Vol 52 No 11 November 2016Institute of Animal TechnologyBulletinG AWERB UK Report G Andrew Blake Tribute Award 2017G CLAST Notice G Branch NewsG Congress 2017 G Situations VacantG Suppliers Register G Diary Dates
EDITOR*Sarah Lanebulletineditor@iat.org.ukASSISTANT EDITOR*Carole Wilsonbulletinassistant@iat.org.ukADVERTISEMENTMANAGERSPRC Associates Ltdmail@prcassoc.co.ukPublished monthly by theInstitute of Animal Technology*Registered Office:5 South ParadeSummertownOxfordOX2 7JLISSN 0263-2861For enquiries other thanBulletin related contact:IAT ADMINISTRATOR*admin@iat.org.ukor 0800 085 4380BulletinVol 52 No 11 November 2016Final copy date forJanuary Bulletin1st DecemberThe opinions expressed in theBulletin do not necessarily reflectthose of the Editor or theInstitute.CONTENTSAWERB UK Report 5-10Congress 2017 10-11Andrew Blake Tribute 12-13Award 2017Notice of IAT AGM 15CLAST Notice 16-17AS-ET 18,24-25Named Persons’ 22-23WorkshopSuppliers Register i-xlivBranch News 33-40Situations Vacant 41-42Diary Dates 43
BulletinNovember 2016• 5AWERB-UKDelivering an effective AWERB – Challenges and solutionsA forum for UK AWERB members organised by RSPCA, LASA, LAVA and IATCentral London, Thursday, 12 May 2016This meeting provided a forum for Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body(AWERB) members to discuss how they have made progress with respect toachieving all of the AWERB’s tasks, compare experiences, discuss relevant topicsand identify any training needs. It was attended by 106 participantsrepresenting a range of AWERB members including animal technologists,project licence holders, Named Persons, lay and independent members.The meeting agenda with links to speakers’ presentations and notes from theten workshops that were held on the day can be found at:https://www.rspca.org.uk/webContent/staticImages/AWERBUK/AWERB_UK_output.pdfThe content should be useful for members of AWERBs, Animal Welfare Bodiesand other ethics or animal care and use committees and to encourage othersto use this agenda as a template for running similar meetings to help progresseffective ethical review – please contact research.animals@rspca.org.ukif youwould like further information about how the meeting was convened and run.The organisers plan to hold further AWERB-UK meetings and to follow up onthe various issues and conclusions raised by this first meeting; please use theabove email address if you have any comments on these or would like to bekept informed about future initiatives.The agenda was as follows:1. Welcome and introduction – Penny Hawkins, RSPCAMorning session2. Keynote presentation on the tasks of the AWERB – Will Reynolds,Head of Policy and Administration, Animals in Science Regulation Unit –Home Office
BulletinNovember 2016• 73. Update on the Animals in Science Committee’s work on AWERBs –John Landers, ASC Chair4. There were five workshops on selected AWERB tasksAdvise on theapplication ofthe 3Rs, andkeep [staff]informed ofrelevanttechnical andscientificdevelopmentsFollow thedevelopmentand outcome(retrospectivereview) ofprojects; andassist withretrospectiveassessmentProvide aforum fordiscussion anddevelopmentof ethicaladviceSupportnamedpersons, andother staffdealing withanimals, onanimalwelfare,ethical issuesand provisionof appropriatetrainingHelp topromote a‘culture ofcare’ withintheestablishmentand, asappropriate, inthe widercommunityLunchtime ‘materials exchange’ session for sharing useful AWERB-relatedresourcesAfternoon sessionApplying the 3Rs and improving practice – a case study and discussion sessionon using information from scientific developments to inform project reviewand revise local practice1. Aversion to carbon dioxide and inhalational anaesthesia in rodents – HuwGolledge, UFAWRole-related discussions2. Sessions for each broad ‘category’ of AWERB member – each with a topicchosen and session organised by the relevant body:a) Chairs and Establishment Licence Holders (ELH) – organised by ELH Forumb) Animal technologists – by IATc) Named Vets – by LAVAd) Other members – by RSPCAe) Scientists – by LASAThe following is the outcome from the Animal Technologists workshop.AWERB-UK Workshop on the role of the Named Animal Care and WelfareOfficer (NACWO) within the AWERBChairs: Ken Applebee and Sarah Lane, Institute for Animal Technology
