Background Image Mar1n Fleischmann and Stanley Pons in 1991 Deseret News Archives
What is an Industrial Association An association of people or companies in a particular business or field organized to promote their common interests American Society of Association Executives asaecenter org Background Image Andrea Rossi Focus Focus it There are thousands of industrial trade and other associations globally
Associations are the glue of our society and economy Like the mortar that hold the bricks of a building in place associations go largely unnoticed yet they do much to hold the entire structure together Quote of Jim Collins Author of the books Good to Great and Built to Last
United States Energy Association USEA Mission Statement to promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest bene t of all Membership consists of Energy Companies Trade Associations Manufacturers and Engineering Companies Also Professional Societies Federal and State Government Agencies Service Firms Universities and National Labs The USEA has approximately 135 members http www usea org
United States Energy Association State of the Energy Industry Forum American Gas Association American Petroleum Institute American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers Interstate Natural Gas Association of America America s Natural Gas Alliance Edison Electric Institute National Mining Association Nuclear Energy Institute American Public Power Association Solar Energy Industries Association Electric Power Supply Association National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Electric Power Research Institute None of these associations will represent LENR
The LENR Ecosystem Data Visualized 2013
Ecosystem for LENR LENRIA
Business Sub Ecosystem for LENR LENRIA
Ecosystem for LENR LENRIA
LENR Industrial Association LENRIA The Industrial Association For LENR lenria org
Why This New Association for LENR There is no organization in the eld that will perform needed functions IAC ICCF II 1990 ISCMNS II 2003 Science of LENR LENR II Cities 2014 LENRIA II 2015 Commercialization of LENR
Membership in LENRIA Organizations Individuals LENR Companies Business Professionals Other Companies Engineers Government Agencies Scientists University Laboratories Consultants Related Associations Technical Personnel Think Tanks Students Background Images Clean Planet ScarleH and Catherine reactor cores MIT 2014 Colloquium
Status Organiza1on is named LENRIA URL is successfully obtained Associa1on non pro t corp is led in VA USA LENRIA url ac1ve Website Development Organiza1on Logo in design Mission Statement in process of research and dra ing Background Image Nanor by NanorTech Inc
Near Term Actions Finish organization of LENRIA Complete initial web site development Achieve tax exempt status Solicit support for initial activities Develop membership of both organizations and individuals Develop advocacy plan Develop informational materials on LENR Consider making an online database of organizations relevant to LENR Evaluate interest in LENR clubs at select universities Provide initial member services Background Image Brillouin Hot Tube Boiler
Long Term Expectations Industry Public Rela1ons Ini1a1ves Commercial conference or exposi1ons Ins1tu1onaliza1on of the cri1cal ICCF scien1 c mee1ngs Membership in the United States Energy Associa1on USEA and other bodies Forum for development of industry standards and safety criteria Body for accredita1on and establishing professional standards Sharing of pre compe11ve informa1on among companies Forum for the community of interested companies Student Outreach Representa1on of the LENR community at all levels and venues Global Government Rela1ons Context for ac1vity between academia governments and industry Grassroots Ini1a1ves LENR Clubs Alumni Outreach etc Access to webinars and short courses on LENR Background Image ICCF 18 Group Photo Mizzou Columbia MO
LENRIA The Industrial Association For LENR lenria org Steven B Katinsky katinsky lenria org David J Nagel nagel lenria org