They know they are in charge of theirhappiness. Creating habits that work in yourfavor, give you pleasure and improve theoverall feeling of satisfaction, day after day,plays a vital role in maintaining a fulfilled life, ahealthy body & physical satisfaction. If you reflect on your life and honestly reviewyour habits, you'll find several blinds spots thatprevent you achieving the physique you wantand deserve especially for the belly. Diet andNutrition outweigh any exercise you performfor the Abdomen. As they say; “Abs are madein the Kitchen, not in the Gym”.Before I share the list of long-term habits toinclude in your routine for flatter abs andhealthier body, let's talk about the process ofcreating habits, potential challenges, andsolutions. Stay tuned for the list of life-changing habits to create longevity, decreasebloating & begin to minimize your waist!SUCCESSFUL PEOPLENEVER BLAME OTHERS FORTHEIR FAILURES ORSUCCESSWHAT ARE HABITS AND WHYARE THEY IMPORTANT?Everything you do repeatedly and frequently, aspart of your daily or occasional routine countsas habits. It includes various behaviors andyour actions in different situations. A habit canbe getting up at the same time on workday andsleeping until late on Sunday. Habits are important for people for several reasons. P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
First of all, habits are performedunconsciously, so your mind doesn't have todeal with those activities and has time andspace to think about something else. Forexample, what are you thinking about while youare brushing your teeth? You are probablythinking about the current situation thatbothers you, or planning what you'll wear todayfor work, or something similar. Habits play an important role in a person'shealth. Developing healthy eating habits is keyto a long and healthy life. Keeping up with themedications is also a habit that prevents yourhealth from deteriorating. On the other hand,sticking to sugary drinks affects your teeth,and may lead to chronic illnesses, such asdiabetes and obesity.GOOD VS BAD HABITS Have you ever thought about what makes goodhabits good, and why you need to break the badhabits? The answer lies in habit itself.A bad habit has negative emotional, physical,or other consequences. Behavior, such assmoking cigarettes and biting your nails is anexample. When a person lights up a cigarette, as part oftheir daily habit, that person doesn't thinkabout long-term consequences andautomatically repeats the actions over and overagain. Because of it, the bad habit becomeschallenging to break and puts the person athigh risk of health issues. Carrying excessweight in the abdomin can lead to a multitudeof issues as we age such as increased risk ofheart related issues, diabetes, and decrease inmobility.In simple words, a good habit isbeneficial for your health andoverall well-being. But, just like bad habits are difficult to break,good habits sometimes take time and willingeffort to develop.Keep reading to see the best method fordeveloping good habits!P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
In urban culture, there is a well-known rulecalled 21/90 that supposedly helps you buildnew habits. The trick is to stick to one habitfor 21 days straight, as some believe it is thetime required for a new habit to stick. Once 21days pass, continue to repeat the action for 90more days, and you’ll develop a new habit!But, in reality, it doesn't necessarily mean thatthe method will be effective for everyone. Itmakes sense that prolonged and willing actionswill potentially lead to automatization. However, there is a potentially more effectivepattern of developing new habits that you canmix with the 21/90 model.The trick is to tie your new habit to the existingone. Experts suggest that a morning routine isa great way to start as most people start theirdays the same way for years. Therefore, if youwant to develop a new habit, work on it in themorning.For example, if you want to eat better, plan atime every week to prep at least 3-4 days ofmeals. After 2-3 weeks you won’t even have tothink about what you have to do to accomplishthis routine.If you want to take better care of your skin,start by gently massaging it in the morning infront of the mirror for a couple of minutes,every day. Soon, these actions will normallyblend into your routine of getting up from thebed, taking a shower, brushing teeth, havingcoffee and breakfast, and going to work.THE 21/90 RULE FORDEVELPING NEW HABITSKeep your goal in mind to motivate yourself.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Developing a new habit isn’t the only challenge.Sticking to it long-term is an obstacle for manypeople.There are a few things you can do to ensureyour new healthy habit stick with you for life:Write down your GOAL or find a picture ofhow you want to look and place it whereyou will see it dailySet up milestonesDon't beat yourself up for failuresDon't start over when you get tired, continuefrom where you've leftInclude friends, family or online communityas a supportHOW TO KEEP NEWHABITS?Making sure you get enough sleep canhelp you effectively manage stress inthe long run, maintain healthy skin,balance hormone levels, and lead toseveral other positive results. It'scrucial to allow your digestive systemtime to rest and recuperate for ahealthy gut and, in turn, a flatterstomach.10 BEST HABITS TODEVELOP RIGHT NOW FORA FLATTER TUMMYLet's take a closer look at the best habits youcan develop to experience long-term positivechanges. Don't forget, whether you choose oneor all - inevitably you will begin to feel and lookbetter!#1 GET ENOUGH SLEEPGetting enough sleep is the best thing to do tomaintain stable energy levels and good healthSufficient sleep (7-9 hours) is crucial foroverall health and can support a healthydigestive system.There is nothing wrong withfocusing on your sleep, especially in the firstcouple of months while you work on your habit.Letting your body rest, recover and digest isimperative to longevity and ultimately flatterabs.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
