We, the Giants, are united by a commitment to awaken the inherent greatnesswithin each individual. Our mission is to impact 100 million lives globally,empowering people to transcend limitations and tap into their latent potential.Through our collective efforts, we aim to instill resilience, nurture growth, and inspiretransformation. We strive to initiate a ripple of change that echoes throughcommunities, fostering a world that thrives on acceptance, gratitude, andabundance. We envision a world where every individual recognizes and harnesses their innergiant. A world where people are not just surviving, but truly thriving. Our vision is tocreate a global community of Giants, coming together in unity and purpose, eachplaying their part in this transformative journey. We see a future where our collectiveimpact reaches every corner of the globe, igniting a wave of empowerment, healing,and personal growth. This is not just our vision, but a heartfelt call to every potentialGiant out there. Together, we can create this reality, shaping not just our legacy, butthat of generations to come.12 JOURNEYS COACHINGOUR VISION & MISSIONL E T ' S G R O W !GUIDEBOOKN I C H O L A S T O W N S E N D S M I T H R Y A N " T H E L I O N " M O R R I S
OBJECTIVE OFTHE GUIDE:RECOMMENDATION:The objective of this guide is to inspirepersonal growth, transformation, andempowerment. By exploring various facets ofthe human experience, from non-conscioushabits to the creation of a meaningful legacy,the guide aims to support individuals ontheir journey of becoming 'Giants'.Through this process, our goal is to create aglobal community of awakened 'Giants', whoare ready to make a significant impact ontheir lives and the lives of others. This guideacts as a roadmap, providing practical toolsand insights for individuals to navigate theirtransformational journey.We would love for you to join our globalcommunity, the Tribe of Giants, on Facebook. Thisis a space for like-minded individuals to connect,share experiences, and support each other ontheir journey of personal growth andtransformation. As a member, you'll be able toengage in enriching discussions, gain valuableinsights, and be part of a supportive andempowering community.We also encourage you to subscribe to 'Wake UpWith Giants TV' on YouTube. This channelprovides a wealth of resources, includinginsightful discussions, inspiring stories, andpractical tips to guide you on your journey ofbecoming a 'Giant'. Join us today, and let'sembark on this transformative journey together.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
01INTRODUCTION:INSTRUCTIONSFOR USING THISGUIDEThis training guide has beendesigned to assist you, the facilitator,in guiding your group through aseries of transformative journeys. Itprovides a structured approach withweekly lessons, encompassing arange of topics, from understandingthe power of non-consciousness toexploring the importance of legacy. L E T ' S G R O W !12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
Preparation: Familiarize yourself with theoverall theme of each journey and thespecific lessons within it. Understandingthe progression of topics will allow you toguide discussions more effectively andanswer any questions that arise.Weekly Format: Each week covers aspecific lesson within a journey. Beginwith the description of the lesson, sharethe quote, and then move onto discussingthe objective of the lesson. This sets thestage for the week's exploration.Discussion: Use the provided discussionquestions to initiate dialogue among thegroup. These questions are meant toencourage introspection and sharing. Asthe facilitator, you should aim to create asafe, open environment whereparticipants feel comfortable sharing theirthoughts and experiences.Assignment: At the end of each lesson,assign the task to the group. This activityis intended to reinforce the lesson andprovide a practical exercise that relates tothe topic. Encourage participants to sharetheir experiences and insights gainedfrom completing the assignments in thefollowing session.Facilitator's Guide: This provides additionalguidance on how to approach the topicand facilitate the group discussion. Usethese tips to manage the group dynamics,encourage participation, and ensure thegroup stays focused on the lesson'sobjective.Adjusting the Pace: While the guide isstructured for weekly sessions, you shouldfeel free to adjust the pace as per yourgroup's needs. Some topics might requiremore time for thorough exploration, andsome groups may wish to spendadditional time on specific journeys.The guide is designed to be flexible, allowingyou to adapt to the needs and pace of yourgroup.Feedback and Adaptation: Regularlysolicit feedback from the group. Thiswill help you understand if the paceis comfortable and the material isresonating. Be prepared to adaptthe approach if needed, such asspending more time on a topic oradjusting the discussion methods tobetter suit your group.Completion and Reflection: Uponcompletion of the 12 journeys, spendsome time reflecting on the overallexperience. Encourage participantsto share their key takeaways,changes they have noticed inthemselves, and how they plan toapply these learnings in their futurejourney.Remember, your role as a facilitator iscrucial. Your openness, enthusiasm,and empathy will greatly impact theeffectiveness of the group's journey. Bepatient, understanding, and flexible inyour approach, and you'll create asupportive environment thatencourages growth andtransformation.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
SUMMARY OF THE ROOT JOURNEYSThe Root Journeys, comprising the firstsix journeys – Non-consciousness,Awareness, Grief, Acceptance, Gratitude,and Empowerment – serve as thefoundational layers of this transformativecourse. They are specifically designed toaddress our innermost layers of existence,our beliefs, values, emotions, and theautomatic patterns that govern our dailylives. These journeys are pivotal as theyexpose, examine and start the process ofadjusting the deeply rooted patterns thatoften go unnoticed but nonethelessshape our reality.Objective of the Root JourneysThe objective of these root journeys is tocreate self-awareness, foster emotionalhealth, promote acceptance, instill asense of gratitude, and encourage self-empowerment. They set the stage forparticipants to understand and accepttheir current state of being, face and healfrom heavy emotions, and startcultivating positive changes in their lives.Importance of the Root JourneysThe importance of the Root Journeys liesin their ability to facilitate deep, lastingtransformation. By addressing theinnermost elements of our existence,these journeys catalyze profound shifts inour consciousness, beliefs, and behaviors.Skipping or rushing through thesejourneys could limit the depth oftransformation. Without a solidfoundation in self-awareness andemotional health, further growth andtransformation might be hindered. Ifparticipants don't slow down tothoroughly explore these journeys, theymight miss out on valuable insights andthe opportunity to instigate significant,enduring changes in their lives.Therefore, it is strongly advised forparticipants to give adequate time andattention to each of these root journeys,allowing the process of transformation tounfold naturally and at its own pace. Theinvestment in these foundational journeyswill significantly enrich their overallexperience and the effectiveness of thesubsequent journeys.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
