CLASS 8 DAVE SHOPPE ON HIS WAY TO HIS FIRST BAJA 1000 VICTORY CLASS 3 JOHNNY JOHNSON IN CO DRMR JOE McPHERSON S STRICTLY STOCK CHEVY 4x4 To the drivers and their vehicles the Baja is not just a vision It s one thousand kilometers of sheer reality One thousand kilometers of moming to night to momingagain torture Many of the trucks never make it But to the ones that do credit goes not only to the truck but also to the endurance of the drivers At Goodyear we re proud that our Wrangler radials can also endure some of the toughest stretches of reality on the continent Our Wrangler radials took Dave Shoppe s Class 8 Ford to Dave s very first Baja 1000 victory By a winning margin of one hour and 46 minutes Goodyear Wrangler radials also took Johnny Johnson to his eighth Baja 1000 championship along with co driver Joe McP rson in their stock Chevy 4x4 They won Class 3 by one hour and 26 minutes Congratulations to Dave Johnny and Joe for proving once again how Goodyear Wrangler radials are engineered to take on the toughest terrain The very same Wrangler radials can take you just about anywhere you want to go So no matter what kind of truck you OW Q get Goodyear Wrangler radials And put your territory into its proper perspective WRANGLER RADIAL WE RACE THE TIRES YOU BUY GOODti EAR
Volume 1 Number 11 December 1984 In This 1 ssue FEATURES Editor Publisher Jean Calvin Contributors Cind y Chambe lin Daryl D Drake Peggy Ellenburg Homer Eubanks Jan Flick Rick Hochfeld Martin Holmes Cam McRae Danny McKenzie Bill Oursler Brenda Parker David R yskamp Walt Schwalbe W ayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan T rackside Photo Enterprises The Score Baja 1000 VORRA at Prairie C ity ADRA Penasco 150 The Season Finale i Georgia FORDA at Hialeah The Sand Natio nals AMSA at the Fresno Fair The BFGoodri ch Millican 400 Press On Regardl ess Pro Rally SCIDA Finale at Ascot The Indian Summer Sprints W estern Canada Wrap Up Jo hn Buffum Wins in Europe Subscription Rates 12 00 per year 12 issues USA Foreign subscription rates o n req uest Contributions DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributio ns but is not responsible for such m ate rial Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self addressed stam ped envelope C lassified Ads will be published as received prepaid DUSTY TIMES ass umes no liab ility for omissions o r errors All ads may be subject to editing DUSTY TIMES is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 818 889 5600 Cop yright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp No part of this publication m ay be reproduced witho ut writren permission from the publisher Applicatio n to M ail at Second Class Postage Rates is Pending at Agoura CA 91301 Art Director Larry E Worsham POSTMASTER Send address changes to Dusty Times 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 Typesetting Production Michelle s Typesetting Services CHANGE OF ADDRESS Four weeks notice is required for change of address Please furnish bo th old and new address and send to DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave Suite 0 Agoura CA 91301 Printing News T ype S rvice Page 10 16 18 21 24 27 28 30 32 34 35 36 40 DEPARTMENTS S napshot o f th e M o nth 3 Soapbox 4 Trail Notes 4 Side Tracks by Judy Smith 5 H appenings 6 BFGoodrich 6 50 C lub Report 7 Pony Express 8 Bounces from the Berm 8 Racing Radio Use Tips 37 Good Stuff Directory 38 Good ies Ga lo re 41 C lassified Ads 42 Index to Advertisers 42 ON THE COVER Flying high o n the way to Mike s Sky Ranch Dave Shoppe and Jeff Yoc um had a near perfec t d ay into night race at th e Score Baja 1000 winning C lass 8 by many countr y miles and plac ing second overall in their trusty Goodyear shod Ford pickup H earty congratulations go to Dave Shoppe and his entire ream no t only for th e magnificent win on the Baja l 000 but for a super season of desert racing that trul y does rake a complete team effort to accomplish Co lo r Ph otog raph y by Stuart Bo urd o n of Track s ide Photo Enterprises SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH Where s the Beef The beef is trotting d own the race course o n the O regon trail While Gordon Lemo ns is not trying to herd cattle in his Jeep he is giving the right of way to the bovine as he attempts the pass without d amage to either party Any desert racer knows such critters travel at their own pace o n a race course oblivious to ho rns and the thunder of V 8 engin es This lucky shot was tak en by Leonard Day of Pro CanAm R ac ing during the Millican Valley 400 o ut of Bend Oregon DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar funnies or woes on this page each month Send us your snapshot of something comic o r some disaster for consideration DUSTY TIMES will pay 10 for the picture used If you wish the photo returned enclose a stamped self addressed envelope Only black white prints 5x7 or 8 xl0 will be considered Dusty Times I I I I I December 1984 Page 3
Soap Box 20 cars They often run only for trophies with a low buck entry fee as well In the west a number of budget classes have been introduced starting with C lass 11 for full bodied stock VW sedans moving o n into 5 1600 1 1600 and 2 1600 But all four of these classes are now neat ly as costly if you want to be competitive as th e unlimited classes The only major difference is the cost of the engine Now Score Internatio nal has just introduced another hobby class ca lled the Score C hallenge but it only drew two entries to Baja With the high cost of a desert race iri entry and pre running it doesn t seem likely that it will fly far in the west o r swell the entry like the short course cla sses do elsewhere We h ope th a t prediction is wrong But the example of two years of Class 100 in AMSA for less than 100 inch wheelbase buggies with an 1835 engine is that o nly a half dozen such cars even come out to compete at the AMSA events Certainly there is no quick fix o r sure cure m e thod of combining classes increasi ng entry or pumping m9 re money into all types of off road racing While some people think that short course is the only wave of the future we firmly believe there is a place and a big place for the d esert e vents The desert races draw the non 1 oncerned media coverage because of the magic of the challenge of a lo ng distance trek from nowhere to anywhere Short course racing is important a very majo r part of the entire industr y but there is p1enty of room in the sport for desert runs as well When we travel to races far away from the so uthwe s t invariably th e questions from local competitors are about how can I run the Mint 400 or who can I contact for pit help at a Baja race Everyone all over North America wants to try a desert event and some come back every year especially in the winter to get a taste of natural dust iri their face and feel the p i charm of whizzing across hardy charted territory several feet off the ground Now it is time to climb off the SOAP BOX for another year This column will return next month to thoughts from folks prominent in off roading and those who are the so 1 alled little guys Any words short of libelous will be welcome from anyone for a SOAP BOX column The first year of DUSTY TIMES has been a most rewarding experience for the staff with a very encouraging circulation growth from ground zero and excellent support from the industry with their advertising All indications point to an even more successful year ahead Trail Note s By Jean Ca lvin The December 1984 issue of naturally is to have fewer desert DUSTY TIMES mark s the races maybe seven or eight to tal BERRIEN BUGGY is alive and well in Berrien Springs Michigan says Dave completion of the first year in events a year Then all events Merkel owner and fou nde r of the Berri en Buggy Company Ever since th e publication for the n ewes t would have a good chance of Probs t Racing T eam put their entire stable of factory backed Berrien Buggies periodical in print devoted to attracting the husky entry needed up for sa le a total of four state of the arr machines the rumors have been covering the world of competi to encourage the promoter to spreading lik e pra irie fire that the sponsor Berri en Buggy was in trouble tion in the dirt Th e original keep going and also provide a As the whole off road world knm s th e 3 wheeler craze has put a b ig dent concept of DUSTY TIMES was good purse for the competitors in the sales of new play buggy frames the staple of all the major chassis makers and still is to devote its coverage Sure the solution to the in the west as well as the asr Naturally a drop in sales dictates some b udget to all types of competition tak ing financial squeeze would be to curs fo r all these firms and Berrien is no exceptio n In recent years Berrien has place o n the dirt that concerns acquire hefty sponsors for each been generous to a fa ult in sponsoring drivers with their race chassis and that vehicles riding on four wheels event and each series But with action says Dave ill slowdown a good deal in 1985 However the compan y is doing fine and they have already ann ounced their pla ns to con ti nue their Coverage has included off road three o r four d esert seri es sponsorship of th e p remier raci ng series in the northern midwest The Berrien races from all corners of the running concurrently in a small Autocross Seri es The sund r y promoters are meeting right as we go to press to United States parts of Canada geographical area there are just hammer out the race sc hedul e fo r 1985 Perhaps yo u will see the actual race and Mexic o along with too many champions crowned dates for th e 1985 Berrien Auto cross Series in the next issue of Dusty Times continuing s tori es on the each year to interes t a majo r THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has just international rally scene and full company with big bucks to spend announced a major change in th ei r stadium race series dates for 1985 which coverage of the SCCA Pro Rally on a series Another good move was just published last m onth A majo r conflict with o ther sports events have Series in the USA would be to consolidate the fo rced MTEG to put th e January dom e races on ho ld for the moment So DUSTY TIMES also covers existing high interest races into se ri o us western sho rt course track racers ca n relax a little in Janua r y put the some major sand meets involving one series but that would entail tire chains back in the garage and no r have to deal with the snow and ice great numbers of enthusiasts far greater cooperation among cove red roads hauling trailers to th e midw esr Still the Off R oad some mud bogs and anything the promoters than has been seen C hampi onsh ip Gran Pri x series will start in January o n the 12th and 13th at else people do for recreatio n in in past seasons the Pomona Fairgrounds For the first date in January the track will be closer their o ff road going vehicles The class structure also badly to th e spec tators The horse track is being renovated so off roaders _will be While we will continue to cover needs revision and several of the jumping alo ng the gra ndsta nd side o f th e ho rse track as we ll as using th e fami liar serpentin e sections in the infield More races are scheduled at all the big events the glamour SOAP BOX columns in recent Pomona as well as in new places along with a couple that will b e fam iliar to spots of the races in the sport we months have suggested methods long rime competi to rs will also continue to cover the of combining classes Fewer club events from near and far the classes are desperately needed THE SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES AW ARDS will be presented in absolute bedrock of the sport of One need look no farther than December Usually all of the SCCA an nual awards for their man y phases of off road racing Ma ny a current the recen t Score Baja 1000 entry competition are presented at the SCCA convention in February However last yea r few of th e ra ll y fo lks showed up at the far away c on ventio n fa r away off road star made his or her for an example of the lack of from th e centers of rally activity at least debut in n unsung event put on competitor interest in many The Ca rson C ity International is the final event in the 1984 se ri es on by volunteers t hat few besides areas Several classes in Baja had December 8 So to make it more convenient and festive fo r the cross country tho se in o lve d knew was no more than three starters three haulers that are regulars in the se ri es the yea r end trophy awards will be held happening individual classes had o nly one right after the rally trophy and check presentations probably at the O rmsby Over th e fir st year in entry plus the average for the H ouse in Carson C ity Nevada on Dect mber 9 Thar should be a popular publication DUSTY TIMES has four wheeled entry against the m ove fo r all concerned and it will give rall y fo lks a breather before the season built a grea t cadre of correspond number of classes was a bit over sta rts again in the spring ents in all parts of No rth six per class The result was that Incidenta ll y the open class championship will probably go n gh t down to America many of whom provide few winners took ho me enough the wire and the overall cha m pionship could be decided at Carson City R rght T10 Roo J 1 1 i t a i C ti M 1 l C RX 1 di i a iQi a Ql lt but wi th_ the the coverage of events that are money to pay the gas h n ana O regon Trail and Carson C ity still to happen it could be a wide ope n race somewhat un sung We would Score undqubtedly spent a great between Millen and Jo hn Buffum and his Audi Quattro right down to the like to cover more club and deal of money on trophies for final stage run in Nevada regional races but we cannot classes whose size didn t warrant Rath er new to rally trails a full blown factory prepared Ferrari is en tered cover what we cannot find So if being on the schedule _in the first in the Ca rson C ity International The 308 G I BI Quattro Valvole has been you would like to see your events place specia l I v se t up for the American Pro R ally Series and it will be driven in on these pages send us a report a The other side of off road Nevada by fo ur time Italian Rall y C hampion Mauro Pregliasco Several other few black and white pictures racing is short course by far the E ropean rally drivers will be in the rally too from the race and it will appear most co on style of competiin the next available issue The tion a II _ auoss the country THE SNORE OCTOBER RACE was the final i i l the Skoal Bandits Series staff here is small and we cannot Outside f the western states for 1984 Called the Bump Miner Ninety Nil ler i i s t he experiment of a travel to every event from coast there ar just no large areas of sec ret course with no pre run only _a para d a P f f lfl just before the start to coast Potential contr butors mnusedland on which to stage a Only 14 cars turned o ut maybe that is becaese l l pre runnmg At any rate are encouraged to contact desci t s w e event Short course among the nin e in C lass 1 2 1600 Mike Sp l re race in a solo drive with a time o f 2 11 41 for the eight laps in ter Only six seconds DUSTY TIMES with their ideas racoin g fi the far side of the behind was the rnio seater of Jack R amsa y underson and it was The 1984 season in off road roe is healthy and growing close all down thro ugh the five cars that fini e nine that started in the racing has had its ups and downs strtl nger h year Perhaps one class f _ tJ But on the whole the sport is as of i Jt t s ons is that in many Frye started in the unlimited group d1it b ed Classes 1 2 and 10 strong as ever Some of the major geogt cal areas only a few Ro n Ellenburg won it all and overall fast time ifi hisq lass 10 with an eight lap events have been well down on dasses_ ar e scheduled In some tim e of 2 05 33 Driving his Class 1 Tom t r y Jr kept Ron honest entry but the grass roots level is associatK1 iis it is buggies only fini shing in 2 07 55 Four o f the five finishedeighUaps holding its own on entry count with no im erest from truck type Reasons are myriad for some of racers AUTO HAUS is back in business sold to l3u Bi rlmer fo rmerly of Scat the more famous events The new operation will center at the Costa M esa Ca l ifornia showroom 1913 Whiole most clubs promoting Ha rbor Blvd wh ere there will be a full range ofV W related products Auto dropping entry numbers The short course races use the Score Haus will stock the works street and vintage goo es custom car and Baja pundits of doom say that these Internatio nal rule book as a base Bug accessories all manner of replacement pa rts and hard parts for high races are getting more and mo re for their own rules they often performance and racing The store will also carry lines of mini truck and expensive with less and less have individual buggy classes sports ca r st uff purse Since the desert events in unique to their area usually a particular seldom feature any hobby class In Florida the classBRIDGESTONE TIRE COMPANY OF AMERICA INC has a new extra money in the purse from an is D highly restricted buggies president This past mo nth Norifumi Ken1 Akama was named president event sponsor a drop in entry with 1200 cc VW engines succeeding Kunio Satake who will be returning to a new position with the does predicate a drop in class almost bo ne stock in t drive T o kyo based parent company Bridgestone Corporation Mr Akama who purse payback It is a chicken and train In the northern m1dwest has held a variety of sales and marketing positions in 24 years with egg situation Bridgestone has been serving as Executive Vice President of the U S sales the class is 11 two seat play and mark eti ng subsidiary since 1983 He previously had served as M anager of Of course the cost to buggies with stock 1600 dri ve the N o rth American Operations Dept for Bridgestone Corporatio n the promoters of organizing a desert train and other restrictions t1 world s fourth largest tire manufacturer event has risen right along with make it a budget class In eastern the cost of everything else So Canada there is a hobby class Volunteersare invitedtoclimbon while the entry fees may seem with a highly restricted 1600 their Soap Box and fill this space CROWN MANUFACTURING of Gardena CA has signed an exclusive stiff to us weekend warriors it drive train and the further rule with their thoughts about what is distributorship agreem ent with TIPH of Sao Paulo Brazil Crown was a pio neer in high strength off road componen ts which include their variety of takes all of that 50 percent and that the c hassis must be good and what is not so good about Racing Super Diffs known and used throughout off road racing circles often much more for aJ romoter homemade or at least made in the state of off road racing Ca ll Crown will continue to manufacture their own products as well as import to get a course marke pay for Canada We have attended races DUSTY TIMES with your ideas TIPH s line o f special equipment sundry permits and provide the in all three areas and these for a Soap Box column and get on more TRAIL NOTES f n Jal
