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1904CUF Palma Real SCD - Phase I (Formatted 8-6-24)

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Final ReportPalma Real SustainableCommunity DevelopmentProject - Phase IGranada, Colombia

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Project GoalAssist 60 vulnerable families in Granada, Colombia, improve thequality and stability of their livelihoods and surrounding environmentthrough the construction of housing, life skills training, capacitybuilding and community empowerment.Project ChangesSince our last update, the latest M&E surveys in January moved thecompletion date to January 2024. No activities occurred from June toDecember 2023. The dry weather delayed planting greenery aroundthe Integral Development Center, but rain arrived at the end of May,creating ideal conditions for growth. Project UpdateWe are happy to report that the Palma Real Development Center hasbeen completed. Thanks to your blessings, we finished painting,installed sanitary devices, laid ceramic floors, completed interiorpainting, installed rainwater channels, ensured general cleanliness,and developed green and common areas.We confirmed several positive observations during our January 31field visit with Minuto de Dios and the mayor. We saw thatoccupational hygiene and safety were well managed in thecommunity, complete with proper signage. In addition, we dismantledthe materials warehouse and removed construction equipment,including concrete mixers and polishing machines. Furthermore, private security was extended for an additional month,and construction waste was correctly classified and managed. We,with Minuto de Dios and the resident engineer, inspected all finishes.The external sewage network, part of the Palma Real communitysystem, needs upgrading to prevent flooding and pests. To remedythis, we have asked the mayor’s office to inspect and address theissue. Overall, construction stipulations were met, and good practiceswill continue.

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Mission accomplished for the construction of the Development Centerand 60 new homes! Thank you for empowering this hardworkingcommunity with resources and hope for sustainable living.“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that yourjoy may be complete.” John 15:11TestimonialMayor Juan Carlos Mendoza Rendon (pictured on the far right in theabove photo) is overjoyed by the project’s overall outcome. Fiveyears ago, as mayor, he donated the land for the project. Although hewas not reelected during the project’s execution, his contribution laidthe foundation for its success.“I am very impressed with the way the Development Center turnedout,” he said. “I can see the result of what I had started with all of you.Now, after being reelected, it is amazing to see this dream in 2019[came] to reality.”

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First, the installation of greenery took place.Click for more views of theinstallation process.

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Here are views of the beautifully painted Development Centeryou have blessed this community with. Click on the image for an aerialview of the center.

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The community now has hygienic restrooms to reduce thespread of disease.Click on the image for viewsof the new restroom.

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A work area with closets and its own separate entrance arewelcome spaces for meetings.Click here for more photos.

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FFTP, Minuto de Dios staff and the mayor ofGranada gathered to take a walkthrough andpraise God for your gifts.

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The groundbreaking was a joyful event.

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Youngsters are excited about a recreation areafor their activities. Click for more views ofinteractions and restrooms.

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Families anxiously awaited their keys during aninauguration ceremony. Click on the photos to viewinauguration highlights.

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Maria del Pilar is one of the 60 family members to receive keysto her spacious, beautiful home!

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Facial expressions say it all! Here are a few families in front oftheir new homes.The Alfonso Rivera familyThe Angela Maria Sanchez family

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Here is a look back on life prior to our transformational project. Click on the image for more photos oftypical conditions before the project.

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Look back briefly on the home construction process, which wasmade possible thanks to your gifts.Click for more views ofthe process.

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Here is a step back in time for the Development Centerconstruction process. Click on the photo above for moreviews of the center’s construction.

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Thanks be to God for your Christlike actions to transformlives. The community’s hardworking families are empoweredby your love.

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Here are the lists of the 60 families you have blessed throughyour gift of new homes:Group I

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Group II

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Group III

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Thank you for being abeacon of hope. Yourgenerosity is changinglives. Together, we aremaking a difference! Please click this imageto view a thank-youvideo from people whohave been blessed bydedicated Food For ThePoor donors like you.

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About Food For The PoorFood For The Poor, one of the largest international relief anddevelopment organizations in the nation, does much more than feedmillions of hungry children and families living in poverty primarily in 15countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Thisinterdenominational Christian ministry provides emergency reliefassistance, water, medicine, educational materials, homes, support forvulnerable children, care for the aged, skills training and micro-enterprise development assistance. For more information, please you would like more information about this report, please contactyour advisor.Please click these QR codes or scan them using your mobiledevice’s camera app to see this project's previous reportsand view this report online:1904CU1 U2 U3 U4P U5 U6U8 U9 U10 U11U7 U12 U13U15 U16U14 U17UF