We are all aware by now that you should bedrinking a minimum of 64oz. of water each day.But, did you know, starting every day with a glassof warm water and fresh lemon juice can offernumerous benefits, especially for women over 50.Let's delve into how this simple morning ritualcan enhance digestion, aid in detoxification,promote glowing skin, improve overall health, andeven contribute to longevity.Digestive Aid: Warm water with lemon acts asa gentle wake-up call for your digestivesystem. The combination stimulates theproduction of digestive enzymes, which helpsbreak down food more efficiently. This canalleviate common digestive issues such asindigestion, bloating, and constipation. Astudy published in the "Journal of the IndianSociety of Periodontology" found that lemonjuice could stimulate saliva production, aidingin digestion.Detoxification: Lemons are rich in vitamin C, apowerful antioxidant that supports the body'snatural detoxification processes. Vitamin Chelps neutralize harmful free radicals andpromotes the production of glutathione, a keyantioxidant involved in detoxification.Additionally, lemon juice has diureticproperties, which can help flush out toxinsand waste products from the body. A studypublished in the "Journal of Nutrition andMetabolism" suggests that lemon polyphenolsmay have detoxifying effects by enhancingliver function.Glowing Skin: Vitamin C is essential forcollagen synthesis, which is crucial formaintaining skin elasticity and preventingpremature aging. Regular consumption oflemon water can contribute to a clearer,brighter complexion and reduce theappearance of wrinkles and fine lines. #2 START EVERY DAY WITHLEMON WATERP o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Moreover, the hydration provided by warmwater helps keep the skin hydrated andsupple. A study published in the "AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition" suggests thatdietary vitamin C intake is associated with alower likelihood of dry skin.Overall Health and Longevity: By supportingdigestion, detoxification, and skin health,drinking warm lemon water can have apositive impact on overall health andlongevity. A healthy digestive system is linkedto better nutrient absorption, immunefunction, and mood regulation. Detoxificationhelps prevent the accumulation of toxins thatcan lead to chronic diseases. Furthermore, theantioxidant properties of lemon water mayhelp reduce the risk of certain age-relatedconditions, such as cardiovascular diseaseand cognitive decline. A study published in"Nutrients" suggests that vitamin C intake maybe inversely associated with the risk ofcardiovascular disease.Decreased Belly Bloating: Many women over50 struggle with belly bloating, which can beuncomfortable and affect self-confidence.Lemon water can help alleviate bloating bypromoting proper digestion and reducingwater retention. The gentle diuretic effect oflemon water can encourage the body toeliminate excess fluid, reducing bloating andpuffiness. Additionally, the acidity of lemonjuice may help balance pH levels in thestomach, reducing gas and bloating. A studypublished in the "Journal of Alternative andComplementary Medicine" found that lemonbalm, a herb related to lemons, could helpreduce abdominal bloating.#2 START EVERY DAY WITHLEMON WATER (CONT.)In conclusion, starting your day witha glass of warm water and freshlemon juice can be a simple yetpowerful way to support digestion,detoxification, glowing skin, overallhealth, and longevity. With itsnumerous benefits, this morningritual is a refreshing and revitalizingaddition to any woman's dailyroutine.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#3 GREEN TEA EVERY DAYGreen tea is renowned for its numerous healthbenefits, particularly for women over 50. Here'san in-depth look at why green tea is beneficialand why it should be part of a daily regimen.1. Anti-Aging PropertiesGreen tea is rich in antioxidants, particularlycatechins such as epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG). These antioxidants combat oxidativestress and free radicals, which are primarycontributors to aging and cellular damage.Skin Health: Research has shown that greentea can improve skin elasticity, reducewrinkles, and protect against UV damage. Astudy in the Journal of Nutrition found thatconsuming green tea polyphenols canprotect skin from UV radiation and improveskin quality .Cellular Aging: Green tea's antioxidants canprotect cells from DNA damage andpromote longevity. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutritionindicated that regular consumption of greentea is associated with longer telomeres,which are markers of biological aging .2. Digestive Health and BloatingGreen tea has been shown to support digestionand reduce bloating, common concerns forwomen over 50.Digestive Enzymes: Green tea can enhancethe activity of digestive enzymes, promotingbetter nutrient absorption and reducingbloating. EGCG, in particular, has beenfound to support gut health by modulatingthe gut microbiota, promoting beneficialbacteria while inhibiting harmful ones .Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Green tea’s anti-inflammatory properties help in reducinggastrointestinal inflammation, which canalleviate symptoms of bloating andindigestion. A study published in theJournal of Medicinal Food noted that green Recommended Daily IntakeTo reap the maximum benefits of greentea, it is recommended to consume:Quantity: 2 to 3 cups per day. Thisamount provides a substantial intake ofantioxidants and other beneficialcompounds without excessive caffeineintake.Timing: It's best to drink green teabetween meals to enhance nutrientabsorption and avoid potentialinterference with iron absorption.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#3 GREEN TEA EVERY DAY(CONT.)