Side Tracks By Judy Smith On the first weekend in November we went to Baja for the 17th running of the Baja 1000 Saturday night after the race we ran into Jim Moses the off roader s friendly BLM man at the BFGoodrich dinner at the Papagayo Jim who d been out on the course serving as Course Integrity had lots of interesting things to tell us Some of what he had to say had to do with where he was posted _at the beginning of the course It seems that there was a trail on the way up out _of the riverbed that would get a person up onto the highway a good deal earlier than the course did and would be good for a four minute saving Jim and his vehicle were parked there across the short cut to discourage use of the illegal trail He had some very entertaining anecdOtes about the folks who had planned to go that way Moses also told us about the progress that s being made on SCORE s Lucerne Valley c ourse for the March race This it seems will be a 125 mile loop starting near the town of Lucerne We re told that the people who live in Lucerne are looking forward to welcoming the racers and are very excited about having the SCORE race in their neighborhood Moses a very busy man told us that he is also involved in the production of four off road bicycle races for the coming year Two of which will be within his BLM territory in the Barstow area The other two will be in Baja one in Rosarito and one near _tk Q_u b de Pes c a in San Felipe So alloryo l Qff roaders who have temporarily sidelined the expensive race car can still go race in Baja and Barstow Get out the tire pump Mabel Altogether what with bicycles ATVs motorcycles and four wheeled off road races Moses has 65 events going in his Barstow area in 1985 When we remember that a year has only 52 weekends that begins to sound like a busy schedule In addition to all of this Jim is working with the Specialty Vehicles Institute of America in the High Desert area to hold safety schools once a month These instructional events are aimed at neophyte three wheeler and Odyssey drivers The BLM the Motorcycle Industry and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation are co sponsoring the events The classes are free and anyone who thinks he or she might be interested should call Jim Moses at 619 256 3591 for further information The series of classes is planned to help offset the hue and cry recently sent up by the D q T which is claiming that three wheelers are unstable and unsafe The manufacturers are anxious to see that new riders are taught how to handle these great little toys with skill while having good safe fun In addition to learning to ride you_r off road Dusty Times toys properly you might be in for some added perks as Moses has some commitment from aftermarket manufacturers to give discounts on safety equipment to graduates of the classes Moses says he hopes to have a full 1000 instructors in his program within the next year Give him a call We also talked to Joe MacPherson at the BFGoodrich dinner and he told us of an interesting organization he belongs to He says the name of it is the G S A Great Stumps of America and that there are only two members the prerequisite fc r membership is that a person must be the exact height as Joe the only other member so far is Rodney Hall According to Joe Stan Gilbert doesn t qualify he s too short As usual we heard some good pre run stories while down in Baja and this year s best or most exasperating goes to Perry McNeil Perry who lives in Mexico pre ran with Don Hatz about four weeks be ore the race in his well made race ready Baja Bug pre runner They got to the area near Catarina and as they w ent around a blind curve at about 40 mph a Mexican truck with a big burro bumper came from the other direction There was no way to avoid a head on and the truck a 65 Chevy traveling at about 20 mph got the worst of it because Perry s Bug was so well built Perry was thrown into something and bumped his head cutting it above his left ear and momentarily knocking him out A group of American bikers riding the course behind them stopped to help and pulled Perry out of the car as he was coming to One of them looked at Perry s head and told him You need sutures which Perry thought was informative but not too helpful As he went on with trying to calm the Mexican driver and get his things together the fellow kept telling Perry about his need for sutures When the man took his little black bag off of his motorcycle Perry began to see the light Sure enough the whole group of bikers were American doctors on an annual vacation run through Baja They had their first aid equipment with them of course and one of them whipped out a mean looking curved needle and something that looked li ke fa hi ng li ne to Pett and they put seven stitches in the side of his head right then and there They knew he d be going on pre running and didn t want him to risk infection Perry who s fluent in both English and Spanish discussed the accident with the Mexican driver and they agreed that it was a true no fault situation since neither one had done anything negligent to cause the collision On that note Perry and Don left and went on with a badly damaged Bug about the business of seeing the course After extensive repairs Perry went back on the course the following weekend for more pre running and when he got to San Felipe someone told him that he d heard that there was a warrant out for his arrest in connection with the accident Perry hustled up to the Mexican truck owner s farm to find out why he had filed a complaint but the man wasn t there to talk to So Perry left him a long letter reiterating what they had agreed on the day of the accident that it had been no one s fault When he finally got to talk to the Mexican farmer he found that the man had decided that he was going to need a replacement truck and that Perry was going to do the replacing He had got in touch with the authorities who then got in touch with Sal Fish who th e n talked to Perry And the upshot of it all was that Perry was going to get a replacement truck to the mah or there was going to be no Baja 1000 Perry finally agreed as if he had a choice to get a truck to the man by Thursday before the race He located just the right kind of truck at a good price and made a deal But the day he was to pick it up the seller backed out f the arrangement leaving Perry high and dry While all this was going on thought of the Ensenada jail so Perry was trying to go about the Doc decided to pay the 20 business of daily living getting When he got to his motel the ready for the race and tending to Travelodge he told the manager his Kentucky Fried Chicken about the incident The manager business When he told the was irate and phoned his friend Mexican officials that he no the chief of police and told him longer had a deal on a about it The result of that was replacement truck they told him that the two men were tracked he d have to get one or there down and fired Doc got his 20 wouldn t be a race So Perry back and the chief of police told promised that he d get one him that the city is working hard within three days after the race to eradicate that type of thing and he gave them a 1000 bond and any incident of that sort to guarantee his word That s should always be reported Doc where we left him after the race was pleased to get such fast with a commitment to deliver a response to his complaint and truck to the stubborn farmer by wanted to share his good fortune Wednesday Sal Fish was trying with the off road public We d like to congratulate to help Perry in any way possible but was also having no effect Steve Foster of San Antonio Texas a Class 1 short course apparently A story that turned out better racer who recent y decided to came from Doc lngrain _of try some Can Am racing Steve s Arizona who also races in Class been doing fairly well qualifying 1 Doc pulled into Ensenada on in the top half of the field and Wednesday night before the getting a couple of pretty good race and a couple of cops finishes But on Sunday October stopped him They said that 28th he raced at Dallas and Doc s trailer lights were faulty It finished third clocking the fast seems he had bra 1600 about it It was late Doc was racer Lloyd a member of the tired and no one even likes the CoilfillUl J Oll W
1984 1985 HAPPENINGS A D R A Arizona Desert Racing Association 1408 East Granada Phoenix AZ 85006 602 252 1900 December 1 8th Annual Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare N Hound Mexico January 19 1985 Annual Awards Banquet AMSA American Motor Sports Association P O Box 5473 Fresno CA 93755 209 439 2114 January 12 1985 4 Hour Ocotillo Run Octillo Wells CA March 9 1985 6 Hours of Cal City California City CA June 1 2 1985 12 Hour Mojave Desert Challenge California City CA August 31September 1 1985 24 Hour World Desert Endurance Racing Championship California City CA November 9 1985 6 Hou rs of Borrego Borrego Desert CA August 10 1985 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA September 22 1985 BFGoodrich Western Off Road Nationals Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA COBRA RACING P O Box 19407 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73119 405 232 4231 405 685 3450 All off road races will be held at the 59th Douglas track Oklahoma City FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers Association 5349 Hansel Ave C 1 Orlando Florida 32809 305 851 6245 January 6 1985 East Bay Raceway Tampa Florida March 22 24 1985 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee Florida FAST CAMELS C C A R Central California Associated Racers P O Box 7921 Fresno CA 93747 209 255 5995 or 255 3594 February 16 1985 Mud Drags Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA April 12 14 1985 Short Course Race Car Pickup Show 2nd Annual Bug Off Truck In Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA May 11 1985 All Classes Short Course Race Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA May 25 1985 1st Annual Super Stock Pickup Enduro 250 laps on a Tri Oval Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare CA May 25 26 1985 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva Wisconsin HDRA High Desert Racing Association 961 West Dale Ave Las Vegas Nevada 89124 702 361 5404 December 14 16 Frontier 250 Las Vegas NV March 1 3 1985 Laughlin Desert Challenge Laughlin Nevada July 5 7 1985 Fireworks 250 Barstow CA October 1 1 13 1985 Frontier 500 Las Vegas to Reno Nevada December 13 15 1985 Frontier 250 Las Vegas Nevada MINT400 P O Box 2160 Las Vegas NV 89125 702 385 7440 May 2 5 1985 Mint 400 Desert Race Las Vegas Nevada 4 WO Cruise FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy 6 Chula Vista CA 92011 619 427 5759 August 10 1985 Superstition 250 II Night Race El Centro CA MICKEY THOMPSON S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury CA 91010 818 359 5117 January 13 1985 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA Date TBA Off Road World Championship Riverside International Raceway Riverside CA June 22 1985 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA November 29December 1 1984 Baja 1000 Ensenada B C Mexico July 20 1985 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA November 1985 Tentative Caesar s Palace Las Vegas NV Date TBA L A Coliseum Los Angeles CA PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc P O Box 323 Seahurst Washington 98062 206 242 1773 503 620 0313 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America 6750 Emporia St Englewood Colorado 80112 International 31356 Via Colinas Suite 111 Westlake Village CA 91362 818 889 9216 November JO December 2 Barstow Classic Barstow CA January 5 1985 Score Awards Banquet Anaheim CA March 29 31 1985 Lucerne Valley Victorville CA June 14 16 1985 Baja Internacional Ensenada B C Mexico SCORE CANADA INC 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery Quebec J6N 1A3 Canada 514 692 6171 SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P O Box 7380 Las Vegas Nevada 89125 702 459 0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P O Box 4394 Las Vegas Nevada 89106 702 363 6456 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIA TIOM 460 No Beaumont Ave Brookfield Wisconsin 53005 715 272 1489 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd Sacramento CA 95838 916 925 1702 ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free Send your I 985 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column Mail your event schedule to DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave Suire 0 Agoura CA 91301 Coming Next Month March 16 1985 LA County Fairgrounds Pomona CA AMSA 6 Hours of Borrego Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW FAMILY HELPFUL NEIGHBORS EVERYONE DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE 12 00 1 year 20 2 years 30 3 years 15 US 1 year to Canada June 8 1985 Short Course Race Location TBA SEND YOUR CHEC K AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO July 13 1985 Summer Nationals Short Course Race Location TBA 5331 Derry Ave Suite O Agoura CA 91301 Page6 April 6 1985 Tentative King Dome Seattle WA February 1 3 1985 Parker 400 Parker AZ P O Box 526 Indio CA 92202 April 26 28 1985 31st Annuai Fast Camel BERRIEN AUTO CROSS SERIES Berrien Series Gil Parker 7406 S 12th St Kalamazoo MI 49009 616 375 1233 4 x 4 s UNLIMITED Kevin Dawson Route 3 Box 895 Lake Geneva Wisconsin 5314 7 414 248 8566 or 414 248 8774 DUSTY TIMES December 1984 Forda Score Canada at Tampa S lver Dust 400 ADRA Sonoita to Rocky Point Hare Hound Score Barstow Classic Oregon Trail Pro Rally HDRA Frontier 250 Carson City International Rally plus all the regular features Dusty Times
More SIDETRACKS The BFGoOdrich 6 50 Club Report By Jean The HORA Frontier 500 did fi ish in the class Don Slagle brought out a bunch of the 6 50 retired his Hi Jumper before dubbers who tackled the long Check 2 There are j4st two races left on and dusty trek from Slo in to Dayton Nevada in eight the 1984 6 50 schedule the different classes There were Score Barstow Classic and the seventeen over 50 years of age HORA Frontier 250 The points drivers in the race and seven will then be tallied and the finished Even better one of our awards for 6 50 points will be clan took a class v_ictory It was presented during a lull at the Marshall Mahr and his son Score Awards Banquet on Michael who won Class 3 and January 5 at th_e Anaheim moved well up in the 6 50points standings With two races left on the schedule Mahr is now fourth There were three 6 50 folks in Class 1 including points leader Frank Snook Snook s Raceco did not get far from Sloan with serious brake trouble But Frank retains his overall lead on points with a stout 186 going into the finals in December Bob Renz and Dick Clark in the Class 1 Chenowth got through Goldfield befo_re retiring And Jack McMillen and Don Guth finished seventh out of 15 in their Class 1 Hi Jumper to earn some 6 50 points Bill Howard from Phoenix was the lone over 50 driver in Class 8 nd Bill and his team got the Chevy across the finish line in a fine fourth spot Howard is now second in 6 50 points with 149 Also moving up the points ladder with a strong second place in Class 4 at the Frontier 500 was Vern Roberts V em is now third a close third with 146 points But right on his tail is Marshall Mahr and both teams will likely compete in the Frontier 250 Class 2 had five 6 50 drivers but sad to say only one of them finished well and that was Don McBride and his son Matt Their Raceco came in sixth in the big Class 2 contest Gregg Symonds did not reach the first check out with trans trouble in his Raceco and Jim Temple was down and out early also Len Newman with Mike Gaughan got all the way to the 95 crossing up north not many miles from a strong second or third in class when electrical problems put the Bunderson on the trailer Corky McMillin and his son Mark had serious troubles and came in tenth and last in Class 2 In Class 1 2 1 600 Sam and Collin Dunham got past Check 1 before retiring In Class 3 Glen Emery and Carl Cook had the rear engined rig going well but dropped out very close to the finish past the 95 highway crossing In Class 7S the Dick Landfield Ranger succumbed to the desert before Check 1 also The 6 50 drivers had the best record in Class 10 where three started and two finished in the 24 car class Doing very well were Bill Herrick and Tim McDonnell in their Raceco coming home a tight fourth only one minute behind third Jack Irvine and his son Scott got their Raceco to the finish too had some troubles but were solid in nint place and 13 Dusty Times Calvin Marriott Hotel Right now the first 15 in points are Frank Snook 1 6 Bill Howard 149 Vern Roberts 146 Marshall Mahr 145 Dahny Letner 130 Jack Irvine 104 Bob Renz 103 Cal Wells Jr 94 Clark Gillies 76 Len Newman 73 Gregg _Symonds 66 J Duncan Brown 63 Dick Young 62 Dick Landfield 61 and Bill Herrick 57 Cha ala Du sters a s seJ away sudden y victim of a cerebral hemorrhage He and his partner Ed Deering had been planning to race the Baja 1000 this year As his bereaved friends talked about Lloyd and wished that he would be able to join them in Baja one more time a plan began to form Lloyd s favorite place anywhere was said to be the mountains around Mike 1s Sky Ranch and there was some discus i on of spreading his Jshes iri that neighborhood Then the Dusters came up with what t ey felt was the perfect way to say goodbye to an bid racing buddy For some time Lloyd had been good friends with Jon Kennedy who races in Class 1 1600 and had often said that he wished he could ride with him in a race So Kennedy arranged it for the 1000 When Jon got to San Fel ipe on the last trip through the loop a cardboard box was fastened to the car by Ed Deering Lloyd s erstwhile racing partner Inside the box were the last remains of Lloyd Hanna his ashes Holes were poked in the bottom of the box everybody said goodbye and Jon tqok off in the car A moment later he radioed back that Lloyd and L arn off Lloyd J fanna is now a part of the road along the San Felipe beaches a part of Oiablo Dry Lake and a bit of the countryside on the way to Mike s His off road friends are sure that he loved his last ride 18th Annual Del Webb s MINT 400 Desert Race The world s biggest richest and toughest off road race May 2 5 19 5 0 For your year round ExciteMint visit Del Webb s Mint Casino Hotel home of the MINT 400 Desert Race where we speak your language Best of luck and sate racing Thumbs up The MINT 400 Staff and Management For further information contact MINT 400 Racing Headquarters Del Webb s Mint Casino Hotel P O Box 2160 Las Vegas Nevada 89125 2160 702 385 7440 DEL WEBB S ALL NEW Ml T CA SI NO HQJE December 1984 0 LA S VE A Page 7
Pony Express The November issue of Dusty Times Soap Box allowed Leonard Day of Pro CanAm to express his opinion of off road desert racing in the northwest To quote his article To be honest it stinks would seem to undermine his plea for more participants In the same paper there was a letter from Nels Lundgren of Santa Monica CA He urges everyone to market the sport by contacting the news media and the sponsors to share our enthusiasm appreciation and in general sell the thrill and excitement of Race Day I am definitely a novice to the sport having only attended the last two Pro CanAm races Being a spectator at the Forest Fling 200 in Olympia Washington served to whet my appetite I was determined to participate in the Millican 400 Daily workouts to be physically in shape was a top priority The capital outlay to help a friend put his Bronco in condition for the race was an eye opener but not a deterent The Parker Pumper helmets and the fire suit were also a financial surprise Then the expense of registering and transporting all the equipment needed were added on All of this amounted to what I am sure could be a Caribbean Cruise for this lowly postal clerk The difference was the six and half laps I was allowed to ride in the race It was worth every penny the sensations were so overwhelming they defy description This sport doesn t need wet blanket promoters It needs people like Mr Lundgren giving names and addresses of who to write to and convince that this is fantastic event I cari scarcely wait for the next race and I have several friends nearly as anxious just to watch an off road race a a Dolo es E Scott Sherwood Oregon Thanks for your views Dolores ancl t n lcome to a fantastic form of motor racin We agree that enthusiasm can m_ake most anything a siu cess but we can sym Jathize with Jm moters who try to put on a race without any Jre enfry not knowing if anyone will sho uJJ or 1u1t after the money has been spent for the facility This is an open invitation to all drivers owners and contingency donors interested in off road racing We are looking for concerned individuals interested in the future of desert racing We are looking for people who want to see the quality of the sport improved We a re actively seeking ways to improve 1river participation and increase the financial benefits for desert events We need your comments and suggestions Until now no one has represented the desert drivers and voiced the driv ers opinions on matters th at involved them You now have the opportunity to speak out on events that concern you If you are interested in the creation of a Racer s Association to represent you as a driver owner or contingency
Mark IVlelVlillin and VOkol lama Super Diggers Win sa a aoa 66 MARK MCMILLIN 1st Place Class 1o Frontier 500 1st Place Class 2 Baja 1000 1st oyerall 4 Wheel Baja 1000 Larry Bolin stated We ran the whole course without a tire failure After soo miles we still have over tread left thev re great 1 They are a super tire Not one flat during the whole 736 mile race and no tire trouble CONTINGENCY PROGRAM FOR FRONTIER 250 Yokohama wiil pay contingency of 300 200 100 fo r 1st 2nd 3rd in all _classes except 7 and 8 plus a set of tires for best place on Yokohamas in each of these classes TYPE TIRE Super Digger Y826 Radial Y826 Super Digger Ill Y829 Bias Y755 Bias Y720 Bias 0 0 SEC TREAD WIDTH WIDTH SIZE PLY RIM 27 x 8 50R14 6 7 6 30 x 9 50R15 6 6 8 7 9 31 x 10 50R15 6 33 X 10 50 15 6 7 9 26 5 29 4 30 6 32 5 8 9 10 0 11 3 10 5 6 6 6 6 8 3 7 2 7 00 15 7 00 15 29 8 30 3 8 2 8 1 5 5 6 4 6 6 5 6 5 6 Call toll free 1 800 423 4544 From No Calif 1 800 221 6765 From so Calif 1 800 221 8744 YOKOHAMA FOr serious Perforn ers WT 30 20 42 61 47 60 36 20 32 00 33 00
THE SCORE BAJA 1000 Mark McMillin Wins Another Tough One in the Jimco Porsche By Jean Calvin Photos Trackside Photo Enterprises race Then Robertson got back in the Chenowth and flipped it on its lid out of Tres Posas Noel already having gearbox trouble stopped to help Don roll the car on its wheels but they couldn t budge it So that was the end of _the Cornwell Robertson effort Noel s Chaparral was the first Class 1 into El Chinero again with gears clanging ominously but still first on the road among cars With no one in Class 1 within hours Larry Noel and Tim Kennedy fought the good fight all night ran the last 450 miles with only third gear and sputtered into the finish line first in Class 1 and ninth overall in an exhausting but rewarding drive Just 38 minutes later Perry McNeil got his older Chenowth home second in class 13th overall in a long solo drive Ingram and Bradley kept plugging through the night into morning to finish third another seven hours back but a finisher on the Baja 1000 clutch trouble after San Felipe but the other front runners charged on in each other s dust all having some problems along the way On the next round through Chinero Mark McMillin was second on the road to Larry Noel and only three minutes behind on total elapsed time While Mark McMillin drove most of the distance Ralph Paxton drove relief for him doing both of the Mike s Sky Ranch loops Only two more Class 2s passed Chinero the second time the Lewis and Simpson Raceco about 16 minute behind and Mike Lund and Jack Martin who were about an hour behind the leader Through the night on the Hm 1 263 miles Mark McMillin increased his lead considerably Just after midnight McMillin flew down the boulevard in Ensenada the first car home on the Baja 1000 first in Class 2 by over an hour and first overall Following the same game plan with Ralph Paxton Mark also won overall in 1983 on the Baja 1000 But in 1984 he cut over an hour from his winning time last year but this year the miles were about 80 shorter too Mike Lund and Jack Martin had moved into second on the homeward stretch but Martin lost a tie rod then a tie rod end on the last 25 miles Arriving second in class fourth on the road and overall was the Raceco of Dave Lewis and Dave Simpson the rotary engine roaring just as strongly as it had at the start Martin struggled in about 20 minutes later third in class seventh overall and the final Class 2 finisher Class 10 was the biggest bunch of all among the 27 classes competing in the Baja 1000 There were 15 starters in open 1600 class and one third of them saw the checkered flag It was a see saw battle on the early legs Class 2 was next on the line nine strong and it was going to be a real race among the top drivers Contender Scott McMillin did a triple endo out of Nuevo and was out of the race early damaging only the car The two seaters were roaring when they reached Check 4 as Mark Mark McMlllln with Ralph Paxton co driving repeated his 1983 overall victory driving the same Chenowth Jlmco this year powered _b y a mighty six cylinder Porsche engine McMillin Jimco Porsche and Len Newman Bunderson The motorcycles then the 3 arrived together with McMillin Organized desert racing began second time Finally after the in 1967 with the Mexican 1000 third trip through Nuevo the wheelers left the main street by about two minutes ahead on the Navy Yard in Ensenada at elapsed time and only three a November trek for