Bulletin8 •November 2016The workshop began with a discussion on how the process of local ethicalreview worked within different establishments, covering four main areas.ProcessesParticipants shared their different experiences in relation to the process ofdrafting and reviewing projects, including:G A project team meeting takes place before the project licence is drafted,involving the NACWO, Named Information Officer (NIO), Named Trainingand Competency Officer (NTCO) and Named Veterinary Surgeon (NVS) andthe applicant.G Applications involving zebrafish are reviewed by an expert(s) in theirhusbandry and welfare before going for local ethical review.G All amendments go through the full AWERB.G The chair reads through all project licence applications (in addition to theother AWERB members).Engagement with scientists and the rest of the establishmentG Project licence applicants present their research or projects to the AWERBverbally (for 10 minutes), explaining what the project involves and why theywish to conduct the research.G Another establishment reported a similar system, but with a template forthe presentation for consistency. At this establishment, researchers speak tothe AWERB twice a month.G The AWERB holds a meeting monthly, with representation from the wholesite.G Some participants felt that the AWERB had helped to build on relationshipsbetween the NACWOs and NVS, creating a ‘team ethos’.Establishment licence holders and ChairsG Quite a number of participants had their establishment licence holder (ELH)either chairing or sitting on the AWERB. It was felt that this enabled theELH to be more engaged.G At one university, the AWERB chair provided funds for NACWO trainingfrom an external provider (but they sat on both the AWERB and BiologicalServices Unit (BSU) management group).ProblemsThese mainly related to time constraints; for example;G If paperwork is not received until a week before the meeting, there is littletime to review it properly.G In any case, NACWOs may not have time to read the whole project licenceapplication.G If resource was an issue preventing proper participation in the AWERB,however, most participants would go to their BSU manager or ELH.
BulletinNovember 2016• 9The rest of the discussion focussed on the contribution that the NACWO canmake to the AWERB. The NACWO is expected to be an active member (see theIAT’s NACWO Guidelines) and there was a great deal of interest in the AWERB-UK meeting from NACWOs. In addition to the AWERB, a number ofestablishments also had a NACWO meeting to allow free discussion. Severalissues were discussed at the workshop, including:Training relevant to NACWOs who participate in the AWERB, especially instatistics and experimental design. This is a major issue within the life sciencesat present and it would be helpful for NACWOs participating in the AWERB toreceive appropriate training in this topic. Some establishments have arrangedfor statistics courses or talks for AWERB members. Others have brought inscientists to provide training on statistics for the AWERB.Relationships between NACWOs and lay or independent members. Participantsdiscussed their interactions with various types of ‘lay’ member, includinginternal or external (the former being more common, e.g. someone from thePress Office) and student representatives.Positive changes that NACWOs had been able to introduce via the AWERB.These included reducing the number of animals used for practicals, reducingoverbreeding and enabling more animal technologists to take up IAT trainingcourses.Exchange of NACWOs between AWERBs – the IAT already runs a successfulNACWO exchange programme, involving visits to other facilities butparticipants felt that it would also be useful for NACWOs to attend AWERBmeetings at other establishments. It was suggested that this be put to the ASCand extended to an exchange of all named people between different AWERBs.Take home messages:G Be an active participant in the AWERB – it can help you contribute towardsimproving both animal welfare and science within your establishment.G If researchers do not regularly interact with or present to your AWERB, askwhether this can be initiated.G If you feel you are not properly supported in contributing to your AWERB,e.g. if you do not have enough time to review paperwork, raise this with asympathetic member of staff.G Consider what training you might need to help you contribute moreeffectively, and ask for it!G Mentor and support the independent/lay members, if they need it.G Use the AWERB to request more resources for implementing the 3Rs locally.G Think about taking part in the NACWO exchange programme and askingfor it to include sitting on the AWERB.