(cont.) tea can reduce gastrointestinal discomfort by soothing the digestive tract .3. Weight ManagementMaintaining a healthy weight is crucial foroverall health, especially for women over 50.Green tea can aid in weight management byboosting metabolism and fat oxidation.Metabolic Rate: Studies have shown thatgreen tea can increase the metabolic rateand enhance fat burning. A meta-analysis inthe International Journal of Obesityconfirmed that green tea extractsignificantly increased energy expenditureand fat oxidation in humans .Appetite Regulation: Green tea may help inregulating appetite, reducing the tendencyto overeat. This can be particularlybeneficial for weight management duringmenopause, when hormonal changes canaffect hunger signals.4. Cardiovascular HealthCardiovascular health becomes increasinglyimportant with age, and green tea can supportheart health in several ways.Cholesterol Levels: Green tea has beenshown to lower LDL cholesterol levels andimprove the HDL/LDL ratio. A study in theArchives of Internal Medicine found thatgreen tea consumption was associated witha reduction in serum cholesterol levels .Blood Pressure: Regular consumption ofgreen tea can help in managing bloodpressure, thereby reducing the risk of heartdisease. Research published in the BritishJournal of Nutrition found that green teaconsumption was linked to lower systolicand diastolic blood pressure .In conclusion, Green Tea offers a plethora ofbenefits, which is why this tops my list!For women over 50, incorporatinggreen tea into their daily routineoffers numerous health benefits,from anti-aging and improveddigestion to enhancedcardiovascular health and weightmanagement. Scientific researchsupports these benefits, makinggreen tea a valuable addition to ahealthy lifestyle.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#4 ELIMINATE REFINEDSUGARSEliminating refined sugars from the diet offersnumerous health benefits, especially forwomen over 50. Here’s an in-depth look at howreducing refined sugar intake can positivelyimpact digestion, bloating, weightmanagement, insulin levels, and other healthissues, supported by scientific research.Additionally, practical suggestions for healthierreplacements will be provided.1. Improved Digestion and Reduced BloatingRefined sugars can disrupt the digestivesystem, leading to bloating and discomfort.Gut Health: High intake of refined sugarscan promote the growth of harmful gutbacteria while reducing beneficial bacteria.This imbalance, known as dysbiosis, canlead to digestive issues such as bloating,gas, and discomfort. Research published inthe Journal of Nutritional Biochemistryhighlights how refined sugars negativelyaffect gut microbiota .Inflammation: Refined sugars contribute toinflammation in the gastrointestinal tract,exacerbating conditions like irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS). Reducing sugar intake canalleviate these symptoms and promote ahealthier digestive system .2. Weight ManagementEliminating refined sugars is crucial for weightmanagement, particularly during and aftermenopause when metabolism slows down.Caloric Reduction: Refined sugars addempty calories with no nutritional value,contributing to weight gain. Cutting outsugary foods can significantly reduceoverall calorie intake. A study in ObesityReviews confirmed that reducing sugar-sweetened beverages leads to weight loss Read Labels Carefully: Take thetime to read labels and familiarizeyourself with the different namesfor refined sugars. Watch Out for"Natural" Claims: Just because aproduct claims to be "natural" or"organic" doesn’t mean it’s free ofrefined sugars. Always check thelabel for hidden sugars.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#4 ELIMINATE REFINEDSUGARS (CONT.)Reduced Cravings: Refined sugars cancause spikes and crashes in blood sugarlevels, leading to increased hunger andcravings. Eliminating these sugars helpsstabilize blood sugar and reduces the urgeto overeat, aiding in weight management .3. Stabilized Insulin Levels and Reduced Riskof DiabetesRefined sugars can cause rapid spikes in bloodglucose and insulin levels, increasing the riskof insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.Insulin Sensitivity: Eliminating refinedsugars improves insulin sensitivity,reducing the risk of developing type 2diabetes. A study published in the AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition found thatreducing sugar intake improved insulinsensitivity and glucose tolerance .Blood Sugar Control: Maintaining stableblood sugar levels is crucial for overallhealth, particularly in postmenopausalwomen who are at higher risk for metabolicdisorders. Reducing refined sugar intakehelps maintain stable glucose levelsthroughout the day .4. Enhanced Cardiovascular HealthRefined sugars are linked to severalcardiovascular issues, and eliminating themcan significantly benefit heart health.Cholesterol Levels: High sugar intake isassociated with elevated levels of LDL(bad) cholesterol and triglycerides,increasing the risk of heart disease. Cuttingout refined sugars can improve lipidprofiles and reduce cardiovascular risk. TheJournal of the American Heart Associationreported that reducing sugar intake canlead to significant improvements incardiovascular risk factors .Common Names for Refined SugarsSucrose: Common table sugar, acombination of glucose andfructose.1.High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): Ahighly processed sweetener madefrom corn starch.2.Corn Syrup: Another sweetenermade from corn starch, often foundin processed foods.3.Dextrose: A form of glucose derivedfrom corn.4.Fructose: A sugar found in fruits,but when isolated and added tofoods, it becomes a refined sugar.5.Glucose: A simple sugar that’s abasic energy source for cells, but inisolated form, it’s a refined sugar.6.Maltose: A sugar made from twoglucose molecules, often used inmalted products.7.Lactose: A sugar found in milk, butcan also be added as a sweetener inprocessed foods.8.