Peter Julia G. Kane County, ILCook County, IL The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to get – and the biggeryour problem will get. IRS Trouble Solvers worked on my case,painstakingly resolving every issue, and put me on the path tobecoming a good tax paying citizen. They have helped me learnthe necessary steps to stay out of IRS trouble. Every step of theway was handled professionally and completely confidentially.I can’t thank IRS Trouble Solvers enough for giving me freedomfrom IRS trouble!Patrick and his team are great! They created a plan and followedthrough, they saved us over $15,000!! IRS Trouble Solvers aresmart, professional, and knowledgeable. We are so greatful tothem!!Andy K. Du Page County, ILDon’t wait another minute! Call IRS Trouble Solvers today. For 10years, I couldn’t sleep, always afraid the IRS was going to comeknocking on my door! We were scared, but finally admitted wehad to do something. We called IRS Trouble Solvers and I leftafter our first appointment knowing I was in good hands! Theteam is extremely qualified, they treated my case like it was theironly one, and the communication was outstanding!The IRS Trouble Solvers™ team has decades of experience inhelping everyday people like yourself permanently solve their taxdebt problems. Our team of professionals consist of tax attorneys,enrolled agents and CPAs who focus solely on tax resolution.Whether it is a personal or business tax problem, theprofessionals at IRS Trouble Solvers will create a clear path for youto achieve your financial freedom and get the IRS out of your life,forever.About IRS Trouble Solvers:IRS Trouble Solvers®100 S. York Road, Suite 214, Elmhurst, IL 60126Call: 877 4 IRS LAW •
Many of our clients who retain our tax reliefservices are interested in knowing two things:1. Can you settle this for less thanI owe; and 2. How long will this take? Upon retaining IRS Trouble Solvers to resolve your taxissue, some of the relief will be immediate and somewill be over time. It is important to keep in mind thatIRS problems didn’t come about overnight and willtake time to resolve. The good news is that generally,you won’t have to meet or speak with the IRS whilewe are representing you. An average Offer inCompromise (OIC) case can take anywhere from 6-12months (or longer) depending on the amount of taxliability owed, the complexity of the case, and yourindividual facts and circumstances.Roadmap to ResolutionFree Consultation: If you have never been a client ofours, the first step is to call or come in for yourconfidential, no-obligation complimentaryconsultation. An experienced Enrolled Agent or taxattorney will evaluate your situation and discuss allavailable options for resolving your matter. Thisgenerally takes about 30-45 minutes; however, thereare times when the information provided at thismeeting is not sufficient to determine a course ofaction. It is advised therefore to have all recentnotices and correspondence from the IRS availableduring our fi rst in-person or telephone consultation.The first step is to hire us to obtain your IRStranscripts of account so we can best evaluate all ofyour settlement options. 1. Retaining IRS Trouble Solvers: At the end of your consultation, and if selected as agood “fit” for our firm, you will be given theopportunity to retain us as your tax representative. You will be required to sign an Engagement Letterand make financial arrangements to pay for our taxdebt relief services. We will fi le a Power of Attorney(POA) with the IRS. This will provide you withimmediate relief because we will attempt to get acollection hold (no enforced collection) on youraccount and from this point forward, the IRS will berequired to contact us instead of you. If an IRSrepresentative should happen to contact you, allyou need to do is provide our contact information,including phone number, and politely request thathe or she contact IRS Trouble Solvers at 630-832-6500 directly. A separate POA will be required forany state problem you have retained us for as well.2. Beginning the Tax Resolution Process: You will be assigned a tax resolution professionalwho is in charge of your case. Our professionals areattorneys, certified public accountants, or enrolledagents. Together we will develop a phased strategyfor resolving your case and advise you on whatsteps to take for the most effective resolution. Yourtax resolution professional is available to you byphone, individual e-mail, or in person. At IRSTrouble Solvers, we employ a team approach toresolving your tax problems. Our team ofprofessionals focus solely on tax resolution and taxplanning and are dedicated to providing the bestpossible outcome for you, and to keep your casemoving forward. Your assigned tax resolutionprofessional will be your point of contact.3.IRS Compliance: Generally, before any negotiation/settlement will beaccepted by the IRS, you must become a complianttaxpayer. Compliance means that all past duedelinquent income tax returns must be preparedand fi led. Compliance also means you have to be “current” on you quarterly estimated income tax payments and you must be withholding at the correct rate if a wage earner. Your tax professional is experienced inwhat must be done to achieve compliance and willadvise you accordingly. If you cannot furnish therecords necessary to prepare your taxes, IRS TroubleSolvers has developed methods, in accordance withIRS regulations, for completing the preparation of taxreturns in order to get them fi led right away. 4. Your (the Client’s) Responsibilities: Clients who achieve successful resolution of theirmatters have the following traits in common: Theyview the relationship with us as a collaborative one.They view this as a “project” that requirescooperation. They follow through, on a TIMELY basis,with our requests for information and documentation.Clients who achieve stated resolution goals return ourphone calls and emails timely, and stay in contactwith us throughout the duration of their case. 5. Tax Settlement Negotiation: We will propose a plan of resolution to the IRS that you can live withand see-through to acceptance. We have anexcellent IRS settlement track record rate and prideourselves in obtaining the best (lowest) settlementfor you under the law. It is rare, however, that a theproposal is accepted right away. Through diligence,persistence, and follow-up our knowledgeable staffwill monitor, and provide additional information to theIRS as needed, and negotiate your proposedresolution until a resolution is achieved. 