less than weary warriors turned west for first light At 8 00 a m the cars C lass 1s were ahead of them on 100 vehicles from Tijuana to La the run back to Ensenada 736 started in bright sunshine Class the road Next in was the Mazda Paz in Baja California Mexico miles in all Over the years excepting 1974 With a 32 hour time lwasfirstaway witheightonthe Rotary powered Raceco of Dave the 1000 race has been a fixture allowance an hour longer than I line The competition was fierce Lewis and Dave Simpson just in the early legs At Checkpoint four minutes behind McMillin on the November calendar for last year the race was again a two 4 El Chinero the first car in was on E T About 15 minutes later off roaders Three different day affair which put contingency the Chaparral of Larry Noel and Mike Lund Jack Martin arrived organizations have promoted the and tech inspection on race and since 197 5 Score Thursday November 1 The Tim Kennedy from Phoenix in their Chenowth closely tagged arriving just after noon Two by Mike Patrick Funco International has been at the parade through tech was slow minutes later Don Robertson helm of the Baja 1000 In that ten until mid afternoon but the The Len Newman Michael years Score has twice scheduled entry was also down from last slid into his pit in the Chenowth the race on the traditional route year when 177 cars started the and handed over to Dan Gaughan entry retired with from Ensenada to La Paz but Baja 1000 This year a total of Cornwell A couple more minutes later Larry Ragland usually it is a long trek lately 111 went off the line in the With a double loop on the east standard car classes plus a pair of Chaparral passed by Roughly Noel and Robertson were tied side of Baja but all in the the new Score Challenge cars There was no apparent reason for the lead and Rag Iand was northern part of the peninsula The route is every bit as rugged as for the drop in entry which about four minutes back on E T the one way trip south and this affected the bikes and 3 wheelers I Perry McNeil going solo in his year it turned out to be an extra as well The 1983 total entry was l Chenowth came along about 40 tough trip for many due to the 248 vehicles and this year it minutes later three were missing and Doc Ingram Tom washouts and the lack of u e of totaled 169 However the the western part of the course for Frontier 500 happened less than Bradley Chaparral had hours of three weeks ahead of the Baja down time Among the missing a full year The lQ 84 Baja 1000 course 1000 Last year the Vegas to was the powerhouse team of was familiar to those who Reno trek had been two months Tom Koch and Larry Bolin competed last year but the earlier on Labor Day weekend sidelined with a bad trans The close proximity of another On the trip toward San Felipe overnight stop was eliminated Hooray Without the down time long distance point to point and on to Mike s Sky Ranch at San Felipe of 1983 the time in event undoubtedly eroded the Larry Ragland s car expired on transit was shortened by a good entry in both the Frontier 500 the dry lake Cornwell passed bit Retained was the start in and the Baja 1000 both down Noel near Matias Pass and was Victory was sweet for Dave Shoppe and Jeff Yocum In the Ford who not only 1 first on the road and this was the swept Class 8 but also finished a swift second overall Ensenada moved to in front of this season the navy yard this year handy to the impound Gone was the trip through t_h e pine forest and instead the outbound route went through farmlands to the center of the peninsula then over the summit through the deep sand around Tres Posas and into the major check one third distance at El Chinero Checkpoint 4 The infamous Gulf of California beach road was on the course but instead of going all the way to San Felipe the route crossed the highway at the Zoo headed west across Diablo Dry Lake to M atias It was o n to Mike s Sky Ranch and into Nuevo again over the summit and around the Overjoyed at the finish line Marty Reider and Jeff Hibbard kept It all together Driving half the race with Just third gear Larry Noel and Tim Kennedy toughed In the Raceco to win Class 10 and take third overall It out In the Chaparral to end up winning top spot In Class 1 loop through the Sky Ranch for a Page 10 December 1984 Dusty Times
AH SENOR rHEES IS YOUR LUCKY l L Y BcCAUSE you ARE HE Rt f OR 11 13AJA RACE YOU ARE N11fL D TO A lOo o D SC OUNT ON ALL FINES 0R BES AND E TORTI ON s Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson were in contention in Class 10 all the way in the Raceco and finished second a fine fifth overall as well in the Mitsubishi which failed before the first check Ivan Stewart was the 4uick one to Check 1 but he soon had steering failure and bought a tree near Tres Hermanos Both Toyotas suffered recurring steering problems with the pumps a new type and they were changed often but it took too much time Both Toyotas were out of the competition on the second _eastern loop Back at C heck 4 the first mini truck there was none other than Manny Esquerra s Ford sounding good and only 20 minutes behind the leading Class 8 But just seven minutes back was Glenn Harris is Three cars bounced into Check 4 in the same dust cloud the 1 Dirtrix of Dwight Lundell and fub Austin the 10 J imco ofJ im Dyer and Mike Julson and the 11 14 Raceco of Marty Reider and Jeff Hibbard which sailed right through the check without stopping for a chit About three minutes later the next clump included Steve Sourapas Dave Richardson Raceco T orsten and Ken Corum Luis Farell Ramon lzaurieta Chenowth and Thumper McDowell Funco who soon retired with trans trouble Corum did not make it to San Felipe and Bob Richardson was already out with a broken engine Six Class 10s made the return trip to the Sea of Cortez The fourth car in any class to pass the check the second time was the Despite changing a rear end two thirds of the way Manny and Tudy Esquerra backed their Frontier 500 win with the Class 7 title in Baja Living up to its earlier promise the Raceco Mazda of Dave Lewis and Dave Simpson finished second in Class 2 and a terrific fourth overall Dusty Times u Raceco of Marty Reider and Jeff Hibbard with about 25 minutes in hand over Jim Dyer Mike Julson Another ten minutes back the Sourapas Raceco and the Lundell Dirtrix arrived together fol c wed in a few minutes by the Farell entry lt was still anybody s race for Class 10 honors Two more in class passed Chinero but failed to finish the long race Mark McMillin crossed the finish line around 12 30 in the night and it was just over an hour before the second arrival showed up It was a very happy Marty R eider shouting out loud and beating his hands on the steering wheel with joy as the checkered flag came out Reider and Hibbard not only won Class 10 by a hefty 20 odd minutes but they were third overall just seconds out of second overall Fifth on the road at the finish line it was Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson who brought their tidy Raceco home second in Class 10 fifth overall There was real joy among the Mexican crew as Luis Farell and Ramon Izaurieta were third in Class 10 and their Chenowth was 17th overall Jim Dyer and Mike Julson had serious troubles on the last legs dropped a couple of hours but they finished an hour out of fourth 19th overall There were but six in Class 7 all factory backed trucks including the two Toyota specials driven by Ivan Stewart with his son Briah riding shotgun and Tom Morris and Frank Arciero Jr Manny and T udy Es4uerra had their Ford Ranger primed for the battle and Glenn Harris and John Swift cod rove the Mazda Jerry McDonald and Ben Metcalf were in the Chevy S 10 and John Baker and Russ Honsaker started December 1984 This is the system run by most off road race winners TRl MIL BOBCAT CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES CALIF 90011 213 234 9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 11
who G rimes was ten minutes ahead of the Butow York Hi Jumper and so it went down the line En route to the Sky Ranch the Greenway entry lost hours but they did finish sixth At the fina l check through N uevo Grimes Schl ege l had the lead but then had problems When the class came to the finish lin e it was the C henowth of Floyd Skor and Rick Munyon under the checkered flag first 14th overall They won by about 27 minutes over Russ Butow and Danny York Just another eight minutes back were Grimes Schlegel 35 Most happy fellas were Luis Farell ancJ Ramon lzaurleta who go the Chenowth Floyd Skor and Rick Munyon diced back and forth for the iead and at the minutes ahead of Mendenhall Gilbert and seven finished the home third In the tight dice in Clas 10 and elelle Jth ove all checkered flag their Chenowth won the fight In Class 2 1600 lo ng event C lass 5 fielded a husky bunch of nine but three fell out en route to the Gu lf and by then it had turned into a two horse race between Harmut and Wolfram Kl
Bobby and Tom Neth dominated Class 1 1600 in their slick Chenowth The brothers led all the way to victory All alone in Class 4 Rod Hall a ndJlm Frickerchangeda transfer case and made it to the finish line third on time among Class Bs Eric and Henry Arras led Class 5 1600 from time to time In a close dice had a time costly flat and ended up second C lass 1 1600 ho nors but four Bugs The Arambu las were over ta ke o n the Baja T hree of them A rmenta T he Vald ez Fo rd over an ho ur lead o n Leon and were o n the trailer before the first two ho urs back in third Ano ther didn t make it past T res Posos Ranger had some serio us d rive the o nly o ther survivor the 200 miles had been covered fo ur ho urs d ow n Alfo nzo Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado train problems and had mo re Datsun o f T o m Heyser and Dick Amo ng the o ther three it wasn t Gonzalez and Cesar Gonzalez took the lead at th e frrst check in trouble before the night was Scars was seven ho urs back and much o f a contest Bo bby and were fo urth in class the brand new Isuzu and by over Th e new Isuzu had its o wn went no fa rthe r T o m Neth p ut their C he nowth in C lass 7S was the next group to C heck 4 they had nearl y an hour small woes too T he second time Valdez held the lead until t he the lead at the first check kept start with a half dozen o ut to lead o n Willie Valdez and Jose th ro ugh C hincro Valdez had increasing the lead to ho ld an ho ur o ver T o n y T ellier Peter Herwick C henowth at C heck 4 Last year s winners Larry S m ith a nd Jo n Kenned y had reams o f tro ub le and never did get up to com peti tiv e times At the fl ag th e Neth brothers were easy winners but they d idn t slo w down o n the route Th ey ca me in a sparkling tenth overal l Tel lier Her wick were second in class seven ho urs later and they were merely 19 minutes ahead of S mith and Kenned y at the fl ag C lass 9 was down to just th ree starters in Baja Jim Dizney Mike M cC ror y p ut th eir C henowth o ut fro nt early ho lding a hefty lead o f 15 minutes ov er Manuel Ro mero at C h eck 4 but R o mero vanished en ro ute to Matias Pass Th e next round to th e G ulf Dizney M cCror y had two and a half ho urs lead over R afael Ruanova and Armando Lobato in a M inga But that was as fa r as the C henowth went So th e sole survivor and a happy winner at the fini sh lin e was the Mex ico C ity based team of Ruanova and Lo bato T here were two cars entered in th e Score C ha ll en ge class ano ther attempt t o make a budget race class One got just past th e first check and the o ther driven by G raff Moore got through C heck 2 and was no t These and many more profess ional drivers demand a professional seen again M oore was declared light ing system Th at s why more and more drivers choose KC the winner Dayl ighters They know they can depend on KC s quality and The 5 l 600s were o ut in fo rce wi th 13 starters of wh ich fou r rel iability Better than 65 of all entri es in major off road races use got a fini sh o n the tough jo urney KC HiliTES Seven o f t he class fa iled tb reach The Daylighters they race with are the same Daylighters you can buy C heck 4 o n the first ro und and yourself So why take chances on imitations Compare features two mo re vanis hed o n t he second loop A t C heck 4 th e firs t trip Compare warranties Compare quality You ll choose KC too th ro ugh Gu illermo Ro d r iguez Only the original KC Daylighter has all these features and Jesus Luna had the 5 1600 Tijuana Taxi o ut fro nt but o nly Each light bulb and switch backed by a 5 year warranty by seven min utes o ver Eric and Fully assembled in U S A by the KC experts Henry A rras Lurking just 27 Patented shock mount invented by KC to withstand the abuse of off minu tes furth e r b ac k was road racing Ernesto Brown and Ernesto Candlepower in excess of 385 000 and range up to 4 miles from our Arambula and the o the r s were 150W bulb another first by KC ho urs behind All steel housing with triple chrome plated or baked on black A rras had a d isastrous fl at en route to M ike s S ky R anch and enamel fin ish the Tijuana T ax i had no visible Tough clear lens and scientifically designed parabolic reflector on problems reaching El C h in ero long burning sealed beam bulb mounted in rubber for longer life again with nearly an ho ur lead Flexible chrome conduit to protect low res istance 14 gauge wire over A rras Eric and Henry got from damage t ime back later o n but no t The orig inal KC Daylig hter protect ive happy face cover e n o ugh It was G u ii lerm o Rodr iguez and Jesus Luna who Produ c ts are avai lable by mai l fro m KC H iliTES starting at 46 10 pl us shippi ng hand ling and 6 sa les ta x in Ari zona wo n to p spot in the 5 1600 contest and p laced 20th overall Coming in a mere ten minutes later Eric and Henry Arras were clean in second place and 2 1st overall a pair of remarkable overall fi n ishes fo r the restricted KC HiliTES Inc Williams Arizona 86046 602 635 2607 WHAT DO ALL THESE DRIVERS HAVE IN COMMON BESIDE BEING THE TOP DRIVERS IN OFF ROAD RACING THEY ALL WIN WITH KC HiLiTES Dusty Times December 1984 Page 13
Larry Schwacofer was all alone in the V 8 section of Class 6 but he and Sid Spradling hustled right along to finish 22nd overall Rafael Rua nova and Armando Lobato were one of three Mexican winners in Baja taking Class 9 in their Minga Of the two entries in the new Score Challenge class Graff Moore went the most distance and became the 1st winner of the class Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez led Class 11 from time to time but at the finish line the oft time winners had t_o settle for second Sky Ranch lo p where he fell in Score rules each had a _single a ditch and lost an hour Mike entry The Saab 96 of Arne Leon on home ground took the Uunriarsson and Bob _Lanz lead there and never looked retired after one trip to El back At the checkered flag it was Chinero The old Chevy of Larry the lsuzu firsr in class by almost Schwacofer and Sid Spradling an hour as Leon and Tiznado had some trouble turned some backed their 1983 victory in _excellent times and finished a Class 5 1600 with the C lass 7s winner and also 23rd overall out 1984 victory in their _first ever oft 43 cars that did finish therace in a truck Leon was 31st cours nder 32 hours overall and Valdez was 3 5th An even dozen C lass 11 sedans overall so they were racing hard were last off the line and three of on the course them completed the course in the The Score Class 3 4 _x 4 time allowance Most of tge late stocker mini pickups fielded a starting classes were delayed by trio and incredibly two of them jam ups in the wash right out of finished Driving the Joe Ensenada and the Class l lswere MacPherson Chevy S 10 John really caught in the jam up on Johnson was in the lead at the course When they got sorted first check 1 and Johnson had half out ar Check 4 it was a close an hour in hand at Check 4 battle between the top running Second on the road here was trio First there on time was the Jorge Souto and Sergio Duron in team of David Hendrickson and a Datsun and trailing them by Victor Barajas a scant three nearly an hour was the Toyota of minutes ahead on E T over Tom and Kevin Murphy but it Marco Carmona and Ricardo was retired soon after that Flores Another 19 minutes back Both survivors in Class 3 each came Sergio and Porfiero had a book s worth of trouble Gutierrez and a full complement But Johnson and MacPherson of ten made it through the held a slim lead most of the way checkpoint They increased their margin in The second time around the victory to one hour 27 minutes ranks had thinned to five Beetles at the flag Souto and Duron held still in motion Incredibly it all together for second place iri Hendrickson Barajas still had this class that has experienced only a three minute lead this zero growth in 1984 timeovertheUutierrezteam and The pair of Class 6s under Carmona was back a couple of In a tight battle all the way Dave Hendrickson and Victor Barajas came through the night to win the Class 11 honors Baja takes its toll on mf ny as only 43 finished this year Among the missing with a typical problem was the Funco of Lou Peralta and Richard Young rf s A ER u N IH _ 1 s _ A UM _M BACK UP tl uHi for INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID SAFETY FIRST AID KIT FOR YOUR RACE CAR MEETS RACING RULES REQUIREMENTS ONLY 26 50 Larger Kits Also Available for Pit Vehicles 4 x 4s and RVs AMERICAN FIRST AID SUPPLY Bre California 213 694 1858 714 529 9028 Page 14 _ _ 1 4 hours Two more fe ll out on the second loop to Mike s and around to Nuevb Junction including the Carmona Beetle As the race wound down it was sunny when David Hendrickson and Victor Barajas took the checkered flag in Ensenada 24 hours and six minutes after they left Still on their tailpipe were Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez only 13 minutes behind after the all night struggle between the pair Almost six hours behind the winner but back in Ensenada was the VW of Mike Abbott and Jan Wright not only the final finisher in C lass 11 but absolutely lasi bverall among the car classes There should be a December 1984 turtle trophy for such an effort There was a different an unusua_l feelfng to the 1984 Baja 1000 To be sure the entry was down but that wasn t all of it Gone were the gala crowds too The people in Ensenada did not turn out in the usual force to watch either the start or the finish which is keen for the race drivers but not so good for public relations All across the peninsula and back there was more work a day than festive air in the _pits and on the trails Of tourse pit folks were out in force all over the route and most every enti y had chase vehicles on the highway too but that was the only highway traffic Honda must have had a pit every 30 miles and it worked for them as they won overall everywhere they could C huck Miller and Randy Morales won overall among the bikes and Mark W eixeldorfer and Mike Coe won among the 3 wheelers both teams riding Hondas of course Sadly there were only 42 bikes in five classes and 10 3 wheelers in three classes Maybe it is time once again to schedule the race from Ensenada to La Paz pump the mystery and the magic back into this ancestor of desert racing and attract the rank and file as well as just the serious points hunters to make a big entry in 1985 Dusty Times
Manny Esquerra Race in and race out the class of Class 7 off road racing Time and again finishing first in action so tough most of the others don t even finish like this year s Baja 1000 First again in class one of only two finishers in class Ask him why he runs and runs so well he ll give you three good reasons Knowing how to pick the right equipment Knowing how to toke core of it Knowing how to get the most out of it That includes his tires Firestone heavy duty construction size ATX Radial 23 off road tires At Baja they went the distance for Manny with no failures of any kind Thanks to rugged steel belt and polyester cord body construction And a tread design based on Firestone s 23 bar angle that s set the traction standard in farm tires All to give you one tough tire that digs in deep tor fuJJ shoulder to shoulder traction without filling up The Firestone ATX Radial 23 How tough is it Ask your Firestone retailer Or just ask Manny ATX Radial 23
VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY Eastman Takes the Overall Title in the voRRA Finale T ext Photos Joe Stephan In his final race with his Class 9 car Don Miguel leads the Reden and Cochran two seater and Miguel took second In 1 2 1600 race points Robert Eastman 153 leads Roger Caddell over the nasty drop off Jump on his way to the 1 2 1600 win and the 1984 VORRA overall title By popular demand VORRA s eleventh annual season closed with the Championship race moved to Sacramento County s Prairie City OHV Park east of Sacramento VORRA s eleventh season has turned out to be the best ever with the points race in every single class go ing do wn to th e wir e In addition the race for the overall points title was the tightest ever and that was also settled at the last event in the series The fifty cent question of the meet was whether Robert Eastman could keep the season overall points lead he had held since the beginning of the year after Chris Oberg had closed the gap to ten points by winning Class 10 at the Dayton 300 Eastman was confident enough to let his brother Robbi drive the first heat Following a great Saturday night barbeque and party at the race site race morning dawned o vercast with the heavy threat of rain in the air The threat turned to fact when it began raining during the break before the second round of heat races More than one of the 50 entrants told o f drastically different performances between the two ten lap heats each class ran But the water truck had broken down so Mo ther Nature took over Ten cars too k the 1 2 1600 first heat green flag in so m e fierce racing that had them go ing over the starting line drop off jump four abreast on the start T im Riordan took t he lead fro m the pole and led the first lap before giving way to fell9w fro nt row starter Dennis Brownwell who led the rest of the way Riordan held on for second with Robbi Eastman taking third Ron Van Ness flipped hi s ancient Newman Draeger buggy which he said later did him the favor of fo rcing him to buy a new buggy In the inverted second heat start for the 1 2 1600s the Mark Page 16 R eden arid Mickey Cochran two seat Hi Jumper led the first lap Riordan made a heavy charge from his last row start to take the lead on the second lap which he held onto until the Hi Jumper broke on the sixth round Jeff Elrod s Hi Jumper took over fro m there and held on for the win and third in the final standings following his seventh place finish in the first heat after taking a big first lap trip off the course into a ditch Don Miguel did his last drive in VORRA s only Class 9 car and it was a good one Miguel finished second which combined with the fifth in the first heat gave im second place on class points for the day Robert Eastman finished third in the second heat which combined with his brother s third in the first round gave him the class win in the buggy of his o wn design It also gave Robert Eastman the 1984 VORRA Overall Points Championship to go with all of VORRA s dough the doughboy took home this year Cochran and Reden took the injury award of the day when the buggy rolled over Reden s ankle in the pits and he had to be taken to the hospital Meanwhile Bill Fischer slipped into the passenger seat for his first ride and promptly took a potato sized rock through his face shield which did serious damage to his face The end results were a good argument for wire mesh across the windshield area like that used by the spri t cars Class 10 produced the strongest field of the day Ron Carter brought his two car Small Car Specialties team north from Culver City CA and Roger Caddell came south from Washington state The desert winning Ohnstad and Bower team were on hand from Fresno all competing in their first short course race with VORRA Carter s teammate Glenn Galbraith led the first Class 10 heat for fo ur laps before retiring the Funco on th e sixth Meanwhile Caddell and Carter also in a Funco were having a fantastic battle which became the battl for the lead that eventually went to Caddell Kevin Ohnstad fought a pushing front end o n the Eagle into third From his front row slot on the inverted start Glenn Galbraith led flag to flag in the seco nd heat which gave him a fifth in the 0 Fred Happ ch finished 11th on three tires In the first Sportsman heat butn e came back In the second round to win In the Colt powered racer December 1984 Ron Carter won Class 1 with his Class 10 Funco and here shows the results of a hard landing with a front wheel slightly askew day class standings The win came at the expense of his teammate Carter who retired with a smashed electric switch panel and broken wiring thanks to Galbraith s wheel in the left side pod when Carter was attempting to pass on the third lap Needless to say Carter was very vocally not pleased with his teammate s action Caddell finished second which gave him the ten car class win Later he said he felt he could have won the second heat had not his crew signaled him to preserve the overall win as the rain was falling Caddell also drove his cousin and VORRA regular Mike Olson s 1 2 1600 buggy in the heat before the Class 10 race and he said it served the purpose of allowing him to learn the challen ging two mile natural terrain course around a small valley H e said the course is a really deceptive track trickier than you would think Rick Bower drove Kevin Ohnstad s Eagle to third in the second heat despite a sticking throttle and no goggles Two thirds added up to second in Class 10 for the day for the Eagle team Jim Kozourek was third in the final class heat and Chris Oberg was fourth Oberg who had Fritz Wiechers drive the secon d heat clinched the class title in the ex Marty Letner Raccco It is only the firs t year of ral ing for Oberg and he scored a first second two thirds and two fourths on his way to the title and second overall in championship points The Bradford Attack saw papa Ace drive the Funco to fifth in the first heat and son Steve finish eighth ln the second in the rain Steve had a stuck helmet visor he couldn t pry open and he couldn t see where he was going literally driving blind Oberg raced the elder Bradford in the first heat and was beat out at the finish which led him to claim he had been Ace d out The C lass 1 field was bolstered by the entry of Carter and Galbraith in their Class 10 cars and that o f Fritz Kroyer who came from Fresno to run his first VORRA race Garter s super trick short course Funco complete with power steering proved to be the class of the field From a back row start he had the lead in short order holding it to the flag Kroyer held second in his Chenowth until two laps from the end wheri he was passed Reno racer Fritz Wlechers wrapped up the VORRA 1984 Class 1 title at Prairie City placing second on points for the day of racing Dusty Times
Roy Gust displayed a spectacular high flying style and he won the first Sportsman heat in Cecil Thrasher s Funco at Prairie City Believe it or not he saved it Wes Banks made a heavy effort but once again he couldn t top his father in law Don German in 401 by the ot her half o f the Fritz and Lawrence leading by half a lap Fritz show Fritz Wiechers blew an engine with half a lap to Kroyer led the first three laps go and the bad luck th at has o f the second heat before Carter plagued him all season continued got past o n his way to the race to the fin ale The surprise winner and the class victo ry Galbraith was the H inz brothers Sandhawk from h is fro nt row start slid to two seater that moved up fro m third before coming back fo r the usual Spo rtsma n race class second in the heat but he was Elrod led the second heat flag fifth overall W iechers finished to flag fro m a fro nt ro w start third which gave him second in ending u p third overall Afte r the final tally and the C lass 1 hooking a rut in the last turn and season cham p io nship Kroyer surviving a big two w heel ride in finished fo urth which gave him the first heat the Hinz team took third in the final class standings second in the second heat and the Carter had repaired his o wn overall win with a real team Funco in time for Class 1 after effo rt Dave pulled o ff all fo ur initia ll y pl a nnin g t o dri ve tear strips fro m his helmet by Galbraith s But h e found o ut in mistake no t the thing to do in VORRA racing the po ints fo r the mud and slosh of the second the d ay go to the car heat Despite wearing a full face The combined C lass 2 and 5 helm et Darrell someh ow pulled race was a wild o ne particularly his no mex head sock off which since the class po ints lead er he gave to his brother to wipe his David Brow n o nly runs desert face shield When that was races in his Baja Bug and in no t soaked D arrell pulled his shoe coming fro m Oregon fo r the o ff and gave Dave his sock T alk finale set u p a wide open battle abo ut never say quit fo r the title Six cars raced it o ut Don Kennedy took second in heavily with defending VO RRA the overall placing with second o v e r a ll c h a mpi o n Jimm y I and third place heat finis hes in Lawrence two seater and W es his Funco That went with his Elrod Baja Bug putting o n a seventh p lace in the C lass 10 race thrilling battle Elrod led the first in the Colt pqwered car but as two laps and blew a clutch while opposed to enter ing th e sam e car runn ing secon d o n lap eight in d iffe r e nt classes as is parts off and three wheeled it tt an eighth place second heat finish good for tenth in the cwerall He s ho uld probably do that mo re o ften since he said it was his fir st race finish in two years Meanwhile h is better half took her girl friend C hris No lan f
For the eighth annual running the Cascade Gardens Chaparral five miles from the finish it let go of the Penasco 150 the Arizona was first off line in Pro One He slowing Terry considera _bly He s Desert Racing Association would hold off challenges by Ed still leading the series Pro One presented racers w ith a new Beard in the Superseats car and points race coming out of this course over some of the roughest Mark Giebelhaus in the Marlin one Mike Lopez went out on the sand in Mexico Held on Mechanical Corp Mel Jarvis second lap with a broken CV Saturday October 20 1984 the Marine Funco as well as Terry joint seventh race on the 1984 ADRA Smith in the Alliance Imports Pro Ten cars left next and Championship Series attracted Marty s Mobil Chenowth although this was a horseninety four entrants to the sunny Mayhew called the race power course the top finisher shores on the Sea of Cortez fantastic after taking Pro One would come from their ranks The pits were in i heir usual and third overall Pro The car Jim Kirk in the Kirk s spot just off the highway on the ran hot from all the debris in the Automotive Superseats homenorthern end of Puerto Penasco fan but we got it cleared out the made car made his debut in the but the route headed out to the 32 gallon tank came in handy Pro class starting with Gene east instead of the customary it was a fun race although the Greenlee s BugWorld Custom north Skirting the north end of sand gets tricky after you run Off Road Pat Hughes Performance Brandwood Kirk ran with town the route was lined with through it a few times Beard would set hot lap of Greenlee for the first lap and led locals watching the crazy gringos It then crested a hill and headed 50 17 but motor troubles put on the road as Gene pitted for down into a valley and Check him on the trailer after two laps fuel Two miles out he was One over a bumpy whooped out Giebelhaus ran with Beard for stopped I thought it would go trail After the stop check the most of the first lap losing a two laps on a tank it wouldn t route wound through the wheel 100 yards out from Check go that far After hiking back mesquite and back up towards Four Fixing that he had a good for gas Kirk broke his left front second lap but put it on the roof spindle on his third lap right town over another ridge more on that later during his before Check Three At approximately the ten mile third lap and was out of it Even with a fuel stop every lap mark the route swung back by Smith drove a smooth race but Greenlee led the class until he ran the pits where Check Two a couldn t catch Mayhew ending out of fuel on his third lap four rolling check was located Now up second in Pro One fourth and a half miles from Check the big loop began thirty miles in overall Pro His suspension Four I thought it was the fuel length First a climb over some weakened on the third lap and pump hooked up the spare sandhills put the racers out of sight and headed north into a section featuring tough crossgrain interspersed among some high speed stretches Turning west the racers reached Check Three another stop check Then it was on to virgin terrain and horrendous whoops ti the route picked up what was probably the smoothest part of the course This was an old mining road that had been compacted and very high speeds with precarious passing took place here Where this road met the highway the route turned back to the southeast first on a high speed windy road and then Richard Binder and John Rochel took a test drive In their new pre runner up and into some more sandhills and the Yuma team won Pro Two class and were second overall This offered a particularly tricky hidden switchback The trail had to crest a small rise before a tight lefthander I only saw his tracks but one Pro driver overshot it completely landing on the farside of the ridge on the outside of the turn Ouch Out of the hills the route ran flat with lots of curves back into Check Four the Start Finish line The weather had been dry and windy for quite awhile and the sand was more tractionless than usual The Pro race of four laps for 160 miles with 32 entrants began at 9 00 a m After a brief Racing Doctors and also brothers Dwight and Mark Lundell race often drivers meeting Jim Mayhew in Dwight won overall and In Pro Ten and Mark raced in the Sportsman class Page 18 still no go I ve only got a 9 gallon tank and evidently there was an air pocket didn t get that last gallon in there We ve never had that kind of consumption down here before Neat race Greenlee eventually finished third in class ninth overall Pro after receiving fuel from anotht r racer Gary Johnson and John Gardner were next but both had engine troubles right off the line Next off was Dwight Lundell in the Dirtrix sponsored racer He would run strong all day and suffer no troubles but said rough race brutal for smallengined cars The course deteriorated rapidly He went on to a good hard fought win taking overall Pro and Pro Ten honors with a time of 3 43 27 An excellent race he exclaimed Starting with Lundell Ed Martensen drove his short co1 1rse car hard but the short wheelbase and a flat left front on his last lap kept him behind Lundell His time of 3 56 30 put him in at second Pro Ten and fifth overall Pro Scott T utalo last off in class had troubles and parked after two laps Next five Pro Five cars took off Brad Person in the Diehl Equipment Az Automotive Dirtrix Baja and Pete Sohren in the Sohren Ceramic Tile Dirtrix car left together Person taking the lead Sohren flipped while still in the pit area trying to pass then had the carb linkage come apart on the little loop ending his race Person had the quickest lap time among the Bajas but broke down on his second lap The second pair of Bajas Jack Dinsmore in the J J Racing Team machine and John Ronnerud in the Woods Off Road Products People s Car Shop car fought it out Ronnerud had a fourteen minute lead going into the last lap but ran out of fuel We on y got six mpg and had planned on ten Dinsmore hung on to finish taking the dass and seventh overall Pro Frank Evans was the last to leave in the new Dirtrix Baja and a faulty ignition switch put him an hour back after one lap so he gave it up The biggest Pro class with nine entries Class Two began leaving the line eleven minutes after Mayhew with Dan Gross in the Gross Septic Tank D N Construction Vulcan getting the edge on Dick Patterson s Southwestern Supply Az Excavating Chaparral Patterson lost the tranny 15 miles out Gross blew his motor finishing only one lap _Leaving on the next minute Jim Mahew had a great debut race In his brand new Chaparral Mayhew started first stayed out front and won Pro One and was third overall December 1984 Mel Jarvis drove his older short wheelbase but stout Sandwinder to the Pro 1600 class win and consistent laps put him sixth overall_ too Mike Doherty was charging hard and leading Pro Class 8 In the Chevy but a cracked head caused overheating and he retired midway In the race Dusty Times
were Jerry Finney and Nels Dutton in the Palmer s Custom Speed Funco They had second fastest lap of the Pros at 50 29 on their first go round and were leading the race overall when they ran out of fuel 30 mile9 out on their third lap By the time they could be refueled they were out of the running Said Finney We got 110 miles out of 22 gallons we were very surprised Then came Glenn Hennessey with Larry Krause in the Bandit Racing A Diamond Pools Vulcan and Jerry Everett with Lar ry Spiers in the Everett Construction Vulcan H ennessey s sand tires got him into trouble by offer ing too much lateral stability Everett hung on putting a tap on Gross during the first lap s dust He too ran out of fuel on the third lap 15 miles out Despite this and a broken Going well for a time in Pro Two Glen Hennessey did a nice little flip and it put him out of the race as it took time to right the car shock Everett fin ished second Pro Two and eighth overall Pro Richard Binder with John Rochel and Bill Cook with Rick Wagner were next off Cook s Jim Travis took the overall Sportsman lead off the start and ran to the wire winning Sportsman One and overall honors In the Chenowth Jack Dinsmore took Pro Class 5 and heads for the checkered flag here The J J car was so well prepped that it won in Beginner class too The last pair of cars off in Pro Two belonged to Steve Cheuvront and Jim Huff Huft was alone in his new Jeep and had a few bugs to work out He finally was stopped by a blown clutch Cheuvront with Vicki Allison taking the back seat in their brand new freshly painted unstickered Chaparral tangled wheels with Giebelhaus when the latter attempted to pass on the fast hard pack after Check Th ree G iebelhaus said apparently m y left front wheel hit a bush and pitched me into his car Next thing I knew I was laying upside down Steve put it this way he was into me o u r wheels locked and we both went ass over teakettle we landed right side up luckily and circled back to Mark hanging from his harness The ruts got deep for the Sportsman but Jay Voelkner and Deanna McLactan We honked he gave us th um bs rode them out to take tops In Sportsman Two and fifth overall 84 Camaro d rew a lot of spectator interest and could be the next concept in Class Two cars with its midsh ip sidewinder V 6 But not yet It never finished a lap Binder trying QUt our pre run car haJ no problems to speak of finished first Pro Two and second overa ll Pro DECEMBER 14 15 16 1984 FRONTIER 250 Final Race of th Nissan Cup Series DOUBLE POINTS RACE RACE STARTS SATURDAY DECEMBER 15 10 30 a m FIVE LAPS OUT OF SLOAN NEVADA 100 BONUS FROM THE FRONTIER HOTEL FOR FAST LAP IN EACH CLASS ENTRY FEE 350 00 INSURANCE 45 00 HORA MEMBERSHIP DOUBLE BONUS IF LAP IS TURNED BY THE CLASS WINNER 25 00 FRIDAY DECEMBER 14 FRONTIER HOTEL SUNDAY DECEMBER 16 FRONTIER HOTEL Registration 10 00 a m to 9 00 p m Contingency Tech Inspecti on 11 00 a m to 9 00 p m Engine Changing Contest 1 00 p m to 3 00 p m BFG Tire Changing Contest 3 00 p m to 5 00 p m Welcome Cocktail Party 5 00 p m to 7 00 p m Mandatory Drivers Meeting 7 00 p m Brunch Americana Room 9 30 a m Frontier 250 Awards 1 l 00 a m Nevada Motorsport Awards HORA Desert Series Points Awards Information HORA 961 West Dale Ave Las Vegas Nevada 89124 702 361 5404 W i i W Dusty Times 6 LDRA H HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION December 1984 Page 19
up and we limped into the pits o n two fla t tires and a trashed front e nd After that they too ran out of fuel on their th ird lap but fina lly fi nished third in Pro Two tenth overall Pro Two cars entered Pro 1600 those of Rob Moutinho and Mel Jarvis Mou tinho went out after two laps and the Mel Jarvis Ma r i n e Ma rli n Mechan ica l Corp Sidewinder ran consisten t laps fo r the class win and sixth overall Pro Three trucks showed fo r Pro Eight two Fords and a C hevy N elson Tomlinson and Ignacio A lcala Rivera left first in the Jeff Sanders took a well deserved win In Sportsman 1600 He broke four Fords Tomlinson grabbing the shocks on the course but ended up taking second overall also lead But Mike Do herty so o n caught and passed them bo th the whoo ped o ut straight leading overheated cracking a cylinder say ing he hit 120 m p h as his into C heck O ne Bo th Fo rds head 4 miles fro m the end of sho rt bed C h evy flew into the air soon dropped o ut but Do herty his second lap and twenty feet off course alo ng pushed it too hard and the C hevy Since so many Pros had run o ut of fuel and lap times were higher than anticipated it was past 2 00 p m befo re the Sportsm an race sched uled at noon got underway A t the d rivers meeting a decision was made t o sho rten their race by cu tting the little loop out of the cou rse They wou ld run three lap for 90 miles instead o f 120 There were no complaints Thirty eight entries were ready to go and at 2 03 p m Jim Travis in the Arizona Desert Rat General Tire Cheno wth and Col eman McArthur in the McArthur Farm Supe r seats Kirk Auto motive HC ProducIt was not a good day fo r Jim Kirk In Pro Ten He ran a strong first lap ran out of tions Beard s fram ed car took gas on the second and broke a spindle on the third off Travis took the lead and then led wir e to wir e for th e Sportsman One and overall Sportsman win with a time of 2 11 46 McArthur was o ut on the seco nd lap Bob Austin broke on his first with Duncan Bro wn hanging on for second One and eighth O A Sportsman Ma k in g up th e b iggest Sportsman class twelve 1600 s took off next Five finis hed Jeff Sanders fi nished on top of the heap and second O A Sportsman HaroldandJoanSandersconqueredtheSportsman1600Limiteciclasslnthelr two seat Chenowth shown here slugging through the deep sand Ron League heads out of the main pits on his last lap League drove the Chenowth to first overall and first In Beginner Class 1 honors even though he broke four sho cks Ro ugh and I m o nly running two shocks per wheel I didn t feel lik e I had shock o ne o n that car and it kept jump ing sideways Behind Sanders came Jim Allison third O A and Mike Gersten sixth O A with R od Leon and Bill Spickard way back Then it was seven Sportsman Two s leaving Jay Voelkner in the SST Performance Beard sframed ca was first fifth O A on the second time out for his new car C lass favor ites not finishing were Brad Griffith o ut with broken trailing arms and Mark Lundell who suffered cooling The Interesting entry of an 84 Camaro with a midship Sldewlnde r V 6 engine was driven by BIii Cook and It did not cover a lap ARE YOUR BELTS LEGAL FOR 1985 PRODUCTS INC Filler Products Inc is offering the above set of 5 point belts with 3 snap in lap belt 3 twin harness and 2 crotch strap including all mountilfg hardware at a specially reduced price With sewn in harness pads as shown 98 75 Without harness pad s 88 10 Filler is also offering to re web and up date your existi ng sets of belts as shown above for only 38 00 SIMPLE TO ORD ER Phone or mail order using Visa Mastercharge or we do ship C 0 0 No pe rsol al checks please Order now and receive the new 20 page 1985 catalog and price li st free FILLER PRODUCTS INC 9017 San Fernando Road Sun Va ll ey CA 91352 818 769 7770 Page 20 Ed Martensen competed in his short course Pro Class 10 car and despite a flat left front tire he finished second in the big class December 1984 troubles with his M azda engine and a flat tire Eight turtles were next but o nly two of those Sportsman Fiv es w o uld fini s h Pete Dun s hi e s hardt op running strung and taking the cl ass and fo urth O A with Jo hn Breitkreitz in second but no challenge fini s hing seco nd O A in Ronnerud s convertible Keith Jaegar s black Baja h ad the fastest lap two minutes faster than D unsh ie s best but blew the motor on th e second lap In 1600 Limited action two of the fou r starters finis hed Harold and Joan Sanders taking it o ver Tom Higgins and R ich Cada tenth O A Sportsman twelfth 0 A respectively Neither Sportsman 5 1600 finished but Jim H enry did run one lap Now with all the downed cars o n t he course and the shadows growing lon ger twenty fo ur Beginners lined up to start T hey would run five times over the little loop ten miles lo ng A few complained a few finis hed and a fe w had th ei r p it c r ews o ut rustling up mo re fuel Ron League took Beginner T wo T o m Gably took 1600 Open Deborah Lundell took the 1600 Ltd and Eric Ulinger wo n Five T en o thers finished and almost everybody had a lo t of fun as the race ended and the sun set T he sweep trucks did their job in the dar k but everyone was off the course by m idnight The eighth and final race on the 84 A D R A C hamp Series the Eighth Annual So no ita to Rocky Po int Hare n Ho und will be held o n December 1 starting in Sonoita M exico so uth of Lukeville Arizona It s a 135 mile po int to po int race and will include bikes and A TV s as well as the cars 1984 A D R A C hampionship Series trophies and awards will be presented January 19 1985 at the annual awards banquet in Pheon ix Dusty Times
