123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233B C D E F G HBOBBY NICHOLS-2024 SILENT AUCTION ITEMS FMV COST DONORMINIMUMBIDCategoryUpdated 12/10/231 Turtle PaintingLoydArt2 Musician Painting Wilder Art3 Tropical Watercolor Color Plant PaintingWilder Art4 Olympic Athlete Painting Wilder Art5 Barbie ItemsVanDerMey Children6 Mercedes Battery Operated CarVanDerMey ChildrenDining and FoodEntertainment7Black Beaded BagDen FashionGetaway8Photo Session and Portrait$1,000.00Rob Hurth Photography$500.00 Grooming9Cutco Snack Pack, Lancellot Housewares10Cutco Chesse Knife SetLancellot Housewares11Cutco Carving SetLancellot Housewares12Cutco Entertainer PakLancellot Housewares13Cutco 8 Pak of Table KnivesLancellot Housewares14Cutco Fishermans SolutionLancellot Housewares15Gold and Diamond Round Stone Bracelet$4,500.00 Rogers Jewelry16Gold and Diamond Link Bracelet$3,300.00 Rogers Jewelry17EarringsOgan Fashion18Golf Course Design book given to Peter Oosterhuis by Tom FazioOosterhuisMemorabilia
1B C D E F G HBOBBY NICHOLS-2024 SILENT AUCTION ITEMS FMV COST DONORMINIMUMBIDCategory343536373839404119 8x10 Phot of Peter Oosterhuis on the Golf ChannelOosterhuisMemorabilia20Colonial official money clip with Peter Oosterhuis and and CBSon itOosterhuisMemorabilia212013-2014 CBS pass for all PGA events with Peter Oosterhuisname and pictureOosterhuisMemorabilia22Metal American Flag with Pledge of Allegience ChupaMemorabilia23Gilmore Girl Wine BasketGilmore GirlsSpirits, Smokes, Men24Humidor and CigarsWolkenSpirits, Smokes, Men25Caymus Wine$400.00HutchensSpirits, Smokes, Men
12345678910111213141516171819202122232425B C D E F G HBOBBY NICHOLS-2024 PREMIER AUCTION ITEMS FMV COST DONORMINIMUMBIDCategoryUpdated 12/10/231 Cindy Waggoner Painting ArtEntertainmentFashion2 Gasparilla Inn, 2 nights, one round golfGetaway3 Tarpon Lodge Getaway Getaway4 Merion Golf (may become part of live package) Golf Experience5 Inverness GolfGolf Experience6 Cincinnati Golf Golf Experience7 Cutco Signature SetLancellotHousewares8Gold and Diamond Choker Necklace$17,000.00RogersJewelry9 Bobby Nichols Founding Piper Golf Travel BagTweheusMemorabilia10 Concierge Medicine $6,000.00Tritel$4,000.00 OtherSports
12345678910111213141516B C D E F GBOBBY NICHOLS-2024 LIVE AUCTION ITEMS FMV COST DONOR MINIMUMBID Updated 12/10/231 Mark Loren ItemMark Loren2 2 Masters passes with hotel2,510.00 Gillette3 SW Ireland Golf Mc Grath4 Northern Ireland Golf Mc Grath5 Arizona GolfMc Grath6 Winery Trip, Skipstone Winery and Hotel Ball7 Casa de Campo Moyer
Fiscal YTD 12/11/2023Fiscal YE 08/31/2023ASSETSCurrent AssetsCashFineMark Bank - Operating 399,785.48$ 139,504.07$ FineMark Bank - Disaster Relief Fund 4,096.14 4,096.14 Oppenheimer 0.12 0.12 Total Cash 403,881.74 143,600.33 Other Current AssetsPrepaid Expenses 16,860.00 9,746.00 Receivables 755,000.00 - Total Other Current Assets 771,860.00 9,746.00 Total Current Assets 1,175,741.74 153,346.33 TOTAL ASSETS 1,175,741.74$ 153,346.33$ LIABILITIES & EQUITYCurrent LiabilitiesAccounts Payable 11,457.00$ 8,537.32$ Accrued Expenses 16,992.27 43,497.27 Deferred Revenue 9,850.00 16,600.00 Reserve for Revenue at Risk - 10,000.00 Total Current Liabilities 38,299.27 78,634.59 EquityFund Balance 74,711.74 64,134.30 Net Revenue 1,062,730.73 10,577.44 Total Equity 1,137,442.47 74,711.74 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 1,175,741.74$ 153,346.33$ BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.BALANCE SHEETS
