by Goodyea_r and offered by PCI Race Radios, a division of Phone Consultants International, Inc. It relays messages, finds lost race cars, keeps people in touch, saves valuable air time and when necessary summons emergency help. AOW. DOES IT WORK? Attaining the highest terrain available, a communications relay point is established, utilizing a very specially prepared 4X4 Scout equipped with mobile telephones, and four Pace 90 stages of either construction or reconstruction. Founded in 1981 by Glenn Evans, Oirtrix was a natural outgrowth of his involvement with off road racing. Glenn started off road racing in 1978 and it was a family affair with his father Frank and uncle Ed Martensen. But, the whole Evans family interest in off roading harks back to the old "water-:. Weatherman's Viewpoint B'! Bob Stein.berger watt, 16 channel radios and "Weatherman". antennas, for · talking a'nd receiving ewer great distances.-Two radios monitor the main race frequencies, one is used to communicare with other racers, most of the· pit organizations, Sheriff's Search and Rescue, SCORE and HORA. The fourth radio is the communications relay point for the SCORE Medical Team or HDRA's medical personnel and check points. Generally, the relay covers all or most of the course and when we don't cover it, we relay through the very helpful race teams that cover those areas in which we are\veak. P.C.I. Race Radios enlisted the aid of Pathcom, lnc.,-manufac-turers of the Pace radio, to provide SCORE and HDR,A with high powered 90 watt, 16 channel, F.M., 2-way radios. These radios will be used in the best possible way to insure the ) ,::,;: TheDirtrixstaff, from left to right, includesJohnDrew, Joe Along with engineering racers, and building fresh frames Smid, owner Glenn Evans, Sean Moss and Brad Griffith. from the ground up, Oirtrix also does fine aluminum work, from floorpans to full bodil~_s. . safety of the racers and frequencies in the same time spectators, and keep every frame. Pn:s.,uT<', you bet. And that checkpoint in communication. brings us back to paragraph one. Through the efforts of the Volunteer help is needed to Goodyear Weatherman Radio perpetuate the Good year Relav Team, the SCORE WeathermanRadioRelayTeam. Medical Team, or the HORA A TEAM is necessary to ensure Emergency Teai¼, they will that enough members \\'ill be provide a safety and communica-available at each race to properly tions link between racers, chase maintain a radio relay communi-vehicles, pit organizations, the cations network, affording race sponsors, and the emcrgen-' maximum support for each race cy network. - event. Volunteers arc needed at WHY WE NEED YOUR each checkpoint to keep track of HELP. At the last nine races vehicles and help on the radio. there were only one or two WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU???? . persons on the relay team. We A Weatherman Radio Relay average more than 300 TeamT-shirt,andwhat'smore,a transmissio11s per race, and as learning opportunity to become more and more teams are an effective radiocomm·unicator, utilizing radios and are familiar a feeling of participation and with our relay effort, it's getting accomplishment. busy up there. On the other hand, the pay Many times there are multiple stinks. The highest terrain W eatherman re4uests con:iing in doesn't mean a bird's eye view of on two or three ditferent the race, except with high frequencies at the s:!me time, and powered binoculars. The height all radios have to be monitored necessary for relay is 10 to 20 consistantly. At the Parker race, I degrees colder and the ride up the was alone atop "P" mountain mountain is usually an under 1 inches of snol\' 1\ ith 8 unforgetable, 4-wheeling experi-relays to mak~ on three ence. It can be hot or cold, . '· windy, rainy or snol\'ing. But, it is, and will always be a very gratifying · experience and well worth your effort. INTERESTED??? Contact Bob "Weatherman" Steinberger, C/ O P.C.I. Race Radios, a division of Phone Consultants International, Inc., at (213) 426-7077. P.S. A special thanks to Roy Lothringer of the Chapala Dusters and Pat Patterson qt Los Campeones. At the Barstol\' race, Roy mann~·d the Duster channel and helped on the main race frequencies from our mountain-top perch. At the just run Baja 1000, Pat Patterson did the Iron-man,, thing for hours and hours with mikes in both hand, keeping track of the 22 Los Campeones entries and taking care of 151.715 and relieving Lln 151.625. A really terrific job. Roy and Pat -both radio men PAR excellence. PPS. Thanks also to my own 1000 ctew of Frank Sreadman and Fred Hill, who did an excellent job and deserve a lot of recognition. .. -------------~-----~--, IT'S S.UMMERS BROS. FOR THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRO.DUCTS I BAJA & STREET BUGS. I .1 FULL SERVICE MACHINE SHOP ~ . . . J f . OUTSTANDING PARTS& ACCESSORIES DERT. •' I REPAIRS ON ALL TYPES VOLKSWAGENS WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HDRA EVENTS! Dusty Times '"""·"" ,.,(M.,7• FOR YOUR V'.,,', \)' DIRT e , .•, . e RACER'S ~ /'".,.. CATALOG! "'/::io f".:~✓ . Tl-h-• 5;30 South Mountain Avenue . · Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 · I·. Quality Work For i~e Budget Minded •·_: 1: ,Headauarters For The Do-lt-Yourselfer I • CASE:; KEWORKED-HEADS t=>URTEiJ &-POLISHED . I I CRANKSHAFTS TURNED · · RODS RECONDITIONED .• • ENGINES ~NCED -, S:I\IGINES REBUILT. I • ~-\. /. · _,-, A & D 22632S0. NormandieAve;I I ~.·,: · ~""BUGGIES Torrance, Calif. 90502 I ~ . · _ . _ _ -_ , PHONE: [213]320-0642 ' I ~---------.----------------December 1985 Page -41
SANREMO RALLY Walter Rohrl Scores Audi's First · World Rally Win this Year Walter Rohr/ and Christian Geistdorf9r brought Audi their first win in a World Championship Rally in many moons in the first outing of the new Sport Quattro SI Group B car. · Walter Rohrl's first rally at the wheel of a second evolution; 500 bhp Audi SportQuattrobrought Audi their first world rally victory in eleven months. Convincingly the fastest driver on gravel stages, Rohr! gained a big enough lead to slow down on the asphalt stages on the final - night, after his closest rival, world champion Timo Salonen had been delayed by tire and gearbox problems in the Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 E-2 with 460 bhp. It was too late to alter the 1985 world championship results, but this performance proved to Audi the sense in making a single car entry, the effectiveness of the lockable Thorsen-Gleason central dffferential, their improved brakes for asphalt use, and the importance of sheer power. Left far behind were the rear drive Lancias, which finished third through sixth. It was the first time in sixteen months that Peugeot had been beaten in a gravel stage battle . . However, much of their disadvantage came through the relative ·. lack of driver experience on this special event. Peugeot must now win the Lombard RAC Rally if they are · to achiev~ rallying's still unachieved record of gaining a maximum championship score by winning eight events in a season. 