The Season Finale in Georgia Text Photos Darlene Bozeman Mike Seabolt had the lead twice in Class G and when it counted at the finish Seabolt is GORRA s 1984 Class G Points Champion The Georgia Off Road Racing Association held their last 100 mile race of the season on October 28th Twenty dedicated off road racers lined up on the starting lin e in the usual GORRA buggy classes The ten G class cars started in front of the ten D class cars Off the line Travis Hurst led the G class and he held the lead for the first eleven laps then he broke a shock At this point Mike Seabolt took over but soon Glenn Stephens had the lead and then Bruce Mitchum moved up front Mike Seabolt took over for the fifth lead change of the day in Class G When the checkered flag dropped for the last time this season it was for Mike Seabolt GORRA s 1984 Points Champion As usual there were problems fo r many of the other G class cars Bruce Mitchum fin ished second but had condenser problems along the way Micky McDuff broke a shock mount but sti ll managed to finish third 1n fourth place Jack Hanson Jr had ring and pinion gear trouble and one of the leaders Glenn Stephens had to fix the distributor points and finished fifth Taking sixth Lindy Herrell had carburetor problems and Ron Lykins got dirt and mud in his eyes but finished seventh It had started raining toward the end of the race In eighth early leader Travis Hurst came back from broken shocks and in ninth Bobby Bramblett had tranny problems Taking tenth Tony Leftwich lost his steering The D class honors went to George Williams In second at the flag was Clay Hurst whose including losing an air cleaner suffering a broken throttle cable and finally losing the clutch In fo r ninth Lynn Causey broke the transmission mounts and last but not least Jim Dunnaway was tenth Jim for some reason could not stay on the race track He was last seen during the race in the woods with the steering wheel in one hand and a so called cool drink in the other All in all it was a fun filled day for the finaleofGORRA sracing season The 1985 race schedule for the Georgia Off Road Racing Association will be starting in March of 1985 Watch for the race dates in a coming issue of Dusty Times Flying high over the bridge Tony Leftwich later lost the steering gear and he spent the rest of the day parked in the nearby woods The GORRA course is not all woods and has plenty of open running where the cars can get up to speed even In the soggy terrain 4430 N Dixie Hwy Ft Lauderdale Fla 33334 Distributors of Off Road Parts Accessories A T L Fuel Systems A M S Brakes Berrien Bug Pack Centerline Chenowth Dellorto Carbs Fox Shocks Funco Race Cars Kennedy Clutch father led the G class for the first eleven laps Bob Rule had already nailed down the GORRA points championship in class so he was o ut for a Sunday afternoon drive and finished third Despite some problems with the breather Steve Kearn was fo urth Rounding out the o class Larry Porter had condenser t roub le and placed fifth followed by Jerry Holcombe who had push rod failure Listed in seventh was Coy Scott who somehow broke his frame in the race In eighth John Williams had a number of problems Dusty Times K N Mastercraft Mecca Accusump Neal Outerwears Phoenix Fire Syst Saco Products Simpson Safety Super Boot Weber C_a rbs Total Seal Rings Weld Wheels Summers Bros V D O Gauges Wright Place 305 772 1171 305 491 8085 Jim Dunnaway had some steering trouble also and he parked his D class car and enjoyed being a spectator for the duration ofthe race December 1984 Legal in California for racing vehicles which may never be used upon a highway Page 21
Hialeah Happening Text Photos John Sprovkin l l t WHY AREN T YOU A DUSTY TIMES DEALER SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT_ TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS U P S EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Avenue uite O Agoura CA 91301 213 889 5600 Page 24 Dust was a real problem on the track In D class the action was typical as Joe Cunningham 46 overtakes Marty Pounds while flying December 1984 Dusty Times
Jimmie Crowder had his brand new Chenowth Magnum soaring and Crowder took two Class 1 heats as well as the points win for the day Hialeah Speedway Hialeah first move with Marty Pounds Florida along with the and Sam Pace right with him F O R D A sponsored the Tom Gundeck spun out at the October race This track known first turn while John Hanson for its stock car racing was hung in there The first lap saw modified for today s activities Joe with the lead only to be Approximately 75 of the track overtaken by Marty during the remained asphalt while the rest second lap Sam made his move was covered with dirt and the during this lap as he went by appropriate jumps added This Jo hn The fourth lap found three was going to be a challenge to the buggies tangled up hard to drivers that s for sure There identify due to all the d_ st Jerry were three eight lap heat races Allen and Scott Gundeck saw a within each class and a feature lot of each other during this heat race of ten laps consisting of the as they exchanged positions quite top four win_ners of each class frequently When the checkered As the drivers made flag was coming down Marty preparation and took a few Pounds was the first to cross the practice laps I knew it was going line with Joe Cunningham right to be another dusty race day No behind him for second and Sam matter where I positioned myself Pace rrioving over that line for during the race it was very third difficult to see the buggies The The 1 2 I600classlinedupfor score keepers in the tower had their start in this first heat Bob their share of problems trying to Bohres took an early lead with see through the maze of dust Bruce Bennett close behind and particles that was hovering over Bob Broome right there with the track By the third heat the them Kenny Burkert and Terry races were stopped in order to Clark were staying together until modify the track to eliminate they bumped wheels during the some of the dust The track was second lap Kenny dropped back later watered down by the local while Terry gained some ground fire d epartment During this mishap Buddy D C lass was first to start T ay lo r slipped by both of them things off in the first heat As the While the third lap was in green flag gave the appropriate progress Bruce Bennett saw his signal Joe Cunningham made the opportunity to whiz o n by Bob Bohres giving him the first place spot fo r this lap During the fourt h lap Terry Clark made his move passing everything in sight and gaining ground with each lap thereafter Buddy Taylor hit a drum marker and bent his front end Bob Broome had some trouble seeing through the dust and missed a jump As this heat came to an end Bruce Bennett and his buggy brought it home first followed by Terry C lark fo r seco nd place and Bob Bohres made it in third As the dust settled down from this heat the C lass l s got o n line for their first appearance today with eight buggies ready to roll The signal was given and down the straight away and into the first turn they went The dust was so bad that the visibility was next to none How they made it o ut of that turn in one piece is beyond me Carlton Jackson and Gary Thistlewood driving a twoseater and Mike Hester bumped each other This threw Mike s timing off as he went over a double jump Mike landed o n top of a drum marker and had a good view for the rest of the heat Jimmie Crowder Chenowth Magnum started with the lead and hung in there throughout the heat Tom Seckman spun out in the infield and lost ground with each lap Scott Haire did a great job as he was bringing up the rear for the first three laps then made a steady climb to the second p lace spot by the fifth lap Dennis Ard Chuck Gurr and Butch Brickell were exchanging their positions with each lap When the final results were in for this heat Jimmy Crowder was first Scott Haire crossed the line in seco nd place and Butch Brickell made it in third p lace With the second heat getting read y to start 0 class got into their pos1t1on The sign of the green flag was all it took for twelve buggies to get on the way It dido t take long for things to happen This was an exciting heat First Scott Gundeck and Jerry A llen spu n out Tom Gundeck picked up the early lead Sam Pace took over the lead from Tom during the four th lap Both stayed head to head in that order for the duration of this heat Ru sse ll Han s ley rolled coming off the do uble jump and was hit by Joe C unningham Neither driver finished the hea t John Hanson hit a metal drum marker He landed sideways and was hit by Sam Pace This resulted in a broken axle for John Terry Pulkrabek had some carburetor trouble and Gene Windham had his distributor jump o ut of whack Mark Armhein spun out only to be hit head on by Scott Gundeck With the conclusion of this heat the results were Sam Pace bringing in first place Tom G undeck and John Hanson completing the heat with second and third p lace in that order Now it was time for 1 2 1600 class to do their thing for the seco nd heat Seven buggies were on the movewhen the green fl ag signal was given Kenny Burkert picked up an early lead with Buddy Taylor and Terry C lark right o n his tail Terry wen t flying by Buddy during the third lap putting him in second place position while Bruce Bennett ho lding down fo urth spot fo r three laps overtook Buddy during the fo urth lap Also during this lap Bob Bohres lost his ring and pinion putting him o ut for the rest of the day It was a real battle bet een Terry Kenny and Bruce Finally during the final lap Terry eased by Kenny to take first place putting Kenny in second with Bruce pulling in third C lass 1 uniimited lined up with anticipation awaiting the starting signal It was given and away they went with Mike Hester in the lead followed by Butch Brickell then Dennis Ard By the end of the third lap Jimmie Crowder made his way from sixth position to second That s Scott Haire did a good job in the first Class 1 heat finishing second and here Tom Seckman failed to pass and flew into the infield iclray 1hompson uTI The tire for serious drivers race work or play superb quality a round tire with better ride and handling tough race proven Polyester Fiberglass Belt Construction sizes from 27 diam up to 39 diam SIZE 27x9 50 14 27x9 50 15 30x9 50 15 31x11 15 32x12 15 33x14 50 15 35x11 50 15 35x14 50 15 35x17 50 15 39x15 15 30x7 15 Stonewall PRICE INC F E T 62 95 72 95 85 95 1 05 95 121 95 138 95 135 95 158 95 198 95 239 95 79 95 Centerline rims Inner tubes Ultra Seal In Stock at Giant John Hanson demonstrates the bicycle act in his Class D Most of the class drivers favor t_ his style of tractor tire combination measures accurately in 1 lb graduations steel case with lexan crystal anchors solidly into stake pocket holes perfect tie down points for ATCs fuel barrels tires easy installation removal swivel head and bleeder valve choose Kenny Burkert 619 and Bob Broome had a good dice in 1 2 1600 competition Burkert was second in points and Broome was fourth Dusty Times December 1984 Page 15
some kind of driving Butch Brickell was hit and rolled during the third lap He was alright and continued on Chuck Gurr lost his brakes and had to take it easy Carlton Jackson did a great job gaining the third place spot during the second lap For the thirJ fourth and fifth laps Mike Hester and Jimmie Crowder were battling it Ut Finally Jimmie made his move during the sixth 1 ap to overtake Mike and stayed with it until the checkered flag signaled him as winner This put Mike in second place followed by Carlton Jackson in third Back to the D class for their final heat with all the buggies still operational and ready to roll Marty Pounds and Joe Cunningham in that order picked up the top two positions battling it out with each other for five full laps During the sixth lap Joe made his way around Marty In the seventh lap while Marty was trying to gain his lead back he hit something while Jim Mortimer 677 and Buddy Taylor raced hard in the 1 2 1600 contest driving the older style buggies common in the Florida class going through a cloud of dust and flipped three times He was knocked out for a few seconds but came out of it okay Jerry Allen lost a bearing and Tom Gundeck broke a left front tie rod At the completion of this heat Joe Cunningham crossed the tinish line first Scott Gundeck crossed second and Sam Pace was in third place KEEPSON WINNING how Trucl
Sand Nationals By Lou Among all the Jeep based rigs Junior Dodson took his Bronco to first place In the Class C competition in HIii Drags The Sand Nation ls were held September 8th and 9th at the Granger Hill Race Grounds The race was presented by the Y City Hill toppers Four Wheel Drive Club and sponsored by many area businesses The prize purse offered was a whopping 10 200 making it one of the richest four wheel drive sand drags in the country The competition rules were modified East Coast Four Wheel Drive Association Rules and were run weight to cubic inch The campground was buzzing on Friday night with four wheelers pulling in and the Rules lnspection T earn weighing and inspecting many of the 150 vehicles which had registered to race The busy day was Saturday After finishing up the inspection the racing got underway in the afternoon with double elimination on the Flat Sand Drags with the Big Eliminator paying 400 00 Middle Eliminator paying 300 00 Small Eliminator paying 200 00 and Top Eliminator paying 500 00 The drivers were competing on a 300 foot pure sand drag track wheel to wheel using Chrondek Lights with the tree arrangement in ProComp tradition for the starter and obtaining each vehicle s elapsed time Most competitors prefer the double elimination process run because it gives them a chance to stay in the running for a second place win if they lose on the first pass First place paid from 150 to 285 with second place paying from 50 to 180 Regardless of getting a second chance the driver had to be alert at all times while staging for the lights moved quickly from staged to ready to go And the driver s edge of awareness was maintained until reaching that finish line It only took one mistake and you were out After all classes had run for first and second in each the eliminator classes were set up among the clas5 winners The Little Eliminator Class consisted of Dale Shirley for Class M John McCullough for Class L Greg Harris for C lass K Howard Dusty Times Shirley for Class J Edd Harney for Class I Rick Roby for Class H and Kenneth Reinhart for Class G The eliminator rounds were run in bracket fashion with delayed lights The slower vehicle would take off and the faster played catch up The winner of the Little Eliminator was Rick Roby Rick would have to run the winner of the Middle Eliminator Middle Eliminator consisted of Jeff Russell for F class Dudder Baker Sr for E class Dudder Baker Jr for O class Jerry Ziegler for C class Junior Coconis for B class and Dave Price for A class With the delayed action of the lights the slower rated classes made catch up difficult for the larger faster vehicles so much so that F class driver Jeff Russell took the Middle Eliminator Big Eliminator consisted of XO class driver Terry Neal XCclass driver Danny Parsley XB Omncr class driver Randall Sartin and XA class driver Jerry Hazen Jerry in his blown injected Hemi took Big Eliminator For the Top Eliminator Rick Roby competed against Jeff Russell with Jeff winning the This glass bodied sand drag special is potent and Pat Conner drove it to first heat After a cool down Jeff plf Ce in Class B In the HIii Drags pulled his F class 4x4 to the line afford to make a mistake today Don t miss the 4x4 Drag Jerry Hazen pulled his powerful Sunday s race ran smooth ly and Racing next year on Granger Hill XA class 4x4 up to be staged quickly eliminating the losers it s guaranteed you will get and every one watched the lights There were 17 class first and your money s worth Watch for go down for Jeff Russell He was second p lace winners on the the up coming East Coast Four off all out from the start taking Sand Drags Saturday and 17 Wheel Drive Association s Race every advantage of his 2 6 second class first place winners on the Schedule in Dusty Times in the lead Jerry s lights went down Up Hill drags held on Sunday Spring of 1985 See you then the roar of his blown Hemi was deafening as he tried to bridge the gap It was F class driver Jeff Russell that finished the 100 yards of the strip first It was early in the morning about 2 a m when the overall eliminator racing finished The spectators were as glad as the competitors to call it a night and get ready for Sunday s racing The campgrounds were unusually quiet late on Sunday morning with the up hill drags starting about noon This was a more critical day as single eliminations took place giving the drivers only one chance to The Pocket Rocket Jr is a wild center seat creation with Jeep identity driven by Rick Rltnour of the Outlaw Racing Team show their stuff The Hilltoppers re did the surface of the Hill Drags this year In the past the running surface had been graded sandy dirt For th e Sand Nationals the surface was s moothed and several fine layers of milled shale was spread and packed from the starting line to the finish offering the drivers a constant running surface Th e first place winners only received prize money from 150 up to 285 not bad for a wheel to wheel 50 yard dash up hill These drivers couldn t WIiiie Davis leaves a wild rooster tall of sand driving his Wild Wittie Jeep creation from southern Ohio CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER HOUSE CROWN MFG RAPID COOL TRI MIL WESTERN AUTO TIRES BILSTEIN CENTERLINE CIBIE HEWLAND PORSCHE TURBO C V SEARD SEATS PARKER PUMPER TECTIRA TIRES SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS KYB SHOCKS SWAY A WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS As the Christmas Tree goes green John Brown and Jeff Pollack square off In the battle of the CJs In HIii Drag competition CENTER LINE R4Cl lt G SWAY A WAYcoo WHIII S 11 N v I BEFORE YOU BUY TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL 12945 SHERMAN WAY NO HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 I 818 765 5827 818 764 6438 Dudder Baker Jr and his father Dudder Baker Sr won It all Junior was first In Class D both days and Dad did the same In Class E December 1984 Page 27
