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159th Church Anniversarylayout

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Rev. Teresa L. Fry Brown, PhD is the Associate Deanof Academic Affairs and Bandy Professor ofPreaching at Candler School of Theology at EmoryUniversity in Atlanta, Georgia. Additionally, she isthe fourteenth Historiographer, the editor oftheA.ME. Review Executive Director of Research andScholarship and President of the General Officers’Council of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.Dr. Fry Brown served as Director of Black ChurchStudies at Candler 2007-2015. Dr. Fry Brownobtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Religious andTheological Studies from the Iliff School of Theologyand the University of Denver, with an emphasis inReligion and Social Transformation (1996). Sheearned a Master of Divinity from Iliff School ofTheology (1988), Master of Science degree (1975) andBachelor of Science degree (1973) in SpeechPathology and Audiology from the University ofCentral Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri.Dr. Fry Brown has extensive teaching and preaching preaching experience in national, internationalacademic and ecumenical settings. A prolific author,Dr. Fry Brown’s books include Delivering theSermon: Voice, Body and Animation inProclamation, Fortress Press (2008); Can A SisterGet a Little Help: Advice and Encouragement forBlack Women in Ministry, Pilgrim Press (2008); GodDon’t Like Ugly: African American Women Handingon Spiritual Values Abingdon Press (2000); WearyThroats and New Song: Black Women ProclaimingGod’s Word Abingdon Press (2003) and the 2006African American History Devotional, AbingdonPress (2006). Additionally, she has published fiftyother reviews, chapters, and commentaries.Dr. Fry Brown is a member of the AmericanAcademy of Religion (Steering Committee ofWomanist Approaches to Religion and SocietyGroup), Society for the Study of Black Religion, andthe Academy of Homiletics (First Vice President2021, President, December 2022). She was honoredfor her academic achievements at the EighteenthAnnual Black Religious Scholar Group Consultationat the American Academy of Religion (2015), Emory-Williams Distinguished Teaching Award (2017),Samuel Dewitt Proctor Beautiful Are the Feet Award(2019), and Turner Theological Seminary LifetimeAchievement Award (2021). She is an ordainedItinerant Elder in the African Methodist EpiscopalChurch and an Associate Minister at New BethelA.M.E. Church, Lithonia, Georgia.A native of Independence, Missouri Dr. Fry Brown isthe second oldest of seven children of (late) WilliamM. Fry Sr. and (late) Naomi Parks Fry. She is themother of Veronica (Jonathan) Perry and proud “FabG” to Jonathan David Perry. She is a member of theDelta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.Dr. Fry Brown’s life is governed by the words of theProphet Isaiah “Those whose hope is in the Lordgain new strength” and Zora Neale Hurston, “Thereare years that ask questions and years that answer.”Rev. Dr. Teresa L. Fry BrownGuest Preacher

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NOT PICTURED ( TRACY T. LEE, GAYLE WILSON, FRANCINE GREEN)159th Church AnniversaryOrder of WorshipWorship Leader, Reverend Dr. Carson HollimanThe Processional………...............................................……………Pastor and Worship ParticipantsThe Praise and WorshipUnspeakable Joy Dance MinistryThe Doxology............................................................................Reverend Dr. Carson Holliman, Jr.The Call to Worship................................................................Reverend Dr. Carson Holliman, Jr.Leader: God promised in His word that the gates of hell shall not prevail against thechurch.People: Today, we come together to testify in one body that 159 years later, this church stillstands.Leader: We’ve seen the ending of slavery and the freedom of our ancestors,People: And the church still stands.Leader: We’ve endured the Great Depression which reminded us of our dependence onGod,People: And the church still stands.Leader: “Jim Crow” and segregation reared its ugly head and threatened the very existenceof the Church and Her people, yet we understood that God was in control.People: And the church still stands.Leader: We’ve celebrated the progress of integration, and bemoaned the pitfalls ofassimilation,People: And yet the church still stands.Leader: Fightings without, and fears within have shaken us to our core,People: But through it all, the church still stands.Leader: Through many dangers, toils, and snares, we’ve already come,All: But the grace of God has allowed us to celebrate and proclaim today that the churchstill stands. The Hymn of Praise...................” We’ve Come This Far By Faith................... Sis. Vanessa PopeThe Invocation……….......................................................…………….…...P.E. (Ret.) James E. Taylor The Worship Through Music ….…..................………………………………….....The Combined ChoirThe Scripture…....….......……..………Matt 20:25-28……...…..……..……..…....…Sis. Denise JohnsonThe Decalogue (Abridged)…………..........................…………………………………...................................