02JOURNEY 1: THEJOURNEY OFNON-CONSCIOUSNESSEtymology: The term "Non-consciousness"comes from the prefix "non-", meaning"not", and "consciousness", which originatesfrom the Latin word "conscius", meaning"knowing with others or in oneself". In thiscontext, it refers to those aspects of ourcognition and behavior that are automatedand not in our immediate awareness.Description: This journey takes you into thedepths of the human brain, unravelling itsvast complexity and neurobiology. Wedelve into the formation of habits, thedevelopment of behaviors, values, beliefs,morals, ethics, and attitudes, and explorehow these aspects are automated andmade non-conscious.Objective: The objective of this journey is toincrease understanding of the non-conscious processes within us, enabling usto become more aware of our automaticpatterns and how they influence our dailylives.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the complexity and capacity of thehuman brain, explore its structure and function, andappreciate the power it holds.In this lesson, we will delve into the science behindour brain's architecture, the different lobes and theirfunctions, and how this complex organ allows us toperform a multitude of tasks without consciousthought.What are some examples of non-conscious brainfunctions that we rely on daily?How does the structure of the brain contribute toits functionality?Research a specific function of the brain and preparea short presentation to share with the group in ournext session.Start the session with a brief meditation exercise tocenter the group's attention. Utilize visual aids likebrain models or diagrams to explain the structure andfunctions of the brain. Encourage participants toshare their experiences or understanding of how thebrain works. For the assignment, suggest popularbrain functions such as language processing,memory, or decision-making to get them started.LESSON 1: THE VASTNESS OF THEHUMAN BRAIN12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The brain is widerthan the sky." -Emily Dickinson12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn about the neurobiology of habits, how they areformed, and why they are important for our survival.Habits play a significant role in our daily lives. They areneural patterns that help us automate repetitivetasks. Understanding how they are formed can helpus appreciate their utility and also develop strategiesto change the habits we no longer find beneficial.Why are habits important for our survival?Can you think of any habits you have formedrecently and why they came to be?Assignment: Identify one habit you'd like to change ordevelop. Outline a plan for how you might go aboutthis, using what you've learned about neurobiology.Begin with a group discussion about the nature ofhabits, both good and bad. Use real-world examplesto demonstrate how habits are formed and how theycan be changed. For the assignment, encourageparticipants to think critically about their habits, andguide them in developing a solid plan to modifythem.LESSON 2: UNDERSTANDINGNEUROBIOLOGY AND HABIT FORMATION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "We are what werepeatedly do.Excellence, then, isnot an act, but ahabit." - Aristotle12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To explore how our behaviors, values, beliefs, andattitudes are formed and become ingrained in us.Our behaviors, values, and beliefs often stem from ourupbringing, culture, and personal experiences. Theybecome automated and form part of our non-conscious self. Understanding their origin can help usrealize why we act and think the way we do.Can you identify any of your core values and traceback to when and how they were formed?How can understanding the origin of our behaviorsand beliefs help us in our journey of self-awareness?Assignment: Reflect on your core values and beliefs.Write a brief essay describing their origin and how theyhave influenced your behavior.Facilitate a group discussion about personal valuesand beliefs, allowing each participant to share theirthoughts. Encourage introspection and respectfuldialogue. For the assignment, guide them on how towrite reflective essays, emphasizing the importanceof honesty and openness in self-reflection.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKLESSON 3: THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANBEHAVIORS, VALUES, AND BELIEFS
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "We don't see thingsas they are, we seethem as we are." -Anaïs Nin12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:To understand how our morals, ethics, and attitudesguide our behavior non-consciously.Our morals, ethics, and attitudes often serve as anautomatic guide for our behaviors. They become soingrained in us that we may not even realize how theydirect our actions and decisions.How can our ethics and morals influence our behaviorwithout us realizing it?Can you think of a situation where your attitudetowards something changed after you became awareof its non-conscious influence on you?Assignment: Journal about a time when you made adecision based on your morals or ethics. Reflect onwhether you were aware of this influence at the time andhow this awareness (or lack thereof) affected the outcome.FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Discuss the difference between morals, ethics, andattitudes, and how they interact to guide behavior.Encourage participants to share personal storiesrelated to the discussion questions, fostering a safespace for open dialogue.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKLESSON 4: MORALS, ETHICS, ANDATTITUDES: THE NON-CONSCIOUS GUIDES
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Character is doingthe right thing whennobody's looking." -J.C. Watts12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
03JOURNEY 2: THEJOURNEY OFAWARENESSEtymology: "Awareness" originates fromthe Old English word "gewær", meaning"watchful, vigilant, cautious", denoting astate of having knowledge or perception ofa situation or fact.Description: This journey illuminates thebarriers that judgments and justificationscreate, hindering our learning,transcendence, and transformation. Ithighlights the role of self-compassion,observation, and neutrality in uncoveringnon-conscious patterns.Objective: The goal of this journey is tocultivate a heightened sense of awareness,providing the foundation for change andtransformation.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the effects of judgments and justifications onpersonal growth and transformation, and learnstrategies to overcome them.This lesson will delve into our inherent biases andhow they can impede our learning and growth. Wewill discuss the importance of self-compassion andthe role of observation and neutrality in promotingself-awareness.How do judgments and justifications hinder ourpersonal growth?Can you share an instance where being neutral or self-compassionate helped you overcome a bias orjudgment?Assignment: Reflect on a recent judgment or justificationyou made. Write a journal entry about the experience,how it influenced your actions, and how self-compassionand neutrality could have altered the outcome. Initiate the session by sharing personal experiencesor anecdotes that highlight the impact of judgmentsand justifications. Encourage open discussion andpersonal sharing from participants. For theassignment, provide tips on reflective writing andencourage participants to approach the task withhonesty and openness.LESSON 5: OVERCOMING JUDGMENTSAND JUSTIFICATIONS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The more you knowyourself, the morepatience you have forwhat you see inothers." - Erik Erikson12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the concept of self-compassion and itsrole in personal growth and transformation.This lesson will delve into the concept of self-compassion. We will explore why it is essential forpersonal growth and how we can cultivate it.How can self-compassion aid in our journey of self-awareness?Can you share an instance where self-compassionplayed a key role in your personal growth?Assignment: Write a letter to yourself from a place of self-compassion, addressing a recent challenging situationyou encountered.Foster an open, non-judgmental environment forparticipants to share their experiences. Validate theirexperiences and feelings, and share tools andtechniques for practicing self-compassion.LESSON 6: DEVELOPING SELF-COMPASSION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Self-compassion issimply giving thesame kindness toourselves that we wouldgive to others." -Christopher Germer12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the role of observation and neutrality inpersonal growth and self-awareness.This lesson delves into the importance of being anobserver of one's own thoughts, feelings, andbehaviors, and the power of neutrality in self-awareness and personal growth.How can observation and neutrality help us inbecoming more self-aware?Can you share a personal experience where being anobserver of your own thoughts or feelings led to ameaningful realization?Assignment: Practice mindful observation for a week.Write a journal entry about your experiences and anyinsights you gained about yourself.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to observation and neutrality.Provide tips and guidance on how to practice mindfulobservation.LESSON 7: THE POWER OF OBSERVATIONAND NEUTRALITY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The faculty of voluntarilybringing back a wanderingattention, over and overagain, is the very root ofjudgment, character, andwill." - William James12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn to recognize and understand our nonconsciouspatterns and behaviors.This lesson will focus on the nonconscious patternsthat dictate our behavior and how bringingawareness to these can lead to meaningful change.Why is it important to become aware of ournonconscious patterns?Can you share an instance where you noticed anonconscious behavior of yours and were able tochange it?Assignment: Identify one nonconscious pattern orbehavior you've noticed in yourself. Write a plan detailinghow you can bring more awareness to this pattern andwork towards changing it.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with nonconscious behaviors. Provideguidance on how to identify such patterns anddevelop strategies to change them.LESSON 8: NOTICING NONCONSCIOUSWAYS OF BEING12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Until you make theunconscious conscious,it will direct your lifeand you will call itfate." - Carl Jung12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