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#4 ELIMINATE REFINEDSUGARS (CONT.)Blood Pressure: High sugar consumption islinked to hypertension. Reducing sugarintake can help lower blood pressure anddecrease the risk of heart disease .5. Overall Health and LongevityRefined sugars contribute to several chronicconditions and eliminating them can promoteoverall health and longevity.Cognitive Health: High sugar intake hasbeen linked to cognitive decline and anincreased risk of dementia. Reducing sugarcan support brain health and reduce the riskof neurodegenerative diseases. A study inAlzheimer's & Dementia journal indicated acorrelation between high sugar intake andcognitive decline .Inflammation and Immune Function:Refined sugars contribute to chronicinflammation, which is a precursor tomany diseases. Reducing sugar intakecan lower inflammation and enhanceimmune functions.Suggestions for ReplacementsReplacing refined sugars with healthieralternatives can help manage cravingswhile providing nutritional benefits.Natural Sweeteners: Use honey, maplesyrup, or agave nectar in moderation. Thesecontain some nutrients and have a lowerglycemic index compared to refined sugar.Stevia and Monk Fruit: These zero-caloriesweeteners are natural and do not spikeblood sugar levels, making them ideal formanaging blood glucose.Fruit: Use mashed bananas, applesauce, ordates to naturally sweeten foods. Theseoptions add fiber and essential nutrientsalong with sweetness.Other Names for Refined SugarsBrown Sugar: White sugar withadded molasses.1.Cane Sugar: Sugar derived fromsugarcane, often refined.2.Confectioner’s Sugar: Powderedsugar mixed with cornstarch.3.Invert Sugar: A mixture of glucoseand fructose used to keep foodsmoist.4.Molasses: A byproduct of sugarrefining, often added to foods fora rich flavor.5.Agave Nectar: A syrup made fromthe agave plant, high in fructose.6.Maple Syrup: Although natural,it's often refined and added toprocessed foods.7.Honey: While natural, it is still aform of sugar and should beconsumed in moderation.8.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#5 ELIMINATE PROCESSEDFOODSEliminating processed foods from the diet cansignificantly enhance the health and well-beingof women over 50. This can lead to betterweight management, reduced bloating, and alower risk of various health issues. Here’s anin-depth look at these benefits, supported byscientific research, along with examples ofprocessed foods and healthier alternatives.1. Weight ManagementProcessed foods are often high in calories,unhealthy fats, sugars, and artificial additives,which can contribute to weight gain.Caloric Density: Processed foods tend to becalorically dense but nutritionally poor. Thiscan lead to overeating and weight gain. Astudy in Cell Metabolism found thatindividuals consuming ultra-processedfoods consumed more calories and gainedmore weight compared to those eatingunprocessed diets .Metabolism: Processed foods can slowdown metabolism due to their high contentof refined sugars and unhealthy fats. A diethigh in whole, unprocessed foods can boostmetabolism and support weight loss .2. Reduced Bloating and Improved DigestionProcessed foods often contain additives,preservatives, and artificial ingredients thatcan disrupt the digestive system and lead tobloating.Artificial Ingredients: Many processedfoods contain artificial sweeteners,preservatives, and colorings that can causegastrointestinal distress and bloating.Research in the Journal of Gastroenterologyand Hepatology indicates that artificialsweeteners can cause bloating anddigestive discomfort .P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
#5 ELIMINATE PROCESSEDFOODS (CONT.)Fiber Content: Processed foods aretypically low in fiber, which is essential forhealthy digestion. A diet rich in whole,unprocessed foods provides the necessaryfiber to promote regular bowel movementsand reduce bloating .3. Enhanced Nutritional IntakeEliminating processed foods increases theintake of essential nutrients, supporting overallhealth and preventing deficiencies.Nutrient Density: Whole foods are rich invitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and otheressential nutrients that are often strippedaway during processing. Consuming a dietbased on unprocessed foods ensuresadequate intake of these vital nutrients.Phytonutrients: Whole foods containphytonutrients that have anti-inflammatoryand antioxidant properties, which arecrucial for preventing chronic diseases andpromoting overall health .4. Reduced Risk of Chronic DiseasesProcessed foods are linked to various chronichealth conditions, including heart disease,diabetes, and cancer.Heart Health: Processed foods high in transfats, refined sugars, and sodium canincrease the risk of cardiovasculardiseases. A study in the Journal of theAmerican College of Cardiology found thathigh consumption of processed foods isassociated with a higher risk of heartdisease .Diabetes Risk: The high glycemic index ofprocessed foods can lead to insulinresistance and increase the risk of type 2diabetes. Replacing processed foods withwhole foods helps maintain stable bloodsugar levels and reduces diabetes risk . .Cancer: Some processed foods containcarcinogenic compounds that can increasecancer risk. Avoiding these foods andfocusing on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables,and whole grains can reduce this risk .Healthier Replacements:Fresh Fruits andVegetables: Opt for avariety of colorful fruits andvegetables. These provideessential vitamins,minerals, and fiber.Whole Grains: Choosewhole grains such as brownrice, quinoa, oats, andwhole wheat over refinedgrains.Lean Proteins: Include leanmeats, poultry, fish, beans,lentils, and tofu as proteinsources.Healthy Fats: Useavocados, nuts, seeds, andolive oil instead ofprocessed fats and oils.Homemade Meals: Preparemeals at home using freshingredients to control thequality and nutritionalcontent.