Reviews:Andy K My wife and I had a huge IRS taxissue and kept putting it off because wewere afraid to try and deal with the IRSdirectly. When we went to see IRSTrouble Solvers, we had an IRSobligation, of $97,000.00. Yes, I said$97,000.00 After our first appointmentwith IRS Trouble Solvers we were able tofinally get a good night’s sleep becausewe knew we were in good hands.Ahmad H. I couldn’t be happier or more satisfiedwith Ben Golden and his team. Theysaved my business by keeping meworking while they communicated andadvocated on my behalf. Stellar folkswhen it comes to Tax problems andowing the IRS.Tyler W.If you need tax help, look no further. Benis at the top of his game - no one better!I’m a CPA, and there’s no one else I’llrecommend for people who need helpgetting out of tax predicaments. So callhim now, don’t wait a minute longer!business. To ensure every client has apositive experience, Ray ensures eachteam member honors the “client first”mindset by fostering a positive workenvironment. His passion for helpingtaxpayers overcome their IRS debt isapparent in his commitment to the clientsand his staff. Ray is based at our headquarters inThomasville, AL., where he lives with hiswife.Want to see more reviews?Click HERE.YOUR BEST BET FOR IRS DEBT!
Does the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)claim you owe $10,000 or more?Is there a lien on your property? Have youfailed to file your company’s 941 payrolltaxes for years? Maybe it’s the StateDepartment of Revenue that is coming downon you? It’s a tough spot to find yourself in.Millions of people a year find themselves on thebad side of the IRS or their State Department ofRevenue (DOR). Bad things happen to goodpeople, and suddenly they find themselves withunfiled tax returns, issues with back taxes,unpaid payroll taxes, liens on their property andmuch more. Couple that with the pressure theIRS puts on these individuals and businessesand its enough pressure to wreak havoc on allareas of your life. Don’t let the IRS take anything else from you!Both the IRS and DOR have a large staff solelydedicated to enforcing the collection of backtaxes, as well as many enforcement toolsavailable to them when it comes to thecollection of tax liability. These tools include:• • • • • About our management:Ben GoldenFounder/CEO Ranked among the Top 10Tax Resolution Experts in the country,Ben earned his BS in Accounting fromThe University of Alabama in 1999,followed by an MS in Taxation fromGolden Gate University in 2002. He is aCertified Tax Resolution Specialist withmore than 5,000 hours of ContinuingEducation in Tax and Accounting. In2013 Ben became an Enrolled Agent –the highest designation provided by theInternal Revenue Service! In his career thus far, he has preparedwell over 28,000 Corporate, Trust,Estate, and Individual tax returns intotal. And, he does not shy away fromcomplex cases. Ben thrives on tacklingthe hardest among them all and works inearnest to bring a favorable outcome forhis clients. He takes pride in his workand his dedication to his craft. His risingstar from that of accounting clerk, tostaff accountant, and now being theowner and CEO of a nationally renownedpractice lays testament to this fact.Ray JordanChief Operations Officer, Ray Jordan,graduated from Auburn University in 1997where he majored in BusinessAdministration and minored in Marketing.Having formerly worked in hospice andlogistics industries, Ray knew his realpassion was helping people. He found hisway to IRS Trouble Solvers/Golden TaxRelief in 2020, where he oversees the day-to-day operations of the rapidly expanding Seizure of your bank accounts Levy on your wages Seizure of your home or businessFiling tax liens on your property andruining your credit Publicly giving notice of your taxliabilityAt IRS Trouble Solvers, we are solely focusedon representing individuals and businessesbefore the IRS and State DOR’s. We assistclients with all types of taxes and penalties,including income tax, payroll tax, sales tax and Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (100%Penalty). Covering clients in all 50 states,our experts are well versed in all matterspertaining to the IRS and State DOR. Weknow what the IRS can and will do, and weknow many resolution options that are oftennot known by the average consumer. Weknow those rights and know what we can doto help reduce your debt!We can help with:Negotiating an Offer where you pay afraction of what you oweFile an Appeal of the tax liabilitySecure a reduction in penalties andinterestNegotiate a payment plan, alleviatingadditional penaltiesFile past tax returnsRepresent you during an IRS auditAnd if necessary, filing a lawsuit in TaxCourtHiring a qualified tax representative brings you peace of mind knowing that you have a team working on your behalf, talking to the IRS so YOU don’t have to, and knowing that we have your back! Our staff includes TaxAttorneys, Enrolled Agents and CPA’s alongwith an extensive support staff to ensureyour case continues moving forward.Tax Payers Have Rights TooContinued on next page.