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NOT PICTURED ( TRACY T. LEE, GAYLE WILSON, FRANCINE GREEN)The Church Anniversary Litany……...................…………..…………………...Dr. Frederick Gregory Leader – Be with us, O God, as we celebrate this day and the years of Christian fellowship that we have shared as a congregation. People – For such a time as this, you have called the church to be at its best. Leader – Quicken our memories of those whose wisdom and love established this church and whose faith and steadfastness glorified you through its life. People – For those who laid the foundations of this household of faith, we give thanks. Leader – Make vivid to us the glorious victories that have been won in your name and the continuing fellowship, which has revealed your Spirit through the years. People – For this rich inheritance of the Church of Jesus Christ, we give thanks. Leader – Crown our joy in this hour with a fresh awareness of the vast company of Christians who share our celebration and who urge us to yet greater achievements in Christ’s name. People – For those who make common cause with us, we give thanks. Leader – May we be worthy of the faith of our ancestors and eager to win new victories for righteousness’ sake. People - For the emergence of the Black Church, solidified by shared suffering and deliverance, we give thanks. Leader – Fill us with an ever-increasing knowledge of truth, and with an ever growing awareness of need. Give us a more generous spirit. All –For the assurance of new opportunities to serve you better, we give thanks. Continue to guide us in the future, as you have in the past.The Announcements………........................………….......………………………………………………………….The Recognition of Guests……..............……....…………………….…………Bro. Christopher MurrayThe Moments in Time ……....…..........…………..…….……Bro. Ron Wallace, Sis. Deborah Cooper Sis. Aryanna CollinsCelestine Guild Presentation……………..............……………......……………..…….Sis. Shirley James Sis. Diann Scott The Worship Through Music………………..........……………....……...…...…….The Combined Choir The Introduction of the Proclaimer………………….............………….…… Dr. Chantrise HollimanThe Worship Through Music……………………..............…....…….…………..….The Combined ChoirThe Proclamation of the Word…………..........…...…….....…....... Reverend Dr. Teresa Fry BrownThe Invitation to Discipleship/MembershipThe Gifts of Tithes and OfferingsThe Remarks………...................……......………………………………………………..…Sis. Iris Hildebrand Reverend Dr. Carson Holliman Jr.The Benediction…………….....................…………………….………....Reverend Dr. Teresa Fry Brown

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It is with great joy that I have had the opportunity to serve as the chair of the 159th anniversary celebration.When I think about all that God has brought us through, I say Hallelujah! Our theme this year is "159 Years ofRaising and Developing Servant Leaders."As we celebrate this occasion, let us reflect on our history, revise our strategies, and renew our commitmentto fostering servant leadership in our community. May we continue to grow and inspire future generations toserve with dedication and humility.This celebration is not just a commemoration of our past but a beacon of hope for our future. It is a time tohonor the legacy of those who have laid the foundation upon which we stand and to envision the path ahead.We are called to be torchbearers, carrying forward the light of Jesus all over our community.It is my prayer that you leave this place today better than you came. May the message from Rev. Dr. TeresaFry Brown encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you to continue on the journey that God has set for you.Let her words resonate in your hearts and minds, prompting a renewed sense of purpose and dedication toyour calling.In closing, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your contributions,dedication, and faith. It is through your efforts that we have been able to achieve so much, and it is throughyour continued support that we will reach even greater heights.Thank you for being a part of this significant milestone. May God bless you abundantly as you continue towalk in His light and fulfill His purpose for your life.Thank you, and God bless.From the Desk ofIris Best HildebrandGreetings,Iris Best Hildebrand159th Church Anniversary Chairperson********We gratefully acknowledge Bro. Stephen D. Lee for his creative work on the cover design."