Bulletin10 •November 2016The meeting and its workshops were organised by:Penny Hawkins and Maggy Jennings – RSPCADavid Anderson – LASAKen Applebee and Sarah Lane – IATUte Weyer and Ngaire Dennison – LAVABrian Burlinson – EnvigoAnne-Marie Farmer – University of CambridgePru Hobson-West – University of NottinghamPatrick Sinnett-Smith – PfizerJane Smith – The Boyd GroupCharles Gentry – Establishment Licence Holders’ ForumThe full report can be found at:https://www.rspca.org.uk/webContent/staticImages/AWERBUK/AWERB_UK_output.pdfEditorReproduced from RSPCA
DATES NOT TO MISS!It’s coming up to the busiest time of the yearso make sure you have these deadlinesmarked on your calendarNOVEMBER 2016O 30th – last chance to enter for theprestigious ANDREW BLAKE TRIBUTEAWARD 2017, to win a FREECongress, monetary prize andplaque – details overleafDECEMBER 2016O 15th – final date to receive the extradiscount to orally present yourposterO 18th – final date to be eligible forEarly Bird registration, saving £100!O 30th – final date for Exhibitors tobook a standJANUARY 2017O 27th – final date to complete aPoster Submission form and receivea discountIf you do not have a hard copy of the‘Invitation Booklet’ download it athttp://www.iat.org.uk/#!congressc16thTo discuss any aspect of Congress with the Congress Committee or if you haveany questions, email – congress@iat.org.ukCheck for updates www.iat.org.uk
BulletinNovember 2016• 15NOTICE of IAT ANNUALNOTICE of IAT ANNUALGENERAL MEETING 2017GENERAL MEETING 2017The thirty-first Annual General Meeting of theInstitute of Animal Technology will be held at:IAT Congress on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 6pmFor the following purposes:1. To consider the minutes of the thirtieth Annual General Meeting heldon Tuesday 8th March 2016 (as published in full on the Members’section of the IAT website and in abridged form in the Bulletin Volume52 No 6).2. To receive and consider the Company’s annual accounts for the yearended 31 December 2016 together with the Annual Report and theAuditors’ report.3. To appoint Auditors of the Institute.4. To review the Council’s objectives for 2016.5. To elect members of the Council who are proposed for re-election byrotation under the terms of the Articles of Association and any suchnew members to fill existing vacancies.6. To elect a President and Vice-Presidents for the ensuing year.7. To consider the election of Life and Honorary Members of theInstitute.8. Any other business.Dated: November 2016Ken Applebee (Chair of Council)Linda Horan (Honorary Secretary)THE AGM IS OPEN TO ALLVoting Rights are restricted to voting members only
Bulletin16 •November 2016Laboratory Animal Science and Technology Higher Education coursesThe Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) awards three Higher Education (HE)qualifications, which can lead to IAT Fellowship and can be used towards a fullB.Sc. or higher degrees.1The HE programme is awarded by the IAT but delivered through the College ofLaboratory Animal Science & Technology (CLAST).CLAST courses will:G develop skills which are valued by employersG enhance your personal development, preparing you for senior positions inanimal technology and related professionsG develop skills for studying in HEG provide a route to access full graduate and post-graduate studiesContinuing Professional DevelopmentAny of the units can be taken as CPD.If you successfully complete the assessment you will be awarded an IAT CPDCertificate detailing the completed unit. These certificates can be used to gainexemption from those units if you decide to study for the full HE qualificationat a later date.Each of the units are designed to develop specific skills and knowledge whichwill be useful in your work and help with your career progression.Current and previous students have used these units to:G develop their management skills in preparation for promotionG to enhance skills and help them in their current rolesG give them access to further specialist HE qualificationsG update their knowledge in specialist areas such as gene manipulation,toxicology and others1Please note entry on to qualifications awarded by University of Middlesex, are subjectto their entry requirements at the time of enrolment.
BulletinNovember 2016• 17G develop a better understanding of current animal technology practices suchas health screening and immunologyG to gain the skills and knowledge required to manage major projectsG improve their knowledge of the law and animal welfare so they cancontribute more effectively to Animal Welfare Ethical Review processes andthe day to day care of laboratory animals.For more information contact progdir@clast.orgCourse timetable 2015-17For enrolment forms contact admin@clast.org
Bulletin24 •November 2016AS-ET Annual LectureIf you want to hear a leading world expert talk about one of the most importantbiomedical subjects, come to the repeat of the AS-ET 2016 Annual Lecture on30th November 2016:Editing the genomes of animals and humans: where to drawthe line?Presented byProfessor Robin Lovell Badge FRSAtThe Dalton Room, University of Manchester Innovation Centre,Manchester at 6pm on 30th November 2016.The lecture will be followed by a wine reception. Tickets cost £25 and can bebooked by going to the Events page of the AS-ET website (www.as-et.org.uk) andfollowing the link to our PayPal account.Co-Sponsors of the Manchester Lecture are:James Bussell’s Great North RunCongratulations to James who completed the Great North Runin 2hr 2 mins and followed that with completing the Bristol HalfMarathon in less than 2 hrs. James has raised over £800 forAS-ET and that figure is rising. You can still donate by going toJames’s Just Giving page:https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/James-Bussell1AS-ET would like to thank all those who supported James andespecially James himself for supporting AS-ET.