6ocial Evenl of Lhe 'OIT-Qoad &ason 0COQE/HDQA Awards Banquet January lllh. 1986 L\naheim Hillon -Qeservalions now bein8 accepled. Call 6COQE Headquarlers -818/889-9216 With both the Manufacturers' and Ori vers' ti ties already · decided, Sanremo this year had to look to its popular.ity for support. It had been subtly changed; shortened by one day, a marginally higher percentage of asphalt stages than before, only . one night special stage on gravel, and there was more time for sleeping. An already popular format was even more enjoyable, and, coupled with the two minute rule for top drivers, was fairer. This year there was no need for strategic plans to gain dust free condltions. Audi's competition phil-osophy is systematically changing. Despite having four top line drivers, they entered only one car for Walter Rohr!. Few people gave_ the new Audi much hope of finishing the course, since the asphalt sections at Sanremo are the toughest stages on brakes. Rohr! had done much of the test work and stated that the car seemed little different to the first evolution version, although there was a much better balance on the car when the throttle was lifted. Peugeot had suddenly, it seemed, nearly run out of ideas in further development, although the cars used power steering to enable the use of stiffer suspension. Salonen had not driven Sanremo since 1981, and Peugeot's second driver Bruno Saby was new to the event. Rohr! has not missed Sanremo since 1974, and Lancia team leader Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Markku Alen since 1977. It was obvious that Sanremo is becoming an event with emphasis on needing to KNOW as opposed simply to having reconnoitered the stages. Saby excelled on the opening asphalt stages, but Salonen was off pace almost everywhere. The opening stages proved the power of Audi as Rohr! vied with Saby for supremacy. "Having so much power does not automatic-ally help you win when you have a heavy car", observed a spectating Stig Blomqvist. "You have got to stop as well as go." There were four asphalt stages in Liguria 'before the drivers went on a six hour transit to Tuscany for the gravel roads. The opening stages showed that the Peugeot was nimbler than the Audi, and that both were superior to Lancia. It was Saby who led the event on the long journey east, but almost immediately he suffered handling problems. The two works Lancias were in trouble . An off road excursion slowed Markku Alen, and handling trouble struck Henri Toivonen. Rohr! took the lead he was to hold to the end, commenting only that the car felt like a ship to drive. The second day of rallying began at daybreak near Pisa. VW had lost Jochi Kleint, after · brushing a building and . damaging the GTI suspension, but Franz Wittman was leading group A by over two minutes in the other Golf GTI. The usual Sanremo spectator madness was becoming seriously evident. A problem known only on this event, young enthusiasts stand in the road to gain a better view of an approaching car, -run to the side, and then surge back again when the car has passed - never mindful whether another car is following close behind. Salonen began to suffer tire troubles, and began throwing treads. When it was apparent to Peugeot that Rohrl's speed was no sudden burst, Peugeot increased ,the turbo boost on Salonen's engine, and suddenly their tire troubles increased. On one stage Salonen had to stop to change a 'tire, and it cost three minutes. Saby spun and lost a Charging through the hills packed with spectators, Franz Wittman and Matthias Feltz won Group A and took ninth overall in the VW Golf GT/. Page 42 December 1985 The early leader, the Peugeot of Bruno Saby suffered mechanical woes most of the rally, ana he was forced out on the final section with engine trouble. minute restarting and two places. fire fighting water could cause a Rohrl's lead_ was over four hazard. For safety and to save minutes and interest in the event time, one of the four "ronde" was ebbing. sections was abandoned. On the third section Rohrl's Lancia's drivers were resigned supr~macy was such he to defeat. Alen was nearly nine continued to make fastest time minutes behind Rohr!, and he on every stage all day, with one seemed to. have given up. exception. Saby's luck improved, Toivonen finally felt happier after replacing the anti-roll bars with his · car, and caught and· that had been removed for the µissed his teammate into third . asphalt stages, he suddenly went place, behind Salonen. Biasion much faster. The leading Italian dropped back with ignition driver was Massimo Biasion in trouble, but the only leading fifth in the Lancia, and he will be retirement on the final section on the work's Martini team next was unlucky Saby, due to year. cylinder head trouble. The fourth and final section Timo Salonen soldiered on was all asphalt, Audi's greatest after losing third gear with three challenge. Brake problems have stages to go. "It was a terrible plagued these cars on asphalt feeling for a W arid Champion to roads since May, so unperforated finish second", joked Salonen at discs were fitted. The sharp the finish. Despite his dominance descents were no place for a lack of this event, this had been only of confidence in your car, even Rohrl's second Sanremo win. He with a five minute lead. Rohr! felt strangely unmoved. "My knew the victory depended on main feeling was for the car. I the car surviving the final 250 admit I thought most of the time kms-of stages. it would not finish . My only The weather looked threaten-emotion was that it should not ing, and at dusk the sky turned a break down in the final section, meanacing brown, but it stayed after everything that we had done dry. The bigger problem was a before". For Audi it was a major fire near the first stage, and the reversal of form. The car that cars were delayed 40 minutes Rohr! had said could never win a until it was controlled. Waiting major event had won-. Sometimes at the start, far, from service a driver can be too good for his crews, drivers .were nervous that opinions to be heard. · The new World Charrrpion Timo Salonen, finished second with gearbox problems in the Peugeot and tire troubles as well .on the gravel roads. The Markku Alen/1/kka Kivimaki Lancia gets sideways facing hordes of spectators in the middle of a special stage through a village. Du$tyTimes
THE OMAN INTERNATIONAL RALLY Rally Cars Tackle the Desert i~ the Midd'le East Taking the lead in the Middle East Rally Championship, Saeed al Hajri, with John Spiller co-driving t/Je Group B Porsche 911 SC RS won the Oman rally handily. . Saeed al Hajri overturned the the degree of official backing for prospects for the FISA Middle the event, the rally was East challenge by winning the disappointing only because of Oman International Rally, for the small entry. Based at the the third consecutive year. This Novotel Hotel at Oman's win, coupled with the retirement International Aiport, the rally of rival Mohammed bin was held over special stages run Sulayem, has put the · Qatar in the mountains to the south of driver al Hajri into the points the country's· capital, Muscat. lead in the series, with one event The heat of the deserts in the to go, which will be held on daytime was extreme, over 40 Sulayem's home territory of degrees Celcius, which makes Dubai. A fourth place in Dubai this event probably the hottest will give al Hajri the title for the rally in the world. second year running. At the start of this fourth out The last of the new "candi-of five events in the FISA Middle date" ·rallies to be held before East championship, the favorite FISA decides the calendar for the for the title was 24 year old future world championship this Sulayem, team driver for fall, Oman carried a special Marlboro with a works Toyota importance. Impressive due to Celica Twincam Turbo. After the quality of organization and the third round he had 68 points Text & Photos: Martin Holmes against 56 for al Hajri, Rothmans team Porsche 911 SC RS, and 40 for the Lebanese driver Michel Saleh, with an ex-works Opel Manta 400. The best placed Group A car was the Marlboro Toyota Corolla of the Saudi • driver Mamdouth Khayyat. For Sulayem to be series champion, he needed only a second place at both Oman and Dubai. Coming shortly after the Cyprus rally, al Hajri may have had little time to practice for the event. But delays meant even worse trouble for Saleh, late arriving in Oman, and he made only a quick tour of the stages before starting. Mohammed Amur Barwani, a high ranking officer in the Royal Omani police who provided active help, together with the army, in running the event, was forced to withdraw his Nissan 240 RS when parts did not arrive. But a happier 240 RS competitor was Tony Georgiou, who won the local Gulf Rally Challenge series last winter. The route was run largely in daylight, and all the night sections may be abandoned in the future, to avoid problems over the endless series of blind · brows in the desert. Saleh was the first major casualty of the rally. Before he started the third stage Mohammed bin Sulayem plows through the rocks in his Third overall and fi,:st in Group A, Said Khalifa and Tom Toyota Celica Twincam Turbo. The favorite to win, he Steele whip the Mercedes 280 CE past the crashed Opel retired with a broken gearbox. Manta 400 of Michel