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The Reverencd Dr. Carson Holliman, Jr., Sr. PastorSt. Philip African Methodist Episcopal Church613 Martin Luther King, Jr. BoulevardSavannah, GA 31401Dear Rev. Holliman,As the Representative for Georgia House District 165, I would like to extend warm greetings on behalf of the citizens ofSavannah, Chatham County, and the State of Georgia. I commend you, Rev. Carson Holliman, and the officers and members ofSt. Philip AME Church, where I am a proud member, for celebrating the 159th anniversary.Savannah, famously known as the "Hostess City of the South," holds the distinction of being the oldest city in Georgia, foundedin 1733. It's an honor to note that St. Philip AME Church, being the first and oldest congregation of The African MethodistEpiscopal Church in the state of Georgia, has been an integral part of Savannah's rich history. Since its inception, the church hasplayed a vital role in the leadership of the black community, serving as a beacon of faith, unity, and progress.As we celebrate this significant milestone, my prayers are that the plans made for the church anniversary will be in accordancewith the will of God and executed through faith in His power and strength for the benefit of His people, especially our youth, theservant leaders of tomorrow. May this celebration inspire renewed dedication to the values and mission that have sustained St.Philip throughout its remarkable history.My best wishes for a successful anniversary. I pray that God will continue to bless and keep each of you safe and that St. PhilipAME Church will flourish for many more years to come, guided by faith and dedicated to serving His people.Thank you, and may God bless you all.

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At the close of the War Between the States, Negro Methodists in Savannah while underthe watch care of the Methodist Church South, were under no regular pastor; but werekept together by Mr. William Bentley, Mr. C.L. Bradwell and Mr. William Gaines.Rev. James Lynch was the first minister to visit Savannah, after making secret arrangementswith Mr. C.L. Bradwell to take the church out of the auspices of the Methodist ChurchSouth. He was the first A.M.E. minister to visit Savannah after the War Between the States.Though much effort by many members, it was not a difficult matter to bring it into the foldof African Methodism. The affiliations proposed to them were thoughtfully considered,and after much deliberation, were accepted and the first African Methodist Church in thestate of Georgia was organized by Rev. A.L. Stanford, June 16, 1865, at Savannah, Georgia,and given the name Saint Philip A.M.E. Church. Exactly two months and fifteen days after the church was organized – June 16, 1865, theSunday School had its beginning under the guidance of our first pastor, Rev. A.L. Stanford.Rev. Stanford was followed by the following pastors: Rev. R.B. Gibbs, Rev. HenryStrickland, Rev. Henry Taylor, Rev. Henry McNeal Turner (who later became bishop),Rev. W.D. Johnson and Rev. Cipio Robinson.In 1887, Rev. J.B. Lofton was appointed, and served until 1891. During this administration, thechurch was completed and cleared of all debts.Rev. J.N.M. Smith served faithfully from 1891 to 1895 and was followed by Rev. L.H. Smith,who served for four years, 1895-1899. It was during the latter’s administration that the churchencountered the storm of September 1896 and the building was demolished. St. PhilipChurch became a mass of ruins; the grief stricken, membership, desiring a more central andconvenient location, voted unanimously to move the church location. During this interim the Odd Fellow’s Hall was secured for worship and within a fewmonths, the officers and members of Trinity Methodist Church purchased the property onWest Broad and Charles Streets.Following Rev. Smith was Rev. C.C. Cargile, under whose administration the churchflourished and was cleared of all indebtedness. Rev. C.W. Newton then served the churchfor six months before retiring for health reasons. Hence, Rev. F.R. Simms was assigned tocarry on the leadership. In December 1905, Rev. J.A. Lindsay was appointed to the pastorateof St. Philip and began a rally for the erection of the Greater St. Philip A.M.E. Church. The History of St. Philip African Methodist Episcopal Church