04JOURNEY 3: THEJOURNEY OFGRIEFEtymology: "Grief" comes from the OldFrench "grever", meaning "to burden",signifying a deep sorrow, especially causedby someone's death.Description: This journey explores the realmof our heaviest emotions, such as sadness,anger, depression, and anxiety. It advocatesfor the necessity of feeling, acknowledging,and healing from these emotions.Objective: The objective is to develop ahealthier relationship with negativeemotions, providing the space to grieveand find healing.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To explore and understand our heavier emotions,such as sadness, anger, depression, and anxiety.This lesson is about giving ourselves permission tofeel and express our heaviest emotions. We'll discusshow acknowledging and expressing these feelingscan lead to healing.Why is it important to allow ourselves to fullyexperience our negative emotions?How can expressing these emotions lead to healing?Assignment: Write a letter to yourself expressing a heavyemotion you've recently experienced. Reflect on how theact of expressing this emotion in writing makes you feel.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith negative emotions. Normalize these emotionsand reinforce the idea that it's okay to feel them.Guide participants in the writing assignment,reminding them that this is a safe space to expresstheir feelings.LESSON 9: EMBRACING NEGATIVEEMOTIONS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The cure for pain isin the pain." - Rumi12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the concept of trauma and how itimpacts our emotional and mental well-being.This lesson is about understanding trauma, how itaffects us, and how we can start the healing process.How does trauma influence our emotions andbehaviors?Share a personal experience of how understandingyour trauma led to healing.Assignment: Reflect on a traumatic event in your life.Write about how it has affected you and howunderstanding its impact can aid in your healing process.Ensure a safe and supportive environment forparticipants to share their experiences. Be sensitiveand empathetic towards their stories. Discusstrauma-informed care practices and how they can aidin healing.LESSON 10: UNDERSTANDING TRAUMAAND ITS EFFECTS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "What happened toyou? — it's not what'swrong with you." -Dr. Bruce Perry12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the process of grieving and itsimportance in healing from loss and trauma.In this lesson, we will explore the process of grievingand its crucial role in healing from loss and trauma.How is grief a necessary part of the healing process?Can you share a personal experience where allowingyourself to grieve helped you heal?Assignment: Write a journal entry about a loss you haveexperienced. Reflect on your grieving process and how ithelped you heal.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith grief. Normalize the process of grieving anddiscuss the different stages of grief.LESSON 11: THE IMPORTANCE OFGRIEVING12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Grief is like the ocean;it comes in waves,ebbing and flowing." -Vicki Harrison12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn to accept and navigate through difficultemotional states without judgment.This lesson is about learning to accept our emotionalstates, even when they're painful or uncomfortable,and understanding that it's okay not to be okaysometimes.Why is it important to accept that it's okay not to beokay sometimes?Share a personal experience where accepting youremotional state helped you cope.Assignment: Reflect on a time you were not okay. Writeabout how accepting your emotional state helped younavigate that challenging period.Encourage an open and non-judgmental discussion.Allow participants to express their feelings andexperiences. Guide them through the assignment,offering prompts and encouragement to help themexplore their experiences in a supportiveenvironment.LESSON 12: BEING OKAY WITH NOTBEING OKAY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "It's okay not to beokay. It's not okay tostay that way." -Anonymous12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
05JOURNEY 4: THEJOURNEY OFACCEPTANCEEtymology: "Acceptance" comes from theLatin "acceptare", meaning "to take orreceive willingly".Description: This journey discusses theconcept of acceptance, which is theacknowledgement of all that is and everhas been in our lives. It's not aboutresignation, but about accepting realitywhile transforming it into somethingbetter.Objective: The goal is to foster acceptanceof our past and present, paving the way forpositive transformation.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of acceptance and its rolein personal growth.This lesson is about understanding acceptance, whyit's crucial for personal growth, and how we cancultivate it.What does acceptance mean to you?How can acceptance aid in personal growth andtransformation?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you had topractice acceptance. Write about your experience andhow it led to personal growth.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to acceptance. Provide tips andguidance on how to cultivate acceptance.LESSON 13: UNDERSTANDINGACCEPTANCE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Acceptance doesn't meanresignation; it meansunderstanding thatsomething is what it isand that there's got to bea way through it." -Michael J. Fox12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the difference between acceptance andresignation.This lesson will delve into the difference betweenacceptance and resignation, and why understandingthis difference is important for personal growth.How do acceptance and resignation differ?Can you share a personal experience where youconfused acceptance with resignation?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you resigned toa circumstance instead of accepting it. Write about howunderstanding the difference could have changed yourapproach to the situation.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with acceptance and resignation. Provideguidance on how to recognize the difference and theimportance of practicing acceptance overresignation.LESSON 14: ACCEPTANCE VSRESIGNATION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Acceptance is notsubmission; it isacknowledgment of thefacts of a situation, thendeciding what you'regoing to do about it." -Kathleen Casey Theisen12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how acceptance can lead totransformation.In this lesson, we will explore how acceptance can bea catalyst for transformation and personal growth.How does acceptance aid in personal transformation?Share a personal experience where acceptance led to ameaningful transformation in your life.Assignment: Identify a situation in your life that requiresacceptance for transformation. Write a plan detailing howyou can practice acceptance to foster transformation.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith acceptance and transformation. Provideguidance on how to practice acceptance in daily lifeand how it can lead to personal growth.LESSON 15: ACCEPTANCE ANDTRANSFORMATION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The first step towardchange is awareness.The second step isacceptance." -Nathaniel Branden12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn to accept and allow life's events withoutjudgment.This lesson is about learning to accept and allow life'sevents without judgment or resistance,understanding that this is a key aspect of personalgrowth.Why is it important to accept and allow things to be asthey are?Share a personal experience where accepting andallowing led to a shift in your perspective.Assignment: Reflect on a situation where accepting andallowing would have been beneficial. Write about how thisapproach could have changed your reaction to thesituation.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith accepting and allowing. Provide guidance onhow to practice this in everyday life and how itcontributes to personal growthLESSON 16: ACCEPTING AND ALLOWING12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "It's okay not to beokay. It's not okay tostay that way." -Anonymous12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