BulletinNovember 2016• 25AS-ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the care andwelfare of animals used in science.Sponsors of AS-ET are listed below and to find out more please visit the websitewww.as-et.org.uk
BulletinNovember 2016• 27New video tutorial on mousehandling methodsAnew video tutorial, launched by the NC3Rs, shows technical staff andresearchers how to handle mice using non-aversive methods:www.nc3rs.org.uk/mouse-handling-tutorialThe tutorial is based on research by Professor Jane Hurst and Dr Kelly Gouveiaat the University of Liverpool, funded by the NC3Rs and BBSRC.1,2The aim is topromote widespread uptake of refined methods of handling laboratory miceby providing practical advice and tackling common misconceptions about theimproved techniques.Mice are the most common animal used in biomedical research but untilrecently little was known about how best to approach and handle them fromthe animal’s perspective. Yet handling is an important part of everydayhusbandry and precedes many experimental procedures. Depending on themethod used, handling can cause mice stress and influence their behaviour andphysiology, and so it can be a potential source of (unexplained) variabilitywithin and between studies.The tutorial first compares different methods of handling mice. The mostpopular method currently used to handle mice is to pick them up by the baseof the tail. It is considered fast and allows for easy inspection of the animal butPracticalities: cup
BulletinNovember 2016• 29has no scientific validation and has been shown to cause anxiety in mice. Thetutorial then demonstrates the ‘mouse-friendly’ alternatives of tunnel handlingand cup handling, showing in a visual way why these alternatives arepreferable, as they improve response to handling and reduce anxiety andstress.Importantly, the tutorial goes beyond summarising the discoveries fromprevious research and focuses on the practical side of things. Short videosexplain, in a clear, visual way, practicalities such as how to hold and manipulatethe tunnel correctly, how to habituate the animals to cupping and how toincorporate these refined methods into routine husbandry and experimentalprocedures. The resource addresses common misconceptions, for example byshowing that time taken for handling by the alternative methods iscomparable to the traditional approach.Widespread use of the tutorial has the potential to significantly improveanimal welfare and the reliability of mouse studies.Professor Hurst said: “We’ve been promoting tunnel and cup handlingmethods for some time, including working directly with laboratories in industryand academia. We’ve noticed staff trialling the refined methods for the firsttime don’t always use them correctly, which is setting them up to fail – holdingthe tunnel in the wrong position in the home cage, for example, or chasing themice with the tunnel. Used properly, tunnel and cup handling take no longerthan tail handling and are practical even with jumpy strains.”How practical are these methods?
Bulletin30 •November 2016Dr Mark Prescott, NC3Rs said: “The NC3Rs is asking staff in all laboratorieshandling mice to watch the video tutorial and try again with the tunnel or cuphandling methods. The benefits of these methods for mouse welfare are clear,and the evidence for them improving test responses is growing. So unless youspecifically want to induce anxiety in your mice for a research purpose, thenyou really ought to be moving away from tail handling methods.”References1Hurst J.L., West R.S. (2010). Taming anxiety in laboratory mice. Nature Methods.Oct;7(10): 825-6.2Gouveia K., Hurst J.L. (2013). Reducing Mouse Anxiety during Handling: Effect ofExperience with Handling Tunnels. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66401.Reproduced from NC3RsCouncil ElectionCouncil Election20172017This is the final notice to apply if you arethinking about joining Council in 2017. Allnomination forms must be submitted byWednesday 30th November via the contactdetails in the announcement.The IAT is run by our members for ourmembers.Linda HoranHonorary Secretary
Visit our website www.iat.org.uk f or further information
BulletinNovember 2016• 33Cambridge Branch – Paint Balling 2016The afternoon of Saturday 8th October2016 saw the Cambridge Branch hold itssecond visit to Apocalypse Paintball. This timethere were 11 keen to ‘paint’ (and get‘painted’!) and the weather was lookingmoody and feeling chilly. However, withsmiles of anticipation the rain stayed awayand spirits were lifted when the gamesbegan.Despite the less than perfect weather, the venue got busy with a collection ofparticipants all wearing the combat overalls (one group added a ‘Mankini’ tothe outfit?!) and a protective face mask. A jovial safety brief was provided bythe Apocalypse marshal before the first game commenced. This year, itincluded how to use a smoke grenade which got some players very excited!It soon became clear that all participants, approximately 50 in total, were toplay together. Players were split into two teams based on the colour of thepaintball hopper they had been provided; black or clear.