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In December 1909, Rev. R.H. Singleton became the pastor and served seven years – the firstminister to serve more than four years. During this administration, the present modern brickstructure, unique in being serve more than four years. During this administration, the presentmodern brick structure, unique in being designed by an African American architect, wascompleted. Rev. R.V. Branch then served from 1916 to 1923. He was a great preacher andefficient pastor.In November 1923, Rev. J.A. Lindsay returned to serve a second term, which lasted threeyears. Rev. S.W. Woods, assisted by a son of the church, Rev. Frank H. Thomas, served foronly one year.In 1927, the great preacher and pulpiteer, Rev. B.S. Hannah, was appointed and served forthree years.That matchless theologian and preacher, Rev. J.L. Butler, whose administration lasted fiveyears, succeeded him from 1930 to 1935. Rev. M.A. Fountain followed, serving from November 1935 until he was called from labor toreward in 1937. Following the passing of Rev. Fountain, the Rev. S.R. Dinkins was appointedto fill the unexpired term and remained with the church from 1937 to 1941. Rev. Dinkins may bereferred to as the “Hero Pastor”, for just prior to his assignment, due to a past mortgage, thechurch was advertised for public sale; even more frightening – the north wall collapsedAugust 28, 1939; to make matters even worse, the boiler blew up, leaving the church withoutheat. Yet, he stood firm through the storm.The Rev. Henry W. Murph followed Rev. Dinkins and served from 1941 to 1949. He was oneof the most youthful preachers to ever lead the members of St. Philip A.M.E. Church. Duringhis administration, the members were able to pay off all mortgages that the church hasencountered as well as install a new Austin Pipe Organ. Following Rev. Murph, the Rev. Dr. John Sterling Bryan received the assignment to take upthe leadership of St. Philip A.M.E. Church. The records show that Dr. Bryan has led some ofthe leading churches of Georgia, and certainly St. Philip was no exception. During hisadministrations, many major repairs came forth such as remodeling the Sunday School, a newroof for the edifice, and many more, too numerous to be counted. His service with St. Philipwas from 1949 to 1963, which was a period of 14 years. Rev. Bryan was assigned as PresidingElder of the West Savannah District until his death in 1978.In 1964, Rev. Dr. Benjamin Gay was sent to St. Philip to take the helm and under hisadministration, we could see the church flourishing. One of the biggest rallies ever in thehistory of St. Philip was under his leadership and guidance. A new parsonage was built, andadditional renovations were done in the Sunday School as well as the Main Sanctuary. Theair conditioning system of the church was added. Dr. Gay ran for “Episcopal Honors.” Dr.Gay was served St. Philip for a period of 18 years, which is the longest period in history of thechurch. Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Gay were later assigned to Atlanta by Bishop Talbot to AllenTemple and later served at Flipper Temple A.M.E. Church in which he served bothsuccessfully. He served as Presiding Elder for the East Atlanta District until his death in 2005.

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The Rev. Charles Wesley Purnell was assigned helmsman, June 13, 1982. Under hisleadership, the church Sunday School and Main Sanctuary had a major remodeling. Anelevator was installed to aid the handicapped, senior citizens, and other uses. The church isan official part of the Historical Society. A new Van Zoren Organ Console was purchased,installed, and dedicated on Sunday, April 13, 1986. During Rev. Purnell’s term of service, twofaithful members purchased a Kimball Viennese Edition Grand Ebony Piano. Rev. Purnellserved for 8 years. He is now serving as Pastor of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Savannah.Rev. Gregory Vaughn Eason, Sr. was assigned to St. Philip A.M.E. Church in June 1990.Pastor Eason is married to the former Miss Linda Tyson and is the father of two, Carmenand Gregory Jr. Pastor Eason stresses three major areas of ministry: DISCIPLESHIP; leadingsouls to a saving knowledge of God; FELLOWSHIP; affirming each other’s worth andimportance in the body of Christ; STEWARDSHIP; giving time, talents and tithes. PastorEason initiated the 8:00 a.m. Worship Service to accommodate those parishioners that wereunable to make the 11:00 a.m. service, the Annual Candlelight Communion Service as the finalcommunion service in a calendar year. Through his vision and leadership, St. Philip convertedthe parsonage adjoining the church into a full-service, Child-Development Center, whichopened in 2000, to serve the needs of the parents in the community of St. Philip A.M.E.Church. A new parsonage was purchased and the “Outreach of Faith” telecast established,which airs on Cable Channel 19 three times a week. A Media Ministry A Web Site Ministry,an enhanced Music Ministry, which now includes a Praise Team and a Youth LiturgicalDance Group, and an Outreach Ministry, are combined with numerous improvements to thesanctuary and the collective faith and walk of the St. Philip family. He is now serving aspastor of Big Bethel A.M.E. Church in Atlanta, GA. Through the Providence of the Almighty God, the Rev. Dr. John Foster was assigned asSenior Pastor of St. Philip A.M.E. Church in June 2004. Pastor Foster is married to the formerMary Ann Mackey and is the father of three, Kristina, John Jr., and Jessica. Dr. Foster isfocused on the power of God’s kingdom to realize with the total person – “I AM COMETHAT YOU MAY HAVE LIFE, AND THAT YOU MAY HAVE IT MOREABUNDANTLY.” The worship services have been tailored to the needs of thecongregation including 8:00 am – traditional worship and 11:00 am – contemporary worship.Under his leadership, St. Philip has initiated several new and enhancement ministriesincluding: After-School Technology Enhancement Program, Hour of Power Noon DayPrayer, SAINT Food ministry, Clothing Ministry, Youth Church, Evangelism Ministry, BellTower Ministry and many more. A historic Distance Learning Master of Divinity Programhas been started under his leadership. Pastor Foster is truly worked towards empowering thechurch through our motto “The Blessings are in the Ministries.”