of the AMSA OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Great Action at the Fresno Fair Photos uJ i Smith John HcmmJ Ken Kazarian Jerry Wh elchel John Swift and Brian Harber charge towa rd the first turn at the start of their Class C heat Covered grandstands can be seen in the background The 100th annual i resno bir was capped with a free afternoon of off road racing that would have entertained the most sophisticated off road fan On the last day of the fair with the horse riding over AMSA had bladed a track with four turns and five jumps totaling about a half mile and all in view of the grandstands Fresno has always been one of the nicer facilities and one of its best features has been the big paved parking and pit area for the use of the racers As it happens when the Fair is on the paved area is given over to the ferris wheels and merry go rounds and the racers get to park in the dirt infield It s no big loss being closer to the scene of the action it means less walking and a good sized area was set aside for the racers with ample room for all and per mission to camp overnigh t on Saturday if desired Admission to the fair was 3 50 a head for adu lts and it included free entry to the covered grandstands to watch the racing The seats were never completely full but a great many ambulatory folks wandered into the lower part of the stands and stood there to w tch the fun as they would do at the horse races They were very vocal in their appreciation of the racing and AMSA had provided an announcer to h elp them understand what was happening It was a really good show The format was to run two motos for each class The first moto was ten minutes long plus a lap The second moto was to be 15 minutes long plus a lap and it would be the tie breaker The cars had all qualified for start positions and in the bigger classes the first four positions were inverted so that the fourth fastest q ualifier would sit on the pole The day started with a 20 minute motorcycle event and also featured a th ree wheeler race of about 20 minutes duration which kept the ambulance attendants b_usy Entry fee for this epic was a low buck 100 with 100 payback But there is also always a registration and insurance fee tacked on and it was 50 this time And if a driver entered more than one class he had to pay that registration and insurance for each class It was possible to race in C lass C unlimited 1600 Against a backdrop of carnival rides Wes Banks flies the front straight jump on Class 100 short wheelbase and his way to the four by four victory Banks was also_the fast qualifier Class 1 without any conflicts of time so that would cost a total of 450 and it would give a driver six motos to race Still a bargain at the level of present day entry fees Most of the multiple class folks went with just Class 1 and Class 10 racing their Class 10 cars in the open event also A Full Set 12 Issues The first race of the day was of the First Volume of for the small group of four byfours who showed up a total of four starters As luck would have unmark ed by mailing labels it one of the four Bud Tickle broke on the start line and never Earl y birds will receive the bo nus o f the Preview issue Sept 198 3 went another foot The other three Wes Banks Doug GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE THE Henderson and Gary ChristenSUPPLY LASTS sen put on a rip roaring show Send just 10 50 check or mon ey order to Banks who d been fast qualifier led for a couple of laps then had DUSTY TIMES trouble with the narrow fourth 5331 Derry Ave Suite O Agoura CA 91301 turn got too wide and SHIPPED PRE PAID VIA U P S Henderson got by Henderson then led to the finish while Christensen faded about three COLLECTOR S HOLIDAY SPECIAL DU STY TIMES Page 28 December 1984 q uarters way through Banks had almost caught up at o ne point but had a bad t ime wi th that turn agai n and then never regained h is lost ground H enderson roared on to his win wit h t h e same hig h flying t ec h niques that his father Doyce has used many a time on the same track The next group to line up was an amalgamation of Class 100 with four entries and Class D with six Ron Carter in his old Funco took the early lead in C lass 100 but was out at the end of the first lap with apparent motor trouble Craig Scott in a tidy looking Hi Jumper then took over the lead with Steve Cowdrey in his Colt powered Raceco running second and Ed Parmeter in a swing axle Hi Jumper with gear reduction and a Pinto motor running third Parmeter was out on the sixth lap and Scott led through lap 16 and then blew his motor leaving Cowdrey and his Colt the lone survivors and winners of the first moto for Class 100 Meanwhile Class O managed to stay running longer except for Bob Schockow who d blown his motor in qualifying and had no spare Mike Goodbody in his Enticer took the early lead with Rick Boyer in a Hi Jumper running second Kent Castle in his tandem Raceco and the fast qualifier of this class got into third p lace fa irly quickly but had to work to catch the leaders Running fourth it was Jeff Watson here in his very first short course race with his brand new Hi Jumper Jeff a desert racer fresh from leading Class 9 for half the length of the Frontier 500 the week before was learning a whole new ballgame Castle passed Boyer on the fifth lap to take over the second spot but Goodbody was running a smart race and staying in control Then on lap seven Castle slid by but both Goodbody and Boyer were right with him for the balance of the race Then on the 14th lap Castle got tangled up with a lapped car and Goodbody managed to get by both of them Castle maybe trying too hard to catch up in the final laps then spun out in the first turn on the last lap tangled with another slower car and Goodbody and Boyer came home first and second while Castle managed to hold on to third The third race featured 13 Class C cars with the fastest four qualifiers inverted for the start as they d been for Class D This was a short course and none too wide and 13 cars was about all it Swift d ropped way back o n the fourt h lap putting Ro n Carter Funco up to fourth p lace F ish back led th rough the tenth lap and then Harber who d passed Whelchel o n lap n ine got by Fishback also and took over the lead But then on lap 13 as he came through the narrow chute on the back of the course between the corrals Harber fo und himself trapped by a car which had gone sideways after the turn and he lost about six positions Whelchel now took over the lead with Fishback second Brad Castle third and Ron Carter still in fourth Harber didn t have time t0 catch up again and Whelchel won followed by Fishback Castle and Carter The Open Class race featured 11 cars but several of them were mighty familiar looking as Carter Harber Whelchel and Glenn Galbraith had all hastily refueled and come back out to play with the big motor boys The crowd pleaser of this moto was Jack Wayre s nice new Chevy V 8 powered Chenowth It s the same car that he had entered at Riverside where it broke a torque converter on the start line Here with Karol Vanzant driving it looked very different since Wayre had topped off its sleek lines with a massive wing reminiscent of an Outlaw Sprint car actually salvaged from his Class 2 pickup of a couple of seasons back Surprisingly the Chenowth flew the jumps gracefully and as could be expected the crowd liked the winged car T he Fishback family was having a good afternoon and Jim Fishback Jr now took the lead in his Chenowth Magnum Vanzant ran second with Mark Terzian third in his Funco and J C Myers fourth in his Cos worth powered Funco Terzian and Myers were having a tight go of it and then got hung up together outside of turn one which let both Whelchel and Harber get by them At about this time Vanzant lost his power steering and his wing began to fall off which was no surprise to anyone It came off fairly cleanly without giving anyone any undue trouble and Vanzant carried on with no power steering gradually losing ground Fishback ran very well never fa ltering while Whelchel and Harber fought for third and fourth place By the ninth lap it was Harber in third and Whelchel was fourth On the 14th lap Harber passed the ailing Vanzant remember Harber had his 1600cc motor and Vanzant was driving the V 8 so it took a while Meanwhile Myers could handle They all made it looking faster than anybody was through the first lap but at the still trying to play catch up after st art of the second lap Bob his off track tangle with Terzian Beetley ran A t t h e f inis h it was Fis hb ac k K inKhis Hi Jumper f d ovlel enh azalfnan sd robnt ekl_l Jr Harber Vanzant Whelchel ro mg 1mse t h e pits fr han k rea mg an d M yers A n d b ack m K azanan s ont s c mount m Vanzant s crew discovered a the process Kazanan pulled off b k b II h h h h b B 1 ro en e ousmg w 1c mto ut eet ey was mean t th a t h e was ou t r1or th e h td e pits d k ng te an ept on balance of the day In the meanwhile Jim An ATC race came next Fishback Sr in his Chenowth giving the four wheeled folks a Magnum was leading while little time for lunch and some Jerry Whelchel in his older bolt tightening Then the rating Chenowth was running iecond started all over again in the same Brian Harber in the Rabbit order but with the previous powered Fuoco ran third and moto s finish determining the John Swift ran fourth in a Fuoco start position of this event The Dusty Times
Mike Goodbody 17D and Jeff Drake 5D do a little wheel to wheel racing during their heat Goodbody was the eventual overall Class D winner four wheel drive vehicles went first again and this time it was a three car race for a while with C hristensen in the lead Banks second and Henderson third But then Christensen spun out about three times in front of the grandstand and the other two got a big lead on him with Banks out front Banks led for about 12 laps but Henderson was right there with him thrilling the crowd as they flew the jumps in tandem Then Banks had trouble with that fourth turn again and H enderson whose car really wasn t as fast but handled a hair better sneaked by He took off flying the jumps in a b reathtaking manner with Banks in hot pursuit Christensen fell out at about this point when his driveshaft fell out in pieces all over the track Henderson and Banks put on a two man _show that never got boring for a r_ninute They ran very close and very hard just on the edge of control As it seemed t he end of the race must surely be sbon Henderson suddenly was enveloped in a cloud of smoke as his motor gave up the ghost Banks sailed on by him and the officials realizing that one vehicle does not a race make gave him the checkered flag and the win So the race lasted about two_laps too long for Henderson who d certainly put on a good show and who got the biggest hanp of the dc1y from the spectators in appreciation of his flamboyant driving style As the Class D and Class 100 racers took off for their second moto it was Kent Castle in the tandem leading the Os and Ron Carter his car all repaired in front of what was left of the Class 100s This time there were only Carter and Cowdrey with the Colt and Carter had a huge lead very early He pushed hard passing the Class D cars they had limited 1600cc engines and Carter s was an unlimited Class C which in AMSA racing can be 18_5 0 ccs Carter obviously trying for the overall win had finally got to within inches of Castle who was leading when all of a s dden his oil pressure gauge dropped to 10 pounds and he took his foot out of the throttle He slowed to an idle and with six laps to go Cowdrey had time to u_nlap himself and take the win Boyer was second with Goodbody working ha rd to get by and then about one third of the way through the race Boyer disappeared So Goodbody moved into second where he stayed to the end while Neil Philips ran in third spot Castle Good body and Phillips the first three at the finish were the only cars on the same lap The unlimited 1600cc cars ran next Class C with Carter s car so recently ailing back out on the track after an infusion of oil o r something This time Randy Rhinehardt was driving and Carter had moved to his single seat Class C car Ken Kazarian his broken shock mount now fixed took the lead off the start followed by Beny Giannetti in a Raceco Giannetti a native of Brazil is the reigning short course off road racer there and was having his first opportunity to race with the Californians He was driving a single seater put toget er for him by Carter and Galbraith Rick Jones ran third in his Funco Brian Harber was fourth and Rhinehardt was fifth Jones moved up into second place and then on lap four Rhinehardt rolled in turn two and while back on his wheels quickly was parked in the infield shortly afterward Giannetti _ suddenly sounding as if he were running on three cylinders fell back another position and Harber moved into third spot By the eighth lap he was past Jones and into second and on the ninth lap he passed Kazarian and took over the lead This time Harber didn t ruri afoul of any cross traffic and he stayed in front widening his lead driving in his cool smooth style to take the win Kazarian ran second with Jones then Fishback Carter and Whelchel in behind him Giannetti dropped way back after the sixth lap Whelchel was trying hard to make up for his back of the pack start and was trying to get around Carter when he spun in turn two he ended up parked facing traffic and someone ran into him losing him a position John Swift slid past him when he spun Then Jones disappeared for a couple of laps parked on the backside moving everyone up a notch on lap 16 On about the 22nd lap Swift had caught up to Carter and they were having a good duel while Harber Kazarian and Fishback ran round and round just being careful to avoid the lapped cars Swift pushed hard for three laps and then stuffed himself into a haybale on the 26th lap So at the finish it was Harber Kazarian Fishback Sr Carter and Whelchel As he pulled out of the victory circle area Harber was on his way to his pit to check o ut something that felt to him like a possible broken axle He wanted to race the C lass 1 race but wasn t sure if he d be able When Class 1 started up there were just 10 cars and Harber had come back As they all rounded the turn by the corral Whelchel hit a tire that was being used as a bumper and that shot him o n his side and over rolling over the other traffic to land on hrs wheels and take off again next to last Harber didn t even get through the first lap his odd sensation at the end of the Class C race manifesting itself as a broken second gear So now it had all smoothed out and Glenn Galbraith in a C car had the lead followed by Ron Carter then Jim Fishback Jr and J C Myers Galbraith held his lead through the eighth lap but then Fishback who d already passed Carter took over the lead Galbraith and Carte driving their Class C cars now held second and third while J C Myers in an opeh car ran fourth and Whelchel in another C car had come up to fifth Fishback and Galbraith were a little ways out front but Carter Myers and Whelchel were in a tight clump Suddenly on the front straight as Carter and Myers flew the jump together one of them took a bad hop and Carter who d been in front landed on Myers The impact took off J C s right front wheel and hub but he held the car steady and drove about 50 yards with Carter perched on his hood Then his wheel less corner dug into the ground stopped him and tumbled Carter off on to his head for a bit Seen here aboutto pass Ron Carter 29C Jim Fishback Jr 11 won both of the open class heats and took the overall to make It a good day for the Fishback family M erry Christnias Everyone From the Track side Team Color and Black White photos of many major off road events in c luding Riv ers ide and Baja c urrent and historic W e have one of the largest photo librari es o f all types of motor sports including events dating back into 1970 W e have photos for publication public relations adverti sing presentat ion s prom o ti ons personal scrapbook enjoyment _ We were the re last time we ll be there next time Castle in the meantime enjoyed _a firm hold on the lead while Goodbody and Boyer fought their close matched puel Jim Fishback Sr In his Chenowth took a second and a third place In the again for second and third place heats to come our winners for the overall In Class C Dusty Times but then decided it was useless Whelchel Kroyer Dennis and went to the pits Garter l a_d Chizfiia al ld6a lbraitn aH still on to cajole the corner workers and the same lap ambulance folks into turning his When the points were totaled car over and when they did he up Wes Banks had won the four was immediately back in the fray wheel drive event with Doug his only damage being a big hole_ Henderson second And in Class in the floor pan under his seat 100 it was Steve Cowdrey in his where his car had been impaled Colt with Ron Carter coming in on Myers shock tower second C lass D went to Mike It was now Fishback Galbraith Goodbody with Kent Castle in and Whelchel and then as second place and Neil Phillips in Galbraith began to have shifter third In the C Class cars it was trouble Whelchel moved into Jim Fishback Sr in first place by second Galbraith lost another virtue of his second and third position and Fritz Kroyer in his place fin ishes Jerry Whelchel Hi Jumper moved into third was second and Brian Harber They went on to the finish in came in third Class 1 wenttoJim that order with Fishback finally Fishback Jr who won both getting the message that he could motos while Whelchel was again even slow down some At the second and Chizma finished finish it was Fishback Jr third December 1984 TRACKSIDE Photo Enterprises PO BOX 91767 LOS ANGELES CA 90009 2 13 327 4493 18710 SO NORMANDIE AVE SUITE C GAR DENA CA 90248 Page ff
PRO CANAM DESERT RACE SERIES FINALE The BFGoodrich Millican 400 B v CinJ v Chumhcrlin Photos CinJy Chamberlin LeonarJ Duy Ken Sanislo from Naches Washington charged to a first place win in Class 1 taking the lead in the tenth of the twelve laps Dave Brown nailed down another first overall victory in his Class 5 his third of the year and he had to come from behind to do it l 3Fuoodrich and Pro CanAm deser ve a big thank you fo r all of c f ribbing this year is Jim tean ed up for i he Millican 400 their hard work and greatly Murphy In the fir st desert race the tin Pro CanA m race of the appreciated support this season Jim rolled his C hevy 1984 season Although i he chill Pro Classes 3 and 4 were the truck not once but twice before Two for two is not a bad record for Gordon Scott and his flat fender Jeep CJ ot winter was strong in October fastest overall class on the last the frame broke sidelining him Scott won first place in combined Pro Classes 3 and 4 adrenalin was running ho t among long course event in the series so Then in a few of the short course chest o n the front of the trailer the drivers and pit crews Thirty they were th e first to start with events he often lost fenders and and fir ished t he seventh lap fell off and then was run over by before the rollover finally took nine cars lined up for the start of fourteen rigs jock yi ng for maybe _the spare tire But Jim was the trailer crushing the box and the twelve lap 400 mile desert po iit ion and the ultimate ready tor the Millican Valley He its toll Delores said she really scattering tools and equipment enjoyed the ride even the roll race out of Bend Oregon In just victory Gordon Scott in his drove a super race kept his truck all over the dust filled road Don abo ut every class overall points moov in on flat fender took the o n all fours and took the third but she would rather finish the Roemer brought hi s newl y race W
overall victory over all the Pro classes as well It was Dave s third overall victory with the Baja Bug in as many desert events this year At the Mill ican 400 Brown finished the twelve laps an hour ahead of the next nearest car His Bug is a great Class 5 and Brown is a terrific driver who has had a really super year Class 8 driver Bill Wisner found the four mile stretch in Death Valley a soft silty rutted stretch of valley floor as good a place as any to park for the remainder of the race Bill broke a spindle midway in the sixth lap and was unable to repair the truck in enough time to catch Surprising everyone maybe himself Jim Murphy finished a respectable third Rod Leland scoots along in his Pinto powered single seater on the back half of the 33 mile long course in Oregon s Millican Valley Mike Strong who had already in Pro 4 x 4 running starting with a well stripped Chevy completed his eighth lap Mike captured second place money in his pretty black two seater Mike had Dave Brown worried after eight laps leading the Bug by ten minutes But on the ninth round the filler neck on the radiator separated resulting in a well done motor but he still took second in the group A lthough Roger LaPlante dropped out of the race in the four th lap his two seater gathered enough points to put him in second spot on the overall points title in his class Harvey _ Lang also had mechanical difficulties in the fourth lap sending him to the pits early Art Johnson has fun racing his Bronco in the desert and everywhere else Doug Holt was running as steady as anyone in his Class 1 Funco 55 II but he Jo hn Winkes had a lot of trouble was sidelined on the eighth lap with unfixable troubles Johnson had mechanical trouble and retired on lap 8 o n the first lap but with the help of his dedicated p it crew he was Although starting last in the past Jaxon Noga for the O lerall able to continue through three class the single seater of Lloyd dass points fo r the season Todd laps It just wasn t Dick Mauhl s Kruse and Ken Dare was able to has had a great year in racing da y either he diqn t make a lap in move up to third a t the Ron Arthur made his presence this race checkered flag Joe Reich drove known this time when he In Pro Class 1 almost 50 the on ly o ther C lass 1 that finished second in a field of six percent of the starting cars were finished and he was just o ut of Ron has had his share of able to fi nish the Gwelve laps The the money but within the time misfortunes the last few races lead changed hands several times allowance Roger Zacher Do ug and hasn t bee able to keep the early in the race between Del Ho lt Joe Kellog and Rod Leland rubber side down This trip hl Matthews Ken Sanislo and Dan all made a terrific showing but drove a fine race and took som C lark Del led the majority of the various mechanical problems left money home Jaxc m Noga haJ way but he broke down in his them sidelined early the bad luck this ro und as he n 1n ten th lap and had to sit by while In the Sportsman buggy class out of gas half way around the 50 Sanislo and C lark passed to take Todd Springer ran away with the mile course His pit crew finally the first and second place spots victo ry Springer also squeaked got to him with fuel only to have engine trouble o n the next hip which put him o ut for good Rod Stevens finished his rookie year in the Sportsman 4 x 4 class with a first place finish Joe Copening excited the pit folks when he arrived with a fuel tank fire it was and an overall points title in hi put out he went on racing and broke for good later class Late in the fift h lap it looked pretty bleak for Rod when the electrical system failed and Ed Burnap his closest competition passed him Rod was able to get towed back to camp where a new battery was installed and he was off passing Ed who th en broke down for good Ed did take second p lace points and Bill Jackson was third Pro CanAm will hold their The new modified Type IV Usually a strong runner in Class 2 John Winkes had trouble on the first lap got awards party in mid November h eads fr o m ARAO provide running again and broke the frame on the third round in Olympia Washington Then power increases up to 35 over the overall points winners and other reworked Type IV engines individual class winners will be fr o m VWs or Por sc hes Th e ho no red At this time we wish to power comes from the fr ee thank all the supporters of the breathing modifi ed head s Pro CanAm racing who donated designed by ARAO and registime and money and contingency tered in the U S Patent Office prizes to the series Special The heads feature side located thanks to BFGoodrich who ex hau s t ports donated a total of six sets of tires to the racers Pro CanA m w ill aga in promote off road desert races in Oregon and Washington in 1985 and the dates will be final soon There is really great racing happening in the northwest and 21400 LASSEN ST UNIT G it m er it s more attention Leonard Day and his associates CHATSWORTH CALIFORNIA 91311 are to be congratulated for a jo b Bill Wisner who used to race Class 8 in the southland did a nice whee stand 818 709 4781 well do ne for the camera and later broke a spindle and retired TYPE IV VW HEADS AR INEERING Dusty Times December 1984 Page 31