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Incorporating apple cider vinegar (ACV) intothe daily diet, particularly in the morning beforeeating, can offer a multitude of health benefitsfor women over 50. This simple habit canenhance digestion, reduce bloating, aid inweight management, and improve overallhealth. Here’s an in-depth look at why ACV isbeneficial and how it can be effectivelyincorporated into a daily routine.1. Improved Digestion and Reduced BloatingApple cider vinegar is known for its digestivebenefits, which can be particularly useful forwomen over 50 who may experience slowerdigestion and bloating.Stomach Acid Production: ACV can helpincrease stomach acid production, which iscrucial for proper digestion. Adequatestomach acid levels ensure that food isbroken down efficiently, reducing thelikelihood of bloating and discomfort. Astudy published in BMC Gastroenterologysuggested that ACV could help alleviatesymptoms of indigestion and bloating byenhancing gastric acid secretion .Probiotics: Unfiltered and unpasteurizedACV contains the “mother,” which is acollection of beneficial bacteria that cansupport gut health. These probiotics canhelp maintain a healthy balance of gut flora,reducing bloating and improving overalldigestive function .2. Weight ManagementACV can be a useful tool for managing weight,which can become more challenging with age.Appetite Suppression: Consuming ACV beforemeals can help reduce appetite and increasefeelings of fullness, leading to reduced calorieintake. A study in the European Journal ofClinical Nutrition found that acetic acid, themain component of ACV, increased satiety andreduced overall food intake.#6 APPLE CIDER VINEGARHow to Incorporate Apple CiderVinegar into Your Morning RoutineTo maximize the benefits, ACVshould be consumed in themorning before eating. Here’s asimple guide on how to do this:Dilution: Mix 1-2 tablespoonsof apple cider vinegar in a largeglass of water (8-12 ounces).Drinking it undiluted can harmtooth enamel and irritate thethroat.1.Timing: Drink the mixture 15-30 minutes before breakfast.This allows the ACV to startworking on your digestivesystem.2.Consistency: Make it a dailyhabit for the best results.Consistency is key toexperiencing the full range ofbenefits.3.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Metabolism Boost: ACV has been shown toboost metabolism, aiding in weight loss andpreventing weight gain. Research publishedin Bioscience, Biotechnology, andBiochemistry indicated that daily intake ofvinegar led to reduced body weight, BMI,and visceral fat in obese individuals.3. Blood Sugar RegulationMaintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucialfor overall health, especially for women over 50who are at a higher risk of developing type 2diabetes.Insulin Sensitivity: ACV has been shown toimprove insulin sensitivity, which can helpregulate blood sugar levels. A study in theJournal of Functional Foods demonstratedthat vinegar ingestion improved insulinsensitivity in insulin-resistant individuals .Blood Sugar Control: Consuming ACVbefore meals can help moderate bloodsugar spikes after eating. Research inDiabetes Care found that vinegar ingestionat bedtime moderated waking glucoseconcentrations in adults with well-controlled type 2 diabetes.4. Cardiovascular HealthACV can contribute to better cardiovascularhealth, which is particularly important forwomen over 50.Cholesterol Levels: ACV has been shown toreduce LDL (bad) cholesterol andtriglycerides while increasing HDL (good)cholesterol. A study published in Lipids inHealth and Disease found that regularconsumption of ACV significantly improvedlipid profiles in rats .#6 APPLE CIDER VINEGAR(CONT.)Blood Pressure: Regular intake of ACV hasbeen associated with reduced bloodpressure, which can lower the risk of heartdisease. The acetic acid in vinegar isbelieved to help reduce blood pressure byacting on the renin-angiotensin system .CONCLUSION:From improved digestion and reduced bloatingto better weight management, blood sugarregulation, and cardiovascular health, ACV is aversatile and beneficial addition to a healthylifestyle. Incorporate it into your morningroutine consistently to reap these benefits.Additional Health BenefitsBeyond digestion, weightmanagement, and cardiovascularhealth, ACV offers other healthbenefits for women over 50:Antioxidant Properties: ACVcontains polyphenols, whichare antioxidants that helpprotect cells from oxidativedamage.Detoxification: ACV cansupport liver detoxificationprocesses, enhancing overallhealth and vitality.Skin Health: The antioxidantsand acetic acid in ACV canimprove skin health whenconsumed or applied topicallyin diluted form.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
What is the FODMAP DIET?The FODMAP diet, developed by researchers atMonash University, is designed to helpindividuals manage symptoms of irritablebowel syndrome (IBS) and other functionalgastrointestinal disorders. FODMAP stands forFermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides,Monosaccharides, and Polyols, which are typesof carbohydrates that can be poorly absorbedin the small intestine.What is the FODMAP Chart Used For?The FODMAP chart categorizes foods based ontheir content of these specific carbohydrates.The chart is a useful tool for identifying whichfoods are high in FODMAPs and which are low.It helps individuals make informed dietarychoices to minimize digestive discomfort.High-FODMAP Foods: These foods contain highlevels of fermentable carbohydrates and areoften the culprits behind symptoms such asbloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.Examples include:Certain fruits: Apples, pears, and cherriesCertain vegetables: Onions, garlic, andcauliflowerDairy products: Milk, soft cheeses, andyogurt (due to lactose)Legumes: Beans and lentilsSweeteners: High fructose corn syrup,honey, and sorbitolLow-FODMAP Foods: These foods contain lowlevels of fermentable carbohydrates and areless likely to cause digestive issues. Examplesinclude:Certain fruits: Bananas, blueberries, andstrawberriesCertain vegetables: Carrots, spinach, andzucchiniDairy alternatives: Lactose-free milk,almond milk, and hard cheeses#7 IMPLEMENTING A LOW-FODMAP DIETIf you keep eating like this, you'lldecrease the risk of obesity, andyou'll become more aware of thequality of the food you're eating.Eventually, you'll start eatinghealthier food, which hasenormous benefits on your life. P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Protein sources: Chicken, beef, fish, andeggsGrains: Rice, quinoa, and oatsHow Low-FODMAP Foods Minimize BloatingBloating occurs when undigested FODMAPsreach the large intestine and are fermented bygut bacteria, producing gas and drawing waterinto the bowel. By consuming low-FODMAPfoods, you reduce the amount of fermentablecarbohydrates that reach the large intestine,thereby minimizing gas production and waterretention, leading to less bloating andabdominal discomfort.Additional Health Benefits of a Low-FODMAPDietImproved Digestive HealthFor individuals with IBS or other functionalgastrointestinal disorders, following a low-FODMAP diet can significantly improvedigestive health by reducing symptoms likebloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. Astudy published in Gastroenterology found thatabout 75% of IBS patients experiencedsignificant symptom relief on a low-FODMAPdiet.Enhanced Nutrient AbsorptionChronic digestive discomfort and inflammationcan impair nutrient absorption. By alleviatingsymptoms through a low-FODMAP diet, thedigestive system can function more efficiently,potentially improving the absorption ofessential nutrients.