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Celebrate Recovery is a tool to help us experience the freedom that comes when we allow God to stand in the gap for us. Utilizing the 12 Steps of Recovery and their biblical comparisons, along with the 8 Principles based on the Beatitudes, we allow God to work in our lives. God gives us the ability to come out of the darkness that weighs so heavily on us. We can feel what it is like to walk through life with hope for a better tomorrow. We can start building relationships with others that are healthy. We learn positive tools for coping with frustrations and then incorporate these tools into our lives. STEP ONE We admit we are powerless over the past, and as a result, our lives have become unmanageable. STEP TWO Believe God can restore us to wholeness, and realize this power can always be trusted to bring healing and wholeness in our lives. STEP THREE Make a decision to turn our lives and our wills to the care of God, realizing we have not always understood His unconditional love. Choose to believe He does love us, is worthy of trust, and will help us to un-derstand Him as we seek His truth. STEP FOUR Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, realizing all wrongs can be forgiven. Renounce the lie that the abuse was our fault. STEP FIVE Admit to God, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of the wrongs in our lives. This will include those acts perpetrated against us, as well as those wrongs we perpetrated against others. STEP SIX By accepting God’s cleansing, we can renounce our shame. Now we are ready to have God remove all these character distortions and defects. 12 STEPS OF RECOVERY

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STEP SEVEN Humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings, including our guilt. We release our fear and submit to Him. STEP EIGHT Make a list of all persons who have harmed us and become willing to seek God’s help in forgiving our perpetrators, as well as forgiving ourselves. Realize we’ve also harmed others and become willing to make amends to them. STEP NINE Extend forgiveness to ourselves and to others who have perpetrated against us, realizing this is an attitude of the heart, not always confrontation. Make direct amends, asking forgiveness from those people we have harmed, except when to do so would injure them or others. STEP TEN Continue to take personal inventory as new memories and issues surface. We continue to renounce our shame and guilt, but when we are wrong, promptly admit it. STEP ELEVEN Continue to seek God through prayer and meditation to improve our under-standing of His character. Praying for knowledge of His truth in our lives, His will for us, and for the power to carry that out. STEP TWELVE Having a spiritual awakening as we accept God’s love and healing through these steps, we try to carry His message of hope to others. Practice these principles as new memories and issues surface, claiming God’s promise of restoration and wholeness. *Throughout this material, you will notice several references to the Christ-centered 12 Steps. Our prayer is that Celebrate Recovery will create a bridge to the millions of people who are familiar with the secular 12 Steps (I acknowledge the use of some material from the 12 Sug-gested Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous) and in so doing, introduce them to the one and only true Higher Power, Jesus Christ. Once they begin that relationship, asking Christ into their hearts as Lord and Savior, true healing and recovery can begin. 12 STEPS OF RECOVERY, cont.

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