06JOURNEY 5: THEJOURNEY OFGRATITUDEEtymology: "Gratitude" comes from theLatin "gratitudo", meaning "thankfulness".Description: This journey highlights thepower of expressing gratitude and its rolein boosting our chemical responses. It'sabout acknowledging the good and findingpositivity in all experiences.Objective: The objective is to cultivate aconsistent practice of gratitude, whichserves as a foundation for abundance.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of gratitude and its role inwell-being.This lesson is about understanding gratitude, itsbenefits, and how we can cultivate it.What does gratitude mean to you?How can practicing gratitude enhance your well-being?Assignment: Keep a gratitude journal for a week. Eachday, write down three things you're grateful for.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to gratitude. Provide tips andguidance on how to cultivate gratitude in daily life.LESSON 17: UNDERSTANDING GRATITUDE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Gratitude turnswhat we haveinto enough." -Aesop12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the relationship between gratitude andpositivity.This lesson will delve into the relationship betweengratitude and positivity, understanding howcultivating gratitude can enhance positive emotions.How does gratitude influence positivity?Can you share a personal experience where practicinggratitude enhanced your positive emotions?Assignment: Write a letter expressing gratitude tosomeone who positively impacted your life.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with gratitude and positivity. Provideguidance on how to recognize and appreciate thepositive aspects of life.LESSON 18: GRATITUDE AND POSITIVITY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Gratitude is apowerful catalystfor happiness." -Amy Collette12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how gratitude can foster a sense ofabundance.In this lesson, we will explore how gratitude can fostera sense of abundance and enhance our perception oflife.How does gratitude foster a sense of abundance?Share a personal experience where practicinggratitude led to a sense of abundance.Assignment: Reflect on a time when gratitude helped yourecognize the abundance in your life. Write about thisexperience in your journal.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith gratitude and abundance. Provide guidance onhow to practice gratitude to foster a sense ofabundance.LESSON 19: GRATITUDE AS AFOUNDATION OF ABUNDANCE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Gratitude builds abridge to abundance."- Roy T. Bennett12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn practical ways to cultivate gratitude in everydaylife.This lesson is about learning practical ways tocultivate gratitude in our everyday life, understandingthat this is a key aspect of personal well-being andhappiness.What are some ways to cultivate gratitude in everydaylife?Share a personal experience where cultivatinggratitude enhanced your happiness.Assignment: Choose one method to cultivate gratitudeand practice it for a week. Write about your experienceand how it influenced your well-being.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith cultivating gratitude. Provide guidance ondifferent methods to practice gratitude in everydaylife and how it contributes to well-being.LESSON 20: CULTIVATING GRATITUDE INEVERYDAY LIFE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The root of joy isgratefulness." -David Steindl-Rast12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
07JOURNEY 6: THEJOURNEY OFEMPOWERMENTEtymology: "Empowerment" comes fromthe word "empower", which means "to givepower or authority to".Description: This journey focuses on self-empowerment, providing tools andresources for personal healing and growth.It discusses techniques like breathwork andconcepts like self-soothing, aiming to re-empower individuals.Objective: The goal is to help individualsregain their personal power, fosteringresilience and confidence.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of empowerment and itsrole in personal growth.This lesson is about understanding empowerment, itsbenefits, and how we can cultivate it.What does empowerment mean to you?How can practicing empowerment enhance your well-being?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you feltempowered. Write about your experience and how it ledto personal growth.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to empowerment. Provide tipsand guidance on how to cultivate empowerment indaily life.LESSON 21: UNDERSTANDINGEMPOWERMENT12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The most commonway people giveup their power isby thinking theydon't have any." -Alice Walker12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the relationship between empowerment andself-soothing.This lesson will delve into the relationship betweenempowerment and self-soothing, understanding howcultivating empowerment can enhance our ability toself-soothe.How does empowerment influence self-soothing?Can you share a personal experience where practicingempowerment enhanced your ability to self-soothe?Assignment: Practice a self-soothing technique this week.Reflect on how this empowers you to take control of youremotions.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with empowerment and self-soothing.Provide guidance on how to recognize and enhanceempowerment in challenging situations.LESSON 22: EMPOWERMENT AND SELF-SOOTHING12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Empowerment is beingaware that there is no oneto blame for my choicesand actions; that I have apersonal choice andresponsibility for my life."- Steve Maraboli12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how to build a healing toolbox forempowerment.In this lesson, we will explore how to build a healingtoolbox, filled with resources, tools, and techniquesthat can help us feel empowered and sootheourselves.What are some tools you would include in your healingtoolbox?Share a personal experience where utilizing a healingtool led to empowerment.Assignment: Create a list of tools for your healing toolbox.This could include things like self-care practices, inspiringbooks, support networks, etc.Encourage participants to share their ideas for ahealing toolbox. Provide guidance on different toolsand resources that can foster empowerment and self-soothing.LESSON 23: BUILDING A HEALINGTOOLBOX12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "You have beencriticizing yourself foryears, and it hasn'tworked. Try approving ofyourself and see whathappens." - Louise L. Hay12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn how to apply empowerment in daily life.This lesson is about learning how to applyempowerment in our everyday life, understandingthat this is a key aspect of personal growth and well-being.How can you apply empowerment in your daily life?Share a personal experience where applyingempowerment led to a positive outcome.Assignment: Choose one situation in your life where youcan apply empowerment. Write about your plan and howit could change the outcome.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith applying empowerment.LESSON 24: EMPOWERMENT IN ACTION 12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Don't wait forextraordinaryopportunities. Seizecommon occasions andmake them great." -Orison Swett Marden12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