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St. Philip A. M. E. Church officially welcomed its new pastor, Reverend Scottie Swinney,Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 4:00 pm at the church. Religious and Civic leaders from all overthe Coastal Empire came to participate in the celebration. Scottie Swinney came to Savannah from Atlanta where he was Pastor at Allen TempleA.M.E. Church from 2009 until now. Pastor Swinney has also served the following churches:The Louisville Circuit (May 1984 –December 1987); Ward Chapel, Augusta, Georgia(December 1987 – February 1991) and Saint James A.M.E. Church, Columbus, Georgia (1991 –2009). Scottie Swinney was born in Augusta, Georgia, and attended Morris Brown College inAtlanta, earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science. He continued his education atThe Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, where he earned a Master ofDivinity Degree. In addition to his theological training, Rev. Swinney studied Real Estate and islicensed by the Georgia Real Estate Commission. Pastor Swinney has been involved in the A.M.E. Church at all levels. As a youngster, heserved as Conference President of the Augusta Georgia Annual Conference, YoungPeople’s Division. He has served as a delegate to the 1980, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, and the2012 General Conferences. From 1992-1996 he served as a member of the General Board ofthe African Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1999, he received the Good Shepherd’s Award,Central District, South West Georgia Conference. Rev. Jai S. Haithco was born and reared in Saginaw, Michigan, the third of three children toWilliam and Nancy Haithco. He became very active in Church as an Acolyte, singing in theyouth choir, chief usher of the youth usher board, president of the Young People'sDepartment, president of the Explorer's Post, and a member of the Junior Steward Boardwhich was the beginning of his lay ministry. He received an academic scholarship to attendHampton Institute. Upon graduation from Hampton Institute, he worked for severalcorporations including Procter & Gamble, Radio Shack, Phillips Business College, Universityof Virginia Hospital, Crawford Long Hospital, Diverse Computer Technology, GatewayComputers, and Dekalb County School System. He has also served as a consultant to theNational Conference of Black Mayors, Fulton County Juvenile Detention Center and DekalbCounty's Peach Program training 1200 families from Welfare to Work. In 1984, he acceptedhis Call to Ministry at Bethel A.M.E. Church in Hampton, Virginia and enrolled in VirginiaUnion University School of Theology. He was appointed pastor to Marshall Chapel A.M.E.Church in Lynchburg, Virginia in 1985 and graduated from Virginia Union in 1988 with aMasters of Divinity Degree.