Saleh. he was delayed by starter motor problems, and then two kilometers from the end of the stage he jumped · a crest and landed half on and half off the road. The Manta pirouetted on its hose and was badly damaged and co-driver Khalid Ghassen Khalifa injured his back. From the start al Hajri pulled out a lead, which after nine stages was a minute 48 seconds over Sulayem's Toyota, which was having steering problems. The second leg was at night, and even before the first stage was reached the Corolla of Khayyat was out with electrical failure. Shortly afterwards Sulayem suffered a broken gearbox. · The face of the Middle East challenge suddenly changed. Immediately Sulayem was out, the favorite became al Hajri, but he had serious trouble of his own. Having broken one rear suspension arm, he then suffered a crack in the other, and the leading Porsche staggered back for repairs, which cost time and a five minute road penalty. Still the bearded Qatari was nearly eight minutes in front of Georgiou's Nissan. Leading Group A was a Mercedes 280 CE of Said Khalifa, about half an hour behind al Hajri. · The final morning's run started outside the Novotel, and for al Hajri the objective was obvious, just to finish without troubles. His lead was gradually reduced to six minutes, while second running Georgiou, Nissan, was building his lead to the Mercedes to about half an hour. Then Khalifa rolled the Mercedes, but landed on the wheels and went on to third overall. Mark Leonard, Mitsu-bishi Lancer, also overturned, but he was forced to retire. The Nissan · 240 RS driver Saleh Gharib was also unable to finish after going off the road as well. Al Hajri has now won five of the last six Middle East Challenge qualifying rounds, two of them last year, and finally avenged the memory of retiring in Kuwait, which allowed Sulayem to go ahead in the series. Now Hajri has just to finish the final event, and winning will not be important at all to his series championship. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY for the SCORE/HDRAAwards Banquet, Jan. 11, 1986 at the Luxurious ANAHEIM HILTON Cocktails • Dinner • Awards • Dancing HONORING THE SCORE/HDRA POINTS CHAMPIONS and the WINNERS OF THE OFF-ROADSMAN OF THE YEAR CATEGORIES SUPPORT TEAM REGISTER We welcome all Support T earn news articles. Typed and dou-ble spaced copy is acceptable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS Jon Kennedy, President 3117 Killarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 641-0155 CHECKERS · Gregg Symonds, President 4744 Vincent Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889-6950 (home) CORE Jim Branstetter, President 17453 Runnymede Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 705-8183 Radio-FM-173.375 F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 Sandy Davis, Secretary (714) 772-3877 ~ Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM-150.860 JIMCO Tom Copper, President 2958 Holly Road Alpine, CA 92001 (619) 445-9973 LOS CAMPEONES Malcolm Vinje, President 476 West Vermont Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 292-0485 (home) -, (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 9?020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA , Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) (619) 447-7955 (night) · Gene Robeson, President (619) 466-8722 *Special Room Rates at the Anaheim Hilton for Awards Banquet Attendees. ,-----------~------------------------------~------------Mail to SCORE BANQUET 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 FOR BEST SEATING SELECTION MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAY! Westlake Village, CA 91352 NAME _____________________________ ______ _ ADDRESS __________________________________ _ CITY ______________________ STATE ____ _ ZIP ___ _ _ TELEPHONE-~--------------------------------NOTE: Payment must accompany order to guarantee reservations. Seating will be based on date of receipt of payment, not order! Dusty Times December 1985 □ Please reserve ___ places at $35.00 each. □ Please reserve ___ tables at $350.00 each (One Table Seats 10) PLEASE CHECK METHOD OF PAYMENT □ Check □ Money Order□ Visa□ Mastercard MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SCORE BANQUET Fill in Visa or Mastercard Number EXPIR. DATE Page 43 ---
TheLRSERS The Baja 1000 was one for the books this year. Certainly as rough as it's ever been, the race had 153 starters and only 70 finishers in the four-wheeled ranks, for a 46% average. Probably the nastiest way to lose. was what happened to Ivan Stewart. He hadn't got to Trinidad when he ran into a spectator on a three wheeler who was playing on the course. Ivan stopped to see that the fellow, reported to have been a Mexican national, received first aid for his broken leg. When he'd taken care of the emergency he went back to his Toyota to get back into the race and discovered that not only -were his tools and helmet missing, but his engine was blown also. Not a nice day for Ivan. Stan Parnell came to grief in the same general area, but in a much different way. Parnell was chasing another Class 5 car, and was feeling pretty good about being just out of his dust and having him in sight. All of a sudden a big cloud of dust billowed up, Stan couldn't see a • thing, and he charged right into · the big washout. He says he went "from SO mph to dead stop", right now. His car drove-into the other side of the crevasse, stood up on it nose, and then laid down on its side. Stan was bruised, but basically still ready to get going again, so he started hustling up some help and getting things sorted out. He located some local cowboys, and got them to help get the car back on its wheels, but it was still in the ditch. Then he and his co-driver used their jack to dig the side of the ditch into an angled path, rather than straight up and down. Then Stan p_resse9 the cowboys into service again, and he had them tie their lariats to his car, and with their three horses they ·pulled him out. But when he got up on solid ground again Parnell discovered that his front end was ruined, and it wouldn't steer at all, so he sent a message out to his pit crews that they could all go home, because he was heading back to Ensenada. Tom Morris found an opportunity to press some Mexican spectators into service also. He was chasing Michael Nesmith on the road down out of Mike's, and they had got most of the way out of the bad stuff, but not quite. Tom drove right into the first of two deep washouts, and stuck his Class 8 truck, but good. Luckily the Mexicans in his area had a pickup truck, instead of horses, and they were able to get him out. He charged on, about 20 minutes off the pace, but running well, only to lose his motor somewhere near Punta Prieta. One who doesn't usually make this column, Larry Schwacofer, did it in a big way this time. First of all, he lost his third member about two and a half miles off the start, and his crew had to scour the junk yards of Ensenada to find a replacement. They finally got one from a '62 Oldsmobile station wagon, for which they paid $100. Five hours after they started, they were back on the road again. The gear ratio was radically different in the Olds rear end, and now Schwacofer's '55 Chevy would go 75 miles per hour in first gear, about 125 in second, but wouldn't pull third. He really had fun with it on the pavement from Camalu to Santa Maria, passing other cars while he was WHY AREN'T YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES DEALER!!! SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS U.P.S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET All THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Page 44 Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Avenue, Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889-5600 still in first gear. But then, about 20 miles out of Santa Maria, and beginning to climb up into the hills, the axle bearing got hot and froze up. So Schwacofer and his co-driver, Sid Spradling, decided to tum around and head back into Santa Maria. They got turned around, and, Sid was out of the car, helmet off, hat on, and checking things out, while Larry radioed in to the Weatherman that