SUMMARY OF THE GROWTH JOURNEYSThe Growth Journeys encompass Journey7 through 11 – Uncertainty, Abundance,Vision, Surrender, and Nurture. Thesejourneys are designed to expand uponthe foundational work laid out in the RootJourneys. They challenge participants todelve into the unknown, recognize andutilize the abundance around them,create a compelling vision for their lives,surrender to the unfolding of theirjourney, and nurture their visions withconsistent commitment and care.Objective of the Growth JourneysThe objective of the Growth Journeys is tofoster personal growth, resourcefulness,resilience, and adaptability. Theyencourage participants to embraceuncertainty, adopt an abundancemindset, set visionary goals, surrendercontrol, and commit to the nurturing oftheir visions.Importance of the Growth JourneysThe Growth Journeys are vital fornurturing the transformation sparked inthe Root Journeys. They provide the toolsand strategies participants need to grow,adapt, and prosper amid uncertainty. Theycultivate a sense of abundance and vision,fostering a proactive mindset and a senseof empowerment.Skipping these journeys could meanmissing out on the opportunity to expandone's horizons, develop resilience, andcultivate an abundant and visionarymindset. If participants rush throughthese journeys, they might fail to fullydevelop the adaptability, resilience, andvision necessary for profound personalgrowth.Hence, it's important for participants toapproach these journeys with opennessand patience, allowing themselves ampletime to absorb, reflect on, and implementthe lessons learned. These journeys arecritical for expanding the transformationinitiated in the Root Journeys and layingthe groundwork for the final, LegacyJourney.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
08JOURNEY 7: THEJOURNEY OFUNCERTAINTYEtymology: "Uncertainty" comes from theOld French "uncertain", which means "notsure, inconstant, variable".Description: This journey explores the realmof the unknown, encouraging individuals totrust the process and move forward despiteincomplete information.Objective: The objective is to helpindividuals embrace uncertainty,recognizing it as a catalyst for growth andcreativity.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of uncertainty and its rolein personal growth.This lesson is about understanding uncertainty, itsinherent presence in life, and how we can learn toembrace it.What does uncertainty mean to you?How can embracing uncertainty enhance your well-being and personal growth?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you faceduncertainty and how it led to personal growth. Writeabout your experience.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to uncertainty. Provide tips andguidance on how to embrace uncertainty in life.LESSON 25: EMBRACING UNCERTAINTY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The only thing thatmakes life possible ispermanent, intolerableuncertainty; not knowingwhat comes next." -Ursula K. Le Guin12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the relationship between uncertainty andpossibility.This lesson will delve into the relationship betweenuncertainty and possibility, understanding howembracing uncertainty can open up new possibilities.How does uncertainty open up new possibilities?Can you share a personal experience where embracinguncertainty led to new possibilities?Assignment: Identify an area in your life currently filledwith uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, list out thepossibilities it opens up.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with uncertainty and possibility. Provideguidance on how to see uncertainty as anopportunity rather than a hindrance.LESSON 26: UNCERTAINTY ANDPOSSIBILITY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Uncertainty is the fertileground of pure creativityand freedom." - DeepakChopra12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how trust can help us navigate uncertainty.In this lesson, we will explore how trust can help usnavigate through uncertainty and lead to personalgrowth.How does trust help us navigate uncertainty?Share a personal experience where trusting in theprocess helped you navigate uncertainty.Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you trusted theprocess in the face of uncertainty. Write about yourexperience and how it influenced your personal growth.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith trust and uncertainty. Provide guidance on howto cultivate trust when facing uncertain situations.LESSON 27: TRUSTING IN THE FACE OFUNCERTAINTY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Trust the wait. Embracethe uncertainty. Enjoy thebeauty of becoming." -Unknown12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn how to move forward in the face of uncertainty.This lesson is about learning how to move forward inthe face of uncertainty, understanding that we oftenneed to make decisions with incomplete information.How can you make decisions and move forward in theface of uncertainty?Share a personal experience where moving forwardwith incomplete information led to a positive outcome.Assignment: Identify a decision you're currently facingwith incomplete information. Make a plan on how to moveforward.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith making decisions in the face of uncertainty.Provide guidance on how to assess risks and benefitswhen information is incomplete.LESSON 28: MOVING FORWARD WITHINCOMPLETE INFORMATION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The desire for certaintyis often an obstacle tomaking a decision." -M. H. McKee12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
09JOURNEY 8: THEJOURNEY OFABUNDANCEEtymology: "Abundance" originates fromthe Latin word "abundantia", meaning afullness or overflowing.Description: This journey delves into theconcept of abundance, highlighting theomnipresence of opportunities andresources, and how to transform them toalign with our visions.Objective: The goal is to foster anabundance mindset, empoweringindividuals to create from a place oflimitless possibilities.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of abundance and its rolein personal growth.This lesson is about understanding the concept ofabundance, its importance, and how we can cultivatean abundance mindset.What does abundance mean to you?How can cultivating an abundance mindset enhanceyour personal growth?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you experiencedabundance. Write about your experience and how itimpacted you.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to abundance. Discuss ways tocultivate an abundance mindset.LESSON 29: UNDERSTANDINGABUNDANCE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Abundance is notsomething we acquire. Itis something we tuneinto." - Wayne Dyer12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the relationship between abundance andtransformation.This lesson will delve into the relationship betweenabundance and transformation, understanding howcultivating an abundance mindset can lead topersonal transformation.How does an abundance mindset influence personaltransformation?Can you share a personal experience where cultivatingan abundance mindset led to personaltransformation?Assignment: Practice gratitude daily for a week. Reflect onhow this practice impacts your perspective on abundanceand personal transformation.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with abundance and transformation.Discuss the role of gratitude in cultivating anabundance mindset.LESSON 30: ABUNDANCE ANDTRANSFORMATION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "When you are grateful,fear disappears andabundance appears." - TonyRobbins12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how to recognize opportunities for abundancein daily life.In this lesson, we will explore how to recognize andseize opportunities for abundance in our daily lives.How can you recognize opportunities for abundance inyour daily life?Share a personal experience where you recognizedand seized an opportunity for abundance.Assignment: Identify one opportunity for abundance inyour life this week. Write about your plan to seize thisopportunity and how it could lead to personal growth.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith recognizing and seizing opportunities forabundance. Provide guidance on how to identify suchopportunities.LESSON 31: RECOGNIZINGOPPORTUNITIES FOR ABUNDANCE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The key to abundance ismeeting limitedcircumstances withunlimited thoughts." -Marianne Williamson12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn how to create abundance from chaos.This lesson is about learning how to createabundance from chaos, understanding thatchallenging situations can often lead to growth andabundance.How can you create abundance from chaos?Share a personal experience where a chaotic situationled to abundance.Assignment: Reflect on a chaotic situation in your life.Write about how you can transform this chaos into anopportunity for abundance.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith creating abundance from chaos. Provideguidance on how to navigate challenging situationswith an abundance mindset.LESSON 32: CREATING ABUNDANCEFROM CHAOS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "In the middle ofdifficulty liesopportunity." -Albert Einstein12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