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COVID-19 pandemic and extensive restoration work in the church’s main sanctuary (pulpitarea), external brick masonry and replacement of aged bricks on the church’s edifice and theerection of the memorial plaque to Assistant Pastor Rev. Delores Johnson. Reverend Dr. Carson “CJ” Holliman, Jr. hails from the beautiful city of Brunswick, Georgia,and he is a dedicated and blessed servant of God whose foremost aspiration is to faithfullyfulfill the will of the Almighty as he serves as the current Senior Pastor of St. Philip A.M.E.Church. His journey of knowledge began with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice fromSavannah State University, followed by a profound spiritual education at theInterdenominational Theological Center – Turner Seminary in Atlanta, where he earned hisMaster of Divinity. Pastor CJ earned a Doctorate in Ministry from Payne TheologicalSeminary. He also takes great pride in being a member of the Alpha Gamma Chapter ofOmega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Pastor CJ, your friendly neighborhood pastor, as he is affectionately known, has beenspreading the gospel of Jesus Christ for over two decades. His remarkable ministrycommenced in 2002 at New Grant Chapel AME Church in East Point, Georgia, where hefaithfully served as the Youth Minister. Throughout the years, he has led and served fiveAME Churches in Georgia: New Mt. Carmel in Sharpsburg, Greater Mt. Zion in Newnan,Payne Chapel in Brunswick, Cobb Bethel, and New Grant Chapel in Atlanta. Pastor CJ has a genuine passion for uplifting and empowering youth and young adults andshowing immense love and care for the elderly and the unchurched. A man who fervently loves God, His people, and His Word, Pastor CJ finds joy in spendingtime with his family. He is happily married to his best friend and soulmate, Dr. ChantriseSims-Holliman. Together, they are blessed with four adult children: Chris, Kaleb, Astede, andHannah. Pastor CJ's challenge to everyone is to embark on a personal journey to know God intimatelyand to place unyielding trust in Him above all else. Drawing inspiration from the divine wordsspoken to the Prophet Jeremiah, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before youwere born, I sanctified you, ordained you a Prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5 KJV), heencourages all to embrace their unique calling and purpose. In closing, each member of the St. Philip A.M.E Church congregation will contribute to thebuilding of our church, our community, our state, and our nation. As the American poet,Amanda Gorman stated, “For while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes onus.” Our history will be treasured by all and the impact of this place of faith will continue toserve humankind today and into the future.

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159th Church159th Church159th ChurchAnniversaryAnniversaryAnniversarySt. Philip AMESt. Philip AMESt. Philip AMEChurchChurchChurchBlessings toBlessings toBlessings toRev. Dr. Carson and Dr. Chantrise Holliman Our Church Family as weCelebrate our 159thChurch Anniversary.from

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Steward Board159th Anniversary1 Peter 4:10 (King James Version): “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the sameone to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”Congratulations and Best Wishes St. Philip AME Church NOT PICTURED ( TRACY T. LEE, GAYLE WILSON, FRANCINE GREEN)Bro. Bruce AdamsSis. Evelyn BrownSis. Carmen BurgessSis. Elois BurroughsSis. Aryanna CollinsBro. William CouncilBro. Kyle FoxSis. Iris HildebrandSis. Teresa HopkinsBro. Jesse JamesSis. Shirley James Bro. Marcus JarrettBro. Gregory Linton, Pro TemSis. Queen ReevesBro. Dale Robinson Bro. Harry Scott, Sr., TreasurerSis. Margaret SimmonsBro. Ronald Wallace19. Bro. Aspen WilsonSis. Arna Cooper, EmeritusBro. Arthur Howard, EmeritusBoard Members

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Trustee Board159 Years of Serving the CommunityBrothers and sisters, choose from among you those who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. Act 6:3 (paraphrased Congratulations and Best Wishes St. Philip AME Church NOT PICTURED ( TRACY T. LEE, GAYLE WILSON, FRANCINE GREEN)Bruce Burgess. Pro Tem Deborah CooperPaula CouncilJames GatlinCharles Hildebrand J C JamesRobert JamesVanessa PopeBetty MitchellTommie MitchellEvelyn MoffittDorothy OgdenDiann ScottHarry Scott, Jr.Betty ShawOscar SimmonsJonathan SloanAntonio TysonBoard Members

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Blair Roberts Stewardess BoardIn unity, the family of faith, A congregation,Strong and great. For years, we’ve walked thisSacred path. Through trials faced and momentsBathed in light.Hand in hand, we’ve built a home, where heartsFind solace as they roam. An anniversary, aJoyful time, Reflecting on our journey’s climb.Together, we’ve shared both joy and tears,Supported, loved, and conquered fears. As one,We praise, give thanks today. For theCongregation that lights our way.With open arms and hearts that care, We’llContinue, this love to share. In faith, we gather,Celebrate, One Hundred Fifty Nine years, and still, we’re great.Dr. Betty Mitchell -President Sis. Shirley Taylor -Vice President Sis. Evelyn Moffitt Sis. Donna Cooper Sis. Gloria Byrd Sis. Wanda Bailey Sis. Florence Youmans Sis. Margaret St. Mark Happy 159th Anniversary from Blair Roberts Stewardess BoardCongratulations and Best Wishes 159 Years of Serving the CommunitySenior Usher Board

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The FAN Ministry(Faith, Activity, Nutrition)St. Philip AME ChurchFor A Blessed 159th Church Anniversary(Living Bible)Dear Friend, I am praying that all well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is.3rd John 1:2Congratulations and Well Wishes 159th Church AnniversaryThe Lay OrganizationTo create a love and appreciation of the History and Principles of African Methodism.