Does the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)claim you owe $10,000 or more?Is there a lien on your property? Have youfailed to file your company’s 941 payrolltaxes for years? Maybe it’s the StateDepartment of Revenue that is coming downon you? It’s a tough spot to find yourself in.Millions of people a year find themselves on thebad side of the IRS or their State Department ofRevenue (DOR). Bad things happen to goodpeople, and suddenly they find themselves withunfiled tax returns, issues with back taxes,unpaid payroll taxes, liens on their property andmuch more. Couple that with the pressure theIRS puts on these individuals and businessesand its enough pressure to wreak havoc on allareas of your life. Don’t let the IRS take anything else from you!Both the IRS and DOR have a large staff solelydedicated to enforcing the collection of backtaxes, as well as many enforcement toolsavailable to them when it comes to thecollection of tax liability. These tools include:• • • • • About our management:Ben GoldenFounder/CEO Ranked among the Top 10Tax Resolution Experts in the country,Ben earned his BS in Accounting fromThe University of Alabama in 1999,followed by an MS in Taxation fromGolden Gate University in 2002. He is aCertified Tax Resolution Specialist withmore than 5,000 hours of ContinuingEducation in Tax and Accounting. In2013 Ben became an Enrolled Agent –the highest designation provided by theInternal Revenue Service! In his career thus far, he has preparedwell over 28,000 Corporate, Trust,Estate, and Individual tax returns intotal. And, he does not shy away fromcomplex cases. Ben thrives on tacklingthe hardest among them all and works inearnest to bring a favorable outcome forhis clients. He takes pride in his workand his dedication to his craft. His risingstar from that of accounting clerk, tostaff accountant, and now being theowner and CEO of a nationally renownedpractice lays testament to this fact.Ray JordanChief Operations Officer, Ray Jordan,graduated from Auburn University in 1997where he majored in BusinessAdministration and minored in Marketing.Having formerly worked in hospice andlogistics industries, Ray knew his realpassion was helping people. He found hisway to IRS Trouble Solvers/Golden TaxRelief in 2020, where he oversees the day-to-day operations of the rapidly expanding Seizure of your bank accounts Levy on your wages Seizure of your home or businessFiling tax liens on your property andruining your credit Publicly giving notice of your taxliabilityAt IRS Trouble Solvers, we are solely focusedon representing individuals and businessesbefore the IRS and State DOR’s. We assistclients with all types of taxes and penalties,including income tax, payroll tax, sales tax and Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (100%Penalty). Covering clients in all 50 states,our experts are well versed in all matterspertaining to the IRS and State DOR. Weknow what the IRS can and will do, and weknow many resolution options that are oftennot known by the average consumer. Weknow those rights and know what we can doto help reduce your debt!We can help with:Negotiating an Offer where you pay afraction of what you oweFile an Appeal of the tax liabilitySecure a reduction in penalties andinterestNegotiate a payment plan, alleviatingadditional penaltiesFile past tax returnsRepresent you during an IRS auditAnd if necessary, filing a lawsuit in TaxCourtHiring a qualified tax representative brings you peace of mind knowing that you have a team working on your behalf, talking to the IRS so YOU don’t have to, and knowing that we have your back! Our staff includes TaxAttorneys, Enrolled Agents and CPA’s alongwith an extensive support staff to ensureyour case continues moving forward.Tax Payers Have Rights TooContinued on next page.