6. Tax Resolution is Reached: We will review the final resolution of your case by theIRS to make sure it is as agreed upon. If not, we willinsist that it be changed to refl ect what was agreedto. If the IRS is unwilling to do this, we will advise youas to what your options are for the next step. Finally,you will be advised on what you must do in order tosucceed with your resolution and avoid future taxproblems.
Many of our clients who retain our tax reliefservices are interested in knowing two things:1. Can you settle this for less thanI owe; and 2. How long will this take? Upon retaining IRS Trouble Solvers to resolve your taxissue, some of the relief will be immediate and somewill be over time. It is important to keep in mind thatIRS problems didn’t come about overnight and willtake time to resolve. The good news is that generally,you won’t have to meet or speak with the IRS whilewe are representing you. An average Offer inCompromise (OIC) case can take anywhere from 6-12months (or longer) depending on the amount of taxliability owed, the complexity of the case, and yourindividual facts and circumstances.Roadmap to ResolutionFree Consultation: If you have never been a client ofours, the first step is to call or come in for yourconfidential, no-obligation complimentaryconsultation. An experienced Enrolled Agent or taxattorney will evaluate your situation and discuss allavailable options for resolving your matter. Thisgenerally takes about 30-45 minutes; however, thereare times when the information provided at thismeeting is not sufficient to determine a course ofaction. It is advised therefore to have all recentnotices and correspondence from the IRS availableduring our fi rst in-person or telephone consultation.The first step is to hire us to obtain your IRStranscripts of account so we can best evaluate all ofyour settlement options. 1. Retaining IRS Trouble Solvers: At the end of your consultation, and if selected as agood “fit” for our firm, you will be given theopportunity to retain us as your tax representative. You will be required to sign an Engagement Letterand make financial arrangements to pay for our taxdebt relief services. We will fi le a Power of Attorney(POA) with the IRS. This will provide you withimmediate relief because we will attempt to get acollection hold (no enforced collection) on youraccount and from this point forward, the IRS will berequired to contact us instead of you. If an IRSrepresentative should happen to contact you, allyou need to do is provide our contact information,including phone number, and politely request thathe or she contact IRS Trouble Solvers at 630-832-6500 directly. A separate POA will be required forany state problem you have retained us for as well.2. Beginning the Tax Resolution Process: You will be assigned a tax resolution professionalwho is in charge of your case. Our professionals areattorneys, certified public accountants, or enrolledagents. Together we will develop a phased strategyfor resolving your case and advise you on whatsteps to take for the most effective resolution. Yourtax resolution professional is available to you byphone, individual e-mail, or in person. At IRSTrouble Solvers, we employ a team approach toresolving your tax problems. Our team ofprofessionals focus solely on tax resolution and taxplanning and are dedicated to providing the bestpossible outcome for you, and to keep your casemoving forward. Your assigned tax resolutionprofessional will be your point of contact.3.IRS Compliance: Generally, before any negotiation/settlement will beaccepted by the IRS, you must become a complianttaxpayer. Compliance means that all past duedelinquent income tax returns must be preparedand fi led. Compliance also means you have to be “current” on you quarterly estimated income tax payments and you must be withholding at the correct rate if a wage earner. Your tax professional is experienced inwhat must be done to achieve compliance and willadvise you accordingly. If you cannot furnish therecords necessary to prepare your taxes, IRS TroubleSolvers has developed methods, in accordance withIRS regulations, for completing the preparation of taxreturns in order to get them fi led right away. 4. Your (the Client’s) Responsibilities: Clients who achieve successful resolution of theirmatters have the following traits in common: Theyview the relationship with us as a collaborative one.They view this as a “project” that requirescooperation. They follow through, on a TIMELY basis,with our requests for information and documentation.Clients who achieve stated resolution goals return ourphone calls and emails timely, and stay in contactwith us throughout the duration of their case. 5. Tax Settlement Negotiation: We will propose a plan of resolution to the IRS that you can live withand see-through to acceptance. We have anexcellent IRS settlement track record rate and prideourselves in obtaining the best (lowest) settlementfor you under the law. It is rare, however, that a theproposal is accepted right away. Through diligence,persistence, and follow-up our knowledgeable staffwill monitor, and provide additional information to theIRS as needed, and negotiate your proposedresolution until a resolution is achieved. 6. Tax Resolution is Reached: We will review the final resolution of your case by theIRS to make sure it is as agreed upon. If not, we willinsist that it be changed to refl ect what was agreedto. If the IRS is unwilling to do this, we will advise youas to what your options are for the next step. Finally,you will be advised on what you must do in order tosucceed with your resolution and avoid future taxproblems.