THE 36TH ANNUAL PRESS ON REGARDLESS RALLY Rod Millen and Mazda Bag the Big One on the Pro Rally Circuit _ Bv Ra v Ha tmrth Photos Trackside Photo Enter rises peop le Rod Millen had the 4 x 4 Mazda in the lead in the early stages picking up a couple of hundredths each stage on his rival John Buffum Of the front runners Bruno Kreibich had alternator trouble and dropped back to reti re later o n Stage 12 Don Rathgeger rolled his entry severa l times o n th e fourth stage but the team was not hurt and stayed in the rally Th_e POR was to ugh on odometers Rod Millen as well as Doug Shepherd ran without odos for a good part of the first night Credit is certainly due to the navigators Bob Kraushaar Millen a nd Lind a Wilcox navigated by experience a remarkable feat in a competition where a mistak e of o ne onehundredth of a mile can put you out of the game After six stages Mill en increased his lead to 17 o nehundredths of a minute and Peter Farrell was third having d o ne the fastest time of all on Stage 4 By Stage 7 he decided to slo w the speed a bit in order to finish Jon Woodner was next followe d by Mark Klos doing a great job in the Jeep Richard Kelsey was leadi ng the GT C lass in sixth and Guy Light was 12 points ahead of Walter Boyce in Production standings after Doug Shepherd took a side trip into the woods Missing on Stage 5 was John Crawford who has yet to win a POR The clutch in the Dodge exploded and he was do ne for the weekend Stage 8 was phase 1 in the deciding facto r of the rally winners Richard Kelsey drove his Mazda RX 7 into the weeds It was a long sought victory on the P O R 7ar Rod Millen and Bob Kraushaar in the Mazda RX 7 The team scored a resounding victory taking overall honors by a huge margin of 39 minutes The 36th running of the famous Press Un Regardless Rall y had as man y thrills and obstacles fo r the drivers as India na Jones faces in his ci nema adventures The PU R is known and advertised as The o ldest meanest and toughest professional rally in America This year it once again lived up to its r putation Set in th e upper peninsu la of Michigan Ho ughton is the_race h aJquarters and it is basically a college town each year when the rall y date comes around the folks close the sc hool books and open the doors to s upport the two J ay event and they do make the ra ll y people welcome The ra ll y took place a week OFF ROAD earlier than its traditional first of November date this year Also going against tradition there was no snow on the weekend of the event and temperatures were relatively pleasant ranging from 60 to 40 degrees depending on the time of day or night It was perfect weather for th e competitors and just as great fo r the flocks of spectators o n the stages There was an occasional dose of ligh t rain which handil y served to keep the dust down on the rallv trails A full field of 70 entries were on the list and 64 actually started the POR Among the missing was Steve Millen Toyota trucker in off road racing Steve s navigator failed to show anJ no ROTARY POWER Developed Proven by Lewis Simpson RPM 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 TORQUE 130 lb 142 lb 151 lb 156 lb 156 lb 200 H P LIGHT WEIGHT E Z INSTALLATION REGULAR GAS LOW MAINTENANCE Strong steady power is the key to driving fast and smooth We want to help you WIN with low cost ROTARY power Call today to win in 85 DAVE LEWIS Page 32 714 849 4521 replacement could be found in Ho ughton In the ranks were all the top notch teams in U S rally circl es and the first cars to leave a ll were fam iliar a basic re run of most 1984 events On hand at the start it was John Buffum Audi Quattro wearing new pain t in the sty le of the European Aud is Rod Millen Mazda RX 7 Jon Woodner Peugeot 505 T urbo Bruno Kreibich Audi Quattro Ge n e H e nd erso n AMC Eagle SX 4 and Peter Ferrell Datsun 510 in Open Class The Production C lass teams are getting close to overall victory these d ays and amo ng the regulars was a contender not seen for some time Sandy Liversidge A year ago Liversidge was in co ntention for th e Productio n C lass title but he wrecked his car and retired With plans to do the entire 1985 season Sandy was at the POR with anoth er Saab Also in the tight class action was Doug Shepherd Dodge Shelby Cal Landau Dodge C harger Dan Coug hn o ur Dodge Shelby Walter Boyce VW GTI and Guy Light Olds Omega The points battle i_s heati ng up in G T C lass also and out to snag some points were Gary Eaton Peugeot Turbo Steve Nowicki Datsun 300 ZX Richard Kelsey Mazda RX 7 a nd John C rawford Dodge Daytona Turbo A couple of the rall y stages were cancelled because of loca l conditions A favor ite Mandan which is paved and about 33 miles lo ng had a few drop offs and it was thought they were to severe for the rall y cars The other Stage 17 was cancelled because of traffic problems among non competing cars While it surprised some December 1984 A happy man at the finish line Rod Millen celebrates in the traditional manner spraying everyone with champagne bubbles Photo by Scott Heckel Steve Nowicki and David Stone had problems in the early stages but they pressed on to win GT class in the Nissan and place fifth 0 A Passing some local color in Michigan John Townsend and Rick Shue drove their older Datsun 510 hard and came in fourth in open class Dusty Times
ending up in a thigh high swamp The two wheel drive rally car was hopelessly mired in the muck Here Millen had a three quarter of a minute lead on Buffum a nd a few more car were out with mechanic a l trouble Farrell was holding third followed by Klos and Woodner Shepherd was leading Guy Light and Walter Boyce in Production Class after 11 stages and Steve Nowicki was first in GT Class Among the missing was Niale Leslie with va lve trouble on the Saab and Dan Coughnour with a side trip into the forest Later Jon Woodner parked with differential problems and Peter Ferrell was running on three cylinders The Datsun retired at Stage 19 After the reseed at the dinner stop however it was Millen leading Buffum followed by Ferrell and Klos then Shepherd first in Production and Boyce The ladies of Trout Creek put out a great meal for the weary rally troops It wasn tlong before Terry Collison and Gregory Mankin climbed into second in GT standings on the second night of the rally driving their Mazda RX 7 2 WD Midway in the rally the surprise leader in the GT standings was the beautiful Alfa GTV driven by Bob l arks The car went out late in the rally the fina l phase of the deciding hunt M_illen could go a l ittle factor for the 1984 Press On easier but he still had some Regardless took place On Stage serio1 1s contenders to tne rear 19 John Buffum took a corner a Doug Shepherd was now se_c ond little wide and ended up hitting a overall followed by Mark Kl s tree with the left front section and Steve Nowicki Millen had which did extensive damage to close to two minutes in hand for the suspension on the Quattro It the overall lead Robert Parks was a rare DNF for John Buffum had his Alfa GTV second in GT Wfth the Qua_ttro out of the Class as the drivers headed for the end of the first night s efforts A total of 41 cars finished the fina l stage of the first night and Guy Light had the mos t interesting story to tell For starters his service van had a serious problem in the valve train Theri o n Stage 21 the Olds right rear wheel bearing went Rod Millen left gets some sage advice on maps from many time P O R winner south sending the wheel and Gene Henderson center while BFG s Jerry Rinaldo listens other parts into the dark woods With just two events left on total of 33 cars had finished the Light kept moving on three tough run Rod Millen and R the 191 1 4 schedule Rod Millen wheels sending sparks into the Dale Kraushaar took the overall leads John Buffum by 25 points night on the paved transit victory by a big margin of more in Open Class and Mazda leads sectio ns and he managed to keep than 39 minutes Second overa ll Audi by ten points for the from being time barred With and first in Production were manufacturer s title In Standard fo ur wheels under hi m again Doug Shepherd and Linda Production Doug Shepherd has a Light got to with in 12 miles of Wilcox in the Dodge Shelby 26 point lead over Bruce Davis the main time control fr r a finish Gene Henderson and Mike who is o nl y three points ahead of when the left rear axle broke Vanloo were third overa ll Wa lter Boyce and Dodge has a Since rally rules state that the seco nd in Open in the Eagle 41 point lead over VW In GT Doug Shepherd and Linda Wilcox came back from a trip into the woods to take competing car must finish under followed by Mike Purzycki and standings Richard Kelsey now Production class honors and scored second overall in the Dodge its own power Light and crew Ken Middleton in an AMC Jeep has just 11 points for his lead strapped the rear of the Olds to Scrambler Fifth overall and first civer Steve Nowicki and the the front of his son s car and in GT went to Steve Nowicki and Manufacturer s race for GT finished the section on six David Stone in the Nissa n 300 honors is close too Mazda leads wheels Next morning the Olds ZX Second in class sixth overall Dodge by just five points and was again patched in the service was the Mazda RX 7 of Terry N issan is third another 20 points break time and went on to fin ish Collison and Gregory Mankin back But a class winner gets 20 the rally seventh in Production t
TIie SCIDA Finale at Ascot Park Phorm Eur Swhhs The 1984 season finale for SCIDA racing happened on October 19 1984 at Ascot Park in Gardena CA A full field of seventeen buggies and sixteen sedans showed up to do battle on Ascot s 5 8 of a mile TT course The first race of the night was the trophy dash for the four fastest sprint buggy 4ualifiers Gary Potter turned in the fastest time anJ he was on the inside pole position Lined up four abreast with Gary were Bill Smiley J C Myers and Vince Tjelmeland When the green flag fell Potter immediately jumped into the lead followed by Tjelmeland Both Myers and Smiley experienced the tremen dous traction the Ascot surface is known for and did wheelies for the first thirty feet Potter pulled out a ten car length lead over Tjelmeland with Myers and Smiley going at it wheel to wheel On Potter s last lap a fuel line burst spraying the back of his car which ignited on the exhaust system The crowd came to its feet as Potter crossed the finish line with four foot flames trailing his car Tjelmeland was second followed by Smiley and Myers When Gary Potter pulled into the pits his car fire was 4uickly extinguished with no damage The sedan trophy dash was made up of Dan Bissonette Mike Sullivan Dick Conners and Mick Tickner Sullivan jumped to the lead and Conners tucked in behind him Sullivan drove a very smooth and trouble free race to add another win to his 1984 collection Conners held second over Bissonette and Tickn er crossed the line a very close fourth Before the Main Events a three lap match race was scheduled between tw o local Page 34 radio stations KEZY and KROQ both had helped to promote the races at Ascot Driving for KROQ was Raechel Donahue who has been a big fan and supporter of off road racing the last couple of years Raechel was driving Craig Durfee s Class 10 car Driving for KEZY was Rick Shaw who was competing on the dirt for the first time Rick was in the Class 10 Fun co owned by Vince Tjelmeland The race was to be three laps from a standing start When the green flag fe ll Raechel did a perfect start and pulled into the lead On the second lap Rick really put the pressure on Raechcl and pulled alongside her going down the long front straight As the two disc jockeys turned race car drivers approached the banked first turn Raechel waited just a sp lit second longer before braking and leaped back into the lead From this point Raechel never looked back and finished with a good two car length lead It was a very popular win with the crowd and T earn Swolen was seen carrying her on their shoulders Both drivers want a rematch and Rick Shaw was mumbling practice practice The sprint buggies were now lined up for their Main Event At the start Gary Potter jumped into the lead followed by Bill Smiley J C Myers Karol Vanzant and Vince Tjelmeland For the next five laps these drivers ran nose to tail in that order On the sixth lap Vanzant slid too wide entering the front straight and Tjelmeland slipped past Two laps later Potter had opened up a good lead and both Dave Bonner and Ken Kazarian had moved passed Vanzant The order now was Potter Smiley Myers Tjelmeland and Bonner The laps were running out and Myers made his move past Smiley as they approached the TT jump Tjelmeland also tried to pull alongside Smiley but had the door slammed in his face Smiley could out accelerate Tjelmeland but under braking and over the jump he would lose ground At this point Dave Bonner had his ignition switch fail which put Ken Kazarian into fifth place with his little 1600 FAT engine running against all the open buggies At the checkered flag it was Potter Myers Smiley Tjelmeland and Kazarian The sedan main event shaped up with Dan Bissonette a nd Mike Sullivan on the front row Bissonette anticipated the start perfectly and launched his VW convertible sp m ored by Jim Ford s Auto Center into the lead Sullivan tucked in behind Bissonette and right on their tails was Tom Topping and Mick Tickner in his Corvair powered sedan These four held their positions until the fifth lap at which time Sullivan was able to slip by Bissonette in heavy traffic Peter Adamson who was running his first SCIDA race was now in fifth place after starting last On tbe seventh lap Jim Stevens and Jay Bodner in their 5 1600 sedan had a spring plate break Tom Topping had a good night in his sedan taking fourth in the main event and he also finished fourth overall in the season sedan points Raechel Donahue proved to be the fastest of the racing disc Jockeys scoring he r triumph in Craig Durfee s car for the glory of KROQ The Silvera and Lee sedan a 5 1600 hurries around the corner heading for the big jump at Ascot site of the SCIDA finale race for 1984 Gary Potter had a spectacular night winning the sprint buggy trophy dash and the main event Potter finished fifth in the season s points December 1984 Dusty Times
and they crashed in turn two which brought out the yellow flag Jim and Jay were unhurt but it will be a few weeks before their car is ready to race again On lap 12 Sullivan still led Bisso nette but Tickner was in front of Topping and they remained in that order to the checkered flag In the 5 1600 ranks there was a real good sister brother battle It was Kathy and Stacy Fay against Alan and Brian Bursey with the Fearless Fay sisters finally victorious SC IDA held an even dozen races in 1984 and it was a good season Jim Vanzant won the Sprint buggy po ints title with 782 followed by his dad Karol Vanzant at 626 and Randy Lowe at 600 points Mike Sullivan had a very good year and took the sedan championship with 1064 points Dan Bissonette was second at 914 followed by Tom By Bn 11Ja A Parker Rumisek at 814 Both Ascot Park and Corona Raceway hosted the SCIDA Series and both tracks wifl host the SCIDA races again in 1985 with a bigger and better season op tap Rick Shaw of KEZY radio gets his revenge on Raechet Donahue KROQ who beat Shaw in the match race staged for the pair of D J s Dusty Times The Indian Su mmer Sprints in Wisconsin The ladies race is always good fun Th ere were eight entries at the Indian Summer Sprints Diane Fader driving Scott Taylor s Pro Tech got out in front early and led from flag to flag in the Unlimited group Liz Brannstrom driving Mike Parker s C lass 9 was second and Kim Prc bst in Jeff s C lass 9 was third In the Limited engine group it was P q rny Kn o blach in Wuesthotf s 1 1600 car in tirst place Dawn Wermerskirchen in Steve T sarpalas car as second and Kim Schaeffer driving Steve Schaeffer s buggy was third Grisp October weather and puddles from the night before rain faced the buggy After the racin g on Saturday drivers starting the endurance race at Lake Geneva _ _ _ _ _ __ ev ening th ere was a party with October in Wisconsin is the when Lee Wuestho tt passed him free hot dogs and beer furnished end of the off road racing seaso n in the C henowth Magnum Lee by the 4 x 4s Unlimited and it can be crisp in climate for led for five laps then Jeff Everyone had a grea t time by the th e finale traditionally the managed to get around him to bo nfire As the event was the Indian Summer Sprints at Lake regain th e lead Probst stayed out season wrap up in the midwest G eneva Raceway Organized by front until lap 24 then Dave everyone is now in the process of the 4 x 4s Unlimited from Vandermissen Sr passed him making plans for next season lllinois the Indian Summer With just two laps to go The next event in this area is Sprints are designed to be a race Vandermissen kept his Class 2 the Berrien Autocross Seri es for the drivers as few spectators car in the lead and won the race awards banquet on November are expected at this event W uesthoff finished second and 10 Next issue we will have a tull The track at Lake Geneva is Probst who was having engine report on the points champions about two miles long and this problems was third for 1984 year a new format was tried Each g r oup of cars ran for one hour They had a half hour break and then were re started lined up in the order they had finished the first hour The second heat was another half h our The weather last October was overcast cWd cool There had been some rain the week before the race and it threatened rain a few times on race day However it was fortunate that the rain never materialized The first group on the starting line was the heavy metal Geoff Dorr jumped into an early lead in his Jeep CJ 8 But Dorr was challenged after seven laps when Lee Wuesthoff took a long sideways slide coming out of the dirt onto the paved Ray Janusz moved his wild 4 x 4 section of the Lake Gen va Raceway course special into the lead for two laps Doer regain ed the lead however and took the checkered flag tirst at the end o f the one and a half hour race Charlie Kutchin started in second spot dropped all the way to fifth but he managed to work his way back up to finish second at the flag Third place went to Ray Janusz The next group were the limited engine cars Classes 11600 2 1600 and 5 1600 Mike HERE IS THE AMERICAN MADE Poppie went wire to wire in this MASTER CYLINDER THAT IS event Second place was shared STOPPING THE WINNERS WORLD WIDE throughout the d ay by Steve CAST ALUMIN UM TREATE D TO T 6 CON DITION Pops Probst Steve Tsarpalas LARGE CAPACITY RESERVOI R and Karl W uesthoff Berrien all CAPTIVATED CHROM MOlY PUSH ROOS THREE SIZES FOR DISC OR OR UM BRAKES driving buggies Pops Probst had EASILY REB UllOABLE If NECESSARY problems early on and dropped INTERC HANGEABLEWITH MOST OTHfR CYllN OERS UTlllZES AMERICAN MADE BRAK E flUI O way back Karl Wuestho ff broke a left fro nt sho ck and the probl em put him o ut o f co ntentio n SteveTsarpalas hung in tight to finish second with Bob W alther th ird and Jim Dooley in fo urth The Unlim ited cars were next C lasses l and 2 9 and 10 and 5 MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS In the midwest C lass 9 is open Contact your local JAMAR dealer o r w ri te 1650 cc single seat and C lass 10 42066 C Avenida A lvarado Temecula CA 92390 714 676 2066 is open 1650 cc two seat Jeff Probst took an earl y lead in his Berrien but he lost it in lap 12 December 1984 Page 35
WORRAWRAPUP The Season Ends in Western Canada Bv Tcn v R PricharJ Photos Grant BourJon mud runners have decided that we are serious about there being rules even to run in the mud and they were enforced this time Sunday produced one barn burner of an event with several championships still to be decided Everybody who was close to a leader chased him like there was no tomorrow It was a Go for it weekend and everyone did The 1984 season ended well The Mount Cheam facility has developed into a really fine race site It is totally dedicated to off road racing on a serious level WORRA would welcome more American participation and Western Off Road Racing has now set up a Border Bond system with the Canadian Customs that The off road course runs through some heavy woods a t Mount Cheam as Ed Van Go_ol stays ahead of Bob Nyeste Bronco on a logging trail Like all the race groups in the magnets will get you Without Pacific Northwest the Western the coo peratio n and assistance of Off Road Racing Association has the many clubs on Vancouver concluded the 1984 season Island it would be virtually conducted in British Columbia impossible to hold this event It was a very good year for Because the course is on privately owned forest land with limited WORRA The final event was held in mid access and exit facilities October at Mount Cheam spectators are not encouraged Raceways under the promotion Therefore the race holds no of Four Wheels West There was interest for a promoter WORRA s short course series a full complement of events enough to satisfy the appetite of open d on June 17 a month later even the most ravenous than originally scheduled The competitor or fan On Saturday track was built in two weeks and t_he Mountain Mud Challenge a remarkable feat of construction tinal was held and it drew it was too The first race could competitors from all over the only be call d a marginal success Fraser Valley to compete in all There were several teething problems but it was to be five classes On Sunday a new format was expected with the first event at a on tap with one round of drag brand new facility The next race was the racing followed by a heat of wheel to w heel racing and then Kamloops 300 Kilometer run at the order was repeated It kept Scotch Creek in the interior of the spectators entertained for British Columbia Bob Nyeste of four and a half hours and the the Kamloops Bronco Busters format gives the competitors had contacted Western Off Road enough time between heats to do Racing and requested the club the little fixes and adjustments assistance with rules for the event that are so often required during and tech inspection Many both drag racing and short course WORRA members trundled off to the beautiful Shuswap country off road races The season actually began last for the event and it was an November when WORRA unqualified success lt took place found they could not use the old on some number one and two facility at Mission Raceways The logging roads with a short group entered into negotiations stretch of mainline road and a with Four Wheels West and patch of power line road This then launched the effort into the course was such that it was of no Boomerang the 250 mile race advantage to the big dollar racer that is held on Vancouver Island It took speed and control to win The Boomerang has been held and the biggest factor in winning for the last several years and it is was driver skill not race car very popular with the racers It investment The second short course event runs on a variety of surfaces and when driven at relatively went very well with several hard moderate speeds the course is fought battles in both the wheel really simple But when driven at to wheel and drag race events racing speeds one can get just The drag strip and shut down slightly off course and the wood area are right up to N S C A Page 36 specs and the competitors say the ho okup is incredible Many had little difficulty in lifting their front wheels ln fact control became a problem and several had to lower their wheelie bars to satisfy the Safety Di tor The wheel to wheel event was a little short of participants but it did provide many exciting moments for the crowd The Class 1 buggies providing lots of speed and the trucks pleased the spectators in thejr very recognizable vehicles As always the crowd loved the Odysseys The third event saw the solving of the dust problem at Mount Cheam A five thousand gallon high pressure liquid sprayer dampened the dust but nqt the spirits of the racers On Saturday there was a Mud Race that seemed to be quite popular with the Mud Runners from the valley Sunday it was the regular format of drag races and wheel to wheel short course heats with one of the best turnouts of the season The fourth event at Mount Cheam had an even better participant count Rick Nyeste and Bruce Angus came from the interior of the province and Doug Yolland came from the British Columbia Alberta border area to compete in wheel to wheel with the regulars John Gunderson traveled north from the USA as well The drag racers came from Vancouver Island in droves swelling that entry nicely Competitors from the Island are not only faced with a 150 mile drive but they also pay a hundred dollar ferr ticket to cross the Straits of Georgia The final race of the season in October started with the Mud Races on Saturday Most of our December 1984 In tight dicing Dave Levy keeps his Bronco in front of Martin Kirilenko driving a Jeep Honcho among all the Fords Dave Levy really got some good height over the double jump driving Rick Nyeste s Bronco Nyeste or ganized the Kam oops 30 0 event Craig Leyland leaves a fine rooster tail as he charges the drag strip driving a deceptively stock looking Jeep CJ Dusty Times