Does the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)claim you owe $10,000 or more?Is there a lien on your property? Have youfailed to file your company’s 941 payrolltaxes for years? Maybe it’s the StateDepartment of Revenue that is coming downon you? It’s a tough spot to find yourself in.Millions of people a year find themselves on thebad side of the IRS or their State Department ofRevenue (DOR). Bad things happen to goodpeople, and suddenly they find themselves withunfiled tax returns, issues with back taxes,unpaid payroll taxes, liens on their property andmuch more. Couple that with the pressure theIRS puts on these individuals and businessesand its enough pressure to wreak havoc on allareas of your life. Don’t let the IRS take anything else from you!Both the IRS and DOR have a large staff solelydedicated to enforcing the collection of backtaxes, as well as many enforcement toolsavailable to them when it comes to thecollection of tax liability. These tools include:• • • • • About our management:Ben GoldenFounder/CEO Ranked among the Top 10Tax Resolution Experts in the country,Ben earned his BS in Accounting fromThe University of Alabama in 1999,followed by an MS in Taxation fromGolden Gate University in 2002. He is aCertified Tax Resolution Specialist withmore than 5,000 hours of ContinuingEducation in Tax and Accounting. In2013 Ben became an Enrolled Agent –the highest designation provided by theInternal Revenue Service! In his career thus far, he has preparedwell over 28,000 Corporate, Trust,Estate, and Individual tax returns intotal. And, he does not shy away fromcomplex cases. Ben thrives on tacklingthe hardest among them all and works inearnest to bring a favorable outcome forhis clients. He takes pride in his workand his dedication to his craft. His risingstar from that of accounting clerk, tostaff accountant, and now being theowner and CEO of a nationally renownedpractice lays testament to this fact.Ray JordanChief Operations Officer, Ray Jordan,graduated from Auburn University in 1997where he majored in BusinessAdministration and minored in Marketing.Having formerly worked in hospice andlogistics industries, Ray knew his realpassion was helping people. He found hisway to IRS Trouble Solvers/Golden TaxRelief in 2020, where he oversees the day-to-day operations of the rapidly expanding Seizure of your bank accounts Levy on your wages Seizure of your home or businessFiling tax liens on your property andruining your credit Publicly giving notice of your taxliabilityAt IRS Trouble Solvers, we are solely focusedon representing individuals and businessesbefore the IRS and State DOR’s. We assistclients with all types of taxes and penalties,including income tax, payroll tax, sales tax and Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (100%Penalty). Covering clients in all 50 states,our experts are well versed in all matterspertaining to the IRS and State DOR. Weknow what the IRS can and will do, and weknow many resolution options that are oftennot known by the average consumer. Weknow those rights and know what we can doto help reduce your debt!We can help with:Negotiating an Offer where you pay afraction of what you oweFile an Appeal of the tax liabilitySecure a reduction in penalties andinterestNegotiate a payment plan, alleviatingadditional penaltiesFile past tax returnsRepresent you during an IRS auditAnd if necessary, filing a lawsuit in TaxCourtHiring a qualified tax representative brings you peace of mind knowing that you have a team working on your behalf, talking to the IRS so YOU don’t have to, and knowing that we have your back! Our staff includes TaxAttorneys, Enrolled Agents and CPA’s alongwith an extensive support staff to ensureyour case continues moving forward.Tax Payers Have Rights TooContinued on next page.
Reviews:Andy K My wife and I had a huge IRS taxissue and kept putting it off because wewere afraid to try and deal with the IRSdirectly. When we went to see IRSTrouble Solvers, we had an IRSobligation, of $97,000.00. Yes, I said$97,000.00 After our first appointmentwith IRS Trouble Solvers we were able tofinally get a good night’s sleep becausewe knew we were in good hands.Ahmad H. I couldn’t be happier or more satisfiedwith Ben Golden and his team. Theysaved my business by keeping meworking while they communicated andadvocated on my behalf. Stellar folkswhen it comes to Tax problems andowing the IRS.Tyler W.If you need tax help, look no further. Benis at the top of his game - no one better!I’m a CPA, and there’s no one else I’llrecommend for people who need helpgetting out of tax predicaments. So callhim now, don’t wait a minute longer!business. To ensure every client has apositive experience, Ray ensures eachteam member honors the “client first”mindset by fostering a positive workenvironment. His passion for helpingtaxpayers overcome their IRS debt isapparent in his commitment to the clientsand his staff. Ray is based at our headquarters inThomasville, AL., where he lives with hiswife.Want to see more reviews?Click HERE.YOUR BEST BET FOR IRS DEBT!
Reviews:Andy K My wife and I had a huge IRS taxissue and kept putting it off because wewere afraid to try and deal with the IRSdirectly. When we went to see IRSTrouble Solvers, we had an IRSobligation, of $97,000.00. Yes, I said$97,000.00 After our first appointmentwith IRS Trouble Solvers we were able tofinally get a good night’s sleep becausewe knew we were in good hands.Ahmad H. I couldn’t be happier or more satisfiedwith Ben Golden and his team. Theysaved my business by keeping meworking while they communicated andadvocated on my behalf. Stellar folkswhen it comes to Tax problems andowing the IRS.Tyler W.If you need tax help, look no further. Benis at the top of his game - no one better!I’m a CPA, and there’s no one else I’llrecommend for people who need helpgetting out of tax predicaments. So callhim now, don’t wait a minute longer!business. To ensure every client has apositive experience, Ray ensures eachteam member honors the “client first”mindset by fostering a positive workenvironment. His passion for helpingtaxpayers overcome their IRS debt isapparent in his commitment to the clientsand his staff. Ray is based at our headquarters inThomasville, AL., where he lives with hiswife.Want to see more reviews?Click HERE.YOUR BEST BET FOR IRS DEBT!