Many of our clients who retain our tax reliefservices are interested in knowing two things:1. Can you settle this for less thanI owe; and 2. How long will this take? Upon retaining IRS Trouble Solvers to resolve your taxissue, some of the relief will be immediate and somewill be over time. It is important to keep in mind thatIRS problems didn’t come about overnight and willtake time to resolve. The good news is that generally,you won’t have to meet or speak with the IRS whilewe are representing you. An average Offer inCompromise (OIC) case can take anywhere from 6-12months (or longer) depending on the amount of taxliability owed, the complexity of the case, and yourindividual facts and circumstances.Roadmap to ResolutionFree Consultation: If you have never been a client ofours, the first step is to call or come in for yourconfidential, no-obligation complimentaryconsultation. An experienced Enrolled Agent or taxattorney will evaluate your situation and discuss allavailable options for resolving your matter. Thisgenerally takes about 30-45 minutes; however, thereare times when the information provided at thismeeting is not sufficient to determine a course ofaction. It is advised therefore to have all recentnotices and correspondence from the IRS availableduring our fi rst in-person or telephone consultation.The first step is to hire us to obtain your IRStranscripts of account so we can best evaluate all ofyour settlement options. 1. Retaining IRS Trouble Solvers: At the end of your consultation, and if selected as agood “fit” for our firm, you will be given theopportunity to retain us as your tax representative. You will be required to sign an Engagement Letterand make financial arrangements to pay for our taxdebt relief services. We will fi le a Power of Attorney(POA) with the IRS. This will provide you withimmediate relief because we will attempt to get acollection hold (no enforced collection) on youraccount and from this point forward, the IRS will berequired to contact us instead of you. If an IRSrepresentative should happen to contact you, allyou need to do is provide our contact information,including phone number, and politely request thathe or she contact IRS Trouble Solvers at 630-832-6500 directly. A separate POA will be required forany state problem you have retained us for as well.2. Beginning the Tax Resolution Process: You will be assigned a tax resolution professionalwho is in charge of your case. Our professionals areattorneys, certified public accountants, or enrolledagents. Together we will develop a phased strategyfor resolving your case and advise you on whatsteps to take for the most effective resolution. Yourtax resolution professional is available to you byphone, individual e-mail, or in person. At IRSTrouble Solvers, we employ a team approach toresolving your tax problems. Our team ofprofessionals focus solely on tax resolution and taxplanning and are dedicated to providing the bestpossible outcome for you, and to keep your casemoving forward. Your assigned tax resolutionprofessional will be your point of contact.3.IRS Compliance: Generally, before any negotiation/settlement will beaccepted by the IRS, you must become a complianttaxpayer. Compliance means that all past duedelinquent income tax returns must be preparedand fi led. Compliance also means you have to be “current” on you quarterly estimated income tax payments and you must be withholding at the correct rate if a wage earner. Your tax professional is experienced inwhat must be done to achieve compliance and willadvise you accordingly. If you cannot furnish therecords necessary to prepare your taxes, IRS TroubleSolvers has developed methods, in accordance withIRS regulations, for completing the preparation of taxreturns in order to get them fi led right away. 4. Your (the Client’s) Responsibilities: Clients who achieve successful resolution of theirmatters have the following traits in common: Theyview the relationship with us as a collaborative one.They view this as a “project” that requirescooperation. They follow through, on a TIMELY basis,with our requests for information and documentation.Clients who achieve stated resolution goals return ourphone calls and emails timely, and stay in contactwith us throughout the duration of their case. 5. Tax Settlement Negotiation: We will propose a plan of resolution to the IRS that you can live withand see-through to acceptance. We have anexcellent IRS settlement track record rate and prideourselves in obtaining the best (lowest) settlementfor you under the law. It is rare, however, that a theproposal is accepted right away. Through diligence,persistence, and follow-up our knowledgeable staffwill monitor, and provide additional information to theIRS as needed, and negotiate your proposedresolution until a resolution is achieved. 6. Tax Resolution is Reached: We will review the final resolution of your case by theIRS to make sure it is as agreed upon. If not, we willinsist that it be changed to refl ect what was agreedto. If the IRS is unwilling to do this, we will advise youas to what your options are for the next step. Finally,you will be advised on what you must do in order tosucceed with your resolution and avoid future taxproblems.