10JOURNEY 9: THEJOURNEY OFVISIONEtymology: "Vision" comes from the Latinword "visionem", meaning the act of seeing,sight, or thing seen.Description: This journey is all about thepower of vision, creating a vivid image offuture possibilities, and building a strongemotional connection with it.Objective: The objective is to helpindividuals clarify their vision, fosteringhope, excitement, and momentum towardsachieving their goals.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of vision and its role inpersonal growth.This lesson is about understanding the concept ofvision, its importance, and how we can cultivate aclear vision for our lives.What does vision mean to you?How can cultivating a clear vision enhance yourpersonal growth?Assignment: Reflect on your personal vision. Write aboutyour vision for your life and how it impacts your dailyactions.Encourage participants to share their visions andinsights related to vision. Discuss ways to cultivate aclear vision for personal growth.LESSON 33: UNDERSTANDING VISION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The only thing worsethan being blind ishaving sight but novision." - Helen Keller12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore the relationship between vision and hope.This lesson will delve into the relationship betweenvision and hope, understanding how a clear vision cancultivate hope.How does a clear vision cultivate hope?Can you share a personal experience where a clearvision cultivated hope in your life?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where your visioncultivated hope. Write about your experience and how itimpacted your personal growth.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with vision and hope. Discuss the role ofvision in cultivating hope.LESSON 34: VISION AND HOPE THEORY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Hope is being able to seethat there is light despiteall of the darkness." -Desmond Tutu12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand how to create a bond with your vision.In this lesson, we will explore how to create a bondwith your vision and why this bond is essential forpersonal growth.How can you create a bond with your vision?Share a personal experience where creating a bondwith your vision led to personal growth.Assignment: Identify ways to create a deeper bond withyour personal vision. Write about how these strategiescould lead to personal growth.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith creating a bond with their vision. Provideguidance on how to create this bond.LESSON 35: CREATING A BOND WITHYOUR VISION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Your vision will becomeclear only when you canlook into your own heart.Who looks outside, dreams;who looks inside, awakes."- Carl Jung12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn how a clear vision can aid in the materializationof goals.This lesson is about learning how a clear vision can aidin the materialization of goals, understanding thatvision is the first step towards achieving our dreams.How can a clear vision aid in the materialization of yourgoals?Share a personal experience where a clear visionhelped you achieve a goal.Assignment: Reflect on a goal you achieved due to a clearvision. Write about your experience and how it impactedyour personal growth.Facilitator's Guide: Encourage participants to sharetheir experiences with vision and goal achievement.Provide guidance on how to create a vision that aidsin the materialization of goals.LESSON 36: VISION AND THEMATERIALIZATION OF GOALS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "All our dreams cancome true if we havethe courage topursue them." - WaltDisney12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
11JOURNEY 10: THEJOURNEY OFSURRENDEREtymology: "Surrender" comes from the OldFrench "surrendre", meaning to give up,deliver over.Description: This journey discusses the artof surrendering to the serendipity of theuniverse, encouraging adaptability andtrust in the process.Objective: The goal is to foster a mindset ofsurrender and adaptability, promoting trustin the unfolding of life's path.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of surrender and its role inpersonal growth and transformation.This lesson is about understanding the concept ofsurrender, its importance, and how we can practicesurrender in our lives.What does surrender mean to you?How can surrendering help in personal growth andtransformation?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where you experiencedthe power of surrender. Write about your experience andhow it impacted you.Encourage participants to share their experiencesand insights related to surrender. Discuss ways topractice surrender in daily life.LESSON 37: UNDERSTANDINGSURRENDER12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Surrender to what is.Let go of what was.Have faith in what willbe." - Sonia Ricotti12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the relationship between surrenderand serendipity.This lesson explores the relationship betweensurrender and serendipity, understanding howsurrender can open us up to unexpected blessingsand opportunities.How does surrendering open us up to serendipity?Can you share a personal experience where surrenderled to an unexpected blessing or opportunity?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where surrender led toserendipity. Write about your experience and how itinfluenced your perspective on life.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with surrender and serendipity. Discussthe role of surrender in opening up to unexpectedblessings and opportunities.LESSON 38: SURRENDER ANDSERENDIPITY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Surrender to life itself andyou'll just be rewarded withso many things. And I'vebeen rewarded so many times,in so many mysterious ways.So I have no reason to bedisappointed with anything." -Jason Mraz12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the importance of trusting the process in thejourney of personal growth.This lesson will delve into the concept of trusting theprocess, understanding how faith and surrender gohand in hand in our personal growth journey.Why is it important to trust the process in our personalgrowth journey?Share a personal experience where trusting theprocess made a significant difference.Assignment: Identify a situation in your life where youneed to trust the process. Write about how you plan tosurrender and trust the process in this situation.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith trusting the process. Discuss how faith andsurrender can help us navigate uncertainties in ourpersonal growth journey.LESSON 39: TRUSTING THE PROCESS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Surrender is faith thatthe power of love canaccomplish anything...even when you cannotforesee the outcome." -Deepak Chopra12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn about the connection between surrender andadaptability.This lesson is about understanding the connectionbetween surrender and adaptability, and howsurrender can enhance our ability to adapt tochanges and uncertainties.How does surrender enhance adaptability?Share a personal experience where surrender helpedyou adapt to a change or uncertainty.Assignment: Reflect on a situation where surrenderenhanced your ability to adapt. Write about yourexperience and how it influenced your personal growthand approach to change.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith surrender and adaptability. Facilitate adiscussion on how surrender can be a powerful toolfor enhancing adaptability and resilience in the faceof change and uncertainty.LESSON 40: SURRENDER ANDADAPTABILITY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "When you surrender towhat is and so becomefully present, the pastceases to have any power.The realm of Being, whichhad been obscured by themind, then opens up." -Eckhart Tolle12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