#7 IMPLEMENTING A LOW-FODMAP DIET (CONT.)If you keep eating like this, you'lldecrease the risk of obesity,reduce the bloating, and you'llbecome more aware of the qualityof the food you're eating.Eventually, you'll start eatinghealthier food, which hasenormous benefits on your life. P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Better Mental HealthChronic gastrointestinal discomfort cancontribute to stress, anxiety, and depression. Alow-FODMAP diet can help alleviate thesedigestive issues, which may, in turn, improveoverall mental health and well-being. A study inClinical Gastroenterology and Hepatologysuggested that dietary interventions for IBScould have positive effects on mental health.Reduced InflammationSome high-FODMAP foods can contribute tointestinal inflammation, which can exacerbatesymptoms in individuals with inflammatorybowel disease (IBD). A low-FODMAP diet canhelp reduce this inflammation, leading to bettermanagement of IBD symptoms.Increased Energy LevelsDigestive discomfort can be draining and leadto fatigue. By minimizing symptoms through alow-FODMAP diet, individuals may experienceincreased energy levels and improved quality oflife.SEE A LIST OF LOW FODMAPFOODS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE#7 IMPLEMENTING A LOW-FODMAP DIET (CONT.)ConclusionThe FODMAP diet, guided by theFODMAP chart, is a powerful tool formanaging digestive health,particularly for women over 50 whomay experience increased digestivesensitivity. By focusing on low-FODMAP foods, individuals canminimize bloating and othergastrointestinal symptoms, leading toimproved overall health and well-being.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o dCOACH TERRI WILL EXPAND ON THIS TOPIC IN DEPTHDURING THE 21 DAY GUT BUSTER CHALLENGE.
# IMPLEMENTING A LOW-FODMAP DIET (CONT.)P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
I understand that many of you may not behappy with this step, and I can relate to feelingthe same way. However, once you grasp theimpact of alcohol on your body and its effectson your digestive system, I hope you willconsider at least reducing your intake. If youare participating in the 21-day Belly BusterChallenge with me, take this opportunity to giveyour body a break and observe how you feel forthe duration of the Challenge. You will surpriseyourself!.Reducing or cutting out alcohol consumptioncan bring significant health advantages,especially for women aged 50 and above. Oneimmediate and noticeable benefit is thedecrease in bloating. Moreover, limiting alcoholintake can have positive effects on variousother health issues. Let's delve into howreducing alcohol consumption can improve thewell-being of women over 50:Reduction in Bloating:Bloating, a common issue aggravated byalcohol consumption, is influenced by variousfactors:Dehydration: Alcohol acts as a diuretic,increasing urine production and potentiallycausing dehydration. Dehydration can leadto water retention, resulting in bloating.Digestive Irritation: Alcohol has thepotential to irritate the stomach lining,boost stomach acid production, and causeinflammation and bloating. It also disruptsthe balance of gut bacteria, contributing togastrointestinal discomfort.Gas Production: Certain alcoholicbeverages, especially carbonated drinks likebeer and sparkling wine, introduce excessgas into the digestive system, leading tobloating.#8 ELIMINATE ALCOHOLBenefits of Even Minimizing Alcohol IntakeEven reducing alcohol intake, rather thaneliminating it completely, candramatically improve health outcomes:Reduced Bloating: Cutting back onalcohol, even moderately, can lead tosignificant reductions in bloating anddigestive discomfort.Improved Hydration: Drinking lessalcohol helps maintain betterhydration levels, reducing waterretention and bloating.Better Overall Health: Loweringalcohol consumption can improve liverfunction, cardiovascular health, andreduce the risk of chronic diseases.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
By minimizing alcohol intake, these factors aresignificantly reduced, leading to a noticeabledecrease in bloating and digestive discomfort.2. Improved Liver HealthThe liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying thebody, metabolizing drugs, and processingnutrients. Chronic alcohol consumption canlead to liver damage, including fatty liverdisease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.Liver Regeneration: Reducing alcohol intakegives the liver a chance to heal andregenerate, improving its overall function.This is particularly important for womenover 50, as liver function naturally declineswith age.3. Enhanced Weight ManagementAlcohol contains empty calories and cancontribute to weight gain, a common concernfor women over 50.Caloric Intake: Alcoholic drinks are oftenhigh in calories and can contribute toweight gain if consumed regularly. Forexample, a standard beer contains about150 calories, and a glass of wine containsaround 120 calories. These calories add upquickly.Metabolism: Alcohol can slow downmetabolism, making it harder to maintain orlose weight. By minimizing alcohol intake,it's easier to manage weight effectively.4. Better Sleep QualityAlcohol disrupts sleep patterns, leading to poorsleep quality, which can have numerousadverse effects on health.Sleep Disruption: Although alcohol may helpinduce sleep initially, it disrupts the REMsleep cycle, leading to less restful andrestorative sleep. Poor sleep can affectmood, cognitive function, and overall energylevels.