There was a total of 5 games played (Capture theFlag, Tyre Fortress, Defend the Village, Attack theVillage and Single Flag) each lasting approximately10 minutes with a rest break between each.Surprisingly, this is long enough to enjoy each gamegiven the intensity and ‘kill (pain/t) rate’experienced.The game arenas were again lively and fun,providing plenty of opportunity to shoot and beshot at with a range of features for defence againstthe paintballs whizzing by. With adrenalinepumping, no mask could hide the eyes of thoseexperiencing the mix of fear and excitement!There were 400 paintballs included this year. Survivaltime, ambitious shooting and a lot of luck dictatedhow long these lasted. Most players eked out theirsupply but some invested in smoke grenades inorder to try to gain advantage.In the end, the ‘clear hopper’ team were the mostsuccessful for the afternoon but everyone had agreat time and were ‘winners’ on the day. Despitethe injuries inflicted; minor pain, bruises and themess of the paintballs, there remained smiles allaround.BulletinNovember 2016• 35
BulletinNovember 2016• 37Another big thank you to Allentown for kindly sponsoring this secondpaintballing event and to Nathan Hill, Sales Director, for playing along with usagain!Sam JamesonBranch ReporterRSPCA survey on severe sufferingresourcesIn 2015, the RSPCA Research Animals Department(in conjunction with LASA, LAVA andIAT) launched a new websitecontaining information and resourcesaimed at helping people avoid orreduce severe suffering in laboratoryanimals. We are now seeking furtherfeedback from stakeholders – both onthis website and on our otheractivities related to the topic.Please take a few minutes to complete the shortsurvey form, which can be found here:https://goo.gl/forms/v3hj48nICazceA4J2
BulletinNovember 2016• 39Oxford Branch – Day at the Races (continued)On Saturday July 23rd the Oxford IAT branch made a return visit to Ascot forthe King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth race day. It was a coincidencewith the name of this meeting that on the previous evening we had gatheredin Oxford for the abdication of our Chair, Carol Williams. Carol is leaving herposition in Oxford to move to North Wales.After a quick game of musical chairs we managed to fill the committeepositions without too much difficulty. Adrian Woodhouse will move from thesecretary’s position to become the Chair and his vacant post will in turn betaken by April Shipton. It was then time to make our way into Oxford for aleaving meal to celebrate the 6 years that Carol has been the Chair. TheCommittee would like to thank Carol for all her efforts and wish her well. Wehope we will see her in some form within the industry in the future.Now back to the day’s racing. After collecting our tickets we all made our wayinto the racecourse for the obligatory group photo. We found a muraldepicting the day’s race meeting that looked suitable for the background.Unfortunately, I was unaware as I had my back pressed onto the mural that
Bulletin40 •November 2016race goers had been invited to usecrayons to colour in the picture. As aresult of this I walked round for theremainder of the day with my backlooking like part of Joseph’s AmazingTechnicolour Dream Coat.I believe most of the group had somesuccess with their bets during the daywhich made it even more enjoyable.Having some interest in horse racing Iwas asked for any advice on form. Onetip is Dusty Carpet, who will take onehell of a beating!The day went very fast and it was not long before we were all heading offhome.I would like to thank our main sponsor for the day Agenda, for their generousdonation which provided discounted tickets. Thanks, also goes to IDEXX forproving a liquid refreshment break during what was a very hot day.In conclusion a very enjoyable day out with friends for what I am sure isbecoming an annual summer event.John BowlerBranch ReporterAPOLOGYSomehow I managed to insert last year’sreport with this year’s pictures and publish itin October’s issue. I did think that Ross’emerald green jacket rang some bells but…I can only think it was yet another seniormoment and would like to apologise to allthose involved with the Oxford branch.Editor
BulletinNovember 2016• 43DIARY Dates22-24 NovemberLASA Annual ConferenceDetails from info@lasa.co.uk30 NovemberABTA extended closingdateDetails fromadmin@iat.org.ukSee pages 12 and 1330 NovemberAS-ET Special LectureManchesterDetails fromcontact@as-et.org.ukSee page 1430 NovemberClosing date for CouncilNominationsSee pages 30 and 318 DecemberRSPCA Lay Members’ForumLondonDetails from:research.animals@rspca.org.uk9 DecemberAnimals Science Meeting2016LondonDetails from:asg@rsb.org.uk15 DecemberFinal Posters OralSubmissions at Congress2017See pages 10 and 1118 DecemberEarly Bird cut off date forCongress registrationsSee page 11201727 JanuaryClosing date for Congress2017 PostersSee pages 10 and 11Cover photo: Antelope – Malcolm Gamble