he was coming back in. Just then the car went "foof" and huge flames billowed up. Larry made a quick transmission to report the fire, s a id , "This is the last transmission." Meanwhile, Sid, from the passenger side, was trying to drag Larry, who was still strapped in, out the passenger door. Larry threw the mike down and started to run, when he heard the Weatherman.say, "What was the location?''; and he had to go back, grab the mike, and say, "20 miles outside of Santa Maria!". He says that anyone who heard it could surely hear the panic in his voice. He says, it was, "Pure panic." He and Sid, knowing that their gas tank was back in the area near the fire, felt sure that it would blow up, and they took off running. For some reason they -ran uphill, falling over rocks and ditches and bruising and banging themselves in the process. When they felt safe they stopped and watched for a while as all the bondo burned off, but it didn't explode. So then they took their courage in hand and went back to the car to get the fire extinguisher to try to put it out. The extinguisher didn't make even a dent, so they dumped their drinking water on it -no good either. Then they cut their radiator hoses and used the water from the radiator, and still it burned. Finally, they realized that the front of the car was parked-in sand, and they started throwing that at the fire. Schwacofer says they threw rocks and all, and it finally extinguished the flames. Schwacofer says ·that from now on he'll carry "two fire extinguishers and two buckets of sand" in the car. He also says, "never been so scared in my life!" In a less dramatic way, Art Peterson made himself into a Loser, by breaking a couple of rear shocks, which took out a c.v. boot and a brake line. He got that fixed, and went on, only to be hit by a car as one or the other was passing, which cost a front shock. Finally, he had to quit before the Three Sisters, because he had serious electrical problems and figured he'd never make it over them. Henry Arras didn't make it over them, breaking a c.v. up in that inhospitable country, and having to hf towed out by Willie Stroppe. · Mi'ke Rand,all, with Bob Bower December 1985 of BFGoodrich riding shotgun, lost his Jeep's water pump about 15 miles past Santa Maria. They got it fixed with Stop Leak and used their Super Socko ( at 79¢ a quart, according to Bob) to top off the radiator so they could keep going. Down towards the beach they became lost along with a whole group of racers which included two Class 7 s, two Class3s, two S-1600s, and three miscellaneous buggies. Randall and Bower decided to go back to Santa Ynez and start over, figuring that was the only way they'd ever find the course. By the time they got back to Santa Ynez they'd used 40 gallons of fuel, and had to make an extra fuel stop. Then they headed back out, following the markings carefully. It seemed. as if their plan was working -and then they followed a left arrow, which led to a piece of ribbon, which led them into a mud bog, where they were stuck. They had plenty of company though, because the mud was already inhabited by Mike Nesmith, Rick Munyon and Tim Kennedy, along with some others whose names they didn't know. Everybody worked with everyone else, and some did get loose and went on, but Randall and Bower were there for good. Their starter even quit during their ordeal, and Bob climbed under the truck, in the mud, to work on it.Mike'sbrother,John, backtracked the course from below Punta Prieta, and finally got to them by 9:30 a.m. on Saturday. They had everybody who was left out of the mud by noon, and were back in Ensenada by 9 p.m. on Saturday. Sajd Bower, "It was fun - we made friends." Malcolm Smith was an early arrival at Santa Maria, but discovered to his horror that the policeman who'd pointed him to the left at the "y" in the paved road, had caused him to bypass the third checkpoint ( as well as his BFGoodrich pit) and he had to backtrack. That lost him 10 minutes and about five positions, and didn't do his temper any good. Then he got about 25 minutes out from Santa Maria and lost his transmission, at about 2:30 in the afternoon. It was six o'clock before his crew could get anyone out to him, and then they found that the two wheel drive pickup couldn't tow Malcolm's heavy two seate_r. But there was a four-wheel drive pick up in the same area, out to rescue a Class 10 car, so they switched, and were on their way. They were heading towards Arenoso, figuring that would be the short way out, and it should have been. Somewhere along the line they passed a Mexican racer, and he gave them instructions to reach Sausalito Mine, from where they'd be_able to get to the highway easily. He told them to take a left, down the mountain, By Judy Smith and to keep on going, even though it got really bad for a while. So they followed his instructions, and three hours later ended up in a dead end canyon in a small ranch. They had to walk through the corral to get to the front door of the ranch house, and when the rancher came to the door, in his underwear, he told them they'd ta-ken a wrong turn and would have to go back. So now they headed ~p, and things got really tough. Now the two wheel drive truck could barely get itself up the hills, not to mention towing the Class 10 car at the same time, so the four wheel drive truck had to tow one buggy,, then come back down and tow the other, each time untying and retying the tow rope, which had a tendency to break. Malcolm said that as he was towed along the steep hills, the car would slide, and he'd sit in it, hanging over the side, hoping that rope ·wouldn't pick this moment to break. Finally they were all back up at the top, and then they found Porvenir, and some sleeping Mag 7 pit folk, at 4 a.m. They knocked on the door of a camper of someone Malcolm knew, and the pit folks told them they could sleep in their crew cab, and give them some sleeping bags. Malcolm said they were "too dirty to get in them, we just used them as covers." Malcolm was finally back in Ensenada at4 p.m. on Saturday, over 24 hours after he'd broken. With all his trial and tribulations, the thing that Malcolm Smith was most upset about was the fact that part of this course had been a two-way situation. He wasn't concerned about it as far as race day goes, but he felt very-strongly that it was terribly unsafe for pre-running. The area that upset him ran from the-start to Trinidad, a distance of about 116 miles. The course was very narrow along most of that length, and thick shrubs and bushes grew right to the ruts, obscuring visibility. Malcolm told us that he understood that there had been several head-on type accidents involving pre-runners on that part of the course. He says he didn't pre-run because of it, and wishes that promoters could find some other way to get around their tracks. We did pre-run that part of the course, and will have to say that we did not feel comfortable until we'd got through it. There were lots more Losers this year, including ourselves, _ who lost a clutch first, and then a generator, to be out of the race at San Augustin. We wish we could tell all the stories from the Baja 1000, but · we're out of space as it is. See you next month, with stories from the Frontier 25.0~ .. __ Dusty Times