#8 ELIMINATE ALCOHOL.Hormonal Balance: Adequate sleep isessential for maintaining hormonal balance,particularly for women over 50 who may beexperiencing menopause.5. Reduced Risk of Chronic DiseasesMinimizing alcohol consumption can lower therisk of several chronic diseases:Cardiovascular Health: Excessive alcoholintake is linked to high blood pressure,cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmias. Reducingalcohol can improve heart health andreduce the risk of heart disease.Cancer Risk: Alcohol consumption is aknown risk factor for several types ofcancer, including breast, liver, andcolorectal cancer. Reducing alcohol intakelowers the risk of developing these cancers.Bone Health: Alcohol can interfere with theabsorption of calcium and vitamin D,essential for bone health. Minimizingalcohol can help maintain bone density andreduce the risk of osteoporosis.Types of Alcohol to AvoidCertain types of alcohol are more likely tocause bloating and other health issues:Beer: Beer is carbonated and containsyeast, both of which can contribute tobloating and gas. It’s also high incalories and carbohydrates.Sparkling Wine and Champagne: Thesedrinks are also carbonated, leading toincreased gas production and bloating.Cocktails with Sugary Mixers: Cocktailsoften contain high amounts of sugar andartificial sweeteners, which can lead tobloating and digestive discomfort.High-Alcohol Content Drinks: Drinks withhigh alcohol content, such as spirits, canbe more irritating to the stomach liningand liver.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Probiotics and prebiotics are essentialcomponents of a healthy diet that cansignificantly improve gut health and alleviatebloating and digestive issues. Understandingtheir functions and benefits can helpindividuals make informed dietary choices toenhance their digestive well-being.What Are Probiotics?Probiotics are live microorganisms that, whenconsumed in adequate amounts, confer healthbenefits to the host. They are often referred toas "good" or "beneficial" bacteria because theyhelp maintain a healthy balance of gut flora.Sources of Probiotics:Yogurt and Kefir: These dairy products arefermented with probiotic cultures.Fermented Vegetables: Sauerkraut, kimchi,and pickles are rich in probiotics.Other Fermented Foods: Miso, tempeh, andcertain types of cheese also containbeneficial bacteria.Probiotic Supplements: Available in variousforms, including capsules, tablets, andpowders.What Are Prebiotics?Prebiotics are non-digestible foodcomponents that promote the growth ofbeneficial bacteria in the gut. Theyessentially serve as food for probiotics,helping them thrive and multiply..#9 ADDING PROBIOTICS &PREBIOTICSSources of Prebiotics:Fiber-Rich Vegetables: Onions, garlic, leeks,asparagus, and artichokes are high inprebiotic fibers.Fruits: Bananas, apples, and berries containprebiotics.Whole Grains: Oats, barley, and wholewheat.Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
Balancing Gut Microbiota1.A balanced gut microbiota is crucial for properdigestion and overall gastrointestinal health.Probiotics help maintain this balance by:Competing with Harmful Bacteria:Probiotics inhibit the growth of pathogenicbacteria by competing for nutrients andattachment sites in the gut.Enhancing Immune Function: Probiotics canboost the immune response, reducinginflammation and preventing infections thatcan lead to bloating and discomfort.Producing Short-Chain Fatty Acids:Beneficial bacteria produce short-chainfatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, whichnourish the cells lining the gut and supportdigestive health.Prebiotics support this process by providingthe necessary nutrients for probiotics to thrive,thus enhancing their effectiveness.2. Improving Digestion and NutrientAbsorptionProbiotics and prebiotics aid in the breakdownand absorption of nutrients, reducing the riskof digestive issues:Lactose Digestion: Certain probiotic strains,such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium,help break down lactose, the sugar in milk,alleviating symptoms of lactose intolerancelike bloating and gas.Enhanced Fiber Digestion: Prebioticspromote the growth of bacteria that fermentdietary fiber, producing SCFAs that improvegut health and regularity.#9 ADDING PROBIOTICS &PREBIOTICS (CONT.)P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
3. Reducing Gas ProductionProbiotics can alter the gut microbiotacomposition to reduce the production of gas-forming compounds:Methane Reduction: Certain probioticsreduce the production of methane, a gasthat can contribute to bloating andabdominal discomfort.Hydrogen Reduction: Probiotics can alsohelp decrease hydrogen production byenhancing the activity of hydrogen-consuming bacteria, thus reducing gasaccumulation.4. Strengthening the Gut BarrierA healthy gut barrier prevents harmfulsubstances from entering the bloodstream andtriggering immune responses that can causeinflammation and bloating:Tight Junctions: Probiotics help maintainthe integrity of tight junctions between gutcells, reducing intestinal permeability (leakygut).Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Probioticsproduce anti-inflammatory substances thatsoothe the gut lining and reduce symptomsof bloating and discomfort.Additional Health Benefits of Probiotics andPrebioticsBeyond reducing bloating and digestive issues,probiotics and prebiotics offer several otherhealth benefits:1. Boosting Immune FunctionA healthy gut microbiota supports a strongimmune system by enhancing the production ofantibodies and stimulating immune cells. Thiscan help prevent infections and reduce theseverity of autoimmune conditions.#9 ADDING PROBIOTICS &PREBIOTICS (CONT.)2. Mental Health ImprovementsThe gut-brain axis is a complex communicationnetwork linking the gut and the brain.Probiotics can produce neurotransmitters likeserotonin and GABA, which are crucial formental health. Improved gut health isassociated with reduced symptoms of anxiety,depression, and stress.3. Weight ManagementProbiotics can influence weight managementby:Regulating Appetite: Probiotics may affectthe release of hormones that controlappetite and satiety.Reducing Fat Absorption: Certain probioticscan reduce the absorption of dietary fat,promoting weight loss.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