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Turner Women’s Missionary Society159 Years of Serving the CommunityWe are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world.” Congratulations and Best Wishes St. Philip AME Church NOT PICTURED ( TRACY T. LEE, GAYLE WILSON, FRANCINE GREEN)

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Sons of AllenBest Wishes and Success St. Philip AME Church 159th Anniversary Celebration

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The Legacy ContinuesLily G. Mason ChoirYouth ChurchMignon Washington, Co-DirectorJames Kirk co-DirectoeChristopher Murray, DrummerElois BurroughsAmii BestIris HildebrandAryanna CollinsQueen Reeves Carolyn ColemanTeachers

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The Legacy Continues Aryanna Collins, Instructor Kathy Roberts , Instructor

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Happy 159th Church AnniversaryJames U. BaileySt. Philip AME ChurchIn Loving Memory of Brother James Bailey who served 23 years on the Usher Board and Trustee BoardTruly missed by Wanda, Dasnee and John BaileyFor a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalms 84:10

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In Memory of Eddie L. PattersonMissed by wife, Charlotte Ann Patterson, children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.

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Those we love don’t go away,They walk beside useveryday.Unseen, unheard,but always near.Still loved, still missed and very dear.In Memory ofAnnie M. BestCharles, Iris, Nikki and Amii

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Our mother seems so far away from us, on that beautiful White Shore across the sea. Yet weremember love's soft glow upon her face, and the feel of her touch and tender embrace. Whenwe feel there is no one who seems to care, or when the heartache seems too hard to bear. Weremember how she always stood by our side, and would tenderly wipe away the tears we cried.When we reminisce about the things she used to say, and we miss her and think she is so faraway, we remember what she gave lives on through us, and one day we'll see her on the shoreacross the sea. What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, stardust, or sea-foams,flower or winged air.IN MEMORY OF OUR MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER Mrs. Maggie R. DemereDr. Betty Mitchell & Warren Mitchell, Jr. Dr. Kerry DemereWarren Mitchell, Ill and Monica Mitchell Dwayne Mitchell, Sr.Diana Simmons Warren Mitchell, IV Madison Mitchell Logan Mitchell Kali MitchellDwayne Mitchell, Jr. Dallas Simmons Dania SimmonsWe miss you and we will always love you and think about you:

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In Loving Memory ofBEVERLYELLISYou are missed by Rod and Mona, your grandchildren, family, and church family, Cuz.Charles, Vanessa, Nikki, and Amii,

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Alberta WallaceHappy 159th Church AnniversaryIn Loving Memory Ron and Beverly Wallace and Joyce Lash

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Congratulations St. Philip AME Churchon your159th AnniversaryBest -Hildebrand Family I can do all this through him who gives me strength.Philippians 4:13

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Congratulations St. Philip AME Churchon your159th AnniversaryJudge James and Dr.Janice BassProverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.Continuing the legacy of impacting ourcommunity with Servant Leaders.

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Congratulations St. Philip AME Churchon your159th AnniversaryIn MemoryInez JohnsonArthur JohnsonVernon JohnsonJohnson-Ford FamilyContinue the legacy of raising and developing Leaders.

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159thChurch Anniversary Planning CommitteeSt. Philip AMERev. Carson Holliman, PastorIris Best Hildebrand, ChairpersonBro. Bruce BurgessSis. Aryanna CollinsSis. Paula CouncilBro. Charles HildebrandSis. A. Teresa HopkinsBro. Greg LintonSis. Queen ReevesSis. Diann ScottBro. Harry Scott, Sr.Sis. Margaret SimmonsSis. Tanet Taharka-MyersBro. Ron WallaceSis. Mignon WilliamsSis. Judy Wilson

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In Memory Sis. Beverly Ellis Bro. Judge OliverSis. Vinnette GreenSis. Ethel KingBro. James Bailey

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