allows a hass le free crossing back and forth WORRA will soon be setting the race schedule for next year and we hope to meet with all of the promoters and clubs in the Northwest to avoid conflicts on dates for both drag racing and wheel to wheel events Also in the planning stage is a multi hour endurance race on the wheel to wheel course and a Canadian Nati o nal reco rd meet for the drag racers These events will be held apart from the regular points series If you would like to know more about off road racing in British Columbia contact WORRA cl o Terry Pritchard 8596 Harvie road RR 10 Surrey British Columbia Canada V35 SX7 WEATHERMAN S OUTLOOK How to Maximize Your Racing Performance with I Way Communications B v Boh Stcinhcrger O MILES DOWN THE ROAD 0 r hase Vehicle FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD WAY DOWN THE ROAD 2 3 A Range receive sensitivity it must also have good selecti vity so it hears only what it s supposed to hear and rejects spurious signals and adjacent channel interference 4 ANTENNA GAIN for each 3 decibles Db of gain you double yo ur effective radiated power At 150 Mhz a 16 Base Pit Vehicle BJ Rang e antenna is a quarter wave length and O gain therefore your _ radio s output power is the same as your effective radiated power provided the a ntenna is perfectly Race Car CJ Range matched to the output frequency of the radio A 3Db gain antenna is two times the output power in effective radiation 6Db gain is four times the output measured This month s subject is 6 With FM a stronger signal wiH in effective radiation Effective RANGE How far will a radio overpower a weaker one This is radiation is taking the output talk This was the most often exemplified when on your FM power of the radio and directing asked question at our stereo you hear a station and as it effectively over a horizontal contingency booths at the you make a left turn you hear plane and limiting the vertical Frontier 500 and Baja 1000 equally as good another station radiation There is no clear cut answer on the same FM frequency The 5 ANTENNA MATCHING because of the vast number of stronger signal dominates in order for the entire oi 1tput variables some of which we have thereby walking on a weaker power of the radio to be control over and most of which signal When two FM radios on effectively radiated the antenna we don t The following is a the same frequency with nearly has to be impedance matched graphic illustration of some of e q u a I Power tr an s m i t through a thru line wattmeter the different situations that are simultaneously they will cancel and cut in length to the precise encountered in an off road race each other mid range frequency In the case with regards to range 7 A properly prepared and of multi channel radios this tuned FM 2 way with a matched eliminates reflected power antenna correc tly installed will Reflected power is lost power VEHICLE A Equipped with a insure communication to at least 6 ANTENNA HEIGHT 90 watt 2 way using properly point 1 of the above graphi
f7l4 962 665 _ _ _ i i 10575 Be ler River ve Funtain alley CP _ 92708 12623 SHERMAN WAY UNIT B NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 PHONE 818 765 3566 COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE R EPAIR CENTER FOR AUTOS 4x4s MOTORHOMES I 1 S enJ 3 oo lor our new 1984 Catalog DEl iNIS GARMAN 0 Cll PEK c 01 io JLr iJ_ German Auto ARIZONA DIIERT IIACING AIIOCIATION Accessories Fast a d affordable The first and only kitconcept sport truck chassis for off road racing or street use Baja bred by John Baker 1 983 SCORE and HDRA Class 7 champion to go faster and last longer For brochure and price sheet send 2 to John Baker Performance Products 4304 Alger Street Los Angeles CA 90039 Phone 818 240 7051 TOYOTA Tim Lecluse Doyn e Podhorsky JI 0 r m 21 714 662 7223 r DATSUN SANTA FE SPRINGS CA 901570 1213 0e3 1123 17000 KINGSVIEW CARSON CA 90746 213 21 7 1805 THE BAKER CHASSIS MANAGER 11324 NORWALK BOULEVARD Send To FAMILY ORIENTED RACING PARTS JOHN P OSSER Parts VW BE WHERE THE ACTION IS COME RACE WITH US WRITE OR CALL 252 1900 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA CA 91766 714 620 1242 PRO SPORTSMAN BEGINNER RACES CLASSES FOR BUGGY S 4x4 1 TRUCKS CARS 1408 E Granada Road Phoenix Arizona 85006 ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES A PENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION OFF ROAD AND ASPHALT 0 0 2952 R NDOLPH UNIT C COSTA MESA CA 92626 z e ALL TYPES OF VEHICLES e STREET e STRIP e OFF ROAD Send This Ad In For A Free Catalog OR846 1220 Knollwood Circle Anaheim CA 92801 714 761 2152 WIDE SELECTION OF FIBERGLASS SEATS COVERS BEARD S SUPER SEATS 208 4th Avenue E Buckeye AZ 85326 ED BARBARA BEARD PBBPOBIIA C B DcLL R o WEBER 602 386 2592 Box 2260 2949 Century Pl Costa Mesa CA 92628 714 979 2560 1450 Glassel Orange CA 92667 714 639 2833 M RACING o PREPARATIONS SUSPENSION SYSTEMS Ill DiSTRIBUTOR FOR G Svy s enc1 2 oo to r Ca ta 1og I o I 7M DENNIS WAYNE OHN PORSCHE PARTS PARTS OHNSON SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS Owner 916 682 9484 Art Jackson Mike Bishop 7901 Cotlonleal Way Sacramento CA 95828 11623 SHELDON ST CA 91352 SUN VALLEY DUAL 1111PU SHOCK SYSTEMS FIBERCLASS P O BOX 81 LEMON GROVE DEPT 1 CA 92045 619 583 2054 RE l ASLE V W PAim Mechanic HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOCkS IICING PRODUCTS 60 V 6 2 8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSORIES 768 4555 7 Tl BAJA 1000 Winner 4 WO Repairs Lift Kits Wheels Tires Used Trk Ports Tel 413 739 4111 Quick Fuel Cells Fills Std FIiis LeDuc Off Road ENTERPRISES 186 Baldwin St West Springfield MA 01089 8341 Canoga Avenue Canoga Park Calif ornia 91304 818 709 5416 800 854 5127 Page 38 _ 1 0925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley CA 92708 December 1984 714 893 7953 714 895 4412 Distrib u tor For Mastercraft Bestop Husky Rough Country Parker Pumper Custom Race Truck Fabrication and Roll Bars Dusty Times
e Tr McKENZIE S AUTOMOTIVE INC OFFROAD RACECAR V PARTS AND ACCESSORIES CENTER LINE WHEELS CIBE BILSTEIN SHOCKS GEM SWAY A WAY RACING GEAR LIGHT SEAT BIEARD 12945 SHERMAN WAY NO 4 NO HOLLYWOOD CA 91605 818 764 6438 THE POWEii iN RACE RAD DI 90 WATTS SYNTHESIZED RACE BUSINESS USE CUSTOM DESIGNS PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL SIGNAL HILL CA 90806 714 697 3100 THE THE RUSS s V W Recycling BAJA BELTED POLYESTER FIBERGLASS BELTS OUTLINED WHITE LETTERS All the characteristics of a radial and more Soft ride extra mileage precise handling reduced rolling resistance mwe MPG low noise level Revolutionary Side Biter cleats give lwice the traction in mud snow dirt and sand Plus orotect sidewalls off road 1 800 222 9092 3317 S Peck Rd Monrovia CA 91016 IN CANADA 411 114 4715 CALL OR WRITE FOR OTHER Mi T TIRES AND SPECIALS BEHIND TONY S TRUCK WRECKING 818 574 1943 818 574 1944 TEST RESULTS AVAILABLE Specializing in V W Bugs Buses Ghias and 914 s Send to MICKEY THOMPSON TIRES P O Box 227 Cuyahoga Falla Ohio 44222 THE 054 SolJTH VAllEy ViEw JEim THE LAS VEGAS NEvAdA 8Ql 02 BARNEY SCOTT Phone 585 3 3 Larry Ell_is Distributor for VW Off Road Race Parts Jamar Mickey Thompson Tires Allison Ignition HPS KC HiLites Total Seal Rings 7 Jackson St Avon CT 06001 o RE SPEED UNLIMITED OF NEVADA 2954 Westwood Dr E Las Vegas NV 89109 SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W Collins Orange CA 92667 714 997 0766 If no answer 714 997 0767 QUALITY PARTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES l ustyTimes 13121 869 2 434 8001 323 5427 Suspension Compon e nts 7840 BURNET AVE RACINC PHOTOGllAPHY SPECIALISTS ACE TTIANS BYJEFF RW S Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components 213 988 5510 Jim Ober PHIL S INC Send 3 00 for complete Phil s Catalog Volkswagen Off Road High Performance Equipment PO BOX 91767 LOS ANGELES CA 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE SUITE C GARDENA CA 90248 213 327 4493 702 735 7753 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Can 8 18 882 2886 TRACKSJDE V W SPEC I ALI ST ENGINES G TRANSAXLE REBUILDING STREET GOFF ROAD OFF ROAD ENGINEERING GREG LEWIN KIRK CARTWRIGHT 2225 FIRESTONE BLVD LOS ANGELES CALIF 90002 Photo Entaprl _ O BRACING 2204 Ashland Ave Evanston Illinois 60201 TRAILSMAII TIRE WHEEL MART 702 871 4911 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth CA 91311 TRAILSM ur 701 CHARLESTON AVENUE LEE S SUMMIT MO 64063 PHONE 816 525 3555 DON HILKER PRESIDENT NEVADA OFFROAD BUGGY BILL O BRIEN 203 673 0342 Li Mkkq lholllpson ll MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOCY 3501 FOURSOME DRIVE LA MESA CA 92041 TECTIRA 213 426 7077 2188 GUNDRY AVE VW PORSCHE HEWLAND RACINC GEARBOXES U SJI TRfiNSfiXLE I ENGl j JEFF FIELD 998 2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth CA 91311 VALLEY PERFORMANCE 3700 Mead Avenue Las Vegas Nevada 89102 702 873 1962 VAN NUYS CALIF 91405 for order desk December 1984 Page 39
John Buffum Wins Outright in Europe It was a great drive one of the best ever done by an American driver on a European RaUy It was the Rothman s Cyp rus Rally part of the European Rally Championship series and Buffum and his British co driver Fred Gallagher took the BFGoodrich Audi Quattro to the overall victory John Buffum spent ten days on Cyp rus prior to the event practicing and making many notes The narrow winding roads of the ancient island predicate speeds well under 40 miles per hour Running oh standard street radial tires from Bffi
Christmas Gift Goodies Galore Cepek Wire S toneguards Filler Christmas Reminder New from Dick Cepek are wire stoneguard light protect ors designed to protect the high dollar halogen and sealed beam lights from rocks off road and general road _debris elsewhere They are The best selling Christmas item from Filler Products is the finely crafted black naugahyde racing bag The bag is full size 2 4 x 12 x 12 to carry all your race gear The Christmas special price is only 34 50 This special offer is good only until December 21 1984 Order now and receive the special bonus of the new 20 page Filler Products 1985 catalog and price list free Send to Filler Products Inc Dept OT 9017 San Fernando Road Sun Valley CA 91352 or call 818 7687770 made of heavy duty steel wire mesh in gleamiAg chrome or rugged black vinyl coating Thc stoneguards are packaged with all the clips and instructions included and they are made to fit most models with small large round or rectangular lights The retail price for all si es is just 1 I 95 per pair postpaid Want more info mation Write for Dick s Free 132 page catalog Dick C epek Inc Dept OT 17000 Kingsview Ave Carson CA 90746 and please include yo ur ip code New BFG Tall Tire wov Helmet Talk The Com Link I and II from Pho e Consultants International is a helmet interface that really works It is available to fit both open and closed face helmets and comes with full radio interface with or without intercom and there are independent volume controls Com Link II offers the race team superior radio quality at an affordable price Designed with the rigors of off road racing in mind Com Link will provide solutions to many of the common problems encountered by pit chase and racing vehicl es Call or write Phone Consultants International Dept OT 213 4267077 2888 Gundry Ave Signal Hill CA 90806 Now enthusiasts who want extra ground clearance or the cosmetic appeal of the tall look can get it while running on radial tires Rrand ne this winter the RFGoodrich 35 inch Radial MudTerrain T A is the tallest light truck radial tire available to off road enthusiasts The35 x 12 50 R 15 LT Radial Mud Terrain T A tire has a section width of 13 inches on a ten inch wide rim and has a load carrying capacity of 2555 pounds at 35 psi Like other Radial Mud Terrains it is built with three ply sidewalls for superior cut and bruise resistance This dandy i ill not only work great on trucks hut it should he a great rear buggy tire for competition as well See it at vour RFGoodrich dealer Trojan Degreaser Now available in a new 16 ounce spray bottle is the well known Trojan Degreaser that quickly removes even heavy concentrations of grease oil and dirt either indoors or outdodrs Strong yet gentle the cleaner may also be used for pre spotting greasy stains on laundry Trojan Degreaser is also handy for cleaning spots on concrete stoves BBQgrills machinery or almost anything Check it out at your store or contact Trojan Manufacturing Inc Dept OT 951 Lawrence Drive Newbury Park CA 91320 818 991 5128 Giant Super Catalog All new for 85 the Giant Off Road Centers 4th Edition Parts Accessories Catalog is packed with new product information There are applications for most every off roid vehicle including a wide selection of tires wheels suspension components lights and many other accessories geared tothle enthusiast A giant 60 pag of merchandise makes the catalog F eat Christmas reading Send just 2 00 for your 4th Edition Catalog to Giant Off Road Center Dept OT 3422 West W hit ton Ave Phoenix Arizona 85017 Remember toll free parts rdeH alls make getting the product a breeze and adds convenien c e to Giant s quick service Two new point of purc ase plumbing components For those displays from Earl s Performattc e who want just the custom look Products colorfully illustrate r ec Eari s Appearance Series display ommended applicatfons for both s hows how economizing can be Earl s Performance Series and beautiful with Econ 0 Fit hose Appearance Series of automotive ends Tu Braid braided stain less plumbing components and kits steel and plastic hose covers and Featured on the Performance Ser other Earl s products For com ies display are Earl s Auto Fit plete info and the latest Earl s hose ends Econ O Braid hose catalog contact Earl s Performready made fuel line kits adapter ance Products 825 E Sepulveda fittings and other performance Dept OT Carson CA 90745 MORE GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY 0 SAND STOCK PARTS Q OFF ROAD REPAIR Quality Engine Machine Work Fabrication acing Pertor111 e i et il11c MOTOR TRANSAXLES 702 739 1933 9 947 Rancheros Dr San Marcos CA 92069 CLARK WEST LAS VEGAS NEVADA ROLL BAR CAGE Dusty Times WEST E NGINE MACHINE 619 741 6173 WELDING December 1984 cJ the word out about your business _ big or small Put your business card in the i 1
Classified FOR SALE Two top notch Class 8 race trucks 1982 84 Ford the 1984 Berrien Autocross Series class champion Has all the latest updated equipment built with h t _avy duty cage for short course or desert racing 1984 C hevrolet with all the state more of the art parts and late model chassis driven by Kevin Pence in the midwest and Jack Flannery at the 84 Riverside fourth in Class 8 Get all the details from Jack Flannery Rac ing 715 478 3740 itWJIII FOR SALE The Roger Mears Chenowth Magnum 1983 Riverside Winner 18 000 00 less e ngine and transmission Ma y consider trade Contact Lynn Chenowth or Mike Thomas at 619 449 7100 DIVORCE SALE Hi Jumper Class 10 Fuel cell KYB s Centerlines Flarrieout Ne a l brake clutch turning brakes VDO Wright front axle and steering box new 1641 motor FAT induction Weber new Super Flo heads Type II trans Dura Blue st ubs and axles 15 000 00 invested sell for 7500 00 John Day 805 943 5653 after 5 pm FOR SALE Class 10 car 122 HP Type IV Dyno confirmed FAT desert motor Set fast tim at Baja in Barstow in 2 seat car Excellent condition r ea dy to win 5 500 00 Saco Power Stee ring unit with pump 500 00 Call Dick Young 213 426 1912 days 213 498 78 12 eves FOR SALE Class 2 racer 2180 motor H ew land gears 12 Bilsteins Cen terline s Beard seats Wright Jamar Super Boot Turbo CV s KC lights two Parker Pumpers Race ready with custo m car cover 6500 00 7 0 2 7 3 6 6 9 8 4 7 0 2 739 1933 FOR SALE Funco A arm Summers Bros brakes power stee ring Flame Out Cen t erlines KYBs Beard Seat VDO gauges Neal turbo CVs roller 6400 00 Spares avai lab le body axles stubs arms shocks bumpers and Class 10 engi ne and trans also available Interested in trade for two seat desert car ope n or 2 1600 Call Vince 714 528 2686 FOR SALE 1969 Ba ja Bug former 5 1600 racer Eight KY rear adjuster CenterJjnes Sandblasters Simpson K N Pape seats 300 miles since total rebuild Northern California 3000 firm Call 209 754 4151 TRAIL NOTES THE SIL VER D UST RACING ASSOCIATION has just announced rheir 1985 schedule The first race will be in April a 250 mile run in southern Nevada and in June rhe 400 mile event will have its headquarters in Caliente north of Las Vegas The August race will be 300 miles with the start and finish in Pioche and the final race in the series will be in November It will be a 400 mile multiple loop run starting and finishing at the Railroad Pass Casino out of Henderson Nevada on a course similar to that used this past November THE HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION nan an l XCe Jent turnout for their drawing late in November for the 1984 desert series finale the Frontier 250 A total of 112 cars were on the list four weeks before the race date of Dece mber 15 The biggest class at that point was 2 with 17 entries anc I Class 1 2 1600 was next with 14 Classes 10 and 5 1600 were also in the double digit category on entry and the final run in the Nissan Cup Series had a dozen signed up for that race A number of the points champions will be decided at the Frontier 250 so it should be an exciting finish to the 1984 desert season All the awards for the race and the season will be presented on Sunday December 16 at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas in the Americana Room THE BILSTEIN MADONNA AW ARD sometimes given for the very best performance in a particular race in all forms of motor racing was recently presented to Toyota Motor Sales USA Inc Toyota received the pres tigious Bilstein Madomu for winnin g its seco nd cons ecutive Manufacturers Cup Challenge Championship in the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Series of short course events in 1984 The Bilstein Madonna is a limited edition cast sculpture symbolizing FOR SALE Hi Jumper desert motor sports excellence and it is given to professional auto racing teams and pre run or play car IRS drivers who have won professional championships while using Bilstein shock Centerlines Beard seats Neal absorbers Thus it was presented to Toyota for their success in Class 7 events Diest Tri Mil etc Fun and a reliable car 2750 00 Call Lu after 5 p m 818 884 8062 FOR SALE 32 Pro Trac trailer FOR SALE Pre run Baja Bug Onan generator air conditioner street lic ense powder coated refrigerator bathroom work FOR SALE Baja Bug for Pre bench awning All brand new adjusters fro nt and rear Bilsteins runner or play 1750 cc engine tires and springs Will fit up to Jackmans Sway A Way fresh Jeff Fields race trans Wright 110 car The very best of 1600 engine Car is like new Sway A Way Bilstei n Fuel everything 8200 00 Lance 4500 00 OBO 2 Fresh 1835 Safe Aeroquip Centerlines Huffman Dukes Racing 818 dual port race engine Zenith K Beard seats sub frame triple 998 9811 days 818 866 5653 N duals on U M P log Tri Mil Chrome 1 headers 1500 00 shocks in rear and much more evenings OBO 3 Fuel Safe 24 gallon cell 14 500 invested court orders in box with filler tube and splash sale 5500 00 with trailer Call FOR SALE Hewland gear set panel 350 00 OBO Call Tom Ken 818 704 9170 four gears and splined shaft new 619 445 9973 in the box The new ratios third TRACKS IDE ENTERPRISES gear 1 50 to 1 fourth gear 1 15 FOR SALE Ten year collection We sell and service early and late to 1 with standard first and ofVW parts nothing o lder than model 4x4 parts Call after 3 30 second gear 3 10 and 1 96 to 1 1960 62 67 69 K Gs Two p m on weekdays Harry Bowey 495 00 Call 818 889 5601 1971 Converts one with a top Jr Sullivan WI 414 593 8201 days Several 6 V gas heaters condition unknown Write or call with FOR SALE 1984 Berrien Laser FOR SALE 1 1600 Berrien needs all letters answered VW single seater 1984 Berrien 2001 1001 Chrome Moly all the Unlimited Inc 300 Racetrack 2 1600 car 1983 Berrien 1001 good stuff Fox shocks Wright Road NE Fort Walton Beach single seater 1983 2001 open spindles Wright steering Fuel Flo rida 32548 904 862 1024 class car All cars have the best of cell gauges Hewland gears 930 everything and all are available CVs and much more Also either complete or less engine removable secondary rear and or trans Call Probst Off suspensi
e1r1ry C9hristmas from _O ur House To Yours find fl Winning flew Year To fill Who Gnjoy