Peter Julia G. Kane County, ILCook County, IL The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to get – and the biggeryour problem will get. IRS Trouble Solvers worked on my case,painstakingly resolving every issue, and put me on the path tobecoming a good tax paying citizen. They have helped me learnthe necessary steps to stay out of IRS trouble. Every step of theway was handled professionally and completely confidentially.I can’t thank IRS Trouble Solvers enough for giving me freedomfrom IRS trouble!Patrick and his team are great! They created a plan and followedthrough, they saved us over $15,000!! IRS Trouble Solvers aresmart, professional, and knowledgeable. We are so greatful tothem!!Andy K. Du Page County, ILDon’t wait another minute! Call IRS Trouble Solvers today. For 10years, I couldn’t sleep, always afraid the IRS was going to comeknocking on my door! We were scared, but finally admitted wehad to do something. We called IRS Trouble Solvers and I leftafter our first appointment knowing I was in good hands! Theteam is extremely qualified, they treated my case like it was theironly one, and the communication was outstanding!The IRS Trouble Solvers™ team has decades of experience inhelping everyday people like yourself permanently solve their taxdebt problems. Our team of professionals consist of tax attorneys,enrolled agents and CPAs who focus solely on tax resolution.Whether it is a personal or business tax problem, theprofessionals at IRS Trouble Solvers will create a clear path for youto achieve your financial freedom and get the IRS out of your life,forever.About IRS Trouble Solvers:IRS Trouble Solvers®100 S. York Road, Suite 214, Elmhurst, IL 60126Call: 877 4 IRS LAW •
Peter Julia G. Kane County, ILCook County, IL The longer you wait, the harder it’s going to get – and the biggeryour problem will get. IRS Trouble Solvers worked on my case,painstakingly resolving every issue, and put me on the path tobecoming a good tax paying citizen. They have helped me learnthe necessary steps to stay out of IRS trouble. Every step of theway was handled professionally and completely confidentially.I can’t thank IRS Trouble Solvers enough for giving me freedomfrom IRS trouble!Patrick and his team are great! They created a plan and followedthrough, they saved us over $15,000!! IRS Trouble Solvers aresmart, professional, and knowledgeable. We are so greatful tothem!!Andy K. Du Page County, ILDon’t wait another minute! Call IRS Trouble Solvers today. For 10years, I couldn’t sleep, always afraid the IRS was going to comeknocking on my door! We were scared, but finally admitted wehad to do something. We called IRS Trouble Solvers and I leftafter our first appointment knowing I was in good hands! Theteam is extremely qualified, they treated my case like it was theironly one, and the communication was outstanding!The IRS Trouble Solvers™ team has decades of experience inhelping everyday people like yourself permanently solve their taxdebt problems. Our team of professionals consist of tax attorneys,enrolled agents and CPAs who focus solely on tax resolution.Whether it is a personal or business tax problem, theprofessionals at IRS Trouble Solvers will create a clear path for youto achieve your financial freedom and get the IRS out of your life,forever.About IRS Trouble Solvers:IRS Trouble Solvers®100 S. York Road, Suite 214, Elmhurst, IL 60126Call: 877 4 IRS LAW •