CHRISTMAS GOODIES GALORE ••• New KC HiLites Pair Pack The traditional open face style helmet, popular for both off roading and touring, has received the Simpson quality touch. Simpson has combined inno-vative construction techniqut and special fiberglass resins in th : Enforcer to make an extremely light and durable helmet. The plush fabric interior is form fitted and features a padded neck roll and ear cups. The design provides optimal peripheral vision and accepts all popular goggles. A padded chin strap securely fastens the helmet. Like all Simpson helmets, the Enforcer easily meets or exceeds Snell '85 and DOT standards. Available in several colors the Enforcer comes in all popular hat sizes. Get the complete info' on the entire line of quality helmets from Simpson, 22630 So. Normandie Ave., Dept. DT, Torrance, CA 90502. Engineering, Inc. has created the ultimate in high -performance VW heads for the street in the PRO FLO. These completely redesigned Bugpack heads feature reshaped parts for maximum flow, with a choice of two chamber sizes, stock or New Weld Truck Wheels The Gripper - It's A Cinch AN AMAZING NO KNOT TIE DOWN Dusty Times Great for trucks, trailers, or any place ropes are used Pete Brown, President of KC HiLites has announced a totally new packaging concept for the full line of KC auxiliary driving and fog lights, including the popular competition oriented KC Daylighter. The new graphics immediately separate KC HiLites from off brand lights on retailer's shelves. Special die cut windows enable customers to see the style and finish of -the lights without opening the package, and the famous KC HiLites five year warranty is printed on the outside of the box. KC Pair Packs contain everything necessary for an easy, quick installation, including switch, wire, fuses and light covers. For more details on the KC Pair Packs and the full line of KC HiLites, send $3.00 for the new catalog to KC HiLites, Dept. DT, Williams. AZ 86046. enlarged, extra metal in critical areas such as stud passages, intake port and around the combustion chambers. The PRO FLO heads will allow boring to 94mm without the fear of cutting through! All PRO FLO heads come with a 40mm x 35mm 4140 material seats and silicone bronze guides. The die cast Bugpack heads are also available complete with stainless steel valves for maximum lightness and durability, and are available in standard 85.5mm or the larger 92mm. Get all the info' from Dee Engineering Inc., Dept. 325 DT, 3560 Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. . Weld Racing has just introduced a complete line of Hi Tech cold forged aluminum wheels for 8 lug trucks and custom trailers. Super Singles are constructed from prime grade 6061-T6 wrought (plate) aircraft grade aluminum. By using this alloy, Weld can offer a load rating of 2800 pounds, the highest of any steel or aluminum 8 lug wheel available. Available immediately are three sizes, 16" x 6", 16.5" x 6.75" and 16.5" x 8.25". The two larger sizes available by January 1, 1986 are 16.5" x 9.75" and 16.5" x 13". Get all the information from Weld Racing, Dept. DT, 933 Mulberry, Kansas City, MO 64101. It is a no tie, no know rope deat that will secure any rope, line or cord with absolutely no knots. Simple lace to secure; unlace to release. It will secure any rope from 3/16 to 3/ 8 inch diameter and mounts with screws or bolts on any wood, metal or fiberglass surface. Each Gripper is carefully made with a high q uality die cast zinc alloy and is copper-nickel-chrome plated for complete corrosion protection. The Gripper is so amazing you have to try it o ut to apprec'iate it, and it costs only $12.95 per set, ideal for a Stocking Stuffer. Contact Auto Truck Accessories, Dept. DT, 135 So. Maryland, Glendale, CA 91205 for where to buy your Gripper:. December 1985 Weber Power Plate Redline, Inc. has a newly desgned and patented jet plate replacement for Holley two and four barrel carburetors, the Weber Power Plate. The Weber Power Plate replaces the standard Holley metering block, and incorporates the famous Weber 3-phase circuitry. Once the Weber Power Plate is installed, adjustments can be easily accomplished with externally accessible jets that allow tuning without disassembly, and in 132 Pages of Toyota Per{ ormance The new Downey Off Road Manufacturing catalog is crammed full of goodies for Toyota 4x4 trucks, Land E-Z UP 60 · Second Shelter .·'··>::.,: -~-_.:t .·· '>'A 2. . . ·---.. :~;:;~~~.\<!/.~:, some cases with the engine running, and it boosts the power output too. The Weber PoweL Plate comes with a calibration kit, and is set up for the particular engine application. Available for a variety of imported and domestic cars and trucks; get the full details on the Weber Power Plate from Redline, Inc., Dept. DT, 19701 Magellan Drive, Torrance, CA 90509. Cruisers, 4x4 T ercels, 2 WD trucks and the 4 Runner. Of the 4 28 part numbers in this edition, 109 are new this year! In addition to concise and informative product descriptions, the Downey catalog is loaded with useful information on how to make your Toyota faster and more comfortable and rugged. Product listings include part numbers right through the 1985 model year. Many of the products featured on the Ivan Stewart Ironman 4x4 pickups, designed and manufactured by Downey and sold exclusively through Toyota dealerships, are now available direct from Downey. To receiveacopyofthe new catalog, send $3.00 to Downey Off Road' Manufactur-ing, Dept. DT, 10001 So. Pioneer Blvd., Sa'nta Fe Springs, CA 90670. Popping up all over the off road world, the Int~rnational E-Z UP is the first, all one piece canopy/ shelter that goes up and down in less than 60 seconds. There ·are -no loose tent poles or tie downs to hassle with, and they are ideal for racing pit sunshade with your name and logo on the valance. The canopies are available in a variety of sizes and colors, and are easily set in place by two people. The free standing shelters are very compact -when :collapsed for easy storage. E-Z 'UP shelter frames are constructed of rugged steel tubing and zinc plated. The tops are made of durable nylon which is water repellent and resistant to fading, rot and mildew. Stake kits for wind are also available. The shelters can be made to custom size as· well. Get all the details fro m In ternational E-Z UP, Dept. DT, 4651 W est State St., ■ Building D, Ontario, CA 91761. Page 45 • ..
.. ANDRES N. WITER ~ ® .Ile ; 'W 7.11 TRANSMISSIONS PORSCHE & VW. SPECIALISTS 12623 SHERMAN WAY- UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 PHONE (206) 778-0531 PHONE (818) 765-3566 2006 196TH S.W, UNI, I LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 ADVANCED OFF ROAD EN-TERPRISES 3 WHEELERS ODESSEYS DUNE BUGGYS OFF ROAD RACE CARS HARVEY LANGE JOE REICH ~ :1& ADVANCED MOTORSPORTS INC. ED FRISK (619) 693-8355 8545 ARJONS, SUITE L • SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 >YvoKOHAMA (818) 885-5181 FOr serious PerfOrmers If■ f) Enterprises P.O. Box '6522 Glendale, CA 91205 KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 S HOEMAKER, SANTA ,=::: SPR1 r1<,S, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED&BARBARA BEARD Page 46 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Performance Transmission Products (714) 962-6655 10575 Bechler River Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS - 4x4s -MOTORHOMES Send $3.00 for our new 1984 Catalog. 1J,p/z-TIRES CEPEK WHEELS LIGHTS SUSPENSI ETC. Send ·To 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON, CA 90746 213-217-1805 KRIS PALLESEN elNE Photography "!talion <i>hofogrcrphy" P.O. Box 8534 (714) 861-6333 Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Home Of The IIHAPARRAL RACE CARS SCORE CLASS#1 CHAMPION 1982-83 DISTRIBUTOR FOR FUEL CELLS-ALL SIZES FRONT ENOS- FRONT ARMS-CHASSIS REAR ARMS-REAR SUSPENSIONS 4080 W. CLARENDON PHOENIX, AZ 85019 602/272-6624 0/RTO/C/TS 1P2BllfiJ{J][ff) BLOCK NUMBERS WITH STYlE u.s.A. {818} 882-7808 \ 1617 JERSEY PLACE, THOUSAND OAKS, CA. 91362 DIRJ RIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 18-17 W . Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 December 1985 e CUSTOM ROLL CAGES e SUSPENSION MODIFICATION e l?r-t Ill Tim Lecluse ~ > ,. Doyne Podhorsky ,, ► ll > m C) 0 (714) 662-7223 lJ m r-0 (I) r-> ~ 2952 RANDOLPH, UNIT C 0 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 z • e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! -RE-N-TA_L_S -VARIOUS SIZ ES & COLORS -RE-N-TA.,,.L_S _ AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST. , BLD. D,_ONTAR IO, CA 91761 FABRICATION SPECIALTIES MIG & TIG 'WELDING - FLAME CUTTING SHEET METAL FABRICATION TUBE BENDING - ROLL BARS - BUMPERS FRAME & SUSPENSION MODIFICATIONS 26740OAK AVE., UNIT H CANYON COUNTRY, CA. 91351 JOHN McDOWELL 805-251-4134 PIBl'CIRIUIICB DcLL!?R!o :!!WEBER 1450 Glassel• Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 RE·IIA8LE V. W. PAim 11623 SHEL.CON S T . SUN VALLEY. CA 91352 DENNI.S WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4555 (408) 377-3422 POX RACING SHOX 520 McGlincey Lane, Campbell. Calif:-_ 95008 Dusty Times .