You breathe, but do you breathe properly? Doyou feel every inhale and exhale? Doesbreathing help you treat pain or relax? Sign upfor my 21 Day Belly Buster Challenge where I’llgo into depth on breathing techniques and tolearn how to get the most out of yourbreathing. Proper breathing is essential for deliveringoxygen to every system in the body, promotingoptimal health and function. The way webreathe can significantly impact our digestionand overall well-being. Understanding andpracticing proper breathing techniques canimprove oxygen delivery, reduce stress, andenhance digestive health.The Mechanics of Proper BreathingProper breathing involves the use of thediaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle located justbelow the lungs. Diaphragmatic breathing, alsoknown as abdominal or belly breathing, is themost effective way to ensure adequate oxygenintake and efficient expulsion of carbondioxide.Health Benefits of Proper Breathing1. Enhanced Oxygen DeliveryDiaphragmatic breathing increases theefficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues andorgans throughout the body. This improvescellular function and energy production,supporting overall health.#10 THE PROPER WAY TOBREATHE AND ITSBENEFITS FOR DIGESTIONAND OVERALL HEALTHP o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d
2. Reduced Stress and AnxietyProper breathing activates the parasympatheticnervous system, which promotes relaxation andreduces the stress response. This can lowerlevels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and helpmitigate the negative effects of chronic stress.Benefits of Proper Breathing for DigestionProper breathing can have a profound impacton digestive health by:1. Improving Blood Flow to Digestive OrgansEnhanced oxygen delivery and blood flow to thedigestive organs support optimal function. Thishelps the stomach, intestines, liver, andpancreas operate efficiently, promotingeffective digestion and nutrient absorption.2. Stimulating the Vagus NerveThe vagus nerve plays a crucial role inregulating digestion. Diaphragmatic breathingstimulates the vagus nerve, which helps:Increase Digestive Enzymes: Improvedenzyme production aids in the breakdownof food.Enhance Peristalsis: The rhythmiccontractions of the digestive tract movefood smoothly through the system.Reduce Inflammation: Vagal stimulationcan reduce inflammation in the gut,alleviating symptoms of conditions like IBS.#10 THE PROPER WAY TOBREATHE AND ITS BENEFITSFOR DIGESTION ANDOVERALL HEALTH (CONT.)Steps for ProperDiaphragmatic Breathing:Find a Comfortable Position: Sit or liedown in a comfortable position. Placeone hand on your chest and the otheron your abdomen.Inhale Deeply: Breathe in slowlythrough your nose, allowing yourabdomen to rise as your diaphragmcontracts and air fills your lungs. Yourchest should remain relatively still.Exhale Slowly: Breathe out slowlythrough your mouth, allowing yourabdomen to fall as your diaphragmrelaxes and air is expelled from yourlungs.Repeat: Continue this process,focusing on the movement of yourabdomen rather than your chest. Aimfor a slow and steady rhythm.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d3. Reducing Stress-Related Digestive IssuesStress can significantly impact digestion,leading to issues such as bloating,constipation, and diarrhea. By reducing stressthrough proper breathing, the body’s digestiveprocesses can function more smoothly.4. Balancing Gut MicrobiotaProper breathing and reduced stress levels canhelp maintain a healthy balance of gutmicrobiota. A balanced gut microbiota isessential for effective digestion, nutrientabsorption, and overall gut health.
FREQUENTLY ASKEDQUESTIONS ABOUT HABITSBefore we wrap up, let's answer the mostcommon questions about healthy, long-termhabits, and more importantly; how do we breakthem? WHAT ARE THE EXAMPLESOF HABITS?Some examples of the habits are brushingteeth after breakfast, sleeping on the sameside of the bed, eating bread with potatoes,drinking a smoothie for breakfast, skippingdinner, getting up at the same time, etc.P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o dWHAT ARE THE 10 BADHABITS?Some of the widespread bad habits aresmoking, biting nails, drinking alcohol, drinkingsugary drinks, skipping workouts, snackingduring movie time, gossiping, not gettingenough sleep, sitting for too long withoutstretching, sleeping with your makeup on.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKETO BREAK A BAD HABIT?The time you need to break a bad habit isindividual, but most people don't need morethan two and a half months to stop repeatingharmful activities.WHAT IS THE HARDEST BADHABIT TO BREAK?Most people find it very challenging to breakthe habit of nail-biting and playing with theirhair because those habits are usuallydeveloped in early childhood. They staythrough adult life, so it takes a lot of effort tobreak them.FINAL WORDS Which habit will you choose to start working onfrom tomorrow? Do you already practice someof the habits from the list?The habits you have learned here will kickstartyour body and assist to begin to feel and look better. Once you feel less discomfort andbloating, you will be motivated to begin yourhealth journey. I hope you will join us on June24th for our “21 DAY GUT BUSTERCHALLENGE”! Click here to Join like mindedladies like yourself and challenge yourself forchange!QUESTIONS?:Feel free to message Coach Terri @:CoachTerri@TLPmethod.comwww.TLPmethod.comTEXT: 754.801.9447P o m p a n o B e a c h , F l o r i d a | C o a c h T e r r i @ T L P m e t h o d . c o m | T L P m e t h o d . c o m© 2 0 2 4 A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d | T h e T L P M e t h o d