12JOURNEY 11: THEJOURNEY OFNURTUREEtymology: "Nurture" comes from the OldFrench "nourriture", meaning nourishmentor sustenance.Description: This journey emphasizes theimportance of commitment, perseverance,patience, a growth mindset, and self-care innurturing one's vision.Objective: The goal of this journey is todevelop the qualities of tenacity, patience,and a growth mindset, essential forpersonal growth and achievement of one'sgoals. It also emphasizes the importance ofself-care in maintaining overall well-being.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of nurture and its role inpersonal growth.This lesson is about understanding the concept ofnurture, its importance, and how we can practicenurturing ourselves and our dreams.What does nurture mean to you?How can nurturing ourselves and our dreams promotepersonal growth?Assignment: Reflect on ways you can nurture yourself andyour dreams. Write about your plans and how they couldcontribute to your personal growth.Encourage participants to share their insights andexperiences related to nurture. Discuss ways topractice self-nurturing and the nurturing of dreams.LESSON 41: UNDERSTANDING NURTURE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Nurture your mindwith great thoughts, foryou will never go anyhigher than you think."- Benjamin Disraeli12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the relationship between nurture andpersistence.This lesson explores the relationship between nurtureand persistence, understanding how nurturing ourdreams requires persistence.How does nurturing our dreams require persistence?Can you share a personal experience where yourpersistence in nurturing a dream led to its realization?Assignment: Reflect on a situation where persistence innurturing a dream led to its realization. Write about yourexperience and how it influenced your personal growth.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with persistence and nurture. Discuss therole of persistence in nurturing dreams.LESSON 42: NURTURE AND PERSISTENCE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Nurture your dreams,discover your passion,embrace your visions, freeyour spirit, share yourlove, love your soul." -Steve Maraboli12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the power of taking small steps in the journeyof personal growth.This lesson will delve into the power of taking smallsteps, understanding that nurturing our dreams ofteninvolves taking one small step at a time.Why is taking small steps important in our personalgrowth journey?Share a personal experience where taking small stepsmade a significant difference.Assignment: Identify a goal or dream that you can pursueby taking small steps. Write about your plan and howtaking small steps could lead to its realization.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith taking small steps. Discuss how taking smallsteps can be a powerful strategy for nurturingdreams.LESSON 43: THE POWER OF SMALL STEPS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Great things are notdone by impulse, butby a series of smallthings broughttogether." - Vincent VanGogh12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn about the connection between nurture andself-care.This lesson is about understanding the connectionbetween nurture and self-care, and how nurturingourselves involves taking care of our physical,emotional, and mental well-being.How does self-care relate to nurture?Share a personal experience where self-care enhancedyour ability to nurture your dreams.Assignment: Reflect on ways you can practice self-care tobetter nurture yourself and your dreams. Write about yourself-care plan and how it could contribute to your personalgrowth.Encourage participants to share their insights on self-care and its connection to nurturing personal growth.Discuss different self-care practices and how they cancontribute to our overall well-being and ability tonurture ourselves and our dreams. Facilitate a groupactivity where participants create their own self-careplan for nurturing personal growth.LESSON 44: NURTURE AND SELF-CARE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Rest and self-care are soimportant. When you taketime to replenish yourspirit, it allows you toserve others from theoverflow. You cannot servefrom an empty vessel." -Eleanor Brown12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
SUMMARY OF THE LEGACY JOURNEYThe Legacy Journey, as the 12th and finaljourney, encapsulates the culmination ofthe transformative work carried out in thepreceding journeys. This journey is allabout purpose – understanding andembodying the unique contribution eachindividual can make to the world. Itinvites participants to examine theimpact of their actions, not just forthemselves but for others and for futuregenerations.Objective of the Legacy JourneyThe objective of the Legacy Journey is toinspire and guide participants inrecognizing and manifesting their uniquelegacy. It seeks to foster a deep sense ofpurpose and to help individuals makemeaningful contributions that willendure long after they are gone.Importance of the Legacy JourneyThe Legacy Journey is the crowningjourney, the one that brings all precedingjourneys full circle. It's where participantsrecognize the fruits of their transformationand start to consider how they cancontribute to the world.Skipping this journey could mean missingout on the ultimate goal of all the previouswork – using one's transformation not justfor personal gain, but for the benefit ofothers and for making a lasting impact. Ifparticipants rush through or overlook thisjourney, they might fail to fully realize theirpotential for making a difference.Therefore, it's essential for participants toapproach this journey with the reverenceit deserves, dedicating sufficient time toreflect on their transformations, theirnewfound strengths and insights, andhow they can use these to create a lastinglegacy. The Legacy Journey is acelebration of personal transformation,but more than that, it's a call to use thattransformation for the greater good.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
13JOURNEY 12: THELEGACY JOURNEYEtymology: "Legacy" comes from the OldFrench "legacie", meaning body of personssent on a mission. It also stems from theLatin “legatia”, meaning a gift by will.Description: The Legacy Journey is aboutunderstanding and creating the uniqueimprint each of us can leave on the world.It's about uncovering the purpose, the 'why'behind our creations and how theycontribute to the world.Objective: The objective of this journey is tohelp individuals identify and create theirlegacy. It encourages individuals to seekout their unique purpose and contribution,providing motivation and direction for theiractions.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the concept of legacy and its role inpersonal growth.This lesson is about understanding the concept oflegacy, its importance, and how we can leave apositive legacy.What does legacy mean to you?How does legacy relate to personal growth andtransformation?Assignment: Reflect on the legacy you would like to leave.Write about your thoughts and how they align with yourpersonal growth journey.Encourage participants to share their insights andexperiences related to legacy. Discuss ways to createa positive legacy through personal growth andtransformation.LESSON 45: UNDERSTANDING LEGACY12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Carve your name onhearts, not tombstones. Alegacy is etched into theminds of others and thestories they share aboutyou." - Shannon L. Alder12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the relationship between legacy andpurpose.This lesson explores the relationship between legacyand purpose, understanding how our purpose canshape the legacy we leave.How does our purpose shape our legacy?Can you share a personal experience where living yourpurpose impacted the legacy you are creating?Assignment: Reflect on your purpose and how it alignswith the legacy you want to leave. Write about yourinsights and how they influence your personal growthjourney.Facilitate a group discussion about personalexperiences with purpose and legacy. Discuss the roleof purpose in shaping our legacy.LESSON 46: LEGACY AND PURPOSE12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. The purpose of life is not tobe happy. It is to be useful,to be honorable, to becompassionate, to have it makesome difference that you havelived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To understand the power of meaning in the journey ofpersonal growth.This lesson will delve into the power of meaning,understanding that the legacy we leave is often tiedto the meaning we bring to our lives.Why is finding meaning in life important in ourpersonal growth journey?Share a personal experience where finding meaning inlife influenced the legacy you are creating.Assignment: Reflect on the meaning you bring to your lifeand how it shapes the legacy you want to leave. Writeabout your insights and how they influence your personalgrowth journey.