ATTENTION HORA MEMBERS! If you did not get your ballot for the annual Off Roadsman awards and the 1986 Class Reps for the entire desert series, contact SCORE International for your copy. 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111, Westlake Village, CA 91362 - (818) 889-9216. SUPERSTITION 250 II WINNERS "MIGHTY" MIKE JULSON 1st OVERALL • .1st CLASS 10 • 1st STARTER AUG. 9, 1986 BOB RENZ -1st OPEN • JOHN MODICA -1st 2-1600 BOB HUMMEL -1st 1-1600 • JOHN JOHNSON -1st 5-1600 JOHN NEFF -1st 100 • JOHN EHMKE -1st 6 "GITI" GOWLAND -1st TRUCK A FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM PROMOTION 619-427-5759 Fuel Cells Quick - FIiis ·std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 ARMA ABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES , SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER _ DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-"1242 German Auto - ~ 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 PARTS MANAGER JOHN PROSSER Parts & Accessories VW • TOYOTA • DATSUN 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90870 (213) B63-1123 • (213) 868-9393 RON METCALF ED LEKIVETZ YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR OFF ROAD ACCESSORIES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE, PICK UP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE VW PARTS Dusty Times (714)898-4477 GARDEN i GROVE BOLSA MIDWAY INDUSTRI£.§' 'ADAMS PINE ■ BEACH BILL J. HAYS , BLVD. -1~ 15114 ADAMS STREET r-wv _ I~ -:---MTnWA YCITY, CA 92655 I HU~;1~2JON •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW Master Diffs. •VW Axles 1220 Knollwood Cjrcle Anaheim, CA 92801 Send This Ad In For A Free Catalog. OR846 (714) 761-2152 . '· ~--7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 NICK NICHOLSON Owner P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 El-Jada V.W. Service · 6291 MANCHESTER BUENA PNl<.,CA 90621 213· 921_-1785 ·714-522-4600 NEW & USED PARTS STREET-OFF ROAD-PREP-RACE CARS ---. -- - - . OFF ROAD RACE CARS', JIMCO eAR~~"."~1~!~:~!! -.,, · • "'7').;.._ .J .... (619) 561-4570 ---~d.a#IJ ,..,,~ --~-------" O FF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10149 CHANNEL RD. ,LAKES I DE, CA. 92040 JIM JULSON JACK HAEFFELI N1 December 1985 · G~@i§i1w_v;;;;!;~:::IO:; __ :==Send=S=2.=00=for=Catalog===-7o¼, 7M H,_.__ OHN ltCING PRODUCTS OHNSON P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 583-2054 7 Tl-BiLIA 1000 Winner 10350 MISSION GORGE RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 STOCK Eng. & Trannies SUSPENSION SYSTEMS HICH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS DUAL & TRIPLE SHOCk SYSTEMS FIBERCLASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS · ACCESSORIES (619) 448-9110 (619) 449-3024 WILD Eng. & Trannies Larrys VW Repairs On & Off Road (619) 365-7649 55446 29 Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 4 WO Repairs • Lift Kits • Wheels & Tires Used Trk. Parts • Tel. (413) 739-4111 LeDuc Off--Road ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St. West Springfield, MA. 01089 Distributor For: Mastercraft • Bestop Husky • Rough Country • Porker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bors . ~, ... ;o~.,~Zo ft~ ~~ 0~ STANDARD ,,,.,.v 4\,V 'b-0 REBUILDS ,9 f" ~C;> L ~ ~~ .;:'C;>'?-+v ~ ~~ _,:--:-(619) 244-3584 ~ ~t'i rtf.:> -<..,~ 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East ~-. V <?-'?-v Hesperia, California 92345 McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIBIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT WESTERN AUTO TIRES 818-764-6438 818-7C55-!5827 SWAY~A•WAY BILSTl:IN SHOCKS K. Y .B . SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS -GEM QEARS CROWN NFG.. HEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRl•MIL 1294!5 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 9180!5 Page 47
MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES (714) 697-3100 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE, LA MESA, CA 92041 c'-""---::::> Arizona Dealer • Lola • Hewland ~ 20635 N. Gave Creek Rd., #5, Cave Creek Stage • Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602) 569-0056 • 569-0057 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Perfor~ance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... Plus much more. Complete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today -Oil - Fuel -Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE. BUENA PARK . CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D . VANS & PtCKUPS & MtNt TRUCKS --... GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA R YOERS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • C USTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USEO • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads · are merely $16.00 per month. Page 48 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off Road llace Can 9720 Cozycroft Cha·tsworth, CA 91311 GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT/ (818) 882-2886 v------THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 WATTS • SYNTHESIZED (213) 426-7077 • RACE & BUSINESS USE ' • NEW RDADMASTER SERIES -50 WATTS-S499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2888 GUNDRY AVE. SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHUAST WA. 98062 (206)242-1773 -Quality Products Fastener Specialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 7022 Marcel le Street AL KEV (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES Paramount, California 90723 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P .O . BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 Telephone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler . 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 December 1985 A DIVISION OF HAYDEN 01 L AND TRANS-COOLERS 1521 Pomona Road, Corona, CA 91720 , (714) 371-0450 Outside California Toll Free (800) 8544757 RUSS's V.W. - Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1_943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's (213) 583-2404 ---1~~0 -SANDERSSER~CEIN~ METAL PROCESSING . ,_, 5921 W1/mington Avenue Los Angeles, Califnrnia 90001 SANDBLAS1 GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC f'AH I ICAL . FLOURESCE1NT INSPECTIQ~,.,: ~ · ,s--~ Rick Munyon Larry Smith t :·~ '~~. $ . ~ ---~-~-:,:_-.... --Sa,e ~ . ~~"9911 ~ • 1533 Truman Street · San Fernando. Ca. 91340 . "-Phone: (818) 361-1215 ~ Canada Inc. 390 CHEMIN DU LAC, LERY, QUE. CANADA J6N 1 A3 514-692-6171 METHANOL-NITROMETHANE-RACING GASOLINE (213) 328-3594 21629 So. Figue.roa · MIKE HOWARD Carson, Calif. 90745 OPEN 9~5 TU~S. THRU FRI. • 8-12 SAT. Dusty Times ,
RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 SWAY•A • WAYcoRP. ... ~.___ ' Suspension Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baseball Cap: twill/mesh, one size fits all, your choice of blue, black, grey, red or yellow. $5.00 T-Shirts: 50/50, available in S, M, L. & XL, your choice of blwe, y,hite;-grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 ½" X 5", yellow with blacl< logo. $.50 Decals: 12" X 3" black or white on clear, $1.00, or '26" X 5" with black, white, red cir yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR "GEAR" ... please include item. quantity, size and color, and send check, money order or MC/VISA# (Ohio residents add 5.5% tax) to: ) Mic/iey Thom PERFORMANCE TIRES -------------P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Inside Ohio - 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO - 800 222-9092 Trt TECTIRA urm~ THE ~~ THE TRAIi.SMAii~ TIRE & WHEEL MART BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585-3043 · 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90002 DUSTY TIMES invites you to be a dealer. Eaqh issue, 10 or more copies, in your shop to sell or present to your customers. It is a great traffic builder on the counter, at minimal co'st. Contact ~USTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 Classified ••• ' aM'TRACKSIDE Photo Enterprises---' P O BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 32'7-4493 llACING PIIOTOCllAPHY SPECIALlffS llACE TNANS BY JEFF FIEIJJ'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 TA~cr,· racing gasoline A lameda County 916 68 7-7785 Bakersfield 80 5 393-8258 Denver · 303 452-5239 Hawaii 808 682-55El9 Huntington Beach 714 536-8808 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 We sell more racing gasoline than anyone . else in the west! Phoenix 602 952-2575 Portland 503-393-9705 Riverside 714 787-8141 Sacramento 916 962-3514 San Diego 619 460-5207 . LA-Long Beach 213 863-4801 . Saugus 805 259-3886 Las Vegas 702 871-1417 Monterey 408 899-1010 , Orange County 714 634-0845 S\:attle 206 77 2-2917 Spokane 509 483-0076 Yakima 509-248-3271 2" & 3" Bug Lift Kits 3" Square Back Lift Kits 3" VW Thing Lift Kit · (714) 561-4080 P.O. BOX 74 Bob Fetters LAKESIDE, ca .. , 92040 Bob Conry fiOtVWs Wright Publishing Co., Inc. Box 2260 • 2949 Century Pl. • Costa .Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 VALLEY PERFORMANCE . -3700 Mead Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 702/873-1962 EARLY ~RONCO/ 4 x 4 PARTS SERVICE ACCESSORIES DEAN (213) 827-8065 313-0058 MICHAEL STEWART VI-DEO PRODUCTIONS OFF-'ROAD RACING VIDEO MICHAEL STEWART (714) 796-4122 P .O. Box 129 BRYN MAWR. CA 92318 FHE WINNERS CHOICE. Fact is, WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have been used by more winning drivers and engine builders in.1985 than any other brand! Ask the top professionals before_buy-ing your next cam. ' Call us tpr your winning cam for street', strip and off-road. Send $3 for complete 1 catalog. WEST ENGINE & MACHINE Quality Engine/Machine Work F~brlcation 947 Rancheros Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069 CLARK WEST (619) 741-6173 CVs, all the good stuff. $10,500. Call (818) 574-1944 days or (818) 357-7241 evenings. FOR SALE: Clas.s 10 Pro Tech, ; Scott Taylors 1984 car. Taylor motor arid cam, 091 trans, Sako carrier, Hewland· gears, combo spindles, power · steering, fresh paint. Raced only once in 1985. Serous inquiries only. Contact Curt Wµesthoff, days ( 4 14) 228-1400,ev~,(414)355-5414. FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco A-arm, two FAT m.otors, one Rabbit, one air cooled, two car trailer, Deco 30 spare ttres, $20,000.00 or BIO. Call (303) 634-1927. wheel disc brakes, Wright combo links and spindles and arms, car set up for water pumper or VW air cooled. $8000.00 less motor and trans. Don Ponder, (314) 631-8140. FOR SALE: 2 seat Funco. Tall cage, new fuel cell, Wright, Mastercraft, Bilstein, KYB, Edwards Tires, Centerlines, full glass, nets, Rapid Cool, dual -batteries, Pumper, fresh trans. $3000.00 less motor. Call Jeff at (714) 777-8800 days,, ( 714) 840-3965 evenings. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Car hauler tandem trailer, 4 wheel electric brakes, . 6400 lbs. GVW. Like new tires. $1300.00 OBO. Call John (213) 973-7526. FOR SALE: Berr:ien 1001 Chro,me Moly Class 1 or 10 car. Best of everything. 10" wide front end and rear suspension. Power steering. Summers four December 1985 FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco Hustler, 100 inch wheelbase short course car. Race ready with spares. Aluminum front beam, four wheel disc brakes, turbo Page 49
· Classifi-ed ••• FOR SALE: Race ready Jeepster, fiberglass front end, chrome moly cage, 409 gears, Dana 44 axles, B & M turbo 400 trans; Dana 20 transJer case, HD . radiator, -22 gallon fuel cell, Taylor seats, BFGoodrich tires, two electric fans, 360 AMC standard ignition and MSD, 6 KC Hilites, 4 shocks per corner. Race Ready. Call Carlos. (915) 593--4848 or 593--4849. SELLING CLASS 7 CHAMP. John Baker's Team Mitsubishi SCORE and HDRA 1983 Class 7 Championship fleet (sold separately or complete). In-dudes: 1983 2 WD Race Truck, (2) 1983 4 WD SPX Pickups, and 1984 4 WD Montero. For details and prices write 4304 Alger S-t., Los Angeles, CA 90039 or call (818) 240-7051. FOR SALE: Jeep CJ-7, 401 V-8, B & M turbo 400, Summers Dana 60 full floater, new 45 gallon Fuel Safe cell, Taylor seats, Lee power steering. Comes with new two axle trailer, tool box, tire rack, and some spare parts. $15,000. Call Kevin (602) 749-2529 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: Cover car, VW Trends. Class 1 desert car. Power steering, disc brakes, Center-. lines, Bilsteins, Mastercraft, K & N, Neal, .Wright, Rapid Cool, VDO and Autometer, Leighton engine, Henry's, turbo CVs, strong trans. $10,000. Lee Leighton, (714) 682-3816. FOR "STEAL": Volker Bruck-mann's Jimco-Porsche Class 1 car, with your choice of Porsche _ 6 cylinder engine and short course-Ri.verside-desert trans-missions. This car can win River-side, Baja and Ultra Stock! Very few· races, 12 months young and no bugs in the earl Needs a good driver. Please make offer, let's talk! Call Volker (619)5781585. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 Berrien 1001 chrome moly, all good stuff. Fox shocks, Wright combos and steering rack, fuel cell, gauges, Hewland gears, 930 cvs and much more. Priced to sell now, call (414) 242-3422. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 · Chaparral. 113"wheelbase, complete Wright coil over front end, 15 inches of travel, 18" rear wheel travel, disc brakes, 22 gallon fuel cell. Built bus trans with new 4:86 ring & pinion. $8500.00 without motor, $95_00.00 with new 1600 pre-run motor. Call Scott (206) 537-7504 or Wendy (206) 531-5506. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Berrien 1001 -1984 North-Central and SOD:A points champ. Hatz heads and cam, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, Centerlines., Fun co shifter, Wright Place, 930 CVs. Call Curt, (414) 355-5414 evenings. FOR SALE: Baja Bug, Pro built 5 years ago as Class 5 racer. Excellent condition, ideal for beginner racer or pre-runner. 1968 California pink slip with current plates. Too many good parts to list. Choice of engines or will sell without. Will sacrifice foe any reasonable offer. Call Tom at (619) 445-9973. MUST SELL: Class 5-1600 with · trailer. Best of everything, too many extras to list. Built and prepared by Geise Racing. $6,000 OBO. (714) 537-0801 days, or (7f4) 963-9164 nights. FOR SALE: Very competitive class finisher, 2~1600 ORC, race · ready. 14" rear travel·, fresh engine and transmission, the best -of everything. UMP, Beard, Bilstein, Neal, Wright, _Dura Blue, Flame Out, Super Boot, Pumper, 20 gallon fuel cell. Would like to sell complete for $12,000.00, or less some items for BIO. For details call John, week days (213) 834-1133, evenings (213) 831-5841. Trailer available. FOR SALE: Challenger car or 0 Midwest Class 11. 1985 points champion. The best of every-thing on this car. Fox shocks, K & N Filters, Bugpack, Tri-Mil, Pyrotect, etc. This car is two years old, fast and reliable. Will sell race ready for $3000.00 or part out. Also, 1985 Taylor two seat frame, excellent for 2-1600, brand new. $500.00. Call Dick Metz (715) 362-2582. FOR SALE: '84 Hi Jumper Ascot 3 NEW -2110, dual 45 Delardos, never raced. Class 2 with race tranny, too many extras to list. Must be seen. 108" wheel-base, wide body, cost $20,000. On sale at $9,500.00. Trailer race ready. Call Kelly (714) 675-8473. FOR SALE: 2-seater. Class 2 Hi Jumper, dual Webers 2180 engine, close ratio bus trans, IRS fuel cell, Mastercraft, Sway-A-Way, rear torsion adjusters, good fiberglass, race car or pre-runner, $4500.00 or BIO. Call Randy at (714) 558-4808. LUCERNE VALLEY OFF ROADERS -FOR SALE: DREAM HOUSE. Luxury home, air cond., 3 hr., 2 bath near dry lakes and Big Bear. Large garage/shop. View acre lot. Big kitchen w/micro, dish-w, Jenn-air stove, forced air heating, fire-place, private club pool. 20 miles to Barstow or Big Bear. Best buy _in the desert: $69,000. Call (818) 798-0480. FOR SALE: 1971 Ford Pre-run truck. Street ·legal, full cage, ten shocks, spares, Hi-Lift jack, tool box, 100 watt stereo, racing rear springs, Chevy 350 engine, turbo 400 trans, heavy duty tow hitch, 32 gallon tank. $8500.00 OBO. Call (818) 506-8332. r-_ .... ______ ........ ________________ _. ______________ ~-----------i Sell or swap,yo~r extra parts and pieces in · I ~ I I I I I . DUSTY TIMES. : Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very . sharp color print. · NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A _45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose ~5.00. I I I I I I I I I I I I · Enclosed is $ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I I I I I I Name Address ______________________ Phone ______ _ City _________________ _ State _____ Zip ______ _ Mail to: -DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I Page 50 December 1985 FOR SALE: 1980FuncoHustler. Fox, Wright front, power steering, Edco discs, Centerlines, Beard, fuel cell, Neal; good Class 10 car. Lots of aluminum work. Less engine $6500.00. Call Alvin anytime (209) 732-1955. -FOR SALE: Score Challenge Class 2-seat Hi Jumper. Center steering, fuel cell, $2000.00. 1-1600 Hi Jumper, rolling chassis, $600.00. Call Jeff at (805) 522-5112. SCORE PARKER400 February 1, 1986 1st Event of the - SCOREIHDRA Points Series Limited number of entries F,"ill be accepted -Call SCORE Headquarters -818/889-9216 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS A & D Buggies ............ -41 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . 5 C.O.R.E. . ................ 15 Der Transaxle Shop ......... -36 D J Transaxles . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Dura Blue Manufacturing . . . . . 25 Eriksson Industries . . . . . . . . . 23 Filler Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 27 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. . ._ 19 General'Tire Motorsports . . . . 16 • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 9 Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 McKenzie Automotive ...... . Mid Valley Engineering Mikuni American-Corp. Nevada Off Road Buggy Nissan Moior Corp., 24 32 33 35 USA . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Par~er Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Rimco ................... 26 Score International . . . 14, 20, 34, 39,40,42,43 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Smittybilt . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . 17 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . 41 Super Boot Products . . . . . . . . 13 Mickey Thompson Entertainment · Group .................. 7 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 28 Tri-Mil Industries .......... 12 Valley Performance -Hewland ............... 22 Voyles VW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Weld Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Yokohama Tires .. ·-· .· ........ 2 DusfyTimes
BFGOODRICH 6-50 ·cwa REPORT with a total of 133 points. In tenth is Class 1 driver Bob Renz, with 123 points, and Stan Parnell is eleventh with 110 points. To find out if your name is on the 6-50 Club list contact Jean Calvin, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. The only method we have of putting your name in the points count is by taking your name, 'with an age listing, from the entry lists at the races. If you are coy, and we know of some who are, about being over 50 years of age, we cannot list you in 6-50 Club points. Corky McMillin is Close to His Second fltlc Again, the class mix of the top eleven in points shows that the most successful 6-50 drivers favor air cooled engine style racers. In the top eleven are two each from Classes 1, 2 and 5-1600, plus one each from the Challenge Class and Classes 5 and 10. The singles in water pumpers are from Classes 3 and 4. That is remarkable consider-ing that the 4 · x 4 classes traditionally have a low entry, and 6-50 points are figured directly by position in class against the size of the class entry. The BFGoodrich 6-50 Club members covered themselves with glory at the Score Baja 1000, posting a 60 percent finishing ratio, far better than the overall 45 percent of the entire car field. On top of that, 6-50 folks won two classes, nabbed a second, a third and two fourths, this from a known entry of just ten members starting the long journey in Baja. Doing the very best of all was Corky McMillin, with his son Scott co-driving the Class 2 Chenowth powered by Porsche. Corky and Scott not only won Class 2, they finished third overall, just six minutes behind brother Mark who won Class 1. Gene and Kirby Hightower urged their Jeep CJ 7 around the course to win Class 3 by over five hours, which moves Gene well up in 6-50 points. Vern Roberts, with Bill Donahoe and crew also herding the Jeep Honcho through many troubles, took a fine second place in Class 4, over two hours ahead of the next finisher in class. Andy Devercelly and his son Andy fought hard in the very tight Class 5-1600 war, and they ended up third, only 18 minutes behind the winner after 822 miles of close dicing. Jim Temple and his son Mark drove the Mint 400 winning Raceco to a keen fourth in the tight Class 2 battle. Edward and Hugh McLean, both eligible for the 6-50 club, moved into the Challenge Class this race, · and they got a fine finish, fourth in this class that is really growing fast. Not doing so well in Baja were the other four 6-50 starters. Stan Parnell bought a big ditch just out of Caterina, and the front end on his Class 5 was history. John Sundstrom made it to Check 5 in 23 hours before parking his 5-1600. Delayed with serious problems early on, Mike Leon retired after Check 3 from the Class 7 S action. Howard Henderson made it to Check 4 before retiring his Class 11 Beetle. With just one event, the Frontier 250, left on the 1985 calendar, the BFGoodrich,6-50 Club points are into the discard mode. Corky McMillin leads the entire pack in the search for the gold medal, with a. total of 347 points. But, only the best six of the nine events on the schedule count towards the total score, and McMillin has competed in all eight so far. He is also in close contention for the overall Score/HORA points title. However, in 6-50 scoring, right now Corky has to discard 41 points, his DNF at the Mint 400, and his next lowest score, 36 from the Laughlin Desert Challenge. This leaves him with a current total of 306 points, still a 'very healthy lead. Second on points right now is Vern Roberts, but Vern also has competed in all eight races to date, and his Jeep has finished all eight events. Vern's total of 246 points must shrink by discarding 27 points, 10 on the Frontier 500 D_usty Times and 17 on the Baja Internacional, leaving him with 219 points, which puts him currently third in 6-50 standings. Doing only five races to date, Jack Irvine is second with 239 points. Jack and co-driver Kit Trenholm did not compete in the Baja 1000. With six races on the score tally, Henry Arras is fourth with 213 points earned in Class 5-1600. In the same class, Andy Devercelly is fifth ,yith 211 points, and both drivers could make the climb into the third place medal at the Frontier 250. Jim Temple could do the same with his current 209 points, and a couple of DNF 5 pointers to discard. Holding seventh spot is Gene Hightower with 177 points. Doing only five races to date, Dave Girdner, Challenge Class, is next with 158 points followed by Class 1 racer F_Iank Snook The BFGoodrich 6-50 Club awards for 1985 will be presented at the combined Score and High Desert Awards Banquet, January 11 at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim. Hope to see you th~re. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES TIMPLI CITY, CALIFORNIA THANKS TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE NOW HAVE LARGER QUARTERS OUR NEW LOCATION IS 9158 Las Tunas Temple City, CA 91780 IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SAN GABRIEL VALLEY 818/285-5944 818/285-5973· 0 North 210 FWY NOW OPEN -7 DAYS A WEEK 0 0 > ,-o cl< <x: ...J >-w LAS TUNAS CD $ 2! u. 1H s ouHfS w in Cl) u 0 11£1\115 0 (D a: ~ 10,oOO stfOP oisc -o\lER RACE 10 FWY PROFESSIONAL OFF ROAD PARTS & ACCESSORIES ·---------For Racers, Prerunners and Sand Rails Centerline Wheels • Trick Trailing Arms • Wright Place • Sway_-A-Way • Bilstein Shocks Bug Pack • H.P.S. Oils • Deist Safety • Filler Safety • ND Spark Plugs • Woven Brakes Web-Cam -• K.Y.3. Shocks • Beard Seats • Dura Blue • Hewland Gears • Gem Gears Rapid Cool • Tri-Mil • Hella • IPF Power • K & N • Bosch • Earl's Performance Products Super Boot • Summers Brothers • Uni Filter • Weld Racing Wheels • Parker Pumper Helmets TecTira Tires • Yokohama Tires • Neal Products Mon-Thur -8AM~7PM Fri-8AM-6PM Sat 8AM-5PM Sun 9AM-4PM U.P .S. Shipments Daily Phone Ord-ers, Same Day CHECK OUR STOCK AND PRICES BEF(J{IE YOU BUY -) ' December 1985 Page 51