Fiscal YTD 12/11/2023Fiscal YTD 12/11/2022Fiscal YE 08/31/2023RevenueEvent AuctionLive -$ -$ 422,500.00$ Silent - - 137,402.00 Instant Items - 4,000.00 27,250.00 Total Auction and Instant Items - 4,000.00 587,152.00 Appeals - - 344,875.00 Total Auction and Appeals - 4,000.00 932,027.00 OtherRaffle, net 4,200.00 3,000.00 42,678.25 Wine Pull, net 200.00 - 3,424.72 Dinner Tickets - - 9,000.00 Lemonade Stand - - 3,647.00 Total Other 4,400.00 3,000.00 58,749.97 Golf Entry FeesPaid Golf Entry Fees 83,750.00 57,500.00 144,550.00 Plus Comped Sponsor Golfers - - 195,000.00 Total Golf Entry Fees 83,750.00 57,500.00 339,550.00 Revenue at Risk Recovered 10,000.00 20,500.00 59,500.00 SponsorshipsChampions for Children 100,000.00 100,000.00 200,000.00 Title 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Presenting 200,000.00 100,000.00 230,000.00 Principal 75,000.00 50,000.00 104,561.78 Platinum 140,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 Diamond 165,000.00 135,000.00 195,000.00 Gold 100,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 Silver - 7,500.00 7,500.00 Ruby 65,000.00 54,799.08 102,799.08 Emerald 30,000.00 20,125.00 42,375.00 Quartz 17,500.00 18,500.00 36,000.00 Copper 2,250.00 2,000.00 7,250.00 Bronze - - 300.00 Total Sponsorships 944,750.00 687,924.08 1,225,785.86 Less Comped Sponsor Golfers - - (195,000.00) Sponsorships, net 944,750.00 687,924.08 1,030,785.86 Tennis - - 5,725.00 Total Event Revenue 1,042,900.00 772,924.08 2,426,337.83 BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSE2 of 4
Fiscal YTD 12/11/2023Fiscal YTD 12/11/2022Fiscal YE 08/31/2023BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSEOther RevenueMembership DuesIndividual 5,850.00 5,850.00 10,850.00 Family 49,500.00 49,750.00 87,500.00 Total Membership 55,350.00 55,600.00 98,350.00 Anniversary Cookbook - - 46.95 Wine Dinner, net - - 9,624.74 Contributions:Contributions - General 250.00 271.95 20,617.78 Contributions - Memorial 850.00 3,150.00 27,537.00 Contributions - Disaster Relief - 289,739.30 289,739.30 Contributions - United Way Designated - - 12,000.00 Contributions - Cookbook, net - - - Total Contributions 1,100.00 293,161.25 349,894.08 Interest 448.84 29.64 234.53 Total Other Revenue 56,898.84 348,790.89 458,150.30 Total Revenue 1,099,798.84 1,121,714.97 2,884,488.13 Cost of Event RevenueAuction Items 1,206.05 19,195.79 30,238.72 Food and Beverage - - 211,439.48 Equipment Rental - 142,650.00 268,178.31 Entrant Prizes and Gifts - - 83,718.11 Auctioneer 1,000.00 1,000.00 28,085.50 Golf Fees - Greens and Carts - - 21,350.00 Professional Golfer Appearance Fees and Prize Money - - 94,334.00 Other Event ExpenseAuction Technology Services 4,199.00 4,199.00 4,699.00 Credit Card Fees 1,958.35 1,446.90 27,157.66 Entertainment - 5,990.00 9,057.00 FCC Labor - - 16,980.37 Flowers and Decorations - - 6,085.00 Marketing Services 10,108.00 9,968.00 30,225.67 Photography/Video 8,850.00 8,000.00 19,443.75 Postage and Shipping181.53 - 349.71 Printing 55.50 - 2,651.31 Security Services - - 2,250.00 Signs- - 4,180.51 Special Event Insurance - - 1,448.40 Supplies 2,063.44 - 10,684.18 Travel - - - Other Event Expense 27,415.82 29,603.90 135,212.56 Tennis - - 745.74 Total Cost of Event Revenue 29,621.87 192,449.69 873,302.42 Total Revenue, less of Cost of Event Revenue 1,070,176.97 929,265.28 2,011,185.71 3 of 4
Fiscal YTD 12/11/2023Fiscal YTD 12/11/2022Fiscal YE 08/31/2023BOBBY NICHOLS-FIDDLESTICKS FOUNDATION, INC.STATEMENTS OF REVENUE AND EXPENSEAdministrative ExpenseBank and Brokerage Fees 45.91 - 76.63 Internet 246.49 130.50 558.98 D&O Liability Insurance - - 1,996.14 Disaster Relief Fund - 5,270.22 5,493.16 Licenses and Fees 350.00 358.75 420.00 Postage and Shipping 310.00 724.94 935.86 Printing 1,084.84 1,834.06 1,834.06 Professional Fees 4,425.00 3,807.50 22,000.00 Supplies - 483.27 589.40 Storage Rent 984.00 796.00 2,554.04 Total Administrative Expense 7,446.24 13,405.24 36,458.27 Disaster Relief Fund Grants - 276,250.00 280,150.00 Total Charitable Contributions - - 1,684,000.00 Total Administrative, Disaster Relief and Charitable Contributions 7,446.24 289,655.24 2,000,608.27 Net Revenue 1,062,730.73$ 639,610.04$ 10,577.44$ 4 of 4