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith finding meaning in life. Discuss how findingmeaning can shape our legacy.LESSON 47: THE POWER OF MEANING12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Life has no meaning. Eachof us has meaning and webring it to life. It is awaste to be asking thequestion when you are theanswer." - Joseph Campbell12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Learn about the connection between legacy andcontribution.This lesson is about understanding the connectionbetween legacy and contribution, and how ourcontributions to the world can become part of ourlegacy.How does our contribution to the world become partof our legacy?Share a personal experience where your contributionto the world became part of your legacy.Assignment: Reflect on ways you can contribute to theworld and how these contributions could become part ofyour legacy. Write about your plans and how they alignwith your personal growth journey and the legacy youwant to leave behind.Encourage participants to share their insights on howcontributions to the world can become part of theirlegacy. Discuss different ways of contributing to theworld and how these can be integrated into daily life.Facilitate a group activity where participants create aplan to make meaningful contributions that alignwith the legacy they wish to leave.LESSON 48: LEGACY AND CONTRIBUTION12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The best way to findyourself is to lose yourselfin the service of others." -Mahatma Gandhi12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
14BONUS LESSONS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKThe purpose of the bonus sessions in thisguide is to provide additional depth andexploration into specific aspects of the 12main journeys. While the main lessonsfocus on broad themes and concepts, thesebonus sessions delve into more detailedand specific topics that support andenhance the understanding of thesethemes.Each bonus session is designed to offer adifferent perspective, challengeconventional thinking, and ignite furtherpersonal growth and transformation. Theyserve as an enriching supplement, enablingparticipants to further unpack, consolidate,and put into practice the learnings fromthe main journeys.Moreover, the bonus sessions also providean opportunity for facilitators to tailor theexperience to the specific needs andinterests of the group. Facilitators canchoose to incorporate these bonus sessionsat different points in the journey,depending on the dynamics and progressof the group, thereby offering a morecustomized and engaging learningexperience.
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the power of non-consciousness in habitformation and how to break free from negativehabits.This lesson will explore the power of non-consciousness in habit formation and provide toolsand strategies to break free from negative habits.How does non-consciousness play a role in theformation of habits?Can you share a personal experience where you had tobreak a negative habit?Assignment: Reflect on a negative habit you'd like tobreak. Write a plan detailing how you will replace it with apositive one.Facilitate a discussion around the formation of habitsand the role of non-consciousness. Encourageparticipants to share experiences and strategies forbreaking negative habits.BONUS LESSON 1: FROM JOURNEY 1: NON-CONSCIOUSNESS LESSON 49: BREAKING FREE FROMNEGATIVE HABITS12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "We are what werepeatedly do. Excellence,then, is not an act, but ahabit." - Aristotle12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Explore how expressing gratitude can create a rippleeffect in our lives and those around us. This lesson is about understanding how expressinggratitude can impact not just our lives, but also thosearound us.How has expressing gratitude affected your life?Can you share a personal experience where yourexpression of gratitude had a ripple effect?Assignment: Write a gratitude letter to someone who hasmade a positive impact on your life. Reflect on how thisact of gratitude makes you feel.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith expressing gratitude. Discuss the potentialimpacts of gratitude on our lives and those around us.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKBONUS LESSON 2: FROM JOURNEY 5: GRATITUDE LESSON 50: THE RIPPLE EFFECT OFGRATITUDE
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Gratitude can transformcommon days intothanksgivings, turn routinejobs into joy, and changeordinary opportunities intoblessings." - William ArthurWard12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: Understand the power of visualization in turning our visioninto reality.This lesson will delve into the power of visualization,understanding that our visions can be turned intoreality through consistent visualization practices.How does visualization help in turning our vision intoreality?Can you share a personal experience wherevisualization helped you materialize your vision?Assignment: Create a vision board that represents yourfuture goals and aspirations. Reflect on how this visualrepresentation aligns with your vision.Encourage participants to share their experienceswith visualization. Discuss the role of visualization inturning visions into reality.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKBONUS LESSON 3: FROM JOURNEY 9: VISION LESSON 51: MATERIALIZING YOUR VISION
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "The only thing worse thanbeing blind is havingsight but no vision." -Helen Keller12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK
OBJECTIVE:DESCRIPTION:DISCUSSION QUESTIONS & ASSIGNMENT:FACILITATOR'S GUIDE: To explore how surrender can fuel our vision, andlearn the importance of trusting in the unseen forcesof the universe.In our final bonus lesson, we will explore the conceptof surrender within the scope of our visions. We'lllearn to understand that surrender isn't about givingup, but about releasing control and allowing theuniverse to lead the dance of life.How does the idea of surrendering make you feel?Does it bring up any resistance or fear?How can surrender play a role in manifesting ourvisions?Assignment: For one week, practice the art of surrender.Notice any instances where you might be holding ontocontrol, and try to let go. See what unfolds when yousurrender to the flow of life.Surrender can sometimes be misunderstood asgiving up. Ensure you clarify the difference during thediscussion - that it's about releasing control andallowing life to unfold naturally. Engage participantswith examples from your own life or from the lives ofwell-known individuals where surrender led tounexpected and positive outcomes. Use theseexamples to spark discussion and encourageparticipants to share their experiences as well.12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOKBONUS LESSON 4: FROM JOURNEY 10: SURRENDER LESSON 52: THE DANCE OF SURRENDER
TAKINGPERSONALNOTESFACILITATOR NOTES:As a facilitator, your insightsand personal reflections areinvaluable for making thiscourse a transformativeexperience for your groupmembers. Hence, takingpersonal notes during thecourse is highly recommended. "Surrender to what is. Letgo of what was. Havefaith in what will be." -Sonia Ricotti12 JOURNEYS COACHING GUIDEBOOK